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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region IV-A


APRIL C. ANCA- Lead Researcher





This study aimed to assess the satisfaction levels of customers towards a fig fruit tea made

from Ficus nota. The study focused on taste, aroma, and color as key indicators of customer satisfaction.

A purposive sampling technique was employed to select participants from Villa Perez National High

School in Gumaca, Quezon. The study utilized a self-made research questionnaire to gather data, which

was reviewed by a panel of experts for content validity. The results indicated that the majority of

respondents were female, with a significant portion belonging to the 50 and above age group. Overall,

customers expressed satisfaction with the taste of the fig fruit tea and were highly satisfied with its aroma

and color. Based on these findings, it is recommended that businesses target marketing efforts toward

the identified demographic and develop specialized product variations to cater to their preferences.

Continuous evaluation, gathering customer feedback, and staying updated on market trends is crucial for

ongoing product development and enhancement. The business plan outlined in the study provides a

strategic approach to capitalize on the market potential and differentiate the fig fruit tea. Implementing

the proposed strategies, along with regular market research and adaptation, will be essential for the

success of the fig fruit tea business.

Keywords: Aroma, Color, Fig Fruit, Taste, Satisfaction, Tea-Big


“Creating Possibilities, Inspiring Innovations”

Address: Sitio Fori, Brgy. Talipan, Pagbilao, Quezon
Trunkline #: (042) 784-0366, (042) 784-0164, (042) 784-0391, (042) 784-0321
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IV-A


I. INTRODUCTION Tea is a versatile beverage that can serve both medicinal and dietary
purposes. It can be prepared using various types of leaves or fruits,
which are typically dried and ground into a powder before being
brewed or cooked. Many people enjoy drinking tea in the morning or
during idle moments throughout the day. It offers a comforting and
soothing experience, making it a popular choice for relaxation and

Teas are a popular beverage enjoyed worldwide, typically brewed

from the leaves of various plants such as Camellia sinensis.
However, the text introduces an intriguing twist by mentioning that
teas can be made from beans, leaves, seeds, and more. It then
transitions to a different topic, discussing the fascinating Ficus Nota,
a small tree commonly found along forest edges, streams, and
secondary forests in the Philippines. This species, known as Tibig,
holds significant importance in the region. The unripe female figs of
Ficus Nota find their way onto salad plates or are consumed raw with
a sprinkle of sugar, offering a unique culinary experience. As the figs
mature, they acquire a vibrant green color and are dispersed by
small Cynopterus fruit bats, aiding in the tree's reproductive cycle.
Additionally, the narrative expands its scope to include Borneo,
specifically East Sabah, where Ficus Nota thrives along the banks of
rivers and at the forest's fringes, enriching the natural landscape.
However, caution is necessary as this species can be easily
confused with similar fig trees like Ficus fistulosa, Ficus rosulata, or
Ficus satterthwaitei, highlighting the importance of accurate botanical
identification (Borneo Ficus, 2020).

According to Berto (2021), the utilization of Ficus nota extends

beyond its figs. The young leaves of this tree can be cooked and
consumed as a vegetable, adding a nutritious element to meals.
Additionally, the water extracted from a standing Ficus nota tree can
be consumed three times to alleviate fever, and it can also be
applied topically to relieve muscle pain, showcasing the tree's
medicinal potential. The preferred habitat of Ficus nota includes
forests and thickets at low elevations, often found alongside streams.
One notable characteristic of this tree is the presence of large dense
clusters of green or brownish fruits growing around its trunk and

“Creating Possibilities, Inspiring Innovations”

Address: Sitio Fori, Brgy. Talipan, Pagbilao, Quezon
Trunkline #: (042) 784-0366, (042) 784-0164, (042) 784-0391, (042) 784-0321
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IV-A

branches. As these fruits ripen, they turn yellow and can be eaten
raw, commonly enjoyed with sugar and cream. Furthermore, the
leaves of Ficus nota are also edible and can be used as a vegetable.

The significance of Ficus nota goes beyond its nutritional and

medicinal value. It serves as a vital resource for local communities,
as it is harvested from the wild not only for food but also as a source
of drinking water. In fact, drinkable water can be extracted directly
from a freshly cut branch of this tree, highlighting its importance in
providing sustenance and hydration in certain regions. Overall, Ficus
nota offers a diverse range of uses and benefits, including edible
figs, edible leaves, medicinal properties, and a source of drinking
water, making it a valuable resource in the areas where it thrives.

According to Penn Medicine (2022), tea has been consumed by

people worldwide for thousands of years, and its benefits have been
well-documented. Research suggests that various types of tea can
boost the immune system, combat inflammation, and potentially offer
protection against diseases like cancer and heart disease. While
different tea brews provide different health advantages, the evidence
indicates that regular tea consumption can have a positive and
lasting impact on overall wellness.

While tea culture is often associated with East Asia, Southeast Asian
countries, including the Philippines, have also embraced tea and
developed their own tea traditions. These regions have their own
favored tea varieties, which are influenced by local ingredients and
the cultural influences that have shaped their culinary preferences.
Tea plays a significant role in the daily lives and traditions of people
across Asia, contributing to their overall well-being and enjoyment of
diverse flavors.

