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Information questions with Be

WH Words: Where-What-Who-When-Why How Old

WH Word Verb To Be complement? Preguntas de información con Be
What are you doing? ¿Qué estás haciendo?
Where are you from? ¿De dónde eres?
How old are you? ¿Cuántos años tiene?
Who is she? ¿Quién es ella?
Who are they? Quienes son ellos(masculino)
Modification with adjectives
They can go after the Verb To Be Modificación con adjetivos
Subject P Verb To Be Adjective Pueden ir tras el Verbo To B
Nick is handsome. Nick es guapo(masculino)
Peter is wonderful. Peter es maravilloso(masculino)
Nicole is fantastic. Nicole es fantástica.

They can go before a noun Ellos pueden ir antes de un sustantivo(masculino)

Subject P Verb To Be article Adjective noun
Nick is a handsome singer. Nick es un cantante guapo.(masculino)
Peter is a wonderful student. Peter es un estudiante maravilloso.(masculino)
Nicole is a fantastic girl. Nicole es una chica fantástica.

Yes/No Questions and short answers with Be

Verb To be Subject pro Complement? + Short Answer -
Is he an engineer? Yes, he is. No, he isn't.
Are they flight attendants? Yes, they are. No, they aren't. / No, they are not. / No, they're not
Is she a student? Yes, she is. No, she isn't.
Are they married? Yes, they are. No, they aren't. / No, they are not. / No, they're not
Are Sofia and Jo siblings? Yes, they are. No, they aren't. / No, they are not. / No, they're not
Prepositions of time AT/ON/IN
AT  is generally used in reference to specific times on the clock or points of time in the day.
Used for: noon At noon
night At night
midnight At midnight
Specific time At 10:00 o'clock At 9:00pm At 7:30
Meal time (Breakfast, lunch, dinner) At breakfast At lunch At dinner
ON  is used with dates and days of the week
Used for: Days of the week On Saturday On Sunday
Holidays On thanksgiving On valentine's day On independence day
Dates (month and day) On January 1st On June 8th
Specific day of the month On the 13th On the 5th
The weekend On the weekend
IN Used for: morning in the morning
evening in the evening
afternoon in the afternoon
years/decades/centuries in 2023 in 90's in 21st century
Months in October In November In March
seasons (Spring, summer, winter, fall) in spring in summer

Prepositions of place AT/ON/IN

AT Used for: Specific address At 50 main street At 20 avenue
Specific location (At home, restaurant) At home At the bar At the movie theater
Events (Party, concert) At the birthday partyAt the dinner At the concert

ON Used for: Flat surfaces on the parking lot

Streets (just the name of the street) on Roosevelt street
Social media (Radio,TV, Internet,etc) on radio on Instagram

IN Used for: Cities In NY In Peten

Countries In Guatemala In the US
Enclosed spaces / boundaries (Limites) in the room In the kitchen

Questions with When, What time and Where

When is the soccer game? It's at noon
When's the party? It's on June 7th
When's is your birthday? It's in July It's on August 10th
Simple present tense Tiempo presente simple
Affirmative Afirmativo
Subject Pronouns
I like want need have
We Como desear necesidad tener
Verb in base form

He likes wants needs has

She Add "S" to the verb gustos Quiere Necesidadetiene

Subject Pronoun Verb Complement

My in-laws / They
I work in the house.
I like the rain.
Your parents live in the USA.
He needs your jacket.
She lives in Dublin.
My sister has 2 girls.
Simple present tense Presente simple
Negative Negativo

Do not - Don't
No aplicala s al final
She Does not - Doesn't

Subject Pronoun Do not / Does not Verb Complement

I don't work in the house. No trabajo en la casa.
I don't like the rain.
Your parents don't live in the USA.
He doesn't need your jacket.
Simple present tense
Yes/No Questions


She Does

Do / Does Subject Pronoun Verb Complement ? Affirmative Negative

Do I work in the house? Yes, I do. No, I don't.
Do I like the rain? Yes, I do. No, I don't.
Do they/your parents live in the USA? Yes, they do. No, they don't.
Does he need your jacket? Yes, he does. No, he doesn't
Do you have any question? Yes, I do. No, I don't.

