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Advanced Data Structures – SCSA1304


A tree is a non-linear data structure that is used to represents hierarchical

relationships between individual data items.

A tree is an ideal data structure for representing hierarchical data. A tree can be
theoretically defined as a finite set of one or more data items (or nodes) such that:
1. There is a special node called the root of the tree.
2. Removing nodes (or data item) are partitioned into number of mutually exclusive (i.e.,
Disjoined) subsets each of which is itself a tree are called sub tree.

Ordinary and Binary Trees Terminology:

Tree: A tree is a finite set of one or more nodes such that, there is a specially designated
node called root. The remaining nodes are partitioned into n>=0 disjoint sets T1,
T2,..Tn, where each of these set is a tree T1,…Tn are called the subtrees of the root.

Branch: Branch is the link between the parent and its child.

Leaf: A node with no children is called a leaf.

Subtree: A Subtree is a subset of a tree that is itself a tree.

Degree: The number of subtrees of a node is called the degree of the node. Hence nodes
that have degree zero are called leaf or terminal nodes. The other nodes are referred as
non-terminal nodes.

Children: The nodes branching from a particular node X are called children of X and X
is called its parent.

Siblings: Children of the same parent are said to be siblings.

Degree of tree: Degree of the tree is the maximum of the degree of the nodes in the tree.

Ancestors: Ancestors of a node are all the nodes along the path from root to that node.
Hence root is ancestor of all the nodes in the tree.

Level: Level of a node is defined by letting root at level one. If a node is at level L, then
its children are at level L + 1.

Height or depth: The height or depth of a tree is defined to be the maximum level of any
node in the tree.

Climbing: The process of traversing the tree from the leaf to the root is called climbing
the tree.

Descending: The process of traversing the tree from the root to the leaf is called
descending the tree.

Fig1.1. Terminologies of Trees

Binary tree has nodes each of which has no more than two child nodes.

Binary tree: A binary tree is a finite set of nodes that either is empty or consists of a root
and two disjoint binary trees called the left subtree and right subtree.

Left child: The node present to the left of the parent node is called the left child.
Right child: The node present to the right of the parent node is called the right child.

Fig1.2. Binary tree

Fig 1.3. Skewed Binary tree Fig 1.4. Strictly Binary tree

Fig 1.5. Complete Binary tree

Skewed Binary tree: If the new nodes in the tree are added only to one side of the binary
tree then it is a skewed binary tree.

Strictly binary tree: If the binary tree has each node consisting of either two nodes or no
nodes at all, then it is called a strictly binary tree.

Complete binary tree: If all the nodes of a binary tree consist of two nodes each and the
nodes at the last level does not consist any nodes, then that type of binary tree is called a
complete binary tree.

It can be observed that the maximum number of nodes on level i of a binary tree
is 2i - 1, where i ≥ 1. The maximum number of nodes in a binary tree of depth k is 2k – 1,
where k ≥ 1.


The number of nodes n in a full binary tree, is at least n= 2h+1 and at most n =
2h+1-1, where h is the height of the tree.
A binary tree of n elements has n-1 edges.
A binary tree of height h has at least h and at most 2h - 1 elements
A tree consisting of only a root node has a height of 0.
The number of leaf nodes in a perfect binary tree, is l= (n+1)/2. This means that
a perfect binary tree with l leaves has n=2l-1 nodes.
The number of internal nodes in a complete binary tree of n nodes is n/2.


There are two ways in which a binary tree can be represented. They are:

(i) Array representation of binary trees.

(ii) Linked representation of binary trees.


When arrays are used to represent the binary trees, then an array of size 2 k is
declared where, k is the depth of the tree. For example if the depth of the binary tree is 3,
then maximum 23 - 1 = 7 elements will be present in the node and hence the array size
will be 8. This is because the elements are stored from position one leaving the position
0 vacant. But generally an array of bigger size is declared so that later new nodes can be
added to the existing tree. The following binary tree can be represented using arrays as

Fig 1.6. Binary tree

Array representation:

The root element is always stored in position 1. The left child of node i is stored in
position 2i and right child of node is stored in position 2i + 1. Hence the following
formulae can be used to identify the parent, left child and right child of a particular node.

Parent( i ) = i / 2, if i ≠ 1. If i = 1 then i is the root node and root does not has parent.

Left child( i ) = 2i, if 2i ≤ n, where n is the maximum number of elements in the tree. If
2i > n, then i has no left child.

Right child( i ) = 2i + 1, if 2i + 1 ≤ n. If 2i + 1 > n, then i has no right child.

The empty positions in the tree where no node is connected are represented in the array
using -1, indicating absence of a node.

Using the formula, we can see that for a node 3, the parent is 3/ 2 €1. Referring to the
array locations, we find that 50 is the parent of 40. The left child of node 3 is 2*3 € 6. But
the position 6 consists of -1 indicating that the left child does not exist for the node 3.
Hence 50 does not have a left child. The right child of node 3 is 2*3 + 1 € 7. The position
7 in the array consists of 20. Hence, 20 is the right child of 40.


In linked representation of binary trees, instead of arrays, pointers are used to

connect the various nodes of the tree. Hence each node of the binary tree consists of
three parts namely, the info, left and right. The info part stores the data, left part stores
the address of the left child and the right part stores the address of the right child.
Logically the binary tree in linked form can be represented as shown.

Fig 1.7. Binary tree representation as linked list

The pointers storing NULL value indicates that there is no node attached to it.
Traversing through this type of representation is very easy. The left child of a particular
node can be accessed by following the left link of that node and the right child of a
particular node can be accessed by following the right link of that node.


Abstract Data Type (ADT): An Abstract Data Type is a representation in which we

provide a specification of the instances as well as of the operations that are to be
performed. More precisely,
An Abstract Data Type is a data type that is organized in such a way that the
specification of the object and the specification of the operation on the object are
separated from the representation of the object and the implementation of the operation.

Abstract Datatype BinT(node *root)

Instances: Binarytree is a non linear data structure which contains every node except
the leaf nodes at most two child nodes.

1. Insertion:
This operations is used to insert the nodes in the binary tree.
2. Deletion:
This operations is used to delete any node from the binary tree.Note that if root
node is removed the tree becomes empty.


There are three standard ways of traversing a binary tree T with root R. They are:

(i) Preorder Traversal

(ii) Inorder Traversal
(iii) Postorder Traversal

General outline of these three traversal methods can be given as follows:

Preorder Traversal:

(1) Process the root R.

(2) Traverse the left subtree of R in preorder.
(3) Traverse the right subtree of R in preorder.

Inorder Traversal:

(1) Traverse the left subtree of R in inorder.

(2) Process the root R.
(3) Traverse the right subtree of R in inorder.

Postorder Traversal:

(1) Traverse the left subtree of R in postorder.

(2) Traverse the right subtree of R in postorder.
(3) Process the root R.

Observe that each algorithm contains the same three steps, and that the left
subtree of R is always traversed before the right subtree. The difference between the
algorithms is the time at which the root R is processed. The three algorithms are
sometimes called, respectively, the node-left-right (NLR) traversal, the left-node-right
(LNR) traversal and the left-right-node (LRN) traversal.

Now we can present the detailed algorithm for these traversal methods in both
recursive method and iterative method.

Traversal algorithms using recursive approach

Preorder Traversal

In the preorder traversal the node element is visited first and then the right subtree
of the node and then the right subtree of the node is visited. Consider the following case
where we have 6 nodes in the tree A, B, C, D, E, F. The traversal always starts from the
root of the tree. The node A is the root and hence it is visited first. The value at this node
is processed. The processing can be doing some computation over it or just printing its
value. Now we check if there exists any left child for this node if so apply the preorder
procedure on the left subtree. Now check if there is any right subtree for the node A, the
preorder procedure is applied on the right subtree.

Since there exists a left subtree for node A, B is now considered as the root of the
left subtree of A and preorder procedure is applied. Hence we find that B is processed
next and then it is checked if B has a left subtree. This recursive method is continued
until all the nodes are visited.

Fig 1.8. Preorder traversal steps of Binary tree

The algorithm for the above method is presented in the pseudo-code form below:



Temp = ROOT
If temp = NULL
End if

Print info(temp)
If left(temp) ≠ NULL
PREORDER( left(temp))
End if
If right(temp) ≠ NULL
End if

Inorder Traversal

In the Inorder traversal method, the left subtree of the current node is visited first
and then the current node is processed and at last the right subtree of the current node is
visited. In the following example, the traversal starts with the root of the binary tree.
The node A is the root and it is checked if it has the left subtree. Then the inorder
traversal procedure is applied on the left subtree of the node A. Now we find that node D
does not have left subtree. Hence the node D is processed and then it is checked if there
is a right subtree for node D. Since there is no right subtree, the control returns back to
the previous function which was applied on B. Since left of B is already visited, now B is
processed. It is checked if B has the right subtree. If so apply the inroder traversal
method on the right subtree of the node B. This recursive procedure is followed till all
the nodes are visited.

Fig 1.9. Inorder traversal steps of Binary tree



Temp = ROOT
If temp = NULL
End if
If left(temp) ≠ NULL
End if
Print info(temp)
If right(temp) ≠ NULL
End if

Postorder Traversal

In the postorder traversal method the left subtree is visited first, then the right
subtree and at last the current node is processed. In the following example, A is the root
node. Since A has the left subtree the postorder traversal method is applied recursively
on the left subtree of A. Then when left subtree of A is completely is processed, the
postorder traversal method is recursively applied on the right subtree of the node A. If
right subtree is completely processed, then the current node A is processed.

Fig 1.10. Post order traversal steps of Binary tree



Temp = ROOT
If temp = NULL
End if
If left(temp) ≠ NULL

End if
If right(temp) ≠ NULL
End if
Print info(temp)

Binary Tree Traversal Using Iterative Approach

Preorder Traversal

In the iterative method a stack is used to implement the traversal methods.

Initially the stack is stored with a NULL value. The root node is taken for processing
first. A pointer temp is made to point to this root node. If there exists a right node for the
current node, then push that node into the stack. If there exists a left subtree for the
current node then temp is made to the left child of the current node. If the left child does
not exist, then a value is popped from the stack and temp is made to point to that node
which is popped and the same process is repeated. This is done till the NULL value is
popped from the stack.

Fig 1.11. Preorder traversal steps (recursive)of Binary tree



Temp = ROOT, push(NULL)

While temp ≠ NULL
Print info(temp)
If right(temp) ≠ NULL
End if
If left(temp) ≠ NULL
Temp = left(temp)
Temp = pop( )
End if
End while

Inorder Traversal

In the Inorder traversal method, the traversal starts at the root node. A pointer
Temp is made to point to root node. Initially, the stack is stored with a NULL value and
a flag RIGHTEXISTS is made equal to 1. Now for the current node, if the flag
RIGHTEXISTS = 1, then immediately it is made 0, and the node pointed by temp is
pushed to the stack. The temp pointer is moved to the left child of the node if the left
child exists. Every time the temp is moved to a new node, the node is pushed into the
stack and temp is moved to its left child. This is continued till temp reaches a NULL
After this one by one, the nodes in the stack are popped and are pointed by temp.
The node is processed and if the node has right child, then the flag RIGHTEXISTS is set
to 1 and the process describe above starts from the beginning. Thus the process stops
when the NULL value from the stack is popped.

Fig 1.12. Inorder traversal steps (recursive)of Binary tree



Temp = ROOT, push(NULL), RIGHTEXISTS = 1

While temp ≠ NULL
Temp = left(temp)
End while

While (TRUE)
Temp = pop( )
If temp = NULL
End if
Print info(temp)
If right(temp) ≠ NULL
Temp = right(temp)
End if
End while
End while

Postorder Traversal

In the postorder traversal method, a stack is initially stored with a NULL value.
A pointer temp is made to point to the root node. A flag RIGHTEXISTS is set to 1. A
loop is started and continued until this flag is 1. The current node is pushed into the stack
and it is checked if it has a right child. If so, the negative of value of that node is pushed
into the stack and the temp is moved to its left child if it exists. This process is repeated
till the temp reached a NULL value.
Now the values in the stack are popped one by one and are pointed by temp. If
the value popped is positive then that node is processed. If the value popped is negative,
then the value is negated and pointed by temp. The flag RIGHTEXISTS is set to 1 and
the same above process repeats. This continues till the NULL value from the stack is

Fig 1.13. Post order traversal steps (recursive)of Binary tree



Temp = ROOT, push(NULL), RIGHTEXISTS = 1

While temp ≠ NULL
Push (temp)
If right(temp) ≠ NULL
Push( - right(temp))
End if
Temp =left(temp)
End while
Temp = pop( )
If temp > 0
Print info(temp)
End if
If temp < 0
Temp = -temp
End if
While temp ≠ NULL
End while

Expression Tree

The trees are many times used to represent an expression and if done so, those
types of trees are called expression trees. The following expression is represented using
the binary tree, where the leaves represent the operands and the internal nodes represent
the operators.