While Ficus nota are consumed as an edible fruit in certain regions

of the Philippines, such as Sorsogon, Bataan Island, Polilio, Mindoro,
Palawan, Panay, Samar, and Leyte, it may not be familiar to all
Filipinos. Recognizing its potential health benefits, particularly in pain
relief, the researchers seek to develop a tea from Ficus nota to
introduce its medicinal properties to a wider audience (Balangcod,


“Creating Possibilities, Inspiring Innovations”

Address: Sitio Fori, Brgy. Talipan, Pagbilao, Quezon
Trunkline #: (042) 784-0366, (042) 784-0164, (042) 784-0391, (042) 784-0321
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IV-A

In this study, researchers are exploring the fascinating realm of tea

production using the fig fruit of Ficus nota, an intriguing species
known as the African wild fig or sandpaper fig. With a vision to
unlock the hidden potential of these figs, the researchers embark on
a journey that encompasses careful fruit selection, meticulous
harvesting, and precise preparation. After ensuring the fruits'
ripeness, they handle them with utmost care, delicately cleansing
away impurities to preserve their integrity. Next, the fig fruits undergo
a transformative drying process, where moisture levels are reduced
to unveil their concentrated flavors and extend their shelf life. Once
dried, the fruits are ground or crushed into fine particles, setting the
stage for the harmonious union of fig and water. Through the art of
brewing, the essence of these fig fruits is gently coaxed into the hot
embrace of water, yielding a tantalizing tea that promises to
captivate the senses. The researchers meticulously fine-tune the
brewing parameters, orchestrating the ideal temperature, steeping
time, and water-to-fruit ratio to unlock the fig fruit's captivating
essence. In their quest for excellence, the researchers engage in
meticulous taste tests and chemical analyses, deciphering the tea's
sensory attributes, nutritional composition, and potential bioactive
compounds. With each sip, this fig fruit tea reveals the culmination of
their efforts, a unique fusion of flavor and potential, leaving the
researchers and tea enthusiasts alike enchanted by the possibilities
it holds

A. Research Questions This study aimed to determine the level of satisfaction of

respondents on the developed tea out of ficus nota fruits: Specifically
this study sought to answer the following:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents as to:

1.1 sex; and

1.2 age?

2. What is the level of satisfaction of tea users on the developed

tea made from ficus nota in terms of:

2.1 taste;


“Creating Possibilities, Inspiring Innovations”

Address: Sitio Fori, Brgy. Talipan, Pagbilao, Quezon
Trunkline #: (042) 784-0366, (042) 784-0164, (042) 784-0391, (042) 784-0321
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IV-A

2.2 smell; and

2.3 color?

3. What product enhancement could be made from the results

of the study?

4. What business proposal could be offered to the community

based on the result of the study?

B. Hypothesis

II. BRIEF REVIEW OF Tea has enjoyed widespread popularity for centuries and boasts a
RELATED LITERATURE rich and diverse heritage. It can be categorized into six main types:
AND STUDIES white tea, yellow tea, green tea, oolong tea, black tea, and dark tea.
Each type offers distinct flavors, aromas, and brewing techniques,
making tea appreciation a fascinating and intricate journey. Beyond
its delightful taste, tea is also renowned for its potential health
benefits. Scientific studies have revealed that tea contains a variety
of bioactive compounds that contribute to its positive effects on
human health. These compounds include catechins, phenolic acids,
flavonols, alkaloids, and free amino acids, which are all naturally
present in tea leaves. Additionally, tea pigments add vibrant colors to
the brew (Shang, 2021). Research continues to explore the
potential health benefits of tea and its bioactive compounds. It is
important to note that individual responses to tea consumption may
vary, and the overall impact on health is influenced by factors such
as tea quality, brewing methods, and overall dietary patterns.

Tea offers not only a delightful beverage experience but also a wide
range of bioactive compounds that have the potential to positively
impact human health. From catechins and phenolic acids to
flavonols, alkaloids, and free amino acids, tea presents a complex
and fascinating blend of compounds that continue to be the subject
of scientific investigation and appreciation by tea enthusiasts

According to Debnath et al. (2021), tea is renowned for its

remarkable health-promoting properties, which encompass a range
of benefits such as anti-inflammatory, cardiovascular, and
antioxidant effects. As the most widely consumed nonalcoholic

“Creating Possibilities, Inspiring Innovations”

Address: Sitio Fori, Brgy. Talipan, Pagbilao, Quezon
Trunkline #: (042) 784-0366, (042) 784-0164, (042) 784-0391, (042) 784-0321
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IV-A

beverage worldwide, tea holds a significant place in global culture. In

fact, the consumption of tea alone surpasses that of popular
beverages like soft drinks, coffee, alcohol, and chocolate when
combined. This highlights the immense popularity and global
significance of tea as a beloved and widely embraced beverage

According to Nejadghanbor's study in 2016, tea is recognized as an

agricultural product that holds a distinct position in terms of quality
requirements. To assess and define tea quality, the study refers to
the tea world marketing book, which puts forward a comprehensive
definition. This definition emphasizes three crucial aspects: aroma,
flavor, and color.

Aroma refers to the scent or fragrance of the tea, which is a vital

factor in determining its quality. The aroma can vary depending on
the type of tea, processing methods, and specific characteristics
associated with different tea varieties. A pleasant and distinct aroma
contributes to the overall sensory experience and consumer
satisfaction. On the other hand, flavor plays a fundamental role in
assessing tea quality. It encompasses the taste profile and the
complexities of flavor notes that are present in the tea. The flavor
can range from delicate and subtle to robust and bold, depending on
various factors, including the tea type, cultivation conditions,
processing techniques, and infusion methods. Achieving a well-
balanced, flavorful cup is a significant indicator of tea quality.
Likewise, color is another essential aspect of tea quality. The color of
brewed tea can vary widely, ranging from pale and light to deep and
dark hues. The color is influenced by factors such as tea type,
oxidation level, and infusion time. A visually appealing and vibrant
color indicates the tea's freshness and can enhance the overall
sensory experience.

