Columbus United Methodist Church: in This Issue

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Columbus United Methodist Church

222 S. Dickason Blvd. Columbus, WI 53925

September, 2010

In This Issue
Thanks Be to God! Fellowship Time Schedule September Usher Schedule September Anniversaries & Birthdays Upcoming Sermon Topics Friday Family Film Night Depression Recovery Program Wish List Bell Choir Choirs Resume Confirmation Childrens Choir Resumes Mission Offering for September Taking the War Out of Our Words Adult Bible Study September News & Notes: Children & Youth Ministries Conversation During Worship Short-Term Disciple Bible Study UMCOR Updates Update from Our MissionaryPaul Webster Calendar
Our purpose is to: Follow Jesus Together We do this by: Opening our hearts to people and to Christ in worship and fellowship, so that we know God and each other more fully, Opening our minds to deepen our Christian faith, understand our heritage, and think together to solve common problems, and Opening our doors in welcome and hospitality, even as we go out of those doors to invite people into God's church and be in service to all of our neighbors everywhere.

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The Voice
Thanks Be to God!
As I write this, I am recovering from an excellent Vacation Bible School. I had the honor of teaching in the storytelling room, and I became a little hoarse making funny voices while telling the stories. The building is a happy mess, with that comfortable, well-used look that says, Children have been here. In fact, we had 43 children in Vacation Bible School, more than we expected. I met a number of children and adults for the first time. There were so many people who made Vacation Bible School work. First, and foremost, Mary Baker with her planning and getting ready and her flexibility, too. Mary will tell you about the others who have made Bible School a growing phenomenon. Its good to have good things happen at church! Im delighted that we now have Bill Solomon playing string bass in the Praise Band, and he expressed a desire to direct the bell choir so we could start it up again, too. That would make seven musical ensembles in our church, which is a lot for a church of our size. Im thankful for the work of Wes Karow, retired by the time you read this, after many years of faithful service. Wes example of quiet serving is an inspiration to me, and I know you join me in wishing him blessings in his retirement. Im thankful, too, that Roger Jischkowsky has been hired to do the cleaning work that Wes has done, with Mike Toth doing the more general maintenance of heating and cooling systems, replacing lights, and keeping tabs on our large building. Im glad for the work of Orv Karow in stringing wire for new microphone jacks, which have been very helpful for the Praise Team. They feel more confident singing with the wired microphones, and feel they work better, too. Some of the things I give thanks for I cant tell you, because they involve peoples suffering, and the ways that church people have banded together and surrounded them with love. But there have been lots of those things lately.

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My heart is glad for the committee leaders and members who give of themselves to make the business of the church happen. So many are involved, with each contribution important. Thanks be to God! Jim

Fellowship Time Schedule September Volunteers

September 5th: September 12th: September 19th: September 26th: Rita Jordan Rhonda Miller Larry & Mary Baker Becky Covarrubias & Roger Jischkowsky

UMW Potluck & Program, Thursday, September 10th, 6:00 p.m. Watch for invitations and wait for special phone calls!

The Voice is the monthly newsletter of the Columbus United Methodist Church. Please send all correspondence to: PO Box 392, Columbus, WI 53925-0392. Pastor: Jim Cotter Secretary: Wanda Guenther Church Office......920-623-3625 (Office Hours: Monday thru Friday from 9-3) Pastors home phone......920-623-9641 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: ............................. Pastors E-Mail: [email protected]

The Voice
September Schedule Happy September Birthdays!

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Sept. 5th:

Don Pritchard, Ann Ehlenfeldt and Fred & Della Dartt Dan & Patsy Roe and Carol Balfanz Stuart Smith, Wanda Guenther and 1 or 2 Volunteers Needed Philip & Peggy Waterworth and Jan Bolan

Sept., 12th: Sept. 19th:

2 3 5 7 10 11 12 13 14 15

Sept. 26th:

Dakota Landphier Ruth Marks Heather Henke Amanda Wagner Lynne Fuller Katie Sharrow Aiden Arians Karen Plantenberg Karrie Griese Makayla Jischkowsky Hyacinth Lange Vincent Bodie Ian MacDonald Gretchen MacDonald Fred Dartt Faye Venden