Fig 1.14. Expression tree

If the expression tree is traversed using preorder, inorder and postorder traversal methods,
then we get the expressions in prefix, infix and postfix forms as shown.





Binary Search Tree: A Binary tree T is a Binary Search Tree (BST), if each node N of T
has the following property : The value at N is greater than every value in the left subtree
of N and is less than every value in the right subtree of N.

Consider the following tree. The root node 60 is greater than all the elements (54, 23, 58) in its left
subtree and is less than all elements in its right subtree (78, 95). Similarly, 54 is greater than its left
child 23 and lesser than its right child 58. Hence each and every node in a binary search tree satisfies
this property.

The reason why we go for a Binary Search tree is to improve the searching
efficiency. The average case time complexity of the search operation in a binary search
tree is O( log n ).

Fig.1.15 Binary tree

Consider the following list of numbers. A binary tree can be constructed using this list of
numbers, as shown.

38 14 8 23 18 20 56 45 82 70

Initially 38 is taken and placed as the root node. The next number 14 is taken and
compared with 38. As 14 is lesser than 38, it is placed as the left child of 38. Now the
third number 8 is taken and compared starting from the root node 38. Since is 8 is less
than 38 move towards left of 38. Now 8 is compared with 14, and as it is less that 14 and
also 14 does not have any child, 8 is attached as the left child of 14. This process is
repeated until all the numbers are inserted into the tree. Remember that if a number to be
inserted is greater than a particular node element, then we move towards the right of the
node and start comparing again.

Fig.1.16 Binary tree considered

Search Operation in a Binary Search Tree

The search operation on a BST returns the address of the node where the element
is found. The pointer LOC is used to store the address of the node where the element is
found. The pointer PAR is used to point to the parent of LOC. Initially the pointer
TEMP is made to point to the root node. Let us search for a value 70 in the following
BST. Let k = 70. The k value is compared with 38. As k is greater that 38, move to the
right child of 38, i.e., 56. k is greater than 56 and hence we move to the right child of 56,
which is 82. Now since k is lesser than 82, temp is moved to the left child of 82. The k
value matches here and hence the address of this node is stored in the pointer LOC.

Every time the temp pointer is moved to the next node, the current node is made
pointed by PAR. Hence we get the address of that node where the k value is found, and
also the address of its parent node though PAR.

Fig.1.17 Binary search tree operation



Temp = ROOT, par = NULL, loc = NULL

While temp ≠ NULL

If k = info(temp)
Loc = temp
End if
If k < info(temp)
Par = temp
Temp = left(temp)
Par = temp
Temp = right(temp)
End if
End while

Insert Operation in a Binary Search Tree

The BST itself is constructed using the insert operation described below.
Consider the following list of numbers. A binary tree can be constructed using this list of
numbers using the insert operation, as shown.

39 14 8 23 18 20 56 45 82 70

Initially 38 is taken and placed as the root node. The next number 14 is taken and
compared with 38. As 14 is lesser than 38, it is placed as the left child of 38. Now the
third number 8 is taken and compared starting from the root node 38. Since is 8 is less
than 38 move towards left of 38. Now 8 is compared with 14, and as it is less that 14 and
also 14 does not have any child, 8 is attached as the left child of 14. This process is
repeated until all the numbers are inserted into the tree. Remember that if a number to be
inserted is greater than a particular node element, then we move towards the right of the
node and start comparing again.

Fig.1.18 Insertion operation in binary tree

Temp = ROOT, par = NULL

While temp ≠ NULL
If k = info(temp)
Print “Item already exists!”
End if
If k < info(temp)
Par = temp
Temp = left(temp)
Par = temp
Temp = right(temp)
End if
End while

Info(R) = k, left(R) = NULL, right(R) = NULL

If par = NULL
End if
If k < info(par)
Left(par) = R
Right(par) = R
End if

Delete Operation in a Binary Search Tree

The delete operation in a Binary search tree follows two cases. In case A, the
node to be deleted has no children or it has only one child. In case B, the node to be
deleted has both left child and the right child. It is taken care that, even after deletion the
binary search tree property holds for all the nodes in the BST.


If Loc = NULL
Print “Item not found”
End if

If right(Loc) ≠ NULL and left(Loc) ≠ NULL

CASEB(Loc, par)
CASEA(Loc, par)
End if


Case A:

The search is operation is performed for the key value that has to be deleted. The
search operation, returns the address of the node to be deleted in the pointer LOC and its
parents’ address is returned in a pointer PAR. If the node to be deleted has no children
then, it is checked whether the node pointed by LOC is left child of PAR or is it the right
child of PAR. If it is the left child of PAR, then left of PAR is made NULL else right of
PAR is made NULL.

The sequence of steps followed for deleting 20 from the tree is as shown.

Fig.19 Deletion operation in binary tree

If the node to be deleted has one child, then a new pointer CHILD is made to
point to the child of LOC. If LOC is left child of PAR then left of PAR is pointed to
CHILD. If LOC is right child of PAR then right of PAR is pointed to CHILD.

The sequence of steps for deleting the node 23 is shown.

Fig.1.20 Deletion operation (CASE A) in binary tree

Case B:

In this case, the node to be deleted has both the left child and the right child. Here
we introduce two new pointers SUC and PARSUC. The inorder successor of the node to
be deleted is found out and is pointed by SUC and its parent node is pointed by the
PARSUC. In the following example the node to be deleted is 56 which has both the left
child and the right child. The inorder successor of 56 is 70 and hence it is pointed by
SUC. Now the SUC replaces 56 as shown in the following sequence of steps.

Fig.21 Deletion operation (CASE B) in binary tree


CASEA( Loc, par )

Temp = Loc
If left(temp) = NULL and right(temp) = NULL
Child = NULL
If left(temp) ≠ NULL
Child = left(temp)
Child = right(temp)
End if
End if
If par ≠ NULL
If temp = left(par)
Left(par) = child
Right(par) = child
End if
ROOT = child
End if

CASEB( Loc, par )

Temp = right(Loc)
Save = Loc
While left(temp) ≠ NULL
Save = temp
Temp = left(temp)
End while

Suc = temp
Parsuc = save
CASEA( suc, parsuc)
If par ≠ NULL
If Loc = left(par)
Left(par) = suc
Right(par) = suc
End if
ROOT = suc
End if
Left(suc) = left(Loc)
Right(suc) = right(Loc)



Advanced Data Structures – SCSA1304



A binary tree is represented using array representation or linked list representation. When a
binary tree is represented using linked list representation, if any node is not having a child,
we use NULL pointer in that position. In any binary tree linked list representation, there are a
greater number of NULL pointers than actual pointers. Generally, in any binary tree linked
list representation, if there are 2N number of reference fields, then N+1 number of reference
fields are filled with NULL (N+1 is NULL out of 2N). This NULL pointer does not play any
role except indicating there is no link (no child).
A. J. Perlis and C. Thornton have proposed new binary tree called "Threaded Binary Tree",
which make use of NULL pointer to improve its traversal processes. In threaded binary tree,
NULL pointers are replaced by references to other nodes in the tree, called threads.
A threaded binary tree is defined as follows:
"A binary tree is threaded by making all right child pointers that would normally be null point
to the inorder successor of the node (if it exists), and all left child pointers that would
normally be null point to the inorder predecessor of the node."
Why do we need Threaded Binary Tree?
Binary trees have a lot of wasted space: the leaf nodes each have 2 null pointers. We can use
these pointers to help us in inorder traversals. Threaded binary tree makes the tree traversal
faster since we do not need stack or recursion for traversal.
Types of threaded binary trees:
Single Threaded: Each node is threaded towards either the in-order predecessor or successor
(left or right) means all right null pointers will point to inordersuccessor OR all left null
pointers will point to inorderpredecessor.

Double threaded: each node is threaded towards both the in-order predecessor and successor
(left and right) means all right null pointers will point to inorder successor AND all left null
pointers will point to inorderpredecessor.

Fig 1. Single and Double threaded binary tree

Let’s see how the Node structure will look like

Fig 2. Node Structure of a threaded binary tree

class Node{
Node right;
int data;
boolean rightThread;
public Node(int data)
{ = data;
rightThread = false;
In normal BST node we have left and right references and data but in threaded binary tree we
have boolean another field called “rightThreaded”. This field will tell whether node’s right
pointer is pointing to its inordersuccessor, but how, we will see it further.
Insert node into tree Print or traverse the tree.

The insert operation will be quite similar to Insert operation in Binary search tree with few
modifications.To insert a node, our first task is to find the place to insert the node.
•Take current = root.
•Start from the current and compare with n.
•Always keep track of parent node while moving left or right.
•If currentdata is greater than n that means we go to the left of the root, if after moving to left,
the current = null then we have found the place where we will insert the new node. Add the
new node to the left of parent node and make the right pointer points to parent node and
rightThread = true for new node.
Fig 3. Inserting a node in a single threaded binary tree

 If is smaller than n, we need to go to the right of the root, while

going into the right sub tree, check rightThread for current node, it points to the in order
successor, if rightThread = false then and current reaches to null, just insert the new
node else if rightThread = true then we need to detach the right pointer (store the
reference, new node right reference will be point to it)of current node and make it point
to the new node and make the right reference point to storedreference.

Fig 4. Inserting node 15 into threaded binary tree

Traversing the threaded binary tree will be quite easy, no need of any recursion or any stack
for storing the node. Just go to the left most node and start traversing the tree using right
pointer and whenever rightThread = false again go to the left most node in right sub- tree.

Fig 5. Traversal of single threaded binary tree

Node leftmost (Node n){
Node ans =n;
if (ans == null)
while (ans.left != null) {
ans = ans.left;
return ans;
void inOrder(Node n) {
Node cur =
leftmost(n); while
(cur != null) {
if (cur.rightThread)
{cur = cur.right;
} else
cur = leftmost(cur.right);


The Height balanced trees were developed by researchers Adelson-Velskii and Landis. Hence
these trees are also called AVL trees. Height balancing attempts to maintain the balance
factor of the nodes within limit.

Height of the tree: Height of a tree is the number of nodes visited in traversing a branch that
leads to a leaf node at the deepest level of the tree.
Balance factor: The balance factor of a node is defined to be the difference between the
height of the node’s left subtree and the height of the node’s right subtree.
Consider the following tree. The left height of the tree is 5, because there are 5 nodes (45, 40,
35, 37 and 36) visited in traversing the branch that leads to a leaf node at the deepest level of
this tree.
In the following tree the balance factor for each and every node is calculated and shown. For
example, the balance factor of node 35 is (0 – 2) = - 2.

The tree which is shown below is a binary search tree. The purpose of going for a binary
search tree is to make the searching efficient. But when the elements are added to the binary
search tree in such a way that one side of the tree becomes heavier, then the searching
becomes inefficient. The very purpose of going for a binary search tree is not served. Hence,
we try to adjust this unbalanced tree to have nodes equally distributed on both sides. This is

achieved by rotating the tree using standard algorithms called the AVL rotations. After
applying AVL rotation, the tree becomes balanced and is called the AVL tree or the height
balanced tree.

