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Introduction to the company

and Problem identification-


Name: Dr.Varsha Sharma

Designation: Assistant Professor

Chandigarh University


Name: Ritik Vikram Singh


MBA-Batch 2022-24
Introduction to the Company.

KSN & COMPANY is a leading chartered accountancy firm. It is rendering comprehensive

professional services which include audit, management consultancy, tax consultancy,
accounting services, manpower management, secretarial services etc.

It is a professionally managed firm. The team consists of distinguished chartered accountants,

corporate financial advisors and tax consultants. The firm represents a combination of
specialized skills, which are geared to offers sound financial advice and personalized proactive
services. Those associated with the firm have regular interaction with industry and other
professionals which enables the firm to keep pace with contemporary developments and to
meet the needs of its clients.

KSN & Co. has a clear vision for the future growth and development of financial markets and
services and researches to stay ahead of these trends and developments. KSN & Co. moulds
its operations and areas of competencies and introduces services so as to assist clients in
their business operations and growth.

KSN & CO. is having its head office in KOLKATA, Almost all the controls and regulations aredealt at
head office in KOLKATA. All the offices constitute different number of departments who basically
handle their respective functions. The major departments include:

Audit and Assurance Department: -

Firm provides audit and assurance services to wide range of clients which include
performing audits of financial statements of limited companies, NGOs and partnerships.
Firm also performs special assignments which include management audits, internal audits
and investigations. Audit focuses on business issues and the matters that can impact on the
financial statements, whilst also retaining the basic audit procedures that test the
information contained in the financial statements. Services are aimed to comply with the
legal requirements as defined under the various laws and regulations in Pakistan. In doing so
firm not only identify the non-compliances but also assists clients in its rectification,
designing remedial measures and provides guidance to adhere with the laws and
regulations. Firm always endeavour to meet reporting deadlines as set out by the laws and
regulations or as mutually agreed with clients, without compromising the professional, legal
and ethical requirements.
Firm’s emphasis is on delivering high quality services to clients, adding value to their
business through identification of existing and potential control risks and suggesting best
possible measures in the given circumstances. Firm always places priority to deploying audit
teams to clients who are well equipped with the specific industry knowledge, experience
and are professionally sound.

Tax and Corporate Department: -

Firm delivers taxation services to clients and assists them in obtaining optimal
tax benefits available under the laws. Firm also assist clients to comply with the
tax rules and regulations and always keep them updated with the latest
developments and amendments. Tax personnel are qualified professionals,
experienced and knowledgeable. We maintain a comprehensive tax library
which always provides ready references and timely solution in complex
situations. Firm provides a comprehensive range of tax services which includes;
Preparation and submission of annual tax returns.
Compliance services.
Tax advisory services.
Representation and litigation with tax authorities.
Personal income tax services.

In KSN & co. same staff is handling with tax matters as well as corporate
sector. While in corporate firm provides different kinds of services relating to
corporate sector from incorporation to winding up of a Company.

Computer Department: -

Department handles the computer related matters and assists other departments
in working properly and efficiently. Department deals with online filing of
returns of income for tax department and finalize audit reports in proper format
in a presentable manner. It deals with networking of computers in office and all
other problems which may be faced by computer users time to time.

Correspondence Department: -

It handles with all the correspondence of the firm by sending the solicited and
unsolicited information from time to time. Effectively and efficiently manage
the day-to-day operations of the Correspondence. Interact with clients to resolve
policy and customer issues. Identify trends and remove obstacles in Statement
production and delivery by properly maintaining record of all communication
for future reference.
HR Department: -

This department is mainly concerned with the recruitment, hiring/firing of the

firm and this department presents the timely reports on effective utilization of
the resources by the firm. A purpose of the human resource is to keep the
trained employees and recruit new energetic staff to work. Another purpose of
this department is to provide a good working environment for staff and try to
make by facilitating them and arranging some recreational activities for them.
HR knows the real worth of its employees so cares for them and motivate them
to work more efficiently and diligently.

The hierarchy adopted by KSN & co. is in accordance with the legal
structure a CA firm shall have. Although the ICAI rules permit of not having
the supervisors and does not make it mandatory having senior manager and
manager, yet this goes as additional benefit for the firm of having such an
extensive hierarchy


 Incorporation of company
 Consultancy on Company Law matters.
 Advisory planning for Mergers, Acquisitions, De-mergers, and
Corporate re-organizations.
 Filing of annual returns and various forms, documents.
 Clause 49 review for compliance with fiscal, corporate and tax
 Secretarial Matters including share transfers
 Maintenance of statutory records
 Consultancy Services on Public/Rights/Bonus Issue of shares.
 Change of Name, Objects, Registered Office, etc.