17 George Jordan Mary Mink 19 Marlo Gaddo Michael Toth 20 Shelby Lewis 21 Florence Lund 23 Mary Sramek 24 Kelsey Griese 25 Katy Caswell Shane Klinger Mary Lou Swain Lorna Will 27 David Weisman 28 Carl Cotter

September Anniversaries
9/2 9/8 9/9 9/10 9/20 9/22 9/24 George & Rita Jordan Stuart & Lois Smith Peter & Lynda Griese David & Erin Weisman Doug & Sharon Caldwell Danny & Genese Brisky Doug & Angela Landphier Brian & Brenda Hamilton Gwenn & Susan Gmeinder

Keeping in Touch with Our Church Family

Mailing address for Alton Mather: 13750 National Avenue, Apt. 1111 New Berlin, WI 53151 New telephone number for Eleanor Scheiding: 608-609-2154

Upcoming Sermon Topics

Sunday, September 5th: Sunday, September 12th Sunday, September 19th: Sunday, September 26th: Holy, Communion, The Meaning of Holy Communion, 1 Corinthians 11:18-26 Rally Day, Becoming Like Children, Mark 9:35-41 Honoring the Friend in You, Luke 5:17-25 Honoring the Mystic in You, John 3:1-21

The Voice
Family-Friendly Friday Night Film, September 10th 7 p.m.
The September film will be Milo & Otis. The film opens in a barn with a mother cat who has given birth to kittens. One of the kittens is named Milo, and has a habit of being too curious and getting himself into trouble. He soon finds a pug puppy named Otis, and they become friends. They then look after Gloria's chick, who thinks Otis is his mother. Otis convinces the chick that Otis is not his mother by acting tough on Milo and scaring the Chick. When Milo is playing inside a box floating in the river, he accidentally drifts downstream. Otis runs after Milo. Milo goes on many adventures, escaping one incident after another. He encounters no fewer than three bears; escapes from the desolate, raven-infested Deadwood Swamp; steals a muskrat from a vulpine cache; follows a train-track to the home of a female deer, who shelters him; sleeps in an Owl's "dreaming nest"; stays for a while with a sow pig and her piglets; catches a fish, only to have it stolen by a raccoon; is mobbed by seagulls; and evades first the third bear, then a snake, only to fall into a hole. Otis, for his part, follows Milo throughout, usually only an hour behind and less than a mile out of range. Finally, the two catch up with one another while Milo is in the hole. Otis pulls him out by means of a rope. Milo and Otis are reunited, and soon find mates of their own: Joyce, a cat, for Milo; and Sondra, a pug, for Otis. After this they separate and raise children. They help each other's families to survive the harsh winter and find their way back together through the forest to their barn, living together. As always, volunteers for ushers, food servers, set up and clean up are always needed. Come and join this growing family ministry!

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Depression Recovery Program

Wisconsin Academy (N2355 DuBorg Road, Columbus) is offering a Depression Recovery Program. Learn how to:

Identify depression and its causes Improve your emotional intelligence Enhance your energy levels and moods Overcome depression through positive lifestyle choices Eat for optimal brain function Manage stress without distress Live above loss Improve brain function Defeat depression through right thinking Achieve peak mental performance

Find out if this program is right for you at the free orientation and registration at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 7th, at the Wisconsin Academy Auditorium. The program is an eight week program on Tuesdays from September 21st through November 9th from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. You can register at the door or by calling 920-350-9428.

This issue of the Voice is sponsored by George & Rita Jordan in celebration of their 50th Wedding Anniversary.

The August issue of the Voice was sponsored by Gene & Dorothy Hake

The Voice

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The Wills & Gifts Committee of our church is pleased to present you this Wish List. If there are any additional items you believe should be on this list, please contact the Chairperson, Lyle Elske, or call the church office at 623-3625. These are opportunities for special giving. Columbus United Methodist Church Wills & Gifts Wish List Bulletin Sponsor VOICE Sponsor Gift Bibles for 1st & 3rd Graders Child care for Praise Band Rehearsals 7 Confirmation Picture Frames & Matting (each frame holds six pictures) Seasonal silk flower arrangement for Sanctuary Easter/Wedding Altar Cloth and Pulpit & Lectern Paraments Wellness FundCounseling Wireless hand-held microphone and receiver $15.00 per week $50.00 per month $13.00 each $15.00 per week $230.00 each frame (or sponsor one picture at $40.00) $35.00 to $40.00 each $2800.00 Various Amounts $600.00

Bell Choir
We are delighted to welcome Bill Solomon as a Bell Choir Director. Bill is the string bass player in the Praise Team, and has conducted vocal and bell choirs previously. Bill will be hoping to talk soon to those who are interested in playing in the Bell Choir, to set up rehearsal schedules, etc.

