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Congratulations on purchasing RUIDE Total Station RIS series.

This manual will give a detailed and complete instruction about this total station.
Please read it carefully before use.

FORWORDS ....................................................................................................................................................... 1
FEATURES .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
PRECAUTIONS .................................................................................................................................................. 6
1. BRIEF INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 7
1.1 APPEARANCE ........................................................................................................................................................... 7
1.2 UNPACKING AND STORING THE TOTAL STATION ....................................................................................... 8
1.3 INSTRUMENT SETUP ............................................................................................................................................. 8
1.4 BATTERY: INFORMATION, AND RECHARGING ...........................................................................................11
1.5 REFLECTORS ..........................................................................................................................................................12
1.6 MOUNTING AND DISMOUNTING INSTRUMENT FROM TRIBRACH.....................................................12
1.7 EYEPIECE ADJUSTMENT AND COLLIMATING OBJECTS ..........................................................................13
1.8 POWERING ON/OFF ............................................................................................................................................13
2. OPERATION ................................................................................................................................................ 15
2.1 OPERATION KEYS .................................................................................................................................................15
2.2 SYMBOLS .................................................................................................................................................................16
2.3 DISPLAY OF ANGLE ..............................................................................................................................................16
2.4 ROUTINE MEASUREMENT .................................................................................................................................17
3. JOB MANAGEMENT .................................................................................................................................. 18
3.1 CREATE NEW JOB .................................................................................................................................................18
3.2 OPEN JOB.................................................................................................................................................................18
3.3 DELETE JOB ............................................................................................................................................................19
3.4 SAVE AS ....................................................................................................................................................................19
3.5 RECYCLE BIN ..........................................................................................................................................................19
3.6 INFORMATION .......................................................................................................................................................20
3.7 IMPORT ....................................................................................................................................................................20
3.8 EXPORT ....................................................................................................................................................................21
3.9 ABOUT ......................................................................................................................................................................21
4. DATA MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................................................... 22
4.1 RAW DATA ...............................................................................................................................................................22
4.2 XYZ DATA .................................................................................................................................................................22
4.3 CODE DATA..............................................................................................................................................................23
4.4 GRAPHICS................................................................................................................................................................24
5.COGO .............................................................................................................................................................. 25
5.1 CALCULATOR .........................................................................................................................................................25
5.2 CALCULATE XYZ ....................................................................................................................................................25
5.3 INVERSE ...................................................................................................................................................................26
5.4 AREA & PERIMETER ............................................................................................................................................26
5.5 PT-LINE INVERSE ..................................................................................................................................................27
5.6 2 POINTS INVERSE ...............................................................................................................................................28
5.7 4 POINTS INVERSE ...............................................................................................................................................29

5.8 VOLUME ...................................................................................................................................................................30
5.9 UNIT ..........................................................................................................................................................................31
5.10 MERIDIAN CONVERGENCE .............................................................................................................................31
5.11 LEAD TRAVERSE.................................................................................................................................................31
6. SET ................................................................................................................................................................. 33
6.1 UNIT SETTING .......................................................................................................................................................33
6.2 ANGLE SETTING ....................................................................................................................................................34
6.3 DISTANCE SETTING .............................................................................................................................................34
6.4 NEZ SETTING..........................................................................................................................................................35
6.5 RS232 COMMUNICATION SETTING ................................................................................................................35
6.6 BLUETOOTH ...........................................................................................................................................................36
6.7 POWER MANAGEMENT ......................................................................................................................................36
6.8 OTHER ......................................................................................................................................................................37
6.9 UPGRADE ................................................................................................................................................................37
6.10 FORMAT ................................................................................................................................................................38
6.11 RESET .....................................................................................................................................................................38
6.12 APP INSTALL ........................................................................................................................................................38
7. ADJUSTMENT ............................................................................................................................................. 39
7.1 COMPENSATOR .....................................................................................................................................................39
7.2 V0 ADJUSTMENT ..................................................................................................................................................39
7.3 ADDITIVE CONSTANT .........................................................................................................................................41
7.4 LCD ADJUST ............................................................................................................................................................42
7.5 GYRO CORRECTION .............................................................................................................................................42
8. MEASUREMENT ......................................................................................................................................... 43
8.1 ANGLE .......................................................................................................................................................................43
8.2 DISTANCE ................................................................................................................................................................44
8.3 COORDINATES .......................................................................................................................................................44
8.4 Q-MEAS KEY…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…..45
9. STATION ....................................................................................................................................................... 46
9.1 KNOWNPT...............................................................................................................................................................46
9.2 STN HT .....................................................................................................................................................................47
9.3 BS CHECK.................................................................................................................................................................47
9.4 RESECTION .............................................................................................................................................................48
9.5 GYRO NORTH SEEK ..............................................................................................................................................49
9.6 POINT TO LINE ......................................................................................................................................................49
9.7 MULTI-DIRECTION ...............................................................................................................................................49
10. COLLECT.................................................................................................................................................... 51
10.1 PT MEASURE .......................................................................................................................................................51
10.2 DIST.OFFSET ........................................................................................................................................................52
10.3 ANGLE PT..............................................................................................................................................................53
10.4 COLUMN CENTER ...............................................................................................................................................54
10.5 MLM ........................................................................................................................................................................55

10 .6 LINE & EXTEND PT ...........................................................................................................................................56
10.7 LINE & ANGPT .....................................................................................................................................................57
10.8 REM.........................................................................................................................................................................58
10.9 F1/F2 .....................................................................................................................................................................58
10.10 IMAGE ..................................................................................................................................................................58
11. STAKE OUT ............................................................................................................................................... 59
11.1 PT SO ......................................................................................................................................................................59
11.2 ANG & DIST SO ....................................................................................................................................................60
11.3 ALIGNMENT SO ...................................................................................................................................................61
11.4 STRAIGHT REFERENCE LINE SO ...................................................................................................................61
12. ROAD .......................................................................................................................................................... 63
12.1 SELECT ROAD ......................................................................................................................................................63
12.2 H ALIGNMENT .....................................................................................................................................................63
12.3 V ALIGNMENT .....................................................................................................................................................66
12.4 ROAD SO ................................................................................................................................................................67
12.5 ROAD XYZ .............................................................................................................................................................68
13. CHECK AND ADJUSTMENT .................................................................................................................. 69
13.1 PLATE VIAL ..........................................................................................................................................................69
13.2 CIRCULAR VIAL...................................................................................................................................................70
13.3 COMPENSATOR 0 OFFSET ADJUSTMENT ..................................................................................................70
13.4 INCLINATION OF RETICLE ..............................................................................................................................70
13.5 PERPENDICULARITY OF LINE OF SIGHT TO HORIZONTAL AXIS (2C) ............................................71
13.6 VERTICAL INDEX DIFFERENCE COMPENSATION ...................................................................................72
13.8 OPTICAL PLUMMET ..........................................................................................................................................72
13.9 LASER PLUMMET ...............................................................................................................................................73
13.10 INSTRUMENT CONSTANT (K) .....................................................................................................................74
13.12 TRIBRACH LEVELING SCREW .....................................................................................................................75
13.13 RELATED PARTS FOR REFLECTOR ............................................................................................................75
14. SPECIFICATION ....................................................................................................................................... 76
15. SAFETY GUIDE ........................................................................................................................................ 77
15.1 INTERNAL DISTANCE METER (VISIBLE LASER)......................................................................................77
15.2 LASER PLUMMET ...............................................................................................................................................79
APPEDIX A: DATA FORMAT ........................................................................................................................ 80

1. Abundant Functions
This series covers various surveying programs as well as functions of data storage
and parameter settings. It is capable for various kinds of professional surveying and
engineering measurements.

2. Easy and Quick Operation on Touch Screen

This series employs advanced technology of touch screen, making the operation
easy and quick. You can use the touch screen and keyboard at the same time, which
accelerate the operation speed.

3. More Choices on Data Transfer

Supportable to SD card, U-Disk, and USB to connect to the computer. Moreover,
Bluetooth® is available to connect with PDA.

4. Automation of Data Collect

Auto data collect program can record the measurement and coordinates data
automatically, and transfer the data with the computer.

5. Advanced Hardware Configuration

A better design is put on the body and internal structure to improve the
performance and water and dust proof. Additionally, it employs various advanced
technology on super far reflectorless measuring range, absolute encoding angle
measurement, precise dual-axis compensator, and high-strength body.

6. Specific Survey Programs

Besides of the common measure modes, (angle, distance, coordinates
measurements), RIS series provides several specific survey programs like road design,
COGO, etc, meeting various needs for professional measurements. You can also
customize your own programs on your need.

