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Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat-ayat berikut.

1. Farah ran quickly __________ she was chased by a dog.
A. so
B. and
C. because
D. although

2. Sameera is __________ than her sister.

A. pretty
B. prettier
C. prettiest
D. more prettier

3. Ali was watching television yesterday when he __________ his mother shouting for help.
A. hear
B. hears
C. heard
D. hearing

4. The man climbed __________ the ladder to pick the rambutans on the tree.
A. to
B. in
C. up
D. over

5. Afnan is wearing __________ pair of blue shoes.

A. -
B. a
C. an
D. the

Choose the most suitable proverb.

Pilih proverb yang paling sesuai.
6. It is better to do something late, than not to do it at all. As the saying goes __________.
A. look before you leap
B. better late than never
C. practice makes perfect
D. honesty is the best policy
Diagnostic test year 6@2017 Page 1
Choose the best answer for each blank.
Pilih jawapan terbaik untuk setiap tempat kosong.

Maryam did not know what to _____(7)_____ for lunch. She opened up her refrigerator
to see _____(8)_____ she had inside. She saw a packet of noodles, some fish balls and a
_____(9)_____ of ketchup. She had an idea. “Why don’t I fry noodles for the family,” she said
to herself.
7. A. cook
B. cooks
C. cooked
D. cooking

8. A. what
B. when
C. which
D. where

9. A. pile
B. box
C. bottle
D. basket

Choose the word that has the same meaning as the underlined word.
Pilih perkataan yang bersamaan maksud dengan perkataan yang bergaris.

10. Mr Lim could travel around the world because he is a rich man.
A. kind
B. healthy
C. wealthy
D. successful

Choose the sentences with the correct punctuation

Pilih ayat yang mempunyai tanda baca yang betul.

11. A. Hooray, we are going to Pulau Sipadan next week!

B. Hooray. We are going to Pulau Sipadan next week
C. Hooray! We are going to Pulau Sipadan next week.
D. Hooray! We are going to pulau sipadan next week.

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Look at the picture and then read the passage carefully. Based on the picture and the passage,
choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.
Lihat gambar dengan baik dan baca petikan dengan teliti. Pilih jawapan yang terbaik
berdasarkan gambar dan teks yang diberi.

It is Sunday morning and Puan Suraiya is busy in the kitchen. She is ____(12)_____
some flour and eggs in the mixer. Her son, Amri is helping her to _____(13)_____ the sink.
There are also several dirty _____(14)_____ next to it. Her _____(15)_____ is watching her with
interest. She would like to help if Puan Suraiya allows her to do so.
12 A frying 15 A sister
B mixing B friend
C cutting C cousin
D shaking D daughter

13 A shine 1.

B clean
C polish
D scratch

14 A pots
B cups
C plates
D saucers

Questions 16 - 20

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Read the story below and answer the following questions.
Baca cerita di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

Ahmad lives with his parents and grandmother. Every day, his parents would go to work
from morning until late at night.
Every day when Ahmad comes home from school he would go straight to the kitchen. His
grandmother would serve him his lunch there.
One day, when he entered the kitchen, he saw his grandmother lying on the floor, groaning
in pain. She told him that she had slipped on some oil and could not get up. Ahmad quickly called
his parents but they did not answer their phones. However, he did not lose his head. Instead, he
calmly called for an ambulance and told them what had happened.
The ambulance arrived within fifteen minutes. On the way to the hospital, Ahmad managed
to contact his mother. His parents met them at the hospital. The doctor said that his grandmother
had broken leg. She needed to stay at the hospital for a few days but she would soon be fine.

16. How many members are there in Ahmad’s family?

A. six C. four
B. five D. three

17. The phrase did not lose his head shows that Ahmad……..
A. felt lost C. kept calm
B. panicked D. was excited

18. How did Ahmad’s grandmother fall down?

A. She fainted. C. She fell from the stairs.
B. She felt dizzy. D. She slipped on some oil.

19. Who did Ahmad call first?

A. The doctor C. His parents
B. His teacher D. The ambulance

20. From the passage, we know that Ahmad…….

A. helped his grandmother up.
B. eats lunch in the dining room.
C. goes to his room after coming home
D. lives with his parents and grandmother.

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( 30 Marks )

Question 21
Based on the pictures below, give the correct answers in full sentences. Write your answers in
the spaces provided.
Berdasarkan gambar-gambar di bawah, berikan jawapan dalam ayat yang penuh. Tulis jawapan
anda di ruangan yang disediakan.

Thanks for lending Answer:
me your calculator. ___________________________________
(2 marks)

Who is that lady?
(2 marks)

I won the Answer:
game! ___________________________________
(2 marks)

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Question 22
Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.
Baca cerita dibawah dan jawab soalan-soalan berikutnya.