Choirs Resume
Calling all singers! The summer is over, and we want to make music together. Even if you dont have musical training, we can use you in the Gospel Ensemble, where we will sing some songs without printed music. We welcome new participants. Womens Ensemble sings a variety of music, and meets alternate Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. Gospel Ensemble sings Gospel and Barbershop-style music, and rehearses alternate Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. Chancel Choir sings traditional choral music in several styles, and rehearses alternate Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m.

Dear Church Family, We want to thank you for your cards and prayers during the recent death of my step-father. And thank you to Pastor Jim for your visits and for being there. This all meant so much. Louise & Lyle Elske

The Voice
Confirmation Class is a time when Pastor Jim, Mary Baker, Patsy Roe and other adults meet with young people (mostly in 7th and 8th grades), to share with them an experience of the Christian Faith. Confirmation is really the second half of baptism, when the young people affirm the faith that their parents promised to raise them in. The first session of Confirmation class will be September 8. Sessions will continue every other week, with some breaks for holidays, into May. In the past, weve had a Confirmation curriculum that included a review of the Bible, church history, United Methodist beliefs, prayer, spiritual gifts and more. It has been heavily content-oriented. This year, we will switch from a content orientation to a practice orientation. How do you practice the Christian faith? What is it like to live as a Christian? This is what we will meet about. If you know someone in 7th or 8th grades who would like to be part of Confirmation, please let Pastor Jim, Patsy Roe or Mary Baker know.

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Mission Offering for September

The Mission offering for September will go to support our Missionary in Zambia, Paul Webster. Here are some ways his mission is helping the people of Zambia. Please give generously. ~~Your Missions Committee Zambia (8/2008) - Paul Webster We are: Building an New missionary house Building a Chapel named after my wife, Roxanne C. Webster Irrigating tomato, onion, cabbage fields Irrigating pineapple, banana, and strawberry fields Bringing in a large forage crop to feed our cattle Buying 15 head of heifers to begin a new breeding program to introduce Brown Swiss cattle to the area We have also: Bought another 1200 day-old chicks to bring our total chicken layer population to over 3000 Hosted a 7 day District Conference of over 150 people providing all food and accommodations Participated in the first regional Agriculture Show held in over 15 years Successfully driven our donkeys and cart on a round trip 60 mile journey Participated in the second annual Provisional Zambian Annual Conference where Tshala was elected head of communications for the Zambian Conference. Begun to sell hogs from our project site Trained an orphan who came in from Zambezi to learn about agriculture Supported a seminary student through to graduation from an accredited seminary. He will come to work with pastors and laity from our site

Childrens Choir Resumes September 12

Pastor Jim will once again direct the Childrens Choir. Rehearsals will be in the Sanctuary at 11:30 a.m. on Sundays, right after Sunday School. All children are welcome! The choir will sing in worship about once a month, starting in October.

The Voice
Taking the War Out of Our Words October 1 & 2

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Recently, my wife, Marianne went to a workshop led by Sharon Strand Ellison that helped people speak so that others would listen, and listen so that others would speak. She came back very excited by what she learned, and ready to put it into practice. The principles were very simple. They were ways of asking questions and making statements. Despite their simplicity, these methods help make conversations more honest and increase mutual understanding. Sometimes, they can change attitudes completely. In her book, Ellison talks about a time she was buying tires for her car. Whenever she would ask a question about the tires, the salesperson would say, You dont need to know about that. She began to seethe inwardly, because she thought that he was treating her as though women didnt need to know about tires. Instead of expressing anger, Ellison calmed down, and asked the salesman a question. With as little emotion as possible, she asked, Do you really think I dont need to know about the tires Im buying? The salesman was quite taken aback by her question, and explained that he had taught at the community college, where his students often needled him with silly questions, and he had come up with the response you dont need to know about that to get the students off his back. Both Sharon Ellison and the salesman left that interchange much happier. I hope you can come on October 1 & 2 to an event at our church, at which Sharon Strand Ellison will teach her principles. You can register at our church office, or ask us to send you a registration blank. The cost is $80 for the two days, or $45 for Friday only, but persons will not be turned away for lack of ability to pay. This price is much lower than Sharon Ellison would normally charge for two eighthour days of instruction, coming all the way from California. This event will be helpful for anyone, but especially parents or anyone else who has to deal with conflict on a regular basis. For more information, call the church office. The event is also being sponsored by Faith Lutheran Church, Olivet United Church of Christ and the Wisconsin Council of Churches. ~~Jim