7. User-friendly Operation Interface

The operation menu is well designed to carter the operation practices of most

1. Do not collimate the objective lens directly to the sunlight without a filter.
2. Do not store the instrument in extremely high or low temperature, in order to
avoid the sudden or great change of temperature.
3. When the instrument is not in use, store it in the case and avoid shock, dust and
4. If there is great difference between the temperature in work site and that in store
place, you should leave the instrument in the case till it adapts to the temperature of
5. If the instrument has not been used for a long time, you should remove the
battery for separate storage. The battery should be charged once a month.
6. When transporting the instrument should be placed in its carrying case, it is
recommended that cushioned material should be used around the case for support.
7. For less vibration and better accuracy, the instrument should be set up on a
wooden tripod rather than an aluminum tripod.
8. Clean exposed optical parts with degreased cotton or less tissue only!
9. Clean the instrument surface with a woolen cloth after use. If it gets wet, dry it
10. Before opening, inspect the power, functions and indications of the instrument
as well as its initial setting and correction parameters.
11. Unless the user is a maintenance specialist, do not attempt to disassemble the
instrument by yourself even if you find the instrument abnormal.
12. Do not shoot the laser at people‘s eyes. Do not stare at the laser emitter.

1.1 Appearance
1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1) Objective lens 7) Leveling screw

2) Eyepiece 8) Laser plummet
3) Horizontal screw 9) MiniUSB/USB pen drive/SD card
4) Q-MEAS key 10) Focusing wheel
5) Rough collimator 11) Circular vial Vertical screw
6) Screen 12) Vertical screw

1.2 Unpacking and Storing the Total Station
Lay down the case lightly with the cover upward. Unlock the case, and take out the
Storage of Instrument
Cover the telescope cap, place the instrument into the case with the vertical
clamp screw and circular vial upwards (objective lens towards tribrach), and slightly
tighten the vertical clamp screw and lock the case.

1.3 Instrument Setup

Mount the instrument to the tripod. Level and center the instrument precisely to
ensure the best performance.
Operation Reference
1. Leveling and Centering the Instrument by plumb bob
1) Setting up the tripod
① First, extend the extension legs to suitable length, make the tripod head parallel
to the ground and tighten the screws.
② Make the centre of the tripod and the occupied point approximately on the
same plumb line.
③ Step on the tripod to make sure if it is well stationed on the ground.
2) Attaching the instrument on the tripod
Place the instrument carefully on the tripod head and slide the instrument by
loosening the tripod screw. If the plumb bob is positioned right over the center of the
point, slightly tighten the tripod.
3) Roughly leveling the instrument by using the circular vial
① Turn the leveling screw A and B to move the bubble in the circular vial, in which
case the bubble is located on a line perpendicular to a line running through the centers
of the two leveling screw being adjusted .

② Turn the leveling screw C to move the bubble to the center of the circular vial.

4) Precisely leveling by using the plate vial
① Rotate the instrument horizontally by loosening the Horizontal Clamp Screw and
place the plate vial parallel to the line connecting leveling screw A and B, and then
bring the bubble to the center of the plate vial by turning the leveling screws A and B.

② Rotate the instrument 90º(100g) around its vertical axis and turn the remaining
leveling screw or leveling C to center the bubble once more.

③Repeat the steps ①② for each 90º(100g) rotation of the instrument and check
whether the bubble is correctly centered in all directions.

2. Centering by using the optical plummet

1) Set tripod
Lift tripod to suitable height, ensure equal length of three legs, spread and make
tripod head parallel to the ground, and place it right above the measurement station
point. Prop up tripod on the ground and fix one leg.
2) Install instrument and collimate the point
Set instrument carefully on tripod, tighten the central connecting screw and adjust
optical plummet to make the reticle distinctly. Hold the other two unfixed legs with both
hands and adjust position of these two legs through observation of optical plummet. As
it approximately aims at the station point, make all three legs fixed on the ground.
Adjust three leg screws of the instrument to make optical plummet collimate precisely

to the station point.
3) Use circular vial to roughly level the instrument.
Adjust length of three legs of tripod; make the circular vial bubble of the instrument
in the middle.
4) Use plate vial to level the instrument accurately.
①Rotate the instrument horizontally by loosening the Horizontal Clamp Screw and
place the plate vial parallel to the line connecting leveling screw A and B, and then
bring the bubble to the center of the plate vial by turning the leveling screws A and B.
②Rotate the instrument 90℃, make it perpendicular to the connecting line of level
screws A and B. Turn level screw C to make the bubble of the plate vial in the middle.
5) Precisely centering and leveling
Through observation of optical plummet, slightly loosen the central connecting
screw and move the instrument evenly (Don‘t rotate the instrument), making the
instrument precisely collimating to the station point. Then tighten the central connecting
screw and level the instrument precisely again.
Repeat this operation till the instrument collimate precisely to the measurement
station point.

3. Centering by laser plummet (optional)

1) Set up the tripod
Extend the legs to suitable length, make the tripod head roughly parallel to the
ground and up to the station point. Fix one of the leg to the ground.
2) Mount the instrument and centering
Mount the instrument carefully on the tripod and tighten the screw under the head
of the tripod. Turn on the laser plummet. Hold the two free legs which are not fixed to the
ground and decide the position of the ground to fix according to the laser dot. When
the laser dot is roughly on the station point, fix the 2 legs on the ground. Adjust the
leveling screws on the total station tribrach until the laser dot is on the station point
3) Level the circular and plate vials as the instruction above.
4) Precisely centering and leveling the instrument
By observing the laser dot, slightly loosen the screw under the tripod head and
move the instrument (not to rotate the instrument) until the laser dot is on the station
point precisely. Tighten the screw and level the instrument again. Repeat these steps
until the instrument is precisely centered and leveled.

You can also level the instrument precisely by the E-bubble.
When the tilt is over ±4‘, the system will enter to E-bubble adjustment interface.
● In E-bubble interface, you can check and set the dual-axis compensation.

◆X: Displays the compensating value on X direction

◆Y: Displays the compensating value on Y direction.

1.4 Battery: Information, and Recharging

Battery Information
When the remaining battery is less than one grid, it means the battery is low, please
stop your operation and change the battery as soon as possible.
① The battery operating time will vary depending on the environmental conditions
such as ambient temperature, charging time, the number of times of charging and
discharging etc. It is recommended for safety to charge the battery beforehand or to
prepare spare full charged batteries.
② The battery power remaining display shows the power level regarding the
current measurement mode. The distance measurement mode consumes more
power than angle measurement mode, so the power enough for the latter is not sure
applicable for the previous one. Pay particular attention to this when switching angle
measurement mode to distance measurement mode, because insufficient battery
power might lead to interrupted operation.
● Before outdoor operation, battery power status should be well checked.
③ When the measurement mode is changed, the battery power would not
immediately show the decrease or increase. The battery power indicating system
shows the general status but not the instantaneous change of battery power.

Battery Recharging
☆Battery should be recharged only with the charger packed with the instrument.
Remove the on-board battery from instrument and connect it to battery charger.
When the indicator lamp on the battery charger is orange, the recharging process has
begun. When charging is complete (indicator lamp turns green), disconnect the

charger from its power source.
Battery Removal
Before removing the battery from the instrument, make sure that the power is
turned off. Otherwise, the instrument may be damaged.

The charger has built-in circuitry for protection from overcharging. However, do not
leave the charger plugged into the power outlet after recharging is completed.
Be sure to recharge the battery at a temperature of 0°~± 45°C, recharging may
be abnormal beyond the specified temperature range .
When the indicator lamp does not light after connecting the battery and charger,
either the battery or the charger may be damaged. Please connect professionals for
Rechargeable battery can be repeatedly recharged 300 to 500 times. Complete
discharge of the battery may shorten its service life.
In order to get the maximum service life, be sure to recharge it at least once a

1.5 Reflectors
When measuring distance, a reflector prism needs to be placed at the target
place. Reflector systems come with single prism and triple prisms, which can be
mounted with tribrach onto a tripod or mounted onto a prism pole. Reflector systems
can be self-configured by users according to the job.

1.6 Mounting and Dismounting Instrument from Tribrach

If necessary, the instrument (including reflector prisms with the same tribrach) can
be dismounted from tribrach. Loosen the tribrach locking screw in the locking knob with
a screwdriver. Turn the locking knob about 180°counter-clockwise to disengage anchor
jaws, and take off the instrument from tribrach.

Insert three anchor jaws into holes in tribrach and line up the directing stub with the
directing slot. Turn the locking knob about 180°clockwise and tighten the locking screw
with a screwdriver.

1.7 Eyepiece Adjustment and Collimating Objects

Method of Collimating Object (for reference)
① Sight the Telescope to bright place and rotate the eyepiece tube to make the
reticle clear.
② Collimate the target point with top of the triangle mark in the coarse collimator.
(Keep a certain distance between eye and the coarse collimator).
③ Make the target image clear with the telescope focusing screw.

☆If there is parallax when your eye moves up, down or left, right, it means the diopter of
eyepiece lens or focus is not well adjusted and accuracy will be influenced, so you
should adjust the eyepiece tube carefully to eliminate the parallax.

1.8 Powering ON/OFF

Powering on
① Level the instrument.
② Press the power bottom.

