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Features: Benefits:
• Voltage Regulation, Pulse Width Modulated ∗ Increased Regulator life. Reduced panel lights flicker
• Field-to-Ground Fault Protection (GFP) ∗ Protects against grounded alternator field
• Trouble-Shooting Light (TSL) ∗ Identifies grounded field. Reduce trouble-shooting time.
• Over-Voltage Protection ∗ Protects system loads against overexcited alternator
Voltage Regulation: 14.2V + 0.2V. Max Field Current: 5A. Field-to-Ground Protection @ Field current > 6A

VOLTAGE REGULATION. Wiring Diagram Alt Field BUS Alt Out

The Voltage Regulator with Pulse Width Modulated 5A
(PWM) field control keeps the bus voltage constant Bat
by controlling the alternator’s field current:
increasing it when the system load increases and Diode is
decreasing it when the load drops. ACU Red used on
White OV /GFP
The OV Protector (OVP) deactivates (turns off) the Blue
Voltage Regulator and the alternator if the bus Black F2
voltage exceeds 16V to protect sensitive avionics
equipment and the battery.
Mounting Diagram
A warning light connected between the white wire Height: 1.10”
and ground comes on to warn the pilot of the bus
voltage exceeding the OV level or alternator Field- 2 pl. TSL
to-Ground Fault Protection (GFP).
If the alternator's field shorts to ground, the field-to-
ground short protector will deactivate the Voltage
Regulator, and switch on the unit's RED field-to-
ground short indicator, and the GFP/ OV indicator
on the instrument panel.
0.28”, 6 pl
The TSL (on the unit) is designed to alert the user
to the condition of the Alternator / ACU system.
Trouble-Shooting Light Continued ….
RED TSL indicates: An internal or external ground
With the engine running, master switch on, and bus
short in the alternator field circuit
voltage @ about 12V, GREEN TSL indicates that cur-
Without the engine running but master switch on,
rent is flowing from the ACU but the
GREEN TSL indicates that the ACU is supplying
alternator field or field wire to it is open.
current to the alternator’s field.
With the engine running, master switch on, and bus With the master switch on, if the TSL is off , that indi-
voltage @ about 14V, GREEN TSL indicates cor- cates that one power input device (e.g. switch, circuit
rect alternator output voltage. breaker, or wiring) is open or the ACU is defective.

By Femi G. Ibitayo 1622 E. Whaley St., Longview, TX 75601. USA

©2003, ZEFTRONICS, Tovya Group Inc Ph: 903-758-6661; Fax: 903-236-9766. E-mail: [email protected] ZEFTRONICS Pg 1/4 Ph: 1-800-362-8985. Web Site: Electrical Charging Systems Solutions


When the master switch is turned on, battery voltage is
applied to the input of the R15V0L or similar alternator 1. Disconnect and remove the present ACU.
controller/voltage regulator through the input devices 2. At the ACU, measure the alternator’s field resistance:
and wires from the bus. The current passing through the i.e. resistance between the field and the ground wire. A
voltage regulator is applied to the field of the alternator. resistance of 3.5 to 6Ω is normal. If the measured
Without the engine running, the field voltage is typically resistance is outside the specified range, check the
0.5-2V less than the bus or battery voltage. alternator field and the connections/wire from the
ACU’s field wire to ground. 0Ω indicates a field to
Voltage Regulation
When the engine is running, the voltage regulator keeps ground short. Correct the fault.
the bus voltage constant by controlling the alternator’s 3. Mount and connect the new ACU to the system.
field current: increasing it when the system load 4. Perform the Post Installation Test Procedure.
increases and decreasing it when the load drops.The
regulated bus voltage is normally about 14V unless the POST INSTALLATION TEST PROCEDURE
alternator is self-current limiting1 or if there is a voltage 1. Turn on the Master switch and observe:
drop in the input devices preceding ACU. On the ACU the TSL light is on. A Red TSL indicates
that the Field or field wire is shorted to ground.
To protect sensitive avionics equipment and other sys- 2. Measure the voltage on Red and Blue wires. The Red
tem loads, if the bus voltage exceeds 16V the OV should read Battery voltage, while the Blue reads 1-2
Protector (OVP) deactivates (turns off) the Voltage volts less than the Red wire.
Regulator to remove the alternator’s field current. The 3. If the steps 1 and 2 are successful, perform step 4.
ACU stays latched off until the alternator switch is reset. 4. Turn off all the avionics and voltage sensitive loads.
Start the engine. At 1500-1600 RPM measure bus
Field-to-Ground Short Protection voltage: It should read 13.8V - 14.4V. If the bus
Should the alternator's field become shorted to ground voltage exceed these limits, check for voltage drop in
the field-to-ground short protector turns off the Voltage the 5A breaker, the Alt switch, and pre-ACU wires.
Regulator, and switches on the ACU's Red field-to-
ground short TSL and the instrument panel’s OV light . TROUBLE-SHOOTING THE SYSTEM
TROUBLE-SHOOTING LIGHT (TSL) For help on how to solve problems in the system, see the
The TSL on the unit alerts the user to the condition of Trouble-Shooting Notes (TSN) page and or TechCards.
the Alternator / ACU system. The TSL has three color/
states: Red, Green, and Off.
Red TSL indicates: An internal or external ground short Wiring Diagram
in the alternator field circuit Alt Field BUS Alt Out
Without the engine running but master switch on, Green 5A
TSL indicates that the ACU is supplying current to the Bat
alternator’s field. An off TSL indicates that one of the
power input devices is open or the ACU is defective. Diode is
With the engine running, master switch on: ACU Red used on
A bus voltage @ about 14V, Green TSL indicates cor- White OV /GFP
rect alternator output voltage. R15V0L Blue
A bus voltage @ about 12V, Green TSL indicates that ALT
Black F2
current is flowing from the ACU but the alternator field
or field wire to it is open.
self-current limiting—Internal characteristics of the alternator that
causes it to limit its current and voltage output at a given speed.