Adult Bible Study

After our study on the book of James, we took a break for several months, but now it is time to start up a Bible Study again. Pastor Jim plans to lead a study on Sunday or Monday evening, and could also have a daytime session. He would like to know the interest level in various times. Please cut out the form below and drop it in the offering plate or church office: Name: I would be able to meet: Sunday at 6 p.m. ____ Monday at 6 p.m. ___ Wednesday at 1 p.m. ___ Thursday at 1 p.m. Phone:


The Voice
September News & Notes: Children and Youth Ministries

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Rotation Sunday School Rally Sunday will be September 12th. This is our official start of the school year Sunday School! We will have special activities and treats for students . Students and staff will be involved in the Worship Service(s). We are setting up a staff schedule to assure consistency for both staff and students. We need volunteers to teach and assist with Sunday School . Please call the church office if you would be willing to help. Vacation Bible School We were blessed with 43 students!! Our classes were wonderful, meals and snacks were awesome and the children were touched by the love and care given to them!!. It took a whole Church Village to make this a success. Teachers, shepherds to assist the children, youth volunteers, day care providers, support staff for VBS, music leaders, snack and meal cookers and providers, as well as set up crew and clean up helpers were all essential to the event. We were blessed to learn the parable of The Sower and hear how we can sow the seeds of Gods love to our families, our community and to the world. We took an Offering of food for the Food Pantry the last day. It was touching to see how families responded to the request for donations. We will share the seeds of sharing and caring with the bounty we received!! Jesus called us to Go into all the world and be his Disciples. Thanks to all who made this event possible. It was indeed a response to being the church in Mission as Christ called us to be. We are called not to simply serve ourselves, but to reach out to others and share the good news of the Gospel with our words and our deeds. . This we did during VBS!! Keep the children and youth in your prayers as the school year begins. Pray for guidance and direction for every parent, teacher, and person who will be a part of their education. Pray that everyone working with them has a deep love and respect for each and every child they work with. Pray that nothing less than the very best effort and care goes out to all students!! Pray especially for the students who struggle, who need special time and attention! Stay involved in the system(s) that serve our children and be an advocate! Jesus was clear with the words Let the children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven. May the love of God surround you and bless you. I am constantly amazed at how we stress and struggle to make things work on our own. I need to be ever mindful to seek Gods will and way for my life. Gods way is the way to peace, love, joy and eternal life ! Love, Mary Baker

The Voice
Conversation During Worship
On Sunday, August 22, we had "conversation" during worship about ways we might be in mission in our local community. Here were some of the ideas: The Food Pantry is important. A member volunteered to coordinate bringing meals to those who are sick, etc. We are known in the community as having open doors, as being available. We may want to do a survey of the congregation about the things we can offer and ways we'd like to participate. We have a feeling of joy in the church, in our spirit and in how we love each other. Young people drop out after Confirmation. This is a common problem for churches, but one to tackle - to make sure there is something for youth after Confirmation. We need to be aware of our welcome to new people, and follow through. Younger children are not in worship. They are in Sunday School, but not in worship. How can we encourage that? We want to develop our confidence in order to share and invite. The Church is the people (not just the facility). We can build upon our successes-multiply our efforts. There are "kids" (skateboarders) on our doorstep - how do we reach out? We can reach out to kids in the community/ build a skate park for them. A person volunteered to start a mission group to make prayer shawls for people who are sick and hurting in our community. We can share Jesus' love by Christmas caroling.

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A "casserole convoy" could be a participatory way of bringing caring to people. Let's find ways for young and old do things together. Expanding the Prayer Chain - not only pray but visit, etc.

Check Out Our Web Site!

Go to New items will be added monthly.

Starting Tuesdays this Fall!