By considering aroma, flavor, and color as integral components of

tea quality, the study underscores the importance of these
characteristics in determining the desirability and market value of
tea. Understanding and evaluating these attributes help both
producers and consumers in selecting and appreciating high-quality
teas that meet their preferences and expectations.


“Creating Possibilities, Inspiring Innovations”

Address: Sitio Fori, Brgy. Talipan, Pagbilao, Quezon
Trunkline #: (042) 784-0366, (042) 784-0164, (042) 784-0391, (042) 784-0321
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IV-A

The findings from Seturi et al.'s study in 2019 shed light on the
prevalence of tea consumption among respondents. According to the
study, a significant majority, 93% of the participants, identified
themselves as tea drinkers. Among them, 20% reported consuming
tea frequently, indicating a regular and habitual tea-drinking habit.
One fascinating aspect revealed by the study was the reason behind
the demand for tea. When asked about their motivations for
consuming tea, 48% of the respondents attributed it to their
enjoyment of the aroma and taste of tea. This finding underscores
the sensory appeal of tea, emphasizing the role that aroma and taste
play in attracting individuals to the beverage. The aroma of tea, with
its diverse and captivating scents, holds a special allure for many tea
enthusiasts. The aromatic notes arising from different tea varieties,
processing methods, and infusion techniques create a multisensory
experience that contributes to the overall enjoyment of tea. Likewise,
the taste profile of tea, encompassing a range of flavors and
complexities, adds to its appeal. From delicate and floral notes to
robust and earthy undertones, the taste of tea offers a wide spectrum
of experiences for consumers to savor and appreciate.

The study's findings highlight the importance of aroma and taste in

driving the demand for tea among respondents. By recognizing the
sensory pleasure derived from tea consumption, both tea producers
and tea enthusiasts can further explore and appreciate the diverse
aromas and flavors that different teas offer.

Ficus nota, commonly known as the fig tree, has a rich history of
being valued for its luscious fruits. These fruits are enjoyed in various
forms, both fresh and dried, and have been utilized in the creation of
a wide range of products. The versatility of figs is evident in the
diverse array of items derived from them, including compote, jam,
marmalade, wine, alcohol, and even coffee (Xatamova, 2021).
Fresh figs are highly sought after for their succulent taste and unique
texture. However, one challenge associated with fresh figs is their
susceptibility to transportation and storage spoilage. This means that
the fruits have a limited shelf life and require careful handling to
prevent rapid deterioration during transportation or storage. To
overcome this challenge, various processing methods have been
employed to extend the usability of figs. Drying the fruits is a popular
technique, as it not only enhances their shelf life but also intensifies

“Creating Possibilities, Inspiring Innovations”

Address: Sitio Fori, Brgy. Talipan, Pagbilao, Quezon
Trunkline #: (042) 784-0366, (042) 784-0164, (042) 784-0391, (042) 784-0321
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IV-A

their flavors, creating a concentrated and preserved product. Dried

figs can be enjoyed as a nutritious snack on their own or used as an
ingredient in various culinary creations.

Additionally, figs have been utilized in the production of compote,

jam, and marmalade, offering a delightful way to preserve their
flavors and extend their usability. These products allow consumers to
savor the taste of figs even beyond their harvest season.
Furthermore, the unique flavors and natural sweetness of figs have
made them a fascinating ingredient for alcoholic beverages. Fig wine
and fig-infused alcohol are examples of how figs can contribute to
the creation of distinctive and flavorful drinks. Surprisingly, figs have
even found their way into the world of coffee. In some instances, figs
have been used as a flavoring agent or added to coffee blends to
impart their unique characteristics, providing an intriguing twist to the
traditional coffee experience.

In summary, Ficus nota, the fig tree, has long been cherished for its
delectable fruits. These fruits are enjoyed in various forms, including
fresh, dried, and processed into an assortment of products such as
compote, jam, marmalade, wine, alcohol, and coffee. Despite the
challenge of spoilage during transportation and storage, the versatile
nature of figs continues to captivate taste buds and inspire culinary

Tibig, also known as Ficus nota or Tebbeg, is the local name for the
fruits of the Ficus nota tree in the Philippines. It is a native species
found in both the Philippines and Borneo, with its formal scientific
name being Ficus nota (Blanco). Tibig trees can be found in thickets
at low and medium elevations, as well as in dry woodlands
throughout the Philippines. Belonging to the Ficus genus, Tibig is
closely related to other fig species such as the European fig, tropical
fig (Ficus septica), and wild Punjabi fig. The fruit of the Tibig tree
grows on short stems that sprout from the branches and stem of the
tree. These fruits typically measure between 2 to 3.5 cm in diameter
and grow in dense clusters along the stem and large branches
(Terra-Sol, 2018).

Ripe Tibig fruits can be consumed by themselves or enjoyed with

sugar and cream. In addition to its fruit, the young leaves of the Tibig


“Creating Possibilities, Inspiring Innovations”

Address: Sitio Fori, Brgy. Talipan, Pagbilao, Quezon
Trunkline #: (042) 784-0366, (042) 784-0164, (042) 784-0391, (042) 784-0321
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IV-A

tree are also consumed as a vegetable. Interestingly, a freshly cut

stem of the tree can provide drinking water. Beyond its culinary uses,
the Tibig tree serves several other purposes. It is utilized as a source
of firewood and charcoal production. Moreover, it is known to have
medicinal uses in the Philippines, where its various parts may be
employed for their potential therapeutic properties. Overall, the Tibig
or Ficus nota tree is a valuable indigenous species in the Philippines,
providing edible fruits, edible leaves, and even a source of drinking
water. It also contributes to local livelihoods through firewood and
charcoal production, while offering potential medicinal benefits.