 Company Registration: -
The most common business composition is to register a Pvt. Ltd. Company.
Company registration will enable limiting the person liability of promoters to
the extent of paid up capital. Promoters have to get DIN & check availability of
the company name.

 One Person Company: -

Register one-person company (u/s 2 (62) of Companies Act 2013) for quick
start of your business within reasonable fees by experienced CA firms.

 LLP Registration: -
Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) has benefit of the company registration &
easiness of partnership. It is apt for small businesses. Experienced CA firms can
ease out the process within reasonable fees.

 GST Registration: -
GST registration of business is to enable selling of goods with turnover value
beyond a certain limit. Limit may differ from state to state. It is necessary to get
GST Input Tax Credit. Experienced CA firms can ease out the process within
reasonable fees.

 Project Financing: -
Companies need funds to grow their business. Experienced CA can prepare
project report for loan financing to ensure that you get best eligible amount in
the shortest time. Generally, fees are charged as percentage of financed

 ROC Filing: -
Periodic returns/forms need to be submitted to Registrar of Companies (ROC)
for company’s act compliance. Experienced CA firms can file timely & correct
ROC filing in reasonable overall cost.
 GST Return: -
GST returns to be filed on periodic basis by business to provide information
about value of turnover & total GST liability & mode of payment. Frequency
may differ from state to state. Delays will attract penalty. Experienced CA firms
can ensure compliance with reasonable fees.
 TDS Return: -
Income tax act requires TDS (Tax Deducted at Source) deduction file the TDS
return on periodic basis by mentioning TAN No.

 Income Tax (Salaried): -

Income tax return of salaried employee can be filed with help of Form 16 &
Form 16A. Form 26 AS will help you in getting information about TDS on
salary. Experienced CA firm can help you for better tax planning and reduce the

 Income Tax (Business): -

Income Tax returns filing is requirement of Income Tax Act for
companies/businesses. Tax Audit Report helps in compliance of income tax
laws. Experienced CA firms can help in reducing non-compliance of income tax

 Tally Accounting: -
Tally is most used accounting software. Small and medium sized business can
take services from CA firms who can allocate accountants to handle accounting
for your business.

 Statutory Audit: -
Get the statutory audit of your company under Companies Act from
experienced CA firms. Statutory Audit is compulsory for any type of company.

 Tax Audit: -
Tax Audit is requirement of Income Tax Act for companies/large businesses.
Tax Audit Report helps in compliance of income tax laws & highlights key tax
related information. Experienced CA firms can help in reducing non-
compliance of income tax laws.

 Internal Audit: -
Internal Audit & Internal Financial Control Testing is needed as per Companies
Act. Internal Audit is not as compulsory as Statutory Audit. Internal auditor can
add value to your business to arrest leakage & improve control and efficiency.

Broadly, Audit involves the following:

 In-depth study of existing systems, procedures and controls for proper
understanding. Suggestions for improvement and strengthening.
 Ensuring compliance with policies, procedures and statutes.
 Comprehensive review to ensure that the accounts are prepared in
accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Policies and applicable
Accounting Standards/IFRS.
 Checking the genuineness of the expenses booked in accounts.
 Reporting inefficiencies at any operational level.
 Detection and prevention of leakages of income and suggesting corrective
measures to prevent recurrence.
 Certification of the books of account being in agreement with the Balance
Sheet and Profit and Loss Account.
 Issue of Audit Reports under various laws.

Types of Audits conducted: -

 Statutory Audit of Companies.
 Tax Audit under Section 44AB of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
 Audit under other sections of the Income Tax Act, 1961 such as 80HHC,
80-IA, etc.
 Concurrent Audits.
 Revenue Audit of Banks.
 Branch Audits of Banks.
 Audit of PF Trusts, Charitable Trusts, Schools, etc.
 Audit of Co-operative Societies.
 Information System Audit.
 Internal Audit.

