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Thinkific Salesforce Connector

User Guide
Table of Contents
Introduction 2

Thinkific Connector Limitations and Requirements 2

Limitations 2
Requirements 2

Step 1: Installing Thinkific Salesforce Connector Package 3

Thinkific Salesforce Connector Lightning Application 5

Step 2: Configuring Thinkific Connector Package 6

1) Setup the Site 6
Create a new Site 7
Setup the Site Permissions 9
Enable access for your newly created Site 13
Save and Verify your Site on the Connector Configuration Page 15
2) Setup the School connection 16
Connecting to a School 16

Thinkific Connector Lightning Application in Details 18

Student User Tab 18
Linking orphan Student Users with Salesforce Contacts 18
Courses Tab 20
Course Enrollment Tab 20
Lessons Tab 21
Lessons Enrollment Tab 21
Integration Logs Tab 22
Enabling / Disabling Integration Logs 22

Contact Quick Action Button to Create Student User 24

Adding the Quick Action Button on Contact Record page 24

Creating Reports with Schools data 26

School data custom objects 26
Site 26
Course 26
Lesson 26
Student User 26
Course Enrollment 26
Lesson Enrollment 26
Default Reports Types 26
Creating a report 27

With Thinkific Plus you can integrate with Salesforce to view Thinkific course enrollments, student
progress and completion data from directly within Salesforce. This unifies your customer education data
into one central place for your customer success and marketing teams.

Below you will find the User Guide to take you through the steps to setup your Thinkific Salesforce
Connector and answer common questions. For more information, please do not hesitate to reach out to
your Customer Success Manager.

Thinkific Connector Limitations and Requirements

The Thinkific Salesforce Connector was developed using Salesforce Lightning Experience. Some
connector functionalities will not be available in Salesforce Classic.

Functionalities not available in Salesforce Classic:

● Contact Quick Action to create users in Thinkific Schools directly from a Salesforce Contact.
● Thinkific Connector Lightning Application

The current Thinkific Salesforce Connector doesn’t sync existing School data. Only new events will be
sent to the Salesforce Org. This means that once you set up the connector, any new enrollments will be
sent from Thinkific to Salesforce but historical data will not be imported.

To add historical data, you will need to export student data from Thinkific and upload it as a CSV into

It’s necessary to enable Salesforce My Domain on your Salesforce Org.

● Learn about Salesforce My Domain here.

● Learn how to enable Salesforce My Domain here.

Step 1: Installing Thinkific Salesforce Connector Package
The Thinkific Salesforce Connector is distributed from the Salesforce AppExchange. To install it, access
the Thinkific Connector page in AppExchange using the links below (Sandbox installation or Product
installation) and follow the instructions.

● Sandbox installation (For beta/testing purposes)

● Production installation (Full package release)

1. Choose the type of installation: Install for Admins Only, Install for All Users or Install for Specific
2. Enter the Installation Key tqF5BInRG90TgpBK1dWi7itgsrkVr2Sl
3. Verify that you have read the acknowledgement message.
4. Click on the Install button.

After you have completed the installation process, the package will be visible on the Salesforce Installed
Packed page. To access it go to the Salesforce Setup page and in the Quick Find input box type Installed

From the Installed Packages page it’s also possible to uninstall the package.

See below for an example of the Installed Packages page:

Thinkific Salesforce Connector Lightning Application
The Thinkific Salesforce Connector comes with a new Lightning Application that allows Salesforce users
to access their school data and reports easily.

To open the Thinkific Connector Lightning Application click on Salesforce App Launcher and type or
select Thinkific Connector.

After opening the Thinkific Connector Lightning Application for the first time you will need to configure
the Thinkific Salesforce Connector.

Fore more details about the Thinkific Connector Lightning Application please view the Thinkific
Connector Lightning Application in the details below

Step 2: Configuring Thinkific Connector Package
Now that you’ve installed the package, it is time to do a one-time configuration to connect the Salesforce
Org* to your Thinkific schools. To start the connector configuration go to the Thinkific Connector
Lightning Application and open the Package Setup tab.

The configuration is made in two steps:

● Set up the Site used to receive data from the Thinkific School.
● Setup the School connection.

