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AWSAR Awarded
Popular Science Stories
By Scientists for the People
iv || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019
|| v

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Department of Science and Technology

AWSAR Awarded
Popular Science Stories
By Scientists for the People

Augmenting Writing Skills for

Articulating Research
vi || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Published by
Vigyan Prasar
(An Autonomous Organization of Department of Science and Technology)
A-50, Institutional Area, Sector-62
NOIDA 201 307 (Uttar Pradesh), India
(Regd. Office: Technology Bhawan, New Delhi 110016)
Phones: 0120-2404430-35
Fax: 91-120-2404437
E-mail: [email protected]

Copyright: 2019 by Vigyan Prasar

The statements/opinions expressed and photographs used by the author(s) in their stories are of their personal opinion.
The expression made by the author may not be construed as the views of the Government of India or any of its agencies,
and thus, the responsibility of the correctness and completeness of the article lies solely with the author(s) of the article.
Vigyan Prasar/Ministry of Science and Technology does not endorse any of such views and expressions.

All rights reserved

ISBN: 978-81-7480-337-5

AWSAR AWARDED POPULAR SCIENCE STORIES: By Scientists for the People - 2019.

Guidance: Dr Nakul Parashar

Dr Manoj Kumar Patairiya

Concept & Editing: Dr Rashmi Sharma
Dr B K Tyagi
Dr K B Bhushan
Dr Gaurav Jain
Dr Avilekh

Copy editors: Mrs. Nandita Bhardwaj and Dr Bushra Rashid

Cover & layout design: Mr. Pradeep Kumar

Coordination: Mr. Punit Chaudhary

Mr. Pradeep Kumar
Mr. Ayoos Bhardwaj
Mr. Siddharth
|| vii


Foreword........................................................................................................................................................ xvii
Acknowledgement......................................................................................................................................... xxiii


Save Coral Reefs, Our Paradise on Earth, to Save Ourselves!.................................................................... 3
Dr R. Chandran

Coming Soon: An Animal Model-Free System for Pharmaceutical Testing...................................................... 7

Dr Joyita Sarkar


A Journey of a Fungal Entophyte: From Host to Human Health Welfare........................................................13
Dr Madhuree Kumari

Multidrug Resistance in Cancer: The Threat of Giant Multinucleated Cells....................................................17

Dr Aditya Parekh

Neuronal Degeneration in the Diabetic Eye.........................................................................................21

Dr Harshini Chakravarthy

Traffic Jams in the Brain................................................................................................................25

Dr Parul Sood

Geo-Microbiology of Arsenic (As) Calamity in the Gangetic Bengal Plain: A Decade of Investigation.....................29
Dr Balaram Mohapatra

Playing a Nano Drum....................................................................................................................33

Dr Parmeshwar Prasad
viii || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

The Victory of Good over Evil: A Cellular Ramayana...............................................................................36

Dr Himanshi Kapoor

Corrosion-Free Structures – Is It a Dream or Reality?.............................................................................40

Dr Sripriya Rengaraju

Transcription Factors: The Bookmarks of Our Genome Book.....................................................................43

Dr Debostuti Ghoshdastidar

Directing Light Using Tiny Bubbles: Toward Low-Power Light-Based Computers.............................................47

Dr Nihit Saigal

The Story Behind a Beautiful Smile...................................................................................................50

Dr Sirisha Boddapati

Dr Arun Kumar

Drone Engine Enhancement for Military Applications..............................................................................57

Dr Raviteja S.

How a Harmonious Relationship Between the Brain and the Bone can Keep Alzheimer’s Disease at Bay?..............60
Dr Viji Vijayan

Recombinant Therapeutic Antibodies – Ek Kadam Swasthya Ki Aur!...........................................................64

Dr Vaishali Verma

Reinventing the Parking Experience Through Smart Park Solution..............................................................68

Dr Dipak Gade

An Artificial Blue Leaf for a Greener Future.........................................................................................72

Dr Gayatribahen Joshi

Organic Spintronics: Role of TiO2 in OLED Fabrication for Display Technology...............................................76

Dr Vaishali Phatak Londhe

Noninvasive Marker of Breast Cancer Using Dermatoglyphic Tool of ATD Angle Measurement............................80
Dr Alibha Rawat

Nanotechnology: A Trojan Horse for Green Health Revolution...................................................................83

Dr Nandini B.

Lower Aromatic Fuels for Combustion Engines to Reduce Emissions and Fuel Consumption...............................86
Dr Paramvir Singh


Baci: The Fight for Earth................................................................................................................91
Ms. S. Chris Felshia
|| ix

Empowering Rural India with Decentralized Energy Systems....................................................................95

Mr. Anand Abhishek

A Century of Global Warming and Its Impact on Bird Migration..................................................................99

Mr. Sayantan Sur

Guardian of the Malady............................................................................................................... 102

Mr. Anirban Sarkar

Out of the Lab: A Clock Conversation............................................................................................... 106

Mr. Chitrang Dani

Lights! Sound! Action! - Germ killer light and sound make food safe......................................................... 110
Mrs. M. L. Bhavya


Biochar: Can black be the new green?............................................................................................. 117
Ms. Dipita Ghosh

The Curious Case of Hydrogen Fuel Cells.......................................................................................... 120

Mr. Avinash Ingle

A Dialogue in the Dark................................................................................................................ 123

Mr. Khandekar Jishan Bari

A Tug of War between Diabetes and Obesity – Just a Glimpse................................................................. 127

Ms. Subhadra M.

Jungli Pudina: From Weed to Wonderful Remedy................................................................................ 130

Mr. Bhanu Kumar

The Sky is Falling!..................................................................................................................... 133

Ms. Dyana Joseline

Methanol Production from Indian Coal: The Inescapable Bridge of Syngas Clean-up...................................... 137
Mr. Pranav Kherdekar

From Houses to Powerhouses: The Story of Transitioning India to Smart Buildings........................................ 141
Ms. Sumedha Sharma

Let’s build intelligent machines with Hide-and-Seek............................................................................ 144

Mr. Tirtharaj Dash

Overcoming the Strength-Ductility Trade-off in Low Alloy Steel for Superior Performance............................... 148
Mr. Gaurav Bansal

Reminding Those Who Fail to Remember......................................................................................... 151

Mr. Himanshu Joshi
x || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) in Endometrium Canal for the Generation of “Next Generation”.......... 154
Mr. Sunil Abraham

Fake News Identification in Online Social Networks............................................................................. 158

Ms. Indu V.

Polarized to Converge Light, Medicine and Lives................................................................................ 162

Ms. Mahima Sharma BS

Tiny Droplets Bring Big Benefits..................................................................................................... 166

Mr. Omkar Hegde

Ticking Time Bombs of Himalayas.................................................................................................. 169

Mr. Rajeev Rajak

Bee Pollen: A Wholesome Food from BEE to WE................................................................................. 172

Ms. Mamta Thakur

3D Printing, It's Just like Magic!!................................................................................................... 176

Mr. Rohit Kannattukunnel

Sound: It Shows, It Cures............................................................................................................ 180

Mr. Aliarshad Kothawala

Conquering Biofilms! Nanobiotics vs Antibiotics................................................................................. 184

Ms. Anju S.

The Science of Waking Up........................................................................................................... 188

Mr. Jervis Fernandes

Hydrogel Knowledge Helps Solve a Case.......................................................................................... 191

Ms. Mithra K.

From Chips in Organs to Organ-on-chip: A Potential Alternative to Animal Testing........................................ 195

Ms. Nimisha Roy

....................................................................... 198
Mr. Chandra Shekhar Singh

Efficient Post-silicon Debug Platforms for Future Many-core Systems........................................................ 201

Mr. Sidhartha Rout

How Did Your Brain Just Read This Sentence?................................................................................... 205

Mr. Aakash Agrawal

Preksha: A Hindi Text Visualizer.................................................................................................... 208

Ms. Priyanka Jain
|| xi

A Stripy Hand to Get the Flow........................................................................................................ 212

Ms. Samatha Mathew

Ecofriendly Dyeing: Nature’s Gifts to Save Nature ............................................................................... 216

Ms. Taiyaba Ansari

Rekindling Forgotten Ecological Principles: When an Undammed River Taught a Lesson!............................... 220
Ms. Aashna Sharma

Little Magnetic Microorganisms Treating Deadly Brain Tumor: My Science Communication Journey.................. 224
Ms. Ankita Rathore

Boosting the Superpower of Rice Bran Through Enzymatic Bioprocessingy.................................................. 228

Ms. Sapna I.

Microalgae – A Major Alternative Source of Biofuel............................................................................. 233

Ms. Supriya Bharte

Teaching the Machines: An Art of Learning from just a few Samples......................................................... 237
Ms. Suvarna Kadam

Do You Really Know Proteins?...................................................................................................... 240

Mr. Mitul Srivastava

The Nanoparticulate Beauty and the Cancerous Beast........................................................................... 244

Ms. Samipta Singh

Waste Management: A Dream of Million Hearts in India........................................................................ 247

Ms. Debasree Purkayastha

How Did the Oldest Part of the Earth still Survive Today?....................................................................... 250
Mr. Jyotirmoy Paul

Silver-Based Nano‘Spider Webs’ for Flexible Displays.......................................................................... 253

Mr. Nitheesh M. Nair

Karna: Securing Digital Devices at Birth.......................................................................................... 256

Mr. Patanjali S.L.P.S.K.

The Future of Secrets................................................................................................................. 260

Ms. Keerthi K.

Adoption of Artificial Intelligence for Electric Vehicle Integration in Smart Cities.......................................... 264
Ms. Krishna Kumari

............................................................. 268
Mr. Abhijeet Anand
xii || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

My Journey in Labyrinths of Mathematics: The Security Key of Future....................................................... 271

Mr. Abhishek Kesarwani

Droplet’s Adventure in Quantumland............................................................................................... 275

Ms. Chinmayee Mishra

Ways to Become Cooler and More Stable – An Efficient Flow Boiling Heat Transfer Through Microchannel........... 278
Mr. Gaurav Hedau

Automatic Spoken Language Recognition Systems for Indian and Oriental Language..................................... 282
Mr. Nettimi Satya Sai Srinivas

Techniques Based on Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection for Designing Wing Geometries............................ 285
Mr. Pranesh Chandrasekaran

A Black Hole of Carbon Nanotubes for Defence to Energy Harvesting......................................................... 289

Mr. Viney Ghai

Genome Editing in Rice-Ensuring Food Security.................................................................................. 292

Mr. Andrew Peter Leon M.T.

How Does Lightning Affect the Aircrafts and Wind Turbines?.................................................................. 296
Ms. Dhanya T. M.

Peeping into the Dressing Room of Influenza: A Virus........................................................................... 299

Ms. Oyahida Khatun

Veins are not in Vain!................................................................................................................. 302

Ms. Sreyashi Bhowmick

Development of a Simple and Cost-effective Point of Detection Device (PODD)............................................ 306

Mr. V. Srinivasa Rao

Taking on Superbug................................................................................................................... 310

Ms. Debika Ojha

Anisotropy and Inhomogeneity hidden Potential of Engineering Materials.................................................. 314

Mr. Nishant Shakya

Structural Health Diagnostic Equipment........................................................................................... 318

Mr. Ajinkya Sirsat

Nose-to-brain Delivery of Liposomes: A Ray of Hope for Schizophrenia...................................................... 322

Ms. Reema Narayan

.................................................... 325
Mr. Shanay Rab
|| xiii

Now Silk Can Also be Worn by Stem Cells to Express Themselves and Differentiate!..................................... 328
Ms. Smita Patil

IoT Based Real-time Water Quality Monitoring System......................................................................... 331

Ms. Sujaya Dasgupta

Why Can’t I feel My Feet? : Antibodies Playing on the Nerve Floor........................................................... 335
Mr. Debprasad Dutta

Nano-Army and the Bacterial Downfall............................................................................................. 339

Mr. Jithin Vishnu

Dynamic Changes in Sleep Distribution Helps in Nocturnal Flight of Migratory Buntings................................. 342
Ms. Jyoti Tiwari

Sizing Up................................................................................................................................ 346

Ms. Kirti Gupta

Silver is the New Gold................................................................................................................ 349

Ms. Leena Fageria

A Tale of Hidden Treasures at the Junctions in the Flatland.................................................................... 352

Ms. Medha Dandu

Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: An Opportunity to Achieve Low-cost Clean Energy............................................. 356

Mr. Raj Kamal Yadav

How Could I Have Prevented Mitochondrial Oxidative Stress?................................................................. 360

Mr. Sachin Shetty

A Diamond in the Rough.............................................................................................................. 364

Mr. Ajin Joy

Exploiting Microorganisms to Boost Pigeon Pea Production................................................................... 368

Mr. Anirban Basu

Unearthing Treasures from the Indian Ocean..................................................................................... 372

Ms. Ankeeta Amonkar

Indigenously Designed and Developed Cryogenic Machining Technology for Indian Manufacturing Industries ....... 375
Mr. Chetan Agrawal

Sonophotocatalysis – An Effective Way to Disinfect Pathogens from Engineered Water Bodies.......................... 379
Mr. Habeeb Rahman A.P.

Innovative ‘Sand Reclamation Technology for the Sustainable Growth of Foundries....................................... 383
Mr. Mohd Moiz Khan
xiv || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Complete Solution for Coloured Textile Effluent: A Closed-Loop Approach for Wastewater .............................. 387
Ms. Nippatlapalli Narasamma

Saving Our Saviours from an Avalanche........................................................................................... 391

Mr. Rahul Sheoran

Cool, Cool Dried Apple!............................................................................................................... 394

Ms. Sandhya R. Shewale

Is All Well in Metropolitan Cities? Deep Inside It is Fuming!!!!!.............................................................. 398

Mr. Ajay S. V.

Affect-Oriented Fake News Detection Using Machine Learning................................................................ 402

Mr. Anoop Kadan

Cotton – The Trivialized Treasure................................................................................................... 405

Ms. Arpita Shome

Biologically Synthesized Silver Nanoparticles: The Next-Generation Antimicrobials...................................... 409

Mr. Gaurav Kumar

Born from Diesel Fire ................................................................................................................ 413

Mr. Mikhil Surendran

A Global Effort for Creating a Small Sun on Earth: The ITER Project.......................................................... 417
Ms. Shikha Binwal

Charging Station Placement for Indoor Robotic Applications................................................................... 421

Mr. Tanmoy Kundu

Can You Hear Me?..................................................................................................................... 425

Mr. Tomson Devis

Unlocking the Resistance Mechanism Puzzle for Better Treatment of Infections............................................ 428
Mr. Amol Kulkarni

A Portable Electronic Platform for Breast Cancer Diagnosis: Developing a New Class of Biomedical Systems........ 431
Mr. Anil Vishnu G. K.

Rapid and Precise Electromechanical Diagnosis of Single Cells.............................................................. 435

Mr. Karthik Mahesh

Prioritizing Between Eating Nutrient-Restricted Food versus Less Food: Does It Matter? Yes, It Does!................ 438
Ms. Krittika Sudhakar

Bake Waste, Bake Taste, Bake Health............................................................................................. 441

Ms. Mrunal Barbhai
|| xv

5G: A One Step Forward to the Speed.............................................................................................. 444

Ms. Prachi Gupta

Rabies: Removed or Re-emerging!!!............................................................................................... 448

Ms. Suchismita Behera

Exploring the Phenomenon of Molecular Mimicry for Drug Repurposing against Autoimmune Diseases............... 452
Ms. Anjali Garg

Smart Energy System: For Cooling Solar Panels................................................................................. 455

Ms. Rashmi Chawla

A Gut Feeling: Could Salmonella Bacteria Kill Intestinal Tumors?............................................................ 459

Ms. Rasika Pawar

Learning by Building a Cell Membrane from Purified Components............................................................ 463

Mr. Abrar Bhat

From Nano to Macro: The Multi-scale Approach.................................................................................. 467

Ms. Aleena Alex

A Ray of Hope for Uprooting Alcoholism from Society........................................................................... 470

Ms. Amrita Chaudhary

The World at the Tip of a Needle.................................................................................................... 473

Mr. Bijoy Dey

From Waste to Value: Use of Agro and Garden Waste for Gasification-based Community-level Cooking............... 476
Mr. Haseen Siddiqui

Insect-Killing Fungus: A Friend or Foe to Agriculture............................................................................ 480

Ms. Lipa Deb

Nature’s Play in Dual Doping of Quantum Dots................................................................................... 485

Ms. Mahima Makkar

A Sign of Three: Puzzle of an Unseen Body in Contact Binary Stars .......................................................... 488
Ms. Malu S.

A Brief Tale of the Development of Platinum-Based Nano-Theranostic System Destined to Treat Breast Cancer ..... 492
Ms. Puja Patel

Improving Industrial Equipment Health: The Next-Generation Power Quality Monitoring................................. 495
Mr. Rajat Kumar

As You Travel on the Indian Roads in 2050........................................................................................ 499

Mrs. Rakhi S.
xvi || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Water, The Elixir of Life or a Death Portion: Know Before It is too Late...................................................... 503
Ms. Sandhya Birla

Scramblases – Guardians of the Cell............................................................................................... 507

Mr. Santoshkumar Palanirajan

Let Us Not Give Alzheimer Caregiver Burden to Our Successors!!!............................................................ 510

Ms. Sathiya Ramu

Chronicle of Migration: Tale of Two States........................................................................................ 514

Ms. Sukanya Som

Cyclones in the North Indian Ocean in a Changing Climate..................................................................... 519

Mr. Vineet Singh
|| xix


The public communication of science and technology and inculcation of scientific temper
among masses are important elements for overall development of the country. The National
Council for Science & Technology Communication (NCSTC) being the apex body for science
and technology communication has a mandate to coordinate programmes and activities
focused on science communication and orchestrate them for enhanced science awareness and
scientific temper among masses. It is believed that public science communication is the shared
responsibility of scientists and communicators, however bringing scientists and researchers to
the fold of communication has been a challenge, although there are exceptions and efforts have
been made over the period to address the situation with encouraging results.
A popular science writing workshop for Ph.D. scholars on their respective research areas
was organized at India International Science Festival (IISF-2017) in Chennai to encourage them to write popular science
stories for common audiences. Augmenting Writing Skills for Articulating Research (AWSAR) programme, a step
forward in a systematic manner, was initiated by the Department of Science & Technology in 2018. The programme is
supported and coordinated by NCSTC along with Vigyan Prasar, an autonomous institute of DST. The main objective
is to highlight the research being carried out by young scholars in popular form and to bridge the existing gap in research
and its communication to the public at large by way of harnessing the latent potential of doctoral and postdoctoral
The period of last two years has witnessed an overwhelming response from the young researchers in terms of
participation and contributions in the form of innovative research stories. A series of workshops on popular science
writing was conducted for capacity building of these aspiring young scientific writers across the country. AWSAR
2.0 started in 2019 also seen encouraging response as 4,993 researchers were registered for AWSAR 2.0 under both
categories, Ph.D. and PDF. 141 selected scholars were awarded on the occasion of National Science Day, i.e. 28 February
2020. An AWSAR Webinar on Popular Science Writing was organized on 25 June 2020 during COVID-19 pandemic
for research scholars to create new generation science communicators. The webinar received a huge response with a total
of 917 registered participants from 28 States and UTs, including an enthusiastic participation from 16 other countries.
The present book is a collection of AWSAR awarded stories submitted in the year 2019. It gives a filip to the
cause of authentic public science communication as well as encourages and inspires the next generation scientists and
communicators to join the field with necessary skills and confidence to serve the society better. I congratulate all young
researchers whose stories are included in this important publication and wish them an exciting journey ahead in the area
of science and science communication.

Dr Manoj Kumar Patairiya

Head & Advisor
National Council for Science and Technology Communication
Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi
|| xxi


Most research into science & technology has been observed to remain confined to
institutional limits or to scientific fraternity through publications in scientific journals. At the
scientific-social interface, a yawning communication gap exists. It is still a challenge to bridge
this communication gap between science and the common people.
Science and technology communication is an emerging field of academic research in the
current scenario. Many institutions and universities are offering professional courses at various
levels in S&T communication. Unfortunately, during the period of research work,, researchers
don't find an opportunity to communicate or talk about their research at a public forum.
However, they have many opportunities to present outcome of their research in a seminar or
conference before their peers.
Considering the above fact, the scheme “Augmenting Writing Skills for Articulating Research” (AWSAR)
was conceived and conceptualized in 2018 by National Council for Science & Technology Communication
(NCSTC) Division, Department of Science and Technology (DST) in collaboration with Vigyan Prasar (an
Autonomous Institute of Department of Science & Technology). The specific objective of the scheme is to encourage
young researchers to write about their research in a simplified or easy to understand format. The result of this
scheme is expected to contribute to our constitutional mandate as laid down in Article 51A(h), i.e., Fostering,
strengthening, and nurturing scientific temper among the people of the country.
Under this program, capacity building workshops on popular science writing provided an opportunity for
the researchers to have direct interaction with some of the best-known science writers and journalists of the country.
We have received an overwhelming response from AWSAR 1.0 (2018). In continuation, AWSAR 2.0 in the year
2019 was also well appraised by research scholars & academic fraternity. A total of 4993 researchers got themselves
registered on the AWSAR portal. On the closing date of the entry, 258 and 1690 stories were received respectively under
the PDF and Ph.D. category. After the initial review, 1826 stories were evaluated by two experts. This year, based on the
recommendation of experts committee, six PhD scholars were conferred AWSAR award in PhD category (1st, 2nd &
3rd prize) and two Post Doc Fellows were awarded under PDF Category. Under PhD Category 112 authors and under
PDF Category 21 authors were awarded with Rs 10,000/- along with Certificate of Appreciation.
The current compendium of AWSAR awarded stories will serve as a knowledge product for science & technology
communication initiatives at different platforms. Ultimately, AWSAR is attempting to bridge the existing gap in
communicating research to the common man by utilizing the latent potential of Ph.D. Scholars and Post-Doctoral
Fellows (PDFs).

Dr K B Bhushan
Scientist-D, Vigyan Prasar
|| xxiii


In the last two years, the Augmenting Writing Skills for Articulating Research (AWSAR)
program has emerged as the most captivating initiative of the Department of Science and
Technology (DST). The journey has been inspiring and fruitful due to the enthusiastic
participation of research scholars during the capacity building workshops and call for entries.
My sincere gratitude to all PhD Scholars and Postdoctoral Fellows (PDFs) who have participated
in this endeavour by submitting their own research stories in popular format.
During 2019, six capacity-building workshops were organized for skill development of
these scholars at Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Guwahati, Gandhinagar, and Lucknow, this essentially
required infrastructure and technical support, therefore special thanks to all the organizers who
supported AWSAR team in facilitating these workshops effortlessly.
I would like to thank our mentors, who have been the guiding force during the last two years. Prof Ashutosh
Sharma, Secretary, DST, who is the pillar of this initiative, is a constant source of inspiration for the AWSAR team. He
was kind enough to inspire the participants during the workshop at IIT-Delhi despite his extremely busy schedule. I
would also thanks key resource persons Shri Biman Basu, Former Editor, Science Reporter, Dr. T. V. Venkateshwaran.
Sci-F, Vigyan Prasar, Dr. B. K. Tyagi, Sci-F, Vigyan Prasar, Dr. Pradeep Srivastava, Scincetoon specialist, and Shri
Chander Mohan, Former Head, NCSTC Division, DST. All were kind enough to take time from their busy schedules
for contributing to this unique endeavor since the beginning of this expedition to guide and mentor.
My sincere thanks to the members of the ‘Expert Committee’ and ‘Expert Panel’ who have worked very hard for
evaluating the submitted stories. Their contribution to the entire process is immense and is highly appreciated for the
timely completion of the evaluation process.
As this is a partnership endeavor between DST and Vigyan Prasar, I am grateful to Dr. Akhilesh Gupta, Sci-G,
DST and Dr. Nakul Parashar, Director, Vigyan Prasar for keeping our morale high and facilitate the entire process
effectively and efficiently. All my colleagues in NCSTC Division, DST, and Vigyan Prasar who have helped and
encouraged throughout and rendered their support and motivation are acknowledged. My sincere appreciation for
Dr. K. B. Bhushan and Dr. Gaurav Jain, Vigyan Prasar, without these two pillars, this project could not be envisioned.
Thanks to the AWSAR team, who have worked at the back end day and night to meet the deadlines. Last but not least,
I thank media for being an extremely important part of this journey since its inception until the day AWSAR awards for
popular science writing were conferred to Ph.D. Scholars and PDFs at Vigyan Bhawan in 2020 in the gracious presence
of Hon’ble President of India.

Dr Rashmi Sharma
Department of Science and Technology
Government of India
|| 3

Save Coral Reefs, Our Paradise

on Earth, to Save Ourselves!

Dr R. Chandran*
Email: [email protected]

ature created this living planet for us for a few mass extinctions in the past, is the
with a nice balance of organic and main cause. The warming of the globe takes
inorganic components and provided place at a slow pace. Unfortunately, our
it with a self-repairing mechanism. Species greed has accelerated its speed now, which
that are incapable and threatening are always is removing all our natural shields, leading us
replaced with advanced and useful species to extinction, perhaps, within this century itself.
through doomsdays. In the past, there were The changing global climate is already
five such doomsdays on our earth, which distressing nearly all the earth’s ecosystems
triggered mass extinctions of many species. and biodiversity and pushing them to a high
The well-known last mass extinction happened risk of even more serious crisis over the
65 million years ago, which wiped off the upcoming decades. Global climate predictions
mighty dinosaurs, making way for the humans foretell more frequent and intense catastrophic
to appear on this earth. The mammals would environmental events. Coral reefs, one of the
not have flourished well in the presence of most diverse and most productive ecosystems
dinosaurs on this earth and our entry into this in the world, are highly vulnerable and perhaps
world would not have happened even now. the first victims of climate change. These coral
Now, the sixth mass extinction has already reefs are nature’s underwater paradises,
started. Global warming, which is responsible created with marvellous architecture and

* Dr R. Chandran, Post Doctoral Fellow from Marine Biology Regional Station, Zoological Survey of India Chennai, is
pursuing his research on “Resilience Assessment and Identifying Local ‘Stock Reefs’ a Novel Proactive Management
Approach on India’s Coral Reefs Conservation, In Response to the Ever Increasing Global Warming”. His popular
science story entitled “Save Coral Reefs, Our Paradise on Earth, to Save Ourselves!” has been selected for AWSAR
4 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

decorated well with multi-coloured curios. up and bound into reefs as calcium carbonate.
Although they occupy less than 1% of the Marine organisms inhabiting coral reefs are
oceans’ floor, they rendered home for a quarter being proven to be promising sources of novel
of all living species. Sometimes thousands pharmaceutical compounds for treating an
of species can live in just a single meter array of human ailments. Coral reefs are also a
square area on a coral reef. The whole coral part of human civilization too.
reef ecosystems are teeming with organisms In spite of evolving on the earth for 500
intended to agree on a mutualistic society in million years, coral reefs are now disappearing
which coral species play the role of ‘ecosystem and dying at an alarming rate. The list of
engineers’ taking care of the construction and problems can seem endless from poor land-
maintenance of the society. Every available use practices, industrialization and pollution
inch of space on the coral reef is being along the coastal belts, destructive fishing
occupied by some species, making the reef operations, introduction of invasive species,
as ‘congested underwater metro-cities’, and oil spilling, etc. Global warming and ocean
each inch of coral reefs is useful to humans acidification have overtaken all other impacts
too. now. On the contrary, the mounting human
The existence of coral reefs may be impacts of ‘pouring fuel on the fire’ on coral
translated directly into food, security, revenue reefs crisis persuaded that there were no
and a multitude of other benefits to us. Over pristine and healthy reefs left. The prevalence
a billion people worldwide are partially or of unprecedented coral bleaching events and
wholly dependent on coral reef resources for coral diseases has increased unimaginably.
their livelihood via harvestable As a result, coral reefs are
marine resources that they predicted to disappear in less
generate through tourism than half a century from now on.
The changing global climate
attraction by their beauty and Even though all these alarming
is already distressing nearly
biodiversity. In fact, more than events are happening in front of
all the earth’s ecosystems
850 million people of the world’s our own eyes, we are becoming
and biodiversity and pushing
human population live within mere spectators. The loss is
them to a high risk of even
100 km of a coral reef and are colossal. The loss of coral reefs
likely to obtain some benefits more serious crisis over the potentially costs an astounding
from nearby coral reefs. It is upcoming decades. Global US$1 trillion globally. Coral
also estimated that healthy climate predictions foretell reefs are critically important
and well-maintained reefs can more frequent and intense for developing countries for
give up to 35 tonnes of fish per catastrophic environmental livelihood, food security and
square kilometer each year. events. Coral reefs, one of economy. It is almost impossible
By minimizing wave impacts the most diverse and most to imagine the world without coral
from storms such as cyclones, productive ecosystems in the reefs. Studies estimated that
hurricanes or typhoons, coral world, are highly vulnerable 20% of the world’s coral reefs
reefs play an important role in and perhaps the first victims of have already destroyed and
shoreline protection of mainland climate change. show no immediate prospects of
coasts and island nations. Coral recovery, and about 24% of the
reefs are globally significant, as world’s reefs are under imminent
about half of the carbon dioxide risk of destruction. If we do not
that enters the world oceans each year is taken respond to mitigate global warming at least now,
Dr R. Chandran || 5

then we will surely destroy the world’s great coral and diseases. A resilient coral reef will tend
reefs within a half-century. to exhibit recovery towards a coral dominant
For a couple of decades, scientists and state even if subsequent disturbances
policymakers are racing to save the world’s prevent corals from eventually dominating.
coral reefs from peril. All our regional-scale Building resilience capacity and resilience-
efforts for protecting coral reefs (i.e. marine based management of coral reefs have been
reserves, marine protected demonstrated to immunize
areas) over the past three coral species to help them cope
decades have almost failed. with climatic and nonclimatic
I was wondering whether we In spite of evolving on the earth stresses. Resilience-based
have a solution to tide over for 500 million years, coral coral reef management will also
this mighty threat of global reefs are now disappearing assist the evolution of thermal-
warming. Finally, I found one and dying at an alarming rate. tolerant coral communities.
science-based systematic The list of problems can seem The resilience potential of each
approach that could help in the endless from poor land-use individual reef in a region may
sustenance of these underwater practices, industrialization and differ from one another. The
paradises. Resilience-based pollution along the coastal belts, recovery of severely damaged
management is the most recent destructive fishing operations, reefs is dependent on nearby
concept and represents a introduction of invasive species, highly resilient ‘mother reefs’
glimmer of hope on coral reef oil spilling, etc. or ‘stock reefs’. Hence, scaling
conservation for now. ‘Reef the resilience ability of coral
resilience’ is the ability to resist reefs will help us to know the
threats and recover to its former present resilience status,
state after a disturbance has occurred. Several existing threats and spatial variation in the
key ecological factors influence the resilience resilience potential of coral reefs. This also
of a coral reef. They are predominantly factors helps to locate ‘local stock reefs’ of each
that facilitate coral survivorship, good water region and their connectivity paradigm with its
quality, factors supporting unwanted phase- surrounding reefs.
shift of the reefs and healing from bleaching
6 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

There is no detailed study on the resilience reefs. This will also make the corals immunized
potential of any Indian reef regions so far. A for adapting to the forthcoming climate change
study to evaluate the resilience potential of the impacts. Rather than spending more efforts to
coral reefs along the mainland coast of India conserve a wide reef area, simply enforcing
and locate ‘local stock reefs’ is the one I have protection and conservation interventions at
chosen to carry out through the Zoological the identified local resilience reefs of each
Survey of India (MoEFCC) with the funding area would protect all our nation’s coral reef
assistance from DST-SERB. I am glad to state assets from the challenging climate change
that in my study so far, I have identified 10 crisis. Now, I am very confident that my study
highly potential resilient reefs, 3 from Gujarat will certainly contribute to the sustenance
(Lakku reef, Mithapur township reef and Pirotan of all our reefs and surely provide baseline
reef); 3 from Maharashtra coasts (Chivla reef, information for replicating the results in other
Sindhudurg reef and Devbaug reef) and 4 reef regions elsewhere. There is true magic in
from Vembar-Keelakarai in the Gulf of Mannar. resilience studies. Kachchh and Maharashtra
All these reefs have the potentiality to serve as reefs, which are under threat and considered
‘mother reefs’ to sow coral seeds and maintain as the least attractive, are going to become
a healthy coral population in the surrounding the most sought-after reefs because of their
reefs. Destructive fishing practices and potential to act as coral refugia.
uncontrolled tourism are identified as the One thing we should always remember is
potential threats existing in these areas. that our race is the most vulnerable than any
There are more than three dozen other lower group of animals such as corals,
factors directly or indirectly responsible for which have already sustained earlier mass
the resilience capacity of reefs. Scaling the extinctions through their resilience capacity.
resilience indicators, identifying local ‘mother Saving them is more beneficial for our
reefs’ of each region and right interventions existence than their survival. Let us be wise
to unravel the existing threats would certainly and prove that we are the best of all creations
accelerate the resilience potential of our coral in this universe.
|| 7

Coming Soon: An Animal Model-

Free System for Pharmaceutical

Dr Joyita Sarkar*
Email: [email protected]

he year is 2034, and it has been a few on these artificial human organ-like systems.
months since small animals are banned Failures in the experiment here will not mean
from being used for research. The animal death or sacrifice of a small animal. Multiple
research facility is having an uncommon parameter testing can be done, and results will
silence. There are no animals caged, and the be closest possible to a human body organ.
procedure rooms are deserted. New rules It has led to the speculation of later
and guidelines say that no new drug is to be stages of drug testing undergoing a drastic
tested on them, and so the experiment plan transformation. These later stages involving
and life charts are empty. New medicines will big animals, primates, and human clinical trials
no longer require the sacrifice of innumerable will soon be a passé with soon-to-be-available
hapless mice, rats, guinea pigs, hamsters, and artificial organisms.
rabbits. Small animals will be seen in the natural Come back to the current year of 2019,
environment. How will this be achieved? can you believe this? Can bioengineers make
The answer is the availability of vital this happen? Is it possible, or is it a far-fetched
organs such as the liver, kidney, and heart as dream?
artificial and standalone organs. Their system I say, yes.
mimics the behavior of healthy organs. It allows This is possible and very much by the year
initial screening and testing of candidate drugs 2034.

* Dr Joyita Sarkar, Post Doctoral Fellow from Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, is pursuing her research on
“Development of Novel Strategy for Stem Cell Differentiation to Hepatocyte Using Combined Approach of Epigenetic
Modification and 3D Cell Culture Scaffold for Applications in Pharmaco-Toxicological Studies”. Her popular science
story entitled “Coming Soon: An Animal Model-Free System for Pharmaceutical Testing” has been selected for AWSAR
8 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

We have developed a platform that it is unhealthy to become stiffer, and a stiff

can lead us toward this objective. But every artificial gel will lead liver cells to behave like a
process needs a start point, in this case the diseased liver.
selection of an organ. After a lot of experiments, we finally
Pharmaceutically thinking, the first site of
drug metabolism in our body is the liver, which
becomes the first victim of drug toxicity. This
makes the liver the first of vital organs to be an
organ of choice for developing into an artificial
and controlled system. One way to achieve
it is by taking liver cells out of the body and
growing them on a Petri plate (glass or plastic
plate specially adapted to make cells stick) in a
laboratory. However, the absence of a natural
(human body) environment compromises their
functioning, and the drug-based study may fabricated a three-dimensional gel using a
not give true results. known nontoxic polymer – poly (N-isopropyl
So, we thought of developing a synthetic acrylamide). However, cells could not bind to
system that mimics their natural environment. it. So, we added cell-friendly gelatin to allow
This system, when provided to liver cells, liver cells to attach. Thus, gelatin supported
should retain their natural activities. To achieve liver cell growth, while poly (N-isopropyl
this, we carefully analyzed the acrylamide) provided
cells grown on two-dimensional infrastructural support.
surfaces in the laboratory and After multiple tests, we
considered providing three- Pharmaceutically thinking, the found that our developed gels
dimensional support for the first site of drug metabolism had a very high surface area
cells to grow. in our body is the liver, which and high porosity with a fast
An ideal support structure becomes the first victim of drug and high fluid uptake capacity.
should provide sufficient space toxicity. This makes the liver The gels were also elastic, that
for cells to grow and enough the first of vital organs to be an is, they retained their shape
pores for the exchange of organ of choice for developing and properties even after
gas (like oxygen and carbon into an artificial and controlled application of pressure such as
dioxide) and materials system. squeezing. In addition to these
(nutrients and waste). It should properties, the most interesting
have fast and high fluid uptake property of our gel was its
capacity for the uptake of stiffness, which was similar
nutrients and make them available to cells. In to a healthy liver, that is, the gel was as soft
addition, our cells can sense the environment. as a normal healthy liver. These results were
A soft structure resembles a healthy tissue, convincing enough to say that our gel was
while a stiffer structure resembles a diseased completely suitable for the cells.
tissue. Hence, it is very important that gels are When attempts were made to grow liver
soft, or else the cells may perceive that the cells on the gel, we found that they did not
growing conditions are not healthy. In other die and grew very well on the gels. This was
words, the liver (organ) loses its softness when becoming exciting. We did tests for important
Dr Joyita Sarkar || 9

functions of the liver such as the synthesis One arm of experiment = 6 animals
of albumin protein and enzymes. Our results Number of arms per experiment =
showed that these liver functions were better minimum two (control and test)
when the cells were grown on our gel in To remove gender-based bias in an
comparison to traditional two-dimensional experiment = two (male and female)
surfaces. The gene expression (analysis at Approximate animals to be used = 6 × 2
the DNA level) reflected similar improvement, × 2 = 24
which further confirmed the superiority of gel To prevent the loss of time due to the
over a plane surface. We had achieved an sudden death of an experimental animal owing
important milestone. to uncertain events, each arm of the experiment
Our work recaptured closest-to-natural is given an additional three animals.
conditions for liver cells outside the body. Liver This comes to 9 × 2 × 2 = 36 animals.
cells in our gels acted and functioned the way Thirty-six! This is the requirement for one
they did in the body. This was a significant step experiment. Just one! Phew! Quite a heavy
in the designing of fabricated gels. These gels feeling if I have to test a new molecule for
opened doors for pharmaceutical companies disease treatment in animals.
to test their potential medicines. And, they My conscious could not feel better, but
guaranteed the test results to be similar to now, with the development of this gel, I can
those generated in the body. Just think from save many more animals.
the perspective of a young researcher waiting The year 2034 – here I come.
for his/her new molecules to be tested on the Our research team includes Dr. Swapnil
liver. Kamble (Department of
He/she will not have to Technology, SPPU, Pune), Dr.
wait for animals to breed, reach Rajendra Patil (Department
an age at which they can be of Biotechnology, SPPU,
After a lot of experiments,
experimented upon, do multiple Pune), Prof. Ashok Kumar
we finally fabricated a three-
tests, sacrifice them, and (Department of Biological
dimensional gel using a known
cut open the liver to perform Sciences and Bioengineering,
nontoxic polymer – poly
more tests. He/she can now IIT Kanpur), and Prof. Suresh
directly proceed to perform (N-isopropyl acrylamide). Gosavi (Department of Physics,
all experiments on artificially However, cells could not bind SPPU, Pune). This is an original
grown liver on fabricated to it. So, we added cell-friendly and unpublished article. A
gels. Our young scientist has gelatin to allow liver cells to report on this work is under
just saved a lot of animals by attach. Thus, gelatin supported consideration for publication in
preferring to use gel-liver over liver cell growth, while poly the journal Biotechnology and
the animal liver. How many (N-isopropyl acrylamide) Bioengineering (John Wiley &
animals, you may ask? provided infrastructural support. Sons) and has been selected
for the presentation in an
international conference.
|| 11


|| 13

A Journey of a Fungal Entophyte:

From Host to Human Health

Dr Madhuree Kumari*
Email: [email protected]

ello World! I am a fungal endophyte, on endophytes from medicinal plants and the
and the scientific community has marine environment, and now the girl, who is
identified me as Colletotrichum sp. by writing my story, along with her colleagues,
ITS sequencing done for fungal identification. is trying to find me from lichens. Earlier, she
We, endophytes, can live inside any living found some of my siblings from the Arabian
organism in any condition. Yes! We can be Sea inside brown algae, which she reported in
inside you as well. There is nothing to be afraid the Frontiers in Microbiology, 2018.
of. We do not harm our hosts or cause them a Well, a lichen is a symbiotic association
disease. We help our hosts to combat many between an algae/cyanobacteria and fungi. It
diseases and overcome challenging situations is a mutual relationship between the two where
by producing some useful compounds known they have to live, adapt, and grow old together.
as secondary metabolites. Coping with different microenvironments has
The laboratory of Professor C. resulted in the production of some useful
Jayabaskaran (IISc Bengaluru) is trying to get unique compounds by lichens which are often
something out of me, which will help to combat neglected. I, being an endophyte of lichens,
cancer. Nowadays, anti-cancer medicines are has barely been studied for human welfare.
very costly, and cancer remains one of the most After living with the lichen for so long, I may
dreaded diseases. The laboratory is working have possessed some of its properties and

* Dr Madhuree Kumari, Post Doctoral Fellow from Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, is pursuing her research on
“Impact of Nanotized Drug(s) Isolated from Endophytic Fungi on Mechanism of Cell Death and Signalling Pathway
in Cancer Cells”. Her popular science story entitled “A Journey of a Fungal Entophyte: From Host to Human Health
Welfare” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
14 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Fig. 1. Beautiful and colourful world of lichens of the Western Ghats and representative endophyte

metabolites by horizontal gene transfer, which Ghats (Fig. 1). Further, she separated us and
can be of therapeutic value for the people called us a pure colony. After many rounds of
working on me. As getting my hosts and screening, they selected me along with some
growing them in the laboratory are not easy other endophytes for their search of anti-
tasks, you can always grow me cancer compounds. Although
in your laboratory by providing I was beautiful and white in
the right food (media) and We, endophytes, can live colour, the laboratory was
space that I like. inside any living organism in interested in the activity against
Now the question is how any condition. Yes! We can cancer cell lines showed by
one can differentiate between be inside you as well. There is me. Further, they allowed me to
me and other non-endophytic nothing to be afraid of. We do grow for 28 days so that I could
fungi. In simple words, as I live not harm our hosts or cause cross my young (lag phase)
inside the living beings, one has them a disease. We help our and adolescence stages (log
to kill all the fungi present on the hosts to combat many diseases phase) and reach a long and
surface (surface sterilization), and overcome challenging stationary phase where I could
cut my host into pieces, and situations by producing some start producing the useful
you can see me emerging out useful compounds known as secondary metabolites. Once I
from inside my host. Therefore, secondary metabolites. reached the stationary phase,
after surface sterilization, she I had to face several stresses
gave me food in the form of for my survival. To protect
potato dextrose agar and I myself from severe conditions,
started growing, but I was not alone. Many of I synthesized and secreted some compounds,
my brothers and sisters, fungal endophytes, which could help in combating cancer. Along
were also growing. A total of 250 fungal with that, I secreted many other compounds
endophytes along with me were isolated from (Fig. 2). Therefore, first, they checked my pool
14 different lichens collected from the Western of compounds (crude extract) for its anti-cancer
Dr Madhuree Kumari || 15

Fig. 2. Pool of compounds (crude extract) of endophytes and different bands of endophytes obtained by

activity on lung, skin, and cervical cancer cell techniques, namely high-performance liquid
lines. They also optimized the time interval, the chromatography, electrospray ionization
organic solvent and the media for the activity; mass spectrometry, UV-Vis spectroscopy and
I was most active against cancer cell lines. Oh Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. But
wow! They achieved good anti- why should I produce it? Is it of
cancer activity from my pooled some use to me? Will it protect
Well, a lichen is a symbiotic
compound after 28 days of my me from any stress? They gave
growth in M1D media extracted association between an algae/ me stresses, precursors and
with ethyl acetate. Now, the cyanobacteria and fungi. It is elicitors so that I could produce
next task was to separate the a mutual relationship between it more. I liked the sugars
compound from me that was the two where they have to provided in the form of glucose.
responsible for anti-cancer live, adapt, and grow old I was happy eating that but
activity. together. Coping with different then, I did not like staying with
Ohh! It is (+)-usnic acid microenvironments has resulted heavy metals and living under
(UA), which I would have in the production of some useful UV light for some time of my
probably got from my host unique compounds by lichens day. I had to produce more
lichen (Cladonia sp.). UA is a which are often neglected. UA to live under such harsh
unique compound produced conditions, and it protected me
exclusively by lichens. They from many stresses. It seemed
performed thin-layer chromatography (TLC), their purpose got solved. They made me a
obtained many bands and checked each band factory for the enhanced production of UA.
for anti-cancer activity using an assay known as Further, they were curious to know how
MTT. They found that the UA produced by me the compound obtained from me killed the
with an Rf value of 0.83 was killing the cancer skin cancer cells. They started studying
cells (Fig. 2). Further, they ensured that this the mechanisms followed by my secondary
was UA and nothing else, using spectroscopic metabolite during the killing of cancer cells.
16 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

They used techniques such as confocal the UA treatment with the help of a technique
microscopy and flow cytometry to know the known as atomic force measurement. They
mechanisms and used colours (differential also used some more biophysical techniques
stains) to differentiate the changes in skin to demonstrate that the functional groups such
cancer cells treated with UA in comparison as carboxylic group, amine group, and hydroxyl
to the untreated cancer cells. They knew groups were altered after the UA treatment in
that UA was able to cause cancer cell death comparison to non-treated healthy skin cancer
in a controlled manner known as apoptosis, cells. Well! The compound produced by me
followed by a series of actions. The UA was quite capable of killing cancer cells.
changed the composition and permeability of This was not the end of the story. Although
mitochondria and plasma membrane. It halted the compound produced by me did kill
the cell cycle progression, thus inhibiting the cancer cells, there was some solubility issue
cancer cells from growing further. The one associated with it. The laboratory still has to
interesting thing they observed after the UA Fig. out the solutions for better solubility of the
treatment was that cancerous cells started compound in water to enhance its efficiency.
eating themselves, a phenomenon known as More work on molecular aspects and animal
autophagy. For this study, they stained the cells studies are yet to be done to develop a more
with monodansylcadaverine dye and observed economical anti-cancer drug from a new
increased blue fluorescence by confocal source. I am awaiting my transition from my
microscopy, suggesting an increased number host to the welfare of human health.
of self-eating (autophagic) vacuoles. They The work was carried out by me, Siya
also observed changes in the mechanical and Kamat and Prof. C. Jayabaskaran in the
biophysical properties of cancer cells and a Department of Biochemistry, Indian Institute of
change in their stress versus strain ratio after Science, Bengaluru.
|| 17

Multidrug Resistance in
Cancer: The Threat of Giant
Multinucleated Cells

Dr Aditya Parekh*
Email: [email protected]

his piece of the story describes the last year by the World Health Organization
results of my latest research, which is indicated that cancer was the second largest
based on the multidrug resistance in cause of deaths in India after heart diseases.
cancer. It explains how multinucleated giant In our attempt to understand the nature of the
cancer cells interact with other cancer cells disease, let us find out why it poses a huge
and its implications in multidrug resistance. To threat and represents a complex problem for
keep things simple and less technical, I have the scientists to decode. Cancer often initiates
planned to dissect the story into small sections due to the minor but harmful changes in the
and tried to resolve the technical terms into genetic material (DNA) of the healthy cells in
understandable sentences. The tour begins the body, causing it to function abnormally.
here. The change in DNA leads to the synthesis of
faulty proteins, which subsequently causes
What is cancer? aberrations in the molecular functioning of a
Most of us in the past have had a family, cell. Although most of these abnormal cells
friends, or heard of someone being diagnosed are cleared by the body’s immune system,
with cancer. The deadly nature of the disease very few cells that escape this clearance
can be realized from the fighting stories of have the potential to turn into cancer. These
patients with cancer. The data published cells are called transformed cells, which can

* Dr Aditya Parekh, Post-Doctoral Fellow from National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bengaluru, is pursuing his
research on “Transcriptional Regulation in Muscles”. His popular science story entitled “Multidrug Resistance in
Cancer: The Threat of Giant Multinucleated Cells” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
18 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

divide infinitely to form a cell mass (tumour) Understanding multidrug resistance

and evade the body’s natural cell death Mostly, we have heard the term multidrug
programmes, and while doing this, they resistance (MDR) in the context of microbial
disrupt cell-to-cell harmony. With time, some of infections, where germs become resistant
the tumour cells gain the ability to detach and against one type or dose of an antibiotic. To
migrate through the blood to other parts of the combat this, physicians generally increase
body to form a new lump. This state is known the dose of drugs or change their types, and
as malignancy. Malignant cells are the most in some cases, use multiple drugs. MDR in
dangerous as they invade the healthy organs, cancer is conceptually very similar where either
disrupt their architecture and interfere with the cancer cells become resistant over time or
their normal functions. One important point to a few resistant cells get selected against the
remember is that the initial change in the DNA drug being used. It is also one of the main
of the healthy cell (which leads to a tumour reasons for the relapse of cancer. During
formation) does not lead to the production of primary therapeutic treatment, although many
new molecular weapons but causes the cell’s cancer cells die, a few cancer cells adapt and
molecular machinery to function abnormally. evade the effect of the drug with the help of
As the machinery is common and only the specific intracellular mechanisms. “Intracellular
functioning is different, drugs targeting the mechanism” is a process carried by some
cancer cells also damage the healthy cells of complex, but co-ordinated chemical reactions
the body. This presents a major known as “signal transduction.”
challenge to scientists working “Signal transduction” is a
in the field of cancer. complex set of networks of
Most of us in the past have had thousands of ordered chemical
Although advancements a family, friends, or heard of
in research over the years someone being diagnosed with reactions performed mainly by
have helped in the discovery cancer. The deadly nature of the proteins and is required for the
of novel drugs with specific proper functioning of a cell. It
disease can be realized from
targets, we still lack the the fighting stories of patients is tightly regulated by the cell’s
fundamental understanding of with cancer. The data published DNA and responds to internal
and external chemical cues/
the line discriminating cancer last year by the World Health signals. Now, we return to the
cells from non-cancer cells. To Organization indicated that mechanisms that lead to MDR.
add more to the trouble, a few cancer was the second largest
As this mechanism can render
cancer cells can adapt during cause of deaths in India after simultaneous resistance to
the therapy and find a way to heart diseases. more than one drug, it is called
evade the effects of the drugs,
MDR. The profuse secretion of
which is commonly referred to
the therapeutic drugs out of the
as drug resistance. In the end,
cell, chemical modification of
here, we can understand that for every tissue
the drug molecule to neutralize its effect and
and organ to function properly, it must maintain
excessive synthesis of anti-death proteins are
proper architecture, size and coordinates with
some of the common mechanisms responsible
other cells in the tissue. Cancer cells precisely
for MDR.
disrupt all of that, especially when they start
Dr Aditya Parekh || 19

During the process of MDR, some cancer the interest of the organs or the body. They
cells (within the tumour population) can also divide infinitely and do not die easily, thus
form unique giant cells. Due to the prior disturbing the architecture and functioning
exposure to drugs, these giant cells display of a tissue. Although it is an established fact
some defects. They stall cytoplasmic division that one cancer cell communicates with other
but continue with erroneous nuclear division, cancer cells in its vicinity, the communication
leading to the formation of multinucleated in the context of GMNCs has not been studied
cells. These cells are, thus, also referred to as extensively. In the context of MDR, we have
giant multinucleated cells (GMNCs) Fig1(b). tried to observe how GMNCs communicate
GMNCs have been observed and correlated and influence other cancer cells (non-GMNCs)
to the drug resistance in different types of in their surroundings.
cancers (breast, colon, cervical, brain, and In our study published last year in the
others). Our research over the past few years journal ‘Oncogene’, we found that GMNCs
with breast cancer has shown that the number over-synthesized a variety of proteins and
of GMNCs increases three to five times during released them into their surroundings. A
MDR. One of the unique features of GMNCs is couple of proteins from that list, namely
that they can remain dormant for long periods vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and
and when the treatment subsides, they may macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF),
divide (perform cytoplasmic division) to manipulated intracellular signal transduction
produce multiple daughter on the cells in their vicinity.
cells. A study from other Earlier, research from other
research groups has shown that groups had shown that VEGF
these daughter cells can be of Cancer cells, which are not and MIF could activate p44/42
different genetic variants, some normal to a human body, also intracellular signalling. P44/42
of which may lead to a more communicate with other cells. is a signalling pathway known to
aggressive form of cancer. But, because of their selfish aid cells to divide, migrate and
Moving further, we found that nature, they work in their own survive. In the present study,
these dormant GMNCs could interest rather than the interest we found that VEGF and MIF
communicate with other cells of the organs or the body. They secreted by GMNCs modulated
in their surroundings and divide infinitely and do not the activity of p44/42 on their
have serious consequences in die easily, thus disturbing the neighbouring cells. P44/42
disease progression. architecture and functioning of activation led to the modulation
a tissue. of cell death proteins (or survival
Communication by GMNCs proteins), namely Bcl-2, Bad,
Cell-to-cell communication Bcl-xL, and Bax. It acted on the
is essential for the proper cells (mainly non-GMNCs) and
functioning of any tissue. In helped increase the levels of
normal human tissue, cells communicate with anti-death proteins such as Bcl-XL and Bcl-2,
each other to successfully perform specific and a decrease in the pro-death proteins such
functions and coordinate their death on as Bax and Bad. Thus, it helped in providing
ageing. Cancer cells, which are not normal to survival advantages in the presence of drugs.
a human body, also communicate with other On the whole, we observed that the dormant
cells. But, because of their selfish nature, GMNCs could give out signals to other non-
they work in their own interest rather than GMNCs cells and help in increasing their
20 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

drug resistance (i.e. their survival capacity cells in their environment, which was not well
in the presence of drugs). Hence, we found appreciated earlier.
the mechanism how GMNCs influence the

(a) MDA-MB-468 (a) DOC-R-468-MNC

(control) (multinucleated cell)

Fig. 1. (a) Control/Parental breast cancer cells; (b) multidrug resistant breast cancer cells with GMNCs
(marked with a yellow arrow).

Conclusions hence these cells were not given adequate

We had taken the matter of GMNCs very importance. Now we know, despite their
lightly and we should rectify this soon. In the dormancy, GMNCs (formed during drug
past, some research groups observed that the resistance) can be very deceptive.
GMNCs died after remaining dormant, and
|| 21

Neuronal Degeneration in the

Diabetic Eye

Dr Harshini Chakravarthy*
Email: [email protected]

iabetes currently affects 72.9 million (damage to the retina which lines the back of
people in India, and this Fig. is predicted the eye), and peripheral neuropathy (damage
to rise to 134.3 million by the year 2045, to nerves in hands and feet), is also steadily
which will make the country with the highest increasing among patients with diabetes.
number of diabetics in the world according The management of DR poses a
to current estimations by the International serious challenge in the clinic, since
Diabetes Federation. current approaches for the treatment do
Today, India houses the second largest not fully prevent or reverse the pathology.
number of people with type 1 diabetes (caused Understanding the physiological processes
by insulin deficiency), type 2 diabetes (caused associated with DR is therefore essential
by insulin resistance and impaired insulin for developing new and effective treatment
secretion by the pancreas), and undiagnosed strategies for this debilitating complication of
diabetes. diabetes.
While diabetes is growing into an alarming Diabetic retinopathy (DR) affects more
epidemic in urban India, the incidence than one-third of patients with diabetes and is
of devastating long-term complications the leading cause of blindness among adults
associated with this disease, such as aged 20–74 years. Nearly all patients with type
nephropathy (damage to kidneys), retinopathy I diabetes and about 60% of patients with type

* Dr Harshini Chakravarthy, Post Doctoral Fellow from Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Tirupati,
is pursuing her research on “Molecular Mechanisms Mediating Diabetic Retinal Neurodegeneration: Role of Cell
Adhesion Molecules”. Her popular science story entitled “Neuronal Degeneration in the Diabetic Eye” has been
selected for AWSAR Award
22 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Fig. 1. What is it like to have diabetic retinopathy?

II diabetes are affected by retinopathy during vitreous hemorrhage and is manifested as the
the first two decades of diabetes. The risk presence of “floaters” in the visual field (Fig.
factors associated with the progression of DR 1). This may eventually lead to the formation of
include hyperglycemia (high levels of blood scar tissue on the retina, which may contract
glucose), dyslipidemia (unhealthy levels of along with the vitreous, leading to retinal
fat or lipids in the blood), hypertension (high detachment or tear, even resulting in blindness
blood pressure), and the duration of diabetes unless surgically repaired.
in the patient. Since the most noticeable clinical
I will first give a brief characteristic of DR are
outline of the physiological abnormalities in these
changes that take place in the tiny retinal blood vessels,
diabetic retina. The initial stage Today, India houses the second therapeutic interventions in
of DR is usually characterized largest number of people the last decade have often
by mild abnormalities in the with type 1 diabetes (caused attempted to reduce the injury to
retina, including irregularities in by insulin deficiency), type 2 capillaries by targeting chronic
blood vessels and tiny bulges diabetes (caused by insulin retinal inflammation or reducing
in the walls of capillaries resistance and impaired insulin the leakiness of damaged
(capillaries are very tiny blood secretion by the pancreas), and capillaries. Apart from blood
vessels), which lead to small undiagnosed diabetes. vessels, the retina consists
focal hemorrhages (bleeding). of distinct classes of neurons
These injured capillaries cause
leakage of fluid and blood into
the retina, leading to blurry vision. In the late
stage of DR, one can observe the growth of
new, fragile blood vessels in the retinal tissue,
attempting to compensate for the lack of blood
flow. These atypical new capillaries are very
fragile, and exude fluid easily, causing edema.
These may even spread out into the vitreous
body, which is a clear gel present between
the lens and the retina. This further leads to Fig. 2. Structure of the eye.
Dr Harshini Chakravarthy || 23

that respond to light by forming a complex of high glucose levels on mature neurons. Our
circuitry transmitting these visual signals to studies in goat may expedite the detection of
the brain via the optic nerve (Fig. 2). Recent new, functionally important pathways in higher
data strongly suggest that lasting harm to the mammals that may not be discovered through
retinal neurons has already ensued before the studies in rodent-derived cells.
onset of the more noticeable abnormalities in “Neurite” is a term that refers to the
blood vessels of the diabetic retina. Hence, it extension of slender projections from the cell
is highly desirable to develop biomarkers that body of a neuron. The extension of neurites is
allow early detection of neuronal degeneration crucial for transferring signals from one neuron
in patients with diabetes and diagnose DR to another through synapses. Several proteins
before clinical signs become apparent. In this and receptors present on the tip of the neurite
context, identification of the core molecular help in sensing appropriate guidance cues
mechanisms leading to neuronal degeneration from outside the cell, which ultimately drives
is the first crucial step toward enabling neurite extension by transmitting these signals
preventative treatment strategies and targeting to the interior of the neuron. Among these
early DR pathology. are certain proteins called cell adhesion
Fundamental mechanisms underlying molecules (CAMs) located on the neuronal
neuronal degeneration are customarily studied cell membrane. In the brain, CAMs such as
by isolating neurons from the retinal tissue of contactin and Caspr have been well studied
embryos or young mouse pups within 1–10 days for their role in myelination. These CAMs are
after birth. These neurons are then cultured also found in retinal neurons, which are not
in a dish and maintained in myelinated. So, we wondered
live conditions by providing whether the CAMs found on the
them with adequate nutrition surface of retinal neurons could
and specific factors needed The management of DR poses be involved in neurite extension
for their growth. However, a serious challenge in the clinic, or synapse formation, which
this approach has several since current approaches for the helps in the transmission of
drawbacks: Neurodegenerative treatment do not fully prevent visual signals. We also wanted
diseases such as DR typically or reverse the pathology. to find out whether the function
affect mature or aged neurons, Understanding the physiological of these CAMs was affected by
rather than embryonic neurons. processes associated with high glucose levels, which is a
Therefore, isolating neurons DR is therefore essential for major factor in the development
from adult animals would developing new and effective of diabetic complications.
definitely be more relevant treatment strategies for this To test our hypothesis, we
for this kind of research. debilitating complication of first cultured live retinal neurons
Moreover, cells cultured from diabetes. isolated from an adult goat and
rodents, such as mice or rats, maintained them in cell-culture
frequently do not recapitulate dishes for 10 days. We probed
the physiological processes the cells using specific cell-
observed in humans, resulting surface biomarkers to help us
in failure at the clinical trial stage after detect the presence of neurons in our culture
preclinical verification in mice. In our lab, we of retinal cells. From our studies, we identified
cultured adult neurons isolated from goat retina approximately 30%–40% of cells having
as a distinctive model to observe the effects neuronal markers, indicating that they were
24 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

indeed neurons. Next, we established a model was also found to alter the level of a glucose
of hyperglycemia (high glucose) by culturing homeostasis-sensitive transcription factor
retinal cells in high (25 mmol/L glucose called C/EBPα, which might regulate the gene
equivalent to blood sugar levels of 450 mg/dL) expression of CAMs in the neuronal nucleus.
or normal concentration of glucose (5 mmol/L Further detailed experiments will be performed
glucose, equivalent to normal fasting blood to confirm these findings.
sugar levels of 90 mg/dL). In conclusion, we have described a
Using our model of hyperglycemia, we unique model of hyperglycemia in higher
then studied the effect of high glucose levels mammals using adult goat retinal culture. This
on CAMs present on the surface of retinal approach can be used to perform additional
neurons. We also examined the effect of high systematic studies on neurons and explore
glucose levels on the length of processes the effects of high glucose levels on signaling
(neurites) extending from the cell bodies of the pathways involved in neurite extension. Our
neurons. Our experiments demonstrated that studies using this model may, thus, facilitate
high glucose levels resulted in a substantial the identification of fundamental mechanisms
increase in neurite length in cultured retinal underlying neurodegenerative diseases such
neurons. Excess glucose in the nutrient as DR in higher mammals, which cannot be
medium also leads to a significant decrease revealed through studies in rodent-derived
in the levels of neuronal CAMs such as Caspr, cells.
contactin, and prion proteins. Hyperglycemia
|| 25

Traffic Jams in the Brain

Dr Parul Sood*
Email: [email protected]

y research story takes place in a tiny trust me, it’s going to take some time, buddy.
worm’s neurons. The main characters There is a huge cargo stuck on the road ahead,
of this story are: a couple of (microtubule) road repairs going
Kinesin: A protein that transports raw materials on, and on top of all that, there are those dense
in neurons (actin) bushes!! They are like traps along the
Dynein: Another protein that transports raw road. Many cargoes are stuck there, and as
materials in neurons usual, there is still no action taken to clear that
Vesicle: Packaging in which raw materials are (actin) mesh or mess if you would like. I think
carried that’s more appropriate!,’ said a passerby
Microtubule: An assembly of proteins that holds Dynein, who was returning from the synapse.
the structure of a neuron and also provides the Kinesin sighed and continued her journey
road for Kinesin to walk on. as usual!
Actin: An assembly of proteins present as a This was pretty much like any other day
meshwork in a neuron that provides structural in Kinesin’s life. She worked as a carrier in one
support to it. of the signal-relaying centres of the B.R.A.I.N.,
Honk! Honk! ‘What is up with this traffic?’ called the neuron (Fig. 1).
asked Kinesin in frustration. Multiple neurons worked together to keep
‘I am just returning from the synapse and, the B.R.A.I.N. functional. Each neuron had two

* Dr Parul Sood, Post Doctoral Fellow from Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune, is pursuing
her research on “An in vitro Screen to Identify Potential Vesicular Trafficking Players in Caenorhabditis elegans”. Her
popular science story entitled “Traffic Jams in the Brain” has been selected for AWSAR Award
26 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

However, this wasn’t the case. The axon was full

of obstacles. The one thought that was always
predominant in Kinesin’s head was – ‘How am I
going to navigate such a complex road to reach
the synapse on time?’ This question sounds too
familiar, isn’t it? We have the same question in
our minds every morning when we navigate
roads with heavy traffic to reach school, college
or office on time. I was curious to know what
was happening inside the neuron, and if there
were any similarities between the ways in which
Kinesin and we tackle them? I became all the
Fig. 1. Parts of a neuron. more curious about this research problem when
I realized that in a neuron, there was not just
independent units, a central manufacturing one Kinesin, which moved with a vesicle, but
facility called the cell body and an information hundreds of them. And, it did not end there. .
relay station called the synapse. A majority of Vesicles were carried in both directions; Kinesin
raw materials required for the functioning of the carried them from the cell body to the synapse,
synapse were manufactured in the cell body. and Dynein carried them from the synapse
A long canal, called an axon, connected to the cell body. Therefore, both Kinesin and
the two units. Kinesin’s job was to collect a Dynein faced these blocks on their way. This
huge cargo every day. This cargo, colloquially problem that hundreds of Kinesins and Dyneins
referred to as a ‘vesicle’, had were facing then became my
to be transported from the cell research problem!
body via an axon and delivered For keeping it all slightly
to the synapse. Her job, though Multiple neurons worked simple, let’s focus on just
quite mundane, was surely together to keep the B.R.A.I.N. the Kinesin and the vesicle it
an important one! If the raw functional. Each neuron had carried, for now! The first step
materials she carried were not two independent units, a central in addressing this research
supplied at the right time to the manufacturing facility called the problem was to see Kinesins in
right place, the relay centre cell body and an information action in a neuron and better in a
wouldn’t function well. It might relay station called the synapse. live organism! Little transparent
even shut down! Whenever A majority of raw materials worms called Caenorhabditis.
Kinesin had this thought, she required for the functioning of elegans made that possible for
shuddered with fear. She had
the synapse were manufactured me. When I said little, I referred
heard dreadful stories about
in the cell body. to worms just 1 mm long, and
a dysfunctional relay centre
when I said transparent, I
leading to a dysfunctional
meant you could see everything
neuron, which, in turn, severely
inside them (Check out that
affected the B.R.A.I.N. function. Such a
B.R.A.I.N. used to be declared as diseased
picture)! Therefore, C. elegans became my
and called by names such as Alzheimer’s or
Parkinson’s. Kinesin, therefore, always worked
diligently with one aim: to deliver her cargo at
the synapse efficiently. Delivering a vesicle
would have been easy if the road was smooth. Image Courtesy: Hyman Lab
Dr Parul Sood || 27

model organism. Next, I had to track Kinesin more effective block to incoming cargoes.
moving in a neuron of a worm. That was made These events closely resembled the traffic
possible by green fluorescent proteins (GFPs). jams that we observed on the roads every day
Explained in simple terms, these proteins when we stepped out. However, unlike traffic
worked like ‘glow in the dark’ objects. Some jams on the road, which were regulated and
of the scientists in our community had already controlled by the traffic police, there was no
tried attaching GFP to motors. However, they such regulation in the neurons. Rather these
realized that attaching GFP with Kinesin might jams in the brain purely arose due to physical
hamper its function, so they proceeded with blocks preventing the cargo from moving, and
putting GFP on the vesicles. And, that worked as soon as the physical block was removed,
beautifully! Thanks to fellow scientists, I could the cargoes mobilized too. These traffic jams
now see the vesicle being carried by Kinesin in the neurons were, thus, not permanent.
moving within the neuron of a living worm In addition to this, I found that 8 out of
under a microscope! What next? I sat day and 10 cargoes stopped at these traffic jams. The
night just watching those vesicles move in the cargoes stopping at such a rate at traffic jams
neuron and observing their behaviour. would eventually result in almost negligible flow
It was exciting to see Kinesin carry all in the neuron. However, the neuron managed
the vesicles (from here on referred to as to maintain the flow of vesicles despite the
cargoes) in real time, which gave me some presence of these roadblocks. Each time, say,
interesting insights as to how it might be eight cargoes halted at a roadblock; six to
navigating complex paths. The first thing that seven vesicles managed to sneak out from the
struck was that in a neuron, same roadblock and continued
there were a lot of cargoes on their journey to the synapse,
that were not moving at all. In very similar to motorcyclists on
a neuron where the supply of Vesicles were carried in both Indian roads. Another way by
raw materials was so important, directions; Kinesin carried which cargoes avoided jams
it was surprising to see that them from the cell body to the was by changing their direction
almost half the population of synapse, and Dynein carried of motion and running away from
cargo stuck for several minutes. them from the synapse to such locations only to continue
On further investigation, I the cell body. Therefore, both on paths that were likely not
found that the stuck cargoes Kinesin and Dynein faced blocked. Smart, right! For me,
were predominantly present these blocks on their way. the amazing thing was that the
at the following locations: at This problem that hundreds complex decisions we made
the bush like actin networks, of Kinesins and Dyneins were while navigating traffic on the
at another vesicle that had facing then became my research road were seamlessly made by
stopped moving somewhere in problem! a billion time smaller molecules
the middle of the road, and at in the neurons. Impressive! But
a vesicle already stalled at an wait, there was more. Since
actin bush. From these data, traffic jams could be avoided,
a series of events that might be occurring neurons utilized the cargoes stopped in
inside the neuron could be imagined. A traffic jams as stores of raw materials. These
moving cargo first encountered the dense stores could cater to the high demands of raw
actin bush and stopped. This cargo stalled materials at the synapse in situations where
at an actin bush would then act as an even the brain was required to do extra work. To
28 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

make neurons do extra work in case of worms, they might work in its favour, and, second,
I touched the worms using an eyelash multiple mechanisms that resolved these traffic jams
times and guess what I found: the number of might break down in neurodegenerative
traffic jams in the brain reduced. This clearly disorders, resulting in blocked transport and
indicated that these cargoes stopped along dysfunctional neurons. Our story is, thus, a
the axon could indeed act as stores of raw starting point in understanding and potentially
materials. Hats off to the neuron! targeting the mechanisms of overcoming
Take-home summary: First, traffic jams or resolving traffic jams that malfunction in
are not always bad for the neuron, rather diseased neurons.
|| 29

Geo-Microbiology of Arsenic (As)

Calamity in the Gangetic Bengal
Plain: A Decade of Investigation
and Promises for Providing Safe
Drinking Water
Dr Balaram Mohapatra*
Email: [email protected]

entlemen, it is the microbes who will have contamination of the toxic metalloid As in the
the last say by Louis Pasteur reminds groundwater of Bengal, where 63 patients
the significance of microorganisms from two districts were severely affected by
in shaping the environment of our green As toxicity (arsenicosis). By the twentieth
planet. Truly, the saying is the absolute truth to the twenty-first century, 10 districts (114
in the context of the role of microorganisms in blocks) of West Bengal, other Indian states
arsenic (As) calamity of the Bengal plain and (Bihar, Jharkhand, Assam, Uttar Pradesh, etc.)
around the world. and many South-Eastern Asiatic countries
In the 1980s, people from West Bengal (Bangladesh, Vietnam, Cambodia, China
(India) and Bangladesh switched their water and Thailand) were severely affected by
supply from surface waters to groundwater to groundwater As contamination (World Health
have relief from waterborne diseases such as Organization) limit of 5 µg/L As threatening
cholera and diarrhoea. As many as 10 million the lives of millions of people. Each year,
wells were installed for drinking, irrigation and many new cases of As toxicity in people,
other domestic purposes, but without testing food grains, cattle feed, etc. are reported,
the quality of the groundwater. In December but the situation is far worse in West Bengal,
1983, two daily newspapers (Anandabazar India and Bangladesh, where more than 70
and The Statesman) publicly reported the million people are at increased health risk

* Dr Balaram Mohapatra, Post Doctoral Fellow from Indian Institutes of Technology, Bombay, is pursuing his research
on “Aromatics and Plastic Biodegradation and Metabolic Engineering”. His popular science story entitled “Geo-
Microbiology of Arsenic (As) Calamity in the Gangetic Bengal Plain: A Decade of Investigation and Promises for
Providing Safe Drinking Water” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
30 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

such as the development of of Fe-oxy-hydroxide/Al/Mn-

cancer, hence called as ‘worst oxides, where As (As3+ and As5+,
mass poisoning’. Geological By the twentieth to the twenty- as a crustal element) species
and hydrogeological studies first century, 10 districts (114 adsorb onto the solid phases.
conducted in the recent past blocks) of West Bengal, other These As-laden sediments
have identified the source Indian states (Bihar, Jharkhand, with local geochemical factors
rock, and the mineralogy of Assam, Uttar Pradesh, etc.) and drive the as release from
the aquifer (groundwater) is many South-Eastern Asiatic the rock-minerals into the
found to be the primary cause countries (Bangladesh, Vietnam, groundwater. It has also been
of As toxicity, hence called Cambodia, China and Thailand) seen that high groundwater
geogenic As problem. The were severely affected by abstraction for drinking and
Ganges (G), Brahmaputra (B) groundwater As contamination irrigation, groundwater flow,
and Meghna (M) rivers flowing (World Health Organization) recharge–discharge, industrial
from the Himalayan glaciers limit of 5 µg/L As), threatening pollution and agricultural
carry massive amounts of rocks the lives of millions of people. inputs intensify the as problem
through transportation and more in groundwater. Previous
deposit in the middle and lower studies highlighted some of the
plains of India, forming the considerable facts regarding
largest fluvio-deltaic plain (GBM delta) basin as problem, until the microbiological research
or Bengal basin. The subsurface sedimentary came into existence. Few of the studies in
rocks of the Bengal plain are composed the early twentieth century from the USA
Dr Balaram Mohapatra || 31

and other European countries demonstrated groundwater harbours microorganisms of

the existence of microorganisms in the different types, namely methanotrophic,
groundwater and sediment samples, where syntrophic, fermentative, heterotrophic and
high As concentrations were reported. facultative anaerobic populations, but not strict
Ultimately, an indigenous understanding of respiring organisms such as the ones obtained
this devastating problem and the subsequent from European and USA groundwater. With the
solutions would be preferred than the imported recent molecular technologies of metagenome
knowledge. (community DNA) sequencing through 16S
A team of young microbiology scholars rRNA gene amplification, denaturing gradient
(Angana Sarka amd Dhiraj Paul) with Dr. Pinaki gel electrophoresis, microcosm experiment,
Sar (Professor) from the Indian Institute of etc., they elucidated the role of Proteobacteria,
Technology, Kharagpur, started the journey of Bacteroidetes and Actinobacteria in the
investigating the microbial world deep within the mobilization and biotransformation of As and
subsurface groundwater and the physiological the crucial mechanisms of As release in the
role of microbes in As contamination. In the Bengal groundwater. The same laboratory
year 2009–10, a large number of groundwater is currently active and known for As-
samples from domestic tube wells and geomicrobiology research. Presently, another
sediment samples from drillings of As-hot spot group of micromaniac scholars (Balaram
areas of West Bengal (North 24 Parganas, Mohapatra and Anumeha Saha with Prof.
South 24 Parganas, Nadia and Bardhaman) Pinaki Sar) is currently engaged in looking
were investigated by A. Sarkar and P. Sar at deep into the As, where a large number of
IIT Kharagpur Environmental shallow and deep tube wells
Microbiology-Genomics and aquifer sediments are
Laboratory. In 2013–14, Sarkar being investigated covering
et al. published the research It has been pointed out that the a larger area of As-hot spot
findings in international As-contaminated groundwater regions of West Bengal.
journals about the dynamic harbours microorganisms Recently, 40 groundwater
microbial community in the of different types, namely and 30 sediment samples are
As-contaminated groundwater methanotrophic, syntrophic, being collected from domestic
and the key microbial members fermentative, heterotrophic wells and underground drilling
(Agrobacterium/Rhizobium, and facultative anaerobic from Western to Eastern
Ochrobactrum, Achromobacter, populations, but not strict Bhagirathi river of West
Pseudoxanthomonas, etc.) with respiring organisms such as the Bengal to decipher the role of
high As resistance, As and Fe ones obtained from European amazing microorganisms in
transformation and associated and USA groundwater. As groundwater, considering
genes within these organisms. the seasonal fluctuation in
In 2015, Paul et al., with P. Sar groundwater table and spatio-
from the same laboratory, again temporal and depth variations in
published three pioneering tube wells. In 2017, Mohapatra
works on the microbial community diversity et al. reported one Rhizobium bacterial
in the severely As-impacted Chakdaha, member from a tube- well of Kolsur area with
Nadia district of West Bengal in the journal the ability to transform As under anaerobic
Plos One and Bioresource Technology. It has conditions. In 2018, two of the published
been pointed out that the As-contaminated studies performed by Mohapatra et al. in the
32 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

same laboratory highlighted the physiological complete picture of the mechanisms of As

responses of these microorganisms in relation biotransformation by microbes and develop
to As transformation in the groundwater. In strategies for eliminating the As problem more
collaboration with Raja Ramana Centre for biologically or in an eco-friendly manner.
Advanced Technologies (Indore), Dr. Sar In due course of time, the group has also
and his team used high-end x-ray-based developed an As-detection system based on
technologies, such as x-ray absorption near- colour development and visual observation
edge structure and others, to perform many of groundwater after adding appropriate
studies on sediment–bacteria interaction to chemical solutions that can detect As up to less
provide details on the role of microorganisms in than the WHO limit of 5 µg/L As. The system
deciding the fate of As-Fe-S redox processes has been used locally by the rural people for
and their impact on As mobilization. With the awareness on As-contamination monitoring in
support from the IIT Kharagpur, currently, the the tube wells. The laboratory has also initiated
lab is engaged in some more studies using the development of biological filters based on
advanced molecular technologies, such cell-impregnated rechargeable laterite filters
as whole-genome sequencing, proteomics for the filtration of groundwater As by the rural
and other ‘omics’-based techniques, community of West Bengal, India.
on the groundwater bacteria to have a
|| 33

Playing a Nano Drum

Dr Parmeshwar Prasad*
Email: [email protected]

ngineering is an ancient skill concerning materials, graphene and molybdenum
design and structures, yet it is still disulfide, to name a few. These materials are
evolving and constantly developing. million times thinner than a human hair. One
Over the centuries, engineers have mastered can imagine them as a thin sheet (membrane)
the design and selection of materials to of a single layer of carbon atoms. We select
improve instruments. The devices that used to these materials to use as nanodevices owing
be of the size of a building are now available to their extraordinary features such as low
in pocket forms of mobiles and computers. In mass, high strength, and high geometric
recent times, physicists have learned these aspect ratio; also, they can be integrated with
techniques of craftsmanship to apply devices electronic circuits. Fig. 1 shows the pictures
of nanometer size. of a bridge and a drum fabricated using
We, from Akshay’s lab at the Indian nanotechnology in a state-of-the-art facility at
Institute of Science, Bangalore, work on the the Centre for Nano Science and Engineering,
interface of science and engineering on the housed in IISc. We work toward understanding
nanoscale. We make bridges and drums 100th the mechanical, optical, and electrical
times smaller than the width of a human hair properties of these devices and explore their
from the thinnest possible materials ever found. potential applications in fundamental science
These materials are known as two-dimensional and technology. The membrane of these tiny

* Dr Parmeshwar Prasad, Post Doctoral Fellow from Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, is pursuing his research
on “Nano Electro Mechanical System”. His popular science story entitled “Playing a Nano Drum” has been selected
for AWSAR Award.
34 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

mechanical devices can be made to vibrate clocks began. The synchronization was the
very much like loudspeakers using electrical result of coupling between the pendula. The
signals. However, these devices vibrate at a dynamics of the pendula were affected by
much higher frequency, in the range of 100 each other’s motion through the exchange
mega Hertz (a unit of frequency) where FM of energy between them. This coupling
radio channels work. The FM radio signals phenomenon is ubiquitous in nature, from
are audible through radio; however, the synchronized flashing of fireflies, rhythmic
nanodevices require special techniques to beating of heart cells in biology to lasers
detect their signals. The vibration frequency and quantum computers in physics. The
of the devices can be tuned by changing concept of coupling plays a crucial role in
tension in the membrane, like tuning a guitar one of the most precise experimental setups
through tension in its string or tuning a musical on earth: Laser Interferometer Gravitational-
drum. The mega Hertz frequency range gives Wave Observatory (LIGO), where the light is
these nanodevices an edge in terms of high coupled to mechanics to detect gravitational
sensitivity and precision. Since the devices waves. When a nano drum vibrates, multiple
are tiny, they are very sensitive to external vibrational modes (equivalent to the notes in
stimuli and hence have great potential from music) are generated and these modes have
being an ultra-sensitive sensor, such as a nano a corresponding frequency. The individual
weighing machine for detecting the mass of a modes are analogous to a pendulum clock.
single protein molecule, to an excellent tool Similar to the interaction between the coupled
for studying complex quantum mechanics. pendulum clocks hung on the wall, the modes
In the quest to explore their can also interact with each
potential applications as an other through the tension in the
ultra-sensitive sensor and in drum membrane.
quantum systems, we designed Engineering is an ancient In a recently published
and performed experiments skill concerning design and research in Nano Letters in
to study their extraordinary structures, yet it is still evolving September 2019, we studied
properties. and constantly developing. the coupling mechanism
In our recent work, we Over the centuries, engineers between the two vibrational
played nano drums. The have mastered the design and modes of a nanoscale drum.
relevance of the work is selection of materials to improve For simplicity, we named the
vast, and the history dates vibrational modes as mode
instruments. The devices that
back to the seventeenth 1 and mode 2. The mode
used to be of the size of a
century. Christiaan Huygens’s interaction via tension in the
building are now available in
“Horologium Oscillatorium” drum membrane could be
pocket forms of mobiles and
(1673) is considered as one controlled electrically. In our
of the foundations of modern experiment, we could precisely
mechanics. Huygens, the tune the coupling to enhance
inventor of pendulum clock, or reduce the energy exchange
described the synchronization between the vibrational modes.
of pendulum clocks in his book. He observed The coupling could be increased to such an
that the pendulums in two of his clocks hung extent that the energy between the two modes
on the same wall used to get mysteriously was exchanged more than 500 times back
synchronized over time, no matter how their and forth before the information was lost to
Dr Parmeshwar Prasad || 35

(a) Nano bridge. (b) Nano drum.

the environment. This strong coupling meant it further, but in the case of low tension, we can
that we could exchange the energy between have a larger tuning. In the same experiment,
the two modes better and retain it for a longer we also demonstrated that the coupling could
time before losing it to the environment. It is be used to amplify the vibrational motion,
like if you have a better vessel, you can heat which was similar to increasing the volume of a
or freeze water faster and retain it for a longer sound but at the nanoscale. The amplification
time. In the world of quantum computers, a of a mode vibration would lead to the realization
long time period provides us enough time to of a possible nano-mechanical amplifier.
perform computation and is highly desirable. Our study of mode coupling in nano
In our experiments, we found that frequency devices provided key parameters to achieve
tuning was one of the key strong coupling. The strong
parameters to achieve strong coupling between high-
coupling. We also simulated frequency vibrational modes at
the coupling experiment using Our study of mode coupling the nanoscale would lead to an
a mathematical model based in nano devices provided key improvement in the sensitivity of
on the Huygens’s coupled parameters to achieve strong nano-mechanical sensors and
pendulum clocks. Interestingly, coupling. The strong coupling possible integration in LIGO-like
we found the model accurately between high-frequency experiments. Other potential
explained the coupling vibrational modes at the applications include health
mechanism. Our model nanoscale would lead to an and medicine, improvements
suggested that the coupling improvement in the sensitivity in quantum computation, and
could be further increased of nano-mechanical sensors and so on. Our work opened new
by engineering the device to possible integration in LIGO-like frontiers to design a variety
have a very large frequency experiments. of nanodevices using a vast
tuning. The large frequency selection of novel materials
tuning could be achieved by and study their fundamental
engineering the device to have a low inbuilt properties, mechanisms of coupling, and key
tension in the membrane. The low inbuilt parameters influencing these phenomena.
tension in the membrane provided us a large This knowledge could be eventually translated
room to play with tension and thus achieve a to a wide spectrum of disciplines with desirable
large frequency tuning. It is like if a guitar’s applications.
string is already tightened, it is harder to tune
36 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

The Victory of Good over Evil:

A Cellular Ramayana

Dr Himanshi Kapoor*
Email: [email protected]

ommunication is the key to sustain a lot of assistants known as the organelles, and
and evolve since time immemorial. mitochondria are one of them. Let us imagine
The current world population is around a class full of cellular organelles, where the
7.7 billion, out of which roughly 0.1% are monitor of that class is the nucleus, which
researchers. Research is a very amusing controls most of the cellular functions, and the
career wherein we think and experiment to topper of that class is the mitochondrion, being
logically improve the quality of life on the earth the smartest in terms of its functions. There is
and beyond. It becomes a thing of utmost no doubt about the might of the mitochondrion,
importance that we explain our findings to the as, since childhood, we have been fed with the
layman so that they can understand and use one-liner ‘mitochondrion is the powerhouse
the knowledge pool on a day-to-day basis. In of the cell’, just like the powerhouses, which
an attempt to bridge this gap, we present our generate electricity (a form of energy) using
story. coal, moving water, wind or other fuel sources.
Every story has a protagonist, and for us, The mitochondria produce energy in the body
it is the MITOCHONDRION, popularly known using the food we eat and the oxygen we
as MITOCHONDRIA in plural form. Cells are breathe. Apart from the energy, they also help
the basic functional and structural units of an the cells to grow and divide. A body without
organism. To function well, they are helped by functional mitochondria is like the earth without

* Dr Himanshi Kapoor, Post Doctoral Fellow from CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology, Delhi, is pursuing
her research on “Nuclear Mitochondrial Cross-Talk”. Her popular science story entitled “The Victory of Good over Evil:
A Cellular Ramayana” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
Dr Himanshi Kapoor || 37

electricity, all dark and devastating. Abnormally using oxygen, which is a simpler process than
functioning mitochondria are the trademark of the mitochondrial energy generation; instead,
various deadly diseases such as cancer. they use mitochondria for growth and division.
A cell goes completely out of control in cancer
with major changes to its functioning, but how
does this happen? It is really important to
know who or what has instilled such villainous
tendencies in cancer cells.
A single cause is not responsible for the
birth of this deadly disease, but the underlying
phenomenon is the mutations in the genes,
which keep a check on cell multiplication and
growth. Genes are nothing but sequences of
DNA, the genetic material (gets transferred
from one generation to the other) found in the
nucleus (the monitor). Mutations are defined as
changes in DNA sequences brought about by
Let us get a little background of the various environmental and hereditary factors.
scientific plot. We are trying to address a Mutations can be genetic, that is, they get
basic biology question involving the role of transmitted from one generation to the other
mitochondria in cancer. Our body has 30–40 or over generations; environmental (exposure
trillion cells, out of which some to hazardous chemicals at
cells divide into two and some workplace, pollution, ultraviolet
die to maintain this number. rays of the sun, etc.) and
The cancer cells do not die Cells are the basic functional acquired due to our lifestyle
and keep on dividing to form and structural units of an (eating unhealthy, lack of
tumours (aggregates of cells) organism. To function well, they exercise, etc.).
in the body or the organ they are helped by a lot of assistants Nowadays, there is a
affect. On jumping a traffic known as the organelles, and paradigm shift in understanding
signal, the driver gets penalized mitochondria are one of them. the origin of cancer from
by the policemen, if he/she classical genomic to modern
gets caught. The cancer cells metabolic. It is now being
evade all the cell death signals, recognized as a disease of
without even being reprimanded by the body’s metabolism (the conversion of food into
police, the immune cells. Hence, they keep energy) involving mitochondria. Let us put it
on growing and harming the normal cells and this way: when mitochondria in a cell go bad
organs of the body, eventually causing death. (Villain/Ravana) or function abnormally, it leads
The cancer cells are smart enough to fool the to an array of events promoting cancer. This
body police and spread their network. They is fulfilled by switching on and off the proteins
even smuggle the resources of the common involved in cell growth and development by
people (the normal cells) and create havoc. influencing the cell’s nucleus.
They make their own set of rules to sustain, like When the mitochondria of the cancer
depending on mitochondria for energy. WHY? cells are made inactive, the cells grow slowly
Because the cancer cells obtain energy without and are unable to survive without additional
38 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Mitochondrial transfer from stem cells (mitochondria are stained in red) to B16-ρ0cells (green) through the
TNTs (yellow arrows).
nutrients. Such cells with inactive mitochondria external mitochondria because they possess
are called ρ0 (Rho zero, the zero denotes abundant mitochondria. They are the special
inactive mitochondria). Many scientific groups cells of the body that can renew themselves
(including our lab) have reported that when and also develop into different cell types. They
these ρ0 cells acquire functional mitochondria help the body in its growth, development and
from other cancer cells, their initial cancerous repair. After deciding the cell types, we set up
properties are restored. This became the experiments to transfer mitochondria from stem
driving force for our investigation, and we cells to the B16-ρ0 cells by temporarily labelling
asked: how do the cancer cell mitochondria the B16-ρ0 cells as green and the mitochondria
(Ravana) orchestrate the ρ0 cells to become of the stem cells as red. Thus, the transferred
cancerous again? Does it influence the nucleus mitochondria will appear highlighted as
of the ρ0 cells (Sita) to execute reddish/orangish dots in the
its villainous tendencies? What green B16-ρ0 cells under a
is the interaction between the To deliver a scientific project, we microscope (a combination
two? have to choose models in which of lenses to magnify objects).
To deliver a scientific we plan to conduct experiments We then separated such cells
project, we have to choose just like fashion designers using fancy equipment (flow
models in which we plan to choosing models to display their cytometer) and grew them to
conduct experiments just like clothes. We intended to see the study their properties. The two
fashion designers choosing involvement of mitochondria in cells communicate with each
models to display their clothes. cancer cells; therefore, we chose other in many different ways;
We intended to see the ρ0 cells of skin cancer: B16 one of them is through thin
involvement of mitochondria melanoma [B16-ρ ] (cells are tubes called tunnelling nano

in cancer cells; therefore, we very fast growing and produce tubes (TNTs). This may also
chose ρ0 cells of skin cancer: melanin, a pigment that gives involve an exchange of cellular
B16 melanoma [B16-ρ0] (cells colour to the skin). materials as per the needs, just
are very fast growing and like we lend or take things from
produce melanin, a pigment our neighbours in daily life.
that gives colour to the skin). The intrinsic Mitochondria may also travel from one cell to
mitochondria of these cells are inactive, another in the TNTs. We also saw a transfer of
making them a clean system to evaluate the mitochondria from stem cells to B16-ρ0 through
changes made by the external mitochondria. the TNTs.
Stem cells have been chosen as the source of
Dr Himanshi Kapoor || 39

A cartoon of mitochondria travelling between cells through TNT.

We carefully studied the properties of the changing the functionality of the cell.
recipient, B16-ρ0 cells, after they acquired the So, like the hero of Ramayana (Rama),
stem cell mitochondria. Serendipitously, these the good mitochondria from the stem cells
cancer cells exhibited functional patterns travel through the TNTs (Palk Strait, Indian
similar to the normal non-cancerous cells. Ocean) with their army to reach the villainous
Logically dissecting, this improvement might cancer cells (The Lanka) and destroy the evil
depend on the source of mitochondria as shown mitochondria (Ravana). This, in turn, rescues
previously, where the transfer of mitochondria the nucleus of the ρ0 cells from the influence
from surrounding cancer cells to B16-ρ0 cells of the evil mitochondria, beginning a transition
restored their cancerous potential. However, in from the cancerous to a normal state (cellular
our case, the mitochondria received from the Diwali). We are still in the process of finding out
stem cells were healthy and non-cancerous how this happens. How healthy mitochondria
(Hero/Rama) rescuing the nucleus of the change the cells’ functionality? So, just like a
B16-ρ0 cells (Sita) and a cancerous-to normal- perfect scientific ending, we are ending this
transition began. The good mitochondria story with a question that keeps the curiosity
won over the evil mitochondria, thus almost burning. Be curious!

A cartoon of mitochondria travelling between cells through TNT.

40 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Corrosion-Free Structures – Is It
a Dream or Reality?

Dr Sripriya Rengaraju*
Email: [email protected]

t was a rainy day. Varun, my 6-year-old son, soon. Suddenly, I came back to reality as Varun
was watching the people living on the street shook my hand and recalled his lessons with
side through my bay window. He questioned, excitement, ‘Amma, kutcha house and pucca
‘Amma, why these people are getting drenched house.’ I said, ‘Yes, dear. These are different
in the rain?’ pointing to those people across types of houses. The evolution of construction
the road. I told him the sad reality by saying, materials from natural (stone, timber, etc.) to
‘They are staying here because they are not man-made (bricks, concrete) happened as we
able to afford a proper home.’ He continued migrated from forests. Proper shelter brings
wondering, ‘Why don’t they have a house like a change in the socioeconomic status of the
the one we have?’ With an obvious expression, people and the usage of the surrounding
I replied: ‘To make a proper home, you need environment.’
money.’ After I answered him, my Ph.D. mind
began thinking about the initiatives for mass
housing and affordable homes. A lot of new
materials are coming into the market and have
increased the pace of construction. They hold
promising potential for accomplishing housing
for all. So, we all will get proper shelter very

* Dr Sripriya Rengaraju, Post Doctoral Fellow from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, is pursuing her research on
“Corrosion Testing Methods and Service Life Estimation of Highly Resistive Concrete Systems”. Her popular science
story entitled “Corrosion-Free Structures – Is It a Dream or Reality?” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
Dr Sripriya Rengaraju || 41

Varun, always full of questions, asked, Me: Good question, dear. A lot of
‘Amma, what is our house made of ?’ I became alternative materials are being tried out, but
excited to answer him as my civil engineering there are a lot of challenges in ascertaining
mode got activated and pointed out different whether they will work as expected. Even

structural elements with concrete and bricks. before this, the lack of sustainability, in terms
Then, his mind got tuned with mine, and he of supply and cost, is a point of concern.
started asking questions like a viva-voce Husband: There is an easy way out.
‘Amma, what is concrete?’ I explained to In concrete, nowadays, people are putting
him, Concrete is a mixture of cement, sand, everything right from the wastewater sludge to
gravel and water. Cement is the binding plastic. Think of some material that is naturally
material, which, on the addition of water, available and in abundance.
reacts to form products that Me: Yes. Now you are
bind sand and gravel. This getting into my research topic.
composite gets hardened, There are already greater
A lot of new materials are
giving us the required strength minds that thought about it and
coming into the market and
and durability. ‘Amma, is this developed a new type of cement
have increased the pace
cement?’ he asked, pointing to called limestone calcined clay
of construction. They hold
the boiled rice as he used it to cement (LC3). They made
promising potential for
stick his painting. I told him that about 50% replacement of the
accomplishing housing for all.
cement came from the industry typical cement, which we use
So, we all will get proper shelter
by burning some raw materials, with clay and limestone.
mostly natural resources in a very soon. Husband: Hey, we have
kiln. These natural resources been using this lime and clay
are fast depleting. Also, cement for so long in our country.
production requires a lot of energy and What’s new?
pollutes the atmosphere. By this time, Varun Me: This cement uses low-grade limestone
got tired and slept. Seeing this, my husband and low-grade clay, the clay that is dumped
started laughing. ‘Why are you trying to teach due to its low kaolinite content and available
everything you do in your PhD to your son? in plenty in India. We don’t know how to get rid
You can teach me also,’ he said with a wink. of it. As a bonus, these materials, when used
Then, a serious conversation started. in cement, help to attain early strength and
Husband: If cement production is causing also excellent resistance to the permeation of
environmental pollution, then why are we not deleterious agents.
using some other material instead of cement? Husband: So, what is your research
42 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

about? it is subjected to chlorides in its environment.