Fig. 6 Binary search tree

The tree is said to be balanced if each node consists of a balance factor either -1 or 0 or 1. If
even one node has a balance factor deviated from these values, then the tree is said to be
unbalanced. There are four types of rotations. They are:
1.Left-of-Left rotation.
2.Right-of-Right rotation.
3.Right-of-Left rotation.
4.Left-of-Right rotation.
Left-of-Left Rotation
Consider the following tree. Initially the tree is balanced. Now a new node 5 is added. This
addition of the new node makes the tree unbalanced as the root node has a balance factor 2.
Since this is the node which is disturbing the balance, it is called the pivot node for our
rotation. It is observed that the new node was added as the left child to the left subtree of the
pivot node. The pointers P and Q are created and made to point to the proper nodes as
described by the algorithm. Then the next two steps rotate the tree.The last two steps in the
algorithm calculates the new balance factors for the nodes and is seen that the tree has
become a balanced tree

Fig 7. Left of left rotation


LEFT-OF-LEFT (pivot)
P = left(pivot)
Q = right(P)
Root = P
Right(P) = pivot
Left(pivot) = Q
Bal(pivot) =0
Bal(right(pivot)) = 0

Right-of- Right Rotation

In this case, the pivot element is fixed as before. The new node is found to be added as the
right child to the right subtree of the pivot element. The first two steps in the algorithm sets
the pointer P and Q to the correct positions. The next two steps rotate the tree to balance it.
The last two steps calculate the new balance factor of the nodes.

Fig 8. Right of right rotation


P = right(pivot)
Q = left(P)
Root = P
Left(P) = pivot
Right(pivot) = Q
Bal(pivot) = 0
Bal(left(pivot)) = 0

Right-of-Left Rotation
In this following tree, a new node 19 is added. This is added as the right child to the left
subtree of the pivot node. The node 20 fixed as the pivot node, as it disturbs the balance of
the tree. In the first two steps the pointers P and Q are positioned. In the next four steps, tree
is rotated. In the remaining steps, the new balance factors are calculated.

Fig 9. Right of left rotation


P = left(pivot)
Q = right(P)
Root = Q
Left(Q) = P
Right(Q) = Pivot
Left(pivot) = right(Q)
Right(P) = left(Q)
If Bal(pivot) = 0
Bal(left(pivot)) = 0
Bal(right(pivot)) = 0
If Bal(pivot) = 1
Bal(pivot) = 0
Bal(left(pivot)) = 0
Bal(right(pivot)) = -1
Bal(pivot) = 0
Bal(left(pivot)) = 1
Bal(right(pivot)) = 0
End if
End if


In the following tree, a new node 21 is added. The tree becomes unbalanced and the node 20
is the node which has a deviated balance factor and hence fixed as the pivot node. In the first
two steps of the algorithm, the pointers P and Q are positioned. In the next 4 steps the tree is
rotated to make it balanced. The remaining steps calculate the new balance factors for the
nodes in the tree.

Fig 10. New node 21 makes the tree unbalanced

Fig 11. Left of right rotation

Multiway search tree (m-way search tree): Multiway search tree of order n is a tree in which
any node may contain maximum n-1 values and can have maximum n children.

Consider the following tree. Every node in the tree has one or more than one values stored in
it. The tree shown is of order 3. Hence this tree can have maximum 3 children and each node
can have maximum 2 values. Hence it is an m-way search tree.

Fig 12. B-Tree of order 3

Consider the following tree. Clearly, it is a m-way search tree of order 3. Let us check
whether the above conditions are satisfied. It can be seen that root node has 3 children and
therefore has only 2 values stored in it. Also, it is seen that the elements in the first child (3,
17) are lesser than the value of the first element (23) of the root node. The value of the
elements in the second child (31) is greater than the value of the first element of the root node
(23) and less than the value of the second element (39) in the root node. The value of the
elements in the rightmost child (43, 65) is greater than the value of the rightmost element in
the root node. All the three leaf nodes are at the same level (level 2). Hence all the conditions
specified above is found to be satisfied by the given m-way search tree. Therefore, it is a B-

Fig 13. B-tree of order 3
Search Operation in a B-Tree
Let us say the number to be searched is k = 64. A temporary pointer temp is made to initially
point to the root node. The value k = 64 is now compared with each element in the node
pointed by temp. If the value is found then the address of the node where it is found is
returned using the temp pointer. If the value k is greater than ith element of the node, then the
temp is moved to the i+1th node and the search process is repeated. If the k value is lesser
than the first value in the node, then the temp is moved to the first child. If the k value is
greater than the last value of the node, then temp is moved to the rightmost child of the node
and the search process is repeated.
After the particular node where the value is found is located (now pointed by temp), then a
variable LOC is initialized to 0, indicating the position of the value to be searched within that
node. The value k is compared with each and every element of the node. When the value of
the k is found within the node, then the search comes to an end position where it is found is
stored in LOC. If not found the value of LOC is zero indicating that the value is not found.

Fig 14. Search operation

Temp = ROOT, i = 1, pos = 0
While i ≤ count(temp) and child[i](temp) ≠ NULL
If k = info(temp[i])
Pos = i Return

If k < info(temp[i])
SEARCH(child[i](temp), k)
If i = count(temp)
Par = temp
Temp = child[i+1](temp)
End if
End if
End if
End While
While i ≤ count(temp)
If k = info(temp[i])
Pos = i
Return temp
End if
End while

Insert Operation in a B-Tree

One of the conditions in the B-Tree is that, the maximum number of values that can be
present in the node of a tree is n – 1, where n is the order of the tree. Hence, it should be
taken care that, even after insertion, this condition is satisfied. There are two cases: In the
first case, the element is inserted into a node which already had less than n- 1 values, and the
in the second case, the element is inserted into a node which already had exactly n-1 values.
The first case is a simple one. The insertion into the node does not violate any condition of
the tree. But in the second case, if the insertion is done, then after insertion, the number
values exceeds the limit in that node.
Let us take the first case. In both the cases, the insertion is done by searching for that element
in the tree which will give the node where it is to be inserted. While searching, if the value is
already found, then no insertion is done as B-Tree is used for storing the key values and keys
do not have duplicates. Now the value given is inserted into the node. Consider the figure
which shows how value 37 is inserted into correct place.

Fig 15. Insertion of value 37 in the B-Tree
In the second case, insertion is done as explained above. But now, it is found that, the number
of values in the node after insertion exceeds the maximum limit. Considerthe same tree
shown above. Let us insert a value 19 into it. After insertion of the value 19, the number of
values (2, 13, 19, 22) in that node has become 4. But it is a B-Tree of order 4 in which there
should be only maximum 3 values per node. Hence the node is split into two nodes, the first
node containing the numbers starting from the first value to the value just before the middle
value (first node: 2). The second node will contain the numbers starting just after the mid
value till the last value (second node: 19, 22). The mid value 13 is pushed into the parent.
Now the adjusted B-Tree appears as shown.

Fig 16. Insertion of value 19 in the B-Tree


Delete Operation in B-Tree

When the delete operation is performed, we should take care that even after deletion, the
node has minimum n/2 value in it, where n is the order of the tree.
There are three cases:
Case 1: The node from which the value is deleted has minimum n/2 values even after
deletion. Let us consider the following B-Tree of order 5. A value 64 is to be deleted. Even
after the deletion of the value 64, the node has minimum n/2 values (i.e., 2 values). Hence the
rules of the B-Tree are not violated.

Fig 17. B-Tree


Deletion of value 64 from the B-Tree

Case 2: In the second case, after the deletion the node has less than minimum n/2 values. Let
us say we delete 92 from the tree. After 92 is deleted, the node has only one value83. But
a node adjacent to it consist 3 values (i.e., there are extra values in the adjacent node). Then
the last value in that node 71 is pushed to its parent and the first value in the parent namely 79
is pushed into the node which has values less than minimum limit. Now the node has
obtained the minimum required values.

Fig 19. B-Tree

20. B-Tree after deleting 92

Case 3: In the previous case, there was an adjacent node with extra elements and hence the
adjustment was made easily. But if all the nodes have exactly the minimum required, and if
now a value is deleted from a node in this, then no value can be borrowed from any of the
adjacent nodes. Hence as before a value from the parent is pushed into the node (in this case
32 is pushed down). Then the nodes are merged together. But we see that the parent node has
insufficient number of values. Hence same process of merging takes place recursively till the
entire tree is adjusted.

Fig 21. Deletion of value 42 from the B-Tree


Splay trees
A splay tree is a self-adjusting binary search tree with the additional property that recently
accessed elements are quick to access again. It performs basic operations such as insertion,
look-up and removal in O(log n) time.
Tree Splaying
All normal operations on a binary search tree are combined with one basic operation,
called splaying. Splaying the tree for a certain element rearranges the tree so that the element
is placed at the root of the tree. One way to do this is to first perform a standard binary tree
search for the element in question, and then use tree rotations in a specific fashion to bring
the element to the top.

Good performance for a splay tree depends on the fact that it is self-optimizing, in that
frequently accessed nodes will move nearer to the root where they can be accessed more
Tree rotations
To bring the recently accessed node closer to the tree root, a splay tree uses tree rotations.
There are six types of tree rotations, three of which are symmetric to the other three. These
are as follows:

 Left and right rotations

 Zig-zig left-left and zig-zig right-right rotations
 Zig-zag left-right and zig-zag right-left rotations

The first type of rotations, either left or right, is always a terminal rotation. In other words,
the splaying is complete when we finish a left or right rotation.
Deciding which rotation to use
The decision to choose one of the above rotations depends on three things:

 Does the node we are trying to rotate have a grand-parent?

 Is the node left or right child of the parent?
 Is the parent left or right child of the grand-parent?

If the node does not have a grand-parent, we carry out a left rotation if it is the right child of
the parent; otherwise, we carry out a right rotation.
If the node has a grand-parent, we have four cases to choose from:
If node is left of parent and parent is left of grand-parent, we do a zig-zig right-right rotation.
If node is left of parent but parent is right of grand-parent, we do a zig-zag right-left rotation.
If node is right of parent and parent is right of grand-parent, we do a zig-zig left-left rotation.
Finally, if node is right of parent but parent is left or grand-parent, we do a zig-zag left-
right rotation.
The actual rotations are described in the following sections.
Left and right rotations
The following shows the intermediate steps in understanding a right rotation. The left rotation
is symmetric to this.

Fig 22. Splay tree Right Rotation
As we can see, each of the left or right rotations requires five pointer updates:
if (current == parent->left) {
/* right rotate */
parent->left = current->right;
if (current->right)
current->right->parent = parent;
parent->parent = current;
current->right = parent;
} else {
/* left rotate */
parent->right = current->left;
if (current->left)
current->left->parent = parent;
parent->parent = current;
current->left = parent;
current->parent = 0;

Zig-zig right-right and left-left rotations
The following shows the intermediate steps in understanding a zig-zig right-right rotation.
The zig-zig left-left rotation is symmetric to this. Note in the following that with zig-zig
rotations, we first do a right or left rotation on the parent, before doing a right or left rotation
on the node.

Fig 23. Splay tree Zig-zig right-right and left-left rotations

As we can see, zig-zig right-right rotation requires nine pointer updates.
/* zig-zig right-right rotations */
if (current->right)
current->right->parent = parent;
if (parent->right)
parent->right->parent = grandParent;
current->parent = grandParent->parent;
grandParent->parent = parent;
parent->parent = current;
grandParent->left = parent->right;
parent->right = grandParent;
parent->left = current->right;
current->right = parent;
The same number of pointer updates for zig-zig left-left rotation.
/* zig-zig left-left rotations */
if (current->left)
current->left->parent = parent;
if (parent->left)
parent->left->parent = grandParent;
current->parent = grandParent->parent;
grandParent->parent = parent;
parent->parent = current;
grandParent->right = parent->left;
parent->left = grandParent;
parent->right = current->left;
current->left = parent;
Zig-zag left-right and right-left rotations
The following shows the intermediate steps in understanding a zig-zag left-right rotation. The
zig-zag right-left rotation is symmetric to this. Note in the following that with zig-zag
rotations, we do both rotations on the node, in contrast to zig-zig rotations.

Fig 24. Splay tree Zig-zag left-right and right-left rotations

As we can see, zig-zag left-right rotation requires nine pointer updates.
/* zig-zag right-left rotations */
if (current->left)
current->left->parent = grandParent;
if (current->right)
current->right->parent = parent;
current->parent = grandParent->parent;
grandParent->parent = current;
parent->parent = current;
grandParent->right = current->left;
parent->left = current->right;
current->right = parent;
current->left = grandParent;
The same number of pointer updates for zig-zag right-left rotation.
/* zig-zag left-right rotations */
if (current->left)
current->left->parent = parent;
if (current->right)
current->right->parent = grandParent;
current->parent = grandParent->parent;
grandParent->parent = current;
parent->parent = current;
grandParent->left = current->right;
parent->right = current->left;
current->left = parent;
current->right = grandParent;

Heap Trees
Heap is a special case of balanced binary tree data structure where root-node value is
compared with its children and arranged accordingly. Heap trees are of two types- Max heap
and Min heap.
For Input → 35 33 42 10 14 19 27 44 26 31
Min-Heap − where the value of root node is less than or equal to either of its children.

