Openbravo Tt1 Course Guide 2016

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Openbravo Business Suite

Technical Training 1 -
Course Guide

© 2008-2016 Openbravo S.L.U. All rights reserved. The information in this document is confidential and may not be
disseminated or disclosed to third parties (either in digital form or on paper) without the prior written consent of
Openbravo S.L.U.

Session 0 - Welcome and Introduction
Session 1 - Openbravo User Interface
Session 2 - Setup and System Configuration
Session 3 - Modularity
Session 4 - Client Setup
Session 5 - Data Architecture
Session 6 - Roles & Users
Session 7 - Application Dictionary
Session 8 - Reporting
Session 9 - Goodies
Session 10 - Packaging/Development Cycle
Online E-learning Format
Classroom Format
Knowledge prerequisites
Computer Requirements
Terms & Prices
Times, Prices & Registration

Technical Training level 1 provides the fundamental knowledge required to customize Openbravo
Business Suite and perform a basic Openbravo Business Suite implementation in a modular way,
using available Openbravo documentation.

By the end of the course the student will have deployed and packaged a complete real life instance of
Openbravo Business Suite application according to a fictitious customer's requirements given.

Note: This course does not cover the functional configuration topics required to complete an
implementation which is given during the Functional Training 1 and Functional Training 2.
This course is aimed at developers and solution consultants with some technical background required to
learn the skills needed for a basic implementation of Openbravo Business Suite. See the
Requirements section below for a more detailed list of required knowledge.


Session 0 - Welcome and Introduction

This first session will welcome the student to the course, present the schedule and give an overview of the
topics and assignments.

To resemble a real-life scenario, an Openbravo Business Suite implementation will be simulated for a
pet food distributor called Woof Inc. The following scenario and its requirements will be presented
and later on implemented:
● the Woof Inc fictitious customer needs to automate procurement, warehousing and sales
● its retailers need access to the system so they can enter sales orders by themselves, of course
without accessing any other vital information of the Woof Inc business
● main reports customized with their logo and an additional field CreatedBy visible so that they can
see who created it
● an alert must indicate new Sales Orders entered directly by retailers
● they run two departments, the food sales and the services sales and they want separate reporting
for each
● a simplified menu where daily items are accessible directly from the root level
● product window is too complicated as is, must be simplified
● they require an image for each product to be kept in the system
● they have a large number of retailers they would like to import
● they need a full audit trail of orders and invoices
● they would like an overview of incoming sales orders from their workspace

Session 1 - Openbravo Business Suite User Interface

The use of the application and the common behavior of the user interface will be discussed and shown
within this chapter:
● Logging in
● Workspace
● Top Navigation
● Tabs
● Views and levels
● Grid
● Form
● Widgets
● Keyboard Operation

Consequently, this gives an idea of the elements and the terminology that is referenced and can be
customized later on.

Session 2 - Setup and System Configuration

Before any other task, a development environment needs to be set up and configured. All exercises and
customizations within this course will have to be performed on the latest version of OnDemand virtual
Openbravo Business Suite instance provided with the course.

The following tasks will be shown and discussed:

● deployment options, in particular Openbravo OnDemand
● activation of an instance
● setting up logos
● system settings
● workspace configuration
● audit trail

Session 3 - Modularity
Development of any artifact in Openbravo Business Suite must be part of a module. Modularity is an
important concept of the application that all consultants and developers must be familiar with and will be
discussed here.

The student will first learn how to install and take advantage of existing external modules, free community
ones as well as commercial ones:
● Spain Localization Pack
● Initial Data Load
● Easy Extensible Attributes

Afterwards, a new Woof Inc template + module will be created which all subsequent customizations will
belong to.

Session 4 - Client Setup

Before any data can be configured or adjustments made, a new client and the organizational structure
needs to be set up. The following concepts and processes will be covered within this chapter:
● Multi-tenancy concept
● Initial Client Setup process
● Initial Organization Setup process
● Warehouse setup
● Minimum required functional setups

Session 5 - Data Architecture

Before legacy data can be imported and screens or reports can be extended and developed, a good
knowledge of the underlying data structures is of utmost importance. Two related topics will be presented:
● Openbravo Business Suite data model
● Import of legacy data using the Initial Data Load module
● Data partitioning (system vs client)

Session 6 - Roles & Users

As the title suggests, privileges grouped into roles and users assigned to them will be presented. Having a
multi-tenancy environment, the System vs Client administrator role concept is new and explained here. The
student will learn to define a few roles and users on top of the Woof Inc. scenario and its requirements. User
preferences will also be discussed here.