Me: We know that the concrete made Different types of cement need a different
with this new cement has good ‘desirable’ amount of chlorides for the initiation of
properties. What we want to know is how it will corrosion in the embedded steel. This amount
behave when it is used for normal buildings, of chloride is called the chloride threshold of
say a house? How is its corrosion performance? that particular steel–cement combination. It is
Husband: You are going to research generally believed that if the chloride threshold
about corrosion? Do you have any idea how is smaller, then the combination does not
long it will take to corrode? It will take years!! ensure the longer service life of structures.
And I remain a student’s spouse such long!!!?? But, all the alternative materials have a lower
Are you kidding me? chloride threshold than the conventional
Me: No. Don’t get into that mode. Listen. cement.
There are different short-term and long-term Husband: Are you saying these alternative
test methods in the literature. I am going to binders are bad?
try out some of them to assess the corrosion Me: No. What I am saying is that these
performance. I have already tried out one alternative binders have higher resistance
of the short-term test methods by applying towards the penetration of chlorides. They offer
a potential. I found that because of greater excellent resistance against corrosion and
provide longer service life even though they
resistance developed in this new concrete
have lower chloride threshold.
due to the denser matrix, the embedded steel
Husband: How are you going to prove
has different surface properties and does not
experience as much corrosion
Me: That is the main
as that of conventional reason why I did not stop at
concrete. This is a new finding, that point and continued to give
and I am going to write a paper There are already greater
an overall picture. I developed
for publication. minds that thought about it and
nomograms/design charts to
Husband: Thank God. developed a new type of cement make the judgement of such
Then, that means your Ph.D. called limestone calcined clay new materials for their potential
is going to be over soon. I am cement (LC3). They made about in reducing the environmental
happy now. When you told 50% replacement of the typical impact and ensuring longevity.
you are going to research in cement, which we use with clay These charts enable us to
corrosion, I felt a little hesitant. and limestone. predict the service life for the
Me: Haha! This is not the chosen materials at the site.
end of the story. I have done For example, if we have three
testing of the new cement with choices, we can compare the
a long-term test method by subjecting it to the cost and service life and make wise choices
in terms of material selection. This nomogram
natural wet-dry cycle also. Since this cement
is going to come in the design standards soon
is highly resistive, the measured response and
to check the durability. My professor is talking
data interpretation based on the conventional
about its application and the ease of use with
methods are misleading.
various standard bodies.
Husband: Then, how are you going to Husband: Oh, great. Now, I am hungry. If
overcome this? you start talking about your research, you will
Me: I am developing a new test method forget what’s going on around you. Shall we
for testing such highly resistive cement when have dinner, please?’
|| 43

Transcription Factors:
The Bookmarks of Our Genome

Dr Debostuti Ghoshdastidar*
Email: [email protected]

he Genome Book. “It’s in my DNA.” Does an introduction, goes on to the body matter,
this phrase sound familiar? We find it and ends with a conclusion.
printed on t-shirts and in the lyrics of Bookmarks in the Genome Book. It is the
popular songs, and we often say it ourselves body matter of the chapter, called the coding
when appreciated for our talents. We are quite region of the gene, which contains the details
right when we claim our DNA to be special for making you a shy footballer-musician with jet
because each one of us carries a unique set black hair. A large protein complex called RNA
of DNA. This entire set of DNA put together polymerase serves as “eyes” to read through
can be likened to a book called the genome. the instructions in the coding region. But,
Our unique genome makes us who we are. My whether the RNA polymerase will read through
genome book is made of individual chapters a gene chapter or simply overlook it is directed
called genes, with chapter titles such as dance, by another family of proteins called transcription
cooking, anger, brown eyes, sleepyhead, and factors (TFs). TFs, unlike RNA polymerase,
so on. While your very own genome could have access each gene chapter in the introduction
genes for football, black hair, shyness, music, section, called the promoter region. Only when
and many more it’s a real fat book with more the RNA polymerase finds a TF in the promoter
than 25,000 chapters (genes). Each gene, a lot region (introduction) of the gene chapter, will
like the chapters in our textbooks, begins with it go ahead and read the coding region (body

* Dr Debostuti Ghoshdastidar, Post Doctoral Fellow from Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, is pursuing her
research on “Reading DNA in Context - Effect of Motif Environment on Transcription Factor Binding”. Her popular
science story entitled “Transcription Factors: The Bookmarks of Our Genome Book” has been selected for AWSAR
44 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

matter), else it will simply skip the chapter. code that they were looking for and yet did not
TFs can then be likened to “bookmarks.” bookmark that chapter. Other TFs identified
But, these are no ordinary bookmarks. If the codes that did not exactly match with the code
TFs fail to bookmark an important chapter in they were meant to bind to, and yet, landed up
our genome book, we could bookmarking that chapter. Yet
land up in serious diseased other TFs identified a certain
states, often leading to death. code when they were alone,
In fact, one-third of all human We are quite right when we but when they were reading the
diseases, including cancers claim our DNA to be special introduction along with other
and neurological diseases, because each one of us carries TFs, they identified completely
are caused by TFs that fail to a unique set of DNA. This entire new codes. This situation
bookmark an important gene or set of DNA put together can was just too confusing, and
land up bookmarking a wrong be likened to a book called the something had to be done to
gene. genome. Our unique genome demystify the decoding strategy
Looking for the code. makes us who we are. My of TFs as without identifying
The entire process of reading genome book is made of their decoding strategy, it was
a gene described above is individual chapters called genes, impossible to treat TF-related
called transcription. Each gene with chapter titles such as diseases.
is made up of large strings of dance, cooking, anger, brown Decoding the code.
DNA, just like each chapter is eyes, sleepyhead, and so on. Several scientists across the
made up of sentences. And, world set out on a venture to
just as each sentence is made decode the TF code. Their
up of a maximum of 26 letters, experimental strategy, called
DNA is made up of 4 letters A, T, G, and C. deep sequencing, involved extracting the
These four letters actually denote four different genome from different organisms and letting
chemical groups. The entire promoter region the entire bunch of TFs bookmark whichever
(introduction section) is a long sentence of gene they wanted to. And, then they extracted
DNA (there are no punctuation marks in DNA)
as shown in the illustration below. There are
thousands of TFs in our body, each with an
assigned task of bookmarking a particular set
of gene chapters. To identify the chapter, it
needs to bookmark; the TF looks for a unique
code word, which is about 8–10 letters long,
in the extremely long string of DNA sentence
in the introduction section. If it finds the
code, it bookmarks that chapter for the RNA
polymerase to read through it.
The code confusion. For several years,
scientists believed that this process was
simple; a TF read through each chapter,
found its code and bookmarked it, or did not
find the code and skipped it. However, further THE GENOME BOOK AND THE CODE
research revealed that some TFs found the CONFUSION
Dr Debostuti Ghoshdastidar || 45

all the genes bookmarked by each TF. In the the code word was also very important. That
illustration, you will notice that TF-1 bookmarks makes reading the genome book so similar
genes A, D, and H after it has identified the to reading any of our other books, isn’t it? Let
code word “TGATTTAT,” and yet it does not me explain. Let’s consider the code word is
bookmark genes C and F, “BEATEN” and use it in the
although these genes also following two sentences:
contain the same code word. 1) Vikas has always
Professor Aseem Ansari, from A large protein complex called BEATEN his peers in school
the University of Wisconsin– RNA polymerase serves as basketball matches. (beaten =
Madison, whose lab carried out “eyes” to read through the defeated)
deep sequencing of the fruit fly instructions in the coding 2) Vikas was badly BEATEN
(Drosophila) genome, handed region. But, whether the RNA up by goons for standing up for
over the data to our laboratory polymerase will read through a the truth. (beaten = physically
to try and make sense of what’s gene chapter or simply overlook hurt)
going on. it is directed by another family The contexts of the words
Beyond the code. Since of proteins called transcription have completely changed the
looking at the code alone did not factors (TFs). meaning of “beaten”; such
help in identifying the selective words are called homonyms.
bookmarking preferences of Our genome book is filled with
TFs, we decided to look beyond homonyms.
the code. We picked up the introduction Homonyms in the genome: Just like the
sections (promoter regions) of all genes that context changes the meaning of homonym
contained the code word “TGATTTAT” for words in a language, context changes the
binding to TF-1. We now focused not only physical property of homonym DNA codes.
on the code but also on the alphabets that Since DNA is not merely a string of letters,
immediately flanked the code word. Below is but a molecule, it has an important physical
a short excerpt of the data we analyzed so you property called flexibility. Some letters make
could analyze it yourself: DNA flexible, while others make it rigid. For
Gene A: CCGATGATTTATGGCC: example, a string of letter A, as found in the
bookmarked by TF-1 genes we described above, makes DNA rigid.
Gene C: AAAATGATTTATAAAA: not Our TF-1 transcription factor didn’t bind its
bookmarked by TF-1 favorite code word (TGATTTAT) because the
Gene D: CCCCTGATTTATGCGA: DNA preceding the code word was full of A,
bookmarked by TF-1 and therefore, was rigid. Thus, while homonym
Gene F: AAAATGATTTATCGGA: not DNA codes themselves look identical, their
bookmarked by TF-1 context can change their flexibility. TFs,
Gene H: TGCATGATTTATAAAA: then, are not simply looking for a code but
bookmarked by TF-1 at the flexibility of the DNA around it. Smart,
Using thousands of such lists of words, aren’t they? The findings from our study were
we identified that whenever the code word in recently published in the Journal of Nucleic
the introduction section was preceded by a Acids Research. In our studies, we have
string of A’s, TF-1 did not bookmark that gene also come across other TFs that like binding
chapter. This implied that simply having the to rigid DNA. Each of them has a unique
code word was not enough; the context of preference. Therefore, we are now re-reading
46 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

the introduction section of gene chapters Bansal.

bookmarked by important human TFs that DST-SERB financially supported my part of
are associated with cancers and other deadly the study through the National Postdoctoral
diseases. This time we will read through the Fellowship.
eyes of the TFs and keep the context in mind. The work was carried out at the “Bansal Lab,”
Curators of this study: Myself, Rajesh, Molecular Biophysics Unit, Indian Institute of
Devesh, Jose, Aseem Ansari, and Manju Science Bangalore.
|| 47

Directing Light Using Tiny

Bubbles: Toward Low-Power
Light-Based Computers

Dr Nihit Saigal*
Email: [email protected]

ransistors are tiny electrical switches that makes all of this come true?” The answer to
that are the basic components of most this question is something called a transistor.
electronic gadgets, including computers In simple words, a transistor is a switch
and mobile phones. While most transistors run that can control the flow of electrical current,
on electrical currents, my colleagues and I that is, it can turn the current on or off. Billions
have come up with a light-based switch that of such switches are packed in an area close to
mimics a transistor but consumes much less the size of our fingernail in a typical computer
power. In this switch, a very low-power light chip. All these units working in tandem make
beam controls the path of another light beam the computer work its magic.
through a bubble. One major issue with packing so many
All of us use mobile phones and transistors switches together in such a small
computers. They make our life easy and happy. space is that they consume a lot of power. Some
Calculations that would take hours to do on a of this power also heats up the switch and may
paper can be done in fractions of a second cause damage to it. This is one of the major
on a computer. They also open up a world issues that limit the efficiency of the computer.
of information, knowledge and opportunities Thus, there is a need for making a switch that
for each one of us. Have you ever had the can run on low power. One such alternative
question: “What is the basic unit of a computer is a transistor switch based on light. Such a

* Dr Nihit Saigal, Post Doctoral Fellow from Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, is pursuing his research on “Optical
Spectroscopy of Nanomaterials”. His popular science story entitled “Directing Light Using Tiny Bubbles: Toward Low-
Power Light-Based Computers” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
48 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

switch would not only consume less power to on light or an optical transistor. Currently, very
run but also work at faster speeds since light few such media are known, which can be used
can travel much faster than electrical current. for making an optical transistor, and most of
these need a control light beam to be of very
high power.
When we thought about tackling this
problem, we initially decided to look for
materials that may interact strongly with the
light of very low power. Our system of choice
was a special type of medium that consisted of
extremely small particles called quantum dots.
Quantum dots are made up of hundreds to
thousands of atoms. Due to their unique sizes,
The reason why a light-based switch is they behave very differently from both the
expected to consume less power is that we atoms, which are their basic building blocks
Cartoon showing the ON and OFF states of the and large objects (which we commonly refer
bubble-based switch. to as bulk materials). Our research group had
can engineer special media through which previously demonstrated the ability of quantum
light can travel with much lower loss of power dots to strongly interact with light by devising
compared with electrical current. In a light- ultra-low-power lasers based on quantum
based transistor, one light beam called the dots.
control light controls the state Thus, the problem that we
of another light beam called defined for our research was:
the signal light. For example, “How can we control a light
if the control light is off, the All of us use mobile phones and beam by another low-power
signal light would travel in a computers. They make our life light beam using quantum dots
certain direction and reach easy and happy. Calculations as media?” During our journey
the detector. We would call it that would take hours to do on through several experiments
the ON state. When the control a paper can be done in fractions in the laboratory, we came up
light is on, the signal light would of a second on a computer. with a unique solution to this
deviate from its path and not They also open up a world of problem. To our surprise, the
reach the detector. We would information, knowledge and solution was not based on the
call this an OFF state. opportunities for each one of us. basic electronic properties of
Therefore, we wanted quantum dots, which made
to find a way to control the them very interesting for many
direction of one beam of light other applications, but rather
using another beam of light. To do this, we on their ability to strongly absorb light and
needed to pass light through a material or convert this light energy into heat energy.
a medium other than air. Light interacts with We found that a part of the light energy
such a medium in an unusual manner and absorbed by quantum dots could heat up the
changes its properties. This change in the solvents surrounding them and vaporize them.
medium’s property can then be used to The solvent vapors formed a small bubble with
direct the second beam of light. This together a typical diameter of several micrometers to
constitutes the equivalent of a transistor based millimeters. Interestingly, this bubble acted
Dr Nihit Saigal || 49

like a mirror and deflected a light beam of the bubble. The solution to this problem was
pointed at it. The heat given out to the solvent to use a signal light of energy that would not
also created a gradient of temperature, that is, get absorbed by the quantum dots. We chose
the parts of the solvent nearer to the focus of red light as our signal light. Red light, being
the light beam were at a higher temperature, lower in energy than the absorption threshold
while the parts away from it were at a lower of our quantum dots, was incapable of forming
temperature. This gradient of temperature was the bubble. If we switched off the blue light,
responsible for holding the bubble in a fixed the red light would simply pass through the
position, which was critical for it to function as quantum dots without doing much. Thus, blue
a stable switch. light was essential for the formation of a bubble
Initially, when we measured the power and hence controlling the switch. Therefore,
of the light transmitted through the solution, we achieved the control of a red light beam by
we saw cyclic changes in the light power the a blue light beam via a tiny bubble.
power alternately increased and decreased. It turned out that the powers required
This system, therefore, behaved more like for the bubble formation were of the order of
an oscillator, which toggled between on and milliwatts (close to 50 mW). These powers
off states instead of a stable switch. We also were about a thousand times less than the
had no control over these states. On looking powers typically needed for such systems.
closely at this system using a microscope, Thus, we were able to demonstrate a simple
we found that after its formation, the bubble optical transistor capable of working at very
slowly grew in size. On reaching a certain size, low powers.
it escaped the focus of the light After confirming that our
beam. Immediately after this, system functioned as a low
another bubble formed and this power optical switch, we went
The problem that we defined
cycle continued. one step further and decided to
for our research was: “How
Therefore, the next check whether we could carry
can we control a light beam by
challenge for us was to stabilize out basic computations using
another low-power light beam
the bubble so that we could it. To perform operations such
using quantum dots as media?”
control the on and off states as addition, subtraction, etc., a
During our journey through
of our switch. To solve this computer needed to work with
several experiments in the
problem, we replaced the low a combination of transistors
boiling point solvent hexane laboratory, we came up with a that formed logic circuits or
with a higher–boiling point unique solution to this problem. logic gates. Using our optical
solvent toluene. This helped transistors, we could operate
in making the growth of the such logic circuits at very low
bubble a very slow process and hence led to powers.
a stable bubble. We could stabilize the bubble Thus, by using a light-generated bubble
for many hours in toluene. Now, we could use in a quantum dot solution, we made a low
this bubble to control the direction of our signal power optical transistor and also showed
light. its application in designing logic circuits.
Another challenge that we faced was Although it needed further optimization in
that the signal light must not interact with the terms of efficiency and speed, it was a small
medium. Otherwise, it might disturb the stability step toward low-power all-optical computation.
50 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

The Story Behind a Beautiful


Dr Sirisha Boddapati*
Email: [email protected]

big broad smile is beautiful, contagious, Child: Done!
and can create wonders! This story, an Mom: You haven’t even brushed your teeth for
early-morning conversation between a one minute.
mother and her child, reveals how precious a Child: Ugh! This is so boring. Why do I need to
smile is. brush my teeth every day?
At 6:30 am on a cold winter morning, Mom: You eat so many candies and chocolates,
the mom goes into her sleeping daughter’s no? You need to brush your teeth twice a day
bedroom and slowly coaxes her awake. once after waking up in the morning, and once
Mom: Good morning, baby! at night before going to bed so that your teeth
Child (yawning): Good morning, Mom! don’t become black and get cavities.
Mom: Look, it’s already 6:30. Wake up, wake Child: Cavities! What are these cavities,
up! We need to go to school, no? Go and Mom? Why don’t you allow me to eat as many
brush your teeth. chocolates as I like?
Child: Noooo, not again! Mom: Mouth is home to many bad
(The school-age girl lazily gets out of bed, microorganisms! These have the ability to
goes into the bathroom, and squeezes a little decay our teeth and thus cause cavities, also
toothpaste on her brush. She brushes really known as dental caries. Practicing good oral
quickly and then rinses her mouth.) hygiene, such as brushing our teeth twice

* Dr Sirisha Boddapati, Post Doctoral Fellow from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, is pursuing her research
on “Production and Application of Microbial Mutanase for Prevention and Reduction of Dental Plaques”. Her popular
science story entitled “The Story Behind a Beautiful Smile” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
Dr Sirisha Boddapati || 51

a day, helps us keep these starts to explain the cause of

microbes at bay. It also gives dental plaque.)
us many life-changing health Dental plaque is a sticky, Dental plaque is a sticky,
benefits. colourless bacterial biofilm, colourless bacterial biofilm,
Child: Really? which builds up upon the which builds up upon the tooth
Mom: Yes! Do you know how enamel and between teeth, and
tooth enamel and between
my grandfather used to brush hides under the gums. It consists
teeth, and hides under
his teeth? of proliferating microorganisms
the gums. It consists of
(Child shakes her head to say (50%–70%), glycoproteins and
proliferating microorganisms
no) mucopolysaccharides (glucans
(50%–70%), glycoproteins and
Mom: He used to make a and fructans). One of the main
mucopolysaccharides (glucans
toothbrush from the twig of a culprits for the dental plaque is
and fructans). One of the main
neem tree! He would chew its Streptococcus mutans, a gram-
culprits for the dental plaque is
ends, make bristles and clean positive bacterium. Human
Streptococcus mutans, a gram-
his teeth with them. He had teeth are its world. It lives in the
positive bacterium.
really strong teeth. In a lot of nooks of the teeth, feeding on
villages, people continue to use leftover sugars from our food.
neem twigs from their backyard From the mother, the bacteria
for oral care. See, this is what a silently enter the child’s teeth,
neem brush looks like. inhabit and remain there for the rest of its life.
Child: Really? Wow!
Mom: Although S. mutans was discovered
in the 1890s, the organism’s first description
and name were given by J. Kilian Clarke in
1924. Four genes gtfA, gtfB, gtfC, and gtfD
secrete cell wall-bound glucosyltransferase SI
(GTF SI) and glucosyltransferase S enzymes
Child: Wow! But why aren’t we using this kind (GTF-S). These enzymes break the sucrose
of brush? present in sugars into glucose and fructose
Mom: Due to our modernized, busy lifestyles and join glucose molecules to form water
and eating habits. As a result, periodontal or soluble and insoluble glucans with alpha 1-3
dental diseases became much more prevalent. and alpha 1-6 linkages. These sticky glucans
Child: Mom, sometimes my teeth feel sticky. Is help the bacteria firmly sit on the teeth enamel,
stickiness also a dental disease? form bonds with other bacteria present in the
Mom: The sticky substance is plaque, mouth cavity and aid the overall development
commonly known as dental plaque. It’s not of the complex biofilm. Since these bacteria
a disease, and it’s harmless. It is noticeable eat leftover sugars, they release lactic acid,
when you don’t brush properly. If neglected, it resulting in acidic pH as low as pH 3.0 inside
builds up on your teeth and leads to gingivitis, our mouth cavity.
dental caries or cavities, and many other Child: The pH as low as 3.0! But Mom, can S.
periodontal diseases. mutans itself survive in such low pH?
Let me explain: Mom: The bacteria has developed its own
(Mom, who is doing her postdoctoral work on defence mechanism. It has evolved as an
the enzymatic treatment of dental plaques, acid-tolerant bacterium and adapted to
52 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

survive in acidic conditions. Low pH stimulates cement. A very, very long process. Grandpa
the expression of GTFs. Now, GTFs bind with went through so much pain! He was not even
sucrose present in the food and synthesizes able to talk properly.
glucans. Mom: Yes baby, I know. Very painful and
In the long run, glucans and costly procedures. In our lab,
lactic acid are very harmful. we are trying to develop an
Glucans join together to form alternative approach to control
a biofilm (i.e. plaque). Once Two enzymes, mutanase and dental plaques.
plaque hardens, it forms tartar, dextranase, have the ability Child: Really? Tell me about it!
which affects our gums. The to cleave goofy glucans by Mom: Two enzymes, mutanase
gums become red, swell and breaking their bondage, and, and dextranase, have the ability
start to bleed. This condition thereby, destroy plaque. These to cleave goofy glucans by
is known as gingivitis. On the enzymes can be added to breaking their bondage, and,
contrary, lactic acid starts to thereby, destroy plaque. These
mouthwashes, toothpaste and
demineralize teeth and create enzymes can be added to
chewing gums. Right now, we
holes in them, leading to dental mouthwashes, toothpaste and
are screening microorganisms
caries or cavities. chewing gums. Right now, we
for these enzymes in our lab.
Child: Holes in teeth! Wait, are screening microorganisms
Mom, I’ve heard about this. for these enzymes in our lab.
Last summer, when I went to Look at this Fig., it’ll help you
Grandpa’s house, he had a understand.
very bad toothache. Like how they show in Child: Hehehehe. Crying and smiling teeth. I
Sensodyne toothpaste ads. He was not able like chewing gum! Add enzymes to chewing
to drink or eat properly. When he went to see gum.
a dentist, I also went! The dentist removed one Mom: Hmm! It’s not as easy as it looks. We’re
tooth permanently. To the second tooth, he did facing a lot of hurdles without much outcome.
some drilling and then closed the hole with Raw material glucans, that is the mutan and
Dr Sirisha Boddapati || 53

dextran (or as we call them, the substrates), all those holes, tartar, gum pain and all!
are required for the production and activity of Mom: That’s very good! Also, control the
enzymes. These glucans are not commercially number of chocolates you eat and make sure
available. So, we are growing S. mutans you clean your teeth after eating them.
anaerobically with 5% CO2 for their production Child: Oh, Mom, what is the time? It’s already
in our lab. But, I’m getting low yields, only 70 7:30!
80 mg for 100 mL of the medium. I still need Mom: Hurry up! Go and take a bath. I’ll make
to optimize their production conditions and your breakfast ready. Chalo! Chalo! Otherwise,
confirm their structural identity. we’ll miss the school bus.
Child: Oh! Don’t worry, you’ll solve all these (Giggling, with a broad smile on her face, the
problems! I’m also going to brush my teeth child jumps up and gets ready for school ).
properly from now on, twice a day. I don’t want
54 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Dr Arun Kumar*
Email: [email protected]

v kèkqfud ;qx esa fujarj c<+ jgs fofdj.kksa ds

mi;ksx ls ukfHkdh; foifÙk dk Hk; ,oa bldk
vkink çcUèku vf[ky fo'o ds fy, ,d Çprk
dk fo"k; gSA vrhr dky dh fofHkUu fofdj.k nq?kZVukvksa
esa f'kdkj gq, dà yksxksa dh e`R;q rFkk thfor cps
rgr Ãykt djokus okys dSalj ds ejht ds lkekU;
dksf'kdkvksa dks fofdj.kksa ls Hkkjh uqdlku gksrk gSA
vr% vkink ds le; ,d lQy fpfdRldh; çcUèku
esa] ihfM+r }kjk vo'kksf"kr fofdj.k dh ek=k dk lgh
vkSj rst ewY;kadu rFkk mldks l{ke fofdj.k jksèkh
çkf.k;ksa esa dSalj vkSj vU; chekfj;ka ntZ dh xÃ] ftlesa vkS"kfèk çnku djokuk vfr vko';d gSA fofdj.kksa dh
fgjksf'kek vkSj ukxklkdh dk ijek.kq geyk] psjuksfcy vo'kksf"kr ek=k dk fof'k"V ewY;kadu f}dsfUær xq.klw=
¼tkiku½ esa ijek.kq ÅtkZ l;a= ls fofdj.kksa dk fjlko] foiFku ds vè;;u ls gksrk gS ftls MkblsafVªd fofèk
vkSj fnYyh ds ek;kiqjh bykds esa gqà ukHkdh; nq?kZVuk dgrs gSaA ijUrq nqfu;k es bl rjg ds ijh{k.k djus
'kkfey gSaA ;fn ge orZeku dh ckr djsa rks lHkh okyh ç;ks'kkykvksa dh Hkkjh deh gSA tcfd Hkkjr es ,slh
jk"Vªksa us viuh ijek.kq 'kfä;ksa dk foLrkj dj j[kk gS dsoy nks gh ç;ksx'kkyk;sa gSA blh ds eísutj Hkkjr
;gka rd fd gekjs iM+kslh ns'k Hkh vk;s fnu ijek.kq ds vkdfLed fofdj.k vkink çcUèku dks etcwr djus
geys dh èkefd;ka nsrk jgrk gSaA ,slh ukHkdh; vkink gsrq geusa fofdj.kksa ds ewY;kadu vkSj vkS"kfèk fuekZ.k
esa] fofdj.kksa ls çHkkfor ejhtksa ds vfrfjä nq?kZVuk ds iFk ij 'kksèk dk;Z fd;kA nqfu;k ds fodflr ns’kksa
{ks= ij dke dj jgs cpkodrkZvksa] fofdj.k dkexkjksa] dh Hkkafr Hkkjr ds ukfHkdh; vkS"kfèk ,oa lEc) foKku
rFkk fofdj.k lQkà deZpkfj;ksa dks fuèkkZfjr lhek ls laLFkku usa HkkHkk ijek.kq vuqlaèkku dsaæ ds lg;ksx ls
T;knk fofdj.kksa ds vo'kks"k.k dk [krjk cuk jgrk gSA vUrjkZ”Vªh; ijek.kq ÅtkZ ,tsalh ¼vkà , à ,½ ds ekud
blds vykok jsfM;ksMk;Xuksfll o fofdj.k i)fr ds ekin.Mksa ds vkèkkj ij viuk fofdj.k ek=d çfrfØ;k

* Dr Arun Kumar, Post Doctoral Fellow from Central Research Institute of Homoeopathy, NOIDA, is pursuing his research
on “Genoprotective Efficacy of Homeopathic Drugs against Chemically Induced DNA Damage in Lymphocytes”. His
popular science story entitled “ ” has
been selected for AWSAR Award.
Dr Arun Kumar || 55

oØ ¼js[kk½ LFkkfir fd;k] ftlds QyLo:i laLFkku ijh{k.k½ rFkk vkÆFkd lg;ksx ,oa fodkl laxBu ¼vks
dh ck;ksMkslhfeVªh ç;ksx'kkyk ijek.kq à lh Mh½ }kjk Mh,u, dh fo"kkäk
ÅtkZ fu;ked ifj"kn ¼, Ã vkj ch½] ds fy, lq>kfor ekudksa dks 'kkfey
Hkkjr ljdkj ls ekU;rk çkIr djds fd;k x;kA bu lHkh ijh{k.kksa ds ifj.
Hkfo"; esa gksus okyh ukfHkdh; vkink ,slh ukHkdh; vkink esa] fofdj. kkeksa esa ;g ik;k fd çfrv‚Dlhdkj.
ds le; fofdj.kksa dh vo'kksf”kr kksa ls çHkkfor ejhtksa ds vfrfjä kksa ¼lsleksy rFkk esykVksfuu½ ls
ek=k ds fof'k"V ewY;kadu dh lsok gsrq nq?kZVuk {ks= ij dke dj jgs Vhdk—r fd;s x, pwgksa esa fofdj.kksa
rRij gS rFkk Hkkjr esa ,slh {kerk ds cpkodrkZvksa] fofdj.k dkexkjksa] ls çsfjr Mh,u, {kfr fcuk Vhdk—r
foLrkj vkSj usVoÉdx ij dk;Z dj rFkk fofdj.k lQkà deZpkfj;ksa pwgksa dh rqyuk esa 50 çfr'kr de
jgh gSA dks fuèkkZfjr lhek ls T;knk ikà x;h vkSj fofHkUu rjg ds xq.klw=
;fn ckr djsa fofdj.k jksèkh vkS"kfèk fofdj.kksa ds vo'kks"k.k dk [krjk fodkjksa esa Hkh esa 57 çfr'kr dh deh
dh rks] fiNys Ng n'kdksa ls vf[ky cuk jgrk gSA ntZ gqÃA nksuksa çfrvkDlhdkjdksa dh
fo'o dh fofHkUu ç;ks'kkykvksa esa 'kksèk fofdj.k jksèkh {kerk vesfjdk ds [kk|
dk;Z py jgk gS] fdUrq dksà Hkh l{ke lqj{kk çkfèkdj.k }kjk lR;kfir l{ke
vkS"kfèk cu ugÈ ldhA la;qä jkT; ds nokà ¼vehQkÇLVu½ ds lkFk ijLij
[kk| ,oa vkS"kfèk ç'kklu us flj rFkk xyk dSalj jsfM;ks ij[kk x;k tksfd yxHkx cjkcj ikà xà blds vykok
fpfdRlkfoèkku ds nkSjku jksfx;ksa dh lkekU; dksf'kdk vkSj bu çfrvkDlhdkjdksa dk 'kkjhfjd nq"çHkko ¼lkbM
cpko ds fy, flQZ vehQkÇLVu uked jlk;u dks ,d bQsDV½ vehQkÇLVu ls ;s dà xq.kk de ik;k x;kA
lg&vkS"kfèk dh rjg mi;ksx gsrq ikfjr fd;k gSA fdUrq ç;ksx'kkyk esa pwgksa ij gq, ç;ksxksa ds urhtksa ls ;g
bLrseky ds mijkar blls gksus okys nq"çHkkoksa ds dkj.k fu"d"kZ fudkyk x;k fd çk—frd çfrv‚Dlhdkjd
;g Hkh lqjf{kr nok ugÈ cu ldkA vr% orZeku esa Hkh fofdj.kksa ls gksus okyh jäksRiknd fo"kkäk dks de djrs
bl {ks= esa 'kksèk dk;Z dh t:jr gSA ,d vPNk vkSj gSa rFkk fofdj.kksa ls ;FkklaHko lqj{kk çnku djrs gSaA
okaNuh; fofdj.k lja{kd cukus ds fy,] fofdj.kksa ls vr% ;g urhts l'kä fofdj.kjksèkh vkS"kfèk ds fodkl
gksus okyh fo"kkärk dk xgu vè;;u vfr vko';d gSA iFk esa cgqr mi;ksxh gSaA tksfd Hkfo"; esa Hkkjr ds
jsfM;ksèkeÊ inkFkks± ls fudyus okyh fofdj.k dh mPp ijek.kq vkink çcèkau esa vge Hkwfedk fuHkk,xsaA gky gh
ÅtkZ çR;{k ,oa ijks{k :i ls v.kqvksa rFkk nh?kkZ.kqvksa dh esa ys[kd }kjk viuh M‚DVjsV fMxzh iwjh djds iksLV
lajpuk dks {kfrxzLr djrh gSaA mnkgj.k ds fy, xkek M‚DVjsV 'kksèk gsrw blh fn'kk esa vkxeh dk;Z çxfr
fofdj.ksa Mh,u, dh fnLrjh; lajpuk dks dà Hkkxksa esa ij gS] ftlesa vk;q"k ifn~r ds rgr ,sls dà çk—frd
[kafMr djrh gSA vkS"kfèk;ksa dk vè;;u py jgk gS] tks dSalj jksfx;ksa ds
jäksiknäk ¼fgesVksiks,fVd½ ç.kkyh fo'ks"k :i ls jsfM;ks o jklk;fud fpfdRlkfoèkkuksa ds nkSjku mRiUu
vfLFkeTtk ¼cksu esjks½ fofdj.kksa ds çfr vR;fèkd jsfM,’ku vkSj jlk;u ls muds 'kjhj ds lgh vaxksa esa
laosnu'khy gSA ftldk eq[; dkj.k ewy dksf'kdkvksa gksus okys uqdlku ls cpko djsxh rFkk dSalj Årdksa
¼LVse lsYl½ dk 'kh?kz foHkktu ,oa blls jä dh mRifÙk dks u"V djus esa vkSj lgk;d fl) gksxhA ç;ksx'kkyk
gSA fofdj.kksa ls çsfjr järksRiknd fo"kkäk ç ds
vfLrRo rFkk thou dh xq.koÙkk esa laHkkfor Hkwfedk
fuHkkrk gSA vr% fofdj.kksa ls bl ç.kkyh dk cpko rFkk
{kfr ds mijkar bldh iqujko`fÙk cgqr gh egRoiw.kZ gSA
vr% vius 'kksèk esa] ys[kd us ç;ksx'kkyk esa NksVs pwgksa dh
jäksRiknd ç.kkyh esa fofdj.kksa ls çsfjr {kfr ds fo#)
çk—frd çfrvkDlhdkjdksa ¼lsleksy vkSj esykVksfuu½
dh çHkkodkfjrk dks ij[kkA budh {kerk ij[kus ds
fy, viuk;h x;h fofèk esa vUrjkZ"Vªh; ijek.kq ÅtkZ
,tsalh ¼vkà , à ,½ }kjk lR;kfir Lo.kZ ekud ¼xksYM
LVSaMMZ½ tk¡psa ¼lw{e ukfHkd ijh{k.k] xq.klw= foiFku
56 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

esa 'kq#vkrh ç;ksxksa ls ;g vuqeku yx jgk gS fd rS;kj nokvksa ds çhfDyfudy vkSj fDyfudy vè;;u
vk;q"k ds rgr vkus okyh fpfdRlk i)fr;ksa esa dà ds lQy lekiu ij] m|ksx Hkh fuf'pr :i ls dSalj
dkjxkj vkS"kfèk;ka gSa tks fofdj.kksa ds vo'kks”k.k ls ekuo ds bykt ds fy, vk;q"k vkèkkfjr nok cukus esa #fp
'kjhj dh j{kk djsaxhA bu çkdÆrd vkS"kèkh; ikSèkksa ls fn[kk,axsA
t; fgUn
|| 57

Drone Engine Enhancement for

Military Applications

Dr Raviteja S.*
Email: [email protected]

ndia has produced a legacy of brave hearts the attention of many engineers for both
since times immemorial. The sacrifices of defence and civil applications. A wedding
people who have kept this great nation is almost incomplete without a drone taking
united. The Indian armed forces have always photographs of the ceremony. Drones have
been on the tip of their toes to keep enemies found applications in surveying, cargo delivery
away. It would be impossible to list down and medical supply for remote locations, traffic
the people who had to sacrifice their lives for monitoring, and disaster management and
peace in the nation. While there should be also combat missions.
no compromise on the security of the nation, Popularly, there are two types of UAVs:
the question remains is it worth sacrificing the multi-rotor drones and the fixed-wing UAVs.
the lives of these great men in the wars? With Multi-rotor drones are useful for applications
technological advancements, is it not possible that require the drone to hover in a particular
to improve national security while minimizing location; however, its use is restricted to a low
the loss of human lives? The current work range of operations. The fixed-wing UAVs do
discusses one of these aspects of defence not have the capabilities to hover; however,
technologies. they offer high-speed flights with long-range
Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), popularly capabilities. The present work concentrates
known as the drone, has recently grabbed on the fixed-wing UAVs.

* Dr Raviteja S, Post Doctoral Fellow from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, is pursuing his research on “Internal
Combustion Engines”. His popular science story entitled “Drone Engine Enhancement for Military Applications” has
been selected for AWSAR Award.
58 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Fixed-wing UAVs can be designed in various increasing the power output of the engine
sizes depending on the mission and payload without adding additional weight or by
to be carried. The larger UAVs are generally increasing the complexities. It is well known
powered with internal combustion (IC) engines. that the engines run at full power only during
The smaller UAVs are powered by either electric the take-off of the flight. This lasts for typically
motors or IC engines. A brief comparison of 3–10 min of the flight depending on the flight
these two propulsion systems has been made size. For the rest of the flight, the engine runs
here. The electric motor propulsion system at only part of the full power; hence, the engine
consists of motors and batteries. Over the is oversized for this regime. In the present
past few centuries, battery technology has work, it was proposed to size the engine for
improved significantly. Specific energy is one cruise conditions and obtain the additional
of the most important parameters of a power power required during the take-off with the use
source, which is defined as energy stored per of fuel additives such as nitromethane. This
unit mass of the power source. The higher the kind of operation is somewhat similar to the
value of specific power, the more would be afterburners in military jet aircraft, where the
the payload carrying capability or the range of engine is sized for cursing while the afterburner
the UAV. The specific energy of a lead-acid provides additional thrust when required.
battery developed during the 1960s is typically Nitromethane, popularly called as nitro, is a
around 40 Wh/kg. The modern lithium-based liquid chemical. which is denser than gasoline.
batteries offer specific energy around 750 Wh/ Although the calorific value of nitromethane is
kg. The motors have also improved drastically. less than that of gasoline, the advantage of
Modern-day motors are very adding it comes from the fact
compact, efficient and able to that the stoichiometric air fuel
run at very high speeds. On ratio, which is the amount of air
the contrary, the IC engine Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), required for complete burning
propulsion system consists of popularly known as the drone, of the fuel, is very low (1.7)
IC engines and chemical fuels. has recently grabbed the compared with gasoline (14.5).
The fuel can be gasoline, diesel, attention of many engineers Hence, more nitromethane can
methanol, etc. The specific for both defence and civil be pumped in for the same
energy of gasoline is more applications. A wedding is amount of air being drawn by
than 11,650 Wh/kg, which is almost incomplete without a the engine, and so the energy
approximately 15 times greater drone taking photographs of input would be higher. Tests
than that of modern batteries. the ceremony. Drones have were conducted to study the
IC engines have an efficiency of found applications in surveying, effect of nitromethane addition
around 25%. This is much less cargo delivery and medical to the base fuel on the specific
than the efficiency of motors. supply for remote locations, power output of the engine.
However, since weight comes traffic monitoring, and disaster An engine test rig to characterize
as a premium in aerospace management and also combat performance, combustion
applications, IC engines are missions. and emission parameters of
preferred for most medium-to- the UAV engine was built and
high endurance applications. instrumented. The test rig was
The goal of the present capable of measuring the
work was to further enhance thrust, torque, power, engine
the specific power of the UAV engines by speed, fuel consumption rate, temperatures at
Dr Raviteja S || 59

various locations, in-cylinder pressures, crank reduce nitric oxide emissions with lean engine
position and exhaust gas composition. A 35- operations and improve fin design to reduce
cc two-stroke spark-ignition engine fuelled by engine surface temperatures.
petrol was chosen for the tests. Initially, the With these achievements, it would be possible
basic tests were performed to make drones more powerful
to characterise the engine and increase their flight
performance with petrol. These durations. Our team at IIT-
results were taken as a base The goal of the present work Madras is also developing a
reading for further comparison. was to further enhance the complete drone using the above-
For further tests, nitromethane specific power of the UAV developed technology for long
was added to petrol in varying engines by increasing the power endurance and surveillance
compositions. Intermediate output of the engine without missions. A photograph of the
alcohol was added to enable adding additional weight or by same is presented here. The
the mixing of nitromethane with increasing the complexities. It possibilities with these drones
petrol. The mixed fuel was filled is well known that the engines would be endless. With further
into the fuel tank for engine run at full power only during the developments in technologies,
tests. Tests were done under take-off of the flight. we can potentially avoid direct
various engine conditions. The involvement of human life in
engine throttle position, air fuel wars.
ratio, spark timing, compression Being a peace-loving nation,
ratio, propeller sizes, lubricant quantity, etc. we would spread the message of peace
were varied to optimize the engine to its best and harmony to the world. But in case of
performance with the nitromethane-blended misbehaviour, the drones would hunt down
fuel. the enemy with no compromise of army lives.
The results showed a 40% increase in the power The wars of muscle power are over; further is
output, which potentially meant that a smaller going to be a war of technology. It is important
engine could be used on-board of the UAV, for us to start early and have a progressive
saving some valuable weight. Additionally, advancement in defence technology. The
a 5% reduction in fuel consumption was present work is a tiny step towards this mission.
also obtained. Further analysis was carried
out to investigate the reasons for enhanced
performance. It was found that the flame
speed and flame temperatures increased with
the addition of nitromethane. This resulted in
the improved combustion efficiency of the
engine. A reduction in carbon moNOxide and
hydrocarbon emissions was observed with
nitromethane addition. On the downside, due
to increased temperatures, the nitric oxide
emissions and engine surface temperatures
shot up drastically. Future work should aim to
60 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

How a Harmonious Relationship

Between the Brain and the Bone
can Keep Alzheimer’s Disease at
Dr Viji Vijayan*
Email: [email protected]

hen it comes to comparing the of metabolic wastes biologically named as
carbohydrates and proteins on the ‘amyloid plaques’. Amyloid plaques are made
plate, proteins are ‘heroes’. However, of amyloid-beta peptide, a chain of 37–40
there are times when these ‘necessary building amino acid residues. These are generated
blocks of life’ can turn into villains as well. To when a large neuronal membrane protein
name one is the ‘amyloid protein42’ in the called ‘amyloid precursor protein (APP)’ is
brain. clipped at certain positions with specific
Amyloid proteins are not only seen in enzymes in a distinct set of series. When
vertebrates but also found in bacteria, fungi the clipping position and series are altered,
and plants where these exert many protective different sizes of amyloid-beta are generated
functions. In our brain, normal amyloid protects and sent ‘outside the cell’ where they exist as
the brain from infection, repairs leaks in the monomers (1 unit), oligomers (few units) and
blood to the brain barrier, regulates neuronal even fibrils (countless units). These ‘avatar’
communication and so on. Nevertheless, versions of amyloid-beta take a toll when
these characteristics of a miraculous protein there is a ‘toxic gain of function’. For example,
get lethal during a disease. For example, when the gene sequence of APP is altered,
in the brain of a patient with Alzheimer’s amyloid-beta version of 42 amino acids
disease, these proteins are found as ‘heaps’ (popularly known as Abeta42) is produced.

* Dr Viji Vijayan, Post Doctoral Fellow from National Institute of Immunology, Delhi, is pursuing her research on
“Mechanisms by which Bone Proteins Influence Abeta42 Aggregation, Amyloid Deposition and Immune Response in
Mouse Models of Alzheimer’s Disease”. Her popular science story entitled “How a Harmonious Relationship Between
the Brain and the Bone can Keep Alzheimer’s Disease at Bay?” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
Dr Viji Vijayan || 61

This is longer with a greater bent to fold and disease. Nonetheless, this has hardly brought
self-assemble. By ‘self-assemble’, it means any relief. Some people, for no known reason,
that the helically structured monomers of age into Alzheimer’s disease because of the
Abeta42 misfold and interact with themselves lack of an effective medical support, creating a
to assemble without any external direction. socio-economic burden that is unimaginable.
Although the process may seem organized, I have witnessed my great grandmother,
the situation is rather uncontrollable and the grandmother and grandaunts forget their last
final result is an ‘insoluble product’ with a few years in the suffering.
totally different folded structure (pleated) and a
stubborn nature, which is stressful to neurons. What is my research?
Therefore, a tendency to unnecessary fold is I joined Molecular Science Lab, National
the basic reason why the protein becomes a Institute of Immunology, New Delhi, headed by
villain, giving rise to the belief that ‘a protein Prof. Avadhesha Surolia and Dr. Sarika Gupta
when misfolded produces a disorder’, which is in 2010. Although I was primarily involved in
known as the ‘amyloid hypothesis’. Our faith in bone biology projects, I was fascinated with
such a hypothesis drove many clinical trials in some of the lab’s neurobiology projects. In one
different parts of the globe for nearly a quarter of the winter months of 2010, I accompanied
of a century without any light of success. The a PhD scholar to an animal house for the
truth is that ever since the discovery of the sacrifice of a mouse model of Parkinson’s
disorder by Alois Alzheimer’s in 1906, we have disease. I was surprised to find that these
been dealing with only unsuccessful translation mice possessed tibial bones that chipped
of successful pre-clinical trials easily. I was not sure why
conducted on animal model this brittleness occurred in a
systems. Alzheimer’s disease model with neurodegeneration.
is, therefore, a disorder for As far as we know, Alzheimer’s Therefore, I did a literature
which modern medicine has disease is a state in aged people, search on this matter and found
not found any cure. where there is a progressive that the patients diagnosed with
As far as we know, degeneration of the nervous Alzheimer’s disease suffered
Alzheimer’s disease is a state system, causing memory decline bone loss, but the mechanisms
in aged people, where there and behavioural problems. In were unknown.
is a progressive degeneration India, approximately 4 million In 2012, after obtaining
of the nervous system, cases of Alzheimer’s disease the ethical clearance for the
causing memory decline and exist that gives our country the use of amyloid overexpressing
behavioural problems. In 3rd highest load of clinical cases transgenic mice, herein FAD
India, approximately 4 million after China and the USA. (F for familial and AD for
cases of Alzheimer’s disease Alzheimer’s disease) mice I
exist that gives our country performed pilot experiments
the 3rd highest load of clinical to find out whether the bone
cases after China and the function deficit occurred in
USA. To control some behavioural problems mice with Alzheimer’s disease. I assessed
and reduce other symptoms associated with differences in the transcriptional status in the
Alzheimer’s disease, patients diagnosed with bones of diseased mice and compared the
the disease are supported using ‘enzyme data with age-matched wild-type disease-free
blockers’ that slow down the progression of the mice. Transcription is a process wherein the
62 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

information of DNA is passed to a messenger but also perform cleansing activities such as
RNA (a blueprint) for the synthesis of a the removal of carcasses after neuronal death.
particular protein. Although many differences Now to understand why astrocytes associated
appeared, an interesting aspect was that the more with amyloids upon osteocalcin
bones of transgenic mice showed reduced treatment, astrocytes isolated from transgenic
expression of osteocalcin, a protein exclusively mice by enzymatic and sorting techniques
produced by the bone-forming osteoblasts, were maintained in the culture and exposed
contemplated to have a regulatory role in to both osteocalcin and Abeta42. Interestingly,
bone mineralization. This finding led me osteocalcin-stimulated astrocytes showed
to the threshold of an important question. higher uptake of Abeta42 by increasing the
Can osteocalcin supplementation reverse number of receptors that enabled amyloid
Alzheimer’s disease? transport into cells. This increase in the low-
To obtain financial support, I submitted density lipoprotein receptor–related protein
a WoS-A project proposal to DST, New Delhi, (LRP1) allowed amyloids to package within the
which was granted in 2016. 5xFAD transgenic astrocytes as oligomers for digestion.
mice were administered osteocalcin Now, how are cells digesting these
subcutaneously for a period of one month. untoward peptides? Under normal conditions,
The cognitive function was assessed using cells digest their metabolic wastes and reuse
the Morris water maze test, where mice were its materials by a self-eating mechanism called
given a task to identify a hidden platform in a ‘autophagy’ a process aided by acidic cellular
water tank. The amyloid load was assessed compartments called lysosomes. For this, the
by immunostaining techniques cargo gets first packed up into
and immunochemical tests temporarily formed organelles
such as enzyme-linked called ‘autophagosome’, which
immunosorbent assay. An interesting aspect was that then fuses with lysosomes.
We found that osteocalcin the bones of transgenic mice This fusion enables the cargo/
therapy successfully improved showed reduced expression of waste in autophagosome
cognitive deficit and reduced to be digested by the acid
osteocalcin, a protein exclusively
amyloid load in the brain, the and enzymes in lysosomes
produced by the bone-forming
two important characteristics of without harming the cell.
osteoblasts, contemplated to
Alzheimer’s disease. In my experiment, I saw
have a regulatory role in bone
But, how was osteocalcin that osteocalcin stimulation
mineralization. This finding
able to reduce the amyloid increased the number of
led me to the threshold of
load in the brain of transgenic lysosomes and its acidity two
an important question. Can
mice? Now, it was seen by factors that effectively enabled
osteocalcin supplementation
immunostaining methods that the digestion of Abeta42
reverse Alzheimer’s disease?
the administered osteocalcin cargo. These experiments
bound with amyloid plaques were conducted using special
in the brain and attracted fluorescent dyes called
‘glial cells’ towards amyloid ‘Lysotracker’ (that tracks
deposits. Glial cells are non-neuronal brain lysosomes as well as detects its acidity
cells. These, like astrocytes, are thrice in measure) and techniques called fluorescent
number compared with neurons. They not microscopy and flow cytometry technique. In
only supply oxygen and nutrients to neurons both cases, cell components were labelled
Dr Viji Vijayan || 63

and then excited with a laser to emit light of a was used as a mechanical probe to scan the
different wavelength, which was captured by structure of the specimen, magnify surface
a detector and generated as an image/graph. features up to 100,000 times and thus produce a
Since we were sure of osteocalcin and 3D image without any staining procedures. A-O
Abeta42 association, we were curious whether was discovered to possess immunomodulatory
these conferred any protection. Therefore, we activities as evidenced by its ability to reduce
performed an experiment in which an increased inflammatory markers and modulate markers
concentration of osteocalcin was exposed on cell-eating phagocytic cells such as
to a constant concentration of Abeta42 in a ‘macrophages’. A-O had the potential to
tube to evaluate whether any concentration of stimulate and take up pathogenic peptides
osteocalcin (undercarboxylated form) reduced like not only Abeta42 but also other ligands
the toxicity of Abeta42 by A11 immunoblotting. such as oxidative low-density-lipoprotein that
The technique used an antibody that identified caused cardiovascular complications. The
a specific conformation shown only by National Institute of Immunology has sought
pathogenic peptides such as prion, synuclein, patent protection for the A-O complex, and we
etc. We identified that osteocalcin bound to hope that this peptide-therapeutic composed
Abeta42 and reduced its toxicity that led to of integral body components had beneficial
the development of a novel A-O complex (A effects on the body and would be the future of
for Abeta and O for osteocalcin), which was a the Alzheimer disease therapy. Our research
heterogeneous mixture of hydrated structures gives out the message that a bone is an organ
and immature fibrils visualized using atomic that needs special protection in all the phases
force microscopy (AFM). AFM was a different of our lives.
form of advanced microscopy where a ‘tip’
64 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Recombinant Therapeutic
Antibodies – Ek Kadam
Swasthya Ki Aur!

Dr Vaishali Verma*
Email: [email protected]

n the early 1890s, Emil von Behring are one of the most well-studied molecules
successfully demonstrated that diseased in biology. Their shape closely resembles
animals could be treated with the cell-free the Y alphabet of the English language. The
blood of animals who recovered from the human body contains billions of different
same disease. He later named this healing Y-shaped antibodies that, in principle, can
component of the blood as ‘antibodies’ that bind to almost any target. The two arms of the
formed the basis for the modern-day treatment Y-shaped antibody structure bind specifically
of infections such as diphtheria, tetanus, to the infection-causing agents and lead to
rabies, snakebites, etc. For this revolutionary their clearance, thus protecting us from the
work, he was regarded as the founder of the infections caused by viruses, bacteria, etc.
serum therapy and awarded the Nobel Prize in Over the past few decades, apart from
Physiology or Medicine in 1901. The seminal the use of antibody-containing serum derived
work of Behring was taken forward by Paul from the animals immunized with infection-
Ehrlich, who theorized that the blood contained causing agents, several technologies have
a large number of antibodies, which could block become available to produce recombinant
the action of foreign substances encountered therapeutic antibodies. The advent of
by the body and cured diseases. Due to their hybridoma technology for mouse monoclonal
exquisite functions, the antibody molecules antibody production marked the beginning

* Dr Vaishali Verma, Post Doctoral Fellow from University of Delhi (South Campus), Delhi, is pursuing her research on
“Development of Recombinant Therapeutic Antibodies against Different Targets”. Her popular science story entitled
“Recombinant Therapeutic Antibodies – Ek Kadam Swasthya Ki Aur!” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
Dr Vaishali Verma || 65

reaction (PCR) and cloned with one of the

coat proteins of the phage. Consequently,
the assembled phage particle displays the
antibody on its surface along with its coat
protein. The importance of phage display
can be aptly emphasized with last year’s
Nobel Prize in Chemistry awarded to Professor
George P. Smith and Sir Gregory P. Winter ‘for
the phage display of peptides and antibodies’.
Their phenomenal contribution has led to the
recreation of entire human antibody repertoires
in a single tube in the form of phage-displayed
antibody libraries that can be used to identify
specific antibodies against any target with
extreme precision using a process called
biopanning. This technology led to the
Antibodies: The Y-shaped molecules found in isolation of the first human therapeutic antibody
blood protect us from infections.
‘adalimumab’ targeting tumour necrosis factor-
of this antibody revolution. However, due to alpha, which was marketed in 2002. Since
their mouse origin, antibodies obtained from then, several antibodies have matured into
hybridoma were recognized as foreign and the Food and Drug Administration–approved
led to a harmful anti-mouse therapeutics, comprising a
response in humans. To market of ~100 billion USD
prevent this, the technology has worldwide, and an even larger
progressed through the making Blood contained a large number number of such molecules
of chimeric antibodies (30%– of antibodies, which could are in the different phases of
40% mouse and 60%–70% block the action of foreign clinical trials.
human origin) and humanized substances encountered by the In the Indian scenario, the
antibodies (5%–10% mouse body and cured diseases. Due development of therapeutics
and 90%–95 %human origin)
to their exquisite functions, the to counter already existing
and now matured into the
antibody molecules are one of diseases. and those caused
production of fully human
the most well-studied molecules by newly emerging infectious
recombinant antibodies.
in biology. Their shape closely organisms is the need of the
One of the most popular
resembles the Y alphabet of the hour. For instance, as per the
platforms used for the human World Health Organization
English language.
antibody discovery is based on reports, 2017, India faces a
phage display. Phage display major crisis in the form of a
is an elegant technology rampant increase in the cases of
that allows the expression of anti-microbial resistance (AMR).
desired proteins on the surface of phages With an ever-increasing burden of AMR and
viruses that infect bacteria. In this technology, not many new antibiotics in the development
the sequences encoding the two arms of the pipeline, the antibody-based therapeutics can
Y-shaped antibody molecule (that bind to the be used as alternative intervention strategies
target) are amplified using polymerase chain to mediate the killing of microbes and the
66 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

neutralization of microbial toxins either as a sequences during PCR-based gene

stand-alone therapy or in combination with the amplification (Indian Patent 320566). The
existing antibiotics. Similarly, India also reports antibody genes have been cloned seamlessly
the highest number of cases of snakebites into a highly optimized phage display vector
worldwide that are treated with an age- using a restriction enzyme-free cloning
old strategy using anti-venom derived from strategy, integrated with protocols to obtain up
horses immunized with snake venom. This to 109 transformants from 1 µg DNA, which is
treatment not only has a low potency but also 10- to 20-folds more efficient than the usually
frequently causes life-threatening side effects obtained numbers. Nearly 100% of the clones
due to the foreign nature of horse antibodies. in the library encode full-length antibody
Such challenges can be addressed using sequences with 70% clones encoding ‘in-
recombinant human antibodies as they can frame’ antibody sequences. The antibody
be a safer and superior alternative to existing sequences show a high similarity to the
remedies and will drive the country towards unmutated antibody sequences present in the
realizing the vision of Hon’ble Prime Minister human germline, indicating their naïve-ness.
for a ‘Swasth’ Bharat. In fact, in India, a fully The analysis of the library using large-scale
human monoclonal antibody m102.4, which is sequencing (next-generation sequencing)
highly potent in neutralizing Nipah and Hendra has revealed that the library is highly diverse
viruses, was sourced by the Indian Council and contains billions of different antibody
of Medical Research from Australia to treat sequences the same as the human body.
the patients during Nipah outbreak in Kerala, The antibody gene representation is also in
India, in May 2018. concordance with natural gene
In this context, our team usage in humans. This library
at the Centre for Innovation in has successfully yielded a
Infectious Disease Research, India also reports the highest large number of different yet
Education and Training number of cases of snakebites highly specific antibody binders
(CIIDRET), University of Delhi worldwide that are treated against six proteins of M.
South Campus (UDSC) has with an age-old strategy using tuberculosis. Most importantly,
developed an indigenous anti-venom derived from horses the library has yielded both
phage-displayed naïve human immunized with snake venom. exclusive and common binders
antibody library constituting This treatment not only has a against the two very similar
10 billion different antibody low potency but also frequently proteins (>80% identity at the
binders. This is a universal causes life-threatening side amino acid level). This finding
library encoding the well- effects due to the foreign nature shows that just like a human
characterized antibody of horse antibodies. Such body, the antibody repertoire in
repertoire of naïve individuals challenges can be addressed the CIIDRET-UDSC library is so
who are minimally exposed using recombinant human diverse that it can yield specific
to the disease-causing antibodies as they can be a antibodies against proteins
pathogens. Hence, it is not safer and superior alternative to that only differ by a few amino
biased towards any particular existing remedies acids. In collaboration with
target. The library has been industry, the CIIDRET-UDSC
constructed using a proprietary library has been successfully
PCR technology that eliminates used to obtain highly specific
any chimerization between similar antibody binders against a human target of therapeutic
Dr Vaishali Verma || 67

importance, which have been transferred to human anti-venom to treat snakebites, which
the industry and have progressed into the are currently treated using anti-venom derived
pipeline of pre-clinical toxicity and efficacy from hyperimmunized horses. Such efforts will
studies. For this work, our team has been eliminate the need for immunization of horses
awarded the prestigious Biotech Product & forever.
Process Commercialization Award-2019 from In essence, the human antibody library
the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry developed at CIIDRET-UDSC is a unique
of Science and Technology, Government of library possessing superior characteristics
India. than the existing libraries and matches the
More recently, we have been successful fervour of the ‘Make in India’ initiative in true
in isolating antibodies against an important sense. It is indeed a progressive step towards
toxic component of Naja Naja (Indian cobra) making India self-reliant for the development of
venom. This work carries immense potential new recombinant therapeutic antibody leads
and gives a hope for the development of against clinically important targets.
a highly efficacious recombinant and fully
68 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Reinventing the Parking

Experience Through Smart Park

Dr Dipak Gade*
Email: [email protected]

his story started way back in 2015 when I was asked by the hotel staff to search
I was travelling to Mumbai from Pune. It for some other parking place for parking my
was indeed a very pleasant day. The sky vehicle. Having driven my car for nearly 7 h
was clear, the atmosphere was good, and I was and feeling absolutely tired, I was desperately
enjoying my driving. I was going on a personal looking for a quick nap in my room instead of
trip to Mumbai for a 1-day halt. You know that going out and look for parking. Finding no other
driving on Pune–Mumbai express highway is way, I somehow convinced myself that it was
really enjoyable and fun. After passing Navi just a matter of 10–15 min to find an alternate
Mumbai and entering into the Mumbai territory parking place, and I started searching for
in the late afternoon, the driving fun started another parking place. Who knew that it would
slowly and steadily turning into a boring and take more than 2 h to search for a suitable
time-consuming journey. Mumbai is one of parking place for my car? The nightmare just
the busiest cities in the world, and most of the began. I was not aware of where to look for
time, its traffic is at its peak. a parking place, and when I started randomly
When I reached my destination, where searching and enquiring about vehicle parking,
I had booked a hotel, things started taking a I found that most of the parking was either full
different turn. It was already late evening, and or had reserved parking. After driving for 2 h
I found that my hotel’s parking was already full. and wasting a significant amount of time and

* Dr Dipak Gade, Post Doctoral Fellow from Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Quantum University,
Roorkee, is pursuing his research on “A Study of Critical Role of Software Engineering with Special Emphasis on
Digital and Information Communication Technologies, in Development of Smart Cities”. His popular science story
entitled “Reinventing the Parking Experience Through Smart Park Solution” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
Dr Dipak Gade || 69

fuel, finally, I somehow managed to park my priority else we will keep on wasting our time
car on the ground floor of one building after and money in non-productive activities such
paying a hefty sum to the building watchman. as finding out free parking place to park the
The watchman allowed me to park my vehicle, vehicle. This, a very serious thought, triggered
but with the condition that before 7 am I should me to undertake research in finding out a
take my vehicle out. To go back cost-effective and easy-to-use
to the hotel, I had to take an solution for vehicle parking
auto-rickshaw. My problems did problems.
not end there. On the next day, The space for parking vehicles But now the question
when I reached the parking of was a big concern in many arises how can we address this
the building, I noticed that my cities. We need to tackle this issue? Do we need to create
car was blocked by another issue on priority else we will more vehicle parking places?
vehicle. After inquiring, I found keep on wasting our time How to ensure that every vehicle
that the parking lot was owned and money in non-productive gets its own parking place? Let
by someone else, and the activities such as finding out me make this thing clear here.
building watchman allowed me free parking place to park the The creation of more parking
to park without the knowledge vehicle. places to ensure the availability
of the real owner. I was allowed of parking spaces for more
to take my car out only when vehicles was not my research
I offered my apologies to the objective. Constructing cost-
parking owner for the inconvenience caused. effective parking places is altogether a
Indeed, this was a unique experience that I different research area.
never had before, since I usually travelled by My research focused on exploring nearby
train. parking places, in case one doesn’t get
This bitter experience made me realize the parking place for vehicle parking at the
that not only the space for living but also the destination. Through my research, I tried to
space for parking vehicles was a big concern address the following requirements:
in many cities. We need to tackle this issue on • Information about the availability of
70 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

parking row-and-column fashion. In most of the parking,

• Information about nearby parking markings are made for two-wheeler as well
places as for four-wheeler parking as a rectangular
• Information about routes to the available box. We can correlate the chessboard black
nearest parking place and white squares to parking lots of parking
• Data analytics on parking usage and places. Let us consider that a black square
trends means the particular parking lot is occupied
Now let us see how we can meet these whereas a white square means that the parking
requirements. I hope all of you are aware of the lot is unoccupied. Refer to the following Fig.
chess game, where the chess board contains that represents this concept. The empty or
black and white squares arranged in a occupied parking lots can be identified using

images captured through status information at any time.

network-connected cameras. Since we are also interested
The image processing algorithm
With image processing, we can in knowing the geographical
runs on a high-speed desktop
identify whether the parking location of the parking place
machine. Let us call it as server
lot is empty or occupied. Each so that one can identify it, it is
identified with the name of
parking lot can be identified necessary to have the parking
the parking place. The parking
by the number of rows and place identification and its
place server is always aware of
columns similar to the one in a address marked on the Google
the parking place occupancy.
chessboard, and the parking map. We all use smart mobiles
place occupancy status can If we connect this server to and Google maps to identify
be maintained, as shown in the the Internet, then any user and explore various places.
below Fig.. with communication access Just to ensure that there is a
The image processing to such a server can enquire communication mechanism
algorithm runs on a high-speed about the current parking status between a vehicle user and the
desktop machine. Let us call information at any time. parking place server, I further
it as server identified with the developed an Android-based
name of the parking place. The app known as Smart Park. The
parking place server is always Smart Park App explores and
aware of the parking place occupancy. If we connects with the parking place servers to
connect this server to the Internet, then any enquire about the parking occupancy status.
user with communication access to such a But, how can we identify and reach to
server can enquire about the current parking the nearest available parking place? This is
Dr Dipak Gade || 71

done with the route planner algorithm running servers at any given time and runs various
on Smart Park App. Refer to the following analytics algorithms on the collected parking
Fig. where the destination point is indicated status data to find out the following:
via a green ball with a star symbol. The pink • Average parking time, peak parking
circles are nothing but available parking hours, least parking time and maximum
places near the destination point, and the parking time
blue arrows indicate the connecting roads • Seasonal variations in parking, busiest
parking places and least utilized parking
• Average parking availability at any
given time, parking data trends, and parking
data correlation with locations
The above-listed information gives
enough insights with respect to parking-related
requirements, parking capacity of specified
for these parking places. The route planner geography location, need for additional
algorithm with Google maps generates the parking places, underutilized parking places,
distance matrix to identify the nearest parking etc.
place from the destination. If you refer to the To ensure having a cost-effective solution
Fig., Parking Places C and E seem to be closer in place, I made use of open-source software
parking places from the destination. Although technologies, tools and databases. For a
Parking Place C seems the nearest one, there hardware platform, the available desktop
is no direct route available to reach it from the machines operating on the Windows Operating
destination. However, there is a direct road System were used. I used online available
available to reach to Parking Place E and images of parking places as well as simulated
hence the Smart Park App recommends the parking data for testing the overall functionality
nearest parking place to the user as Parking of Smart Park App, Data Analytics software and
Place E. Now, the user may connect to Parking parking place server software. The developed
Place E server and enquire about parking software application was verified with the
availability at any given point and go there stated research objectives, and I found that
if the parking lot is available. If no parking is most of the functional requirements were easily
available at Parking Place E, then the user can getting fulfilled.
go to the second nearest Parking Place C as The prototype of Smart Park software is
per the availability of the parking. found highly successful during laboratory-
Further, to ensure that the parking status level testing. I am now planning to implement
information from all the parking place servers a full-fledged smart parking solution based on
should be available at the central system the Smart Park software. I am sure that people
through a dedicated dashboard for ease travelling from one city to another can find a
and convenience, another desktop machine Smart Park solution highly useful to find out
running with Data Analytics software is nearby parking places easily and conveniently.
connected with all the parking place servers in Finally, I would like to end this story with
a network over the Internet. The Data Analytics a famous quote from James Baldwin “Not
software ensures the availability of the parking everything that is faced can be changed, but
status information from all the parking place nothing can be changed until it is faced”.
72 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

An Artificial Blue Leaf for a

Greener Future

Dr Gayatribahen Joshi*
Email: [email protected]

ur earth is changing rapidly day by day. harvest worldwide. However, the burning of
Now, we face the summer heat very these fossil fuels generates an excessive
early in the day while the long wintery amount of CO2 that inadvertently affects our
nights are getting colder. The monsoon season climate. Thus, we are standing on a critical
is extending beyond its routine, affecting the juncture, where we need a continuous source
crop cycle. This abrupt change in the climate of energy to continue the societal growth,
did not happen overnight but gradually altered preferably with minimal side-effects on the
over the past few decades. It took us years to environment. Can we imagine ourselves living
comprehend that numerous anthropogenic without any electricity, power, gas, petrol and
activities were the biggest culprits behind this so on? Therefore, we are trying to create an
scenario. Ever since the age of industrialization, economically viable and environment-friendly
energy has evolved as one of the essential energy source, which can be used to meet the
commodities in human society. With the energy requirements in the long run.
advancement of the civilisation, the need for Omnipresent solar energy has emerged
energy increased exponentially, and with that as one of the best bets in this pursuit of an
increase, the production of energy. To date, alternative clean energy resource. Despite all
fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas the advantages, the sunlight is only available
remain the primary resources for this energy during the limited hours of the day. Hence,

* Dr Gayatribahen Joshi, Post Doctoral Fellow from Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, is pursuing her
research on “Design Gold Nano-Structures Based Devices for Various Applications”. Her popular science story
entitled “An Artificial Blue Leaf for a Greener Future” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
Dr Gayatribahen Joshi || 73

the continuous production of usable energy field. With all this background, now we are set
(preferably electricity) from solar irradiation is to develop an artificial leaf that will effectively
an impractical proposition. Here, we look into capture solar energy to H2.
nature for inspiration. The driving force behind Therefore, how are we going to make
all the biological processes is solar energy, this artificial leaf? Thinking about leaves, we
even if it is not entirely apparent at first. Biology need to select a light collector, which can
traps the solar energy into chemical bonds absorb sunlight and create electricity. And,
via photosynthesis, by which plants prepare the materials (catalyst), which can pull this
their food. In this process, electricity and convert one of
green leaves capture sunlight the most common sources of
and use it to convert water, the proton, water molecule,
The burning of these fossil into hydrogen and oxygen.
carbon dioxide and minerals
fuels generates an excessive The following are the key
into oxygen and energy-rich
amount of CO2 that inadvertently challenges we face during the
compounds. We thought of
affects our climate. Thus, we are development of this artificial
taking a leaf out of this natural
standing on a critical juncture, leaf:
energy conversion blueprint
where we need a continuous (i) The inefficiency of
and imitate this process.
source of energy to continue the device due to the lack of
However, we have simplified
the societal growth, preferably effective light absorption,
the full process into two steps:
with minimal side-effects on the (ii) Long-term durability
(i) harvest solar energy and, (ii)
environment. under solar irradiation and
transform that absorbed solar
energy into H-H chemical bond (iii) The overall cost of the
via hydrogen (H2) evolution system.
reaction (HER). The simplicity of proton (H ) + Hence, developing a robust, affordable,
into H2 conversion is not the only reason efficient and tunable artificial photosynthetic
behind selecting this reaction for proper solar device is our principal goal. The research
energy storage. The high energy density of H2 outcome of this project has the potential to
molecule and efficient extraction of the stored lay the cornerstone for developing the next
energy via fuel cell also established H as one generation of renewable energy infrastructure.
of the most prominent energy vectors in the

Preparation of an artificial blue leaf:

(ACS Energy Letters, 2019, 4, 2428–2435)

74 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

The initial challenge we have is to the water and expose it to sunlight or any other
pick a light collector that can absorb most white light source, give some boost (applied
of the sunlight as well as impart stability potential) and boom …! The magic happens
on light exposure. For that, we chose tiny … You will see bubbles … Lots of bubbles due
triangular-shaped (prisms) to the oxygen and hydrogen
gold nanoparticles (30–40 nm gas formation. And you will
in size) attached to the glass know it is working. The way
slide. We selected them as a The high energy density of H2 kids begin dancing and rolling
light collector because they molecule and efficient extraction on the trampoline; similarly,
could efficiently absorb 95% of the stored energy via fuel the blue leaf comes into action
of the sunlight, and were very cell also established H 2
as one under light exposure. The
robust on light exposure. For of the most prominent energy tiny prismatic gold particles
the catalyst, we selected an vectors in the field. With all this get very excited under light,
inexpensive, naturally abundant background, now we are set to and the free electrons of the
cobalt-based (cobaloxime) develop an artificial leaf that will particles start jumping and
molecule: the light collector and effectively capture solar energy flowing. As the electrons
the cobalt-based materials were to H2. move, they leave electron
connected through a linker. holes behind and generate the
Consequently, the combination electron wave, which is then
of cobaloxime and tiny prisms directed to the attached cobalt
attached through a linker recreated an artificial catalyst that speeds up the water splitting. As
leaf for water oxidation. The prepared sample a result, hydrogen and oxygen are produced
looked like a blue sheet and worked as a leaf, from water. We found out that the blue leaf
and that’s why I called it ‘An artificial blue leaf’. we created worked in normal water with high
So now, the question is, how does this blue efficiency at minimal overpotential. Therefore,
leaf work? It’s magic. You put this blue leaf into the first challenge about the productivity of the
Dr Gayatribahen Joshi || 75

device due to insufficient light absorbance I can place this blue leaf on the roof of every
was resolved. The second challenge was the building, using sunlight to convert tap water
stability of the system on light exposure. For this, into hydrogen and oxygen. The light will then
we placed the sheet under light and noticed turn into electricity, and the hydrogen can be
that the sample was very stable for several stored and converted into fuel cells. Imagine
hours. This result signified the robustness of your house as your power plant providing
the sample under practical conditions. The electricity and gas without causing any harm
final obstacle to overcome was the cost. The to the environment. Are you ready to run your
estimated cost for the preparation of one blue cars on water instead of petrol!!!
sheet (2.5 × 1.0 cm2), as we calculated, was
approximately eighty rupees. It produced Water splitting through an artificial blue leaf under
2.66 µghydrogen and 10.66 µg oxygen every light:
hour continuously. This calculation can be This work was carried out under the guidance of
translated to 0.8% conversion of the incident Dr. Saumyakanti Khatua and Dr. Arnab Dutta.
light into chemical fuel, which is H2 in this case. The article was recently published in ACS
Finally comes the application part; how can we Energy Letters: “Plasmonic Gold Nanoprism−
finally apply this initial finding of the artificial Cobalt Molecular Complex Dyad Mimics
blue leaf as the next-generation energy carrier? Photosystem-II for Visible−NIR Illuminated
How is it going to reform the energy scenario Neutral Water Oxidation” ACS Energy Lett.
of the world? And, that’s our next inspiration. 2019, 4, 2428−2435.
As per my consideration and understanding,
76 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Organic Spintronics: Role of TiO2

in OLED Fabrication for Display

Dr Vaishali Phatak Londhe*

Email: [email protected]

n old times, the basic needs of a person were
food, clothing and shelter. However, in today’s
era, the basic needs are food, clothing, shelter
and, additionally, electronic gadgets. Electronic
gadgets include smart TVs, mobiles, laptops,
iPads, etc. Electronic devices have become an
integral part of our life, and we cannot imagine
our life without these electronic devices.
Technology has advanced with years, and it
has changed the way we live. Various changes
have been brought about by these continuous
technological advancements. Almost everything
we use has been innovated to better standards. Fig. 1. Technological advancement.
Fig. 1 represents how technology has changed
As technology is progressing day by
over time. From desktop to laptop, antenna TV to
day, it has some limitations too. Battery life or
smart TV and landline phones to smart mobiles
power consumption of electronic devices is
are the perfect examples of technological
always the primary concern for everyone. The
display (or screen) of TVs, mobiles, laptops

* Dr Vaishali Phatak Londhe, Post Doctoral Fellow from CSIR-North East Institute of Science and Technology, Jorhat, is
pursuing her research on “Study of Spinterfaces in Organic Spin Valve Thin Films”. Her popular science story entitled
“Organic Spintronics: Role of TiO2 in OLED Fabrication for Display Technology” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
Dr Vaishali Phatak Londhe || 77

and computers consume maximum power. called spin-polarized (SP) current. Electronics
In order to increase the battery life, a display require inorganic semiconductors such as
of the device should be made in such a way silicon (Si) to control the current flowing through
that minimum power is consumed. Research the device, whereas spintronics makes use
has been going on all over the world for the of organic semiconductors to control the SP
enhancement of battery life. It can be done in current. The use of an organic semiconductor
two ways: (OSC) in spintronics leads to a challenging

Fig. 2. Spin of an electron.

1. By changing the material of the battery

Fig. 3. Structure of an OLED.
2. By modifying the material used for the
fabrication of display. field of science known as ‘organic spintronics’.
My study focused on the fabrication and Organic spintronics is a fusion of organic
modification of new materials electronics and spintronics.
for the display of electronic Organic spintronics now
devices (as mentioned in point supports a rapidly growing
no. 2 above). As technology is progressing industry, including organic light-
Conventional electronic day by day, it has some emitting diode (OLED) displays
devices utilize the flow of an limitations too. Battery life used in cell phone displays
electron’s charge, which we or power consumption of and smart TVs. The OLED
call as the current. However, electronic devices is always the has several attractive features
modern electronic devices primary concern for everyone. such as low driving voltage,
deal with an additional The display (or screen) of TVs, high efficiency, wide colour
property of an electron, which mobiles, laptops and computers variation and fast response
is called spin; it gives rise to consume maximum power. In speed. OLED consists of a thin
a new research field called order to increase the battery life, layer of organic semiconductor
spintronics or spin electronics. a display of the device should sandwiched between two
Spin can be visualized as the be made in such a way that electrical contacts. A thin layer
motion of a toy top, as shown of organic semiconductor emits
minimum power is consumed.
in Fig. 2. In the same way, the the light when an electric current
spin of an electron is simply is passed through it. This is
the motion of an electron on called electroluminescence.
its own axis either clockwise An organic semiconductor
(spin-down state) or anticlockwise (spin-up is a carbon-based semiconductor whose
state). Thus, the current generated by either conductivity lies between a conductor (good
spin-up or spin-down state of the electron is conductor) and an insulator (bad conductor).
78 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Conductivity is a property of a material that SP current through Co/ Alq3/Fe device is

allows the electric current to pass through it. mainly affected by the spin-flip phenomenon
The structure of an OLED device is shown in at Co/ Alq3 interface. This can be understood
Fig. 3. Alq3 organic layer as an OLED emitter, by an example of tossing (flipping) of a coin,
cobalt (Co) as the cathode, as shown in Fig. 4(a). Just as
iron (Fe) as the anode and the head becomes tail or tail
silicon (Si) as a substrate becomes head as the coin
were used during my research Organic spintronics now flips in the air, the spin-flip
work for the fabrication of an supports a rapidly growing phenomenon is the change
OLED. The chemical name of industry, including organic light- of spin state of electrons from
Alq3 is [8-(hydroxyquinoline) emitting diode (OLED) displays up to down or down to up
aluminium]. Alq3 (Fig. 3) used in cell phone displays when the electrons flow from
consists of atoms with a low and smart TVs. The OLED has cathode to anode via organic
atomic number, such as carbon several attractive features such semiconductor as indicated
(C), hydrogen (H), nitrogen as low driving voltage, high in Fig. 4(b). The following
(N), oxygen (O), aluminium efficiency, wide colour variation spin-flip phenomenon are the
(Al), etc. Due to a low atomic and fast response speed. two important factors that can
number, Alq3 possesses long cause this spin flipping at Co/
spin relaxation time. Long Alq3 interface:
spin relaxation time means the 1. (Interfacial diffusion)
spin remains in the same state Mixing of atoms of Co into
(either in up- or downstate) for a longer time. Alq3. We have addressed this problem in our
Long spin relaxation time makes Alq3organic manuscript published in the Journal of Physics
semiconductor an ideal platform for the D: Applied Physics in May 2018. [link]
fabrication of OLEDs. 2.
Conductivity mismatch between Co
From Fig. 3, it is clear that the OLED and Alq3.
structure is made up of multiple layers. The Problem: The conductivity mismatch
boundary region between any two layers is arises due to different conductivities of Co and
called the interface. It can be understood that Alq3. A large difference in the conductivity of
the number of electrons passing through the these two materials induces spin flipping at
interface is directly proportional to the light Co/ Alq3 interface. This results in the blocking
emitted by the OLED structure. Generally, of SP current from metallic Co into Alq3layer,
the Co/ Alq3 interface gives rise to high as a result of which there is no light emitted by
voltages and low efficiency. Hence, there is a Alq3.
requirement to further modify this interface. Objective: The objective of my research
work was to minimize this conductivity
mismatch problem at Co/ Alq3 interface for the
low-power consumption OLED display.
Solution: To circumvent the conductivity
mismatch problem, a transition metal oxide
TiO2 was used as a barrier layer at the Co/Alq3
interface in my research work. Conductivity
Fig. 4. (a) Coin flipping and (b) spin flipping. mismatch between Co and Alq3 was determined
with a parameter called work function using
Dr Vaishali Phatak Londhe || 79

ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy flexible glass or foils, as a substrate, as shown

technique. Work function is defined as the in Fig. 5. My future work will be based on OLED
minimum amount of energy required to remove fabrication with such flexible substrate for semi-
free electrons from the surface of a material. transparent TVs, laptops and mobile displays.
The work function at Co/TiO2/Alq3 and Co/Alq3 The device structure will be modified in such a
interfaces was calculated to be 4.46 eV and way that it will consume bare minimum power.
6.08 eV, respectively. The lower work function The days are not far when the Starwars movie
of the Co/TiO2/ Alq3 interface suggests that the like gadgets will be available in the market for
electrons will be injected from Co to Alq3 with the use by a common man.
more ease in the presence of the TiO2 barrier. Author Profile: Dr. Vaishali Phatak
The electroluminescence study will be done on Londhe was awarded a Doctor of Philosophy
the prepared OLED with and without the TiO2 (PhD) in Physics in 2012. The title of her
barrier layer to study the display performance. thesis is ‘Nano-scale diffusion in thin films
It is expected that due to the lower work function and multilayers’. During the research, she
of the Co/TiO2/Alq3 interface, the device will had hands-on experience of working on
operate on low power. As a result, the battery beamline ID-18 and ID-32 of the European
life/power consumption of electronic devices Synchroton Radiation Facility, France, for
such as smart TVs, mobiles, laptops and iPads nuclear resonance reflectivity measurements.
She has also handled the secondary ion mass
spectroscopy technique at the University
of Clausthal, Germany. She joined the
Department of Nanoscience and Technology,
Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, as a
Department of Science and Technology
(DST) Woman Scientist in 2016 under the
DST woman Scientist Scheme-A project. Her
Fig. 5. Bendable, rollable and transparent present project is ‘Study of spinterfaces in
organic spin valve thin films’. The project was
made up of OLEDs will be enhanced. transferred to CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat, in July 2019.
In the future, smart TVs, laptops and She published a research paper regarding her
mobile displays will get even thinner and current project in an international journal (J.
lighter. Flexibility is another key feature of Phys. D: Appl. Phys.) in 2018. This research
OLED technology. OLEDs can be made in a is financed by Women Scientist Scheme-A
bendable, rollable and transparent form using (WOS-A), DST, Government of India.
80 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Noninvasive Marker of Breast

Cancer Using Dermatoglyphic
Tool of ATD Angle Measurement

Dr Alibha Rawat*
Email: [email protected]

reast cancer is one of the most other confirmatory procedures such as fine-
prominent cancers in women worldwide, needle aspiration and magnetic resonance
and its incidence has been rising at an imaging. Dermatoglyphics, the branch of
alarming speed. It accounts for nearly 23% anthropometry, which deals with the study of
of all cancers worldwide. There is a need to epidermal ridges and patterns found in the
look for novel tumour markers for its early and hands and soles of human beings, is one such
effective diagnosis. noninvasive technique that has been explored
Mammography has been the cornerstone as a marker for breast cancer screening. It can
of diagnostic screening for breast cancer for play a very pivotal role in minimizing this anxiety
decades, and no doubt, it is the most effective and convincing women to go for a screening
and established method of diagnosis, but this to check their risk factors. It is simpler to
has also resulted in a lot of false-negative cases perform, and once high risk is established,
and overtreatment of lumps. This invariably taking into account other established risk
increases anxiety in women and is certainly a factors, including family history, co-morbidities
painful procedure. This call for a novel screening such as diabetes and thyroid disorders, parity
method, which is preferably noninvasive and and menopausal status, other aggressive
can establish high-risk categories that should measures can then be performed.
then be monitored by mammography and In this regard, my PhD work aimed to

* Dr Alibha Rawat, Post Doctoral Fellow from Atal Bihari Institute of Good Governance and Policy Analysis, Bhopal,
is pursuing her research on “Assessing the Usage of Non-Communicable Disease Clinics for Carcinoma Breast
Screening Using Health-Belief Model in Select Districts of Madhya Pradesh”. Her popular science story entitled
“Noninvasive Marker of Breast Cancer Using Dermatoglyphic Tool of ATD Angle Measurement” has been selected
for AWSAR Award.
Dr Alibha Rawat || 81

generate some novel tumour markers by Its role in breast cancer screening has
anthropometric, cytogenetic, and biochemical been explored by a number of researchers.
analyses. The present article will focus on the A specific tool of dermatoglyphic study ATD
anthropometric marker of breast cancer. angle is found to have the potential to screen
Anthropometry is the branch of anatomy high-risk individuals. ATD angle is the angle
that deals with the study of measurement of of the triradius junction that is drawn from the
the human body, and dermatoglyphics is a junctions found below the digital fingers and at
branch of anthropometry that deals with the the proximal end of the palm by taking a print
study of epidermal ridges of palms and soles. of the palm by applying ink. The angle can
These ridges are formed at around the 10th be directly drawn on the palm as well. It has
week of human foetus development and stay been found by a number of studies that the
throughout the life of the individual without wider the ATD angle (>45°), the higher the risk
changing. Any abnormality or mutation formed of breast cancer.
during this developmental stage can reflect in The importance of these markings to the
the anomaly in the epidermal ridges, as in the geneticist was not realized until recent years.
case of congenital malformations. Hence, it They can be used as an adjunct to other
is a clinically established method of diagnosis diagnostic methods in identifying diseases of
for congenital malformations in genetic labs genetic origin.
throughout the world. In my PhD work, around 200 women
There is a reason to believe that it can with breast cancer, aged 18–70 years,
reflect the anomaly and thus predisposition were registered, and an equal number
towards certain other diseases of age-matched healthy
including cancer. The sheer women were enrolled for the
simplistic nature of its study dermatoglyphic study. ATD
and its noninvasiveness and angle measurement was
cost-effectiveness are the Dermatoglyphics, the branch of chosen as the dermatoglyphic
reasons that many scientists anthropometry, which deals with tool for analysing patients with
are exploring this as a potential the study of epidermal ridges breast cancer. It is the angle of
diagnostic tool for identifying and patterns found in the hands the triradius junction between
diseases including cancer. and soles of human beings, is the digital fingers and the
one such noninvasive technique proximal end of the hand. It
Dermatoglyphics study and its role that has been explored as has been found that the wider
in breast cancer screening a marker for breast cancer the angle >45°, the more will
Dermatoglyphics has found screening. It can play a very the risk of breast cancer and
applications in genetic labs, pivotal role in minimizing this other hormonal imbalances.
anthropological studies and anxiety and convincing women The result showed a mean
medico-legal cases for ages. to go for a screening to check ATD angle of 48° in breast
However, its role in screening their risk factors. cancer compared with healthy
other diseases such as breast control, which was statistically
cancer, diabetes mellitus and significant with a P value of
schizophrenia to name a few, 0.0001.
has been realized only in recent Besides these enrolled
years, and a number of researchers are working and documented cases, the ATD angle
on this. measurement has been done by the
82 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Department of Research, JNCHRC, Idgah half the battle won. It can save all the women
Hills, Bhopal under the guidance of Dr. N. on the brink of a fatal disease.
Ganesh for years together with various cancer In my current research work under the
awareness camps for a decade or so. The team guidance of Dr. Kanika Sharma, Deputy
has successfully managed to Adviser, State Health Resource
screen a number of women with Centre, AIGGPA, Bhopal,
breast cancer risk, presence strategies are being made to
of fibroadenoma, or other strengthen the breast cancer
Its role in breast cancer
hormonal imbalances such as screening scenario in both rural
screening has been explored
polycystic ovary disease. I have and urban regions of Madhya
by a number of researchers. A
also participated in more than Pradesh. In our report, we
specific tool of dermatoglyphic
35 such camps and recorded will incorporate the benefits
study ATD angle is found to
ATD angles of hundreds of of this diagnostic method in
have the potential to screen
women. strengthening breast cancer
high-risk individuals. ATD angle
Women with diabetes screening programmes in
is the angle of the triradius
mellitus and thyroid disorders the districts of MP and would
were also found to have junction that is drawn from the introduce this in the cancer
wider angles, which showed junctions found below the digital awareness camps in the future.
a correlation between these fingers and at the proximal end Women are, by nature,
disorders and breast cancer of the palm by taking a print of resilient; the early detection
risk. the palm by applying ink. of this deadly disease can
Thus, dermatoglyphics help them win the battle
has a huge potential as a ahead. Breast is the sign of
noninvasive technique for motherhood and nurturing, and
screening breast cancer in women and it should not fall prey to this disease. Women
strengthening the breast cancer screening are not supposed to be weak or vulnerable
programmes due to its noninvasive nature and because God has bestowed them with the
cost-effectiveness because as far as breast power of creation; a woman is a giver of life;
cancer is concerned, early diagnosis means she is Shakti herself.
Dr Alibha Rawat || 83

Nanotechnology: A Trojan Horse

for Green Health Revolution

Dr Nandini B.*
Email: [email protected]

biological solution for biological important to move forward with a responsibility
problems is a new paradigm in science. to make use of the nanotechnology wisely.
Nature has both disease-inducing and The vision of nanotechnology was initiated in
disease-preventive incentives. Science is the 1959 by Richard Feynman in his visionary talk,
bridge between nature and disease to examine There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom, wherein he
the biological problems arising in nature and illustrated the possible manipulation of atoms.
come up with solutions for the same. Any particle Presently, the branch of that vision has been
has its own power to bring about changes in recognized now; but still, it remains indistinct to
the environment. When we go with the disease know the possible extent of manipulations at the
protection concept, we always look forward for atomic level.
an agent or an elicitor with a significant activity Our surrounding environment in our
at a minor concentration. In this point of view, daily life activities is completely covered with
nanoformulation is one of the most significant very small tiny particles; we feel them as dust
approaches.Nanotechnology includes diverse particles and they sometimes act as infectious
fields of science with the manipulation of agents, as we suffer from it. Nanotechnology
material at atomic and molecular levels. A has a tremendous impact on transforming
scientific venture of nanotechnology provides us a pathogenic form into a nonpathogenic,
with huge benefits in all the areas, and it is also environmental-friendly sustainable form. This

* Dr Nandini B., Post Doctoral Fellow from CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore, is pursuing
her research on “Investigations on Signal Molecules Responsible for Host Susceptibility to Thrips (Thysanoptera)
Infestations in Capsicum Species and its Effect on Carotenoids Content of Fruits and Capsaicin Production”. Her
popular science story entitled “Nanotechnology: A Trojan Horse for Green Health Revolution” has been selected for
AWSAR Award.
84 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

is one of the main points Feynman illustrated the influence of these chemical fungicides
in his talk, that is, the ability to manipulate would be carved up. But here, he had applied
individual atoms or molecules. Globally, a these chemicals all by himself and that too
lot of research has been carried out with for so many seasons. Therefore, the adverse
regard to the plant growth potential, disease effect of these chemicals made him suffer from
resistance, and its preventive approach. On this disease. Not only this, there are also many
the same path, pathologists are observing new examples that illustrate the adverse effects
resistant pathogens leading to devastation of fungicides such as endosulfan and DDT.
in plant health, yield, and effective economic Eventually, these chemical fungicides will lead
parameters. In the lane of plant disease to the trail of the total imbalance in natural
protection, farmers use a various range of ecosystem, human health, and economic
chemical pesticides, fungicides, without status. Without a healthy agriculture, what
knowing their constraints and side effects. will be the global sustainability? It’s better to
Usually, farmers will not follow the prescribed find solutions by following the path of hidden
concentrations of chemical pesticides or Trojan secrets in nature.
fungicides; instead, they will apply them to the Now, it’s time to convey the concept of
maximum extent to the field believing they will nanotechnology in the farming sector to maintain
get more yield. As we observed, in our village, good health and economic status of the society
one of the farmers’ families was good enough and to minimize the use of hazardous chemicals
and carried out their work normally. Due to for the short-term benefits. Nanotechnology
labor issues, the farmer couldn’t carry out is one of the fascinating fields, which shows
his work properly, so he alone that even a very minute
carried out his farming activities nanometer-size particle acts
such as plowing, roughing, and as a curative agent by initiating
chemical fungicide applications Our surrounding environment a defensive battle against the
all by himself. To get a good in our daily life activities is pathogens. It is very interesting
yield without any constraint, completely covered with to investigate theoretically and
it was indeed necessary to very small tiny particles; we practicallywhat makes the
apply chemical fertilizers and feel them as dust particles materials get reduced to small
fungicides regularly, which he and they sometimes act as nanometer size and perform as
did. After a few seasons of his infectious agents, as we suffer a protective agent. As we all
work, he got good yield and from it. Nanotechnology has know, the stratagem “Theory
stability, and along with that, a tremendous impact on guides and Practical decides.”
he was also diagnosed with a transforming a pathogenic However, the exact interaction
health issue, that is, cancer. form into a nonpathogenic, between the molecules and
After he was diagnosed with environmental-friendly biomaterials in the formation
cancer, a physician examined of nanoparticles is not clear.
sustainable form.
him for the reason of his Nevertheless, when there
disease. Earlier, he neither had is a control-programmed
any health problems nor any arrangement of things in
unhealthy habits. Finally, they a petite path, a gigantic
predicted that applying too much chemical range of positive assets can be achieved.
fungicides all by himself might be the reason; Nanotechnology illustrates that any pathogenic
if an adequate number of laborers were there, form can be converted into a helpful agent by
Dr Nandini B. || 85

the interaction and reduction with appropriate the rhizosphere soil, these fungal species are
biomaterials. We studied the trichogenic- very helpful for the plants and environment due
selenium nanoparticles against to their mutualistic, antagonistic,
downy mildew disease in and symbiotic features.
pearl millet. Interestingly, Technology appliances in
we noticed enhanced Now, it’s time to convey the agriculture are like “a friend in
protection with improved concept of nanotechnology in need and a friend indeed” for
reproductive parameters in the farming sector to maintain the farmers. Nanomaterials,
a minor concentration range good health and economic nanofertilizers, nanopesticides,
compared with other elicitor status of the society and to and nanoformulations with
forms of Trichoderma spp., minimize the use of hazardous a target act via a broad
including oligosaccharides, chemicals for the short-term range of protections, making
total crude proteins, and benefits. them suitable applicants for
lipids. As Trichoderma spp. the development of novel
is an opportunistic fungus, it appliances for sustainable
depends on the paradigm as to agriculture.
how we will use and implement Nanotechnology has
it as a biocontrol agent using appropriate created an era by grabbing major funds
desired form and concentration. Since globally. There is no doubt that it will further
Trichoderma has been isolated from the root in channelize and revolutionize the mainstream

Schematic illustration of nanotechnology concept as a Trojan horse for green health revolution.

of the science vision to overcome all the addition, it is also important to minimize the use
constraints in agriculture by improving the of hazardous chemicals for short-term benefits
green health. Further, the research bodies and step forward to improve the strength of the
have to engage in the utilization of naturally ecosystem in bringing out long-term benefits
available solutions to improve the growth and to agriculture commodities.
health potential of the plants and populace. In
86 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Lower Aromatic Fuels for

Combustion Engines to
Reduce Emissions and Fuel
Dr Paramvir Singh*
Email: [email protected]

ir pollution is a serious problem in India demands due to their insufficient availability
as well as in other parts of the world. throughout the world. The higher regulated
A significant number of public health and unregulated emissions from the burning
studies have demonstrated a link between of the fossil-based fuels for energy are a major
roadside pollution levels and higher than concern. Greenhouse gas emissions have
average hospital admissions and premature been continuously and drastically increasing
deaths due to cardio-respiratory disease in urban due to the excessive use of fossil fuels. The
developing countries. The great smog of 1952 regulatory bodies are continuously working on
in London is an example of how particulate and reducing the emission from the environment.
gaseous emissions could lead to a large range These forces have been motivating the
of problems for health and economy. Although researchers to work on various strategies to
reducing the number of vehicles on the road reduce the emissions from fossil fuel-based
and shutting down power plants in an urban combustion systems.
area could substantially reduce emissions, it Diesel engines are widely used and
could have a negative impact on the economic diesel fuel is a workhorse throughout the
growth of the developing countries. world due to its better efficiency, economy,
The reliance on fossil-based fuels is higher power, and reliability for heavy- and
not enough to meet the forthcoming energy medium-duty applications in transportation,

* Dr Paramvir Singh, Post Doctoral Fellow from Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, is pursuing his research on
“Lower Aromatic Fuels for Combustion Engines with an aim to Reduce Emissions and Fuel Consumption”. His popular
science story entitled “Lower Aromatic Fuels for Combustion Engines to Reduce Emissions and Fuel Consumptionn”
has been selected for AWSAR Award.
Dr Paramvir Singh || 87

construction, power generation, agriculture, with present engine technology. Diesel is

and manufacturing applications. Carbon a complex mixture of hydrocarbons, which
dioxide (CO2) emissions from diesel engines usually contains n-alkanes, iso-alkanes, cyclo-
are relatively lower compared with gasoline alkanes, and aromatics. Due to the higher
engines. Fuel economy degree of saturation, aromatics
improves with diesel-fueled are the main contributors
engines compared with towards the PM emissions from
gasoline engines that save The reliance on fossil-based the burning of diesel. Earlier,
about 20% or more fuel. In most fuels is not enough to meet the surrogate fuels were prepared
of the developing countries, the forthcoming energy demands through a combination of
consumption of diesel is higher due to their insufficient various alkanes to minimize
than that of gasoline. However, availability throughout the the pollutants from diesel fuel
the engines fueled with diesel world. The higher regulated and combustion. However, some
need to be modified because unregulated emissions from the authors in their recent studies
of their higher nitrogen oxides burning of the fossil-based fuels reported that alkane blends
(NOx) and particulate matter alone did not provide the actual
for energy are a major concern.
(PM) emissions. The emission picture of fuel combustion.
regulations have become Hence, aromatics should
stringent for NOx and particulate be a part of the surrogate
emissions to preserve the fuels. Aromatics have gained
environment. This has been continuously attention due to their higher content (10%–30%
forcing the transportation sector to mitigate by mass) in diesel fuels and high tendency to
the problem of higher emissions from the emit soot particles during combustion.
combustion of diesel fuels. The manufacturing Therefore, the study of the aromatics
companies of diesel-fueled vehicles have been content in the fuel and its structure has a great
continuously working on the improvement of significance to various engine applications. A
hardware or transformation in engine parts comprehensive study with a total of 13 different
and parameters for better performance with aromatics was performed to investigate the
fewer tailpipe emissions. The companies impact of their structure and content on
implemented exhaust gas recirculation, diesel engine characteristics. Diesel and de-
variable combustion chamber geometries, aromatized higher chain alkanes were used as
multi injection, etc., to reduce the exhaust fuel surrogates in the ternary mixture. Detailed
emissions. On the contrary, the oil firms spray investigations were carried out to
have been continuously working to introduce investigate the spray behavior of these blends
better diesel surrogates or renewable fuels at higher pressures of 200 bars from a three-
aimed to improve the performance and lower hole nozzle of a CI engine.
emissions. Enhancing the efficiency of the The blending content (5%–10%–15%) of
energy release with lower pollutant emissions aromatics in base fuel significantly impacts
requires automobile manufacturers and oil the properties of blends. The spray pattern of
companies to make an effort to determine the the aromatic blended fuel affects the engine
ideal solution with allied research programs. performance and emission profile. The higher
Fuels used in various combustion engines spray cone angle leads to fuel impingement
necessitate a deep understanding of the fuel on the combustion chamber walls, resulting
components before being used as a feedstock in increased unburned carbon and carbon
88 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

moNOxide emissions. There is no correlation be concluded that the variation in the aromatics
observed between the spray behavior of the fuel content has a high impact on diesel engine
and the structure of the aromatics. However, performance. It is also advisable to further
the structure of aromatics highly influences the reduce the aromatic contents by adding some
engine emissions. Single-ring lubricative additives with low
monocyclic aromatics show aromatic contents to the base
promising results compared fuel to design better fuel with
with single-ring polycyclic The blending content (5%– lower emissions and improved
and double-ring polycyclic 10%–15%) of aromatics in performance.
aromatics due to the high base fuel significantly impacts A significant reduction in
degree of unsaturation of these the properties of blends. The pollutant emissions can lead
aromatics. A 10% blending spray pattern of the aromatic to substantial public health
of the single-ring monocyclic benefits such as the reduction
blended fuel affects the engine
aromatics in the base fuel is in premature deaths, heart
performance and emission
advisable due to its overall attacks, respiratory problems,
better performance in terms of and lost workdays/schooldays,
fuel atomization, performance, and other improvements in
and lower emissions compared the economy. A reduction in
with other blending ratios (5% NOx, particulate, and gaseous
and 15%) and aromatic types. The acoustic emissions will offer tangible economic,
emissions are significantly lower for 10% societal, and environmental benefits by
blending of single-ring monocyclic aromatics creating jobs, reducing societal chaos, and
compared with diesel fuel. The NOx emissions producing a cleaner environment. It will also
are thermally influenced in a compression enhance affordable healthcare in the long run.
ignition engine exhaust, and higher in-cylinder Including me, Prof. Sudarshan Kumar from
temperature leads to higher NOx emissions. IIT Bombay, Dr Bhupendra Khandelwal from
Ethylbenzene and toluene have shown better the University of Sheffield, UK, and research
results compared with other tested aromatics scholars from both the institutions worked on
due to their better calorific value, atomization, this collaborative research project under the
cetane number, and structure. Similarly, UKIERI scheme. Along with the assessment
1-methylnaphthalene, tetralin, and indene of these low aromatic fuels in diesel engines,
were the worst performers as a diesel fuel these fuels were also tested on laboratory-
surrogate. Based on the present studies, it can scale gas turbine combustor and in cars.
|| 89


|| 91

Baci: The Fight for Earth

Ms. S. Chris Felshia*

Email: [email protected]

nvironmental pollution is the greatest right. Let me spin you this tale of yonder, one
challenge the world is facing today. This where the good guy wins at the end!
story is about Baci who lived a happy and
joyous life with his family and, all of a sudden,
lost his peaceful life due to the emergence of
machines. Let us see in this story how he fights
back and restores the environment.
Hi there, do you see me? I am Baci. I mean
that’s what my friends used to call me anyway.
My parents named me Bacillus SL10 (Fig. 1).
I know, great name right! Wait till you hear my
sister’s name, Bacillus MCG03. Laughter fest,
am I right? Fig. 1. Bacillus SL10.
Anyway, I wanted to tell you my life story
– don’t worry; it is not an artless story. It is a Chapter I: My Beautiful Home
tale filled with bad guys, goblins, chemicals, Long long ago, I lived in this beautiful
and nutrients, but most importantly, it is full of place called Earth. It was so beautiful that
passion and determination. Yes, you heard it whenever I closed my eyes, I could still picture

* Ms. Chris Felshia, Ph.D. Scholar from CSIR- Central Leather Research Institute, Chennai, is pursuing her research
on “Microbial Mediated Management of Phenol and its Derivatives in Aqueous and Soil Phase: an Approach using
Free and Encapsulated Cells”. Her popular science story entitled “Baci - the Fight for our Planet” has been selected
for AWSAR Award.
92 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

it. I used to love to play under the sun with my These compounds are mostly synthesized in
sister and my friends all through the day. Life the industries and are being let out into the
was so happy and carefree. water bodies, which in turn affects the land and
the water system. These are listed as priority
Chapter II: The Change in My Life pollutants by the United States Environmental
It all changed on that fateful day. That Protection Agency and the European Union.
dark and dreadful day machines came into They contaminate air, water and land, and are
use, with industrialization and use of chemicals known to be a major source of destruction to
for almost everything to ease the difficulties of mankind.
mankind. From these buildings, dark-coloured We ran for our lives!!!
water came gushing out. In a matter of days,
all trees were gone, rivers and lakes became Chapter III: The Magic
murky and black, swans couldn’t swim in the Bam! It happened like magic!
lake and fish died and so did animals. The We met Chris!
sky wasn’t blue anymore; only a black layer of She came one day, dressed all in white
smoke was all that existed!! with a big ladle in her hand. She scooped
As the days went by, things became even us all up in one scoop and took us all to the
worse. I couldn’t find my friends. Our parents fairyland. This place was magical. There
locked us in our home for fear of capture or were many people like her there, dressed in
even death! There was no more food to eat white and moving about with purpose. Chris
or water to drink because it was all polluted. introduced herself to us and told us that we too
And I was not able to believe had a purpose.
my eyes when my sister and I ‘Do you mean to say that
became so sick that we couldn’t I too have a purpose?’ I asked
play together anymore. I was Environmental pollution is the her curiously.
so scared. The reason why we greatest challenge the world is ‘Yes, you do,’ she said,
became sick was because of facing today. This story is about with the warmest smile. Then
the chemicals and gases let out Baci who lived a happy and without batting an eyelid, she
from the industries. The most joyous life with his family and, looked at me and said, ‘Your
commonly let out chemical was all of a sudden, lost his peaceful help is definitely needed to
phenol and its derivatives. life due to the emergence of save Earth!’
These phenolic machines. Let us see in this
compounds were the chemicals story how he fights back and Chapter IV: One Part Purpose + One
of major concern. They tend to restores the environment. Part Determination
persist in the environment over Chris and I became the
a long period of time. Due to best of friends. We spent hours
their recalcitrant nature, they together in something called an
accumulated and exerted a toxic airflow chamber, busy at work.
effect on humans and animals. Chlorophenols It was so cool in there because of the air that
are still being used as pesticides, fungicides, flowed through it constantly. I could breathe
bactericides and herbicides and in agricultural better now because of the safe and clean air.
sectors, paint paper industry, etc. These We took long lunch breaks, too. Chris
compounds are carcinogenic in nature and gave me something called agar, where we sat
also toxic even at very low concentrations. and ate (which, to be honest, sounds funny).
Ms. S. Chris Felshia || 93

Then, I spent hours in an incubator Chris says Baci: How much of phenol is actually
I need my ‘strong-woman’ sleep. She teaches present in wastewater, Chrisyy?
me these cool moves to fight the giant, Chris: Around 5000 mg/L!! Bam!!
dreadful chemicals let out from the industries. Baci: Whoa!! That’s a lot.
The wastewater released from these industries Baci: Okay fine, give me some more
contains high amounts of something called phenol, I can try, Chrisyy. My mission is to kill
phenol, and that’s why my beautiful home was these compounds! ‘Environment destroyer’
ruined. (Angry tone)!!!
Chris says I have the power to fight the Chris: Okay!! Baci, from tomorrow I
phenol and phenolic compounds. will give you 3000 mg/L. I will put you in an
She calls me her secret weapon. I incubator at a speed of 150 rpm; this will help
believe it’s true. You see, I have something you move around with ease, and you will get
called a hungry belly I eat away the benzene sufficient air, where you can eat and sleep!!
ring attached to the hydroxyl group of these Next day …
phenols and phenolic compounds, and when I Chris called and said, ‘Baci, get ready; I
do this, the bad things die. am giving 3000 mg/L.’
The reason I eat phenolic compounds is ‘Okay come on, let’s do it, Chrisy!’ Baci
that I have a protein synthesized in my body shouted.
called the catechol 2, 3–dioxygenase enzyme. Baci: Chris, it is suffocating!!!, please
The amount synthesized in my body is 0.5 mU STOP, I am getting burning sensation on my
(mU is nothing but 1 nanomole of the enzyme skin. Please pour water!!!
being produced per min). It Even a little higher
gives me special power to eat concentration of phenol made
the phenols. us sick. We were not able to
Chris confirmed the These phenolic compounds tolerate it, its presence irritated
presence of these non–toxic were the chemicals of major our skin, and we got rashes
compounds through a machine concern. They tend to persist and wounds.
known as high-performance in the environment over a So we told Chris to help
liquid chromatography, where long period of time. Due to us solve this problem. The
she injected some samples from their recalcitrant nature, they same day, Chris and her team
our flask–she got some sharp accumulated and exerted a toxic had a meeting where they had
peaks, which she confirmed with effect on humans and animals. an intense discussion about
standard compounds obtained Chlorophenols are still being how to solve this delicate
from the shops nearby. used as pesticides, fungicides, issue of eradicating the higher
Phenol became my bactericides and herbicides and concentration of phenol without
favourite meal, and I was able in agricultural sectors, paint hurting us!!
to eat 2000 mg/L. Next day, one research
paper industry, etc.
Huge amount!! I’m going scholar in Chris’s team asked
to put on weight  whether a shield could be
Baci: Chris, the amount used.
which I’m eating, will it be Chris: What shield?!! Like
enough to clean all the phenols present in the the ‘armour and sword during a battle’
wastewater? Chris’s friend: Yes. We can cover them
Chris: No Baci! No way, what a question! with whey protein and then put them inside
94 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

phenol. It will protect their body from a burning Finally, Chris encapsulated us using
sensation. whey protein; it was all white (Fig. 2)!! Slimy
Even I was excited!! It’s like getting a new and felt good at once. We felt safe and sound
dress. Chris and her team called this process inside the encapsulated surface; it protected
encapsulation. us from phenol, giving us a cooling effect; we

Fig. 2. Encapsulated Baci in whey protein.

were able to eat around 3000 mg/L within 96 h

lethargically. Fig. 3. Overall graphical representation of
The end product obtained was water and degradation by Baci.
carbon dioxide.’
We accomplished!! We were very happy!!
Chris and her team were also happy. home by destroying one phenol compound at
And that’s how we are helping to save our a time! The overall graphical representation is
Earth. Together with Chris, I am saving my given in Fig. 3.
|| 95

Empowering Rural India with

Decentralized Energy Systems

Mr. Anand Abhishek*

Email: [email protected]

India is a country of values, cultures, ‘Village is electrified, sahib!, without electricity.’
festivals, villages and different economic I turned back and started enquiring
conditions. On an average day, nearly 25 about the actual meaning of his statement. We
million people travel via Indian railways, and discussed the problems of his village and got
the rush in trains escalates drastically during to know that indeed the village was electrified,
festive times. Interestingly, one can listen to all but most of the time there was no electricity.
sorts of discussion while travelling on a bus or Many times, the distribution transformer
train in India, spanning from politics to sports remained defective for several months, which
to the cinema and what not? In August 2016, I affected the local business and livelihood of
was travelling to my sister’s place Muzaffarpur, villagers. Roads were mostly dark at night with
Bihar, by a local bus on the occasion of non-operational street lights or non-availability
Rakshabandhan, one of the unique festivals of electricity. This not only hampers the day-
celebrating the pious bonding between a brother to-day life but also invites all sorts of criminal
and a sister. As expected, a plethora of topics activities and threats to women’s safety. Diesel
were in discussion among co-passengers, and pumps were the only solution for irrigation
these confusing words of an old gentleman just because of erratic electricity supply. Few
sitting behind me on the bus startled me. affluent people in the village had inverters and
solar panels, but most of the village was still in

* Mr. Anand Abhishek, Ph.D. Scholar from Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research, CSIR- Central Electronics
Engineering Research Institute, Pilani, is pursuing his research on “Renewable Energy Based DC Microgrid”. His
popular science story entitled “Empowering Rural India with Decentralized Energy Systems” has been selected for
AWSAR Award.
96 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

the dark and using kerosene lamps or biofuels can be solved in an efficient way if a bottom-up
with no other choices left. The graveness of approach is implemented at the village level,
problems gave me an astounding insight into making it self-sufficient in energy requirements.
the poor conditions of villages in India. The rooftop solar PV-powered stand-
I came back to my regular life, but that alone and grid-connect AC systems have been
discussion in the bus and a mere thought projected as an alternative source of energy
about the plight of villagers was not letting generation. The solar-powered solar AC
me have a peace of mind. It gave me my systems suffer losses due to multiple conversion
research topic, and I started discussing it stages from DC to AC and back to DC.
with my guide and fellow students. We tried However, rural electrification requires mainly
to analyse the possible shortcomings of the ceiling fans, lighting and small electronic loads.
rural electrification schemes and the social It is also vital to mention here that brushless
perspective in the electrification of villages DC motor, DC-powered ceiling fans and light-
through brainstorming and discussions. In the emitting diode lights are more energy-efficient
current scenario, villages are dependent on devices. Therefore, considering all the aspects
the national electricity grid for their electricity of rural electrification, researchers across the
needs. In the study, it was observed that the globe have formulated a combined scheme of
main reasons for electricity problems were electricity generation and consumption at the
the premium cost of laying the electric cables same geographical location called s microgrid.
to each house in a village, low electricity A microgrid is a miniaturized version of the
demand and power theft in the village. In electricity grid with its own energy sources
any electrified village, poor such as wind, solar PV, etc.,
electricity supply forces them to energy storage system and
also use traditional fuels, such controllable flexible loads.
as kerosene, for lighting and These microgrids can connect
cooking purposes. In effect, Environmental pollution is the many houses and enable power-
these households end up greatest challenge the world is sharing among them according
paying for two power sources. facing today. This story is about to their demand. Microgrids
These problems challenge Baci who lived a happy and come in two types: AC and
the economic viability of rural joyous life with his family and, DC microgrids, both having
electrification. On the contrary, all of a sudden, lost his peaceful their own different operating
there is regularized and high life due to the emergence of voltages. DC microgrids have
electricity demand in urban machines. Let us see in this been recognized as a more
areas, leading to more revenue story how he fights back and promising choice for microgrid
for DISCOMs. Also, the lack of restores the environment. operation due to higher
social contribution towards the efficiency, direct interface
maintenance and operation of to many types of renewable
electrical equipment leads to resources and energy storage
a longer downtime. Therefore, systems, better compliance with
a developing country such as India where consumer electronics, etc. A typical structure
most of the villages/rural areas struggle for of renewable energy based DC microgrid is
electricity issues on a daily basis, despite the shown in Fig. 1. Here, different energy sources,
availability of grid connections, needs a huge such as solar PV, windmills, fuel cell, utility
revolution. The problem of rural electrification grid and a variety of loads, are connected to
Mr. Anand Abhishek || 97

a common DC bus, operating on DC power. cooperative society. In my research work, I am

The brain of a microgrid is a microgrid developing a 500 W solar PV–based microgrid
manager, which controls and coordinates system for a single household that can cater
among different sources and loads for optimal lighting, cooling, mobile charging, TV and
power delivery and energy management. other small load requirements of a typical two-
These microgrids typically operate at 48 room set. The system can interact with the
V DC voltage and can power nearby few electricity grid for tapping extra power in case
of high demand or feeding surplus power to
the grid. There is two series-connected 12-
V, 200-A sealed lead acid battery for energy
storage, which can give 1-day backup. For
power-sharing among houses, I am developing
a converter that will enable the transfer of
power from one house to another at a higher
DC voltage if demanded by another house.
The system will have a provision to enable
individual houses to draw more power from
the microgrid at a premium price based on
manual request and automated supply system.
Fig. 1. Typical renewable energy–based DC The entire microgrid system will be controlled
microgrid structure with various sources and
by a set of intelligent controllers operating at
different levels with specific
houses without any significant functionality. The system will
power loss on DC cables. It be totally autonomous and will
is not advisable to transfer require community involvement
These phenolic compounds
high power on low DC voltage for scheduled maintenance,
were the chemicals of major
because of losses involved cleaning of PV panels, etc.
concern. They tend to persist
in the resistance of cables. The outcome of my
Therefore, energy sources are in the environment over a research work will be a
placed near to consumption long period of time. Due to renewable energy–based DC
points in a microgrid. their recalcitrant nature, they microgrid system that will be
Distributed generation and accumulated and exerted a toxic modular, scalable, controllable
consumption are an inherent effect on humans and animals. and ideal for rural electrification
part of a microgrid, which gives Chlorophenols are still being in Indian village conditions.
flexibility in terms of operation, used as pesticides, fungicides, DC microgrid systems have
maintenance and management. bactericides and herbicides and the potential to empower
In India, the concept in agricultural sectors, paint and lighten our villages from
of a cooperative society is paper industry, etc. the grass-root level. It will
a grand success through a augment the government’s
feeling of belongingness and ambitious ‘Saubhagya Yojna’.
responsibility among people. Apart from providing light,
This scheme appears to be the rural electrification through
best method for the operation and maintenance DC microgrid will have several other benefits,
of microgrids in a village through panchayat or such as improved health care, better quality
98 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

of life and increased farmer’s productivity and villages beyond our imagination.
safety. This research work is sponsored by
In the current juncture of time, with SERB, Department of Science & Technology,
widespread Internet availability, access to 24 Government of India, under grant no
× 7 electricity can take the development of our EMR/2017/004188.
|| 99

A Century of Global Warming

and Its Impact on Bird Migration

Mr. Sayantan Sur*

Email: [email protected]

ow much does 1 degree Celsius animals in the world, show seasonal behaviors.
account for? Not much, if you think of For example, they breed in a particular season,
the daily variation in the day and night when the climate is most suitable for growth
temperatures, but ask a climatologist and she/ and provides abundant resources for their
he will apprise you that even a degree Celsius offspring (i.e., their children). Similarly, when
rise in the global temperature can induce a the seasons change, some birds embark
sudden shift in the annual rainfall and cause upon an annual journey where they fly across
months of flood or drought, ultimately leading continents to reach their destinations, which is
to a catastrophic decline in the net yield of known as migration. Now, to predict the correct
crop production. As an ornithologist, I had time to begin their migratory flight or to breed,
to ask myself this very question of how this these birds rely upon certain environmental
unexpected warming of our climate impacted cues, such as daylength and temperature.
the avian fauna. Daylength is the most obvious cue, which all
Decades of observational and animals use to anticipate changes in seasons.
correlational studies from all around the world Prior to spring migration, the birds sense the
are pointing toward a single conclusion that gradual increase in the daylength and start
climate change has severely affected the fueling themselves. So in essence, daylength
seasonal biology of birds. Birds, like most gives them a broad window. However, the

* Mr. Sayantan Sur, Ph.D. Scholar from University of Delhi, Delhi, is pursuing his research on “Migration”. His popular
science story entitled “A Century of Global Warming and its Impact on Bird Migration” has been selected for AWSAR
100 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

temperature is a more subtle cue, which fine- could indeed affect the bird’s seasonal biology
tunes the actual time of migration. Although and advance the breeding period of the birds.
much work has been done to understand the We further looked into the gene expression
mechanistic details of photoperiodism (i.e., levels of candidate molecules involved in
the act of sensing the changes in daylength), temperature sensation within the brain. It is
not much is known about how temperature widely known that the anterior hypothalamus
modulates seasonal behavior. A study is largely involved in sensing and integrating
performed by the scholars of Biorhythms lab thermal information. So, we looked into this
(Department of Zoology, Delhi University), led particular area and found that a gene trpm8 was
by Dr Amit Kumar Trivedi and Sayantan Sur expressed more under the low-temperature
(author of this essay), under the supervision of regime. Coincidentally, the trpm8 gene itself
Professor Vinod Kumar, tried to address this is involved in low-temperature sensation, so
question by working on a migratory finch known having it more under this condition makes
as redheaded bunting (Emberiza bruniceps). sense. Hence, it is speculated that this is one
The study aimed at looking into whether of the key molecules used by the birds to
temperature affected the basic physiology detect changes in the ambient temperature.
of the birds and, if so, how they sensed the The second part of the study was published
changes in the ambient temperature. When in the Journal of Comparative Physiology B
spring comes, redheaded buntings migrate (Sur et al. 2019). Redheaded buntings when
from India to Central Asia to breed and return exposed to spring daylength start gaining
back to India before the onset of winter. In body mass by a considerable amount. In fact,
order to prepare themselves all migratory birds accumulate
for the breeding season, the a large amount of fat just before
male buntings increase their the onset of migration, and this
testis size by manifold as the fat contributes to the sudden
daylength starts to increase How much does 1 degree increase in body mass. This
(i.e., when spring comes). Celsius account for? Not repository of fat tissue provides
The first part of the study, much, if you think of the the necessary energy to all
published in Molecular and daily variation in the day the birds during the long and
Cellular Endocrinology (Trivedi and night temperatures, but exhaustive journey. Naturally,
et al. 2019), looked at how ask a climatologist and she/ we were interested in looking
the development of testis was he will apprise you that even into how the body mass gain
affected by temperature. In the a degree Celsius rise in the could be affected by a global
experiment, buntings exposed global temperature can induce rise in temperature by exposing
to spring day length were a sudden shift in the annual them to either low- or high-
kept under two temperature rainfall and cause months of temperature regime. In this
regimes: low temperature flood or drought, ultimately case, we found that the birds
and high temperature. At the leading to a catastrophic gained more body mass at
end of the experiment, it was decline in the net yield of crop a low temperature than at a
found that the testis size was production. high temperature. Initially,
significantly larger when the this was surprising as we
birds were exposed to a high predicted that the phenologies
temperature. This confirmed associated with migration
the notion that global warming (such as body mass gain and
Mr. Sayantan Sur || 101

fat accumulation) would be exaggerated at the gene expression level of how temperature
a high temperature as was the case in testis affected avian metabolism and reproduction.
size, but the molecular pathway controlling It is of utmost importance to understand the
reproduction and metabolism is very different. molecular details of how climate change affects
Hence, we performed gene the plant and animal kingdoms
expression assays of multiple so that we can use that
metabolic genes, and it revealed information for the conservation
that at a high temperature the of flora and fauna. A century of
birds started using their stored The study aimed at looking into denial has led us to this day
fat and thus fat accumulation whether temperature affected where we are witnessing the
reduced, ultimately resulting in the basic physiology of the birds disastrous effects of global
a significantly lower body weight and, if so, how they sensed warming throughout the
gain. The gene foxo1, which is the changes in the ambient planet on a daily basis; let us
involved in gluconeogenesis, temperature. amend that by using proper
was upregulated in the liver at scientific knowledge and
a high temperature; it may play compassion toward our home.
a major role in regulating the Let us understand how much
overall metabolism. a degree change in the global
These two studies, for the first time, have temperature accounts for.
provided a piece of conclusive evidence at
102 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Guardian of the Malady

Mr. Anirban Sarkar*

Email: [email protected]

ow many cells we have in our body? imagine! How can they stay and work together
Are they more than the number of stars? then? Even we cannot take unanimous
asked Arko, my 12-year-old cousin decisions when playing cricket!” asked Arko.
brother, gazing through the starry sky. “That is one of the mysteries of nature.
My birthplace, Ajhapur, is a small village, All of our cells work in harmony. Their division,
about 70 km from Kolkata. After almost a year, growth, functions, etc., are highly synchronized.
I went to my village this weekend. Autumn has Any deviation from this homeostasis leads to
arrived. Our place has a very common problem some kind of disease,” I said.
of a frequent power cut. Today is Sunday. Like “What kind of disease is cancer then?” he
other evenings, after load shedding, Arko and asked.
I went to the roof. The moonlight had covered “Well, that’s a long story for you to
the entire view. We sat on a mat; branches of understand. Cells of our body are pre-
an old neem tree made shadow over us. programmed when to grow, when to divide,
“Our body is made up of trillions of cells. even when to die. When a cell becomes rogue,
One trillion means 14 zeros after 1, and the it divides rapidly. They escape death signals
stars are approximately 1 billion trillion in the and thus become immortal. These growing
universe, which means 21 zeros after 1,” I cells form a tumor in our bodies. They force
added. blood vessel–forming cells called endothelial
“Cells are a lot more than I can ever

* Mr. Anirban Sarkar, Ph.D. Scholar from Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute, Kolkata, is pursuing his research on
“Immunometabolism in Cancer and its Modulation by Neem Leaf Glycoprotein (NLGP)”. His popular science story
entitled “Guardian of the Malady” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
Mr. Anirban Sarkar || 103

cells to form blood vessels around them to types of therapy is also used.”
fulfill a high nutrient requirement. Moreover, “What is your research interest among
they become metastatic.” these?” Arko stopped me and asked curiously.
“What is that?” he wondered. “I am working on cancer immunology and
“Metastasis is the most dreadful property immunotherapy,” I said.
of cancer cells. Sometimes the cancer cells “Immunotherapy is comparatively new.
loosen themselves from their original site, Our body has its own defense system, called
sneak into blood vessels by passing through the immune system. The immune system has
the gap between endothelial cells, circulate an arsenal of soldiers that can kill a wide array
throughout the body, again exit the blood of deadly pathogens that are trying to infect
vessel, and make a secondary tumor in another us daily. Cytotoxic T cells, dendritic cells,
distant organ. Cancer cells from the skin, for macrophages, neutrophils, etc., can detect
example, celled melanoma, can migrate to cancer cells and kill them.”
lung, liver, lymph nodes, and brain, even to “Like the Avengers!” he said astonishingly.
bones.” “Yes, like the Avengers,” I said. He is a
“Why do people die of cancer? Isn’t big fan of Marvel Comics and very recently he
there any medicine to treat this?” He looked has seen Avengers Endgame.
crestfallen. I continued, “In this therapeutic approach,
“Of course, there are a number of different kinds of immune components such
therapies to treat cancer. First is surgery, in as specific antibodies against tumors such
which doctors surgically remove the affected as – anti-PD-1, anti-PDL-1, and anti-CTLA-4
part if possible. But some antibody, or engineered
residual cells may still be there, immune cells such as CAR-T
which can develop a tumor cells, etc., are used. Even in the
in the near future. Second is previous year, two scientists
Metastasis is the most dreadful
chemotherapy in which some James P. Allison and Tasuku
property of cancer cells.
chemical compounds are Honjo won the Nobel Prize in
Sometimes the cancer cells
injected into patients, and Physiology and Medicine for
loosen themselves from their
they can directly kill rapidly their discovery of CTLA-4 and
original site, sneak into blood
growing cancer cells. But very PD-1, respectively. They are
vessels by passing through the
often, these drugs cannot the checkpoint inhibitors.”
gap between endothelial cells,
discriminate between rapidly “What is a checkpoint
circulate throughout the body,
dividing healthy normal cells inhibitor?” he asked.
again exit the blood vessel, and
and malignant cells. Thus, “Checkpoint inhibitors
make a secondary tumor in
our normal cells get affected, ensure that our immune system
another distant organ.
too. You may often find that does not attack our own cells.
cancer patients undergoing Cytotoxic T cells have the
chemotherapy have developed checkpoint inhibitors on their
baldness. The third is surface, and if they attack a
radiotherapy in which the particular affected healthy cell, our body can suppress them
site is exposed to a special kind of ray is given through these checkpoint inhibitors, like an off
to the particular affected site. This can also switch.”
affect the nearby normal cells. Fourth approach
is immunotherapy. Even a combination of two “So, our immune system has its own
104 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

regulation?” we isolated immune cells from their spleen.

