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APRIL 2015
Annampatla, Bibinagar, Nalgonda.Dist



This is to certify that this project report on “DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF G+5
RESIDENTIAL BUILDING” is bonafide record work done by M. DIVYA VANI
(09TF1A0129) submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of
degree of Bachelor of Technology in CIVIL ENGINEERING.

REDDY Mr. K Madhusudhan Reddy
Assistant Professor Head of the Department
Project Guide


My Sincere thanks to the Principal Dr. A.V.N Krishna, for his encouragement in completing
the project.

My profound and sincere gratitude to Sri. K. Madhusudhan Reddy, Head of the Civil
Engineering Department, P.J.M.S.E.C., for his valuable guidance in carrying out the project.

My profound and sincere gratitude to the project guide Sri. K.v.subba reddy, Deputy Executive
Engineer, Walamtri, for his valuable guidance in carrying out the project. He has been
inculcating innovative skills and technicalities at all stages of performing the project work. It is
a fact that without his support, motivation and guidance, this work would not have been

My sincere thanks to Smt. D. Nagasree, Executive Engineering, Walamtri, for her

valuable concern and encouragement towards us throughout our project.

Sincere thanks to Sri k.v subba reddy Assistant professor of Civil Engineering Department PJMS
for her valuable encouragement and kind co-operation in completion of this project successfully.

Regards to all lab technicians, friends and classmates for their constant help and support
during this project work.

Project Associates

B.RAVTEJA (119A1A0102)
B.BHARATHI (119A1A0105)
K.AVANTHI (119A1A0109)




Design Principles










Stair Case





In nature every living being require most comfortable shelter. A building for dwelling purpose is
called the residential building. The residential buildings are constructed for life-time hence
requires standard considerations at every stage of its planning, designing and construction.
Engineering is a professional art of applying science to the efficient conservation of natural
resources for the benefit of man. Civil engineers do the well conversant planning, designing and
construction with guiding principles according to the provisions made by Indian Standard (IS)
codes and Building by Laws.

Residential buildings need to be planned according to the needs of the occupants and also
according to available funds. A residential building can be divided into three major areas. They

1. Living area:
This area is for general use so the living and dining room should be planned near
entrance. It should be sufficiently lighted and offer an attractive view of the surrounding
landscape and garden etc.
2. Sleeping area:
This area provides bedrooms for sleeping and relaxing. They should be located so as to
provide privacy.
3. Service area:
This area includes the kitchen, dining room, bath room. Kitchen may be adjacent to the
dining room or separate. They should also be provided with necessary fixtures.

All the three areas and rooms are designed depending on the purpose of the each room. The
purpose decides the size, placing and size of windows, furniture etc. The rooms mentioned above
are grouped together by means of a passage, lobby, staircase etc. The area for them should be
smaller and at the same time it should be well ventilated and lighted.
The present project deals with the design of the G+5 residential building having total 10 flats.
The design provided with 2 flats in each floor among them one double bed room flat and other
triple bed room flat also the parking plan is provided at the stilt. Designing is made by
considering the practical points as following

 Provision for future extension without dismantling the structure.

 The elements of the building should be strong and capable to withstand the likely
adverse effects of natural agencies.

Building bye -laws

The rules and regulations covering the requirements of building ensuring the safety of the public
through open spaces, minimum size of rooms, heights and area limitations are known as building
bye laws. A bye law is a local law framed by a sub-ordinate authority. The Indian standard
institute (ISI) has published IS: 1256 “code of building laws” covering all the silent aspects of
building activities.

Objectives of bye-laws

1. Provision of bye laws gives guide lines to the designing engineers and made easy to pre-
plan the building activities.
2. The building bye laws prevent the building from the damages caused by natural hazards
depending on the development of the area as whole.
3. The provision of building bye laws usually affords safety to human beings who work and
live in them.

Principles underlying building bye - laws

 Classification of buildings
 Classification of rooms

 Controlling height of structures

 Specifying suitable arrangements with respect to drainage and water supply

 Specifying marginal spaces and set backs

 Specifying minimum size of plots, their dimensions and frontages.


Limit State Method

In limit state method structure designed to withstand all loads acting on it safely through its life
time. The acceptable limit for the safety and serviceability requirements before the failure
occur is called a limit state. All relevant limit states are considered in design to ensure an
adequate degree of safety and serviceability.

Structural Design Considerations

1. This structure is designed for stilt + 5 floors

2. Mix used for work is M20 (1:11/2 :3) with HYSD bars.
3. The depth of the slabs assumed as 125mm.
4. All the walls are of 230mm thickness except partition walls.
5. S.B.C of soil = 200kN/m
6. Live load on different components taken as the following
a) Live loads on slabs = 2 kN/m
b) Live load on balconies & stair case = 3kN/m2
c) Partition load = 1kN/m2
d) Floor finish load = 1kN/m2
e) Live load for 230mm walls is taken as 5kN/m2
7. Clear covers
a) Footings = 50mm
b) Columns = 40mm
c) Beams = 25mm
d) Slab = 25mm

A slab is a thin flexural member used in floors and roofs of structures to carry loads. In
general slabs are supported by walls or beams along its edges. Slabs are of two types
depending on aspect ratio (longer span/shorter span [Lx/Ly]).

One way slab

Slab is supported on two opposite supports when aspect ratio [Lx/Ly] is greater than 2 then it is
called as one way slab. In this case slab is analyzed essentially as a rectangular beam of
comparatively large width. It can be viewed as series of rectangular beams arranged side by
side. Entire bending moment is assumed to be resisted by the reinforcement provided along the
short span and it is called as the main reinforcement. In long span nominal reinforcement is
provided to maintain main reinforcement in position and also to resist the temperature stresses,
shrinkage stresses and this nominal reinforcement is called distribution reinforcement.

Two way slab

Slab supported on four supports when aspect ratio is less than 2 then it is called two-way slab. In
two way slabs when the slab is loaded it causes surface bending along both short and long spans
causing bending moments in both directions. To resist bending moments in both directions the
slab must be reinforced with main reinforcement in both directions. Two way slabs may be
corner free slab or held down slab.
Design of one way slab

1. Determine the Aspect ratio

Ly/Lx > 2
2. Determine the End condition from code for the slab
3. Assume Width =b, Depth = D, Materials fck, fy
4. Load calculations
Dead load: Self weight = ws
Floor finishes = FF
Total dead load = ws + FF =
DL Live Load: Imposed load = LL
Total working load = DL+LL =w
Total ultimate load = 1.5 x w = wu
5. Design Moments
Design moment Mu = α x wu L2
where, α = design moment coefficient obtained according to code IS 456
6. Check for concrete Depth
Calculate maximum moment carrying capacity of a balanced section
Mur.max = Ru.max bd
[Ru.max is obtained from the code.]

