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International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences

Vol-8, Issue-3; May-Jun, 2023

Peer-Reviewed Journal

Journal Home Page Available:

Journal DOI: 10.22161/ijels

Reflection of Gender Encounters in the Society Portrayed

in Literature
Jala Srilakshmi

M.A., M.Ed., M.Phil., SET, Degree college Lecturer in English , TSWRDC W Khammam, Telangana, India

Received: 02 May 2023; Received in revised form: 03 Jun 2023; Accepted: 11 Jun 2023; Available online: 18 Jun 2023
©2023 The Author(s). Published by Infogain Publication. This is an open access article under the CC BY license

Abstract— The gender perspective examines the impact of gender on people's opportunities, social roles,
and interactions. The successful implementation of policy goals, programs and projects of international
and national organizations is directly influenced by gender impacts and thereby back to the social
development process. Gender is an integral part of all aspects of the economic, social, daily and private
life of individuals and societies, and of the various roles that society attributes to men. and women.
Representation of gender in literary works always show differences of the male and female characters in
the novel, short stories, or films, by analysing the gender role or the representation of the literature work, it
can be found that the authors of literature is following the patriarchal or feminism idea. The gender
representation is shown in any genre of the literature. Virginia Woolf literature Woolf’s most famous
statement about the relationship between gender and writing. Analysing gender discrimination in Anita
Desai’s novel, Fasting, Feasting. Gender Bias by Sudha Murthy. The advancement of technology is one of
the important factors contributing to closing the gender gap in the workplace. This approach looked for
strategies and measures to compensate women for their social disadvantages. Since we all know that
gender equality means equal rights and equal access to resources and opportunities for women and men,
digitization has helped people improve their skills in their respective fields. Today, they can connect with
anyone in the world through digital platforms and participate in online knowledge-sharing sessions.
Keywords— Gender discrimination, literature, feminism, societies, gender bias

I. INTRODUCTION construct, gender varies from society to society and can

There are plants, animals, other living things and animate change over time. Gender is hierarchical and creates
objects in the universe, but the human being is considered inequalities that intersect with other social and economic
as the supreme creation of nature. Man is being endowed inequalities. Gender discrimination intersects with other
with some abilities which other living beings do not discriminatory factors such as race, socioeconomic status,
possess. Man and woman are two forms of divine energy. disability, age, geographic location, gender identity and
They are created to complete each other. There are sexual orientation, among others. This is called
biological and psychological differences in man and intersectionality. Gender interacts with, but is distinct
woman. Generally, men are considered physically stronger from, gender and refers to the different biological and
while women are more delicate and silent. Due to this and physiological characteristics of females, males and intersex
other differences both are given different roles to play and people such as chromosomes, hormones and reproductive
they are even treated distinctly in our society. organs. Gender and gender are related to, but distinct from,
gender identity. Gender identity refers to a deeply felt,
Gender is the characteristics of women, men, girls and
inner, individual experience of gender, which may or may
boys that are socially constructed. This includes the norms,
not correspond to a person's physiology or gender assigned
behaviours, and roles associated with being a woman, man,
at birth.
girl, or boy, and relationships with each other. As a social

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Srilakshmi Reflection of Gender Encounters in the Society Portrayed in Literature