Fig 25.Min Heap

Max-Heap − where the value of root node is greater than or equal to either of its children.

Fig 26.Max Heap

If a given node is in position I then the position of the left child and the right child can be
calculated using Left (L) = 2I and Right (R) = 2I + 1. To check whether the right child
exists or not, use the condition R ≤ N. If true, Right child exists otherwise not.The last node
of the tree is N/2. After this position tree has only leaves.
Procedure HEAPIFY(A,N)
// A is the list of elements
//N is the number of elements

For ( I = N/2 to 1)
End Procedure
Procedure WALKDOWN(A, I,N)
//A is the list of unsorted elements
//N is the number of elements in the array
//I is the position of the node where the walkdown procedure is to be applied.
While I ≤ N/2
L  2I, R  2I + 1
If A[L] > A[I] Then
End If
If A[R] > A[M] and R ≤ N Then
End If
If M ≠ I Then
A[I]  A[M]
I M
End If
End While
Given a list A with 8 elements:
35 38 10 14 43 16 3

The given list is first converted into a binary tree as shown.

Fig 27.Binary tree

Then they are heapified , starting from the lowest parent.

The obtained tree is a Max heap tree.

Fig 28.Steps to convert Binary tree into a Max heap

-Also called digital tree or radix tree or prefix tree.
-Tries are an excellent data structure for strings.
-Tries is a tree data structure used for storing collections of strings.
-Tries came from the word retrieval.
-Nodes store associative keys (strings) and values.
Tries Structure
Let us consider the case of a tries tree of order 3.Let the key value in this tries is constituted
from three letters namely a, b and c. Each node has the following structure:

Fig 29.Node structure of a Trie

// Trie node
struct TrieNode
struct TrieNode *children[ALPHABET_SIZE];

// isLeaf is true if the node represents

// end of a word
bool isLeaf;

Here 3 link fields’ points to three nodes in the next level and the last field are called the
information field. The information field has the value either TRUE or FALSE. If the value is
TRUE then traversing from the root node to this node yields some information. A tries of
order 3 is given below:

Fig 30.Traversal in a Trie
For example, let us assume the key value ‘bab’. Starting from the root node, and branching
based on each letter, traversal will be 0-2-7-14 and in node 14, the information field TRUE
implies that ‘bab’ is a word.
 Tries indexing is suitable for maintaining variable sized key values.
 Actual key value is never stored but key values are implied through links.
 If English alphabets are used, then a trie of order 26 can maintain whole English
Operations on Trie
Searching for a key begins at the root node, compare the characters and move down. The
search can terminate due to end of string or lack of key in tries. In the former case, if the
value field of last node is non-zero then the key exists in tries. In the second case, the search
terminates without examining all the characters of key, since the key is not present in trie.
PSEUDOCODE. The search algorithm involves the following steps:
1. For each character in the string, see if there is a child node with that character as the

2. If that character does not exist, return false.
3. If that character exist, repeat step 1.
4. Do the above steps until the end of string is reached.
5. When end of string is reached and if the marker (NotLeaf) of the current Node is set to
false, return true, else return false.
Inserting a key into trie is simple approach. Every character of input key is inserted as an
individual trie node. Note that the children are an array of pointers to next level trie nodes.
The key character acts as an index into the array children. If the input key is new or an
extension of existing key, we need to construct non-existing nodes of the key, and mark leaf
node. If the input key is prefix of existing key in trie, we simply mark the last node of key as
leaf. The key length determines trie depth.
PSEUDOCODE: Any insertion would ideally be following the below algorithm:
1. Find the place of the item by following bits.
2. If there is nothing, just insert the item there as a leaf node.
3. If there is something on the leaf node, it becomes a new internal node. Build a new
sub tree to that inner node depending how the item to be inserted and the item that
was in the leaf node differs.
4. Create new leaf nodes where you store the item that was to be inserted and the item
that was originally in the leaf node.
Deletion procedure is same as searching and insertion with some modification. To delete a
key from a trie, trace down the path corresponding to the key to be deleted, and when we
reach the appropriate node, set the TAG field of this node as FALSE. If all the field entries of
this node are NULL, then return this node to the pool of free storage. To do so, maintain a
stack of PATH to store all the pointers of nodes on the path from the root to the last node
Application of Tries
 Retrieval operation of lexicographic words in a dictionary.
 Word processing packages to support the spelling check.
 Useful for storing a predictive text for auto complete.


Advanced Data Structures – SCSA1304

I. Graph

A graph G is a defined as a set of objects called nodes and edges. G= (V, E) , Where V is a finite
and non-empty set at vertices. E is a set of pairs of vertices called edges. Each edge ‘e’ in E is
identified with a unique pair (a, b) of nodes in V, denoted by e = [a, b].

Fig. 1.1. Graph

Consider the above graph ‘G’. Then the vertex V and edge E can be represented as: Vertex V =
{v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6}
E = {e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6}
E = {(v1, v2) (v2, v3) (v1, v3) (v3, v4), (v3, v5) (v5, v6)}.
There are six edges and vertex in the graph.
Node: A node is a data element of the graph.
Edge: An edge is a path between two nodes.
 Only one path between two nodes  More than one path is allowed
between two nodes
 Starting node will be available  No starting node
 Does not have any loop ( Uni  Have loop
 Hierarchy  Network
 All trees are graph  All graphs are not tree
 No cycle  Cycle

A connected acyclic graph is called a tree. In other words, a connected graph with no cycles is
called a tree.
Trees Comes into the category DAG – Directed Acyclic Graph is a kind of directed graph with
no cycle.

Fig. 1.2. Tree

Graph can be either cyclic or acyclic

Fig. 1.3. Undirected and Directed Graph

II. Types of Graph

 Directed Graph
 Undirected Graph
 Weighted Graph
 Unweighted Graph

 Directed Graph: (Diagraph)

A directed graph is graph, i.e., a set of objects (called vertices or nodes) that are
connected together, where all the edges are directed from one vertex to another.
A directed graph is sometimes called a digraph or a directed network.

Fig. 2.1. Directed Graph

 Undirected Graph: (Bidirectional)

An undirected graph is graph, i.e., a set of objects (called vertices or nodes) that are
connected together, where all the edges are bidirectional. An undirected graph is
sometimes called an undirected network. In contrast, a graph where the edges point in a
direction is called a directed graph.

Fig. 2.2. Undirected Graph

 Weighted Graph:
A weighted graph refers to one where weights are assigned to each edge.
Weighted graphs can be represented in two ways:
i) Directed graphs where the edges have arrows that show path direction.
ii) Undirected graphs where edges are bi-directional and have no arrows.

Fig. 2.3 Weighted Graph

Distance between:

a) A to C in Undirected graph is 5
b) E to D in Directed graph is 2

 Unweighted Graph:
If the edges do not have weights, the graph is said to be unweighted. Edges simply show

Reachable: If there is a path from u to v then v is reachable from u

(i.e) v -> u = 2 -> 3

Fig. 2.4. Directed graph (Reachable)

Table 2.1. Difference between Stron

 In directed graph, a  A graph is said to  If it contains a
graph is said to be be weakly connected if directed path from
strongly connected if there doesn’t exist any u to v or v to u for
every vertex is path between any two every pair of
reachable from every pairs of vertices. vertices u,v.
other vertex

 Every pairs of point are  A directed graph is  At least for any

mutually reachable weakly connected if it is pair of vertices,
underlying graph one vertex should
(means graph without be reachable form
direction) is connected the other


Arc: The directed edge in a directed graph is called an arc.
Strongly connected graph: A directed graph is called strongly connected if there is a directed
path from any vertex to any other vertex.

Fig. 3.1 Directed Graph – Strongly Connected

In the above graph we have path from any vertex to any other vertex
Weakly connected graph: A Directed graph is called a weakly connected graph if for any two
nodes I and J, there is a directed path from I to J or from J to I.


Fig. 3.2. Directed Graph – Weakly Connected

Out degree: The number of arcs exiting from the node is called out degree of that node.
In degree: The number of arcs entering the node is called in degree of that
node. Example:

Fig. 3.3 Directed Graph – (Indegree and Outdegree)

Table. 3.1: Degree of Graph

Nodes Indegree Outdegree
A 0 3
B 1 1
C 1 1
D 3 0

Source node: A node where the indegree is 0 but has a positive value for outdegree is called a
source node. That is there are only outgoing arcs to the node and no incoming arcs to the node.

Node ‘A’ is the source node in the above graph fig. 3.3
Sink node: A node where the outdegree is 0 and has a positive value for indegree is called the
sink node. That is there is only incoming arcs to the node and no outgoing arcs the node.

Node ‘D’ is the Sink node in the above graph fig. 3.3

Cycle: A cycle in a directed graph is a directed path that originates and terminates at the same
node i.e., some number of vertices connected in a closed chain.

Fig. 3.4. Directed with cyclic graph

This graph contains three cycles 0->2->0, 0->1->2->0, 1->2->0->1 and 3->3,
Degree of a node: In an undirected graph, the degree of a node is the number of edges
connected directly to the node.

Length of the path: The length of the path between node I and K is the number of edges
between them in a path from I to K.

Degree: The degree of the node B in the undirected graph shown above is 3.


There are two possible ways by which the graph can be represented.

1. Matrix representation (Array Representation)

2. Linked representation
The graphs can be represented using Adjacency matrix or otherwise called the
incidence matrix. Since the matrix is so sparse it is also called as sparse matrix.

The adjacency matrix is a N X N matrix where N is the number of nodes in the graph. Each
entry (I, J) in the matrix has either 1 or 0. An entry 1 indicates that there is a direct connection
from I to J. An entry 0 indicates that there is no direct connection from I to J.

Fig. 4.1. Undirected Graph

If an adjacency matrix is written for the above directed graph as shown:

Adjacency Matrix Representation

Since the matrix is so sparse in nature the second method of representation will be
preferred if the number of edges is very less compared to the number of vertices.
Adjacency List:
An array of linked lists is used. Size of the array is equal to number of vertices. Let the array
be array[]. An entry array[i] represents the linked list of vertices adjacent to the ith vertex.
This representation can also be used to represent a weighted graph. The weights of edges can
be stored in nodes of linked lists. Following is adjacency list representation of the above graph.

Adjacency List Representation of the above Graph

There are two methods for traversing through the nodes of the graph. They are:
(1) Breadth First Search Traversal (BFS)
(2) Depth First Search Traversal (DFS)
Breadth First Search Traversal (BFS)
As the name implies, this method traverses the nodes of the graph by searching
through the nodes breadth-wise. Initially let the first node of the graph be visited. This node
is now considered as node u. Now find out all the nodes which are adjacent to this node. Let
all the adjacent nodes be called as w. Add the node u to a queue. Now every time an adjacent
node w is visited, it is added to the queue. One by one all the adjacent nodes w are visited and
added to the queue. When all the unvisited adjacent nodes are visited, then the node u is
deleted from the queue and hence the next element in the queue now becomes the new node
u. The process is repeated on this new node u. This is continued till all the nodes are visited.
The Breadth First Traversal (BFT) algorithm calls the BFS algorithm on all the nodes.
BFT(G, n)
Repeat for i = 1 to n
Visited[i] =
0 End Repeat
Repeat for i = 1 to n
If visited[i] = 0
if End
visited[v] =
Repeat while(true)
Repeat for all vertices w adjacent
to u If visited[w] = 0
Add w to
Visited[w] = 1
if End
If queue is empty
End if
Delete u from
queue End while
End BFS 10
Now the following diagrams illustrate the BFS on a directed graph.

Depth First Search Traversal (DFS)
In the Depth First Search Traversal, as the name implies the nodes of the graph are
traversed by searching through all the nodes by first going to the depth of the graph. The first
node is visited first. Let this be node u. Find out all the adjacent nodes of u. Let that be w.
Apply the DFS on the first adjacent node recursively. Since a recursive approach is followed,
the nodes are traversed by going to the depth of the graph first. The DFT algorithm calls the
DFS algorithm repeatedly for all the nodes in the graph.