Figs, as highlighted in Lopez's research in 2017, provide a range of

potential health benefits. Notably, their high potassium content
makes them beneficial for individuals with high blood pressure, as
potassium is known to help reduce blood pressure levels.
Furthermore, figs can be a sweet and weight-friendly option, serving
as a natural sweetener that is relatively low in calories compared to
other sugary treats. The consumption of figs as a part of a balanced
diet can contribute to weight management goals. Additionally, the
insulin-lowering properties found in the edible leaves of fig trees offer
potential benefits to individuals with diabetes, although further
research is needed to fully understand their impact. While figs offer
these potential health advantages, it is important to consult with a
healthcare professional for personalized guidance, especially for
individuals with specific health conditions or concerns.

The fruit of Ficus nota, also known as Tibig, is typically consumed

when ripe and yellow. However, it has a milder flavor and a slightly
fluffy texture compared to other figs. Some fruits can dry out on the
stem and be eaten as dry figs. Insects and flies are commonly found
inside the fruit as they aid in pollination. Sugar or flavorings are
sometimes added to dishes featuring Ficus nota fruit to enhance its
taste. Fallen fruits in creeks serve as a food source for turtles and
fish. These insights, as reported by Eisemberg in 2020, highlight the
distinct characteristics and usage patterns of Ficus nota fruit.

III. SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS The scope of this study was confined to the selected customers from
Villa Perez National High School in Gumaca, Quezon. The
researchers specifically targeted this group of customers for their
assessment. The study aimed to evaluate the taste, smell, and color

“Creating Possibilities, Inspiring Innovations”

Address: Sitio Fori, Brgy. Talipan, Pagbilao, Quezon
Trunkline #: (042) 784-0366, (042) 784-0164, (042) 784-0391, (042) 784-0321
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IV-A

of the Tibig tea developed as part of the research project. The focus
was on gathering feedback and opinions from the selected
customers regarding these sensory aspects of the tea.

IV. Significance of the Study This study is significant to the following group of individuals:

Adult Users- Ficus nota tea is believed to contain various bioactive

compounds that may have positive effects on health. These
compounds can potentially contribute to antioxidant, anti-
inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties, which are beneficial for
overall well-being.

Community- The cultivation, production, and sale of Ficus nota tea

can create economic opportunities within the community. Local
farmers and entrepreneurs can engage in tea farming, processing,
and distribution, thereby generating income and supporting

Students- Ficus nota tea contains natural compounds that may

support cognitive function and mental alertness. Drinking Ficus nota
tea can help students stay focused and concentrated, making it
beneficial during study sessions, exams, or other academic tasks.

Future Researchers- may serve this study as their future reference

for their further and wider study

V. METHODOLOGY Research Design

The descriptive method of research was used in this study.

Descriptive research is a study that discusses the fact that those who
discover it have enough correct information it describes the used of
modern technologies with the skill of extracting data. Because the
study or investigation pertains to the effects of modern technologies
used in discovering the right way to cook or make ficus nota products
derived from ficus nota fruits to develop the skills of Senior High
School of Villa Perez National High School the descriptive method of
research was the most appropriate method to be used.


“Creating Possibilities, Inspiring Innovations”

Address: Sitio Fori, Brgy. Talipan, Pagbilao, Quezon
Trunkline #: (042) 784-0366, (042) 784-0164, (042) 784-0391, (042) 784-0321
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IV-A

Sampling Design

In the study conducted by the researchers, a purposive sampling

technique was employed to select the respondents. Purposive
sampling is a non-random sampling method where participants are
chosen based on specific characteristics or criteria that align with the
research objectives. In this case, the researchers deliberately
selected individuals who met certain criteria and were deemed
suitable for providing insights on the satisfaction level of Tea-big as a
local product. This sampling approach allows for a focused and
targeted selection of respondents who can provide valuable
information for the study.

Research Locale

The study was conducted in Villa Perez National High School,

which is situated approximately 10 kilometers away from the town
proper. It is worth noting that Villa Perez National High School is
categorized as a "last mile" school by the Department of Education
(DepEd) in Quezon. The term "last mile" typically refers to schools
that are located in remote or hard-to-reach areas, often with limited
access to resources and facilities. Conducting the study in a last mile
school can provide insights into the specific context and challenges
faced by the school and its students, contributing to a more
comprehensive understanding of the satisfaction level of Tea-big as
a local product within that particular community.

Research Instrument

In this study, the researchers utilized a self-made research

questionnaire to assess the satisfaction of the respondents regarding
the taste, smell, and color of the tea made from Ficus nota. The
questionnaire was designed by the researchers specifically for this
study, taking into consideration the research objectives and the
aspects of the tea that were of interest.

By using a self-made research questionnaire, the researchers had

the flexibility to tailor the questions to their specific needs and focus

“Creating Possibilities, Inspiring Innovations”

Address: Sitio Fori, Brgy. Talipan, Pagbilao, Quezon
Trunkline #: (042) 784-0366, (042) 784-0164, (042) 784-0391, (042) 784-0321
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IV-A

on the variables they deemed important. This allowed them to gather

data directly related to the satisfaction level of the respondents
regarding the taste, smell, and color of the Ficus nota tea.

