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On Loan of Staff

THIS MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT is made and entered and effective as

1st day June, 2023


ARJ Group Management & Services

( Company Number : LA0032577-U )
M-4-05, Connexion Commercial
Persiaran IRC 3,
IOI Resort City
62052 Putrajaya

(now known as “the Sending Organisation”)


(Company Number )

(now known as “the Receiving Organisation”)

THIS MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT is made and entered and effective as 1st day
June, 2023, between ARJ Group Management & Services, M-4-05, Connexion Commercial,
Persiaran IRC 3, IOI Resort City, 62052 Putrajaya, Malaysia (“the Sending Organisation”) and …
……..…………………………………………………………………..… (“the Receiving Organisation”)
Sending Organisation and Receiving Organisation are sometimes hereinafter severally referred to
as a “the Organisation” and collectively referred to as the “the Organisations”. The Organisations
have agreed to the following loan of staff.

1. Purpose of the Memorandum of Agreement

ARJ Group Management & Services (“the Sending Organisation”) and ……..……………………
(“the Receiving Organisation”) agree to the loan of Miss Sri Ardalena, Indonesian national,
passport number XD 800226, staff member of the Sending Organisation (“the Staff Member”), to
the Receiving Organisation.

The loan of the Staff Member will be governed by the present Memorandum of Agreement (MOA).

The present loan is done in consideration of the request by ………………………………………….

(“the Receiving Organisation”) of Miss Sri Ardalena, its staff member, to the ARJ Group
Management & Services (“the Sending Organisation”).

2. Assignment

On 1st day of June, 2023, the Sending Organisation will make the services of the Staff
Member available to the Receiving Organisation. The Staff Member will be assigned to
Opus Kuala Lumpur, 41-51, Jalan Maharajalela, Kampung Attap, 50150 Kuala Lumpur as
General Worker.

3. Duration

The initial loan period is 36 months. This period may be extended by the Sending and the
Receiving Organisations, subject to the acceptance of the Staff Member, and shall not
exceed a total of 60 months. Notice for a proposal of extension will be given by either
Organisation, at least three months prior to the expiry date.

4. Status of the Staff Member

During her loan, the Staff Member will remain an employee of the Sending Organisation
and will not be considered as an official or employee of the Receiving Organisation. In
particular, she will not benefit from any staff benefits Protocols on Privileges and Immunities
applicable to the Receiving Organisation on salaries, allowances and indemnities, etc. paid
to her by the Sending Organisation.
5. Staff Regulations

Except as otherwise stated herein, the Staff Member will remain subject to the staff
regulations, rules and instructions applicable to officials or employees of the Sending
Organisation. She will carry out her daily tasks under the authority of the Receiving
Organisation, while at the same time honouring her obligations as a staff member of the
Sending Organisation. In the event of conflict, the Organisations will consult each other on
possible solutions.

6. Remuneration and Other Payments

6.1 Payments to the Staff Member

The Staff Member will receive her salaries, indemnities, allowances, etc. from the
Receiving Organisation. In which the Receiving Organisation will follow the working
contract which the Sending Organisation has with the Staff Member.

6.1.1 Basis Salary :

RM 2000.00 basis salary per month

6.1.2 Overtime :

Leave day :
IF directed to work on leave day then the payment is as follows :
RM 77.00 X 2 (double pay)
= RM 154.00 per day for a period of 9 hours

After 9 hours :
RM 19.30 per hour

Normal Working days :

Hourly rate are at RM 9.65 per hour

7. Hours of work

Hours of work of the Staff Member will be those agreed between the Staff Member and the
Receiving Organisation on basis of full time employment, as defined in the Staff
Regulations, Rules and Instructions applicable to officials of the Receiving Organisation.
The Sending Organisation recognises that there will be occasions when extra hours will be
required. In such cases, the Sending Organisation accepts that the Staff Member and the
Receiving Organisation will agree on the hours to be worked and the granting, if necessary
and as per the policies of the Receiving Organisation, of compensatory leave. Such leave
will be taken before the end of the period of loan.