I choose to work with KSN & CO. During this internship I have learnt many
new skills. Before internship I have only theoretical knowledge about work in
organization but now I have practical some practical experience of working in
organization. Now I have knowledge about the organization’s working
environment and how organizations work and achieve their goals andobjectives.
This internship has to gives me the understanding of business and also about the
elements of strategic thinking, planning and implementation, and how these
things are applied in a real world organization environment.
Following are the objectives that I have in my mind before working as an
 To improve communication skills.
 To analyse the business situation.
 To establish high standard in professionalism.
 To learn more than the theoretical knowledge.
 To learn book keeping practices of different companies.
 To apply the theoretical knowledge in actual organization.
 To compare practical aspects with theoretical aspects.
 To make quick decision in real situations.
 To learn how to promote and to conduct research in business areas.
 To enhance my personal knowledge and professional preparation for future.
 To properly integrate my theoretical knowledge and practical work.
 To plan for the future of oneself and learn how to adjust in an organization.
 To know how to present your recommendations in front of your boss.
 To get knowledge of opportunities and threats while entering into an
 To get exposure to do a work in an organization and also known about
organizational behavior, ethical rules and regulations.
 Assist the student development of employer-valued skills such as
teamwork, strong communication and attention in details.
 Expose student to the environment & expectations of performance on part
of accountants in professional accounting practices.
 Enhance & expand the student’s knowledge of particular areas of
 Expose the students to professional role models or mentors who will
provide the student with support in the early stages of the internship & provide
an example of behaviour expected in the internship workplace.
 Expand networks of professionals’ relationship & contacts.
 Develop a solid work ethic & professional demeanour as well as
commitment to ethical conduct & social responsibility.
 Develop time management skills and the ability to be responsible for more
than one project at a time.
 Develop organizational skills to complete the project in a timely manner.


I have tried my best to enhance my abilities and apply the knowledge that I
gained during the studies. On my first day at firm, company in-charge Mr.
Nand Kishore Sharma gave me training session about TDS returns and
computerized accounting in tally software and also shared his practical
experience with meand gave me some techniques of this process. He also
guided me that how toprepare VAT/GST return and filing data in income
tax return preparation software.

Different task that I performed during my internship:

 Vouching
 Preparing books of accounts in tally
 Voucher Entry
 Preparing Data in Excel Sheet
 Preparing Partnership Deed
 Intangible Assets
 Prepare Projected and other Balance Sheet
 Auditing
 Taxation
 Theoretical learning of different type of Taxation and GST
 Maintenance of accounts/ book keeping.
 TDS return preparation.

Software used during internship:

 MS office
 Tally software
Analysis of CA Firm ( an overview ) of growing CA services by

The implications studies performed on the Core Purpose and Vision Statement
at various Forums revealed that CAs working in all segments of the profession
have common points from which they will drive change. An overview of the top
rated implications from the Forums, along with examples for segments of the
profession, are as follows:-

Major implications

o A broader focus beyond "Numbers" to strategic thinking will lead

to increased opportunities, professional respect and increased
o Expanded knowledge, education, experience and the seamless use
of technology will create more opportunities to provide value,
communicate solutions, and enhance the attractiveness of the
o Pre and post - CA education must be revamped to meet the
demands of the profession in the future.
o More competition will require a more aggressive marketing
orientation and increased capital needs.
o The profession's culture will need to adapt in order to attract and
retain highly qualified members. The profession must address
marketplace pressures from competitors in compensation packages,
opportunities for rewards and advancement and who are
accommodating leisure, Life Style and Culture performances.

Implications on various Segments of the Profession

 CAs working in industry will consolidate their base of business, operational

and tactical skills, their understanding of operation and markets, and will
expand their roles in corporate strategy, performance measurement and
decision making processes. CAs will become critical members of the
management team focused on process, desired results and outcome
 As working in education will accelerate change in faculty development, re-
vitalise curriculum to meet the Vision, expand recruiting efforts, to focus on
the profession of the future, expand methods of delivery including distance
learning programmes, virtual class rooms and online courses.
 CAs working in Government will influence regulations, standards and
structure to enhance the interface among constituencies and the responsiveness
to demands of economic realities and performance expectations.
 As working in public practice will expand markets and services, focus on the
ever-changing needs of their clients and public, as transactions and structures
are increasingly more complex. To attract and retain quality staff, CAs will
align their structures and culture, address capital and human resource needs,
provide for lifestyle and cultural needs, and identify appropriate sources of
training and education leading to enhanced competencies and solid skills.