“Exactly, some regulatory cells are there Spleen is an organ, even present in us. It has
in our immune system. Cancer cells hijack a large reservoir of immune cells. Then, we
these cells and make them work for them. injected those isolated immune cells into a
These are regulatory T cells (Tregs), myeloid- group of tumor-bearing mice. This procedure
derived suppressor cells, tumor-associated was called adoptive cell transfer. Surprisingly,
macrophages, and even some non-immune it worked! Mice that received NLGP-educated
cells such as mesenchymal stem cells, etc.” immune cells showed restricted tumor growth
“Hmm, a team of Thanos.” and survived longer than the mice that did
“Something like that,” I patted on his not receive the treatment. Our next goal was
shoulder. to find out which immune cell NLGP worked
“Now, I am going to tell you about the through. We depleted CD8 T cells by using
ancient Ayurveda of India. In ancient India, antibody against them and observed that this
there was an ayurvedic doctor Sushruta. In time NLGP could not work. Therefore, NLGP
his book Sushruta Samhita, he wrote about so worked through CD8 T cells. Now, this CD8 T
many plants of medicinal importance; one of cell cannot work alone; it requires signals from
them was this.”, I told him by pointing out to the dendritic cells or macrophages to become
neem tree. “He mentioned the neem tree as cytotoxic. We found that NLGP activated
sarbaroganibarani, meaning medicine for all dendritic cells and dendritic cells, in turn,
diseases. Recently, a number of natural anti- activated CD8 T cells.”
cancer compounds have been found in plants “It seems from your words that cells can
from different research groups. talk to each other,” Arko asked.
Like curcumin from turmeric, “Of course. They can
vinblastine, and vincristine from communicate with each other
periwinkle, etc.” either through direct contact
we found a protein in this
I drank some water from a or through some signaling
extract held responsible for this
bottle and continued, “We found molecules. These signaling
in our preliminary research that anti-tumor effect. We named it molecules bind to their
an extract from mature neem neem leaf glycoprotein, NLGP, respective receptors present
leaves could restrict tumor in short. But, outside the host either on the surface or inside
growth in mice. But it could not body, in a culture that is called of a cell. After binding, this
kill cancer cells directly.” in vitro setup, it could not kill molecule initiates a signal inside
“Wow!” he wondered, cancer cells. the cell and makes a change.
“This is astonishing.” NLGP could even suppress the
“Yes, later, we found a immune suppressor cells, such
protein in this extract held as Tregs, myeloid-derived
responsible for this anti-tumor suppressor cells, and tumor-
effect. We named it neem leaf glycoprotein, associated macrophages. Very recently, we
NLGP, in short. But, outside the host body, in found that NLGP could rectify the immune-
a culture that is called in vitro setup, it could suppressive activity of mesenchymal stem
not kill cancer cells. We hypothesized that it cells, MSCs in short, within the tumor. Within the
might work through our immune system. To tumor, which is called tumor microenvironment
validate our hypothesis, we injected NLGP (TME), these MSCs suppress the export
into a group of healthy mice and after that of cysteine from dendritic cells. Cysteine
Mr. Anirban Sarkar || 105

is an amino acid necessary for CD8 T cell market. Our in vitro experiments using human
metabolism for proper anti-tumor activity. tumors have shown similar results in mice.
Without this amino acid, CD8 T cells cannot We need to test it first on human patients,
work properly and become non–functional. which is called a clinical trial. Only after a
NLGP rescues these T cells by inhibiting successful clinical trial, we are able to make it
MSCs within TME. It may be difficult for you to into the market. And most importantly, as it is
understand all of these at your age.” a natural product, it will be cheaper than other
“Well, I can understand some of them,” he conventional medicines.”
nodded. Before our conversation continued further,
I continued, “Most surprisingly, NLGP aunty interrupted, “Do you two have planned
cannot harm normal cells by any means. In to spend the entire night on the roof gazing
mice without a tumor, it does not hamper normal stars? Come down quickly. Let’s have dinner.”
physiology. It is a non-toxic immunomodulator.” We did not notice when the power came back.
“Wow! That’s great!” he wondered. “Is this “We will discuss it further after dinner if you
medicine available in the market?” he asked. like,” I said.
“At present, no. NLGP has to go through “Certainly. Let’s go for dinner,” he said. I
a number of hurdles before it comes into the nodded.
106 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Out of the Lab: A Clock


Mr. Chitrang Dani*

Email: [email protected]

aking a break from my experiments, what happens when. This 24-h circadian clock
I was visiting my cousin on a Sunday is regulated by the cycling features of your
morning. She walked in with a tired face, environment and is especially sensitive to
pulled out a chair and immediately said as she light. Therefore, if you stay up late, your rhythm
sat, “I was feeling too groggy to get out of my is likely to get delayed the next day,” I replied.
bed, but was hungry at the same time. Isn’t “Wait, if my circadian clock is delayed
that weird?” because I was up late, why am I feeling hungry
I replied, “Not so surprising for me; I’ve at the right time? This is when I have breakfast
seen you in the same state almost every almost every day! That should mean my clock
Sunday when you have been up late on is running on time, right?” she said.
Saturday night.” Her inquisitiveness encouraged me to
“Really? Every Sunday? Why do you think explain further, “Well, your internal clock is
this happens?” actually a system made up of multiple clocks.
“Did you know that your body has a clock We have various clocks in the body– in the
of its own, whose job it is to keep track of local brain, liver, kidney, lungs, intestine, and all
time? Your body clock schedules the timing other organs that function pretty much like an
of most important processes: from sleeping to orchestra. This is why when you feel sleepy
feeding, on a 24-hour scale, and determines and hungry at the same time, it suggests

* Mr. Chitrang Dani, Ph.D. Scholar from Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bengaluru, is
pursuing his research on “Evolution of Circadian Rhythms in Drosophila melanogaster Populations Reared in Semi-
Natural Conditions”. His popular science story entitled “Out of the Lab: a Clock Conversation” has been selected for
AWSAR Award.
Mr. Chitrang Dani || 107

that the clock in your liver that regulates the evolved independently multiple times. This
feeding rhythm and the clock in your brain that substantiates the idea of clocks giving an
regulates the sleep–wake rhythm are not in advantage to organisms.” I was marveling at
sync with each other.” the elegance of this insight.
More questions were bound to come. “I’m finding it unbelievable imagining
“That is so cool! Is there a common mechanism that all those metabolic and physiological
by which these clocks operate?” processes that I read about vaguely in my
“Yes, there is. Every day, as if following the school biology textbook would be regulated in
rising and setting of the sun, concentrations of a rhythmic manner. But if so much is already
different timekeeping protein complexes rise known about circadian clocks and rhythms,
and fall inside almost every cell in our body. what are you still doing research on?” she
This happens just like a wave and repeats asked.
itself every 24 hours. By binding and releasing I took a deep breath to begin, “So most
the DNA predictably, these protein complexes research on circadian rhythms has been
turn thousands of genes on and off. Most of our carried out in controlled laboratory conditions
vital body functions, including blood pressure, in the presence of one time-cue. However, in
body temperature, metabolism, and even our natural environments, multiple time-cues are
moods and habits fluctuate according to a simultaneously present. Can you name some
precise 24-hour cycle,” I explained. cues that can give information about time?”
That’s so fascinating. Since you said that After thinking for a second, she said,” Of
most cells have circadian clocks, I wonder course! Apart from light, there’s temperature,
whether there is an advantage humidity, availability of
that cells or organisms get food, predators, or let’s say
by having a clock.”, her eyes managers/bosses at the office
brightened at the thought. Her inquisitiveness encouraged for humans, etc.!”
“Yes, they do. From Still laughing at her joke, I
me to explain further, “Well,
several experiments, we know added, “Yes, also these time-
your internal clock is actually
that possessing a clock can cues change throughout the
a system made up of multiple
give an intrinsic advantage, day and also throughout the
clocks. We have various clocks
i.e., by optimally coordinating year. My objective is to see
in the body– in the brain, liver,
metabolic and physiological how circadian rhythms evolve
kidney, lungs, intestine, and
processes, for example, in natural–like environments
all other organs that function
hunger and sleep should compared to laboratory ones. To
pretty much like an orchestra.
occur exclusive to each other. do this, I am looking at rhythms
This is why when you feel sleepy
Another extrinsic advantage is of populations of Drosophila
and hungry at the same time, it
that organisms with functional melanogaster, also called fruit
suggests that the clock in your
clocks can time their activities flies, reared in standard lab
liver that regulates the feeding
in an effective manner; for conditions and comparing
rhythm and the clock in your
example, searching for food them with populations reared
brain that regulates the sleep–
would be most effective when in an outdoor enclosure, under
wake rhythm are not in sync
food availability is the highest. semi-natural conditions. Food
with each other.”
In fact, circadian clocks have is available to them at all times,
been found to be present from and they are also protected
bacteria to humans, and have from other predators, apart
108 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

from that they are exposed to naturally varying This suggests that in semi-natural conditions
time-cues such as light temperature, humidity, their circadian clock may have evolved to
etc., hence semi-natural. In contrast, the fly become more robust.”, I said.
populations in the lab are maintained in a
schedule of 12-h of light and 12-h of darkness She looked perplexed, “Aren’t flies
at a constant temperature of 25°C.” ectotherms? So, their circadian rhythm should
She interrupted,” First, tell me, why do get slowed down at lower temperatures and
you use fruit flies for your study instead of say quickened at higher temperatures like all
rats, mice, or humans? Oh, wait. It must be biochemical reactions. Right?”
so convenient to store thousands of them in a I nodded my head, saying, “It would
small space, right?” have been so if circadian clocks were not
“Yes, also fruit flies reproduce quickly, compensated for temperature changes. There
so I can hope to see them evolve during my are by-standing mechanisms in the molecular
lifetime, which would be certainly impossible oscillation due to which the biological clock
using humans,” I added. timing remains relatively uninfluenced by
“It does make sense,” she added,” What temperature fluctuations. Imagine how
kind of rhythms do flies have?” unreliable circadian clocks would be without
“They have rhythms in locomotor activity, that!”
sleep, the emergence of adult flies from pupae, “They wouldn’t have been useful at all
feeding, mating, egg-laying, etc., driven by the because temperature fluctuations are so
circadian clock. Additionally, one can test for frequent in nature. Also, I have observed that
RNA or protein concentrations like temperature change across
of a handful of clock genes seasons, our daily behavior
at different times of the day also changes with seasons, for
to observe the molecular My objective is to see how example, most people would
oscillation.”, I added. circadian rhythms evolve in like to take a nap instead of
She had more to ask, “So natural–like environments working in the hot summer
do you think that in semi-natural compared to laboratory ones. To afternoons. Do you think the
conditions, the rhythms of these do this, I am looking at rhythms behavior of your flies reared in
flies would’ve changed in any of populations of Drosophila natural conditions would also
manner?” melanogaster, also called fruit vary with seasons?” she asked
“Well, I have found some expectantly.
flies, reared in standard lab
changes already,” I replied. “Yes, it does. For the
conditions and comparing them
“The fly populations reared emergence rhythm, the time at
with populations reared in an
in semi-natural conditions which the emergence of adults
outdoor enclosure, under semi-
have evolved to have a more from the pupae starts occurring
natural conditions.
precise activity–rest rhythm, varies in the semi-naturally
meaning there is less day to reared flies compared to the
day variation in the starting of lab-reared flies according to
their activity compared with the season. In fact, in relatively
the lab-reared fly populations. Also, at a low harsher seasons, the semi-naturally reared
temperature, more of the flies reared in semi- flies start emerging earlier from pupae
natural conditions have rhythms persisting, compared with the lab flies, whereas in a
while the lab-reared ones lose their rhythm. relatively moderate season, there is little or
Mr. Chitrang Dani || 109

no difference! Additionally, I have found that whose time-cues are artificially determined
female flies reared in semi-natural conditions by either light exposure using CFLs/LEDs,
lay more eggs compared with lab-reared flies temperature control using air conditioners,
in semi-natural conditions, but not in the lab. which differ from the natural time-cues in their
Even this was found to be season dependent surroundings. Recent studies have shown
and it suggestive of adaptation to semi-natural that artificial light exposure can impact health
conditions,” I answered. in humans in a time-dependent manner.
“I am quite curious to know more about Differences between the flies reared in semi-
your work on how circadian clocks evolve in natural and laboratory environments may
natural-like conditions, but can this knowledge indicate what aspects of the circadian clock
be useful for human betterment in any get altered at a long term scale and it may help
manner?” she said in an unsure tone. in predicting some aspects of the impact on
“Understanding how circadian clocks of humans as well,” I replied.
fruit flies evolve in semi-natural conditions will A final question came my way, “Okay,
broaden our understanding of what aspects of when are you finishing your PhD?”
the circadian clock are important for keeping That one was left wisely unanswered as
time in a more realistic scenario. Several I swiftly found an excuse to rummage in the
humans nowadays live in an environment kitchen.
110 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Lights! Sound! Action! - Germ

killer light and sound make food

Mrs. M. L. Bhavya*
Email: [email protected]

conversation between two common S. aureus: “Oh, Patlu! You are so creepy.
foodborne pathogens, Escherichia Even I can match with you in poisoning food
coli (Gram-negative bacteria) and by doubling in 30 minutes, but won’t trouble
Staphylococcus aureus (Gram-positive people directly. I rather have a weapon that,
bacteria), in a swimming pool of orange juice. in turn, targets them, THE TOXIN. I am a silent
killer. Shhhhhh….!”
E. coli: “Hi, Golu, how are you?” E. coli: “Hey Hero, You know, even
S. aureus: “Hey, Patlu, I am fine. It is some of my family members can cause a
fantastic dwelling on the skin and nose of life-threatening form of kidney failure called
humans, how about you?” hemolytic uremic syndrome by producing
E. coli: “I am great but different from you. Shiga toxin.”
I relish in the intestine of people and animals. S. aureus: “Oh, wait! Don’t rush. That is
Golu, you know, I am a monster causing food why people target you more than me. Finally,
poisoning and double my numbers in just 20 they want to destroy you.”
minutes. I love squeezing people’s tummy E. coli: “Don’t think that these people
and make them run to the toilet frequently won’t target you; they know how terrible you
(diarrhea).” are. They use some or the other method to
depopulate us and our generations. They

* Mrs. M. L. Bhavya, Ph.D. Scholar from CSIR- Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysuru, is pursuing
her research on “Light Based Processing of Cut Fruit, Leafy Greens & Fruit Juices for Microbial Load Reduction”.
Her popular science story entitled “Lights! Sound! Action! Germ Killer Light and Sound Makes Food Safe” has been
selected for AWSAR Award.
Mrs. M. L. Bhavya || 111

try cooking/heat shock, freezing/cold shock,

chemical/preservatives, and antimicrobials to
destroy us, but I can adapt to new environment
easily and become more resistant.”
S. aureus: “What you said is true,
Patlu. I recently heard that the World Health
Organization joined their hands with the Food
and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations (FAO) and the World Organization for
Animal Health (OIE) to plan strategies to fight
against antimicrobial resistance in the food
E. coli: “See! I am immortal superbug,
having the power to fight against antimicrobials,
heat, cold, and whatnot. I am the center of
S. aureus: “No, Patlu! Even you are
looking bluish. What happened?”
S. aureus: “Enough, Patlu, don’t boost
E. coli: “Look, somebody has switched on
yourself. The researchers all over the world
blue disco lights for us. We are in the limelight
are working on the motto: Health First, Safe
now, let’s dance.”
Food Must. Hence, they are innovating
S. aureus: “Yes, Patlu, we can dance. But
newer technologies to eliminate us, such
wait! I am getting a little itchy on my skin. Are
as microwave heating, high-
you feeling the same?”
pressure processing, pulsed
E. coli: “No, Golu. I am not
electric field, ozone treatment,
feeling anything. Oh, friend! See
and many more.”
A conversation between two these CSIR–CFTRI researchers
E. coli: “Let them innovate;
common foodborne pathogens, are trying to do something with
I will search a new way to
Escherichia coli (Gram-negative blue light.”
bacteria) and Staphylococcus S. aureus: “Really! What
S. aureus: “Let’s see who
aureus (Gram-positive bacteria), can they do with it?”
will escape from whom.”
in a swimming pool of orange E. coli: “Golu, I think they
E. coli: “By the way, how
juice. are trying to kill us with blue
did you come here, Golu?”
S. aureus: “I just dove into
S. aureus: “How is it
this colorful pool from the skin of
possible? Are you joking! Killing
the person who was preparing
with light?!”
the orange juice. But how did you reach here,
E. coli: “Yes, blue light can destroy you with
its high energy. I heard about it somewhere.”
E. coli: “I reached here by the fecal oral
S. aureus: “How come? I don’t have
route with the help of the same person who
anything on me that can absorb light energy
hadn’t washed his hands properly.”
and kill me.”
S. aureus: “Oh well, the pool is such a
E. coli: “Golu, CSIR-CFTRI researchers
sweet and cool place to swim. Let’s enjoy it!”
are brilliant. See, they are playing Holi with us,
E. coli: “Wait a minute, Golu, how come
pouring yellow color (curcumin from turmeric,
you are looking bluish? Are you a chameleon?”
112 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

an antibiotic and natural photosensitizer) and family members by exposing them to different
shining blue light. This is very dangerous!” temperatures and soaking in various doses of
S. aureus: “Holi and blue light? What is Holi color for hours.”
this, Patlu?” S. aureus: “They are ruthless!”
E. coli: “This combination is called E. coli: “Yes, Golu. These researchers
photodynamic therapy. They use this technique have also performed the post-mortem of our
to kill microbes, treat acne, and cancer.” relatives. They scanned the dead bodies with
S. aureus: “Is it? Hey Patlu! How do you the help of a scanning electron microscope and
know all these?” showed body fluid oozing out and shrunken
E. coli: “I keep updating myself so that I and flattened dead bodies with holes.”
can make a strategy to become more resistant S. aureus: “What! Holes on the body?
and stronger.” How did it happen?”
S. aureus: “Patlu, you are E. coli: “Researchers
a genius. This combination of found that our relatives were
color and light is terrifying me killed by reactive oxygen
as my skin is thin and sensitive World Health Organization species (ROS).”
with a single fat jacket. Well, not joined their hands with the Food S. aureus: “What is this
like you, you have a double-fat and Agriculture Organization ROS, and how will it kill us,
jacketed skin.” of the United Nations (FAO) Patlu?”
E. coli: “Yes, I am a bit and the World Organization E. coli: “Golu, listen
resistant, but still, these Holi for Animal Health (OIE) to carefully. When this Holi color
color affects even me. Hey plan strategies to fight against takes up energy from light, it
Golu, did you read about our antimicrobial resistance in the jumps to an excited state. While
relative’s death because of food chain. coming back to the ground
these CFTRI people in the state, the energy from yellow
newspaper International color is transferred to oxygen,
Journal of Food Microbiology?” which we breathe, to form
S. aureus: “What our singlet oxygen or ROS. This
relative’s death!!! No, Patlu, I didn’t come ROS attacks our skin and kills us.”
across that paper.” S. aureus: “Very dangerous ROS. We
E. coli: “It’s okay, Golu. Let me share have to keep away from it.”
my fiery pain with you! Around 100,000 of E. coli: “Yes, Golu, ROS has killed our
our relatives were killed because of these family members very badly by creating pores
people. They have ruined the lives of our on their bodies and fluids spilling out of it.”
Mrs. M. L. Bhavya || 113

S. aureus: “Is it? True, I just heard that

eight of my siblings are no more.”
E. coli: “Golu, these researchers are
ingenious and are using both ultrasound and
blue light along with color (curcumin) to target
us. It has a disastrous consequence by killing
10,000 of my friends.”
S. aureus: “Shh …! Don’t be so loud.
If everyone comes to know about this
combination of light and ultrasound, they will
massacre our progeny, too.”
E. coli: “Ya true, but we can’t stop this
anymore! It’s already known.”
S. aureus: “How?”
S. aureus: “Oh, no! Please stop it, Patlu, E. coli: “Golu, see this paper Ultrasonic
no more discussion about the demise of our Sonochemistry.”
relatives. It’s heart-breaking. Already, they S. aureus: “Oh, my goodness! Can
have killed 1000 of my peers at one shot in this anybody save us from these brilliant
orange pool.” researchers of CSIR–CFTRI?”
E. coli: “Sorry to hear that; even 10 of “The foodborne pathogens such as E.
my peers are dead. Golu, can you hear some coli, S. aureus, and Salmonella cause serious
irritating sound?” ill effects/outbreaks due to the consumption
S. aureus: “Patlu, it’s not just sound; I think of contaminated foods. Globally, there is a
its ultrasound.” demand for the microbial safety of foods. To
E. coli: “What! Ultrasound … Why are combat these food safety issues, numerous
these crazy researchers using this on us? Are technologies have been developed. In recent
they scanning us with ultrasound?” years, light-based processing of foods has
S. aureus: “No, Patlu. They are not opened a new way to target these culprits.
scanning us with this ultrasound (high- One such emerging technique is sono-
frequency wave), but trying to kill us.” photodynamic processing of foods using blue
E. coli: “Oh, no, I am feeling fragile. See LED light and ultrasound. Golu and Patlu may
Golu; my peers are dying due to ultrasonic have a tough time then.”
shock. Around 1000 peers are killed.”
“If someone wishes for good health,
S. aureus: “I pity you. This ultrasound at
one must first ask oneself
least can’t do anything to me. I am safe.” if he is ready to do away
E. coli: “Don’t be so sure! Even you can with the reasons for his illness.
be affected if they add more yellow color along Only then it is possible to help him”.
with ultrasound.” -Hippocrates
|| 115


|| 117

Biochar: Can black be the new


Ms. Dipita Ghosh*

Email: [email protected]

rom where we, Prof Maiti and I, hail, avert the chances of long-term environmental,
mining activity has always been a socio-economical and physical impacts and
necessary evil. Just by merely traversing development of a landform which can sustain
along the outskirts of the Dhanbad town you life. This is where the role of eco-restoration
will find derelict open-cast mines, devastated lab at the Indian Institute of Technology,
landscapes with uprooted vegetation, and feel Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, comes into
blasts of grey air at excavated overburdened play. Restoration is a challenging and multi-
dumps, which are often the hotspots for mine dimensional approach to raising saplings,
fire. The indirect consequences of mining transplanting them and then cultivating them in
on human population are aplenty: erosion, the face of harsh environmental conditions. As
contamination of essential resources, ill-effects researchers, our primary goal is to assist the
on local climate, changes in precipitation recovery of the physio-chemical and biological
patterns and sedimentation. The Indian components of an ecosystem that has been
Bureau of Mines, Dhanbad, has introduced degraded in a cost-effective manner. In this
the concept of mine-closure to remediate the quest for a sustainable, ecofriendly and cost-
egregious devastation in the post-mining land. effective means of reclamation, the application
Mine-closure embodies activities such as of biochar gained importance. An array
progressive reclamation and rehabilitation to of questions arose revolving this relatively

* Ms. Dipita Ghosh, PhD Scholar from Indian Institute of Technology, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, is pursuing
her research on “Application of Biochar for Ecological Restoration and to Enhance Carbon Sequestration in Coal Mine
Degraded Land”. Her popular science story entitled “Biochar: can Black be the New Green?” has been selected for
AWSAR Award.
118 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

neoteric term: “What is biochar?”, “How is it tropical mining areas in the summer season.
obtained?”, “Has it been used earlier?” After They also occupy reclaimed sites, compete
an in-depth survey of literature, it became for nutrition with afforested plants and cause
evident that it is not a new concept after all; allelopathy. Lantana camara, Chromolaena
the technique originated in the Amazon Basin odorata (devil weed), Hyptis suaveolens (wild
some 2500 years ago. The tribal people would tulsi) and Calotropis procera (milkweed) are
incorporate charcoal up (A: Incorporate in the few such weeds, which cause nuisance due to
soil?) to a certain depth and called it ‘terra preta’. their high regenerative capability. Lantana, one
Interestingly, these regions have remain fertile of the most notorious weeds, causes problems
till date and are known to support vegetation across the country. These vigorously growing
without any external efforts. Like a ‘phoenix’ weeds can easily be harvested, converted
rises from its own ashes, the new concept to biochar and used during reclamation of
of biochar was born with the ancient idea of coal-mine spoil. Thus, the process of biochar
‘terra preta’. A number of studies have been production using weeds came into play in an
conducted on how various biochar multiplies oxygen-limited condition in muffle furnace.
the crop productivity in agricultural areas and After its preparation, it was characterized
alters the physical, chemical and biological to study its innate properties so that it could
regimes of the soil. However, the application be applied according to the requirement
of biochar in an area degraded by a coal mine of amendment practice in hand. The
is still novel and requires the characterization of the biochar
attention of researches round showed its highly recalcitrant
the globe. nature with the potential to fix
Biochar is a porous, low carbon in the soil for hundreds
density carbon rich material Mine-closure embodies of years. FTIR depicted the
prepared by the pyrolytic activities such as progressive aromatic composition of the
conversion of organic feedstock reclamation and rehabilitation biochar samples while the FE-
in an oxygen limited or absent to avert the chances of long- SEM analysis revealed its highly
environment, at a temperature term environmental, socio- porous surface morphology.
of >250 C for various residence
o economical and physical Overburden (OB) material
time. In the course of research, impacts and development of was collected from Tetulmari
next question that popped up a landform which can sustain coal mines, which had adverse
was: What kind of biomass could life. This is where the role of physico-chemical and physico-
possibly be used as feedstock eco-restoration lab at the Indian mechanical and biochemical
for biochar production? Institute of Technology, Indian properties for supporting plant
Quintessentially, as the goal School of Mines, Dhanbad, growth. These dumps were
was to use any waste biomass comes into play. acidic, stony, highly compact,
product, what could be better and lacked moisture, organic
than the invasive weeds matter and soil-forming
growing abundantly in the materials making it unsuitable
mining area. The overburden for supporting vegetation. An
material houses these invasive weeds, which experimental design was setup to study the
can strive in harsh environmental conditions, effect of the weed-derived biochar had on
cause stagnation of succession and act as the properties of the OB material. Biochar was
fuel for the ignition of fire especially in the hot applied to the OB material in five treatment
Ms. Dipita Ghosh || 119

level (0, 5, 10, 20 and 30 g/kg) and incubated material a significant increase in germination
in natural environmental conditions in a and seedling vigour index compared to the
randomised block design, each treatment had control. Thus, proving the hypothesis that
three replicates. Corn plants were grown biochar possess inherent properties suitable for
in this biochar amended improvement of soil quality and
OB material and the growth can be applied as a biological
parameters were studied and means for land reclamation in
the soil was then analyzed for coalmine degraded soil.
A number of studies have been
basic physico-chemical and The other on-going work
conducted on how various
biological parameters. It was in our laboratory in this domain
biochar multiplies the crop
observed that the addition of include developing relationship
productivity in agricultural areas
biochar improved the organic between mycorrhizal growth
and alters the physical, chemical
content of OB material, which and biochar application in a
forms the basis of soil fertility by and biological regimes of the OB dump, effect of biochar
releasing nutrients, promoting soil. However, the application application on heavy metal
biological and physio-chemical of biochar in an area degraded and PAHs, and biochar and
properties and often act as a by a coal mine is still novel soil respiration. A current study
buffer for toxic substances. and requires the attention of on the incubation of biochar
A significant effect on the pH, researches round the globe. on a reclaim mine spoil clearly
electrical conductivity, cation depicts its ability to convert
exchange capacity and organic a derelict piece of land into a
composition was found. The biodiversity spot rich in micro
water-holding capacity and bulk density also and macro fauna. Thus, our primary aim is
improved significantly by its application. Soil to develop an all-round approach to reclaim
enzymatic activities improved as well indicating the degraded overburdened material using
microbial growth and healthy soil. The corn minimal resources in an ecofriendly manner.
plant grew well in the biochar amended OB
120 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

The Curious Case of Hydrogen

Fuel Cells

Mr. Avinash Ingle*

Email: [email protected]

looked at my wristwatch, it was 9.20pm It addressed the acute global warming and
already. I had just finished analyzing the climate issues and how countries worldwide are
results of an experiment performed earlier extensively considering renewable technologies
that day. Starving, I hurried from my lab such as hydrogen fuel cells to overcome them,”
towards the hostel mess for dinner, when I his voice seemed fascinated by the concept.
received a call from Pankaj, a childhood friend, “So tell me how grave this global climate
now working for a software firm in Bengaluru. crisis is?” enquired Pankaj curiously.
After exchanging pleasantries, he casually “It is more alarming and serious than
asked, “Tell me about your research.” For a we think. And it’s not that the world does not
moment, it felt I was being interviewed for a know. Distinguished climate scientists and
job. But then I jolted back to reality. environmentalists across the globe have been
I replied enthusiastically, “I am glad you stressing about a potential climate crisis and
asked. I am developing corrosion resistant and the urgency to react rapidly yet sensibly about
electrically conductive materials for hydrogen this catastrophic issue for decades. But, the
fuel cells.” silent generation and baby boomers gave a
“Oh, hydrogen fuel cells!” he exclaimed. blind eye to these warnings and withered away
“I came across an article about hydrogen fuel the fossil resources deposited over millions of
cell vehicles on the internet the other day. years, within half a century,” I informed. “But,

* Mr. Avinash Ingle, PhD Scholar from Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, is pursuing his research on “Development
of Corrosion Resistant Coatings for Fuel Cells”. His popular science story entitled “The Curious Case of Hydrogen Fuel
Cells” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
Mr. Avinash Ingle || 121

the greatest threat to our planet is the belief with life-threatening emissions such as NOx,
that someone else will save it,” I quoted Robert SOx and particulate matters, fuel cells emit pure
Swan, a British historian, best known for being water. That is killing two birds with one stone,
the first person to walk to both, North and South water-shortage as well as the global climate
poles. crisis,” he exclaimed.
“But what about other “No, I am not kidding. This
renewable power sources such power-generating device has
as hydropower and solar cells? Hydrogen fuel cells and no moving parts, so we get high
Many countries have invested particularly, polymer electrolyte efficiency. And unlike most of
significantly in hydro and membrane fuel cells, or PEMFCs our electronic gadgets batteries,
solar power grids to provide in short, have an efficiency of that require periodic charging,
an alternative to conventional approximately 80% and need fuel cells continue to produce
energy sources. Aren’t they hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2) electricity as long as a fuel
cleaner and environment as fuels. Moreover, the only source (hydrogen and oxygen)
friendly?” Pankaj seemed emissions are the by-product is supplied,” I explained.
concerned at the other end of of H2 and O2, that is pure water “Oh, is it?” wondered
the line. vapour as exhaust Pankaj. “Is that what you
“Undoubtedly, but develop in your lab?” he asked
hydropower sources have in surprise.
complexities, such as safety “Well, partially. We develop
issues and harmful ecological footprints. And and investigate the performance of one of the
although utilization of solar cells is soaring most critical components of these PEMFCs,” I
globally, their efficiency to convert only 14-15% briefly described.
of available energy into useful power severely “Which component? Help me understand,”
restricts its application,” I responded. he asked filled with curiosity.
“Then what advantages do hydrogen fuel “Okay, imagine a solid polymer electrolyte,
cells have?” he asked. an electrolyte is an electrically conducting
“Good question, Pankaj”, I chuckled as solution. This polymer electrolyte is sandwiched
I had anticipated this question after the brief between two electrodes, an anode and a
disclosure. cathode. This is a single fuel cell, known as a
“Hydrogen fuel cells and particularly, unit cell. A unit cell of 1 cm x 1 cm dimension can
polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells, generate only 1 watt power, just about sufficient
or PEMFCs in short, have an efficiency of to light a mini LED. Did you get the idea, should
approximately 80% and need hydrogen (H2) I continue?” I assumed Pankaj would have got
and oxygen (O2) as fuels. Moreover, the only this image correctly.
emissions are the by-product of H2 and O2, that
is pure water vapour as exhaust,” I set the ball
There was silence on the line for a while.
I guessed Pankaj’s brain was processing the
information like a computer as if some data had
been just entered into it.
“You are kidding, right?” exclaimed Pankaj.
“You mean instead of polluting the environment
122 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell “That is precisely where my research

(Dimensions not to scale) contributes. As I mentioned earlier, metals are
“So far so good,” Pankaj replied promptly. generally used as BPP materials. However,
I continued, “Well, in order to obtain some useful since BPPs have to perform a variety of
amount of power, we need to stack multiple unit functions, appropriate material selection
cells using bipolar plates (BPP). The BPPs acts obviously becomes a crucial parameter. Apart
as interconnect between adjacent cells to carry from being electrically conductive, it should be
electric current from anode of one cell to the thermally conductive as well to dissipate the
cathode of the adjacent cell. In this way, an entire extra heat and be gas impermeable to avoid
unit of PEMFC is a layered framework consisting leakages. Most importantly, it must be resistant
of a BPP, an anode, a polymer electrolyte, a to corrosion in both hydrogen and oxygen
cathode and again a BPP. An arrangement of environments at normal PEMFC operating
several such assemblies is known as a fuel cell temperature of 70 – 80 °C.
stack.” “The objective of my research is to improve
“But, hang on!” he interrupted. “From where the properties of metallic BPPs to enhance the
do you supply the fuels, hydrogen and oxygen durability and performance of PEMFCs. We
to the cell?” Pankaj made a worthy observation. develop electrically conductive and corrosion
“Remember, when I told that we investigate resistant BPP materials and study their
the performance of one of the most critical performance in simulated operating conditions
components of PEMFCs. As a matter of fact, of PEMFCs,” I replied.
apart from interconnecting the adjacent cells to “So, how is your progress? Have you
carry electric current, the BPPs developed any such BPP
also carry fuels to the respective materials?” he enquired.
electrodes, specifically “Well, till now we have
hydrogen gas to anode and the BPPs also carry fuels to got some promising results at
oxygen gas to cathode and the respective electrodes, the laboratory level. Further
distributes them uniformly via specifically hydrogen gas studies are being carried out to
flow channels. Apart from that, to anode and oxygen gas to check their compatibility. I will
they also facilitate exhaust cathode and distributes them surely let you know if there is
water management and provide uniformly via flow channels. any interesting development,” I
structural stability as well as Apart from that, they also promised.
mechanical strength to the facilitate exhaust water “Your work seems
PEMFC stack assembly,” I management and provide interesting, but I can’t claim to
responded. structural stability as well as understand everything you said.
“Indeed, it serves multiple mechanical strength to the I will read more about PEMFCs
functions. An all-rounder in PEMFC stack assembly and get back to you with more
your fuel cell team,” quipped doubts,” he responded filled
the cricket-crazy Pankaj. “What with curiosity.
materials are used for making “Sure, the pleasure will be
BPPs?” he continued. all mines,” I said.
|| 123

A Dialogue in the Dark

Mr. Khandekar Jishan Bari*

Email: [email protected]

e, The Chary Lab (A: Please confirm to translate this sequence information into
if this is the proper name of the, lab) useful biochemistry and to decipher structural,
Centre for Interdisciplinary Sciences, functional and evolutionary clues encoded
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, in these genome sequences. Particularly
Hyderabad, are working towards offering inspired by the huge success in the human
mechanistic insights into cataract formation genome project, world’s largest collaborative
in children, the major cause of childhood science project, research groups across the
blindness worldwide. We combine high- world undertook structural investigations of
resolution structural clues employing solution various proteins and nucleic acids, their roles
NMR spectroscopy with a judicious mix of in human diseases and interactions within
supporting biophysical tools to arrive at a themselves, which led to the birth of what is
wholesome picture of the system in hand. known as ‘Structural Biology’.
A significant impact on science and Like a necklace is engineered from a
technology in the last few decades has been string of pearls, a protein is constructed from a
the complete sequencing of multiple genomes sequence of amino acids. Proteins constitute
(complete set of genes) that spurred various the primary components of various metabolic
genome projects. The immediate challenge pathways in our body. However, our eye lens
in the post-genomic era today is, therefore, and the proteins inside it are special. Smaller

* Mr. Khandekar Jishan Bari, PhD Scholar from Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Telangana, is pursuing his
research on “Biomolecular NMR Studies on G57W Mutant of Human γS-Crystallin and its Role in Dominant Congenital
Cataract”. His popular science story entitled “A Dialogue in the Dark” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
124 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

than a tiny marble, our eye lens is densely this endeavour, our initial biophysical studies
packed with three different types of a protein instilled remarkable structural instability in the
called crystallin. Unlike proteins in other dark mutant in comparison to its non-cataract
cells, lens crystallins do not enjoy vacations variant. This led to the coining of my initial
and perform the task for a lifetime to provide hypothesis: The structural instability in the dark
transparency or clear vision. And of course, mutant may propagate through its 3D structure
this does not come for free. Genetic mutations providing insights into the mechanism of
(or carriers of darkness) in crystallins result in childhood cataracts. I realized that to develop
insoluble protein aggregates in the eye lens novel drug targets to inhibit or reverse crystallin
and promote cataract or blindness, that is, aggregation, high-resolution structural study
change in a single gene and darkness for a of the dark mutant is inevitable. Although X-ray
lifetime! crystallography is traditionally used to solve
This is Khandekar Jishan Bari and my protein structures in structural biology, the
dialogue in the dark commences as the famous dark mutant was recalcitrant to crystallization.
physician Lewis Thomas: (A; Not clear.) The Thus, we resorted to NMR spectroscopy to
capacity to blunder slightly is the real marvel of determine its high-resolution 3D structure. And
DNA. Without this special attribute, we would the dialogue continued through my annual
still be anaerobic bacteria and there would be talks and research meetings.
no music. Cataracts are no longer attributed to As a prelude to structure determination,
only senior citizens. Recently, a three-year-old we optimized sample preparation for NMR
child was diagnosed with severe childhood studies and successfully completed resonance
cataract. Genome sequencing assignments of the dark
of crystallins extracted from mutant, a fingerprint strategy
his eye lens revealed a novel in NMR spectroscopy to
mutation in the γS-crystallin The immediate challenge in uniquely assign nuclear spins,
gene (the route to darkness). the post-genomic era today (we published our optimized
Identified for the first time, the is, therefore, to translate this protocols and complete
mutant replaced a glycine sequence information into assignments in Biomolecular
amino acid at the 57th position useful biochemistry and to NMR Assignments). Next few
in the protein with tryptophan decipher structural, functional months witnessed intense
(also called the dark mutant in and evolutionary clues encoded structure calculation strategies
this dialogue). The change of a in these genome sequences. and refinements. Finally, we
single amino acid in the protein arrived at its high-resolution
was identified as the familial NMR structure resolved to 0.5
determinate of childhood Å. Investigating the origin of
cataract. This form of cataract instability, the 3D structure
has no preventive diagnosis due to its very revealed the location of the 57th tryptophan
early onset and lack of surgical measures. residue in an unusually solvent-exposed
Thus, outlining various projects for my doctoral orientation. This geometry resulted in a rare
research after a heavy traditional coursework at conformation observed in less than 1% of well-
TIFR, I zeroed in on to unravel the mechanism resolved crystal structures (from a database
of this unexplored disease, a real challenge for called the worldwide Protein Data Bank). We
the pharmaceutical industry. published the 3D structure of this dark mutant
My dialogue in the dark proceeded. In in a recent issue of the Journal of Structural
Mr. Khandekar Jishan Bari || 125

Biology in February 2019. solubility and stability. We know from high

In our study, we examined the internal school chemistry that amide hydrogens (in
symmetry between the two domains (protein proteins) have the ability to exchange with the
domains are sub-structural units which solvent in which they are kept, demonstrating
evolve independently) in the a phenomenon called
dark mutant. Our structural chemical exchange. As NMR
analysis led to identification of spectroscopy is ideally poised
its N-terminal domain as floppy Unlike proteins in other cells, to probe molecular motions
compared to its C-terminal. lens crystallins do not enjoy at residue level, we went on
We thought if it introduced vacations and perform the to investigate the exchange
site-specific flexibility, this task for a lifetime to provide dynamics of the dark mutant.
would show up in increased transparency or clear vision. And after every interval, the
dynamics. Inspired by this, And of course, this does not story grew intense. As expected,
we undertook conformational come for free. Genetic mutations the flexible N-terminal domain
dynamics analysis using (or carriers of darkness) in displayed enhanced exchange
solution NMR spectroscopy. crystallins result in insoluble in comparison to the non-
These experiments confirmed protein aggregates in the eye cataract variant. Surprisingly,
the enhanced flexibility of lens and promote cataract or the dark mutant demonstrated
the N-terminal domain in blindness, that is, change in a sequential exchange of its
the dark mutant at a single single gene and darkness for a N-terminal hydrogens followed
residue level, a resolution that lifetime! by its C-terminal. This study was
cannot be achieved using followed by thermal titration NMR
other biophysical techniques. studies, which characterized
These results were published occasional excursions of the
in the issue of Biochemical and Biophysical dark mutant to transient excited states invisible
Research Communications in March 2019. to traditional biophysical techniques. Closing
in on the climax of the dialogue, I dissected the
dark mutant into its two individual domains and
tested our biophysical and NMR experiments
on them. Finally, we arrived at our conclusion
that the N-terminal domain of the dark mutant
is the real culprit in generating hotspots for
large-scale aggregation and hence cataract
formation. Our findings in these aspects were
further published in three successive papers
A dialogue in the dark at TIFR Hyderabad with the appearing in the Biochemical and Biophysical
dark mutant.
Research Communications journal from May-
My dialogue in the dark continued in July 2019.
the interval. With complementary ‘High Tea’, Then came the flashback. Revisiting our
we recall that crystallins accommodate initial hypothesis, we reframed our conclusions
themselves in very high concentrations inside through multiple approaches: The remarkable
a tiny transparent marble (our eye lens). As a structural instability in the dark mutant
consequence, they are evolutionarily adapted propagates sequentially through its N-terminal
to highly folded conformations with extreme domain leaving the C-terminal unperturbed.
126 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

The excited states act as hidden fingerprints journey into the dark and offers therapeutic
for nucleation and crystallin polymerization. routes to come back.
Our research work provides a wholesome
|| 127

A Tug of War between Diabetes

and Obesity – Just a Glimpse

Ms. Subhadra M.*

Email: [email protected]

n the twenty-first century, the war between keep transgressing. If any sudden change, or
human beings and the microbes often gnaws modulation, occurs in the condition, it brings
at a researcher’s mind. A new story evolves new problems. Among the strange diseases,
from the history of germs versus human diabetes and obesity are like a brother and
health, where human health is a cop and, of a sister. They love each other so much that if
course, the thieves are the germs. The cop a person is obese then, definitely, her lovely
(human health) has been chasing away the brother will come to visit her! I mean the
thieves (germs) for the past several decades. diabetes! It’s like a chicken-and-egg situation,
For a change, nowadays germs have started where it is impossible to say which of the two
chasing humans and causing infections. In has visited first or caused the other to happen
this tag game of germs and humans, germs In present times, if a person is … well …
winning the game! This is because; the healthy,, the people warny about diabetes at
kingdom our immune system often failed to an early age. Earlier, diabetes used occurs to
fight with the foreign pathogens, ultimately, people in the age group of 65-85 years. But
leading to many diseases. Apart from this, the now, even a new born child can be diagnosed
kingdom itself has a lot of problems created by with diabetes. All this is just because of some
its own illogical/misleading processes. What I basic things, which have changed our entire
am trying to mean is that there is a very fine lifestyle starting from work to food.
line between health and disease which we

* Ms. Subhadra M., PhD Scholar from Alagappa University, Tamil Nadu, is pursuing her research on “Understanding
the Disease-Related Genes and Proteins using Caenorhabditis elegans as a Model Organism”. Her popular science
story entitled “A Tug of War between Diabetes and Obesity - Just a Glimpse” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
128 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

While science and technology were useful for studying developmental biology. C.
making great advancements, from nineteenth elegans was the first multicellular eukaryote to
to twenty-first century, the most important factor have its whole genome sequenced making it
called as “healthy life style” was forgotten. It’s easier to study the pathways and mechanisms
like when a runner forgets to pass the baton related to it.
to his/her teammate in a relay race. Nobody
understands that whatever we do in our life
is for “healthy lifestyle and food” only. People
have spoiled their circadian rhythm in a quest
to earn money. Hence, as a return gift, we get
many unperceived diseases. Among the most
dangerous diseases, diabetes and obesity are
the two partners in crime known for their slow
killing. They are the most uninvited visitors in
the human body.
This thought awakened the researcher
in me to find a solution. I shared this
creative spirit with my mentor, Professor K.
Balamurugan, who introduced an elegant tiny
tot in my life and made me believe in working
on a nematode! For the whofole world, Sydney
Brenner was the one who first
proposed an elegant nematode What do you think obesity
the form of Caenorhabditis means? Is it a condition? Or is
elegans for research purposes. What I am trying to mean is that it a disease? Actually, scientists
But for me, Sydney Brenner there is a very fine line between say that obesity is a condition
came in the form of my mentor health and disease which we in which fat accumulates on
who introduced C. elegans in keep transgressing. If any various parts of the body
his lab and fulfilled my wish to sudden change, or modulation, likes muscles, and bones and
research on it. I am fortunate to occurs in the condition, it brings creates a negative impact on
have a Caenorhabditis elegans new problems. Among the the health. If a person has more
as a model organism for my strange diseases, diabetes and than 20% extra weight, this
research. Further, I have learnt obesity are like a brother and a means, he/she is considered
that through C. elegans system sister. obese. To check whether we
one can follow or understand are in this category or not, Body
new findings related to many Mass Index (BMI) is calculated
diseases, and other interactions and considered as a rough
of human system. C. elegans indicator. Certainly, obesity can
is a small, free-living nematode. Owing to its happen to anyone because of many reasons
notorious behaviour that it is really a joy to watch like stress, junk food, lifestyle and insufficient
them creeping and crawling on a nematode sleep. These factors lead to direct risk of
growth medium and become established as having diabetes.
a standard model organism for a great variety In an obese individual, the fat tissues
of genetic investigations, being especially undergo some stress, and have to process
Ms. Subhadra M. || 129

more nutrients than they can manage. The To overcome the disease, I have searched
situation is similar to air being in some active principles, which
a balloon more than its capacity. could help us to find a right
Obviously, how much can the fat path. I am eager to know
cells tolerate? These nutrients the active pathways, which
It’s like when a runner forgets
get fed up and start producing are responsible and a new
to pass the baton to his/her
proteins like an octopus when sustainable way to overcome
teammate in a relay race.
angered releases cephalopod it. But so far, this brother-sister
Nobody understands that
ink. Similarly, during diabetic relationship cannot be broken
whatever we do in our life is
condition, few pathways are unless we bring a third person
for “healthy lifestyle and food”
overactive and hinder the in our life. I mean the ‘fitness’
only. People have spoiled their
insulin receptors to perform baba! Fitness is very important
circadian rhythm in a quest to
their normal duty. Human body in our current lifestyle, because
earn money.
is made to say that its pancreas prevention is better than
are lazy. This condition leads to cure. I might find some ways
an increase of blood glucose to balance it, but to prevent
level which causes diabetes. it we should spend twenty
The condition is processed or activated easily minutes exercising very day. Then only this
by any means of modulators. The researcher world will achieve the ultimate goal of Fit India
in me still has many questions and is trying to Movement!!
solve them.

“Don’t wait too much! Because waiting will make you weigh too much.”
130 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Jungli Pudina: From Weed to

Wonderful Remedy

Mr. Bhanu Kumar*

Email: [email protected]

hat do you do in the lab even on to defend myself sincerely.
Sunday, my ten-year-old annoyed “You lie…,” she was not able to comprehend
cousin asked me when I visited her that I belonged to that lot of people who work
after a long time. on Sundays and other holidays too. “Ok fine, I’ll
take you to my lab on 2nd October this time,” I
“Nobody goes to work on Sunday,” she tried to convince her. “But 2nd October is the
exclaimed before I could begin to reply to birthday of Mahatma Gandhi and it’s a holiday,”
her very genuine complaint. She looked at she reminded me quickly.
me skeptically when I said, “I was not free to “Yes, that’s why,” I grabbed the opportunity
come home on weekends,” in spite of her many to put forward my point, “ I’ll take you to my lab
sincere requests. so that you can see it’s a working day for us
“Listen, my dear sister,” feeling the disbelief and many children from different schools come
in her eyes and I started to tell her about my to visit the laboratories.”
work schedule. “Ok, but what do you do in the lab,” she
“Look, I am a research scholar and for us asked looking somewhat convinced. I felt this
and the scientists there is no such thing like a was the right time to her about my Ph.D. work
holiday. The research labs unlike your school at one of premier institutes dedicated to plant
remain open 24x7 throughout the year,” I tried
“Do you have lice in your hair?” I asked her

* Mr. Bhanu Kumar, PhD Scholar from CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, is pursuing his research
on “Studies on Chemotypic Variations and Acaricidal Potential of Ageratum conyzoides L. Germplasms collected
from Different Phytogeographical Zones of India”. His popular science story entitled “Jungli Pudina: from Weed to
Wonderful Remedy” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
Mr. Bhanu Kumar || 131

suddenly. is our age-old traditional system of medicine

“No, not at all,” aghast, she almost in which medicinal properties of many plants
shouted. “Why are you asking me this?” she have been described. What we do in our lab
was surprised not expecting such a question. is to identify plants for their biological activity,
“Look, I know there are no lice in your hair,” I based on the nature of phytochemicals present
promptly pacified her. “But you know there are in them. We go to the field and collect plants
lice-like creatures found in the skin and hair of from their natural habitats. We bring them back
pet animals like dogs, cats and cows. to the laboratory, chop them in small pieces, dry
“Oh, really!” she was now curious. them under shade and prepare plant extracts
“Yes, just like lice in our hair there are in suitable solvents. We use chromatographic
certain organisms, called ticks, which reside techniques like High Performance Thin
as an ecto-parasite in the outer skin and fur of Layer Chromatography (HPTLC), and High
animals also. “As India is an agrarian country Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) to
and a large fraction of population is dependent separate, identify and quantify bioactive marker
on farming. The farmers raise cattle for different compounds. Since the ticks are very sturdy
purposes. There are dairy farms where cattle are and do not get killed or come out easily from
bred on a large scale for commercial production the skin of the animals, very potent plant extract
of milk. But, in such places, there is a huge is required. Therefore, we have to screen many
problem of tick infestation in the cattle which plants for their chemical constituents and
lowers the milk production by almost 50 per biological activity.”
cent. The ticks cause itching and wounds in the “Have you found a plant which can remove
skin of the animals, like the lice the ticks from animals,” she
in our head. They also spread was curious to know about the
many diseases in animals. For remedy for the ticks.
the treatment of ticks, synthetic “Yes, we have,” I replied
The ticks cause itching and
chemicals are used and these recalling the names of different
wounds in the skin of the
chemicals are very harmful to animals, like the lice in our head. plants we had worked on for
the animals as well as humans. They also spread many diseases a potential anti-tick solution.
Millions of dollars are spent We screened more than thirty
in animals. For the treatment
in the treatment of tick and plants for their antitick potential
of ticks, synthetic chemicals
ticks borne diseases (TTBDs) and narrowed down the list
are used and these chemicals to six plants. Finally, ‘Jungli
throughout the world. Therefore,
are very harmful to the animals pudina’ (Ageratum conyzoides
I am trying to develop a plant-
as well as humans. Millions L.) was identified as the most
based formulation to control
of dollars are spent in the suitable plant for pilot-scale
treatment of tick and ticks borne experiments. It is a weed with
“Oh, the ticks are very
diseases (TTBDs) throughout small purple coloured flowers
painful to the animals,” she said
the world. in bunches and a characteristic
recalling the itching caused by
odour. It is easily available
the lice in her hair. “How can
growing as monoculture in fields
the plants kill ticks found on the
and possesses potent antitick
animals,” was her next query.
activity. Therefore, we selected this plant in
“Yes, they can. The plants are very rich
order to look for commercial prospection. We
source of medicines and people have been
collaborated with a premier institute of veterinary
using them since time immemorial. Ayurveda
sciences to validate its antitick potential. I,
132 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

myself along with my mentor and colleagues particular activity,” I delved a tad heavily onone
conducted several field trips to different parts of of my research objectives “identification of elite
country to collect germplasms of Jungli pudina.” chemotypes”.
“Is this plant not found in Lucknow,” she “Have you found any variations in the plants
interrupted. “No…no, it’s not you collected?” she asked.
so,” I could understand her “Yes, we found significant
genuine concern. “Have you intraspecific variations in the
experienced some apples are “Plants can’t move to protect content of targeted bioactive
sweet while some are very sour,” themselves from excess compounds in plants collected
I asked her. sunlight, rain, insects, from within and among different
“Yes, and I don’t like sour pathogens, grazing animals phytogeographical zones,” I
apples,” she replied with a and such other environmental answered.
strange expression. conditions and, therefore, “Oh, I see.” She was
“Okay, fine,” I’ll tell you they have developed a strong looking relaxed now. “So, have
something about it. “Plants defense mechanisme through you got the medicine ready for
growing in different environments the secondary metabolites. use?” curious, she continued.
are exposed to different sets These are chemical compounds, “Yes, of course,” I replied.
of climatic conditions and, We have completed final testing
which allow plants to survive
therefore, their phytochemicals of our formulation. At the lab
unfavourable conditions and
also vary accordingly. This is scale it is showing promising
protect them from diseases.
one of the reasons, why we find activity, which has also been
variations in the taste of a fruit,”, I validated on the field animals.
explained wanting her to explore We have standardized the
the wonders of nature. protocols for quality control of
“Plants can’t move to protect themselves the raw material and also identified the locations
from excess sunlight, rain, insects, pathogens, from where superior quality raw material (QRM)
grazing animals and such other environmental can be obtained for industrial production point
conditions and, therefore, they have developed of view. This will be the first herbal formulation for
a strong defense mechanisme through the controlling ticks. It can act as a substitute for the
secondary metabolites. These are chemical harmful synthetic chemical-based acaricides
compounds, which allow plants to survive and will be very useful in protecting our cattle
unfavourable conditions and protect them from and pet animals from ticks. Our famers and
diseases. However, according to the stresses they cattle raisers will not have to expend much on
are exposed to, the content of phytochemicals acaricides as this plant-based formulation will
in the plants also varies. There are many plants be cheaper with no side effects. Now, we are
that survive only in specific locations due to negotiating with the companies for the transfer
their specific growth requirements. That’s why of technology to make it available to society.
we need to collect plants from different places “Okay, This was the why you were not able
to identify the superior plant material, which we to come home on weekends. You are doing a
call a chemotype of the plant. A chemotype great job. I’ll tell my friends about it also.” Now,
contains an higher amount of a certain chemical I’ll not complaint again. “Thank you so much,” I
compound which may be responsible for a was happy to convince her.
|| 133

The Sky is Falling!

Ms. Dyana Joseline*

Email: [email protected]

hennai is a remarkable city. It has amazing But then being a research scholar working
beaches, scenic places, industries and on service life estimation and condition
what not? I have been in Chennai all my assessment of bridges, I get confronted by my
life. I love it, but I must admit. It can get really inner critic, who does not bother to cover up the
hot at times. Half an hour on the road is enough reality with frills; reality we as bridge owners,
to convince you that the sun is syphoning off or users, may want to run away from. “Though
your energy with a straw. My survival strategy these bridges are an indispensable part of our
is to somehow get ahead of fellow travellers lives, they have a finite life span.” They have
and to drive under the huge highway and metro been designed to take the expected loads. I
bridges spread across the length and breadth argue. “Ha! That would work, had this been
of the city. Often, I get lost in my own thoughts. a perfect world! What about the deterioration
“Oh my! Aren’t these bridges life savers? They of material and environmental effects? During
help us travel across the city without hassle and its life, the structure can be exposed to
also provide us shade from the sun and the chlorides or carbon dioxide that can diffuse
rain. They are so widespread and long like a through concrete and cause corrosion
protective sky under the actual one. What will initiation. Corrosion (electrochemical reaction
we do without them? Our future generations will that converts iron to rust) of embedded steel
be so proud of us for establishing such systems reinforcement can result in premature end
for them to use.”

* Ms. Dyana Joseline, PhD Scholar from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, is pursuing her research on
“Electrochemical Characterization and Corrosion Assessment of Prestressed Concrete Structures”. Her popular
science story entitled “The Sky is Falling!” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
134 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

of useful life, which means that they may not reinforcing steel. My research is on corrosion
last for 100+ years as expected. Also, if we of prestressing steel, a special steel used
are not careful and do not monitor correctly, in prestressed concrete structures. It has
a particular type of bridge (prestressed a tensile strength of about 4-5 times that of
concrete) can even fall all of a sudden. It has conventional TMT bars. Structural engineers
happened in the other parts of the globe. One have worked wonders using this steel and
was in North Carolina Lowe’s Motor Speedway created numerous slender crack resistant
Pedestrian Bridge. One person even died. structures that make our nation and us proud.
What has happened can happen again.” Uh On the down side, as a material, this steel
oh! Almost all the new bridges in India are is more prone to corrosion-induced failure.
made of prestressed concrete, including It is made by cold drawing process and is
almost all the metro bridges. What if…? Sigh. consequently known to have a lot of residual
What a depressing thought. The critic inside stresses and microcracks. It contains more
me wins. Always. carbon than conventional TMT bars and is a
Well, you can’t hold on to “ignorance is lot more brittle. Prestressing steel is supplied
bliss” when safety is at stake. It is better to face and used in the form of strands with 6 wires
the cold hard truth and Fig. out what can be helically wound over a single straight one. This
done to avoid mishaps. Can the sky fall? Yes, makes strands susceptible to corrosion at the
I am referring to our enormous prestressed interfaces between the wires (crevice). As a
concrete bridges as the sky. And can they fall? feather on the hat, strands are kept at a stress
on us or with us on top? Yes again. Before you level of about 0.75 times their ultimate tensile
become paranoid and decide strength, in the structure. Tensile
not to step outside your home, stress, susceptible material and
let me tell you something. If we corrosive environment – perfect
are able to catch the subtle If we are able to catch the subtle concoction for stress corrosion
signs at the right time, we can signs at the right time, we can cracking and consequent
not only prevent this disaster, not only prevent this disaster, sudden failure by brittle
but also ensure longevity of our fracture of steel. Trust me, this
but also ensure longevity of our
bridges by performing some is serious.
bridges by performing some
interventions. In short, this A unique problem has
interventions. In short, this
can be made into a ‘happily to be tackled with a unique
can be made into a ‘happily
ever after’ story if we make a solution. Even here, problems
ever after’ story if we make a
conscious effort to perform occur because we try to deal
conscious effort to perform
a good assessment of these with corrosion in prestressed
a good assessment of these
structures, keeping the risks in concrete (PC) the same way
structures, keeping the risks in
mind. we would address corrosion
Let me take you through in conventionally reinforced
my little world. I work as a PhD structures (CRC). In CRC, the
student under the guidance rust products (bulky iron oxides)
of Dr Radhakrishna G. Pillai formed at the steel surface
in the Building Technology and Construction exert a pressure on the surrounding concrete
Management division at IIT Madras. He and crack it. That is why we see brownish
heads the “Corrosion Group” that focuses streaks on some of the beams and columns
on understanding corrosion of embedded around us. It indicates ongoing corrosion.
Ms. Dyana Joseline || 135

Corrosion happens all over the surface of on the seriousness of this issue and make
steel and over time, the lost steel section can way for changes in our current assessment
affect the performance of the structure. In PC, methods. I also did an experimental study to
the initial rust products can get filled up in the understand whether the currently adopted
gap between the 7 wires. By the time enough half-cell potential based corrosion detection
rust is formed to crack the concrete and flow criterion (ASTM C876) is suitable for assessing
out, the structure may be too unsafe to use. PC systems. I found that the criterion has to
Corrosion is also reported to be a lot more be altered to ensure that no false-negative
localised in this case than the former. This has interpretations (concluding that structure is not
happened in New Zealand. When rust stains corroding when it actually is) are made.
were noticed in a girder of Tiwai Point Bridge, Since corrosion is an electrochemical
a detailed investigation was done. It was found reaction, the best way to understand corrosion
that at 40 years of age, the girder had a 60% is by electrochemical methods like half-cell
section loss and had to be decommissioned. potential, linear polarization resistance and
So, visual investigation of PC structures gets impedance spectroscopy techniques. These
a huge thumbs down! “What are you waiting techniques can help in understanding what
for? Go! Install scaffolding everywhere. Stop happens at the steel-concrete interface in
the traffic. Inspect all the bridges immediately a non-destructive way. I began laboratory
using all the sophisticated techniques you can experiments to understand the way in which
think of.” I wish it was that easy! Though our the embedded prestressing steel starts losing
government has enough technical expertise its metal ions to corrosion when exposed to
to do so, it is just not practical. salt water (sodium chloride
There are way too many solution). I developed my own
bridges. test setup, which can be used
That is when I started to assess the effect of multiple
In PC, the initial rust products
working on my research factors on chloride-induced
can get filled up in the gap
topic electrochemical corrosion initiation, namely,
between the 7 wires. By the time
characterization and corrosion stress level and cement type. I
assessment of prestressed enough rust is formed to crack selected relevant binder types
concrete bridges. I started a the concrete and flow out, the and stress level so that what I
long-term study on 3-metre- structure may be too unsafe to do in the lab can be taken to
long pre-tensioned concrete use. Corrosion is also reported the field. As an engineering
specimens with two different to be a lot more localised in this outcome, I am experimentally
concretes to understand the case than the former. determining the amount of
consequence of delayed chloride ions that can cause
corrosion detection on the corrosion initiation (also known
engineering properties and as chloride threshold) taking
microstructure of prestressing steel. The the variable nature of corrosion into account
specimens have been exposed to diffusing using statistical principles. This is one of the
chloride ions for about 15 months now and inputs needed to calculate how much time is
will be investigated after rust stains are visible left before corrosion can begin. I am basically
on the surface. I plan to do a case study trying to develop a framework that can be
based on the obtained results, which can help followed by the government to assess the
sensitize us the end users and stakeholders existing PC bridge-stock. A routine preliminary
136 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

investigation methodology will be proposed to specific experiments done on PC systems.

identify the current state of the PC structures Be it a falling apple or the thought of a
based on which the priority and sequence of falling sky, all we need is an ‘aha moment’ to
detailed investigation can be arrived at. All drive us towards making the world a better
the assessment criteria will be backed up by place. My inner critic smiles in agreement.
|| 137

Methanol Production from Indian

Coal: The Inescapable Bridge of
Syngas Clean-up

Mr. Pranav Kherdekar*

Email: [email protected]

t might raise few eyebrows if I tell you that the fuels derived from the crude-oil results
I am working on coal-based energy for my in emission of several harmful compounds
Ph.D. in 2020 when people are talking about in the atmosphere leading to air pollution.
alternate fuels, green energy, and pollution- Accordingly, researchers are trying to develop
free fuels. What if I go further and state that alternate fuels and their blends as energy
the research on coal-based energy is the need sources so as to replace the conventional
of the hour for India? You would probably say crude oil-based fuels. Of these alternate fuels,
that it would only be appropriate to make such methanol is a compound that has a strong
statement if it could be justified. potential to replace the conventional fuels as
The developing economy of India has it is more power-efficient and can be made
been projecting considerably high energy available at costs lower than that of gasoline.
demands, which are increasing day by day. Globally, coal and natural gas are the
Transportation sector constitutes a major part two major starting materials for the production
of these energy demands and we have been of methanol. India, however, has very scarce
relying upon imported crude oil and the fuels natural gas reserves and thus production of
derived from it to meet them. However, the methanol in India is entirely done by importing
crude oil is available only in limited quantity the natural gas from other countries. Such
under the earth’s crust. Further, burning of import of raw material adversely affects the

* Mr. Pranav Kherdekar, PhD Scholar from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, is pursuing his research on “Cleanup
of Syngas Derived from Low-Grade Coal for Methanol Production”. His popular science story entitled “Methanol
Production from Indian Coal: The Inescapable Bridge of Syngas Cleanup” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
138 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

production economics of methanol produced, been established worldwide for syngas derived
making it costly. Then, the question arises: What from high-grade coal. However, as compared
about coal? India has abundant coal reserves. to the coals of Australian or American origins,
A recent analysis estimates the geological Indian coals are low-grade and have lower
coal reserves of India to be approximately 300 energy content and produce large amount
billion tonnes. Then why is the coal of Indian of ash. Further, they also retain more volatile
origin not used for production of methanol? In impurities. Thus gasification of Indian coal
order to elucidate the reason, it is necessary to leads to syngas, which has more and diverse
understand the process for conversion of coal impurities. This ‘dirty’ nature of syngas
to methanol. produced from Indian coal forms a major
For production of methanol, the mined barrier in the methanol production process.
coal is washed, and subjected to a process The syngas clean-up processes established
called gasification at high temperature and worldwide developed for high-grade coal
pressure. Gasification of coal leads to the cannot be directly applied or simply modified
formation of synthesis gas, which is essentially for Indian coal-based syngas due to the
a gaseous mixture of carbon monoxide (CO) aforementioned heterogeneous composition
and hydrogen (H2) along with impurities. of the Indian coal. This is the reason why India
This synthesis gas is supposed to be fed to does not have even a single establishment for
a reactor for its conversion to methanol by methanol production from coal.
a reaction between CO and H2. This gas- Hence, if we intend to set up the roots
phase reaction is extremely slow even at high of coal-based methanol production industry
temperatures and pressures in India, the design of a
and hence a solid material commercial technology for
called a catalyst is added to the clean-up of the contaminated
reactor to speed up the reaction Transportation sector raw syngas produced from
of methanol production. This constitutes a major part of these Indian coal is a must. This is
catalyst is, however, extremely energy demands and we have where our research comes into
sensitive to the presence of been relying upon imported picture.
impurities in the reacting gas crude oil and the fuels derived The primary objective
as they can literally poison the from it to meet them. However, of this research is to develop
catalyst. A poisoned catalyst no the first, one of its kind,
the crude oil is available only
more speeds up the methanol commercially viable process
in limited quantity under the
production reaction, becomes for removal of contaminants
earth’s crust. Further, burning
useless quickly and needs to from raw syngas produced from
of the fuels derived from the
be replaced. That is why, it is low-grade Indian coal so as to
crude-oil results in emission of
essential to identify and remove make it suitable for methanol
several harmful compounds in
any contaminants present in the production. Your next question
the atmosphere leading to air
syngas before feeding it to the probably would be: How easy
methanol production reactor. is it? To answer this, the nature
The clean-up of the of the impurity in coal-derived
syngas produced, hence, is an syngas needs to be studied.
important, inescapable bridge As mentioned earlier,
between coal gasification and methanol gasification of Indian coal leads to syngas
production. Such clean-up processes have which has more and diverse impurities. The
Ms. Dyana Joseline || 139

sulphur in the coal is converted to several hydrogen cyanide (HCN) and heavy metals
acid gas compounds, such as hydrogen (Hg, As) from the syngas. As the next step, we
sulphide (H2S), carbonyl sulphide (COS), studied the feasibility of different processes
and thiophenes. The nitrogen in the coal is commercially used for removal of each of
primarily converted to gaseous ammonia and these contaminants. For example, different
hydrogen cyanide. The biomass matrices in processes that employ liquid solvents to absorb
the coal may lead to formation of tar and wax gaseous compounds were studied for removal
that may block pipes in a methanol production of hydrogen sulphide (H2S). These processes
plant. In addition, the ash component in coal were screened on basis of technical feasibility
consists of toxic compounds, such as arsenic, and economic viability. Various combinations
mercury, cadmium, selenium, lead, which of the best processes are currently being
get converted to toxic gaseous compounds studied and the next step would be to finalize
during the gasification process. All these the overall process flow for syngas clean-up
contaminants are entrained in the syngas after exploring various options.
during the coal-gasification process and no The problem with selecting the best
single process is capable of removing all of industrial process is that it is often incomplete
these contaminants in one vessel. The gas- and misleading to screen the processes merely
cleanup process hence has to be composed of on the basis of literature and rules of thumb.
several steps and sub-processes specifically Thankfully, process simulation is a field where
tailored for removal of each contaminant, thus computer programmes can be developed so
making it quite a tedious exercise to design an as to approximately predict the performance
integrated process for syngas of various processes. We have
clean-up without affecting been using Aspen Plus, a
the economic viability of the commercial process simulation
methanol production process. tool developed specifically
A poisoned catalyst no more
In order to build such a for design of chemical plants,
speeds up the methanol
technology, the goals of our to screen the various syngas
production reaction, becomes
research involve screening, clean-up processes and
useless quickly and needs to
design, arrangement, and combinations thereof. Different
be replaced. That is why, it is
integration of several processes absorption columns, reactors,
essential to identify and remove
to form a unified process for separators, heat exchangers
any contaminants present in the
clean-up of syngas derived have been simulated along with
syngas before feeding it to the
from Indian coal. Hence in their combinations. However,
methanol production reactor.
the first stage of the research powerful simulation capabilities
project, we identified all the still need validation by practical
potential contaminants and experiments. Further, simulated
their allowable concentrations models may require tuning by
in the Indian coal-derived syngas to control experimentation. Thus, for acquiring robust
the poisoning of the methanol production and specific data, the future process design
catalyst. Accordingly, the final process is exercise would consist of bench-scale
supposed to cater the removal of particulate experiments to be carried out on miniaturized
matter, heavy and light tars, hydrogen sulphide process vessels.
(H2S), carbonyl sulphide (COS), carbon To conclude, the methanol production
dioxide (CO2), ammonia (NH3), thiophenes, technology from Indian coal is in its nascent
140 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

state due to the limitations posed by the ongoing literature study and preliminary flow
composition of coal and the subsequent design, with extensive experimentation and
dirty nature of the syngas formed. Our process simulation, the project has a massive
research aims at developing the first viable potential to develop a cost-effective methanol
process for clean-up of syngas produced production plant by resolving the pinch of
from Indian coal to make it suitable for syngas clean-up.
catalytic methanol production process. With
|| 141

From Houses to Powerhouses:

The Story of Transitioning India
to Smart Buildings

Ms. Sumedha Sharma*

Email: [email protected]

n the midst of a hot summer afternoon, a climatic crisis; that global warming demands
nation that is bustling with technological and immediate attention; that climate change is
economic development came to a standstill. for real and it’s high time we do something
India witnessed the biggest blackout ever in about it! I wondered, “So, how are these
history on June 31, 2012, which crippled its even related?” Well, the economic growth of
power system and left millions (precisely, 9% of a nation gives higher purchasing power and
the world’s population) stranded in darkness, better living standards to its citizens, promotes
in broad daylight. At the same time the northern urbanization and leads to higher penetration
part of India was witnessing a heat wave and of consumer electronic goods. This builds up
extremely high temperatures which, like every to higher consumption of electricity, most of
summer season, significantly increased the which is generated using coal in India, emitting
use of coolers and air conditioners. The electric high amounts of greenhouse gases. Moreover,
load was further escalated by the excessive fuel consumption in automobiles, industries,
utilization of irrigation pumps for agriculture, buildings also contribute significantly to
owing to delayed monsoons. This event the emission of greenhouse gases, which
was not just an engineering failure, it was a proactively trap heat; driving us towards a
reminder that our own activities have derailed state of a global climatic crisis!
us and that we are on the verge of a global

* Ms. Sumedha Sharma, PhD Scholar from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, is pursuing her research on
“Development of Optimization Algorithms for Energy Management in Smart Buildings”. Her popular science story
entitled “From Houses to Powerhouses: The Story of Transitioning India to Smart Buildings” has been selected for
AWSAR Award.
142 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

“But, what has led us here?” Not the has been widely deployed at small-scales to
fact that we are progressing and using more enhance the overall utilization efficiency by
electricity, but the fact that we are using more recovering the waste heat output of generators,
and more fossil fuels to produce electricity and along with the electrical output. Traditionally,
that somewhere in the race to develop and fossil fuels have been employed as the major
progress, we lost touch with ‘sustainability’. source for CHP operation. However, with the
India has gracefully transitioned from a stage adoption of sustainable development goals,
where power restoration following every event and subsequent efforts to reduce carbon
of power cut was a celebrated occasion to footprints, cleaner sources of energy have
emerging as the third largest producer of been identified for micro-level heat and power
electricity with 99.7% electricity coverage. generation, known as micro-CHP (mCHP).
Moreover, today the Indian building sector is Owing to zero carbon emissions, low noise,
already consuming close to 40%of the total good part-load performance, fuel cells have
electricity, which is expected to increase to a been deployed in some countries like Japan,
significant 76% by 2040. Thus, the emergence South Korea and several European nations for
of buildings as major energy consumers also mCHP operation at the district and building
raises an opportunity which empowers us to help levels for space heating purposes. India, on
the global energy crisis situation, by managing the contrary, has an enormous amount of
the building-level energy flows. I asked myself, cooling load (which eventually led us to the
“So, how can I contribute?” This thought has blackouts of 2012) and mCHP appears as a
led to my doctoral thesis in developing smart highly efficient solution to building heat and
building energy management power needs.
system (BEMS) solutions A challenge that exists
which empower and educate in deployment of a mCHP
energy consumers, and Transportation sector generating unit is that they
make them aware of their constitutes a major part of these have a fixed power to heat
consumption. BEMS facilitates energy demands and we have ratio, that is, the output of
the optimization of building been relying upon imported the unit either follows its
energy consumption, and crude oil and the fuels derived electrical load or its heat
enhancement of the energy from it to meet them. However, (thermal) load. Accordingly, the
efficiency of the building the crude oil is available only operational modes of mCHP
sector. Appropriately, BEMS is in limited quantity under the are flexibilized by suitable
gradually emerging as a prime earth’s crust. Further, burning multi-energy storages for which
component of demand-side of the fuels derived from the a coordinating strategy has
management technologies in crude-oil results in emission of been developed. It controls the
the modern electric grid. several harmful compounds in electrical and thermal outputs
It is worth mentioning that the atmosphere leading to air of the mCHP unit and the
the major amount of electricity pollution. suitable energy storage units,
used by a building is to meet its while maintaining the thermal
thermal (heating/cooling) load. comfort of the user. Moreover,
Generation of this electricity the wide availability of the solar
by traditional means results in resource in India provides the
dissipation of significant amount of waste heat. opportunity to utilize solar energy for electrical
Combined heat and power (CHP) generation as well as thermal needs. Thus, deploying
Ms. Sumedha Sharma || 143

multiple resources requires an extensive as huge untapped sources of thermal energy,

BEMS. It must also be emphasized that since and the effect of temperature change does
solar is a highly intermittent and variable not appear instantaneously. Sequentially, any
resource, BEMS development demands high real-time fluctuations in solar generation or
processing and computational loads are handled in the shorter
burden. timescale, typically few minutes,
Accordingly, BEMS by controlling the operation of
has been developed as a A poisoned catalyst no more electrical storages and enabling
stochastic programming speeds up the methanol appliance-level load control by
model, which optimizes the production reaction, becomes individual users. Physically, this
parallel operation and dispatch useless quickly and needs to may be developed as a multi-
of the multiple resources. be replaced. That is why, it is agent system which performs
Since, multiple energies essential to identify and remove multiple parallel processes,
(electrical and thermal) are any contaminants present in the independent of each other, all
now flowing in the household, syngas before feeding it to the working towards the common
suitable coordination is goal of high utilization efficiency
methanol production reactor.
required in the BEMS since and low carbon emissions.
thermal and electrical loads “So much technology and
are independent, but the associated challenges appear
generation of the respective not-so-user-friendly?” Well, the
powers are coupled. This has been achieved developed strategy may be easily deployed
by coordinating the stochastic framework as a distributed controller, which is as good
in two different timescales. Thus, thermal as a mobile application, flexible autonomous,
energy flow decisions are taken in the longer and allowing a smooth transition of our houses
timescale which is typically one hour, since to power houses!
due to high thermal inertia, buildings emerge
144 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Let’s build intelligent machines

with Hide-and-Seek

Mr. Tirtharaj Dash*

Email: [email protected]

Prelude – Introducing the Characters machines that can learn from human
t’s a sunny afternoon in a remote village, experience. In scientific jargon, we call these
comprising small and large houses in closed machines “Artificial Intelligence (AI)” tools.
neighbourhoods, in India. For children, this is One such tool is popularly known as “Neural
the perfect time to play hide-and-seek (Lukaa Network”, which is inspired by the way a human
Chhipee in Hindi). learns from experiences. An experience is
“Ok. I am closing my eyes, you guys hide called a data instance and is defined by a
and I will search for you. I am counting up to 3; set of external inputs, called “features” in
1... 2... 3...” calls out the boy or the “seeker”. AI terminology. These biologically inspired
Now, the seeker has to find one or more of neural networks process external features
his friends to win this game. He goes to one and produce an action, called “output”. This
location, which is near to him, then to another. output could be a category to which the given
And continues till he finds one of his friends experience belongs or a quantity. The quality
the “hider”. He continues till he locates all of of the output of the neural network depends on
them. He wins the game of hide-and-seek. the attributes of external features it received.
Little did I know that such a simple- An analogous example to understand this
yet-wonderful childhood game of hide-and- concept is to consider, your experience at a
seek could be useful in building computing restaurant, whether the experience was good

* Mr. Tirtharaj Dash, PhD Scholar from K. K. Birla Goa Campus (BITS Pilani), Goa, is pursuing his research on “Search
as a Game in Machine Learning”. His popular science story entitled “Let’s Build Intelligent Machines with Hide-and-
Seek” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
Mr. Tirtharaj Dash || 145

or bad. This decision, in entirety, depends on Let there be n possible locations. The hider has
questions such as: to select one of these locations and hide there
Whether the hospitality extended was until the seeker finds him. The hider’s selection
adequate? Was the place clean? Was there of a hiding location is based on preferential
proper ambient lighting? Was the place ordering, that is, the hider assigns some
crowded? Was the food served in time? How probabilities to each location for selection.
was the service? Did the cost justify the taste? This forms a distribution over locations called
If we can form such questionnaires that ‘hider distribution’. Naturally, the hider does
are almost perfect, then it would make our not disclose this distribution to the seeker. In
brain eligible to decide on our experience the worst-case scenario, the seeker will not be
at the restaurant. Similarly, a neural network able to find the hider until he visits (opens) all
produces output with the help of its intricate locations other than the one where the hider
neuro-synaptic circuitry. By the way, you may is hiding. In this case, the seeker makes n-1
be wondering: How did we form the above mistakes before he finds the hider. Can the
questions related to our restaurant experience? seeker do better than this? The answer to this
A straight-forward answer to this may be: We is “Yes”. But, the very first idea that comes to
have gone to many restaurants in our life and our mind is:
those experiences made our preparation If the seeker could know the hider
of questionnaire quite easier. Isn’t it? Some distribution exactly, then every time the hider
directly come from our own experience, and hides using his distribution, the seeker would
some come from what other experts say about be able to find him.
their experiences with various
restaurants. Isn’t it?
A special kind of AI tool that Interestingly, our theory
can help us form these external Whether the hospitality extended proves that this leads again to
features from past experience was adequate? Was the place the worst-case result of n-1.
along with some expert clean? Was there proper Further, our theory finds a
knowledge is called Inductive ambient lighting? Was the place seeker who is a bit more random
Logic Programming (ILP). This crowded? Was the food served than the hider. Let’s see what
is the tool that can also help us in time? How was the service? we meant exactly here.
produce features using data Did the cost justify the taste? Let’s assume that the hider
and expert knowledge defined distribution is known to the
in terms of logical clauses. We seeker and the seeker knows
build our ILP engine with the that his performance will be
idea of a hide-and-seek game, bad if he uses the same hider
where there are infinite locations where a set of distribution. So, he constructs a distribution
hiders can hide and the goal of the ILP engine in which the locations for the hider’s selection
is to find them. Essentially, a hider means a probabilities are low get higher importance
good feature that will go as an input to our and the locations for which the hider’s selection
neural network. probabilities are high gets lower importance.
Essentially, this seeker distribution has more
The Setting randomness than the hider’s distribution, but,
Let’s go back to our village version of it does minimize the mean value of mistakes
hide-and-seek that we have described earlier. made by the seeker before finding the hider.
146 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

But, there is a catch here. The seeker does not the hide-and-seek theory to generate good
know the hider distribution. So, what can he features essential for a neural network. Good
do? We gave a statistically simple idea to the features are those that distinctively express the
seeker: compound concerning their resulting property:
See, you don’t know anything about hider inhibiting or killing. One such feature is found
distribution. So, equal importance is given to to be of very high discriminative accuracy,
every box. This makes each box receiving of 90%, on known data of various chemical
1/n probability and forms the uniform seeker compounds:
distribution. One safe assumption is that the The compound has a single bond, a
hider will always select locations using his double bond, two benzene rings connected,
distribution for which the probability is more a fused ring, and a hetero-non-aromatic
than 1/n. Let’s call the set of locations for structure.
which the probability is 1/n as “good partition” We can see that such a descriptive
and the rest as “bad partition”. Let’s say this analysis would help to construct neural
good partition forms the “p” proportion of the networks that have the potential to outperform
n. Now, uniformly select a bunch of locations neural networks built with only atom-bond
(“s”) at once to find at least one location from descriptions of a chemical molecule. Using
the good hider partition with very confidence the hide-and-seek approach, we were able
(“c”). Repeat this process until you find a hider. to construct very good features efficiently
Now, the seeker asked us: But, how do describing the chemical molecules. The neural
I decide this “p”? How do I know how many networks built with these hide-and-seek-based
boxes I should draw uniformly features are evaluated for all
at once? the 73 different problems.
We said, If you still have
no idea about that. Go with p = Let’s assume that the hider The Climax and the Sequel
50% and a confidence of 95%. distribution is known to the The neural networks built
(In our research, we prove this seeker and the seeker knows with the hide-and-seek-based
bound relation among s, p, and that his performance will be features proved themselves
c, which is independent of n.) bad if he uses the same hider winners against the neural
distribution. So, he constructs networks built only with the atom-
The Plot a distribution in which the bond descriptions available
The applicability of the locations for the hider’s for chemical compounds. One
theory was studied extensively selection probabilities are low remarkable result is that 500
on 73 biochemical problems get higher importance and the good features are sufficient
directly related to drug locations for which the hider’s to learn powerful predicting
discovery. These problems selection probabilities are high machines, which have far
were obtained from the gets lower importance. higher accuracies than the
National Cancer Institute under machines built with thousands
the National Institute of Health, of atom-bond features as used
United States. The goal was in the state-of-the-art machines.
to construct machines that can automatically This result makes the applicability of a simple
predict whether a biochemical compound has game-theoretic formulation very useful for the
the potential to either inhibit or kill cancer cells. whole community of Artificial Intelligence as a
As mentioned earlier, our ILP engine uses whole.
Mr. Tirtharaj Dash || 147

Well, which way should the story advance Belgian psychotherapist Esther Perel says:
We have been looking at another simple “When there is nothing left to hide, there is nothing
left to seek.”
aspect of hide-and-seek games that we have
not incorporated in this story yet. The locations
The biggest advantage of doing science
that have high importance in the hider’s
is that there is always something to seek as
distribution are neighbours of each other. This
there is always something hiding.
Good locations have good neighbourhoods.
148 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Overcoming the Strength-

Ductility Trade-off in Low Alloy
Steel for Superior Performance

Mr. Gaurav Bansal*

Email: [email protected]

he twenty-first century has been India is easily manifested in the recent
projected as the century of materials, that announcement of the National Steel Policy
is, the development of new materials and 2017 for the enhancement of steel production
processes will determine the growth trajectory capacity to 300 million tons (MT) by 2030 from
in the current century. The engineering its current capacity of ~125 MT. As India is
materials, which are the backbone of human aspiring to reach USD 5 trillion economies by
made structures and machine components, 2024, an increase in demand for steel is highly
are broadly classified as (i) metals and alloys expected. Also, as per the recent report of the
(ii) ceramics and glasses, and (iii) polymers. global Steel Trade Monitor released in May
One such material in the first category is 2019, the total import of steel in India was 8.95
steel, which is an alloy containing up to 2 MT. This requires, in addition to the capacity
wt.% Carbon along with other elements, for enhancement, the emphasis on indigenous
example, Manganese, Silicon, Chromium, and development and production of high-end
Molybdenum. Steel is one of the most versatile value-added steels for import substitution
materials used in different industrial sectors, and to cater to the continual increase in the
mainly due to its cost-effectiveness and ease demand.
of recyclability as compared to other materials. The applicability of steel is mostly
The significance of steel for a country like governed by its capacity to withstand a

* Mr. Gaurav Bansal, PhD Scholar from CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, is pursuing
his research on “Development of Low Carbon Bainitic Steels”. His popular science story entitled “Overcoming the
Strength-Ductility Trade-off in Low Alloy Steel for Superior Performance” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
Mr. Gaurav Bansal || 149

given load and the ease with which it can be strengthening through fine precipitation and
shaped. This also reflects that stronger the grain refinement. The refinement of grains
steel thinner it can be to support a given load. and precipitates leads to increased number
This, in turn, necessitates the development of of boundaries, which act as an obstacle to
stronger steels to reduce fuel consumption the dislocation movement when external
for different sectors, such as automotive forces are applied on the material. The widely
and transportation, leading to a decrease in accepted practice in most of the Niobium-
greenhouse emission, which is the need of the containing steel is to have the entire Niobium
hour. One of the ways to make steel stronger in the precipitate form to get the maximum
is by adding alloying elements such as benefit from precipitation hardening and fine
Manganese, Nickel, Chromium, and Niobium. grain structure. However, in many cases, fine
However, the inclusion of more and more precipitates and an increased number of grain
alloying elements generally leads to challenges boundaries due to excessive grain refinement
in industrial processing, deterioration of the have shown to promote the formation of ferrite-
formability, toughness, and weldability. The dominated microstructure, which limits the
ductility of steel is measured by its ability to achievement of superior strength. On the
deform plastically, whereas the toughness is a contrary, a bainitic microstructure, a mixture of
measure of the ability to resist fracture. Hence, relatively finer ferrite and carbides/martensite/
low ductility and toughness lead to easy crack austenite, can achieve superior strength-
initiation and its propagation leading to early ductility combinations. This is due to a lower
failure of the structures. The disastrous failure temperature for bainite formation than ferrite,
of ships during and after World restricting its growth during
War I and the tragic end of transformation.
the Titanic ship are some of One of the possible
the examples highlighting the approaches to promote bainitic
Steel is one of the most versatile
importance of high toughness transformation in lean-alloyed
materials used in different
and ductility required for steel could be to control
industrial sectors, mainly due to
structural applications. the state of Niobium during
its cost-effectiveness and ease
The enhancement of the industrial processing, that is,
strength while maintaining the of recyclability as compared to either as a precipitate, or as
desired ductility, toughness, other materials. The significance a solute, or in combination. In
and weldability requires of steel for a country like India this regard, only a few studies
strategic modifications in the is easily manifested in the recent have been conducted in the
processing to achieve the announcement of the National recent past, which have diverse
desired microstructure without Steel Policy 2017 for the opinions on the role of Niobium
adding much of the alloying enhancement of steel production (as solute or precipitate) on
elements. In this regard, capacity to 300 million tons bainitic transformation. For
microalloying addition (namely, (MT) by 2030 from its current example, some of the studies
Niobium, Vanadium, and capacity of ~125 MT. have reported a delay in bainitic
Titanium) to lean-alloyed steel transformation, whereas others
has been an accepted strategy have shown enhancement
to improve the strength-ductility of bainite formation due to
trade-off to a certain level. Niobium as solute and/or
Among these, Niobium is more effective for precipitate. There are also some studies,
150 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

which have mentioned no change in bainitic improvement in the mechanical properties. The
transformation due to Niobium. Therefore, it indigenous development of steel with superior
seems that the effect of Niobium, particularly strength-ductility combinations is necessary for
in the solute form, on phase transformations import substitution and to improve the service
is still not clearly understood. This limits the life of the components in the automotive, and
realization of the benefit of Niobium addition on pipeline applications.
microstructural modification and subsequent
|| 151

Reminding Those Who Fail to


Mr. Himanshu Joshi*

Email: [email protected]

distinctly remember Smruti, this pleasant As I grew older and completed my
woman in her early fifties, who lived in our sixth grade, kaki’s stories gradually started
neighbourhood in my village near Pilani in becoming recursive and incoherent.
Jhunjhunu district, Rajasthan. Being born and Within next two-three years, I heard kaki,
brought up in a religious family, she had a on multiple occasions, mention about her
sound knowledge of the Vedas, Upanishads forgetfulness to my mother. She reported
and Puranas. Despite having no formal difficulty in remembering events, names, and
education, she was admired for her eloquent conversations. during those visits. Her family
conversations, persuasive reasoning and members also raised other concerns, like a
problem-solving abilities. She was extremely change in taste of food she cooked, inability to
fond of children and used to spend her leisure deliver messages, difficulty in keeping track of
time with them. I also grew up listening to her dates and days were the commonest among
beautiful stories and enjoyed her mythological all. These minor difficulties did not garner
stories the most. I used to run to her house much attention and were attributed to her old
after school to savour every bit of the delicious
kheer she would make for us. She was very
After completing my high school, I
kind and affectionate towards all and we fondly
continued my education in the nearby city
called her “kaki”. My family, too, had a warm
of Sikar; my village lacked pre-university
relationship with her.

