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NAME __________________________

You are going to read an article. Six sentences have been removed from the text. Choose from
the sentences A-G the one which fits each gap 1-6. There is one extra sentence which you do
not need to use.

The incredible shrinking world

As we know, approximately 60 years ago television was introduced, making the world smaller
by bringing images from all four corners of the world into our homes. Over the last 20 years or
so , a breakthrough in technology has come into our lives which is making the world even
smaller: the internet. With a PC and a telephone line we are now connected to the whole world
in a matter of seconds.

It is now possible to speak to relatives and friends anywhere in the world cheaply and quickly.
1/…………. . It was not that long ago when the only way to communicate with family members
who were far away was by letter, which would take days or sometimes weeks to reach its

The internet also allows us to access a world of facts, figures and knowledge. If we have a
question on any subject at all from history to mathematics or philosophy to geography, it can be
discovered on the net. 2/…………… Many subjects that required the reading of books and were
once only available to a few people are now available to everybody.

The internet not only means that we can communicate with loved ones but also with complete
strangers. By using ‘chat’ services, it is possible to meet and exchange ideas with people from all
over the world. 3/…………….. Of course, to be able to do this we must speak the same language
and most communication on the internet takes place in English.

Other services are also available through the internet. One of these which provides hours of
pleasure for many people (and saves them a lot of money) is the ability to download songs and
music from other people.

4/……………This helps us to understand other cultures better and makes us familiar with what
used to be regarded as completely foreign and strange to us.

There are also those who claim that the internet is another modern development that will
slowly lead to the loss of culture for smaller countries. As we see images from all over the
world, we become confused about what we want, perhaps finding characteristics of another
country more attractive. 5/……….. Communication with people in other parts of the world
means that we are also discovering different ways of thinking and looking at the world we live

Despite the criticisms by some and the fears of others, the internet seems to have changed our
world for the better. The internet has created a new world of more information and more

6/………….With knowledge comes understanding and with understanding comes peace.

A It is sometimes unbelievable to think that the person we are writing to may be

thousands of miles away, living in a completely different culture and climate with a
way of life that is nothing like our own.
B It is even possible, with something called a webcam, to see and hear them at the same
C However, many families still do not have a computer and internet connection at home
D As a result, we might start to reject what our own country and culture offers us.
E This information and communication brings knowledge.
F This has also helped to bring down cultural barriers as we are able to hear all the
different kinds of music that exist all over the world.
G We can find out the latest news or what the weather is going to be like

12 points/…………..

1. Fill in: contagious, embarrassed, self-conscious, nervous, excited, jerky, asleep, overweight.

1 Julia is a(n) ………………………. person and doesn’t like it when people stare at her.
2 Peter was very ………………………. before his driving test and he stayed up all night
worrying about it.
3 Yawning is ………………………. – if you see someone else yawn, you will usually find
yourself yawning too!
4 Hiccups occur when air is pulled into the body in a(n) ………………………. way.
5 Jack must have been extremely tired –he has already been ………………………. for
eleven hours and he’s still in bed!
6 The doctor thinks Jude snores because he is ………………………. . If he does some
exercise and loses some weight, the snoring may stop.
7 Lydia looked so ………………………. when the teacher read out her essay – she was
8 I’m so ………………………. about our trip to the theme park next week! I’ve been
wanting to go for ages.
8 points/……..
2. Circle the correct preposition.
1 The identity of the artist is surrounded ………. mystery.
A with B at C by D from
2 I’m very pleased ………. your homework, Sarah.
A for B at C by D with
3 In class, the teacher separated Alison ………. her best friend because they wouldn’t stop
A from B with C by D off
4 The letter-writing campaign resulted ………. the prisoner being released.
A of B in C at D to
5 We rely ………. computers for many things in our everyday lives.
A on B to C for D into
5 points/………

3. Choose the correct particle.

1 Cathy is going to give up/out her part-time job so that she can concentrate on her studies.
2 Ian has decided to take up/out the job at his father’s company for the summer.
3 The charity hands over/out free, hot meals to the homeless.
4 Lizzie takes up/after her father – they both have blue eyes and black hair.
5 Please turn down/over the volume – your music is far too loud.

5 points/………

4. Fill in the correct word derived from the word in brackets.

1. Diana is very ………………………and enjoys playing lots of sport. ATHLETE

2.I think the price of this dress is very …………………….for such good quality material.
3. I really do believe that travel will ………………………..your horizons. BROAD
4. Ben lost his job at the bank for being …………………………and lazy. COMPETENT
5. I’m having a meeting with my …………………this afternoon about my tax return. ACCOUNT
6. ………………………… the meeting was lower than expected. ATTEND
7. Many politicians seem to think that ……………………is not always the best policy. HONEST

7 points/………
7. Put the verbs in brackets in to the present perfect or the present perfect continuous

A: How long 1………………..(you/know) Allison?

