Animal Welfare and Rights

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Public Service Announcement Paper

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In Fulfillment of the requirements in


Submitted by:
John Dox Billones
Christian Damasco
Kim Billy Fermiza
Air Ibanez
Erik Jaca
Chris Lastre
Aira Opilda
Miagao Dela Pena Mhel

First Year BS Management Accounting - C03


May 29, 2023
Harming an animal is considered a terrible crime in the Philippines, thus, cases of animal
cruelty are increasing at a frightful rate. Depriving, torturing and killing are the common factors
of animal cruelty. In line with this, countless animals such as dogs, cats and other livestock are
commonly involved with these frightening acts. These kinds of behavior trigger some other
people to engage in these activities for the reason that the animals are showing an aggressive
attitude toward them. Consequently, there are some people who believe that hitting an animal is
an act of defense against their violent behaviors, however there are also people who find pleasure
in harming innocent creatures. There are several justifications as to why humans commit these
unlawful acts of cruelty to animals.
We raised two reasons for animal cruelty and we provided each of them a justification.
First is Ethical Considerations. Animal cruelty raises critical ethical questions concerning the
treatment of sentient beings. Animals possess the capacity to experience pain, fear, and
happiness, and they deserve to be treated with compassion and respect. Whether it is the
exploitation of animals for entertainment purposes or the mistreatment of pets, these acts violate
the fundamental rights of sentient creatures. We must recognize the inherent value of animals
and strive to prevent their suffering. Contrary to this reason, there is still an educating value
when it comes in using animals for entertainment purposes. Millions of tourists have seen
animals at zoological parks over the years, including SeaWorld and Busch Gardens. The
majority of people rarely get the chance to see these animals in the wild. Visitors receive both
entertainment and education. Increased public understanding and appreciation of wildlife is made
possible by the rare opportunity to view and learn firsthand from live animals. The rare
opportunity to study and learn firsthand from real creatures raises people's knowledge of and
appreciation for wildlife. Second is the Environmental Implications. Animal cruelty has far-
reaching environmental consequences that extend beyond the direct harm inflicted upon
individual animals. Practices such as intensive farming and illegal wildlife trade contribute to
deforestation, pollution, and the disruption of delicate ecosystems. These activities exacerbate
climate change, compromise biodiversity, and jeopardize the overall health of our planet. By
combating animal cruelty, we can mitigate these environmental impacts and work towards a
sustainable future. However, exploiting animals is needed for humans in order for them to
survive such as using animals for food. Several nutrients are provided by meat, including those
found in fish, cattle, and fowl. These consist of protein, vitamin E, iron, zinc, magnesium, and
the B vitamins (niacin, thiamin, and riboflavin). Due to its role as a component of bones,
muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood, protein is a crucial component of the diet. Additionally,
protein aids in the body's ability to create the necessary hormones, enzymes, and vitamins. Eggs
also supply many of these important nutrients. The body uses the B vitamins for a variety of
purposes. They assist in the body's energy release, the neurological system's operation, the
production of red blood cells, and the development of tissues. The blood's ability to carry oxygen
depends on iron. Iron deficiency anemia is a common condition in adolescent girls and women
who are pregnant. Heme-iron, a kind of iron abundant in meat, can aid in the prevention of
anemia. Magnesium aids in bone development and muscle energy release. Zinc aids the immune
system's healthy operation and is required for metabolic reactions.
Animal cruelty is a serious issue that affects thousands of animals every year. As a
responsible society, we have a moral obligation to prevent animal cruelty whenever and
wherever we can. The mistreatment of animals frequently goes unnoticed or unreported, which
only leads to further harm to innocent creatures. To put a stop to animal cruelty, there are steps
we can all take. Educating ourselves and others on the importance of treating animals with
kindness and respect is an excellent place to start. Volunteering at local animal shelters or
supporting animal welfare organizations financially can also make a significant difference in
helping to prevent animal cruelty. Moreover, it is critical to report any suspected or observed
instances of animal cruelty to the appropriate authorities immediately. Doing so can save an
animal's life and potentially prevent further abuse. It's important to recognize that animal cruelty
comes in many forms, including physical abuse, neglect, abandonment, illegal breeding, and
other forms of mistreatment. We must remain vigilant and take swift action to put an end to these
unacceptable behaviors.In conclusion, animal cruelty is unacceptable, and we must all do our
part to prevent it. By educating ourselves, volunteering, and reporting instances of mistreatment,
we can help ensure that animals are treated with respect and compassion. Together, we can
create a world where animals are safe and treated with the kindness and dignity they deserve.

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