Session 7 - Application Dictionary

One of the major strengths of Openbravo Business Suite is its Model Driven Development (MDD)
architecture. Openbravo Business Suite calls its metadata the Application Dictionary. This metadata
contains the majority of the UI definition and is very important to master when it comes to adjusting the
application as well as defining new UI elements.
The following concepts will be explained and practiced:
● tables and columns (adding a new column and field)
● references (data types and input widgets)
● windows, tabs and fields (changing existing windows as well as defining new ones)
● application element (changing labels and help text)
● application menu (customizing the menu and defining new items)
● creating new selectors
● re-compilation of the application to reflect the changes made

Session 8 - Reporting
The majority of reports within the application are based on the Jaspersoft engine. Hence, the student will
learn about it and how to execute the most common tasks:
● use of Jaspersoft Studio to design reports
● customizing core reports (adding logos and additional fields to a Sales Invoice)
● creating new reports from scratch (using the wizard vs manual design, various formats, user
parameters, security issues, adding graphs)
● ways of embedding reports into Openbravo Business Suite application
● creating Query/List widget reports for the workspace

Session 9 - Goodies
There are a few smaller but interesting topics we would still like to show you within this chapter:
● creating alerts
● background services
● pulling information from Openbravo Business Suite through web services
● creating simple HTML and URL widgets

Session 10 - Packaging/Development Cycle

By this point, the student will have several developed and customized artifacts done compared to the
out-of-the-box Openbravo Business Suite. Packaging them together and migrating them to the customer's
site is the next logical step. Here are a few tasks you will be taught:
● packaging the module/template
● exporting a client
● migration to the testing environment using Openbravo appliances
● recommended development-testing-production process


Online E-learning Format

The online version of the course delivers the same content as the classroom one but in a self-study manner
and over a longer period of time, 3-weeks. The online format of this training is an alternative designed for
participants with financial and/or resource constraints. To make up for the classroom interactivity, the
online e-learning platform comes with the following collaboration elements:
● News forum where any related news and notifications will be published
● Documentation for each topic and assignments that can be printed out
● Links to Howto articles and additional readings
● Support forums monitored and answered by Openbravo training specialists
● Exercises and assignments
● Embedded IRC live chat support monitored by Openbravo training specialists
● An Openbravo On Demand virtual instance of Openbravo Business Suite application is
provided where exercises are deployed, executed and troubleshot by the instructor
This course requires roughly 40 hours (depending on the student’s background and proficiency) of
student self-study which he or she may invest as they see fit across the 3-week availability:

Classroom Format
Classroom format of the training is aimed at those in need to learn how to customize and extend
Openbravo Business Suite3 in the shortest and most efficient manner possible. When given as such
and delivered by an Openbravo Training Specialist, the Technical Training 1 is a 5-day course with the
following schedule:

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Welcome & Client Setup Application Reporting Packaging /

Introduction Dictionary Development Cycle
Data Architecture Goodies (alerts,
Openbravo Business webservices, Resolving left issues
Suite User Interface Roles & Users background jobs, & Q&A
Setup & System

Note: The schedule above is only an estimate and is subject to change depending on the number of
students and additional content that might be added by subsequent minor releases.

Within the classroom training the student will receive a USB key with:
● electronic materials
● tools and installers required for the course
● implementation source examples


Knowledge prerequisites
● good knowledge of SELECT queries (SQL)
● basic system and database administration
● ERP consulting experience and/or basic functional knowledge of Openbravo Business Suite is a
considerable plus

Computer Requirements
● core i3 processor (2GHz or faster)
● 4Gb RAM or more
● A compatible web browser. Due to the fact that Openbravo Business Suite is a
rich-internet-application, the newest browsers with optimized Javascript engines are
recommended for the best user experience:
○ Firefox 38
○ Google Chrome 43
○ Internet Explorer 11
○ Safari 8

Terms & Prices

Times, Prices & Registration

Please visit for a list of scheduled dates and locations and to purchase
seats for attending one of the upcoming courses.

All training materials are available in English only. Classroom teaches and online course support
(forums & chats) however can also be delivered in Spanish.

● The course is led and followed by an Openbravo Training Specialist.
● Training is based on Openbravo Business Suite version 3.0PR15Q3.4.
● Prices are quoted per student and do not include taxes.
● This course is open to all participants, regardless of affiliation with Openbravo.
● This course does not cover the functional or development topics required to complete an
implementation which are delivered during the Functional Training 1 and Technical Training 2.

For detailed Terms and Conditions of Openbravo courseware delivery, please visit the following

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