Calculate dreq = √ [Mu/ Ru.max

b] Check than dreq < dprov.
7. Main steel (Ast)
Required Ast = 0.5 fck/ fy (1- √{1- [(4.6 Mu)/(fckbd )]}) x bd
Ast.min = pt.min bD
pt.min = 0.12% for HYSD bars from IS code
check Ast > Ast.min
Required spacing s = 1000 ast/Ast where, ast = area of one bar
Maximum spacing smax = 3d or 300mm
Consider the less value from above and round off to the multiples of 10 mm or 25mm
8. Check for Deflection
Calculate required pt %
If (pt)assumed < (pt)required
Then check may be considered to be satisfied else detailed check should be carried out as
given in the code as under
Calculate steel stress of service load fs = 0.58 x fy x Ast reqd./ Ast prov.
Obtain modification factor α1, corresponding to (pt)provd and fs from the
code Required depth d = L/(basic L/d ratio x α1) < deff. provd.
9. Distribution steel
Required Ast.min = 1.2D for HYSD bars
Assume bar diameter (6mm for steel grade Fe 250 and 8mm for
Fe415) Required spacing s = 1000ast/Ast.min
Maximum spacing, s = 5d or 450mm
Consider the less value among the above
10. Check for shear
a) Calculate Design shear or Maximum shear (V u.max)
Vu.max = wu x L x shear coefficient as per code
where, wu = ultimate UDL on slab/unit width.
b) Calculate shear resistance of slab

(Vuc) Vuc= τuc bd x k

τuc depends upon pt = 100 Astl / bd

τuc and k are obtained from the code
where, Astl is the tension steel. It is the bottom steel at simply supported end
and top steel at continuous end.
Astl= Ast/2 if alternate bars are bent to top at simple
support check that Vuc > Vu.max. if not increase the depth
Slab (S2)


Slab (S2)

 Assume b=1000mm
 Over all depth D=125mm; d= 100mm
 Aspect ratio

Ly/Lx = (11.31/3.20)=3.53 > 2 (one way slab)

 Loads calculations
1. Self wt.= 0.125 x 25 = 3.125 kN/m
2. Floor finishes = 1kN/m2
3. Partition load = 1kN/m
4. Live load = 2kN/m
Total working load = 7.125 kN/m2
Factored load (wu) = 1.5 x 7.125= 10.6875 kN/m2
 Bending moment
Mu = wu L2x/8 = (10.6875) x 3.22 /8 =13.68 kN-m
 Check for depth
dprov = 100 mm
dreq = √(Mu/Rub) = √{(13.68 x 10 )/(2.76 x 1000)} = 70.40 mm
dreq < dprov
Hence safe
 Area of steel (Ast)
Ast = 0.5fck/fy[1-√{1-(4.6Mu)/(fckbd2)}]bd
6 2
0.5 x 20/415[1-√{1-(4.6 x 13.68 x 10 )/(20 x 1000 x 100 )}]x 1000
x100 Ast = 414.783 mm
 Check for Ast
Astmin = Pt x bd = (0.12/100) x1000x100 = 150 mm
Ast = 414.783 mm
Astmin < Ast Hence safe
 Spacing
S =1000 x (ᴫ/4) x ø2/Ast=100 x (ᴫ/4) x 122/414.783=
272.67mm S = 3d = 3 x 100 = 300 mm
S = 300 mm
Consider the less value among above
Hence provide 12mm ø @ 300mm c/c spacing
 Check for Deflection
(Pt )required = Ast/bd = 414.783/1000*100 = 0.33%
(Pt )assumed = 0.12%
(Pt )assumed < (Pt )required Hence safe.
 Distribution Steel Spacing
2 2
S = 1000 x (ᴫ/4) x ø /Ast = 100 x (ᴫ/4) x 12 /414.783= 272.67mm
S = 5d = 5 x 100= 500 mm
S = 450 mm
Consider less value among the above
Hence provide distribution steel of 12mm ø @ 300 mm c/c spacing
 Check for Shear
Maximum design shear Vu max = Wu L/2
Vu max = 10.67875 x 3.2/2 =17.1 kN/m

Shear Resistance Vuc = τuc bd x k

τuc = Design shear strength depends on % of steel (Pt)

k = Multiplying factor depends on depth of the slab

(Pt ) = 100 x Astl/bd ; Astl = Ast/2
(Pt )= (100 x 207.39)/ (1000 x 100) = 0.207%

τuc = 0.3256 N/ mm

Vuc = 0.3256 x 1000 x100 x 1.3 = 42.328 kN/m

Vu max < Vuc Hence safe
Design of Two Way Slab

1. Determine the Aspect ratio

Ly/Lx < 2
2. Determine the end condition for slab from the code.
3. Assume width = b, materials fck, fy
4. Trial Depth (D)
It will be decided by deflection criteria based on short span Lx and total depth D.
a) The allowable L/D ratio for Two-way slab with short span up to 3.5m and
for loading class up to 3kN/m2 is given from code clause 24.1
b) If Lx > 3.5m or live load >3 kN/m allowable L/D ratio will be same as that
for one way slab.
5. Load calculation
Dead load: Self weight = ws
Floor finishes = FF
Total dead load = ws + FF =
DL Live Load: Imposed load = LL
Total working load = DL+LL =w
Total ultimate load = 1.5 x w = wu
6. Design moments
Obtain the bending moments from Mu = α wu Lx
Values of coefficients, αx for Lx and αy for Ly obtained from the code for given
boundary condition no. and the aspect ratio.
7. Check for concrete Depth
In the case of two way slab, effective depths for reinforcement in short span and long
span at mid-span differ by a bar diameter since long span steel is placed above short span
steel. It is sufficient to check that M ur.max.> Mu for adequacy of concrete depth from B.M
8. Main steel
Calculate area of steel required for four different location
using Ast = 0.5 fck/ fy (1- √{1- [(4.6 Mu)/(fckbd )]}) x bd
Main steel calculated is provided only in the middle strips of width equal to 3/4 the slab
width (at right angle to the span i.e., (3/4)L y for short span steel and (3/4)Lx for long span

steel). there will be no main steel parallel to the support in edge strip of width equal to
1/8 of slab width (i.e., Ly/8 for short span steel and Ly/8 for long span) . In this edge
strip only distribution steel is provided it is calculated same as in the one way slab.
Distribution steel also provided for middle strip bars at the top of supports.
9. Check for deflection
If Lx< 3.5m and LL< 3kN/m2, check that (L/D)provided > (L/D)required
For Lx> 3.5m or LL > 3kN/m2, the deflection check should be carried out same as in
the one-way slab taking reinforcement at the middle of short span i.e., Astx
8. Torsion steel
Area of torsion steel calculated according to code will be provided at corners over width
equal to Lx/5 in each direction in each layer of bars provided orthogonally in two
meshes one at top and the other at bottom of slab.
9. Check for shear
Design shear in two way slab may be obtained by
a) At middle of short edge, Vu.max = wu Lx/3 per unit width
At middle of longer edge, Vu.max = wuLx[β/(2β+1)]

Increase above value by 20% for shear at continuous edge and decrease the
same by 10% at simply supported discontinuous edge for a slab simply supported at
one edge and continuous over the other.
b) Shear resistance is calculated and shear check is done in the same way as it
is obtained for one-way slab
Slab (S1)


Slab (S1)

 Aspect ratio
Ly/Lx = 4.6286/4.3302 = 1.068 < 2
 Two-way slab discontinuous at adjacent edges
2 2
 Assume b= 1000, D = 125mm, fck = 20 N/mm , fy = 415 N/mm
 Loads Calculations