* Mr. Himanshu Joshi, PhD Scholar from National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Bengaluru, is pursuing
his research on “Functional Connectivity in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease an fMRI and MEG
Study”. His popular science story entitled “Reminding those who Fail to Remember” has been selected for AWSAR
152 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

education. I had prepared myself for a life in to study structure of brain using Magnetic
a hostel continues my education. After two Resonance Imaging (MRI), function of brain
years, I was very excited at the prospect of using resting state functional MRI (rsfMRI).
meeting kaki and my family on my return home. During this project, my job was to recruit the
I preferred to meet kaki before meeting with patients who suffered from forgetfulness from
my parents and rushed to her house. It came Geriatric Clinic and Services, NIMHANS. I
to me as a surprise when Kaki repeatedly gradually started interviewing these patients
asked my name and did not recognize me. I and developed deep empathy towards them.
retreated to my parent’s house with tears in I also started noticing “kaki” in everyone
my eyes. My parents pacified and informed who visited the clinic with complaints of
me that kaki was unable recognize anybody forgetfulness. During these interactions and
in the neighborhood now. I wondered what after in-depth study of AD, I became aware that
had happened to her and why she failed to various co-exiting factors, such as reduced
recognize me. brain volumes, altered metabolism, genetic
This prompted me to join M.Tech. In makeup, co-morbid medical illness, diet,
Cognitive and Neurosciences at the University sleep, regular physical and mental exercises,
of Rajasthan, Jaipur. During my master’s, while education and occupational attainment, play
studying brain and behavior, I understood that an important role in variable expression and
kaki was suffering from Alzheimer’s disease progression of this disease. A transitional phase
(AD). In my fourth year of the course, my also exists between healthy ageing and AD
parents informed me over the phone that called Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), which
kaki had passed away. I could does not interfere with activities
not stop myself and visited of daily life, but the cognitive
my village to attend kaki’s decline reported is more than
funeral. Apart from this grief expected for the individual’s
I joined a neuroimaging
and sorrow, the question that age and educational level.
project on Alzheimer’s disease
why the disease happened to Structurally, the patients
at National Institute of Mental
kaki continued to disturb me. I with mild AD showed volumetric
Health of Neurosciences
was inquisitive to understand reductions in those regions of
(NIMHANS), Bengaluru, where I
the mechanism of AD. During the brain, which are involved
got a chance to study structure
my six-month internship at in memory, attention and
of brain using Magnetic
National Brain Research Centre concentration in comparison
Resonance Imaging (MRI),
situated in Manesar in Haryana, to healthy elderly participants.
function of brain using resting
I realized that a lot more Patients with mild AD also
research needs to be done to state functional MRI (rsfMRI). showed reduced brain volumes
have a better understanding in regions responsible for
of this disease. I finished my memory in comparison to
internship and continuously MCI. We have also reported
sought opportunities to contribute towards differential functional connectivity within and
research in the field of Alzheimer’s disease. between resting state networks in patients
Subsequently, I joined a neuroimaging with MCI and mild AD using rsfMRI. These
project on Alzheimer’s disease at National results gave us insights about functional and
Institute of Mental Health of Neurosciences neuronal processes happening during rest in
(NIMHANS), Bengaluru, where I got a chance patients with MCI and mild AD. However, the
Mr. Himanshu Joshi || 153

functional changes and neural correlates of healthy participants, intermediate in patients

learning and memory were still not clear. At with MCI and lowest in patients with mild AD
the time for preparing these patients for MRI corresponding to both, encoding and retrieval
acquisitions, one fundamental challenge was tasks. The structural MRI findings and fMRI/
their inability to remember even MEG activation alterations are
simple instructions told to keep closely associated to cognitive
in mind during acquisition. To deficits, especially episodic
understand the mechanism memory deficits assessed by
Structurally, the patients with
behind these characteristic the incidental encoding and
mild AD showed volumetric
deficits, in discussion with my intentional retrieval task as
reductions in those regions of
Ph.D. guide Prof. John P John, well as cognitive assessments
the brain, which are involved
we have developed two simple performed outside the scanner.
in memory, attention and
forced choice discrimination The fMRI as indirect and
concentration in comparison to
tasks to be performed during MEG being direct measure of
healthy elderly participants.
the functional Magnetic neuronal activity supports the
Resonance Imaging (fMRI) above results and suggests
and Magnetoencephalography a possible compensatory
(MEG) acquisitions. During mechanism in the form of
the first task, the encoding of visual stimulus increased oxygen consumption and blood
happens incidentally while performing a living/ flow in brain regions responsible for episodic
non-living discrimination task in absence of memory during early Alzheimer’s disease.
specific instructions to remember the stimulus. These findings can be used to develop
While performing the second task, the a mobile app for rapidly increasing older
retrieval of the encoded stimulus is measured population in India, where only one out of ten
intentionally, where the individual is specifically dementia cases receive a diagnosis and nine
instructed to recall whether the stimulus was others lives like “Smruti Kaki”. This may further
shown earlier during the process of incidental assist at risk elders in reaching the clinician
encoding. at the earliest to avoid the delay in diagnosis.
Functionally, fMRI analysis showed brain Furthermore, with the help of the mobile app
areas corresponding to encoding and retrieval database, we can standardize the cut-offs to
having reduced brain activations in AD and specifically target those individuals who are
increased activations in MCI in comparison vulnerable to the cognitive decline associated
to healthy participants. The MEG analysis with Alzheimer’s pathology.
showed a continuum of activation; highest in
154 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Vascular Endothelial Growth

Factor (VEGF) in Endometrium
Canal for the Generation of
“Next Generation”
Mr. Sunil Abraham*
Email: [email protected]

irls get their menstruation, also called to the uterus. In the middle of the menstrual
a period or menses, when they reach cycle, the ovaries releases an egg, a process
puberty. And, uterus is that part of the called ovulation, this egg takes a few days to
body where the baby grows when a woman travel down the fallopian tube. Meanwhile, the
is pregnant. The inner lining of the uterus, lining of the uterus gradually gets thicker to
called endometrium, supports the uterus and support the development of the fertilized egg.
nourishes the developing baby. If the woman If the egg is fertilized it will implant itself in the
does not become pregnant then this lining, uterus and the woman is pregnant, if it is not
blood and other tissues from the uterus are fertilized and the woman is not pregnant then
expelled out of the body through the vagina. A the egg begins to dissolve and the lining of
period lasts up to 2 to 5 days. On the first day of the uterus starts to shed; thus, the woman will
the period, or on day 1 of the menstrual cycle, have her monthly period and the cycle would
the uterus starts to shed its lining, as soon as begin again.
the period ends the uterus begins to prepare Endometrium lining is very important for a
again to receive the fertilized egg. Eggs are female uterus because it supports implantation.
released from a woman’s ovary and are tiny. If there is no healthy endometrium lining there
Women have 2 ovaries, one on each side of is no way for the embryos to implant, which
the body, and fallopian tubes connect them results in menstruation. Its three layers of

* Mr. Sunil Abraham, PhD Scholar from Madurai Kamaraj University, Tamil Nadu, is pursuing his research on “Studies
on Growth Factors in Angiogenesis”. His popular science story entitled “Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) in
Endometrium Canal for the Generation of “Next Generation” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
Mr. Sunil Abraham || 155

lining provide a fertile environment. And, to its monomers when injected into the body
the estrogen hormone is vital in keeping the and becomes biologically compatible material
endometrium fertile. However, if the thickness because of their polyester nature. Tricarboxylic
of the endometrium is below 7 mm then it is acid cycle (TCA) helps in removal of the PLA
considered a thin endometrium. In that case, compound from the body.
the embryo does not withstand and results in In our study, we examined the usage of
miscarriage and the menstrual cycle begins poly-l-lactide (PLA) as a delivery system for
again. rVEGF121 and characterized the chemical
Other reasons may include improper properties of PLA encapsulated rVEGF121
blood flow/poor angiogenesis, abnormal microparticle for endometrial angiogenesis. To
periods, D&C or pelvic surgeries, intrauterine study the angiogenic potential of rVEGF121,
adhesions, fibroids, too much usage of Clomid we purified the recombinant VEGF121 using
and long-term use of birth control pills. His-tagged column and then encapsulated
Keeping this preview in mind, it with PLA. We analyzed the particles using
we started working on Endometrium Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), which
AngiogenesisVEGF121, the shortest isoform provided us information about how the
which is abundantly expressed in endometrial particles had formed and their size. And, if
stromal cells and was amplified using specific the PLA-VEGF121 compound is injected into a
primers; cloned in pET vector and expressed specific site then how can it supply the protein
in BL21 (DE3) pLysS (E.coli) expression to the affected area? To understand the same,
system. Expressing proteins in E.coli are the encapsulated compound was subjected to
advantageous which includes, release kinetics. The compound
easy scale-up, high expression was mixed in media and was
level at low cost. VEGF121, incubated in a shaker, every 24
one of the splice variants of Endometrium lining is very hours the sample was collected
VEGF A, is an important factor important for a female up to 30 days and tested
in angiogenesis. This 16 kDa uterus because it supports using VEGF ELISA. Released
protein is more angiogenic than implantation. If there is no VEGF121 performed better thus
other isoforms; it is because it healthy endometrium lining the release was found daily till
can freely diffuse from the cells there is no way for the embryos day 30. This suggested that
producing it. to implant, which results in PLA degrades and releases
On appropriate menstruation. VEGF in a sustained motion
administration, VEGF can which on injection does the
promote angiogenesis and same function.
signal vascular endothelial If PLA releases the
cells, which help in cell encapsulated VEGF121 then
proliferation and migration but the therapeutic how does one confirm that this encapsulated
effects of this protein can be achieved at high compound is performing angiogenesis? To
doses but, it may also lead to the development answer this question we analyzed the PLA
of a vascular tumour. compound for its bioactivity. We studied the
Thus, we planned to encapsulate migration and proliferation effect of PLA-
rVEGF121 with Poly-l-lactide (PLA), which is VEGF121 on Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial
an FDA-approved biodegradable polymer Cells (HUVEC). As a result, the cells were
that undergoes hydrolysis and breaks down able to migrate in the presence of rVEGF and
156 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Diagrammatic representation of endometrium regeneration using PLA-VEGF: 1. A woman with thin

endometrium condition and inability to conceive 2. Collection of the Endometrium Stromal Cells
(hESC) from the patient’s endometrium tissues via hysterectomy 3. Production of Recombinant
VEGF121 4. Encapsulation of rVEGF121 with poly-l-lactide 5. Injection of the PLA-VEGF121 into the
thin endometrium (uterine lining) with the help of IUI catheter 6. After successful regeneration of the
endometrium, an embryo after being prepared, being transferred in the uterine 7. A pregnant woman
after successful transfer of the healthy embryo. Successful implantation lies in a fertile environment (that
is, endometrium). On regenerating the endometrium there are high chances of successful implantation
and pregnancy.

PLA-VEGF121 particles, which had significant able to prove the drugs had the ability to form
differences for control vs. 200 & 500 ng of new blood vessels. This experiment prompted
rVEGF121 and day 1, 20 & us to take up our research to
30 of PLA-VEGF121 particles. the next level. So we studied
Tube formation is one of the the migration, proliferation,
experiments done worldwide to Endometrium thickness is one protein and the mRNA levels
prove angiogenesis. Thus, plates of the important factors for of human immortalized
were coated with MatrigelTM and implantation and pregnancy. The Endometrium Stromal cells
seeded cells which contained current treatments available for (hESC) after treating the
rVEGF and PLA-VEGF121 as endometrium regeneration is cells with rVEGF (200 and
drugs. The cells were labeled intrauterine infusion of G-CSF, 500 ng) and PLA-VEGF121
with CalceinAM, a fluorescent which has promising results (day 1, 20 and 30). Migration
monitoring tube formation and because G-CSF is a cytokine and proliferation studies in
a cell-permeable dye; the tube that mediates endometrium hESC proved the efficiency
formation was captured in receptivity and also stimulates of the drugs treated and
confocal microscopy. The results neutrophilic granulocyte also they showed significant
were promising as they were differentiation and proliferation, differences when compared
statistically significant when which helps in endometrium with the controls.
compared to controls. regeneration. After the drugs were
On proving the efficacy of treated the cells trypsinized
rVEGF and PLA-VEGF121 in and prepared for RNA and
HUVEC these compounds were protein, whereas this will
further validated with ex-vivo angiogenesis be studied for the levels of the expression.
assay (Chorio Allontoic Membrane-CAM). On Research shows that on addition of VEGF,
evaluating the drugs in chick embryos we were they bind to tyrosine kinase receptors on
Mr. Sunil Abraham || 157

the surface of the cells and activate signal because G-CSF is a cytokine that mediates
pathways like phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase endometrium receptivity and also stimulates
(PI3K)/ serine threonine-protein kinase (AKT). neutrophilic granulocyte differentiation and
Thus, studying these signal pathways pre and proliferation, which helps in endometrium
post drug treatment along with the tyrosine regeneration. Recent advancement in infusion
kinase receptors is important to understand of platelet rich plasma from patient’s own blood
the mechanism of endometrium angiogenesis, into the endometrium shows improvements in
which is in progress. endometrial growth and receptivity because it
Endometrium thickness is one of the contains several growth factors and cytokines.
important factors for implantation and Successfully regenerating the endometrium
pregnancy. The current treatments available will lead to pregnancy. Therefore, the key
for endometrium regeneration is intrauterine to successful implantation lies in fertile
infusion of G-CSF, which has promising results environment.
158 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Fake News Identification in

Online Social Networks

Ms. Indu V.*

Email: [email protected]

ropagation of fake news or rumors spread rumors. Every day, a massive amount
through online social networks is one of of unverified information travels across online
the serious issues faced today by the social networks in the form of texts, images,
online social network users. Though, spread videos and advertisements, which may also
of misinformation to intentionally deceive a include false information and, by simply
large community of people was a major peril in clicking a reshare or retweet button, a piece
historical times too. In the old days, rumors and of information may go viral within seconds
gossips mainly spread through word-of-mouth which can mislead a large population. During
but, in the present times, with the advent of the emergency situations, natural disasters, and
internet the proliferation, around the globe at other hazardous events, people widely depend
an alarming rate, is through social networks on social networks to disseminate, search,
including Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, and curate event-related information but these
LinkedIn, Instagram. Social networks serve circumstances are widely being misused by
as an effective medium for communication rumor mongers. The misinformation spread on
and faster dissemination of information; with Ebola outbreak in Africa, fake news connected
large number of online users and strong with Boston Marathon bombing, rumors
person-to-person interaction have made related to the Indian National Anthem,, the new
social networks an important platform to easily 2000 rupee notes, or fake news that spread

* Ms. Indu V., PhD Scholar from LBS Centre for Science and Technology, Nandavanam, Kerala, is pursuing her
research on “Countering Semantic Attacks in Social Networks”. Her popular science story entitled “Fake News
Identification in Online Social Networks” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
Ms. Indu V. || 159

during the time of US Presidential election, are content filtering mechanisms and difficulty to
a few examples. The main purpose of rumor judge the credibility of information posted by
or fake news spreaders is to mislead, create people open the door for the illegal spread of
panic and provoke public. The lack of proper misinformation.

A facsimile of rRumor spread on Twitter in connection with 2000 rupee notes and the Indian National

The number of people joining and through which news is spreading and who are
becoming active in social networks and the the key members taking part in its fast-spread
amount of data exchange through these space . Rumor detection helps us identify the fake
are increasing at a fast pace day-by-day. content propagating through these networks
Moreover, every day in connection with daily and finally, rumor intervention focuses on
events, new rumor stories tend to employing methods to counter
evolve which is a never-ending the spread before it reaches a
process. The identification In the old days, rumors and wider community.
and labeling of fake content gossips mainly spread through As an initial step, our
from the huge volume of data word-of-mouth but, in the research, supervised by Dr
flowing through these networks present times, with the advent Sabu M Thampi, Professor
with human intervention is a of the internet the proliferation, at the Indian Institute of
laborious task. Hence, there around the globe at an Information Technology and
is a need to develop novel alarming rate, is through social Management (IIITM-K), aimed
and effective mechanisms networks including Facebook, at rumor diffusion for which we
to limit the spread of fake Whatsapp, Twitter, LinkedIn, developed a nature-inspired
news through these networks Instagram. Social networks approach based on the forest-
and allow users to enjoy the serve as an effective medium fire model through the social
benefits of these networks to for communication and faster network platform, Twitter. There
the fullest. The process of fake dissemination of information; is a general saying that rumors
news or rRumor identification spread very fast like wildfires
with large number of online
progresses through 3 main and inspired by this concept,
users and strong person-to-
steps: rumor diffusion analysis, we proposed a novel approach
person interaction have made
rRumor detection and, finally, which maps the spread of
social networks an important
rumor intervention. Rumor rumors in social networks. There
platform to easily spread
diffusion analyzes the reasons are certain factors affecting the
for their quick spread, paths ignition and quick spread of fire
160 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

in a forest and these factors were effectively which we compiled based on the rumor
mapped into the context of social network. tweets that circulated on Twitter. Rumors
In social networks, there are certain network- propagated in Twitter regarding our Indian
based and user-based features that play a National Anthem and 2000 rupee notes during
prominent role in the spread of rumor, and demonetization were collected for a period of 6
by using these features; we can predict the months to conduct our study. One of the major
probability of a user to get affected by a rumor conclusions from our study is that most of the
and the extent of rumor spread in the network. rumor tweets propagating in social networks
The main factors influencing the forest-fire are in the form of retweets since the users
spread are the type of vegetation in the area, involved in rumor diffusion share the rumor
density of the forest, impact of velocity and news from their neighbors without verifying the
direction of the wind, and topography of truth. The increased number of neighboring
the area, and based on these factors, we users who shared the rumor and the number
can predict the chances of a tree catching of retweets increases the chances of rumor
fire. Similarly, the features we considered sharing by a user. This clearly indicates the
for modeling rumor propagation through fact that normally rumors are initiated by a
social networks are the account analysis of few people, while the majority of the people
the user, follower following ratio, presence involved in rumor diffusion share the rumor
of hashtags and keywords and the general tweets posted by others. Another important
account activity of the user, respectively. finding from our research is that majority
In addition to the above-mentioned factors, of the rumor spreaders have retweeted the
there is one more feature that rumor tweet of a specific user
plays a significant role in the and most of the people who
fast spread of forest-fire, which initially shared the rumor have
is the number of neighboring The identification and labeling a huge number of followers in
trees burnt. This factor is also of fake content from the huge their network which enhanced
taken into consideration in our volume of data flowing through the speed of rumor diffusion.
approach where we analyze these networks with human This work entitled “A Nature-
the number of neighboring intervention is a laborious inspired Approach Based on
nodes of a particular user who task. Hence, there is a need Forest Fire Model for Modeling
have already shared the rumor, to develop novel and effective Rumor Propagation in Social
which increases the tendency mechanisms to limit the spread Networks “was published
of that user to share the rumor. of fake news through these in the Journal of Network
Based on these factors, networks and allow users to and Computer Applications
we proposed an algorithm enjoy the benefits of these – Elsevier (IF-5.273) (doi=
which finds out the probability networks to the fullest. “
of users to get affected by the jnca.2018.10.003”), which is
rumor and the extent of spread one of the most prestigious
in the network. The proposed journals in our research area.
algorithm aims to find out the different paths Our proposed approach helps to identify the
through which rumor diffuses across the key factors intensifying the quick spread of
network and identify the users who played rumors in social network and to detect the
the key role in its spread. We evaluated our influential spreaders involved in misinformation
proposed algorithm in two rumor datasets propagation.
Ms. Indu V. || 161

In future, we are planning to develop are planning to integrate with other social
mechanisms to automatically detect networking platforms also. Our research can
misinformation and, thereby, label and filter be an effective aid in fighting fake news and
fake content propagating through social in the early detection of misinformation in
networks. Our current work is mainly carried social networks, which helps to improve the
out in the Twitter platform and in future, we credibility of data shared by users.
162 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Polarized to Converge Light,

Medicine and Lives

Ms. Mahima Sharma BS*

Email: [email protected]

he summer vacation saw a group of she asked.
four 8-year-olds deeply engrossed in “Oh, I know. I want to fly like Superman”,
their comics followed by an intense “I want to be as strong as the Wonder Woman”,
conversation. “Invisibility power for me”, “I want X-ray vision
“These superheroes are so cool, they go to see through the villain’s weapons,” were the
around saving the world every day,” mused enthusiastic replies.
one. “Did you know that doctors also see
“I want to become one when I grow up,” through objects in the body? And that is how
quipped another. they find out if there is something wrong inside
“I don’t think it works like that. You should have the body before trying to fix it,” Madhu quizzed.
some superpower for that,” came the wise “But how do they do it? Do they have
response. super-vision too?” the bunch asked.
Madhu, a research scholar, who overheard Madhu laughed and explained,
their conversations sought this chance to talk “Technology has made it possible to look at
about the wonders of science and technology the internal structures of the body. Have you
already within the reach of humans and not heard of X-ray, CT or MRI scans?”
just restricted to these superhumans. “If you “Yes! I had fractured my arm last year
could have a superpower, what would it be?” and the doctor took an X-ray image of my arm”

* Ms. Mahima Sharma B. S., PhD Scholar from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, is pursuing her research on
“Biomedical Polarimetry”. Her popular science story entitled “Polarized to Converge Light, Medicine and Lives” has
been selected for AWSAR Award.
Ms. Mahima Sharma BS || 163

said one, suddenly proud of her injury. its axis. This is what polarized sunglasses are
“Yes. These are just some examples of also made of.
‘medical imaging’. With the help of these tools, “This property of polarization is also very
a doctor can diagnose diseases and treat useful in medical diagnosis, where by just
patients. The signals used to form images are looking at the tissue could give out information
called electromagnetic waves, which consist of about what is happening within the body.
electric and magnetic fields oscillating at right Take cancer for instance, as the normal cells
angles to each other. The electromagnetic become cancerous, it undergoes cellular
waves, radio waves, infrared radiation, visible changes such as an increase in number,
rays, ultraviolet rays, X-rays and visible rays are size and content. When light is illuminated on
all segments of the electromagnetic spectrum, these biological tissues, it undergoes several
distributed according to their frequency and changes after it interacts with the tissue.
wavelength. Of these, the visible light is what The light could bounce back after striking
helps us see and observe the world. When the tissue, which is called reflection. Or the
light is used in medical imaging, it is called light could pass through the tissue, which is
optical imaging. This is what helps the doctor called transmission. The light could also get
see things non-invasively, without actually absorbed by the tissue or scatter in different
cutting into the human body. Frequency and directions. The light exiting the tissue can give
wavelength are important characteristics information about the structure and function
of light that our eyes can perceive. There is of the tissue based on the optical changes
another special property called polarization that occur within. You do know what tissue in
that helps you to see things biology is, don’t you?” Madhu
beyond what you see!” Madhu elaborated.
explained. “Yes. A tissue is a group of
“Huh?” they sat with their cells. But what does polarization
The electromagnetic waves,
brows furrowed. have to do with this?” was the
radio waves, infrared radiation,
“As I said before, light prompt reply followed by a
visible rays, ultraviolet rays,
is also an electromagnetic question.
X-rays and visible rays are all
wave. When the electric field “This is what we are
segments of the electromagnetic
component of the light travels in studying in our laboratory.
spectrum, distributed according
a particular direction, it is said When you know and fix the
to their frequency and
to be polarized. If it oscillates polarization state of the light
wavelength. Of these, the visible
in the horizontal direction, the at the input, and observe
light is what helps us see and
light is said to be horizontally the polarization state at the
observe the world. When light
polarized. The light could output, you can study how
is used in medical imaging, it is
also be polarized vertically or much of the polarization would
circularly. These are called the called optical imaging. This is have changed because of the
states of polarization. Sunlight what helps the doctor see things property of the object. This
is a source of unpolarized non-invasively, without actually gives an idea about what is
light since the vibrations are in cutting into the human body. inside the object,”
random directions. Polarizers “Just like X-ray vision?”
are materials used to direct came a smart reply.
the electric field vector of light “Yes, you have an
to travel in a particular direction, decided by enhanced vision to observe something that
164 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

cannot be seen through naked eyes. But samples and optical phantoms….”
it is the visible light of the electromagnetic “Phantom??” they collectively interrupted.
spectrum that we are focusing upon. We use “Phantoms are materials that we create to
devices called polarizers and waveplates to mimic the properties of the real tissue sample.
alter the polarization state of light when we For example, we add certain substances with
rotate them. the same absorption and scattering properties
And do you know how we know what as different tissues, to give an idea of what
the exact state of polarization is? It is a play could happen in the real biological tissues,”
between physics and mathematics. A term Amused, I responded.
called ‘Stokes vector’ gives information about “Oh. But why?” one of the children asked.
the polarization state of light at the input and “We need to perform a lot of tests with
output, and they both are related by another any medical instrument before it gets used
term called the ‘Mueller matrix’, using which by doctors in real clinical settings. Once we
we can find out about the object. This method find the response of the phantoms and other
is called Mueller polarimetry and the Mueller samples, we can know for sure if the instrument
matrix is like the ‘guru’ of polarization, who is ready to test real tissues and we can also
knows everything about the polarization use them as a basis to predict the tissue
properties of the object.” behaviour. In our experiments, we developed
“When the polarized light passes through phantoms to mimic normal and diseased
an object, it could lose its polarization, that is tissues. By measuring the Mueller matrix
when the electric field vibration is no longer and finding out about the basic polarization
in the same direction. This parameters of both normal and
could be the result of scattering abnormal samples, we can
happening inside and is identify the abnormal. In one
measured by a term called of our studies, we obtained the
We developed phantoms to
depolarization. The light could amount of depolarization that
mimic normal and diseased
also undergo changes in the was measured by a term called
tissues. By measuring the
phase, which can be measured depolarization index from the
Mueller matrix and finding out
by retardance. The amount Mueller matrix and observed
about the basic polarization
of light that is transmitted that it is directly related to the
parameters of both normal
could give us information on changes in scattering that
something called diattenuation. and abnormal samples, we can happened in cancer mimicking
There are many methods identify the abnormal. phantoms. In another study
to break down the Mueller with skin tissues, we used the
matrix and find out about the Mueller matrix to differentiate
depolarization, retardance and between normal skin and
diattenuation effects.” scleroderma. Scleroderma refers to a group
“So can we find the Mueller matrix of the of diseases in which collagen, a protein that
human body?” they reflected. gives structural strength is produced in excess
“Well, we can find the Mueller matrix of in the skin. This is seen as hardened skin in
smaller tissue regions since light can only people with scleroderma. Since these collagen
travel a short distance inside these tissues, structures are responsible for scattering (A:
after which it either scatters or gets absorbed. What are they scattering? Light?) within the
In our laboratory, we perform studies on tissue cell, the scleroderma skin sample shows
Ms. Mahima Sharma BS || 165

higher values of depolarization because of “That looks like super-vision,” they

the increased collagen. These are just a few promptly concluded.
examples of what can be done with the help of Madhu smiled and thought to herself,
Mueller polarimetry. This research could help “And, someday be used as a real-time tool to
in differentiating between normal and diseased assist surgeons in locating tumours during the
tissues for diagnosis and also in determining early stages. Now that would be super-vision.”
the tissue margins during surgery.”
166 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Tiny Droplets Bring Big Benefits

Mr. Omkar Hegde*

Email: [email protected]

hat significance can a tiny droplet of the table. Let us assume that a drop of coffee
a liquid have? Does anything happen is spilled by mistake. We may notice that it
inside these tiny droplets (say the leaves a stain after it evaporates. . For some
size of a droplet is a millimeter)? It is not very reason, the coffee particles inside the coffee
informative to say that things are happening drop tend to move
inside the droplets as the droplets are small, towards the edges as it
and we do not see any motion inside them evaporates (see image).
with the naked eye. When a drop of rain falls, it Coffee Ring
accumulates air pollutants like soot, sulphates, There must be
and other organic particles as if the droplet is something happening
hungry for them. As a consequence, acid rain inside these drops
can occur or we may use this phenomenon that are making these
to our advantage to clean our atmosphere by particles settle towards the edge. Research
creating artificial rain. My research answers shows that there is a flow inside the droplet,
fundamental questions about interesting things which controls the motion of coffee particles.
that happen inside a tiny drop of rain. Although the droplets are small, they
Sometime or the other, we may have have large scale ramifications in day-to-day
mistakenly spilled coffee or liquid food on life. Generally, we would want to avoid stains.

* Mr. Omkar Hegde, PhD Scholar from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, is pursuing his research on “Vapor
Mediated Interactions in Droplets”. His popular science story entitled “Tiny Droplets Bring Big Benefits” has been
selected for AWSAR Award.
Mr. Omkar Hegde || 167

It would be great to have clothes that never that when droplets of different volatility were
become dirty and if anything falls on them placed adjacent to each other, the flow inside
it rolls off. Such surfaces are called super- low volatility droplet significantly increased by
hydrophobic surfaces. However, there are a whopping 1000 times! This is one of our novel
applications where we would want the particles findings. And, strategic positioning of alcohol
to deposit the way we want them to, that is, if droplet could control the flow. The flow velocity
we do not want the deposit to be in the shape inside the droplets is calculated by a technique
of a ring, and we want it to be uniform or of called Micro-Particle image velocimetry. A
some shape of our choice. For example, we computer algorithm keeps track of the motion
might want to print using drops of ink and we of tracer particles to calculate the velocity of
want the ink particles in the drop to deposit flow. This can be used in several applications
uniformly. Using drops, we can even print an in medical diagnostic devices that require fast
electronic circuit of required shape with the mixing. For example, if we want to test the
functionality. glucose level in blood. A drop of blood mixed
To control deposition of particles inside with reagent would change colour depending
the drops in such applications, we need to on the glucose level. For this to happen, it is
control the flow inside. So, we used zoom essential that the drop of blood must mix well
lenses attached to digital cameras to see what with the reagent. Enhanced mixing in such
happens inside these droplets. We suspended drops can be achieved by placing an alcohol
some particles coated with a dye and traced it droplet adjacent to it.
inside the droplet to visualize the internal flow. The reason for the change in flow is due
We will call this particle a tracer to the local change in surface
particle. These particles faithfully tension due to non-uniform
follow the flow without disturbing vapour adsorption, that is,,
it. The tracer particles used are the vapour molecules adsorb
It is not very informative to say
of the size of a micrometre made the droplet and thus establish
that things are happening inside
of polystyrene material. communication with it. The
the droplets as the droplets
We found a unique way difference in surface tension
are small, and we do not see
to control the flow inside these drives the flow in the bulk of the
any motion inside them with
drops without even physically droplet.
the naked eye. When a drop
touching them. When we Manipulation of tiny
of rain falls, it accumulates air
surrounded a non-uniform droplets of micro-nano liter
pollutants like soot, sulphates,
alcohol vapour across a water volumes has seized the
and other organic particles as if
droplet, it created a directional attention of researchers
the droplet is hungry for them.
flow inside the droplet. When worldwide because it can
these droplets were placed be applied when building
adjacent to each other, they miniature devices. A decade
interact with each other through ago, not many people believed
their vapour field. This interaction created a that Nano/Micro-science could deliver the next
directional flow inside the droplets, which was generation of technologies. After all, big things
used to study the control of agglomeration of come in small packages.
particles inside the droplet as it evaporated. Miniaturization of devices has many
Generally, the flow inside the droplets on advantages. Smaller devices are easy to carry.
a substrate is minimal. However, we observed If miniature versions of chemical reactions
168 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

are conducted, there will be Applications of droplet

less consumption of reagents. studies is ubiquitous. The
Additionally, many reactions We found a unique way to study of droplets of splattered
can be carried out in a small control the flow inside these blood helps in investigation of
space. Such a device in which drops without even physically crime scene. Food processing,
several reactions are carried touching them. When we spray painting, cosmetics,
out in a small chip is called a surrounded a non-uniform combustion in engines, medical
lab on a chip device. However, alcohol vapour across a water diagnostic are other useful
miniaturization of electronic droplet, it created a directional applications to name a few.
devices has a disadvantage Our motto is to further
flow inside the droplet.
that it generates more heat for a experiment with complex
given volume. Droplets are also fluids that will help in
useful for cooling electronic improving medical diagnostics
components. Just like a blow techniques. The idea is to
fan near a hot surface cools the surface, integrate this technique to a lab on a chip
increasing the flow inside the droplets will also device. The interaction between the droplets
cool their surface. is governed by rich physics.
|| 169

Ticking Time Bombs of


Mr. Rajeev Rajak*

Email: [email protected]

n 17 June 2013, the whole of India nature walks, foraging and bird watching, or
woke up to images of a devastated watching documentaries on wildlife and the
Kedarnath town. A flash flood following mountains. As I entered my teenage years the
days of continuous torrential rainfall had forest walks were slowly replaced by hiking and
destroyed the temple-town and many more long trekking trips. All my growing up years in
such towns downstream. Chaos ensued for Darjeeling, thus, inculcated a deep sense of
days, many people lost their lives, many more love for the outdoors and nature and a desire
were left stranded, and properties worth crores to protect it. In 2013, I had just completed
were lost. And, lives of thousands of people my higher secondary exam and was busy
completely changed. But, I had not imagined planning my future. My preference for a career
that this event would change my life too. in science research had narrowed down my
Born in the beautiful hill station of Darjeeling, options significantly going ahead. The choice
nestled in the lap of Mt. Khangchendzonga, was still a difficult one, physics or chemistry,
my fascination with the snow-clad mountains botany or zoology, or should I choose the
of the Himalayas started very early in life. My more popular microbiology. You see, I wanted
childhood was spent traversing the circuitous to be a little of everything, I wanted to become
forest trails of Darjeeling hills and learning a naturalist. Serendipitously, I stumbled across
about the alpine flora and fauna. My weekends an advertisement for a degree course in Earth
were spent either going out with my friends for

* Mr. Rajeev Rajak, PhD Scholar from Sikkim University, Sikkim, is pursuing his research on “Evolution and Assessment
of Glacial Lakes Prone to Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOF) in Sikkim Himalaya”. His popular science story entitled
“Ticking Time Bombs of Himalayas” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
170 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Sciences. A deep dive into the internet about were the problems of melting glaciers and
the subject and I emerged ecstatic after finding dwindling water supplies, at the same time, a
the subject of my dreams. I was to become an new kind of threat was gripping the Himalayas,
earth scientist, who studies the various fields GLOFs, or Glacial Lake Outburst Floods. As
of natural sciences related to I started to go through reports
planet Earth. So, less than a and studies concerning how
month after coming across the climate change had, in recent
term Earth Sciences, for the first There were the problems of times, increased the risk of such
time, I became a student of the melting glaciers and dwindling events all over the Himalayas,
earth. I started learning about water supplies, at the same one such report talked about
how the various components time, a new kind of threat was the tragedy of Kedarnath,
of the earth interact and affect where Chorabari, a glacial
gripping the Himalayas, GLOFs,
each other resulting in the lake, had breached its dam to
or Glacial Lake Outburst Floods.
dynamic earth we experience. produce the most catastrophic
I learnt how the mountains GLOF event of our times. What
and oceans are formed and disturbed me the most was
how, with time, different forces the fact that the scientists had
sculpt the surface forming the landforms we warned the government way back in 2004
see today. But the best part of being an earth about the possibilities of such events, which
scientist was the annual field trips. Travelling were obviously ignored. This meant that the
to the different parts of the country to see tragedy could have been avoided; there were
how the same forces sculpted vastly different steps that could have been taken. This fact
scenarios and understanding the processes, there was a science which could have avoided
made me stand in awe for the power of the this disaster and still it destroyed so many lives
earth. After my graduation, I went to complete changed something inside me, five years after
my post-graduation from the Indian Institute that fateful day at Kedarnath, the disaster had
of Technology, Kharagpur. It was here that I changed one more life.
realised I was a mountain boy, a creature of Now as a research scholar in the
the cold. I was not meant to survive in the hot Department of Geology at the Sikkim
plains of India, I needed the snowy chill. But University, I study the evolution of glacial lakes
my time at Kharagpur cemented two of my in the state to understand the risk these lakes
lifelong beliefs, the first to become a scientist posed in becoming a potential candidate
and the second to work for the mountains in for a GLOF event. These glacial lakes are
the mountains. Two years passed in a flash, formed as the receding glaciers leave behind
and I found myself staring ahead at a Ph.D. a pile of unconsolidated rock debris called
Researching for a topic for my doctoral moraines, which the glacier had crushed and
studies, I started looking for areas of studies moved along as it carved its path through
which needed real and immediate attention the mountains. These moraines form a weak
in the Himalayas. During my research I came damming structure holding the water from
across the horrors of how climate change was the melting glaciers and any precipitation.
destroying the Himalayas. Reports and studies GLOF events, which are high-intensity glacial
from various governments and research disaster wherein there is a sudden release of
institutes painted a dismal picture of the all or a part of the water retained in the glacial
future of the Himalayas and its people. There lakes, have increased in the Himalayan region
Mr. Rajeev Rajak || 171

in recent times. GLOFs are generally triggered number of such lakes, making it impossible to
by seismic activity or any extreme climatic monitor them all.
event like a cloudburst or any mass movement Here, comes my research, which will focus
such as an avalanche or landslide into the lake on the evolution of these glacial lakes and
or when the moraine dam of the the development of a ranking
lake gives up. Once the lake scheme for assessing their
is breached the stored volume hazard risk, helping identify lakes,
of water flows down rapidly, GLOF events, which are high- which are the most vulnerable.
engulfing everything that comes intensity glacial disaster wherein This allows researchers and
in the way. During a GLOFs there is a sudden release of all policymakers to focus their
event, the maximum damage or a part of the water retained in efforts towards monitoring and
is caused by an immediate the glacial lakes, have increased mitigation efforts. My research
flash flood that follows in the in the Himalayan region in with glacial lakes gives me a
downstream region. It is this recent times. GLOFs are unique opportunity to work in two
flooding which poses a risk generally triggered by seismic different environments. I split my
to the mountain communities activity or any extreme climatic time, on the one hand, sitting in
living in the downstream region. event like a cloudburst or any front of the computer working
As many of these glacial mass movement such as an on satellite images to map the
lakes are the source of major avalanche or landslide into the glaciers and the glacial lakes
rivers in Sikkim like Teesta lake or when the moraine dam and writing computer codes to
and Rangit, an important part of the lake gives up. simulate the effects of any such
of my research is to model event and, on the other hand,
the different case scenarios I walk for days on end across
if such an outburst event will glaciers to reach my study area.
have on the communities living Due to the rugged mountainous
downstream. Sikkim, with 12% of its total area topography and extreme climate, any attempt
under snow and ice cover has more than 1100 at studying these lakes in the field becomes
glacial lakes, making a thorough study on a highly difficult endeavour. Altitudes of more
GLOF risk assessment highly important. The than 5000m and subzero temperatures make
increase in the global average temperature everything twice as difficult, basic activities
has heavily impacted the Himalayan glacier, like breathing also become a chore. But life as
melting the glaciers at very high rates. As mountain glaciologist has its own perks; you
these glaciers are melting numerous new get to sleep under the clearest of skies, watch
glacial lakes are being formed all over the the galaxies drift across, feel the cold morning
Himalayas and the existing ones are expanding winds and witness the crimson sunrises. You
exponentially. These lakes have become a walk for days without coming across another
ticking time bomb waiting to explode if not soul, sometimes stepping on grounds, deep
checked. The important thing about GLOFs inside the glaciers; no human has ever walked
is that they can be predicted and the hazard on before. The Himalayan mountains, I now walk
can be mitigated. Early warning systems have across are the same mountains I have grown up
been successfully tested and are being used in and mesmerized by and nothing makes me
to alert the downstream communities. This has happier than standing in front of these snow-
helped save numerous precious lives in case clad peaks and knowing that I am home.
of a flood event. But the problem is a large
172 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Bee Pollen: A Wholesome Food

from BEE to WE

Ms. Mamta Thakur*

Email: [email protected]

arlier I only knew honey and wax as that our university (CSKHPKV, Palampur
products from beekeeping, but that where I was a contractual teacher then) had
day I came to know about others, like a Bee Research Station at Nagrota Bagwan.
bee pollen, propolis, royal jelly, and venom, I wanted to visit the research station and
as well. The realization dawned on me, on a luckily got an opportunity to go there along
cold Sunday morning in Palampur (Himachal with students of the Entomology Department,
Pradesh), in November 2016, while reading on the recommendation of my Department
an article on honeybees in the newspaper. Head. There I saw the process of extraction
The struggle of a honeybee throughout her of honey (for the first time), collection of bee
life for food and survival is very inspirational pollen, super beehives, pollen trap, propolis,
for me. How hardworking they are! I was and most importantly, the peaceful honeybees
curious to know more about honeybees, (Apis mellifera) group that never bites unless
then, started to research on honeybee’s life, provoked. I was most surprised by bee pollen
honey preparation, and beekeeping practices. collection and its benefits on human health. I
That day my mind kept buzzing about their thought that I would work on bee pollen in my
domestication and I was so eager to have my doctorate for which I was struggling to find a
own beehives. In the coming days, I shared topic for the last six months. I got admission
my thoughts with a colleague who told me to pursue Ph.D. next year and met Prof. Vikas

* Ms. Mamta Thakur, PhD Scholar from Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology, Punjab, is pursuing
her research on “Characterization and Utilization of Bee Pollen to Develop Functional Milk Powder”. Her popular
science story entitled “Bee Pollen: a Wholesome Food from Bee to We” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
Ms. Mamta Thakur || 173

Nanda who later became my so-formed bee pollen is different

research supervisor. I opted to from the wind pollen because it
characterize and utilize the bee The struggle of a honeybee is a pellet of a size 1.4-4 mm
pollen in food products as a throughout her life for food and and contains nectar, unlike
part of my Ph.D. research work. survival is very inspirational for the later. Honeybee carries
Pollen is a very tiny me. How hardworking they are! the pollen pellet using her hind
structure like dust or powder, I was curious to know more legs to the beehive where a
found in the seed-producing about honeybees, then, started trap is fixed at the entrance by
plants. Honeybees in search of to research on honeybee’s beekeepers. Pollen drops from
food or nectar visit the flowers life, honey preparation, and the hind legs and collects in the
where thousands of pollen beekeeping practices. lower chamber of the trap (Fig.
particles get attached to a bee’s 1). This is important to mention
body. When, the bee cleans here that the collection of bee
her body using forelegs, minute pollen is done twice in a week,
pollen grains owing to the salive or the nectar which does not affect the honeybees’ nutrition
get stuck to each other to form a pellet. This and health.

Fig 1: The collection process of bee pollen by honeybees

Bee pollen is considered as “dust of nutrition and therapeutic properties, and

life” and usually consumed as fresh or dried. currently, commercially consumed as a dietary
It contains carbohydrates (13-55%), proteins supplement. It has been recognized by law
(10-40%), lipids (1-10%), crude fibre (0.3- as a food additive in Argentina, Brazil, and
20%) and ash content (2-6%), in addition, to Switzerland where its quality standards have
vitamins mainly B-complex, essential minerals, been officially instituted. Bee pollen is the
and health-promoting compounds like fingerprint of plants from where it is collected.
polyphenols. It is acclaimed for its excellent It is said to be mono-floral if pollen is collected
174 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

from a single plant only. In case of inadequate adulteration in the international market. Further,
flora surrounding the hive, the honeybee will the present work may prompt the Government
visit flowers of several plants and the resulting of India to establish quality standards for bee
bee pollen is multi-floral. The plant sources pollen where its acknowledgement is still
of bee pollen strongly affect its behaviour lacking. This research work is also important
and properties like colour, nutrients, and because floral and geographical origin is
physico-chemical characteristics. Therefore, the basic aspect for bee pollen’s nutritional
a vast research interest has been observed and functional quality, which may lead to the
in bee pollen of several floral origins from application of geographical indication (GI) of
different regions of the world to identify the Indian bee pollen for the particular regional
peculiarities. India being rich in polliniferous originality.
and nectariferous plant species, distinguished After characterizing the bee pollen from
climatological seasons throughout the year different regions, I found that all bee pollen
and huge terrain, is currently the home of about samples were unifloral belonging to coconut,
2.5 lakhs beekeepers and nearly 18 lakhs bee coriander and rapeseed, except the pollen
colonies with the production of honey only. collected from north-western region bee
Major regions for beekeeping activities in India pollen (collected during August-September,
include Punjab, Jammu-Kashmir, Himachal 2017), which was multi-floral consisting of
Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Bihar and maize, pearl millet, onionweed, pigeon pea
West Bengal. However, it is pitiful that bee and cotton. Bee pollen from all floral sources
pollen is an under-exploited commodity in was within the framework of international
India and no work was done to (Brazilian, Argentinean and
explore the potential of Indian Swiss) standards. Bee pollen
bee pollen in food sector. from all sources contained high
Therefore, I decided to levels of protein and minerals,
Bee pollen is the fingerprint of
study the bee pollen of different especially iron, which supports
plants from where it is collected.
plant sources from south- its intake to fight malnutrition
It is said to be mono-floral if
western region (Karnataka and anaemia in India. The low
pollen is collected from a single
state), north-western region energy value, high amount
plant only. In case of inadequate
(Rajasthan state) and northern of essential amino acids,
flora surrounding the hive, the
region (Haryana, Rajasthan, omega-3 fatty acids (α-linolenic
honeybee will visit flowers of
and Punjab) of the country acid, docosahexaenoic
several plants and the resulting
according to chemical acid, eicosatrienoic acid and
bee pollen is multi-floral.
composition, essential eicosapentaenoic acid), and
nutrients, physical, textural minerals (calcium, phosphorus,
and functional properties, potassium, zinc and iron) not
and antioxidant (disease- only suggests the Indian bee
preventing) compounds. The present work pollen as a healthy food supplement but also
may encourage the beekeepers to harvest shows its potential as functional food or health-
bee pollen, in addition, to honey. This might promoting ingredient for better human health.
be helpful in raising the economic status of The level of total polyphenol content (health-
beekeepers in the country because the honey promoting constituents) varied according to
industry is currently facing many challenges the floral sources in following order: coconut
like honey laundering, antibiotic residues, and < rapeseed < multi-floral < coriander which
Ms. Mamta Thakur || 175

scavenges the free radicals generated inside of bee pollen in food remained challenging
the human body thus contributing towards the due to its heat-sensitive nature. Our research
prevention of diseases, like cancer, type-II team encapsulated the bee pollen particles
diabetes, and heart diseases. Major antioxidant using milk matrix and developed the process
compounds found in bee pollen samples were technology to produce bee pollen enriched
catechin, rutin, quercetin, luteolin, kaempferol, functional milk powder. The milk being a good
cinnamic acid, caffeic acid, and apigenin, source of nutrients, however, lacks particular
which would be considered as authentication healthy compounds such as phenolic
mark of bee pollen origin. Niacin, pantothenic compounds and dietary fibre besides omega-3
acid, folic acid, biotin, tocopherols (Vitamin E), fatty acids, folates, and some vitamins, which
and Vitamin C were the dominating vitamins would be complemented by bee pollen. The
found in the samples, which revealed the developed functional milk powder will allow the
health-promoting value of it. addition of bee pollen as a functional ingredient
This research work has also examined the in different processed food products such as
engineering properties of bee pollen for the first yoghurts, spreads, beverages, bakery and
time, which may help the engineers to design confectionery products, and frozen desserts.
equipment to clean, grade, separate, and dry Further, the developed technology can be
it. The coconut pollen exhibited better mouth- easily adapted by dairy industries to produce
feel enhancing, flavour retaining, emulsifying functional milk powder thus enriching the
and foaming attributes, which recommends commercial perspective of bee pollen that
its use as a natural food additive in products may aid in improving the economic status of
like ice-cream, cake, marshmallow, and beekeepers in the country.
whipped cream. However, the applications
176 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

3D Printing, It's Just like Magic!!

Mr. Rohit Kannattukunnel*

Email: [email protected]

have lost the cover of my pen drive once each other till the required object is obtained.
again, said Ranjita, my sister, exasperatedly, You create a digital blueprint of the object by
“wish I could make one rather than spend time designing it on any software or scanning it, and
searching for it.” She looked at me earnestly then use it as an input to create the required
half hoping I would join in her futile search. physical object. For example, I can design the
When I was unmoved she asked “What are back cover of a cell phone and then 3D print it.
you doing?” “My research,” I replied. “Please Products customised to one's desire in surface
do not explain it to me. I will go away right design, colour and size can be created. Let
now. Science! That's boring!!” she retorted. I me show the flowchart of 3D Printing process
promptly left my activity and replied, “Science to you for better comprehension and easier
is not boring if presented properly... Especially overview.”
my research topic!” “Prove it,” she snarled. Ranjita's interest was awakened. So I
“My topic is based on 3D Printing (3DP).” continued, “3DP uses different raw materials,
“What is 3D Printing? Can you elaborate such as plastics, ceramics, metals, human
on it properly with some applications?” she tissues and dentin to 3D print objects. Different
interjected. I continued, “3D Printing uses an 3D printing processes exist, which use various
approach where a physical object is made by raw materials to produce different objects.
repeatedly depositing a unit layer of object on There were even cases when a 3D printer uses

* Mr. Rohit Kannattukunnel, PhD Scholar from Datta Meghe Institute of Research, Maharashtra, is pursuing his research
on “Investigating Effectiveness of 3D Printing Technologies for Building Efficiencies in Engineering Industries”. His
popular science story entitled “3D Printing, It’s Just Like Magic!!” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
Mr. Rohit Kannattukunnel || 177

Fig 1: Flowchart of 3D Printing Process

different raw materials to produce a single with 3D Printing?” she asked. “You have heard
object.” of the previous three Industrial Revolutions.
Suddenly, I recalled a news report by This is the Fourth Industrial Revolution in
RT, an international news agency, asserting progress. Every Industrial Revolution has
3DP being a phenomena bigger than internet resulted in newer and more efficient technology
in the future, since 3DP held great promise wiping out older, less efficient one. 3DP too
in applications across different fields such can substitute for less efficient traditional
as history, biology, archaeology, medical manufacturing processes that exist in present
science, and architecture. industries instead replace
Many compelling cases can these processes with the more
be cited to validate the above efficient 3DP process. It can
claim. There was an encased 3D Printing uses an approach affect the supply chains, result
fossil in Sao Paulo, Brazil, where a physical object is made in more effective customised
that was scanned and a fossil by repeatedly depositing a unit products and revolutionise
replica was 3D printed without layer of object on each other till the existing industries by
touching or moving the fossil! the required object is obtained. increasing their capabilities.
There are ongoing efforts to 3D The impact of 3DP is so deep
print human organs for organ that it blurs the distinction
transplant, which would lower between manufacturing and
costs of this procedure and services, two different sectors
eliminate instances of illegal organ supply! of the economy. One can design and send
There was also a case where a man’s tumour to you a digital blueprint of the object which
beneath the skin on his left side of the face was you can then 3D print!” Ranjita was impressed
removed and a full face 3D printed prosthetic though she resented expressing it.
face was surgically transplanted! Thus 3DP as “If this technology is so good then why is
a technology can be used in different fields to it not popular and written about in the media?”
improve the quality of life and for the benefit of This was a genuine query since any new
society. The impact of 3DP is so profound that and emerging technology it’s the media that
it can even fundamentally alter the nature of the familiarises the public about it. “The 1960s
society and the economy as we know it. “How Aston Martin DB5s that were destroyed in the
does that happen? What can be made possible James Bond movie Skyfall were 3D Printed
178 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

replicas and not the original versions of the domains are two different domains where 3D
car. 3DP is so cost effective that not one real printers would be used. The industrial domain
car was exploded in the movie despite its is very important since a lot of effort would
US$ 200 million budget !” In disbelief, she be put in by industries to build 3D printers
shrieked, “That's cheap.” I countered, “That's that would print output products. Advances
economical.” in software complexity, computing capability,
Since space always holds a fascination increasing memory capacity, development
in the minds of all, I added that 3DP has its of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and
application in the domain of space also... material sciences have allowed 3DP to flourish
“Astronauts when they go to space use 3D more visibly. Compared to earlier counterparts
printers to print objects they require than carry the present-day 3D Printers are more efficient,
all the objects. This reduces the payload thus productive, and result in lesser wastage and
optimising the cost of space launches. The are quicker. The charm of 3DP is that it cuts
deep space missions where the astronauts will down on product development time, produces
be required to reside on Moon or Mars would objects quickly and has lower material wastage
have 3D printed homes. They will be 3D printed as compared to traditional manufacturing
with the raw material being Lunar/Martian soil methods.
as approved by NASA based on best designs “So how is your thesis related to 3DP?
selected through a 3D printing contest. The What is its importance in impact of 3DP?”
most important application of 3DP in space Now this was the most important question
missions would be 3D printing food that would that required deft handling. Choosing my
be customized and tailored words carefully, I replied,
to suit the nutritional needs “Remember I have already told
of each astronaut. The food you that older, less effective
material would be stored in raw Astronauts when they go to methods would be replaced by
powdered form, the required space use 3D printers to print newer, efficient methods. My
food would be selected and 3D objects they require than carry work is a step that documents
printed after adding selective all the objects. This reduces this progress. My PhD thesis
nutrients...” This has wide the payload thus optimising cites the present existing less
application in space missions, the cost of space launches. The effective methods in the industry
space tourism, military deep space missions where the that when replaced by 3DP
missions and even serves as an astronauts will be required to cause optimisation of costs,
alternate approach to prevent reside on Moon or Mars would quicker product development,
food wastage in agriculture, have 3D printed homes. greater customisation and
thus, reducing the instances higher productivity.” The
of hunger and poverty in case studies only prove the
India. Current approach to difference more starkly. This
prevent wastage of food crops would in effect be examining
produced include refrigeration, which is the impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
expensive thus not widespread. on our society. Besides, bengaging advanced
It could be concluded that many types technical methods employed would only
of 3D printers exist, which use myriad 3DP reaffirm the predominance of 3D printers and
processes with varied raw materials to create the characteristics that made them so vital. If
distinct objects. Industrial and hobbyist available I might also document the industry
Mr. Rohit Kannattukunnel || 179

that might die due to the impact of 3DP. This of a pen drive cover, customised it by placing
is significant since the very impact of Fourth her favourite design, colour and surface
Industrial Revolution would be captured. Not texture, 3D printed it and gave it to her.
only does the case study prove the effect of “Wow that's like magic,” She was spell
the 3DP technology but also the advanced bound. This was a true acknowledgement of
methods employed by use of various research the prowess of 3DP technology. I told to her,
software’s prove the cause behind the effect, “You remind me of Arthur C. Clarke. He said
that is, the characteristics that cause the that extremely advanced technology was just
predominance of 3D printers. like magic!”
“Will you help me in my search for pen She attached it to her pen drive, walked
drive cover?” she pleaded. “Time is of essence away happily, and will probably perceive
as I am on a deadline. Let me 3D print it for research in science/technology as fascinating
you,” I stepped in. To prove my point, I went and hold a special regard for 3D Printing.
online, obtained an open source digital design
180 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Sound: It Shows, It Cures

Mr. Aliarshad Kothawala*

Email: [email protected]

ound is a physical phenomenon that amount of sound energy that is incident on its
humans and many animals can sense. surface. If the object has the absorbing ability,
Sound is a vibration. Sound and light are the incident sound energy can be converted to
twins and share many common properties. Just heat energy. This heat so produced can cause
like light, sound also gets reflected, refracted, burns. The advantage of this technique is that
and diffracted. However, sound cannot be the heating happens only at the point of focus.
polarized! It reminds me of the childhood If you try to place the object anywhere away
experiment many of us have conducted from the focus, the object remains unaffected.
where we focused the rays of the sun using This can have an enormous advantage
a magnifying glass on a piece f paper. The in the medical field. Just imagine destroying
magnifying glass helps to concentrate these tumours using focused sound. This can
rays on to a very small region of the paper and be done using ultrasound, sound that has
igniting it. ! Then the question which naturally frequencies typically of ~1000000 Hz. The
arises in one’s mind is that “Can sound be cancerous tumour that is located deep inside
focused? “If yes, “Can it burn the object which the body can be destroyed using heat created
is the point of focus? “ The answer is ‘Yes’. It by focused ultrasound waves. Thus, sound
is possible to focus sound. The object should enables treatment of cancer tumours, this
possess the property to absorb maximum technique is called “High Intensity Focused

* Mr. Aliarshad Kothawala, PhD Scholar from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, is pursuing his research on “High-
Intensity Focused Ultrasound”. His popular science story entitled “Sound- It Shows - It Cures” has been selected for
AWSAR Award.
Mr. Aliarshad Kothawala || 181

Ultrasound (HIFU)”. The advantage is a from the surface. In our case, we wanted to
minimally invasive surgery with no requirement construct images of hotspot created by HIFU
of incisions or cuts on human body to remove treatment, but by using ultrasound! This
or treat tumours! How amazing “sounds” really cool, right.
it sounds, right? The sound is very sensitive to
Heat is a form of energy temperature. Also, when we
and it can have undesirable Heat is a form of energy and it heat the medium or target it,
effects if it is not controlled. Is can have undesirable effects if it it undergoes changes. These
it possible to control the heat is not controlled. Is it possible changes affect the ultrasound
caused by focused ultrasound to control the heat caused by wave propagation. If we are
then? How can we control it? focused ultrasound then? How able to capture the reflected
To control anything we need can we control it? To control ultrasound the signature of
feedback, right? Therefore, anything we need feedback, the temperature is present in
I and my adviser thought if it right? the reflected ultrasound. This
was possible to use sound information can be in the form
to construct thermal maps? of change in speed of sound,
This is similar to constructing change in attenuation of
infra-red (IR) thermal maps sound, change in the statistical
using IR camera. In an IR camera, the sensor distribution of scatterers that are present in
tries to capture infra-red radiations emitting the medium. A change in temperature causes

all these alterations and if we can capture us an image. Also, this image is created every
these changes we can track, ultimately, the 10 seconds. Imagine, if I can provide you with
temperature. Just now imagine doing this at such a collection of images at different times
each pixel location! What does a collection of during the entire treatment. It becomes like a
pixels give us? Yes, your guess is right. It gives video!!! This helps to track the changes that
182 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

are occurring inside the body without cutting

it. Also, looking at these images I can see how
the heat is getting distributed and I can control
it by varying power that is given to HIFU
transducer for creating burns.
The results obtained from methods
developed are shown in the figures below.
The three methods developed in our lab track
different acoustic parameters and thereby trace
the evolution of hotspot. In order to compare
with the ground reality the liver sample on
which the heating was done using HIFU is cut
at the end of the experiment. A snapshot of it
can be seen below. The methods have shown
good repeatability and till date 17 experiments
have been successfully conducted on ex-vivo
liver samples.
The success on the ex-vivo motivates
us to move one step ahead and conduct the of the hotspot with better precision and
experiment on small animals. However, we accuracy.
do not have the ethical approvals for it as of The feedback can also be used along
now thus this is the permissible with some machine-learning
level, which we could go to techniques to control the
test the algorithm. The major RF power amplifier that
challenge is to make these The sound is very sensitive to provides input signal to the
algorithms fast. In order to do temperature. Also, when we HIFU transducer. This will
that we need to use graphical heat the medium or target it, reduce human intervention
processing unit and lower level it undergoes changes. These and possible human errors.
language to implement it. The changes affect the ultrasound Thus, the entire system can be
major limitation of the work is wave propagation. If we are automatized. The transducer
that the maps obtained are able to capture the reflected that was used in our experiments
qualitative not the absolute ultrasound the signature of is a single-element focused
temperature maps. They the temperature is present HIFU transducer. However, in
need to be calibrated to make in the reflected ultrasound. reality a variable focus HIFU
them quantitative in terms of This information can be in the transducer is required. It can
temperature. form of change in speed of be done using a collection of
The results demonstrate sound, change in attenuation of HIFU transducers and applying
that the sensitivity of each of the sound, change in the statistical delays to each of the single
three methods is very different. distribution of scatterers that are element HIFU transducer to
Either, these or a non-trivial present in the medium. focus at a particular location.
combination of these methods Thus, the research that we
can be used to construct more have done so far is a baby
robust maps that can track step towards realizing a fully
spatial and temporal evolution functional HIFU treatment device that in future
Mr. Aliarshad Kothawala || 183

can help people suffering from cancer by turn, will reduce chances of infection and will
destroying their tumours and inflicting less lead to tremendous decrease in recovery time,
pain and discomfort to the patient. This, in thus, benefitting humanity at large.
184 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Conquering Biofilms!
Nanobiotics vs Antibiotics

Ms. Anju S.*

Email: [email protected]

cience of therapeutics has galloped after to a microbial system, or the bacteria may
the discovery of “wonder drug” Penicillin. promote an alternate metabolic pathway so as
Thereafter, an era of antibiotics provided to remain unaffected by a drug.
a respite in treatment of bacterial infections. Several strategies have been identified
However, new challenges have surfaced due over the years with regard to occurrence and
to emergence of multi-drug resistant bacteria. spread of drug resistance. One of the most
Usually, prolonged use of an antibiotic outstanding reasons promoting resistance to
becomes ineffective against a particular a drug is the ability of bacteria to flourish as
bacterial species due to development of “drug a community of static form called “biofilms”.
resistance”. Bacteria develop resistance to Introspection of these communities helped
an antibiotic by inactivating either the active us understand that the bacteria in the
component of the drug, or by modifying, biofilms have a differential gene expression,
the target site in the bacterial system. The notable regulatory systems and quorum-
expression of drug resistance in bacteria sensing system that play a fundamental role
is a result of diversified mechanisms. This in the development of biofilms. For a long
may include release of bacterial enzymes to time, planktonic cultures were used to study
inactivate an antibiotic, alteration of the cell microbial interactions. As the concept of
structures to make the drug impermeable in biofilms came into existence, study of bacterial

* Ms. Anju S., PhD Scholar from Osmania University, Telangana, is pursuing her research on “Evaluation of
Biofilm Dispersal Activity by Metal Nanoparticles Fabricated with Phytochemical Quorum Sensing Inhibitors using
Nanotechnological Approaches”. Her popular science story entitled “Conquering Biofilms! - Nanobiotics vs Antibiotics”
has been selected for AWSAR Award.
Ms. Anju S. || 185

lifestyle has undergone a paradigm shift. that are capable of forming biofilms have
The most essential feature required supplementary infection causing ability and
for development of biofilms, is the need can result in recalcitrant infections. Secretion
for bacterial cells to attach themselves on of EPS and progress of drug-resistance
to a surface that can help it propagate its mechanism make the antibiotics impermeable
sedentary life. Formation of biofilm involves as well as less effective.
attracting more number of cells to form an As part of the doctoral research,
assemblage and extend themselves inside developing an effective antibiofilm agent
an externally secreted slimy substance called has been intended as one of the primary
exopolysaccharide (EPS). EPS forms the objectives. It has been reported that a number
skeletal framework that encompasses the of natural and chemical compounds have been
channels to circulate nutrients and water. screened that showed reduction in the biofilm
Attachment to a surface is followed by, an development, but accomplishment of absolute
unalterable change in their gene expression, suppression has not been reported until now.
protein profiles and also certain physiological Because of the complexity in the biofilms,
factors. These matured micro-colonies act in a it is essential to disrupt them by targeting
different way, when compared to the individual multiple factors including cell death. However,
cells. They tend to become resistant to harsh with the advent of nanoparticles as a latest
conditions, chemicals, and also, drugs. Cells antimicrobial substance, our lab has initiated
in biofilm form a network and also articulate a process of developing an ideal antibiofilm
features different from their individual free agent inclusive of nanomaterials. Due to
living counterparts. It is found their enhanced killing effect
that, bacteria when they attempt on microbial cells in smaller
to establish in a particular concentration, nanoparticles
environmental niche, or cause Usually, prolonged use of an are already in use in various
disease in a host, essentially antibiotic becomes ineffective applications. But to use
need to attain a specific cell against a particular bacterial nanoparticles as an antibiofilm
number. In order to increase the species due to development agent, they need to be further
cell numbers, there are various of “drug resistance”. Bacteria refined in their properties as
signal mechanisms propagated develop resistance to an well as enhanced in their ability
to initiate the population rise. antibiotic by inactivating either to penetrate the protective layer
The means by which the the active component of the of EPS. Even though research
bacterial cells communicate drug, or by modifying, the target has not advanced to establish
with the surrounding cells and site in the bacterial system. the precise role of nanoparticles
aggregate at a particular place as antibiofilm agent, their
is scientifically regarded as potent antimicrobial activity is
“quorum sensing”. The quorum- well established. Furthermore,
sensing signals generated by the bacteria certain facts endorsed by size and properties
in a population are responsible for many of nanoparticles can be assumed as a future
characteristic features that are required to prospective for using them to make an
develop and broadcast biofilm bacteria. These antibiofilm agent. Nanoparticles have enhanced
systems heighten performance of pathogens in penetration into the biofilm matrix and are also
causing serious incidences in the disease. It is known to disrupt the cell membrane properties
often found that the disease-causing bacteria in microbes. In addition, unlike antibiotics
186 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

with single mode of action, nanoparticles nanoparticles that can limit the action of quorum
have been identified to interrupt more than sensing along with antimicrobial activity.
one function in a bacterial metabolism. Such Therefore as part of our current research,
features reduce the possibility the focus is on to fabricate the
of bacterial resistance, as nanoparticles that can have
there is an abrupt cell rupture a dual effect on antimicrobial
referred to as bactericidal activity and virulence
Several strategies have been
activity eliminating the chances suppression. Though, not much
identified over the years with
of bacteria to transform. could be deciphered about
regard to occurrence and spread
Existence of biofilms is the nanoparticle mechanism
of drug resistance. One of the
a natural event and it involves involved in inhibition of biofilms,
most outstanding reasons
complex lifestyle mechanisms using them we could achieve
promoting resistance to a drug
among them that cannot be a significant control in growth.
is the ability of bacteria to
easily disrupted. A proper Also, encouraging results have
means of delivering antibiofilm flourish as a community of static been obtained with respect
substances is essential, which form called “biofilms”. to repression of virulence
can effectively cut down the parameters.
integrity of their enhanced Identifying a means to
disease causing features control biofilm formation is
that is “virulence”. In order to essential in the present scenario
dismantle the physical structure as well as the because the sources of infections of this kind
functional features of these stationary bacterial are widely spread. Water-based systems,
communities, it would be essential to customize medical equipments and food storage
Ms. Anju S. || 187

are found mostly susceptible to biofilms- “nanobiotics” as a complete solution has been
based infectious microbes. Knowing that the hypothesis of our present study.
antibiotics are no more a way out, introducing
188 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

The Science of Waking Up

Mr. Jervis Fernandes*

Email: [email protected]

rowing up, one’s earliest memories come nightfall they would disappear into
include that of the ladla betas and nothingness, just to resurface once again, like
betis (pampered sons and daughters) a phoenix rising from the ashes, at the crack
accompanying their mothers on trips to of dawn.
vegetable markets. As our young eyes, As one grows older, one realizes
bearing wonder and curiosity, would look that these creatures are not adept at the
around we would inevitably notice the swarms secret art of fairy magic (contrary to what
of persistent flies dodging the bhajiwalas’ my grandmother led me to believe) but are
(vegetable sellers) desperate swats as expertly inherently following the same sleep-wake
as Vijendra Singh, the boxing champion, would rhythm that we do. This helps them wake
elude an opponent’s punches in the ring. up at dawn and rest come nightfall. In flies,
We would return home with the produce the neuropeptide PDF (Pigment Dispersing
only to find that the pesky flies have magically Factor), which is a functional homolog of
conjured up in our houses, marking their vasoactive intestinal peptide (produced in the
presence around fruits and vegetables. To our suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus,
mild annoyance, we would find them hovering the gut), has been implicated to be the intrinsic
around any food item left outside, designated “grandmother” neuron, critical in ensuring their
to be consumed at a later time-point. But rhythmic behaviour.

* Mr. Jervis Fernandes, PhD Scholar from Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Thiruvananthapuram,
Kerala, is pursuing his research on “The Role of miR-184 in Neuronal Excitability in Drosophila”. His popular science
story entitled “The Science of Waking up” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
Mr. Jervis Fernandes || 189

With the proposal of a Negative Feedback of the potassium channel complex, which
Loop of the clock gene, period, by Rosbash regulates the number of positively charged
etal in 1990 (for which they received the 2018 ions leaving the neuron. As such when it is
Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine), present on the neuron’s surface, more positive
the molecular underpinnings that govern this ions leave the neuron, thus, decreasing the
process began to get unravelled. Subsequent, possibility of the neurons firing or releasing the
discoveries in the field helped identify a total neurotransmitter.
of four core clock genes and a number of The PDF neuron contributes to the
additional supplementary proteins, which help maintenance of the sleep-wake cycle by
maintain this rhythm. releasing its neurotransmitter in a rhythmic
Consequently, the discovery of fashion during the course of the day in response
microRNAs (by Lee et. al. in 1993), which are to light. Recently, the levels of miR-184 was
a set of non-coding RNAs whose function is to observed to be cycling in these neurons, which
regulate the levels of other mRNAs, added on would help it control the daily cyclic release
to the possibility that another group of factors of its neurotransmitter. This rhythmic control of
could also assist in the governance of this the level of certain targets by miR-184 would
strict rhythm. lend the neuron as well the organisms control
At the lab of Dr Jishy Varghese at IISER over the time-points at which the neurons
(Indian Institutes of Science Research), are more likely to fire, thereby leading to the
Thiruvananthapuram, I use fruit flies to organism arousing from its slumber.
further understand the factors (micro-RNAs) Sleep is defined as a state of mind, which
regulating this simple, yet is characterized by reduced
complex rhythm. Having sensory and muscle activity
started out by systematically and surprisingly, increased
decreasing the levels of micro- brain activity. Till date, the role
The struggle of a honeybee
RNAs in the fly’s brain and of sleep in organisms has not
throughout her life for food and
monitoring their activity-rest been understood completely.
survival is very inspirational for
rhythm, we discovered that While we do know that both
me. How hardworking they are!
decreasing the levels of one chronic and acute loss of sleep
I was curious to know more
particular micro-RNA (miR-184) lead to deterioration in the
about honeybees, then, started
leads to a disruption in the time- quality of life, with the latter even
to research on honeybee’s
point at which the fly wakes up causing death, we are yet to
life, honey preparation, and
and the time it decides to go grasp the exact reason behind
beekeeping practices.
to sleep. We have discovered this ancient behaviour essential
that it does so by regulating the for the survival of the organism.
levels of the genes involved in Chronic sleep loss or alteration
governing neuronal excitability. in the sleep cycle have been
A neuron is what my grandma would akin shown to lead to metabolic changes, one of
to a child full of nakhras (tantrums), negative the factors implicated in the great obesity
until they are engaged, upon which they turn epidemic of the West. Moreover, sleep loss is
positive and smile, which in the case of a neuron also known to alter the state of an individual’s
is exhibited by the release of neurotransmitter mind, thereby contributing to the mental health
(or as us researchers would call it, the neuron crisis that is slowly engulfing our nation and the
fires). One of the targets of miR-184 is a part world on a large scale. In addition, increasing
190 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Fig 1.A cartoon emphasizing the role assayed by PDF neurons (depicted as the grandmother) in
controlling the sleep-wake pattern in Drosophila melanogaster

dependency on technology and the constant costs.

use of artificial light have emerged as major The PDF neurons are known to fire in
players in the disruption of the sleep-wake response to light with little to no firing in the night.
cycle of the modern society. Our work demonstrates that the increasing
Along with harbouring levels of miR-184 during the
among the largest populations of day help the PDF neurons
individuals in their peak working fire. At night, low levels of the
age, and steadily increasing The struggle of a honeybee microRNA prevent the aberrant
economic development, India firing of neurons by titrating the
throughout her life for food and
is staring down the barrel of levels of its downstream target.
survival is very inspirational for
a looming sleep epidemic. With our work on fruit flies,
me. How hardworking they are!
The catastrophic sleep loss we hope to shed some light on
I was curious to know more
and irregular sleep patterns, the intricacies of the processes
about honeybees, then, started
which are so characteristic of that contribute towards
to research on honeybee’s
this modern society, are the regulating sleep, a behaviour
life, honey preparation, and
“kryptonites” that we have all that is deeply embedded in our
beekeeping practices.
turned a blind eye to. Recently, genetic make-up. This would
sleep has been linked to not only aid us in obtaining a detailed
mental health but also cancer, understanding of the health
diabetes, heart diseases and implications resulting from
stroke among other such diseases. This would sleep imbalances and hopefully, in due time,
lead to an increasing percentage of the Indian will prove beneficial in alleviating its effects on
as well the world’s GDP as a whole being the human population.
redirected towards mitigating healthcare
|| 191

Hydrogel Knowledge Helps

Solve a Case

Ms. Mithra K.*

Email: [email protected]

t was a boring Saturday night, in the month call about another robbery in the area. But
of October, and a pindrop silence could this time the thief was careless and left behind
be prevailed at the Sector 3 police station a clue. The two detectives quickly rushed to
in Rourkela, Odisha. The winter season had the spot and began questioning, Mr Sahoo.
just started and it was the time when sleep It so happened that Sahoo had surprised the
was inevitable. Who would not want to sleep thief who was stealing the computer from the
comfortably in a rajai (quilt) and experience living room. Afraid of being caught, the thief
warmth and comfort? But the two detectives had left behind the laptop and run away.
Karan and Priya, at the police station, sipped The detectives quickly bagged the laptop
hot tea and stared intensely at the board ahead and headed to the police station. Once at
of them. They were trying very hard to find a clue the police station lab they were able to find a
in the case that they had been pursuing hard partial fingerprint on the surface of the laptop.
for the last three weeks. There were continuous But lifting the fingerprint was a difficult task as
thefts happening in and around the city and the laptop was old and the surface was not
the thieves were leaving no clue behind. They even. They had heard about gel lifters being
used to steal only electronic equipment and used but were not sure about how to proceed.
leave cash and jewellery untouched. Suddenly, Karan remembered that a professor
At exactly 1 a.m. they received a phone at nearby institute was working on hydrogels,

* Ms. Mithra K., PhD Scholar from National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, is pursuing her research on “Diffusion
Dynamics in Hydrogels”. Her popular science story entitled “Hydrogel Knowledge Helps Solve a Case” has been
selected for AWSAR Award.
192 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

maybe, he would be able to help them. thousands of times (‘mer’ means many times
So next day both detectives went hence polymer). A hydrogel is formed when
to the institute to talk to the professor. The these polymers are knotted together through
professor on hearing their questions directed “crosslinking”. They have a three-dimensional
them to a Ph.D. student, Kavya, who worked network just like a spider’s web. Here, the
on hydrogels. Karan and Priya both wanted to spaces between the polymer chains are filled
learn more about the gel and how they could with water. Hence, they have the capability
solve the case soon. to absorb and retain large amounts of water,
“So, what do you do your research on?” Kavya explained.
asked Karan as they entered the lab. “So what are the applications of
“I actually work on hydrogels,” said Kavya. hydrogels?” asked Priya
“You mean gel as in hair gel, like he has “Hydrogels have many important
applied,” teased Priya looking at Karan. characteristics like soft rubbery texture,
“Ha-ha yes. But, I think, I should explain biocompatibility, and ability to retain water.
the basics to you first for better understanding. Hence, hydrogels are used in a wide range of
So sit back and listen and interrupt whenever applications including soft contact lenses, in
needed,” said Kavya. pills, as carriers for controlled drug delivery, to
She continued, “So, basically, material coat implants, and to heal wounds,” elaborated
can be divided into two categories as we all Kavya.
know. Solid and liquid. Solid materials (for “So what do you do your research on?”
example, cement) are those which can hold was the next question.
shape and are rigid whereas “In order to use hydrogels
liquid (for example, water) in a wide variety of applications,
easily flows and does not hold knowledge of mechanical
any shape. But there is a third So next day both detectives strength and stability is vital,
type of material, which is neither went to the institute to talk to which, in turn, depends on
a solid nor a liquid. This type of the professor. The professor on the hydrogel structure. The
material is known as viscoelastic hearing their questions directed structure of hydrogel can
material (for example, gel). them to a Ph.D. student, Kavya, be tuned by varying several
Hydrogels belongs to this class who worked on hydrogels. parameters, such as polymer
of material.” Karan and Priya both wanted concentration, crosslinker
“But where do we use to learn more about the gel and concentration, crosslinker
these material in our daily life?” how they could solve the case type, charge density, pH of the
asked Karan soon. medium, addition of surfactants,
Hydrogels have many and addition of salts. Thus, in
uses in everyday life. Like in our lab, we study the structural
baby diapers a hydrogel lining manipulation of the hydrogel
is used to retain water. They are used in contact systems so that these materials can be utilized
lenses and as jell-o in foods. in a better way,” Kavya explained.
“Okay, so how are these hydrogels “So explain to us what you have found
formed?” popped the next question. out,” came the curious question.
“Usually ‘polymers’ are used to prepare “We have tried to systematically
hydrogels. A polymer is a long-chain molecule investigate the effect of various parameters
consisting of a unit, which is repeated on the structure and stability of hydrogels.
Ms. Mithra K. || 193

We have varied the polymer concentration, increasing the charges in the hydrogel leads
crosslinker concentration, crosslinker type, to a decrease in the strength, which may be
charge density and surfactant addition and because of increasing hydrophilicity. We
studied its impact on mechanical strength of also studied the effect of adding surfactants
the hydrogels. Let me explain some important on the structure of hydrogels. We varied the
findings that we came across here. When surfactant concentration and surfactant type
polymer concentration was increased, the and studied its interaction with hydrogels.
strength of the hydrogels also increased When surfactant concentration was varied the
systematically. This is expected because as strength of the hydrogel decreased. We also
we increase the polymer concentration, the saw that different types of surfactants had
number of crosslinked junctions in the network different effect on gel strength. The extent of
also increase. Owing to this, the strength of interaction of surfactants with hydrogel varied
the hydrogels increased. Next, we kept the with different surfactants. Some surfactants
polymer concentration constant and varied the interacted to a greater extent than some
crosslinker concentration. According to the surfactants in which the effect was negligible.
theory, (A: Is there a name of the theory? Do This behaviour was seen to depend on the
you mean “Theoretically”) we know that when charge of the surfactant,” Kavya detailed
crosslinker concentration increases then there “All of this is quite interesting. We have
should be an increase in crosslinking points gained so much knowledge on this material
and the strength of the hydrogels should that now even we can give a lecture on it,”
increase. But what we found was that this was joked Priya.
only true till an optimal range. “So what’s the principle
After this range, it was seen that behind this gel lifter,” asked
the strength of the hydrogels Karan.
decreased. Usually ‘polymers’ are used to “It’s actually quite easy,”
“Next, we studied the prepare hydrogels. A polymer said Kavya. “You apply the gel
effect of different types of is a long-chain molecule on any rough surface and it
crosslinkers. Three different consisting of a unit, which is captures the image. Then you
crosslinkers were used and repeated thousands of times have to photograph the image
the effect of these crosslinkers (‘mer’ means many times to get the fingerprint.”
on the strength and structure hence polymer). A hydrogel is “That was indeed easy,”
of hydrogels was examined. formed when these polymers said Priya. “Now we can easily
The strength of the hydrogels are knotted together through solve the case once we get the
was seen to depend on the crosslinking. fingerprint.”
type of crosslinkers used. “But before we leave we
Some produced harder gels would like to know what else do
as compared to others. So we you plan on doing?” said both
concluded that the crosslinking mechanism detectives in unison.
also plays a great role and by choosing a right “Actually this is one part of the research.
crosslinker higher strength hydrogels can be We also study the diffusion mechanism inside
produced. We also varied the charge density of hydrogels. As diffusion plays an important
the hydrogel. We saw that as the charge density role in many of the natural processes like how
of the hydrogel increased, the strength of the nutrients and proteins move inside cells and
hydrogel decreased. We, thus, concluded that tissues. So it is highly beneficial to study the
194 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

diffusion processes inside hydrogels. Because “So we will take your leave. We have a
here we can control the parameters and see case to solve. Thanks for helping us with the
what is affecting what, which is not possible technicality,” said Karan.
inside cells as they are highly complex. We also “You are welcome. And you can come
intend to relate how diffusion is controlled by here anytime,” said Kavya.
the structure of hydrogels. As we already know The two detectives bid goodbye. Kavya,
how to tune the hydrogel structure, we will now happy that some knowledge could be shared,
study how the structure of the hydrogels plays started preparing hydrogels for the next set of
a role in deciding the diffusion mechanism,” experiments.
replied Kavya.
|| 195

From Chips in Organs to Organ-

on-chip: A Potential Alternative
to Animal Testing

Ms. Nimisha Roy*

Email: [email protected]

n 2006, the Northwick drug trial disaster For over half a century, animals like
shook the world. In this tragedy, that came rats, mice, rabbits, dogs, and monkeys
to be known as “the Elephant Man trial”, have been exploited for various laboratory
six volunteers took the drug TGN1412 in the procedures especially drug testing. While
Northwick Park hospital in London. After only these animal models are a fair representation
a few hours these volunteers started exhibiting of the complex biological systems, they fail
severe organ failure and swelling in the brain. to reproduce the response that a drug would
One volunteer lost his toes and fingers. As one illicit inside the human body. Also, the animal
of the worst repercussions of this drug, the models are not very trustworthy when the
volunteers became more susceptible to various pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
cancers and autoimmune diseases. The drug of a drug is concerned. The ethical aspects
had earlier shown excellent results in monkey associated with animal testing is something
models but was clearly not safe for humans. that has often been compromised for our selfish
In 2018 alone, 13 drugs were withdrawn in the motives. But let us not forget what Mahatma
USA, during various stages of clinical trials, for
Gandhi said, “The greatness of a nation and
similar reasons. But no matter what the reason
its moral progress can be judged by the way
may be, drug failures are expensive both in
its animals are treated.” Then, what can we as
terms of money and the number of precious
researchers do to tackle this large issue and
lives harmed.

* Ms. Nimisha Roy, PhD Scholar from Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad, is pursuing her research
on “Liver-on-Chip”. Her popular science story entitled “From Chips in Organs to Organ-on- Chip: A Potential Alternative
to Animal Testing” has been selected for AWSAR Award.rd.
196 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

free these innocent animals from any inhuman the human body. By cell reprogramming, we
treatment? mean reverting the mature cells into induced
Drug trail failures are no less critical than pluripotent stem cells. It goes without saying
the Chernobyl catastrophe (the worst disaster that this technology is extremely challenging
in nuclear power generation but we all know that in science
that took place in Chernobyl everything begins as a
nuclear power station in the heresy and ends as a dogma.
Soviet Union in 1986). The For over half a century, animals Throughout the world, rapid
question that now arises is, how like rats, mice, rabbits, dogs, progress is taking place in this
can such incidents be stopped and monkeys have been domain with many startups
from occurring in the future? exploited for various laboratory establishing business based on
What should be the corrective procedures especially drug organ-on-chip manufacturing.
measures from our side? testing. While these animal The organ-on-chip market is
This is where the organ- models are a fair representation huge and is predicted to grow
on-chip (OOC) technology of the complex biological exponentially in the near future.
comes into the picture. This systems, they fail to reproduce I work in the Bio-MEMS lab
interdisciplinary domain is an the response that a drug would at IIIT-Allahabad (Indian Institute
amalgamation of lab-on-chip illicit inside the human body. of Information Technology)
technology and cell biology. Also, the animal models are under the supervision of Dr
This field is still in its infancy not very trustworthy when Amit Prabhakar. We have
and is extremely challenging, the pharmacokinetics and developed all the facilities
but nonetheless holds the pharmacodynamics of a drug is required for photolithography
potential to revolutionize the concerned. within a very short span of time.
way drugs are discovered As I mentioned earlier, cell
and tested. Simply put, OOCs biology is an integral part of
are microfluidic chips for cell OOCs, in this regard we have
culturing. Commonly, they have multiple been seeking help from the Special Centre
channels and layers. The channels are for Molecular Medicine (SCMM), Jawaharlal
lined with living human cells interfaced with Nehru University. Since most of the drugs have
endothelial lining. The whole idea behind been withdrawn from the market due to their
designing and developing such a chip is to hepatotoxicity, hence we decided to work on
mimic the in-vivo conditions present inside liver-on-chip. For the past two years, our team
human organs. These chips can potentially has been working to develop a low-cost liver-
replace traditional animal and human testing. on-chip platform for drug and toxicity testing.
One of the advantages of using a micro-channel This chip is simply a microfluidic device in
is that it supports 3D cell growth, which gives which we grow and co-culture various types
better and reliable results as compared to 2D of liver cells. For starters, we are using the
cell cultures. HepG2 cell line. An organ-on-chip basically
This technology is a step towards consists of three components:
personalized and precision medicine. One 1. Top channel layer
of the miraculous applications is taking 2. A porous membrane
cells from the body of one person and 3. Bottom channel layer.
reprogramming them inside these chips by Both the top and bottom channel layers
mimicking the microenvironment found inside are made up of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS),
Ms. Nimisha Roy || 197

which is a transparent polymer. In order to

make these channels we use the standard
photolithography procedure. The porous
membrane is the crux of the micro-device as
it mimics the endothelial lining surrounding the
hepatocytes in our liver. It protects the highly
sensitive liver cells from shear stress arising
due to blood flow while allowing diffusion of
nutrients to the cells.
After separately fabricating these three
layers we assemble them together using
A prototype of liver-on-chip
plasma treatment and applying
pressure. Before proceeding These cells are periodically
any further we check the device observed under a microscope
for any leakage arising due to This is where the organ-on-chip to check their viability. Now,
improper bonding. Once we are (OOC) technology comes into we can perform various drug
sure that the device is properly the picture. This interdisciplinary toxicity tests, immunoblotting,
bonded, we have to ensure domain is an amalgamation in order to validate on-chip
that there is no contamination of lab-on-chip technology and functionality. The expression
and we sterilize our device cell biology. This field is still of various biomarkers for liver
very carefully according to the in its infancy and is extremely functions, like albumin and
standard protocols. Once the challenging, but nonetheless urea production can be easily
device is fully sterile we seed holds the potential to studied.
cells inside the channels and revolutionize the way drugs are This novel technology
incubate the cells in a CO2 discovered and tested. is a revolutionary leap in the
incubator. After 4-5 hours, we sense that it promises to solve
observe the channels under major problems, like replacing
the microscope and carefully animal testing, reduce the
replace media to ensure proper supply of time required for discovering a new drug and
nutrients. We again incubate the cells overnight. causalities due to drug failure. Further, these
In order to study dynamic flow, we use pumps OOCs can be used to study various disease
and flow the media at well-defined flow rates. models effectively.
198 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Mr. Chandra Shekhar Singh*

Email: [email protected]

'k ke ds Bhd 5%00 ctrs gh 'ks[kj jktdqekj

th ds ?kj igqap x;k 'ks[kj dks ns[krs
gh jktdqekj th us mls cqyk;k vkSj dgk
Þvkvks 'ks[kj ;s jkgqy th gS tks fnYyh çkS|ksfxdh
foÜofoèkky; esa ck;ksMhty ij 'kksèk dj jgs gSa vkSj
mRlkfgr gSaA vki FkksM+k èkhjt jf[k, eSa vkids lHkh
ç'uksa ds mÙkj nwaxkAÞ vc jkgqy th us 'ks[kj ds lokyksa
dk tokc nsuk 'kq: fd;kA Þck;ks Mhty ikjaifjd ;k
thok'e Mhty ds eqdkcys ,d oSdfYid b±èku gSA ;g
lhèks rkSj ij ouLifr rsy] [kkuk idkus ds vif'k"V
;s vkids lHkh lokyksa dk csgrj tckc ns ldrs gSa Þ rsy] i'kqvksa ds olk bR;kfn ls cuk;k tk ldrk gSA bu
'ks[kj us jktdqekj th vkSj jkgqy th dk eqLdjkrs gq, rsyksa dks ck;ks Mhty esa ifjoÆrr djus ds fy, ç;qä
vfHkoknu fd;k vkSj ogÈ ij iM+h pkjikà ij cSB x;kA çfØ;k dks ge oSKkfud Hkk"kk esa Vªkal ,LVsfjfQds'ku
vc jkgqy th us 'ks[kj dh rjQ eq¡g djrs gq, ckrphr dgrs gSaA ck;ksMhty cukus dk eq[; :i ls çpfyr
'kq# dh Þcrkb;s 'ks[kj vkids D;k loky gSa\Þ 'ks[kj ds ?kVd cuLifr rsy ,oa vYdksgy gksrk gSAÞ
ikl rks lokyksa dk tSls fiVkjk FkkA mlus ;g lqurs 'ks[kj% ck;ksMhty esa rsy vkSj vYdksgy ds vykok
gh iwNuk ‘kq: fd;kAÞ HkS;k th ;s ck;ks Mhty gksrk vkSj fdu phtksa dh t:jr gksrh gS\
D;k gS\ vkSj D;k ge bls xkao es cuk ldrs gS\ blds jkgqy% oSls rks ck;ks Mhty buls gh cu ldrk gS
D;k Qk;ns gSa\ vkSj bls cukus ds fy, fdl pht dh ysfdu vkSj phtksa dh t:jr bl ckr ij fuHkZj djrh
t:jr gksxh\ 'ks[kj us cM+h vèkhjrk ls ,d lkFk brus gS fd vki dkSu lh fofèk dk ç;ksx djrs gksA
loky dj MkysAÞ jkgqy th ,d lkFk brus loky 'ks[kj% rks D;k ck;ksMhty cukus dh dà fofèk;ka
lqudj glus yxs vkSj cksysA Þvjs! Hkkà ,d lkFk brus gS\
ç'u iwN Mkys vkiusA yx jgk gS vki rks cgqr T;knk jkgqy% tSlk fd eSaus crk;k dh ck;ksMhty cukus

* Mr. Chandra Shekhar Singh, PhD Scholar from Delhi Technological University, Delhi, is pursuing his research on
“Biodiesel Production through SCF Method”. His popular science story entitled “ ”
has been selected for AWSAR Award
Mr. Chandra Shekhar Singh || 199

ds fy, dà fofèk;ka gSa ysfdu de [kpZ vkSj ljy ekStwn ueh mM+ tk;sA
fofèk ds dkj.k Vªkal,LVjhfQds'ku ck;ksMhty cukus dk jkgqy% vxys LVsi dks tkuus ds fy, rqEgs VkbVªsV
lcls csgrj fodYi ekuk tkrk gSA blesa mRçsjd dk fofèk fèk ds ckjs esa irk gksuk pkfg,A
ç;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA VªkÃfxYljkbM vkSj vYdksgy dh 'ks[kj% HkS;k eSa bl fcfèk dks tkurk gw¡] vki
vfHkfØ;k djus ds fy,A fuÇ'pr gksdj vxyk LVsi crk;sA
'ks[kj% HkS;k] vYdksgy vkSj ;s mRçsjd D;k vklkuh jkgqy% rsy ls gesa ck;ks Mhty cukus ds fy,
miyCèk gSa\ gesa mles ekStwn Ýh QSVh ,flM dh ek=k irk yxkuk
jkgqy% gk¡] fcydqyA ;g cgqr egaxs ugÈ gSA gksrk gSA blds fy, rqe ,d ohdj esa 1 xzke rsy
vYdksgyksa esa eq[;r% ge esfFky vYdksgy dk ç;ksx yks] 10 feyhyhVj vkblksçksfiy vYdksgy vkSj 2 cw¡n
lkekU;rk djrs vkSj mRçsjd ds rkSj ij ge iksVsf'k;e Qsu‚¶Fkyhu yksA vc bUgs vPNh rjg feDl dj ysaA
gkbMªksDlkbM vkSj lksfM;e gk;Mªkv‚DlkbM dk ç;ksx vc bl fcfy;u dks ,u@10 lksfM;e ghMªkDlhM
dj ldrs gSA gkykafd buds vkt vkSj Hkh fodYi fcfy;u ds lkFk VkbVªsV djks tc rd dh fcfy;u dk
ekStwn gSaA ;s nksuksa dsfedy vklkuh ls fdlh dsfedy jax xqykch u gks tk;sA
O;kikjh ls fey tk,axsA jkgqy% vc rqEgsa eSa ,d QkewZyk crkrk gw¡ ftlls rqe
'ks[kj% vc HkS;k vki eq>s ;s crk;s dh bu lc bl fcfy;e dk ,flM uacj Kkr dj ldrs gksAQkewZyk
dks dSls vkSj fdruh ek=k esa feyk;k tk;s\ bl çdkj gS(
jkgqy% vc bl ç'u dk mÙkj eS vkids lkFk ,flM uacj¾ ¼56-1 X 1@10 X mi;ksx
ç;ksx djus ds nkSjku crkÅaxkA fd;s x, lksfM;e gk;Mªkv‚DlkbM dk vk;ru ½ @
Hkkà eS vxys nks fnu ;gh jgw¡xk vkSj lkFk esa fy, x, rsy uewus dk Hkkj vkSj blds ckn ,d nwljs
feydj ck;ks Mhty cuk,axsA jgh ckr lkexzh vkSj Q‚ewZys ls rqe Ýh QSVh ,flM Kkr dj ldrs gks| nwljk
midj.k dh rks esjs ikl ck;ks Mhty cukus esa ç;ksx QkewZyk bl çdkj gS(
gksus okys jlk;u ekStwn gSaA Ýh QSVh ,flM ¾ ,flM uacj
'ks[kj% HkS;k gekjs ikl rks tVªksQk X 1@2
;k djatk dk rsy rks gS ugÈ fQj ge 'ks[kj% gka HkS;kA vc
dSls ck;ksMhty cuk,axs\ ck;ks Mhty ikja i fjd ;k vxyk LVsi D;k gS\
jkgqy% vjs Hkkà bruh tYnh thok'e Mhty ds eq d kcys ,d jkgqy% ;fn Ýh QSVh ,flM
Hkwy x, eSaus dgk Fkk u dh ck;ks oSdfYid b±èku gSA ;g lhèks rkSj dh ek=k nks ls de gS rks ge
Mhty [kkuk idkus ds mif'kLV rsy ij ouLifr rsy] [kkuk idkus Vªkal,fLVªfQds'ku dh çfØ;k LVkVZ
ls Hkh cu ldrk gSA vkSj vc ;s er ds vif'k"V rsy] i'kqvksa ds olk dj nsaxsA vkSj ;fn ugÈ rks ge
dguk dh ;g ;gk¡ ugÈ feysxkA ckdh bR;kfn ls cuk;k tk ldrk ,fLVªfQds'ku çfØ;k ls Ýh QSVh
esFksu‚y vkSj mRçsjd esjs ikl gSA bu rsyksa dks ck;ks Mhty esa ,flM dks nks ek=d ls de ykus dk
'ks[kj us jkgqy vkSj jktdqekj ifjoÆrr djus ds fy, ç;qä ç;kl djsaxsA tksfd çfØ;k gS|
th dk vfHkoknu fd;k vkSj vius ?kj çfØ;k dks ge oSKkfud Hkk"kk esa 'ks[kj% bl rsy ds fy, Ýh QSVh
cM+s çlUu Hkko ls py fn;kA Vªkal ,LVsfjfQds'ku dgrs gSaA ,flM dh ek=k nks ls de gSa| rks
vxys fnu lqcg vkB cts% ck;ksMhty cukus dk eq[; :i ls gesa VªkalslfVfQds'ku dh çfØ;k lq#
'ks[kj% nsf[k;s HkS;k eSaus 1 fdyks çpfyr ?kVd cuLifr rsy ,oa djuh pkfg,A
rsy bôBk fd;k gSA D;k ;g vius vYdksgy gksrk gSA jkgqy% gka vc 'ks[kj rqe rsy
ç;ksx ds fy, i;kZIr ek=k gS ;k eSa dks 60 fMxzh rd xeZ djks vkSj bls
dqN vkSj bô~Bk d:aA fdlh LVhy ds cM+s pEep ls ?kqekrs
jkgqy% bruk dkQh gS\ jgksA
'ks[kj% gka HkS;k( eSa d‚ih vkSj isu lkFk yk;k gw¡| ¼'ks[kj us jkgqy ds dgs vuqlkj rsy dks LVhy
jkgqy% lcls igys rqe vius bôBk fd;s x, rsy cjru esa 60 fMxzh rd xje djus yxk½
dks fQ+YVj dj yks rkfd mles dksà Bksl v'kqf) u jkgqy% tc rd rsy xeZ gks jgk gS rqe ,d
cpsA vkSj rsy dks 100 fMxzh rd xeZ djks ftlls blesa vyx cjru esa mRçsjd dk lyw'ku rS;kj dj yksA
200 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

mlds fy, rqEgs lksfM;e g;Mªkv‚DlbM ;k iksVsf'k;e xq:Rokd"kZ.k ds dkj.k vkSj rqEgkjk ck;ksMhty Åij
gk;Mªkv‚DlbM dk 0-5 %¼W@W½ ;kfu dh rqEgkjs rsy okyh ijr esa gS tks gyds ihys jax dk gSA
ds Hkkj dk 0- 5 % ysuk gS tksfd 5 xzke gksxk vkSj 'ks[kj% rks D;k ck;ksMhty cu x;k\ vkSj D;k vc
esFksu‚y dks 20%¼W@W½ rsy dk ysuk gS tks dh 200 eSa blls viuk batu pyk ldrk gw¡\
xzke gksxk Hkkj ds vuqlkjA vc bu nksuksa dks feyk dj jkgqy% gka ck;ksMhty cu pwdk gS vc bls
lyw'ku rS;kj dj yksA fXyljhu ls vyx dj yks vkSj ck;ksMhty dks 100
'ks[kj% gka HkS;k eSa budks vki ds cSx ls ysdj fMxzh rd ,d ckj fQj xeZ djds fQ+YVj dj yksA
otu dj ysrk gw¡ vkSj lyw'ku rS;kj dj ysrk gw¡A ftlls blesa dksà ueh vkSj Bksl v'kqf) gks rks og ckgj
jkgqy% vc 'ks[kj bl mRçsjd lyw'ku dks rqe xeZ fudy tk,xhA vkSj jgh ckr rqEgkjs batu dh rks ;fn
fd;s tk jgs rsy esa èkhjs èkhjs feyk nks vkSj 60 fMxzh ij rqe flQZ ck;ksMhty ls batu pykvksxs rks rqEgs LVkVZ
45 ls 50 feuV rd vius LVhy ds pEep ls ?kwekrs djus esa FkksM+h ijs'kkuh gksxh vkSj ;fn rqe bls ikjaifjd
jgks tc rd dh fXyljhu dh ijr bôBh u gksus yxsA Mhty ds lkFk 20% rd feyk dj pykvksxs rks ;g
'ks[kj% Bhd gS HkS;k ysfdu eSa dSls igpkuwaxk dh cgqr vPNk ifj.kke nsxkA blls rqEgsa cpr gksxh vkSj
;s fXyljhu dh ijr cu jgh gS\ ;g rqEgkjs batu vkSj i;kZoj.k nksuksa ds fy, vPNk gSA
jkgqy % vPNk ç'u gSA fXyljhu ,d xgjs Hkwjs 'ks[kj % HkS;k cgqr cgqr èkU;okn vkidkA vkius
;k dkys jax dk æo tSlk fpifpik inkFkZ gksrk gS vkSj fdruh vklkuh ls vkSj ç;ksx }kjk eq>s ck;ks Mhty
ck;ksMhty ls Hkkjh gksrk gS blfy, ;g rqEgs fups dh cukuk fl[kk;kA vc eSa djatk vkSj tsVªksQk ds rsy ls
rjQ bôBh gksrh gqà fn[kkà nsaxhA rc rqe ?kqekuk can ck;ksMhty cukÅaxkA vkSj gka HkS;k vxyh ckj tc
dsj nsukA vkÃ;sxk rks vkils eS ,fLVªfQds'ku çfØ;k le>waxkA
'ks[kj% Bhd gS HkS;k vki muls ckrs djs vkSj tc jkgqy % gkA eS pkgwaxk dh rqe xkao esa ck;ks
fXyljhu cuus yxsxh rc eSa vkidks cqyk ywaxkA Mhty dk ,d NksVk IykaV yxkvks vkSj bl {ks= dks
¼'ks[kj iwjs lyw'ku dks djhc 45 feuV rd ?kqekrk vkRefuHkZjrk dh vksj ys pyksA
jgk vkSj rHkh mls fXyljhu curh fn[kkà fn;k mlus ¼blds ckn 'ks[kj ck;ksMhty dks vyx djrk gS
vc lh LVkso dks can dj fn;k vkSj jkgqy th dks cqykus vkSj ,d cksry esa Hkjdj o¡gk ls vius ?kj dh rjQ
pyk x;kA½ tkus yxrk gS½
FkksM+h nsj ckn jkgqy] jkt dqekj th ds lkFk LVkso jkgqy % vc rqe ck;ks Mhty dk D;k djksxs\
ds ikl igqaps vkSj 'ks[kj ls dgk( ¼galrs gq, 'ks[kj ls iqNk½
jkgqy % ns[kks 'ks[kj eSaus rqEgs crk;k Fkk dh fXyljhu 'ks[kj % HkS;k vc rks tkdj eSa bls batu esa
Hkkjh gksrh gS blfy, ;s crZu esa lcls fups cSB x;h gS pykÅaxk vHkh rkt+k gS dgh [k+jkc u gks tk;sA
|| 201

Efficient Post-silicon Debug

Platforms for Future Many-core

Mr. Sidhartha Rout*

Email: [email protected]

remendous advancements in CMOS desired performance, power and reliability
(Complementary Metal Oxide in the contemporary designs, interconnects
Semiconductor) manufacturing are reinforced with additional hardware and
technology have led to rapid growth in the pipeline stages. Since the interconnect module
semiconductor industry. As the computation has gained multi-fold design complexity, it
is moving towards exascale era, more number is not possible to capture all the functional
of processing cores (alternatively known as bugs at the pre-silicon verification phase.
processing elements (PE)) with heterogeneous The escaped bugs on interconnect unit can
nature (CPU/GPU/accelerators) are getting bring in multiple data communication faults
embedded on a system-on-chip (SoC). like deadlock, packet drop, which can lead
The growing demand for high-performance to complete system failure. So, strong post-
and increased functionalities would further silicon debug (alternatively known as post-
proliferate this trend on future SoCs. Such a silicon validation) should be performed on
system requires an efficient interconnected early prototypes of interconnect chips to make
infrastructure to establish parallel and reliable the design fault free. The validation process is
communication among the cores. Modern also expected to be of high speed to meet the
complex interconnect systems are augmented tight time-to-market scenario. A post-silicon
with new features to serve the increasing validation method helps to detect the bugs by
number of on-chip PEs. To achieve the increasing the observability and controllability

* Mr. Sidhartha Rout, PhD Scholar from Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi, is pursuing his research
on “Design for Debug for Future Many-Core Systems”. His popular science story entitled “Efficient Post-Silicon Debug
Platforms for Future Many-Core Systems” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
202 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

of the internal nodes of a fabricated system. trace buffer. These traces are later transferred
During validation process, traces of multiple to the off-chip debug analyzer for fault analysis.
system internal signals are collected and Fig. 1 illustrates the debug platform for a multi-
analyzed for the detection of any existing fault. core system. From the Fig., it can be seen
Design-for-debug (DfD) structures are used to that trace buffer, trigger unit, interconnection
record and store the traces. Collected traces fabric (trace bus), and the interface ports are
are stored in an on-chip DfD structure called, the major components of the debug platform.