By Femi G. Ibitayo 1622 E. Whaley St., Longview, TX 75601. USA

©2003, ZEFTRONICS, Tovya Group Inc Pg 2/4
Ph: 903-758-6661; Fax: 903-236-9766. E-mail: [email protected]
Ph: 1-800-362-8985. Web Site:
Electrical Charging Systems Solutions


14V Type B alternator system on Beech, Piper, etc
R15V0L or similar Controller/ACU
When the master switch (ALT & BAT) is turned on, bat- With the engine off, when the master switch (Alt & Bat)
tery voltage is applied to the Bus & OV Relay input. is turned on, battery voltage (12V) is applied to the input
of the ACU through the 5 Amp FLD circuit breaker, ALT
Take all voltage measurements at test points A, B, D, E switch and the OV Relay. The applied voltage causes
and F referenced to ground. current to flow to the alternator’s field through the ACU
A. __________ Volts. B. _________ Volts to excite the alternator’s field.
D __________ Volts. E. _________ Volts With the engine on and the master switch on, the ACU
F __________ Volts. Fl. _________ Volts controls the excitation of the alternator to produce a Bus
voltage of 13.8 –14.3V. This regulated voltage charges
The voltages measured at A, B, D, and E should be the
the battery and allows the alternator to power all the elec-
same, Bus voltage (around 12V). The voltage on F (field
trical system loads in the aircraft.
or alternator controller/voltage regulator output) will be
0.5 to 2V less than the voltage at A, B, D, or E. The volt- The 5 Amp circuit breaker opens if the current going to
age at F1 will be the same as F. the ALT field exceeds 5 Amps, after a preset time lag, to
protect the wire from the Bus to the field. Some wrongly
If the voltage at A is 0.2V more than that on D, check the
expect this breaker to protect their non-Zeftronics ACU.
5 Amp breaker, ALT switch, and connections between
the bus and D for high resistance or open circuit. A high If the Bus voltage exceeds the preset over-voltage (OV)
resistance between A & D may lead to flickering / oscil- limit, the OV Relay, which is normally closed, will open
lating ammeter and panel lights. An open circuit be- up and disconnect the Bus from the ACU to remove exci-
tween A & D will not allow current to get to the control- tation from the alternator’s field.
ler/regulator and subsequently no current to the alterna-
When power is applied to a static (non-rotating) alterna-
tor’s field and no voltage regulation. When there is no
tor through the ACU/regulator, the F1 voltage is 0.5-2V
voltage regulation, the Bus voltage remains at battery
less than Bus voltage. When the alternator is rotating, F1
voltage (about 12V).
voltage will start low and increase with each load in-
If the voltage on F1 is 0.2V or more less than the voltage crease until the alternator current limits.
F, check for poor connection or open circuit between the
controller/regulator output and F1 on the alternator. If See TechCard for resistance and voltage measurements.
the resistance between the F and F1 is higher than 0.5Ω,
the alternator may not carry its rated load, showing a
symptom similar one where there is an open stator wire
or open diode in the alternator. Wiring Diagram Alt Field BUS Alt Out
Type B Alternator A 40A-
If the voltage on F1 is 0V or close , check for a ground Control System B Bat
short on F1 on the alternator or wire from F on the con- Relay
Diode is
If there is a field-to-ground short, the R15V0L will turn ACU OVP Red D used on
E H Bat
itself off and turn its built-in Trouble-Shooting Light White OV /GFP
(TSL) Red. VR
Blue cF F1
An open stator wire or open diode in the alternator will R15V0L Black F2
make the alternator only able to carry about half its
rated output. For example, a 70A 12V alternator has a
14V output with about 30A load on it. When the load is In this Type B system: the ACU is between the BUS and the Alt field.
To control the bus voltage, the unit switches power to one side of the
increased to 40A, the bus voltage drops to 12 to 13V,
field several times a second. The OVP opens when OV occurs.
indicating an alternator that is current limiting.
See TechCard for resistance and voltage measurements.
By Femi G. Ibitayo 1622 E. Whaley St., Longview, TX 75601. USA
©2003, ZEFTRONICS, Tovya Group Inc Ph: 903-758-6661; Fax: 903-236-9766. E-mail: [email protected] ZEFTRONICS Pg 3/4 Ph: 1-800-362-8985. Web Site: Electrical Charging Systems Solutions

Frequently Asked Questions & TECHCARD Notes

14V Type B alternator system on Piper, Beech, etc
Flickering / oscillating ammeter and panel lights. AND HELP YOU UNDERSTAND ITS OPERATION.