DFT(G, n)
Repeat for i = 1 to n
Visited[i] =
0 End Repeat
Repeat for i = 1 to n
If visited[i] = 0
if End
Visited[v] = 1
Repeat for each vertex w adjacent
from v If visited[w] = 0
if End for

Now the following diagrams illustrate the DFS on a directed graph.

Applications of depth First Traversal
Depth-first search (DFS) is an algorithm (or technique) for traversing a graph.
1) For an unweighted graph, DFS traversal of the graph produces the minimum spanning
tree and all pair shortest path tree.
2) Detecting cycle in a graph: A graph has cycle if and only if we see a back edge during
DFS. So, we can run DFS for the graph and check for back edges.
3) Path Finding:
We can specialize the DFS algorithm to find a path between two given vertices u and z.
i) Call DFS (G, u) with u as the start vertex.
ii) Use a stack S to keep track of the path between the start vertex and the current vertex.
iii) As soon as destination vertex z is encountered, return the path as
the contents of the stack
4) Topological Sorting
Topological Sorting is mainly used for scheduling jobs from the given dependencies among
jobs. In computer science, applications of this type arise in instruction scheduling, ordering
of formula cell evaluation when recomputing formula values in spreadsheets, logic synthesis,
determining the order of compilation tasks to perform in make files, data serialization, and
resolving symbol dependencies in linkers.
5) Finding Strongly Connected Components of a graph A directed graph is called strongly
connected if there is a path from each vertex in the graph to every other vertex.
6) Solving puzzles with only one solution, such as mazes. DFS can be adapted to find all
solutions to a maze by only including nodes on the current path in the visited set.
Applications of Breadth First Traversal
1) Shortest Path and Minimum Spanning Tree for unweighted graph In unweighted graph,
the shortest path is the path with least number of edges. With Breadth First, we always reach
a vertex from given source using minimum number of edges. Also, in case of unweighted
graphs, any spanning tree is Minimum Spanning Tree and we can use either Depth or
Breadth first traversal for finding a spanning tree.
2) Peer to Peer Networks. In Peer to Peer Networks like BitTorrent, Breadth First Search is
used to find all neighbour nodes.
3) Crawlers in Search Engines: Crawlers build index using Breadth First. The idea is to start
from source page and follow all links from source and keep doing same. Depth First
Traversal can also be used for crawlers, but the advantage with Breadth First Traversal is,
depth or levels of built tree can be limited.
4) Social Networking Websites: In social networks, we can find people within a given
distance ‘k’ from a person using Breadth First Search till ‘k’ levels.
5) GPS Navigation systems: Breadth First Search is used to find all neighbouring locations.
6) Broadcasting in Network: In networks, a broadcasted packet follows Breadth First Search
to reach all nodes.

7) In Garbage Collection: Breadth First Search is used in copying garbage collection
using Cheney’s algorithm. Breadth First Search is preferred over Depth First Search
because of better locality of reference:
8) Cycle detection in undirected graph: In undirected graphs, either Breadth First
Search or Depth First Search can be used to detect cycle. In directed graph, only
depth first search can be used.
9) Ford–Fulkerson algorithm In Ford-Fulkerson algorithm, we can either use
Breadth First or Depth First Traversal to find the maximum flow. Breadth First
Traversal is preferred as it reduces worst case time complexity to O(VE2).
10) To test if a graph is Bipartite, We can either use Breadth First or Depth First
11) Path Finding, We can either use Breadth First or Depth First Traversal to find
if there is a path between two vertices.
12) Finding all nodes within one connected component: We can either use Breadth
First or Depth First Traversal to find all nodes reachable from a given node. Many
algorithms like Prim’s Minimum Spanning Tree and Dijkstra’s Single Source
Shortest Path use structure similar to Breadth first search.


Advanced Data Structures – SCSA1304



Weight of an edge: Weight of an edge is just of the value of the edge or the cost of the edge.
For example, a graph representing cities, has the distance between two cites as the edge cost or
its weight.
Network: A graph with weighted edges is called a network.
Spanning Tree: Any tree consisting of edges in the graph G and including all vertices in G is
called a spanning tree.

Given a network, we should try to connect all the nodes in the nodes in the graph with
minimum number of edges, such that the total weight is minimized. To solve this problem, we
shall devise an algorithm that converts a network into to tree structures called the minimum
spanning tree of the network.
Given a network, the edges for the minimum spanning tree are chosen in such a way that:
(1) Every node in the network must be included in the spanning tree.
(2) The overall edge weight of the spanning tree is the minimum possible that
will allow the existence of a path between any 2 nodes in the tree.
The two algorithms which are used for finding the minimum spanning tree for a graph are:
1. Kruskal’s Algorithm
2. Prim’s Algorithm
3. Sollin’s Algorithm


The Kruskal’s algorithm follows greedy approach. At every stage of the solution, it
takes that edge which has the minimum cost and builds the minimum spanning tree.

Figure. Sample Graph

Consider the above graph. Now let us apply the Kruskal’s algorithm to construct a
minimum spanning tree.
Step 1:
Construct a queue with the cost of edges, such that the edges are placed in the
queue in the ascending order of the cost as shown.
Queue of edge costs
10 12 14 16 18 22 24 26 28

Step 2:
Create N sets each consisting one node. N is the number of nodes in the graph. Then
for the above problem, the sets which will created as:
S1 = {1}
S2 = {2}
S3 = {3}
S4 = {4}
S5 = {5}
S6 = {6}
S7 = {7}
Step 3:
Delete a cost from the queue. Let the nodes associated with that edge be (u,v).
Now, 10 is deleted first from the queue. The nodes associated with 10 is (u,v) = (1,6).
Check if u and v belong to the same set or different set. If they belong to the different set
then enter that into the output matrix as shown. Since 1 belongs to S1 and 6 belong to S6,
they can be entered into the T matrix. If the nodes belong to the same set, then entering
them into the matrix will give an output which may form a cycle. Hence that is avoided.
The T matrix has n-1 rows and 2 columns.

T matrix
u v
1 1 6

After entering them in the T matrix, the sets S1 and S6 are merged.
S8 = {1, 6}

The above process in step 3 is repeated till the queue becomes empty. The solution is
derived as shown.
Queue of edge costs
12 14 16 18 22 24 26 28

Delete 12 from the queue. The nodes associated with 12 are (u,v) = (3,4). The
node 3 belongs to S3 and node 4 belongs to S4. As they are in different sets, they are
entered in the T matrix.

T matrix
u v
1 1 6
2 3 4

The sets S3 and S4 are merged.

S9 = {3, 4}

Queue of edge costs

14 16 18 22 24 26 28
Delete 14 from the queue. The (u,v) = (2,7). 2 belong to S2 and 7 belong to S7. As they
belong to different sets, they are entered into the T matrix and the sets S2 and S7 are
T matrix
u v
1 1 6
2 3 4
3 2 7
S10 = {2, 7}

Queue of edge costs
16 18 22 24 26 28

Delete 16 from the queue. The (u,v) = (2,3). 2 belong to S10 and 3 belong to S9. As
they are from different sets, they are entered into the T matrix. The sets S9 and S10 are
T matrix

u v
1 1 6
2 3 4
3 2 7
4 2 3
S11 = {2, 3, 4, 7}

Queue of edge costs

18 22 24 26 28

Delete 18. The (u, v) = (4, 7). 4 and 7 belong to same set S11. Hence, they are not
entered into the T matrix.

Queue of edge costs

22 24 26 28

Delete 22. The (u,v) = (4, 5). 4 belong to S11 and 5 belong to S5. As they belong to
different set, they are entered into the T matrix. The sets S11 and S5 are merged.
T matrix
u v
1 1 6
2 3 4
3 2 7
4 2 3
5 4 5
S12 = {2, 3, 4, 5, 7}

Queue of edge costs
24 26 28

Delete 24. (u, v) = (5, 7). Both 5 and 7 belong to S12. Hence, they are not entered into
the T matrix.
26 28

Delete 26. (u, v) = (5, 6). 5 belong to S12 and 6 belong to S8. As they are from different
set, they are entered into the T matrix.

u v
1 1 6
2 3 4
3 2 7
4 2 3
5 4 5
6 5 6

S13 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}

As all T matrix is completely filled, the algorithm comes to an end.

Step 4:
Using the edges in the T matrix connect the nodes of the graph. The resulting tree is
the required minimum spanning tree.

Figure. Minimum Spanning Tree with Kruskal’s Procedure


KRUSKAL (E, cost, n, t)

Construct a queue with edge costs such that they are in ascending order
i = 0, mincost = 0
while i < n – 1 and queue is not empty

Delete minimum cost edge (u, v) from queue

j = Find(u), k = Find(v)
If j ≠ k
t[i, 1] = u, t[i, 2] = v
mincost = mincost + cost[u, v]
Union(j, k)
End if
End while
If i ≠ n – 1
Print “No spanning tree”
Return mincost
End if

The other popular algorithm used for constructing the minimum spanning tree is
the Prim’s algorithm, which also follows the greedy approach. We can consider the same
example as above and solve it using Prim’s algorithm.

Figure. Sample Graph

Cost Matrix is:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 0 28 ∞ ∞ ∞ 10 ∞
2 28 0 16 ∞ ∞ ∞ 14
3 ∞ 16 0 12 ∞ ∞ ∞
4 ∞ ∞ 12 0 22 ∞ 18
5 ∞ ∞ ∞ 22 0 26 24
6 10 26 ∞ ∞ ∞ 0 ∞
7 ∞ 14 ∞ 18 24 ∞ 0

Step 1:
Select the least cost edge from the graph and enter into the T matrix. The least cost
edges is (1, 6) with cost 10.
T matrix
u v
1 1 6

Let us consider an array NEAR[ ], which is filled as follows:

If cost[i, l] < cost[i, k]

Near[i] = l
Near[i] = k

In the first iteration i = 1 and (k, l) = (1, 6). Using the above condition the NEAR array
is filled as follows.


1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 6
6 6
7 1

Step 2:
Make the entries in the NEAR array corresponding to 1 and 6 as 0. For all non-zero
entries in the near array, find out the cost[j][near[j]]. Select the minimum among these
costs and enter the corresponding nodes into the T matrix.


1 0
2 1 28
3 1 ∞
4 1 ∞
5 6 26
6 0
7 1 ∞

Among the costs, 26 is minimum. Hence (5, 6) is entered into the T matrix. The
corresponding entry into the NEAR array is made 0.

T matrix
u v
1 1 6
2 5 6

Step 3:
Now in every iteration the NEAR array is updated using the following condition
and procedure in step 2 is followed to fill up the T matrix. The solution is as follows:

If Near[k] ≠ 0 and cost [k, Near[k]] > cost [k, j]

Near[k] = j

Updated NEAR

1 0
2 1 28
3 1 ∞
4 5 22
J=5 0
6 0
7 24
Among the cost computed, 22 is minimum and hence (4,5) is selected as the minimum
T matrix
u v
1 1 6
2 5 6
3 4 5

Updated NEAR

1 0
2 1 28
3 4 12
J=4 0
5 0
6 0
7 4 18

Among the cost computed, 12 is minimum and hence (3, 4) is selected as the
minimum edge. T matrix
u v
1 1 6
2 5 6
3 4 5
4 3 4

Updated NEAR

1 0
2 3 16
J=3 0
4 0
5 0
6 0
7 4 18

Among the cost computed, 16 is minimum and hence (2, 3) is selected as the minimum

T matrix
u v
1 1 6
2 5 6
3 4 5
4 3 4
5 2 3

Updated NEAR

1 0
J=2 0
3 0
4 0
5 0
6 0
7 2 14

The last edge (7, 2) is selected and entered into the T

T matrix
u v
1 1 6
2 5 6
3 4 5
4 3 4
5 2 3
6 7 2

Step 4:
Now using the edges in the T matrix connect the nodes in the graph. The resulting tree
is the minimum spanning tree.