1. Self wt.= 0.125 x 25 = 3.125 kN/m2

2. Floor finishes = 1kN/m
3. Partition load = 1kN/m2
4. Live load = 2kN/m2
Total working load = 7.125 kN/m
Factored load (wu) = 1.5 x 7.125= 10.6875 kN/m
 Moments
Bending moment coefficients calculated according to the code are as follows

α+x = 0.0384 α-x = 0.05108 α+y = 7.013 α-y = 0.047

M-x = α-x wu Lx = 0.05108 x 10.6875 x 4.3302 = 10.236 kN-m
2 2

M+x= α+x wu Lx = 0.0384 x 10.6875 x 4.3302 = 7.695 kN-m

2 2

M-y = α-y wu Lx = 0.047 x 10.6875 x 4.3302 = 9.418 kN-m

2 2

M+y= α+y wu Lx = 0.035 x 10.6875 x 4.3302 = 7.013 kN-m

2 2

 Main steel
Ast(-x) = 0.5fck/fy {1-√[1-(4.6M-x)/(fck bd2)]} = 302.655 mm2
Ast(+x)= 0.5fck/fy {1-√[1-(4.6M+x)/(fck bd2)]} = 223.610 mm2
Ast(-y) = 0.5fck/fy {1-√[1-(4.6M-y)/(fck bd2)]} = 276.889 mm2
Ast(+y)= 0.5fck/fy {1-√[1-(4.6M+y)/(fck bd2)]}= 202.876 mm2
Ast min.= pt min. bD = [0.12/100] x 1000 x 125= 150 mm2
Ast min < Ast
 Spacing

1. S = 1000 x ast/Ast =1000 x (ᴫ/4) x 122/302.655 = 373.684 mm

2. 300 mm
3. 3d = 3 x 100 = 300mm

Hence provide 12mm ø bars @ 300mm c/c spacing

 Check for Deflection

Pt (req) = Ast/bD = 100 x 302.655/(1000 x 125) =
0.24% Pt(assu) = 0.12%

 Check for Shear

At middle of short edge Vu max. = wu Lx/3 = 10.6875 x 4.3302/3
At middle of long edge Vu max = wu Lx[β/2β+1] = 10.6875 x 4.3302 x [1.068/2 x 1.068
+1] Vu max = 15.760kN/m

Shear resistance Vuc = τuc bd x k

τuc depends on Pt = 100 x Ast/bd = 100 x 302.66/1000 x 100 = 0.302

At short edge = 0.385 x 1000 x 100 x1.3 = 50.05 kN/m
At long edge = 0.372 x 1000 x 100 x 1.3 = 48.42 kN/m

Vuc > Vu max hence safe in shear


A beam is a structural member subjected to transverse loading system. In loading system the
major loading is from slabs according there load distribution. In beams the shear stress,
bending stress and minimum deflection are designed within the permissible limits and to satisfy
the stiffness requirements respectively.

According to reinforcement provided there are two types of beams

1) Singly Reinforced Beams

When the reinforcement in beam section provided only in the tension zone then the beam
is called singly reinforced beam. Singly reinforced beams are used when there is no
restriction the beam depth. Singly reinforced beams are of three types they are

a. Balanced section
The beam section in which concrete and the area of steel provided are stressed
to their permissible values and also at the same time the neutral axis is equal to
the critical neutral axis then the beam section is called balanced section.

b. Over reinforced section

When the area of steel provided is greater than the required area of steel
for balanced section in a beam section is called over reinforced section.
Actual neutral axis is greater than the critical neutral axis.

c. Under reinforced section

When the area of steel provided is less than the area of steel required for
the balance section in a beam section is called under reinforced section.
Actual neutral axis is less than the critical neutral axis.
2) Doubly Reinforced Beams
When the reinforcement in beam section provided in both compression zone and the
tension zone then the beam is called doubly reinforced beam. When the compressive
stress in concrete exceeds the permissible stresses then the doubly reinforced beams
are provided.

Depending on the end conditions of the beam there are different types of beams.

a) Simply supported Beams

b) Continuous Beams
c) Cantilever Beams

Moment distribution method is adopted to analyze these different beams in the structure.

Moment distribution method

In the analysis of different beams using moment distribution method following steps
are followed

1) Assume all the ends are fixed, and find the fixed end moments.
2) Calculate distribution factors for all members at the joints.
3) Balance the joints by distributing moment to various members at joints proportional
to their distribution factors.
4) Carry over half the distributed moment to the far ends of the members. This disturbs
the balance of the joint.
5) Repeat steps 3 and 4 till distributed moments are negligible.
6) Sum up all the moments at a particular end of the member to get final moment.
Design of Beams

1. Effective span of the beam (L) depend upon the end conditions.
2. Assume width (b), depth(D), material fck, fy
3. Load calculations
Loads on the beams comprises of
a) End shear from slab
Load on the beam from the slab = sum of shears from adjacent slabs assumed to
be Simply supported x continuity factor (c)
Shear from one way slab is only at long edge = w u Lx/2
Shear from two way slab triangular loading = w u Lx/3
Shear from two way slab trapezoidal loading = [wu Lx/2] x [1-1/3β2]
b) Load due to wall carried by the beam
Wall load =  x tw x Hw

 = unit weight of masonry in kN/m2

tw = thickness of wall in m
Hw = height of wall in m
c) Self weight of the beam
ws = 25 x depth of beam below slab x width of the rib
Ultimate load of the sum of the above loads is considered in the design
d) Concentrated load transferred by secondary beam resting on the main beam
Point load = load due to end reaction of secondary beam.
4. Design moments
Flanged width bf = k(Lo/6 + 6Df) + bw < c/c distance between beams
k = 1 (T-beam), 1/2 ( L- beam), 0 (rectangular
beam) bw= width of the web
Df = depth of flange = thickness of the slab
Lo= distance between points of zero bending moment
Mur (xu= Df) = 0.36fck bf Df (d-0.42Df)
Mumax = Ru max bd2
For Singly Reinforced Section

When, Mumax < Mur (xu= Df)

Main steel
Ast = 0.5fck/fy [1-√{1-(4.6Mu)/(fckbfd )}] bf x d
Detailing of Reinforcement
No. of bars = Ast / [(ᴫ/4) x ø ]

For Doubly Reinforced Section

When, Mumax > Mur

Ast 1 = Mur.max/ 0.87 fy(d - 0.42xu. max)
Ast 2 = (Mu – Mur.max)/0.87 fy (d-dc)
Ast = Ast 1+ Ast 2
Asc = 0.87fy Ast 2 / (fsc-fcc) = 0.87fy Ast 2/ (fsc – fcc)
Reinforcement for doubly reinforced section
No. of bar in tension zone = Ast / [(ᴫ/4) x ø ]
No. of bars in compression zone = Asc / [(ᴫ/4) x ø ]
5. Shear Reinforcement
Calculate nominal shear stress τv =
Vu/bd Vu = shear force due to load
Calculate % of steel = [Ast/bd] x 100
Calculate value of τc from the code book IS 456
Table.19 Compare τv with τc

i. τv < τc
Design is not necessary provide minimum reinforcement
[Asv/Sv]min = 0.4b/0.87fy
where, Asv = area of the 8mm ø stirrups
Sv = spacing of the stirrups
Obtain spacing from the above equation
ii. τv > τc
Design necessary
[Asv/Sv]req = (Vu- τcbd)/0.87fyd
[Asv/Sv]min = 0.4b/0.87fy
Consider greater value among above
Calculate spacing from following
1. Sv
2. 0.75d
3. 300mm

Consider lesser value among above

8. Check for Deflection

dprovided > effective span (L)/[basic (L/D) x α1 x α2 x α3x
α4] Hence the beam is safe under deflection.


