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We Are the Pecks

After following traditional investing advice for years, we pretty much lost
everything in 2008. Just like birthing mothers forget the pain of having a
baby and go on to have more, many people have forgotten the pain of
the losses that their accounts suffered when the market tanked in 2008 and
continue doing the same things today that they did back then.

After experiencing catastrophic losses doing things the traditional way, we

realized that this way of doing things was broken. Investing in things like
overpriced rentals that don't perform, 401ks and Mutual Funds that have
the potential for massive losses, Low Yielding CDs, Bonds, and annuities
that struggle to keep up with inflation is a mistake and probably
detrimental to your portfolio.

We wanted Higher Returns as well as collateralization and protection from

the ups and downs of the Rollercoaster Market. We never again wanted to
be in a position where we could literally lose everything overnight, just like
a ton of hard working American Families have experienced.

ince pivoting we have generated $500,000+ in monthly cash flow for our
clients utilizing one simple strategy.
A warm “Hafa Adai” greeting from the island of Guam. My
wife Sudi and I are so grateful for the Never Ending Cash
Flow (NECF) for all that they have done to help our family.
We only started this year and we already have seen a differ-
ence. It is great to have a passive income! It is something
that we always needed, but never knew our options or how
to get started.
We are to be good stewards of what God blessed us with
and we are to take good care of it. It means we are to be
intentional: careful in how we are to use it and careful in how
to invest it.
NECF is not just a company, but they consist of people who
are willing to impart wisdom on how to be intentional and
careful with what you have been blessed with. I would also
add that we also see the Peck family as our friends. They are
always welcome to come and visit Guam. Thank you NECF!
- The Napalan Family

Aloha, we are the Hongs and we reside in beautiful Honolulu,

Hawaii. We’ve known the Peck family since 2018 and started
investing with them in Trust Deeds, and have done a couple
of other investments with them as well. We want to thank
Frank, Frankie, & Joshua for assisting us and securing our
financial future!
- Reynold, Susan, & Aspasia

We have been clients of NECF for just under one year. We feel so fortu-
nate to have the opportunity of working with such an awesome group
of people. Prior to working with NECF, we were unsure if what we were
doing was the safest planning for retirement. NECF has introduced us
to various ways of investing our money without being concerned
about the volatility of the stock market.
They’ve also taught us how to make our home equity work for us by
having “Never Ending Cash Flow” which will enable us to pay off our
home in a much shorter timeframe than a conventional mortgage.
We are extremely grateful for everything NECF is doing for us and for
our retirement planning and we look forward to more ways to diversify
our portfolio.
- Darrell & Laurie DeCambra

Never Ending Cash Flow has been a financial lifesaver for us.
The "outside the box" thinking of the Never Ending Cash Flow
has helped us pay down all of our debt, cars, consumer,
and school loans so that we can focus on paying off our
mortgage faster than any other time in our lives. The strategy
that we chose immediately freed up cash flow and long
term allowed us to use that cash flow to pay down the debt.
My wife and I are so thankful for the hard work that Josh and
his partners have put in on our behalf to make sure we got
the best possible deal we could so we can become self-reli-
ant and free from the stress of debt. All those associated
with the Never Ending Cash Flow are the first people we turn
to for financial solutions.
- Brad and Heather Freeman

Money can be an uncomfortable thing for anyone to talk

about. It can cause stress and worry-- and it is one of the main
reasons for families falling apart. It seemed impossible to
imagine a life where we didn’t have to worry so much about
paying bills. Our vision when we started with Never Ending
Cash Flow was to “work smarter, not harder”. We have been
with Never Ending Cash Flow for almost three years. The staff
keep us updated with new opportunities and are always look-
ing out for our best interests. They have helped to improve our
financial future by finding us ways to invest money we have
and finding us different ways to make money. With Never
Ending Cash Flow, we have been able to pay for our child’s
tuition while paying our house down faster. We trust them with
our investments and we couldn’t be happier!
- Kira Kashiwa
Our Clients are generating positive, monthly
cash flow and couldn't be happier because...

They Implemented
Simple Strategy
• They literally “became the bank”.
• Invested in real estate without owning real estate.
• Have peace of mind because they are generating
positive money cash flow.
• They are utilizing one simple, zero stock market
risk strategy.
Here’s What this Simple
Strategy Looks like…

Become the bank,
Collateralize Lend/Invest at a
Generate Positive
Assets Your Investment Preferred Rate Monthly Cash

Compound and grow

How It
We show people how to identify assets that they didn't know they had
access to and teach them how to utilize those assets to literally
“Become the Bank” and invest in real estate without owning real
estate. “Cashflow Without Rentals”!

In our experienced opinion, the best part of this simple strategy is that
your loan is safer than a rental, collateralized by real estate, fully
managed, and has ZERO STOCK MARKET RISK.

