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MA NAM K'A DANG NYAM PAY SEM CHEN T'AM CHAY CHAP KUN DU CHI NGO WO LAMA RINPOCHE LA CHAP SU CH'I WA LAK SO (3X) All Sentient Beings, my mothers, who equal [the extent of] space, go for refuge to the precious Lama who is the embodiment of all refuges (3x) MA NAM KA DANG NYAM PAY SEM CHEN TAM CHAY ZUNG JUK In order that all sentient beings, my mothers, who equal [the extent of] space may DORJE CHANG CHEN PO'I GO PANG TOB PAR JA DE'I CHAY DU ZAB LAM attain the level of the great Vajradhara, integration, CHAK JA CHENPO NYAM SU LEN PAR JI'O (3X) I will practice the profound path Mahamudra (3x) DUN KAR SENG TRI NA TSOK PEMA DANG DA NYI DEN LA LAMA In space in front, seated on a lion throne, multi colored lotus, moon+sun disk is the DORJE CHANG, TRAK DANG ZI JI PUN SUM TSOK PAR SHUK. KUN CHOK lama, Vajradhara who is radiant and majestic. He is the embodiment of the rare and KUN DU LO TAY CHIK CHOK JUR supreme ones and the single sufficient [place] for our trust. DU SUM SANGJE TAM CHAY DU PAY NGO WO LAMA RINPOCHE Precious lama who is the embodiment of the Buddhas of the three times, SEM CHEN TAMCHAY CHI DON DU DAK GI DAK DZIN LU TONG WAR DZED DU SOL In order to benefit all sentient beings, I supplicate you that I may abandon clinging to a self. GO MED JU LA CHE WAR DZED DU SOL. OD SAL CHAK JA CHEN PO TOK PAR DZED DU SOL (3X) I supplicate you that a lack of needs may arise in my mind. I supplicate you that I may realize luminosity, Mahamudra. (3x) MO GU SHUK CHI LAMA OD DU SHU. RANG TIM LAMA RANG SEM YER MAY JUR. Through the force of devotion the Lama melts into light and dissolves into myself. My own mind becomes inseparable from the Lama's mind. DEDICATION PRAYER Sonam di yi tam che zi pani; Top ne nyepe dranam pam che ne ;Je gar nachi balap druk payi; Si pe tsole dro war drol war sho

Through the wholesomeness of this practice may all the mental defilements be overcome and may all beings be liberated from the ocean of Samsara stirred by the waves of birth, aging, sickness and death.


1. Rest the mind in the uncontrived state. 2. Directly in front of you visualize the essence of the element earth as a yellow square of luminous light. This yellow square of light is the essence of earth and the purified essence of earth is the female Buddha, Buddha Lochana (Sangye Chenma) who represents mirror like wisdom. Meditate that the bindu of yellow light in the form of a square and your mind are inseparable. Rest the mind in that state. 3. The essence of earth now dissolves in to the essence of water which is a white circle of light inseparable from your mind. The purified essence of water is the female Buddha Mamaki who represents the wisdom of equanimity. (She is the consort of Ratnasambhava and is yellow) 4. The essence of water now dissolves into the essence of fire which is a red triangle with the point facing up. The purified essence of fire is the female Buddha Pandaravasini (Go Karmo) who represents the wisdom of discriminating awareness. Meditate that the bindu of red light in the shape of a triangle is inseparable from your mind. 5. The essence of fire next dissolves into the essence of wind (air) which is a green semicircle with the straight side up. The purified essence of air is the female Buddha Samaya Tara (Damtsik Drolma) who represents all-accomplishing wisdom. 6. The essence of air now dissolves into the essence of space which is a blue circle. The purified essence of space is the female Buddha Vajradhatesvari (Yingchokma) who represents Dharmadhatu wisdom. 7. The essence of space dissolves into the essence of the all basis consciousness (alaya consciousness) which is visualized as a white sphere of light in front of you. 8. This white sphere gets smaller until it is the size of the tip of a a hair and then it disappears into space. The essence of your mind is emptiness but also clarity. Rest your mind in clarity inseparable from emptiness.