Beam B2


AB span = 3.47 m

1) Loads from slabs


Short span Lx = 1.61 m Long span Ly = 2.5 m

Load from slab S8 = (W Lx/2 ) [1-1/3β²]= (7.125×1.61)/2 x 1-(1/3×1.56²)]= 4.91 kN/m


Short span Lx = 3.24 m

Load from slab S7 = (W Lx)/3 = (6.125×3.24)/3 = 6.62 kN/m

2) Self weight of the beam = 25×0.23×0.5= 2.88 kN/m

3) Load from 4.5" wall = 6 kN/m

Total load = 4.91 + 6.62 + 2.88 + 6 = 20.41 kN/m

Total Factored load on AB span = 1.5 × 20.41= 31 kN/m


BC span = 4.61m

1) Loads from slabs


Short span Lx = 3.048 m Long span Ly = 4.318 m

Slab load = (w Lx)/2 × (1-1/3β²) = 7.125×3.048/2 x (1-1/3×1.43²) = 9.1 kN/m

Self weight of beam = 25×0.23×0.5 = 2.88 kN/m

Load from 4.5" wall = 6 kN/m

Total load = slab load + self weight of the beam + wall load= 9.1+2.88+6 = 17.98 kN/m

Factored load = 1.5 × 17.98 = 27 kN/m


Short span Lx = 2.93 m

Load from slab S6 = w Lx/3 = (6.125×2.93)/3 = 5.98 m

Total UDL on BC span = 33 kN/ m2

4(b) Loading diagram of Beam B2

Fixed end moments:

MFAB = –w1 L²/12 = ̶ (31×3.47²)/12 = –31.10 kN-m

MFBA = +w1 L²/12 = + (31×3.47²)/12 = +31.10 kN-m

MFBC = – (w2 L²)/12– (w3 ab²)/L² = ̶ (33×4.61²)/12 ̶(33×1.45×3.16²)/4.61² = -97.27 kN- m

MFCB = + (w2 L²)/12+(w3 a²b)/L² = + (33×4.61²)/12 + (33×1.45²×3.16)/4.16² = +76.26 kN-m

Distribution Factor:

Joint Members K k Distribution

B BA 3EI/l=3EI/3.47=0.87 1.52 0.58
BC 4EI/L=4EI/4.61=0.65 0.42

Distribution Table:

Joint A B C
Distribution 1.0 0.58 0.42 1.0
Fixed end ̶ 31.10 + 31.10 ̶ 97.27 + 76.26
Balancing +31.10 + 38.37 + 27.79 ̶ 76.26
Carry over + 15.55 ̶ 38.13
Balancing + 13.09 + 9.48
Fixed end 0 + 98.11 ̶ 98.11 0
4(c) End moments in Beam B2

In AB Span:

Maximum moment MAB = (w L²)/8 ̶ M/2 = (31×3.47²)/8 ̶ 98.11/2 = ̶2.3 kN-m

In BC Span:

Maximum moment MBC = (WL²)/8 + (point load×ab)/L ×M/L ̶ M/2 = (33×4.61²)/8 = +80 kN-m


Ra = Wl/2-M/L = (31×3.47)/2 ̶ 98.11/3.47 = 25.5 kN

Rb1 = wl/2+M/l = (31×3.47)/2 + 98.11/3.47 = 82 kN

Rb2 = wl/2+pb/l+M/l = (33×4.61)/2 + (57×3.61)/4.61 + 98.11/4.61= 136.3 kN

Rc = wl/2+pa/l ̶M/l = (33×4.61)/2 + (57×1.45)/4.61 ̶ 98.11/4.61 = 72.7 kN

Ra + Rb + Rc = 25.5 + (82+136.3) +72.7 = 316.7 kN

4(d) Bending moment diagram of Beam B2


b = 230 mm ; D = 500 mm ; d‟ = 40 mm ; d = 460 mm ; Leff = 3.47 m

Mu/bd² = (2.3×10)/ (230×460²) = 0.30

Pt = 0.070 obtained from SP 16

Ast = 0.070×230×460 = 74.06 mm²

No. of bars = 74.06/(π/4×12²) = 0.654 ≈ 2 bars

Check for shear

Shear force (Vu) = 82 kN

Nominal shear stress (τv)= Vu/bd = 0.77 N/mm²

From code IS: 456-2000 τc = 0.28 N/mm²

τv > τc

Shear reinforcement is required.

Net shear force Vus = Vu – τv bd = (82×10³) ̶ (0.28×230×460) = 52.36 kN

1) (Asv/Sv )req = Vus / (0.87fyd)

Sv = (0.87×500×460×2×π/4×8²)/5236 = 384.07 mm

ii) 0.75d = 345 mm

iii) 300 mm

Provide 8mm ø 2 legged stirrups at 300 mm c/c at support to a distance of l/7 from support.

Check for deflection:

L/d = 3470/460 = 7.5 <16 (Safe )


b = 230 mm ; D = 500 mm ; d‟ = 40 mm ; d = 460 mm ; Leff = 4.61 m

Mu/bd² = (80×10) /(230×460²) = 1.6

Pt = 0.410 from code SP16

Ast = 0.410×230×460 = 471.50 mm²

No. of bars = 7406/(π/4×12²) = 5 bars

Check for shear:

Shear force (Vu) = 218.5 kN

Nominal shear stress (τv) = Vu/ bd = 218.5×10³/(230×460) = 2.06 N/mm²

τc = 0.43 from code IS 456 ̶ 2000

τv > τc Shear reinforcement is required.

Net shear force Vus = Vu – τc bd = (218.5×10³) ̶ (0.43×230×460) = 172.9 Kn

i) (Asv/Sv )req = Vus / (0.87fyd)

Sv = ((2×π/4×8²) × (0.87×500×460))/172976 = 115 mm
2) 0.75d = 345 mm
3) 300 mm

Provide 8mm ø 2 legged stirrups at 115 mm c/c at support to a distance of l/7 from support.