Power off
① Hold the power bottom for 1 second until the menu of powering off pops up.
② Make sure the instrument is powered off normally, otherwise data may be lost.

Cautions: make sure that the battery is sufficient. If it displays ―Low Battery‖, please
change the battery or recharge it as soon as possible. Make sure the power off the
instrument normally.
*During the process of data collect, do not remove the battery, otherwise the
measured data will be lost.


2.1 Operation Keys

key functions
α shifting case-sensitive when inputting characters
open soft keyboard
open the quick menu
power button
Func Function button
Ctrl Control button
Alt Alternate key
Del Delete button
Tab go to next input area
B.s backspaces
Shift switch between characters and numbers
S.P space
ESC exit
ENT enter
switch among different menus or move the cursor
0-9 input number and alphabet
— input the minus or other alphabet

. input decimal point
2.2 Symbols

character meaning
V vertical angle
V% vertical angle (gradient display)
HR horizontal angle right
HL horizontal angle left
HD horizontal distance
VD vertical difference
SD slide distance
N north coordinate
E east coordinate
Z elevation coordinate
m meter unit
ft feet unit
dms ―degree minute second‖ unit of angle
gon ―gon‖ unit of angle measure
mil ―mil‖ unit of angle measure
PSM prism constant value
PPM atmosphere correction value
PT point name

2.3 Display of Angle

The display format of angle is degree, minute, second under normal measurement

e.g. : 12.2345 stands for 12°23‘ 45‖

When input the angle, the format is the same as above.

2.4 Routine Measurement
Symbols of the routine measurement:
symbol function
Click and switch between logo and the current file
Display the battery level. Click to enter the setting
menu of power, backlight and sound.
Quick Set key: It provides a quick way to carry out the
common setting and operation.
Open or close the soft keyboard.

19:42 Displays the current time, click to enter the time and
date setting.
Click to display the information of the instrument.
Do not save the modification on the current page
and go back to the previous interface.
Save the modification on the current page and go
back to the previous interface.

Basic Operation
1. Press to switch among the different menus.
2. Press numeric key 1-5 to select sub-menu options of the corresponding menu
on the main screen.
3.Press ―Tab‖ to switch over different options.
4.User can carry out the operation by the touch pen.
5.ESC corresponds to , press and go back to the previous screen.
6.ENT corresponds to key on some certain screens, press it and save the
setting and modification on the current screen.
7.While the cursor is blinking, user should choose the textbox first, then input the
8.When the touch screen is not sensitive to the stylus pen, please adjust the touch
screen, and see Section 7.4.
9. When the warning, prompt or error message is popped up, please hold on a
second, then the message will disappear automatically and user can move to the next

Each job corresponds to one file. Before carrying out the measurement and other
operations, user should establish a job first. The system will create a file named ―default‖
Measurement data and input data will be saved in the job. User can exchange the
data with the job by ―Import‖ and ―Export‖ functions.

Job management menu:

3.1 Create New Job

●Create and open a new job, and the last job will be saved.
●The job name must be different.
●The maximum length of the job name is 8 characters, and the extension is ―.job‖.
◆ Name: Input the job name. If not, the
system will take the current date as the default
◆By: Name of the operator.
◆Note: Add note to the job.

3.2 Open Job

●Open an existing job. The previous job will be saved at the same time.
●A job should be selected before it is opened.
●Any operation will not be carried out while the current job which is showed in blue
color is opened.

3.3 Delete Job
●Delete a chosen job which will be moved to recycle bin. User can recover the job
from recycle bin.
●A job should be chosen before it is deleted.
◆[Del]: Move the chosen job to the recycle

3.4 Save As

●Save the current job as a new job.

◆Name: Input the name to be saved as.

3.5 Recycle Bin

●Operate the deleted job.

◆[Reset]: Recover the chosen job
◆ [Del]: Delete the job permanently. The
deleted job can‘t be recovered.

3.6 Information
●Display the current job information
◆Job name: Display the current job name.
◆Pt. no. : Display the point quantity of the
current job.
◆Code no. : Display the code quantity of the
current job.
◆Operator: Display the job operator.
◆Note: Note for the job.
◆Create at: The creating date and time of
the current job.

3.7 Import
●Import data to the current job.
◆Import: Select the storage media.
◆From: Select the type of file format.
◆Type: Select the type of the import file.
◆Format: Select the type of data format(See
appendix for more reference).
◆[Next]: Move to the next step.

●Select the file to import.

◆[Back]: Back to the previous menu.

◆[Import]: Select a file to import.

3.8 Export
●Export the current job.

◆Export: Select the storage where to export

◆Type: Select the type of export file.
◆Format: Select the format of export file.
◆[Next]: Move to the next step.

◆File Name: Input the name of the export

◆Back: Back to the previous screen.
◆Export: Start to export data.

3.9 About
●Display the information of the total station
◆Version: The firmware version.
◆Model: The model name.
◆SN#: The serial number of total station.

◆MAIN: Main board firmware version

◆BOOT: Loading firmware version
◆ANGV: Vertical angle firmware version
◆ANGH: Horizontal angle firmware version
◆EDM: EDM firmware version
◆TILT: Compensator firmware version
◆T&P: T&P sensor firmware version

In this function, user can view, add, delete and edit the data of the current file.

Data Management Menu:

4.1 Raw Data

●Display the raw data list. (See appendix for more reference)
◆Input the point name in the edit box, and
the system will go to the first data which is
completely matched.
◆[1st]: Go to the first data.
◆[Last]: Go to the last data.
◆ [Edit]: Edit the selected raw data. Only
point name and code can be edited.

●User can edit the point name and code of the selected raw data, The
measurement data of the raw data cannot be modified.
◆PtN: Input the new name of raw data.
◆Code: Input the new code of raw data.

4.2 XYZ Data

●Display the coordinates data list.
●Three types of the coordinates data: input, measured and calculated.

◆Input the point name in the edit box, and
the system will go to the first data which is
completely matched.
◆[Del]: Delete the selected data.
◆[Edit]: Edit the selected data.
◆[Add]: Input a coordinates manually.

●Screen of editing the current coordinates data.

●If the coordinates data is measurement data, the N, E, Z cannot be edited.
◆PtN: Input the new name of coordinate
◆Code: Input the new code of coordinates
◆N: Input the new North coordinate.
◆E: Input the new East coordinate.
◆Z: Input the new elevation coordinate.

●screen of adding new coordinate

◆PtN: Input the name of new point
◆Code: Input the code of new point
◆N: Input the North coordinate of new point
◆E: Input the East coordinate of new point
◆Z: Input the Elevation coordinate of new

4.3 Code Data

●Display code data list
◆Input the code in the edit box, and the
system will go to the corresponding code.
◆[Del]: Delete the selected code
◆[Edit]: Edit the selected code
◆[Add]: Add a new code

4.4 Graphics
●Display the graphics of current coordinate data.

: Display all point.

: Station and backsight point. If there is no station, the system will display all

: Zoom in.

: Zoom out.

: Partly enlarge.

: Set up the display or find a fixed point.

●Searching graphics and setting display.
◆PtN: Input the point name.
◆[Find]: Go back to the graphics screen and
highlight the point to find.
◆[Pt]: Whether to display the point name
◆[PtN]: Whether to display the point name of
coordinate data.
◆[Code]: Whether to display the code of
coordinate data.
◆ [Link]: Whether to display the line
information of coordinate data.
◆[OK]: Set up the modification and go back
to the graphics screen.

COGO can complement the routine calculation and surveying calculation, and
save the results.

Display of COGO

5.1 Calculator
●Scientific Calculator (Only introduce the special function keys. The other functions
are the same as ordinary symbols of common calculator)
◆[Clr]: Clear.
◆[Past]: Paste the data from the clipboard to the edit box.
◆[Cop]: Copy the current calculated result to the clipboard.
◆[DEL]: Delete the recent input characters.
◆[C]: Clear the edit box and finish the calculation without clearing the screen.
◆[Pi]: Input the approximation of π to the edit box.

5.2 Calculate XYZ

●To calculate the coordinates of one point in accordance with a known point,
angle and the distance.
◆StrtPt: Start point. Input a known point

◆ :Call up a known point.

◆StrtAg: Start angle. A known angle starts
from the start point.
◆+Ang: The right angle value rotated from
the start point.
◆HD: Horizontal distance from start point to
calculated point
◆VD: Vertical difference between start point
and the point to calculate.

◆[Save]: Save the calculation result after an
effective calculation.
◆ [Cal.]: Calculate the coordinates
according to the known data. The result will be
displayed in the ―calculation result area‖.

5.3 Inverse
●Calculate angle and distance between two known point
◆StrtPt: Start point. Input a start point.
◆End Pt: End point. Input an end point.

◆ : Call up or input a known point.

◆ HD: Horizontal distance between two
◆SD: Slide distance between two points
◆VD: Vertical difference between two points.
◆V%: Slope of two points.
◆Angl: Angle between two points.
◆[Cal.]: Begin to calculate.