Check the 5 Amp breaker, ALT switch, and connections INSTALLATION TESTS. BEFORE INSTALLING THIS UNIT, PERFORM TESTS:
1. Read pages 1 to 3 and this page.
between the bus and the input to the ACU for high resis- 2. Check for and replace open, frayed, or broken wires. Clean thor-
tance or intermittent connection.. oughly or replace corroded, dirty, or oxidized connections, terminals,
contact, or poorly soldered wire junction.
No voltage regulation 3. Check for Open or Ground-shorted alternator field. Most 12V alter-
With the master switch on and Battery voltage measured nators have 3-6Ω field resistance. Ground shorted alternator field
on the ACU input, the ACU output voltage should be 0.5 will damage most Voltage Regulators/ACU. Repair or replace an
to 2V less the bus voltage. alternator has a field to ground short, do not connect the ACU to it.
4. With the engine off: Check voltage drops across the Field, Alt
• If there is no Bus voltage on the ACU input, look switch, Alt field circuit breaker and ACU. High voltage-drop means
for a broken wire, bad connection or input device excessive junction resistance and will lead to many problems like:
(5A circuit breaker or Alt switch) between the ACU fluctuation ammeters, charge-meters and panel lights.
and the bus. 6. Perform and record the following tests with the Master Switch Off:
• If the input voltage is more than 0.2V lower than 12V Values Typical Values
A. Field resistance at ALT __________Ω 3 – 6Ω
the bus voltage, look for and correct or replace the
B. Field resistance at ACU __________Ω 3 – 6Ω
input device that is causing the problem. C. Field SW resistance __________Ω 0 – 0.1Ω
• If the output voltage is 0V and the input has battery D. Field C/BKR resistance __________Ω 0 – 0.05Ω
voltage, look for a grounded alternator field or field E. ALT Out C/BKR resistance __________Ω 0 – 0.05Ω
wire (as indicated by a Red ACU TSL). If the field 6. Perform and record the following tests with the Master Switch On:
12V Values Typical Values
resistance is correct as shown in step 5 of the instal-
A. BUS Volt Engine Off __________V 12 – 13V
lation tests and the ACU’s Trouble-Shooting Light D. ACU/Reg input Volt __________V 12 – 13V
(TSL) is off, send the ACU in for test/repair. F. Field Voltage __________V 0.5-2V <VBus
• If the TSL is Red, repair the field ground fault or 7. Post Installation. If all tests are correct to or per steps 5 & 6, run
replace the alternator. the engine and record: 12V System Typical value
A. Bus voltage __________V 13.8 – 14.3V
• If the output voltage is the same as the input volt- H Bus voltage __________V 13.8 – 14.3V
age, look for an open alternator field or field wire. J Bus voltage __________V 13.8 – 14.3V
If the field resistance is higher than what is shown
in step 5 of the installation tests, send the alternator
For tech help & other TechCards, call: 903-758-6661
in for test/repair. If the field resistance is correct,
send the ACU in for test/repair. © ZEFTRONICS, 2002 ZEFTRONICS
Electrical Charging System Solutions
Bus voltage remains at battery voltage (about 12V)
To solve this problem, see No voltage regulation. Wiring Diagram Alt Field BUS Alt Out
Type B Alternator A 40A-
Alternator carries only about half its rated output. Control System B Bat
Look for an open stator wire or open diode in the Relay J
alternator. In Piper PA 28 & 32 series, check the
Diode is
condition of the diode between the bus (J) and alternator ACU OVP Red D used on
output (H). Check the shunts and alternator output wires E
H Bat
indicating an alternator that is current limiting. VR

Blue F F1
Bus voltage drops with load increase ALT
R15V0L Black F2
To solve this problem, see Alternator carries only
about half its rated output.
In this Type B system: the ACU is between the BUS and the Alt field.
To control the bus voltage, the unit switches power to one side of the
field several times a second. The OVP opens when OV occurs.

By Femi G. Ibitayo 1622 E. Whaley St., Longview, TX 75601. USA

©2003, ZEFTRONICS, Tovya Group Inc Ph: 903-758-6661; Fax: 903-236-9766. E-mail: [email protected] ZEFTRONICS Pg 4/4 Ph: 1-800-362-8985. Web Site: Electrical Charging Systems Solutions

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