Check for deflection:

L/d = 4610/460 = 10.02 <16

Safe in deflection


Design of beam:

Beam B6


AB span = 1.35 m

Loads from slabs:


Short span Lx = 1.22 m

Load from slab S5 = (w Lx)/2 = (7.125×1.22)/2 = 2.89 kN /m


Short span Lx = 3.77 m

Load from slab S7 = (w Lx)/3 = (7.125 × 3.77)/3 = 8.95 kN /m

Self weight of beam = 25 × 0.23 × 0.5 = 2.88 kN/m

Load from 4.5” wall = 6 kN /m

Total load = 2.89 + 8.95 + 2.88 + 6 = 20.72 kN /m

Factored load = 1.5 × 20.72 = 31 kN /m

BC Span:

span = 3.6 m

Loads from slabs:

Short span Lx = 1.22 m

Load from left side slab = (w L x)/2 = (7.125×1.22) = 2.89 kN /m

Short span Lx = 3.77 m

Load from right side slab = (w L x)/3 = (7.125 × 3.77)/3 = 8.95 kN/m

Self weight of beam = 25 × 0.23 × 0.5 = 2.88 kN/m

Load from 4.5” wall = 6 kN/m

Total load = 2.89 + 8.95 + 2.88 + 6 = 20.72 kN/m

Factored load = 1.5 × 20.72 = 31 kN/m

Loads from slabs:

span = 1.63 m

Short span lx = 1.63 m

Load from slab = (w Lx)/3 = (7.125 × 1.63)/3 = 3.86 kN/m

Short span Lx = 3.048 m

Load from slab = (w Lx)/3 = (7.125 × 3.048)/3 = 7.24 kN/m

Self weight of beam = 25 × 0.23 × 0.5 = 2.88 kN/m

Load from 4.5” wall = 6 kN/m

Total load = 3.86 + 7.24 + 2.88 + 6 = 19.98 kN/m

Factored load = 1.5 × 19.98 = 30 kN/m

Loads from slabs:

Span = 1.35 mm

Short span Lx = 3.048 m

Load from slab = (w Lx)/3 = (7.125 × 3.048)/3 = 7.24 kN/m

Self weight of beam = 25 × 0.23 × 0.5 = 2.88 kN/m

Load from 4.5” wall = 6 kN/m

Total load = 7.24 + 2.88 + 6 = 14.12 kN/m

Factored load = 1.5 × 14.12 = 24 kN/m

CD Span:

Loads from slabs:

span = 2.81 m

Short span Lx = 2.82 m

Load from left side slab = (w L x)/3 = (7.125×2.82)/3 = 6.69 kN/m

Short span Lx = 3.79 m

Load from right side slab = (w Lx)/3 = (7.125 × 3.79)/3 = 9 kN/m

Self weight of beam = 25 × 0.23 × 0.5 = 2.88 kN/m

Load from 4.5” wall = 6 kN/m

Total load = 6.69 + 9 + 2.88 + 6 = 24.57

kN/m Factored load = 1.5 × 24.57 = 37kN/m

DE Span:

Loads from slabs:

span = 1.21 m

Short span Lx = 3.79 m

Load from left side slab = (w Lx)/3 = (7.125×3.79)/3= 9 kN/m

Self weight of beam = 25 × 0.23 × 0.5 = 2.88 kN/m

Load from 4.5” wall = 6 kN/m

Total load = 9 + 2.88 + 6 = 17.88 kN/m

Factored load = 1.5 × 17.88 = 27 kN/m

BC span load = (3×3.6 + 30×1.63 + 24×1.35)/6.58 = 29 kN/m

4(f) Loading diagram of Beam B6

Fixed end moments

MFBA = +w L = +190 × 1.35 = 256.5 kN-m

MFBC = –(w L²)/12 – (wab²)/L² – (wab²)/L²

= (– (29×6.58²)/12 – (29×3.6×1.63²)/5.23² – (29×1.63×1.35²)/2.98²) = –134 kN- m

MFCB = +(w L²)/12 + (wa²b)/L² + (wa²b)/L2

= (+(29×6.58²)/12 + (29×3.6²×1.63)/5.23² + (29×1.63²×1.35)/2.98² = + 150.25 kN-m

MFCD = ̶WL²/12 = ̶ (31×2.81²)/12 = ̶20.39 kN-m

MFDC = +(WL²)/12 = +(31×2.81²)/12 = +20.39 kN-m

MFDE = ̶WL = ̶ 155×1.21 = ̶ 187.55 kN-m

Distribution factor:

Joint Member K ∑K factor

B BA 4÷1.35 = 2.96 3.56 0.83

BC 4÷6.58 = 0.6 0.16

C CB 4÷6.58 = 0.6 2.02 0.29

CD 4÷2.81 = 1.42 0.70

D DC 4÷2.81 = 1.42 4.72 0.30

DE 4÷1.21 = 3.3 0.69


Joint A B C D E
Distribution 0.69
factor 0.83 0.16 0.29 0.70 0.30
Fixed end
moments + 256.5 ̶ 134 +150.25 ̶ 20.39 +20.39 ̶ 187.5
Balancing 101.67 ̶19.6 ̶ 37.66 ̶ 90.902 +50.133 +115.3
Carry over
moments ̶ 18.83 ̶ 9.8 + 25.06 ̶ 45.45
Balancing +15.628 +3.012 ̶ 4.425 ̶ 10.682 +13.635 +31.360
moments 0 + 170 ̶ 170 + 97 ̶ 97 + 39 ̶ 39 0
4(g) Moments at each joint of Beam B6


RB1 = point load + (wL) + M/2 = 190 + (31×1.35) + 170/2 = 317 kN

RB2 = (WL)/2 + (point load × a)/L + (point load × b)/L + M/L ̶ M/L

= (29×6.58)/(2) + (218.5×3.6)/6.58 + (34×5.23)/6.58 + 170/6.58 ̶ 97/6.58 = 253.07 kN

Rc1 = (WL)/2 + (point load × b)/L + (point load × b)/L + M/L ̶ M/L

= (29×6.58)/2 + (218.5×2.98)/6.58 + (34×1.35)/6.58 + 97/6.58 ̶170/6.58 = 190.24 kN

RC2 = (WL)/2 + M/L ̶ M/L = (31×2.81)/2 + 97/2.81 ̶ 39/2.81= 64.19 kN

RD1 = (WL)/2 + M/L ̶ M/L = (31×2.81)/2 + 39/2.81 ̶ 97/2.81= 22.19 kN

RD2 = point load + Wl ̶ M/2 = 155 + 1.21×27 ̶ 39/2 = 168.17 kN


MAB = 36.25 kN-m

MBC = 236.1 kN-m

MCD = 11.9 kN-m

MDE = 69.33 kN-m

4(h) Bending moment diagram of Beam B6


b = 230 mm ; D = 500 mm ; d‟ = 40 mm; d = 460 mm ; Leff = 1.35 m

Mu/bd² = (36.25×10)/ (230×460²) = 0.70

Pt = 0.168 from code SP-16

Ast = 0.168 × 230×500 = 19320 mm

No. of bars = 193.20/(π/4×12²) = 1.7 ≈ 2 bars

Check for shear:

Shear force (Vu) = 82 kN

Nominal shear stress (τv)= Vu / bd = 0.77 N/mm²

τv > τc Shear reinforcement is required.

Net shear force Vus = Vu – τc bd = 52.36 kN

i) (Asv/Sv )req = Vus/(0.87fyd)

Sv = 384.07 mm
ii) 0.75d = 345 mm
iii) 300 mm

Provide 8mm ø 2 legged stirrups at 300 mm c/c at support to a distance of l/7 from support.

