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Practical problem 1

Record the following transactions in Tally.

1.   Robert commenced a transport business with a capital of ₹ 1,00,000
2.   An account was opened with State Bank of India and deposited ₹ 30,000
3.   Purchased furniture by paying cash ₹ 10,000
4.   Goods purchased on credit from Mohaideen for ₹ 20,000
5.   Cash sales made for ₹ 8,000
6.   Goods purchased from Rathinam for ₹ 5,000 and money deposited in CDM
7.   Goods sold to Rony on credit for ₹ 60,000
8.   Money withdrawn from bank for office use ₹ 9,000
9.   Part payment of ₹ 10,000 made to Mohaideen by cheque
10.       Rony made part payment of ₹ 5,000 by cash
11.       Salaries paid to staff through ECS ₹ 6,000
12.       Wages of ₹ 3,000 paid by cash
13.       Purchased stationery from Pandian Ltd. on credit ₹ 4,000

Following steps are to be followed to enter the transactions in Tally.ERP 9

1. To create company
Company Info > Create Company
Type the Name as Robert and keep all other fields as they are and choose ‘Yes’ to accept.
2. To maintain accounts only
Gateway of Tally > F11 Accounting Features > General > Maintain accounts only: Yes > Accept Yes

3. To create ledger accounts

Gateway of Tally > Masters > Accounts Info > Ledgers > Single Ledger > Create

(i) To create Robert’s Capital A/c

Name: Robert’s Capital A/c
Under: Capital Account
Accept: Yes:

(ii) To create State Bank of India A/c

Name: State Bank of India A/c
Under: Bank Accounts
Accept: Yes

(iii) To create Furniture A/c

Name: Furniture A/c
Under: Fixed Assets
Accept: Yes

(iv) To create Purchases A/c

Name: Purchases A/c
Under: Purchase
Accept: Yes

(v) To create Mohaideen A/c

Name: Mohaideen A/c
Under: Sundry Creditors
Accept: Yes

(vi) To create Sales A/c

Name: Sales A/c
Under: Sales Accounts
Accept: Yes

(vii) To create Rony A/c

Name: Rony A/c
Under: Sundry Debtors
Accept: Yes

(viii) To create Salaries A/c

Name: Salaries A/c
Under: Indirect Expenses
Accept: Yes

(ix) To create Wages A/c

Name: Wages A/c
Under: Direct Expenses
Accept: Yes

(x) To create Stationery A/c

Name: Stationery A/c
Under: Indirect Expenses
Accept: Yes

(xi) To create Pandian Ltd. A/c

Name: Pandian Ltd. A/c
Under:Sundry Creditors
Accept: Yes
4. To enter transactions through vouchers
Gateway of Tally > Transactions > Accounting Vouchers
(1) Robert commenced a transport business with a capital of ₹ 1,00,000
F6: Receipt voucher
Account: Cash
Particulars: Robert’s Capital A/c (Choose from List of Ledger Accounts)
Enter the amount of capital: ₹ 1,00,000
Narration: Capital introduced
Accept Yes.

(2) An account was opened with State Bank of India and deposited ₹ 30,000
F4: Contra voucher
Account: State Bank of India
Particulars: Cash
Amount: ₹ 30,000
Narration: Opened bank account in SBI
Accept Yes

(3) Purchased furniture by paying cash ₹ 10,000

F5: Payment voucher
Account: Cash
Particulars: Furniture A/c
Amount: ₹ 10,000
Narration: Furniture bought by cash
Accept Yes

(4) Goods purchased on credit from Mohaideen for ₹ 20,000

F9: Purchase voucher
Party A/c name: Mohaideen A/c
Particulars: Purchases A/c
Amount: ₹ 20,000
Narration: Goods purchased on credit from Mohaideen
Accept Yes

(5) Cash sales made for ₹ 8,000

F8: Sales voucher
Account: Cash
Particulars: Sales A/c
Amount: ₹ 8,000
Narration: Cash sales made
Accept Yes

(6) Goods purchased from Rathinam for ₹ 5,000 and money deposited in CDM
F9: Purchase voucher
Account: Cash
Particulars: Purchases A/c
Amount: ₹ 5,000
Narration: Cash purchases made
Accept Yes

(7) Goods sold to Rony on credit for ₹ 60,000

F8: Sales voucher
Party A/c name: Rony A/c
Particulars: Sales A/c
Amount: ₹ 60,000
Narration: Goods sold on credit to Rony
Accept Yes

(8) Money withdrawn from bank for office use ₹ 9,000

F4: Contra voucher
Account: Cash
Particulars: State Bank of India A/c
Amount: ₹ 9,000
Narration: Cash withdrawn from bank
Accept Yes

(9) Part payment of ₹ 10,000 made to Mohaideen by cheque

F5: Payment voucher
Account: State Bank of India
Particulars: Mohaideen A/c
Amount: ₹ 10,000
Narration: Payment made to Mohaideen by cheque
Accept Yes

(10) Rony made part payment of ₹ 5,000 by cash

F6: Receipt voucher
Account: Cash
Particulars: Rony A/c
Amount: ₹ 5,000
Narration: Cash received from Rony
Accept Yes.