More than half a century ago, India was one of the first III. GENDER ROLES AND SOCIETY
countries in the world to elect a woman as prime minister, One striking characteristic of the 20th century was the
and the country currently has several highly influential women's movement, which brought women to the
women politicians, including Sonia Gandhi, the head of forefront in a variety of societal arenas. As women won the
one of the major national parties. Today, most Indians say right to vote, achieved reproductive freedom through birth
that “women and men make equally good political control and legalized abortion, and gained access to
leaders,” and more than one-in-ten feel that women education and employment, Western culture was forced to
generally make better political leaders than men. examine its long-held views about women and the roles
they play in society.
II. LITERATURE REVIEW The study of gender and gender roles dominated much of
Abirlal Mukherjee (2022) A Padma Shri awardee, the scholarship in sociology, anthropology, and psychology
chairperson of Infosys Foundation, and an active member during the last half of the 20th century. The terms gender
of public health care initiatives of the Gates Foundation, and sex are often used interchangeably, but these terms
Sudha Murti, is a multidimensional character. Her journey define different concepts and are not interchangeable.
of coming from a small town in Karnataka to becoming the Gender schema theory, a combination of the stage and the
first female engineer hired at TELCO, itself is a story of socialization theories, suggests that humans develop
breaking stereotypes and fighting gender inequality. Three schemas for learning about gender and gender roles.
Thousand Stitches (Ordinary People, Extraordinary Lives), Symbolic interaction theory posits that gender is strictly a
an autobiographical writing, was published in 2017. The social construction, and based on society's definition of
book has eleven chapters, among them "Three Thousand masculine and feminine, distinct gender roles are passed
Stitches", "How to Beat the Boys", "Cattle Class", "No on and reinforced by different mechanisms within society.
Place Like Home", "A Powerful Ambassador" and "I Can't, Especially important to this study was the symbolic
We Can" deal with basic human rights violations, devadasi interaction theory of gender roles. Symbolic interaction
culture, female health, communal animus, social attributes gender role development to the process of
judgement. The article looks into the social animus and socialization which is "the lifelong process through which
social judgement along with human rights issues in the individuals learn their culture, develop their potential, and
text. Sudha Murty recorded the real-life incidents from her become functioning members of society". Symbolic
own experiences in these chapters which are studied to interaction suggests that social roles are learned over time
understand the social beliefs of the time and to identify the and are subject to constant reinforcement. Additionally,
instances of basic human rights violations. symbolic interaction theory holds that a person's
Monika Duggal (2022) Gender dis-crimination is deeply understanding of his or her role is subject to change. If
ingrained in human nature and physiology in Indian plays are considered social models, then how female and
context clearly revealed in the writings of Indian writers male characters are presented suggests how society at large
who write in English. This is universal across cultures and views the roles of women and men. Furthermore, the
manifests itself in nearly every aspect of life. God made presentation of gender in plays can serve to reinforce or to
man in His own image and man created male and female call for a change in accepted gender behavior for women
according to the Biblical perspective of humanity. Anita and men.
Desai and Githa Hariharan were the catalysts for this shift. Gender roles in society means how we’re expected to act,
The research reveals how they express their feelings on speak, dress, groom, and conduct ourselves based upon our
gender interaction in their female characters in their assigned sex. For example, girls and women are generally
writings. They emphasize an individual's identity, expected to dress in typically feminine ways and be polite,
particularly that of an Indian woman. This article delves accommodating, and nurturing. Men are generally
into the origins of gender disparity in India, as well as the expected to be strong, aggressive, and bold.
Socio-cultural factors that contribute to it. It also highlights
the advantages of having a new self-concept, of being a
new woman or being a modern woman. A new woman's
self-concept evolves from a series of gender interactions
set in the framework of sociology, psychology, ideology, Post structural and postmodern theories have questioned
history, and feminism in the novels of Anita Desai and the notion of identity or experience-based knowledge that
Githa Hariharan. features in some feminist work, because poststructuralist
theories do not treat language as a reflector of reality, but

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Srilakshmi Reflection of Gender Encounters in the Society Portrayed in Literature