Opportunities and Challenges

Impact of Globalisation - Emerging Opportunities Services to global organizations -

Huge opportunities will be available for professionals with the specialised knowledge and
skills sought by global organizations. These will include the areas of national and
international taxation, finance and corporate law. Local knowledge will of course place
Chartered Accountants in a strong position to supply services to global organizations entering
the Indian market. However, the international arena will present even greater opportunities,
not just to the large accounting firms and businesses, but to individual Chartered
Accountants, small firms and businesses providing specialist services in functional areas,
niche industries and geographic markets.
Change management - There will be a high and on going demand for professional
advice and related services to assist organizations in managing change at the ownership,
structural and operational levels. Change management will become a major speciality in the
business services market.
New assurance and performance measurement services - Performance measurement
incorporating non-financial criteria such as competitive performance, resource performance,
process performance and environmental performance represents a new but complementary
market for Chartered Accountants. Likewise, demands for risk-based measures of value and
other new approaches in assurance present further opportunities.
Stakeholder value creation - The Chartered Accountancy profession is well
positioned to respond to the growing demands for improved measures of shareholder value
and return on shareholder value.
Strategic management - Professionals with high level strategic thinking and
management skills will be even more highly marketable than is currently the case. More
Chartered Accountants can specialize in these areas and rise to the top echelons of business.
Finance - Increasingly complex global financial practices will present major
opportunities to experts in financial administration, capital markets and international financial
Information technology - For chartered Accountants, advancement in technology
will close some markets but open others. For example, sophisticated software will enable new
competitors from around the globe and minimally skilled in-house staff to perform traditional
technical accounting tasks. Further, universal access to communications technology will
render some intermediaries, including some professional advisers, obsolete. However, as
business and government grapple to manage and regulate the complexities of global
organizations' operations, electronic commerce and computer crime, new areas of
opportunities for Chartered Accountants will emerge, including
The application of technology in new areas to achieve efficiencies nd add value to
o Data and systems assurance service
o Electronic commerce - management and regulation of electronic ransactions
o Knowledge management - Knowledge management will become a
professional discipline in its own right. Opportunities in this area will include
the following

o Information authentication, management, interpretation and evaluation

o Management of proprietary, external and individual knowledge to add value to
o Continuous real time reporting
Out-sourcing - Out sourcing is a growing area of opportunity for all Chartered
Accountants. For those working in government, large private organizations and large firms,
out-sourcing will present opportunities to reduce costs, extend service offerings and deliver
new specialist services. For those operating individually or working in small business and
firms the opportunities are to supply the out-sourced services either as stand alone service
components or packaged as end to end services with other suppliers.
General practice - In general practice, reduced opportunities in the traditional
accounting markets such as audit and standard taxation services will be replaced by growing
opportunities for relationship-based services. These will include