Once a loan has been made you will receive an annualized return at
a preferred rate. This positive monthly cash flow comes predictably
and continues to grow for as long as your loan is in place.

When implemented correctly, people are in a position to utilize their

new, predictable cash flow and apply it to additional alternative
strategies that we teach to compound and accelerate their wealth
Step 1: Identify Assets
We show you how to identify hidden assets that you didn't know you
had access to previously.

You’ll want to make a list of qualified assets such as 401k, 403b, IRA,
Roth IRA and determine if they are suitable and usable for this strategy.
Depending on your age and job status you may be eligible to self
direct those funds. Then identify additional assets such as; cash, heloc,
p-loc, bank accounts and other forms of non-qualified funds.

Now that you have identified actionable assets it's imperative to

create a plan of action on getting your money safely working for you.
Step 2: Become The Bank
Literally “Become the Bank”. The Banks are masters of cash flow!

Do you have a loan or a mortgage from a bank? If so, then you make it
possible for banks to be the masters of cash flow. It's no secret that the
banks have an insane supply of funds. What do they do with it? Do they buy
houses and fill them with renters? No, they don't. They loan against real
estate. All the banks want is…
“Predictable Monthly Cash Flow '' without psycho tenants, clogged toilets,
leaky pipes, dishonest property managers and crazy market conditions.

Securing your money by loaning on real estate instead of buying real

estate, has been the big fat secret the banks have been hiding from the
public for years. It’s called “Trust Deeds”.

A few Trust Deed Benefits:

COLLATERAL: Trust Deeds are powerful because there is COLLATERAL protecting your
hard-earned money, just like buying the property. This is HUGE!

REAL ESTATE. When the money is lent to the borrower, there is a lien put on the property and
the lender (you) has the protection of the equity in that property.

SHORT-TERM: As the lender, you dictate the terms of the loan, typically Trust Deeds are shorter

BANKER: This strategy teaches you to be the bank. Banks feel safe lending out funds with a
Loan-to-Value (LTV) of 80% for collateral. The more equity the better. We feel it's crucial to
take it a step further with LTV’s ranging in the 45-65% range with short term agreements with
the borrowers. This is significantly safer than the banks required collateral and terms.

MARKET-LIKE RETURNS: Where can you go and get market-like returns with collateral behind
the investment? Where can you find a base return of 6-8% and not have to be in the roller
coaster ride of the market… TRUST DEEDS!

MONTHLY PAYMENTS: Another great aspect of Trust Deeds is that they PAY MONTHLY. You
can count on receiving a check monthly for the money that will be lent out.
EX: $100,000 investment. 7% x $100,000= $7,000. $7,000/12= $583 check per
month. Whether you are retired, preparing for retirement, or trying to pay
down your home, a predictable monthly check will help facilitate any goals.


A) Link: A recommended Informational piece by the state of California

Department of Real Estate on Trust Deed Investing. At the bottom of page
2, you'll notice that it says that the foreclosure in “most cases'' satisfies the
debt. This is a very powerful tool in protecting your money. The “in most
cases” will depend on how much equity there is in the property and all
associated expenses in foreclosing.:
Step 3: Managed Trust Deeds
Gone are the days of trying to invest in rentals to generate cash flow.

Having now become the bank, our clients are in position to lend their
funds out at a preferred rate by investing in real estate without owning
real estate, they are recorded as a lien holder on each property they loan
on and they are protected by equity secured by an average of 60% LTV,
and receive an annualized return in the form of monthly interest payments
(predictable, monthly cash flow) from the borrower/s

However, the key to the success of this strategy is investing/ lending in

“Managed Trust Deeds”. This means identifying a reputable company
who will fully manage your investment. This is the power behind what
makes this strategy a turn-key cash flow solution.
Step 4: Generate Positive,
Monthly Cash Flow
At this point our clients have successfully invested into “managed trust
deeds” that are safe, collateralized and are ZERO STOCK MARKET RISK.

Their investment is completely managed and positive cashflow is being

generated and coming in on a monthly basis.

Our clients can rest assured knowing that they no longer have to deal with
leaky pipes, unruly tenants, dishonest property managers and crazy
market shifts because GENERATING CASH FLOW WITOUT RENTALS is the
easiest investment they have ever made.
Since launching our “Cash Flow Without
Rentals” Strategy in 2012, we have
successfully helped our clients avoid the
pitfalls of investing in rentals,
repositioned 10’s of Millions in assets
and have helped them generate
$500,000+ in
Predictable Monthly Cash Flow.

Additionally, these clients have taken

advantage of the powerful alternative
strategies that we teach to eliminate
debt, kill their mortgages in 5-7 years,
accelerate their wealth, and generate
up to an additional $1,000,000 in TAX-FREE
wealth for retirement!