Short-Term Disciple Bible Study Invitation To John 11 sessions, 60-90 minutes The invitation from Christ is: "Come and see, Follow me". Experience the magnificent passages in John including the I am statements (I am the truth, the life and the way, I am the living water and more). Revisit stories only told in John's gospel including Nicodemus, Mary Magdalene and the raising of Lazarus. Participants for this Invitation to John do not have to have an in-depth knowledge of the Bible to enjoy and benefit from participation. Reading just two chapters of John a week, we will discover the life altering stories that will invite us to follow Christ as true disciples. This eleven-week study includes an outline for daily reading assignments for group discussions. Participant's book is $11.00. Sign up or call Patsy Roe (623-9110) if you want to take part in this journey into the gospel of John.

The Voice
"Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God. Whenever I pray, I make my requests for all of you with joy, for you have been my partners in spreading the Good News about Christ. . .And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns." Paul wrote these words to the church at Plilippi (chapter 1:3-6), and I share them with you because he has captured my thoughts of heartfelt love and gratitude for you all! Your words of kindness and encouragement, your prayerful support, and your gifts have all filled my heart with extravagant joy! The two weeks I spent at licensing school in the Indiana Conference were like boot camp -- intense yet fabulous! As I journey on towards ministry as a licensed local pastor, I am blessed with each and every moment God gives us together in His work. In His good time, some church will be needing a pastor such as me. Right now, I say with the Apostle Paul, "Peace be with you, dear brothers and sisters, and may God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you love with faithfulness. May God's grace be eternally upon all who love our Lord Jesus Christ." (Ephesians 6:23-24) You are truly a blessed gift from God! In His mercy & grace, Patsy Roe

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Congratulations and best wishes to Samuel Cotter and Kimberly Ferguson who were married on Saturday, August 14th, in Ames, Iowa. Even with the torrential rains in Iowa, everything went well! Jim & Marianne Cotter, Lance & Lora Ferguson, and Kyle Ferguson are the proud parents of the happy couple. Samuel and Kimberly have now moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma, to begin their new life.

UMCOR Updates
Flood Relief Effort Continues in Pakistan: More than three weeks after flooding began in Pakistan, the emergency continues to unfold, with no end in sight. While entire villages and towns remain submerged in floodwaters, the fear of starvation, illness, and disease is compounded by the continual threat of fresh rains. More than 1,600 have died and some 20 million have been impacted by the crisis, including, according to UNICEF, 6 million children. UMCOR grants are providing clean drinking water, food, temporary shelter, and medical aid to tens of thousands of people affected by the crisis. Beware of Pakistan Flood Relief Scams: Illegitimate petitions for flood relief in Pakistan have been circulating recently. The legitimate information follows: All donations can be sent to the Wisconsin Conference Treasurer for International Disaster Response, Fund # 5966. UMCOR is working with the following (trusted and known) partners: Church World Service, Church of Pakistan (Diocese of Peshawar): with/through the ACT Alliance and Norwegian Church Aid, GlobalMedic, Muslim Aid.

Happy moments, praise God. Difficult moments, seek God. Quiet moments, worship God. Painful moments, trust God. Every moment, thank God.