Encik Ahmad is a fishmonger. He has a stall at the market. Every morning, he gets up
early at 3.00 a.m. He goes to the wholesale market in Kuala Lumpur, where he gets all his
seafood supplies.
At the market, Encik Ahmad’s wife, Aminah helps him to serve the customers. They
are always busy, especially on Sundays. Their only off days are Wednesdays. When they are
not so busy, they enjoy chatting with their customers. Their day ends at about 3.00 p.m..
By the time, they finish cleaning up their stall, it would be 2.45 p.m. Encik Ahmad and
his wife reach home at about 3.30 p.m. They always have a short nap after a shower. Then,
Aminah cooks dinner for the family with the help of their maid. Family time is when all five
members of Ahmad’s family are at home and they have dinner together. While eating, they
talk and share a lot of things together.
After dinner, they always sit together to watch television. However, Encik Ahmad goes
to bed very early, at about 9.30 p.m. This is because he has to get up very early the next day.

Tick ( √ ) the correct answer.

24. (a) What does Encik Ahmad do to earn a living?
He sells fish.
He catches fish.
He sells groceries.
(1 mark)

(b) Which of the following do you think Encik Ahmad does not sell?

(1 mark)

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(c) How many children does Encik Ahmad have?


(2 marks)
(d) What is the first thing Aminah does when she get home?


(2 marks)

(e) In your opinion, why is dinner time is a family time for Ahmad’s family?


(2 marks)

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Question 23
Read the notice below and answer the questions that follow.
Baca notis di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan berikutnya.

Do you wish to be good in these skills?

 Speaking

 Reading

 Writing

 Listening

We make learning English fun through games, music, quizzes

and computer – aided activities!

Course duration:
8 weeks Only 20 seats
per person Every Sunday
9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

 Register before 20th January 2018 to get this unbeatable price!

 For further details, please contact:


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Tick ( √ ) the correct answer.

(a) If Neelofa is interested to join this course, it means she wants to improve her …….
(1 mark)

(b) Fattah has registered for the course. On what day will he be going to the course?

(1 mark)

(c) Write True or False for these statements.

The pupils will meet twice a week.

This course will help improve four language skills.

(2 marks)

(d) ‘Only 20 seats available’. Why do you think the organiser limited the number of pupils
who can attend the course?


(2 marks)
(c) What do you understand by the phrase ‘unbeatable price’?

(2 marks)
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Question 24 and 25
Study the flyer and read the dialogue below. Then, answer the questions that follow.
Lihat flyer dan baca dialog dibawah. Kemudian, jawab soalan-soalan berikutnya.

Cleanliness Campaign
2nd to 4th February 2018
1. Keep the classrooms clean and beautify them.
2. Arrange the books in the cupboard according to subjects.
3. Arrange the magazines and story books at the Reading Corner.
4. Label the plants around the school compound (lots have been allocated to the
respective classes).
5. Plant potted plants and flowers.

Marks will be awarded to the cleanest classrooms and the most beautiful lots in the school

3 attractive prizes are waiting for you!

Keep your environment clean & lead a healthy life!

Teacher : Farah, did you see the flyer about Cleanliness Campaign in the school canteen?
Farah : Yes, teacher, I did. I am excited about it.
Teacher : As the class monitor, you have to inform everyone about the competition.
Farah : Yes, teacher. I will. We shall start immediately.
Teacher : Farah, please divide the task. Ask all the group leaders to lend a hand.
Farah : I shall call for a meeting during recess.
Teacher : Yes, you are right. Please tell them about the prizes as well.
Farah : Since we have five groups already, each will be given a task to carry out.
Teacher : I am really proud of your capability.
Farah : Thank you teacher. I promise to keep my words.

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Tick ( √ ) the correct answer.
24. (a) The Cleanliness Campaign is for the ………
(1 mark)

(b) I am excited about it. The word it in the dialogue refers to the …….

school canteen
Cleanliness Campaign
(1 mark)
25. (a) “… to lend a hand”
What is the meaning of this phrase?


(2 marks)

(b) One of the activities is to keep the classrooms clean and beautify them. Suggest
an activity to beautify the classroom and give reasons to support your


(2 marks)

Diagnostic test year 6@2017 Page 11

(c) Why does the Cleanliness Campaign competition offer three attractive prizes?
Give reasons to support your answer.

(2 marks)

Prepared by: Checked & proofread by :

( Pn Wan Mardiana Wan Mahtar ) ( Pn Liew Lai Fun )

Head of English Panel/ Senior Assistant of Academic
Year 6 English teacher SKDJ2

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