*If your Salesforce Org is using Classic Version instead of Lightning experience, it’ll be necessary to
switch to Lightning Experience to perform the setup steps. After the Connector is set up you can
switch back to Classic.

1) Setup the Site

To receive the data from your School you will need to create a Site that will be called from the
connected Schools to send data to Salesforce. This is a one-time configuration. If you already have a site
you can skip ahead to the Setup Site Permissions section below.

Create a new Site

1. From the Salesforce Setup Page select or type Sites in the Quick Find box, then navigate to Sites.

2. If you don't have a Site already created, register a custom Salesforce Sites domain for your
organization. This domain will be used for all of your company’s public Salesforce sites. To do so,
input the site domain for your company and click on the Check Availability button. If the domain is
available, check the Sites Terms of Use checkbox and click on the button to register the domain.

3. Create a new site clicking on the New button.

4. In the new site creation form fill in the following values and save the configuration.

● Site Label: Thinkific

● Default Web Address: thinkific
● Active: Checked
● Active Site Home Page: InMaintenance

Setup the Site Permissions
You’re almost there! In this step, the Thinkific Salesforce Connector will receive access permission to the
newly created site.

1. After saving the new site, you will be taken to the Site Details page. On this page click on the
Public Access Settings button.

a. NOTE: If upgrading instead of installing the package, please go to Sites and select the
Site Label, which should read Thinkific. This will take you to the Site Details page. Please
see the image highlighted in blue below for where to click this.

2. In the Thinkific profile page click on Object Settings hyperlink. If you don’t have the enhanced
profile interface enabled follow the steps on the here enable it.

3. Click on the Contacts hyperlink.

4. Click on the Edit button.

5. Enable Read Permission for the object and Read Access for the Contact email fields, then click on
the Save button.

6. After saving the Contacts permissions click on Profile Preview hyperlink.

7. In the Thinkific profile page click on Assigned Users button.

8. Click on the Site Guest User Full Name hyperlink.

9. Now, on the Site Guest User, go to the Permission Set Assignments section and click on the Edit
Assignments button.

10. Select the Thinkific Connector Data Access Permission on the Available Permission Sets list and
click on the Add button. After enabling the permission set, click on the Save button.

11. The new permission set should be shown on the Permission Set Assignments section.

Enable access for your newly created Site
1. Go back to the Salesforce Sites page typing Sites in the Quick Find input box of the Salesforce
Setup. Your new site will be listed on this page.

2. Click on the Site Label this will take you to the site details page.

3. On the site details page, go to the Customer URLs section and copy the URL that includes
‘’ as shown in the image below.

4. On the Salesforce Setup Quick Find input box type Remote Site Settings and access this page.
Click on the New Remote Site button.

5. Fill in the remote site configuration following the below instructions.
● Remote Site Name: Thinkific_Site
● Remote Site URL: Paste your site URL copied from the site’s
configuration page. Be sure that the URL protocol is HTTPS instead of HTTP!
● Active: Checked
● Click on the Save button.

Save and Verify your Site on the Connector Configuration Page
Now all Site configuration is ready. It’s time to save your Site URL in the Thinkific
Connector Configuration.

1. Open the Thinkific Salesforce Connector Lightning Application

2. In the Package Setup tab paste your Site URL in the input box.

3. Click on the Verify URL button and, after the verification, on the Save button.
P.S.: If the URL verification URL fails, review the Site configuration steps.

4. Click on the Next Step button.

2) Setup the School connection
Now it’s time to connect your Salesforce Org to all your Thinkific Schools. After clicking on the Next Step
button in the last step, you will see the below page.

Connecting to a School
1. Click on the Add School button.

2. Fill in School User Relationship:

This configuration will define what fields will be used to link a School Student User to an existing
Salesforce Contact.
If no Contact is found for a new School Student User the record will be created without a link with

a Salesforce Contact. Orphans records could be linked to Contacts in the Student Users tab of the
Connector Lighting Application.

● Fill in School Connection Details: The Thinkific School Subdomain and API Key.

To get that information go to the school manager page and access the SETTINGS menu
option > Code & Analytics > API

● Click on Verify API Key button

● Click on Save button
● Repeat those steps for all schools

Now you Salesforce Thinkific Connector is ready to receive data from the connected schools.