5.4 Area & Perimeter

●Calculate the area of known points
◆The added data will be displayed on the
◆[ADD] or [Insert]: Choose the place of the
added point.
◆ : Add a point data to the list
◆[Del]: Delete a chosen data on the list
◆[Cal.]: Calculate the area of current known
point data.
◆{Resl}: Display the last calculation result.

●Screen of last calculation result

●Display graphics of the area, the area zone will be shown in black.

5.5 Pt-Line Inverse

●According to the line from the start point to end point, make a straight line
perpendicular to the offset point. The calculation results are the horizontal distance
between start point and pedal, and the horizontal distance between offset point and
◆StrtP1: Input or recall the coordinate of start
◆EndP2: Input or recall the coordinate of
end point.
◆OffsetP3: Input or recall the coordinate of
offset point.
◆[Cal.]: Start to calculate after inputting three
known points.

●Display the Pt-Line Inverse result.

◆[Save]: Save the coordinates of the pedal.

●Display the Pt-Line Inverse graphics.

5.6 2 Points Inverse

According to two start points, and the angle or distance between these two points
and intersection point, the coordinates of the intersection point can be computed.
●Calculate the intersection point by two distance values.
◆[Dist]: Switch between angle and distance.
◆ [Cal.]: Calculate the coordinates of
intersection point.

●Calculate the coordinate of intersection point by the azimuth.

◆ [Azimuth]: The angle from start point to
intersection point.

●Calculate the intersection point by distance and angle.

●The result will be displayed in the following screen according to the number of the
intersection points.
◆[Save]: Save the coordinates of intersection
point. The name of the next intersection point will
be accumulated automatically.

●Graphics of intersection calculation (The shown figure bases on the distance


5.7 4 Points Inverse

●Calculate intersection point of two lines which are formed by four points
◆StrtP1: The start point of straight line
◆EndP2: The end point of straight line
◆ [Cal.]: Calculate the coordinate of the
intersection point.

●Display the result of calculation.

◆[Save]: Save the result and the point.

●Graphics of 4 Points inverse.

5.8 Volume
●The system will create a triangulation network with the points in the list, and take
the reference height as the reference plane to calculate the volume.
◆Ref HT: Input the reference height which is
used to calculate, the plus volume is above the
reference height, and the minus one is beneath
the height.
◆[Del]: Delete the selected point in the list.
◆[Del All]: Delete all points in the list.
◆[Cal.]: Calculate the volume according to
the reference height and points in the list.
◆[Add All]: Add all the points of the current
job to the list. The maximum is 200.
◆[Batch Add]: Add a batch of calculating
◆[Add a Pt]: Add a point to the list.

●Result of volume calculation.

◆+V: Volume which is above the reference
◆-V: Volume which is beneath the reference
◆Total: Sum of +V and –V.

●Graphics of volume calculation.

5.9 Unit
● Convert the value according to the selected unit. After inputting the value, the
system will automatically calculate the result of conversion.

5.10 Meridian convergence

● Calculate convergence of meridian with known information. This function is
applicable when connecting to gyroscope.

5.11 Lead Traverse

● Input start point and click ―next‖

◆StartP: Traverse start point

● Input close point and known point, then click ―next‖

◆CloseP: Traverse close point
◆KnownP: The corresponding known point of
close point

● Display calculate result

● Coordinate adjustment for existing data or not

● Elevation adjustment for existing data or not

6. SET
―Set‖ can be classified into two types: one refers to job setting, which will affect the
current job; the other is not related to the current job. Instead, it affects all the jobs.
●The following settings belong to the first type.
●The [Default] key can save the current setting as default. When setting the next job,
the system will use the setting of the first type as parameter of the new job.

The Menu of ―Set‖

6.1 Unit Setting

●Set the unit.
The unit is relevant to a certain job. Different job may employ different unit.
◆Angle: Set the angle unit of the current job.
◆ Distance: Set the distance unit of the
current job.
◆Temperature: Set the temperature unit of
the current job.
◆Pressure: Set the pressure unit of the current
◆[Def.]: Set the current setting as default.
While creating a new job, the system will adopt
the current setting.

6.2 Angle Setting
●Set the angle.
◆Vertical 0: Set the vertical angle display of
the current job as Horizontal 0 or Zenith 0.
◆ Compenst: Set ON/OFF of the
◆[Def.]: Set the current setting as default.
While creating a new job, the system will adopt
the current setting.

6.3 Distance Setting

●Set the distance.
◆ Scale: Set the scale factor of
measurement station of the current job.
◆ Ht: Set the height of the station of the
current job.
◆T-P Sensor: Set ON/OFF of the temperature
and pressure senor.
◆ K: Set the correction parameter of
atmosphere refraction modulus and earth
curvature radius.
◆ [Set]: Set the correction parameter of
temperature and pressure.
◆[Def.]: Set the current setting as default.
While creating a new job, the system will adopt
the current setting.

●Set the distance measure mode

◆ N Times: Set the measuring times, 1-5
◆Average: Calculate the average value of N
times measurement.
◆ Continuous: Set the continuous fine
◆ Tracking: Set the tracking measurement,
with fast speed but lower accuracy.

●Set the measuring target.
●If the EDM is infrared type, ―Sheet‖ and ―Non-Prism‖ cannot be chosen.
◆[Prism]: Set the measuring target to prism.
◆Const: Set the prism constant.
◆ [Sheet]: Set the measuring target to
reflecting sheet.
◆[Non-Prism]: Set the measuring target to
other material.

6.4 NEZ Setting

●Set the parameter of coordinate.
◆Order: Set the display order of coordinate.
◆Face L/R: Set whether the coordinate value
is relative to instrument‘s left face or right face, if not,
the measurement results on both left face and
right face are the same.
◆[Def.]: Set the current setting as default.
While creating a new job, the system will adopt
the current setting.

6.5 RS232 Communication Setting

●Set the parameter of RS232 communication
◆RS232: Whether to open the RS232 data
port. When the Bluetooth is on, the RS232 port will
be shut down automatically.
◆ Baud Rate: Set the baud rate of
communication port.
◆Bit: Set the data bit of communication port.
◆Parity: Set the parity bit of communication
◆Stop: Set the stop bit of communication

6.6 Bluetooth
●Set the parameter of Bluetooth.
◆ Bluetooth: Set ON/OFF of the Bluetooth.
When the RS232 is on, the Bluetooth will shut down
◆Keyword: Input the keyword.

6.7 Power Management

●Power Management Setting.
◆Battery: Display the remaining power.
◆ Sleep: Set the sleep time while the
instrument is not being operated.
◆ OFF: Set the power off time while the
instrument is not being operated.
◆ Light: Set the light off time while the
instrument is not being operated.

●Light setting
◆Auto: The instrument will automatically set
the intensity of LCD light according to
◆ Key Light: Set ON/OFF of the keyboard
◆Reticle Light: Set ON/OFF of the reticle light.

●Other Settings of the Power Management

◆ Battery: Choose the battery type
according to the battery in use.
◆Sound: Set ON/OFF of sound.

6.8 Other
●Other settings.
◆Language: Choose the display language.

6.9 Upgrade
●Upgrade the programs of the total station firm wares.
●First, contact your local dealer and request for an upgrading program package.
Copy the package to the RAM, SD card or U-disk. Then press the corresponding key to
start upgrading. Before upgrading, the current version will be shown, user cannot
upgrade when the hardware version is inconsistent.
●The upgrade software cannot be renamed. Only one upgrade software can be
stored in a storage media.
◆System: Upgrade the system firmware.
◆Other: Upgrade other firmwares.

●Types of other firmware upgrade

◆[AnglePart]: Upgrade the angle firmware
◆[DisPart]: Upgrade the distance firmware
◆ [2-Axis Comp.]: Upgrade 2-axis
compensator firmware
◆[T-PSensorPard]: Upgrade the temperature
and pressure sensor firmware

●System upgrade Screen
◆From: Choose the storage media where
the upgrade software is stored.
◆ Hardware: The corresponding hardware
◆ Software: Display the current software
◆Upgrading: Display the upgrade software
◆System: Display the upgrade software in
used is for the system hardware upgrade.
◆[Start]: Start to upgrade.
6.10 Format
●Format the current memory.
◆ Code: The system will create an
identification code randomly.
◆Input: Input the code above.
◆Format: Choose the memory to format.
◆[Format]: Start to format.

6.11 Reset
●Reset to default settings.
◆ Code: The system will create an
identification code randomly.
◆Input: Input the code above.
◆[Initial]: Start to reset.

6.12 App install

◆[uninstall] Remove application.

◆[Install]: Install application

Menu of Adjustment

7.1 Compensator
●Adjustment of the dual-axis compensator.
●First, adjust and level the plate vial. Then, press the ―0Set‖ key to set the value of X
and Y to 0.
◆[0Set]: Set the compensator as 0 in the
current state, after that, the instrument will set the
current state as leveling state.