rather a powerful way of constructing knowledge. Thus, informed readership; but discerning readers have found
any claims that feminist social work should be based upon that they could respond to the various aspects in Woolf
validating the experiences of women are thrown into starting from the traditional readings of Woolf in respect to
question because those experiences are not merely the autobiographical elements of her works or her narrative
authentic, they are motivated, linguistic accounts, which technique to the most sophisticated readings pertaining to
aim to achieve certain effects, and they are open to the postmodern theories. She has invited Feminist,
different interpretations. Marxist, Structuralist and Poststructuralist readings and
Feminist poststructuralists also challenge the notion of such is the multi-faceted nature of her work that it has been
women’s shared experience, since the category “woman” possible to approach her from different angles with equal
is itself experienced differently and fractured along race, conviction.
class, sexuality, disability, age, and other lines. Earlier Considering the relevance of the concept of androgyny to
feminist debates also centered on potential exclusions of the present times, it would be worthwhile to examine it in
the category “woman” by race, sexuality, and so on, but the context both of its presentation by Woolf as well as the
here the concern is more with the powerful effects of critical debate it has generated. In her novel, The Years,
language use. Postmodern feminist social work, based Woolf represented the ideal relationship between man and
upon difference, diversity, and recognizing the woman by an image of a couple riding in a taxicab. Earlier
marginalized do not sound particularly challenging, their in A Room of One’s Own, Woolf had used the same image
questions about the potentially oppressive nature of to suggest the need of a balance between the masculine
gendered or racialized categories used by social workers and the feminine elements of the human mind. A marriage
raise important concerns regarding the nature of social had to be consummated within the mind itself of each
work knowledge. individual, a union between the masculine and feminine
Postmodern feminist social work theories reject the notion principles, Woolf reiterated. The androgynous self that
of egalitarian power relations as a fantasy that does not Woolf envisions as the ideal self is not a single definable
engage with the power dynamics that always exist between self, but one which contains within itself a multitude of
social workers and clients, a point also made in earlier selves with unlimited potential, one half of which has lain
work. Power is not seen as a one-way street; that is, unutilized in every socially conditioned individual down
something always held by social workers over service the ages.
users. There is no space outside of power relations, and so A Room of One's Own: For Woolf the recovery of the lives
postmodern thinkers call for reflexivity about power within and works of women writers who had gone before, and the
all practices. The feminist model of empowerment, for establishment of a female literary tradition was vitally
example, may be criticized because it sees power as important. Woolf argued that ‘we think back through our
somehow given to the (always) powerless service user by mothers if we are women’. Each generation of women
the (always) powerful social worker, but also because the writers builds upon the successes of those who have gone
notion of “empowerment” has been co-opted by neoliberal before, and for that to be possible the lives of those women
state welfare, so that it replaces any concern for wider need to be known and their books read, studied, valued and
structural change with individualized notions of “choice. enjoyed. Today, the challenges facing women writers have
changed. In the 1970s publishers such as Virago began
returning books by neglected women authors to the literary
canon. Representation is now very much a concern, and
Virginia Woolf ensuring that women from ethnic minorities have their
Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) was an English novelist, work read, reviewed, promoted and marketed on a level
essayist, biographer, and feminist. Woolf was a prolific playing field with their white peers is increasingly
writer, whose modernist style changed with each new important. The more perspectives we encounter the richer
novel. Her letters and memoirs reveal glimpses of Woolf at our understanding of life.
the center of English literary culture during the Anita Desai
Bloomsbury era. Woolf represents a historical moment
Anita Desai born on 24 June, 1937 at Mussoorie. She is a
when art was integrated into society. Virginia Woolf is a
well known Indian writer. Her novels focus on the tortured
name that has inspired different feelings in different people
, tormented, trodden image of women and the struggle of
ranging from downright disparagement to great adulation.
women against the male dominated world.
None who have come in contact with her or with her works
have remained unaffected by it. Her work has not appealed The novels Cry, the Peacock (1963) and Voices in the City
to all her readers equally for she has always demanded an (1965) deal with depressed housewives in altogether

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Srilakshmi Reflection of Gender Encounters in the Society Portrayed in Literature

different way. In Cry, the Peacock, Maya-the protagonist VI. CONCLUSION

has to suffer as her husband can’t understand her various All during the 20th women have faced significant human
needs while in Voices in the City, Monisha, suffers due to rights challenges and social impediments due to the
husband’s insensibility as well as the cruel nature of prevalence of male-dominated social structures. There is a
mother-in-law. direct line between literature and inequality. Sad
In the novel Where Shall We Go This Summer? (1975), occurrences, terrible circumstances, and the condition of
Desai presents the predicament of a married women who women in the 18th and 19th centuries are often depicted in
wants to win over the difficulties and sufferings of her life. literature. In most cultures, women are expected to lag
The novel Fasting, Feasting (1999) , takes place in a small three steps behind males. Whether Anita Desai, Sudha
village. This is a story of Uma and Arun. Uma an older Murthy and Virginia Woolf is portraying a male or female
women who is unmarried and no one cares about her role, it is always the women who end up being the
future. She works hard in home and serves the old parents. dominant ones. A major patriarchal strategy used to
On the other hand, a lot of efforts are taken to ensure prevent women from realizing their actual identities as
Arun’s education and future life. Because he is the male independent self-existence is the vivid depiction in
member of the family. literature of patriarchal ways of imposing a false identity
Sudha Murthy on them.

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