7.1 Working Hours :

Working Hours are 9 hours a day (including break of 1 hour)

Working days are 6 days a week

The working hours are in compliance with the directive of the Ministry of
Human Resources (KSM) under Akta Kerja 1955 (Pindaan 2022).
8. Holidays and Other Leaves

With respect to public holidays, the Staff Member will exclusively observe those applicable
in the Receiving Organisation. Entitlement to annual leave and other leave will be
determined by the regulations, rules and instructions of the Sending Organisation, with the
exception of the entitlement for leave according to any other work time percentage
programme. The Receiving Organisation undertakes to keep note of any leave taken by the
Staff Member and to report these to the Sending Organisation.

8.1 Annuar Leave

The Staff Member is eligible for annual leave accordingly :

1st - 2nd year - 14 days

3rd - 5th year - 18 days
5th year above - 21 days

9. Social and Medical Insurances

The Receiving Organisation will not assume social and medical insurance coverage for the
Staff Member during her loan to the Receiving Organisation. The Sending Organisation
remains responsible during the loan for maintaining the Staff Member social and medical
insurance coverage for risks associated with illness, accident, including work-accident,
invalidity and death, and for acquiring any supplementary insurance required by virtue of
her loan, excluding official missions for the Receiving Organisation when such insurance is
provided through the Receiving Organisation.


Receiving Organisation will have to register to social welfare workers disaster

scheme PERKESO under Akta Keselamatan Sosial Pekerja 1969 (Akta 4) for
the Staff Member.

The monthly contribution rate is :

The Staff Member - RM 25.00 per month

Receiving Organisation - RM 32.35 per month

10. Performance

Performance objectives will be agreed between the Staff Member and the Receiving
Organisation. Where these objectives are not met and insufficient performance cannot be
corrected by discussion between the Staff Member and the Receiving Organisation, the
Receiving Organisation will discuss the performance issues with the Sending Organisation
and take any appropriate measures.

11. Discipline

The regulations, rules and instructions applicable to discipline will be those of the Sending
Organisation. However, the Receiving Organisation may ask the Sending Organisation to
institute disciplinary proceedings and take part in them where necessary.
12. Intellectual Property

Intellectual property rights arising from work done by the Staff Member during the loan will
be held by the Receiving Organisation.

Subject to confidentiality or classification requirements of the Receiving Organisation, a

copy of the work produced by the Staff Member will be made available to the Sending
Organisation upon request. Any use of the work of the Staff Member by the Sending
Organisation will be agreed separately in writing between the Organisations.

13. Expiry and Termination

The Staff Member will return to the Sending Organisation on completion of her loan to the
Receiving Organisation. No offer of employment will be made to the Staff Member by the
Receiving Organisation without prior consultation of the Sending Organisation.

This MOA may be terminated by either Organisation by providing ( 2 ) two months written
notice to the other Party to this effect.

Either Organisation may request the early termination of the MOA and ask that the
necessary measures be taken for the return of the Staff Member. The decision to terminate
the MOA will be taken by agreement of the two Organisations. The Organisations will also
agree on the impact of this termination on the loan, set up as part of the exchange of staff,
of the Staff Member from the other Organisation.

In case of early termination, no compensation will be paid by either Organisation to the


14. Responsibility

The Sending Organisation will not be held liable for any damages, losses or injuries that
may be attributed to the Staff Member as a result of her actions, omissions and
performance of duties during his/her loan to the Receiving Organisation. The Receiving
Organisation will arrange any civil liability coverage in this respect.

15. Entry into force

This MOA will enter into force upon signature by both Organisations, subject to written
confirmation of the acceptance by the Staff Member of the conditions of the MOA.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Organisations have executed this Memorandum of Agreement as of
the 1st day June 2023.

I / we have read and accepted the conditions outlines above and those attaching to the
Memorandum of Agreement

SIGNED by Dato’ Seri Azmi Razel Bin Abd Razak )

SERVICES ) ……………………………………….
And in the presence of : ) Signature

….………………………………………….. …………………………………….
Signature of Witness Date
Name : …………………………………….
IC Number : ………………………………

SIGNED by ………………………………………………. )
IC number : ……………………………………………….. )
Chairman / CEO ) ……………………………………….
And in the presence of : ) Signature

….………………………………………….. …………………………………….
Signature of Witness Date
Name : …………………………………….
IC Number : ………………………………





KONTRAK PEKERJAAN ini dibuat pada 2 hari bulan May 2023 di antara ARJ Group
Management & Services (selepas ini dirujuk sebagai “ Majikan”) disatu pihak dan Sri Andalena,
Pasport No XD 800226 dan/atau Pendaftaran Kelahiran No. ...............(selepas ini dirujuk sebagai
“Pekerja”) di pihak satu lagi.

