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Sosa Ingredients, SL
Pol. Ind. Sot d’Aluies / 08180 Moià / Catalunya / Spain
T. +34 938 666 111 / / [email protected]

 Sosa Ingredients  Sosa Ingredients (@sosaingredients)  @sosaingredients

 @SosaIngredients  Sosa Ingredients

Vegan Mousse Gelatine Dose:

1,5 to 2,5%
Mixture of agar agar and tapioca starch. Plant origin
500 g 58050098 6u


Properties: Gelling agent formulated specifically for the gelification of vegan mousses. Gelification
temperature below 32-40 °C. Freeze resistant.
Use: Add the powder to the base cream of the cold mousse. Mix and heat to between 90 and
100 °C, stirring all the time. Allow to cool to between 50 and 60 °C. and mix with the
aerated part using enveloping movements. Pour into molds or your chosen container and
cool. It can be frozen without causing syneresis.
Remarks: It allows the gelling of all types of mousse with a wide pH range. It is a hydrocolloid pro-
duct so it should always be applied to the aqueous part of the recipe.
It is advised that the aerated part of the mousse is a meringue made using plant protein,
so you can work at high temperatures and give enough time for the full incorporation of
the aerated part and distribution into the desired containers before gelification occurs.
Elaborations: Gelification of vegan mousses made with fruit, citrus fruit, chocolate, dried fruit or spices.
Allergens: No allergens

Advantages of the product

• Vegan gelling agent.  ✔

• Gelling with high pH range (3.5 to 7).  ✔
• Low gelling temperature.  ✔
• Allows freezing without causing syneresis.  ✔
• It forms a sturdy gelatine, which makes for a clean cut. Pleasant on the palate.  ✔

Main applications

Vegan mousses

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Fruit vegan mousse

The percentages and parts per
Code Ingredient Brand g % g/kg
thousand are related to the total
Fruit purée 1 (10% sugar) 250 26,94 269,40 weight of the ingredients in the
Fruit purée 2 (10% sugar) 464 50 500

00100011 Sugar Sosa 80 8,62 86,21

00100017 Inulin Cold Sosa 50 5,39 53,88

58050055 Guar Gum Sosa 1,50 0,16 1,62

00200524 Sojawhip Sosa 12,50 1,35 13,47

58050098 Vegan Mousse Gelatine Sosa 20 2,16 21,55

00350208 Deodorized coconut fat Sosa 50 5,39 53,88

For 900 g Total 928 1000

Mix the purée 2 with the guar gum, and the Vegan Mousse Gelatine. Then bring to boil
stirring. Add the coconut fat and mix well to combine. Besides, mix the purée 1 with the
Sojawhip and then whip in the KitchenAid machine until get a meringue texture. Add
the inulin and sugar, previously combined, little by little and keep whipping at medium
speed for 5 minutes more. Add the first fruit mixture to the meringue little by little, at
medium speed until get an homogeneous mixture. Remove from the whipping machine
and use immediately.

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Nuts vegan mousse

The percentages and parts per
Code Ingredient Brand g % g/kg
thousand are related to the total
Pure paste of nuts Sosa 280 27,70 276,95 weight of the ingredients in the
Rice beverage 380 37,59 375,87

59000025 Natur Emul Sosa 7 0,69 6,92

58050098 Vegan Mousse Gelatine Sosa 15 1,48 14,84

Water 150 14,84 148,37

00200531 Potatowhip Sosa 7,50 0,74 7,42

00100011 Sugar Sosa 130 12,86 128,59

00100017 Cold Inulin Sosa 40 3,96 39,56

Salt 1,50 0,15 1,48

For 1 kg Total 1011 1000

Combine the nut paste with the Natur Emul. On the other side, mix the rice beverage
and the Vegan Mousse Gelatine and bring the mixture to a boil. Remove from the heat
and pour onto the first mixture. Emulsify. Besides combine the water, the salt and the
Potatowhip. Whip the mixture. At half whipping point, add the mixture of sugar and
inuline little by little. Keep whipping for about 10 minutes more. When the first mixture
reach 55-60 ºC, pour into the meringue with the machine at low speed until fully incor-
porated. Use immediately.

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Chocolate vegan mousse 

The percentages and parts per
Code Ingredient Brand g % g/kg
thousand are related to the total
Water (1) 330 35,36 353,62 weight of the ingredients in the
58050098 Vegan Mousse Gelatine Sosa 15 1,61 16,07

Water (2) 150 16,07 160,74

00200531 Potatowhip Sosa 7,50 0,80 8,04

00100011 Sugar Sosa 100 10,72 107,16

58050018 Xanthan Gum Sosa 0,70 0,08 0,75

Sunflower oil 30 3,21 32,15

00301005 Guanaja 70% dark couverture Valrhona 300 32,15 321,47

For 900 g Total 933,20 1000

Melt the couverture at 55 ºC. Add the oil. Besides heat the water (1) and the Vegan
Mousse Gelatine until boiling point. Pour little by little onto the couverture and emul-
sify. On the other hand, whip the water (2) and the Potatowhip. At half whipping point,
add little by little the sugar and the xanthan gum and then keep whipping at medium
fast speed for 10 minutes. Fold the meringue delicately onto the chocolate emulsion at
55 ºC. Use immediately.

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