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Small & Medium Enterprises Market (SMEs)

Listing Guide
in NILEX Stock

Small and Medium Caped enterprises play an important and vital role in the process of economic development
and providing job opportunities. In spite of the importance of these benifits, the companies face difficulties
when they attemp to get bank funding for their expansion and access to new markets.

Hence, The Egyptian Exchange in cooperation with the concerned authorities established the first market in the
region that allows more financing opportunities for small and medium-sized companies.

NILEX: Gateway to Finance

NILEX is the only market in the region aiming at developing small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the
Middle East and North Africa through providing the necessary funding to allow expansion opportunities.

NILEX is the result of in-depth study to meet the needs of both investors and SMEs, where similar practices
have proved success in helping these companies to grow and expand by offering more funding opportunities
through investors targeting investment in smaller enterprises.

NILEX targets the promising companies in the region with no boundaries to particular industries or geograph-
ic areas, including family businesses.

NILEX Stock Exchange 1 Listing Guide

NILEX Importance & Benefits

Now there is a real chance to get funding without resorting to direct borrowing from banks through listing on

Benefits on Listing in NILEX

• Getting fund for your organization without complicated procedures and without the need for guarantees.

• Huge Egyptian and foreign investments seeking to contribute and invest in promising companies.

• Institutions and Investment banks seeking to invest in successful companies and assist in their development
in terms of management, marketing, technology,…etc

• Listing on the stock exchange facilitates the banking sector funding of all kinds.

• Providing a trading mechanism to speed up the ownership transfer and mechanism for fair pricing based on
supply and demand.

• Listed companies all over the world witnessed remarkable growth opportunities after listing on the market
and obtaining required funding.

NILEX Stock Exchange 2 Listing Guide

Listing Rules

Legal Structure Egyptian Joint Stock Company and the securities companies are required
to get approved from the Egyptian Financial Supervisory Authority (EFSA)
to apply for listing.

Stock type Ordinary stocks, Prefered Stocks

The Company’s Company should have financial statements for one fiscal year prior to the
Performance Record listing request. In case of unavailability, the company may submit three
years action plan, including the anticipated future results accredited by
the Nominated Advisor or financial advisors accredited by EFSA.

Accounting & Auditing Financial statements are prepared in accordance to the Egyptian Account-
Standards ing & Auditing Standards and approved by the company’s General Assem-
bly authenticated by the administrative authority in charge.

Financial Auditor Appointed by the company’s General Assembly who is enrolled in EFSA.

Minimum Profit Certain percentage of the net profit is not required.

Shareholders’ Rights Shareholders’ rights should not be less than the paid-in capital in the last
financial statement prior to the listing date.

Capital to be listed Not more than LE 50 million fully paid, and should not exceed later LE 100

Minimum Shares Not less than 100 thousand shares.

Minimum Shares 20% of the total company shares.


Free Float A minimum of 10% of total company shares.

Minimum shares to be held 51% for a period of two fiscal years, 25% for the next
by founders and Board of three fiscal years.
Directors and the company’s
major shareholders

NILEX Stock Exchange 3 Listing Guide

Minimum shares to be held The share will not be traded before publishing a full financial statement
by insiders who subscribed in that includes the profit and loss accounts for 2 fiscal years from the date
shares in case the company is of the founding of the company.
listed prior to the issuance of
financial statement for at least
one year

Minimum Shareholders 100 shareholders

Disclosure Required for Publishing the prospectus and in case of listing before the issuance of
The IPO * financial statement for one fiscal year, it is necessary to include additional
disclosures so that the share is traded higher than the paid of the nominal

The Language of Financial Arabic and English


Rules & Regulations Should abide by the listing of SMEs and blue ships in case it is not men-
tioned in an official document; also, the trading rules.

Agreement Contract The company requesting listing should sign a contract with the Stock
Exchange. The contract organizes the rights and commitments of each.
It states the financial commitments that the company should pay for the
stock exchange in case it violates the listing rules and regulations or the
contract conditions.

Conformity & Constitutional The company’s main structure should be free of any restrictions on the
Restrictions on Stock Trading trading of securities that are to be listed without violating the restrictions
mentioned in the legislations that regulates some activities or certain
geographic regions.

Central Depository Share The Company’s shares should be deposited on the central depository

Contracted with A Nominated A contract should be signed with a certified Nominated Advisor who shall
Advisor guide the company for a period not less than two years from the listing
date. He is committed during this period to submit the company’s re-
search coverage.
In case among the company’s shareholders a risk management fund or
an investment or financial firm whose shares are not less than 10% of
the total issued shares, and it should sign a written pledge not to sell its
contribution except after two years from the listing date.

Commitment to Fund The company is committed to do so in the prospectus.