MANAKALA Majikan hendaklah menggaji Pekerja mengikut terma dan syarat Kontrak Pekerjaan
ini dan tertakluk kepada undang-undang, peraturan-peraturan, kaedah- kaedah, dasar-dasar
negara dan arahan- arahan negara Malaysia.


1. Tempoh Kontrak Pekerjaan ini

Tempoh Kontrak Pekerjaan ini hendaklah untuk selama 5 tahun bermula pada masa
ketibaan Pekerja di Malaysia hingga pada sekian masa Kontrak Pekerjaan
ditamatkan mengikut terma dan syarat Kontrak Pekerjaan ini.

2. Gaji

2.1 Pekerja akan menerima gaji pokok sebanyak RM 2000.00 (tidak termasuk
elaun dan lebih masa). Gaji pokok ini hendaklah mematuhi gaji minimum

2.2 Gaji hendaklah dibayar oleh Majikan berdasarkan sebulan sekali tidak lewat
dari hari ketujuh bulan berikut.

2.3 Bayaran untuk gaji bulanan hendaklah dibuat menerusi akaun bank atas
nama pekerja.

3. Waktu Bekerja

Waktu bekerja merupakan lapan (8 ) jam sehari mengikut undang - undang buruh di

4. Lebih Masa

Jika Pekerja, atas permintaan Majikan, bersetuju untuk bekerja melebihi waktu kerja
biasanya, Pekerja tersebut hendaklah dibayar mengikut undang-undang buruh di

5. Hari Rehat

5.1 Pekerja adalah berhak ke atas satu (1) hari rehat untuk setiap minggu.
5.2 Jika Pekerja, atas permintaan majikan, bersetuju untuk bekerja pada hari
rehat, pekerja tersebut akan dibayar mengikut undang-undang buruh di

6. Cuti Umum

6.1 Pekerja adalah berhak ke atas cuti umum mengikut undang - undang buruh di

6.2 Jika Pekerja, atas permintaan majikan, bersetuju untuk bekerja pada hari cuti
umum, pekerja tersebut akan dibayar mengikut undang-undang buruh di

7. Cuti Tahunan

Pekerja adalah berhak ke atas cuti tahunan mengikut undang - undang buruh di

8. Levi

Pembayaran levi adalah tertakluk kepada undang -undang, kaedah- kaedah,

peraturan-peraturan, dasar- dasar negara dan arahan- arahan berkenaan yang
diguna pakai dan berkuat kuasa di Malaysia dari semasa ke semasa.

9. Perubatan dan Insurans Kemalangan

Pekerja hendaklah diinsuranskan di bawah Skim Pampasan Pekerja Asing (SPPA)

di bawah Akta Pampasan Pekerja 1952 dan jika berkenaan, Skim Insurans
Perubatan Pekerja Asing (SIPPA).

10. Potongan

Majikan berhak untuk membuat potongan untuk tidak melebihi 50% dalam sebulan
daripada gaji Pekerja jika berlaku sebarang pendahuluan berbentuk wang mengikut
undang-undang di Malaysia.

11. Tempat Penginapan

Majikan hendaklah menyediakan Pekerja dengan penginapan yang munasabah

berserta kemudahan asas mengikut undang -undang, kaedah-kaedah, peraturan-
peraturan, dasar-dasar negara dan arahan-arahan di Malaysia.