Figure. Minimum Spanning Tree with Prim’s Procedure


PRIM (E, cost, n, t)

Let (k, L) be an edge of minimum cost in E
mincost = Cost [k, L]
T [1, 1] = k;
T [1, 2] =L;
for i = 1 to n
if Cost [i, L] < Cost [i, k]
Near[i] = L;
Near[i] = k;
end if
end for
Near[k] = Near[L] = 0 ;

for i = 2 to n -1
Let j be an index such that Near[j] ≠ 0 and Cost [j,
Near[j]] is minimum T[i, 1] = j, T[i, 2] = Near[j]
mincost = mincost + Cost [j, Near[j]]
Near[j] = 0;
for k = 1 to n
if Near[k] ≠ 0 and cost [k, Near[k]] > cost [k, j] then
Near[k] = j;
end if
end for
end for
Return mincost
end PRIM


A minimum spanning tree (MST) of a weighted graph G is a spanning tree of G

whose edges sum to minimum weight. In other words, a minimum spanning tree is a tree
formed from a subset of the edges in a given undirected graph, with two properties:
(1) it spans the graph, i.e., it includes every vertex in the graph, and
(2) it is a minimum, i.e., the total weight of all the edges is as low as possible.

Sollin’s algorithm selects several edges at each stage. At the start of a stage, the
selected edges, together with all n graph vertices, form a spanning forest. During a stage
we select one edge for each tree in this forest. The edge is a minimum-cost edge that has
exactly one vertex in the tree. These selected edges are added to the spanning tree being
constructed. Note that it is possible for two trees in the forest to select the same edge. So,
multiple copies of the same edge are to be eliminated. Also, when the graph has several
edges with the same cost, it is possible for two trees to select two different edges that
connect them together. At the start of the first stage, the set of selected edges is empty.
The algorithm terminates when there is only one tree at the end of a stage or when no
edges remain to be selected.
The Sollin’s Algorithm based on two basic operations:

 Nearest Neighbor – This operation takes a an input a tree spanning the nodes Nk
and determines an arc (ik , jk) with the minimum cost among all arcs emanating
from Nk.

 Merge (ik jk) – This operation takes as an input two nodes ik and jk,and if the two
nodes belong to two different trees, then merge these two trees into a single tree

Sollin’s Algorithm
Form a forest consisting of the nodes of the graph while the forest has
more than one tree for each tree in the forest
Choose the cheapest edge
Form a vertex in the tree to a vertex not in the tree
Merge trees with common vertices
This algorithm keeps a forest of minimum spanning trees which it continuously connects
via the least cost arc live in each tree. To begin each node is made its minimum spanning
tree from here the shortest path live in each tree (which doesn’t connect to a node already
belonging to the current tree) is added along the minimum spanning tree it connects to.
This continues until exit a single spanning tree.


Figure. Minimum Spanning Tree construction with Sollin’s Procedure (a) Initial Graph
(b) Initial Configuration with Zero selected edges

Figure. Minimum Spanning Tree construction with Sollin’s Procedure
(c) Adding selected edges (d) Resultant spanning Tree

Figures shows the stages in Sollin’s algorithm when it begins with the graph of fig (a).
The initial configuration of zero selected edges is the same as that shows in fig(b). Each
tree in this spanning forest is a single vertex. The edges selected by vertices 0, 1 ,……, 6
are, respectively , (0,5),(1,6),(2,3),(3,2),(4,3),(5,0), and (6,1). The distinct edges in this
selection are (0,5), (1,6), (2,3), and (4,3). Adding these to the set of selected edges results
in the configuration of fig(c). In the next stage, the tree with vertex set {0,5} selects the
edge (5,4), and the remaining two trees select the edge (1,2). Following the addition of
these two edges to the set of selected edges, construction of the spanning tree is
complete. The resulting spanning tree is shown in fig (d).



The Dijkstra’s algorithm finds out the shortest path between the single source and
every other node in the graph. For example, consider the following graph. Let the node
5 be the source. Let solve this using Djiksta’s algorithm to find the shortest paths between
5 and every other node in the graph.

Figure. Sample Graph

A Distance array Dist[] is initially filled with infinity. The entry corresponding to
the source node 5 alone is made 0. Now find out the adjacent nodes of 5 and update their
values using the cost matrix.
In the next iteration the node with minimum distance is the vertex selected and
again the above process is repeated. The Column S shows the set of vertices already
selected. In every iteration the node with minimum distance and which is not yet selected
is taken as the new vertex. The solution is obtained as follows:

Table Distance Array using Djikstra’s

Vertex Dist [ ]
Iteration S
Selected 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Initial - - ∞ ∞ ∞ 1500 0 250 ∞ ∞

5 6 ∞ ∞ ∞ 1250 0 250 1150 1650

5,6 7 ∞ ∞ ∞ 1250 0 250 1150 1650

5,6,7 4 ∞ ∞ 2450 1250 0 250 1150 1650

5,6,7,4 8 3350 ∞ 2450 1250 0 250 1150 1650

5,6,7,4,8 3 3350 3250 2450 1250 0 250 1150 1650

5,6,7,4,8,3 2 3350 3250 2450 1250 0 250 1150 1650

Now we can see that the values in the last row, gives the distance of the shortest path
between the source node 5 and every other node in the graph.

The shortest paths corresponding to this can also be generated. The paths are represented
using linked lists. Whenever a value in the distance array is updated, the shortest path
linked lists are also adjusted.

The shortest paths are represented using linked lists as shown.

Figure. Shortest Path from Source Vertex to all other vertices


DJIKSTRA’s (v, cost, dist, n)

for i = 1 to n
S[i] = false
Dist[i] = ∞

S[v] = true Dist[v] = 0

Create n lists each beginning with v

for num = 1 to n – 1
Choose u from among those vertices not in S such that dis[u] is minimum
S[u] = true

for each w adjacent to u with s[w] = false
if Dist[w] > Dist[u] + cost [u, w]
Dist[w] = Dist[u] + cost [u, w]
List[w] = List[u] + w
end if
end for
end for


Given a weighted graph G and a source vertex s, Bellman-Ford algorithm finds
the shortest (minimum cost) path from s to every other vertex in G. The weighted path
length (cost) is the sum of the weights of all links on the path.

Figure. Single Source Shortest Path – Bellman-Ford Algorithm

Figure. Iterations of BELLMAN-FORD (V, E, w, s)

The order of edges examined in each pass:

(t, x), (t, z), (x, t), (y, x), (y, t), (y, z), (z, x), (z, s), (s, t), (s, y)

Bellman-Ford (G, w, s)
Initialize-Single-Source (V, s)
for i: = 1 to | V | - 1 do
for each edge (u, v)  E do
Relax (u, v, w)
end for
end for
for each vertex (u, v)  E do
if d[v] > d[u] + w (u, v) then
return False // there is a negative cycle
end if
return True
end for
Detecting Negative Edges: (Perform extra test after V-1 iterations)
for each edge (u, v)  E do
if d[v] > d[u] + w (u, v) then
return FALSE
return TRUE
end for

20 Difference between Dijkstra’s and Bellman Ford Algorithm
Table Djikstra’s Vs Bellman Ford Algorithm

Sl. No Djikstra’s Algorithm Bellman Ford Algorithm

It doesn’t work for It works for Negative Link

Negative Link weight. weight

Can’t be implemented in a Can be easily implemented in

distributed way. a distributed way

3 It has less time complexity. It has higher time complexity.



The All pairs shortest path algorithm is used to find the shortest path between every pair
of nodes in the graph. Consider the following example.

We will use the following condition solve the problem

A[i, j] = min(A[i, j], A[i, k] + A[k, j])

Solution is derived as follows using the above condition.

Figure. Sample Graph

Cost Matrix

1 2 3 4 5
1 0 20 ∞ 5 5
2 20 0 10 ∞ 10
3 ∞ 10 0 15 10
4 5 ∞ 15 0 5
5 5 10 10 5 0

Iteration 1 Iteration 2

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
1 0 20 ∞ 5 5 1 0 20 30 5 5
2 20 0 10 ∞ 10 2 20 0 10 ∞ 10
3 20 10 0 15 10 3 30 10 0 15 10
4 5 25 15 0 5 4 5 25 15 0 5
5 5 10 10 5 0 5 5 10 10 5 0

Iteration 3 Iteration 4

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
1 00 20 30 5 5 1 0 20 20 5 5
2 20
20 0 10 25 10 2 20 0 10 25 10
3 30
30 10 0 15 10 3 20 10 0 15 10
4 55 25 15 0 5 4 5 25 15 0 5
5 55 10 10 5 0 5 5 10 10 5 0

Iteration 5 Output :

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
1 00 15 15 5 5 1 0 15 15 5 5
2 20
15 0 10 15 10 2 15 0 10 15 10
3 30
15 10 0 15 10 3 15 10 0 15 10
4 55 15 15 0 5 4 5 15 15 0 5
5 55 10 10 5 0 5 5 10 10 5 0

The output matrix gives the shortest path distance between all pairs of nodes.


for i = 1 to n
for j = 1 to n
A [i, j] = cost [i, j]
end for
end for

for k = 1 to n
for i = 1 to n
for j = 1 to n
A [i, j] = min (A [i, j], A [i, k] + A [k, j])
end for
end for
end for



Advanced Data Structures – SCSA1304



Table is a data structure which plays a significant role in information retrieval. A set of n distinct
records with keys K1, K2, …., Kn are stored in a file. If we want to find a record with a given key
value, k, simply access the index given by its key k.Example table data

Fig.5.1 Sample Table Data structure

Structure is given in Fig 5.1.
The table lookup has a running time of O(1). The searching time required is directly proportional to the
number of number of records in the file. This searching time can be reduced, even can be made
independent of the number of records, if we use a table called Access Table.
Some of possible kinds of tables are given below:
 Rectangular table
 Jagged table
 Inverted table.
 Hash tables
Rectangular Tables
Tables are very often in rectangular form with rows and columns. Most programming languages
accommodate rectangular tables as 2-D arrays. Rectangular tables are also known as matrices. Almost
all programming languages provide the implementation procedures for these tables as they are used in
many applications.

Fig. 5.2. Rectangular tables in memory

Memory representation of Rectangular tables is given in Fig 5.2.Logically, a matrix appears as two-
dimensional, but physically it is stored in a linear fashion. In order to map from the logical view to
physical structure, an indexing formula is used. The compiler must be able to convert the index (i, j) of
a rectangular table to the correct position in the sequential array in memory.

For an m x n array (m rows, n columns):

Each row is indexed from 0 to m-1

Each column is indexed from 0 to n – 1
Item at (i, j) is at sequential position is i * n + j

Row major order:

Assume that the base address is the first location of the memory, so the
Address aij =storing all the elements in the first(i-1)th rows +
the number of elements in the ith row up to the jth coloumn
= (i-1)*n+j
Row major Order Representation is given in fig 5.3.
Column major order:
Address of aij = storing all the elements in the first(j-1)th column +
The number of elements in the jth column up to the ith rows.

Fig 5.3 Row Major order

Jagged table
Jagged tables are nothing but the special kind of sparse matrices such as triangular matrices, band
matrices, etc… In the jagged tables, we put a restriction that in the row (or in a column) if elements are
present then they are contiguous. Thus in fig 5.4 (a) - (e), all are jagged tables except the table in fig (f).

Fig 5.4. Jagged table and sparse


Symmetric sparse matrices stored as one dimensional arrays can be retrieved using the below indexing
formula .

This formula involves multiplication and division which are in fact inefficient from the computational
point of view. So, the alternative technique is by setting up an access table whose entries correspond to
the row indices of the jagged table, such that the ith entry in the access table is accessed using below

The access table is calculated only at the time of initiation and a=can be stored in memory and the
Memory representation of Jagged array is given in Fig 5.5.It can referred each time the access of
element in the jagged table occur. We can also calculate by pure addition rather than multiplication or
division such as 0,1, (1+2), (1+2)+3,….
Fig 5.5. Access array for the jagged tables
For e.g., if we want to access a54 (element in 5th row and 4th column) then at 5th location of the access
table, we see the entry is 10; hence desire element is at 14 (=10+4) location of the array which contains
the elements. It is assumed that the 1st element of the table is located at the location of the array.

Fig 5.6: Access Jagged Table elements through access table

Above mentioned accessing technique has another advantage over the indexing formula. We can find
the indexing formula even if the jagged tables are asymmetric with respect to the arrangement of
elements in it. For e.g., in fig (d), it is difficult find index formula. In this case, we can easily maintain
its storage in an array and can obtain faster access of elements from it. In the fig access of elements in
the asymmetric matrix, its use is same as that of the symmetric sparse matrices. An entry in the ith
location of the access table can be obtained by adding the number of elements in (i-1)th row of the
jagged table and (i-1)th entry of the access table, assuming that entry 0 as the first entry in the access
table, and as before, the starting location of the array storing the elements is 1.

Fig 5.7: Access Jagged Table elements through asymmetric Matrix.