It is important to ensure that the questionnaire was carefully

developed and validated to ensure its reliability and validity in
measuring the desired aspects of satisfaction. This would involve
conducting pilot tests, seeking expert opinions, and employing
appropriate statistical analysis techniques to ensure the accuracy
and credibility of the questionnaire data.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers designed the study questionnaire, taking into

account the subproblems addressed in the product. The
questionnaire developed to gather relevant information related to
these subproblems. Before the questionnaire is disseminated, it will
undergo a review process by a panel of qualified experts. These
experts will examine the questionnaire and provide feedback and
recommendations on its content.

The feedback and recommendations provided by the expert panel

will be carefully reviewed and incorporated into the study
questionnaire by the researcher. The questionnaire will undergo
thorough scrutiny by the researcher to ensure its accuracy and

Once the questionnaire is finalized, it will be distributed to the

respondents. The responses collected through the questionnaire will
then be analyzed to evaluate the validity and reliability of the
individually created research questionnaire. This analysis will help
determine the effectiveness and credibility of the questionnaire in
capturing the intended information and addressing the research

By following these steps, the researcher aims to ensure that the

study questionnaire is well-designed, incorporates expert
recommendations, and undergoes a rigorous evaluation process to
enhance its validity and reliability.


“Creating Possibilities, Inspiring Innovations”

Address: Sitio Fori, Brgy. Talipan, Pagbilao, Quezon
Trunkline #: (042) 784-0366, (042) 784-0164, (042) 784-0391, (042) 784-0321
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IV-A

Statistical Treatment

The researcher utilized different statistical formulas in order

to scientifically discuss the finding of the study. Particularly, the
researcher will use the percentage rating, frequency percentage
rating, and weighted arithmetic mean. The data gathered was
organized, analyzed, and interpreted, data was treated statistically
using the following statistical tools such as percentage and weighted

VI.RESULTS AND This shows the presentation of data in tabular forms with the
DISCUSSION corresponding analysis and interpretation of constructed
questionnaires on the level of satisfaction of selected customers in
locally-produced Tea-big by the Senior High School TVL-HE
students of Villa Perez National High School.

I. On the Demographic Profile of Respondents

Figure 1

Distribution of the Respondents as to their Sex


“Creating Possibilities, Inspiring Innovations”

Address: Sitio Fori, Brgy. Talipan, Pagbilao, Quezon
Trunkline #: (042) 784-0366, (042) 784-0164, (042) 784-0391, (042) 784-0321
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IV-A

Based on Figure 1, it can be observed that the majority of the

respondents were female, with 27 individuals or 68% of the total
respondents identifying as female. On the other hand, there were 13
individuals or 32% who identified as male.

Considering this distribution, it can be inferred that a larger

proportion of the female respondents in the study were tea lovers.
However, it is important to note that the gender distribution alone
does not necessarily imply a direct correlation between being female
and being a tea lover. Other factors, such as personal preferences
and cultural influences, can also contribute to an individual's tea
consumption habits.

It is indeed important to note that the research on the relationship

between drinking tea and cancer is still emerging, and no definitive
links have been established thus far. While previous studies have
explored the potential benefits of certain compounds found in tea,
such as catechins and theaflavins, in reducing estrogen levels and
its association with breast cancer risk, further research is needed to
fully understand the complex mechanisms and potential effects
(Johnson, 2017).

Figure 2

Distribution of the Respondents according to their Age


“Creating Possibilities, Inspiring Innovations”

Address: Sitio Fori, Brgy. Talipan, Pagbilao, Quezon
Trunkline #: (042) 784-0366, (042) 784-0164, (042) 784-0391, (042) 784-0321
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IV-A

Based on Figure 2, the data indicates the age distribution among the
respondents. The majority of the respondents, with a frequency of 9
individuals or 22.5%, belonged to the age group of 19 years and
below, as well as the age group of 30 to 40 years old. Additionally,
there were 6 individuals, or 15% who fell into the age group of 20 to
29 years old. Lastly, 16 individuals, or 40% of the respondents were
categorized as 50 years and above.

Upon analyzing the data, the researchers found evidence suggesting

that drinking more tea can have a significant positive impact on
cognitive abilities. Specifically, the study revealed that increased tea
consumption was linked to improvements in attention span and the
ability to perform complex tasks. These findings indicate that regular
consumption of black tea may have cognitive-enhancing effects for
older individuals (Lie, 2019). It is important to note that this study's
findings are based on the data collected from a specific age group
(85-year-olds and above) and focused on black tea consumption.
Further research and studies would be needed to establish a more
comprehensive understanding of the relationship between tea
consumption, cognitive function, and memory protection across
different age groups and types of tea.