Fig. 1. Trace-based interconnect debug platform. The many-core system with its interconnect is
considered as the Circuit Under Debug (CUD) over here. A DfD structure has been embedded and an
Off-chip Debug Analyzer is instrumented for the post-silicon validation of the CUD.

The objective of a debug come up with an efficient post-

engineer is to collect as many silicon debug platform that can
traces as possible for as The validation process is optimally use the available small
many signals. This way the also expected to be of high trace buffer to provide enough
visibility of internal states can speed to meet the tight time- internal observability of the
be maximized during analysis to-market scenario. A post- system and also can perform
phase. More traces provide silicon validation method high-speed trace transfer.
more pointers regarding the We have proposed wireless
helps to detect the bugs by
presence of a particular fault enabled debug platform with
increasing the observability and
and help in finding its root- augmented redundant trace
controllability of the internal
cause. But high volume of elimination (RTE) mechanism
nodes of a fabricated system.
traces needs a large size trace that can optimally utilize the
buffer to be stored, which would existing trace buffer space and
increase associated area and can provide high trace transfer
power overhead. It also leads capability.
to longer trace transfer time for exporting The proposed RTE mechanism reduces
enlarged traces to the debug analyzer. The DfD the total trace amount. Traces of internal
structures are not reused after the validation signals are captured periodically, once
phase. This further discourages the idea of after each snapshot interval. If the state of a
having a large size trace buffer. But, small particular signal does not change frequently,
and fixed-size on-chip trace buffer limits the then with a small snapshot interval, multiple
amount of trace collected. This motivates us to redundant traces get generated for the
Mr. Sidhartha Rout || 203

same signal. This scenario several cycles, many redundant

can easily be visualized for a packet traces are generated
Network-on-Chip (NoC), which We have proposed wireless for small snapshot intervals.
is considered as a promising enabled debug platform with Our proposed mechanism can
interconnect structure for augmented redundant trace distinguish these redundant
many-core systems. The elimination (RTE) mechanism traces and keep only one copy
simulations executed on an that can optimally utilize the from each redundant group.
8x8 baseline 2D-mesh NoC existing trace buffer space and As a result, one instance of all
show that the actual maximum can provide high trace transfer unique trace is collected and
latency on the network is capability. thus, the system observability
16.2 times of ideal maximum is maintained with very less
latency. This indicates that amount of trace generated. The
packets in network routers get RTE scheme is able to save
stuck at different pipeline stages for multiple significant amount of trace buffer space by
additional cycles than desired. This happens discarding the redundant traces.
due to congestion in network. During NoC The wireless capability given to the
validation, packet states are captured and proposed mechanism further reduces the
stored as traces for all the packets present amount of trace generated and also speed up
inside the routers. Because of the fact that the trace transfer process.
multiple packets do not change their state for

Fig. 2. Interconnect debug platform using wireless links. The framework is using distributed trace
buffers. WI HUB represents the network node with wireless interface. Wireless communication is used for
on-chip payload communication, and off-chip trace transfer.

From experiments, it is observed that the WNoC. This leads to less trace generation for
average life of packet in-flight reduces notably the same amount of payload transfer. So, use
in a wireless NoC (WNoC) in comparison to of RTE and wireless interface together reduce
wired NoC. This is because multi-hop long the amount of traces to a great extent. We also
range packet communication can be replaced propose to replace the existing interface used
by one-hop wireless communication in a for exporting traces to the external debugger
204 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

by high bandwidth wireless interfaces (WIs). The packet trace contains the packet
This, significantly, increases the speed of number, current routing state of the packet
trace data transfer. While the traditional JTAG and the timestamp. In the analyzer, the traces
interface used for trace transfer can send corresponding to a particular packet are
data for around 800 Mbps, wireless interface stitched together with the help of the packet
in our proposed technique can export data at number value. The traces are sorted based on
the speed of 16 Gbps. This provides around the corresponding timestamp. Further packet
20x times more improvement in trace transfer states are restored by using a state restoration
speed. In our method, the whole SoC can be algorithm. More the states are restored, more
divided into multiple sub-networks each having is the system observability. The packet states
a single wireless interface (WI). After trace help in reconstructing the path taken by the
collection, the traces from each router can packet. Then using a fault detection algorithm,
be transported to the nearest WI using wired faults are detected (if any), and localized with
path. All the WIs on the SoC can then transfer the help of the reconstructed path.
the traces to an external debug analyzer using
wireless links as can be seen in Fig. 2.
|| 205

How Did Your Brain Just Read

This Sentence?

Mr. Aakash Agrawal*

Email: [email protected]

ommunication, in any form, is necessary master this new mode of communication,
for the survival of any species. Nature which is, learning to read scripts. We start by
has evolved over centuries to develop recognizing letters, reading them one at a time.
increasingly complex modes of communication Over time, we become proficient readers and
starting from chemical/electrical signals (found are able to read an entire word at a glance. But
in cells/simple organisms) to more complex how does the human brain perform such an
use of actions and sounds (found in all animals amazing feat? Where does it all happen in the
including humans). However, information is brain? Answering these questions will require
often lost/manipulated when transmitted through us to peek inside the brain of people who are
speech. (A: not clear? Isn’t speech better than fluent readers and contrast it with the brains
sound). Around ~5400 years ago, humans of people who cannot read that language. We
developed a new form of communication in need to also ensure that this comparison is not
the form of symbols (or scripts). This system confounded by other factors like age, cognitive
helped us preserve complete information over abilities, social-economic status, and literacy
generations that were not possible earlier. level. Such a comparison has proven to be
In an evolutionary timescale, 5400 years difficult in the past because, in the Western
is a brief time for our brains to have evolved world, nearly all languages rely upon the same
to process written text immediately after birth. Latin letters.
Hence, we spend a lot of time in schools to Fortunately, our ancestors developed

* Mr. Aakash Agrawal, PhD Scholar from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, is pursuing his research on “Orthographic
Processing in the Brain”. His popular science story entitled “How did your Brain Just Read This Sentence?” has been
selected for AWSAR Award.
206 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

different scripts for Indian languages while “O” and “Q” are visually more similar than “O”
preserving the phonetic sounds across and “X”. Hence, this approach allows us to
alphabets. Such diverse writing system is a systematically rank the similarity between two
boon for a neuroscientist who can now study shapes (although only for extreme examples)
the effect of reading expertise by comparing but not quantify them. Alternatively, we can use
the brains of readers and non-readers of a a visual search task. It is a task we perform in
given script. At Vision Lab, Indian Institute of our day-to-day life. We all search for things in
Science, we performed a series of behaviour a crowded scenario, some of them are easy to
and brain imaging studies to tackle this find and while others are not. Imagine standing
problem. Before revealing the secret code in a parking lot, it will take a lot more time to
used by our brain to read, let me take you spot your car if it is surrounded by other cars
through the adventure land of experimental compared to when it is surrounded by bikes.
neuroscience and help you find answers by This is because each car is more similar to other
introspection. cars as compared to bikes. Here, the object of
Indian Institute of Science (IISc) attracts interest is your car (target) and the surrounding
students from all over India and a few among vehicles are distractors. Hence, the amount of
them have come to South India for the first time. time taken for the search can be used as a
Imagine you are one of them. Now, as soon measure of visual similarity between the target
as you land in Bengaluru, you will encounter and the distractors. The inverse of this search
a lot of signboards in the local language, time gives us a dissimilarity measure that
Kannada. Not only will you not be able to read serves as a proxy for the difference in the brain
them, but you will also have a activity evoked, corresponding
tough time differentiating one to any two shapes. Thus, visual
letter from the other. This is search is a natural task to
true for any unfamiliar language In an evolutionary timescale, quantify similarity and it can be
like Malayalam or Chinese. In 5400 years is a brief time for performed by both readers and
contrast, people familiar with our brains to have evolved to non-readers alike.
these scripts will not have any process written text immediately In this study, we chose
such issues. Hence, as you after birth. Hence, we spend participants who were fluent
would have rightly guessed, a lot of time in schools to in either one of the two Indian
learning to read makes the master this new mode of languages: Telugu and
letters of a script appear communication, which is, Malayalam. These languages
different from each other. learning to read scripts. We start have visually distinct scripts
Like any other scientific by recognizing letters, reading and often people familiar with
argument, we need to prove them one at a time. one of these languages do
our intuition by measuring not know the other. Volunteers
the similarity between single performed a visual search
letters. But how do we do that? task involving letters from both
One approach is by asking people to rate the known and unknown scripts. As expected, it
visual similarity between shapes, say, letter is easy to find the target from a known script.
“A” and “B” on a scale of 1-10. What rating Any difference in response time between
would you give? Answering this question is not readers and non-readers could also be
at all obvious and the responses will be highly attributed to the cognitive abilities of each
variable across people. But it is obvious that group. Hence, to rule out any such possibilities,
Mr. Aakash Agrawal || 207

we showed this effect in both groups. Next, we Apart from this, the code should also account
asked if reading expertise makes all the letter for the effect of neighbouring letters. This effect
pairs equally dissimilar. The answer is ‘No’. is analogous to the electromagnetic forces/
Observe that even in English, searching “O” interaction experienced by charged particles
among “Q” will still be harder compared to “O” when placed in the vicinity of other particles.
among “X” irrespective of how fluent you are Using computational models that accounted for
in English. Hence, reading expertise does not each of these ingredients, we were able to fully
fundamentally alter the default representation understand the visual representation of strings
of letters in the brain (as is evident in non- in our brain.
readers). It relatively increases the dissimilarity The prediction of this letter-based model
between letters, thereby decreasing confusion. did not deviate for both readers and non-
This observation made for a single letter readers. Only the interactions between the
is valid even for words. But how does our neighbouring letters decreased for the readers
brain encode longer strings? Are they just a of a given script. This mechanism extends
combination of letters in a specified order? Or even at the word level, that is, it is easier to
do we develop a separate detector for each read “Siberiancrane” than its scientific name
word? If latter, then we would not be able to “Grusleucogeranus” because of the weaker
predict the response for a given word using its interactions between two familiar words. Thus,
single letter responses. Further, any model of we hypothesize that the brain uses this strategy
word recognition should also explain our ability to process all the letters of a word in parallel,
to read jumbled words. Consider the paragraph thereby improving reading efficiency and giving
below that you might have all seen on social us the percept of reading words as a whole.
media This is one case where the data-
“aoccdrnig to a rseearch at driven approaches surpass
cmabrigde uinervtisy, it deosn”t intuition and help us to decode
Like any other scientific
mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers the rules used by our brains.
in a word are, the olny iprmoetnt
argument, we need to prove Using brain imaging techniques
tihng is taht the frist and lsat our intuition by measuring the such as fMRI (functional
ltteer be at the rghit pclae. … similarity between single letters. Magnetic Resonance Imaging),
huamn mnid deos not raed But how do we do that? One we were able to peek inside the
ervey lteter by istlef, but the approach is by asking people to brain and localized these effects
wrod as a wlohe.” rate the visual similarity between in higher visual cortex.
It is tempting to think that shapes, say, letter “A” and “B” The insights gained
we identify words as a single unit on a scale of 1-10. What rating over this journey could help
but if you observe carefully, this would you give? us understand the issues
is certainly not true. It is easier faced by dyslexic children
to read “unievrsity” compared to and developed idiosyncratic
“utisreviny” even though the first remedies to help them read
and last letters are the same. Also, letters are not fluently. Also, understanding the human brain
necessary to form a word; one can easily read could help us build better Optical Character
7EX7 W17H NUM83R5. Intuitively, it is because Recognition (OCR) algorithms such that next
“7” is visually similar to “T”, “5” is similar to “S” time you encounter a new script, your electronic
and so on. Thus, the code of word recognition device will accurately convert it into your native
should account for both visual similarity language.
between symbols and position information.
208 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Preksha: A Hindi Text Visualizer

Ms. Priyanka Jain*

Email: [email protected]

“If I can’t picture it, I can’t understand it.” Albert Einstein language, I developed

a new technical
andering in many Indian regional dimension for my
remote places with my father with passion when I joined
his transferrable job, I always felt Applied Artificial
a requirement for a communication mode Intelligence Group,
with minimum-language-dependency (text/ C-DAC, Pune in March
speech). At that tender age, we were good 2000. I have been
at catching up with new nearby friends and fortunate to work on the
chatting in self-made protocols either in sign project ‘Learn Indian
language or in pictographs. These strengthen languages through Artificial Intelligence - LILA’
my power of interaction as well as a sense of as a part of a natural language processing
imagination of un-uttered words. I pursued team. What that a coincident? or destiny?
with this creative aspect of my imagination It taught me to visualize human-computer-
by reading, writing and painting while having relation with various aspects. I worked on core
comics and drawing-pads endurable friends research for ‘Machine Assisted Translation
of mine since childhood. Tool – MANTRA’ for projects such as MANTRA-
Keeping keen interest in literature and RajyaSabha and MANTRA-Rajbhasha. Both

* Ms. Priyanka Jain, PhD Scholar from Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Maharashtra, is
pursuing her research on “Preksha: a Hindi Text Visualizer”. Her popular science story entitled “Preksha: A Hindi Text
Visualizer” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
Ms. Priyanka Jain || 209

Machine Translation systems pairs. During this research, I

translate the text from English observed the different levels of
to the Hindi language required complexity, specific nuances
The illiterate or uneducated are
intense research in language and challenges along with
not able to take any benefit from
processing. the similarity in the behaviour
machine translation solutions.
We were awarded national of these Indian languages.
An advanced approach can be
mission mode consortia Currently, we are working for
planned in today’s technical
research projects ‘Anuvadaksh’: the MT system from Hindi to the
era since most of the general
English to Indian languages English Language in Judicial
mass/anticipated users are
machine translation system Domain. The Hindi language
comfortable using technologies
(EILMT Phase-I and Phase-II) being my mother tongue drew
at least through smartphones.
from the Ministry of Electronics my special attention for its
and Information Technology understanding and processing
(MeitY), Government of India. for it.
Designated as a project This was the phase while
leader in these projects, I came across working with multiple Indian languages, I
newer research techniques and approaches realized the need for a more appropriate
like enhanced algorithms of language solution to overcome the language barrier.
parsing, language generation, structure MT is a suitable solution for a person who is
Interlingua, and translation memory. It gave literate and can read the target language. The
me an opportunity to understand the deeper illiterate or uneducated are not able to take
concepts of diverse Indian languages and any benefit from machine translation solutions.
their computational processing. At the same An advanced approach can be planned in
time, we were part of another consortia project today’s technical era since most of the general
for ‘Sampark’: Indian Language to Indian mass/anticipated users are comfortable using
Language Machine Translation System (IL- technologies at least through smartphones.
ILMT). Parallelly, I was technically leading the At the same time, we are moving into a virtual
‘Speech-to-Speech dialogue-based machine reality environment through gaming, movies
translation system’, consortia project of C-DAC and entertainment, which emerges the user
centers which provides bi-direction translation into a rich environment of learning without any
from Hindi to English and four Indian language dependency on textual reading. This gave a
210 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

belief to me as if abstract visualization can Indian languages. As the earlier reported

support the information transformation to break works for ATV pertain to English or other
the language barrier in a multilingual country European languages, therefore, with the desire
like India. to scientifically verify the problem especially
with the Hindi language. Hindi is found a useful
language to investigate since it has certain
properties like morphological richness and
free-word-order nature which were not seen in
previously studied languages for visualization
ATV is a newer interdisciplinary research
area, based on the work in natural language
processing (NLP), knowledge engineering
(KE) and computer graphics (CG). One of the
The belief was fortified when my stories main issues in text comprehension is that not
to my toddler got shaped as the sketches every text can be visualized. The narrative text,
instead of vocal form. In her primary school, which contains stories, event descriptions,
the visual representation of tales was easy places depictions, news commentaries, action
for her to capture rather than reading these behaviours, architectures and designs is easy
texts in the books. Most of the time we had to visualize in some cases, whereas non-
fun with our conversation in pictorial forms. I fictional, purely scientific and philosophical
not only observed but studied texts are hard to show in a
also that visual data has higher picture form. The visualizability
bandwidth which reduces of text also depends on the
cognitive load in understanding. Preksha architecture comprises imagination and visualization
Persons create mental images a consolidated framework power of the perceiver as an
while and after they read. The with resource repositories, individual. In this research, we
theoretical cognitive process processing engines, coined the concept ‘degree
of visualization for science computational tools, and with a of visualizability (DoV)’ as a
education is covered by some mechanism of data and control parameter to measure the
of the researchers. flow. This framework supports visualizability in text. The DoV
Based on these tools for resource management can be calculated based on our
approaches, I initiated the for linguistic and scene concept of Object Visualization
research Preksha - a Hindi text repositories. Feature sets (OVFs) which we
visualizer under the guidance have extended for visualization
of Dr. Hemant Darbari, Director purposes from grammatical
General, C-DAC and Dr. B. semantic feature sets. There
V. Pawar, Professor, KBC-NMU, Jalgaon. are some vital issues in automatic text-to-
The automatic text visualization (ATV) is a scene conversion systems like the appropriate
process of deliberately constructing a scene comprehension of the input language,
from natural language text to meet specified context disambiguation, lexicon and ontology
communicative goals. As an aid for language preparation, common sense knowledge
learning, our research is focused to process transformation and spatial relation resolution.
Hindi language, extendible to other similar Preksha architecture comprises a
Ms. Priyanka Jain || 211

consolidated framework with resource The Knowledge representation is supported

repositories, processing engines, by language-independence and sufficiency
computational tools, and with a mechanism of of information covered. The knowledge base
data and control flow. This framework supports is intended to have XML standards covering
tools for resource management for linguistic direct and latent information in the input text
and scene repositories. Three engines a) like backgrounds, objects, attributes and
natural language processing engine b) relations. Scene Planning and rendering are
knowledge engine and c) scene engine the final components that generate the runtime
carry out the computational processing. 3D interactive environment using extracted
The architecture is enriched by user- knowledge.
management tools and it is interactive for user ‘A picture worth a thousand words’,
communication on requirements. The design provided, the picture should be a ‘truthful’
of Preksha system is modular and it maintains picture. As such there are no methodologies
a good balance for cohesion and coupling are reported for the work on evaluations of
between the modules. With the supported ATV systems, we took a subjective evaluation
repository, the processing carried out through for our research work. Preksha is evaluated in
three of the engines. The output of the system plan by using a total of 10,220 user responses
is a 3D environment rendered in Preksha through an online evaluation survey. The result
framework. As it is a noble area for Indian shows that Preksha is able to generate scenes
languages, therefore, we focused on the task with very high levels of intelligibility and fidelity
of text processing of Hindi Language for the for complex Indian language – Hindi. Isn’t
perspective of text visualization. This seeks it a ‘truthful’ picture generated by Preksha,
into the ambiguity and complexity in language provided below with corresponding Hindi text?
understanding especially Hindi Language.
212 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

A Stripy Hand to Get the Flow

Ms. Samatha Mathew*

Email: [email protected]

The model
ver put a sea-shell against your ears
and heard the sound of waves? Well,
that sound is of the ‘flow’, that is, of your
blood flow. The network of vessels that carry
blood across the body have to be healthy at all
times to maintain this flow. However, there are
conditions where blood vessels malfunction
and can manifest as hemorrhages, and
even cause strokes, or cause cardiovascular
diseases. Needless to say, understanding
While these portrayals are near accurate,
the mechanism of how blood vessels function
some biologists prefer striped friends over
will allow improvement in treatment of a wide
pearly white mice. Stripped zebrafish are tiny
range of diseases.
fish that grow to a maximum of 2-3cm and give
Biological scientist stereotypes in popular
rise to about a hundred offspring between a
media portray, most often than not, lab-coat
single pair of male and female, every week!
adorning people with frowning faces, peering
Baby zebrafish are transparent, and develop
into a microscope or looking at mice in cages.
organs such as heart and brain within a day.

* Ms. Samatha Mathew, PhD Scholar from CSIR- Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology, Delhi, is pursuing her
research on “Long non Coding RNA Mediated Regulation of Blood Vessel Integrity in Zebrafish”. Her popular science
story entitled “A Stripy Hand to Get the Flow” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
Ms. Samatha Mathew || 213

Blood flow starts soon after. What makes lncRNA of the hundred plus identified from this
zebrafish significant for scientists is that their earlier study. Let’s call this endothelial lncRNA
parts can be labeled, and because baby fish ELNC. We asked the following question:
are transparent, you can see a beating heart How does ELNC contribute to the function
or a forming brain through a microscope, live! of endothelial cells and affect blood vessel
What’s more, you can label blood vessels and biology?
cells in the blood, and see how blood flows
through these vessels, and this is what drives The story
following story. First, we checked whether ELNC was truly
‘non coding’, that is, does it make a protein?
The question For this we isolated protein making factories of
Since past two decades, biologists have cells, ribosomes. If we could identify an RNA
used high-resolution techniques to obtain latched to ribosomes, it could make a protein.
information hidden in the cells that make up As expected, ELNC was not found along with
living beings. During this quest, they identified ribosomes, suggesting that ELNC is truly
molecules called long non coding RNA, aka ‘non coding’. Now we turned to the aspect of
lncRNA. RNA stands for ribonucleic acid, a endothelial function of ELNC.
class of molecules which act like messengers, There are synthetic molecules that can
for making building blocks of cells called suppress the function of RNA. This method is
proteins. What makes lncRNA different from called “knockdown”. We introduced such a
RNA known until recently is that they do not molecule against ELNC into zebrafish, which
make proteins. Instead, they was still at single cell stage,
perform regulatory roles in immediately after the sperm
cellular processes. In the and egg fused through a
past few years, thousands of Baby zebrafish are transparent, method called microinjection.
lncRNA have been discovered and develop organs such During microinjection we
in different organisms including as heart and brain within a introduce any material in liquid
plants and animals. But day. Blood flow starts soon form at nanolitre volumes. We
even with this explosion of after. What makes zebrafish did this experiment in a double-
information, we understand significant for scientists is labeled zebrafish, where both
very little of what all these that their parts can be labeled, endothelial cells (green) and
lncRNA actually do in a cell. and because baby fish are blood cells (red) could be
It has been shown that transparent, you can see a visualized. Knockdown or
lncRNA are present in different beating heart or a forming brain suppression of ELNC showed
cells types in humans and other through a microscope, live! that the vessels were malformed
animals. Incidentally, we were in two day old zebrafish. We
interested in finding lncRNA also saw hemorrhages in the
in a particular cell type, which head region of the same fishes.
forms the inner lining of blood vessels, called This showed that disruption of ELNC was
endothelial cells. To combine the power of the disturbing blood vessel functioning.
zebrafish model and to understand the role What if ELNC was present in excess? We
of lncRNA in blood vessels, our lab identified artificially synthesized ELNC and introduced
lncRNA in endothelial cells in one day old it into two day old zebrafish by microinjection.
zebrafish. This story is about one endothelial After a day, we could see extra vessels
214 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

sprouting from a certain kind of vessels with the compartment which is like the control
a basket-like structure called sub-intestinal centre of a cell, called nucleus. The other
vessels. When we introduced excess ELNC, fraction contained all other compartments,
we could see extra vessels sprouting off called cytoplasm. The nucleus was further
from the basket. This hinted that in normal divided in two fractions: one containing DNA
conditions ELNC is required for routine blood called chromatin, and the other nucleoplasm.
vessel maintenance. We found that ELNC is localized in the
All information in a cell is written in a chromatin: this told us that ELNC could be
molecule called deoxyribonucleic acid or involved in processes that happen around
DNA. The information or “message” that any DNA or formation of RNA from it.
RNA holds is “copied” from DNA. Any change When we first chose ELNC for our study,
in DNA can alter the RNA as well. We used we had a hunch that it could be regulating a
a technique called gene-editing to alter the protein already known to have a function in
DNA containing ELNC. Here we aimed to have endothelial cells. This was because in DNA
a complete abolishment of ELNC function ELNC lies near the DNA stretch that has the
or a “knockout”, opposed to suppression by information to make this protein, say Protein-E.
knockdown technique. Using microinjection, So in our ELNC knockdown and knockout
we introduced artificially synthesized gene- zebrafish systems showing hemorrhage we
editing molecules into one-cell stage, double- started investigating how this Protein-E was
labeled zebrafish. We could see hemorrhages affected. While Protein-E itself isn’t affected, we
in the head region at ages two days and above have a hint that ELNC could be regulating the
in these fishes. This observation process which generates RNA
backed our results from the required to make Protein-E.
knockdown experiment. We Meanwhile, we also
further raised these fishes All information in a cell is wondered if ELNC could be a
with altered ELNC DNA and written in a molecule called player in endothelial function in
generated progeny, which deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA. humans. The incredible thing
also displayed hemorrhage. The information or “message” about the zebrafish model is
This was exciting, because by the similarity in DNA between
that any RNA holds is “copied”
independent techniques we zebrafish and humans, almost
from DNA. Any change in
could show that disruption of 70%! That is, 7 out of 10 times
DNA can alter the RNA as
ELNC could affect blood vessel we identify a new protein or
well. We used a technique
architecture or integrity and RNA in zebrafish we could
called gene-editing to alter the
even lead to hemorrhage! apply that knowledge to
DNA containing ELNC. Here
Now that we knew ELNC humans. But here’s the tricky
we aimed to have a complete
was important for endothelial part: lncRNA are known to have
abolishment of ELNC function
cell function, we wanted to entirely varying DNA make-
or a “knockout”, opposed to
know what exactly the lncRNA ups in different organisms.
suppression by knockdown
did in the cell. A cell is divided Yet there is a relatively easy
in many compartments, each of way to find human ELNC. If
which perform distinct actions, we could speculate a certain
all hand-in-hand for the survival lncRNA in humans could be
of the cell. We isolated two the counterpart of zebrafish
fractions of the cell mixture: one that contained lncRNA be able to do the same function. This
Ms. Samatha Mathew || 215

means that if in the zebrafish ELNC knockdown/ involving hemorrhages.

knockout systems, if we could substitute the
human counterpart the fish could be “rescued” The future
from hemorrhages. As described, ELNC is It’s an exciting time in science; we are
near Protein-E on DNA. And incidentally, leaping from one hypothesis to next using
Protein-E is one of those proteins which fall in cutting-edge techniques. For our study, to
the 70% similar part between zebrafish and find a human ELNC would mean identifying
human DNA. This made us look for a lncRNA a potential target for blood vessel diseases.
near human Protein-E on DNA. Luckily, there To this end, using both zebrafish and human
are more than one such lncRNA and we will models (human endothelial cells), we look
be testing these for their ability to “rescue” forward to dissecting the mechanism of action
our zebrafish ELNC knockdown/knockout of ELNC, and add novel insights to blood
fishes. This is important, because identifying a vessel biology.
human ELNC would mean we have identified a And this time, the flow of information will
regulator than can be targeted in blood vessel be from striped friends to stricken humans.
diseases in humans, especially the ones
216 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Ecofriendly Dyeing: Nature’s

Gifts to Save Nature

Ms. Taiyaba Ansari*

Email: [email protected]

nce I had travelled to Ujjain (Madhya in which liquid dyes were bubbling. The old
Pradesh) to attend a wedding ceremony man informed me, “This is the dyeing process
with my family. While returning my generally adopted by small industries here.”
mother and sister stopped at Bhairavgarh, a The backroom was strewn with bottles and
place famous for batik printing, to shop for jars of dyes and chemicals, namely, alizarin,
some batik fabric. As I was not interested copper sulphate, ferrous sulphate, acetic acid
in buying anything, I started observing that and caustic soda.
area where every second house has a small I was amazed and asked him, “Don’t
dyeing unit. An old man sitting outside one of these dyeing processes involving chemicals
the shops asked me, “What are you looking not affect the health of workers?” He informed
for?” I replied, “Why is this place so popular?” me, “It causes skin irritation, itching, problem
He answered, “Bhairavgarh is famous for with inhalation, sore eyes, headache and
handmade batik dyed and printed fabrics, permanently stained hands, but now we are
and there is no machinery here to perform used to it,” He also said, “In earlier times
all these tasks.” He took me to the back of a dyeing was done with natural colours obtained
shop, where lots of workers were engaged from plants, minerals and insects, these were
in different processes of dyeing and printing. harmless and easily available as well.” I asked
Strong fumes were emanating from huge pots him, “Why are natural dyes no longer used?”

* Ms. Taiyaba Ansari, PhD Scholar from Govt. Holkar Science College, Devi Ahilya University, Madhya Pradesh, is
pursuing her research on “Eco-friendly Dyeing on Textile Material by using a Combination of Natural Mordants with
Banana Pseudostem sap”. Her popular science story entitled “Eco-friendly Dyeing: Nature’s Gifts to Save Nature” has
been selected for AWSAR Award.
Ms. Taiyaba Ansari || 217

manufacturing units and dyeing industries,

they are exposed to chemicals continuously
where it causes skin allergies, respiratory
problems and carcinogenic effects on health.
Secondly, the people who really are not aware
of the fabric dyeing material, choose cloth
only on the basis of appearance of colours on
the fabric. These chemical colours become
a cause for illness for the e weaver and the
buyer because they come in direct contact
with our skin during perspiration. Actually, skin
pores open with rise in temperature, which
Fig 1: Condition of the dyeing industry allows transfer of chemicals into our body.
He responded, “Collection and extraction of After dyeing and printing process, waste water
natural dyes is tedious than chemical dyes.” is discharged in water bodies and on land,
Suddenly, my mother summoned me as we which impacts the health of aqueous animals
were about to leave, I bade the old man good and plants. Accumulation of chemicals in the
bye. While leaving Bhairavgarh I saw some environment decreases the quality of water, soil
children with coloured hands playing on the and air. Process of fabric dyeing completes in
road, unaware of the harmful effects of these many steps such as manufacturing, scouring,
chemical dyes. I also noticed that the sewer/ bleaching, mordanting and dyeing, and
drainage lines were also filled chemicals are used frequently
with coloured effluent. During in each step.
the journey, I searched online The next day, I went to
for information on chemical and In earlier times dyeing was done my supervisor to discuss the
natural dyes. I got to know about with natural colours obtained research plan for submission
the dyes the plants produce. from plants, minerals and of proposed work for Ph.D
There are several plants in insects, these were harmless registration at the university.
nature which contain colouring and easily available as well.” I I shared my experience
pigments in their parts, that is, asked him, “Why are natural about Bhairavgarh with my
root, bark, leaves, flower and dyes no longer used?” He supervisor. She said “This is
fruits. These colour compounds responded, “Collection and a big issue, we should find a
can be extracted in aqueous extraction of natural dyes is way to solve it. What are the
solution and as they produce tedious than chemical dyes. reasons for not using natural
beautiful colours and applied dyes and how can we make
on textiles. These practices it useful on a large scale for
were common in ancient times textile industries?” Under my
until synthetic dyes were invented. Though the supervisor’s guidance, I started
synthetic dyes, made of chemicals, produce to find information regarding the problem to
excellent colour and remain good even after search the ways to develop and optimize the
innumerable washings, impact of perspiration condition for dyeing with natural sources like
and exposure to sun, but they also have root, leaves, flower and bark of plants. After
a dark side which directly or indirectly that, a proposal was submitted to the university
affects adversely. Firstly, on the workers of and I got permission to work on it.
218 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Fig 2: Dyeing in laboratory to optimize conditions Fig 3: Visit to a dyeing unit

When I began the laboratory experiment after sometime my supervisor and I visited
of dyeing with flower extracts in different industries to know more about natural dyes
concentrations, it resulted in lighter shades, and their manufacturing process and noted the
that is, pastle colours. But gradually, I achieved involvement of chemicals during various steps
some bright beautiful colours and shades of natural dyeing. I realized that these days the
with natural dyes. Some primary conditions process of natural dyeing of fabric is not fully
of dyeing, that is, concentration, pH, time natural, it involves many chemical agents, and
and temperature were optimized during my common people have no knowledge of natural
research work. dyes, therefore they believe the shopkeepers
One Sunday morning, and buy the so-called naturally
I was at home and reading dyed cloth at very high cost.
the newspaper I saw an While, on the one side, synthetic
advertisement about an There are several plants in chemical dyeing is hazardous
exhibition on natural dyed nature which contain colouring for the health of human beings
fabrics. I decided to visit pigments in their parts, that is, and nature, on the other hand,
the exhibition. Next day, I root, bark, leaves, flower and naturally dyed fabrics despite
went there and asked some fruits. These colour compounds their high cost also cause ill-
shopkeepers about natural can be extracted in aqueous effects .
dyes, like how they were made, solution and as they produce But during my research,
processed and the methods beautiful colours and applied on I decided to use only natural
of natural dyeing. While the textiles. dyes and natural fixing agents
shopkeeper was explaining, (mordants). Natural dyes
I realized that all the natural were obtained from flowers as
dyeing processes contained Tesu (Butea monosperma),
chemicals. They used synthetic Marigold (Tagetes erecta) and
chemicals to dye and as well as fixative agents Mango bark (Mangifera indica), Eucalyptus
and for other steps in the process due to lack leaves and banana sap. Pomegranate rind
of knowledge about natural ones. I noticed and myrobalan were used as fixing agents/
shopkeepers telling the customers, “These mordants. I achieved beautiful shades on fabric
fabrics are made of pure and by natural with these natural ingredients. After dyeing,
dyeing process”, which was not true. Then the fabric needs to be especially tested prior
Ms. Taiyaba Ansari || 219

to use for commercial purposes, primarily, for After a lot of hard work and experimentation
washing fastness, light fastness, perspiration excellent results were obtained with dyes and
fastness, which reveals dye absorption on the mordants selected and extracted from natural
fabric. Colour absorbed in dyed fabric is also resources. My work on ecofriendly dyeing,
checked by spectrophotometer and microbial which does not cause pollution of environment
resistance of fabric evaluated. is my return gift to nature.
220 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Rekindling Forgotten Ecological

Principles: When an Undammed
River Taught a Lesson!

Ms. Aashna Sharma*

Email: [email protected]

atural history records and observations Inaccessibility is often deemed to be the
seem to be losing impetus in the reason for inadequately explored high-altitude
modern “applied science” era, which Himalayan rivers, the biodiversity of which yet
demands empirical evidence. In a strive to remains unaccounted for. Ironically, however,
obtain statistically sound results, researchers most of these rivers have been profoundly
of the present century are plunging into an explored by the human race for hydropower
ocean of complexities, missing out on basic generation! Bound by River Indus in the west
yet important ecological observations. The and Brahmaputra in the east, the core Himalaya
necessity of partaking such researches is drains three major rivers basins, Ganga is the
crucial to wildlife science, where phenomena holiest according to Hindu scriptures. This
cannot be understood by mere statistics, river is drained by many tributaries aiding
unless backed by strong field observations. in its sustained flow. However, most of its
Such a research was recently conducted stretch, in the high altitude, is dammed to
and a scientific paper on the same topic was tap its hydropower potential. River Asiganga,
published by our team at the Wildlife Institute a tributary of Ganga, also has multiple dams
of India (WII), Dehradun, which highlighted planned on it, none of which have thankfully
nature’s governance in restoring some rare been built yet, leading to a continuous natural
“undammed” river systems of Himalayas. flow. This river, which emerges from Dodital,

* Ms. Aashna Sharma, PhD Scholar from Panjab University, Chandigarh, is pursuing her research on “The Potential
Impacts of Climate Change on Response and Interaction of Native and Non-Native Trout Populations in Selected
Riverscapes of Indian Himalayan Region”. Her popular science story entitled “Rekindling Forgotten Ecological
Principles: When an Undammed River Taught a Lesson!” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
Ms. Aashna Sharma || 221

also has a colonial history linked to it. Britishers native population, restricting them to isolated
as they colonized various parts of the world, tributaries of major rivers - a finding confirmed
brought along with them reminders of their by our research on other river basins! Being
home, the brown trout, which synchronizing a commercial species, manual removal
with the British expansion, burgeoned into river of this invader from the system was never
systems far beyond its natural home range. considered. When humans come into play,
This fish, listed in “100 of the world’s worst often selfish needs ruin the natural balance of
invasive alien species”, was also introduced an ecosystem. And it gets even tougher if it
in Lake Dodital by late 1860s, it eventually is an invasive species. Nature, nevertheless,
spread into Asiganga and established a viable always overrides us, whether we want it or not.
wild population. This could happen even if the slightest spec of
Now that we know of this invader’s past “naturalness” in a system still remains.
and how these uninvited guests came into our The day, August 3, 2012 was a black
natural systems, let us peep into how the native one for the residents of Asiganga basin, when
fauna reacted to it. The brown trout had a single stronger-than-ever flash flood shook the area.
competitor for space, the native snow trout. It took a toll on human lives (n=35) and property
The native, an herbivore and an icon of cold (61,244.12 lakh). As the river discharge
water Himalayan streams, the snow trout was increased five-folds from 135 to 2665 m3/sec
a Himalayan endemic, which co-evolved with in merely an hour, the roar of Asiganga that
the Himalayas. So basically, when the snow night was horrific. The snow trout had since
trout speaks to the Himalayas, “Hey! I have ages been yearning for some miraculous help
seen you grow!” the mountain from the heaven. It often spoke
chain replies “Likewise!” Co- to the Himalayas, “Oh Mountain
evolution as we predispose, so high! Your rivers quench
is not always interspecific, Inaccessibility is often deemed the thirst of all humankind and
rather there are instances to be the reason for inadequately provide safe haven to all plants
where a species evolves with explored high-altitude Himalayan and animals, which dwell in
the changing geomorphology rivers, the biodiversity of which them… Answer my cry…Who
of a landscape. Such is the yet remains unaccounted for. saves me now? The humans
case with our snow trout, Ironically, however, most have added this river monster
which has continuously, yet of these rivers have been which is feeding on my children,
gradually evolved the adhesive profoundly explored by the I can hope for nothing but a
structures on its mouth to help human race for hydropower miracle, a miracle from Mother
adhere to rocks and bear the generation! Nature!” As Asiganga soared
torrential flow patterns as the high on that dreadful dark
Himalayan rivers changed night, no one knew that there
their hydro-morphology since were switchovers taking place
times immemorial (precisely under the river surface! Nature
speaking!! the first interglacial period). had already played its part. Taking the natives
As the brown trout coloniszed Asiganga, in its arms, it said, “Do not fear Oh Snow Trout!
the invader wreaked havoc on the snow trout When humans create a disbalance, sooner or
population! Being a carnivore, it predated later I come to the rescue! I have pushed the
upon the snow trout young ones. With its invader out of your abode. You are in now safe
active breeding strategy, it out-competed the hands, and so are your children!” The invasive
222 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

brown trout was extirpated! A “complete Ecosystem (NMSHE) project, we conducted

wipe-out” from the entire system. Surprisingly regular surveys along the complete river
however, the native snow stretch from June 2017-June
trout still thrives- and in good 2018. To make sure we do
numbers! When we promote not miss out on any evidence,
selfish invasions, nature often Continuous natural the entire river stretch was
has to intervene to revive the modifications of the river sampled at an intensive 500
perfect ecological balance by hydrology over the years make m interval. For this, we trekked
favouring natives over invaders. the native fishes much more along most of the river stretch,
This phenomenon where nature resilient to natural stochasticity, at higher elevations, as there
governs priorities by eradicating thus, helping in their retention. were no roads. A total of 18
an invasive from the system is Nevertheless, there is a surveys with 124 rounds of
an ecological principle called condition to it, failing which samplings across all points
“Priority Effects”, which seems nature would not act! The river were carried out throughout
lost in the old books of ecology! must be “undammed” and its the year. We reported a stable
Our team from WII had flow unobstructed by human snow trout population, however
conducted surveys just interventions. not a single brown trout was
months prior to the flash flood, encountered.
confirming the presence of As the millennial research
brown trout in abundance often demands immediate
by then. Since 2012, however, no study results, we tend to ignore the historical
was conducted to confirm the after-effects ecological trends underlining the present
of this natural stochasticity. As a part of the scenario. This leads to predispositions that
regular ichthyofaunal investigations under the any ecological setting is nothing but a “chance
National Mission for Sustaining the Himalayan event”. Rather, events like these where a
Ms. Aashna Sharma || 223

species suddenly disappear from the system, nature, rather we who decide when and how
demand detailed ecological investigations. much the water flows into the river. The natural
We tried to understand the “intentional” habitat and seasonal flow characteristics
safeguarding of native species by the nature act as indicators or “phenological cues”
and came up with explanation that suddenly governing the spawning (breeding) times for
started making sense to the Priority Effects native fishes. Acting as dependable guides,
principle. Continuous natural modifications of they say, “Hey natives! This is the safest time
the river hydrology over the years make the for you to bring in your young ones into the
native fishes much more resilient to natural world!” By building up dams, we are messing
stochasticity, thus, helping in their retention. up with these natural cues eventually leading
Nevertheless, there is a condition to it, failing to a poorer native stock, and then with the
which nature would not act! The river must presence of ever-adaptive, super-active
be “undammed” and its flow unobstructed by invaders, life gets tougher for them! The native
human interventions. numbers in many dammed basins on Earth are
Studies, though less in number, across plummeting, a situation grave enough.
other undammed basins of the globe have By extirpating the invaders from Asiganga,
detailed the priority effects principle eradicating nature has cleaned a system which we could
“just” the invaders. Damming, however, has not for more than a century. Nature, however,
reversed the eradication choices! In various will not always give us second chances. Taking
dammed rivers, natives have eventually gone lessons from the Asiganga priority effects
locally extinct, while the invaders have been we must ensure that we don”t fall a prey to
flourishing at a faster pace. A stable habitat our greedy motives of commercial gains by
provided by the dams is seamlessly controlled, promoting the invaders. The brown trout must
even under extreme hydrological events. not be stocked back into Asiganga. As nature
This results in favourable conditions for the sustains itself only if we leave it undisturbed,
invaders. Now if you ask, why do the natives we need to identify undammed rivers across
suffer? The reason is quite clear alteration in the Himalayas and make sure they are left free
their natural habitat. With damming, it is not the flowing and pristine.
224 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Little Magnetic Microorganisms

Treating Deadly Brain Tumor: My
Science Communication Journey

Ms. Ankita Rathore*

Email: [email protected]

re you aware that there exist little nano-crystals of the size of ~50 nm provide
magnetotactic bacteria on earth’s these magnetotactic bacteria their natural
surface with built in compasses, just magnetism. However, these bacteria are
like a magnet, to keep a track of the earth’s unable to survive in aerobic (too much oxygen)
magnetic field? This has intrigued the or anaerobic (no oxygen) conditions and only
scientific community over a past few years thrive in “micro-aerophilic” (a perfect oxygen
leading to many exciting scientific discoveries controlled) environment in sediment or water
treating Glioblastoma Multiforme through nano bodies. Perhaps in the quest for ideal oxygen
targeted therapy is one such discovery. environment, they have evolved a magnetic
process called “magnetic-aerotaxis” to
Magnetotactic Bacteria, Magnetosomes and their adequately utilize earth”s magnetic field. With
magnetic personality the help of this, intracellular nanocrystal chains
The history of magnetotactic bacteria goes of magnetite or greigite in magnetosomes
long back to 1960s, when Richard Blakemore align themselves according to Earth”s natural
discovered them. They consume iron salts and magnetic field.
biomineralize them into magnetite (Iron Oxide) The discovery of these magnetotactic
or greigite (Iron Sulphide) crystals in bacterial bacteria evoked a great scientific interest in
entities known as Magnetosomes. These magnetosomes and its potential applications in

* Ms. Ankita Rathore, PhD Scholar from CSIR- National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources,
Delhi, is pursuing her research on “Science Communication and Social Media”. Her popular science story entitled
“Little Magnetic Microorganisms Treating Deadly Brain Tumor: My Science Communication Journey” has been
selected for AWSAR Award.
Ms. Ankita Rathore || 225

A sketch of magnetotactic bacteria along with chain of magnetosomes inside them under SEM

the field of medicine. The various applications So, what is Glioblastoma multiforme?
are medical imaging (MRI), targeted This deadly tumor or glioma is a Grade IV
drug delivery, gene research and tumor tumor, which means it is most malignant of all
hyperthermia. The most fascinating of them all arising de novo without any grade precursor.
is hyperthermia in which there is This tumor arises from brain
controlled heating of magnetic cells called glial cells or their
nanoparticles (magnetosomes) precursors within central
on exposure to alternating The discovery of these nervous system. These tumors
magnetic field (AMF) to promote magnetotactic bacteria evoked have got significant attention in
necrosis of tumor cells. This a great scientific interest scientific world as the survival
is just the time to use these in magnetosomes and its rate of patients suffering from
magnetosomes as magnetic potential applications in the Glioblastoma is less than a
nanoparticles in Magnetic field of medicine. The various year. The traditional treatment
hyperthermia-mediated cancer applications are medical imaging of such tumors involves surgery
therapy (MCHT) for treatment (MRI), targeted drug delivery, in combination with radiation
of Glioblastoma multiforme gene research and tumor therapy and chemotherapy,
(GBM), a deadly brain tumor. hyperthermia. where drug Temozolomide
(TMZ) accelerates the
Glioblastoma: The deadly brain treatment process. Moreover,
tumor this notorious tumor has evaded
Glioblastoma multiforme, or GBM, is most several attempts of innovative therapies due to
aggressive of all the gliomas, the kind which its recurrent and malignant nature. However,
inspires fear due its infiltrative and invasive scientific research has explored microRNA,
malignant nature. Imagine if brain tumors gene therapy, virotherapy and intranasal
were sharks, can you guess what would therapy to find treatment of GBM and the
Glioblastoma multiforme or GBM be? Probably, current area of research interest is nano
bull sharks or Great Whites! targeted drug delivery using magnetosomes,
226 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

which can cross blood brain barrier (BBB) to glioma cell line is cultured and administered
reach this notorious tumor. subcutaneously into female mice. After this
tumor cell implantation, mice are divided into
Tale of hyperthermia mediated nano targeted therapy experimental groups and treatment starts after
The natural magnetic nanoparticles the tumor size reaches approximately 150
extracted from magnetotactic bacteria, mm3. The in vivo study protocol must have
mainly Magnetospirillum magneticum or approval from animal ethics committee. In
Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense, are known hyperthermia treatment, alternate magnetic
as magnetosomes. These magnetosomes field is applied with given frequency at various
have been widely accepted in scientific different magnetic strength (mT). Tumor
community for their magnetic properties, low volumes are measured using calliper for
toxicity during interaction with living tissue approximately 250 days period study. Mice are
and thermal efficiency. These qualities of euthanised when tumor volume exceeds 1000
magnetosomes were impressive and this led mm3. Intratumor temperature at the center of
to their usage in Magnetic Fluid Hyperthermia tumor and temperature at the tumor surface
(MFH). Hyperthermia is an application is also obtained at each magnetic strength.
where malignant diseases are treated by Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) is calculated
administration of heat, whereas Magnetic Fluid for these magnetosomes. Histological analysis
Hyperthermia (MFH) delivers thermal energy and toxicity evaluation must also be done to
to the target tumor cells by exposing magnetic prove the efficacy of these magnetosomes in
nanoparticles (magnetosomes) to alternating shrinkage of these glioblastoma (GBM).
magnetic field (AMF). You A recent shift is observed
must be wondering how it is in research world towards the
done? Well, magnetosomes are use of chains of magnetosomes
injected into the tumor cells and A recent shift is observed in to treat experimental models
AMF is applied, leading to rise research world towards the use of glioma and its theranostic
of tumor temperature resulting of chains of magnetosomes properties. With advances
in selective thermal omission to treat experimental models in science, the future of
of tumor cells without harming of glioma and its theranostic this notorious Glioblastoma
neighbouring healthy cells. properties. With advances multiforme (GBM) is bleak.
These magnetosomes are in science, the future of However, neither GBM nor
extracted from magnetotactic this notorious Glioblastoma magnetosomes are easy to
bacteria and purified. multiforme (GBM) is bleak. work with. But I guess that’s
Magnetosomes are made more However, neither GBM nor where the beauty lies, isn’t it?
stable by coating them with PLL magnetosomes are easy to work I think the bunch of scientists
(Poly L Lysine) under sterile with. across the globe, are doing
conditions. For extraction an amazing job unravelling the
sonication methods are used secrets of these tiny magnetic
and magnetosomes are dudes dancing in the magnetic
extricated from the suspension dizziness to kill the most
with the help of neodymium magnet. For dangerous brain tumor.
coating PLL used has to be eight times more As for me, the magnetic charm of these
than concentration of magnetosomes. For magnetotactic bacteria pulled me out from
hyperthermia treatments, first the mouse bench work of research laboratory to my
Ms. Ankita Rathore || 227

current journey of Science Communication. academia to general public through writing

I am a Ph.D. student in Science and art. It is high time science communication
Communication and Technology in CSIR- as an individual field must see the light or as
NISCAIR, New Delhi. I absolutely love to work Anne Roe once said, “Nothing in Science has
towards dissemination of the science research any value if it is not communicated.”
being done in laboratories and science
228 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Boosting the Superpower of

Rice Bran Through Enzymatic

Ms. Sapna I.*

Email: [email protected]

ice bran is at a talk show called “Food Rice bran used for oil production.
Talk” As your host mentioned, I have many other
useful qualities other than just oil?
Host: Hello Everyone, Hmmm… don’t get thinking.
Our guest for today comes from a family well- Today I am here to tell you all about the less
accepted by half of the world’s population. He known facts about me.
is blessed with many qualities which make him Well… let’s start from the beginning.
valuable. As my first name says, I belong to the world’s
Curious to know about our guest and his second-largest grown crop Rice. I am the
hidden qualities? outer protective layer of rice.
Then, without much delay let’s welcome our Host: But why have you not seen you with the
guest and know about the hidden qualities. rice?
Rice bran: Hello People, hope you all are doing Rice bran: Because, I am separated from rice,
good. during polishing in the rice milland called as
Oh! Before you all get thinking “who is this”? milling by-product.
Let me introduce myself. Host: Oh, Ok.
I am Rice bran. Rice bran:Let’s continue.
Yea YeaYea… you got me right. I am the same I am available in various colours such as red,

* Ms. Sapna I., PhD Scholar from CSIR- Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysuru, is pursuing her
research on “Nutraceutical Components and Biopotency of Bioprocessed Pigmented Rice Bran”. Her popular
science story entitled “Boosting the Superpower of Rice Bran Through Enzymatic Bioprocessing” has been selected
for AWSAR Award.
Ms. Sapna I. || 229

black, purple and yellow. contains various bioactive molecules

Total quantity of my production globally and in possessing medicinal properties.
India is measured by United States Department Host: Please tell us more about the importance
of Agriculture and Government of India. of bioactive molecules present within you
According to their report in the year 2018-19 Rice bran: bioactive molecules grant me the
(to present), the estimated global production “Superpower”to protect people from incurable
of is about 42.5 million ton and India produced diseases. The power to provide protection
about 10.3 million tons. against heart disease, increased blood
Host:It surprised me! such a large quantity?! pressure, increased cholesterol level, obesity,
Rice bran: Yes. I take pride in saying that. But diabetes, and cancer, etc., and the list goes
at the same time, it makes me sad too. on.
Host: Sad? Why? But there is a hurdle in utilizing these bioactive
Rice bran: Because,though I am available molecules.
in abundance, only a small quantity is used Host: Hurdle?
mainly for rice bran oil production. The rest Rice bran: Yes. I will explain.
is either used as animal feed or discarded as I am formed by a series of various simple
waste. sugars such as glucose, xylose, etc., firmly
However, I firmly believe that I will be utilized holding each other. The sugars are aligned to
completely once they get to knowabout my form a complex network and difficult to break.
useful qualities. The majority of the bioactive molecules
Host: We are all eager to know about your possessing higher medicinal properties
qualities. Please tell us more are trapped in this complex
about them. network.
Rice bran: Well, I am a rich with Now, if you want to get the
source of essential nutrients Rice bran: Nutraceuticals are medicinal benefits, it is
such as carbohydrates, food components that are important to release the trapped
proteins, fat, vitamins, minerals scientifically proven to have molecules.
and dietary fiber necessary to health benefits and recognized Host:Is there a method to
support life. for the prevention and/or release the trapped bioactive
Apart from being highly treatment of the diseases. molecules?
nutritive, I am also packed The highlyactive nutraceutical Rice bran: Yes, there is an
with various medicinally active groupspresent in me are effective and reasonable
groups called “Nutraceuticals”. called phenolics, tocopherols, method.
Host:Nutraceuticals?! What are tocotrienols, and γ-oryzanol. The best suitable tool for this
they? Each group contains various purpose is Enzymes.
Rice bran: Nutraceuticals are bioactive molecules possessing Enzymes are chemical
food components that are medicinal properties. substances which help
scientifically proven to have in releasing the bioactive
health benefits and recognized molecules. Using enzymes for
for the prevention and/or releasing bioactive molecules
treatment of the diseases. is called as enzymatic
The highlyactive nutraceutical groupspresent bioprocessing.
in me are called phenolics, tocopherols, Host:Can you please explain how do enzymes
tocotrienols, and γ-oryzanol. Each group free the bioactive molecules?
230 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Rice bran: During enzymatic bioprocessing, This entire process not only enriches me with
enzymes come in contact with the complex various easily available bioactive molecules
interior. Soon after they begin to break the but also
bonds between the complex network and For an easy understanding of how
bioactive molecules into small pieces and enzymes work, I would like to explain using
release the bioactive molecules this picture.

Consider this tightly woven mat as a complex (CSIR- CFTRI) is working on enzymatic
network. bioprocessing of my red variety (red bran).
Multiple coloured beads as individual bioactive At first, the group treated me with enzymes
molecules trapped in the mat. specialized in breaking the
Different coloured scissors as complex network and releasing
different enzymes. the bioactive molecules.
By using a suitable scissor, The research group used
threads responsible for keeping Free radicals are the atoms five enzymes having different
the mat intact and trapping the that cause damage to proteins, levels of activity called Endo-
coloured beads can be cut and lipids, and DNA within healthy xylanases 1 and 2, Cocktail
release colored beads. human cells. The damage leads enzymes 1 and 2 and an
At times, coloured beads can to the increased number of enzyme mix containing both
be released efficiently by using diseases such as blockage of Endo-xylanase 1 and Cocktail
single scissors and some time, blood vessels, the inadequate enzyme 1.
two or more scissors may be blood supply to heart, heart The main aim of the research
necessary. failure, Alzheimer’s disease, group was to know the
Similarly, enzymes work on rheumatic arthritis, cancer, and efficiency of these specialized
complex interior and eventually other disorders of the immune enzymes and the type of
release the trapped bioactive system. bioactive molecules released
molecules. by them.
Host: Interesting!Have you Host:What did they find out?
undergone through enzymatic Rice bran:The research group
bioprocessing? found that each enzyme was
Rice Bran: Yes. I will share my latest experience. efficient in releasing a specific bioactive
Since 2016, a research group at CSIR- molecule, known to have a strong health
Central Food Technological Research Institute beneficial property.
Ms. Sapna I. || 231

To be very specific, Indeed, treatment with each enzyme boosted

• Endo-xylanase1 released the molecule my ability to fight free radicals and prevent the
well known to have cholesterol-lowering formation of a specific free radical.
properties. To be precise, treatment with
• Endo-xylanase2 released the molecules • Endoxylanase1 improved my ability to
recognized for preventing cancer and heart suppress the formation of radicals known
attack. for oxidizing an iron molecule within the
• Cocktail enzyme1 freed the molecules body.
helpful in preventing the accumulation of fat • Endoxylanse2 enhanced my capacity
in the blood vessels, beginning of cancer, to decreased the formation of free radicals
reducing cholesterol level and improving recognized for causing DNA mutation.
the immune system. • Cocktail enzymes1 and 2 increased
• Cocktail enzyme2 liberated the my efficiency to reduce the formation of
molecules known for preventing stress in radicals deadly to healthy cells.
nerve cells and uncontrolled inflammation • Finally, the enzyme mix improved my
as well as improving the immune system. ability to subside the formation of highly
• Finally, the enzyme mix freed the active and precursor radicals known for
molecules well known to prevent cancer the generation of other harmful radicals
and heart disease, accumulation of fat in and damage cell membranes.
blood vessels, the stress in nerve cells and In short, all the enzymes boosted my
uncontrolled inflammation. superpower by releasing the specific bioactive
Host: That’s amazing! molecules and empowered me to inhibit the
Rice bran:The research group did not stop at formation of specific free radicals.
that. Enzymes made me feel like a superhero
Further, they were interested in knowing fighting the supervillains as mentioned in this
whether enzymatic treatment boosted my ability picture.
to prevent diseases much before their onset?
Host: Oh! How did they find out?
Rice bran: In this regard, the research group
used each enzymatically treated sample of me
to fight the atoms called free radicals.
In brief about free radicals - my opponents!
Free radicals are the atoms that cause damage
to proteins, lipids, and DNA within healthy
human cells. The damage leads to the increased
number of diseases such as blockage of blood
vessels, the inadequate blood supply to heart, Host: Fantastic!
heart failure, Alzheimer’s disease, rheumatic Well, it’s time to end the show. Would you like
arthritis, cancer, and other disorders of the to give any message to our audiences?
immune system. Rice bran: Well, apart from oil production,
In short, these atoms are the root cause of I can be used for extracting nutraceuticals,
disease progression in the body. added as an ingredient in various foods
Host: Did enzymatic treatment help you win products such as bread, cookies, beverages,
over your opponents? etc.
232 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

I can not only fulfil the rising demand for health you will be used in the best possible way.
foods but also help in strengthening food I would like to end the show saying Rice bran
security in rice-growing regions worldwide. indeed fits to what Hippocrates - the father of
Host: It’s great to have you on the show Mr medicine said,
Rice bran. After watching this episode, I hope

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”

|| 233

Microalgae – A Major Alternative

Source of Biofuel

Ms. Supriya Bharte*

Email: [email protected]

lobal warming is not a conqueror to very recent example of this is the cutting down
kneel before, but a challenge to rise to. of thousands of trees at Aarey in Mumbai for
Joe Lieberman. the Metro shed. Another example was an
uncontrollable fire in the jungles of Amazon,
The ever-increasing air pollution is a which are considered, the lungs of our planet.
well-known fact, which occurs due to various At such a pace, we, as humans are planning our
reasons. Most of these reasons are a result own destruction in the guise of development.
of human activities like burning of fossil fuels, It is high time, we focus on cleaning the
industrialization, urbanization, deforestation, environment with fresh air to breath for future
use of appliances and devices giving out generations. This is where, microalgae come
harmful gases. Though numerous gases to our rescue, with several benefits in the food,
constitute the greenhouse gases, it is carbon feed and fuel industry.
dioxide which is considered the greatest Microalgae grows faster than plants and
challenge, and the burden of carbon dioxide trees, captures harmful carbon dioxide from
reduction lies completely on plants and trees the environment, can be grown on sewage
by photosynthesis, and, it becomes more and marshy waters, helps in reducing the
difficult due to increasing deforestation taking harmful chemical load from the wastewater.
place for human development. A classic and They are a great source of proteins, which

* Ms. Supriya Bharte, PhD Scholar from Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies, Maharashtra, is pursuing her
research on “Enhancement of Biofuel Production from Microalgae”. Her popular science story entitled “Microalgae - A
Major Alternative Source of Biofuel” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
234 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

can be used as nutraceuticals in the health methods like filtration cannot be used due to
industry, can be used as a highly nutritious clogging and fouling of filters. New, micro and
feed source for aquaculture, its extracts are nanotechnology methods have been applied to
used in cosmetics and last but not the least, harvest microalgae to make the process easier,
and it is a great source of alternative biofuels, simpler and faster. Our work was based on
which can replace the “harmful gases emitting- similar lines using nanotechnological methods
conventional fossil fuels”. to enhance harvesting and increasing lipid
Microalgal products have a huge industry productivity by manipulating carbon-nitrogen
base to flourish in the coming decades, ratio of the culture volume.
generating employment and alternative The process begins with culturing two
solutions to many existing products. It offers microalgal species separately in small amounts
a solution in terms of food, fuel, employment, of about 200 ml BG 11 medium in 500 ml/1 L
as well as cash flow. Most developed and conical flasks for 12 to 14 days under constant
developing countries like the US, Germany, luminous light with occasional shaking at
the Netherlands and China have already ambient temperature. To harvest the full-grown
established basic research units and pilot microalgae, iron oxide nanoparticles (IONPs)
plants for microalgal cultivation and its were synthesized using iron chloride salts by
downstream processing for its valuable chemical co-precipitation. Using the chemical
products. However, India is far behind in terms co-precipitation method, the iron chloride
of research as well as establishment of pilot salts are transformed into absolute nano-
plants. Thus, we need to make extra effort to sized particles increasing its surface area
stay at par with the world. tremendously. The synthesis
For use as a source of process takes merely 60
biofuel, many universities and minutes and is easy, fast and
research organizations are very simple to perform. The
Microalgae grows faster than
working on a variety of easy- process takes place in a simple
plants and trees, captures
to-manipulate microalgae, for four-necked glass apparatus
harmful carbon dioxide from
increased lipid production. Our at a specific temperature
the environment, can be
research work was focussed under inert conditions. Upon
grown on sewage and marshy
on improving the various steps successful synthesis, the
waters, helps in reducing the
involved in microalgal biofuel nanoparticles are dried and
harmful chemical load from the
production and, thereby, stored. These are characterized
enhancing the productivity. by fourier transform infrared
Microalgal biofuel production spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction,
consists of four major steps: scanning electron microscopy,
cultivation, harvesting, lipid vibrating sample magnetometry
extraction and transesterification. Each and zeta potential, which authenticate the
of these four steps, have their share of IONPs.
challenges. Harvesting being the bottleneck The full-grown microalgae are known to
of the entire process. Microalgae’s small size possess an overall negative surface charge over
makes the harvesting rather difficult by all an entire pH range, whereas the synthesized
existing methods. Most methods are highly nanoparticles can have varying pH across
expensive and not feasible for large volumes different pH. Hence the nanoparticles are
of culture media, like centrifugation, whereas used in an acidic environment for harvesting,
Ms. Supriya Bharte || 235

when they possess a positive surface charge. it begins to synthesize lipids in large quantities
The IONPs solution is added to the microalgae which increases the lipid productivity by
culture and mixed thoroughly for sufficient activating specific pathways.
interactions between the algae and IONPs. After a growth period of about eight to ten
This creates an electrostatic attraction between days, it was observed that, there is increased
the microalgae and IONPs causing them to lipid production during nitrogen deprivation
bind and form complexes. These complexes and even more lipids are produced under
are immediately attracted to the bottom of the nitrogen deprivation combined with excess
flask under the influence of a magnetic field carbon. Of the four carbon sources provided,
within 60 seconds leaving the clear culture sodium acetate was the best source, which
medium above as supernatant. This clear accumulated maximum lipids upto 25% for
culture medium is carefully decanted leaving both organisms, followed by citrate. Sodium
only the microalgae and IONPs complexes carbonate and sodium potassium tartrate
at the bottom. Thus, successfully harvesting did not show any significant increase in lipid
the microalgal culture within a minute. Upon production and, hence, cannot be considered
harvesting, the complexes can be detached as great carbon sources for biofuel production.
and the IONPs can be reused for harvesting The obtained lipids were converted to
consecutive batches. This process is several fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) by acidic
times more convenient than most other existing transesterification and were biodiesel quality
procedures. as estimated by GC-MS analysis.
The second part of the project involved Thus, our research work achieved
increasing the lipid production the aim of enhancing the
by strategically changing the steps involved in biodiesel
nutrients of the culture medium production by improving the
during the growth phase. The For use as a source of biofuel, harvesting by using IONPs and
first six days were subjected many universities and research increasing the lipid productivity
to usual growth using the organizations are working on a by manipulating the carbon-
normal BG 11 culture medium variety of easy-to-manipulate nitrogen ratio. These results
composition. However, after microalgae, for increased lipid are extremely helpful for the
six days, the microalgal production. Our research work microalgae industry and can
species was harvested and was focussed on improving help in making the process cost
reconstituted in a culture the various steps involved in effective.
medium totally deprived of microalgal biofuel production The microalgae industry
nitrogen and, simultaneously, and, thereby, enhancing the holds a huge potential for
in culture medium completely productivity. Microalgal biofuel the future generations for
deprived of nitrogen and production consists of four research as well as its value-
composed of excess carbon major steps: cultivation, added products along with
in the form of citrate, sodium harvesting, lipid extraction and the environmental benefits it
acetate, sodium carbonate and transesterification. provides. Further research
sodium potassium tartrate for is necessary to make large-
two to ten days. Such a growth scale production feasible and
creates stress conditions for affordable. Most of the current
the microalgae due to complete absence of research focusses on designing suitable
nitrogen. Since proteins cannot be synthesized, reactors for maximum sunlight capture. Though,
236 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

open as well as closed photobioreactors have bioreactors, which require more expenditure.
been in use, researchers are trying to make With the current rate of research and hard work
better open photobioreactors, which will make in the microalgal industry, there is definitely
the process cost-effective compared to closed huge potential ahead.
|| 237

Teaching the Machines: An

Art of Learning from just a few

Ms. Suvarna Kadam*

Email: [email protected]

Why does my research matter? systems such as security systems based on

face and biometrics recognition, traffic control
oftware systems are already being used systems, weather predictions that benefit
in India in mainstream applications tremendously because they are capable of
in private as well as public sectors. learning from the data. Machine learning is
The government is moving to e-governance slowly becoming the backbone of all software
with many governmental functions getting systems as we always want machines to be
digitized. Further, these software systems are smart and learning rather than dumb and
getting augmented with artificial intelligence. capable of doing only limited tasks they were
This means that the systems not only automate programmed for. Machine Learning Research,
the previous manual systems but are also therefore, matters a lot because now a
capable of learning much; similar to humans. breakthrough in ML can have high impact
For example, bus reservations were a manual and greater implications on everyone as every
system that was computerized. When the individual of the general public will be directly
system makes use of data it has captured or indirectly be using ML augmented software
(how many people have made reservations, systems. For example, when you are driving
what routes, which time of the year) to learn into a new city, the map navigation system on
when people travel most, the system becomes your phone uses machine learning.
a learning system. We now see many learning

* Ms. Suvarna Kadam, PhD Scholar from Savitribai Phule Pune University, Maharashtra, is pursuing her research on
“Learning from few Samples: A Generative Approach”. Her popular science story entitled “Teaching the Machines:
An Art of Learning from just a few Samples” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
238 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Our research matters because we focus and use prior knowledge much similar to
on addressing the fundamental issue of data humans. Humans apply their learnt wisdom
hungriness of the most successful genre of while learning something novel. For example,
learning systems called deep learning. By whenever humans see red panda for the
addressing this limitation, we first time, they recollect their
can apply the deep learning previous knowledge of all
methods to the domains where animal species that look or
we do not have much data. Our behave similar to red panda to
Microalgae grows faster than
research focusses on making learn about it.
plants and trees, captures
a machine learn about a novel Despite these several
harmful carbon dioxide from
or a rare visual concept by approaches, there is no clear
the environment, can be
showing it only few samples. mandate on effectiveness
grown on sewage and marshy
For example, how a machine and, therefore, FSL is still an
waters, helps in reducing the
can recognize red panda when open research problem. Our
harmful chemical load from the
we show it just one example of proposed work investigates
red panda. Though identifying a generative approach for
a species may seem a low visual concept learning.
impact problem, a machine that The generative approach
can learn from just a few visual of learning is much similar
examples can have high impact applications. to human learning where we can generate
India has several such application domains several mental images of rare visual concept
where we do not have data and still want (for example, red panda) we learnt. We
the machine learning system to learn. For realized that even measuring how much, the
example, our research can help when we machine has learnt (machine cognition) is an
wish to identify if some tumor is cancerous or open problem. The research objectives of
not from just a handful of tumor scan images. proposed work are: 1) To propose a framework
Teaching machines the art of learning from for benchmarking machine cognition and to
just a few samples practically opens a plethora investigate its usefulness while comparing
of opportunities to solve problems, which we computer vision tasks, 2) To propose and
could not solve earlier. investigate effectiveness of a generative
method(s) for visual concept learning from
Why does it interest researchers? fewer labelled samples. Pro posed approach is
Teaching machines to learn from just to use generative machine learning techniques
a few training samples is also called as few to tap knowledge learnt during other concepts’
shot learning(FSL). FSL has been tried earlier learning to learn a rare visual concept.
in shallow machine learning methods. These
methods fall under the umbrella term of Research Problem
transfer learning and had limited success. This research aims to understand how
But these traditional methods lack the general human-like visual concept learning can be
advantage of deep learning where the machine achieved in machines. As a first step toward
learn in automated fashion with least human addressing this objective, we set out to answer
intervention. Deep learning also exploits the the following research questions:
parallelism in computing so that the training RQ.1. How much cognitive processing
is quick. Probability based approaches store current machine learning methods do in
Ms. Suvarna Kadam || 239

comparison with humans? humans in machines. Generic learning is not

RQ.2. What are the exact challenges dependent on any specific task, for example,
of teaching machines to learn from few when we learn to write in one language, we can
examples of visual concepts? practically draw alphabets of any language.
RQ.3. How can the deep generative
models be used to learn concepts end to Applications of proposed research
end rather than only feature learning? Just the way we say, “A picture worth
The answers to the above questions will of thousand words!” we can say, ”A real
enable us to improve FSL because we example worth a thousand claims!” about
can incorporate human-like high cognitive any new research. We believe the best way
processing in machines. We are to communicate the research
also working on constructing a usefulness is by discussing
framework that organizes the some simple application cases.
machine learning tasks as per For use as a source of biofuel,
their cognitive difficulty. This many universities and research Conclusion and future direction
framework will also provide organizations are working on a In this article, we discussed
a structured comparison of variety of easy-to-manipulate why we are passionate about
human and machine cognition microalgae, for increased lipid improving the learning in
based on the implementation production. Our research work machines. We also discussed
of cognitive processes such as was focussed on improving the challenges we face while
memory and attention. the various steps involved in teaching machines. Learning
microalgal biofuel production real world visual concepts
Principle ideas and research and, thereby, enhancing the with just a few samples is hard
progress so far productivity. Microalgal biofuel even for humans. But we learn
The exploratory literature production consists of four to generalize when we don’t
review conducted has major steps: cultivation, have enough information. Our
provided initial understanding harvesting, lipid extraction and research focus on implementing
of challenges in FSL (RQ.2). transesterification. this challenging human trait into
Thus far we have published machines. We briefly discussed
a comprehensive literature the literature review for FSL and
review and analysis of diverse how to improve deep learning
few shot learning approaches Kadam and based FSL with cognitive approach. We then
Vaidya [2019] and have answered the RQ.2 discussed our experimentation using deep
to some extent. For RQ.1, we are proposing generative models for simple visual concept
a framework to assess machine cognition learning with only few examples. We believe
by evaluating cognitive level of the tasks it that enabling powerful machine learning
can perform. We are addressing RQ.3 by methods, such as deep learning to learn from
first understanding the role of generative few examples is a high impact research with
deep models as generic learner. We intend several applications across domains.
to capture the generic learning capability of
240 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Do You Really Know Proteins?

Mr. Mitul Srivastava*

Email: [email protected]

hose were beautiful and innocent days of moustaches and hormonal expansions, we
childhood when the teacher would ask, understood what proteins were capable of. We
“What is a protein?” and, we all would understood that they can control the growth
answer with child-like eagerness, “Proteins are and maintenance of smallest functional unit of
the building blocks of human body” and then human body “the cell”, they help in growing
would come the next tricky question, “How beards and moustaches “the messenger
much of your muscle is composed of proteins” protein: like hormones”, they help you in
and again we would answered, “80% Ma’am/ growing biceps “the muscle formations”, they
Sir”. From that day onwards, I understood the fight for you as soldiers “antibodies”, become
significance of this component in our body saviours of your life and always try their best to
and what is it to be surrounded by a science keep you healthy.
loving family, I was always told the importance From this beautiful landscape of proteins,
of lentils, green vegetables, eggs, meat and I always wondered, “What can go wrong with
almonds, the key source of proteins for our them? As we all know that every coin has
body. From understanding the initial meaning two sides and, similarly, even a single spot
of “building blocks” and to perceiving the on moon sometimes diminishes its beauty.
complete architecture of proteins, we “the Similar is the case with proteins as they are
science heads” grew up. Later with growing involved in many diseases and their role is

* Mr. Mitul Srivastava, PhD Scholar from Delhi Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research University, Delhi, is pursuing
his research on “Protein Structural Dynamics and Allostery”. His popular science story entitled “Do you really know
proteins?” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
Mr. Mitul Srivastava || 241

perceived in two ways: 1) Some proteins are always captured the attention of the scientific
having the “bad boy” persona, 2) For some community because of their complex nature,
external factors impact their functional activity, different shapes and sizes and, in return, it has
it’s like transforming good boy into bad boy. given us many Nobel laureates, like Sir Robert
This reminds me of my mother’s warnings J. Lefkowitz, Sir Brian K. Kobilka (2012), and
“Don’t play with this boy, he might make you Sir Richard Henderson (2107). Protein entered
unlearn your good habits.” So how does this in my body system when I was growing up and
happen? To understand this we should know I entered into the protein world during my post-
how proteins are formed? Biologically, proteins graduation by choosing bioinformatics and,
exist in a linear chain of amino acids (also more specifically, structural bioinformatics
called “polypeptide chain”) and it’s known as as a subject for my major, to understand
the primary structure of proteins. To acquire protein functions in the body system. As a
functional properties, protein starts folding and structural bioinformatician, I am passionate
it gains secondary, tertiary and quaternary about Homology Modeling (building protein
structure and the final state is called the models), Molecular Docking (protein-ligand
native conformation. Protein folding is just like association), Molecular Dynamics (assimilating
a developing baby in a mother’s womb and protein dynamic nature) and, overall,
during this folding process if some problem Computer-aided Drug Designing. The whole
occurs (“misfolding”), it loses its native world of proteins their structure, functions and
conformation and resulting in neurological biological mechanism fascinated me so much
diseases (for example, Alzheimer’s and that I decided to continue with this subject
Parkinson’s) and hence, protein in for my Ph.D.. Along with
portrays itself as a bad boy. proteins, cancer, which is full
In another case, a protein is of complexities and challenges
affected by another protein, Proteins are the building blocks also compelled me to choose
which creates a negative of human body” and then would it as my disease model in my
coalition and leads to disease come the next tricky question, thesis work.
and, hence, a single, free- “How much of your muscle I started working on
flowing, innocent protein when it is composed of proteins” and Ubiquitin Proteasome System
interacts with bad, dirty and evil again we would answered, “80% (UPS), which is a parallel
protein it causes diseases like Ma’am/Sir” mechanism like Autophagy
cancer, bacterial infections and for degradation of proteins.
neurodegenerative disease. So UPS has several components
overall, it is proteins that have that work together to degrade
troubled your grandmother with proteins, these are: E1-
knee pain (Rheumatoid Arthritis),or forcing your activating enzyme, E2-conjugating enzyme,
parents to take insulin injections to control their E3-ligases, USPs (Ubiquitin Specific Proteases)
diabetes, and making people die of cancer. and Ubiquitin. In all these components, USPs
Since then, the whole scientific community are major drug targets that are highlighted in
is continuously putting their efforts to control different studies and their role in cancers is
these bad boys by designing drug molecules well documented. USPs are De-ubiquitinating
against them to stop their unwanted/abnormal enzymes that are responsible for cleaving
functional activities. ubiquitin from protein that are destined for
Protein structure-dynamic study has degradation. The “to be degraded” proteins get
242 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

rescued by USPs and, hence, it creates extra substrate recognition), Catalytic domain (CD:
pool of those proteins leading to accumulation performs catalytic activity), Connector helix
and, finally, tumors. and 5 UBLs (Ubiquitin like domains) and a 12
USPs are 56 in number and USP7 is aa C-terminal tail. It exists in two forms active
an attractive therapeutic target due to its and inactive. Active means it can perform its
involvement in oncogenic pathways (multiple functional activity while inactive means it can
myeloma, colorectal cancer and prostate cannot.It’s basically because of its catalytic
cancer), metabolic, immune disorders and site, composed of Cysteine, Histidine and
viral infections. “India’s cancer burden will Aspartate. When Cysteine and Histidine fall
double in next 20 years and one day it will be apart it stays in inactive state but when they
‘cancer capital’” states WHO and GLOBOCAN. come close it gets active. Most importantly
As per an ICMR report 2017, ~30,770 cases there is some component which is responsible
of multiple myeloma were reported and ~1.1 for this equilibrium shift of active/inactive. In
million lives might end in the next decade order to stop functional activity of USP7, it was
by colorectal cancer (Lawrence: Cancer crucial to understand this component in depth
Network, 2018 and American Cancer Society, and its activation process. As a spy, I started
2018). Now you can imagine that one single working on it and then two research papers
protein can decide the fate of human health. derailed my work: One said: USP7’s becomes a
Unfortunately, no drug is available in the bad boy on its own, scientifically its own C-term
market that can inhibit this protein and cure tail activates it, second indicated: Another boy
the above-mentioned diseases. (Ubiquitin) interacts with USP7 and activates
But each coin has two it. This lead to confusion as to
sides. During the early stage which finding was right. So, I
of my Ph.D., while conducting performed Molecular Dynamic
a literature survey, one thing Protein folding is just like a Simulation to understand at
I realized that to prevent this developing baby in a mother’s microsecond scale and in
disease it’s not that simple. womb and during this folding real-time what was happening
Like a warrior, I equipped process if some problem occurs in the protein and I found that
myself with Bioinformatics (“misfolding”), it loses its native Ubiquitin activates USP7 while
tools, softwares, algorithms, conformation and resulting C-term tail stabilizes its state.
web-servers, knowledge- in neurological diseases (for My work received attention at
based databases to elucidate example, Alzheimer’s and the Biophysical Meeting USA
all in-sight information of USP7 Parkinson’s) and hence, protein (2019), where I presented it
to design novel, efficient and portrays itself as a bad boy. with the help of CSIR-Travel
potent inhibitors against USP7. Grant and my own institute’s
After understanding the in-sight funding.
mechanism of USP7, I, later, Next challenge was to
wrote a project on designing identify the binding site of USP7
inhibitors against USP7 and submitted to ICMR as without knowing the site and its architecture,
and, fortunately, ICMR acknowledged it and the designing of the inhibitor was not possible.
granted ICMR - SRF fellowship to conduct my With the help of Molecular Docking and MD
research. The research activity was as follows: Simulation, I proposed the binding site of USP7.
USP7 is big 130 kDa-1102 amino Later co-crystal of USP7 came that aligned well
acid (aa) protein which has N-terminal (for with my findings. This work also highlighted
Mr. Mitul Srivastava || 243

the critical amino acids in USP7 binding showing positive computational data, which
site, which would be helpful in designing an are currently under in-vitro evaluation. Overall,
inhibitor. Afterwards, I started looking for the atomistic information elucidated from my
protein-protein interaction of USP7 and found work will provide meaningful molecular level
β-catenin to be its potential interactor and insights for rationally structure-guided inhibitor
their association leads to colorectal cancer. designing.
So, either USP7 can be inhibited directly or After spending years on my Ph.D.,
the association of USP7-β-catenin can be the “title” question for me now was: Have I
stopped, which potentially impacts this cancer. understood the protein? And honestly, I can
Exploiting all information, we have performed say, “Maybe Yes”, but why do I say “Maybe”,
virtual screening of ~5.7 million compounds because they are still very complex.
(in house) on USP7 binding site and they are

Research and learning never ends…!!!

244 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

The Nanoparticulate Beauty and

the Cancerous Beast

Ms. Samipta Singh*

Email: [email protected]

child when given a burger with a because of this clandestine entry. Similarly,
spinach patty inside would definitely through the coated nano carriers strategy
eats it because the kid doesnot know the nanoparticles also enter the cancer cells,
what is inside. For a child it is just a burger! specifically, because the nutrients on these
When nutrients are coated upon the surface nanoparticles are required by the cancer cells
of nanoparticles, the cancer cells readily to rapidly grow and multiply.Inside them is a
engulfthem because they need these nutrients drug which kills these cancerous cells and
to rapidly grow and multiply. Cancer cells thus thus winningthe war against them.
have receptors on their surface, which are These issues motivated me to work on
like radars sourcing and attracting nutrients breast cancer. However, while thinking of
to enable rapid multiplication. Breast cancer it as my Ph.D. topic, the issue that bothered
cells have many folate receptors on their me was how will I present such a topic at
surface because of their enormous need for various forums because our Indian society
folate. The Trojan horse strategy had helped keeps topics like menstruation and breasts
Greeks to enter the city of Troy. Hidding inside under wraps? A reason why, very often breast
a wooden horse, so that the guards would not cancers go undiagnosed aswomen are too shy
know, Trojans came out of the wooden horse at to discuss it! A blogger who was diagnosed
night and were able to win the Troy-Greek war with breast cancer was embarrassed to admit

* Ms. Samipta Singh, PhD Scholar from Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Uttar Pradesh, is pursuing her
research on “Development and Characterization of Surface Functionalized Breast Tumor Specific Nanoformulation(s)”.
Her popular science story entitled “The Nanoparticulate Beauty and the Cancerous Beast” has been selected for
AWSAR Award.
Ms. Samipta Singh || 245

it. Because of this, she went into depression flexible enough for modification, less toxic and
only worsening her condition further.Then I may even givean added synergistic effect to
thought, I am a young student, if I do not do the therapy.
it, who will? The story of the Indian pad man, Whey protein has gained a lot of popularity
Arunachalam Muruganantham, who talked amongst the six pack abs generation because
about a cheap menstrual sanitary pad also of its use in building muscles. Whey proteins
gave me a lot of courage that if someone from have also shown to possess anticancer effect
a remote village can do it so can I!! against various cancers, such as breast,
The first challenge was to select a drug colon and prostate cancers. Using them
that kills breast cancer cellsand prevents as a nano carrier for a pharmaceutical drug
recurrence. I narrowed down on doxorubicin is uncommon, but an inexpensive option.
as a therapeutic agent, the efficiency of Moreover, it may also synergize the activity of
which is well known. However, it possesses the anti- cancer drugs. Instead of taking whey
several drawbacks, a major one of them and drug separately, taking them together in
being cardiotoxicity. Targeting cancer cells the form of ligand functionalized nanoparticles
and avoiding uptake by the normal cellscan may possess numerous advantages, such as
be a strategy that reduces toxic effect in targeting, reduced adverse or side effects.
normal cells, but enhances the toxicity in Functionalized whey nano carriers could give
cancerous cell. I found few carriers that could an efficient targeting option. Another useful
be promising. Another problem associated carrier can be graphene oxide. Graphenes are
with cancer is recurrence. Thus, I was also the single atomic layer of graphite. Graphene
searching for the drug that oxides are the graphenes
could avoid the recurrence of containing oxygen attached to
cancer. Exemestane is such both the sides of the graphene
a drug that is used in post- Cancer cells thus have receptors flake. They are also known to
menopausal women. However, on their surface, which are like have their own cytotoxic activity
women often discontinue this radars sourcing and attracting against breast cancer cells,
drug due to some unbearable nutrients to enable rapid which is expected to enhance
side-effects of the drug. The multiplication. Breast cancer the overall activity via a different
challenge was to overcome cells have many folate receptors pathway. However, there have
these problems and deliver on their surface because of their been some issues of its toxicity
these drugs with maximum enormous need for folate. to the normal cells, if taken
therapeutic effects. alone. Addition of chitosan
Most of the good polymers reduces toxicity of graphenes
which are biodegradable to normal cells to a large extent
and safe, such as poly (lactic-co-glycolic as well as gives it stability, as well as imparts an
acid), polycaprolactone are expensive. amine group which enables easy attachment
Few targeting moieties such as antibodies, of drug molecule to it. Breast cancer-specific
arginylglycylaspartic acid (RGD), aptamers nutrient functionalized drug-loaded graphene
are also steep. Functionalization requires may also aid in targeting because these
chemicals (such as linkers) that are also nutrients are overexpressed on the surface
pricey; finally making the overall cost too high. of breast cancer cell. I am working on several
Thus, my motivewas to use comparatively low- such nano-based carriers. If you try to make
priced ingredient, which is easily available, a tennis ball pass through a sieve it will not
246 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

pass through.Similarly, a big whether metastatic or

particle will not enter inside a resistant to drug, will one day
cancer cell, but a nanoparticle Nano formulations have shown be successful. Just as the
definitely can. better efficacy than mere drug indiscriminate use of pesticides
Nano formulations have against breast cancer cells. and pollutants increases,
shown better efficacy than mere So far, these nanoparticles my resolve to give a natural
drug against breast cancer have proven to be safe that substance based nanoparticle
cells. So far, these nanoparticles small animals did not die after increases! Hopefully, by the
have proven to be safe that feeding on them for one month. end of Ph.D., I will be able to
small animals did not die after scale-up at least one targeted
Death due to chemotherapy is
feeding on them for one month. nano formulation that is
another problem in anti-cancer
Death due to chemotherapy is effective, as well as inexpensive
another problem in anti-cancer and is easily available to the
treatment. These results have patients via responsible hands
created a promise for future and through the government
treatment. I hope that my organizationsinstead of a
dream of givinga positive output tothe society private company so that my story also ends
in terms of treating breast cancer successfully, with a happily ever after!
|| 247

Waste Management: A Dream of

Million Hearts in India

Ms. Debasree Purkayastha*

Email: [email protected]

t was in 2013 when a small town girl got dumping yards often, observed and thought of
an opportunity to pursue her master’s ways to rationally solve the issue. Soon, she
degree in environmental engineering,a realized that the waste disposal practices and
specialization from thecivil engineering waste treatment were weak in the state.
department at NIT Agartala. Subjects like In her final year, initially, she took up the
water and wastewater engineering, air topic of “Safe closure of Hapania dumping
pollution, solid waste management formed yard”. Hapania dumping yard was Agartala
part of the course. It was from the very first Municipality’s old dumping yard and had been
class of solid waste management taught by Dr closed for quite sometime. Understanding
Sumanta Chakrabarti, which attracted her the the need to close it safely her supervisor Dr.
most and fuelled her passion to resolve the Sumanta Chakrabarti suggested to her to
waste management issue, especially waste conduct research on that topic. Initially, she
treatment and safe closure of dumping yard studied about the ground-water level, socio-
and made her strongly determined to work in economic conditions, topology and other
the area of waste management. Upon further important aspects in and around the dumping
reading, concern for safe waste management site and carried out a risk assessment study.
disposal acted as fuel to the fire. On many In the study, they found that the dumping yard
weekends, between 2013-2015, she visited had moderate hazard potential and needed

* Ms. Debasree Purkayastha, PhD Scholar from Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, is pursuing her research on
“Waste Segregation and Treatment using Black Soldier Fly Treatment Technology”. Her popular science story entitled
“Waste Management: A Dream of Million Hearts in India” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
248 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Fig. 1: Three different dumping yards in Agartala (Photos collected between 2013-2015)

immediate rehabilitation. Thereafter, due to with her inner aspiration and dream to work in
budgetary issues the study couldn’t be carried waste treatment and remediation of dumping
out further. Then she choose to yard got an opportunity to work
study the municipal collection in civil engineering department
bin allocation issue, as well as of IIT Roorkee. Here, she
the cost-effective transportation Black Soldier Fly (BSF) has started working on waste
route of municipal solid waste treatment and segregation
the capability of transforming
for Agartala municipality as her using black soldier fly larvae
wide range of organic wastes
dissertation work. Between the as biological agents. Black
into valuable products and also
years 2014-2015, she collected soldier fly (Hermetiaillucens)
results in a huge reduction
GPS data of all the collection bins are flies belonging to the family
in volume of waste leading
under Agartala municipality, Stratiomyidae. They have
to lower land requirements
which were approximately 500 four stages in their life: adult,
associated with waste disposal.
in number. She also collected egg, larvae, pre-pupae and
videos of collection vehicle pupae. The larva of this fly is
movement. An index known as a voracious eater of organic
suitability index was developed waste. Black Soldier Fly (BSF)
from this study, which could easily show the has the capability of transforming wide range
suitability of any place (in terms of latitude and of organic wastes into valuable products and
longitude) for placing of collection bins aiding also results in a huge reduction in volume of
the municipal authority to judiciously allocate waste leading to lower land requirements
them. Upon completing her master’s, she associated with waste disposal.

Fig. 2: Black soldier fly

Ms. Debasree Purkayastha || 249

This emerging novel technology has a whole idea was to look into whether they can
great potential to harvest waste into useful perform well with such kind of waste. From
protein sources and is a sustainable solution this study, it can be suggested that BSFL
for Solid Waste Management. She being a civil treatment technology has huge potential for
engineer, initially,struggled to treatment of unsegregated
understand these flies as it is Indian MSW. BSFL can reduce
quite difficult to rear them. But, organic fraction of the waste
fortunately, her supervisor had BSFL can reduce organic to such an extent that the
a funded project from Bill and fraction of the waste to such an remaining waste after BSFL
Melinda Gates foundation and extent that the remaining waste treatment is easy to segregate
BIRAC wherein they treated after BSFL treatment is easy to and recycle ensuring a close
human feces using BSF larvae. segregate and recycle ensuring loop waste management.
They collected human feces a close loop waste management. The protein and fat content of
from a school hostel and obtained BSFL biomass opens
provided it to BSF larvae. BSF up avenues for its utilization
larvae quite efficiently treated as animal feed and biodiesel,
and reduced its volume which than can be hence generating revenue. The metal, glass,
a rich source of biodiesel with the capability rubber and synthetics can be segregated and
to generate revenue. They also studied recycled creating further source of revenue.
performance of BSF larvae on co-composting of Altogether BSFL treatment technology has
human feces with food waste, wherein they got a huge potential to be a sustainable solution
wonderful results with huge reduction in waste. to complex unsegregated Indian MSW.At
The project opened up avenues to resolve the present, in IIT Roorkee, they have a BSF rearing
burning problem of open defecation in India. facility with a daily BSF larvae generation rate
Then, in 2018, her supervisor was awarded of 5000.
a project under swachhta action plan wherein She has presented her work at several
they successfully treated unsegregated Indian and two international conferences. Plans
municipal solid waste at lab scale using BSF are afoot to look into commercializationand
larvae. The mixed nature of the unsegregated further realization of this insect-based
MSW in India makes it a major challenge to technology in India. It has been a wonderful
adopt sustainable waste treatment technology journey for her but there are miles to go before
with a good cost-benefit ratio. Worldwide she can see her country as swachch Bharat.
BSF larvae has been explored as an efficient She believes where there is a will there is a
agent for biological waste treatment, while for way and, definitely, one day India will be the
India since we have unsegregated waste the cleanest country in the world.
250 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

How Did the Oldest Part of the

Earth still Survive Today?

Mr. Jyotirmoy Paul*

Email: [email protected]

y chemical dating techniques, scientists if the earth was formed 4.543 billion years ago,
have now pinpointed that the earth where did all the old rocks go?
formed about 4.54billion years ago (1
billion = 100 crores). But, it is hard to find such
old rocks around us. Let us take a few examples
of rocks in different parts of India. If any soil
sample from the Ganges plain is dated, it will
not be older than a few million years (Myrs; 1
million = 10 lakhs). Further north, rocks from
the Himalayas are not more than 55 Myrs old.
In the southern part of India, for example, the
Deccan plateau would not cross the age of 65
Myrs, while the Western Ghats are as old as
150 Ma. Even the Aravallis and the Vindhiyas
are not older than 1700-1800 Myrs. All these
comprise a significant landmass of India. Apart Cycle of plate tectonics. Older materials go inside
from India, if we sample the rocks worldwide, the earth along trenches and the newer materials
most of them are not older than 2000 Myrs. So, come up on the surface along volcanoes.

* Mr. Jyotirmoy Paul, PhD Scholar from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, is pursuing his research on “Understanding
Evolution of Cratons using Numerical Modeling”. His popular science story entitled “How did the Oldest Part of the
Earth Still Survive Today?” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
Mr. Jyotirmoy Paul || 251

This question has always challenged

earth scientists. The answer did not emerge
until the early 1970s when the plate tectonics
theory was formulated. The theory states that
the upper layer of the earth (~100 km thick)
is divided into several rigid “plates” that move
past each other. Additionally, the plates are
created when hotter materials from the interior
of the earth come out on the surface as volcanic Rocks older than about 3 billion years are marked
eruptions along volcanic ridges in the middle in blue in the map.
of the ocean (called constructive or divergent
plate boundaries) likewise, the old surface of For the last few decades, researchers
the earth sinks into the earth’s interior or gets have been trying to understand how these
destroyed along oceanic trenches (called older cratons survive when all other parts of
destructive or convergent plate boundaries) the earth’s surface are recycled or destroyed.
due to strong tectonic forces. This continuous Several possible explanations exist to this
recycling of materials along the plate-boundary question. One of the propositions that came
regions is the sole reason that we do not find during the late-1970s states that cratons are
rocks that are very old. made of lighter rocks that will not sink into
Once the first problem was solved, a the earth. For example, oil drops cannot sink
second-order complexity was added when in water because oil is lighter than water.
scientists found rocks older However, this hypothesis
than 3billion years. According was later challenged by
to the theory of plate tectonics, mathematical calculations
any rocks on the earth should where it showed that cratons
In the southern part of India, made of only lighter materials
not have survived for such a
for example, the Deccan plateau were unable to survive for a
long period. So, the presence
would not cross the age of 65 long time. If they reach plate
of such old rocks seems to
Myrs, while the Western Ghats boundary regions, even lighter
contradict the established
are as old as 150 Ma. Even the rocks can be destroyed due to
theory. Geologists call these
Aravallis and the Vindhiyas are tectonic forces.
old rocky regions as “cratons”.
not older than 1700-1800 Myrs. A second possible
Some of these old cratons
were found inside the Indian explanation came during the
landmass in Dharwad and late 1990s, where studies
Singhbhum regions and some showed that cratonic rocks
of them are reported to be 4.2billion years were stronger than any other non-cratonic
old, which is closer to the age of the earth. rocks. Thus, if cratons reach the trenches
Other than India, large parts of North America, (subduction zones), they would be able to with
Northern Europe, West and South Africa, stand the tectonic forces and would not be
Antarctica, Australia, Brazil, China and Siberia destroyed.
are covered by such cratons (blue regions in In early 2000, researchers with more
the map). advanced scientific techniques started to
252 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

investigate what could be the possible strength (CPUs) that can work several times faster than
of the surface of the earth. With mathematical a normal computer and can solve complicated
calculations, it was seen that if cratons are mathematical equations much more quickly.
sufficiently strong, they can survive for a long In our study, we use a few hundreds of CPUs
time, although, determining to develop computer models of
the exact strength of cratons cratons’ survival.
has remained a difficult issue. In our models, we find that
My study at the computational With mathematical calculations, cratons are 100-1000 times
geodynamics laboratory it was seen that if cratons stronger than the average
at the Indian Institute of are sufficiently strong, they strength of the earth. They are
Science, Bengaluru, involves can survive for a long time, most likely the strongest material
understanding this problem of although, determining the on the earth. Because of their
cratons’ survival by estimating exact strength of cratons has strength, even earthquakes
the material strength of cratons remained a difficult issue. do not occur naturally in these
using computer models. The regions. For example, many
material strength of rocks is Indian cities near the Himalayan
measured in terms of viscosity. region, like Delhi, are prone
Average viscosity of the earth to earthquakes, but southern
till 3000 km depth is estimated as 10 Pascal- cities, like Bengaluru and Mysuru, are quite

second (for comparison, viscosity of water is safe as they are situated on the Indian craton.
10-3 Pa-s, viscosity of honey ~10 Pa-s, viscosity In fact, in the last 500 years of earthquake
of a glacier ~1012 Pa-s). However, the viscosity database, there is no record of a single
of cratons is still an open question. earthquake from southern India, while northern
If we want to know how rocks have India has witnessed devastating earthquakes
behaved for millions of years, it is almost on several occasions.
impossible to set up a real-time experiment. It is quite interesting to know that unlike
Solving mathematical equations with computer most old materials that become more and
simulations is the only way to understand such more fragile with time, older rocks like cratons
long-term natural phenomenon. So, at the retain their strength. It is their strength that
computational geodynamics laboratory, we has helped to form large landmasses and
use supercomputers to solve such equations. continents over millions of years, where life
A supercomputer, in simple words, is a has thrived.
computer with multiple central processing units
|| 253

Silver-Based Nano‘Spider Webs’

for Flexible Displays

Mr. Nitheesh M. Nair*

Email: [email protected]

martphones have become a ubiquitous more than $3.4 billion just in the year of 2018.
part of modern life. One of the major issues Clearly, this is a serious issue that requires
with current smartphone technology innovative technological solutions.
is the brittleness of the screen. This causes In smartphones, the display and the
them to easily break, with the replacement a capacitive touch screen need a special type of
significant fraction of the overall phone cost material as a top layer coating. This is referred
(usually greater than 60%). Many solutions, to as a transparent conductor (TC), and as the
such as gorilla glass, screen guards, and name implies, it is transparent to visible light
protective cases are available in the market while being electrically conductive. Indium
but still the issue has not been effectively Tin Oxide, popularly known as ITO, is the
tackled. According to The Economic Times material of choice as a TC in smartphones.
(27May 2017), approximately one in every It has desirable properties, such as optical
four Indians drop their phones more than four transparency greater than 80% and electrical
times in a year and more than 40% of users sheet resistance as low as 30 ohm/sq.
have a scratched smartphone screen. Android However, ITO is expensive due to the scarcity
authority statistics show nearly two screens of the indium and the complexity in coating
are broken every second in the United States the material. Typically, vapor deposition
and the amount spend for replacement was processes, such as sputtering or pulsed laser

* Mr. Nitheesh M. Nair, PhD Scholar from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, is pursuing his research on “Printed
Silver Nanowire-Based Flexible Transparent Conducting Electrodes”. His popular science story entitled “Silver-Based
Nano Spider Webs for Flexible Displays” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
254 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

deposition, are needed and these require stability compared to copper. In my work, one-
expensive vacuum chambers and deposition dimensional high aspect ratio nanostructures
setups. Being a ceramic, ITO is brittle and has of silver (or in short, nanowires) were deposited
poor toughness (breaks easily). The motivation on a substrate to form the TC. The wires had
for my work was to find a low areal density, which helped
suitable substitute for ITO, with to maintain transparency and
equal or better optoelectronic at the same time they formed
properties, but which also . Android authority statistics an electrically conductive
possesses good flexibility and show nearly two screens are layer. The nanowire network
ductility. Developing a cost- broken every second in the is shown in Fig. 1, along with
effective way of synthesis and United States and the amount a spider web in the inset. To
deposition is also important, spend for replacement was further improve the properties,
since this will help both in more than $3.4 billion just in the a conducting polymer, poly
ease of manufacturing and in year of 2018 (3, 4-ethylenedioxythiophene)
widespread adaptability. polystyrene sulfonate
Various engineering (PEDOT:PSS in short),was
solutions have their inspiration mixed with the nanowires
from nature. For this work, to improve their substrate
the inspiration is the spider, particularly its adhesion, without altering the optoelectronic
web. The spider’s web has two specialties: properties. To ensure ease of fabrication, the
it appears to be transparent, because its low nanocomposite (silver nanowires and PEDOT:
areal density structure has a lot of gaps, at PSS) was synthesized as a printable dispersion
the same time; the threads and their spacing (ink), using a mixture of solvents.
are so cleverly optimized that the spider can Formulation of the nanocomposite as an
catch even the smallest prey. This inspired ink has some advantages. The ink can be
me to fabricate a nanoscale “spider web” like loaded onto any materials printer (inkjet or
structure using a conducting material, which extrusion) and deposited over a wide range
will in effect act as a TC. of substrates such as glass, polyethylene
terephthalate (PET) sheets, photo paper,
Kapton, to name a few. Printing is a widely used
cost-effective deposition technique, which
helps in conserving expensive material. The
second advantage is that it enables selective
deposition without the need for additional
steps such as lithography or fabricated hard
masks. Thus, inkjet or extrusion printing is
highly advantageous at the design and testing
Fig. 1. Silver nanowire network on a substrate that
resembles a spider’s web (inset)
stage, since it enables deposition of a variety
of designs during product optimization. Once
Metals such as copper, silver, and gold the design is fixed, commercial production can
are excellent electrical conductors and are be carried out using techniques such as roll-
collectively called noble metals. Among these, to-roll, gravure, and screen printing. This might
silver has the highest bulk conductivity, lower also entail some tailoring of the rheological
cost compared to gold, and greater corrosion properties of the nanocomposite ink.
Mr. Nitheesh M. Nair || 255

For my study, I tested The nanocomposite TC layer

the nanocomposite ink using showed a transparency>80%
standard square patterns. The transparent heater can and sheet resistance less than
The patterns were deposited be used for anti-fogging 20 ohm/sq., better than those
in ambient conditions applications. The printable obtained with ITO. To showcase
and required annealing nanocomposite ink can be its applicability, I implemented
temperatures of around used wherever a TC is required. a flexible capacitive touchpad
120°C, which is compatible Thus, it is a good contender for on a PET substrate, based on
with most flexible substrates. flexible and wearable devices in an inter digitated electrode
The patterns showed good the future. design, which can be printed
substrate adhesion, which in a single cycle. A coated
was tested using a standard polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)
scotch tape peel-off test. They layer was used as the dielectric.
also showed good flexibility, The touchpad working can be
an inherent property of the wire-like metallic seen in Fig. 2(b). The flexible properties of the
network, as seen in Fig. 2 (a). The printed TC make it ‘unbreakable’ and its optoelectronic
patternswere able to withstand 10,000 bending properties make it compatible for future
cycles without much performance variation. foldable, bendable, and flexible smartphones.

a Flexibility b Flexible touch pad

Fig. 2.Printed film (a) show good stability against mechanical deformations like bent, twist and roll. (b)
shows the fabricated flexible and transparent capacitive touch pad. The touch pad also works in the
bent configuration

As another application, we implemented nanocomposite ink can be used wherever a

transparent Wi-Fi antennas and heaters, TC is required. Thus, it is a good contender
specifically for automotive applications. The for flexible and wearable devices in the future.
transparent antennas can be installed over the Flexible devices are the wave of the future
window glasses without hindering the visibility, and TCs are an essential part of the same. Our
at same time away from the metallic automobile work represents a step pingstone towards
case, which helps to lower the electromagnetic achieving this goal and we will see its greater
shielding. The transparent heater can be used applicability in a variety of areas in the near
for anti-fogging applications. The printable future.
256 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Karna: Securing Digital Devices

at Birth

Mr. Patanjali S.L.P.S.K.*

Email: [email protected]

oday we live in the era of smartphones. We trust our cell phones with almost everything:
These devices, no bigger than our palm, our personal data, bank accounts, and pin
play a major role in all of our lives. Right codes. Today, if one was asked to choose
from playing rhymes to keep a 5-year old a phone based on performance, there are
kid entertained to playing hymns when our metrics, like frequency, which could be used
grandparents wake up in the morning, they to make that decision, for example, we can
serve as our nurse, friend, well-wisher and objectively state that a phone operating at 2
mentor. However, the decision to buy a new GHz is slower than a phone operating at 5
cellphone today is not an easy one: right from GHz. Similarly, we can say that a phone with
the type of glass used to make the screen to the 2 GB of RAM has less memory than a phone
amount of RAM available every aspect of the with 6 GB of RAM. We have metrics for every
device is scrutinized carefully and compared aspect like camera resolution, and even screen
to ensure that we get the best possible gadget display. Today, my cousin who is yet to start
for the price we pay. However, while all aspects basic digital logic can answer the question “Is
of the device can be quantified, there is no way it better to buy a Pixel XL or an iphone X?” but
to measure one important quality viz, security. we cannot yet answer the question
“How do we measure the security of a mobile
Need for security metrics phone?”