Simple present tense

Information Question What? What? What? Why? Which?

WH Word do/does Subject Pronoun Complement?

What does your half-sister do? She is a student.
Where does your step brother live? He lives in Bogota.
How often do you visit your sister? I visit her once a month.
What does my step sister eat? She eats pasta.
Where does your sister live?

How many half brothers do they have?

How many nieces and nephews do you have?
There is: Non Count Nouns and Singular Count nouns
There is some corn oil on the table. Non count: Sugar-rice Sin contar: Arroz con azúcar
Hay un poco de aceite de maíz en la mesa. Count in singular: banana-onion-grape Cuenta en singular: plátano-cebolla-uva
There isn't any corn oil on the table.
No hay aceite de maíz en la mesa.
Question - Is there any? Pregunta - ¿Hay alguno?
Is there any corn oil on the table? ¿Hay aceite de maíz en la mesa? Yes, No Questions
Where is the corn oil? ¿Dónde está el aceite de maíz? Information questions

There are: Plural Count Nouns Count in plubananas-onions-grapes

There are some bananas in the fridge. Hay algunos plátanos en la nevera.
There are some carrots on the table. Hay algunas zanahorias en la mesa.
There aren't any bananas in the fridge. No hay plátanos en la nevera.
There aren't any carrots on the table. No hay zanahorias en la mesa.
Question Are there any? Hay alguna
Are there any bananas in the fridge? Yes, No Questions
How many bananas are there in the fridge? Information questions

Is there? With Anything and Nothing answer

Is there any corn oil on the table? No, there is nothing No, there isn't anything.
Is there any milk in the fridge? No, there is nothing No, there isn't anything.
Is there rice on the table? No, there is nothing No, there isn't anything.

What would you like to drink? General ¿Qué le gustaría beber?

I would like the coffee. Specific, it is on the menu Me gustaría el café.

(The main course) It comes with a mineral water.

Would you like the mineral water? Specific (El plato principal) Viene con un agua mineral. ¿Quieres el agua
Yes, I would like the mineral water Specific mineral? Específico Sí, me gustaría el agua mineral Específico
Present continuous Present participle is a form of the verb; the -ing form, to be precise. Present continuous (or progressive) is a verb tense.
We use present continuous to talk about activities that are happening now. Usamos el presente continuo para hablar de actividades que están sucediendo ahora.
We use gerunds = verb + ing You can also use contractions Usamos gerundios = verbo + ing
Subject P Verb To be gerund complement.
You are playing basketball. Estás jugando al baloncesto.
Lucie /She is eating a banana. Lucie /Ella está comiendo un plátano.
My mom is cooking eggs with bread. Mi mamá está cocinando huevos con pan.
I am studying English very hard. Estoy estudiando inglés muy duro.
I am going to call the police. Voy a llamar a la policía.

Negative You can also use contractions

Subject P Verb To be NOT gerund complement.
You aren't /are not playing basketball.
Lucie is not eating a banana. Lucie no está comiendo un plátano.
My mom is not cooking eggs with bread. Mi mamá no está cocinando huevos con pan.
I am not studying English very hard. No estoy estudiando inglés muy duro.
I am not going to call the police.

Yes-No Questions Short answers Answer No contractions in affirmative answers

Verb To be Subject P gerund complement? Yes/No
Are you playing basketball? Yes, I am No, I'm not
Is Lucie eating a banana? Yes, she is No, she isn't No, she's not No, Lucie isn't
Is my mom cooking eggs with bread? Yes, she is No, she isn't No, she's not No, my mom isn't
Am I studying English very hard? Yes, I am No, I'm not
Am I going to call the police? Yes, I am No, I'm not

Present continuous Presente continuo

Present and future expressions Informal way to talk about the future Expresiones de presente y futuro Manera informal de hablar sobre el futuro
Subject P Verb To be gerund complement time marker. Time marker will help us know if we are talking about the present or future.
I am going to call my mother tomorrow. Voy a llamar a mi madre mañana.
I am playing fooball next month. Voy a jugar al fútbol el próximo mes.
They are going to the concert next week. Ellas van al concierto la próxima semana.(femenino)
Carol is traveling to Miami beach next week. Carol viaja a Miami Beach la próxima semana.
I am traveling on May 20th. Viajo el 20 de mayo.