7.2 V0 Adjustment
The adjustment of vertical index difference (the so-called i-angle).This item must be
adjusted after finishing the compensator adjustment and crosshair adjustment.
1. After leveling the instrument, collimate at any target A and read the angle
value of Face L. Record the value as L.
2. Rotate the telescope and collimate at the target A with Face Right, read and
record the angle value as R.
3. If the vertical angle is 0°in zenith, i =(L + R - 360°)/2.
4. If the vertical angle is 0°in horizon, i=(L + R - 180°)/2 or (L + R - 540°)/2.
5. If |i| ≥10‖ shall set the Vertical Angle 0 Datum again.

1. Precisely sight any target A in same height with the instrument in Face Left, and
read the vertical angle value L.

◆[Set]: Set the angle value on Face Left.

2. Precisely sight at the same target A on Face Right.

◆[Set]: Set the angle value on Face Right.

3. After setting the angle in both Face Left and Right, the screen will display the
index difference, press [√] to set the adjustment.

4. Repeat the inspection steps to check the Index Difference (i angle). If the Index
Difference cannot meet the requirement, you should check whether the three
steps of the adjustment are right. Then set again according to the requirement.
5. If the Index Difference still fails to meet the requirement after repeated
operation, the instrument should be returned to authorized service center for
inspection and repair.

●The value of vertical angle is not adjusted and compensated in the 0Set process.
It is just for reference.

7.3 Additive Constant
The Instrument constant has been checked and adjusted in the factory, and K=0.
It seldom changes and it is suggested to check once or twice every year. The
inspection should be made on the base alignment, also can be made according to
the following method.

1. Mount and level the instrument on Point A on flat ground. Use the vertical hair to
mark Point B and Point C with the distance of 50m on the same line, and collimate
the reflector accurately.
2. After setting temperature and pressure value, measure the horizontal distance of AB
and AC accurately.
3. Set the instrument on Point B and center it accurately. Measure the horizontal
distance of BC accurately.
4. Then you can get the Instrument Constant:
K = AC - (AB + BC)
The value of K should be close to 0. If |K|> 5mm, the instrument should be strictly
inspected on the base alignment, and be adjusted according to the inspection value.

If the inspection suggests that the Instrument Constant K has changed (not close to
0), set the Stadia Constant in accordance with the Constant K.
◆Prism AddCon: The additive constant K of
the prism mode.
◆Non-P AddCon: The additive constant K of
non-prism mode.

●Set the orientation through the vertical hair to make Point A,B, and C on the same
line strictly. There must be a fixed and clear centering mark under the Point B.
●The coincidence of the center of the prism and the center of the instrument is
very essential to the measuring accuracy. Therefore, it‘s best to use a tripod or a
common-used tribrach on the piont B. If we replace it with a three-foot adaptor and a
tribrach, make sure that they are stable and fixed. It is possible to reduce the
inconsistency if we just replace the upper part of the prism and the upper part of the

7.4 LCD Adjust

●Due to different affecting factors, the position of LCD may have offset. In this case,
the LCD Adjustment may require.
●Precisely click at the center of the cross with the indication. After finishing the
adjustment, the screen will go back to ―Adjust‖ menu while the adjustment is successful.
If not, the user should repeat the adjustment.

7.5 Gyro correction

●This function is only applicable on total station with Gyroscope.

In Measure mode, user can carry out some basic survey operation.

Menu of Measurement

8.1 Angle
◆V: Display the vertical angle.
◆HR or HL: Display horizontal angle on Face
Left or Face Right.
◆[0Set]: Set the current horizontal angle to 0°.
After that the backsight point should be set again.
◆ [Hold]: Hold the horizontal angle until
releasing it.
◆[HSet]: Set the horizontal angle by inputting
a certain value, after that the backsight should
be set again.

●Screen of HSet
◆HR: Input the horizontal angle
◆[V/%]: Switch the display of angle between
regular vertical angle and slope percentage.
◆[R/L]: Switch between Face Left or Right.

8.2 Distance
●Screen of distance measurement.
◆SD: The slide distance.
◆HD: The horizontal distance.
◆VD: The vertical distance.
◆[Meas]: Start to measure.
◆[Mode]: Enter the measure mode setting,
see Mode Setting for more detail.
◆[S.O.]: Enter to the stake out mode.

●Screen of S.O.
◆[HD]: Input the horizontal distance of stake
out point.
◆[VD]: Input the vertical distance of stake out
◆[SD]: Input the slide distance of stake out

8.3 Coordinates
●Screen of coordinates measurement.
◆N: North coordinate.
◆E: East coordinate.
◆Z: Elevation coordinate.
◆[Meas]: Start to measure.
◆[Mode]: Set the surveying mode.
◆[R.Ht]: Input the reflector height.

●Screen of inputting reflector height.

◆R.Ht: Input the reflector height.

●[InsH]: Input the instrument height, after that the backsight should be set again.
●Screen of inputting instrument height.
◆Ins.Ht: Input the instrument height
◆[Stn]: Input the coordinates of station, after
that the backsight should be set again.

●Screen of inputting coordinate of station.

◆N: Input North coordinate.
◆E: Input East coordinate.
◆Z: Input Elevation coordinate.

8.4 Q-MEAS key

●To trigger measurement, uses can also directly press Q-MEAS button on the right
cover in DISTANCE or COORDINATES screen.

Before surveying and staking out, user should set the station by known points.

Menu of Station setting

9.1 KnownPt
●Set the backsight point by the known point. There‘re two ways to set the backsight
point: one is by the coordinates of the known point, the other is by the angle of the
known point.
◆Stn: Input the name of known point, call up or
create an known station point by dragging down
◆InsH: Input the instrument height.
◆R.Ht: Input the reflector height.
◆ BS Pt: Input the name of the known
backsight point, recall or create a known
backsight point by dragging down .
◆HA: Display the current horizontal angle.
◆ Set: Set the angle of backsight point
according to the current input. If the input data
do not meet the calculating demand, the
system will display a warning.

●Inputting the angle of backsight point to set the station.
◆BS Ang: Input the angle value of backsight

9.2 Stn Ht
●Calculate the station height by measuring a point with known height.
●User should set the station before setting the station height.
◆Ht: Input the height of known point, user
can recall the height of known point by dragging
down .
◆R.Ht: The height of current prism in use.
◆InsH: The height of current instrument.
◆VD: Display the current vertical angle.
◆Ht(Cal.): Display the result of calculated
station height.
◆ Ht(Current): Display the current station
◆[Meas]: Start to measure and calculate
the station height automatically.
◆ [Set]: Set the calculation result as the
station height.

9.3 BS Check
●Check whether the current angle is in accord with the backsight angle.
●User should set the station before checking the station height.
◆StnPtN: The station point name.
◆BS PtN: The backsight point name. This will
be blank if the backsight angle is input by
◆BS: Display the backsight angle.
◆HA: Display the current horizontal angle.
◆ dHA: Display the difference between
backsight angle and horizontal angle.

◆[Reset]: Reset the current horizontal angle
as the backsight angle.

9.4 Resection
●If the angle between the first measurement point and the second one is too small
or too large, it will influence the geometrical accuracy of calculation result. In this
reason, selecting a geometrical graphic with good structure is important.
●Resection calculation requires at least three angle measurements or two distance
●Basically, the station height is calculated by the distance measurement data. If
the distance measurement was not carried out, the height is determined by the angle
measurement of known point.
◆List: The list of measured known points.
◆[Meas]: Enter the screen of known point
◆[Del]: Delete a selected measured known
◆[Cal.]: Calculate the measured points on
the list.
◆[Save]: Save the calculation result for the
use of setting station.
◆{Data}: Display the calculation result.
◆{Grap}: Display the measurement result in
●Screen of known point measurement.
◆PtN: Input a known point name.
◆R.Ht: Input the reflector height.
◆HA: Display the measured horizontal angle
◆VA: Display the measured vertical angle
◆SD: Display the measured slide distance
◆ [Angle]: Only launch the angle
◆ [Ang&Dist]: Launch the distance and
angle measurement.
◆ [Done]: Measurement completes. Save
the measurement result and go back to the
previous screen.

9.5 Gyro north seek
● This function is only applicable on total station with gyroscope.

9.6 Point to Line

● Set any two points as base point, and click [next]

● Instrument will calculate the position relation of these two points, click [next]

● Instrument will establish coordinate system based on these two points and enter
the station setup menu, click [SET].

9.7 Multi-direction
● Input station point number and the other information, click [next]

● Click [Meas] to measure several back sign points. Click [Cal]

● Check the result. Click [Set] to finish Multi direction setup.


After setting the station, user can start to collect data.