(11) Salaries paid to staff through ECS ₹ 6,000

F5: Payment voucher
Account: State Bank of India
Particulars: Salaries A/c
Amount: ₹ 6,000
Narration: Salaries paid through
ECS Accept Yes

(12) Wages of ₹ 3,000 paid by cash

F5: Payment voucher
Account: Cash
Particulars: Wages A/c
Amount: ₹ 3,000
Narration: Wages paid by cash
Accept Yes

(13) Purchased stationery from Pandian Ltd. on credit ₹ 4,000

F7: Journal voucher
Particulars: Stationery
Amount: ₹ 4,000
To Pandian Ltd.
Amount: ₹ 4,000
Narration: Stationery bought on credit from Pandian Ltd.
Accept Yes

5. To view reports
(i) To view Trial Balance
Gateway of Tally > Reports > Display > Trial Balance > AltF1 (detailed)
(ii) To view Profit and Loss Account
F10: A/c Reports > Profit & Loss A/c > AltF1 (detailed)
Gateway of Tally > Reports > Profit & Loss A/c > AltF1 (detailed)

(iii) To view Balance Sheet

F10: A/c Reports > Balance Sheet > AltF1 (detailed)
Gateway of Tally > Reports > Balance Sheet > AltF1 (detailed)
(iv) To view Ratio Analysis
F10: A/c Reports > Ratio Analysis
Gateway of Tally > Reports > Ratio Analysis

(v) To view Day Book

F10: A/c Reports > Day Book > AltF1 (detailed)
Gateway of Tally > Reports > Display> Day Book > AltF1 (detailed)
Practical problem 2

The following balance sheet has been prepared from the books of Bright on 1-4-2018.

During the year the following transactions took place:

a)     Wages paid by cash ₹ 2,000

b)    Rent paid by cheque ₹ 5,000

c)     Cash purchases made for ₹ 3,000

d)    Good purchased on credit from Senthamarai ₹ 15,000

e)     Goods sold on credit to Pushparaj ₹ 25,000

f)      Payment made to Senthamarai by cheque ₹ 5,000

g)     Cash received from Shankar ₹ 30,000

h)    Cash sales made for ₹ 6,000

i)       Depreciate machinery at 10%

j)       Closing stock on 31.03.2019 ₹ 15,000

You are required to prepare trading and profit and loss account for the year ended 31-03-2019 and a balance
sheet as on that date using Tally.


Following steps are to be followed to enter the transactions in Tally.ERP 9

1. To create company

Company Info > Create Company

Type the Name as Bright and keep all other fields as they are and choose ‘Yes’ to accept.
2. To maintain accounts only

Gateway of Tally > F11 Accounting Features > General > Maintain accounts only: Yes > Accept Yes

3. To create ledger accounts with opening balances

Gateway of Tally > Masters > Accounts Info > Ledgers > Single Ledger > Create

Cash account need not be created as it is a default ledger. Only the opening balance has to be recorded by
altering the cash account.

To record the opening balance of cash:

Gateway of Tally > Masters > Accounts Info > Ledgers > Single Ledger > Alter

After creating the ledgers and recording the opening balances of ledger accounts the balance sheet of
Bright is shown as in the following figure:
3. To create ledger accounts for transactions

4. To enter transactions through vouchers

Gateway of Tally > Transactions > Accounting Vouchers

Example: Wages of ₹ 2,000 paid by cash

F5: Payment voucher

Account: Cash

Particulars: Wages A/c

Amount: ₹ 2,000

Narration: Wages paid by cash

Accept Yes

In the similar way, record the other transactions. Use Payment Voucher for rent paid and payment to

Use Purchase Voucher for credit purchases from Senthamarai and cash purchases.

Use Sales Voucher for credit sales to Pushparaj and cash sales.

Use Receipt Voucher for cash received from Shankar.

Use Journal Voucher for depreciation.

To record closing stock

Since maintain accounts only is set to ‘Yes’ and integrate accounts and inventory is set to ‘No’ under
accounting features, stock has to be recorded manually. Hence, the closing stock has to be recorded by
altering the stock account and while entering the date of closing stock, the date of opening stock has to be
entered. The following procedure is to be followed:
Gateway of Tally > Masters > Accounts Info > Ledgers > Single Ledger > Alter > Stock > Closing balance
> Date (opening date) > Amount > Accept Yes

6. To view reports

(i) To view Profit and Loss Account

F10: A/c Reports > Profit & Loss A/c > AltF1 (detailed)


Gateway of Tally > Reports > Profit & Loss A/c > AltF1 (detailed)
(ii) To view Balance Sheet

F10: A/c Reports > Balance Sheet > AltF1 (detailed)


Gateway of Tally > Reports > Balance Sheet > AltF1 (detailed)

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