Inverted tables
The concept of inverted tables can be explained with an example. Suppose, a telephone company
maintains records of all the subscribers of a telephone exchange as shown in the fig given below. These
records can be used to serve several purposes. One of them requires the alphabetical ordering of
name of the subscriber. Second, it requires the lexicographical ordering of the address of subscriber.
Third, it also requires the ascending order of the telephone numbers in order to estimate the cabling
charge from the telephone exchange to the location of the telephone connection etc.... To serve these
purposes, the telephone company should maintain 3 sets of records: one in alphabetical order of the
NAME, second, the lexicographical ordering of the ADDRESS and third, the ascending order of the
phone numbers.

Fig 5.8: Sample Records of Telephone Exchange.

This way of maintaining records leads to the following drawbacks,
a. Requirement of extra storage: three times the actual memory
b. Difficulty in modification of records: if a subscriber changes his address, then we have to
modify this in three storages to maintain consistency in information.
Using the concept of inverted tables, we can avoid the multiple set of records, and we can still retrieve
the records by any of the three keys almost as quickly as if the records are fully sorted by that key.
Therefore, we should maintain an3 inverted table. In this case, this table comprise of three columns:
NAME, ADDRESS, and PHONE as shown in below figure. Each column contains the index numbers
of records in the order based on the sorting of the corresponding key. This inverted table, therefore, can
be consulted to retrieve information

Fig 5.8: Structure of Inverted Table using Sample Records of

Telephone Exchange.
Symbol Tables

Symbol table is an important data structure created and maintained by compilers in order to store
information about the occurrence of various entities such as variable names, function names, objects,
classes, interfaces, etc. Symbol table is used by both the analysis and the synthesis parts of a compiler.

A symbol table is a major data structure used in a compiler:

o Associates attributes with identifiers used in a program
o For instance, a type attribute is usually associated with each identifier
o A symbol table is a necessary component
 Definition (declaration) of identifiers appears once in a program
 Use of identifiers may appear in many places of the program text
o Identifiers and attributes are entered by the analysis phases
 When processing a definition (declaration) of an identifier
 In simple languages with only global variables and implicit declarations:
 The scanner can enter an identifier into a symbol table if it is not already there
 In block-structured languages with scopes and explicit declarations:
 The parser and/or semantic analyzer enter identifiers and corresponding attributes
o Symbol table information is used by the analysis and synthesis phases
 To verify that used identifiers have been defined (declared)
 To verify that expressions and assignments are semantically correct – type checking
 To generate intermediate or target code
Symbol Table Interface

 The basic operations defined on a symbol table include:

o allocate – to allocate a new empty symbol table
o free – to remove all entries and free the storage of a symbol table
o insert – to insert a name in a symbol table and return a pointer to its entry
o lookup – to search for a name and return a pointer to its entry
o set_attribute – to associate an attribute with a given entry
o get_attribute – to get an attribute associated with a given entry
 Other operations can be added depending on requirement
o For example, a delete operation removes a name previously inserted
 Some identifiers become invisible (out of scope) after exiting a block
 This interface provides an abstract view of a symbol table
 Supports the simultaneous existence of multiple tables
 Implementation can vary without modifying the interface
A symbol table is simply a table which can be either linear or a hash table. It maintains an entry for
each name in the following format:

<symbol name, type, attribute>

For example, if a symbol table has to store information about the following variable declaration:

static int interest;

then it should store the entry such as:

<interest, int, static>

The attribute clause contains the entries related to the name.

If a compiler is to handle a small amount of data, then the symbol table can be implemented as an
unordered list, which is easy to code, but it is only suitable for small tables only. A symbol table can
be implemented in one of the following ways:

 Linear (sorted or unsorted) list

 Binary Search Tree
 Hash table
Among all, symbol tables are mostly implemented as hash tables, where the source code symbol itself
is treated as a key for the hash function and the return value is the information about the symbol.

 Unordered List
o Simplest to implement
o Implemented as an array or a linked list
o Linked list can grow dynamically – alleviates problem of a fixed size array
o Insertion is fast O(1), but lookup is slow for large tables – O(n) on average
 Ordered List
o If an array is sorted, it can be searched using binary search – O(log2 n)
o Insertion into a sorted array is expensive – O(n) on average
o Useful when set of names is known in advance – table of reserved words
 Binary Search Tree
o Can grow dynamically
o Insertion and lookup are O(log2 n) on average
 First consideration is how to insert and lookup names Variety of
implementation techniques
 A symbol table, either linear or hash, should provide the following operations.

insert ()
This operation is more frequently used by analysis phase, i.e., the first half of the compiler where
tokens are identified and names are stored in the table. This operation is used to add information in the
Symbol table about unique names occurring in the source code. The format or structure in which the
names are stored depends upon the compiler in hand.

An attribute for a symbol in the source code is the information associated with that symbol. This
information contains the value, state, scope, and type about the symbol. The insert() function takes the
symbol and its attributes as arguments and stores the information in the symbol table.

For example:

int a;

should be processed by the compiler as:

insert(a, int);

lookup() operation is used to search a name in the symbol table to determine:

 if the symbol exists in the table. 

 if it is declared before it is being used.
 if the name is used in the scope.
 if the symbol is initialized. 
 if the symbol declared multiple times. 
The format of lookup() function varies according to the programming language. The basic format
should match the following:


This method returns 0 (zero) if the symbol does not exist in the symbol table. If the symbol exists in
the symbol table, it returns its attributes stored in the table.

Scope Management
A compiler maintains two types of symbol tables: a global symbol table which can be accessed by all
the procedures and scope symbol tables that are created for each scope in the program.

To determine the scope of a name, symbol tables are arranged in hierarchical structure as shown in the
example below:

int value=10;
void pro_one()
int one_1;
int one_2;
{ \
int one_3; |_ inner scope 1
int one_4; |
} /
int one_5;
{ \
int one_6; |_ inner scope 2
int one_7; |
} /
void pro_two()
int two_1;
int two_2;
{ \
int two_3; |_ inner scope 3
int two_4; |
} /
int two_5;

The above program can be represented in a hierarchical structure of symbol tables and it is given in Fig

Fig 5.9:Symbol Table Representation of Above coding

The global symbol table contains names for one global variable (int value) and two procedure names,
which should be available to all the child nodes shown above. The names mentioned in the pro_one
symbol table (and all its child tables) is not available for pro_two symbols and its child tables.
This symbol table data structure hierarchy is stored in the semantic analyzer and whenever a name
needs to be searched in a symbol table, it is searched using the following algorithm:

 First a symbol will be searched in the current scope, i.e. current symbol table.
 if a name is found, then search is completed, 
else it will be searched in the parent symbol table until, 
 Either the name is found or global symbol table has been searched for the name.

Hash Table
Hash Table is a data structure which store data in associative manner. In hash table, data is stored in
array format where each data value has its own unique index value. Access of data becomes very fast
if we know the index of desired data.

Hash table: The memory area where the keys are stored is called hash table.

Properties of Hash table:

 Hash table is partitioned into b buckets, HT(0),..HT(b-1).

 Each bucket is capable of holding ‘s’ records.
 A bucket is said to consist of s slots, each slot being large enough to hold 1 record.
 Usually s=1 and each bucket can hold exactly 1 record.

It becomes a data structure in which insertion and search operations are very fast irrespective of size
of data. Hash Table uses array as a storage medium and uses hash technique to generate index where
an element is to be inserted or to be located from.


Hashing Technique: The hashing technique is the method in which the address or location of a key
‘k’ is obtained by computing some arithmetic function ‘f’ of k. f(k) gives the address of k in the table.
The address will be referred to as hash address or home address.

Hashing function f(k): The hashing function used to perform an identifier transformation on k. f(k)
maps the set of possible identifiers onto the integer 0 through b-1.

Overflow: An overflow is said to occur when a new identifier k is mapped or hashed by f(k) into a full

Collision: A collision occurs when two non-identical identifiers are hashed into the same bucket.

When bucket size s=1, collisions and overflow occur simultaneously. Choose f which is easy to
compute and results in very few collisions.

Hashing is a technique to convert a range of key values into a range of indexes of an array. We're
going to use modulo operator to get a range of key values. Consider an example of hash table of size
20, and following items are to be stored. Item are in (key, value) format.Fig 5.10 shows basic process
of Hashing.

Fig 5.10: Basic Process of Hashing

 (1,20)
 (2,70)
 (42,80)
 (4,25)
 (12,44)
 (14,32)
 (17,11)
 (13,78)

 (37,98)

Table 5.1:Generated Hash Values for Above Items 

S.n. Key Hash Array Index

1 1 1 % 20 = 1 1
2 2 2 % 20 = 2 2
3 42 42 % 20 = 2 2
4 4 4 % 20 = 4 4

5 12 12 % 20 = 12 12
6 14 14 % 20 = 14 14
7 17 17 % 20 = 17 17
8 13 13 % 20 = 13 13
9 37 37 % 20 = 17 17

Factors affecting Hash Table Design:

 Hash function
 Table size-usually fixed at the start
 Collision handling scheme

Hashing functions

A hash function is one which maps an element’s key into a valid hash table index h(key) => hash table

Hash Function Properties:

 A hash function maps key to integer

Constraint: Integer should be between [0, TableSize-1]
 A hash function can result in a many-to-one mapping (causing collision)
Collision occurs when hash function maps two or more keys to same array index.
 A “good” hash function should have the properties:
1. Reduced chance of collision
Different keys should ideally map to different indices
Distribute keys uniformly over table

2. Should be fast to compute

Different types of Hashing Functions:

(a) Mid square method.

The key k is squared then the required hash value is obtained by deleting some digits from both
ends of k2.

f (k) = specific digits( k2 )

For example, let us the compute the hash address for the following key value: 334, 567, 239.

(i) f(334) = 3rd , 4th digits (111556) = 11.

(ii) f(567) = 3rd , 4th digits (321489) = 21.
(iii) f(239) = 3rd , 4th digits (57121) = 57

(b) Division method

In the division method the hash address is the remainder after key k is divided by m, where m is
the number of buckets.

f(k) = k mod m.
Let m = 10.
f(334) = 334 mod 10 = 4
f(567) = 567 mod 10 = 7

(c) Folding method

This method involves chopping the key k into two parts and adding them to get the hash

f(334) = 03 + 34 =37

f(567) = 05 + 67 = 72

Collision resolution

Hash collisions are practically unavoidable when hashing a random subset of a large set of possible
keys. For example, if 2,450 keys are hashed into a million buckets, even with a perfectly uniform
random distribution, there is approximately a 95% chance of at least two of the keys being hashed to
the same slot.

Therefore, almost all hash table implementations have some collision resolution strategy to handle such
events. Some common strategies are described below. All these methods require that the keys (or
pointers to them) be stored in the table, together with the associated values.

Techniques to Deal with Collisions:

Open addressing
Double hashing, etc.

In chaining, the buckets are implemented using linked lists. If there is a collision, then a new node is
created and added at the end of the bucket. Hence all records in T with the same hash address h may be
linked together to form a linked list. It is also known as open hashing.

In chaining, the entries are inserted as nodes in a linked list. The hash table itself is an array of head
Separate chaining
In the method known as separate chaining, each bucket is independent, and has some sort of list of
entries with the same index. The time for hash table operations is the time to find the bucket (which is
constant) plus the time for the list operation.
In a good hash table, each bucket has zero or one entries, and sometimes two or three, but rarely more
than that. Therefore, structures that are efficient in time and space for these cases are preferred.
Structures that are efficient for a fairly large number of entries per bucket are not needed or desirable.
If these cases happen often, the hashing function needs to be fixed.
Separate chaining with linked lists
Chained hash tables with linked lists are popular because they require only basic data structures with
simple algorithms, and can use simple hash functions that are unsuitable for other methods.
The cost of a table operation is that of scanning the entries of the selected bucket for the desired key. If
the distribution of keys is sufficiently uniform, the average cost of a lookup depends only on the
average number of keys per bucket—that is, it is roughly proportional to the load factor.