“Creating Possibilities, Inspiring Innovations”

Address: Sitio Fori, Brgy. Talipan, Pagbilao, Quezon
Trunkline #: (042) 784-0366, (042) 784-0164, (042) 784-0391, (042) 784-0321
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IV-A

II. Level of satisfaction of selected customers in locally-

produced Tea-big by the Senior High School TVL-HE students
of Villa Perez National High School

Table 2.1

Weighted Mean Distributions of the Level Satisfaction of Selected

Customers in Locally-produced Tea-big of Senior High School TVL-
HE students of Villa Perez National High School as to its Taste

1. The taste of ficus nota tea is
3.53 Very Satisfied
2. The ficus nota tea has a slightly bitter
2.80 Satisfied
3. The ficus nota tea tasted good and
3.55 Very Satisfied
4. When you added sweet, the tea
2.40 Unsatisfied
becomes more enjoyable.
5. the ficus nota tea tasted toasted. 3.23 Very Satisfied
AVERAGE MEAN 3.10 Satisfied
Legend: 3.26-4.00 Very Satisfied; 2.51-3.25 Satisfied; 1.76-2.50 Unsatisfied;

1.00-1.75 Very Unsatisfied

Based on Table 2.1, it can be observed that among the indicators

used to assess the satisfaction level of the respondents regarding
the Ficus nota tea, Indicator 3 received the highest mean score. This
indicator suggests that the tea tasted good and provided a relaxing
experience, with a mean score of 3.55. A mean score of 3.55 is
interpreted as a high level of satisfaction (very satisfied) with the
taste and relaxing qualities of the tea.

On the other hand, Indicator 4 received the lowest mean score

among the indicators. This indicator suggests that the Ficus nota tea
had a slightly bitter flavor, with a mean score of 2.40. A mean score

“Creating Possibilities, Inspiring Innovations”

Address: Sitio Fori, Brgy. Talipan, Pagbilao, Quezon
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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IV-A

of 2.40 is interpreted as a lower level of satisfaction (unsatisfied) with

the slightly bitter flavor of the tea.

Overall, the average mean score across all indicators was 3.10,
indicating that the respondents, on average, expressed satisfaction
with the taste of Tea-Big. However, it is important to consider the
individual variations in preferences and interpretations of taste, as
well as the potential influence of other factors such as personal
expectations and preferences when assessing satisfaction levels
based on mean scores.

Based on Watson's (2022) findings, the taste of fig fruit tea has been
found to achieve higher levels of customer satisfaction. The unique
and delightful flavor of fig fruit tea is likely to be well-received by
consumers. The natural sweetness and distinctive taste of figs
contribute to the overall appeal of the tea, making it an enjoyable and
satisfying beverage option. It is important to note that individual
preferences may vary, but according to the study, the taste of fig fruit
tea has demonstrated a high level of customer satisfaction.

Table 2.2

Weighted Mean Distributions of the Level Satisfaction of Selected

Customers in Locally-produced Tea-big of Senior High School TVL-
HE students of Villa Perez National High School as to its Aroma

1. The tea has refreshing scent. 3.53 Very Satisfied
2. The aroma of tea is 3.38 Very Satisfied
3. The tea smells like toasted coffee. 3.40 Very Satisfied
4. The tea smells good and can 3.63 Very Satisfied
relieve tension and stress.
5. The aroma of tea has pleasant to 3.37 Very Satisfied
AVERAGE MEAN 3.46 Very Satisfied
Legend: 3.26-4.00 Very Satisfied; 2.51-3.25 Satisfied; 1.76-2.50 Unsatisfied;


“Creating Possibilities, Inspiring Innovations”

Address: Sitio Fori, Brgy. Talipan, Pagbilao, Quezon
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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IV-A

1.00-1.75 Very Unsatisfied

Based on Table 2.2, the data indicates that among the indicators
used to assess the satisfaction level of the respondents regarding
the aroma of Tea-Big, Indicator 4 received the highest mean score.
This indicator suggests that the tea has a pleasant smell and can
relieve tension and stress, with a mean score of 3.63. A mean score
of 3.63 is interpreted as a high level of satisfaction (very satisfied)
with the aroma of the tea.

On the other hand, Indicator 5 received the lowest mean score

among the indicators. This indicator suggests that the aroma of the
tea was pleasant to drink, with a mean score of 3.37. A mean score
of 3.37 is also interpreted as a high level of satisfaction (very
satisfied) with the aroma of the tea, although it is slightly lower
compared to other indicators.

Overall, the average mean score across all indicators was 3.46,
indicating that the respondents, on average, expressed very high
satisfaction with the aroma of Tea-Big. It is important to note that
individual preferences and interpretations of aroma can vary, and
these mean scores represent the overall perception of the
respondents as a group.

According to Ellis (2023), the aroma of tea has the ability to help
relax a tired body. The soothing and comforting scent of tea can
have a calming effect on the senses, promoting a sense of relaxation
and well-being. Aromatherapy practices often utilize tea fragrances
to create a peaceful environment and aid in stress relief. Breathing in
the pleasant aroma of tea can help ease tension, reduce fatigue, and
provide a rejuvenating experience for individuals. The therapeutic
properties of tea aromas contribute to their popularity in relaxation
techniques and self-care practices. The fig fruit emits a sweet and
juicy aroma, complemented by woody and green undertones,

“Creating Possibilities, Inspiring Innovations”

Address: Sitio Fori, Brgy. Talipan, Pagbilao, Quezon
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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IV-A

resulting in a multifaceted fragrance. The scent of fig can be

characterized as warm, sweet, and earthy, evoking a sense of
comfort and tranquility. Due to its soothing and calming properties,
the aroma of fig is frequently utilized in aromatherapy to promote
relaxation, alleviate stress, and enhance mental clarity.