B: We 2 ……….….(be) friends since we were children.

A: Who 3…….……..(use) the car?

B: I have. Is there a problem?

A: What are Andrew and David doing?

B: They 4……….………..(work) in the garden for three hours.

A: Why is Sally upset?

B: She 5………………(lose) her bag.

A: I 6……………(always/believe) that exercise is good for you.

B: Of course, it’s good to keep fit

A: Emily 7………………(teach) maths since she left university.

B: Yes, and she’s a very good teacher, too
7 points/………..

8. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given. Use two to five words to complete each gap.

1. Can you please connect me to Mr. Stevens’ office?

Can you please ………………………………….. Mr. Stevens’ office?

2. He couldn’t play football yesterday evening because he had sprained his ankle.
He……………………………. football yesterday evening because he had sprained his ankle.

3. I cannot tolerate his awful behaviour anymore.

I …………………………………………. his awful behaviour anymore.

4. You don’t need to clean my apartment for me.

It ................................................................. to clean my apartment for me.
8 points/………..
Task 1. Match the words with the definitions. Two words are extra.

grounds  revoke  foundation  closing date  detriment  expiration date  dispute

 bilateral  consent defamation  extent  incorporate

1. ............................ - take in or contain (something) as part of a whole; include

2. ............................ - the last date by which something must be submitted for
consideration, esp. a job application
3. ............................ - the degree to which something has spread; the size or scale of
4. ............................ - officially cancel (a decree, decision, or promise)
5. ............................ - the action of damaging the good reputation of someone
6. ............................ - the state of being harmed or damaged
7. ............................ - permission for something to happen or agreement to do something
8. ............................ - factors forming a basis for action or the justification for a belief
9. ............................ - a disagreement or argument
10. ............................ - having or relating to two sides; affecting both sides

10 points/...................

Task 2 Complete the sentences with the correct word from the box. Two words are extra.

term  title  disciplinary  grievance  tribunal  unfair  constructive  court 

negligence  void  proceedings  covering

1. Because few such cases are taken to trial, it was argued that claims assessors should be
able to issue ............................... on behalf of their clients.
2. The change in the law makes the previous agreement null and ...............................
3. A short ............................... letter should be sent with the resume explaining what job
you are seeking.
4. The contract also established a ............................... procedure against the employer and
a salary schedule.
5. Allegations of sexual harassment have led to ............................... proceedings taken by
the employer against three employees.
6. Upon expiration of such ............................... of contract, the contract shall
automatically become invalid.
7. When I meet a prospective new employee they often seem more concerned with
their job ............................... than they do with their salary.
8. His former chauffeur is claiming ............................... dismissal on the grounds of racial
9. You can make a claim to an employment ............................... if you think someone has
treated you unlawfully, such as your employer, a potential employer or a trade union.
10. She won her claim for ............................... dismissal because she had been pressured
into resigning and her employer did not do anything to prevent it.

10 points/...................

TASK 3. Here is a telephone conversation between a lawyer and a client. The conversation is mixed up.
Put the conversation in the correct order. Write your answers in the boxes numbered 1 - 8
below. There is an example at the beginning (*), which is the start of the conversation.

Example (*)

(AA) Hello, Mr Stanfield. Thank you for taking my call at such short notice. I have an
emergency. This morning I received a threatening letter from the legal department of Super
Burgers, the big restaurant chain. They say the name of my new restaurant, Super Curries,
is an infringement of their trademark. They say I must stop using it or they'll ask for an

(A) Well, it is, because it's necessary to go to the High Court to get one. However, I don't
think they have any chance of success, which means they're likely to be responsible for their
costs and yours. They've got more money than sense if they go ahead with this.

(B) A little bit. They're both red and both have a capital letter in the middle.

(C) That's very good news. So, they can't get an injunction? They say in their
letter that I'm responsible for paying all the costs of obtaining one. It sounds

(D) I see. The threat of an injunction seems silly at this early stage. Let's look at this step
by step. Is it correct to say that SuperBurgers are a national fast-food restaurant selling
burgers and your local enterprise is a fast-food restaurant selling only curry? Or do you sell
burgers as well?

(E) Well that helps us a lot. You sell a completely different product and they have no real
grounds to argue that you are 'passing off in any way. That means that you're not trying to
make the public believe that your products come from them. What about your logo? Is it
similar to theirs in design or colour?

(F) Thank you. I feel much better already.

(G) OK. It may be a good idea to change that a little bit to make it clear that you're not
connected to them in any way. But I think you can relax. I don't think they can stop you
using the name. There's a lot of case law to support us with this.

(H) No, we don't. We employed a fantastic Indian chef when we set up the business and we
offer fast, take-away curry. That's all we sell.

(*) AA (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

(6) (7) (8)

8 points/...................

TOTAL: 80 points/...................

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