Menu of data collect

10.1 Pt Measure
◆HA: Display the current horizontal angle.
◆VA: Display the current vertical angle.
◆ HD: Display the measured horizontal
◆ VD: Display the measured vertical
◆SD: Display the measured slide distance.
◆PtN: Input the name of the point to be
measured. The system will plus―1‖ automatically to the point name after each saved
◆Code: Input or call up the code of measuring point.
◆Link: Input the known point name, the system will create a line from the known
point to current point, and this line will display in graphics. Every time when the code
changes, some points with the same code will be displayed automatically.
◆R.Ht: Display the current prism height.
◆[Dist]: Start distance measurement.
◆[Save]: Save the previous measurement result. If the distance measurement was
not carried out, the system will save the current angle value only.
◆[All]: Measure and save.
◆{Data}: Display the previous measurement result.
◆{Grap}: Display the current coordinates graphics.

10.2 Dist.Offset

●All directions are correspondent to the visual angle of surveyor.

◆PtN: Input the name of the point to be

◆Code: Input or call up the code.
◆R.Ht: Input the current prism height.
◆[←][→]: Input the left or right offset HD.
◆[Fore] [Back]: Input forward or backward
offset HD.
◆[↑][↓]: Input upward or downward offset
◆[Meas]: Start to measure.
◆[All]: Measure and save.
◆ {Data}: Display the calculated
coordinates and measurement result.
◆{Grap}: Display the graphics of distance
offset HD.

10.3 Angle Pt

●As shown in the above figure, the prism points are the measurable points while the
total station is in the non-prism measure mode, and the point without a prism is arbitrary.
◆ PtN: The name of the point to be
◆Code: Input or call up a code.
◆R.Ht: The current prism height.
◆ Done: The current point has been
◆[ReMe]: Re-measure the current point.
◆ [View]: View the result of the current
measuring point.
◆Wait: The next point to be measured.
◆[Meas]: Measure the current point.
◆[Save]: Save the current calculation result.
◆HA: The current horizontal angle.
◆VA: The current vertical angle.
◆ [Projection NE]: User can choose the
projection ways in {Grap} according to the
specific circumstances.
◆ {Data}: After measuring three effective
points, the screen will display the intersection
◆{Grap}: Display the intersection point and
other three points.

10.4 Column Center
●First, measure the column point P1 directly, then, after measure the angle of
column point P2 and P3, the system can calculate the coordinates, distance and
angle of the column center.
●The angle of center point is average value of P2 and P3.

◆PtN: Input the name of the point to be

◆Code: Input or call up the code.
◆R.Ht: The current prism height.
◆DrctA: Collimate the side of column.
◆DrctB: Collimate the other side of column.
◆Centr: Collimate the center and measure.
◆[Ok]: Set the angle of Direction A.
◆[Angle]:Re-measure the angle.
◆[Dist]: Start to measure the center point.
◆[ReMe]: Re-measure the distance.
◆HA: The angles of two sides.
◆ HD: Horizontal distance from instrument
center to column surface.
◆ [Save]: Save the measurement result. It
should finish two angle and distance
◆{Data}: After measuring, the coordinates
of center point and measurement result will be
◆ {Grap}: Display the graphics of center

10.5 MLM
●To measure the horizontal distance (dHD), slide distance(dSD), elevation
distance(dVD) and horizontal angle (HR) between two prism. Input the coordinate or
call up a data file is also available.

◆StrPt: Input or call up a known point as the

start point. The station point is default.
◆HD: The horizontal distance between start
point and measuring point.
◆VD: The elevation distance between start
point and measuring.
◆SD: The slide distance between start point
and measuring point.
◆Orient: The bearing angle from start point
to measuring point.
◆[Lock]: Lock the current start point, if not,
the start point would be the last measured point.
◆ [Save]: Save the current coordinates of
measuring point.
◆[Meas]: Start to measure.

10 .6 Line & Extend Pt
●To calculate the measuring point by measuring two points and inputting the
extent distance from start point to end point.

◆PtN: Names of the point to be measured.

◆Code: Code of the point to be measured.
◆R.Ht: The prism height.
◆HA: The current horizontal angle.
◆VA: The current vertical angle.
◆P1: The slide distance to the first measured
◆ P2: The slide distance to the second
measured point.
◆Extd Dis: Input the extend distance.
◆ [Meas]: To measure the first or second
◆[View]: To view the measurement result.
◆[Pstv]: Input the direction of extension line.
◆ [Save]: To save the coordinates of
extension point.

10.7 Line & AngPt
●To calculate the coordinate by measuring two points and inputting the angle
from station to measuring point.

◆PtN: Name of the point to be measured.

◆Code: Code of the point to be measured.
◆R.Ht: The prism height.
◆HA: The current horizontal angle.
◆VA: The current vertical angle.
◆P1: The slide distance to the first measured
◆ P2: The slide distance to the second
measured point.
◆Orient.: Direction from measured point to
the point to be measured.
◆ [Meas]: To measure the first or second
point, or the direction of the point to be
◆[View]: View the coordinates of measured
◆ [Save]: To save the coordinates of
measured point.

10.8 REM
● Measure a known point, and change the vertical angle to get the elevation
different between known point and target points
◆VA: Current vertical angle.
◆dVD: Elevation between target point and
known point.
◆R.Ht: Reflector height.
◆ VA0: Measured vertical angle of known
◆HD: Measured horizontal distance of the
known point
◆Angle: Measure the vertical angle of the known point.
◆Dist& Angle: Measure the horizontal distance and vertical angle of the known

10.9 F1/F2
●Measure angle by F1 and F2 to get the final angle reading

10.10 Image
●This function is only available in RIS Pro.

●User can enter Image function by click IMAGE in menu during any operation.

Set up the display or find a fixed


Zoom in

Zoom out


●User should setup the station before stake out.

Menu of stake out

11.1 Pt SO
●Point stake out. Call up a known point to stake out.
◆PtN: Name of the stake-out point.
◆R.Ht: The prism height.

◆ : To call up or input a stake-out point.

◆[Last]: To call up the last stake-out point. If

the stake-out point is the first one, there will not be
any change.
◆[Next]: To select the next stakeout point. If
the stake-out point is the last one, there will not be
any change.
◆Correct: The current value is correct.
◆ ← or → : Direction to rotate the
◆Far & Near: Distance that the prism should
move forward or backward.
◆← or →: The distance and the direction
that the prism is away from the stake-out point.
◆Fill or Dig: Distance that the prism should
move to upward or downward.
◆HA: Horizontal angle of the stake-out point.
◆HD: Horizontal distance of the stake-out
◆Z: Elevation of stakeout point.
◆[Save]: Save the measurement result.

◆[Meas]: Start to measure.
◆{Data}: Display the measurement result.
◆ {Grap}: Display the graphics of the
stake-out point, station point and measuring

11.2 Ang & Dist SO

●To stake out by inputting the distance, angle and elevation between the station
point and the stake-out point.
◆R.Ht: The prism height.
◆Correct: The current value is correct.
◆← or →: Direction to rotate the instrument.
◆Far & Near: Distance that the prism should
be moved far or near to the station.
◆← or →: Distance that the prism should
be moved to leftward or rightward.
◆Fill or Dig: Distance that the prism should
be moved to upward or downward.
◆ HA: Input the horizontal angle of the
stake-out point.
◆HD: Input the horizontal distance of the
stake-out point.
◆Z: The elevation of stakeout point.
◆[Save]: Save the measurement result.
◆[Meas]: Start to measure.
◆{Data}: Display the measurement result.
◆ {Grap}: Display the graphics of the
stake-out point, station point and measuring

11.3 Alignment SO
●To stake out by input a known point, azimuth, HD and VD.
◆PtN: Input or call up a known point.
◆Azimuth: The azimuth from the known point
to the stake-out point.
◆HD: Horizontal distance between the known
point and the stake-out point.
◆VD: Elevation distance between the known
point and the stake-out point.
◆[Next]: Finish inputting and move to the
next step.

◆[Back]: Move back to the previous step.

●To find more detail on ―Pt SO‖.

11.4 Straight Reference Line SO

●The system will calculate the coordinates of the stake-out point through two
known points and the offset distance of the line which is formed by these two known
◆StrtPt: Input or call up a known point as the
start point.
◆End Pt: Input or call up a known point as
the end point.
◆← or →: The left or right offset distance
◆ Fore or Back: The backward or forward
offset distance.
◆↑ or ↓: The upward or downward offset
◆ [Next]: Calculate the coordinates of
stake-out point and go to the next stake-out


◆[Back]: Go back to the previous screen.

●Other function keys can refer to ―Pt SO‖.

12. ROAD
In Road program user can carry out the measurement and stakeout with reference
to the straight line, circular curve and transition curve. The program can process the
coordinates calculation and stakeout according to the chainage and offset distance.

Menu of ROAD

12.1 Select Road

●Select or create a road to be the current road job. Every road has two elements:
horizontal alignment and vertical alignment.
◆New: Create a new road.
◆Del: Delete a road.
◆Edit: Edit a road.

12.2 H Alignment
◆[Add]: Add an element to the horizontal
alignment. The first one must be the start point.
◆[Del]: Delete a selected element.
◆[Edit]: Edit a selected element.
◆{Grap}: The plane graphics according to
the horizontal alignment data.