Information questions To get information Preguntas de información Para obtener información

WH Word Verb To Be Subject P gerund complement?
What are you going to write? ¿Qué vas a escribir?
What are you doing on Friday? Time marker
What are you playing? I am playing basketball. Basketball
When are you playing basketball? tonight tomorrow
Present Participle
Spelling rules
Verbs that end in "e" = Remove e and Add "ing"
Make Making
Write Writing
Dance Dancing
Verbs that end in "ie" = Delete "ie" and dd "ying"
Lie Lying
Die Dying
Tie Tying
One syllable
One Syllable verbs that end: one vowel and one consonant = Double the consonant and add "ing"
swim swimming
stop stopping
Run Running
One Syllable verbs that end in 2 consonants: don't double the consonants = Add ing
work working
help helping
wash washing
One Syllable verbs that ends in 2 vowels and 1 consonant: don't double the consonant = Add ing
need needing
wait waiting
speak speaking
2 or more syllables
If the last syllable is not stressed: do not double the consonant = Add ing
happen happening
visit visiting
remember remembering
If the last syllable is stressed: double the last consonant = Add ing
begin beginning
prefer preferring
forget forgetting
If the verb ends in "y" or "w" don't double the consonant = Add ing
enjoy enjoying
blow blowing
study studying
snow snowing
Can We use can to express possibility or ability SF - Simple form BF - Base form
Subject P Can Verb SF complement
I can walk everyday. Puedo caminar todos los días.
We can go to the movies tonight. Nosotras podemos ir al cine esta noche.
They can play football on the weekend. Ellas pueden jugar futbol el fin de semana
I can go dancing every weekend. Buscar 

Subject P Can not - Can't Verb SF complement
I can't walk everyday.
We can't go to the movies tonight. Nosotras no podemos ir al cine esta noche
They can't play football on the weekend. Buscar esto 
I can't go dancing every weekend. No puedo ir a bailar todos los fines de semana.

Yes-No Questions
Can Subject P Verb SF complement?
Can you/I walk everyday?
Can we go to the movies tonight? ¿Podemos ir al cine esta noche?
Can they play football on the weekend? ¿Pueden jugar al fútbol el fin de semana?
Can you/I go dancing every weekend?

Have To We use Have to, to express obligation Have To Usamos Have to, para expresar obligación
Subject P Have to Verb SF complement
I have to study English everyday. Tengo que estudiar inglés todos los días.
They have to work everyday. Ellas tienen que trabajar todos los días
I have to train tomorrow. Tengo que entrenar mañana.
He has to give a talk tomorrow. Tiene que dar una charla mañana.
I Have to work Tengo que trabajar
Subject P don't / do not Have to Verb SF complement
I don't / do not have to study English everyday. No tengo/no tengo que estudiar inglés todos los días.
They don't / do not have to work everyday. Ellas no tienen / no tienen que trabajar todos los días
I don't / do not have to train tomorrow. No tengo / no tengo que entrenar mañana.
He doesn't / does not have to give a talk tomorrow. No tiene / no tiene que dar una charla mañana.
I don't / do not
Yes-No Questions
Aux Do/Does Subject P Have to Verb SF complement? Positive Negative
Do I have to study English everyday? ¿Tengo que estudiar inglés todos los dí Yes, I do No, I don't
Do they have to work everyday? ¿Ellas tienen que trabajar todos los día Yes, they do No, they don't
Do I have to train tomorrow? Bu Yes, I do No, I don't
Does he have to give a talk tomorrow? Yes, he does No, he doesn't
Simple present tense
In Rule present tense, most
the simple He-She-It
regular verbs use the base form, except with he, she or it (which ends in
When the verb ends in -s, -ch, -ss, -sh or -x we add -es.Cuando el verbo termina en -s, -ch, -ss, -sh o -x añadimos -es.
watch watches
miss misses
wash washes
mix mixes
When the verb ends in a consonant + -y we change y to i and add -es Cuando el verbo termina en consonante + -y, cambiamos y por i y agregamos -es
hurry hurries
study studies
reply replies
But when the verb ends ends in a vowel + -y we just add -s. Pero cuando el verbo termina en vocal + -y simplemente agregamos
pay pays
enjoy enjoys
Have, Go, and do are irregular Tener, ir y hacer son irregulares
have has
go goes
do does
Verb To be (PAST) Verbo ser (PASADO)
Subject Pronouns Verb To Be (PAST) Negative Contraction
I was Era I was not Yo no estaba I wasn't
You were Estabas You were not Usted no estaba You weren't
He was El era He was not Él no estaba He wasn't
She was ella estaba She was not Ella no era She wasn't
It was Fue It was not No era It wasn't
We were Nosotras fuimos We were not We weren't
You were Estabas You were not You weren't
They were They were not They weren't