12. Cuti Sakit

Pekerja adalah berhak ke atas cuti sakit berbayar mengikut undang- undang buruh
di Malaysia. -9-
13. Pembaharuan Pas Lawatan Pekerja ( Pekerjaan Sementara)

13.1 Majikan hendaklah membaharui Pas Lawatan Pekerja (Pekerjaan Sementara)

tiga (3) bulan sebelum tarikh akhir

13.2 Sebarang denda atau kompaun disebabkan kegagalan Majikan untuk berbuat
demikian hendaklah ditanggung oleh Majikan.

14. Tambang Perjalanan

Perbelanjaan untuk perjalanan pertama dari Indonesia ke mana- mana titik

kemasukan yang dipersetujui di Malaysia hendaklah ditanggung oleh Majikan dan
perbelanjaan daripada titik kemasukan yang dipersetujui di Malaysia ke Indonesia
hendaklah ditanggung oleh Majikan setelah selesai Kontrak Pekerjaan ini.

15. Penghantaran Pulang

15.1 Kos penghantaran pulang Pekerja dari tempat dia bekerja di Malaysia ke titik
kemasukan asalnya di Indonesia hendaklah ditanggung oleh Majikan di
bawah keadaan berikut: (i)

setelah selesai Kontrak Pekerjaan ini;

(i) penamatan Kontrak Pekerjaan ini oleh Majikan selain daripada

ketidakpatuhan terhadap terma dan syarat kontrak pekerjaan ini oleh
Pekerja; atau

(ii) penamatan Kontrak Pekerjaan ini oleh pekerja disebabkan

ketidakpatuhan terma dan syarat Kontrak Pekerjaan oleh Majikan.

15.2 Pekerja hendaklah bertanggungjawab untuk semua perbelanjaan berhubung

dengan penghantaran pulang di bawah keadaan lain yang tidak disebut
dalam Klausa 15. 1.

Istilah “titik kemasukan asal” dalam Kontrak Pekerjaan ini adalah bermaksud ...

16. Penghantaran Pulang Dalam Kes Kematian Pekerja

Jika berlaku kematian Pekerja, pengebumian dan penghantaran pulang mayat

hendaklah diuruskan oleh Majikan sebagaimana yang diperuntukkan di bawah Akta
Pampasan Pekerja 1952 [ Akta 273 ]

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17. Penamatan

17.1 Jika Majikan berniat untuk menamatkan Kontrak Pekerjaan ini, Majikan
hendaklah memberi dua (2) bulan notis tentang niatnya untuk menamatkan
Kontrak Pekerjaan ini atau dua (2) bulan gaji menggantikan notis kepada
Pekerja, dan hendaklah menyediakan tiket penerbangan ke Indonesia
kepada Pekerja.

17.2 Jika Pekerja berniat untuk menamatkan Kontrak Pekerjaan ini, Pekerja
hendaklah memberi dua (2 ) bulan notis atau menanggung rugi dua (2) bulan
gaji untuk menggantikannya kepada Majikan dan Pekerja hendaklah
menanggung tiket penerbangan ke Indonesia.

18. Sekatan

18.1 Pekerja hendaklah tidak menyertai dalam sebarang aktiviti politik atau aktiviti
yang berkaitan dengan organisasi politik di Malaysia.

18.2 Pekerja hendaklah tidak menukar pekerjaan semasa tempoh Kontrak

Pekerjaan ini dan hendaklah tidak melaksanakan atau menjalankan
perniagaan lain.

18.3 Jika Pekerja didapati oleh pihak berkuasa kompeten berkenaan telah
mewujudkan masalah sosial atau terlibat dalam sebarang aktiviti haram,
subversif atau jenayah, Pekerja tersebut akan diberhentikan daripada bekerja
dan akan dihantar pulang ke Indonesia dimana perbelanjaan akan ditanggung
oleh Pekerja itu sendiri.

18.4 Jika Pekerja mengahwini mana-mana orang di Malaysia semasa tempoh

pekerjaan pekerja di bawah Kontrak Pekerjaan ini, Kerajaan Malaysia
mempunyai hak untuk membatalkan Pas Lawatan (Pekerjaan Sementara)

19. Sambungan

Majikan dan Pekerja boleh menyetujui bahawa kontrak pekerjaan boleh

disambungkan, tertakluk kepada undang -undang, kaedah- kaedah, peraturan-
peraturan, dasar- dasar negara dan arahan- arahan berkenaan berhubung dengan
pekerjaan yang diguna pakai di Malaysia.