Pro-active advice and specially tailored services built from detailed knowledge and
understanding of the client's business and industry. In effect, general practice will essentially
be a specialty.
Assessing companies' identification of risks and the control systems designed to
respond to those risks.
Working closely with internal auditors to test compliance with control systems.
Extending the range of assurance services to current users of annual statements (for
example, by taking a more active role in fraud detection, giving opinions on long-term
shareholder value and non-financial performance measures).
Increasing the relevance of audited financial statements to a broader range of
Using audit skills to offer assurance in new sectors such as environmental
information, tendering procedures and quality control.
Increasing the timeliness, and therefore relevance, of auditing by giving opinions on
reporting systems producing financial information for the markets on a monthly or quarterly
Developing databases from which auditors can extract, and give their opinion on, the
specific financial and commercial information requested by users.
Developing new assurance reports on pensions to meet the needs of an aging
population - for example, reporting on whether the systems used by investment managers are
adequate to protect a pension fund's investments.
Providing the new assurance reports that may also be needed in the public sector and
by quasi-governmental agencies such as municipalities and cooperatives.
New Rural / Welfare schemes taken up by Government, Public Expenditure through
Government Departments monitoring of special functions on behalf of various,
Government/other authorities and agricultural operations are some of the new areas which
will come under the purview of our profession.
Offering sophisticated audit services to other parts of the Globe as the barriers to
cross-border services are dismantled.
Developing ad hoc assurance reports for (and perhaps even irectly to) third parties
such as banks and credit agencies - particularly in respect of smaller businesses There may
even be a need for assurance on specific items, such as stock & receivables, rather than on the
financial statements as a whole.
Internal audit, however, is one area where the number of ccountants could increase.
Although limited in terms of overall employment potential, we believe internal audit will
become much more important within large organizations. Internal auditors will, in effect,
become risk and control consultants working on the development and enhancement of new
systems, products and processes. They will also be involved in due diligence work, which
will be seen as providing a credible starting point for a successful career in business.
Financial Reporting
The internationalization of business and the harmonization of reporting standards will
increase the pressure to raise the quality of financial information and be fully consistent
across national boundaries.
At the same time, management and financial accounts are likely to converge with
non-financial performance measures, as companies and stakeholders demand greater value
from the financial reporting process. Although, the analytical and interpretative functions
(including benchmarking) are likely to remain the preserve of skilled professionals, those
professionals will not necessarily be accountants.
Small companies, on the other hand, are likely to see a significant simplification in
their statutory reporting requirements.
This simplification, coupled with increasing competition and new technology, will
reduce the amount of financial reporting support, which small companies need from
Chartered Accountants. But this effect may be partially offset by demands from banks and
other third parties for customized financial reports.
The drive for greater accountability and efficiency will open up new financial
reporting and auditing opportunities in the public sector.
Tax Compliance
We believe that tax compliance services have some (limited) scope for expansion. But
we also believe that tax compliance will be an unattractive area for many practitioners -
except possibly as a semi-detached adjunct to the main practice of those able to exploit
technology to handle high volumes profitably.
Self-assessment and the broadening of the groups of taxpayers having to complete tax
returns will mean more people will be looking for help.
But work in this sector will be increasingly driven by technology and will need only a
relatively small number of trained tax staff in supervisory roles. Margins will be low because
of the competition from ex-income tax staff, tax shops and unqualified advisers made
possible by the low barriers to entry.
Annual compliance work will, of course, continue to be a platform from which
accountants can sell other advisory services. But even here we may well see other
competitors moving 'up market' into advisory roles.

Tax advice and planning

Advising on cross - border tax issues.

Developing new tax-efficient products for the financial services sector.
Forensic work generated as a result of increased Income Tax Department audit and
investigation activity.
Supporting companies with their VAT, Customs and Excise duties planning and
helping them to design effective procedures for routine compliance work.
Advising high net worth individuals, families and trusts on how to manage their
income tax, wealth tax and capital gains tax exposures. Longer life expectancy, early
retirement and the expansion of the middle classes will make this a particularly attractive
target market.
Niche opportunities for those offering specialist advisory services without the
overheads of the international firms.
The prospects for senior tax specialists and managers in industry look very good.
Larger companies are increasingly recognizing the enormous contributions that tax planning
can make to strategic planning and shareholder value. As a result, the profile and workload of
tax departments in industry will inevitably grow.
But there will also be pressure on tax departments to use their resources more
efficiently. Part of their response to these pressures will be to look at outsourcing non-core
functions, for example, personal tax planning for internationally mobile staff.
Outsourcing tax compliance work will also become a popular corporate strategy -
mainly because of the cost savings which professional firms and others can make using IT
applications that are common to all clients and supported by in- house training facilities.
Some of the new demands on tax specialists in industry will include:

Becoming more accountable for bottom-line results i.e. tax as a percentage of pre-tax
Developing much closer ties with the finance function in planning and executing tax
Developing international financial products.
Campaigning against Finance Bill provisions, which are not in the company's interest.
Integrating tax planning into long-term strategic planning and setting benchmarks for
judging success.
Advising on the organization and accountability of tax staff.
Responding to uncertainties caused by the changing judicial approach to the
interpretation of statute law.
Managing the outsourcing of direct and indirect tax compliance work.
Corporate finance
Insolvency and corporate recovery

Facing troubled times, many a corporate require restructuring and corporate recovery
process, which involves more of partners time and less of juniors time.
Firms that can operate across borders have the resources to develop industry
specialisms, and can exploit technology to trace assets and automate procedures, will have a
major competitive advantage.

