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Valeriia Sichka

Assistant of Applied Linguistics Department

Faculty of International Economic Relations
Uzhhorod National University, Ukraine

Andrijana Ilkiv
the II-nd-year student of Applied Linguistics Department
Faculty of International Economic Relations
Uzhhorod National University, Ukraine

The Usage of Artificial Intelligence in Human Lifetime

Artificial intelligence is a revolutionary technology of various types that

greatly facilitates a person's everyday life. As research in this area never stops, it is
essential to have a clear assessment of the artificial systems that have already been
trained and to identify the ones that are still needed.
This area has already been researched by many scientists who have made
significant contributions. However, the invention of new systems and the evaluation
of their necessity and feasibility proceed at very different speeds.The current study
was created to analyse existing artificial intelligence systems for further development
and provision of other niches for improving the standard of living.
There were examined common examples of AI use in vital areas such as
medicine, transport, households, and social connections [1]. It demonstrates that
artificial intelligence is not something distant and eccentric, but is organically
integrated into everyday life [2].
Over the past twenty-five years, the field of Artificial intelligence in education
has undergone significant changes in teaching methods. These methods are based on
three paradigms of interaction between the student and the learning artificial system
[3]. They can be characterised as:
- AI-directed, learner-as-recipient. AI represents the knowledge of the subject
area and manages the learning process, while the learner follows certain
learning instructions.
- AI-supported, learner-as-collaborator. AI is serve as a supporting tool, while
the learner works as collaborators with the system.
- AI as an empowered and learner as a leader. The learner is the center of the
learning process, he/she creating their system of augmenting human
Artificial systems in a smart city are used for various purposes, from automatic
irrigation systems to algorithms for visual detection of weapons based on CCTV
footage. AI adoption for security, rescue, and hazards. Technologies based on
artificial intelligence are utilized for predicting crime types according to the
geographical region. In smart Agriculture and irrigation researchers Shadrin et al.
have created a sensor system for monitoring the growth of leaves in plants. In smart
energy, artificial intelligence is applied to more accurately calculate energy
consumption [4]. Such technologies prevent human mechanical inaccuracy, makе
effective data-driven decisions, improvе the environment through different systems,
implement new making effective data-driven decisions [5].
On the basis of the above, it can be concluded that Artificial Intelligence is
an integral part of modern life. In addition to simplifying life, AI systems are also
solving critical problems of the present, such as food shortages, waste management,
and security [4].
Moreover, AI is contributing to the improvement and modernisation of
education systems. By enabling the customisation and personalisation of learning
materials, AI has greatly enhanced the learning experience of students by adapting to
their individual requirements and abilities [3].
It is obvious that the future is not imaginable without Artificial Intelligence, it
is the opportunity to do things that are beyond the reach of humans, whether it is
exploring the surface of the Moon or calculating the necessary materials for large-
scale projects. Although this area is currently highly evolved, there is still much scope
for improvements.
1. Intelligence and Life in 2030: The One Hundred Year Study on Artificial
Intelligence / Ston Brooks R. et al. Austin. 2016. P. 6-8.
2. Guzman A.L. Beyond Extraordinary: Theorizing Artificial Intelligence and the
Self in Daily Life. A Networked Self and Human Augmentics, Artificial
Intelligence, Sentience. / ed. by Z. Papacharissi. New York. 2018. P. 2-7.
3. Ouyang F., Jiao P., Artificial intelligence in education: The three paradigms.
Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence. Zhejiang. Vol. 2, 2020. P. 2-
4. Herath K., Mittal M. Adoption of artificial intelligence in smart cities: A
comprehensive review. International Journal of Information Management Data
Insights. United Kingdom. Vol. 2, no. 1. 2020. P. 6-13.
5. Kirwan C. G., Fu Z. Smart Cities and Artificial Intelligence Convergent
Systems for Planning, Design, and Operation. Amsterdam. 2020. P. 2-3.

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