Check for deflection:

L/d = 4610/460 = 10.02 <16 Safe in deflection


b = 230 mm ; D = 500 mm ; d‟ = 40 mm; d = 460 mm ; Leff = 4.61 m

Mu/bd² = (236.1×10 ) /(230×460²) = 4.8

It is designed as doubly reinforced section

Pt = 1.58 ; Pc = 0.65 from code SP-16

Ast = 1.58× 230× 500 = 172500 mm²

No. of bars in tension zone = 172500/(π/4×16²) = 8 bars

Asc = 0.65 x 230 x 500 = 74750 mm2

No. of bars in compression zone = 74750/(ᴫ/4 x 122) = 4 bars

Check for shear:

Shear force (Vu) = 218.5 kN

Nominal shear stress (τv) = Vu/ bd = 218.5×10³/(230×460) = 2.06 N/mm²

τc = 0.43 from code IS 456 ̶ 2000

τv > τc Shear reinforcement is required.

Net shear force Vus = Vu – τv bd = (218.5×10³) ̶ (0.43×230×460) = 172.9 kN

i) (Asv/Sv )req = Vus / (0.87fyd)

Sv = ((2×π/4×8²) × (0.87×500×460))/172976 = 115 mm
4) 0.75d = 345 mm
5) 300 mm

Provide 8mm ø 2 legged stirrups at 115 mm c/c at support to a distance of l/7 from support.

Check for deflection:

L/d = 4610/ 460 = 10.02 <16

Safe in deflection


b = 230 mm ; D = 500 mm ; d‟ = 40 mm ; d = 460 mm ; Leff = 1.35 m

Mu/bd² = (11.9×106) /(230×460²) = 0.2

Pt = 0.070 from code SP 16

Ast = 0.070 × 230 × 460 = 7406 mm

No. of bars = 7406/ (π/4×12²) ≈ 2 bars

Check for shear:

Shear force (Vu) = 82 kN

Nominal shear stress (τv) = Vu / bd = 0.77 N/mm²

τv > τc Shear reinforcement is required.

Net shear force Vus = Vu – τc bd = 52.36 kN

6) (Asv/Sv )req = Vus /(0.87fyd)

Sv = 384.07 mm

7) 0.75d = 345 mm
8) 300 mm

Provide 8mm Dia 2 legged stirrups at 300 mm c/c at support to a distance of l/7 from support.

Check for deflection:

L/d = 4610/460 = 10.02 <16

Safe in deflection


b = 230 mm ; D = 500 mm ; d‟ = 40 mm ; d = 460 mm ; le = 4.61 m

Mu/bd² = (69.33×10 )/ (230×460²) = 1.4

Pt = 0.353 from code IS 456 ̶ 2000

Ast = 0.353 × 230 × 500 = 40595 mm²

No. of bars = 40595/(π/4×12²) = 4 bars

Check for shear:

Shear force (Vu) = 218.5 kN

Nominal shear stress (τv) = Vu / bd = 218.5×10³/(230×460) = 2.06 N/mm²

τc = 0.43 from code IS 456 ̶ 2000

τv > τc Shear reinforcement is required.

Net shear force Vus = Vu – τc bd = (218.5×10³) ̶ (0.43×230×460) = 172.9 kN

i) (Asv/Sv )req = Vus /(0.87fyd)

Sv = ((2×π/4×8²) × (0.87×500×460))/172976 = 115 mm
9) 0.75d = 345 mm
10) 300 mm

Provide 8mm ø 2 legged stirrups at 115 mm c/c at support to a distance of l/7 from support.

Check for deflection:

L/d = 4610/460 = 10.02 <16

Safe in deflection

Columns are the compressive members. The effective length exceeds 3 times the least lateral
dimension of the section then the member is to be designed as a column.

Effective length of column:

The length of the column between points of zero bending moment is called effective length
and it depends on type of end condition as shown below.

5(a) Columns showing Effective lengths for different conditions

Slenderness ratio (λ):

The ratio of the effective length of the column to the least lateral dimension is called
the slenderness ratio (λ). Λ = Le/LLD (d or b)

Classification of columns

According to the IS: 456-2000 depending on the slenderness ratio (λ) columns are classified
into two types.

i) Short column
Slenderness ratio less than or equal to12 is designed as short column. λ < 12
ii) Long column
Slenderness ratio greater than 12 is to be designed as long column. λ > 12

Depending on the loading conditions and the position columns are classified as

i) Axially loaded column.

When the loads are acting along the axis passing through the center of gravity of
the column then the column is called axially loaded column.

ii) Column under Uni-Axial bending.

When the column carry beams either in three orthogonal directions or a single beam
in one direction are predominantly subjected to axial load and uni-axial bending
called as column under uni-axial bending. The uni-axial bending is due to
unbalanced moment transferred from a single beam on one side, while the moments
from the other two beams in opposite directions balance each other provided their
spans and loads on them are approximately equal.

iii) Column under Bi-axial bending.

When the column carrying loads from beams are at some eccentricity from two
orthogonal directions then column is subjected to bi-axial bending this type of
column is called as column under bi-axial bending.

Loading on the columns are calculated according to the exact method.

Exact Method:

The total load acting on any column is the algebraic sum of the shear at the end of all beams
meeting at the column, the axial load from the above column and self weight of the column.

Total load acting on the column at floor level (P) = V1 + V2 + V3 + V4 + Pa + Pself

Where, Pa = Load from above floors, V1, V2, V3, V4 = End shear of beams

Pself = Self weight of the column.

= unit weight of concrete (25 Kn/m³) x size of column x total height of the building


11) Assume the size of the column.

12) Load calculations
a) Load acting on the column from beams = w1
b) Self weight of the column = w2
Total load = w1 + w2 = w Total factored load = 1.5 x w = wu

13) Calculate the effective length of column = Leff

14) Determine the Slenderness ratio of the column.
15) Assume percentage of steel from 0.8% to 6%
16) Calculate gross area of column cross section.
17) Calculate area of steel in concrete and area of concrete.
18) Find the Design strength of column using the formula
Pu = 0.4 fck Ac + 0.67 fy Asc

19) Check for Design strength

Pu > wu (safe)

The design strength of column should be more than factored load then the column is safe
in buckling if not increase the dimensions of the column or increase the percentage of steel
and repeat the above procedure.

20) Calculation of Transverse Reinforcement.

i) ¼ of largest longitudinal bar. ii) 6mm.
Provide the greater value of diameter among above two values.

21) Pitch

i) Least lateral dimension of compression member or column.

ii) 16 times the smallest diameter of the longitudinal reinforcement bar.
iii) 300mm.
Provide the least value of pitch among above three.

1) Assume the size of the column.

2) Load calculations
a) Load acting on the column from beams = w1
b) Self weight of the column = w2
Total load = w1 + w2 = w Total factored load = 1.5 x w = wu
3) Calculate the effective length of the column Leff
4) Determine the Slenderness ratio of the column.
5) Calculate Asc from charts as detailed below:
a) For bending about x-axis bisecting the depth of the column.
i) Calculate Pu/(fck Bd) and Mu/(fck Bd²)
ii) Calculate d‟/D where, d‟ = effective cover.
iii) Select appropriate chart corresponding to d‟/D, grade of steel and distribution

of reinforcement. Obtain point of intersection of

Pu/(fck Bd) and Mu/(fck Bd²)

iv) Interpolate the value of p/fck where, p =100As/(Bd)

v) Calculate total area of steel required = As = fck x (pbD/100)
b) For bending about y-axis bisecting the width of the column the chart to be referred to
is having value of d‟/b and use expression Mu/(fck Bd²). Repeat same procedure as
6) Calculation of Transverse Reinforcement
i) ¼ of largest longitudinal bar
ii) 6mm.
Provide the greater value of diameter obtained from above two.