Management consultancy

Consultancy and advisory services will continue to grow in importance, expanding

from traditional financial and business planning into wider issues of business effectiveness
and on to leading edge areas such as re-engineering and corporate transformation. At least,
some of the major firms will challenge the strategic consultancy organisations.
At the same time niche opportunities will open up for smaller operators. And the
business advice traditionally offered by practicing accountants would be an increasingly
important value-added service although it will not necessarily be badged as consultancy.
The overall growth in this sector will continue to create demand for the financial
management and business appraisal skills in individual accountants. In the larger
consultancies, at least, they will increasingly find themselves working in multi-disciplinary
assignment teams, alongside post-experience specialists from other disciplines (such as
marketing, supply chains, information systems and economics), and those with industry-
specific knowledge.

Development of new services (2.2.2)

A brief summary of each services is as follows :

Electronic Commerce - The growth of electronic commerce is inhibited by lack of

confidence in systems. We see a series of potential projects - business to consumer (B2C),
business to business (B2B), Internet service providers and other services. Our service will be
to develop capability to assess whether system and tools used in electronic commerce meet
the defined criteria for data integrity, security and privacy and reliability. The first step will
be aimed at business to consumer segment.
Risk assessment - Entities are subject to greater risk and more radical changes in
fortune than ever before. Managers and Investors are concerned about whether entities have
identified the full scope of this risk and evaluate whether adequate precautions are taken to
mitigate these risk. Our service is to ensure entities' identification of business risk is
comprehensive and evaluate whether the entity has an appropriate system in place to
effectively manage this risk.
Performance measurement - Investors and Managers' demand more comprehensive
information base than just financial statements. They need a balanced scorecard. The service
evaluates whether an entity's performance measurement system contains relevant and reliable
measures for assessing the extent to which the entity's goals and objectives are achieved and
how this performance compares to its competitors.
Systems quality - Information technology plays a vital role in supporting the
activitiesof both profit oriented and non-profit organizations. The growth and change that has
come about as a result of these trends have important implications. IT changes have created
many new opportunities for CAs in areas such as information development, information
system design, information systems management and control and system evaluation.
These services will provide assurance on various aspects of quality of information
system and will include branding of services for the benefit of CAs. Assurance on systems
quality is also an essential step to provide continued assurance on information.
Intellectual capital - This service will measure the intellectual capital by reference to
agreed upon criteria for measurement and then provide for assurance on the measurement.
Continuous assurance -Investor and managers demand a more timely base information
than just audited financial statements. These services will recognize that the time between the
event and acting upon the information has become more compressed and therefore there is a
need to provide guidance to practitioners to provide assurance on an entity's continuously
disclosed information, viz. quarterly reporting etc.

Impact of Globalisation - Challenges (2.2.3)

New opportunities for the profession will pose challenges to both individual
Chartered Accountants and the Institute of Chartered Accountants in India. The challenge for
the profession as a whole, and for the different stakeholder groups within the profession, is to
adopt a structure and mindset that can rapidly adapt to the changes in the profession and
business community. A core skill will be change management with willingness to abandon
the old and move toward the new.
CABS - CABs is the acronym for Chartered Accountants who work in the business
community. However this group also includes Chartered Accountants who work in
government and academic organizations.
Significance of the Report to the Company.
The concept is often associated with providing personalized, actionable
financial planning for individuals. That being said, financial advisors can also
be valuable resources for entire businesses, providing insight on corporate
governance, financial risk, and customer and supply chain operations.
Our Firm, Providing curriculum and teaching approach developed student
creativity, resilience and practical skills to enhance their opportunities for better
employment/ trading financial market.
It, provide the motivation &inspiration for students to be achiever, and to be
able to apply learned knowledge in real world environment by understanding
the fundamental & practical aspects of trading.

 They have a small staff with limited skill set in many areas.
 Less number of staff members.
 Developments in technology are changing this market. KSN & Co. needs to adoptnew
technology and adapt to the changed market realities.
 Change in government policies and procedures may act as threat for company.
 A small change in focus of large competitor might wipe out any market position
 KSN & Co. has many competitors. Under certain circumstances stiff competitioncan
threaten the margins and hence the survival of the firm.

Some of the Key points of Research are –

 To know the working culture, past achievement, growth of the firm.

 To understand, how to do audit , make financial report, vouching etc.

 To learn how to communicate with clients and our partners , shareholders and
our teams.

 To know how an advisory firm is working and with what goals.

 With this project I will be confident that I can write what I learns and to know
my potentials.

 With this report reader will be more curious about my company

 To attract more interns like me who, is trading and financial enthusiast.

 To Suggest improvement in workings of the firms.

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