●Graphics of horizontal alignment

●Horizontal alignment includes the following elements: Start point, straight line,
circular curve and transition curve.
◆StrtMile: The mile of start point.
◆N: The north coordinate of start point.
◆E: The east coordinate of start point.
◆Azimuth: The azimuth of start point.

●Input the specification of straight line.

◆ Line: Select to input the parameter of

straight line.
◆Length: Input the length of straight line,
which must be a positive value.

●Input the parameter of circular curve.

◆curve: To input the parameter of circular

◆Radius: Input the radius of circular curve,
positive value means turning right, minus value
means turning left.
◆ArcLength: Input the arc length which must
be positive.

●Input the parameter of transition curve.

◆ TranCurv: To input the parameter of

transition curve.
◆Para: Input the parameter A of transition
curve, positive value means turning left, minus
value means turning right.
◆ StrtRadi: Input the start radius R1 which
must be positive. While the value is ∞, for
convenience, user just needs to input 0.
◆EndRadi: Input the end radius R2 which
must be positive. While the value is ∞, for
convenience, user just needs to input 0.

12.3 V Alignment
Vertical alignment is composed of cross points which include chainage, elevation
and length of the curve. The start point and end curve length must be zero.

◆[Add]: Add a vertical alignment data.

◆[Del]: Delete a selected alignment data.
◆[Edit]: Edit a selected alignment data.
◆ {Grap}: Display the vertical section
graphics according to the input vertical
alignment data.

●Graphics of vertical alignment.

●The point name in the graphics is numbered according to the order of the
alignment data.
◆Mile: The mile of change point.
◆Ht: The height of change point.
◆Length: The curve length of change point.

12.4 Road SO
●For the road stake out, user should define the horizontal and vertical alignments
first with the reference of the last several sessions. ( If it does not need to dig or fill, user
does need to define the vertical alignment.
●Before road stake out, user should setup the station.

◆StrtChng: The start chainage of continuous

stake-out point.
◆StepSize: The increased or decreased mile
value during stake-out.
◆← or →: The left or right offset from the
middle line of the road.
◆↑ or ↓: The elevation offset of the design
point between the stake-out point and middle line
of the road.
◆[Next]: Finish the initial setting and enter to
the next stake-out screen.

◆ Chng: The chainage of the current

stake-out point.
◆R.Ht: The prism height.
◆- : Decrease the chainage according to
the stepsize.
◆+ : Increase the chainage according to
the stepsize.
◆XYZ: View the coordinates of the stake-out
point after being calculated.

◆Correct: The current value is correct.
◆ ← / → : The left or right angle that the
instrument should be rotated.
◆Far/Near: The distance the prism should
move away or near to the instrument.
◆←/→: The left or right distance that the
prism should move.
◆Fill/Dig: The forward or backward distance
that the prism move to.
◆HA: Input the horizontal angle which is to
be staked out.
◆HD: Input the horizontal distance which is
to be staked out.
◆Z: The elevation of the stake-out point.
◆[Save]: Save the measurement result.
◆[Meas]: Start to measure.
◆{Data}: Display the measurement result.
◆{Grap}: Display the graphics of stakeout
point, station point and measuring point.

12.5 Road XYZ

●After setting the horizontal alignment and vertical alignment, the coordinates can
be calculated and saved as the coordinates data which can be staked out by Pt SO
◆StrtMile: The start mile to be calculated.
◆End Mile: The end mile of the calculation.
◆StepSize: The interval value of the point to
be calculated.
◆StrtPt: The name of the calculated point.
The system will add 1 automatically to the name
of the next point.

This instrument has undergone a strict process of checking and adjustment, which
ensures that it meets quality requirement. However, after long periods of transportation
or under a changeable environment, some influences may occur to the internal
structure. Therefore, before the instrument is used for the first time, or before precision
surveys, user should be launch check and adjust introduced in this session to ensure the
precision of the job.

13.1 Plate Vial

Turn the leveling screw A and B to move the bubble in the circular vial, in which
case the bubble is located on a line perpendicular to a line running through the centers
of the two leveling screw being adjusted. Rotate 90° and turn the leveling screw C to
move the bubble to the center of the circular vial. Rotate the instrument to 180°to see
whether the bubble is in center, if not, the plate bubble needs to be adjusted.
1. If the bubble of the plate vial moves away from the center, bring it half way back
to the center by adjusting the leveling screw, which is parallel to the plate vial. Correct
the remaining half by adjusting the screw of plate vial with adjusting pin.
2. Confirm whether the bubble is in the center by rotating the instrument 180º. If not,
repeat Step 1.
3. Rotate the instrument 90ºand adjust the third screw to center the bubble in the
Repeat checking and adjustment steps until the bubble remains in the center with
the vial in any direction.

13.2 Circular Vial
No adjustment is required if the bubble of circular vial is in the center after
checking and adjustment of the plate vial.

If the bubble of the circular vial is not in the center, bring the bubble to the center
by using the adjusting pin or hexagon wrench to adjust the bubble adjusting screw. First
loosen the screw opposite to the offset side, and then tighten the other adjusting screw
on the offset side, bringing the bubble to the center. When the bubble stays in the
center, keep the tightness of the three screws uniformly.

13.3 Compensator 0 Offset Adjustment

Refer to Session 7.1.

13.4 Inclination of Reticle

1. Sight object A through the telescope and lock the horizontal and vertical clamp
2. Move object A to the edge of the field of view with the vertical tangent screw
(point A‘).
3. Adjustment is not necessary if object A moves along the vertical line of the
reticle and point A‘ still in the vertical line.
As illustrated, A‘ offsets from the center to the cross hair tilts, then need to adjust the

1. If the object A does not move along with the vertical line, firstly remove the
eyepiece cover to expose the four reticle adjusting screws.

2. Loosen the four reticle adjusting screws uniformly with an adjusting pin. Rotate
the reticle around the sight line and align the vertical line of the reticle with point A‘.
3.Tighten the reticle adjusting screws uniformly. Repeat the inspection and
adjustment to see if the adjustment is correct.
4. Replace the eyepiece cover.

13.5 Perpendicularity of Line of Sight to Horizontal Axis (2C)

1. Set object A at a far distance at the same height as the instrument, then level
and center the instrument and turn on the power (horizontal angle L=10°13′10″).
2. Sight object A in left position and read the horizontal angle value (horizontal
angle R= 190°13′40″).
3. Loosen the vertical and horizontal clamp screws and rotate the telescope. Sight
object A in right position and read the horizontal angle value.
4. 2C =L-R± 180°=-30″≥±20″, adjustment is necessary.

1. Use the tangent screw to adjust the horizontal angle reading,
2. Take off the cover of the reticle between the eyepiece and focusing screw.
Adjust the two adjusting screws by loosening one and tightening the other. Move the
reticle to sight object A exactly.

3. Repeat inspection and adjustment until |2C|<20.
4. Replace the cover of the reticle.

13.6 Vertical Index Difference Compensation

1. Mount and level the instrument and make the telescope parallel with the line
connecting the center of the instrument to any one of the screws. Lock the horizontal
clamp screw.
2. After turning on the power, zero the vertical index. Lock the vertical clamp screw
and the instrument should display the vertical angle value.
3. Rotate the vertical clamp screw slowly in either direction about 10mm in
circumference, and the error message ―b‖ will appear. The vertical axis has increased
to more than 3‘ at this time and exceeds the designated compensation range.
4. Rotate the above screw to its original position, and the instrument display screen
will show the vertical angle again, meaning that the vertical index difference
compensation function is working.
If the compensation function is not working, send the instrument back to the
factory for repair.

13.7 Adjustment of Vertical Index Difference (i Angle) and Setting Vertical

Index 0
Please refer to Session 7.2.

13.8 Optical Plummet

1. Set the instrument on the tripod and place a piece of white paper with two
perpendicular lines, then intersect drawn on it directly under the instrument.
2. Adjust the focus of the optical plummet and move the paper so that the
intersection point of the lines on the paper comes to the center of the field of view.
3. Adjust the leveling screws so that the center mark of the optical plummet
coincides with the intersection point of the cross on the paper.
4. Rotate the instrument around the vertical axis, and observe whether the center
mark position coincides with the intersection point of the cross at every 90°.
5. If the center mark always coincides with intersection point, no adjustment is
Otherwise, the following adjustment is required.

1. Take off the protective cover between the optical plummet eyepiece and
focusing knob.
2. Fix the paper. Rotate the instrument and mark the point of the center of optical
plummet which falls on the paper at every 90. As illustrated: Point A, B, C, and D.
3. Draw lines that attach AC and BD and mark the intersection point of the two lines
as O.
4. Adjust the four adjusting screws of the optical plummet with an adjusting pin until
the center mark coincides with Point O.
5. Repeat the inspection and adjusting steps to be sure that the adjustment is
6. Replace the protective cover.