Affirmative Negative
I was at the hospital yesterday. Estuve en el hospital ayer. I wasn't (was NOT) at the hospital yesterday.
I was at the hospital. I wasn't at the hospital.
I was at the university yesterdayEstuve en la universidad ayer. I wasn't at the university yesterday. Ayer no estuve en la universidad.
She was studying yesterday. Ella estaba estudiando ayer. She wasn't studying yesterday.
I was dancing last week. Estuve bailando la semana pasada. I wasn't dancing last week.

Be in past - Yes/No Questions Estar en el pasado - Preguntas de Sí/No

Be (past) Subject P complement?
Were you studying? ¿Estabas estudiando? Yes, I was No, I was not Long answer
Was she sick last weekend? ¿Estaba enferma el fin de semana pasaYes, she was No, she was not. No, she was not sick last weekend.

Be (past) there complement?

Was there a party last night? ¿Hubo fiesta anoche? Yes, there was No, there wasn't
Were there 6 bananas in the fridg ¿Había 6 plátanos en la nevera? Yes, there were No, there weren't

Be in past - Information Questions

WH word ------------- complement?
Where was the party last night? ¿Dónde fue la fiesta anoche? It was in my house. It was at the school.
Where was the game on Saturday¿Dónde fue el partido del sábado? It was in Mateo Flores stadium.
When was your birthday? ¿Cuando fue tu cumpleaños? It was on March 19th.
When were they at the restaurant?
Who was in the house?
Who were in the classrom?
Simple past tense

To change verbs in the past Para cambiar verbos en pasado List of irregular verbs
In general we add "ed" to most of the verbs, except with the following rules
En general, agregamos "ed" a la mayoría de los verbos, excepto
1 Verbs that end in "e" just add "d"
con las siguientes reglas
like liked
live lived COMPLETO-DE-
2 Verbs that end with a consonant and "y" - change the "y" for "i" and add "ed" VERBOS-
study studied
try tried
3 Verbs that end with a vowel and "y" - add "ed"
play played
enjoy enjoyed
4 Verbs ending in vowel + consonant
If the stressed is on the last syllable - double the consonant and add "ed"
stop stopped
plan planned
If the stressed is NOT on the last syllable - DO NOT double the consonant and add "ed"
offer offered
open opened
5 Verbs that end in "L" - double the "L" and add "ed"
travel travelled
cancel cancelled
6 One syllable verbs with 2 vowels - do not double the consonant - just add "ed"
cook cooked
look looked

Past tense Affirmative

Subject P Verb in past complement.
I cooked today in the morning. Cociné hoy en la mañana
She drove yesterday.
They drove at night.

Past tense Negative

Subject P didn't (Did NOT) Verb in SF complement.
I didn't cook in the morning/last night.No cociné en la mañana/anoche.
She didn't drive yesterday.
They didn't drive at night.

Past tense Yes/No Questions

Did Subject P Verb in SF complement?
Did you cook today in the morning? Yes, I did No, I didn't
Did she drive yesterday? Yes, she did No, she didn't
Did they drive at night? Yes, they did No, they didn't

Past tense Information Questions

Wh word did subject P complement? ¿Cocinaste
What did you drink last night? I drank water. hoy en la
Who did you invite to the party? I invited my friends. mañana?
When did you play the guitar? I played the guitar yesterday.