Table 2.3

Weighted Mean Distributions of the Level Satisfaction of Selected

Customers in Locally-produced Tea-big of Senior High School TVL-
HE students of Villa Perez National High School as to its Color

1. The tea is attractive to look at. 3.53 Very Satisfied
2. It looks delicious. 3.60 Very Satisfied
3. It color is golden brown. 3.65 Very Satisfied
4. It has original color 3.65 Very Satisfied
5. It has good quality. 3.78 Very Satisfied
AVERAGE MEAN 3.64 Very Satisfied

Legend: 3.26-4.00 Very Satisfied; 2.51-3.25 Satisfied; 1.76-2.50 Unsatisfied;

1.00-1.75 Very Unsatisfied

Based on Table 2.3, the data suggests that among the indicators
used to assess the satisfaction level of the respondents regarding
the quality of Tea-Big, Indicator 5 received the highest mean score.
This indicator implies that the tea has good quality, with a mean
score of 3.78. A mean score of 3.78 is interpreted as a high level of
satisfaction (very satisfied) with the quality of the tea.

On the other hand, Indicator 1 received the lowest mean score

among the indicators. This indicator implies that the tea is attractive
to look at, with a mean score of 3.53. A mean score of 3.53 is also
interpreted as a high level of satisfaction (very satisfied) with the
attractiveness of the tea.


“Creating Possibilities, Inspiring Innovations”

Address: Sitio Fori, Brgy. Talipan, Pagbilao, Quezon
Trunkline #: (042) 784-0366, (042) 784-0164, (042) 784-0391, (042) 784-0321
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IV-A

Overall, the average mean score across all indicators was 3.64,
indicating that the respondents, on average, expressed very high
satisfaction with the quality of Tea-Big. It is important to note that the
specific indicators mentioned in the statement might not align with
the information provided in Table 2.3.

According to Solo (2022), the color of tea is an important aspect of

the product. The color of tea can provide valuable information about
its quality, flavor profile, and brewing method. Different types of tea
can exhibit a wide range of colors, from light and pale to dark and
bold. The color can be influenced by various factors such as the
processing method, oxidation level, and the type of tea leaves used.
Additionally, the color of the tea liquor can affect the overall sensory
experience, as it can evoke certain expectations and perceptions
about the taste and aroma of the tea. Therefore, the color of tea
plays a significant role in determining its overall quality and
consumer appeal.

III. Product Enhancement Based of the Results of the Study

Based on the results of the study, several product enhancements

could be considered to further improve the satisfaction of customers:
1. Flavor Adjustment: The study indicated that some
respondents found the tea to have a slightly bitter flavor
(Indicator 4). This feedback suggests an opportunity to adjust
the flavor profile of the tea, perhaps by reducing the
bitterness or incorporating additional complementary flavors.
Conducting taste tests and gathering further feedback from
customers can help in fine-tuning the flavor to better match
their preferences.

2. Aroma Enhancement: While overall satisfaction with the

aroma of the tea was high, there was a slightly lower mean
score for Indicator 5, suggesting room for improvement in

“Creating Possibilities, Inspiring Innovations”

Address: Sitio Fori, Brgy. Talipan, Pagbilao, Quezon
Trunkline #: (042) 784-0366, (042) 784-0164, (042) 784-0391, (042) 784-0321
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IV-A

terms of the aroma being pleasant to drink. Enhancing the

aroma by experimenting with different tea blends, fragrance
infusions, or natural additives could help create a more
enticing and appealing scent for customers.

3. Packaging Design: The study did not directly address

packaging, but it can play a crucial role in the overall product
experience. Consideration could be given to redesigning the
packaging to reflect the natural and premium qualities of the
fig fruit tea. Eye-catching labels, informative descriptions, and
convenient packaging formats can enhance the appeal and
perception of the product.

4. Customer Education: Since the study focused on a specific

group of respondents, it may be beneficial to conduct further
research to gather insights from a broader customer base.
This could help identify additional areas for improvement and
provide a better understanding of the preferences and
expectations of different customer segments. Educating
customers about the unique qualities and health benefits of
fig fruit tea through marketing materials or educational
resources can also enhance their appreciation and

5. Quality Control: Maintaining consistent quality is crucial for

customer satisfaction. Implementing rigorous quality control
measures throughout the production process, from sourcing
the fig fruits to processing and packaging the tea, can ensure
a consistently high-quality product. Regular sensory
evaluations, adherence to food safety standards, and
monitoring customer feedback can help identify and address
any potential quality issues.

By considering these product enhancements based on the study

results, it is possible to further refine the fig fruit tea and create a
more satisfying and enjoyable experience for customers.

IV. On the Proposed Business Plan for Tea-big


“Creating Possibilities, Inspiring Innovations”

Address: Sitio Fori, Brgy. Talipan, Pagbilao, Quezon
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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IV-A

1. Executive Summary:
o Overview of the business concept and product

o Description of the target market and customer


o Key objectives and mission statement

o Financial highlights and potential for growth

2. Company Description:

o Background information on the business and its


o Legal structure and ownership details

o Unique selling proposition and competitive advantage

3. Market Analysis:

o Detailed market research on the tea industry and

consumer trends

o Identification of target market segments and their


o Analysis of competitors and market positioning

o Assessment of potential opportunities and threats

4. Product Description:

o Overview of the fig fruit tea product and its key


o Explanation of the sourcing and production process

o Differentiation factors and value proposition

o Packaging and branding considerations


“Creating Possibilities, Inspiring Innovations”

Address: Sitio Fori, Brgy. Talipan, Pagbilao, Quezon
Trunkline #: (042) 784-0366, (042) 784-0164, (042) 784-0391, (042) 784-0321
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IV-A