The Voice
Update from Our MissionaryPaul Webster

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Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let not your hands be idle, for you do not know which will succeed whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well. Ecclesiastes 11:6
Greetings from Mujila Falls Agriculture Project, This has been a very busy few months with numerous visits from GBGM supervisors, VIM Teams, Engineers without Borders, hosting our 4th Zambian Annual Conference, as well as finishing my house, developing some new fields and pastures, bringing in a record maize, soybean and black bean harvest, and dealing with the increasing numbers of livestock at the site. One of our failures was our ferro-concrete posts in our corn crib which collapsed from the record corn crop we put inside---well, back to the drawing board. One of our unexpected success stories has been our turkey flock which grew from just three birds into over 30 today. We are easily selling breeding birds for $30.00 each. The turkeys mostly graze on grass, eat bugs, and scratch around the cattle and goat corrals. They roost above our rabbit cages so they are nearly free to keep and raise. Another success has been our potato project which started with a quarter hectare of potatoes last rainy season. We have now replanted the small potatoes and are looking at another successful crop under irrigation. We hope to produce enough seed so we can plant an even larger field in December. We are beginning to find more secure markets for our eggs, pork, strawberries, yoghurt, potatoes, etc. in the local District Capital. Finally, on the Appropriate Technology front, we have gotten huge interest in the high-wheel cultivators we are building from used bicycle parts. We can cultivate large fields of black beans, potatoes, soybeans, etc. using these cheap and easy to build devices. This should help local people to greatly expand and adequately cultivate fields in the near future. Jesus said in Luke 9:62 that No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the Kingdom of God. We are called here to Zambia to build the Kingdom of God one furrow at a time, one farmer at a time, one harvest at a time. We try only to look back enough to learn from our errors and then to look single-mindedly and confidently at the task ahead. TWO VETERNARY STUDENTS TRAIN AT CENTER Mujila Falls had the honor of providing a six weeks training course to a pair of veterinary students from Natural Resources University in Lusaka. We had them working in several of our projects as they learned practical skills in animal husbandry, animal traction, goat and cow milking, rabbit raising, layer chicken management, gardening, etc. Learning to actually feed a calf is more complicated than what can be learned in the class room. We were pleased that the Ministry of Agriculture contacted us to arrange a placement at our project site. There are few farms in our district and few opportunities for agriculture students to get practical experience in their degree area. We will be hosting another such group from the Democratic Republic of Congo in October. OUR TWELVE CALVES BORN THIS YEAR ARE GROWING QUICKLY Some are almost pure Hosltein-Fresian and some are crosses with local bush cattle, but all are growing quickly. Eight of the twelve are heifers so should help us to quickly expand our milking herd in about two years. We have two more heifers due to freshen in a few months. The new bull is doing a great job and all of the mothers of these calves are pregnant again. (Continued on Page 12)

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RAISING POTATOES YEAR AROUND For the first time we are attempting to raise potatoes in the dry season
under irrigation. This will permit us to utilize the undersized potatoes from the previous harvest as seed potatoes and, thus, reducing our expenses and uncertainty in buying certified seed potatoes every time we plant. We have developed a good market with local restaurants and guest houses and are learning how to store the potatoes more effectively. Pineapples and black beans border the potato crop. We have successfully used the oxen and ridger to create the furrows to plant the potatoes. We use our own manure as the only fertilizer. We then use our newly invented high-wheel cultivators to weed and hill the potatoes. This means we are using virtually no outside inputs to grow this productive crop. Seed, animal traction, human labor, fertilizer is all produced locally. My next challenge is to build an ox drawn potato digger---any ideas?

HIGH-WHEEL CULTIVATOR A GREAT SUCCESS Doug Wells, a visiting Engineers without Borders volunteer, tries his hand at the Appropriate Technology hand cultivator invented and developed at our site.
We have found that this simple and cheap to build device can increase cultivating speed by over 10 times when compared with the common hoe that is almost universally used across Africa. We simply used broken bicycle frames, one bicycle wheel and a shoe from an ox cultivator to make this machine in a few hours. When I showed this device at our Annual Conference, I was mobbed by people wanting to know how they could get one or how they could build their own. We use the machine in narrow row crops like soybeans, black beans and potatoes. In wider row crops such as maize, pineapples, sorghum, etc. we use an ox drawn cultivator to increase productivity. The cultivator also ridges the field crop as you weed.

complexity of our project, we have struggled to develop middle management people with the education, skills and experience to insure that everything works smoothly and efficiently. In the past year we have been able to bring onto staff two persons with such education and skill. Ryan Masuwa is a recent graduate (B.S. degree) of the Agriculture School of Africa University in Zimbabwe. Africa University is a creation of the United Methodist Church and we are proud to be able to place one of their graduates. Ryan is also a native Lunda from this area. We hope he will bring some computer skills for our growing accounting, government reporting and analysis needs. His knowledge of the local people should help to make him a good trainer. Amon Mlotshwa, is from the Ngoni tribe (cousins to the Zulu of South Africa). He brings a long tradition of animal husbandry and demonstrates it with his love and care of every animal. He recently raised an orphan lamb, named Sheepie by teaching it to drink milk from a pan. He is a graduate of a two year agriculture school in Kitwe, Zambia.

ground breaking, I have finally moved into my own missionary house. It was actually planned and drawn out with the assistance of my late wife, Roxanne, around 2001. It gives me great pleasure to know that her contribution has finally become reality, including palladium windows, large fireplace, spacious kitchen and dining area and three guest rooms for our numerous Volunteer in Missions guests and other visitors. Inside and out we made use of local stone and lumber cut from the property. The five bedroom house has two full bathrooms. The house has a great view of the river valley and is very close to the water fall. We hope many will come as volunteers in the coming years to not only work, but to enjoy the beauty of our area and growing comfort of our site. (Continued on Page 12)

