Wave Motion DTS-1

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Date Planned : __ / __ / __ Daily Tutorial Sheet - 1 Expected Duration : 90 Min

Actual Date of Attempt : __ / __ / __ Level - 1 Exact Duration :_________

Topics covered : Travelling wave, Speed of wave

 t x  
1. Equation of a progressive wave is given by, y  4sin        where x and y are in metre. Then :
 9  6 
  5
(A) v  1m / s (B)   18m (C) A  0.04m (D) f  50 Hz

2. A transverse sinusoidal wave of wavelength 20 cm is moving along a string towards increasing x. The
transverse displacement of the string particle at x  0 as a function of time is shown in Figure.
The equation of the wave with all the constants evaluated is :
   
(A) 
y  4.0 cm  sin 
 10
x  t  ; x in cm and t in sec
5 

   
(B) 
y  4.0 cm  sin 
 10
x  t  ; x in cm and t in sec
5 
 
   
(C) 
y  4.0 cm  sin 
 10
x  t    ; x in cm and t in sec
5 
 
   
(D) 
y  4.0 cm  cos 
 10
x  t    ; x in cm and t in sec
5 
 

3. The equation of a wave is given by y  5 sin10 (t  0.01x ) . (All the quantities are expressed in SI units). The
phase difference between the points separated by a distance of 10m along the x-axis is:
 
(A) (B)  (C) 2 (D)
2 4

4. The speed of propagation of a wave in a medium is 300 m/s 1 . The equation of motion of point at x = 0 is
given by y = 0.04 sin 600 t (meter). The displacement of a point x = 75 cm at t = 0.01s is:
(A) 0.02 m (B) 0.04 m (C) Zero (D) 0.028 m

5. The displacement function of a wave traveling along positive x-direction is y  at t = 0 and by
2  2x 2
y at t = 2s, where y and x are in metre. The velocity of the wave is:

22 x 2 
(A) 2m / s 1 (B) 0.5 m/s (C) 1 m/s (D) 3 m/s

DTS - 1 1 Level - 1 | Wave Motion

6. A transverse sinusoidal wave of amplitude a, wavelength  and frequency f is travelling on a stretched string.
The maximum speed of any point on the string is v/10, where v is the speed of propagation of the wave. If

a  10 3 m and v  10m / s , then the value of  is:

(A) 2  10 2m (B) 10 3 m (C)   10 3 m (D) 2  10 3 m

7. The equation of a transverse wave propagating in a string is y  0.02 sin ( x  30t ) . Where x and y are in metre

and t is in second. If linear density of the string is 1.3  10 4 kg / m , then the tension in the string is :

(A) 0.12 N (B) 1.2 N (C) 12 N (D) 120 N

8. A heavy rope is suspended from a rigid support. A wave pulse is set up at the lower end, then :
(A) the pulse will travel with uniform speed
(B) the pulse will travel with increasing speed
(C) the pulse will travel with decreasing speed
(D) the pulse cannot travel through the rope

9. In figure, the string has a mass of 14 kg. How much time will it take
for a transverse disturbance produced at fixed support to reach the
(A) 0.91 sec (B) 1.20 sec
(C) 1.59 sec (D) 2.35 sec

10. The adiabatic constant for oxygen as well as hydrogen is 1.4. If the speed of sound in oxygen is 470 m/s ,

what will be the speed in hydrogen at the same temperature and pressure?
(A) 940 m/s (B) 1053 m/s (C) 1260 m/s (D) 1880 m/s

11. The angle between wave velocity and particle velocity in a traveling wave may be :

(A) zero (B) (C)  (D) All the these

12. A 100 Hz sinusoidal wave is traveling in the positive x-direction along a string with a linear mass density of

3.5  10 3 kg/m and a tension of 35 N. At time t = 0, the point x = 0, has maximum displacement in the

positive y direction. Next when this point has zero displacement the slope of the string at x  0 is  / 20 .

Which of the following expression represent(s) the displacement of string as function of x (in metere) and t (in
second) ?
(A) y  0.025 cos (200 t  2x ) (B) y  0.5 cos(200 t  2 x )

(C) y  0.025 cos (100 t  10 x ) (D) y  0.5 cos (100 t  10 x )

DTS - 1 2 Level - 1 | Wave Motion

13. The displacement Vs time graph for two waves A and B which
travel along the same string are shown in the figure. What is
the intensity ratio A ?

(A) 1 (B) 1.5

(C) 2 (D) 3

14. Loudness of sound from on isotopic point source at distance of 10 m is 20 dB. Find the loudness (in dB) at a

point at a distance 107 4 m from the source.

(A) 3 (B) 5 (C) 7 (D) 9

15. Wave pulse on a string shown in figure is moving to the right without changing shape. Consider two particles
at position x1  1.5 m and x 2  2.5 m . Their transverse velocities at the moment shown in figure are along

directions :
(A) Positive y-axis and positive y-axis respectively
(B) Negative y-axis and positive y-axis respectively
(C) Positive y-axis and negative y-axis respectively
(D) Negative y-axis and negative y-axis respectively

DTS - 1 3 Level - 1 | Wave Motion

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