5. Marketing and Sales Strategy:

o Target market segmentation and customer profiling

o Marketing channels and promotional activities

o Pricing strategy and positioning in the market

o Distribution channels and partnerships

6. Operations and Management:

o Description of the production process and quality

control measures

o Supply chain management and vendor relationships

o Staffing requirements and organizational structure

o Key milestones and timelines for product development

and launch

7. Financial Projections:

o Breakdown of startup costs and initial investment


o Sales forecasts and revenue projections

o Cost of goods sold (COGS) analysis

o Profitability analysis and return on investment (ROI)

8. Risk Analysis:

o Identification and assessment of potential risks and


o Mitigation strategies and contingency plans

o Legal and regulatory considerations

o Intellectual property protection


“Creating Possibilities, Inspiring Innovations”

Address: Sitio Fori, Brgy. Talipan, Pagbilao, Quezon
Trunkline #: (042) 784-0366, (042) 784-0164, (042) 784-0391, (042) 784-0321
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IV-A

9. Implementation Plan:

o Detailed action plan for product development,

marketing, and operations

o Key milestones and timelines for each phase

o Resource allocation and budgeting

o Performance tracking and evaluation metrics

10. Conclusion:

o Recap of the business plan highlights

o Vision for the future and long-term goals

o Request for funding or investment, if applicable

VII. CONCLUSIONS Based on the results of the study, the following conclusions are

1. Most of the respondents were female and belonged to age 50

and above.

2. Overall, the customers are satisfied with its taste, and very
satisfied with its aroma, and color.

3. By implementing these product enhancements, businesses

can further improve customer satisfaction and differentiate
their fig fruit tea in the market. Continuous evaluation,
gathering customer feedback, and staying updated on market
trends will be essential to ongoing product development and
enhancement efforts.

4. The business plan for the fig fruit tea outlines a strategic and
well-researched approach to capitalize on the market
potential and differentiate the product in a competitive
industry. Implementing the proposed strategies, along with
continuous evaluation and adaptation to market trends, will
be crucial for the success of the fig fruit tea business.


“Creating Possibilities, Inspiring Innovations”

Address: Sitio Fori, Brgy. Talipan, Pagbilao, Quezon
Trunkline #: (042) 784-0366, (042) 784-0164, (042) 784-0391, (042) 784-0321
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IV-A

VIII. RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the conclusions, the following recommendations are


1. Considering that the majority of respondents were female and

aged 50 and above, it is important to tailor marketing efforts
and product enhancements to cater to this specific
demographic. Conduct further research and gather feedback
from this target market to understand their preferences,
needs, and expectations. Develop specialized marketing
campaigns and product variations that specifically appeal to
this segment, such as emphasizing the potential health
benefits or incorporating packaging designs that resonate
with their preferences.

2. As customers expressed satisfaction with the taste, aroma,

and color of the fig fruit tea, it is crucial for businesses to
maintain the quality and consistency of these attributes.
Implement strict quality control measures throughout the
production process to ensure that each batch of tea meets
the expected standards. Continuously monitor customer
feedback and conduct regular sensory evaluations to detect
any potential issues and address them promptly. This will
help to retain customer satisfaction and loyalty.

3. Continuous evaluation and gathering of customer feedback

are essential for product improvement and development.
Implement mechanisms to collect feedback from customers
on an ongoing basis, such as surveys, focus groups, or social
media engagement. Analyze the feedback to identify areas
for further enhancement, understand changing customer
preferences, and adapt the product accordingly. This will
allow businesses to stay attuned to market trends and
maintain a competitive edge.

4. The business plan should include ongoing market research

and competitive analysis to stay updated on industry trends,
customer preferences, and competitor strategies. Regularly
monitor the market landscape, identify emerging trends, and
assess competitors' products and marketing efforts. This

“Creating Possibilities, Inspiring Innovations”

Address: Sitio Fori, Brgy. Talipan, Pagbilao, Quezon
Trunkline #: (042) 784-0366, (042) 784-0164, (042) 784-0391, (042) 784-0321
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IV-A

information will help businesses identify potential

opportunities for innovation, stay ahead of the competition,
and adapt their strategies accordingly.

5. Develop a comprehensive marketing and branding strategy

that aligns with the target market and emphasizes the unique
selling points of the fig fruit tea. Utilize various marketing
channels, both online and offline, to reach the target
audience effectively.

IX.LIST OF REFERENCES Shang, A., Li, J., Zhou, D. D., Gan, R. Y., & Li, H. B. (2021).
Molecular mechanisms underlying health benefits of tea
compounds. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 172, 181-

The Philippines Today (2021). Tibig Tree. Retrieved from

Debnath, B., Haldar, D., & Purkait, M. K. (2021). Potential and

sustainable utilization of tea waste: A review on present
status and future trends. Journal of Environmental Chemical
Engineering, 9(5), 106179.

Chibundle. (2019). Tea Culture in the Philippines: A New Tradition

Brews. Retrieved from

Ellise, C. (2023). WHAT DOES FIG SMELL LIKE? Retrieved from

Eisemberg, C. (2020). Moraceae Ficus racemose. Retrieved from



“Creating Possibilities, Inspiring Innovations”

Address: Sitio Fori, Brgy. Talipan, Pagbilao, Quezon
Trunkline #: (042) 784-0366, (042) 784-0164, (042) 784-0391, (042) 784-0321
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IV-A

VII. APPENDICES Include in the appendices the following: Action Research Work Plan,
Result of Root Cause Analysis that Led the Researcher to Craft the
Intervention, Copy of the Intervention, and Updated Curriculum




“Creating Possibilities, Inspiring Innovations”

Address: Sitio Fori, Brgy. Talipan, Pagbilao, Quezon
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Email Address: [email protected]

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