20. Penyimpanan Pasport

20.1 Majikan hendaklah tidak menyimpan pasport Pekerja.

20.2 Pekerja hendaklah membawa pasport setiap masa. Jika pasport Pekerja
hilang atau rosak, Pekerja hendaklah menanggung semua perbelanjaan yang

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20.3 Pekerja hendaklah menyerahkan pasport kepada Majikan untuk tujuan berikut:

(i) Pemeriksaan Perubatan;

(ii) Permohonan Pas Lawatan (Pekerjaan Sementara)
(iii) Permohonan Kad Pengenalan Pekerja Asing (I-Kad); dan
(iv) Pembaharuan Pas Lawatan (Pekerjaan Sementara).

Pasport tersebut hendaklah dipulangkan kepada Pekerja setelah tujuan ini selesai.

Jika pasport Pekerja tersebut hilang atau rosak apabila berada dalam penjagaan
Majikan untuk tujuan yang disebutkan di atas, Majikan hendaklah menanggung
semua perbelanjaan yang berkaitan.

21. Kad Pengenalan Pekerja Asing

Majikan hendaklah memastikan bahawa setiap Pekerja menerima Kad Pengenalan

Pekerja Asing (I -Kad).

22. Gaji Tertunggak

Jika pekerja dihantar pulang sebelum penamatan Kontrak Pekerjaan ini, majikan
hendaklah membayar semua gaji pokok tertunggak dan semua bayaran lain yang
terhutang kepada pekerja tertakluk kepada undang-undang, kaedah-kaedah,
peraturan- peraturan, dasar- dasar negara dan arahan-arahan berkenaan berhubung
dengan pekerjaan yang diguna pakai di Malaysia.

23. Pindaan

Majikan dan Pekerja boleh meminda Kontrak Pekerjaan ini untuk memasukkan
sebarang terma dan syarat yang mana lebih memberi kelebihan kepada Pekerja.

24. Masa itu adalah asas

Masa bila sahaja disebutkan hendaklah menjadi asas Kontrak Pekerjaan ini.

25. Interpretasi

Jika berlaku konflik interpretasi antara teks Bahasa Inggeris dan sebarang teks
dalam bahasa lain yang digunakan dalam Kontrak Pekerjaan ini, teks Bahasa
Inggeris akan digunakan.

26. Undang-undang

Kontrak Pekerjaan ini adalah tertakluk kepada undang -undang Malaysia.

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27. Penggantian

Kontrak Pekerjaan ini hendaklah mengikat pengganti hak, penyerahan, kakitangan,

wakil pihak-pihak tersebut.

28. Bahasa Kontrak Pekerjaan ini

Kontrak Pekerjaan ini hendaklah disediakan dalam empat (4) teks asal, dua (2 )
daripadanya dalam Bahasa Inggeris dan bahasa negara asal pekerja, semua teks
adalah sama tulennya

DALAM PENYAKSIAN DARIPADANYA pihak-pihak di sini telah menandatangani Kontrak

Pekerjaan ini pada hari dan tahun tersebut di awal Kontrak Pekerjaan ini.

.………………………………… …………………………………..
(Tandatangan Majikan) (Tandatangan Pekerja)
No KP : 690319-05-5507 No Passport : XD 800226
Alamat : No untuk dihubungi semasa
Kecemasan : +6018-2065476

.………………………………… Saya dengan ini mengisytiharkan

(Tandatangan Saksi untuk Majikan) tanggungan saya :
Nama : Nama : TIADA
Alamat : Alamat : TIADA
No Dihubungi : TIADA

(Tandatangan Saksi untuk Pekerja)
Alamat : 3, Jalan Saidina Abu Bakar
Kg. Sungai Puteh
Jalan Bukit Balacan
68000 Ampang, Selangor

( Nota:
Untuk pekerja- pekerja Kemboja, mereka hendaklah memohon kelulusan daripada Agensi Perekrutan
Kemboja untuk sambungan Kontrak Pekerjaan yang dipersetujui di antara pekerja dan majikan. Ini adalah
atas permintaan daripada Kerajaan Kemboja dan telah dimasukkan ke dalam MOU yang ditandatangani
pada 10 November 2016 )

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