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WE SINCERELY THANK ALL OF OUR SUPPORTING CHURCHES It is hard to believe, but in less than a year, I will, again, be itinerating in the U.S. I will do my best to visit every church who has contributed either to my salary support or to our project work. Be aware that I have split my traditional region with my colleagues, Tshala and Betty Mwengo. They will now be visiting those churches I used to have in Illinois, Indiana and Ohio. I am sorry to lose some of you, but know that you will continue to support our project through Tshala and Betty. YOUR CONTINUING FINANCIAL SUPPORT IS GREATLY NEEDED With another planting season staring us in the face, we are again appealing to our current supporting churches and new supporting congregations to again prayerfully consider continuing or even increasing your support to our vital work. The past few months we have begun to pay our workers from the proceeds of our egg sales, but many of our input costs still require assistance from you. Fertilizer, fuel, vehicle repairs, cement, continue to rise in price. Lusaka, Zambia has now become one of the most expensive cities in the world to visit and live in. Lusaka is the only place we can find many of our inputs for our animals, crops, and construction. We need to haul lime, cement, fertilizer over 700 km one-way. These are heavy commodities that require a lot of fuel to haul.
Over the past 10 years since our site was dedicated we have seen real progress here. While we still have significant malnutrition here, the dire cases are fewer. Children now have better access to schools and health care. This chiefdom in 2000 had the lowest maize production in the area. Now, with our help and encouragement, in 2010, Chief Kanyamas area out produced all other chiefdoms in the Mwinilunga District. We are seeing more permanent houses being built, more bicycles, motorcycles, and electronics being purchased with money from the raising and sales of crops and animals. Over the past two years our chicken vaccination program has caused a five fold increase in the numbers of village chickens. We are now selling trained oxen and equipment to interested farmers on a credit basis. We now have two day care centers with over 100 children attending the two. A free milk break program is being sponsored by our farm. We have lowered the price of eggs in the area by over 25% in the past year. This means that more people can afford to buy eggs for themselves and their children. Eggs and milk are essential to those children under six years of age if they are going to get a head start in life. Giving through the General Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church means that 100 percent of the money you send gets directly to our project. No other NGO can claim that. You will know where your money is being spent and can easily check on us through e-mail and even VIM team visits to the site. Be sure that if you are already supporting my Salary, that you also give to our project funding needs through our Advance Special Number (15016A)I cant use salary support moneys for other purposes as that is strictly controlled by the financial people at GBGM. You can now expedite your giving by sending directly to GBGM in New York electronically with your Charge Card. All funds will be accredited to your church and Conference just as if you had physically sent a check from your Church to your Conference and on to GBGM. The difference is that there is instant transfer without the normal three month delay. Go to the GBGM website for more information on this form of giving. Again, Tshala, Betty, and I warmly thank you for your prayers and actions on our behalf. The Lunda people are learning through this project that God has provided them with everything they need except the technology and training in putting those God-given inputs of soil, water, sun, etc. together for their family benefit. Education and training must come from you through your gifts. Jesus told the skeptics not to take his word for who he was, but to simply watch his example and decide. Our project brings people to Christ in the same way--- by being examples of Christian love and charity. The people will and are deciding every day through our works to follow Christ. Your Servant in Christ,

Rev. Paul L. Webster

The Voice
Columbus United Methodist Church
PO Box 392 Columbus, WI 53925-0392
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Upcoming events you might want to know about!


September 5th: 9:00 a.m.Traditional Worship/Communion 10:00 a.m.Fellowship Time 10:30 a.m.Sunday School 10:30 a.m.Contemporary Worship/ Communion Labor DayOffice Closed 6:00 p.m.UMW Potluck & Program

Monday, September 6th:


Thursday, September 9th: Friday, September 10th:

7:000 p.m.Family-Friendly Friday Night FilmMilo & Otis 9:00 a.m.Traditional Worship 10:00 a.m.Fellowship Time 10:30 a.m.Sunday School 10:30 a.m.Contemporary Worship 11:30 a.m.Childrens Choir Rehearsal

Sunday, September 12thRally Day & Childrens Choir Begins:

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