* Mr. Patanjali S.L.P.S.K., PhD Scholar from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, is pursuing his research on
“Hardware Security”. His popular science story entitled “Karna: Securing Digital Devices at Birth” has been selected
for AWSAR Award.
Mr. Patanjali S.L.P.S.K. || 257

gives us some indication about the nature

This question was not that important prior of computation performed on the device.
to 2016. However, the Cambridge Analytica Attackers have exploited this temperature
scandal during the US election has sensitized data to extract information from devices. Other
the common man towards the need for examples of side-channels include noise,
protecting their personal data. According to power, electromagnetic radiation, and timing.
one survey, the number of data breaches in While researchers have been focussing on
2019 has exceeded by 54% , thereby stressing software security for the last 20-30 years, very
the need to secure our mobile devices. few people have focussed on side-channel
security. In our research, we decided to
Security vulnerabilities tackle the problem of estimating side-channel
The integrity of a mobile phone or an security thereby leading us to our question:
electronic device can be compromised in one
of two ways: “How do we estimate the side-channel integrity of
a digital device?”
i) Via compromised software:
An erroneous or a badly
Estimating side-channel security
written piece of code could
As mentioned earlier, there
compromise the security of In the southern part of India, exist a number of potential side-
the device. Popular examples for example, the Deccan plateau
channels for any digital device.
of such vulnerabilities include would not cross the age of 65
In our research, we focussed
Wannacry worm, Stuxnet. Myrs, while the Western Ghats
on “power side-channels”and
Software vulnerabilities have are as old as 150 Ma. Even the
the estimation of power-side
also been used by hackers to Aravallis and the Vindhiyas are
channel integrity of a digital
hijack systems in exchange for
not older than 1700-1800 Myrs. device. In order to understand
the power side-channel of a
ii) Via compromised hardware:
digital device, consider the
Our electronic devices made up
following example of a simple
of logic gates. Today’s devices
2-input AND gate which is consider to be one
comprise of around a billion different variants
of the basic logic gates and forms an integral
of these logic gates. A vulnerability in one or
component of several digital devices. The
more of these could compromise the integrity
functionality of an AND gate is given by the
of the whole device. The vulnerability could be
due to maliciously injected gates, also known Input 1 Input 2 Output
as Trojans, or due to the weaknesses in the 0 0 0
implementation, also known as side-channels.
To understand a hardware vulnerability, 0 1 0
consider the following example, when our 1 0 0
desktops or mobile phones have been running
1 1 1
continuously, for example, when we watch a
movie on our phone, we find that the phone
truth table below.
heats up which indicates that our device
An AND gate produces an output of
has been performing complex computations
logic-1 if and only if both the inputs are high
(video processing and audio processing) for a
and logic-0 in all the other 3 states. That is,
long time. Thus, the temperature of the device
258 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

for 3 states (00,01,11), the number of toggles all of them to adhere to a single fixed standard
in the gate is at most 1 while for state=11 the is nearly impossible to achieve. Another simple
number of toggles is 3 ( both inputs toggle and solution would be to introduce a power regulator
output also toggles). Each toggle in a digital which will normalize the power consumption
device consumes energy and hence, the of the device. But it is critical to examine this
AND gate would consume more power when solution in the context of our mobile phones
it is at state 11 than the other three states. which have a strict area constraint. Today, we
Thus the power consumed by the gate would want our phones to be as small as possible.
reveal information about the input states. This Introducing additional hardware would mean
leakage of information is known as the power that additional gates have to be added which
side-channel. would in turn increase the overall area of the
device. Thus, the question of securing digital
From the above example, we could infer two devices can now be rephrased as:
interesting points:
“Is it possible to somehow ensure that the logic
gates that consume different power at different
1. The difference in the number of toggles, also
input states now consume uniform power
known as switching activity, could be used as across all input states,‘without increasing the
a reliable indicator of the device’s resilience overheads’?”
against power side-channel attacks. For
example, a device which consumed uniform In our research, we tackle this question by
power across all input states would not leak using the Mahabharata as an inspiration.
any information via the power side-channel. In the Mahabharata, Kunti the mother of
This leads us to our second inference. Pandavas prayed to the Sun God for a
2. If it were somehow possible to ensure that warrior. The Sun God, Surya, presented her
the energy consumed by the AND gate when it with Karna, a boy who was born with a shield
toggles to state 11 was the same as the other around him. Surya guaranteed Kunti that
three states then we could say that the device as long as Karna wore his shield he would
would not leak any information about the input remain invincible.
states. This inspired us to look for solutions that
Thus, the problem of securing a digital device could be implemented at the manufacturing
against power side channels can now be stages. Any solution implemented at the
stated as, manufacturing stage would not only ensure
that the device would meet the side-channel
“Is it possible to somehow ensure that the logic requirements but keep the overheads low
gates that consume different power at different
since the designer or the manufacturer is now
input states now consume uniform power across
all input states?” aware of the changes being implemented and
has the flexibility to implement the change at
Karna: Side-channel aware design flow whatever granularity right from changing an
The above question, can be tackled in entire module to changing only a single gate
various ways. One solution would be to design in the entire design.
efficient logic which would only consume Our proposed solution titled Karna,
uniform power. Today, a simple phone is made enables the design manufacturer to identify
up of hundreds to thousands of components regions in the design where the gates could
each designed by tens of engineers. Expecting potentially leak information via the power
Mr. Patanjali S.L.P.S.K. || 259

side-channel. We also provide the designer secure and reliable devices that can use for
with the set of options that could reduce the they daily tasks, the problem of quantifying
information leakage. The designer can pick security of digital devices becomes important.
and choose an option from the set to efficiently We hope that the solutions proposed in our
fix the vulnerability. work will help people in the future to answer
the question
In today’s information age, it is highly
imperative that we protect our personal “ Given two phones, which one is better in terms of
security ?”
devices. As more and more people demand
260 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

The Future of Secrets

Ms. Keerthi K.*

Email: [email protected]

he sky was dark and the clouds were smart card, where the PIN is kept a secret,” I
grey, it was about to rain. My friend responded.
David and I rushed into a nearby coffee “Yes, it’s a secret!! No one knows this including
shop. We were talking about everything under my girlfriend). Then for what should I be
the sun. worried?” anxiety rose on his face.
“Have you seen the movie Now You See Me “Look at that card reader,” I pointed him to the
Too? It’s an amazing movie. It’s a magic caper vendor’s card reader, “Can you trust them?
thriller movie,” David asked. Can you think of some techniques, like real
“Hmmm...,” I nodded. magic to retrieve secret information?” I added.
“I was wondering, can magic be used with “I’m in a dilemma, can you be more clear about
bad intentions?” he added, “It’s just a movie. what exactly you mean?” he wondered aloud.
Why should that bother me?” he asked after a “See, in the real world, all the transactions
pause. are encrypted, that is, it is not in a human-
“You have to. You live in a ‘world of secrets’!!! readable format. Consider encryption as a
”I interrupted. black box, with some input (say PIN) and the
“What?” his eyes were out on stalks. corresponding output.” I pointed to an image
“See, in the current world, everything is on my phone.
digitized. Even this coffee was paid using a

* Ms. Keerthi K., PhD Scholar from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, is pursuing her research on “Fault Analysis
and Formal Verification”. Her popular science story entitled “The Future of Secrets” has been selected for AWSAR
Ms. Keerthi K. || 261

“There comes the attacker, who plays and they are used to perform some black-box
the role of a magician. He/she can use some computations, which require some time and
predictions to find the secret information within energy. They work in specific environments.
this black-box, in front of your eyes, without your During the execution of these algorithms, an
consent, like a real magician. All these black- attacker can induce faults which can affect
box algorithms have stronger the output. This part is called
cryptographic properties; hence Fault Injection. The attacker
it is difficult to break using direct can then monitor the change
The attacker induces errors
methods. There, they have to at the output side (shown in
or faults into the target
use some tricks and act as a black color) and make some
devices using one of the many
magician,” I added. assumptions about the secret
tampering techniques, such as
“As much as I know, these information. This technique
by varying the power supply or
digitization techniques are is called Fault Exploitations.
device temperature, by making
secured,’’ he tried to prove his Together with fault injection
use of electromagnetic fields or
point and be on the safe side. and exploitation, these attacks
by using focused ion beams.
“Obviously, the real world are called Fault Attacks,” I
has many possibilities to attack added.
these black-box algorithms, “What are these faults
than the actual theoretical and how are they injected?”
model. Assume that the password is of 8 he asked with anxiety showing in his eyes.
characters, which can be encrypted with 1024 “That’s the interesting part. The attacker
bit cryptographic algorithms like RSA. One induces errors or faults into the target devices
of the major threats is the device with which using one of the many tampering techniques,
these algorithms are executed called, the such as by varying the power supply or device
environment. We assume the environment to temperature, by making use of electromagnetic
be safe and that is exactly where the attack fields or by using focused ion beams. All
can be implanted,” I responded. these fault injection techniques can affect the
“See this execution of black-box algorithms in one way
Fig.,” I pointed him or another.
to another image For example, by varying any of these,
on my phone. card readers can change the output, even
“Smart cards in your presence. The attacker can easily
that we use are attack the cards many times before legitimate
electronic devices transactions. Hence, these attacks can be
easily mounted in reality.
262 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

“That means anyone can take my card, along with their specifications as inputs, create
induce fault and retrieve the information?” he mathematical equations for all the rounds and
was anxious to know more, “I can’t understand determine all the vulnerable locations in these
why the bank authorities and the government models. Even though the problem looks straight
keeps insisting on using smart cards then?” he forward, this part of the work relies more on
added. the theoretical aspects of these models. You
“It’s not exactly that bad. All the faults can even relate this to the method that can
induced by the attacker may not be successful. determine all possible leaves that pests may
And in some cases, these tampering eat, which need complex analysis.
techniques such as electromagnetic rays and Moving to the practical side, that helps
ion-beams are very costly. And not all random the end-users, we consider these vulnerable
faults that happen during the execution of these locations and protect these locations by
algorithms will give you the secret information. adding some countermeasures. Some of
There are specific locations in these black- the countermeasures that we consider
box algorithms, where fault injection can to thwart fault attacks are redundancy,
successfully retrieve some information about scrambling, masking, and parity. Here, we
the secret, and that too with specific attack also need to determine how effective these
complexity,” I explained. countermeasures are and to what probability
“We are researching this aspect in our it can thwart from fault attacks. Similar to some
labs. We work on these cryptographic models techniques to protect leaves from pest attack
both at a theoretical and implementation level, like covering the leaves with polyester row
and determine all the possible cover, using sprays, and plant
locations of these algorithms, herbs. Hence the research
where the attacker can make helps to design and protect
some assumptions about the “Studying all cryptographic the implementations from fault
key, which we call as vulnerable models used in the real world attacks, which can be used for
locations,” I added. need in-depth mathematical manufacturing smart cards with
“How will these studies analysis. Manual analysis better security,” I added.
help the end-users like me, who requires more effort and time. “Then, why can’t we
are unaware of what happens For example, you may need to replace all the existing models
at the rear end?” he asked consider around 2128 to 22048 with the newly designed
doubtfully. inputs and the corresponding secured ones, like remove
“Studying all intermediate steps of the model. infested plants to prevent the
cryptographic models used in pests from spreading to other
the real world need in-depth plants?” he directly jumped to
mathematical analysis. Manual the safest option.
analysis requires more effort and time. For I smiled, “Since the threat of fault attacks
example, you may need to consider around is real, both bank and hardware manufacturers
2128 to 22048 inputs and the corresponding are looking for secure methods. This is a
intermediate steps of the model. Think of the question of research. It is a tedious task
effort that you may need to put in to ‘count the to replace all the existing cryptographic
number of leaves on a peepal tree’,” he said. models, as they have a strong mathematical
Hence, we have developed automated background and are difficult to compute using
tools that take these cryptographic models direct methods. Also, fault can be injected
Ms. Keerthi K. || 263

anywhere, even to these ‘newly designed I laughed. The rain was getting heavier and
secured ones’.” the sky darker.
“We cannot fool proof security to any models, “I think I can have one more coffee,” I looked
as there is always a gap between the at him.
theoretical and the practical end. The world of We ordered one more cup of coffee after the
security always plays a cat and mouse game!” hot discussion. This time he insisted to pay
I responded. in cash and gave a suspecting look to the
“Ehhh...,” sounds like he was yowling. shopkeeper.
264 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Adoption of Artificial Intelligence

for Electric Vehicle Integration in
Smart Cities

Ms. Krishna Kumari*

Email: [email protected]

ho doesn’t dream of owning a car Also, the greatest advantage of going
someday? I was fascinated with electric is less carbon footprint, which
cars since my childhood days. My fascinates me the most. The fuel cost per mile
favourite thing during my free hours after for an electric vehicle is one-third of that of a
lunch while working at a research lab in gasoline vehicle. Although one drawback is the
Ahmedabad, Gujarat, was to identify thecar initial cost will be a bit more than the traditional
models passing by on the highway. My vehicle. But with the Indian government
dream is to test drive a Tesla S Class one day providing lots of incentives and schemes, this
and Elon Musk happens to my role model. drawback could also be overcome.
So, with the advent of electric cars entering Thus after completing my tenure as
theautomobile industry the transport sector is project scientist at one of India’s premier labs
on the verge of going through a stupendous (Institute for Plasma Research) and availing
transformation. It is expected that year 2020 a Government of India DST Scholarship. I
will be the year for breakthrough for Electric decided to pursue my research in the area
Vehicle Research. Internet of Vehicles (IoV) of electric vehicle, I zeroed in on a research
and electric vehicle is going to be the next topic for my thesis. After going through journal
cutting edge research, which will change the papers, research articles, technical magazines,
way we see transportation sector. books and many discussions with my guide,

* Ms. Krishna Kumari, PhD Scholar from Amrita Vishwavidyapeetham, Coimbatore, is pursuing her research on
“Reinforcement Learning Based Algorithm Development for Electric Vehicle Charging”. Her popular science story
entitled “Adoption of Artificial Intelligence for Electric Vehicle Integration in Smart Cities.” has been selected for
AWSAR Award.
Ms. Krishna Kumari || 265

I started my journey on Artificial Intelligence of EVs, will raise the demand for an orderly
(AI) application to electric vehicles. Though, charging strategy.While random charging of
there was a lot of literature on scale electric vehicles, in time,
the internet for AI application will increase the influence of
to electric vehicle only a few The growing number of EVs, will uncertain factors in power grid
papers discussed the overall raise the demand for an orderly operation, which will bring new
architecture development charging strategy.While random challenges for the economic
of EV using AI techniques. charging of scale electric operation of the power grid
With the exponential growth vehicles, in time, will increase scheduling. Controlling large
of electric vehicles (EVs), the the influence of uncertain penetration of electric vehicles
uncoordinated charging will factors in power grid operation, can have a negative impact on
jeopardize the power grid. which will bring new challenges the power grid, for example,
With the advancement of EV for the economic operation of increased peak load and losses
technology, the internet of the power grid scheduling. that can be largely mitigated
vehicle is an upcoming area of using coordinated charging
research. The growing number strategies.

Picture Credit: Robert Bosch Mobility Solutions

Thus in the first phase of my research I So, what am going to do or what I mean
went through an elaborate literature review my applying Artificial Intelligence. Here goes
had brain storming discussions with the the story. The biggest problem faced by EV
Supervisors, industrial players in the domain. I or EV owners till date is range anxiety. That
could understand what is the present need of means how much miles I can run with one
the hour in this field. Though a lots of reading charge. Suppose I charge my EV for 4 hours
and retrospection I came up with a research and it gets fully charges, how much miles I can
plan. Which was to develop an overall module go with this battery charge. As EV charging
for Electric Vehicle management using Artificial stations are very less or nil in some cities
Intelligence techniques. the user independently has to manage the
266 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

charging. So I have developed to providedata and Transaction

a Simulation module using AI Security to my users.
Tool which efficiently manages The adaption of green There is a Registration
the above scenario. technologies like electric vehicle Authority (RA) who is usuallythe
So, here in my research still has a long way to go. EV Transport Authority (Regional
in my second phase I standardization in India is Transport Officer (RTO), in
am developing a charge definitely the future research case ofIndia) will be processing
scheduling algorithm assuming area. the new vehicle registration
I have ten charging stations for on receipt of applicationfrom
an area spanning 50 kilometres the user through the vehicle
and assuming 50 Ev parse as showroom. The registration flow
a test case to develop a scheduling algorithm in the proposed“block chain” is as below (as
for charging. shown in Fig)
In the second phase of my work based  The user submits the unique
on charging, the initial battery level, the driving identification details (Aadhar Number) to
pattern of the driver I have come with an theRTO via showroom coordinator and also
incentivisastion scheme. So why is the need present in person.
of incentives? There comes a time in near  The vehicle showroom coordinator
future where every house owner owns a solar submits the vehicle along with the
plant (say parse micro grid) so he becomes vehicledetails like engine number, chassis
an independent power producer. So why he number, model number, and insurance
needs to pay to power companies for the details and the user information like name,
power used for home utilities. He can earn address, contact details, nominee.This
pennies back if he is able to supply power to constitutes a transaction in the network.
the grid. Other factor for incentive scheme is Once the transaction is validated, it is
the battery level. It is always a good idea to then added to the ι and a DistributedIdentifier
keep the battery sufficiently charged before (DID) is given to the vehicle coordinator.
taking the vehicle for a ride. But there are
some lazy users who even though knowing
the battery level or state of the charge (SOC)
is too low still take the vehicle for ride. These
drivers rush to the charging stations at the last
moment and ask for high priority charging. So
here we can impose penalty for such users.
Thus plethora of schemes could be developed
for the charging cost minimisation which will
finally benefit the users.
A machine learning-based algorithm
Picture Credit: Ramaguru Radhakrishnan
is developed in the second is phase for the
Workflow of vehicle smart charging to be done
implementation of the proposed work.
What is the use of Artificial Intelligence The expected outcome of my research
application to EV when users are not secured work will be anAI-based Graphical User
with the User Identity? So here comes the third Interface tool for decision making of the
phase of my work I have been working on how charging and charging price estimation and
Ms. Krishna Kumari || 267

incentivizastion. The framework also has vision is to minimize the human dependency
to meet the requirement of easy to access, on fossil fuels as it is depleting and causing the
smoother, reliable, affordable and renewable seismic plate movement, which is eventually
integration in the smart grid which will leading to global warming. The adaption of
eventually add to the smart city infrastructure. green technologies like electric vehicle still
In order to boost the efficiency of growth of has a long way to go. EV standardization in
electric vehicle integration in smart cities. My India is definitely the future research area.
268 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Mr. Abhijeet Anand*

Email: [email protected]

u Çjnj Çlg iatkc ds HkÇVMk ftys ds ,d fdlku

gSaAog lu ƒ‹‰Š ls [ksrh dj jgs gSa vkSj muds
ikl —f"k dk †å ls vfèkd o”kks± dk foLr`r
vuqHko gSA eq[;r% og pkoy vkSj xsgw¡ dh [ksrh djrs gSa
vkSj lkFk gh dqN nkysa tSls fd vjgj] ewax] eVj vkSj
vU; fdlkuksa ds lkFk&lkFk uÇjnj Çlg us Hkh
^mPp mit fdLe* ds chtksa] jklk;fud moZjdksa vkSj
—f"k ;a=ksa dk mi;ksx djuk 'kq: fd;kA QyLo:i —f"k
mRiknu esa vk’kkrhrc<+ksrjh ns[kus dks feyhA bldk
ifj.kke ;g gqvk fd dqN gh le; esa Hkkjr [kk|kUu
lfCt;ka vkfn Hkh mxkrs gSaA vkSj vU; —f"k mRiknksa esa vkRefuHkZj cu x;kA
bl u;s rjhds ls [ksrh djus ds yxHkx Ms<+&nks
ijaijkxr —f"k ls [kk|kUu ds mRiknu esa deh n'kd ds ckn uÇjnj Çlg us vuqHko fd;k fd Qly
vkSj rsth ls c<+rh tula[;k ds dkj.k Hkkjr esa xjhch mRiknu esa deh vk jgh gSA [kk|kUu vkSj vU; —f"k
vkSj Hkq[kejh dh leL;k fodV gksus yxh FkhA yksxksa mRiknksa dh mRiknu dks cjdjkj j[kus ds fy, mUgksaus
ds mfpr Hkj.k&iks"k.k] vkSj Hkkjr dks [kk|kUu mRiknu jklk;fud moZjdksa dh ek=k c<+k fn;kA ijarq Qly
esa vkRefuHkZj cukus ds fy, —f"k mRiknu c<+kus dh mRiknu esa T;knk c<+ksrjh ugÈ gqÃA
furkar vko';drk FkhA vr,o] —f"k mRiknu c<+kus ds ljiap vkSj xzke lHkk ds lnL;ksa dh lykg ij
fy,] vU; vko';d lqèkkjksa ds lkFk&lkFk Hkkjr ljdkj uÇjnj Çlg ljdkj }kjk LFkkfir ^—f"k dY;k.k ,oa e`nk
us —f"k esa ^mPp mit fdLe ds chtksa* ds mi;ksx dks tk¡p dsaæ* esa vius [ksrksa dh feêh dh oSKkfud tk¡p
c<+kok fn;kA blds fy, ljdkj us fdlkuksa dks lLrs djokus x;sA ogk¡ ljdkj }kjk fu;qä ^fdlku fe=* us
vkSj fdQk;rh ewY; ij mPp mit fdLe ds cht] uÇjnj Çlgdks crk;k fd mPp mit fdLe ds chtksa
jklk;fud moZjd vkSj —f"k ;a= miyCèk djk;sA vkSj jklk;fud moZjdksa ls yacs le; rd [ksrh djus

* Mr. Abhijeet Anand, PhD Scholar from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, is pursuing his research on “Life Cycle
Assessment of Biochar”. His popular science story entitled “ ” has been
selected for AWSAR Award.
Mr. Abhijeet Anand || 269

dh otg ls ;g leL;k mRiUu gqà gSA ijUrq ?kcjkus nwljh]jklk;fud moZjdksa ds fjlko ls Hkw&ty]
dh t:jr ugÈ gSA [ksrh ds orZeku rkSj&rjhds esa dqN dq,a vkSj rkykc dk ikuh Hkh nwf"kr gks jgk gS] ftlls
cnyko djds bl leL;k ij dkQh gn rd dkcw ik;k fd rkykcksa esa tyh; thoksa tSls fd eNfy;ksa dh vkcknh
tk ldrk gSA ;g dgrs gq, fdlku ‡å% rd de gks x;h gSA jklk;fud
fe= us uÇjnj Çlg ds e`nk uewuksa dks moZjdksa ls nwf"kr ty ds laidZ esa
tk¡p ds fy, vius ikl j[k fy;kA vkus ls ekuo LokLF; ij Hkh çfrdwy
Hkkjr ljdkj us —f"k esa ^mPp
nks fnuksa ckn e`nk tk¡p ds çHkko iM+rk gSA ty çnw"k.k dh otg
mit fdLe ds chtksa* ds mi;ksx
fooj.k lsuÇjnj Çlg dks fuEufyf[kr ls d‚yjk] Mk;fj;k] Qysfj;k] dSalj]
dks c<+kok fn;kA blds fy,
tkudkfj;ka feyhA bR;kfn tkuysok chekfj;ksa dk Hkh
ljdkj us fdlkuksa dks lLrs vkSj
igyh]mPp mit fdLe ds chtksa dkQh rsth ls QSyko gqvk gSA vr%
fdQk;rh ewY; ij mPp mit
dks Çlpkà ds fy, ikjaifjd chtksa ls jklk;fud moZjdksa dk mfpr ek=k esa
T;knk ikuh dh t:jr gksrh gSA —f"k fdLe ds cht] jklk;fud moZ j d gh mi;ksx djsaA
Çlpkà ds fy, Hkw&ty ds vR;fèkd vkSj —f"k ;a= miyCèk djk;sA rhljh] —f"k vo'ks"kksa dks [ksrksa
ç;ksx djus dh otg ls uÇjnj Çlg esa gh [kqys esa tyk nsus ls mRiUu
ds [ksrksa dh feêh dk …å&†å% rd fo"kkä xSlsa u dsoy tyok;q ifjorZu
yo.khdj.k gks x;k gSA lkFk gh] feêh vkSj i;kZoj.k çnw"k.k dks c<+kok nsrÈ
ds dqN iks”kd rRo tSls fd ukbVªsV] Q‚LQsV] bR;kfn gSa cfYd ekuo ds LokLF; ij çfrdwy çHkko Hkh Mkyrh
dk feêh ds van:uh lrgksa rd fjlko ds dkj.k mijh gSaA dsoy fnYyh&,ulhvkj esa gh djhc „å]ååå yksx
lrg esa —f"k ;ksX; iks”kd rRoksa dh miyCèkrk Hkh †å% gj lky ok;q çnw"k.k dh otg ls vle; ekSr ds
rd de gks x;h gSA f'kdkj cu tkrs gSaA vr% iqvky dk i;kZoj.k ds vuqdwy
nwljh] —f"k vo'ks"kksa dks [ksrksa esa tyk nsus ls Hkh fuiVkjk djsaA
e`nk dh moZjk 'kfä ij çfrdwy çHkko iM+k gSA feêh fdlku fe= us uÇjnj Çlg dks ;g Hkh crk;k fd
dh Åijh lrg l[r gksus ls bldh ikuh jksdus dh ^Hkkjrh; —f"k vuqlUèkku laLFkku] fnYyh* us e`nk tk¡p
{kerk de gks x;h gS ftlls fd Çlpkà ds fy, vkSj ds fy, ^fMftVy e`nk ijh{k.k vkSj moZjd flQkfj'k*
T;knk ek=k esa ikuh dh vko';drk iM+ jgh gSA ,slh uke ls ,d ,slk midj.k fodflr fd;k gS] ftldh
fLFkfr feêh ds {kj.k vkSj yo.khdj.k nksuksa dks vkSj Hkh lgk;rk ls dksà Hkh fdlku vius [ksrksa dh feêh dh
c<+k nsrs gSA tk¡p [kqn gh dj ldrk gSA lkFk gh ;g midj.k
rhljh] jklk;fud moZjd feêh dh Åijh lrg esa jklk;fud moZjdksa dh ek=k vkSj çdkj ds fy, fdlkuksa
ik, tkus okys —f"k ds vuqdwy dsapq, vkSj vU; lw{e dks mfpr ijke'kZ Hkh nsrk gSA
thoksa ds fy, gkfudkjd gksrs gSaA vR;fèkd jklk;fud gykafd] iqvky ds i;kZoj.k ds vuqdwy fuiVkjs
moZjdksa ds mi;ksx vkSj —f"k vo'ks"kksa dks [ksrksa esa tyk ds fy, uÇjnj Çlg dks dksà Bksl mik; ugÈ feykA
nsus dh otg ls bu thoksa dh vkcknh esa ˆå% rd dh dqN fnuksa i'pkr] uÇjnj Çlg dks Hkkjrh; çkS|ksfxdh
fxjkoV vkà gSA laLFkku] fnYyh esa vk;ksftr Þxzkeh.k Hkkjr esa rduhdh
mijksä dkj.kksa dh otg ls uÇjnj Çlg ds [ksrksa lekos'kß dk;ZØe esa Hkkx ysus dk volj çkIr gqvkA
esa feêh dh moZjk 'kfä detksj gqà vkSj Qly mRiknu bl vk;kstu esa mudks ,d ,slh rduhd ds ckjs esa irk
esa Hkh fxjkoV vk x;hA pyk tks —f"k vo'ks"kksa dks i;kZoj.k ds vuqdwy lqjf{kr
fdlku fe= us e`nk tk¡p dh tkudkjh ds rjhds ls fuiVkjs esa l{ke gSA
lkFk&lkFk uÇjnj Çlg dks fuEufyf[kr lykg nhA vk;kstu esa ekStwn 'kksèkdrkZvksa ls uÇjnj Çlg
igyh] —f"k Çlpkà ds fy, Hkw&ty ds vaèkkèkqu dks tkudkjh feyh fd —f"k vo'ks"kksa dks gok ds vHkko
mi;ksx djus ls Hkw&tyLrj „ ehVj çfr o"kZ dh xfr esa ,d ;a= dh lgk;rk ls xeZ djds ^ck;kspkj* esa
ls de gks jgh gS| ,slh fLFkfr fudV Hkfo"; esa is; ty ifjoÆrr dj ldrs gSaA dkcZu dks fLFkj djus dh ;g
ds fy, Hkh fodV ladV [kM+h dj ldrh gSA vr,o] fofèk dkcZu rVLFk ifji= vFkZO;oLFkk ¼vFkkZr~ vkÆFkd
Çlpkà ds fy, vkèkqfud] l{ke vkSj çHkko'kkyh rjhds ykHk] lkekftd fodkl] lalkèkuksa dk ,d leku forj.k]
tSls fd Vidu Çlpkà bR;kfn dk ç;ksx djsaA vkSj i;kZoj.k laj{k.k½ ds fy, vR;ar gh ykHkdkjh
270 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

lkfcr gks ldrk gSA [kkuk idkus ds fy, LoPN b±èku çnku djus dk çLrko
'kksèkdrkZvksa us uÇjnj Çlg dks ;g Hkh crk;k fd djrk gSA
i;kZoj.k dks ykHk igqapkus ds lkFk&lkFk ck;kspkj dk lkFk gh] lfØ; ck;kspkj ikuh ls dqN nwf"kr
dà Lrjksa ij nh?kZdkfyd çHkko iM+rk gSA ck;kspkj dks inkFkks± dks çHkkoh <ax ls fudky ldrk gSA ck;kspkj dk
[ksrksa esa Mkyus ls feêh dk ?kuRo esa lkSUn;Z çlkèku] vkS"kèkh;] jlk;u] vkSj
†‡%rd dh dehgksrh gS(vkSj lkFk diM+k tSls m|ksxksa esa
gh ikuh jksdus dh {kerk esa Č% okf.kfT;d vkSj vkS|ksfxd
èkuk;u fofue; {kerk esa …‡%] iks"kd —f"k Çlpkà ds fy, Hkw&ty mi;ksx ds fy, Hkh O;kid xqatkb'k
rRo dh miyCèkrk esa ˆå%] e`nk ds vaèkkèkqu mi;ksx djus ls gSAck;kspkj ds vkS|ksfxd mi;ksx
'olu dh {kerk esa …å%] vkSj dsapq, Hkw&tyLrj „ ehVj çfr o"kZ dh dks ns[krs gq,] bldk ,d laHkkfor
vkSj vU; lw{e thoksa dh vkcknh esa xfr ls de gks jgh gS| ,slh O;kolkf;d mRikn ds :i esa mi;ksx
‡‡% rd dh c<+ksrjh dh tk ldrh fLFkfr fudV Hkfo"; esa is; ty gks ldrk gSA vfrfjä ck;kspkj dks
gSA QyLo:i feêh dh moZjk 'kfä ds fy, Hkh fodV ladV [kM+h dj cspdj fdlku vkSj xzkeh.k leqnk; ds
djhc †å% c<+rh gSAbldk ifj. ldrh gSA vr,o]Çlpkà ds fy, yksx bls vius vk; vkSj jkstxkj ds
kke ;g gksxk fd Qly dh mit vkèkqfud] l{ke vkSj çHkko'kkyh ,d u;s lzksr ds :i esa viuk ldrs
c<+kus ds fy, jklk;fud moZjdksa ij rjhds tSls fd Vidu Çlpkà gSaA ;g u dsoy xzkeh.k leqnk;]
fuHkZjrk de gks tk,xh vkSj bl rjg bR;kfn dk ç;ksx djsaA fo'ks"kdj fdlkuksa vkSj efgykvksa dks
jklk;fud moZjdksa ls i;kZoj.k dks mudh vkÆFkd fLFkfr vkSj lkekftd
gksus okys uqdlku dks de dj ldrs fLFkfr dks lqèkkjus esa enn djsxk]
gSaA vr% ck;kspkj dk mi;ksx yach cfYd „å„„ rd fdlku dh vkenuh
vofèk esa —f"k mRiknu esa fLFkjrk dks çkIr djus dh dks nksxquk djus ds fy, Hkkjr ljdkj dh egRokdka{kh
fn'kk esa ,d egRoiw.kZ dne lkfcr gks ldrk gSA ,oa egRoiw.kZ ;kstuk ds y{; dks çkIr djus esa Hkh
ck;kspkj dks [kkuk idkus ds LoPN vkSj oSdfYid lgk;rk djsxkAvr,o] ck;kspkj dk —f"k vkSj ?kjsyw
b±èku ds :i esa Hkh mi;ksx fd;k tk ldrk gSA gkykafd] t:jrksa esa cgqvk;keh mi;ksx dks ns[krs gq, LFkkuh;
blds fy, èkqvka jfgr ck;kspkj pwYgs dh t:jr iM+rh :i ls miyCèk lalkèkuksa ls ?kjsyw Lrj ij ck;kspkj ds
gSA [kkuk idkus ds LoPN b±èku ds :i esa ck;kspkj mRiknu ds fy, rduhdh gLr{ksi dh vko';drk gSA
dk vuqç;ksx lrr fodkl y{;ksa ds Øe la[;k&‰ vk’kk gS fd —f"k vo'ks"kksa ds i;kZoj.k ds vuqdwy
¼SDG&7½ ds vuq:i Hkh gS] tks laiw.kZ tula[;k dks fuiVkjs ij çkIr ;s tkudkjh uÇjnj Çlg dks —f"k vkSj
lLrh] fo'oluh; vkSj fVdkÅ ÅtkZ dh miyCèkrk vk; lzksr ds fy, vR;ar gh egRoiw.kZ lkfcr gksxkA
lqfuf'pr djus vkSj „å…å rd ƒåå% ?kjsyw {ks=ksa dks
|| 271

My Journey in Labyrinths of
Mathematics: The Security Key
of Future

Mr. Abhishek Kesarwani*

Email: [email protected]

n my last visit to our village in Prayagraj, I us are connected to the network (Internet)
happened to meet my old classmate Saurabh through mobiles phones, computers and many
after a long gap. He remained monitor of our more electronic devices. This widespread
class throughout our school days because of connectivity connects people but also
his prowess in mathematics and currently, he increases the chances of data breach. Habitual
is a software engineer in Intel Inc. After our behaviours, such as accessing a banking
casual discussions, he commented unusually, site, allowing websites to save passwords,
“Why are you still entangled with mathematics, online gaming, using the same password for
the onerous language, even in Ph.D.? Wasn’t various logins, can lead to real-life risks such
the torture enough till master’s?” I gently as credential hacking, data leaks, phishing
replied, “Dear Saurabh, you just tasted its attacks, and spreading malware. To be on
topping, but I have dived in that pool. The the safer side, we sometimes save many
beauty of mathematics is not explicit but passwords protected by another password
implicit for her aficionados.” Suddenly, my (through apps), but do they really keep our
nocturnal researcher took over the situation data safe and confidential? The answer is a
and, thence, the sermon started. big NO! (Ask Google God to know different
In today’s world of advanced technology, tools for breaking in). The ramifications of
securing data is a major issue. Mostly, all of data hacking are huge. So, what options do

* Mr. Abhishek Kesarwani, PhD Scholar from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, is pursuing his research on
“Construction of MDS Diffusion Layer and Cryptanalysis of Some Stream Ciphers”. His popular science story entitled
“My Journey in Labyrinths of Mathematics: the Security Key of Future” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
272 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

we have now to protect invaluable data? Here and NIA (National Investigation Agency).
comes ‘Cryptography the secure key of future’ Generally, a cryptographer uses a
to our rescue. In cryptography, we study how cipher to disguise his message. Cipher is a
we can establish secure communication in the stepwise procedure to perform encryption and
presence of adversaries. Then, the question decryption. Cryptography has a long history.
comes, how can we do that? Let me elaborate Julius Caesar used encryption to protect
byusing famous characters from a Bollywood messages of military significance. Hence, his
movie, ‘DilwaleDulhania Le Jayenge’ (DDLJ). method of encryption is known as Caesar’s
Suppose, Simran wants to send a message to cipher in which letters in the alphabet would be
her beau Raj while keeping it secret from her shifted by a fixed number of spaces to give an
suspecting daddy, Baldev. So, in the language encoded message. He used a shift of three to
of cryptography, they can be designated as encode his messages. For example, with a shift
the sender (Simran), the receiver (Raj) and of three, ‘A’ would be replaced by ‘D’, ‘B’ would
the adversary (Baldev). Simran, being smart, become ‘E’ and so on. Intriguingly, in World
converts the message into a new text (known War II, Enigma cryptosystem was incorporated
asciphertext) using a secret key of 0 and 1, by the German military intelligence. RSA is
like 0110110. Simran and Raj have already one of the first and very famous public-key
shared the common key, when they last met cryptosystem named after its developers Ron
in London. She sends this through a general Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman,
post (non-secure medium) to Raj. Raj converts who also won the Turing award (recognized
the ciphertext into the original message by as Nobel Prize of Computing) in 2002.
using the common key (it could Some of the famous ciphers
have been different keys as that are used by Google are
well, in a general scenario). Advanced Encryption Standard
During the whole process, (AES),ChaCha, and Salsa.
The growing number of EVs, will
even if Baldev intercepts the At the heart of this complex
raise the demand for an orderly
message, he ends up getting a world of ciphers is the magic
charging strategy.While random
ciphertext, which is of no use, of mathematics. Ciphers are
charging of scale electric
because Baldev doesn’t have based on very difficult problems
vehicles, in time, will increase
the secret key used by Simran of mathematics such as prime
and Raj. Hence, the ship the influence of uncertain factorization (don’t worry, I will
between Simran and Raj can factors in power grid operation, explain), discrete logarithm
grow to its logical conclusion. which will bring new challenges (it’s okay, if you don’t know
The whole credit goes to for the economic operation of it) and nonlinear equations
the processes of encryption the power grid scheduling. (they can be related to the
(message to ciphertext) and linear equations, we studied
decryption (ciphertext to in school). Suppose you have
message). Nowadays, many been asked to factorize ‘91’,
smartphones come with the option, ‘Encrypt you may say that it is fairly simple and it
Phone’. Cryptography plays a major role in our factorizes as ‘13x7’. Every positive integer
national security also and hence, it is a major number (except 1) can be written as a product
priority for organizations like DRDO (Defence of primes, for example, 8 can be written as 2 to
Research and Development Organisation), the power 3. But what if you have to factorise
ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) a number that has thousands of digits? This
Mr. Abhishek Kesarwani || 273

is a presumed difficult problem, which may Usually, the MDS matrices over finite field
take hundreds of years to factor. It is on this majorly face two issues: high implementation
premise, the RSA cryptosystem is based. cost and unavailability of involutory matrix (a
My current research problem is to matrix that is its own inverse) in some cases.
develop new ciphers and analyze existing MDS matrices in a block cipher are physically
ciphers while finding some weaknesses in implemented as an electronic circuit and the
their structures and eventually, find a way to implementation cost depends on the number of
completely break them , that is, to recover
the secret key. In our lab, we study different
stream ciphers and block ciphers, which differ
in their modes of encryption as bit by bit and
block by block, respectively. In a constrained
environment, we need a cryptosystem that
occupies less memory, is efficient and has
a low time factor (known as lightweight
cryptosystem). In order to make a block cipher
more immune to attacks, a Maximum Diffusion
Separable (MDS) matrix should be used. MDS
matrix is one of the best examples of labyrinths Fig. 1: XOR Gate
of mathematics, as it drastically changes its
output even on a slight change Exclusive-OR (XOR) logic gates
in the input values making the used (Fig. 1). Thus, decreasing
guesswork of adversary almost the number of logic gates will
The growing number of EVs, will
impossible. Usually, these reduce the implementation
raise the demand for an orderly
matrix entries are from a finite cost.
charging strategy.While random
field elements. A field is a set In our research work, we
charging of scale electric
on which addition, subtraction, consider a set of all square
vehicles, in time, will increase
multiplication and division are matrices whose entries are from
the influence of uncertain
defined, for example, the field the binary field and this forms
factors in power grid operation,
of real numbers and the field of a ring, known as matrix ring.
which will bring new challenges
complex numbers. These are Now, here comes the climax.
for the economic operation of
the examples of infinite fields We found that if MDS matrices
the power grid scheduling.
but there are some finite fields are constructed with entries
also, for example, a field with from matrix ring, the output
two elements 0 and 1, known may be involutory matrices
as binary field. Note that the set (which was not possible over
of integers is not a field, because the inverse finite fields) and also the required number of
of 2 (on the multiplication operation) is ½ and XOR gates can reduce significantly. Saurabh
½ doesn’t belong to the integer set but it forms complained, “My head is spinning?” I assured,
a ring (not a ceremony ring, of course). The “Don’t worry brother, we mathematicians
ring is different from the field in the sense that usually generalise things this way, since the
the necessary condition for the existence of good old days.” Using this simple idea, we kill
inverse (w.r.t multiplication operation) of each two birds with one stone. In fact, we came up
element is relaxed. with several low-XOR matrices in comparison
274 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

to the existing ones. Our research can be and ‘The Imitation Game’. As a mathematician,
beneficial for the scientific community working I have started enjoying the difficult problems
on lightweight devices like RFID tags, wireless but believe me, exploring new MDS matrices
sensors and smart cards, which handle need a lot of experiments, which can take
sensitive data requiring smart security and fast even 4-5 years. Now, please don’t ask me
implementation. how many years of my Ph.D.were guzzled by
Saurabh exclaimed, “Where did you these monstrous matrices,” I finally finished.
get motivation for all this?” “My interest in He smiled and patted sympathetically on my
cryptography was kindled by the enthralling shoulder and walked away.
movies, ‘The Da Vinci Code’, ‘A Beautiful Mind’
|| 275

Droplet’s Adventure in

Ms. Chinmayee Mishra*

Email: [email protected]

Pitter patter, pitter patter, listen to the rain. your nerdy little cousin catches you off-guard
Pitter patter, pitter patter, on the windowpane. asking, “How do the droplets form?’ You can

be ready.
h, you’ve all seen the beautiful Let’s take a single water droplet. It,
raindrops sliding against the glass obviously, has more molecules in it than
windowpanes and, out come the a number you can imagine . These water
mobile phones from our pockets! Click-click, molecules like to remain closer to other water
from this angle; snap-snap, this one will go to molecules or in other words, they attract each
Instagram; and, definitely don’t forget the lone other. Most of them are surrounded by each
droplet about to fall from the window frame. other, cocooned in their watery environment.
Increase the brightness, tweak the contrast But there are those water molecules, which
and voila! ‘50 likes’ and ’10 comments’ later, are on the surface of the droplets, always
soon forgotten are the droplets and cursed is being touched by the air or precisely, the air
the rain for daring to trap us indoors. molecules. Even the air molecules and water
But scientists can’t forget. We fixate, molecules would like to remain close. There
dissect, calculate until everything there is to emerges a continuous tug-of-war between
be known is known! Those beautiful and round the inner water molecules and the outer
rain droplets are no exception. So next time air molecules to attract the surface water

* Ms. Chinmayee Mishra, PhD Scholar from Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune, is pursuing
her research on “Theoretical Ultracold Atomic Physics”. Her popular science story entitled “Droplet’s Adventure in
Quantum land” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
276 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

molecules towards them. Nonetheless, there’s Let’s start simple. Stripping the already
one winner the inner water molecule, which mentioned complicated statement of all
hold its surface brethren with such strength adjectives we have:
and love than the foreign air molecules. So, “Gases in ultracold temperature can form
the surface water molecules behave as if a droplets.”
thin elastic cover is holding together the water Ultracold temperature is a range of
droplets, accurately playing out the motto temperature below tens of micro-Kelvin. It’s
‘United we stand, divided we fall’. barely short of -273 degrees Celsius. For
But wait, why are you only talking about water comparison, the coldest recorded natural
drops? temperature on Earth is approximately -90
I am sure you have seen oil drops sticking to degree Celsius. But after rapid technical
the cooking pan too. advancements in cooling methods during the
What about the drop of blood oozing out on 1980s, in several laboratories, including some
your finger after the pinch of a doctor’s needle? in our country, it has become possible to cool
Gory, but yes, they work the same way too. gases of atoms to such ultralow temperatures.
How small can a drop become ? What it really means is that the atoms become
How large ? awfully slow, because more jittering around
Are all drops liquid? represents more energy and, thereby, higher
Can we have droplets of anything else? temperature. Unsurprisingly, it has opened a
Hold your horses! whole new world for scientists to fixate on. And
Take a deep breath and prepare your one such fixation has led to the discovery of
mind to be blown away. Yes, droplets of gas. But there are a
there exists droplets of gas lot of nuances to it, let’s dig in.
too! What? Yes. How? Strongly “Bosonic gases in ultracold
dipolar bosonic gases in temperature can form quantum
ultracold temperature can The water droplets we talked droplets.”
form quantum droplets. Wow. I about earlier were large in size
The water droplets we
didn’t understand anything but with unimaginably high number
talked about earlier were large
it sounds ultracool! of molecules. These are classical in size with unimaginably high
Don’t worry, we shall droplets that we encounter number of molecules. These
decipher the complex sentence with naked eyes. In contrast,
word by word. Before we do are classical droplets that we
the quantum droplets are encounter with naked eyes. In
that, you pause and think, why
microscopically tiny consisting contrast, the quantum droplets
formation of a gas droplet is
of a few thousand atoms in it. are microscopically tiny
surprising at all. Imagine a
liquid droplet vs a gas droplet. consisting of a few thousand
Left alone, the liquid droplet- atoms in it. Anything ‘quantum’
which has to be a denser object in physics is often accompanied
will remain a droplet because of by tiny substances and this
its surface tension, while the gas atoms with intriguing phenomenon where it becomes
its lower density will simply disperse. This is extremely hard to identify between whether it is
the key point, how to balance this dispersion a wave or a particle. An atom becomes a fuzzy
of the gas so that the gas droplet continues combination of a particle and also a wave
to remain as a droplet, especially without any carrying both of their nature. The atoms no
container to hold it? more resemble point like particles but become
Ms. Chinmayee Mishra || 277

more expanded like waves. The cooler they energetic enough for the dipolar attraction to
are, the larger is their expansion and soon all hold them together which would not have been
atoms are overlapping each other. Despite it possible in a classical gas with huge number
being a gas of atoms, none of them can be of energetic atoms.
distinguished separately inside this blob of gas In our group as well as with collaborators
and they all have the same energy. Whatever from Germany, we have theoretically studied
behaviour we see now becomes a collective the properties of quantum droplets of dipolar
property of this blob. In scientific community we bosonic gases. This novel phenomenon is a
call the blob a ‘condensation’. Particles which newly emerged breakthrough in the field of
can undergo such condensation are ‘bosons.’ ultracold gases, discovered in the ultracold
So far, we understand, the condensation of experimental lab in Stuttgart, Germany. One
bosonic particles can behave like a quantum quirky detail regarding these droplets are
droplet under certain conditions. What are that, unlike classical liquid droplets, they are
they? not spherical. They are often elongated like a
“Strongly dipolar bosonic gases in cylinder. It is because of the way the atoms
ultracold temperature can form quantum attract each other is asymmetric in all direction,
droplets.” just like how tiny magnets attract each other
Unlike the water molecules in the classical only one side. In our recent work, we showed
gas, one would assume the gas atoms do not how to change the droplets from cigar-shaped
like to remain close because we know that to pancake-shaped simply by tweaking the
they disperse. But in special way the atoms attract. That is
types of atoms such as Erbium right, we can control how atoms
and Dysprosium, physicists attract or repel by applying
have managed to find strong There now, we have a quantum electric or magnetic fields,
attractions between atoms. This droplet of dipolar gas. The similar to how you can control
attraction stems from the nature crucial factor is at ultralow magnets using magnetic fields.
of some atoms to behave like temperature, the atoms are slow Just when you think we
tiny magnets. Such atoms are and less energetic enough for know everything about the
termed as dipolar atoms and a the dipolar attraction to hold fundamentals of Physics,
gas of such atoms is a dipolar them together which would discoveries like these have
gas. If this attraction is strong not have been possible in a surprised us to our core. It
enough it can pull the atoms classical gas with huge number goes to remind us why to never
together against dispersion, of energetic atoms. stop questioning and to always
which may be caused by rage against the darkness of
other repulsive forces between ignorance.
atoms, quantum fluctuations
due to slightly energetic atoms Do not go gentle into that good
and slow motion of the atoms in the gas. night,
There now, we have a quantum droplet Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
of dipolar gas. The crucial factor is at ultralow Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
temperature, the atoms are slow and less
278 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Ways to Become Cooler and

More Stable – An Efficient Flow
Boiling Heat Transfer Through
Mr. Gaurav Hedau*
Email: [email protected]

oday, the electronic devices dominated at very high speed. According to Moore’s law,
the modern world, owning a personal the number of transistors per square inch of
computer is very common. As compared processor had doubled every two years. In
to computers in old times around the 1950s, the present time, processors accommodate
the present size of personal computers has around billions of transistors as compared to
drastically reduced and speed increased by ‘Intel 4004’ processor with 2250 transistors
many folds. This happened due to the advent of back in the year 1971. This increase in transistor
integrated circuits during the digital revolution densities in the processor increases the speed
period, which miniaturizes the electronic of computations but on the other hand, it leads
component like transistor, resistors and other to a high rate of heat generation. For proper
electronic components and integrated onto one working of the processor, the generated heat
small chip on circuit board. The motherboard should be dissipated so that the processor
in computers is the main printed circuit board runs under a safe temperature limit efficiently,
where lies the brain of the computer called which increases the durability of components.
microprocessor (or simply processor) and all In personal computers, the heat generated
the calculations and tasks take place. The by the processor is low which can be dissipated
processors accommodate many transistors, through air cooling by attaching aluminum
which store and move data (to do calculations) block having large surface area along with fans

* Mr. Gaurav Hedau, PhD Scholar from Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, is pursuing his research on “Heat
Transfer Enhancement by two Phase Boiling in Nanostructured Microchannel”. His popular science story entitled
“Ways to Become Cooler and More Stable- An Efficient Flow Boiling Heat Transfer Through Microchannel” has been
selected for AWSAR Award.
Mr. Gaurav Hedau || 279

inside the CPU cabinet. However, in the case dissipation is high which doesn’t get fulfilled
of supercomputers, mainframe computers, by simple air cooling. One of the solutions to
and gaming cards, the requirement of heat above problem is - heat dissipation through

(a) (b)
Fig. 1: Schematic diagram of (a) microchannel application for electronic chip cooling (b) flow pattern
fluctuations during high heat dissipation

flow boiling in a microchannel heat exchanger. upstream flow pressure of vapor due to which
A microchannel heat exchanger fresh liquid completely fills the channel.
consists of parallel channels having channel These fluctuations in flow patterns result in
dimensions in microns (as seen in the Fig. fluctuations of temperature, pressure, mass
1[a]). The microchannel heat flux and induce mechanical
exchanger provides high vibrations which are harmful to
heat dissipation capability an integrated circuit board.
In the present time, processors
because of high surface area to Researchers came up
accommodate around billions
volume ratio provide compact, with many techniques which
of transistors as compared
lightweight heat exchanger. include design modification
to ‘Intel 4004’ processor with
During flow boiling, with and fluid property modification
2250 transistors back in the
increase the vapor quantity, to abate these fluctuations at a
year 1971. This increase in
different flow patterns appear high heat flux to enhance the
transistor densities in the
inside microchannels such as efficiency and heat dissipation
processor increases the speed
bubbly, slug, annular (vapor capacity of microchannel heat
of computations but on the
core at the centre with liquid exchangers. At high heat flux
other hand, it leads to a high
film at the wall of the channel) in microchannel as vapor
as heat flux increases from low rate of heat generation. bubble generates, the vapor
to high. At high heat flux, the size increases and quickly
vapor generation rate inside confines between the small
the channel is very high such microchannel wall (width-wise)
that vapor moves in the upstream direction and then it starts expanding in both upstream
and temporarily cover the inlet of all parallel and downstream direction along the length.
channel (as seen in the Fig. 1[b]). However, as So, if we can reduce the upstream flow of
the pump pushes cooling fluid continuously, vapor and able to flush the vapor out of the
as a result, the pump pressure overcomes microchannel then the new fluid will wet the
280 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

surface quickly hence reduce fluctuations with thin liquid film at channel wall during the
better heat transfer efficiency. So, keeping annular flow pattern. The heat transfer during
this concept in mind we have conducted the presence of an annular flow pattern is
experiments and studied the performance of more effective because of the presence of thin
two new innovative designs of fourteen parallel liquid film present at the wall, therefore, it is
microchannel heat exchangers. advantageous to operate microchannel heat
In the first design, we have combined sink maintaining stable annular flow pattern at
two techniques i.e. fabricate inlet restrictor high heat dissipation range. But danger lies in
at the inlet of each microchannel and grown drying out of this thin liquid film at high heat
nanostructure by the new and easy method flux which can cause a sudden rise in surface
of chemical oxidation which converts plain temperature eventually cause the failure of
copper channel surface into grass-like copper the device. This nanostructure proves to be
oxide superhydrophilic nanostructured efficient in the wetting wall of the channel
surface of microchannel in 10 minutess of during high heat fluxes as compared to plain
reaction time. The inlet restrictors are nozzle wall microchannel.
type short length passage having small cross- By combining these two different
section area as compared to the cross-section techniques we can tap the advantage of both
area of the microchannel. This increases the the technique. This combination is proved to be
resistance to the flow of vapor in the upstream efficient (lesser surface temperature) at low as
direction, however, increases pressure drop well as high heat fluxes with lesser fluctuations
across it. The fluctuations are quantified in temperature pressure and mass flux. This
by the standard deviation of provides a more stable annular
fluctuating data. regime as compared to plain
It is found that for low microchannel which increases
flow rate the inlet restrictor is . At high heat flux in the heat dissipating capacity of
more effective at low heat flux microchannel as vapor bubble the heat exchanger. During the
as compared to high heat flux generates, the vapor size flow regime cycle also the low
in terms of reducing surface increases and quickly confines frequency and high amplitude
temperature. It also reduces between the small microchannel fluctuations are transformed
the fluctuations in temperature, wall (width-wise) and then into high frequency and low
pressure and mass flux during amplitude fluctuations by
it starts expanding in both
the presence of flow pattern virtue of inlet restrictor and
upstream and downstream
fluctuations and annular flow nanostructure. (The observation
direction along the length.
pattern inside the channel. of this research is under review
At a high flow rate, the inlet in “International Journal of
velocity of fluid inside inlet Thermal Science”)
restrictor constriction increases Motivated from previous
(as in a nozzle) which flushes vapor and results, it has been seen that if the vapor
inhibits upstream movement of vapor hence generated in the channel can be efficiently
reduce fluctuations which are also observed flush away to outlet plenum then the efficiency
through the videos captured using high speed of the heat exchanger will improve. Also, the
camera. The nanostructured surface observed design of other components affects the working
to be more effective at high heat flux where of a microchannel. Keeping this in mind we
its superhydrophilic nature of surface sustains fabricated and started doing experiments on
Mr. Gaurav Hedau || 281

second design of microchannel setup which further insight into the physics of interactions
consists of eight times bigger outlet plenum of generated vapor on thermal performance,
volume as compared to inlet plenum volume. fluctuations and to optimize the design for high
We perceive that if the inlet plenum volume is heat dissipation, three-dimensional simulations
small and outlet plenum is larger then there will of the microchannel heat sink are currently in
be a smooth flow of vapor in the downstream process.
direction towards outlet plenum where enough Therefore, the above optimizations and
volume is available for vapor to expand hence design modifications of microchannel enhance
efficiency can be improved. We also observed the thermal performance and will give insight
that for the plain surface microchannel to further improve the design to meet the
with the larger outlet plenum, the surface demand of high heat dissipation from the small
temperature reduces significantly along with surface area in the electronic industry. These
lesser fluctuations in temperature, pressure microchannel heat exchangers are evolving to
and mass flux. Currently, some more sets of fulfill the future demand of high heat dissipation
experiments are under process to test the effect in electronics as well as in other areas of
of different outlet plenum designs along with application like refrigeration system, fuel cells,
nanostructure surface on performance. To get and aerospace.
282 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Automatic Spoken Language

Recognition Systems for
Indian and Oriental Languages
Using Digital Speech Signal
Processing and Machine
Mr. Nettimi Satya Sai Srinivas*
Learning Approaches Email: [email protected]

peech recognition is an interdisciplinary diagnostic characteristics (voice abnormalities,
research field that includes Digital Speech pathologies, and other conditions like cough),
Signal Processing, Machine Learning, and many more. In a broader sense, the field
and Computational Statistics. It refers to the of speech recognition deals with the design
process of recognizing distinct information and development of methodologies and
from the speech signal. Current technology technologies, which are capable enough to
allows us to recognize and to extract different establish a natural man-machine interaction.
information from the speech signal. The type of Speech technology aims to simplify the way
information recognized can be put into actual in which humans interact with the machines.
use for solving several interesting research Nowadays, the rapid advancements in
problems. Examples of potential applications technology enable humans to use their speech
using speech-based recognition systems in to communicate and to control the machines.
real-time environments are listed as follows: In order to achieve this, the modern machines
The speech-based recognition systems can are equipped with built-in mechanisms, to
recognize (1) speaker characteristics (identity, recognize and to understand the human
gender, emotional state), (2) spoken content intentions conveyed in their speech, and lets
by the speaker (control/command words, them to take appropriate actions. Despite the
continuous speech, language), (3) medical great progress made in this field, the natural

* Mr. Nettimi Satya Sai Srinivas, PhD Scholar from National Institute of Technology, Puducherry, is pursuing his
research on “FPGA Prototype for Automatic Speech Recognition System using Machine Learning-Based Classification
Algorithms”. His popular science story entitled “Automatic Spoken Language Recognition Systems for Indian and
Oriental Languages using Digital Speech Signal Processing and Machine Learning Approaches” has been selected
for AWSAR Award.
Mr. Nettimi Satya Sai Srinivas || 283

man-machine interaction is still a challenging languages and other for Oriental languages,
research problem. One of the major challenges respectively. The spoken languages in India
is the language barrier. Language serves as broadly fall into four major linguistic families
the medium for dissemination and exchange namely Indo-Aryan, Dravidian, Austroasiatic,
of information. Mostly, the recognition systems and Tibeto-Burman. We developed SLR
in existence provide support for limited systems to recognize 15 official Indian
languages and dialects. There is a huge languages, chosen from three major Indian
requirement to develop similar systems for linguistic families. These include 9 languages
unaddressed languages and dialects. The (Bengali, Chhattisgarhi, Gujarati, Hindi,
current research fills this gap by moving Kashmiri, Punjabi, Rajasthani, Sanskrit, and
towards developing speech-based recognition Sindhi) from Indo-Aryan family, 3 languages
systems for multilingual languages. (Konkani, Tamil, and Telugu) from Dravidian
It is well known that machines (computers) family, and 3 languages (Manipuri, Mizo,
use a single language (binary), but this is and Nagamese) from Tibeto-Burma family.
not the case with humans. Statistical reports Similarly, we have developed SLR systems to
state that roughly 6,500+ languages are recognize 10 Oriental languages, chosen from
spoken across the world. Where India being five Asian linguistic families, namely Altaic,
a multilingual nation, 1500+ languages are Austroasiatic, Austronesian, Indo-European,
spoken by the people among which 22 are and Sino-Tibetan. These include 4 languages
officially recognized. Machines equipped (Japanese, Kazakh, Korean, and Uyghur) from
with multilingual speech recognition systems Altaic, 3 languages (Cantonese, Mandarin,
allow speakers from different language and Tibetan) from Sino-Tibetan family, and
backgrounds to efficiently interact with them. finally Indonesian, Russian, and Vietnamese
So, the problem of language barrier can be from Austronesian, Indo-European, and
easily solved by deploying multiple speech- Austroasiatic families, respectively.
based recognition models. But during an Any speech-based recognition system
interaction, the machine should switch to an (SLR in our case) mainly comprises two sub-
appropriate language model to initiate the systems namely, front-end (feature extraction)
recognition process of interest. The language and back-end (decision making/classification)
model should be selected based on the units, respectively. The front-end feature
language of the speaker for communication. extraction sub-system implements numerous
So, the machine first needs to recognize the operations related to the field of digital
language of the speaker in order to interpret speech signal processing, while the back-
the speech and allow the speaker to interact end classification sub-system implements
further. Especially in countries like India and operations related to the field of machine
other parts of Asia, the language recognition learning and data science. The role of the
task itself poses potential problems because front-end unit is to extract salient features from
of similarities existing in their scripts and the speech signal and pass to the back-end
phonemes. classifier. The role of the back-end unit is to
This motivated our research group to work decide (recognize the spoken language in
in this area and develop Spoken Language our case) using the fed features and its prior
Recognition (SLR) systems to achieve robust knowledge. The classifier is imparted with prior
recognition performance. We have developed knowledge during the training process before
two different SLR systems, one for Indian it is put into the actual use. This process is
284 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

analogous to a teacher imparting knowledge be helpful in generating a perfect classifier

to students in a class. The knowledge model. The extracted high-dimensional
imparting process is carried out using huge features may contain some correlated,
sets of raw data available in the form of pre- irrelevant, redundant, and noisy features and
recorded audio. In our work, we have used may sometimes degrade the training process.
two audio databases namely Indian Institute In data science parlance, this is referred as
of Technology Kharagpur Multi-Lingual Indian “the curse of dimensionality”. To overcome
Language Speech Corpus (IITKGP-MLILSC), this problem, we have reduced the size of
and Oriental Language Recognition (OLR) the features using a dimensionality reduction
speech corpus. algorithm named as Relief-F feature selection.
Initially, the raw audio data from the This algorithm identifies a subset of features as
databases are pre-processed using some best features from the available set of features.
signal conditioning techniques, to make them The best features are fed to the training
suitable for further processing. The processed algorithms to train different classifier models.
signal is subjected to different feature extraction In our work, we have developed SLR systems
techniques to extract discriminative features using three different types of machine learning
for different languages. In our work, we used classification models namely Support Vector
Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) Machines (SVM), Artificial Neural Networks,
as features. These features are regarded and Deep Neural Networks using MFCC and
as state-of-the-art features and are widely FP features. We have tested the performance
incorporated for numerous speech-based of the trained models using the features
recognition tasks. Differently from the state- extracted from the independent data sets,
of-the-art MFCC features, we have proposed which are not used in the training process. From
a new set of features for SLR, referred as our experimental results, it is observed that our
Fourier Parameters (FP). To the best of our proposed FP features outperformed the state-
knowledge, we are first to introduce the use of-the-art MFCC features. We investigated
of FP features for SLR. We have used these the net-effect in developing models using the
proposed features along with MFCC features combination of MFCC and FP features. The
to develop different SLR systems. Any speech- use of combined features further improved the
based feature extraction technique initially recognition performance of the systems when
divides the speech signal into a number of compared to the state-of-the-art MFCC and
segments of shorter duration (typically in proposed FP features. We were able to obtain
milliseconds) and separately processes each 89.40% and 70.80% recognition accuracies
segment to extract features. In a similar way, with ANN-based SLR systems in case of
a large set of features are extracted from the Indian and Oriental languages, respectively.
entire database corresponding to different The proposed FP features performed well on
languages. Not all the extracted features will both Indian and Oriental languages.
Mr. Nettimi Satya Sai Srinivas || 285

Techniques Based on Darwin’s

Theory of Natural Selection for
Designing Wing Geometries for
Micro-Air Vehicle Applications
Mr. Pranesh Chandrasekaran*
Email: [email protected]

he growing need for small-scale flying Dynamics (CFD) techniques, which allow one
machines for a variety of civilian and to simulate the flow around any arbitrarily
military applications has resulted in an shaped bodies by numerically solving the
extensive research on Micro-Air Vehicles (MAV). governing equations of fluid flow the Navier-
My interest towards MAVs (aka drones) began Stokes (N-S) equations. Little did I know that
when I and my peer group chose to build and I would be bestowed with a silver medal for
fly a remote controlled airplane model for our the best thesis work and that I would be using
group project during my master’s programme. these tools for solving my doctoral research
This project provided me an opportunity to problem!
develop a passion towards aerodynamics a A careful review of existing MAV designs
branch of science that deals with the study of revealed that majority of these vehicles do
motion of air, with special attention dedicated to not achieve a flying time of even 30 minutes.
the flow of air over an airplane wing. The mere Many causes can be attributed to this,
experience of building an in-house airplane perhaps the fundamental barrier that limits the
model, which actually flew, motivated me to performance of MAV is the poor aerodynamic
formulate a research problem for my individual efficiency of their wing surface. Quantification
project under the same field of research. Here, of aerodynamic efficiency requires a basic
I got myself introduced to Computational Fluid understanding of the fundamental forces

* Mr. Pranesh Chandrasekaran, PhD Scholar from M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, Karnataka, is pursuing
his research on “Aerodynamic Shape Optimisation of Fixed Wings at Low Reynolds Numbers with Flow Transition for
Micro-Air Vehicle Applications”. His popular science story entitled “Techniques Based on Darwin’s Theory of Natural
Selection for Designing Wing Geometries for Micro-Air Vehicle Applications” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
286 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

acting on an airplane (see Fig. below). of this region, called the boundary layer, plays
For an airplane to stay afloat, the wings a crucial role in determining whether the flow
remains attached or detached to the wing
surface. The detachment of flow, that is, flow
separation often has an adverse effect on the
aerodynamic efficiency. On this note, the flow
around the wing of a civil transport airplane
is known to exhibit a turbulent boundary
layer that is less prone to flow separation
whereas the flow over a MAV wing exhibits
a laminar boundary layer that is more prone
to flow separation. To add to the complexity,
the laminar boundary layer, upon separation,
may result in flow transition to turbulence and
must produce a lift force which is at least equal subsequently reattach as a turbulent boundary
to the total weight of the vehicle. Also, for it layer. Such a process leads to the formation of
to move forward, the engines must generate a laminar separation bubble, which modifies
a thrust force greater than the resistive drag the effective shape of the wing surface. It is
force exerted by the air. Larger the lift force for these reasons, the knowledge gained by
greater is the ability of the airplane to carry designing wings for larger and faster airplanes
more weight. Similarly, lesser the drag force is of little significance in designing wings for
more easy it is for the airplane to MAV applications.
slip through the air. So, we can Genetic algorithm leading
attribute lift-to-drag ratio (L/D) to wing optimisation A detailed
to be a quantitative measure literature review revealed that
Larger the lift force greater is
of aerodynamic efficiency. It is the usage of optimization
the ability of the airplane to
the aim of my doctoral research techniques can provide an
carry more weight. Similarly,
to devise a systematic design exciting prospect in improving
lesser the drag force more
procedure that would enhance the aerodynamic performance
easy it is for the airplane to
the L/D ratio of fixed wings for of MAV wings. Optimization,
slip through the air. So, we can
MAV applications. in plain terms, is a process
attribute lift-to-drag ratio (L/D)
One may ask, “We have of identifying conditions that
to be a quantitative measure of
been designing wings for bigger would result in high benefits-
aerodynamic efficiency.
and faster flying machines such to-costs ratio in any system.
as civil transport and military A classic example would
airplanes for over a century, be its application in solving
so what makes this problem the well-known travelling
still relevant and challenging in the context of salesman problem (for example, Flipkart
designing them for smaller and slower flying delivery process) where the aim is to identify
machines such as a MAV?” To answer this, the shortest possible route to visit all planned
let us consider an airplane wing travelling destinations before finally arriving at the origin
through a fluid. There exists a small region of of the journey. This problem, although stated in
flow close to the wing surface where the effect simple terms, grows in difficulty as the number
of viscosity is more pronounced. The stability of destinations ‘N’ increases. Solving this
Mr. Pranesh Chandrasekaran || 287

problem (that is, seeking the right sequence favours long-necked giraffes with a greater
to minimize the distance) can drive the entire probability to survive and allow them to pass
delivery process to be time and cost-effective. on their beneficial traits to the next generation
Similarly, we approach the present problem of of offspring. Likewise, the GA code applied in
maximizing L/D ratio of a MAV wing through the present work ensures that only wings with
shape optimization route, wherein we seek an better values of L/D ratio are selected to survive
optimal geometrical shape of the wing surface and create offspring (that is, new wing shapes
to achieve better aerodynamic performance. by combination) for the next generation, while
To accomplish this, we employ a well-known the poor designs are eliminated at every
optimisation technique -- the Genetic Algorithm generation. In other words, only the fitter
(GA), which is based on Darwin’s theory of individuals survive for the next generation.
natural selection. Over time, the geometric characteristics
Firstly, we employ a surface beneficial for better L/D ratio emerge in an
parameterization technique to represent the increasing fraction of the population and hence
baseline wing through a set of 30 control the average L/D ratio of the entire population
points. Secondly, we assign bounds on each increases. This process is repeated until no
control point such that they can take any further significant improvement is observed in
possible location within this allowable range, the best individual of subsequent generations.
known as the design space. Moving these As an example let us assume that the search
control points within their allowable range can for the optima begins with an initial population
result in an infinite number of new geometries. of 300 wings, which eventually evolves
The aim of the optimization through 200 generations before
procedure (GA here) is to finally arriving at an optimal
identify the right combination wing shape. This essentially
of these control points (that is Our CFD simulation for translates to estimating the L/D
their individual location within computing the flow around a ratio of 60,000 (=300×200) wing
the design space) such that the wing using the N-S equations shapes. Our CFD simulation for
resulting wing geometry has roughly takes 2’1/2 days of computing the flow around a
the best value of L/D ratio. computer time on a modern wing using the N-S equations
Now to intuitively computer. Hence, the overall roughly takes 2’1/2 days of
understand the fundamental process would consume more computer time on a modern
concepts of GA, let us consider than 400 years of computer time computer. Hence, the overall
the process of natural selection which is practically not possible process would consume more
in the evolution of giraffes. if attempted by a brute-force than 400 years of computer time
Imagine a wildlife habitat that approach. which is practically not possible
hosts a population of giraffes if attempted by a brute-force
with varying neck lengths. Now approach.
let us assume that these giraffes To address this issue,
are affected by severe shortage of food. In we devise a surrogate-based framework that
such a setting, giraffes with shorter necks will employs a statistical-based mathematical
have access to food only from ground and model, which significantly reduces the time
small plants, whereas giraffes with longer taken per L/D evaluation. To achieve this, we
necks would have access to food even from first choose a particular set of wing geometries
tall trees. Hence in such a scenario, nature from the design space and estimate their
288 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

values of L/D by using a CFD solver. We then Even after successfully solving my
use this information to construct a mathematical doctoral research problem, it is hard not to
model, which acts a simplified approximation be impressed by the mere possibility of being
that gives almost the same results as that of a able to adopt ideas from theory of evolution
CFD solver but at a lesser time. This way, the for solving an aerodynamic problem. The end
L/D ratio of any new geometries is predicted, of this exhilarating journey also reminds me
within a few seconds, without having the of my humble beginning debut flight of our
need to run an expensive CFD simulation. in-house airplane model, which we thought
Such a framework facilitates the economical would be an alien intrusion in the bird’s
implementation of GA in solving the present territory. But to our disbelief, our creation was
problem. By using the present approach, we in the happy company with a group of birds
were able to arrive at an optimal wing geometry that were flocking together. If only we could
which achieves large regions of attached flow approach the efficiency of those natural flyers,
leading to 15% improvement in the L/D ratio as the applications become limitless. This work is
compared to the baseline case. a step towards that.
|| 289

A Black Hole of Carbon

Nanotubes for Defence to Energy

Mr. Viney Ghai*

Email: [email protected]

ave you ever imagined how a magician Depending upon the desired application,
tricks you with his cloak or how Mr materials can be engineered to behave as
India goes invisible in the movie? This a system that works for a particular range of
might have fascinated you in childhood and electromagnetic spectrum of light.
developed a deep urge to understand the Can we think of a material in which the
phenomenon. Well, the answer to all these light enters and experiences multiple internal
speculations lies in a word “Light”. The light reflections within its surface and is unlikely
can be absorbed, transmitted, reflected or to reflect making the material to be a nearly
refracted depending on the medium of travel perfect black absorber. Following this thought
and interaction with the striking surface. In process, author under the supervision of Prof.
order to make a body fully or partially invisible Harpreet Singh and Dr P.K. Agnihotri at IIT
to a system, or to confuse the body can absorb Ropar has developed a flexible nanocomposite
all the light, which is falling on its surface. Such comprising carbon nanotubes (CNTs), ZnO
a body is called a black body. It is almost nanorods and Fe nanoparticles, which absorbs
impossible to find the exact shape, size and more than 99.3% of the incident light falling on it
features in a black body (as shown in the in the ultraviolet, visible and near infrared (UV-
fig.). This leads to passive camouflage, which Vis-NIR) range of electromagnetic spectrum
ultimately causes confusion to the observer. and behaves as a near-perfect absorber of

* Mr. Viney Ghai, PhD Scholar from Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar, is pursuing his research on “LightHarvesting
Materials”. His popular science story entitled “A Black Hole of Carbon Nanotubes for Defence to Energy Harvesting”
has been selected for AWSAR Award.
290 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Fig. Passive camouflage with carbon nanotubes

light. The CNTs used are good absorbers of As the world is progressing fast, our
light in visible range whereas Fe has been energy sources are depleting at a rapid
observed to be an efficient absorber in NIR pace. Therefore, for the survival of our next
range. ZnO nanorods are used to adhere generations we need to move towards
both CNTs and Fe nanoparticles together and renewable and sustainable resources of
increase their efficiency of absorbance in UV- energy. One of this indefinite source of energy
visible NIR range of light as a is the sun. To harness this
whole complex. solar energy, Solar cells have
Further, the top layer is emerged as a dependable
textured to conical pillars in The CNTs used are good substitutes to meet the need
order to increase absorbing absorbers of light in visible for future. Presently, available
efficiency of the assembly by range whereas Fe has been materials used to make these
introducing multiple scattering observed to be an efficient solar collectors have a low
along with incorporation of absorber in NIR range. ZnO efficiency. Thus, the author
hydrophobic properties in it. nanorods are used to adhere gets his motivation from the
This hydrophobic, that is, water both CNTs and Fe nanoparticles need to introduce a material
repellent property has derived together and increase their that can increase this efficiency
its inspiration from lotus leaf (Fig efficiency of absorbance in UV- which, in turn, reduces the cost.
1c). One might have witnessed visible NIR range of light as a Currently, the research focuses
beautiful sparkling crystal like whole complex. on tailoring the developed
water droplets on lotus leaf near-perfect absorber material
which do not get absorbed to make Quantum Dot based
but rather roll off the surface. solar collectors, which can
This amazing phenomenon of nature has absorb maximum light falling on it irrespective
inspired the author to design the surface of the of angle and direction. The author is working
material mimicking a lotus leaf to impart self- in the direction of making a solar collector by
cleaning and corrosion resistant properties to using its developed material to achieve the
the material expanding its utilization in self- advantage of its applicability to any type of
cleaning applications. curved surface. The ease of fabrication and the
Mr. Viney Ghai || 291

materials being used to make this solar collector like drone which would, in turn, increase the
reduce its cost by 10 times as compared working efficiency without being caught by the
to the present available solar collectors in enemy.
market. This would help in mitigating the Last but not the least, this ultra-black
energy crunches and provide optical absorbers can also be
ample of source of power. Its used in space exploration. This
low cost would motivate people developed super black absorber
to switch to this technology The ease of fabrication and the can be used in telescopes to
resulting in achieving a green materials being used to make improve its efficiency for better
and clean environment. Just this solar collector reduce its position and understanding
imagine, how efficient it would cost by 10 times as compared of celestial bodies and space
be if we can coat this extremely to the present available solar phenomenon. Moreover, the
flexible, self-cleaning solar collectors in market. This would fabricated optical absorber can
energy harvesting systems help in mitigating the energy be used for calibrating optical
on the surface of the building, crunches and provide ample of devices such as spectrometers.
which can meet its energy source of power. In addition to this the ultra-black
requirements and cut the cost surface of absorber has huge
of labour and cleaning. potential to be used in infrared
The fabricated material cameras.
finds another application in defence. For a To conclude, near perfect absorbing
country like India which shares its international and self-cleaning material fabricated by the
boundaries with different nations it becomes author can prove to be a boon in addressing
very important to have a very strong defense problem of increasing energy needs, defense
system. How helpful it would be if our air crafts system. The future work of research would
cannot be detected by radar system of enemy include to incorporate self-healing properties
territories? This has been translated into reality to the material, which is again inspired by the
by engineering the material developed by regenerating mechanism of body part by the
the author to extend its range of absorption lizard. The lizard is capable to regrow its tail
to microwave region of electromagnetic if cut by some accident, in similar condition
spectrum, which is the working range of further research would focus on exploring some
radar. Taking it to the next step, the flexible these aspects. The developed black body
solar collectors being developed by the author finds huge potential from defence to energy
showing black body like absorption behaviour sector to counter India’s energy requirements.
can be coated on the surveillance systems
292 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Genome Editing in Rice-Ensuring

Food Security

Mr. Andrew Peter Leon M.T.*

Email: [email protected]

ur beautiful earth, the only known planet working hard to overcome these issues by
in the entire universe to nurture life, has manipulating the behaviour of food crops to
never been so troubled that it has to enable them to be smart, fast and strong by
feed at least four new human mouths every imparting “super-plant abilities”.
second. The population growth is burgeoning This feat has only been possible due
at such a rate that the Food and Agricultural to the knowledge we gained in the field of
Organization says we need to increase the food genetics ever since Gregor Johann Mendel,
production by 70% before 2050. Meanwhile, botanist, teacher, and Augustinian prelate,
agricultural scientists around the world are experimented with the humble garden pea
working tirelessly to achieve this hard, but not plants. As Wikipedia defines it, genetics is
impossible, objective. the study of “genes, genetic variation and
To achieve food security, that is, food is heredity in organisms”. As we know, genes
accessible to every single human being, we are the regions of DNA that are responsible for
first need to increase food production by all the size, shape, colour or behaviour of every
means possible. The conventional wisdom bacteria, a butterfly, a cucumber, or us, human
may be insufficient due to the changing beings.
environment, reduction in cultivable land and Every deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) has
evolving pests and diseases. Scientists are four types of chemical compounds: A-adenine,

* Mr. Andrew Peter Leon M.T., PhD Scholar from Centre for Plant Breeding and Genetics, Tamil Nadu, is pursuing
his research on “Genome Engineering for Development of Thermosensitive Genic Male Sterility in Rice - Suitable for
two Line Super Hybrid Rice Production”. His popular science story entitled “Genome Editing in Rice-Ensuring Food
Security” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
Mr. Andrew Peter Leon M.T. || 293

G-guanine, C-cytosine and T-thymine (or engineered to cut the DNA of any organism
U-uracil in RNAs, a related nucleic acid). making genome engineering very easy and
The entire length of DNA is chains of these affordable.
four bases arranged in a specific order (the In our research, we are developing a
number of such ATGCs in rice is whopping superior rice plant which could be useful for
~420 Mbp, that is, 420,000,000 base pairs, increasing the rice yield up to 30% by making
which are comparatively smaller than many it suitable for developing hybrid varieties.
other organisms!) hidden deep inside the Coming to hybrids, these are the offspring of a
nucleus of every cell. A gene is a small mating between a male and a female. Human
part of the DNA, and every organism has culture, for example, encourages marriage
thousands of genes to control their day-to- between distant relatives so that the babies
day activities. One important thing to note would be strong and disease-free. Similarly,
here is, a simple change in the order of these in cultivated rice (Oryza sativa), even though
nucleobases, or insertion or deletion of one they are self-pollinated, crossing between
or many nucleobases, can completely modify different varieties could positively increase
the behaviour (or “expression” as it is called) the vigour of the plants especially the grain
of the genes. For example, human beings and yield. However, in nature, it occurs less than
chimpanzees have just 1.2% variation at the 5% since the self-pollination occurs even
DNA level. Modern methods have enabled us before the opening of the rice flower. To avoid
to artificially modify the DNA bases with the this, we need to manually remove the male
help of many tools. One may wonder to find part of the rice flower the anther, just before
that these tools are not against the maturity and dust with the
natural laws but are highly pollen of another variety. Since
established mechanisms found every rice plant has hundreds
in bacteria and certain viruses. of flowers, manually removing
The population growth is
One such recent find that is them is simply impossible.
burgeoning at such a rate
revolutionizing every field in Again, nature has gifted
that the Food and Agricultural
life sciences is CRISPR. This us with another clue, which is
Organization says we need to
CRISPR, in association with “male sterility”. In some wild
increase the food production by
an enzyme called Cas9, is an relatives of rice, the male part
70% before 2050.
inherent defence mechanism of the rice flower is simply non-
found in bacteria and archaea, functional. Another wonder is
protecting against the viruses that these can revert to male
that attack them. They work fertility when grown under lower
wonderfully as follows: CRISPR is a short repeat temperatures (say, below 25 °C) and above 25
sequence of DNA that is memorized by the °C, these are sterile. Scientists have named it
bacteria from the virus DNA. So the next time as “thermosensitive genic male-sterile”. This
the villain arrives, the bacteria simply send the property allows commercial growers that when
Cas9 which identifies the virus by reading the male-fertile plants (a male parent) are raised
sequence and selectively demolishes the viral near the male-sterile plants (a female parent),
DNA by cutting them into pieces. Scientists it is easy to cross and produce hybrid seeds.
at the University of California Berkeley and China, with its largest population in the world,
Broad Institute, Boston have found that with relies almost 90% on such hybrid rice varieties
small modifications, these enzymes can be to feed its people.
294 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Can this male-sterility be transferred to Generation Sequencing). Now this IWP22-2

any popular variety, so that we can improve can be modified as a “male-sterile” line.
its vigour and yield? Yes, we can. But it is We precisely located the region of tms5
usually done through traditional crossing and in IWP22-2. We designed targets (called
selection (“conventional breeding”) to transfer “primers”) for this region so that the Cas9
this character, which took and can take a could identify and attack it. Since the rice
minimum of 6-7 generations. One potential plant does not have the Cas9 enzyme,
solution is: directly modifying the DNA of the these primers were stuck in a plasmid DNA
male-sterility gene. called pRGEB32 possessing Cas9, with
Scientists found that male sterility in the help of the DNA sticking enzymes (DNA
rice is controlled by different regions of DNA ligase). We multiplied this plasmid inside the
including Os02g0214300 known as tms5. Escherichia coli bacterium and transferred it to
By studying the DNA regions of tms5 in both Agrobacterium tumifaciens. The A. tumifaciens
male-sterile wild relatives and normal plants, helped us transfer this plasmid into the rice
it was found that a simple deletion (loss of tissue. The Cas9 in the plasmid specifically
some nucleobases) in the tms5 region was had cut the targeted DNA region of the IWP22-
responsible for this sterile male part. With the 2 rice variety. The outcome was significant.
help of CRISPR/Cas9, we can artificially cut The plants showed mutations in the region
and remove few bases in tms5, so that, they where the Cas9 attacked the DNA. This would
would also be sterile when grown at a higher further be evaluated by raising them inside a
temperature and produce the seeds at lower protected greenhouse to confirm male-sterility.
temperatures. The male-sterile lines
We took Improved White developed in such a manner
Ponni (shortly IWP), a fine- can be useful in many ways.
grained rice variety popular in The entire length of DNA is Although India has released
South India. It is a high yielder chains of these four bases many hybrid rice varieties,
and has other desirable qualities arranged in a specific order (the certain issues like difficulty in
such as moderate resistance to number of such ATGCs in rice developing “male-sterile” lines,
pests and diseases. However, the inability of the male parents
is whopping ~420 Mbp, that is,
IWP is tall (more than 150 cm) to fertilise the female plants and
420,000,000 base pairs, which
and takes around 140 days to poor performance of the “male-
are comparatively smaller than
mature. This is not preferable sterile” lines are making it
many other organisms!) hidden
in the case of hybrids. So, by difficult to exploit commercially.
deep inside the nucleus of every
mutating the IWP with gamma- We believe the male-
rays (energetic rays released sterile lines developed with
by radioactive elements), we CRISPR/Cas9 could reduce
developed some shorter and these problems since it takes
early maturing plants (~90 cm only 2-3 generations to develop
plant height and 120 days to maturity) without a complete thermosensitive male-sterile plant
any change in other characters of IWP. We and can be crossed with any superior male
named one such mutant as IWP22-2. We parent to develop hybrids. And the developed
confirmed the mutations by reading the entire varieties will lose the foreign plasmid DNA
sequence of the DNA of IWP and IWP22-2 in a single generation, the plants remain
using modern sequencing technologies (Next ““transgene-clean” hereafter. Apart from
Mr. Andrew Peter Leon M.T. || 295

these, if hybrids yield more and possess good food security in a shorter period which is the
quality grains, it directly benefits the farmers need of the hour.
by increasing the income and help in achieving
296 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

How Does Lightning Affect the

Aircrafts and Wind Turbines?

Ms. Dhanya T. M.*

Email: [email protected]

ightning is the sudden electrical (generally aluminium), the electric current
discharge between two points of opposite enters the body and exits very fast as metal
polarity. The electric discharge is so high is a good electrical conductor. But, this is
that every year it kills people and livestock. not the case if the structural material is not
The data collected by NASA’s lightning image a metal. In the recent past, aircraft and wind
sensor between 1995 and 2002 shows that the turbine industries started using “composite
lightning flashes per square kilometre per year material” for their structural applications as
can go as high as 70 in certain regions of the it has superior qualities like high strength to
earth ( weight ratio, and corrosion resistance. Carbon
map.shtml). Various other studies also show fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) is the most
that the objects situated in the lower altitudes commonly used composite material by these
(2-5 km) of high lightning activity areas are industries. In CFRP, the carbon fibers are
more likely to be affected by lightning. So, the embedded inside a polymer (for example,
ascending and descending aircrafts as well as epoxy) to form a sheet called lamina. The
wind turbines are more likely to be struck by thickness of a lamina can be as slight as 0.1
lightning. mm. The laminae are stacked together to form
When struck by lightning, if the whole a thicker sheet called laminate, which can
body of the aircraft is made up of metal be directly used in making body parts. The

* Ms. Dhanya T. M., PhD Scholar from Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, is pursuing her research on “Response
of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers to Lightning Strike”. Her popular science story entitled “How do to how does
Lightning Affect Aircrafts and Wind turbines?” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
Ms. Dhanya T. M. || 297

laminate thickness used in wind turbine blade In addition to that, if the electric current is too
stiffener can be as high as 60 mm. Although high, it can even melt and boil copper, which
carbon fibers in the laminate are good would expose the CFRP surface. In some of
electrical conductors, the matrix in which they the wind turbines, the copper mesh protection
are embedded is a poor electrical conductor. was not completely effective. So, it is important
So, the overall electrical conductivity of CFRP to look for alternatives to this method.
comes down to approximately one-third of One of the commonly accepted methods
that of aluminium. As a result, during lightning to decrease the resistive heat generated in a
strike, the electric current takes longer to material is to increase its electrical conductivity.
travel through this material. This results in This will allow the current to pass through the
heat generation within the material (resistive material very fast and would reduce the heat.
heating), leading to ablation/ evaporation of Adding carbon nanotubes to the polymer
the polymer and breakage of the carbon fiber. is a very effective method to increase the
Sometimes, the heat generated can burn a electrical conductivity of the polymer. But, it
significant part of the structure. Even if the has not yet been adopted by the industries
surface damage is very insignificant to the as it is a highly expensive method. There are
naked eye, under continuous loading such various other chemicals like polyaniline that
as vibration, the former will grow and lead to can be added to the polymer to improve its
catastrophic failure in the future. electrical conductivity. However, adding these
Researchers had started to study about chemicals need not improve the mechanical
the consequences of lightning strike on aircrafts properties of the material. A compromise on
in early 1970s. A body called mechanical properties such
Society of Automotive Engineers as strength, hardness, and
(SAE) have characterized the impact resistance is not at all
lightning strike for laboratory When struck by lightning, if acceptable. So, a material that
studies. According to them, the whole body of the aircraft has both enhanced electrical
the maximum electric current is made up of metal (generally and mechanical properties
during lightning can go as high aluminium), the electric current needs to be developed to meet
as 200,000 A. This definitely is enters the body and exits very the industrial requirements.
a very high amount of current, fast as metal is a good electrical Dr Chandra Sekher
and would cause damages Yerramalli and his group
conductor. But, this is not the
in the airplane/wind turbine (including the author) from
case if the structural material is
surface. IIT Bombay are trying to
not a metal.
Generally, the composite understand the response of
material would be covered with CFRP to lightning strike and are
copper mesh to avoid damages proposing certain measures to
due to lightning strike. Copper, mitigate the damage. The study
being a very good electrical conductor, allows focuses on the following areas: a) Predicting
the current to move very fast through the body the temperature distribution in the material
and prevents heating of the material. This during and after the strike, b) Estimating the
method is used by both aircraft and wind turbine post-lightning damage area and the strength
industries. But, adding a new material would of the material after the strike. In addition to
always increase the total structural weight, that, the group is developing new conducting
which is a big concern in the aircraft industry. polymers that can be used along with carbon
298 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

fibers to make conducting CFRP, without CFRP was conducted using the commercial
compromising the mechanical properties. software ABAQUS. The damage volume on
Most of the earlier studies on lightning CFRP with and without copper mesh covering
strike damage on materials were experimental was estimated. The study showed that the
in nature. As lightning lasts CFRP damage decreased
only for few microseconds, with increase in copper mesh
it is difficult to know about covering thickness. The study
the temperature distribution One of the commonly accepted also showed that the decrease
inside the material during methods to decrease the in copper mesh covering
the experiments. Once the resistive heat generated in the entire hole decreased
lightning strike test is over, one a material is to increase its the CFRP damage. These
can see only the damage that is electrical conductivity. This findings were published
inflicted on the material. Finding will allow the current to pass in the journal “Materials
out the temperature distribution through the material very fast Today Communications”
in a material during lightning and would reduce the heat. ( d o i : 1 0 . 1 0 1 6 / j .
strike is also challenging. A Adding carbon nanotubes to mtcomm.2018.05.009). As
rigorous analysis is required the polymer is a very effective mentioned before, copper mesh
to evaluate the heat energy method to increase the electrical protection is not always effective
due to electric current at conductivity of the polymer. as it has its own disadvantages.
every point on the material at So, it is necessary to go with
every instant of time. This time a sustainable alternative to
varying heat energy is used to copper mesh protection. So,
estimate the temperature distribution inside the team currently focusses on developing
the material. The numerical analyses to find conducting CFRP that would not compromise
out the time varying temperature distribution on the mechanical properties of the material.
during and after the lightning strike on
Ms. Dhanya T. M. || 299

Peeping into the Dressing Room

of Influenza: A Virus

Ms. Oyahida Khatun*

Email: [email protected]

nfluenza virus is the prime mover of Influenza, Other proteins like PB1, PB2 and NP are ribo-
an acute respiratory disease, commonly nucleoproteins. They are mainly involved in
called ‘flu’. It is the cause of global mortality replication and transcription of viruses. Non-
and morbidity with seasonal epidemics and structural proteins (NS1 and NS2) help to
sporadic pandemics. The pandemic strain evade host immune system or trick the host
H1N1 resulted in so severe a flu that it infected immune system to hijack the machinery and
around 22 million people around the world. use it for its own benefit.
This enveloped virus belongs to the After contacting a potential host, IAV start
Orthomyxoviridae family and contains eight the infection process with the help of HA. It
segmented negative sense single stranded binds to a receptor called sialic acid present on
RNAs. These vRNAs encode transcript host cell surface and get it cleaved by silidase
for ten different proteins along with some activity of another protein, NA. These receptor
strand-independent accessory proteins. HA binding results in endocytosis mediated entry
(hemaglutinin) and NA (neuraminidase) are into the host cell and, ultimately, trafficked to
decorated on the surface of Influenza and endosomes. In a favourable environment, M2
major antigenic determinants. M2 is a multi- protein opens up the ion channel, acidifies
functional ion-channel, play a role in entry and the interior of virion and leads to the release
exit, that is, assembly and budding of viruses. of vRNAs into cytoplasm. For amplification of

* Ms. Oyahida Khatun, PhD Scholar from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, is pursuing her research on “Influenza
Virus”. Her popular science story entitled “Peeping into the Dressing Room of Influenza: A Virus” has been selected
for AWSAR Award.
300 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

its genome and transcription, vRNAs enter reticulum. Inside the ER, they not only get the
into the nucleus. After transcription, mRNAs shelter, but gain some other modifications
exit the nucleus, under goes translation and which also help them to get dressed properly.
produce proteins. However, the mechanism of Disulfide bond formation, oligosaccharide
assembly and packaging is a bit of unsolved chain addition favoured them to get the correct
mystery. folding. Here HA, NA undergoes trimerization
and tetramerization, respectively, which will
Packaging and assembly of virus give them the structure with best functions.
Like any other viruses, replication of IAV is Once they are dressed and prepared
also totally dependent on host cell machinery properly, they become ready to infect a new
and acts like a non-living outside host. One of the host. Now they need to assemble. Since they
most important parts of IAV life cycle is protein need to deceive the landlord, they disguise
synthesis and this is completely mediated by themselves in the same feather. They pinch-
host cell translation machinery. The function is off a part of the host cell membrane and wrap
divided between two kinds of ribosomes of the themselves in it. That’s why IAV envelope is rich
host. Most of the proteins, like PB1, PB2, M1, in cholesterol. C-terminal cysteine modification
NS, PA, and NP are synthesized by cytosolic of HA inside golgi targets it to the apical
ribosome. However, other proteins like HA, NA, surface of host. Trans-membrane domain of
M2 are synthesized by endoplasmic reticulum NA targets it at the budding site. Here M1 acts
associated ribosome. After synthesis, proteins as a bridge between the envelop and other
get busy with their corresponding function with vRNPs. And, finally, Rab11 protein helps the
a mission to infect a new cell. viral RNPs to exit the nucleus
For that, some proteins remain and to reach its destination,
in the cytosol, for example, that is, the assembly site. M2
NS1. It suppresses the host Influenza virus is the prime protein has an amphiphillic
cell’s anti-viral response. While mover of Influenza, an acute helix, where amino acid
some proteins contain specific respiratory disease, commonly residues get incorporated
signal sequence that targets called ‘flu’. It is the cause of into lipid bilayer leaflet and
them to specific location with global mortality and morbidity introduce negative bending.
particular function. PB1, PB2, with seasonal epidemics and This negative membrane
and PA enter the brain of the cell sporadic pandemics. The curvature is proposed to
using importin protein to guide pandemic strain H1N1 resulted facilitate bed neck formation,
nuclear proteins to synthesize in so severe a flu that it infected reduce the distance between
more viral mRNA and vRNA to around 22 million people around two opposing membranes of
accomplish the mission. HA, the world. the viral envelop and achieve
NA contains a stretch of amino the ultimate goal, that is, to
acids which are hydrophobic. get released as a functional,
These proteins do not like the infective virion or virus.
aqueous environment of cytosol thus they
need to hide somewhere else. Following the Visualization of movement of HA
synthesis of hydrophobic signal sequences, It is always fascinating to image any
it is recognized by signal recognition particle intracellular event at a molecular level. However,
(SRP), a guiding protein, to assist them to sometimes there are many obstructions. This
reach a safe shelter, which is endoplasmic is applicable here as well. Some common
Ms. Oyahida Khatun || 301

fluorophores like green fluorescent protein tag, GST tag, etc. So if there is any interaction
might get tagged but they hinder in the of other proteins with the tagged proteins then
infectivity of the virus. Thus, need an alternative they will also be identified. The same approach
approach where the tag will be small, proteins is taken here also. A special tag called FLAG
will be visualised and sidewise tag is attached with HA and its
function will be retained. Here, interactors are also identified.
an innovative approach has A huge part of the interactors
been taken for HA visualization It is always fascinating to are host co-factors and they
and to track the movement image any intracellular event mainly reside in ER and golgi.
from ER to membrane. A small at a molecular level. However, So the new approach is to
tag called “tetracysteine”, sometimes there are many target proteins, reduce their
four consecutive cysteine obstructions. This is applicable expression by knocking down
residues are incorporated here as well. Some common use of siRNA. Usual infectious
which gives colour when fluorophores like green period of influenza is around 3
incubated with FlAsH-EDT2. fluorescent protein might get to 4 days. So if the host factors
Fluorescent images show how tagged but they hinder in the are targeted to slow down their
HA production increases along infectivity of the virus. expression it will be harmful
with time and how it moves. for the host but it will prevent
spreading of influenza. So it
Identifying the host co-factors might work as a drug target in
There are some tags an pandemic case where no
which help in purification of proteins, like His other effective options are available.
302 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019 Ms. Oyahida Khatun

Veins are not in Vain!