13.9 Laser Plummet

1. Set the instrument on the tripod and place a piece of white paper with two
perpendicular lines under the instrument.
2. Open the laser plummet, move the paper to make the laser point coincide with
the center of two perpendicular lines.
3. Rotate the plummet to make the laser point coincide with the intersection point
on the paper.
4. Rotate the instrument, every 90° check contact ratio of laser point and
intersection point.
5. If the laser point always coincided with the intersection point, no adjustment is
Otherwise, the following adjustment is required.

1. Take off the protective cover
2. Fix the paper and mark the laser point on the paper every 90°. As shown in the
picture: Point A, B, C and D.
3. Line the Point AC and BD, the intersection point is 0.
4. Use Allen Key to adjust the four adjusting screws to make the center of the laser
point coincide with point 0.
5. Repeat the inspection and adjusting steps to be sure that the adjustment is
6. Replace the protective cover.

13.10 Instrument Constant (K)

Please refer to Session 7.3.

13.11 Parallelity Between Sight Line and Emitting Photoelectronic Axis

1. Set the reflector 50m away from the instrument.
2. Sight the center of the reflector with reticle.
3. Power on and enter Distance Measurement Mode. Press [SD] or [HD]to measure.
Rotate the Horizontal Tangent Screw and Vertical Tangent Screw, to do electronic
collimation and make the light route of EDM unblocked. In the bight zone find
the center of emitting photo electronic axis.

4. Check whether the center of reticle coincides with the center of emitting photo
electronic axis. If so, the instrument is up to grade.
If there is a great deviation between the center of reticle and the center of emiting
photoelectric axis, the instrument should be sent to service department for professional

13.12 Tribrach Leveling Screw

If any one of the leveling screws becomes flexible, tighten the two adjusting screws
on the side of leveling screw appropriately.

13.13 Related Parts for Reflector

1. The Tribrach and Adapter for Reflector
The plate vial and optical plummet in the adapter and plate vial should be
checked, refer to Session 13.1.

2. Perpendicularity of the prism pole

As shown in picture in Session 13.8, mark ‗+‘ on Point C, place the tine of the prism
pole on the Point C and do not move it during the inspection. Place the two feet tine of
Bipod on Point E and F on the cross lines. Adjust the two legs to make the bubble on the
prism pole centered.
Set and level the instrument on Point A near the cross. Sight tine of Point C with the
center of reticle, and fix the Horizontal Clamp Screw. Rotate the telescope upward to
make D near the horizontal hair. Flex the prism pole Leg e to make the D in the center of
reticle. Then both Point C and D are on the central line of reticle.
Set the instrument on Point B on the other cross lines. Flex the leg F and make point
D on the prism pole overlapped with central line of the point C‘s cross lines.
Through the collimation on Point A and B, the prism pole has been set
perpendicular. If then the bubble deviates from the center, adjust the three screws
under circular vial to make the bubble centered, refer to Session 13.2.
Check and adjust again until the bubble is in the center of the vial from both

Length 152mm
Objective Lens Diameter Telescope: 45mm Distance Meter: 47mm
Magnification 30x
Image Erect
Field of View 1°30’
Resolving Power 3”
Mini. Focus 1.0m
Single Prism 5000m
Non-Prism 600m 800m
Accuracy - Prims Mode ±(2mm+2ppm x D)m.s.e.
- Non-Prism ±(3mm+2ppm x D)m.s.e.
Measuring Time Fine: 0.3s, Normal: 0.2s, Tracking: 0.1s
Meteorologic Correction Auto Sensing
Prism Constant Manual Input
Method Absolute Encoding
Detecting System H: 2 sides V: 2sides
Min. Reading 1”
Accuracy 2”
Diameter of Circle 79mm
Vertical Angle 0° Zenith 0°/Horizontal 0°
Unit 360°/400gon/6400mil
Display Unit 3.7” Color and Touch Screen
No. of Unit 2 sides
Keyboard Alphanumeric Keys
Tilt Sensor Dual Axis
Method Liquid Electric
Range ±6’
Setting Unit 1”
Plate Level 30”/2mm

Circular Level 8’/2mm
Image Erect
Magnification 3X
Focusing Range 0.3m ~ ∞
Field of View 5°
Internal Memory 160,000 points
Data Interface SD Card/USB Pen Drive/Mini-USB
Wireless Communication Bluetooth 2.1
Camera N/A 0.8mpx, 3X
Laser Class - EDM Class IIIA
-Laser Plummet Class II
Working Temperature -20°C ~ +50°C
Battery Type Rechargeable Li-ion Battery 3900mAH
Battery Voltage DC 6V
water & dust proof IP66
Working Time 16h
Working Time Continuously 22h
*For each battery (angle)


15.1 Internal Distance Meter (visible laser)
The total Station is equipped with an EDM of Laser Class 3A/Ⅲ a and it is verified by
these labels as follows:
There‘s an indication label ―CLASS III LASER PRODUCT‖ above the vertical clamp
screw on Face Left as well as on the Face Right.

The product is classified as Class 3A laser product, according to the standards as

The product is classified as Class III a laser product according to the standards as

FDA21CFR ch.1 § 1040:1998 (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
Code of Federal Regulation)
Class 3A/III a laser product: It is harmful to observe the laser beam continuously.
Users should avoid staring at the laser directly. It can reach as much as 5 times the
emitting limit of Class 2 /Ⅱ with a wavelength between 400nm and 700nm.

It is harmful to continuously look straight at the laser beam.
Do not stare at the laser beam, or point the laser beam at others. Reflecting laser
beam is also valid.

When the laser beam emits on prism, mirror, metal surface, window, it might be
dangerous to look directly at the reflecting light.
Do not stare at the direction which the laser beam is reflected. When the laser is
turned on (under distance measure mode), do not look at it near the optical path or the
prism. It is only allowed to observe the prism through the telescope of the total station.

It is dangerous to make improper use of the Class III a laser equipment.
To avoid incurring harm, all the users should take safety precautions, and must
make sure that everything is under control within the distance that might bring dangers
(according to IEC60825-1:2001)

There are explanations of some principle points of related standard as follows:

Class 3R laser product is used in outdoors and construction site (measuring,

defining alignment, levelling).
Such laser equipment can only be installed, adjusted and operated by those
persons who have taken related training course and got the authentication.
a Set related laser warning marks on site.
b Prevent anyone from looking straight at the laser beam directly or through optic
c To avoid the harm brought by laser, users should block the laser beam at the
end of the working route. When the laser beam passes through the restricted area
(harmful distance*), and there are persons taking activities, users must stop the laser
beam in time.

d The optical path of the laser beam should be set higher or lower than the line of
e When the laser instrument is not in use, users should keep it well. It is not allowed
for operation unless the user is authenticated.
f Prevent the laser beam from accidentally emitting at mirror, mental surface,
window, etc. Especially pay attention to the surface of plane mirror or concave mirror.
* Harmful distance suggests that the maximum distance from the start point of
the laser beam to the point which the laser beam is weakened to a certain degree that
doesn‘t harm people.
The internal distance measure product which is equipped with a Class3R/III a
Laser Product has a harmful distance of 1000m (3300ft) . Beyond this distance, the laser
strength is weakened to Class I (It is not harmful to look straight at the laser beam).

15.2 Laser Plummet

The internal laser plummet sends out a ray of red visible laser beam from the
bottom of the instrument.

This product is classified as Class 2/II laser product.

Class 2 laser product is in accordance with the following standard:
EN 60825-1:1994+AⅡ:1996 ―SAFETY of LASER PRODUCTS‖
Class II laser product is in accordance with the following standard:
FDA21CFR ch.1 § 1040:1998 (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
Code of Federal Regulations)

Class 2/II Laser Product:

Do not stare at the laser beam or point it at others. Users should prevent the laser
beam and the strong reflecting light from impinging into eyes so as to avoid incurring

Raw Data
JOB job name, job description
DATE date, time
NAME name of the job creator
INST serial number of the total station
UNITS units in use: m/inch, dms/gon
SCALE grid factor, scale, altitude
ATMOS temperature, pressure
STN station name, instrument height, code
XYZ X (E coordinate), Y (N coordinate), Z (elevation)
BKB backsight point name, backsight angle, azimuth
SS point name, target height, code
HV horizontal angle, vertical angle
HD horizontal angle, vertical angle, height difference
SD horizontal angle, vertical angle, slide distance
OFFSET radial offset, tangential offset, plummet offset
NOTE note

Coordinates Data
Below is the data formats that are transferred to the computer.
1)Pt, N, E, Z, code
2)Pt, E, N, Z, code
3)Pt, code, N, E, Z
4)Pt, code, E, N, Z

Code Data
1) Horizontal Alignment
name name of the road
start start chainage
line the length of the straight line
arc radius of the circle, length of the curve
spiral radius, length

2) Vertical Alignment
gcp mile, elevation, length


DXF File
倾 斜 补 偿 [ 关Refer to Standard R12.
闭] 1) All points with the same code will be on the same layer.
2) All the lines are on the same layer.
3) All points without a code will be on the default layer.


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