* The authentication and verification of the information mentioned in the Disclosure report for the objective of IPO is the
responsibility of the company, its financial and legal representatives.
NILEX Stock Exchange 4 Listing Guide
How to Start Listing your Company & benifites from the funding

The first step for listing a company on NILEX is to do a contract with one of the accredited nominated advi-
sors. This nominated advisor is responsible of helping the company in the stage of its listing; he is also in
charge of following up on the company’s commitment towards the Listing and Disclosure rules and regula-
tions. The nominated advisor carries this responsibility for not less than two years since the listing date
though which he is committed to conduct the research coverage of the sponsored company.

NILEX Stock Exchange 5 Listing Guide

Listing Steps

Signing a contract with a NOMAD or

1 having a shareholder (finincial institution
owns 10% of companies shares)

Submitting the Listing

Documents 2

Publishing the
Listing Request

Finalizing the Documets &

Studying the Listing Request

Approving the
5 Request

Signing The Agreement

Contract with EGX

Adding the Company’s

7 Data to EGX Trading
Submitting the IPO
Prospectus to EGX

Publishting the IPO

9 Prospectus on the
Trading Screens

Executing the
IPO through OPR


Launching the Trading on the Company in the Main Market

NILEX Stock Exchange 6 Listing Guide

Main Listing Documents

Legal Documents proving the • EFSA’s approval to issue the company’s shares at establishment and at
Company’s Legal Entity each capital increase
• The main structure of the company published in the investment news-
• A new copy of the company’s commercial record.

Documents Associated • Copy of the Official Power of Attorney from the legal representative
with the Listing Request nominated to deal with the stock market to finalize the listing issues.
• A Listing request signed by the company’s legal representative accord-
ing to the form prepared for this.
• Signing the agreement between the stock exchange and the company’s
legal representative to list its shares.
• Copy of the services and listing fees invoices.
• The listing forms on the company’s heading and stamped by its stamp.

Documents Associated In Case of availablity:

with the Presence or • A copy of the Sponsoring contract between the NOMAD and the com-
Absence of the NOMAD pany in accordance to the forms prepared for this.
• A pledge and commitment between both the NOMAD and the com-
pany to fulfill their commitments towards EGX and EFSA.

In Case of his absence:

• A pledge signed by the legal representative of the risk management
fund or the financial or investment institution that he will not sell
his shares (not less than 10% of the total shares) except after 2 years
from the listing date.

Documents Related to In Case of publishing the financial statement of at least 1 year

the Financial Status of the • Financial statement for 1 year prior to listing request
• The General Assembly report that approved the last financial state-
Company ments accredited from the specialized financial authority.
• Newly issued certificate from a financial auditor listed on EFSA that
highlights the development in capital and means of fullfilling each

In Case of unavailability of a published 1 year financial statements

• A 3 year Action plan that includes the prospected results approved by
the NOMAD or one of the financial advisors certified from EFSA.

NILEX Stock Exchange 7 Listing Guide

Prospectus * • General data about the company to list
• Company’s Contact Details
• Central depository and stock exchange listing details
• Board members and their participation data
• The number of shareholders and the percentage of equity participa-
• Founders and shareholders who own 1% or more and groups associ-
• Percentage of the free float.
• IPO data
• Shareholders who are offering their shares
• Equity position in terms of data freezing in accordance to wheter the
listing requirements or the requirements of the legal restrictions on
the founders’ shares.
• Name of the financial auditor and his data.
• Summary of the company’s financial statements (if any).
• Summary of the last financial auditor’s report (if any).
• The company’s most important financial indicators, according to the
financial statements.
• Additional disclosures that can be included, particularly if the compa-
ny had not published financial statements for at least one fiscal year.
• The legal representative, auditor, legal advisor, and financial consul-
tant should approve each page of the report.
• The disclosure report should be attached to it the documents that
support each item mentioned in the report.
• This report should be published after listing the company’s shares and
before proceeding with the IPO.

Financial Advisor Study It consists of the following:

Financial Advisor Report - Introduction - Executive Summary Report
of the Fair Value of the
(evaluation results and a summary of the financial results) - Company
Company** Profile - About the market - the most important assumptions and bases of
the study - the estimated financial statements (5 years)

IPO Prospectus Include the IPO goal - the schedule for implementing the IPO through the
OPR - the ownership structure before and after implementing the IPO – it
should be approved by the legal representative of the company

* The authentication and verification of the information mentioned in the Disclosure report is on the responsibility of the company and its financial
and legal representatives.
** The authentication and verification of the information mentioned in the Disclosure report is on the responsibility of the company and its
financial and legal representatives.

NILEX Stock Exchange 8 Listing Guide

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