Past tense Information Questions/Who

Who Verb in past complement?
Who opened the windows?
Who danced with you at the party? Who did you dance with at the party?

¿Quién abrió las ventanas?

Uses of Object Pronouns
As Direct Object
Noun Phrase Pronoun
Subject P Verb Noun Phrase complement. Vs Subject P Verb
I like those new oxfords. I like
I need the jeans. I need
We want matching T-shirts. We want
They run with my sister. They run
He eats chicken. He eats

Prepositional Phrase
Prepositions are conectors. They link nouns (and pronouns) to verbs or adjectives
Prepositional Phrase with nouns Prepositional Phrase with pronouns
Joe walked to the market.

You give the running shoes to Oscar. You give them to him.
I lent my phone to my brother. I lent it to him.
She writes a book for mom. She writes it for her.
I travel to the beach with my brother. I travel to the beach with him.
Monica reads a scary story to Jake. She reads a scary story to him.

Comparative Adjectives
THAN - Use than with a comparative adjective when comparing two things or people.
We use them to compare 2 nouns (2 people, 2 objects, 2 animals or 2 places)
Rule 1
Most of the adjectives that have 1 Syllable just add ER
Fast Faster
Clean Cleaner

Rule 2
Adjectives that have 1 Syllable that end in 1 consonant + 1 vowel + 1 consonant double the consonant and add ER
Big Bigger
Hot Hotter

Rule 3
Adjectives that end in a consonant + Y - Change the Y to "I" and add er
Pretty Prettier
Heavy Heavier

Rule 4
Adjectives that end in e - add r
Nice Nicer
Large Larger

Rule 5
Adjectives more than one syllable ending Y - Change the Y to "I" and add er
Early Earlier
Cloudy Cloudier
Busy Busier

Part 2
Rule 1 More
Adjectives that have 2 or more Syllables - Not ending in Y
Handsome More handsome
Delicious More delicious
Interesting More interesting

Irregular Forms
Adjective Comparative
good better
bad worse
little less
much more
far further / farther

My house is bigger than my brother's house. My brother's house is big but my is bigger.
That dog is prettier than my dog. My dog is pretty but that dog is prettier.
My exam was better than my friend's. My friend's exam was good but my exam was better.
My car is longer than yours. Your car is long but my car is longer.
That motorcycle is bigger than my dad's. My dad's motorcycle is big but my motorcycle is bigger.
This car is nicer than my car. My car is nice but this car is nicer.
Pronoun complement. SP OP
them. Andrea she A Andrea her
them. jacket it blazer it
them. Lucia and Ana They For Lucia and Ana them
with her

onal Phrase with pronouns Prep Phrase starts with

hem to him. You give the running shoes to him.
I lent my phone to him.
She writes a book for her.
the beach with him. She travel to it with him.
a scary story to him.

nsonant and add ER

my exam was better.

my motorcycle is bigger.
Modals Should & Could Modales debería y podría
We use should to give advices or a strong suggestion
Subject P should verb SF complement
She/ Diana should walk to the school.
They should play soccer in the park. Ellas deberían jugar fútbol en el parque.
You should exercise more.

Subject P should NOT/shouldn't verb SF complement shurent shud pronunciacion
You shouldn't take a shower, it's cold. No deberías ducharte, hace frío.
She shouldn't walk to the school. Ella no debería caminar a la escuela.
You shouldn't drink a lot of soda.

Yes-No Question
Should Subject P verb SF complement? Positive Negative
Should she/Diana walk to the school? Yes, she should. No, she shouldn't. ¿Debería ella/Diana caminar
Should Pedro play the guitar? Yes, he should. No, he shouldn't. a la escuela?

Information Questions
WH word Should Subject P verb SF complement? Answer
Where should it/the phone be? It should be on the table /On the table ¿Dónde debería estar el
When should you exercise? Last weekend. teléfono?
What time Should Andrea take the bus? In the morning at 8:00.