Fig 5.11: Hash collision resolved by separate chaining

For this reason, chained hash tables remain effective even when the number of table entries n is much
higher than the number of slots. For example, a chained hash table with 1000 slots and 10,000 stored
keys (load factor 10) is five to ten times slower than a 10,000-slot table (load factor 1); but still 1000
times faster than a plain sequential list.
For separate-chaining, the worst-case scenario is when all entries are inserted into the same bucket, in
which case the hash table is ineffective and the cost is that of searching the bucket data structure. If the
latter is a linear list, the lookup procedure may have to scan all its entries, so the worst-case cost is
proportional to the number n of entries in the table.
The bucket chains are often searched sequentially using the order the entries were added to the bucket.
If the load factor is large and some keys are more likely to come up than others, then rearranging the
chain with a move-to-front heuristic may be effective. More sophisticated data structures, such as
balanced search trees, are worth considering only if the load factor is large (about 10 or more), or if the
hash distribution is likely to be very non-uniform, or if one must guarantee good performance even in a
worst-case scenario. However, using a larger table and/or a better hash function may be even more
effective in those cases.
Chained hash tables also inherit the disadvantages of linked lists. When storing small keys and values,
the space overhead of the next pointer in each entry record can be significant. An additional
disadvantage is that traversing a linked list has poor cache performance, making the processor cache
The advantages of using chaining are
 Insertion can be carried out at the head of the list at the index.
 The array size is not a limiting factor on the size of the table.

The prime disadvantage is the memory overhead incurred if the table size is small.

Potential disadvantages of Chaining

Linked lists could get long
□ Especially when N approaches M
□ Longer linked lists could negatively impact performance
More memory because of pointers
Absolute worst-case (even if N << M):
□ All N elements in one linked list!
□ Typically the result of a bad hash function
Open addressing
In open hashing, all entry records are stored in the bucket array itself. When a new entry has to be
inserted, the buckets are examined, starting with the hashed-to slot and proceeding in some probe
sequence, until an unoccupied slot is found. When searching for an entry, the buckets are scanned in
the same sequence, until either the target record is found, or an unused array slot is found, which
indicates that there is no such key in the table. The name "open addressing" refers to the fact that the
location ("address") of the item is not determined by its hash value. This method is also called closed
Well known probe sequences include:

 Linear probing, in which the interval between probes is fixed (usually 1)
 Quadratic probing, in which the interval between probes is increased by adding the successive
outputs of a quadratic polynomial to the starting value given by the original hash computation
 Double hashing, in which the interval between probes is computed by a second hash function
Collision Resolution by Open Addressing
When a collision occurs, look elsewhere in the table for an empty slot
□ Advantages over chaining
□ No need for list structures
□ No need to allocate/deallocate memory during insertion/deletion (slow)
□ Disadvantages
□ Slower insertion – May need several attempts to find an empty slot
□ Table needs to be bigger (than chaining-based table) to achieve average-case constant-time
performance, Load factor λ ≈ 0.5
Linear Probing
In linear probing, if there is a collision then we try to insert the new key value in the next available free

As we can see, it may happen that the hashing technique used to create already used index of the
array. In such case, we can search the next empty location in the array by looking into the next cell
until we found an empty cell. This technique is called linear probing.

S.n. Key Hash Array Index After Linear Probing, Array Index

1 1 1 % 20 = 1 1 1
2 2 2 % 20 = 2 2 2
3 42 42 % 20 = 2 2 3
4 4 4 % 20 = 4 4 4
5 12 12 % 20 = 12 12 12
6 14 14 % 20 = 14 14 14
7 17 17 % 20 = 17 17 17
8 13 13 % 20 = 13 13 13
9 37 37 % 20 = 17 17 18

Quadratic Probing:
Quadratic Probing is similar to Linear probing. The difference is that if you were to try to insert into
a space that is filled you would first check 1^2 = 1 element away then 2^2 = 4 elements away,
then 3^2 =9 elements away then 4^2=16 elements away and so on.

With linear probing we know that we will always find an open spot if one exists (It might be a long
search but we will find it). However, this is not the case with quadratic probing unless you take care
in the choosing of the table size. For example consider what would happen in the following situation:

Table size is 16. First 5 pieces of data that all hash to index 2
 First piece goes to index 2.
 Second piece goes to 3 ((2 + 1)%16
 Third piece goes to 6 ((2+4)%16
 Fourth piece goes to 11((2+9)%16
 Fifth piece dosen't get inserted because (2+16)%16==2 which is full so we end up back where we
started and we haven't searched all empty spots.
Double Hashing:

Double Hashing is works on a similar idea to linear and quadratic probing. Use a big table and hash
into it. Whenever a collision occurs, choose another spot in table to put the value. The difference
here is that instead of choosing next opening, a second hash function is used to determine the
location of the next spot. For example, given hash function H1 and H2 and key.


 Check location hash1(key). If it is empty, put record in it.

 If it is not empty calculate hash2(key).
 check if hash1(key)+hash2(key) is open, if it is, put it in
 repeat with hash1(key)+2hash2(key), hash1(key)+3hash2(key) and so on, until an opening is

Basic Operations
Following are basic primary operations of a hashtable which are following.

 Search − search an element in a hashtable.

 Insert − insert an element in a hashtable.
 Delete − delete an element from a hashtable.

Define a data item having some data, and key based on which search is to be conducted in hashtable.

struct DataItem {
int data;
int key;

Hash Method
Define a hashing method to compute the hash code of the key of the data item.

int hashCode(int key){

return key % SIZE;

Search Operation
Whenever an element is to be searched, compute the hash code of the key passed and locate the
element using that hashcode as index in the array. Use linear probing to get element ahead if element
not found at computed hash code.
struct DataItem *search(int key){
//get the hash
int hashIndex = hashCode(key);
//move in array until an empty
while(hashArray[hashIndex] != NULL){
if(hashArray[hashIndex]->key == key)
return hashArray[hashIndex];
//go to next cell
//wrap around the table
hashIndex %= SIZE;
return NULL;
Insert Operation

Whenever an element is to be inserted. Compute the hash code of the key passed and locate the index
using that hashcode as index in the array. Use linear probing for empty location if an element is found
at computed hash code.

void insert(int key,int data)

struct DataItem *item = (struct DataItem*) malloc(sizeof(struct DataItem));
item->data = data;
item->key = key;
//get the hash
int hashIndex = hashCode(key);
//move in array until an empty or deleted cell
while(hashArray[hashIndex] != NULL && hashArray[hashIndex]->key != -1){
//go to next cell
//wrap around the table
hashIndex %= SIZE;
hashArray[hashIndex] = item;
Delete Operation
Whenever an element is to be deleted, Compute the hash code of the key passed and locate the index
using that hash code as index in the array. Use linear probing to get element ahead if an element is not
found at computed hash code. When found, store a dummy item there to keep performance of hash
table intact.
struct DataItem* delete(struct DataItem* item){
int key = item->key;
//get the hash
int hashIndex = hashCode(key);
//move in array until an empty
while(hashArray[hashIndex] !=NULL){
if(hashArray[hashIndex]->key == key){
struct DataItem* temp = hashArray[hashIndex];
//assign a dummy item at deleted position

hashArray[hashIndex] = dummyItem;
return temp;
//go to next cell
//wrap around the table
hashIndex %= SIZE;
return NULL;

A Set is a collection of objects need not to be in any particular order. It is just applying the
mathematical concept in concept. The set with no element is called null set or empty set.
Some set data structures are designed for static or frozen sets that do not change after they are
constructed. Static sets allow only query operations on their elements — such as checking whether a
given value is in the set, or enumerating the values in some arbitrary order. Other variants,
called dynamic or mutable sets, allow also the insertion and deletion of elements from the set.
Elements should not be repeated.
Each element should have a reason to be in the set.
Assume we are going to store indian cricketers in a set. The names should not be repeated, as
well the name who is not in the team can’t be inserted. This is the restriction which need to be followed
in the set.
Representation of Sets:
Hash Table
Bit Vectors
List Representation:
Its a simple and straight forward representation, which is best suited for dynamic storage
facility. This representation allows multiplicity of elements i.e., Bag structures. All the operations can
be easily implemented and performance of these operations are as good as compared to other
representatations. A set S={5,6,9,3,2,7,1}.
Fig 5.11:List Representation of Set
Tree Representation:
Tree is used to represent a set, and each element in the set has the same root. Each element in
the set has a pointer to its parent. For example a set S1={1,3,5,7,9,11,13} can be represented as

Fig 5.11:Tree Representation of Set

Hash Table Representation:
In this representation the elements in collection are seperated into number of buckets. Each
bucket can hold arbitrary number of elements. Consider the set S={2,5,7,16,17,23,34,42}, the hash
table with 4 buckets and H(x) hash function can store wchi can place element from S to any of the four

Fig 5.11:Hash Table Representation of Set

Bit Vectors Representation:

Two variations are proposed which are maintaining the actual data values, maintaining the
indication of presence or absence of data. A set, giving the records about the age of cricketer less than
or equal to 35 is as given {0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,1}. Here 1 indicates the presence of records having age
less than or equal to 35. 0 indicates the absence of records having the age less than or euqla to 35. As
we have to indicate presence or absence of an element only, so 0 or 1 can be used for indication of
saving storage space.
Operations on Sets:

Basic operations:

 union(S,T): returns the union of sets S and T.

 intersection(S,T): returns the intersection of sets S and T.
 difference(S,T): returns the difference of sets S and T.
 subset(S,T): a predicate that tests whether the set S is a subset of set T.
Operations on a static set structure S:

 is_element_of(x,S): checks whether the value x is in the set S.

 is_empty(S): checks whether the set S is empty.
 size(S) or cardinality(S): returns the number of elements in S.
 iterate(S): returns a function that returns one more value of S at each call, in some arbitrary
 enumerate(S): returns a list containing the elements of S in some arbitrary order.
 build(x1,x2,…,xn,): creates a set structure with values x1,x2,…,xn.
 create_from(collection): creates a new set structure containing all the elements of the given
collection or all the elements returned by the given iterator.
Operations on a Dynamic set structure:

 create(): creates a new, initially empty set structure.

 create_with_capacity(n): creates a new set structure, initially empty but capable of holding up to
n elements.
 add(S,x): adds the element x to S, if it is not present already.
 remove(S, x): removes the element x from S, if it is present.
 capacity(S): returns the maximum number of values that S can hold.
Other operations:

 pop(S): returns an arbitrary element of S, deleting it from S.

 pick(S): returns an arbitrary element of S. Functionally, the mutator pop can be interpreted as
the pair of selectors (pick, rest), where rest returns the set consisting of all elements except for the
arbitrary element. Can be interpreted in terms of iterate.
 map(F,S): returns the set of distinct values resulting from applying function F to each element
of S.
 filter(P,S): returns the subset containing all elements of S that satisfy a given predicate P.
 fold(A0,F,S): returns the value A|S| after applying Ai+1 := F(Ai, e) for each element e of S, for
some binary operation F. F must be associative and commutative for this to be well-defined.
 clear(S): delete all elements of S.
 equal(S1, S2): checks whether the two given sets are equal (i.e. contain all and only the same
 hash(S): returns a hash value for the static set S such that if equal(S1, S2) then hash(S1) =
1. Hash function.
2. Spelling Checker.
3. Information storage and retrieval.
4. Filtering the records from the huge database.
Hash function:
Hash function is a function that generate an integernumber with a particular logic. This function
is like a one way entry. We can’t reverse this function. But by doing the process with same number we
may get an answer. Sometimes the same valyue may be generated for the diffrent values called
collision. In that case, we need to check for the data in that location. In some cases, same values will
generate the different outout. Both are possible.
Spell Checker:
This concept applied by using the hash table data structure. The two files are provided to us for
process. One is ‘dictionary file’, which is the collection of meaningful words, and another one is ‘input
file’, that contains the word to be validated for spell. Initially the word from the dictionary file and also
from input file be inserted into the hash tables seperately. Intersection operation will be done between
the two hash tables. If the set with one element is the result of the intersection, then the word is in
dictionary. Spell is perfect. If, null set returned from the intersection, then the spell is wrong.

Static tree tables:

 When symbols are known in advance and no insertion and deletion is allowed, it is called
a static tree table.
 An example of this type of table is a reserved word table in a compiler.

Dynamic tree tables:

 A dynamic tree tables are used when symbols are not known in advance but are inserted as they
come and deleted if not required.
 Dynamic keyed tables are those that are built on-the-fly.
 The keys have no history associated with their use.


Debasis Samatha, “Classic Datastructures”, 2nd edition, PHI learning pvt. ltd., 2009 ISBN,
812033731X, 9788120337312.

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