Astro Case Study

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Case Study Assignment


Name Of Case Study : Transparency, Accountability, Disclosure: A Case Study by Denice Klavano

Please answer the following questions based on your reading of the case study.


Task 1: Physician

1. What should the physician who did the intubation be told and by whom?

The problem of the case is about transparency. The physician actually has served and done
the treatment appropriately in accordance the patient needs. Although certain errors and failures
happened. Indeed several medical treatment might be failed and causing a negative impact. Thus,
entire physicians have to understand about transparency. Explanation to the patient or families
regarding the patient's condition, treatment, and effects after treatment, becomes the necessity for
health care provider. The physician shall clarify every treatment provided to patient either poor
prognosis or good. Sometimes inform consent is needed before treatment. Improving
communication skills is required to physician so that minimalizes the misunderstanding between
physician, patient, or families. Failures might happen, but should be avoided as if physicians could
explain properly, calmly, clearly, and accurately according to medical reasons. These are known as
accountable and transparency.

2. What supports could and should be offered to this physician?

Well, basically as a physician, who has to provide compassionate, appropriate, and effective
care to treat health problems of patients even in ED. Indeed there is no one physician doing warm
to patient. Regardless of the case, a physician has been negligent in carrying out his duty to provide
a good care. Errors in medical procedures may occur, but this can be minimized. There needs to be
a mindset that is instilled in medical personnel. Treatments that has an aspect of patient safety and
person-centered methods, might be applied in every section of health care provider such ED.
Supporting system for that implementation is transparency between health provider and the
patients as well as their families.
3. Are there any other actions that should be taken?

Physician should defend and argue in cases that occur. Autopsy results discovering that patient
was intubated into his oesophagus. It might be an impact of the procedure about treating patient in a
rush hour at emergency situation and condition, so that result an unintentional errors. It can be
conveyed by the support of lawyers specializing in health law, because basically, the physician has
carried out the procedure according to the competence and certificate obtained, so that it has
administrative legality and legal under the law.

Nevertheless, the case can be controlled. Besides, training and flying hours experience are
needed, medicolegal and ethical clearance understanding are also required to have good competent
skills and better abilities. Physicians work to maintain, promote, and restore health by studying,
diagnosing, and treating injuries and diseases.

Institution of health care providers may support. Skill management and mentoring should be
done sustainably. Monitoring and evaluation to all aspects of health services are very important to be
conducted to improve and standardize the quality of health treatments. It can reduce errors that have
fatal consequences such like this case. Part to emphasize is management of medical personnel, so that
provide good quality in health care workers who prioritize to the aspects such :

a. Actively participate in person-centred patient care;

b. Respect between healthcare providers;
c. Good communication;
d. Provide a safe environment and patient safety;
e. Speak the true condition of patients as a professional health provider;
f. Treat appropriate care transparently;
g. Receive a complaint to make improvement;
h. Keep learning and maintaining quality;
i. Uphold the medical science accountably.
Task 2: Family

1. What should be disclosed to the family?

The important of transparency is for getting good service of treatment. Families reserve to proper
information about every treatments, diagnoses, medications, therapies, etc. Worthy communication will
support to solve the case problem. It could be that an apology is necessary to patient’s families.
Physician have to explain clearly about every medical related information. Considering to the patient’s

2. How should this be done and when?

I think when the sincerity excist to each other so this problem will be solved.

3. Who should disclose this information?

We are as health care provider should disclose all informations. Entire cases which had happened
in daily life everywhere, might be considered to be learned such as an good experience. Therefore, skill
management and medicolegal comprehension are main concern.

Task 3: Measures and Considerations

1. If the autopsy results showed an error in intubation, but it was felt that Brad's injuries were not
survivable, and therefore the misplacement of the tube would not have changed the outcome, would
that change your answers to the above?

No, I have answered by two points of view. So that wouldn’t change my answer. I am thinking that
always 2 or more possibilities in every accident. We are talking about “misplacement of intubation
tube” then induces to Brad’s death. Indeed, it will not change outcome, but the most important is
“mistake”. Therefore, a mistake is a failure, especially when it is recorded in the autopsy records. Even
though any mistake or not will not change the condition. But properly a must that the mistake should
not have occurred.

2. What would be some ways that we can address preventable errors in general in our hospitals and

Preventing several errors need to be realized associated to aspect of patient safety. Leading
sustainable training is to be a major factor for reducing errors in the hospital. Entire medical treatments
must be in accordance to the approved Standard Operational Procedur (SOP). Subsequently, mistakes,
errors, or fault should not excist.

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