Thinkific Connector Lightning Application in Details
The Thinkific Connector Lightning Application allows the Salesforce users to access the connected
Schools data like Students registered, Courses, Lessons, Enrollments and Enrollments progress. That
information can be accessed through the Thinkific Connector Lightning Application tabs.

Student User Tab

Shows the Student Users registered on the connected Schools and the user Creation and Last Sign In

The Student User is created in Salesforce every time a new user is created on a School or when a
non-existing user in Salesforce logs on a School.

Linking orphan Student Users with Salesforce Contacts

In this tab is also possible to link orphan Student User with Salesforce Contacts.

To link a Student User with a Contact follow instructions:

1. Select the Students without Contact list view

2. Click on the Student Contact edit button

3. Select an existing Contact or create a new one.

4. Save the Student User record.

Courses Tab
Shows the connected Schools courses.

A course is created in the Salesforce Org every time a Course is created in a School or if a School sends a
new Course enrollment or Lesson completion for a non-existent Course.

Course Enrollment Tab

Show the Student users course enrollments and their progress and completion date.

Lessons Tab
Shows the Course Lessons and their type.

Lessons Enrollment Tab

Shows the Lessons completed by the Student Users.

Integration Logs Tab
Shows the integration logs. The logs are captured only if the logger configuration is enabled.

Enabling / Disabling Integration Logs

For enabling or disabling the log capture it’s necessary to change the log capture level.

1. From the Salesforce Setup page type Custom Metadata in the Quick Find input box and open the
Custom Metadata Types page.
Click on Logger Configuration Manage Records hyperlink.

2. Click on the Logger Configuration Edit hyperlink.

3. Change the Log Level to Trace, Debug, Info, Warning or Error to enable the log or to None to
disable it.
P.S.: Enabling log capturing in production environments should be done with caution because
of its high data storage consumption and also leads Platform Events Consumption.
The log level should be ideally kept on Error(default) or None levels only being changed to
another level for error debugging purposes.

4. Save the Logger Configuration clicking on the Save button.

Contact Quick Action Button to Create Student User
The Contact Quick Action Button allows the Salesforce users to create new Student Users in the
connected Schools in Thinkific directly from the Salesforce Org.

This button can be added on the Contact Record Page and uses the Contact Email field mapped during
the Connector setup, the First and the Last Names to create the user remotely.

Adding the Quick Action Button on Contact Record page

1. In the Salesforce Setup click on Object Manager Tab, click on the Contact object and after opening
the Contact configuration page click on Page Layouts.

2. Choose the layout to add the Quick Action and edit it.

3. Click on Mobile & Lightning Actions.

4. Drag the Create User quick action button and drop it into the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning
Experience Actions section.

5. Click on the Save button.

6. The Create User button will be shown on the Contact record page as follows.

Creating Reports with Schools data
Before starting to create reports it’s necessary to understand the Thinkific Connector data model and
how School data is stored in Salesforce.

School data custom objects

The School data is stored in six custom objects:

It stores a Thinkific School data. Each Site represents a Thinkific School and has Student Users and

It stores a Thinkific School Course data.

Each Course is comprised of Lessons.

It stores a Thinkific School Lesson data.

Student User
It stores a Thinkific School User data.

Each Student User is of one Site (School) and it can have zero or more Course Enrollments.

Course Enrollment
It stores the Student User progress, enrollment date and completion data of a specific Course.

Lesson Enrollment
It stores the Student User lesson completion of a Course Enrollment.

Default Reports Types
The Thinkific Connector package comes with 13 report types:

● Courses
● Courses with Site
● Lesson Enrollments
● Lesson Enrollments with Course Enrollment
● Lesson Enrollments with Lesson
● Lessons
● Lessons with Course
● Sites
● Student Users
● Student Users with Course Enrollments
● Student Users with Course Enrollments and Course
● Student Users with Site
● Student Users with Student Contact

Creating a report
For this example we will create a Course report by Site (Schools).

1. Go to the Thinkific Connector Lightning Application and click on the Reports tab then click on New
Report button.

2. Choose the Course with Site report type and click on the Continue button.

3. Change the report filter from Show me My courses to Show me All courses.

4. Add the Site Name in Grouped Columns Fields Group.

5. Change the Report Name and click on the Save & Run button.


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