Ms. Sreyashi Bhowmick*

Email: [email protected]

bet this one’s a yellow topaz, he shrieked one fleeting glance. Out of desperation and
in excitement as he scuffed the stone with also to break the awkward silence engulfing
the tip of his index finger, while the other me I said, “Geology is not only about drooling
contender waited for my refutation. It was late in over gemstones, there’s more to it.”
the evening when I finally managed to escape For the past few years, apart from verbally
the unbearable traffic, on my way back home certifying gemstones I had been given tasks
from the university. And the moment I step into to explain out the differences between zoology
the cozy comfort of my home both weary and and geology in various social gatherings,
exasperated, I was greeted by two of my father’s but still some of my relatives claimed that
distant relatives, who were eagerly waiting to geography and geology were the same
resolve some of their weirdest treasure hunting subjects taught with different course names.
problems. And before I could protest that “So what are you researching on?” the
neither was I doing a research on gemstones most common question that is asked once
nor I had a keen interest in gemology, both the anyone gets to know that you are a research
visitors settled with a preconceived notion that scholar and in the most sarcastic tone when
geologists are supposed to know everything one doubts your ability as a researcher,
about gemstones and can even analyse an especially if you cannot identify a gemstone.
entire chemical any stray misplaced stone in

* Ms. Sreyashi Bhowmick, PhD Scholar from Jadavpur University, West Bengal, is pursuing her research on “Fabric
Analysis and Tectonic Stress Determination in the Rocks of Chitradurga Region, Dharwar Craton, South India-
Implications for Vein Emplacement”. Her popular science story entitled “Veins are not in Vain!” has been selected for
AWSAR Award.
Ms. Sreyashi Bhowmick || 303

“Hard rocks,” I said with a sincere gesture and sitting right on top of the hidden treasure for
making it as short as possible. our entire lives, without even knowing about its
“Hard rock…isn’t that a form of music?” existence and potential utility.”
smirked my visitor. On that note I ended the brief talk on my
“Well it might seem so, if you are a die research objective, justifying it in the most
heart fan of Metallica. But I work on vein simplistic manner.
emplacement mechanism in hard rocks. And Though this incident was a casual one but
this vein is not the one carrying deoxygenated later while narrating it to some of my lab mates,
blood beneath the skin, but the ones which the question resurfaced on my mind and I kept
are emplaced due to fluid pressure fluctuation on thinking about how can our nation benefits
in rocks.” I stated pretending to be the flag from our research works?
bearer for spreading geological awareness. Belonging to a country with high poverty
“Well veins…., hard rocks…., sounds rate, and utilizing its monetary resources for
quiet good. But why would anyone study such scientific research would be regressive if the
things, what is the utility of doing so?” research work is economically futile. In other
Now this is something that would gear up words, people with scientific mind should
any researcher, especially if the utility of her substantially contribute towards accelerating
research work is at stake. I had to defend the economic growth of our nation.
it before few more questions were raised But is economic growth the only thing that
regarding its applicability. However, before science propels? Scientific inventions have
giving them a deep insight into my research never been restricted to only responding to
work I thought about relating economic liabilities but also to
it to something that had kept fuel our minds to understand the
them glued for a while. fundamentals behind our origin
“You see some of the most For the past few years, apart and existence. And this bigger
precious elements and even from verbally certifying picture can be reassembled
gemstones including topaz, gemstones I had been given from the smaller fragments
emerald and many others are tasks to explain out the of the puzzle that have been
hosted by veins (A: please differences between zoology preserved in our age-old rocks.
explain ‘hosted by vein’?). I and geology in various social Understanding how earth
could name plenty of them gatherings, but still some of my evolved through geological
like tin, lithium, tungsten, and relatives claimed that geography time and how our continents
titanium, which are profusely and geology were the same drifted and reassembled to
consumed by industries of all subjects taught with different attain the present configuration
sectors. In fact, the entire mica course names. requires close observation
industry of India banks upon of the small scale structures
the pegmatite veins as the preserved within the rocks that
primary source of sheet mica. form it. Geologists will continue
Apart from that, the gold bearing lodes of to ensemble the remnants and reframe the
quartz have been economically significant for past, until and unless we are blessed with a
the mining industries.” time machine.
“So you see, one that has economic As it is said if you don’t know the past,
viability requires a bit of attention to be you don’t understand the present and cannot
scrutinized carefully, otherwise we would be foresee the future. The Indian subcontinent
304 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

encompasses a large number of cratons and magnified by tremors of high magnitude. This
basins of the Precambrian era that marked the could be life threatening, especially if these
beginning of the geological history of mother vulnerable fractures are not monitored at
earth. Plate tectonic history of that era, which frequent intervals leading to irreparable losses.
involves formation and breaking Statistical records suggest that
up of the supercontinents are magnitudes of such tremors
yet to be depicted undeniably. recorded worldwide are often
In this regard, fractures Understanding how earth higher than Mw > 5-6, incurring
filled up with veins hosted by evolved through geological time yearly losses up to 365 million
the oldest rocks of the cratons US dollars. Our country has
and how our continents drifted
can provide a deep insight been fortunate enough to
and reassembled to attain the
about the stress conditions escape these challenges, but for
present configuration requires
that prevailed, transformed countries like Japan, this turns
close observation of the small
and amended the Precambrian out to be the worst problem to
scale structures preserved
tectonics. The fluids that once deal with. Now the question lies
within the rocks that form it.
filled up the fractures of the how to deal with this problem?
Geologists will continue to
Precambrian rocks are either Fracture susceptibility (Sf) and
ensemble the remnants and
the end products of magmatic tendency analysis could be
reframe the past, until and
differentiation or they are the most effective answers to
unless we are blessed with a
the post-metamorphic fluids, these problems. Slip tendency
time machine.
geochemical analysis of which (Ts) and dilation tendency (Td)
can reveal the bulk chemical analysis helps to monitor the
composition of the Archaean building up of shear/tensional
lithosphere. Fractures and stresses on fracture planes,
faults filled up with magmatic veins are often thereby predicting its propensity to reactivate.
reactivated when the fluid pressure (Pf) exceeds Simultaneously, fracture susceptibility provides
the normal stresses (σn) acting upon the the range for fluid pressure variation, sensitive
fracture walls. This is a common phenomenon to fracture reactivation. Thus, analyzing these
especially if the fractures are deep seated parameters can help us to increase awareness,
and interconnected to an underlying magma and save both lives and government aided
chamber that remains dormant and reactivates funds to restore massive damages, and utilize
from time to time, leading to massive eruptions them more efficiently.
Ms. Sreyashi Bhowmick || 305

Veins apart from its economic eminence, anecdote with the hope that as much as our
hold huge prospective to understand the body relies on them for channelizing blood
Precambrian tectonics by revealing the back to the heart we can also count on the
paleostress (stresses prevailing in the fractures filled with veins, preserved in rocks,
geological past) conditions, that reframed as a storehouse of both economic minerals
the lithospheric plates to its present-day and geological knowledge. As long as all these
configuration. objectives go hand in hand our inexorable
On that note I would like to conclude this efforts will not go in vain.
306 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019 Ms. Oyahida Khatun

Development of a Simple and

Cost-effective Point of Detection
Device (PODD) to Estimate
Morpholine Content in Coated
Fruits and Vegetables
Mr. V. Srinivasa Rao*
Email: [email protected]

n apple a day keeps a doctor away is commonly used as a coating material to make
a well-known, age-old adage, which fruits and vegetables appear eye-catching,
we have heard since our childhood. and also to save them from attack by oxygen
It’s true that consumption of an apple has and microbes, which are the key causative
marvellous health benefits due to its richness factors behind their spoilage. Apart from that
in antioxidants, flavanoids and dietary fibres, it is widely used in other areas like rubber
which act as soldiers against several life- industry, corrosion control, drug synthesis,
threatening conditions, especially cancers. personal care, cigarette snuff, crop protection,
However, can anyone guess which apple optical brighteners, lyocell process, thermal
do we prefer the most for eating? Is that the and nuclear plants.
glazed, shining red one or the light, dull one? Morpholine alone does not pose any
Obviously the former one, but “Behind every health risks, but the moment when it combines
beauty there will be danger too”. Let’s try to with atmospheric/ dietary nitrates through
trace this from the story of morpholine for a a chemical reaction, Nitrosation, it will
better understanding of the saying. soon start behaving like an enemy named
Morpholine (in chemical nomenclature N-nitrosomorpholine (NMOR), which is a
called as 1-oxa-4-azacyclohexane) is a simple product of the reaction. In terms of science
organic, water-soluble chemical, which is and medicine this product is a carcinogen

* Mr. V. Srinivasa Rao, PhD Scholar from Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani, Hyderabad Campus,
Telangana, is pursuing his research on “Synthesis and Evaluation of Phytochemical - Metformin Conjugates for
Ameliorating the Clinical Symptoms of Metabolic Syndrome in Diet-Induced Experimental Obesity”. His popular
science story entitled “Development of a Simple and Cost-Effective Point of Detection Device (PODD) to Estimate
Morpholine Content in Coated Fruits and Vegetables” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
Mr. V. Srinivasa Rao || 307

Fig 1: Link between biological nitrosation and cancer risk in non-smokers and smokers

(cancer causing substance). It was because morpholine through various routes. Hence,
of morpholine that the European Union (EU) undoubtedly this issue is a matter of great
had banned apples imported from Chile. concern and creating awareness in public
In general, industrial effluents are rich in regarding its significance in their day-to-day
morpholine and its derivatives and when they life will surely be a sensible and preventive
react with atmospheric nitrates which drive the approach. Surprisingly, the morpoline content
nitrosation reaction whose products enter into in orange pulp and cigarette snuff is found to
the food chain, and, in turn, causing a great be same, that is, 0.3 mg/kg.
turbulence in the environment. Unfortunately, Keeping these aspects in view and out
this process happens in our of interest our team headed
body (Biological Nitrosation), by Prof. Suman Kapur Rupak
too, when we eat morpholine Morpholine (in chemical Kumar (Department of
coated fruits and vegetables nomenclature called as 1-oxa- Biological Sciences, Genomics
or inhale the cigarette snuff 4-azacyclohexane) is a simple Laboratory, BITS, Pilani-
directly (Fig 1). Since a organic, water-soluble chemical, Hyderabad campus) conducted
nitrosation product is extremely a spectrophotometric-based
which is commonly used as
carcinogenic, it may lead to study to detect morpholine
a coating material to make
cancer of vital organs like liver, content in some selected fruits/
fruits and vegetables appear
lungs, kidneys and digestive vegetables from Hyderabad
eye-catching, and also to save
tract. region. Though, there are
them from attack by oxygen and
The type and severity of several other analytical
microbes, which are the key
symptoms of morpholine toxicity techniques available including
causative factors behind their
may vary depending upon the NMR Spectrometry, Ion-
concentration of morpholine, exchange Chromatography,
intensity and nature of the Gas chromatography – Mass
exposure. It is well known that Spectrometry (GC-MS) for
people who smoke regularly the successful detection of
are at a great risk of developing cancers, but morpholine content, the approach which our
here the findings support the fact that even team had opted was simple, time-effective
non-smokers are known to be at an equal and feasible. This study was designed
risk of developing cancers when exposed to based on the findings published by Stevens
308 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

et al (1965) and it involves a simple chemical spectrophotometer (at 480 nm). The reaction
reaction in which morpholine reacts with was completed in a span of 20 minutes and as
sodium salt of 1,2-naphtoquinone-4-sulphonic it is light sensitive it was carried out in the dark.
acid (NPQ/NQS) under alkaline condition Thus, with the help of this micro-assay we can
at room temperature to form a red/orange directly correlate the morpholine content with
coloured product named 4-(4-morpholinyl) the colour intensity of the product formed in
naphthalene-1,2-dione, which was detected the above assay reaction (Fig 2).
using colour-reading machine, the UV – Visible

Fig 2: Brief depiction of various steps involved in micro-assay for morpholine detection

According to assay results, the observed of vegetables annually. This huge magnitude
morpholine content in fruits/ of fruits and vegetables
vegetables selected for the production leads to their higher
study include 0.171 mg/ consumption rates and, in turn,
kg in tomatoes, 1.831 mg/ higher intake of morpholine.
kg in carrots and 0.342 mg/ “Sometimes though the problem This might be one of the
kg in capsicum, respectively. is bigger its solution will be reasons behind high incidence
Though, the detected values simpler” this is fortunately of liver cancers (nearly 30,000
of morpholine were found to applicable in morpholine’s to 50,000 new cases/year) in
be below the Acceptable Daily case. There is a better remedial India.
Intake (ADI), that is, 0.48 mg/ strategy to keep coated fruits/ Further, our team has
kg body weight/day, it does not vegetables free from morpholine been striving to develop a
necessarily rule out the risk of and that is named as Rule of 3W suitable Point of Detection
cancers if consumed directly (water treatment, washing and Device (PODD) to estimate
on a regular basis. wiping). the presence of morpholine in
In addition, India’s diverse coated fruits and vegetables
climatic condition ensures the using the micro-assay principle.
production of almost all major The assay will use minimal
varieties of fruits and vegetables sample volume (approximately
and ranks second in their production globally. 2 micro litres) to estimate morpholine content
According to information published in National even if is available in lowest concentrations at
Horticulture Database 2015-16 by National a cost of <0.50 INR only. We hope this cost-
Horticulture Board, India produces 90.2 million effective approach could occupy an iconic
tons (MT) of fruits and 169.1 million tons (MT) position in the field of applied science and set
Mr. V. Srinivasa Rao || 309

Fig 3: Side and top views of the preliminary design of prototype device developed by our laboratory
team at BITS, Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

a stage for the development of similar devices, to a satisfactory extent. The major supporting
which aid in the early detection of other force behind this strategy is the water soluble
frequently faced environmental contaminants nature of morpholine. However, morpholine
apart from morpholine, which if left undetected has leaching capacity due to which it can also
may be life threatening. The team also feels pass through and localised in the pulp region
privileged to present the optimized preliminary of fruits/ vegetables. Hence, it is mandatory to
design of the prototype device in Fig 3. quantify its content through suitable approach.
“Sometimes though the problem is bigger The above device is being designed solely
its solution will be simpler” this is fortunately to satisfy the former need and, in turn, could
applicable in morpholine’s case. There is a become an indicator of safety. Lastly, it’s worth
better remedial strategy to keep coated fruits/ emphasizing that we should acknowledge the
vegetables free from morpholine and that adage “All that glitters are not gold” and try to
is named as Rule of 3W (water treatment, educate ourselves and others to not to fall prey
washing and wiping). This simple preventive to the bright, glittering and eye-catching fruits
measure was found to be beneficial in and vegetable products available in markets
removing morpholine present in the outer coat (Say “Yes” or “No”?).
310 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019 Ms. Oyahida Khatun

Taking on Superbug

Ms. Debika Ojha*

Email: [email protected]

ver 20 students have fallen ill at the Staphylococcus aureus, and Salmonella
Gujarat National Law University due spp. Amongst the bacteria listed above,
to food poisoning, The Times of L. monocytogenes is one of the most fatal
India reported on the 27 September 2019. pathogens and the disease caused by
This, is only one of the many incidents of this is known as “Listeriosis”. Its symptoms
food poisoning recounted in our country. include severe diarrhea, fever, vomiting and,
We do often read about the incidences of sometimes, in acute conditions it causes
outbreaks of food poisoning in newspapers, death. According to Center for Disease
which occur, sometimes in schools, temples, Control and Prevention (CDC), USA, each year
or even in homes. Food poisoning is usually nearly 1,600 people get effected by listeriosis
caused by consuming food contaminated and about 260 die. The most common foods
with bacteria, virus, or toxins. Amongst them, contaminated by L. monocytogenes are meat,
bacterial contamination is the most common seafood and dairy products. Frozen meat and
cause of food poisoning. The root cause is meat products are also not out of bound of
several known bacteria, however, the most these organisms as they can sustain and grow
commonly studied are Campylobacter jejuni, at extremely low temperatures and pH.
Clortridium perfringens, Escherichia coli, However, we are aware that modern
Listeria monocytogenes, Bacillus cereus, medicine has come up with cures, in the form

* Ms. Debika Ojha, PhD Scholar from CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore, is pursuing her
research on “Molecular Characterisation of Listeria Monocytogenes RecA, SSB and RecX Proteins: Implications in
Homologous Recombination and Antibiotic Resistance”. Her popular science story entitled “Taking on Superbug” has
been selected for AWSAR Award.
Ms. Debika Ojha || 311

of antibiotics, for most diseases in the recent In this regard, certain drugs are already in
past. But, the real concern arises from the their 3rd and 4th modification stage and soon
fact that the microorganisms, which cause may be considered as ineffective. Whereas,
these fatal disesases are steadily growing the discovery of new drugs requires millions
resistant to the antibiotics. The antimicrobial of dollars for pharmaceutical companies.
resistance (AMR or AR) is the ability of any Considering this fact few scientists have
microorganism that it may have developed to suggested that the efficiency of existing drugs
survive during an antibiotic treatment. These can be increased by counter-attack bacterial
antibiotic resistant strains of micoorganisms mechanisms of drug resistance.
are being called “superbugs”. Having Here, comes the importance of
witnessed the effect of an AMR first hand, Recombinase A protein (RecA). Cells
during the course of my doctoral research, the experience DNA breakage for various reasons,
ability of these pathogens to fight antibiotics which if not repaired immediately, will prove
deeply concerns me. A colleague of mine was lethal to the cells. RecA is the key regulatory
sufferring from severe stomach ache, later enzyme of homologous recombination
resulting in vomiting. She was hospitalized and (bacterial mesor DNA repair pathway). This
rightly treated for food poisoning. Six months protein is present (conserved) in all species.
after her recovery, the symptoms relapsed and For example, in humans the protein similar
it was discovered that the strain which infected RecA protein is called as Rad51. But recently
her was an AMR. She had to undergo intensive several studies proved that RecA also helps
treatment for over a year, and spend thousands in the evaluation of antibiotic resistance by
of rupees to be completely free participating in an important
of the strain. pathway, “SOS response”
For over a decade, (bacterial stress-induced DNA
scientists have been we are aware that modern repair mechanism).
attempting to understand the medicine has come up with There are different groups
mechanisms of development or classes of antibiotics and they
cures, in the form of antibiotics,
of antimicrobial resistance. target different cell components
for most diseases in the recent
Several studies suggested or biochemical pathways to kill
past. But, the real concern
that stress conditions lead to cells. Here, an important class
arises from the fact that the
change in the deoxyribonucleic of antibiotics the “genotoxic
microorganisms, which cause
acid (DNA) sequence (genetic class” of fluoroquinolones, such
these fatal disesases are
mutation) or transferring the as ciprofloxacin (this antibiotic
steadily growing resistant to the
responsible gene to another used against common infectious
antibiotics. The antimicrobial
bacteria (horizontal genes diseases such as diarrhea,
resistance (AMR or AR) is the
transfer) are the major cause skin infection, typhoid fever,
ability of any microorganism
of de novo development and urinary tract infections, and
that it may have developed
clonal spread of antimicrobial abdominal infection) targets
to survive during an antibiotic
resistant strains. The present DNA replication enzymes and
strategy to address the leads to DNA breakage. During
problem includes overcoming stress condition RecA protein
AMR by chemical modification gets activated and leaves
of existing drugs or the LexA repressor and activates
discovery of an entirely new class of drugs. bacteria SOS response which allows repair of
312 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

damaged DNA. So if we can modulate RecA our knowledge, there is no report on natural
function we will be able to slow down the small-molecule as RecA inhibitor except
evaluation of antibiotic resistance. curcumin. So we have taken up this research
Throughout the world, several scientists problem and started to screen natural small
are working to search for small molecule from common food
molecules (low molecular sources, which have the ability
weight and organic molecules to modulate RecA functions.
that can modulate biological We have screened several
functions) that can inhibit our study suggested that a compounds and we observed
RecA function. Presently, very potent RecA inhibitor can be that p-Coumaric acid phenolic
few compounds have been used as a therapeutic agent to compounds widely distributed
reported as RecA inhibitor, such slow down the development in cereals, fruits, and vegetables
as metal cations; zinc, copper, of the process of antibiotic as a potent RecA inhibitor. We
mercury (Prof. Scott F. Singleton resistance in superbugs by observed p-Coumaric acid
group, School of Pharmacy, modulating the SOS response. inhibited L. monocytogenes
Division of Medicinal Chemistry These findings revealed that and E. coli RecA proteins
and Natural Products, The p-Coumaric acid is proven to be mediated activities in vitro
University of North Carolina at a potent RecA inhibitor. such as ssDNA binding,
Chapel Hill, USA) chemical Displacement-loop formation,
compounds; Suramin (Prof. K. strand exchange, and co-
Muniyappa group, Department protease functions. Further,
Biochemistry, IISc, Bengaluru), to strengthen our data we
phthalocyanine tetrasulfonate (Professor C. also treated L. monocytogenes cells with
Ronald Geyer Department of Biochemistry, p-Coumaric acid. We observed that bacterial
University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, cell survival has not been affected due to
Canada) and natural compound curcumin p-Coumeric acid treatment, but it has the
(Professor Giuseppe Celenza Department ability to potentiate the activity of antibiotic
of Biotechnological and Applied Clinical ciprofloxacin by reducing drastic cell survival.
Sciences, University of Aquila, Italy). To It has also inhibited bacterial cell defensive

Fig 1.Cartoon shows how the RecA inhibitor can be used adjuvant to existing antibiotics and increase
its efficiency against superbug.
Ms. Debika Ojha || 313

mechanism filamentation process and in vivo SOS response. These findings revealed that
RecA expression level upon treatment. p-Coumaric acid is proven to be a potent
Altogether, our study suggested RecA inhibitor. It can be used as an adjuvant
that a potent RecA inhibitor can be used to the existing antibiotics, which not only can
as a therapeutic agent to slow down the enhance the shelf-life but also slow down the
development of the process of antibiotic emergence of antibiotic resistance in bacteria.
resistance in superbugs by modulating the
314 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Anisotropy and Inhomogeneity

hidden Potential of Engineering

Mr. Nishant Shakya*

Email: [email protected]

ngineering materials have a vital role in property in it. In today’s world, a wide range
the development of human civilization. Its of engineering materials are available, such as
development is majorly divided into three metals and its alloys, polymers, ceramics and
time periods: Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron composites.
Age. These divisions are based on the materials The performance, design, weight, and
used by humans to make tools, weapons, size of any structure or device depends on
and other articles during that time period. the materials and technology used to fabricate
Civilization development changes the needs them. This fact can be understood by taking
of humans. They require faster transportation some examples. First, take computer as
to save time, improved machinery and tools an example. First-generation computers
for farming, and comfortable clothing and were based on the vacuum tubes. They
housing. To fulfill these needs, different were huge, and weighed 30 tonnes, also
materials are required, as the same material were much less efficient. The discovery of
cannot be used for every purpose. Earlier, the semiconductor material brought a huge
humans depended on the materials which are change to the first-generation computers. In
naturally available. But these materials are not the second generation, computer transistors
adequate for every application, so humans (semiconductor device) replaced vacuum
started to process them to get the desired tubes. This change made the computers much

* Mr. Nishant Shakya, PhD Scholar from Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar, is pursuing his research on “Non-
Linear Coupling Behavior of Anisotropic and Inhomogeneous Beams and Plates”. His popular science story entitled
“Anisotropy and Inhomogeneity hidden Potential of Engineering Materials” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
Mr. Nishant Shakya || 315

smaller than the first-generation ones, besides the game-changers. But every new material
this the speed also increased. For additional comes with its set of challenges. Analysis
information, generation of computers basically and manufacturing are two of them, because
depends on technology advancement rather available studies or methods may not be
than on the material. In the third generation, suitable for these kinds of materials. For
computers, integrated circuits (ICs) were example, FGMs are non-homogeneous and
introduced, which made them faster and were generally isotropic while composites are non-
smaller in size. Fourth generations (today’s homogeneous as well as anisotropic. The
computers) are based on microprocessors, behaviour of these materials is very different
performance, and speeds of these computers from homogeneous-isotropic materials. These
are well known. material exhibits non-classic effects, which
Now take another example of aircrafts. are not observed in conventional materials
In aircraft structure design, material with (homogeneous-isotropic). This makes the
high strength to weight ratio is a primary analysis of these materials very complicated.
requirement. In the early days of the aircraft The developed analysis methods are for
development, plywood and fabrics were used. conventional materials, hence inapplicable
These were the best available options at that and unable to handle the complexity
time. Wright flyer is the best example of it, which involved in the analysis. Manufacturing of
was developed in 1903 by Wright brothers. these materials is also a big challenge, and
With the advancement in the manufacturing available manufacturing techniques are not
technology, these materials were replaced cost-effective.
with the stronger and lighter We have already
aluminum alloys. discussed that composites
Further improvement are non-homogenous and
came after the introduction anisotropic in nature and
Earlier, humans depended
of composite materials in the shows non-classical effects. So
on the materials which are
aerospace industry. Composite what are these non-classical
naturally available. But these
materials may have high effects? To understand those,
materials are not adequate for
strength to weight ratio when let’s take an example of a bar
every application, so humans
compared to metal alloys, which is fixed at one end and
started to process them to get
so they are more suitable for free at the other. According to
the desired property in it. In
aircraft application. Boeing’s the classical mindset, when we
today’s world, a wide range
787 Dreamliner comprises pull this bar from free end, it will
of engineering materials are
nearly 50% carbon fiber extend in the direction of the
available, such as metals and its
reinforced plastic and other load, but it is not always true.
alloys, polymers, ceramics and
composite material which It also can bend or twist, or
reduces the weight by about both may occur simultaneously
20% as compared to aluminum with extension of the bar. This
design. coupling behaviour of bar
Today’s world is an era deformation is called a non-
of advanced materials. This is because the classical effect. Now we try to understand why
use of conventional materials has almost this behaviour exhibits in non-homogenous
reached its saturation. Composites, FGMs, and anisotropic materials only. To understand
Aerogel, and Meta-materials, have become this, let us take a simple example of a cantilever
316 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

beam of rectangular cross-section, which is there is no slip at the interface. Now we apply
made of two different homogeneous-isotropic the same force on both materials, as shown in
materials. The interface of these materials is Fig.1 below.
on the mid-horizontal plane. It is assumed that

Fig.1 Schematic of bi-metallic beam

Although the individual material is coupling behaviour in general anisotropic-

homogeneous-isotropic, but as a whole, the homogeneous material is a very complex
beam material is non-homogeneous-isotropic. phenomenon that cannot be explained by
As the cross-section of both materials is the taking such an example, but can be described
same, and applied load is also the same, the using mathematical formulation. So it suffices
stress (force per unit area) generated will be to believe that coupling occurs along with
same for both materials. But due to the different extension, bending and twisting, which is
young modulus, the extension of collectively called non-classical
both materials will be different. effect in the general non-
This difference of extension homogeneous and anisotropic
results in the compression of materials.
one material while extension The composite materials, due The composite materials,
of the other at the interface. to their distinct properties over due to their distinct properties
This produces the deformation conventional materials and non- over conventional materials
gradient along the thickness classical effects, have proved and non- classical effects,
of the whole beam as a result useful in different applications, have proved useful in different
of this, there is significant such as in Micro Aerial Vehicles applications, such as in
difference in the extension (MAVs), wind turbines, aircraft, Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs),
of the extreme surface. and helicopter. MAVs are wind turbines, aircraft, and
This extension difference broadly classified as fixed-wing, helicopter. MAVs are broadly
produces the bending of this rotary wing, and flapping wing classified as fixed-wing, rotary
non-homogeneous beam. type. wing, and flapping wing type.
This case of extension- Flapping wing type MAVs
bending coupling is easier to are inspired by the flapping
explain, but for general non- insects. The wing of these
homogeneous-isotropic is insects performs bending and
complicated to explain in a similar fashion. We twisting motion simultaneously in a particular
need a complex mathematical formulation to fashion during flight. This type of motion can
describe the other coupling in general non- be achieved by exploiting the coupling effect
homogeneous-isotropic materials. Similarly, of the composite materials.
Mr. Nishant Shakya || 317

Wind turbine rotor, for successful power experimental aircraft tested by NASA for US
generation and due to the design constraint, air force. This is a forward-swept wing aircraft,
has to rotate in the certain RPM range. But wind it provides excellent rolling control at very high
load depends on the atmospheric conditions, speed and is extremely stable when compared
and variable, so it becomes difficult to maintain to a conventional aircraft. Due to this design,
the RPM in that particular range. To maintain wings are additionally loaded in twisting, this
the RPM in the specified range, a mechanism requires wing material of higher torsional
is required which changes the angle of rigidity without compromising on the structural
attack according to the wind load. Whenever load. This is achieved in these aircraft by using
wind load increases, this mechanism should the bending- twisting coupling. Lift force bends
reduce the angle of attack of the rotor blade, the wing of the aircraft and due to the coupling
and when wind load reduces the angle of blade twisted in the opposite direction to the
attack should increase. The mechanical or applied twisting moment. This provides the
electrical mechanism makes the whole system additional torsional rigidity to the wing.
very complex. But by using the bending- Significance of the material has been
twisting coupling of composite materials, explained with help of the above examples,
this mechanism can be developed without where, we, in particular, are focused to
any complexity introduction to the system. explore the hidden potential of the materials
The blade will bend forward or backward, through inhomogeneity and anisotropy. We
depending on the wind load, and accordingly, are developing mathematical model to analyze
the blade will twist, which results in a change such anisotropic and non-homogeneous
in the angle of the attack according to wind materials, which will be boon in developing the
load. indigenous structures for aerospace, medical,
Grumman X-29 is an unconventional, and defense applications.
318 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Structural Health Diagnostic


Mr. Ajinkya Sirsat*

Email: [email protected]

ave you ever build a palace out of builds a structure wants his structure to serve
playing cards? If yes, you would have the purpose it is built for that too for a longer
ensured that there should be no draught duration. But as in the case of structure built out
of air and vibrations in the vicinity of the palace of cards it becomes difficult to comment about
so that your efforts would not go in vain. Also, the failure of huge structures like skyscrapers,
while building if you notice a card with low bridges, monuments, boilers, aeroplanes, and
strength or an area where you think there is cranes just by looking at the structures.
more load to be balanced, you would provide The question then arises how to tell that
extra card to support the load. Now, imagine a structure is going to fail in its functionality.
you rebuild the same palace but this time with To answer this let’s take a case which is
thick cardboards and with proper adhesive related to the health of a person. A completely
to keep everything in place. While building fit person is monitored daily to ensure that
this time you become somewhat relaxed every organ in his body is working to its full
because it’s your experience, observations potential. While monitoring the person one day
and understanding which tell you that the is diagnosed with diabetes. This person is now
thick cardboard will sustain more load than monitored regularly for his sugar level and is on
the normal playing card. The effort would not medication so that the malfunctioning organs
go without reward. Thus, every engineer who begin to function properly. To take the analogy

* Mr. Ajinkya Sirsat, PhD Scholar from Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar, is pursuing his research on “Micro-
Mechanic of Smart Composite Structures in Stochastic Framework”. His popular science story entitled “Structural
Health Diagnostic Equipment” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
Mr. Ajinkya Sirsat || 319

of human body, it is a structure made up of comparing the time of sending and receiving
structural components like organs, bones, and the signal the distance of the crack is estimated
tissues. If the human body fails it means its and accidents are avoided. But this is one
organs, bones, tissues fail to perform their task. of the techniques, which cannot be used for
Similarly, the mechanical or civil structures fail every structure. This motivates to develop a
because their structural components break compact monitoring instrument, which can be
down under some loading condition. Coming used while the structure is functional and can
back to the question how to tell that a structure monitor easily any structural components.
is failed or going to fail is by monitoring the The current research deals with the
health of the structural components used for development of such SHM device. The device
building it. Technically it is called Structural will be a small patch of a smart composite
Health Monitoring (SHM). material. Before getting into the details of
The next query that comes to mind is the device let’s first take an overlook on
how to monitor huge structural components? composite materials and incorporating
Structures can be classified into two smartness into it. Composite materials are
categories mobile and immobile. Mobile non-conventional materials or engineered
structures, like aeroplanes, and ships, can materials. By engineered materials it is meant
be moved for monitoring to the place where that these materials are developed using
monitoring instruments are kept. But while the conventional materials which are used in
monitoring the services provided by the daily lives abundantly. Composite materials
structure has to be suspended. Another task as the name suggest are the mixture of two
is to build the scaffoldings materials to utilize their best
and other fixtures to properly characteristic. One of the
hold the components in place examples of composite material
while monitoring. The immobile is the Fiber Reinforced Polymer
structures like buildings and To take the analogy of human Composite (FRPC). In FRPC
bridges cannot be moved so body, it is a structure made up fibers of particular materials are
the monitoring instruments of structural components like hold together using a polymer.
have to be brought near the organs, bones, and tissues. If All of us have broken a
structure. To give an example of the human body fails it means stick into two if we bend it, but
structural health monitoring the its organs, bones, tissues fail to the same stick if we pull along
railway tracks are continuously perform their task. Similarly, the its length is difficult to break.
scrutinised before the train mechanical or civil structures The same kind of behaviour is
moves on them. Actually, the fail because their structural observed in the fibers of many
train engine (wagon) carries components break down under materials, that is, they are strong
an instrument that uses the some loading condition. in one direction and week in
technique used by bats while other. To take the advantage
flying to make their path or to of the high strength of fibers
communicate and is called the in one direction, the number of
Sound Navigation and Ranging fibers is arranged in a particular
(SONAR). The instrument sends ultrasound direction where the strength is required and
waves through the rails, if there is a crack in a molten polymer (resin) generally called as
the track the ultrasound waves get reflected matrix is poured to hold all the fibers in place.
back and the instrument catches them. Now Matrix alone has a very low strength but has
320 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

adhesive nature and it can distribute loads when applied on the structural components will
on a large area. Now, as the molten polymer ensure load on the components and make the
cools it solidifies and a layer is formed known PZT fibers to deform and hence to generate
as lamina of FRPC. According to requirement, the electric voltage. This electric voltage will be
a number of these layers are stacked and an compared with the standard calibrated stored
engineered material forms called as FRPC voltage data. If the output data is within the
.The term ‘engineered’ associated with the safe limit the structure is said to be safe, if not
composite material signifies that the properties the components can be repaired or changed
of this material can be altered or achieved by in due time to avoid any accidents. This is
changing the fiber directions in the composite. not as simple as it looks. The broad research
Coming to incorporating smartness objective is, of course, of fabricating the smart
into these composites. The term smartness composite patch but this broad objective is to
signifies the involvement of materials, which be achieved by completing small complicated
reacts to some external stimuli like pressure, objectives.
temperature, electric potential and deforms in Let’s discuss these small objectives in
a particular sense. For example, consider the details. Objective 1. To study the effect of
lighter we use in our kitchen to ignite the LPG interaction between two fibers (carbon-carbon,
(gas) stove. The lighter has a material called as carbon PZT, PZT-PZT) through the matrix. This
quartz crystal which shows a phenomenon of objective is necessary to study the behaviour of
generation of electric potential on one its pair of fibers under different loading conditions. Also,
opposite faces, on the application of pressure this objective will give an insight into how the
on another pair of opposite loads get transferred through
faces. This phenomenon is the matrix in the vicinity of the
called as piezoelectricity. fiber if it gets broken. This is a
Piezoelectricity is a reversible All of us have broken a stick crucial study because if a fiber
phenomenon, that is, on into two if we bend it, but the in a composite gets broken
application of electric voltage same stick if we pull along the load-carrying capacity of
on the one set of opposite its length is difficult to break. the fiber becomes zero and,
faces the pressure can be felt The same kind of behaviour is hence, the capacity of the
on other set of faces. While observed in the fibers of many whole composite decreases.
using the lighter, we press the materials, that is, they are Further loading will make other
central rod which applies the strong in one direction and week fibers to carry the burden of
pressure on the quartz crystal in other. To take the advantage the load of the broken fiber
and the crystal produces of the high strength of fibers and, hence, increases their
electric voltage which, in turn, in one direction, the number of chances to get overloaded and
produces the spark to ignite fibers is arranged in a particular break. Objective 2. To study
the gas stove. In the current direction where the strength is the effects of the arrangements
research, Lead Zirconate required and a molten polymer of fibers in a composite. This
Titanate (PZT) fibers which also (resin) generally called as matrix objective will guide you to get
show piezoelectricity are used is poured to hold all the fibers in the optimized arrangement of
along with the carbon fiber. place. fibers both carbon and PZT.
The smart composite The fiber arrangement has an
formed out of these fibers is important role in fabricating
fabricated as a patch. This patch the patch, as the patch has to
Mr. Ajinkya Sirsat || 321

deform for low amplitude loads to get a broad give the desired output. This patch will provide
application range. Objective 3. To build the the engineers a hand-held monitoring device
patch incorporating the outcome from the so that they can monitor their structure and
previous two objectives. This objective will avoid the failure of it. The current research is
come to a conclusion to get the optimized being done in MUSE Lab IIT Ropar under the
stacking sequence of the laminas so that the supervision of Dr Srikant Sekhar Padhee.
laminas under different loading conditions
322 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Nose-to-brain Delivery of
Liposomes: A Ray of Hope for

Ms. Reema Narayan*

Email: [email protected]

ollywood stars are worshipped and Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a mental
looked upon by numerous people. Their disorder, which affects a person’s ability to
lifestyle becomes a dream for many. think clearly and thus impairs their behaviour
However, the myth of a rosy perfect life has and day-to-day activities. The person suffering
often been broken when some of them shared from schizophrenia has thoughts or certain
their struggle with mental illness. Parveen Babi, experiences which are far removed from
one of the most beautiful yesteryear actors, reality and are often seen talking to imaginary
was a victim of mental illness, which resulted people. Many of the reports state that patients
in her ending her life. refuse to believe that there is something wrong
“Sam* sitting in his office chamber often with them, which leads to them walking out
tells his colleagues that his best friends Tom* of treatment. Apart from this, social stigma
and Harry* (figments of his imagination) which surrounds these mental disorders
are trying to hurt him and ruin his job and is results in many schizophrenic patients
frequently heard talking to people from his refusing to get appropriate treatment. World
imagination. When it was suggested that he Health Organization (WHO) report states that
consult a physician, he refused and said that over 23 million people worldwide suffer from
nothing is wrong with him but with everybody schizophrenia and more than 50% people do
else, only to realise later that he suffers from not receive suitable care.

* Ms. Reema Narayan, PhD Scholar from Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Karnataka, is pursuing her
research on “Nanoparticulate Systems for the Treatment of Cancer”. Her popular science story entitled “Nose-to-Brain
Delivery of Liposomes: A Ray of Hope for Schizophrenia” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
Ms. Reema Narayan || 323

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the overall

By and large, the story of mathematician barrier. In addition, other adverse reactions are
John Nash Jr fighting with his own thoughts in also observed, which are the drawbacks of the
the English movie ‘A Beautiful Mind’ still remains current treatment. Based on these drawbacks,
one of the major glimpses into the life of a our team at Manipal College of Pharmaceutical
schizophrenic patient. Dr Samir Sciences, attempted to
Parikh, Director, Fortis National develop a novel means of
Mental Health Program says delivery of risperidone, which
that most of cases in India go Schizophrenia is a mental is the most popular drug for the
unrecognized. Schizophrenia disorder, which affects a treatment of schizophrenia by
requires a lifelong treatment person’s ability to think clearly incorporating it into liposomes
and patients have seen an and thus impairs their behaviour and later administering the
improvement in the quality and day-to-day activities. same via nasal route.
of their life with medicines The person suffering from We used liposomes
and care rendered by family schizophrenia has thoughts or which is a lipid-based carrier
members. certain experiences which are known to enhance the cellular
The currently available far removed from reality and are uptake of the drugs loaded in
treatment for schizophrenia often seen talking to imaginary it leading to better delivery of
involves taking medication, people. the drugs. Liposomes are < 1
which can be a burden on micron phospholipid-based
patients who in the long run stop molecules, which can carry
taking the medicines leading drugs into the tissues. They
to relapse of the symptoms. In are more compatible with the
addition, the medicines available at present tissues due to their structure similarity with
do not show sufficient concentration at the site the cell membranes. Delivering drugs to brain
of action, that is, the brain which may be due directly via intranasal route of transportation
to the very thick line-of-control, the blood brain bypasses the ‘line of control – blood brain
324 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

barrier’ thus enhancing the activity of the the carrier.

drug and reducing side effects, state the To confirm the relatively higher
researchers. The principal investigator of this accumulation of drug in the brain as compared
project, Dr Usha Y. Nayak says that “loading to blood, we further went on to study the
of risperidone into nanocarrier distribution of the drug loaded
liposomes and delivering via liposomes in Wistar rats when
intranasal route will help in given via intranasal route versus
effectively transporting the intravenous route. Literature
drug to the brain”. Hence, we Our team studied the effects reveals certain similarity
explored the potential use of of different concentrations of between the blood brain barrier
both liposomes and intranasal lipids on the size and loading of of rats and humans and are well
delivery route to effectively risperidone into the liposomes. established to study the same.
deliver the drug, risperidone. We adopted the design of The study revealed interesting
Our team studied the effects experiments (DoE) approach results with the formulation
of different concentrations of to arrive at the most robust developed by us showing
lipids on the size and loading of liposome formulation. This higher amount of exposure in
risperidone into the liposomes. helped us reduce the number brain as compared to that in
We adopted the design of of experiments to be run, thus the blood. The formulation was
experiments (DoE) approach saving time and reducing the found to have longer residence
to arrive at the most robust cost without compromising on time in the brain.
liposome formulation. This the quality of the end product. The work provides
helped us reduce the number an evidence of the probable
of experiments to be run, thus use of risperidone liposomes
saving time and reducing the administered through intranasal
cost without compromising on route as an alternative to
the quality of the end product. This approach is the currently available oral and intravenous
often preferred in the pharmaceutical industry, injections. This may reduce the side-effects
which suggests the reliability of the process due to higher dose of the drug and also
and product developed. be a boon to the patients suffering from
Thorough characterization of the schizophrenia. However, studies in humans
developed formulation was performed using will add more reliability to the data, which if
sophisticated instruments such as Malvern proven can be a breakthrough in addressing
Zetasizer to determine the particle size, the current treatment drawbacks. If successful,
transmission electron microscopy to view the formulation will be a boon to both patients
the particle surface and dissolution testing to and the caregivers.
determine the amount of drug released from
|| 325

Mr. Shanay Rab*

Email: [email protected]

g eus lqnwj taxyksa dk lQj fd;k] mu igkM+ksa

dks ns[kk] tgka dksà ugÈ igqap ldk FkkA mu
okfn;ksa esa flrkjksa ds uhps ge #ds vkSj ?kaVksa ;wa
gh cSBs jgsA ;g le>us ,d ;kstuk Fkh] fd dSls nqfu;k
us oSKkfud fu;eks dks le>k] dSls geus fnu vkSj
vc eSa ih,pMh dj jgk gw¡A eq>s ;g irk pyk gS
fd eq>s f'k{k.k vkSj vuqlaèkku ls lkeku :i ls I;kj gS
blfy, esjs ikl iksLV&ih,pMh Iyku Hkh gSA ç;ksx'kkyk
esa 'kksèk djus ds ckjs esa lcls vPNh ckr] okLro esa
Þ'kksèk djrs jgukß gh gSaA eSa cgqr lkjs 'kkunkj yksxksa
jkr] _rqvksa ds pØ] xzg.k] Tokj] Tokykeq[kh] baæèkuq"k ls feyrk gwa] vkSj eq>s muls loky iwNus esa etk vkrk
vkSj buds fu;fer nksgjko dks le>kA bl ;kstuk gSa ¼tks dHkh&dHkh vthc Hkh gksrs gSa½A tc esjs 'kksèk dh
dks foLrkj lky 2016 iksLV xzstq,'ku fMxzh ds nkSjku ckr vkrh gS] eSaus igyh ckj bafM;k baVjus'kuy lkbal
eq>s jk"Vªh; HkkSfrd ç;ksx'kkyk esa 'kksèk dk;Z djus ds QsfLVoy dh if=dk esa ÇçV esa viuk uke ns[kk rks eSa
volj ds :i esa feykA mlh lky Þystj baVjQsjksehVj cgqr T;knk mRlkfgr gks x;k FkkA tc lEesyuksa esa
xzsfoVs'kuy osc v‚CtosZVjhß ¼yhxks½ }kjk xq#Roh; rjaxksa vkidks 'kksèk ds fy, vPNh çfrfØ;k feyrh gS rks ges'kk
ds gksus dh iqf"V gqÃ] tks bl ckr dh vksj b'kkjk djrh xoZ dk vuqHko nsdj tkrh gSAa
gS fd lVhd ekiu dh dksà lhek ugÈ gSA czãkaM esa gky gh esa] 16 uoacj 2018 dks Hkkjr lesr foÜo
ge tks dqN Hkh ekiuk ;k tkuuk pkgrs gSa og çk;ksfxd ds 60 ns'kksa ds çfrfufèk;ksa }kjk Hkkj] fo|qr èkkjk] rkieku
midj.kksa }kjk irk yxk;k tk ldrk gSA lqcg fuèkkZfjr vkSj jklk;fud inkFkZ dh ek=k dh varjjk"Vªh; bdkÃ
le; ij mBus ls ysdj jkr esa lksus rd] gekjh nSfud ra= dks iquiZfjHkkf"kr djus ds i{k esa ernku fd;k x;kA
fnup;kZ ds lHkh vk;keksa esa ekiu dk mi;ksx gksrk gSA eSaus vkSj esjs lqijokbtj us bl ernku& çfØ;k dk
ykbo çlkj.k ¼;wVîwc½ ns[kk] mu {k.kksa dks 'kk;n 'kCnks

* Mr. Shanay Rab, PhD Scholar from CSIR-National Physical Laboratory, Delhi, is pursuing his research on “Design,
Development and Analysis of Pressure Calibrator and Associated High-Pressure Accessories”. His popular science
story entitled “ ” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
326 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

esa fijks;k ugÈ tk ldrk gSaA foÜo eki foKku fnol u, fodkl ?kVukØe dks tkjh j[kus vkSj Hkkjrh;
¼20 eà 2019½ ls fdyksxzke] ,aih;j] dsfYou vkSj eksy m|ksxksa dh vko';drkvksa ds lkFk rkyesy j[kus ds
dh foÜo ekud ifjHkk"kk cny nh x;h gSA blesa lcls fy,] lh,lvkÃvkj&jk"Vªh; HkkSfrd ç;ksx'kkyk] Þjk"Vªh;
egRoiw.kZ fdyksxzke dh ifjHkk"kk esa fd;k x;k cnyko ekfidh laLFkkuÞ ds :i esa lnSo mUur ekiu çkS|ksfxdh
gSa] ftls ÞfdCcy cSysalß uked midj.k dk ç;ksx djrs dk leFkZu djrs gq, vko';d nkc ekudksa dh LFkkiuk]
gq, cny fn;k x;k gSaA fdyksxzke] varjjk"Vªh; ç.kkyh j[kj[kko ,oa; ekiu nsus esa fujUrj ç;kljr
esa vafre ewy bdkà gS] ftls vHkh rd ,d HkkSfrd gSA
oLrq ¼IySfVue&bjsfM;e ls cus flysaMj½ }kjk ifjHkkf"kr fiNys dqN n'kdksa ds nkSjku] foKku esa mPp
fd;k tkrk FkkA pw¡fd HkkSfrd oLrqvksa ls ijek.kq dk ºzkl nkc çkS|ksfxdh dk mi;ksx rsth ls c<+k gSA blh ds
vklkuh ls gks ldrk gS] blfy;s bldh ek=k ekbØksxzke dkj.k vuqç;ksxksa dh ,d foLr`r J`a[kyk esa csgrj
esa dà ckj cnyh xà FkhA bldk rkRi;Z ;g gS] fd eki vfuf'prrkvksa ds lkFk csgrj baLVªwesaVs'ku vkSj
fdyksxzke dks ekius ds fy;s nqfu;k Hkj esa ,d çfreku çkS|ksfxfd;ksa ds fy, 'kksèkdrkZvksa dk è;ku vkdÆ"kr
dk mi;ksx fd;k tkrk Fkk vkSj ;g çfreku v'kq) fd;k gSA nkc ds lVhd eki dks fofHkUu çdkj ds
eki crkrk FkkA lkekU;r% thou esa bl rjg ds ekewyh çkFkfed] f}rh;d vkfn ekudksa dk mi;ksx djds fd;k
cnyko dks eglwl ugÈ fd;k tk ldrk] ysfdu ,dne tkrk gSA bl ç;kstu ds fy,] eSuksehVj vkSj fiLVu
lVhd oSKkfud x.kukvksa ds fy;s ;g ges'kk ls ,d cM+h eSuksehVj ;k nkc rqykvksa ij vkèkkfjr çkFkfed ekSfyd
leL;k jgh gS] tks bl cnyko ds ckn [kRe gks x;h gSA midj.k mi;ksx esa cgqr vke gSaA eSuksehVj dk mi;ksx
eSa] jk"Vªh; HkkSfrd ç;ksx'kkyk esa nkc] fuokZr ,oa mPpre lVhdrk ds lkFk ok;qeaMyh; ncko ds nkc
ijkJO; ekfidh vuqHkkx esa 'kksèk dk;Z dj jgk gw¡A nkc ekiu ds vklikl lhfer gS] tcfd nkc rqykvksa dk
ekiu esa 'kksèk djuk mRlkfgr djrk gS] ;s 'kk;n oSlk ç;ksx vPNh lVhdrk ds lkFk cgqr mPp nkc ekiu ds
gh gS tSlk tsEl okV dks igyh ckj Hkki ls dsryh dk fy, fd;k tkrk gSA cM+s vkdkj] mPp ykxr] vR;fèkd
<ôu mBrs gq, yxk gksxkA dsryh dq'ky lapkyu dh vko';drk vkSj
dks ns[kus ds ckn] tsEl okV dks Hkki nkc rqykvksa ds ifjogu esa dfBukb;k¡
ls mÙiu 'kfä ds ckjs esa irk pykA ds dkj.k] bu ekudksa dk mi;ksx
ckn esa] tsEl okV us ml vuqHko dk jk"Vªh; ekiu ç;ksx'kkykvksa vkSj lanHkZ
foÜo eki foKku fnol ¼20
bLrseky dj] LVhe batu dks vkSj nkc ç;ksx'kkykvksa esa gh lhfer gSaA
eà 2019½ ls fdyksxzke] ,aih;j]
vfèkd 'kfä'kkyh midj.k cuk fn;kA mUur daI;wÇVx rduhd] l‚¶Vos;j]
dsfYou vkSj eksy dh foÜo ekud
pwafd Þnkcß ,d O;qRiUu bdkà gS] tks gkMZos;j vkSj foÜoluh; bysDVª‚fuDl
fdyksxzke ds lkFk lEc) j[krh gSA ifjHkk"kk cny nh x;h gS A bles a ds vkxeu ds lkFk] vc f}rh;d
bl cnyko ds lkFk bldh lVhd lcls egRoiw.kZ fdyksxzke dh ¼VªkalMîwllZ@lsallZ½ nkc ekius okys
ekiu esa lqèkkj gqvk gSA nkc] u dsoy ifjHkk"kk es a fd;k x;k cnyko midj.kksa dk mi;ksx djuk laHko gSA
æO; voLFkk ds lcls gS a ] ftls ÞfdCcy cS y s a l ß uked ;s midj.k çkFkfed ekudksa dh rqyuk
egRoiw.kZ ekinaMksa esa ls ,d midj.k dk ç;ksx djrs gq, esa eki dh dqN vfèkd vfuf'prrkvksa
gS cfYd gekjs nSfud thou esa lcls cny fn;k x;k gS a A fdyks x z k e] ds lkFk çkFkfed ekudksa lacafèkr
vfèkd ekfir fd;k tkus okyk HkkSfrd va r jjk"Vª h ; ç.kkyh es a va f re ew y dfBukb;ksa dks nwj djrs gSaA
ekinaM gSA geus tkuk fd dSls gt+kjksa bdkà gS ] ftls vHkh rd ,d f}rh;d ncko ekudksa esa] nkc
vuqç;ksx esa nkc dk lVhd ekiu HkkSfrd oLrq ¼IySfVue&bjsfM;e ls dks dqN vU; mi;qä HkkSfrd ekinaMksa
eq[; :i ls çHkko M+kyrk gSA çfr cus flysaMj½ }kjk ifjHkkf"kr fd;k ds lanHkZ esa ekik tkrk gS] ftudks nkc
o"kZ vdsys Hkkjr esa gh uo fuÆer vkSj tkrk FkkA ds lacaèk esa çkFkfed nkc ekudksa dh
LFkkfir nkc ekiu ds midj.kksa dh rqyuk esa va'kkadu }kjk LFkkfir fd;k
la[;k dà yk[k ds cjkcj gS vkSj tkrk gSA geus ns[kk fd gekjs vk;qèk
;g la[;k vkS|ksfxd fodkl ds dkj.k fuekZ.k tSlh txgksa ij lVhd mPp
yxkrkj c<rh tk jgh gSA nkc ekiu ds fy, VªkalMîwllZ@lsallZ dh mPp ekax gSA
blhfy, midj.k dh jpuk ds lkFk ykxr&çHkko'khyrk
Mr. Shanay Rab || 327

ds nkc ekiu midj.k dh rRdky vko';drk dks è;ku çn'kZu ewY;kadu fd;k gS] ftls dqN vkS|ksfxd Qeks± us
esa j[krs gq, vkSj 1 xsxkikLdy ¼1000 esxkikLdy½ rd çkS|ksfxdh çkIr djus vkSj O;kolkf;d mi;ksx djus esa
dh ,d dk;Z lhek dks ,d pqukSrh ds :i esa fy;k viuh xgjh #fp O;ä dh gSA gky gh esa fjO;q v‚Q+
x;k gSA lkbafVfQd baLVªwesaV~l uked if=dk esa çdkf'kr 'kksèk
orZeku esa] ç;ksx'kkyk,a vkSj i= esa Ø‚l ¶yksÇVx okYo midj.k
m|ksx txr vfèkd ykxr ij mPp ds fodkl&Øe vkSj gksus okys
nkc ekiu ds fy, VªkalMîwllZ@ Qk;nksa dks fn[kk;k x;k gSA Ø‚l
lsallZ dk fons'kks ls vk;kr dj jgs gSa mPp nkc {ks= esa geus Ø‚l ¶yksÇVx okYo] ftldk ç;ksx Ø‚l
ftles dHkh dHkh vk;kr çfrcaèk tSlh ¶yksÇVx fofèk }kjk mPp nkc rqykvksa
¶yksÇVx okYo uked ,d midj.k
leL;k,a Hkh ns[kus dks feyrh gSA bu ds va'kkadu ds fy, fd;k tkrk gS]
dk fMtkbu] fodkl] fuekZ.k vkSj
leL;kvksa dks Hkkjrh; 'kksèkdrkZvks } blds ç;ksx ls mPp nkc rqykvksa ds
çn'kZu ewY;kadu fd;k gS] ftls
kjk de ykxr ij mRiknu djds gy va'kkadu esa vkus okyh dfBukb;ksa dks
dqN vkS|ksfxd Qeks± us çkS|ksfxdh
fd;k tk ldrk gSA nkc ekiu ds nwj fd;k tk ldrk gSA va'kkadu ds
çkIr djus vkSj O;kolkf;d
VªkalMîwllZ dk fodkl vke gS] ysfdu le; bls nks nkc rqykvksa ds eè; esa
mi;ksx djus esa viuh xgjh #fp
mPp nkc lhek ¼1000 esxkikLdy½ yxk;k tkrk gS] çFke nkc rqyk dk
O;ä dh gSA
esa vklku fMt+kbu ds lkFk ykxr nkc] okYo [kqyh gksus dh fLFkfr esa
çHkko'khyrk ,d pqukSrh gSA bl okYo ls gksdj nwljh nkc rqyk esa
ifjçs{; dks j[krs gq, geus ,d mPp tkrk gSA va'kkadu ds nkSjku tkap
nkc ekiu ds VªkalMîwllZ ds fuekZ.k dh tkus okyh nkc rqyk ij fuf'pr
dks ysdj 'kksèk dk;Z fd;k gSA mPp nkc dk mi;ksx j[kus ls ekud nkc rqyk ij >Vdk u yxs] blds fy,
VªkalMîwllZ ds inkFkZ esa mÙiu gq, ruko ds fy, lhfer Ø‚l ¶yksÇVx okYo dks can j[kk tkrk gSA rRi'pkr
gSA mPp ruko lgu djus okys inkFkZ dk ç;ksx] çFke nkc rqyk ij le{k Hkkj j[kdj okYo dks [kksydj
VªkalMîwllZ dh dher c<+k nsrh gS] blfy, geus tks nksuksa nkc rqykvksa dks larqfyr fd;k tkrk gSA blls
de ruko lgu djus okys inkFkZ ds lkFk nkc ogu nkc rqykvksa dk va'kkadu ljy :i ,oa de le; esa gks
{kerk dks c<+kus ds fy, Þv‚Vks ÝsV~tÞ rduhd dks tkrk gSA ç;ksx'kkyk esa fd;s x, ç;ksxksa ls irk pyrk
viuk;k gSA fo'ys"k.k ds i'pkr ifj.kkeksa ls irk pyrk gS fd bl midj.k dk ç;ksx dj va'kkadu esa yxus okys
gS fd laosnh rRo dk v‚Vks ÝsV~t u dsoy VªkalMîwlj le; dks 30% rd cpk;k tk ldrk gSA
dh nkc ogu {kerk esa o`f) djrk gS] vfirq bldh laiUu 'kksèk dk;Z vkSj çLrkfor ifj;kstuk Hkkjr
laosnu'khyrk esa Hkh lqèkkj dj ldrk gSA ljdkj ds Þesd bu bafM;kÞ igy ds vuq:i gS] ftlesa
mPp nkc {ks= esa geus Ø‚l ¶yksÇVx okYo Lons'kh :i ls ifj"—r oSKkfud midj.kksa dks fodflr
uked ,d midj.k dk fMtkbu] fodkl] fuekZ.k vkSj fd;s tkus gsrq çksRlkfgr fd;k x;k gSA
328 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Now Silk Can Also be Worn

by Stem Cells to Express
Themselves and Differentiate!

Ms. Smita Patil*

Email: [email protected]

ilk fibres have been used as a medical bone has multiple types of cells such as
suture material for centuries; in recent bone cells (osteoblasts) and cartilage cells
years it has also gained a lot of interest (chondrocytes). We have been working
to be used as a material for culturing and on development of strategies to direct
growing stem cells. In our lab at Centre for differentiation of stem cells using silk fibroin-
Biomedical Engineering, Indian Institute of based scaffolds, for bone tissue engineering
Technology, Delhi, we have been working with applications. In 2018, we developed a simple
silk as a biomaterial to develop new tissue strategy to direct stem cell differentiation by
engineering strategies. functional group modification on silk films in 2
Bone and joint pathologies, intervertebral dimensions (2D). We demonstrated that stem
disc degeneration/low back pain, cells can be changed into bone and cartilage
tendinopathies, fractures, osteoarthritis, cells on the same scaffold without adding any
osteoporosis are among the largest groups exogenous enhancers.
of debilitating diseases today. Consequently, A three dimensional silk fibroin-based
there is a need for further research to develop scaffold, which allows simultaneous formation
better, more effective cell-based bone tissue of scaffolds and cell encapsulation with
engineering products for clinical translation minimal damage to the cells, is unavailable, as
and therapeutic applications. Typically, most of the methods involve use of some cell

* Ms. Smita Patil, PhD Scholar from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, is pursuing her research on “Controlling Stem
Cell Differentiation for Tissue Engineering”. Her popular science story entitled “Now Silk Can Also be Worn by Stem
Cells to Express Themselves and Differentiate!” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
Ms. Smita Patil || 329

destructive techniques. In the research paper entrapped inside the beads, hence retaining
published in RSC’s Biomaterials Science their structure even after 14 days, when kept
journal, we developed silk fibroin alginate- in a buffer solution. These beads are similar
based 3D beads and also incorporated to water marbles, which are also hydrogels,
functional groups, which help in stem cell that is, they soak up large amount of water and
differentiation. These beads represent a true become many times bigger.
3D system replicating the in vivo environment. These alginate-silk beads supported
Human embryonic stem cells are a growth and proliferation of osteoblast-like cells
potentially powerful tool for therapeutic and hMSCs. Further, the effect of functional
application in tissue regeneration, however, groups on differentiation of hMSCs in 3D
their use is ethically contentious, and thus microenvironment was also investigated and
adult stem cells such as human mesenchymal for this the carboxylic acid groups naturally
stem cells (hMSCs) have emerged as a viable present in alginate were utilized. Additionally,
alternative. These hMSCs can be obtained phosphate groups (PO4) were added onto
from healthy human adults and under proper alginate (Alg) by chemical crosslinking to
growth conditions can form various cell types develop alginate-PO4. We had previously
(such as bone and cartilage) in vitro (outside shown that these groups direct hMSCs
living organisms). differentiation in 2D, into chondrogenic and
Silk fibroin is a fibre-like protein, which is osteogenic lineages. So in our study we formed
glued together by sericin protein, to form silk 4 types of beads: Alg, Alg-silk, Alg- PO4, Alg-
cocoons. We use silk cocoons from Bombyx PO4 silk.
mori silkworm, the domestic For any tissue engineering
silkworm which feeds on product to be successful it
mulberry leaves and is found is extremely important that it
abundantly in India. Alginate is should not cause any immune
Bone and joint pathologies,
a polysaccharide derived from response when implanted
intervertebral disc degeneration/
algae and alginate beads, is one inside human body. So we
low back pain, tendinopathies,
of the extensively investigated checked whether our beads
fractures, osteoarthritis,
cell encapsulation materials. were immunogenic or not
osteoporosis are among the
But alginate does not interact by standard protocols using
largest groups of debilitating
with cells, this results in poor immune cells and found that
diseases today. Consequently,
cell growth and proliferation. the beads with or without stem
there is a need for further
Here, we formed 3D cells were not immunogenic.
research to develop better, more
beads by crosslinking alginate It is known that hMSCs can
effective cell-based bone tissue
with calcium ions and the silk control the immune response
engineering products for clinical
fibroin trapped in the alginate and they have been used for
translation and therapeutic
bead slowly forms β sheets reducing immune response
(silk fibres) due to the aqueous due to graft implantation. In
environment, resulting in a our study we found that the 3D
stable silk-alginate 3D bead. beads provided a favourable
The beads were characterized environment for growth of
by imaging and staining with a protein stain, hMSCs and they secreted more factors
showing the beads were porous and in the size compared to hMSCs grown in 2D.
range of 3 mm. The silk remained physically We can deduce many things just by
330 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

looking up at someone’s clothes, for example, a 2D system. Thus we developed a platform

kids going to school have a uniform and kids which not only enables differentiation of stem
from different schools can be identified from cells in two distinct lineages in 3D, but it also
their uniforms. Similarly, the cells in our body provides an easy to fabricate, simple and
perform different functions inexpensive in vitro model for
and have different levels of expansion of hMSCs and to
proteins expressed on their study fundamental aspects of
surfaces. These proteins help stem cell differentiation in the
us in identifying and studying Here, we formed 3D beads 3D system. Development of
the cell’s functions and growth by crosslinking alginate with such 3D scaffolds, which can
conditions in laboratories. calcium ions and the silk fibroin direct differentiation on their
To see if our beads were trapped in the alginate bead own (due to material properties
helping in differentiating stem slowly forms β sheets (silk or other cues) without the need
cells, we allowed the stem fibres) due to the aqueous to provide exogenous factors
cells to grow inside beads environment, resulting in a is desirable. These scaffolds
for 14 days. The Alg-silk stable silk-alginate 3D bead. if implanted in vivo (in living
beads showed formation of organism), can control hMSCs
chondrocyte like cells, which differentiation much more
was confirmed by presence of effectively as functional groups
Collagen-2 proteins found in are stable than growth factors,
cartilage. The Alg- PO4-silk beads showed peptides etc.
formation of bone like cells as they expressed The beads were found to be superior to
Osteocalcin protein. These results were further 2D culture and the cells behaved more natural
confirmed by quantifying the expression of than when cultured on a 2D with differentiating
respective genes. media. Since, alginate and silk fibroin are
While, the functional groups were shown cheaper than many other biopolymers,
to help in differentiation of stem cells on 2D the beads developed in this study offer an
silk films in our previous work, the time period economical alternate 3D system supporting
was drastically reduced from 60 days for 2D growth, fast and efficient differentiation of stem
silk films to 14 days, in 3D beads. The Alg-silk cells into osteocytes and chondrocytes and
bead based 3D platform is more efficient than has a great translational potential.
|| 331

IoT Based Real-time Water

Quality Monitoring System

Ms. Sujaya Dasgupta*

Email: [email protected]

ater - Every drop is precious, save we were to enjoy such facilities which are a big
it.Conservation of water remains challenge in rural India, where villagers have
one of the most solicited needs to travel miles to fetch potable water. This
in today’s world. There are several public dawned on me when we had to shift from the
addresses, debates, television shows, government-allotted quarters to our own house
lectures and workshops, hoardings creating in Lavale village. The village is situated in
awareness, signifying and emphasizing the Mulshi district appeared quite welcoming with
necessity of water conservation. I have also greenery all around, with acres of agricultural
been reading a lot about water scarcity and land as farming is the main stay of the villagers.
its impact on humans and animals in arid and The place was out of PMC bounds and private
semi-arid areas. But it is said that the true bore-wells were the only source of potable
value of something is best understood when water. Unaware of the water quality, we relied
it is experienced and assessed. Staying in on our old ordinary water filter for a year until
government quarters in the heart of Pune city one fine day a salesperson approached our
with my parents since childhood, enjoying doorstep to demonstrate the need to have an
uninterrupted fairly good quality water supply RO/UV filter. It was then when we found that the
by Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) and 24 total dissolved solids (TDS - one of the major
hours electricity, I never realized how privileged water quality parameters) of our tap water

* Ms. Sujaya Dasgupta, PhD Scholar from Fergusson College, Maharashtra, is pursuing her research on “Design and
Development of Wireless Sensor Nodes and Study of their Adaptibilities for Quality Monitoring of Water Reservoir”. Her
popular science story entitled “IoT Based Real-Time Water Quality Monitoring System” has been selected for AWSAR
332 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

was much beyond the standard acceptable first among ten countries in the world for having
limit and it startled us further when we found almost 163.1 million inhabitants deprived
the water electrolyzer was indicating muddy of having access to home close safe water.
water. Any ordinary filter was insufficient to Around 37.7 million Indians were affected by
purify such heavily contaminated water. It was waterborne diseases annually.” That was quite
scary to realize that we had been consuming an eye opener. It made me curious to explore
such polluted water for one full year without more about water quality and its impact on
realizing the consequences. I came across a living beings and on the ecosystem.
report by Water Aid which said: “India ranked

When I met the villagers to record their accounting for the research activities carried
views on water pollution, they thinking that out in the past discussing the methodologies
I had come from a government office for and technologies implemented for water
inspection started complaining quality assessment. Being a
about the waste management, double master’s in electronics,
river pollution in the village by my inclination was more
chemical discharges from the towards the identification and
Around 37.7 million Indians
neighbouring liquor factories, comparison of the technologies
were affected by waterborne
pharmaceutical companies, commercially available and
diseases annually.” That was
manufacturing plants, and how widely implemented for the
quite an eye opener. It made me
their health was being affected water quality measurements. I
curious to explore more about
by several water-borne visited Central Water and Power
water quality and its impact
diseases post consuming Research Station (CWPRS),
on living beings and on the
unpurified river water. Pune, to gather knowledge on
In the meantime, I received the laboratory testing methods
the Junior Research Fellowship and instruments they used for
award by UGC University Grants water quality measurements.
Commission) opening up the In their chemistry laboratory,
opportunity to pursue full-time research for me. I performed the water sample testing to
The turning point of my life was when I decided measure the major physico-chemical
to pursue research on water quality monitoring. parameters like electrical conductivity, pH,
I started, the first phase of my research salinity, dissolved oxygen, BOD, COD, ions
work, with a literature survey to understand like Mg2+, Ca2+, Na+, Cl−. I met the officials
sources and types of water pollution, and of the hydrology section at the Indian
pollution status at national and international Meteorological Department, Pune; Pune
levels. I read numerous research papers Municipal Corporation; and, Environmental
Ms. Sujaya Dasgupta || 333

Science department of Pune University, to main objective of my proposed research

understand their water testing methods and work focused on developing a cost-effective
requirements. I collected water samples from wireless sensor node capable of meeting the
several upstream and downstream locations above requirements. The research would offer
on Mula, Mutha, and Pavana rivers in Pune, 12 a small leap towards providing safe water by
locations on Thane creek in Mumbai, Hooghly updating the authorities through a web-based
in Kolkata, and many other lakes. It was portal and mobile phone platforms regarding
then when I realized the difficulty in sample the contamination status so that preventive
collection and transportation for laboratory measures could be devised in time. The system
measurements and, hence the importance could be revised for sensing the suitability of
of using technology to be able to remotely water for various uses, like drinking, irrigation,
access and measure the quality parameters recreation. In the second phase of my research
of water bodies. After a discussion with the work, I worked intensively on the designing
officials of the various organizations I visited, of the necessary electronics circuits and
I understood that the commercial instruments performing pilot testing. The major blocks of
used by them for remote real-time monitoring my system consisted of the sensor assembly
of water bodies were very expensive and and their signal conditioning units, data logger
hence out of bounds for many. Seeking further unit for data acquisition and processing,
guidance to identify and frame my research wireless transmission via Wi-Fi and GSM
objectives, I arrived at the Environmental and modules. The entire system was powered with
Water Resources Engineering Department, a solar rechargeable battery. The major task
IIT Chennai with my research involved was suitable selection
proposal. The professors not of the sensors to monitor
only wholeheartedly approved quality parameters, designing
my research topic but also hardware of the embedded
Another issue worth noting
promised further support. With system and programming
was the accidental release of
all the encouragements and the microcontroller for data
hazardous chemicals and toxic
final discussion with my guides, acquisition and storage,
materials by the nearby factories
I registered myself a Ph.D, a learning to establish internet
into the river without any prior
long arduous journey. Another connectivity and cloud
warning. Such anomalies could
issue worth noting was the computing for data storage
pose a severe threat to life.
accidental release of hazardous in a remote cloud server
chemicals and toxic materials enabling online data transfer
by the nearby factories into the and analysis. The first version
river without any prior warning. of the system was designed,
Such anomalies could pose a severe threat to fabricated and assembled in-house. The entire
life. system was calibrated against the standard
In order to address the above issues and instruments at CWPRS. Several test cycles
to devise solutions under critical situations, I were performed and the system displayed
decided to design and build Internet of Things measurement results with great accuracy. The
(IoT) based system for real-time analyses of next step, and the most challenging part of
the various hydrological parameters of the river my research, was to test the set-up in the real
giving us a fair idea of the pollution, thereby field. Security of the instruments was a major
enabling us to report their quality status. The concern and seeking permission from the
334 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

government officials to install the setup was the water resources into various categories
truly cumbersome. Moreover, the difficulties based on their water quality index values. The
increased, being a woman, I was denied work has been already published in various
permission to perform the test alone on the international journals of Springer, Acta Press
lakes and river banks for security reasons. and IGI Global. The first version of my system
With much effort and on Pune University’s was a bit heavy and with limited memory. Both
recommendation, I received permission letters, of these aspects have been taken care of in
for a limited period, from the PMC officials to the second version. The development of the
continue my research in several lakes and next version is underway which is compact
boat clubs. The downstream locations of rivers with enhanced processing capabilities,
in the main city of Pune were heavily polluted more memory, and more advanced data
owing to the disposal of municipal wastes transmission capabilities. Such a developed
like plastic and rubber, industrial effluents, system will definitely benefit the rural population
daily trash, food waste, festive flowers, and in terms of creating awareness about water
other anthropogenic activities into the river. quality, reducing pollution levels by bringing
The study was conducted for several days to the notice the quality status of water to
and real-time data from various water bodies the concerned authorities and stakeholders,
was successfully uploaded on a remote cloud thereby issuing early warning, preventing the
server and analyzed. I used Matlab software damage caused due to accidental leakages
for data analysis and designed a graphical of hazardous chemicals at a moderate cost
user interface (GUI) for data presentation, and with good accuracy.
Classification Learner application to classify
|| 335

Why Can’t I feel My Feet? :

Antibodies Playing on the Nerve

Mr. Debprasad Dutta*

Email: [email protected]

t was a Sunday morning. “The rare condition affects 1 in 1 lakh
I approached Ramaswamy (name changed) people of any age or gender worldwide.
to collect a blood sample with a consent While full recovery is achieved by 80% of
form. the sufferers, but for the rest, nerves refuse
“Can I walk again?” Ramaswamy asked. to recover. Among them, 15% lead a chair-
“Why is this happening with my husband?” bound life, and about 5% are unable to survive
distressed, his wife asked. the ordeal.”
I tried to explain in simple terms: I had to make a concoction of Kannada,
“It all starts with tingling and numbness in Hindi and English to make them understand
the tips of the fingers of both hands and legs what happens in GBS. In lieu of my effort, the
and they slowly become floppy. The patient patient and his wife forgave me for my inability
can no longer feel their limbs. And, physical to speak their mother tongue, Telugu.
independence eventually gets lost. When
inactivity reaches the lung region, suffocation The path of destruction
begins and one needs a ventilator at times. In GBS, the immune system fails and
This setback to the peripheral nervous system attacks its own molecules on peripheral nerve
is called Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS). surface (self-antigens). GBS either affects
nerve axon or devours its coat, myelin. When

* Mr. Debprasad Dutta, PhD Scholar from National Institute of Mental Health & Neurosciences, Karnataka, is pursuing
his research on “Guillain Barre Syndrome: Comprehensive Profiling of Infectious Triggers, Genetic Predisposition,
Ganglioside & Ganglioside Complex Autoantibodies”. His popular science story entitled “Why can’t I Feel my Feet? :
Antibodies Playing on Nerve Floor” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
336 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

axon damages, nerves cannot send messages patients recover from the infectious illnesses
to the muscles and the situation is called acute before the onset of neurological symptoms.
motor axonal neuropathy (AMAN). On the other Overall, the incidence of infections has not
hand, because of myelin sheath destruction, been determined in a large cohort of GBS
the flow of electrical signals slows down patients and has not been contrasted with an
due to lack of insulation, leading to another appropriate control group.
variant condition called acute inflammatory A remarkable diversity of infectious
demyelinating polyneuropathy (AIDP). The agents has been identified including viral
symptoms range from mild weakness to full- and bacterial species. Dengue virus (DENV),
blown paralysis. There are environmental and chikungunya virus (CHIKV), influenza virus
genetic contributors that mislead our defense are prevalent in India. Zika virus (ZIKV) was
system against the nervous system to push the recently reported to cause outbreaks of GBS
patient towards illness. in Brazil and French Polynesia. So we were
enthusiastic to Fig. out the incidence of Zika
The demystifying mission virus in GBS. In collaboration with the Center
To find out how the environment and gene for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),
work jointly in developing risk and progression we examined the presence of ribonucleic
of GBS, we have set three major goals. First, acids of those viruses in patients with GBS
to explore the infectious agents that trigger using real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction
disease in the Indian population. Second, to (RT-PCR) assay. However, Zika virus was not
evaluate different types of self-antibodies in detected in our study population. Meanwhile,
GBS and to assess genetic we found antibodies against
inclination in GBS. And, finally, dengue, chikungunya and
how influence of external Japanese B encephalitis
(infections) and internal (auto- The rare condition affects 1 have by IgM capture ELISA in
antibodies) environment will in 1 lakh people of any age or serum and cerebrospinal fluid
relate to the impact of genetic gender worldwide. While full of patients. Our investigation
components. One hundred and recovery is achieved by 80% of found that nearly one-third
fifty patients with GBS and same the sufferers, but for the rest, patients develop GBS after
number of healthy individuals nerves refuse to recover. Among Campylobacter jejuni infection;
are recruited to pursue these them, 15% lead a chair-bound C. Jeuni is the major GBS-
goals through a case-control life, and about 5% are unable to inducing bacterium globally.
study. survive the ordeal. The incidence of
infectious events in GBS is
Who pulls the trigger? often underweighed because
About two-thirds of the some infections undergo a
patients have a preceding subclinical course whereas
infectious illness, hence, GBS is regarded others are challenging to diagnose since they
as a prototype of a ‘post-infectious’ disease. precede GBS by weeks. With this, we could
In most patients, the time gap between the reasonably say that infections are a vital
infectious illness and the first neurological inducing mechanism in GBS pathobiology.
manifestations of GBS is one to three weeks.
The clinical manifestation in the patients Molecules can mimic ॥
suggests a respiratory or gut infection. Usually, Upon invasion of pathogens, the immune
Mr. Debprasad Dutta || 337

system of the body produces antibodies Proof in polymorphism

against the glycolipid component of the Genes play a dictating role despite
microbial surface. But the antibodies react the synergy of all environmental impactions
with ganglioside of peripheral nerves. This is different people show different vulnerability to
because ganglioside looks similar to microbial GBS. Candidate gene approach can provide
antigens and patient’s antibodies get fooled. valuable insight into the onset and progress
The behaviour of anti-microbial antibodies as of the disease. The genetic susceptibility of
auto-antibodies and their accidental encounter patients to infectious agents contributes to
with neural gangliosides is known as molecular variation in clinical outcomes of the patients.
mimicry. To find out about auto-antibodies, we Research in this area, however, is insufficient
developed an in-house Enzyme Immuno Assay and inconclusive.
(ih-EIA) and the presence of anti-ganglioside Finely controlled signaling of an innate
antibodies, namely, anti-GM1, GM2, GD1a, immune receptor called Toll Like Receptor
GD1b, GT1b and GQ1b have been confirmed (TLR) is needed for the host to respond to
in patients with GBS. M, D, T and Q denote the challenge of infections. If TLR signaling is
monosialic, disialic, trisialic and quadrisialic impaired it can prompt susceptibility to infection.
acid residues that added to ganglioside (G). Several single nuclear polymorphisms (SNP)
Interestingly, like two gangliosides can jointly within individual TLRs have been identified
act as a single antigen and, hence, their and some connections are found with the
antibodies are called Ganglioside Complex progression of autoimmune disorders.
(GSC) antibodies. Our study supplies evidence TLR2 acts as a ganglioside co-
for this notion. Presence of receptor. TLR4 recognizes
singular antibody against GM1 lipopolysaccharide of C.
and GM1-containing complex Jejuni TLR3 encounters viral
antibodies is most common in nucleic acids. Therefore, we
About two-thirds of the patients
our investigation. hypothesized variation among
have a preceding infectious
Mimicry among chemically those TLR genes will alter their
illness, hence, GBS is regarded
different epitopes has renewed expression pattern and, thereby,
as a prototype of a ‘post-
the theory that a single antibody modulate the risk and severity
infectious’ disease. In most
should always encounter of GBS. Our results suggest
patients, the time gap between
only one antigenic epitope. two particular polymorphisms
the infectious illness and the
Molecular mimicry is not a in TLR2 increase risk up to 24-
first neurological manifestations
nonspecific immune reaction fold. Not only that, one of the
rather a part of the adaptive of GBS is one to three weeks. variants significantly elevates
immune system and assumes The clinical manifestation in the the creatine kinase (a muscle-
a pivotal role in response to patients suggests a respiratory acting enzyme) level. Overall,
infectious triggers. Pathogens or gut infection. the evidence provided by those
might stimulate the immune polymorphisms highlights the
system and result in a tolerance role that TLRs play in GBS.
breakdown, which could
permit proliferation of cross-reactive B and T Epilogue ॥
lymphocytes. Ultimately, molecular mimicry Data on the infectious pathogens have
leads to the induction of auto-antibodies and, public health importance as it gives an
thereby, induces GBS pathogenesis. epidemiological insight into triggering infections
338 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

in GBS. Our largescale case-controlled study appropriate to stop the converstaion.

essentially unravels the genetic enigma of this But immediately her eyebrow rose, “What
life-threatening illness. A point to note, this happened to Ramaswamy?”she asked.
comprehensive investigation of GBS is the I resumed my storytelling.
first and largest in India. Functional analyses “Ramaswamy started on the road to recovery
of glycol-epitopes of ganglioside complexes after a few weeks. He gained strength in his
in membranes supply new knowledge on fingers and could hold a pen and write his
antibody-antigen interaction in GBS and name again.
shed light on micro-domain function through “Now I have got my feet back!” his facial
carbohydrate-carbohydrate interactions. expression match relayed his feelings.
And, therefore, based on the antibody profile, “He can walk without support,” his wife smiled.
immunological sub-typing of GBS can be “If many such Ramaswamys will find better
done. The current work promises to open new diagnosis and treatment in future, this would
avenues for immunogenetic understanding be my best gift,” I said.
of GBS. The findings are useful to discover She stood up from her seat, “You tell it like a
novel biomarkers for better diagnosis. In fact, tale; why don’t you write for common people,”
we have successfully initiated ganglioside she suggested.
antibody testing as a part of routine diagnosis I promised her that I would share this story
of GBS in NIMHANS. in ‘Vigyan Prasar’ magazine. If they publish
After my long narration, Shreya (the it, I will get an opportunity to inspire research
new intern) looked a little sleepy. So I felt among the students of my village.
|| 339

Nano-Army and the Bacterial


Mr. Jithin Vishnu*

Email: [email protected]

ven in the twenty-first century, humankind ranging from metals, polymers, ceramics and
is still fighting against bacterial infections other naturally derived materials for implant
(A: Is the usage correct as we are applications. However, the clinical success
talking of many types of infections)! Antony of implants has been hampered by bacterial
Leeuwenhoek first saw bacteria in the year infections, a major threat affecting millions of
1670 and Alexander Fleming discovered the people worldwide.
first antibiotic in 1928, yet microscopic bacteria Once an implant material is placed inside
hold the superpower to persist as a threat to human body, the infection can occur leading
humankind. In spite of the fact that several to bacterial colonization. Bacterial infection
innovations and technologies are multiplying in is a serious threat hampering the success of
the field of implant healthcare, it is still unable implants and reducing their longevity. This
to find its way through the path paled by the obviates the need for revision surgery, which
dark shades of bacterial infections. is painful as well as highly expensive. In
There is a long history of usage of India, post-surgical implant site infections are
implant material by humankind, which can be proving to be considerably hazardous in terms
traced to the Mayan civilization using dental of morbidity, health complications and financial
implants during AD 600. Currently, global burden for common people, therefore, proper
implant market is well-developed with material preventive measures need to be identified.

* Mr. Jithin Vishnu, PhD Scholar from Vellore Institute of Technology, Tamil Nadu, is pursuing his research on “Surface
Modification of Titanium Alloys for Biomedical Applications”. His popular science story entitled “Nano-Army and the
Bacterial Downfall” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
340 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

The scientific world is trying to develop alkaline environment (sodium hydroxide) in

various strategies to fight against this bacterial order to alter the surface characteristics without
army in order to protect the patients from altering the bulk mechanical properties.
serious problems resulting from microbial Titanium dioxide is the natural oxide of
infections. Even though titanium, which can improve the
several antibiotics are being biocompatibility and corrosion
developed all around the world resistance of titanium implants.
to mitigate these infections, but About two-thirds of the patients We have conducted several
the bacteria are very smart to have a preceding infectious experiments with variable
develop antibiotic resistance. illness, hence, GBS is regarded combinations of temperature,
This rise of antibiotic-resistance as a prototype of a ‘post- time and concentrations to
is one of the major challenges infectious’ disease. In most optimize the morphology. It
clinicians face all over the patients, the time gap between was observed that during
world in treating implant-related the infectious illness and the hydrothermal treatment
infections. performed at 225°C for 5
Hence, our research group hours, sharp pointed nano-
decided to design a strategy to features were developed. At a
kill bacteria, without allowing nanometre scale, this coating
them to develop resistance against antibiotic was observed to be composed of flower-like
drugs. This was a collaborative project structures with pointed tips. Antibacterial
between Vellore Institute of Technology, India studies have proved that these nano-features
and Northeastern University, United States, are extremely efficient in killing the bacteria,
led by Dr Geetha Manivasagam (from India) thereby, reducing bacterial infection.
and Dr Thomas J Webster (from the US). This For a better understanding, we have
research team found that, surface engineering
to fabricate nano-sized structures on bulk
surface has been gaining prime importance in
intensifying antibacterial activity.
We have developed titanium dioxide (TiO2)
coating on the titanium surface via a simple
hydrothermal method. Titanium and its alloys
are material used globally, for orthopaedic
applications owing to biocompatibility
inside human body, increased corrosion
resistance and better mechanical properties. developed a nano-army against bacterial
Commercially, pure titanium material was colonization. The army comprised well-trained
selected as the base material as it is one of nano-soldiers with sharp pointed weapons
the most widely used material for implant in order to secure the titanium territory. In
applications. Hydrothermal treatment is a general, the primary motive of any army is to
simple and inexpensive procedure to develop safeguard their country from outside forces.
nano-level morphologies on the surface of In this case, the nano-soldiers on the surface
implant material. During the experiment, the served as a barrier against bacterial colonial
titanium metal was simultaneously heated forces in order to protect the bulk titanium
and put under pressure (A: see change) in an surface. Antibacterial studies have proven
Mr. Jithin Vishnu || 341

that the developed nano-flowers with pointed characteristics of the surface modified
tips have the ability to pierce the bacterial cell samples. Implant surfaces can be water-loving
membrane leading to its death. Antibacterial (hydrophilic), or water-hating (hydrophobic).
results have also proven that bacterial death Static water contact angle testing is a widely
was more prominent on the used technique, which is
hydrothermally treated surface employed to measure the
as compared to the untreated wettability of surfaces. It was
titanium metal. About two-thirds of the patients found that the surface modified
Staphylococcus aureus have a preceding infectious surfaces with nano-features
is one of the most prevalent illness, hence, GBS is regarded were more hydrophilic as
causative agents for implant- as a prototype of a ‘post- compared to that of untreated
related infections. Treatment infectious’ disease. In most samples. This hydrophilicity
options against its infection patients, the time gap between has proven to be a favourable
can lead to substantial the infectious illness and the factor for increased
morbidity as well as high risk of biocompatibility in the case of
adverse outcomes. Methicillin- implant applications.
resistant S. aureus (MRSA) The current study results
also possesses a significant have demonstrated that this
threat in both the hospital and community research group was successful in fighting
environment affecting more than 150,000 against the bacterial invaders with the aid
patients annually in the European Union (EU) of the nano-army. This collaborative project
leading to an additional in-hospital costs of between Vellore Institute of Technology,
EUR 380 million for EU healthcare systems. Our India and Northeastern University, United
research group has studied the effectiveness States, was effective in developing an
of bacteria-killing action by the developed antibacterial coating, which can significantly
nano-flowers against bacteria Staphylococcus reduce bacterial infections without the use of
aureus as well as MRSA (Methicillin-resistant antibiotics. Another interesting aspect is that
Staphylococcus aureus), two among the most the adopted surface modification method of
notorious infection agents. hydrothermal treatment is simple, inexpensive
Another interesting scientific finding and eco-friendly.
from the present work was the wettability
342 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Dynamic Changes in Sleep

Distribution Helps in Nocturnal
Flight of Migratory Buntings

Ms. Jyoti Tiwari*

Email: [email protected]

ince time immemorial, the concept of as our body already knows the time; it requires
“time” has kept us fascinated and it still sunlight only to reset the body clock and tune
remains as an enigma. Atharvaveda it with the environment. As the above example
describes time as a horse, which does not tire suggests, one of the most important jobs of
or age and we are its mortal riders. Life has this biological clock is to regulate our sleep-
evolved to sense this abstract concept of time, wake cycle and my work involves studying the
since its birth and for that we have a master sleep-wake cycle in birds.
clock inside us, which drives our daily behaviour Sleep is a universal behaviour that has
and physiology. This clock is located within been demonstrated in every animal species
our brain, inside a small cluster of neurons studied, from insects to mammals. An average
known as the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (that human being spends roughly one-third of
is SCN). The SCN receives a large amount their lives sleeping, so undoubtedly this
of information from the environment through behaviour must be playing a significant role
various afferent neurons, which helps it to tune in keeping us fit and healthy. Humans are a
our biological activity with the external world, diurnal species, so we sleep at night, whereas
so that we can perform our daily tasks at the nocturnal species such as rats sleep primarily
correct time. This is the reason why we get up during the day. Scientists around the world are
in the morning even if the room is pitch dark, working to understand the molecular details

* Ms. Jyoti Tiwari, PhD Scholar from the University of Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, is pursuing her research on “Effect of
Sleep on Immune Responses in Birds”. Her popular science story entitled “Dynamic Changes in Sleep Distribution
Helps in Nocturnal Flight of Migratory Buntings” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
Ms. Jyoti Tiwari || 343

of this behaviour, thus the putative genes has been confirmed in frigate birds also where
involved in the regulation of sleep are being the sleep is more asymmetric during flight as
vigorously investigated. Sleep is regulated compared to that on land.
by many biological factors, which coordinate Birds like humans are diurnal in nature, so
in such a fashion that it forms a suitable in our study we raised the question, whether
environmental/physiological condition for an during the migratory phase, birds sleep at
organism. Genetic studies have revealed that night, as these birds are known to migrate
“period” and “cryptochrome” genes appear during the dark hours. To test the effect of
to be important for the modulation of sleep. migration on sleep we, therefore, designed
Although sleep is characterized by a relative a simple experiment. Our study focused on
unconsciousness of the external world, the the changes in sleep and sleep postures
sleep cycle actually works through two major during non-migratory and migratory states of a
states found in both mammals and birds: non- night-migratory bird known as the redheaded
rapid eye movement (NREM) and rapid eye bunting (Emberiza bruniceps). This bird follows
movement (REM) sleep. During NREM sleep, the Palaearctic migratory route and belongs to
breathing is slow, and our limbs and eyes are the Emberizidae family. Also, though buntings
peacefully at rest. However, as we transition are diurnal in nature, they switch to nocturnal
from NREM to REM sleep, breathing becomes mode of activity when exposed to migratory
fast and irregular, and our limbs twitch, and (that is, when given long photoperiod)
eyes dart around rapidly. In order to study this conditions. These birds estimate the day
phenomenon, migratory finches, as birds, stand length to regulate their reproductive cycle and
out to be unconventional, but excellent model migratory phenologies. This study was carried
to understand sleep. Many out on male buntings where
species of birds are known to initially they were maintained
migrate over long distances. in short photoperiodic
The effect of migration on Sleep is a universal behaviour condition (8L:16D, that is, 8
sleep has been studied in that has been demonstrated in hours of light and 16 hours of
various species of birds, which every animal species studied, darkness). Short photoperiod
includes swifts, sandpipers, from insects to mammals. An (8L:16D) maintains the non-
songbirds, and seabirds. It is average human being spends migratory states whereas long
known that sleep loss adversely roughly one-third of their lives photoperiod (13L:11D; 13
affects the physiology of an sleeping, so undoubtedly this hours of light and 11 hours of
animal therefore, it is commonly behaviour must be playing a darkness) is stimulatory, that
assumed that birds fulfil their significant role in keeping us fit triggers migratory phenology in
daily need for sleep even and healthy. these birds.
during their flight. Birds have The birds were exposed
a choice to switch between to two different photoperiodic
sleeping with both hemispheres conditions: 8L:16D followed
or with one hemisphere (UHS – by 13L:11D. The activity/rest
Uni-Hemisphere Sleep) depending upon the pattern of the birds was recorded with the help
physiological and ecological demand. During of an infrared motion sensor, which detected
UHS, the eye that is open is connected to movements inside the cage. Sleep was
the wake hemisphere and enables the bird recorded by using cameras for the same birds
to be aware of any kind of threat and helps for two successive nights.
it to control the movement during flight. UHS
344 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Graphical representation of the experiment design

,Six different types of behaviours were stage do not show night-activity) life history
then studied during the experiment, namely: states that the initiation of sleep is dominated
a) Drowsiness: eye blink is frequently faster by front sleep, back sleep and UHS. Mid-night
b) Front Sleep: reduced frequency of eye blink phase was considered as the peak time for
c) Back Sleep: bird’s head sleeping as the birds spent
buried under the scapular most of their time sleeping in
feathers and none of its eyes front sleep posture followed by
are visible. Birds have a choice to switch back sleep. UHS was observed
d) Uni-hemispheric Sleep: one between sleeping with both in dispersed pattern in very
eye is closed and other eye is hemispheres or with one small bouts throughout the
open. hemisphere (UHS – Uni- night. The late-night phase was
e) Alert Wakefulness: – eyes are Hemisphere Sleep) depending also occupied by a substantial
open, quick and frequent head upon the physiological and proportion of front and back
movements but no locomotor ecological demand. During UHS, sleep and again UHS was
activity. the eye that is open is connected trivial.
f) Active Wakefulness: birds are to the wake hemisphere and In contrast, in the
active and locomotor activity is enables the bird to be aware of migratory phase (that is, under
there any kind of threat and helps it long days, but the birds show
At the end of the to control the movement during night activity) the sleep was
experiment after analysing our flight. restricted to early and late
video recordings, we found the night phase with significant
distribution of different sleep reduction in sleep quantity.
postures across the night in This is because the birds had
our birds. During non-migratory started showing migratory
(that is, under short days) and pre-migratory restlessness and they took power naps either
(that is, under long days, but the birds in this during early part the early night or late at
Ms. Jyoti Tiwari || 345

night. At midnight, the birds showed active loss by being torpid during the day and by
wakefulness and drowsiness, while front and taking power naps during early and late night.
back sleep were significantly reduced. We Our study shows that birds, like humans also
also found that the birds were drowsier during need a proper amount of sleep to maintain their
day-time in migratory phase, as compared to well-being, but unlike us they can change their
non-migratory and pre-migratory states. This sleep distribution seasonally, which might be
clearly suggests that the birds in migratory an important evolutionary adaptation for these
phase compensate for their midnight sleep migratory finches.
346 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Sizing Up

Ms. Kirti Gupta*

Email: [email protected]

ife comes in all shapes and sizes as artist-inventor Da Vinci in his anatomical
minute as the single-celled yeast and as drawings, such as his famous ‘Vitruvian
gigantic as whales and trees. Unlike most man’, to explain the observed forms of living
plants, which continue to grow throughout their organisms. Thompson not only observed
life, animals have a strict life-span and body the scalability of different structures across
plan. Although all animals start their life as species, but also described in detail the
relatively simple and miniscule embryos that growth patterns of different internal organs with
are comparable in size, they ultimately develop respect to the size of the body. Although, these
bodies that are highly complex, proportionate, were interesting observations, the “How” part
and symmetric. One might then wonder, how of it remained largely unapproachable. With
does the whale embryo know exactly how the great advances in molecular cell biology,
much to grow? genetics, and microscopy, it is now possible
In 1917, in his famous book On Growth to ask and, therefore, attempt to answer
and Form, the Scottish mathematical biologist difficult questions regarding the mechanisms
D’Arcy W. Thompson revisited the ancient of size regulation. Given that cells are the
idea of ‘‘universal laws of form’’, propounded fundamental units of life, what is their role in
by Aristotle, Greek philosopher and polymath, size determination? Do elephants have bigger
and studied and endorsed by the great cells than those of mice? The simple answer

* Ms. Kirti Gupta, PhD Scholar from Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, is pursuing her research on
“Role of Myosin Vb ExonD Isoform in Compensatory Cell Size Increase in Zebrafish Periderm”. Her popular science
story entitled “Sizing Up” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
Ms. Kirti Gupta || 347

is “No”. This implies that elephants have more scientists studying vertebrate biology,
cells than mice have. Does it mean that more because of their small size (4-5 cm), rapid
cells make bigger bodies? If it is so, then to embryonic growth, ease of rearing, and large
ask how proportionality is maintained might clutch size. Zebrafish embryos are particularly
seem trivial. In biology, however, things are useful to study developmental processes, as
seldom this plain. Cells, in fact, grow in size they are nearly transparent, enabling biologists
under a lot of circumstances. For example, if to study embryo development by simply using
one kidney fails, to take up the extra work load, just a bench-top microscope.
the other kidney grows by increasing cell size Our group at TIFR started by asking
rather than adding new cells. Similarly in partial the simple question: How are cell sizes and
liver damage, where a substantial part of the cell numbers regulated in the epidermis? To
liver is rendered useless, the rest of the liver answer this, we characterized cell size and
tissue first grows by increasing cell size and cell proliferation in the embryonic epidermis
subsequently, by addition of new cells. How under various conditions affecting either of the
do cells change their size? Do cells regulate two. Using genetic tools and drug treatments,
their size dynamically like organs do? How do we either stopped cells from growing big
they do so? or stopped them from dividing. We found
When it comes to changes in size, that although skin cells maintain a uniform
nothing beats skin. Although it is the largest size under normal conditions, they show a
organ in our body and composed of multiple remarkable ability to change both their size
layers, it starts as a thin two-layered blanket and number when put under a stress condition.
cum raincoat cum armour Also, we observed that skin
that mammalian embryos are cell population can maintain a
swaddled in, even before they dynamic balance between cell
are born. Impressively, skin Life comes in all shapes and size and cell number, where cell
manages to maintain a decent sizes as minute as the single- size or cell number compensate
fit throughout the life no matter celled yeast and as gigantic as for each other to keep the
how fat, thin or pregnant we get. whales and trees. Unlike most tissue growing and maintaining
Hence, it is not plants, which continue to grow its function as a barrier. This
only interesting, but also paradigm of inhibiting the cell
throughout their life, animals
essential to understand how division to force the cells to
have a strict life-span and body
skin regulates its size during grow bigger hence allowed us
embryo development as well to study processes operating at
as during adaptive growth. the molecular level enabling a
Due to its great experimental cell to grow in size.
accessibility, skin is an Although microscopic,
attractive system to understand the detailed cells comprise enormous internal complexity.
molecular mechanisms of cell and tissue One can imagine the cell to be like a city,
scaling to biologists. having boundaries (cell membrane), transport
In our lab at the Department of biological system (cytoskeleton and motor proteins),
sciences, TIFR, we study zebrafish epidermis storage units (Golgi), dumping yards
(outer layer of skin). Zebrafish are small (Lysosomes) and infrastructure to produce
fresh water fish indigenous to India and have material goods (various metabolic processes)
become a popular model system among for its sustenance. If such a system has to
348 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

grow it would require coordination between all capacity of the cell to keep up with it. Although
these various parts. intuitive, such cross-talk between these various
I was curious about how a cell expands departments of a cell is not well established.
its boundaries or grows its cell membrane? I Hence, to understand how a cell keeps up
observed that rather than growing uniformly with such increased demand, I checked how
in all directions, epidermal cells, which are lipid synthesis and storage is affected in a
shaped like a covered bowl, were selectively growing cell. First, I showed that both lipid
adding to only the top surface (apical), productions as well storage capacity of the
which faces the external environment. Such Golgi increases when the cells face a need
anisometric or non-uniform growth stretches the to grow in size. Next, to understand whether
cell rendering it flatter (from a bowl shaped cell there is a cross-talk between the trafficking
to a saucer-shaped cell of a bigger diameter) arm and the production arm of cell growth, I
and covers larger surfaces to encapsulate the disrupted trafficking by genetic depletion of
whole animal using lesser number of cells. Myosin motor specifically carrying the lipids
This seems like a more energy efficient way for to the membrane and checked its effect on
the cells to grow in the time of distress. What lipid synthesis and storage. To my surprise,
this also suggests is that the cells must have rather than reducing the production when the
a specialized mechanism to grow specific transport was blocked, the cells increased
domains, which would require specialized lipid synthesis and Golgi capacity. This might
transport system towards the apical surface. suggest a very interesting phenomenon of
To study such mechanisms, I looked at the intracellular compensation, which could be
transport, or trafficking machinery, of the cells understood by imagining a deficit of particular
and eventually uncovered the goods in the market because
role of a molecular motor of of a blockage on a major road.
the Myosin family of proteins, Under such circumstances, the
If one kidney fails, to take up the
which are tiny biological motors city can recognize the problem
extra work load, the other kidney
carrying the allotted cargo onto and respond by producing
grows by increasing cell size
them and walking/driving those even more goods, so that the
rather than adding new cells.
to the site of delivery. I showed supply can be maintained by
that upon depleting the motor, Similarly in partial liver damage, alternate, although less efficient
which specifically interacts with where a substantial part of roads. Though wasteful, such
the membrane bound cargo; the liver is rendered useless, mechanisms are crucial to
the cells lost the ability to grow the rest of the liver tissue first maintain supply of the essential
in the apical direction and grows by increasing cell size goods.
hence, could not withstand the and subsequently, by addition of To conclude, my work
stress. new cells. brings out how growing a cell
Further, cell membranes and, in turn, a tissue is not
are mainly composed of just simple scaling. It is rather
membrane lipids, which are a sophisticated and well-
synthesized by a series of metabolic processes orchestrated interaction of cellular metabolism,
and are stored in the Golgi from where they are cell organelles and the tissue dynamics.
packed and docked to the motor protein for Finally, this also emphasizes essentiality
further transportation. Hence, when demand and robustness of cell size regulation for
of lipids in the membrane increases, it is maintaining form and function of an organ.
expected of the lipid synthesis and storage
|| 349

Silver is the New Gold

Ms. Leena Fageria*

Email: [email protected]

vengers-Endgame, a science fiction Later that day, I pondered on the quote
movie surpassed Avatar, another film my supervisor had narrated and decided that I
from the same genre as the highest- will try and explain my Ph.D. research work to
grossing movie of all times, showing that by my brother, Ajay, who is a commerce graduate.
making science enjoyable (though it is already Previously, the only thing my brother knew
impressive) for people from non-scientific about my job was that my area of research
backgrounds will help us reach people from was cancer. I am in the 5th year of Ph.D. at
all age groups and aid in controlling the Cancer Biology Group, BITS-Pilani. Ajay has a
menace of ever-spreading pseudoscience fascination for Hollywood science-fiction and
and quackery. But the Achilles’ heel is the superhero movies. So, I came up with the idea
way to make sure that the work we do, not of using movie backgrounds and characters to
only reaches but is also palatable to ordinary describe my work so that my brother not only
people. I was discussing the same with my listens but also relates to the story.
research supervisor in a meeting where, after As the next day was Sunday, I asked Ajay
listening to my 30 minutes of non-stop blabber, to meet me after breakfast. He was fond of
he dropped a Cherrie Moraga (a Chicana talking about the characters from the movies.
writer, feminist activist, poet, essayist, and So, I intentionally baited him by saying, “Ajay,
playwright) quote, “The revolution begins at do you know about the origin and superpowers
home” and ended the conversation. of Silver Surfer, Ant-Man, and Galactus?”