The best part is that all of this can be

We all want Cash Flow… Not Nightmares

My grandfather has centered his entire post retirement lifestyle around his
rentals. He has accumulated them over the years to provide him cashflow
to support him in his golden years. He has done very well for himself and at
91 years old he acts as his own property manager due to having bad experiences
in the past and the chunk of money that would come out of his pocket
paying for one. Owning rentals; it's normal for his income to get slashed regularly
due to vacancies, paying for big bills such as insurance premiums and the
huge maintenance bills that come from replacing flooring, roofs, water
heaters and his recent bill of replacing a main sewer line. He may even lose
or break even on some of his rentals this year because of the hefty amounts
of money he has had to fork out due to major things he's had to fix. Every
rental property owner will experience this many many times. It's not a matter
of if, it's when you will have huge expenditures on your rental properties.

Since starting 2020, owning rentals has been an eye opener for him.
Because of the “Pandemic” more than half of his rentals chose not to pay
him rent and there was nothing he could do about it due to the Moratorium
on eviction. More than half of his monthly income stopped overnight. Working
and maintaining his rentals is already more than a full time job for my 91
year old grandfather but now he's losing more sleep due to losing half his
income overnight. What would you do if you lost half your income overnight?


A few years back my brothers and I responded to an ad about buying “Turn Key”
recently renovated rentals. The company showed us the immediate equity we
would be waking into. They also overcame our concerns of taking care of all the
problems and heachaches that are inevitable in owning a rental property. The
company touted their ability to quickly fill our property with renters and how easy
the entire process would be. They were right, buying the property and filling it with
a renterl was a cinch! But just weeks after our new renters moved into our newly
renovated property, our excitement quickly turned into sleepless nights and headaches.
The jetted master bathtub took a dump. Thousands of dollars later we finally got
]everything dialed in.
Over the next few years we would be in the hole with other maintenance expenses
along with non paying renters. When we finally decided to sell, it was during the
collapse of the market and we ended up walking away losing tons of money. We
were fortunate to have a property management company fulfill what they said
they were going to do by getting renters into the house and managing the property,
but nobody could predict future large expenses and which renters would actually
pay their rent. Then when we decided to “get out”, the market took a dive and we
lost all the equity we had built up and sold it for a loss. Not just losing our equity, and
all the money we dumped into it but all the money we put down to purchase it as
well. The only one that won in that experience was the “Turn Key” rental company
that sold and managed our property. We have had countless experiences like this
owning rentals over the years, All investment property owners do.


Having experienced all the countless horror stories of owning rental properties, and
hearing about many more from our clients, we vowed to stay away from rentals.
After decade of abstaining from the rental industry we were presented with an
opportunity to own a rental property with a different spin on it. It wasn't like the typical
rental we have seen. This property was right out of a magazine. It was a larger
home beautifully and highly upgraded on 7 flat tree lined acres. We were very
familiar with the property and knew the family that lived in it. Unfortunately, the
couple was going through a divorce and needed a quick sale. They approached
our family about buying it, creating a win-win situation. They would sell it to us at a
steep discount and we would come up with cash within a very short period of time.
The cherry on top was the gas rights that came with the property. Natural gas was
discovered on the property and monthly checks were rolling in. After the transaction
was finalized we did our investigation and hired the property manager with the
best expertise, knowledge and reputation.

Our first tenants were short lived and were only in the property for a few months
because they had to relocate for work. Our second tennant was an absolute nightmare!
The first month was the only rent we received, after that we never saw another
penny. The family that moved in made excuse after excuse about how our money
was on its way or how the check must have been lost. When we finally realized what
was happening, we started the eviction process. After months and months and
months of sleepless nights, fees for eviction, the family decided to move out. They
also felt that they needed to cut holes in carpet, strip everything from the house that
was possible and poop in the bathtub as a thank you. Also, when they moved out it
was in the middle of winter and they left the door open to the property.
A pipe had busted at the top story and for weeks water was pouring into the top
floor all the way down to the basement at full blast. When someone finally caught
the wreckage that was taking place, it was already too late. The damage was
done. We got an invoice to fix that damage for $47,000! At the same time we
found out the property manager had been manufacturing fake invoices for repairs
or expenses that never happened. Like a bill to mow the yard for $4,500. The perfect
rental turned into the perfect nightmare.

We fixed and sold this property as fast as possible.

Next Steps
Hopefully you can now see the power behind this simple, turn-key solution for
generating cash flow.

This strategy is simple, but there are a ton of moving parts included in setting this up
correctly. You want to make sure you are protected by lending on “Fully Managed
Trust Deeds”. You can do this research on your own or you can receive access to
our exclusive list of trusted/vetted third party vendors included as part of our Turn
Key Cash Flow System.

The best part is that all of this can be done SAFELY and PREDICTABLY!

The best way to create cash flow without rentals is through Managed Trust Deeds.

I just shot a short training which reveals how this powerful strategy combined with a
few more of our alternative zero stock market risk opportunities, when set up properly
and implemented correctly, can catapult your cash flow and wealth astronomically!

Check out the free training at :

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