VIPASSANA MEDITATION-TRANFORMING THE 5 SKANDHAS INTO THE 5 BUDDHA FAMILIES AND MAHAMUDRA MEDITATION PURIFYING THE 5 AFFLICTIONS BY THE 5 WISDOMS 1. Rest the mind in the uncontrived state. 2. {First aggregate is form. Purified essence of form is the male Buddha Akshobhya Vajrasattva (consort is Lochana) Attachment to form leads to the affliction of rage (agression) which gets purifed by mirror-like wisdom} a).From out of emptiness there appears a white sphere of light which is the essence of the Buddha Akshobhya. This sphere of light and your mind are inseparable--nondual. Not an observer watching a sphere of light but your conscousness and the sphere are the same. Recognize the light as the natural radiance of your mind. The sphere is a product of your mind, the one meditating is the mind-- so they are the same. Rest your mind with awareness and clarity indivisible from the sphere of light. b) This sphere which is the essence of Akshobya dissolves into the essence of aggression which when purified into emptiness becomes mirror-like wisdom. Rest in that state of mirror-like wisdom. 3. {Second Skandha is Feelings (sensations). Purified essence of feelings is the Buddha Ratnasambhava.(consort is Mamaki) Attachment to feelings leads to pride which gets purified by the Wisdom of Equanimity} a) Out of emptiness appears a yellow sphere of light which is the essence of the Buddha Ratnasambhava. Meditate that the sphere of yellow light and your mind are inseparable.... b)The essence of Ratnasambhava dissolves into the essence of pride which when purified into emptiness becomes the wisdom of equanimity. Rest in that State. 4.{Third Skandha is Recognition--(identification and differentiation). Purified essence is the Buddha Amitabha. (consort is Pandaravasini) Attachment to perception leads to desire which gets purified by the Wisdom of discriminating awareness} a) Out of emptiness appears a red sphere of light which is the essence of the Buddha Amitabha. The sphere of light and your mind are nondual... b)The essence of Amitabha dissolves into the essence of desire which when purified into emptiness becomes the Wisdom of Discriminating Awareness.

5.{Fourth Skandha is Formation-(51 mental states). Purified essence is the Buddha Amoghasiddhi.(consort is Samaya Tara) Attachment to formation leads to jealousy which is purified by Action accomplishing wisdom} a) Out of emptiness appears a emerald green sphere of light which is the essence of the Buddha Amoghasiddhi. The sphere of light and your mind are indivisible-nondual... b)The essence of Amoghasiddhi dissolves into the essence of jealousy which when purified into emptiness becomes Action Accomplishing Wisdom . Rest in that state. 6{Fifth Skandha is Consciousness (8 types). The purified aspect is the Buddha Vairocana. The affliction is ignorance which is purified by Dharmadhatu Wisdom} a) Out of emptiness appears a deep blue sphere of light which is the essence of the Buddha Vairocana. The sphere of light and your mind are inseparable, nondual... b)The essence of Vairocana dissolves into the essence of ignorance which when purified becomes Dharmadhatu Wisdom. Rest in that state. 7.{Emptiness Mahamudra Meditation} The essence of the mind is emptiness. Allow your consciousness to dissolve into the essence of mind which is emptiness or suchness. The essence of suchness of mind now appears as a colorless sphere like a crystal ball-the size of the first digit of your thumb. The crystal sphere then becomes the size of your body, room, city, earth, solar system, galaxy, universe. until it pervades all space. Wherever space pervades mind pervades Wherever mind pervades awareness pervades Wherever awareness pervades the Dharmakaya pervades. Rest without contrivance in the essence of all encompassing emptiness. Rest with the clarity of emptiness and with the awareness of the nature of your mind.

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