7) Pitch
i) Least lateral dimension of compression member or column.
ii) 16 times the smallest diameter of the longitudinal reinforcement bar.
iii) 300mm.
Provide the least value of pitch obtained from above three.

1) Assume the column size, effective cover, material fck, fy and diameter of bars.
2) Calculate the effective length of the column.
3) Determine the Slenderness ratio of the column.
4) Load calculations
a) Load acting on the column from beams = w1
b) Self weight of the column = w2
Total load = w1 + w2 = w Total factored load = 1.5 x w = Pu
5) Calculate moment from x-axis Mx and moment from y-axis My.
6) Assume percentage of steel between1% to 2%.
7) Assume bars to be placed equally on two sides or uniformly along the perimeter.
8) Calculate pt/fck value, where pt is the percentage of steel.
9) Calculate Mux1 and Muy1 by selecting appropriate chart corresponding to the value
of d‟∕ D and d‟/b ratios respectively. Draw a horizontal line from Pu/(fck Bd) and
continue till it reaches a point corresponding to the value of pt/fck. Drop a
perpendicular on x-axis to give the value of Mux1/(fck Bd²).
10) Calculate Pu/Pu1 ratio
Pu1 = 0.45 fck Ac + 0.75 fy Asc
From this ratio, obtain αn from code book IS 456 : 2000 clause 39.6.
αn αn
11) Check that (Mux/Mux1) + (Muy/Muy1) <1
If this is not satisfied, the section is unsafe. Increase the section or/and
reinforcement and repeat the above procedure.

12) Transverse Reinforcement

i) Diameter of bar / 4 ii) 6mm.
Provide maximum value of diameter of bars in transverse reinforcement.

13) Pitch
i) Least Lateral Dimension.
ii) 16 times of diameter of bar
iii) 300mm.
Provide minimum value of pitch in transverse reinforcement.

2 2
 Assume column size 230 x 450 mm, d‟ = 40mm, f y = 500 N/mm , fck = 20 N/mm
 Effective length of column
Leff = 0.8 x 3.048m = 2.4384m (as the column is fixed on both ends)

 Slenderness Ratio
λ = 2.4384/ 0.23 = 10.6 < 12 (short column)

 Load calculations
Number of floors including stilt = 6

Loads from beam 5 = 34 kN x 6 = 204 kN

Load from beam 19 = 217.68 kN x 6 = 1306.08 kN

Total load from beams w1 = 204 + 1306.08 = 1510.08 kN

Self weight of the column w2 = 25 x 20 x 0.23 x 0.45 = 51.75 kN

Where, Unit weight of the concrete = 25kN/m

Total height of the building in meters = 20

Total load on column w = w1 + w2 = 1561.83 kN

Total factored load = 1.5 x 1561.83 = 2342.7 kN

 Design moments
Moment in x- direction = 204 x 0.02 = 4.08 kN-m

Moment in y- direction = 1306.08 x 0.02 = 26.12 kN-m.

 Percentage of steel is assumed as pt = 1.5%

 Assume bars are placed equally on two sides of the cross section.
From chart 35 of SP-16 corresponding to the values

d‟/D = 40/450 = 0.08 Pt/fck = 1.5/20 = 0.075

Pu/fck bd = 2342.7 x 1000/20 x 230 x450 = 1.13

Mux1/fck Bd² = 0.12 is obtained from chart 35

Mux1= 0.12 x 20 x 230 x 450 = 111.78 kN-m

From chart 36, of SP -16 corresponding to the values

d‟/b = 40/230 = 0.1 Pu/fck Bd = 1.13 Pt/fck = 0.075

Muy1/fck Bd² = 0.1 is obtained from chart 36 Muy1 = 93.15 kN-m

 Pu/Pu1 ratio
Pu1 = 0.45 fck Ac + 0.75 fy Asc

Ag = 230 x 450 = 103500 mm² Asc = 0.015 x 103500 = 1552.5 mm²

Ac = Ag – Asc = 103500 – 1552.5 = 101947.5 mm².

Pu1 = (0.45 x 20 x 101947.5) + (0.75 x 500 x 1552.5) = 1499.7 kN.

Pu/Pu1 = 2342.7/ 1499.7 = 1.56 > 0.8

 Check as per code IS:456-2000 clause 39.6, α n = 2

(4.08/111.78)² + (26.12/93.15)² = 0.07 < 1 ( safe)

 Number of bars = Asc/asc = 1552.5/(ᴫ/4) x 20² = 4.9 ≈ 6 bars.

 Transverse Reinforcement
i) Diameter of bar / 4 = 20/4 = 5mm.
ii) 6mm.
Provide 6mm diameter bars in transverse reinforcement.

 Pitch
i) Least lateral dimension = 230mm.
ii) 16 times the diameter of bar = 16x20 = 320mm.
iii) 300mm.
Hence provide 6mm ø lateral ties at 230mm c/c distance.

The sub-structure which transmits the load from columns and walls of super structure
to the supporting soil is called as the foundation. Footing is the portion of the foundation which
ultimately delivers the load to the soil. The objective of providing foundation is to distribute the
load from super structure to the soil in such a way that the maximum pressure on the soil does
not exceed its permissible bearing value, and at the same time the settlement is within the
permissible limits.

Types of Foundations

According to Terzaghi, foundations are classified into two types depending on the depth
and width of the foundation.

i. Shallow foundation
The foundations in which depth (Df) of the foundation is less than or equal to width
(B) of the foundation are called shallow foundations.

Df < B

Spread footing, strap footing, combined footing, mat or raft footing are some of the
shallow foundations.

ii. Deep foundation

The foundations in which depth (Df) of the foundation is greater than width (B) of
the foundation are called deep foundations.

Df > B

Pier foundation, pile foundation, well foundations are some of the deep foundations.


The pressure distribution beneath symmetrically loaded footings is not uniform. The pressure
intensities depend upon the rigidity of footing, type of soil and soil condition.

1) Load calculations
Load from column =
P Factored load = Pu
Self weight of footing (P1) = 10% of axial load

2) Calculate Area of Footing (A)

A = (P+P1) / safe bearing capacity of soil (q).

3) Net upward pressure (q')

q' = Pu / Area provided

4) Bending moment (Mu) Mu

= (q' x B) x (L-a)²/8

5) Depth of footing (d) d =

√ [Mu / k fck B]

6) Area of Steel
Ast = 0.5 fck / fy {1- √[1-(4.6Mu/fck Bd²)]} x B x d.

7) Spacing
S = (ast / Ast ) x B

8) Check for One-Way Shear

As per IS code in one-way shear the critical section for shear should be taken at a
vertical section located at a distance of „d‟ from face of the column.