We use could tooffer alternatives or make a weak suggestion
Affirmative cud - curent pronunciacion
Subject P could verb SF complement
He could play football. Podía jugar al fútbol.
He could help with my English homework. Él podría ayudarme con mi tarea de inglés.

Subject P could NOT / couldn't verb SF complement
We couldn't talk at night. Nosotras no pudimos hablar por la noche.
You couldn't travel tomorrow.

Yes-No Question
Could Subject P verb SF complement? Positive Negative
Could you wash the dishes? Yes, I could. No, I couldn't.
Could they take my jacket? Yes, they could. No, they couldn't.

Information Questions
WH word Could Subject P verb SF complement? Answer
Where could you play football? In Guatemala City
Where could they study English? In my house

Be going to + base form to express future Be going to + forma base para expresar futuro
Subject P Verb To Be going to Verb SF Complement.
I am - I'm going to run in the park. Estoy - voy a correr en el parque.
I am - I'm going to watch an soap opera in my house.

Subject P Verb To Be NOT going toVerb SF Complement.
She is NOT going to swim. Ella NO va a nadar.
You are NOT going to go to the park.

Yes-No Question
Verb To Be Subject P going to Verb SF Complement? Positive Negative
Is she going to swim? ¿Ella va a nadar? Yes, she is No, she isn't
Is he going to go to the gym? Yes, he is No, he isn't
Is she going to go for a walk to the park? Yes, she is No, she isn't
Are they going to sing in the concert? Yes, they are No, they aren't

Information Questions
WH Word Verb To Be Subject P going to Verb SF Complement? Answer
When are you going to eat an apple? Tomorrow
When is she going to go to her house? In the afternoon

¿Cuándo vas a comer una manzana? Mañana

What is an adjective? An adjective describes a noun
What is a noun? A person, an animal, an object or a place

Superlatives To compare 3 or more nouns Para comparar 3 o más sustantivos

Group 1
The + Adjective + est
Group 2
The + most + Adjective

Rule 1
Add EST to adjectived with one syllable Añadir EST a adjetivo con una sílaba
Mean Meanest
Loud Loudest
Sweet Sweetest

Rule 2
Adjectives that have 1 Syllable that end in 1 consonant + 1 vowel + 1 consonant double the consonant and add EST
Examples Adjetivos que tienen 1 sílaba que terminan en 1 consonante + 1 vocal + 1 consonante duplican la consonante y agregan EST
Sad Saddest
Thin Thinnest

Rule 3
Adjectives that end in Y, change the Y for I and add EST
Examples Adjetivos que terminan en Y, cambia la Y por I y agrega EST
Happy Happiest
Crazy Craziest

Rule 4
Use Most with adjectives that have 2 or more syllables
Examples Use Most con adjetivos que tienen 2 o más sílabas
helpful Most helpful
Patient Most Patient más paciente
Creative Most Creative
Stephanie is my best friend, she is the sweetest of all my friends. Stephanie es mi mejor amiga, es la más dulce de todas mis amigas.
In the hotel my bed is the least confortable. En el hotel mi cama es la menos cómoda.
Cabbiar is the most expensive food in the world. Cabbiar es el alimento más caro del mundo.
My car is the biggest in my neighborhood.
My sister is darker than my brother and my mother. - My sister is the darkest in the family.
My brother Erick is the tallest in my family. Mi hermano Erick es el más alto de mi familia.

Too and Enough Demasiado y suficiente

That belt is long enough. That belt isn't long enough. Ese cinturón es lo suficientemente largo.
That bag is big enough. That bag isn't big enough. Esa bolsa no es lo suficientemente grande
The dog is too noisy. The dog isn't too noisy.
This hamburger is too big. This hamburger isn't too big.
Your house is big enough. Your house isn't big enough.

The dog isn't quiet enough. The dog is quiet enough.
My car isn't big enough. My car is big enough. Mi coche no es lo suficientemente grande.
Your sister isn't pretty enough. Your sister is pretty enough. Tu hermana no es lo suficientemente bonita.
The car isn't new enough. The car is new enough.

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