Shear force V1 = q' x B [ (L-a/2) - d]

τv1 = V1 / Bd

Percentage of steel pt = (Ast / Bd ) x 100

From code IS:456-2000 page number 73 table 19 calculate τc value.

Compare τv1 and τc .Such that τv1 < τc then the footing is safe under one-way shear.
9) Check for Two-Way Shear Or Punching Shear
For two-way shear action in footing the critical section for shear

is taken at a distance of „ d/2‟ from face of the column.

V2 = q' [(L x B) – (a+d)²] kN.

τv2 = V2 / (perimeter x d)

τc = ks x τc1 (τc1 = 0.25 √fck)

ks = 0.5+β ( β = short side of column / long side of column )

τv2 < τc then the footing is safe under two-way shear.

6(a) Footing showing section 6(b) Footing showing two-way shear position
Footing under column B3

 Load calculations
Load from column B3 on footing (P) = 1561.3 kN

Factored load (Pu) = 1.5 x 1561.3 = 2342 kN

Self weight of footing (P1) = 0.1 x 1561.3 = 156.13 kN

 Area of Footing
Safe bearing capacity of soil = 200 kN/ m²

Area (A) = (1561.3+156.31) / 200 = 8.5 m².

Area of rectangle (A) = B x L = 2/3 x L² = 8.5 m2

L = 3570 mm ; B = 2380 mm.

Area provided = L x B = 3570 x 2380 = 8.49 m².

 Net upward pressure

q' = Pu / Area provided = 1561.3/ 8.49 = 183.75 kN.

Net upward pressure < Safe bearing capacity (safe).

 Bending moment
Mu = q' x B [(L-a)²/8] = 183.75 x 2.380 [(3.57-0.6)²/8] = 482.2 kN-m.

 Depth of footing
d = √[Mu / k fck B]= √[482.2 x 10 / 0.133 x 20 x 230] = 887mm

(k= 0.133 for fe500)

 Area of steel
Ast = 0.5 x (20/500 ){1- √[1-(4.6x482.2x10 )/(20x2380x887²)]} x 2380 x 887

Ast = 1540 mm²

 Check for one-way shear
Shear force V1 = 482.2 x 2.380 [(3.57- 0.6)/2 - 887) = 261.5 kN.

τv1 = 261.5 x 1000/ (2380 x 887) = 0.12 N/mm².

Percentage of steel (Pt) = (1540/2380 x 887) x10 = 0.07

From code IS: 456-2000 table - 19 τc = 0.28 N/mm²

τv1 < τc Footing is safe under one-way shear.

 Check for two-way shear or punching shear

V2 = 183.75 [(3.57 x 2.38)-(0.6+0.88)²] = 1154.9 kN.

τv2 = V2/ 4 x (a+d) x d = 1154.9x1000/4x(600+887)x887 = 0.21 N/mm².

τc = k τc1 = 0.38 x 0.25√20 = 0.42 N/mm².

τv2 < τc Footing is safe in two-way shear.


A stair case consists of number of steps arranged in a series with landings at appropriate
locations for the purpose of giving access to different floors of a building.

Parts of stair case

1) Flight: Flight is the length of the stair case situated between two landings. The
number of steps in a flight may vary between 3 – 12.
2) Rise: Rise is the height of the step in the stair case. For residential building the rise is
between 150mm to 180mm.
3) Thread: Thread is the flat of the step in the stair case. For residential building the
thread is between 200mm to 250mm.

The live load may be taken as 3000N/m2 or 3 kN/m2 for stair case in residential buildings.

Design procedure for stair case

1) From the design the parameters like distance between floors, stair hall dimensions, live
load are obtained
2) According to code assume
Rise (R) = 150 mm Thread (T) = 250 mm
3) Width of the flight = (B- 0.1)/2
4) Height of each flight = (distance between two floors)/2
5) Number of rises required = (height of each flight) / (single rise dimensions)
6) Number of threads in each flight = Number of rises – 1
7) Length of flight = number of threads x dimension of single thread
8) Length of landing = 1.5 m
9) Effective span (Leff) = length of flight + width of landing +
(bearing of landing slab in wall)/2
10) Load calculations
Dead load of waist slab
2 2
w1 = thickness of waist slab x {√[R + T ]/T} x unit weight of concrete

Dead load of steps

w2 = ½ x R x 25
Total factored load (wu) = 1.5 (w1 + w2 + live load +finishing load)
11) Calculation of bending moment
Mu = wuL2/8
12) Depth of waist slab
d = √[Mu/kfckb]
where, k- depends on HYSD bars
b- width of waist slab = 1000 mm
13) Area of steel
Ast = 0.5 fck/ fy (1- √{1- [(4.6 Mu)/(fckbd2)]}) x bd
14) Waist slab reinforcement
Number of bars required in single flight width = [Ast/ast] x width of
flight Spacing of bars = width of flight/ number of bars
15) Distribution reinforcement
Ast = 0.12 % of gross area
Spacing = [ast/ Ast ] x 1000

Stair Case Design for the Project

 Distance between floors = 3.6 m
Hall dimensions: B = 2.5 m L = 5 m
Live load (LL) = 2500 N/m
fck = 20 N/mm2 fy = 415 N/mm2
 Assume R = 150 mm T = 250 mm
 Width of flight = [2.5 – 0.1]/2 = 1.2 m
 Height of each flight = 3.6/2 = 1.8 m
 Number of rises = 1.8/0.15 = 12
 Number of threads = 12 – 1 = 11
 Length of flight = 11 x 0.25 = 2.75m
 Width of landing = 1.5 m
 Effective span
Leff = 2.75 + 1.5 + 0.15/2 = 4.325m
 Load calculations
2 2
w1 = 0.080 x √[(0.15 + 0.25 )/0.25] x 25 = 2.332
kN/m w2 = ½ x 0.15 x 25 = 1.875 kN/m
LL = 2.5 kN/m
FL = 1 kN/m
Total factored load = 1.5 x (2.332 + 1.875 + 2.5 + 1) = 11.56 kN/m
 Bending moment
Mu = 11.56 x 4.3252/8 = 27.029 kN-m
 Depth of waist slab
d = √[27.02 x 10 /0.138 x 20 x 1000] = 98.96 mm ≈
100mm d‟ =25 mm D = 125 mm
 Area of steel
6 2
Ast = 0.5 x 20/415 x {1-√[1- (4.6 x 27.029 x 10 )/(20 x 1000 x 100 )]} x 1000 x 100
= 927.49 mm
 Waist slab reinforcement

Number of bars of 12mm ø = {927.49/ [(ᴫ/4) x 12 x 12] } x 1.2 = 9.84 ≈ 10

Hence provide 10 bars of 12mm ø
spacing of bars = 1.2/10 = 0.12m
 Distribution reinforcement
Ast = 0.12/100 x 1000 x 125 = 150 mm
i) S = [(ᴫ/4) x 12 x 12 / 150] x 1000 = 735.2 mm
ii) S= 5D = 5 x 125 = 625 mm
iii) 450 mm

Hence provide 12mm ø at 450 mm c/c spacing


 Dr. V. L. Shah and Dr. S. R. Karve “Illustrated Design of Reinforced

Concrete Buildings”.
 IS: 456- 2000 CODE.
 SP – 16 CODE.



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