* Ms. Leena Fageria, PhD Scholar from Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, Rajasthan, is pursuing her
research on “To Study Alterations in Signaling Pathways of Cancer Cells by Different Types of Nanoparticles and
how they can be used as a Theranostic Agent”. Her popular science story entitled “Silver is the New Gold” has been
selected for AWSAR Award.
350 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

He jumped in, and quizzed, “What do means using drugs formulated in size ranging
you know about these characters, and why in nanometers, thus achieving targeted drug
suddenly discuss Silver Surfer and Galactus?” delivery akin to the ability of Ant-Man to
This was the opportunity I needed, which change into petite size and targeting the weak
I cashed in without wasting a second. I replied, spot of enemy. Nanoparticles can be made
“Ajay, I am trying to develop a strategy against using several polymers, metals, or biological
Galactus by combining the superpowers of compounds. I chose to work on metallic
Silver Surfer and Ant-Man in my laboratory.” nanoparticles, silver nanoparticles precisely,”
Hearing, this Ajay was intrigued, and I explained, “You may know about the several
reacted with,, “Come again! What are you medicinal benefits silver offers.”
talking about?” Ajay replied, “Yes, I do. I have read
“Ajay, cancer is akin to the mighty about the ancient people eating and drinking
Galactus. Cancer is a disease in which there in silverwares, and even Shahrukh Khan
is an uncontrollable growth of cells, commonly advertised for Sona-Chandi Chyawanprash,”
called a tumour, and these may or may not he said, laughingly.
spread to other parts of the body. Just as I responded, “Correct. Silver is being
Galactus feeds on one planet and then moves used since centuries owing to its antimicrobial
to another to deplete it of all its energy and properties and is almost analogous to Silver
resources, thus wiping it out of existence. Surfer, who did possess several cosmic
Similarly, cancer also spreads from one organ powers. In the past few years, there has been
to another slowly and steadily damaging our more focus on developing and exploring the
system, finally leading to death. role of silver nanoparticles
At the molecular level, there (SNPs). I worked on the
are numerous changes in the mechanism of SNPs uptake
normal physiology of a human Avengers-Endgame, a science in the breast cancer cell and
during cancer,” I explained. fiction movie surpassed Avatar, the way by which they induce
“We in our lab are working another film from the same cell death. SNPs are known
to target those pathways which genre as the highest-grossing to act by initiating autophagy
selectively kill cancer cells. movie of all times, showing that in tumour cells. Autophagy is
There exists a cancerverse in by making science enjoyable a process by which our body
real life, too, which includes a (though it is already impressive) recycles old and damaged
variety of cancers like blood for people from non-scientific cells. We synthesized SNPs
cancer, pancreatic cancer, backgrounds will help us reach using beta-cyclodextrin, which
hepatic cancer, and breast people from all age groups and acts as a host and protective
cancer. My work targets aid in controlling the menace of shield for SNPs.”
breast cancer.” Suddenly, ever-spreading pseudoscience Ajay questioned, “You just
Ajay interrupted me with a and quackery. said that Silver Surfer, sorry,
question that I knew was going silver nanoparticles, are known
to pop up sooner or later. He to act on tumour cells, then what
questioned, “What about was different in your work?”
combining the superpowers of Silver Surfer “My focus was on the banter of silver
and Ant-Man?” I elaborated, “Nanotechnology nanoparticles and autophagy and other
or Nanomedicine is the latest weapon against processes, which ultimately kill the cancer
numerous diseases, including cancer, which cells. SNPs tried entering the cancer cell
Ms. Leena Fageria || 351

by different routes but were thrown out. against Galactus. Initially, upon entry of
Fortunately, clathrin and caveolin acted as the nanoparticles, autophagy suppressed
transportersand helped them to enter the cell. Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), another main
There began a continuous battle between component of the battle making poor SNPs
SNPs and cancer cells, where inefficient, but over time as the
cancer cells used autophagy number of SNPs increases
as a weapon, I explained. inside the cell ROS kept on
Suddenly, Ajay asked, “Will Cancer is a disease in which accumulating and destroyed
you please elaborate regarding there is an uncontrollable the lysosomes, which were
that part of the battle.” growth of cells, commonly acting as the saviour of cancer
I explained the mechanism called a tumour, and these may cells. Thus, in this study, we
to him in simple words, I said, “ or may not spread to other parts unearthed the complicated
Ajay, in the process autophagy of the body. Just as Galactus relationship between
initially (first 1 and 6 hours) feeds on one planet and then autophagy and nanoparticles
rescued cells from SNPs attack moves to another to deplete it in cancer cells.”
with the help of lysosomes, but of all its energy and resources, Ajay, curious, asked,
with time (after 24 hours), the “Who won the battle ultimately,
thus wiping it out of existence.
nanoparticles overpower the Galactus or Silver Surfer.
lysosomes, hence weakening I replied, “The struggle is
autophagic attack leading to still on, and several people like
cell death. We also found that me are working day in and day
in this battle, autophagy was also helping out to find a way and defeat Galactus.”
SNPs, inadvertently, by increasing their entry Ajay seemed happy and satisfied, wishing
inside cancer cells. Just like Silver Surfer, me luck and said he will be more than happy
initially helped Galactus against the Earth, to discuss the progress in the concerned field.
but later on, he switched sides and turned
352 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

A Tale of Hidden Treasures at

the Junctions in the Flatland

Ms. Medha Dandu*

Email: [email protected]

iniaturization of electronics has factors are how fast can the charge flow
brought information sharing and data through the material and its bandgap. The
computing at our fingertips today. Rapid bandgap defines the gap between the lowest
advancements in semiconductor technology unoccupied energy states called conduction
continuously boost the speed, compactness, band and the highest occupied energy states
functionalities and applications of electronic called valence band. The region of junction
devices. One such development is the design between two different materials where the
of electronic devices with semiconductor bandgap changes determines how the charge
heterojunctions. These heterojunctions are flows across the device. “Interface is the
built by integrating multiple semiconductor device” an introductory sentence of Nobel
materials with different properties in a desired lecture in 2000 by Herbert Kroemer aptly
sequence to get the required output. In our summarizes the nitty-gritty physics of devices
daily life, we enjoy the comfort of speed and made from semiconductor heterojunctions
efficiency provided by such heterojunctions as where the interface predominantly determines
they are an integral part of smartphones and how the device operates. The concept
LED lights. of heterojunction is indispensable in
Materials used to design a heterojunction semiconductor technology as even a device
is based on device specifications. The key made from a single material must be interfaced

* Ms. Medha Dandu, PhD Scholar from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, is pursuing her research on “Engineering
Charge and Energy Transport in Heterostructures of 2D Materials for Efficient Optoelectronic Devices”. Her popular
science story entitled “A Tale of Hidden Treasures at the Junctions in the Flatland” has been selected for AWSAR
Ms. Medha Dandu || 353

with its outside world through connection with a exfoliation. With some patience to endure the
metal like copper and the device performance chaos of probability and training the eyes to
is critically controlled by this semiconductor- adeptly identify the colour contrast of the
metal junction. exfoliated layers, we can obtain just a single
However, any defects at the interface sheet of 2D material called the monolayer,
between different materials in semiconductor which is about less than a nanometer (nm)
heterojunctions disturbingly affects the device thick! Unlike in a 3D world, in the flatland, the
operation creating a bad surface for the surface of 2D materials does not crave for any
charge flow. The surface of any material is very bonds and, hence, can be integrated with
different from its bulk. The atoms at the surface any material as they can make a connection
are deprived of some of the bonds that the by means of vdW forces. Without worrying
atoms in the bulk enjoy with the presence of about the lattice mismatch, designing the
neighbouring atoms in all the three directions. heterojunctions in the flatland 2D layers is akin
So, in a heterojunction, the interface is to playing with lego, that is, building blocks.
controlled by how the atoms on each material’s We, at the Quantum Electronics Laboratory
surface are satisfied by bonding with the (QEL) of Indian Institute of Science (IISc),
atoms of the other. When the heterojunctions are exploring hidden treasures of electronic
are grown in a semiconductor fab, growth and optical properties of heterojunctions in
of defect free interface needs a strenuous the flatland for useful device applications
matching between the atomic spacings in light emission, harvesting and sensing.
(lattice constants) of different materials, which Heterojunctions made by vertically stacking
otherwise leads to interface the 2D layers have many
strain. This puts a serious advantages and interesting
limitation on the combination properties. The junction is
of materials one can choose to Materials used to design a quite abrupt as you physically
design a heterojunction. heterojunction is based on change the stacking material.
To end this worry, voila, we device specifications. The key While stacking the different 2D
move into the fascinating world factors are how fast can the layers, their relative orientation
of 2D materials the flatland. charge flow through the material can also be controlled which
Here in the flatland, materials modifies properties according
and its bandgap. The bandgap
have atoms connected by to the angle of stacking. When
defines the gap between the
strong covalent bonds only the interaction between two
lowest unoccupied energy states
along the two directions while different monolayers can be
called conduction band and the
in the third direction, atoms are tuned to be strong enough, they
highest occupied energy states
linked by rather weak bonds may no longer behave as two
called valence band.
known as van der Waal (vdW) individual materials but start to
forces. You can imagine a 2D have a different band structure
material like a book where altogether. Such junctions can
several atomic sheets are just be used to design artificial
held together by vdW forces. Using a simple semiconductors with required properties. Very
apparatus consisting of a scotch tape and an high fields can be created along the vertical
optical microscope, these atomic sheets, or direction and they can be controlled by the
layers, can be peeled from a lump of material thickness of 2D layers. As the carriers need to
through a technique called micromechanical travel only a few nm along the vertical direction,
354 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

devices can be operated at ultra-high speeds! materials, PL intensity would decrease.

While the ultra-fast movement of charge In our PL experiment, we designed a
across the junctions of 2D materials is well- heterojunction from monolayer of Molybdenum
known, we recently reported a lesser known Disulphide (MoS2) and multilayer Tin Diselenide
mechanism of energy transfer at these (SnSe2). At the junction, energy alignment
junctions (see ACS nano 13.4 (2019): 4795- of SnSe2 states is at lower energies than the
4803). To understand this mechanism of exciton states in MoS2. So, on light exposure,
energy transfer, let us gear up to dive little one would expect the population of excitons
further into the monolayers of the flatland. In initially formed in MoS2 to be reduced as they
these monolayers, confinement of charges move to lower energies in SnSe2 and, hence,
within a single sheet dramatically modifies the anticipate a suppression of the PL intensity. On
material properties. Attraction between the the contrary, we observe a dramatic increase in
negative (electrons) and the positive (holes the MoS2 PL intensity by nearly ten times! This
created by vacancy of electrons) charges, is possible because of an interesting matching
known as Coulomb interaction, increases in energy between the exciton states of MoS2
as the charges are confined to the plane of and certain energy states of SnSe2, where light
monolayer. A simple analogy is to compare absorption is the strongest. As an exciton is
interaction between the people in a huge composed of electron and hole separated by
city versus a locked room. Because of strong some distance, it can act like an electric dipole,
Coulomb interaction in the monolayer, electron which is a simple form of antenna we come
and hole start behaving as a single entity across in our daily lives. Because of energy
called exciton. resonance between MoS2 and
An exciton can be thought SnSe2, dipoles in each material
of as a hydrogen atom with couple up and exchange
its own series of energy Very high fields can be created energies similar to how a radio
states and the lowest of these along the vertical direction and picks up the signal when it is
energy states now becomes they can be controlled by the tuned to the right channel. Such
the primary bandgap of the thickness of 2D layers. As the mechanism of energy transfer
semiconductor. One of the carriers need to travel only a few occurs in the nature during
ways of studying these exciton photosynthesis where sunlight
nm along the vertical direction,
states is by light exposure absorbed by the chlorophyll
devices can be operated at ultra-
where the light energy excites molecule is transferred to the
high speeds!
carriers from valence band to nearby reaction site for light
conduction band and forms harvesting. One of the reasons
an exciton. As electron and for observing energy transfer
hole are strongly attracted to at the junction of 2D layers is
each other, they recombine and emit light the close spacing of two layers by just less
again, termed as photoluminescence (PL). than a nm where the dipoles can couple quite
Energy and intensity analysis of this PL strongly.
spectrum helps to decode the exciton band Usually, exciton dominated light
structure and speculate various processes absorption in monolayers of 2D materials
happening on light exposure. For example, if results in about utilization of ~10% of incident
a heterojunction is made to separate electron light, which is an exorbitant number that is
and hole of an exciton formed in one of the unattainable with some materials even in the
Ms. Medha Dandu || 355

3D world. However, this efficiency must be devices with junctions of 2D materials

improved a lot for any practical applications harnessing the treasures of these different
with the light emitted from the 2D materials. processes of charge and energy transfer
Our results on the energy transfer across the happening at ultra-fast timescale of pico-
junctions of 2D materials provide an effective seconds (10-12 s). However, the practical
mechanism to increase the net absorption of applications of semiconductor devices based
light in a monolayer by just stacking it on the on 2D materials are still limited by challenges
right material and thus improve the efficiency of scalability of these devices, problems of
of light harvesting with 2D materials. Also, material growth and inherent defects. But
we can create artificial cavities by stacking soon enough, the flatland would mark a
appropriate materials to create a mirror-like place in the map of commercial market for
effect to trap more light into a monolayer to several demanding applications like sensors
further enhance the efficiency. for internet of things, energy harvesting and
We are currently working on designing flexible electronics.
356 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: An

Opportunity to Achieve Low-cost
Clean Energy

Mr. Raj Kamal Yadav*

Email: [email protected]

hat is this, sir? Abhinav asked me surprised.
when I was trying to unlock my hostel “SEM is an abbreviation for scanning electron
room while holding a box in the other microscope and TEM is of transmission
hand. “A sample, which I have to send for electron microscope and they are used to
characterization,” I replied as I entered my observe small objects,” I replied.
room. “Oh, just like an optical
microscope,”Abhinav responded, astonished.
“Oh! This looks like powder,” Abhinav said “Yes, but an optical microscope uses a
taking the sample box in his hand. He was light beam whereas an electron microscope
my neighbour in the hostel and pursuing BCA uses an electron beam, due to which electron
from the University of Allahabad. microscope gives highly magnified image than
“No, this is nanopowder,” I replied. optical microscope. In SEM, electron beam
Abhinav, looking at the sample eagerly, asked, scans over the surface of the sample and
“How did you know that it is a nanopowder?” gives three-dimensional morphological image
I said while opening my laptop, “It was of the sample while in TEM electron beam
confirmed by the images of samples recorded passes through the thin sample and provides
by SEM and TEM,” a two-dimensional projection of the sample,” I
“What are this SEM and TEM?” Abhinav asked explained.

* Mr. Raj Kamal Yadav, PhD Scholar from the University of Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, is pursuing his research on
“Synthesis Characterization and Application of ZnO Nanoparticles in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells”. His popular science
story entitled “Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: An Opportunity to Achieve Low-Cost Clean Energy” has been selected for
AWSAR Award.
Mr. Raj Kamal Yadav || 357

Several types of photovoltaic-based devices

“What is the name of this nanopowder sir?” like organic, inorganic and hybrid cells have
Abhinav continued. been developed to harness solar energy. High
“This is ZnO nanomaterial,” I responded, and cost, toxicity and large energy consumption in
showed some TEM and SEM images to him on fabrication create problem for commercially
my laptop. available inorganic solar cells. These problems
“Oh, this structure looks like a rod and that compelled us to seek other options that provide
one like a hexagon,” Abhinav remarked with a clean environment as well as low-cost clean
surprise in his eyes. energy for all and future generations. In 1991,
“Yes, you can see ZnO nanorods in a SEM O’Regan and Michael Gratzel invented a
image and ZnO hexagonal nanostructure in a new kind of photovoltaic cell working on the
TEM image. ZnO is morphologically rich and principle of plant photosynthesis and reported
depending upon different morphologies like the efficiency of 7.1-7.9%, called dye-
nanospheres, nano- triangles, and hexagonal sensitized solar cells.”
nanorods. It has several applications “Oh, it works just like photosynthesis?
because some properties of the materials are How is that?” curious, Abhinav asked.
morphology dependent,” I replied. “Listen, you know about plant
“Where will you use this ZnO nanomaterial?” photosynthesis in which chlorophyll absorbs
Abhinav asked enthusiastically. light energy from the sun and converts it
“Actually, my research focuses on the into chemical energy, now similar to that just
development of cost-effective nanomaterials imagine artificial photosynthesis in which light
with enhanced properties energy from the sun converts
for dye-sensitized solar cells into electrical energy,” I
(DSSCs),” I responded. responded.
“What are dye-sensitized solar An optical microscope uses a I continued, “In dye-
cells? I have never heard of light beam whereas an electron sensitized solar cells, dyes or
them, tell me in detail how microscope uses an electron natural pigments absorb solar
it works?”, Abhinav asked beam, due to which electron light energy, which excites
eagerly. microscope gives highly electrons, which can flow
“Ok, please sit down and magnified image than optical towards the electrode and this
listen,” I started to explain microscope. In SEM, electron electron flow can then be used
about DSSCs. “The increasing beam scans over the surface to power other devices, like
demand of energy is one of the sample and gives three- light bulbs or cars. So, similar
of the biggest challenges dimensional morphological to plant photosynthesis the
ahead of humankind. The image of the sample while in working method of DSSCs is
short storage and pollution TEM electron beam passes like artificial photosynthesis.
problem associated with fossil through the thin sample and Actually, DSSCs contain mainly
fuel forced us to think about provides a two-dimensional five components: transparent
other options of clean and projection of the sample conductive substrate,
renewable energy sources. The mesoporous semiconductor
solar energy is the best option film, photosensitizer, electrolyte,
among all the clean, renewable and counter electrode. After
and sustainable energy absorption of photoenergy,
sources such as tidal power and hydropower. the sensitizer goes into an excited state and
358 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

injects the electron in the conduction band separately and then stack them to make
of the semiconductor leaving it sensitized in DSSCs. But our main focus is on mesoporous
its oxidized state. The electrolyte which is in semiconductor film, which needs nanomaterials
contact with the photosensitizer regenerates like ZnO, TiO2,” I said.
the sensitizer and diffuses “What you have done in your
towards the counter electrode lab till now?” Abhinav asked.
where the reduction process “We have prepared ZnO
takes place and electrolyte In 1991, O’Regan and Michael and doped ZnO nanoparticles
restores in its initial stage by Gratzel invented a new kind of with different morphologies by
accepting an electron from photovoltaic cell working on the changing synthesis conditions.
external circuits. Besides, these principle of plant photosynthesis We have prepared ZnO-based
reactions some undesirable and reported the efficiency of nanomaterials via chemical and
reactions, like recombination of 7.1-7.9%, called dye-sensitized green/bio method. Green or
injected electrons with oxidized solar cells. biosynthesis of nanomaterials
sensitizer or electrolyte occur uses plant extract as a
in the cell, which decrease the stabilizing and capping agent,
cell efficiency. The parameters which avoid toxic byproducts
which govern the performance as in the case of chemical
of cell are electrical conversion efficiency (η), method. We extracted natural dyes from
open-circuit voltage (Voc), fill factor (FF) and plants and fruits to avoid high cost, toxicity
close circuit current density (Jsc). The best and scarcity problem of the metal oxide-based
photosensitizer. We prepared electrolyte and
counter electrode. Now only the stacking of
DSSC remains and we are working on it,” I told
“How DSSCs are advantageous than
other photovoltaic cells?” Abhinav interrupted.
“Oh, I forgot to tell you,” I continued,
“”the DSSCs get attention due to their several
valuable qualities like average efficiency, low
cost, good performance under diffuse light,
easy to fabricate and lightweight product.
DSSCs provide a great opportunity to replace
Fig. 1: Schematic diagram and working principle the silicon-based bulk, high-cost solar cell
of dye-sensitized solar cell which dominates the current photovoltaic
market, due to its special features like semi-
efficiency achieved by DSSCs is over 11%.” transparent, multicoloured options, and
“Look, this is a schematic diagram of the flexibility.”
energy flow in the dye-sensitized solar cell,” I “Wow! It will work under diffuse light with
showed him a solar cell diagram in my laptop semi-transparent, flexible and multicolour
(see fig 1). option, that’s great,” Abhinav wondered.
“So, you make these DSSCs in your research “Yes, its semi-transparent and multicolour
lab,” Abhinav asked. features make it very interesting and open it
“Yes, we prepare the components of DSSC for commercial purpose. Since multi-coloured
Mr. Raj Kamal Yadav || 359

and semi-transparent dye-sensitized solar cell convention center is being equipped with an
modules are a combination of photovoltaic impressive glass facade composed of dye-
solar electricity with decorative aspects, we sensitized solar cells and generating 2000
can replace glass facade and windows of kilowatt-hours of electricity annually. Also, on
buildings with these multi-featured DSSCs.” I another website (
replied. pin/235664992978551962/?nic=1) we looked
“Let me show you some images,” I at other buildings that are equipped with
continued and opened some websites DSSCs.
( “Wow, sir! So the next goal is to replace
has-the-world-s-first-solar-window/, https:// the windows of our hostel rooms with colourful DSSC modules,” Abhinav said enthusiastically.
solar-cell-facade-at-swisstech-convection- “Not only the hostel, but we will also replace the
center-at-epfl-by-solaronix/) on my laptop windows of the university, all colleges, offices,
and showed him an image of EPFL’s Quartier and homes with DSSCs,” I suggested and we
Nord, SwissTech Convention Center, walked towards the canteen for evening tea.
Ecublens, Switzerland. The EPFL’s new
360 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

How Could I Have Prevented

Mitochondrial Oxidative Stress?

Mr. Sachin Shetty*

Email: [email protected]

ello friends! I am your dearest and chemical carcinogens are among the major
biggest internal organ. People, lifestyle and environmental factors contributing
officially, call me liver. You can find me to an increase in growth of HCC. Chemical
in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen, carcinogens, the most dangerous among them,
right below the mighty diaphragm. Uff!! These play a major role in its development. Humans,
tight schedules of metabolism, excretion, like you, are exposed to various exogenous
detoxification … always keep me busy. hepatocarcinogens, such as pyrrolizidine
I am sad since I got diagnosed with alkaloids, cycasin and related glycosides,
cancer. As you know liver cancer is one of nitrosamines and nitrosamides. While,
the major causes of cancer-related mortality nitrosamines are ubiquitous environmental
and is the fifth most deadly cancer. Among carcinogens present in water, soil and air.
the liver cancers, the one I was diagnosed They pose maximum threat to health as they
with was hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), can be found in contaminated or preserved
which is a major sub-type and accounts for food, drugs, cosmetics and pesticides. The
about 75% of total liver cancers. The etiology cured meat products you eat have a very
of hepatocellular carcinoma is quite diverse. high content of nitrosamines (1-80 ppm).
Aflatoxins in diet, alcohol consumption, tobacco Nitrite substrates formed during cooking of
smoking, and exposure to certain viruses and protein rich food may lead to an endogenous

* Mr. Sachin Shetty, PhD Scholar from Manipal College of Health Professions, Karnataka, is pursuing his
research on “Modulatory Effects of Mito-Tempo and Piperine in Mouse Model of N-NitrosodiethylamineInduced
Hepatocarcinogenesis”. His popular science story entitled “How could have I Prevented Mitochondrial Oxidative
Stress??” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
Mr. Sachin Shetty || 361

production of nitrosamines. The enzymatic initiated with irreversible changes in DNA and
metabolism of these nitrosamines converts caused mutation of DNA bases. It further led
them from biologically inert compounds to development and progression of disease
to biologically active ones. These potent by activating the mechanisms of perpetual
hepatocarcinogens primarily metabolized in inflammation, cell proliferation, migration,
hepatocytes when acted upon by CYP2AE degradation and impaired cell death hence
enzyme present in endoplasmic reticulum causing hepatocarcinogenesis. As you know
(ER) generate several free radicals. In HCC is one of the deadliest forms of cancer
addition to possible direct damage to cellular and several studies suggest that only early
macromolecules, free radicals can also detection and effective treatment can increase
affect protein folding that may lead to protein the survival possibility of a patient. Treatment
aggregation, degradation by endoplasmic option for HCC mainly depends on factors,
reticulum and induction of unfolded protein which include extent of liver injury, tumour
response. Since ER-induced refolding of size and tumour staging. High-grade tumours
proteins is a highly energy dependent process, have poor prognosis and low-grade tumours
protein misfolding will stimulate mitochondrial cannot be identified for many years. Moreover,
oxidative phosphorylation to increase ATP complications may arise with multifocal and
synthesis and reactive oxygen species (ROS). advanced disease where treatment options
Increased ROS production leads to increased are not available and only palliative care
burden on mitochondria rendering it prone to can be provided. Also, studies on general
oxidative injury and dysfunction. antioxidants in various liver cancers did not
As you know friends, show the expected efficacy.
mitochondria, the cellular This could be due to the
power house involved in release inability of these antioxidants
of energy from food through to reach to the sub-cellular
Liver cancer is one of the
cellular respiration naturally targets. Hence, OS slaughtered
major causes of cancer-
produces free radicals as a me by converting me into
related mortality and is the
by-product, which are highly Hepatocellular carcinoma.
fifth most deadly cancer.
reactive and cause damage Friends, unfortunately, I
Among the liver cancers, the
to cell components, such as was not able to prevent oxidative
one I was diagnosed with was
protein and nucleic acids. But stress and HCC, but there is
hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC),
the special antioxidant defence good news for your buddies.
which is a major sub-type and
system of mitochondria A group of researchers from
accounts for about 75% of total
protects them from free radicals Manipal (MAHE), Karnataka,
liver cancers.
produced during cellular Sachin Shetty and Anushree
respiration. Salian, under the guidance of
However, excessively Dr Sanjay Bharati and Dr Rajesh
produced ROS and free Kumar found a novel strategy to
radicals from chemical carcinogens, as combat HCC using a mitochondrial targeted
mentioned above, along with inadequate antioxidant mito-TEMPO. Sachin says these
scavenging of antioxidant defence system antioxidants can effectively protect against
have led to cellular oxidative stress in me oxidative stress since they are particularly
causing molecular events that initiated and engineered for mitochondrial accumulation.
promoted carcinogenesis. Carcinogenesis Mito-TEMPO acts in a similar manner to
362 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

mitochondrial superoxide dismutase and of these mitochondria targeted antioxidants in

lipophilic cation tri-phenyl-phosphonium, which liver cancer were unclear during the beginning
get accumulated several hundred folds in of research.
mitochondria. According to Dr Bharati, the role

Figure1. Schematic representation of role of mito-TEMPO

A study was conducted were histologically confirmed

to find out the preventive as HCC. Anti-cancer activity
effect of mito-TEMPO in ER-induced refolding of proteins of mito-TEMPO animals was
N-Nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA)- is a highly energy dependent evident with a decrease in death
induced liver cancer. Mice with process, protein misfolding of animals, tumour occurrence,
liver cancer were developed will stimulate mitochondrial total number of tumours, and
by administering NDEA oxidative phosphorylation to tumour burden and tumour
intraperitoneally into male increase ATP synthesis and multiplicity in animals. Dielectric
BALB/c mice. Mito-TEMPO was reactive oxygen species (ROS). parameters of tumours in mito-
administered intraperitoneally Increased ROS production TEMPO group were indicative
at weekly intervals, till the leads to increased burden of delayed carcinogenesis.
completion of study period for on mitochondria rendering it Mito-TEMPO administration
20 weeks. The carcinogenic prone to oxidative injury and normalized mean saturation
effect of NDEA was evident dysfunction. levels in phospholipids and
and animals in the NDEA group improved glycogen content
developed liver tumours, which of liver tissue. Gap junctions

Fig. 2. Role of mito-TEMPO in NDEA induced hepatocarcinogensis.

Mr. Sachin Shetty || 363

and gap junction intracellular communication cytoplasmic oxidative status.

channels were severely impaired in Isn’t this amazing work, friends! The
hepatocarcinogenesis and improved after finding could effectively protect against NDEA-
mito-TEMPO treatment. Normalization of lipid induced hepatocarcinogenesis by inhibiting
peroxidation and increase of enzymatic and mitochondrial ROS that, in turn, modulates
non-enzymatic antioxidant defence systems in the course of disease. I wish I had known this
mito-TEMPO treated tumours showed that this before, but do not worry the “liver is happy” to
agent also helped cells in maintaining normal share this with you and your buddies.
364 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

A Diamond in the Rough

Mr. Ajin Joy*

Email: [email protected]

verything happens for good and nothing staging of numerous diseases and monitoring
lasts forever, a mantra that has always the body’s response to various treatments.
had an overwhelming influence on me. However, on the flipside, it still remains a fact
Something which kept pushing me forward that the imaging speed is very slow. But hey,
at every turn of my life, filling my mind with the story of a hero is rarely complete without
hope, caution and confidence at the same a villain and the story of MRI is no different.
time. The story of my journey to PhD in the field Patients have to stay still for a long time to avoid
of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) so far artifacts (unwanted information) appearing in
is also something that is strongly connected the image. Not to mention the not-so-musical
to this belief. Otherwise, the gem that I found sounds and the effect of confined space inside
would have been just a rock that hardly shines. the scanner on claustrophobic people.
In the present day, MRI scanning rarely “Of course, a skilled radiologist would not
needs any introduction. Over the past five have to break a sweat to tell an artifact from
decades, the technology involved in it has all the useful information when they see it, but
really matured to make it a widely used isn’t it better if we could just scan it faster?”
imaging modality to picture internal organs This is how I was introduced to the topic of
of the human body. It has helped numerous my research. My job was simple and well-
people by aiding in early detection and defined. Suppose we collect less data from

* Mr. Ajin Joy, PhD Scholar from Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Kerala, is pursuing his
research on “Robust Approaches to Non-Linear Diffusion Based Compressed Sensing in Parallel MRI”. His popular
science story entitled “A Diamond in the Rough” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
Mr. Ajin Joy || 365

the scanner to complete the scan faster. We We noticed that almost everywhere in the
then have to find a way to estimate the missing literature, when edge preservation properties
data to reconstruct a proper-looking image are required, a method called ‘Total Variation
devoid of any artifacts. Research in this area (TV) Minimization’ is used. Well, there is a
has been going on for many decades now. But saying that too much of anything is bad. So,
a new technique called compressed sensing I started feeling a bit skeptical about it. The
recently became so popular that its application more I discussed the literature with my guide,
to MRI reconstruction was of huge interest to the more the feeling grew. Since edge is not the
the community. There laid my chance to make only feature in MRI that needs to be preserved,
a meaningful contribution and earn a Ph.D. TV was often used along with other methods
During the final year of my postgraduation, that focus on preserving the smoothness of the
I had already developed a huge interest image as well. However, these other methods
in further understanding the process of continued to evolve, to the point where it was
image formation in general and its various capable of delivering much better stand-alone
manipulation methods. So, this was just the reconstruction compared to TV. Therefore, it
right thing that could have happened to me, and became clear to us that TV was holding some
I truly believe that it had happened for good. of the performance back.
I, wholeheartedly, grabbed the opportunity We tried to present a solution in the form of
and started working on it right away. Much Perona-Malik (PM) diffusion as an alternative to
like the journey of any other researcher, mine TV, which is also capable of edge-preservation,
also started with understanding the literature, with an added advantage that one can also
studying all the different ways in control the strength of edges
which people have already tried that are preserved. The
to reconstruct the magnetic results looked quite promising.
resonance (MR) image. The MRI scanning rarely needs “This should clearly be it,” I
first task my guide assigned any introduction. Over the past told myself with a sense of
was to identify a missing link/ five decades, the technology achievement. But the joy only
knowledge gap in the literature, involved in it has really matured lasted till I realized the fact that
where I could make an original to make it a widely used imaging it was one thing to find a better
contribution. I was convinced modality to picture internal method of reconstruction, and it
that the better one understands was another thing to convince a
organs of the human body. It
the literature, the closer one will journal to publish it. It became
has helped numerous people
get to find that gap. clear that when it comes to
by aiding in early detection and
Soon, much to my publishing the work, one has to
staging of numerous diseases
delight, I found it in the area master the art of presenting it
and monitoring the body’s
of edge-preservation based as well. After a few rejections,
response to various treatments.
reconstruction approaches I wondered what more could I
in MR image reconstruction. have done. It turned out to be
Edges can be imagined as a tough task to convince the
the boundaries separating reviewers that PM diffusion is a
different regions in an MR image. So, it better alternative to TV.
is straightforward to understand that its Fortunately, I have never stopped
preservation can become crucial for a good believing that everything happens for good,
diagnostic quality of the reconstructed image. and I never felt short of encouragements and
366 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

guidance from my research edge-preserving methods, like

supervisor. So, I continued TV and PM diffusion, generally
working on it and showed have a problem that they tend
Much like the journey of any
that PM diffusion can also run to introduce an artifact of their
other researcher, mine also
significantly faster than TV. own, which looks like staircases
started with understanding
Imagine having to recalibrate and speckles. Obviously, we
the literature, studying all the
a weighing machine every time wouldn’t want that information
different ways in which people
one has to weigh something. in an MRI. In the case of TV-
have already tried to reconstruct
Likewise, reconstruction based reconstruction methods,
the magnetic resonance (MR)
using TV required tuning its these problems were already
image. The first task my guide
parameter for every new data. addressed. Therefore, when
assigned was to identify a
This was not needed with PM we suggest PM diffusion as
missing link/knowledge gap
diffusion. an alternative to TV, it also
in the literature, where I could
This time, though the becomes necessary to provide
make an original contribution.
proposal was rejected by the solutions for these artifacts as
journal, the response said well. This led to the second
“all is good, but a comparative phase of my work where
study showing some of the we developed a method to
basic theoretical advantages of PM diffusion prevent these artifacts from appearing, rather
over TV is not published yet.” The very same than removing it after it has formed in the
comparative study which I was trying to reconstructed image. When we finally had
publish earlier. I felt like this was my moment the results, publishing didn’t take that long.
and communicated the earlier work along with Thanks to the lessons learnt from all the earlier
new findings to the same journal. Furthermore, rejections.
to support the idea of reproducible research, Even after both these works, just like TV,
all the codes needed to reproduce the results the stand-alone performance of PM diffusion
were also publicly shared. We, finally, got in terms of image quality was not comparable
the work published! It eventually grabbed to some of the more recent methods. Soon,
attention of a group working on magnetic we realized that this was due to a factor
resonance spectroscopy at the University of common to both PM diffusion and TV. Both
California, Los Angeles, and the advantages methods generally approximate the edges
of PM diffusion were later demonstrated using using computations along just the horizontal
spectroscopic data as well. and vertical directions, while the actual
The job was not done yet. The orientation of the edges in an MR image
Mr. Ajin Joy || 367

is much more complicated. Finally, along the following Fig. shows the brain images
with the collaboration from the university of reconstructed from just 5% samples using PM
Iowa, we showed that a much better quality diffusion and TV with and without the proposed
of reconstructed image is achievable using multi-directional approach.
stand-alone PM diffusion and TV based The journey so far has been eventful
methods by incorporating computations and quite memorable. A gem that I will dearly
along other directions as well. To get an idea, preserve for the rest of my life.
368 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Exploiting Microorganisms to
Boost Pigeon Pea Production

Mr. Anirban Basu*

Email: [email protected]

ulses – the versatile food: Can you food production with a substantial impact on
imagine a traditional Indian meal without global food and nutritional security.
a sumptuous serving of ‘dal’ or ‘sambar’? Biological nitrogen fixation in pulses and
The answer, of course, is an emphatic its importance: Compared with other plant
‘No’. Various ‘dal’ or pulses are an integral sources of proteins, pulses have an enriched
ingredient of the Indian cuisine. The pulses protein content, thanks to the beneficial activity
are incredibly rich in their nutritional value. of a specific group of nitrogen-fixing soil
They are an indispensable and affordable bacteria known as ‘rhizobia’. Pulses and some
source of supplementary proteins to daily other closely related plants develop complex
vegetarian diets and are aptly considered symbiotic associations with rhizobia on the
as ‘poor man’s meat’. They are also high in root nodules. Rhizobia convert inert nitrogen
dietary fibre, several vitamins, minerals and gas in the air into reactive nitrogen compounds
antioxidants and provide plenty of other health (mainly ammonia) that can be readily utilized
benefits. To promote public awareness of the by the host plants to produce amino acids, the
multifaceted benefits of pulses across the fundamental building blocks of proteins. The
globe, the United Nations had declared 2016 phenomenon by which atmospheric nitrogen
as the ‘International Year of Pulses’. Growing is ‘fixed’ or converted into a readily usable
and consuming pulses ensures sustainable form by microorganisms such as rhizobia is

* Mr. Anirban Basu, PhD Scholar from the University of Hyderabad, Telangana, is pursuing his research on “Interactions
Between Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria and Rest of the Rhizosphere Microbiome of Pigeon Pea”. His popular
science story entitled “Exploiting Microorganisms to Boost Pigeon Pea Production” has been selected for AWSAR
Mr. Anirban Basu || 369

known as ‘biological nitrogen fixation’. The of poor farmers grow pigeon pea on marginal
nitrogen-fixing attributes of pulses account lands with minimal inputs. The crop is mostly
for massive natural nitrogen inputs into soils grown in intercropping, that is along with other
that can enhance soil fertility and biodiversity, crops in the same field, and often as a rotation
thereby improving farmland productivity. crop with cereals. The rationale behind this
Cultivating or alternating pulses in the same practice lies in the fact that pigeon pea aids in
field with other crops ensures that other plants maintaining soil health and fertility by adding
benefit from fertile and healthy soil. Biological more nitrogen to the soil through biological
nitrogen fixation thus aids in reducing the nitrogen fixation, which in turn reduces the
need for hazardous chemical fertilizers, while application of synthetic nitrogenous fertilizers
maintaining soil fertility, high levels of seed in the subsequent cropping season. India is
protein and high yields, and contributes to the largest producer of pigeon pea, accounting
reducing greenhouse gas emissions. for about 82% of the global production. Even
Pigeon pea – the wonder pulse: Pigeon though India is the largest producer, it is the
pea is one of the most important pulse crops world’s largest importer of pigeon pea as
that grows in the tropical and subtropical the national productivity, that is the yield per
climates of South Asia, East Africa and Central unit cultivated area of pigeon pea is at a low
America. Like other pulses, pigeon pea also level. The crop often suffers from inconsistent
is an excellent source of vegetarian protein, yields due to various reasons, including poor
dietary fibre, minerals, vitamins and lipids. nodule formation by ineffective rhizobia, use of
Pigeon pea is a popular choice in many food less productive land and waterlogging or low
preparations across the world. rainfall during critical stages of
Not only does the pigeon crop growth.
pea provides a valuable food Prioritizing research to
source, but also its leaves can Rhizobia convert inert nitrogen improve pigeon pea production:
be used as animal feed and gas in the air into reactive Pigeon pea remained an orphan
its woody parts as firewood. nitrogen compounds (mainly crop as the scientific community
The plant grows easily, even ammonia) that can be readily has neglected it for a long
in harsh conditions and semi- utilized by the host plants time. However, in the present
arid environments. It is drought scenario of global climate
to produce amino acids, the
tolerant and can grow in rainfall- change and population boom,
fundamental building blocks of
deficient areas. Also, being a pigeon pea is rapidly gaining
proteins. The phenomenon by
deep-rooted plant, pigeon pea popularity as a food security
which atmospheric nitrogen is
does not compete with other crop among farmers and
‘fixed’ or converted into a readily
plants for resources. Instead, consumers alike. Nevertheless,
usable form by microorganisms
it can pull the water from deep the low national productivity of
such as rhizobia is known as
within the soil and supply pigeon pea and the broader
‘biological nitrogen fixation’.
groundwater to other crops. issues of food security,
Current scenario of pigeon ecological and economic
pea production in India: Pigeon challenges of crop production
pea, popularly known as ‘Arhar’, and soil improvement in India
‘Toor’ or ‘Tuvar’ in the Indian household, is need to be addressed on top priority. In this
one of the most sought-after pulse crops direction, the Department of Biotechnology,
cultivated in the drylands of India. Thousands Government of India, and Biotechnology
370 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

and Biological Sciences Research Council, screened for identifying optimal plant lines,
UK, have jointly funded an international among which the varieties Mannem Konda
collaborative research project entitled ‘India- Kandi (ICPH-2740), Asha (ICPL-87119) and
UK Nitrogen Fixation Centre (IUNFC)’. The Durga (ICPL-84031) were found to be the most
project brought together under one umbrella suitable for cultivation under the agroclimatic
a global team of eminent scientists from India conditions of South India. Rhizobia isolated
and the UK with expertise and experience from pigeon pea nodules were characterized
in plant sciences, soil microbiology and based on their molecular features and
agriculture. The project aims to improve the efficiency to form nodules. Different species
nutrition and productivity of pigeon pea through of rhizobia were found to be associated with
cutting-edge scientific research on biological pigeon pea nodules. Presently, field trials are
nitrogen fixation, leading to the selection going on across three different locations in
of superior plants and microorganisms for India with selected rhizobial isolates to assess
specific environments ranging from the production yield increment.
fertile soils of the Indo-Gangetic plains to the An interesting finding from the study was
drought-stressed soils of the Deccan plateau. that pigeon pea root nodules harboured not
Deploying effective combinations of pigeon only rhizobia but several other microorganisms
pea and rhizobia would aid in boosting pigeon as well. Many of these microorganisms can
pea production, enhance seed protein content, promote plant growth and development in one
reduce dependence on nitrogenous fertilizers or more ways and are thus called ‘plant growth-
and improve soil health. promoting microorganisms’. However, their
Ongoing research on involvement in nodule formation
pigeon pea at the University and biological nitrogen fixation
of Hyderabad: The author’s remains mostly unknown. To
team at the Department of address this issue, the author’s
India is the largest producer
Plant Sciences, University team has undertaken a parallel
of pigeon pea, accounting
of Hyderabad, a partner in investigation on deciphering
for about 82% of the global
the IUNFC project under the the structure and function of the
production. Even though India
guidance of Professor Appa microbial community associated
is the largest producer, it is
Rao Podile, a renowned plant with pigeon pea roots. The
the world’s largest importer
microbiologist, is currently study aims to understand
of pigeon pea as the national
engaged in identifying the how the root-associated
productivity, that is the yield per
most suitable combinations microbial communities or ‘root
unit cultivated area of pigeon
of pigeon pea varieties and microbiome’ aid in promoting
pea is at a low level.
specific rhizobia that can growth, yield and productivity
improve nodule formation, of the crop and combat
biological nitrogen fixation, diverse stress conditions.
growth and yield of the crop Simultaneously, how soil type
in the drought-stressed soils of South India. and plant variety influence the composition
Extensive soil sampling from pigeon pea fields of the root-associated microbiome of pigeon
was done across the states of Telangana, pea is also being investigated. Deciphering
Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka for the large- the pigeon pea root microbiome will help
scale screening and isolation of rhizobia. to identify plant-associated microbes that
Parallelly, several pigeon pea varieties were should be prioritized for further research. A
Mr. Anirban Basu || 371

better understanding of the root microbiome needed’. Replacing chemical fertilizers with
will enable the development of strategies for beneficial microorganisms that thrive in the
manipulating the root microbiome to increase crop’s root system provides an eco-friendly
the yield and productivity of pigeon pea and solution to boost pigeon pea production. It
related crops. Preliminary results indicated will not only pave the way for organic farming
that the composition of pigeon pea root on a larger scale while reducing input cost
microbiome varied from soil to soil. for farmers but also reduce pollution of
Environmental perspectives and water bodies and aquifers through chemical
socioeconomic implications: The demand leaching, thus improving the overall human
for pulses such as pigeon pea is rapidly and environmental health. Harnessing the
increasing to meet the minimum requirements fundamental understanding of the biological
of an increasing world population. The former nitrogen fixation for potential agricultural
president of India Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam had benefit will, therefore, strengthen the economy
rightly pointed out that ‘the future food demand of our farmers, allow them to feed the ever-
cannot be met merely from incremental growing human population and provide a
gains through conventional plant breeding. better tomorrow for our future generations.
A quantum change in yield improvement is
372 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Unearthing Treasures from the

Indian Ocean

Ms. Ankeeta Amonkar*

Email: [email protected]

he global ocean, with its untold mysteries, the oceans, in the year 1956, the United Nation
has been raising human consciousness. Convention on the Law of Sea (UNCLOS)
Covering an area of 72% of the earth imposed a framework for the conservation
is the most fragile ecosystem, with very few and management of the marine resources in
areas well explored. Ocean has always been three different UNCLOS until 1982, and this
a source of nourishment for the aquatic life, a came into force in the year 1994. The UNCLOS
major contributor to climate, and a storehouse defined the responsibility and guidelines for
for nonliving (minerals and ores) and living the nations with regards to the exploration,
things. exploitation, and management of oceans for
Well, we all are fascinated by cartoons marine resources.
and movies that show treasures in the form of The Indian Ocean has been gaining
unimaginable wealth occurring on the ocean attention since the beginning of human
floor with fishes, whales, and sharks moving civilization. This ocean is a major conduit for
around. Yes, you have imagined it right. global trade connecting Northern Atlantic
Bountiful booty still does exist; it just needs the and Asia-Pacific. There are reports of 90,000
right adventure to trace the wealth that persists commercial fleets moving across this region
on the ocean floor. But much before we could per year. Apart from commerce, the littoral
simply end up planning an adventure trip into shelf covering the Indian continent is densely

* Ms. Ankeeta Amonkar, PhD Scholar from CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography, Goa, is pursuing her research on
“Volcanogenic and Hydrothermal Evidence from the Central Indian Ocean Basin”. Her popular science story entitled
“Unearthing Treasures from the Indian Ocean” has been selected for AWSAR Award
Ms. Ankeeta Amonkar || 373

populated with marine life and different rivers. It hosts several morpho-tectonic
species of economic importance. The tuna features such as seamounts (underwater
fish catch from the Indian Ocean stands the volcanoes), abyssal hill, faults, and fracture
second largest in the global market. However, zones. In the western part of the CIOB, the
with every good comes something bad. The presence of seamounts and abyssal hills has
coast is highly vulnerable to natural disasters resulted in rugged topography. A majority
such as storms, cyclones, sea-level rise, of seamounts occurring in the basin were
tsunamis, tectonic disturbances, etc. Globally, produced between 56 and 52 Ma during the
the sedimentary basins occurring in the Indian Indo-Eurasian collision. This was the time
Ocean hold 40% of the world’s offshore oil when the Tethys Sea between India and Tibet
production, and fishing accounts for nearly closed, and the mighty Himalayan ranges rose
15% of the world total catch. In 2018-19, India from its depth.
produced 13.7 million tons of fish and is the The basin has drawn the attention of
second-largest fish producer in the world. many researchers for its complex tectonic and
Is this not a treasure? And, if you are still morphological fabric, vastness in latitudinal
not convinced as to how rich the Indian Ocean extent, dynamics, and polymetallic nodule
is, then the following will definitely get you deposits. In the last more than three decades,
sweating. India has been involved extensively in exploring
The Indian Ocean holds one of the finest the polymetallic nodules. The major objective
resources containing extremely high amounts has been to delineate the boundaries of
of manganese, nickel, copper, cobalt, and potential deposits, which are now marked and
iron. The coastal sediments are known as the first-generation
an important source of placer mine site covering an area
minerals that contain titanium, of 75,000 sq. km. It has been
zirconium, tin, chromite, gold, in the recent news that the
lead, and so forth. For example, The global ocean, with its untold Indian government would be
ilmenite and deposits present mysteries, has been raising commencing a major project
along the Indian coast contain human consciousness. Covering “Samudrayaan” under the Deep
50%–60% of TiO2 and are widely an area of 72% of the earth is Ocean Mission to target several
used in several industries for the most fragile ecosystem, with explored and unexplored sites
making paint, pigment, and very few areas well explored. in the Indian Ocean.
heart stents, and also for “black Ocean has always been a source Being an oceanographer,
box” of aircraft. of nourishment for the aquatic it is always an adventurous
Coming to my research life, a major contributor to journey of being out at sea
study, the Central Indian Ocean climate, and a storehouse for for days and everything
Basin (CIOB) is the largest nonliving (minerals and ores) that happens is such a
(~5.6 × 106 sq km) in the and living things. new experience. Pursing
Indian Ocean and is bounded my research in one of the
by the Central Indian Ridge in prestigious laboratories of
the west, the Ninteyeast Ridge the Council of Scientific and
in the east, and the Southeast Industrial Research (CSIR)–
Indian Ridge in the south. The basin is open National Institute of Oceanography (NIO-
toward the north and is a depot for sediments Goa). I was privileged to participate in the 48th
transported by the Ganges and Brahmaputra expedition of the exploration of manganese
374 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

nodule conducted under the project Survey enriched in sodium, potassium, rare earth
and Exploration of Polymetallic Nodules during elements (REE), and yttrium (Y). Yasukawa,
March–May 2018 on the Research Vessel RV in 2014, also reported similar sediments from
Sindhu Sadhana. As a team, we did surveying a core section of the DSDP Site 213, eastern
of the mine site and sampled Indian Ocean, containing
the surface sediments to phillipsite and biogenic apatite
cumulatively understand the (fish debris) with sediment
tonnage of nodules per square hosting a high amount of rare
The global ocean, with its untold
of the area. earth yttrium (REY). Native
mysteries, has been raising
Apart from sediments and metals, metalloids, REE, and
human consciousness. Covering
nodules, the basin warrants REY present in the Indian Ocean
an area of 72% of the earth is
attention to some of the unique could be of potential economic
the most fragile ecosystem, with
minerals occurring as metals, interest along with the existing
very few areas well explored.
metalloids, and zeolites. In manganese nodules. Perhaps it
my research work, various is now time to look for treasures
long and short sediment beyond the manganese nodules
cores from the CIOB were that could add up to the blue
examined to understand the hydrothermal and economy of India and help increase the gross
volcanogenic history of the basin. The analysis domestic product.
of the sediments suspected some unusual Now, don’t you think there could still be
particles in the 63-µm fraction. These particles more treasures in the ocean yet to unfold? We,
were observed under a scanning electron at CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography,
microscope (SEM) and analyzed using SEM– are very keen to understand the oceans
energy-dispersive spectroscopy and electron and their maximum potential. Based on the
probe microanalyzer for chemical composition. vastness of the ocean and what is known so
We later confirmed these particles to be native far, it looks like we need to grab the pickaxe,
metals, oxides, sulfides, and metalloids. These shovel, and gear (diving gears) to unearth the
metals and metalloids are mainly complexes of treasures in the Indian Ocean.
barium sulfides, copper sulfides, lead-copper
sulfides, zinc–copper complexes, native
copper, lead, aluminum, gold, and silver,
indicating an in-situ hydrothermal activity
in the Indian Ocean. The discovery of these
new metals and metalloids was presented at
the 106th Indian Science Congress held in
January 2019 by me.
Zeolites are another important facet of
the basin. Dr Iyer, chief scientist (retired) from
CSIR-NIO, reported zeolites (phillipsite) in my
study area as single or multiple twinned crystals
The Fig. shows the location of Central Indian
associated with FeMn nodules. Our present Ocean Basin (CIOB) in the left, manganese
research on deep-sea phillipsite suggests nodules at the top, and smaller nodules
that these are composed of alumino-silicates, associated with sediments in the right.
|| 375

Indigenously Designed
and Developed Cryogenic
Machining Technology for Indian
Manufacturing Industries
Mr. Chetan Agrawal*
Email: [email protected]

fter completing my masters from NIT Quickly after the selection, I got in touch with
Jaipur (MNIT), my dream was to direct the principal investigator of the project and
my further research in an area that can my PhD supervisor (Dr Navneet Khanna). In
directly impact Indian society in a better way. between, my supervisor visited the University
One day, I was going through a newspaper of Ljubljana Slovenia (Europe) to meet the
and saw an advertisement containing an pioneer of cryogenic machining Dr Franci
opportunity to work as a junior research Pusavec. The collaboration with him helped
fellow (JRF) for a SERB-DST project titled us at various stages of the project. Before
“Design and development of energy-efficient starting the project, it was made clear by my
cryogenic machining facility for heat resistant supervisor about what we are doing and how
alloys and carbon fiber reinforced plastic it would affect manufacturing industries in the
composites” (CFRP). My supervisor acquired coming years. Initially, I visited many industries
this project from SERB-DST under the “Make working in the field of cryogenic engineering,
in India” category. Already knowing the and in parallel, I started focusing on a literature
importance and future impact of this project, review. Industrial visits gave me an exposure to
I did not give it a second thought and applied cryogenic applications, components involved,
for the same. After some time, I appeared for and safe handling of cryogenic fluids (as it is
the selection process and selected as a JRF. dangerous if handled carelessly). The literature

* Mr. Chetan Agrawal, PhD Scholar from Institute of Infrastructure Technology Research and Management, Gujarat,
is pursuing his research on “Design and Development of Sustainable Cryogenic Machining Facility for Heat Resistant
Alloys and CFRP Composites”. His popular science story entitled “Indigenously Designed and Developed Cryogenic
Machining Technology for Indian Manufacturing Industries” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
376 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

review filled me with opportunities to address components and other consumables with the
problems related to the design of cryogenic great administrative support of IITRAM
machining systems and possible advantages Ahmedabad. After designing and fabricating
of cryogenic machining. the cryogenic delivery setup, we started
The main challenge was to transport cryogenic machining experiments for different
nitrogen from the source to the machining engineering materials, more specifically heat
zone in a liquid form, as it tends to vaporize resistant alloys and CFRP composites under
quickly at the atmospheric temperature and cryogenic conditions. Before jumping to the
pressure. We designed a vacuum-jacketed cryogenic machining, let us first realize the
hose and phase separator to fulfill this importance of the two words: cryogenic and
requirement. We have also filed a patent to machining. Cryogenic is the science that deals
secure intellectual property right for innovative with a very low temperature. A temperature
phase separators. Other design and selection below minus 153°C comes in this category.
requirements of nozzles and the design of Applications of cryogenic science have
fixtures to retrofit cryogenic delivery setup with already established its positive impact in the
the existing range of machine tools were aerospace, medical, space, oil, and gas
successfully completed. We intended to make industries. However, its application in
a low-cost indigenously developed cryogenic manufacturing still remains relatively
delivery to meet the demands for small and unexplored. In every manufacturing industry,
medium-sized enterprises so that they could machining is a must-do operation to get final
afford it without purchasing/importing at components with desired tolerances. It
pocket-burning prices. After involves the process of
several iterations, we finalized removing excess material from
the design of different parts a workpiece to give it the
and chalked out the The main challenge was to desired shape. Simple
specification for the customized transport nitrogen from the operations such as drilling,
vertical machining center as source to the machining grinding, turning, and milling
per the requirement to work zone in a liquid form, as it are common in manufacturing
under cryogenic conditions. In tends to vaporize quickly at industries and fall into the
India, there is a lack of industries machining category. In the
the atmospheric temperature
that provide cryogenic case of hard metals and alloys,
and pressure. We designed
equipment and components. a lot of heat is produced during
a vacuum-jacketed hose and
Also, there is no Indian machining due to the relative
phase separator to fulfill this
company that can provide motion between the hard
requirement. We have also filed
ready-to-use cryogenic workpiece and the harder
a patent to secure intellectual
machining systems. When we cutting tool. Conventional
property right for innovative
got into purchasing, we realized practices for disposing heat
phase separators.
that it was tough to get from the cutting zone are by
customized items from making the use of oil-based
manufacturers and follow cooling and lubrication fluids.
government procedures of The use of these cutting fluids
procurement at the same time. It was a great creates harmful fumes due to the chemical
learning experience for me. However, we reaction of the oil with a workpiece, tool, and
successfully procured all the related tool coatings during machining. It results in an
Mr. Chetan Agrawal || 377

uneasy working environment for workers. temperature of the cutting zone using various
Direct or indirect contact of workers with techniques. Conventional techniques for
cutting oil and its residue may result in health disposing of heat are less sustainable.
problems such as skin and lung diseases. Economic, environmental, and social aspects
Hence, it is the need of the hour to switch over of any process are the main pillars to evaluate
to greener, cleaner, and sustainable machining the sustainability of the process. The adoption
techniques from conventional, unhealthy, and of cryogenic machining can help in reducing
less efficient practices of machining. Hence, waste and environmental pollution, improving
to address above-stated issues, cryogenic productivity, and ensuring a healthy and safe
machining comes into the picture. In cryogenic environment for workers. During this research,
machining, cryogenic fluids such as liquid we studied the machining of various materials
nitrogen are employed in place of oil-based under cryogenic environments, and the results
cutting and lubrication fluids. Liquid nitrogen is were compared with those of dry and wet
environment-friendly. It is not a greenhouse machining techniques. For example, cryogenic
gas and creates a nitrogen environment when drilling experiments performed on Inconel 718
in use, to eliminate oxidization during the (difficult-to-machine nickel-based alloys used
process. Therefore, it can produce in hot sections of the turbine of aero engines)
contamination-free components for special revealed an improved hole quality (measured
machining requirements, for instance in terms of cylindricity, circularity, and surface
instrument and components used for medical roughness) and a 95% improvement in the tool
purposes. It also eliminates the cost of disposal life of the drill bit. Similar was the observation
management and infrastructure when titanium alloy (which is
associated with flood coolants. also increasingly used in the
It eliminates toxicity, bacteria, aerospace industry) was
oily work environment, and machined under cryogenic
investment in pits and filtration Simple operations such as conditions. Reduced power
associated with the use of oil- drilling, grinding, turning, consumption at a higher level of
based cutting and lubrication and milling are common in cutting parameters, better chip
during machining. Before going manufacturing industries and formation, and improved
onto the outcome of this surface quality were some of
fall into the machining category.
research, let us understand the the key observations of this
In the case of hard metals and
basic mechanics of machining study. The third experiment
alloys, a lot of heat is produced
in brief. The process of cutting was to investigate the
during machining due to the
produces heat; the faster the machinability characteristic of
relative motion between the
cutting speed, and the higher CFRP composites under
hard workpiece and the harder
will be the heat. Each tool cryogenic conditions. One of
cutting tool.
material has a critical the key problems encountered
temperature where it when drilling composites was
deteriorates to fail quickly. delamination, which was found
Different work materials bring to be reduced under cryogenic
tools to a critical temperature at conditions. Hole quality and
different cutting speeds. Alloys such as Inconel surface finish were also found to be improved
718 have a very short tool life of 3–5 min. when CFRP composites were drilled under
Hence, it is necessary to reduce the cryogenic conditions. One of our collaborators,
378 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Dr N. M. Suri, from Punjab Engineering College for better outcomes of this project. Local
Chandigarh, developed magnesium-based manufacturing industries such as Jaivel
particulate metal matrix composites (PMMC) Aerospace, Ahmedabad, and Mac Power
for the automobile industry. He sent us some CNC Machines Limited Rajkot were also made
specimens of PMMC material to check their aware by us about the recent research
machinability. This material was tested under a outcomes and their potential benefits. The
hybrid machining technique. The hybrid expected outcome of my research is ready to
machining technique is a combination of deliver cryogenic machining setup, which can
cryogenic machining and ultrasonic-assisted be retrofitted to an existing range of machine
turning. Combined advantages of both tools. Another fruitful outcome is increased
processes helped in improving the chip awareness regarding the advantages of
breakability index and surface characteristics cryogenic machining among small and
of magnesium-based PMMC. As we medium-sized enterprises. In general, less
progressed, my supervisor started power consumption, reduced carbon
collaborating with many pioneer researchers footprints, a prolonged life cycle of components
across the globe, for instance, Dr Anish Roy due to better surface characteristics, an
from the Loughborough University (UK), Dr increase in tool life, and a healthy working
Grzegorz Krolczyk from the Opole University environment for the workers under cryogenic
of Technology (Poland), Mr Johan Larsen from machining echo its sustainable significance
Danish Advanced Manufacturing Research over conventional machining practices.
Center (Denmark), Mr Vaibhav Phadnis from Manufacturing industries has enormous
The AMRC with Boeing, the University of potential for generating better life, wealth, jobs,
Sheffield (UK), Dr Catalin Pruncu from the and better product quality. The “new” industry
Imperial College, London (UK), Dr Munish must consider sustainability by adopting such
Gupta from the Shandong University (China), processes. This is only possible through
and R.A. Rahman Rashid from the Swinburne innovation and entrepreneurship.
University of Technology Melbourne (Australia)
|| 379

Sonophotocatalysis – An
Effective Way to Disinfect
Pathogens from Engineered
Water Bodies
Mr. Habeeb Rahman A.P.*
Email: [email protected]

ow obvious has it become that in every of the UK government that AMR is projected to
other movie, there is this superhero cause 10 million deaths per year, surpassing
saving the world from aliens? Have not the mortality rate of cancer. If so, it would be
we somehow come in terms with an illusion that an enormous loss and burden to the world
there lies a heroic solution to every problem? economy, afflicting the balance of living
But, who is actually going to rescue mankind standards all over the globe. What if water, the
from the aftermath of situations that it itself elixir of life, and wastewater treatment plants
has created, just like the overt apocalypse (WWTPs) are one of the major culprits behind
currently happening due to the ability of this evolution and dissemination of AMR?
microbes to resist the action of antimicrobials, Sad, but true! Although designed to remove
also known as antimicrobial resistance contaminants from water, most of the WWTPs
(AMR)? All thanks to us, for the uncontrolled are failing to stand against the brilliance of
and improper use of antimicrobials in various microbes in overriding the treatment facilities.
sectors! Considering the mounting evidence Unfortunately, these WWTPs are rather acting
of the rise in AMR and decline in the discovery as a niche for the surviving microbes to
of new antimicrobial compounds/disinfection evolve against the treatment procedures via
strategies to combat AMR, we are left with no many subcellular mechanisms such as gene
options other than believing in the predictions mutations, horizontal gene transfer, epigenetic

* Mr. Habeeb Rahman A.P, PhD Scholar from School of Biotechnology, Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology,
Odisha, is pursuing his research on “Sonophotocatalytic Process Mediated Elimination of Water-Borne Antimicrobial
and Highly Virulent Bacteria in Engineered Water Bodies”. His popular science story entitled “Sonophotocatalysis- an
Effective Way to Disinfect Pathogens from Engineered Water Bodies” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
380 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

modifications, physiological alterations, etc. Salmonella and Shigella species at loading

In short, the demand for device techniques that exceeds real contaminated water. Another
to combat problematic microbes and AMR is advantage of Fe:ZnO NPs is that they are
sky-high so as to deal with the severity of the active under natural sunlight as well as artificial
problems. visible light, making them an attractive option
In this aspect, sonophotocatalysis (SPC), for the decontamination of water regardless of
an advanced oxidation process (AOP), seems the accessibility of sunlight.
to have great potential in tackling the issue. We, A detailed study to delineate the definitive
at the Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering mechanism of SPC on how the bacteria were
Laboratory of School of Biotechnology, KIIT killed revealed that the detrimental effect
University, Bhubaneswar, aim to reduce the of ROS generated during the SPC process
microbial burden and AMR in engineered water caused hampering at different subcellular
bodies using SPC and associated techniques. levels of bacteria including DNA and protein
SPC is very unlikely as far as our experimental damage. However, like any other AOP,
results are concerned, as the setup is simple SPC’s initial attack was launched at the
but with complex outcomes for microbes and primary shield of the bacteria, the membrane,
the sustenance of microbes. As the name demonstrated using fluorescent and electron
suggests, SPC consists of nanoparticles (NPs) microscopy. The damage intensity was found
in a slurry form with the synergistic effects of to have direct implications on the metabolic
light and sound energy. The energy contributed activity of the bacteria tested, signifying the
to the surface of the NPs leads to jumping of hostile environment created by the formation
electrons from their designated of multiple ROS during SPC. In
place called ‘valance band’ the simulated as well as real
to an unstable state called water conditions (i.e. along with
‘conduction band’. This chemical contaminants present
What if water, the elixir of life,
reaction in the proximity of water in other water sources), SPC
and wastewater treatment plants
molecules yields highly baneful proved to be efficient enough,
(WWTPs) are one of the major
reactive oxygen species (ROS) suggesting its applicability for
culprits behind this evolution
such as hydroxyl radicals real-world purposes.
and dissemination of AMR? Sad,
( OH), superoxide anions (O2 ),
• •
The story of antibiotics
but true! Although designed
hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), etc. dates back to the early twentieth
to remove contaminants from
Also, sonication, a physical century when Alexander
water, most of the WWTPs
process, helps to stimulate the Fleming discovered penicillin
overall process of disinfection are failing to stand against in serendipity and then called it
via a process called acoustic the brilliance of microbes ‘wonder drug’ as it was used to
cavitation. We synthesized and in overriding the treatment treat infections caused during
employed iron (Fe)-doped zinc facilities. the First World War. However,
oxide (ZnO) (Fe:ZnO) NPs for its use without proper rubric
SPC as they were found to be led us to a state of a quandary
very effective against a broad as microbes have now started
range of waterborne pathogens including to outmanoeuvre the efficacy of antimicrobial
those carrying AMR genes. So far, we have agents. Similarly, when we take into account
optimized the SPC system on the lab scale the ability of microbes to adapt and evolve
against different virulent and AMR strains of while acquiring AMR genes in highly stressful
Mr. Habeeb Rahman A.P. || 381

Fig. 1. Graphical representation of morphological transition post sublethal SPC.

environments such as WWTPs, the current this observation under electron microscopy,
situation becomes exacerbated to many folds we serendipitously discovered a significant
and thus calls for innovative methods, which are change in the morphology of Salmonella
at par to counter the microbial response to the typhimurium, converting them from original
treatment. Hence, we challenged our process rod shape into a spherical morphotype,
to check whether if it could pose a threat in the called as spheroplast-like structures. These
future by incurring microbes to are cell membrane–defective
flare up AMR. We stopped SPC structures, thus making sense
before the system achieved full in the loss of AMR after SPC
disinfection, deliberately letting treatment. However, these
some microbes to ‘escape’ the The energy contributed to structures can revert to their
treatment, rightfully called the the surface of the NPs leads original forms when we remove
sublethal SPC. These microbes to jumping of electrons from the oxidative stress and thereby
were exposed to many such their designated place called gain back the intrinsic AMR.
sublethal SPC cycles to induce ‘valance band’ to an unstable A graphical representation of
evolution against the pressure state called ‘conduction band’. the overall process is shown
of SPC. Neither did they gain This reaction in the proximity of in Fig. 1. Since AMR is not a
SPC process resistance nor did water molecules yields highly deciding factor, which makes a
they acquire resistance against baneful reactive oxygen species microbe ‘bad’, we also looked
an array of antibiotics used (ROS) such as hydroxyl radicals into the change in virulence
in the study. Interestingly, the (•OH), superoxide anions (O2•), factors after exposing the
superiority of SPC resulted in hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), etc. bug to a number of sublethal
an overall loss of AMR. During SPC cycles. In short, these
this fascinating project, we were molecular machines help
sure that the microbial SOS microbes to invade and evade
system might be working very a host. We found that the
hard to fight off the effect of SPC. We observed invasion potential of microbes subjected to
a decreasing shift in the microbial colony size sublethal SPC cycles decreased drastically.
with the rise in treatment time. On validating We believed that the morphological transition
382 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

in the microorganisms during SPC resulted in a over failures. But, remembering the story of
failed bet-hedging by losing the overall fitness Edison is the key. Every failure is proof that
to invade a host. The SPC gave no loophole we have tried, making an impression. Most
for the microbes to learn from the gruelling importantly, failures are the bridge to success.
process mechanism, making it a trustworthy This way, we would be able to help our habitat
disinfection method. from deadly infections and save our lives. We
The results we provided are based on aim to upscale the process followed by more
a simple yet disruptive idea, ‘scrutinize your validations and hope to deliver it to the society
research work to make it translatable on a for real-world applications.
long run’. This idea may lead us to failures
|| 383

Innovative ‘Sand Reclamation

Technology for the Sustainable
Growth of Foundries

Mr. Mohd Moiz Khan*

Email: [email protected]

IT – the dream destination of every Indian one question started weighing heavily on my
student! How could I be an exception..? Since mind: what should be my research topic?
my early college days, I aspired to be an How would I select the right area for
IITian. The real-life stories of IITians who made research? And for whom I would do it? These
India proud through their pioneering research questions were nagging my mind, making me
inspired me. Over the years, I cultivated a anxious. I had an in-depth discussion with my
deep desire to study at one of the prestigious guide, but nothing concrete emerged. The
institutes. After completing my Master’s stalemate continued, and around 3 months
in Chemical Engineering, I applied for the passed with no foreseeable solution.
doctorate program at IIT Bombay. Despite my The answer popped up rather
meritocracy (I had bagged a gold medal in the unexpectedly in March 2016 during the
Master’s course), I was slightly apprehensive. Foundation Day celebrations of the Institute.
So I was delighted to receive an email from Speaking on the occasion, the Director of
IIT Bombay in November 2015, confirming my IIT Bombay shared some thought-provoking
admission to the doctoral program. statistics on researches conducted by the elite
Institute. He mentioned that in the previous
After the initial euphoria of being a research year alone, about 100 patents were filed and
student at the iconic IIT Bombay subsided, around 1300 articles were published in various

* Mr. Mohd Moiz Khan, PhD Scholar from Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, is pursuing his research on
“Reclamation of Waste Foundry Sand”. His popular science story entitled “Innovative Sand Reclamation Technology
for the Sustainable Growth of Foundries” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
384 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

referred journals. This revelation was an eye- After reviewing assorted journal
opener for me. I wondered if just one institute papers, patents, research articles, short
is spearheading research on this scale, what communication, technical magazines, and
would be the overall scenario, considering all books and further discussions with my guide,
equally potent institutes in the country. I rightly I started on the path of a sustainable foundry.
concluded that despite the high number I was surprised to learn that there was almost
of patents and a huge number of research no research going on WFS across the country.
publications, the day-to-day problems faced It was an observation that shook me up. In the
by a common man were not being adequately meantime, I came to know that some institutions
addressed. It meant that the rate of securing such as The Institute of Indian Foundrymen
patents and publication was much more than and foundry clusters such as Kolhapur
the actual implementation and grassroots Foundry Cluster and Coimbatore Foundry
application. Based on this factual observation, Cluster were working in the larger interests of
I decided to choose a real-world, existing the foundry industry. I rushed there and had
challenge. I thought I would develop an several interactions, only to find out that they
innovative product that would fulfill the needs were more interested in growing the foundry
of the industry or society. I, then earnestly business rather than making it sustainable.
started looking for a problem for which I could I then decided to approach the problem
develop a solution in the lab and commoditize from a different perspective. I set out on my
it in the market for widespread social impact. journey, Sand Yatra, visiting the major foundry
Incidentally, around the same time, my clusters located at Kolhapur, Coimbatore,
guide attended a meeting in Rajkot, Belgaum, Jalandhar,
the Kolhapur Foundry Cluster, and Sangli. Crisscrossing
where he learned that Indian the nation, I traveled around
foundries dumped a huge 12,000 km and conducted
amount of waste foundry Speaking on the occasion, the 107 interviews of the major
sand (WFS) every year. This Director of IIT Bombay shared stakeholders like foundry
dumped sand is quite harmful some thought-provoking owners, quality assurance
to both human health and statistics on researches managers, heads of the State
the environment. Moreover, conducted by the elite Institute. Pollution Control Boards, and
there is no techno-commercial He mentioned that in the sand suppliers. This journey
solution available in the market previous year alone, about 100
constituted the legwork for my
to process it effectively. My patents were filed and around
research, which was aimed at
excitement began to grow 1300 articles were published in
identifying and quantifying the
as I heard out the rest of the
various referred journals. real existing issues with foundry
grim reality. And, the germ of
an idea began to form in my
The Sand Yatra turned out
mind: why should I not help
solve this critical issue faced by to be quite fruitful, enlightening
foundries? The thought of engaging in possible my knowledge about foundries.
innovation aimed at preserving our fragile I found out that about 80% of the cast metal
ecology was challenging by any reckoning. objects around us, from bathroom taps to
I then plunged myself into the research and airplane gearboxes, were manufactured in
development for making foundries eco-friendly foundries using the casting method. The
by reclaiming WFS. foundry industry in India started in 1959, and
Mr. Mohd Moiz Khan || 385

now there are 5000 units across the country. sieving unit. This new approach has practically
During the casting process, molten metal is demonstrated an economical way that ensures
poured into molds made from foundry sand. the reuse of the WFS to make molds in the
Once the casting is done, the mold is broken foundry.
and the sand loses its capability of being The core idea in sand reclamation is
reused (it must be simply dumped). Right the removal of the dead clay layer deposited
from the rise of the foundry business in India, over the sand particles. Various methods
millions of tons of WFS is being dumped every were explored to mechanically remove
year without any regret or consideration. Since the dead clay deposits. Three prototypes
there is no viable techno-commercial solution were developed, namely, vertical tube unit,
available for WFS treatment, the disposal of horizontal tube unit, and attrition, and sieving
WFS remains a big challenge to date, leaving unit. I eventually concluded that attrition and
us with the dumping of sand in water bodies or sieving was the optimal solution, which I have
on land. This dumped sand contains several named as the “two-stage attrition” method.
heavy toxic metals such as lead, zinc, tin, etc., Moreover, I sensibly used removed dead clay
which tend to pollute the air, water, and soil to a for making bricks and paver blocks. Through
large extent. It has affected flora and fauna and this technique, complete waste is converted
also posed a threat to human health. Stringent into a valuable product that positively impacts
government regulations and environmental the business bottom line.
laws now restrict such dumping. Adding to the Allow me a moment to demonstrate the
challenges of the foundry industry, the cost of efficacy of this technique. I found out that the
fresh sand has doubled in the proposed two-stage method
last 5 years owing to the ban on reduced the clay content to
dredging in most of the states. just 2.2%, the operational cost
After returning from my being INR 550 per ton. This
field trip, I decided to resolve The Sand Yatra turned out to be reclamation process results in
these issues by reclaiming WFS quite fruitful, enlightening my a whopping 83% saving over
in a way that was cost-effective knowledge about foundries. I buying fresh sand, the cost of
and scalable, which would found out that about 80% of the which is around INR 3200 per
make it commercially feasible. I cast metal objects around us, ton.
started working on a technology from bathroom taps to airplane Fortunately, I have
capable of reclaiming WFS gearboxes, were manufactured commissioned a pilot plant
economically and meeting in foundries using the casting (capacity 1 ton per day) in
the foundries’ requirement, method. The foundry industry in the Government Polytechnic
while effectively addressing India started in 1959, and now at Kolhapur, Maharashtra,
environmental issues. there are 5000 units across the which is running continuously
In the current study, country. for more than 2 months with
a mechanical method, as commendable success.
opposed to the existing Currently, WFS is collected
expensive heat treatment from foundries and reclaimed
method (at 700℃), was used using this plant. More than
to reclaim WFS. I developed an economical 50 tons of sand has been reclaimed to date
and efficient approach that involved removing and tested in the foundries. The results are
the dead clay by employing attrition and a exceptional. Going forward, a local foundry
386 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

(Malti Founders Pvt. Ltd., Kolhapur, India) appreciably reduce the issue of waste sand
has tested the reclaimed sand on a bigger disposal. Also, it would cater to the needs of
scale over a month-long trial. The feedback the foundries by making them partially or fully
indicates that the properties of reclaimed sand independent of sand mining. I heartily aspire
have been found to be satisfactory and have to help preserve the ecosystem by avoiding
met the quality standards after several tests in sand mining and to reduce the environmental
their in-house lab. A total of more than 1500 footprint by avoiding waste sand disposal.
castings have been made by this reclaimed This cherished dream will come true after
sand, and the quality of these castings is found every single foundry in the country embraces
to be excellent. This one-month trial will help to the sand reclamation technology. It is a holistic
disseminate this technology widely and lay the approach toward establishing zero-waste
foundation for its go-to-market strategy. foundries, thereby working toward an eco-
The two-stage attrition method represents friendly and greener society.
the breakthrough technology that would
|| 387

Complete Solution for Coloured

Textile Effluent: A Closed-
Loop Approach for Wastewater
Treatment (Reclamation) and
Ms. Nippatlapalli Narasamma*
Email: [email protected]

remember my childhood days starting with have noticed everywhere that the supply of
the hustle and bustle of people for fetching water is not sufficient to meet the demand of
water from the municipal supply, which used every individual. Sometimes, I go back and
to come for an hour every early morning. I realize how time has eventually changed.
only remembered that there used to be a day Our ancestors used to get water for free and
when my mother would ask my siblings and now we need to pay INR 30 for a litre of water.
me to use minimum water. Many times, our day Fortunately, my choice of education in the
began by walking several miles to fetch water Department of Civil Engineering has given
from a hand pump. Water is the necessity for me immense exposure towards the demand
life, but despite its value, it remains ignored and utilization of water through many courses
and taken for granted. Being a child, the (such as Irrigation Engineering, Hydrology,
term ‘water scarcity’ was unknown to me. I Environmental Engineering) being taught
completely realized the importance of water during my engineering programme. Water
when I entered into my hostel life. My hostel shortage is plaguing the world, and today, it
life began in a small town of Srisailam (Andhra has become one of the largest threats for our
Pradesh) to Tirupati (Andhra Pradesh), and society. This made me choose wastewater
currently on-going in a metropolitan city, treatment as my topic for my Master’s thesis.
Chennai (Tamil Nadu). One common thing I

* Ms. Nippatlapalli Narasamma, PhD Scholar from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, is pursuing her research
on “Industrial Wastewater Treatment using Electrochemical and Hybrid Treatment Techniques”. Her popular science
story entitled “Complete Solution for Coloured Textile Effluent: a Closed Loop Approach for Wastewater Treatment
(Reclamation) and Reuse” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
388 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Later, in detail, as a research scholar pollutants. In addition, they produce sludge,

exclusively in industrial wastewater treatment which is hectic to handle further. This had
on inquiring, I came to know the principle drawn our attention to the need for textile
cause behind water scarcity is industrial wastewater treatment in Tamil Nadu.
proliferation. Industries alone utilize 10%–15% Holding this preview, with joint efforts of
of the available water and produce a billion me and my PhD adviser (Prof. Ligy Philip, IIT
litres of wastewater per day. To explain with an Madras), for the first time in the field of hybrid
example, Tamil Nadu, home to a total of 50% technology, we have successfully coupled two
of the textile industries (752 textile mills) in potential wastewater treatment technologies
our country, contributes around 45%–53% of for effective wastewater treatment, which will
wastewater. It is officially declared that textile remove the need of secondary treatment of
industries effluents consist of various toxic wastewater. The coupled treatment developed
dyes and hazardous chemical substances by us is shown below.
that routinely end up in water bodies. Dyes are
principal pollutants in textile effluents, and it is
found that 15%–25% of dyes directly come into
textile wastewater. It is estimated that around
80% of industrial wastewater is discharged into
the water bodies without any treatment. This
leads to deterioration of various freshwater A simple electrolytic reactor setup
bodies resulting in a tremendous decrease in (Electrocoagulation-Flotation) along with
clean water availability. Unlike pulsed power plasma is
other industrial wastewaters, coupled in our proposed
textile wastewater always research. The main advantage
remains unique as it produces Industries alone utilize 10%– of Electrocoagulation-Flotation
coloured wastewater. We 15% of the available water is the faster removal of colour
human beings only like to wear and produce a billion litres and pollutant degradation by
different colours of clothes and of wastewater per day. To direct oxidation. However,
eat colourful food every day. explain with an example, Tamil sludge production and
But, we do not want to flush Nadu, home to a total of 50% electrode passivation are the
even our shit with coloured of the textile industries (752 main limitations of this process.
water even a single day, and it textile mills) in our country, So keeping this in mind, a
becomes a big complaint. Many contributes around 45%–53% potent treatment technology
awareness programmes are of wastewater. It is officially pulsed power plasma treatment
conducted to create awareness declared that textile industries (PPT) was coupled with this
about the importance of clean effluents consist of various toxic electrolytic EC-F process. The
water and getting back our dyes and hazardous chemical results from coupling these
deteriorated water bodies. The substances that routinely end up two processes amazed us by
most recent one is the Cauvery in water bodies. overcoming all the limitations of
calling campaign. selected treatment technologies
In spite of many treatment as individual processes.
technologies existing for textile I started my research by
wastewater treatment, none of them are collecting original textile wastewater samples
successful in the complete degradation of from Tirupur (Tamil Nadu) where a large part
Ms. Nippatlapalli Narasamma || 389

of textile wastewater was generated. Tirupur is complex structure pollutants as they demand
located in the upper hydrological basin of the more treatment time. Using our proposed
Cauvery River. In the first stage, Tirupur real hybrid system, both cationic and anionic dyes
textile wastewater was completely analysed were completely degraded without sludge
for all the parameters COD, BOD, TOC, production. Our LC-MS analysis has confirmed
TSS, nitrates, chlorides, etc. Two different the complete degradation of both anionic and
classes of dyes were selected based on their cationic dyes with hybrid treatment.
abundance of usage and were mostly found in Our interpretation of partial treatment
Tirupur textile wastewater samples. The dyes in the EC-F process immensely reduced the
were Methylene Blue cationic basic dye and overall cost of about 41.2% and 30.7% with
Congo Red anionic azo dye with each initial complete degradation of cationic and anionic
concentration of 50 mg/L. Among all the dyes, dyes, respectively. From our experimental
these dyes are well-known for their toxicity. output, we recommend reducing the strength
Initially, some part of the treatment was of wastewater before treating it in pulsed
given in Electrocoagulation-Flotation (EC-F) plasma instead of direct raw wastewater.
process for both the dyes separately. In the It highly helps for a strong utilization of
case of the conventional EC-F process, a generated ROS species and a reduction in
higher electrolysis time results in high power energy consumption.
consumption and frequent replacement of Next, our curiosity was broadened, and
electrodes. Usually, cationic dyes require a we evaluated the performance of the proposed
relatively long time in EC-F because of cationic hybrid treatment system for the treatment of
metals generated in the real textile wastewater, which
process. Interestingly, it was was collected from Tirupur.
found that both anionic and The initial organic (TOC mg/L)
cationic dyes were effectively concentration was 312.6 mg/L.
decolourized in less treatment A simple electrolytic reactor This organic content is generally
time (4–6 min) provided in the setup (Electrocoagulation- a mixture of several dyes and
EC-F process. Also, by giving Flotation) along with pulsed chemicals used in the textile
only 4–6 min of treatment power plasma is coupled in our industry. Surprisingly, notable
time in the EC-F process, the proposed research. The main results of 97.8% removal were
electrode passivation was advantage of Electrocoagulation- obtained for such higher initial
highly reduced. The same Flotation is the faster removal of concentration (312.6 mg/L)
electrodes were again used for colour and pollutant degradation within 16 min (8 min EC-F + 8
a couple of experiments, which by direct oxidation. min PPT) of the hybrid treatment.
produced fruitful results. Later, In any treatment process, TOC
the partially treated coloured removal indicates the complete
wastewater in EC-F was treated degradation of pollutants.
in the pulsed power plasma It is not easy to achieve
reactor. This worked on the principle of complete degradation of high concentration
generation of highly reactive oxygen species wastewater in much less time. Therefore, the
(ROS). This particular treatment technology is proposed hybrid system confirms its brilliant
well-known for its high potential in the complete performance for the complete removal of
degradation of any pollutant. But, in PPT, highly concentrated toxic dyes in real textile
high energy consumption is required to treat wastewater. This completely cleaned textile
390 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

water can be effectively reused within the environment reduces. Hence, the pollution
industries for several purposes like cooling, levels of various water bodies nearby various
cleaning, etc. This immensely helps to recover textile industries can be significantly minimized.
a large amount of generated wastewater within Finally, unlike the rest, the proposed hybrid
an industry. treatment system provides a sustainable long
Complete degradation of textile effluents term solution to water scarcity, which is not
demands primary, secondary and tertiary only limited to textile industries.
treatment processes. But in our proposed Our paper got published in the Process
hybrid system, pulsed power plasma Safety and Environmental Protection titled
completely degrades the pollutant after EC-F ‘Electrocoagulation-Flotation Assisted Pulsed
as a primary treatment. Further, a large amount Power Plasma Technology for the complete
of wastewater can be effectively reused in the mineralization of potentially toxic dyes and
industry so that the discharge of waste in the textile wastewater’.
|| 391

Saving Our Saviours from an


Mr. Rahul Sheoran*

Email: [email protected]

he crown of the Indian peninsula, the Organisation has been working on the
Great Himalayas, is home to one of the forefront to provide avalanche warning and
largest number of avalanches prone control in this area since the last half-century.
routes in the world. The snowfall and weather In the last decade, the technology and the
patterns in this part of our country can be quality of device fabrication have reached
described as strange, to say the least. As the such a high level that acoustic sensors
Indian Army covers a large part of this area due (piezoelectric) are now able to capture the
to the border conditions with our neighbours, a vibration energy of micro-fractures in the
major risk factor faced by the troops is that of snowpack. A piezoelectric crystal has the
the potential avalanche activity on their tracks, property of generating a potential difference
which has caused a loss of life and equipment (charge separation) in response to the applied
several times in the past. Therefore, providing pressure. This potential difference (voltage)
them with holistic and dependable information is amplified, transmitted and then recorded in
about the condition of snowpack on the slope a data acquisition) system in a digital format.
will greatly help in eliminating the risk of From here, the data are transferred to a
casualties during the transit. computer for further processing and storage.
The Snow and Avalanche Study The recorded variations of voltage provide us
Establishment lab of Defence R&D with various parameters (aspects) to study the

* Mr. Rahul Sheoran, PhD Scholar from Department of Physics, Panjab University, Punjab, is pursuing his research
on “Acoustic Emissions Study of Snow to Quantify Instability”. His popular science story entitled “Saving our Saviours
from Avalanche” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
392 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

damages happening in the material of interest. other sides insulated. A high-temperature

This method of reading the internal mechanical gradient causes moisture to deposit in certain
health of a material is called the method of parts of the snowpack causing the formation
acoustic emission (AE). AEs are the vibrations of Depth Hoars (chip-like crystals), which are
generated in any material when some fracture mechanically much weaker than the regular
process takes place due to some form of round grain snow. The samples’ dimensions
stress applied to it. This method has already were measured, and then they were subjected
been well established in monitoring the health to predefined axial compression (top loading)
of large structures such as bridges, buildings, using a universal testing machine (UTM). The
aircraft, ships, etc. load data were recorded with an inbuilt load
In order to be able to predict an avalanche cell of UTM, and the micro-fractures were
recorded with the help of several AE sensors
placed on the base plate as well as on the
inserted needle waveguides. (A waveguide
simply transmits vibration waves from a large
area of the sample to the sensor.) A complete
experimental procedure was performed in
a cold chamber with an internal temperature
set to subzero and a detached base for the
elimination of any other possible AE-generating
sources other than the micro-fractures due to
Depending on different compression
phenomenon, it is important to rates, some samples failed
know the mechanical health (fracture in the weak layer)
of the snowpack on the slope. . The snowfall and weather while others did not. The AE
The whole mechanism of patterns in this part of our amplitude (maximum voltage
fracture generation and flow peak generated for each micro-
country can be described as
mostly starts from a weak fracture) parameter was used
strange, to say the least. As the
layer hidden below the snow to study the internal micro-
Indian Army covers a large part
surface within the snowpack. fractural response of each
of this area due to the border
To scientifically quantify sample to the applied load.
conditions with our neighbours,
this phenomenon of internal The amplitude values were
a major risk factor faced by the
fracturing, an experiment was observed to follow the power
troops is that of the potential
designed. The experimental law distribution (the 80-20
avalanche activity on their
setup comprised multiple snow rule). The power law can be
tracks, which has caused a loss
samples containing a weak understood with the help of the
of life and equipment several
layer grown in a cold chamber following example. About 80%
times in the past.
under controlled conditions. of the world population holds
The weak layer was generated 20% of the total wealth and
by providing a constant vice-versa. Power law has been
temperature gradient (changes identified throughout nature,
along a distance) to all the samples from the including earthquake sizes, astrophysical
base towards the surface while keeping all phenomena, neural networks, forest fires and
Mr. Rahul Sheoran || 393

numerous others. avalanche slope, it had a lot of

Upon distributing the external noise. The noisy events
amplitude in the form of Depending on different were removed using a larger
power law and applying some compression rates, some sample size as well as using the
order statistical tools such as samples failed (fracture in the data from an automatic weather
maximum likelihood estimate), weak layer) while others did not. station (AWS) installed close to
we get the power (exponent) The AE amplitude (maximum the site. The extreme weather
value for the data set used. events were identified from the
voltage peak generated for
This exponent, also known as AWS data and removed for the
each micro-fracture) parameter
the b-value, gives us pretty final processing to be done.
was used to study the internal
usable information about The reduction in b-value was
micro-fractural response of each
the mechanical health of the observed 8 h prior to avalanche,
sample to the applied load.
snow sample being used. and it reached global minima
Mathematically, the formula half an hour before the event.
states that the exponent will This was a single field
become smaller when the trial with an actual avalanche
size of events (AE amplitudes) increases. A and hence could not be described as a
variation of b-value with time was observed dependable proof of successful forecasting;
for all the experimental sets, and it was found but, what it proves is that this method of AE
that its value reduced consistently prior to a data processing holds a good amount of
fracture. This was confirmed on all samples potential in the field of avalanche prediction
with the help of the load cell and video- and warning. With additional field data and
recorded data. improved statistical algorithms (procedures),
The same procedure was applied to the methodology can mature into a dependable
the AE data recorded from an experimental predictor of an avalanche. As more data start
avalanche slope in the upper Himachal to pour in, the robustness of the system will
Pradesh region. During the complete winter increase and the risk factors for our jawans will
season, the AE data contained multiple be reduced during their patrolling and transit in
snowstorms and a single avalanche event in the snowbound areas of the Great Himalayas.
it. As the data contained the AE from an actual
394 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Cool, Cool Dried Apple!

Ms. Sandhya R. Shewale*

Email: [email protected]

amma, tell me a story na …! My of a story will be a difficult task.’ A second
grandma used to tell stories every thought popped up in my mind, ‘You don’t
night. have any other way. He will not sleep without
My story lover son ‘Harshit (Pillu)’ demanded listening to a story.’
while going to bed. I made up my mind. ‘Okay, my baby, I will tell
The stock of all stories, I knew, was exhausted you a story.’ He was so excited and asked
as listening to a story before sleeping was a curiously, ‘What is the name of your story,
usual routine for him since he came back from Mamma?’
the summer vacation. While scratching the ‘Cool, cool dried apple!’
head, I was thinking about the story to tell him. ‘Oh … A for APPLE? An apple a day keeps the
Creating some exciting story for a child is quite doctor away! Yes, Mamma, I learned this in the
a challenging task for a mom who had a hard school.’ His excited ears were eager to listen
day at the lab. further.
Thinking about my day at the lab, suddenly it ‘Pillu, in a small village, there was a BIG apple
flashed into my mind. How about telling him tree. People used to pluck and eat apples as
what I do in the lab? My research work! Very they were bright red, as sweet as sugar and
quickly, my brain cautioned me, ‘It’s a good healthy too. Do you know why apples are good
idea, but conveying him everything in the form for your health?’

* Ms. Sandhya R Shewale, PhD Scholar from CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysuru, is pursuing
her research on “Integrated Electromagnetic Radiation Treatment and Low Humidity Air Drying of Apple and Rosemary
for Improving Product Quality”. Her popular science story entitled “Cool, Cool Dried Apple!” has been selected for
AWSAR Award.
Ms. Sandhya R. Shewale || 395

‘No, Mamma. ‘How nice it would be if we can dry apples in

‘Apple contains a lot of nutrients, just like milk, the cold, Mamma?’
which makes you stronger and improves your ‘Yes, Pillu, we can. There is a technique to do
immunity.’ it, which is known as freeze-drying. Apples are
‘Were villagers eating apples every day to be frozen so that water present in them converts
healthy, Mamma?’ into an ice form and then ice is removed to
‘No, Pillu, apple grows more during the winter, make it dry. Freeze-dried apples will have
and fresh apples cannot be stored for many good quality.’
days.’ ‘Ahh... Mamma, then it’s a good way to dry
‘Oh... Mamma … then how those people stay apples.’
healthy when they don’t get apples?’ ‘But Pillu, this way is too costly, and it takes a
His question awakened the researcher within very long time to dry.’
me; I started thinking, how to explain to him ‘Oh, then can we fry apples like the way we fry
easily about the storage of apples for a longer potato to make potato chips, Ma.’
period without spoilage? ‘We can do that Pillu, but frying reduces
‘Pillu, if we remove the water from apples, we sweetness and makes them charred like
can store them.’ caramel candy. It also makes apples unhealthy
‘Mamma, how can we remove water from as they will absorb too much oil.’
apples? Should we squeeze them?’ ‘Is there any way out to dry apples without
‘No, Pillu …’ hot or cold conditions, Mamma? Can’t you do
‘Wait, Mamma. I got an idea. Can we dry something in your lab to dry apples?’
apples like how you dry my wet “Yes, Pillu. I am your supermom!
clothes in the sun?’ I can dry apples in a ‘cool’ way.
‘Good thought, Pillu. Yes, we Do you want to know how?”
can cut apples into pieces and ‘Yes, Mamma.’
dry them in the sun to remove Pillu, in a small village, there ‘Pillu, you know apples turn
water. But, apples lose their was a BIG apple tree. People brown quickly because of
pleasant appearance and turn used to pluck and eat apples as enzymes and heating at a
brown.’ they were bright red, as sweet high temperature. To avoid
‘I don’t like brown apples, as sugar and healthy too. Do enzymatic browning, I dip
Mamma! Is there any other way you know why apples are good the apple slices in a chemical
to remove water from apples?’ for your health? (potassium metabisulfite)
‘Yes, Pillu, there is another way solution for a few seconds.
to dry them. It is called hot air Then, keep them in an infrared
drying. You can keep apple oven for a few seconds and
slices in a box with hot air. immediately cool them.
But, using hot air also causes loss of apple ‘What is this new oven, Ma?’
nutrients.’ ‘Pillu, this oven is much similar to our home
‘Oh, Mamma...If heat is not good for apples, microwave oven. Lights inside the oven
then why can’t we keep them in the fridge to generate infrared heat waves, which quickly
dry?’ heat the slices. Because of this, enzymes die,
‘No Pillu, we can’t remove water from apples in and the apple doesn’t turn brown anymore!
the fridge. We can only store them for a couple Further, I dry these slices in a low-humidity air
of days.’ dryer at a lower temperature.’
396 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

‘What is this?’ above the room temperature.

‘Pillu wait, I am coming to that. This dryer has ‘Oh... it sounds so cool, Ma.’
a continuous system to produce low-humidity ‘Wait, I will draw a picture of this dryer so that
air, which means air with less moisture or dry you will understand it better. See how it looks?’
air. This dryer uses dry air to remove water
from apples. We can dry any food material ‘Wow! It looks so interesting and colourful,
in this dryer at a lower temperature, slightly but I couldn’t understand how it works.’

‘Pillu see here in picture (A). On these trays, ‘Mamma, what is this box?’ (Points to air
I keep apple slices, and trays have small dehumidification system)
holes for air movement. When I switch on the ‘Pillu, this box will make the air dry; it is used
system, dry air comes into this for drying apples.’
chamber and takes out water ‘How does it dries the air, Ma?’
from the apple slices quickly. It I had expected this question!
happens because apples have We can do that Pillu, but frying I had seen him many times
more water, while dry air has reduces sweetness and makes disassembling his toys to satisfy
less water. them charred like caramel his curiosity to know what was
‘What! How dry air can take out candy. It also makes apples there inside. After this, not a
water from apples?’ unhealthy as they will absorb single toy worked properly!
‘Pillu, let me explain. See, during too much oil.’‘Is there any way ‘Pillu, tell me what happens if
winter, your skin becomes dry, out to dry apples without hot or you overfill a glass with water?’
and you feel itchy. Do you cold conditions, Mamma? Can’t ‘Excess water will spill out …
know why it happens? Actually, you do something in your lab to Mamma.’
during the winter, the air dry apples? ‘Correct, Pillu! Similarly, dry air
around us has less water, and also can take water from apple
it removes water from your skin, slices until it is full. We call it
making it dry because your saturated air. After this point,
body has more water than air. So, apples also air can’t take out any more water from apple
get dried in the same way.’ slices. Further, saturated air comes to the air
Ms. Sandhya R. Shewale || 397

dehumidification system where there is a silica Then, the silica bed takes water from saturated
bed. See here in picture (B). It takes water from air; again the hot air comes, takes water from
the saturated air and dries it before sending it the silica bed and goes out of the system. It’s
to the drying chamber again.’ like passing water from one player to another.’
‘Absolutely, Pillu! I never thought that way. So,
you understood my cooler approach to drying
apples. As I told you earlier, infrared heating
also helps to remove water easily and dry
apples quickly. Besides, colour and nutrients
of low-humidity, air-dried apples are almost
similar to freeze-dried ones, and they require
only 4 h to dry.’

Low humidity air-dried apple slices

‘What is this silica? How can it take water from

the air, Ma?’
‘Pillu, actually silica is a magical, colour-
changing material. It turns pink when it adsorbs
water and turns blue when water removed “Wow, Mamma! Now, villagers can also use
from it. So, it can be used many times, just by your ‘cool way’ for drying apples to live healthy
passing hot air to remove water from it. Now and happy. But, where are your ‘cool’ dried
you got the point, Pillu? The whole system apple slices? I feel like tasting your yummy
works based on a difference in water content.’ apple chips!”
‘Yes, Ma, now I understood your drying system ‘I will get it tomorrow, Pillu! Now, go to sleep.’
completely. It is much similar to ‘relay race,’ ‘Okay. Don’t forget, Mamma!’
which I play in school.’ With this soft warning, he jumped on his bed
‘Pillu, I am confused. Where does this relay to sleep.
race come from?’ And I was happy. At least today’s demand for
’See, Mamma, first dry air comes to apples, an interesting story was met.
takes water from them and goes to silica bed.
398 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Is All Well in Metropolitan

Cities? Deep Inside It is

Mr. Ajay S. V.*

Email: [email protected]

23 February 2019 emotional dilemma. For every researcher, it is

heartwarming to see an opportunity to validate
he weekend was really not there in his research work in a real environment, and
my face. With the annual day coming the instance is coming to my life also. But …
up in another 2 weeks and me being should I be happy or sad?
the President of the Students Association,
the days were totally packed. The annual About 960 million tonnes of municipal
cricket tournament was ongoing, and we solid waste (MSW) is getting generated in
(Environmental Technology Division) had a India every year, and its management and
match in the morning. During the second half disposal are one of the greatest environmental
of the match, I got a call from one of my senior problems faced by our nation today.
colleagues that continuous reports were Centralized MSW treatment plants are missing
coming in news channels about a massive fire in many municipalities across the nation,
accident at the largest municipal solid waste and with no successful models in place, the
dump yard in Kerala – Brahmapuram. The news citizens are forced to find their own ways of
made me numb for a second because I was waste disposal such as dumping it in open
well aware of what could be the after effects spaces and burning it. The unenclosed
of such an accident, and it took me into an combustion of composite MSW can cause

* Mr. Ajay S. V., PhD Scholar from CSIR- National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology, Kerala, is
pursuing his research on “Inventorisation of Dioxins and Dioxin like Compounds from the Open Burning of Municipal
Solid Wastes in India”. His popular science story entitled “Is All Well in Metropolitan Cities? Deep Inside It Is Fuming!!!!!”
has been selected for AWSAR Award.
Mr. Ajay S. V. || 399

the emission of thousands of toxic pollutants MSW’ with the grant-in-aid by the Kerala State
at the ground level and hence is a serious Pollution Control Board. This study was chosen
concern for the public health. It is reported as my PhD research topic.
elsewhere that the open burning of MSW is By the time the match ended, I got a call
a major source of unintentionally produced from my guide. He was also of the opinion that
persistent organic pollutants (U-POPs) such we should take this opportunity to demonstrate
as dioxins, furans and PCBs. Dioxins, furans the importance of our study, and we should do
and PCBs (commonly called as dioxins) are an investigation on dioxin emission levels at the
highly persistent, bio-accumulative and toxic fire hazard zone. I drove my way to the lab and
chemicals with carcinogenicity, immunotoxicity started preparations for the field visit. We had a
and developmental toxicity effects. These are brief discussion with the director of NIIST about
classified as Group-1 carcinogens by the the importance of the study. Considering the
IARC, and as low as the 70 pg (10-12 g) TEQ/kg societal relevance, the director immediately
of the body weight is the provisional tolerable approved the field trip on a holiday and
monthly intake recommended by the WHO. sanctioned the release of an office vehicle as
In 2004, the Stockholm Convention on POPs well. The site was almost stranded with public
was coordinated by the UNEP to discuss the utilities such as transportation, drinking and
phasing out of POPs from the earth’s surface. electricity. We got prepared for the worst and
India ratified the convention in 2006 and was made a work-plan to be implemented at the
obliged to prepare a national implementation site.
plan (NIP), which would serve the long- We were quite satisfied and proud of
term goal of inventorization, the teamwork over the past 2
reduction and elimination of years, which had developed
POPs in India. India’s NIP was the expertise and confidence in
evaluated by independent us to conduct such a study at
About 960 million tonnes of
experts, and the lack of emission short notice. A short flashback
municipal solid waste (MSW) is
data of unintentional POPs revealed the hard-earned
getting generated in India every
from the open burning of MSW capability at our institute.
year, and its management and
was pointed out as the major An open dump/burn
disposal are one of the greatest
drawback. The lack of authentic yard sampling is associated
environmental problems faced
scientific data on these harmful with many anomalies in the
by our nation today. Centralized
emissions is a stumbling waste quantity, compositions,
MSW treatment plants are
block ahead of governmental combustion condition and also
missing in many municipalities
regulatory agencies to sample dilution. Undiluted
across the nation, and with no
implement strict rules against samples and knowledge on
successful models in place, the
open dumping and burning the waste composition and
citizens are forced to find their
of MSW. CSIR – the National combustion conditions are a
own ways of waste disposal
Institute for Interdisciplinary requisite for developing the
such as dumping it in open
Science and Technology emission factor. This led to
spaces and burning it.
(NIIST), a participant institute the thought of a simulated
to India’s NIP preparation, took waste combustion approach. A
the initiative to ‘develop the simulated combustion chamber
emission factors of dioxins and a burning hut with provisions for
dioxin-like compounds from open burning of temperature monitoring systems, weight loss
400 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

measurements, airflow controller to simulate in a pickup van with samplers and generators.
outdoor conditions and sampling port for air Around 10:00 a.m., we got the first glimpses
sample collection was constructed inside the of the fire hazard zone. It was breathtaking to
NIIST campus. There were four major steps sense smoke in the atmosphere even 2 km
involved in the dioxin analysis sampling, away from the site itself. The place was not so
sample preparation, quantitation and far from the city and very near to the Kochi-
reporting. Experienced hands in this arena smart city project. The waste dump covered
were very few in India, and our initial attempts an area of about 105 acres with almost 8000
to quantify dioxins confirmed that the road less tonnes of MSW deposited. The worst thing was
travelled was less travelled for reasons. Highly that we were unable to see the dump yard due
sophisticated instruments, tedious sampling, to the gushing smoke everywhere. Under the
expensive consumables, lower pictogram- scorching sun, the fire was spreading fast, and
level detection demand, etc. were the major hundreds of firefighters were trying to contain
challenges. We got extremely puzzled with it. Many people in the surrounding locality
the interferences, analyte recoveries and reported respiratory problems with the smoke,
chromatogram peak ambiguity. The sample and governmental machinery was desperate
preparation was quite extensive and took to bring the fire down.
about 3–4 days. With tireless efforts, we finally The wind direction was unpredictable,
succeeded in developing optimum sampling and the fire was dispersing over to surrounding
and sample preparation methods and ultra- waste piles in an inconsistent manner. With
trace level quantification using GC-MS/MS. the careful inspection of the site, we deployed
We conducted a series of our air sampler systems.
simulated waste combustion Considering the plume
experiments using different dispersion, we had to change
compositions of MSW, and the sampler location twice. A
An open dump/burn yard
provisional emission factors 24-h sampling was required as
sampling is associated with
from the open burning of MSW per the methods, and hence
many anomalies in the waste
were generated for the first overnight air sampling was
quantity, compositions,
time in India. The study report conducted.
combustion condition and also
was submitted to KSPCB in 25 February 2019
sample dilution. Undiluted
December 2018, and copies We were still at the site.
samples and knowledge on
were submitted to CPCB, MoEF By the afternoon, the valiant
the waste composition and
& CC and MoHUA. We found efforts of firemen showed signs
combustion conditions are a
an emission factor of 39.81 of success as the fire subsided
requisite for developing the
µg TEQ/tonne of MSW openly considerably, and smoke in the
emission factor. This led to the
burned and air emission rates atmosphere started to weaken.
thought of a simulated waste
in the range of 9-30 pg TEQ/ Since further sampling might
combustion approach.
Nm3. At Brahmapuram, we lead to a dilution effect, we
were keen to check these stopped our air samplers. By
simulated study results to the evening, the fire was put out
validate our laboratory study completely, and we moved on
report. to do the ash sampling from the site. Burned
24 February 2019 residues were spread over an area of 50–60
Our team took off to the site at 4.00 a.m. acres of uneven terrain. We walked over the
Mr. Ajay S. V. || 401

Legacy waste at Brahmapuram waste treatment An accidental fire at Brahmapuram plant.


Ambient air sampling at Brahmapuram MSW plant. Ash sampling at Brahmapuram MSW plant.

waste dumps and collected 10 ash samples tolerable annual intake of 1.3 million persons.
from distinct spots over the burned area. We The fire breakout study report was also
started our journey back to NIIST at around submitted to KSPCB and other governmental
7.30 p.m. The laboratory analysis of air and bodies along with recommendations.
ash samples were completed in 2 weeks, and At the end of the day, we were quite
unsafe levels were found in the samples. An satisfied with the fruitfulness of emission factors
estimated quantity of 1800 tonnes of MSW determined by simulated waste combustion
caught fire during the incident. Now, the studies. Moreover, we could contribute as
emission factor determined by the simulated a team to the societal benefit and raised the
waste combustion study became a handy tool relevance of the unique facility at NIIST. We are
to assess the total emission. Further, 72 mg now focused on disseminating the knowledge
TEQ of dioxins were estimated to be formed and creating awareness among the general
during the incident. While only a very small public about the harmful effects of the open
fraction of the dioxins generated reached burning of MSW. We are confident that these
humans through various pathways, the total efforts will sensitize all the stakeholders and
dioxins generated were sufficient to exceed a lead us to sustainable waste management.
402 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Affect-Oriented Fake News

Detection Using Machine

Mr. Anoop Kadan*

Email: [email protected]

oo! Cashews instead of Prozac! Treating of us are aware that these are just fake news
depression with Prozac is fearful while circulated to make people believe them?
thinking about a few things such as loss
of weight and appetite. But if two handfuls of
cashews are equivalent to one dose of Prozac,
it can be safely substituted.

“Placing a raw, cut onion in contact with your foot

overnight purifies your blood, removes toxins, and
heals your body.”
“Two handfuls of cashews can alleviate
depression just as much as a dose of Prozac”
Expeditious growth in technology, along
These are some of the health news with the advent of the Internet, has minimized
articles in social media from the past, and the challenges to reach a news source. Among
still circulating to astonish us. But how many all other media platforms, online social media

* Mr. Anoop Kadan, PhD Scholar from the Department of Computer Science, University of Calicut, Kerala, is pursuing
his research on “Emotion Detection and Application in Fake News Detection”. His popular science story entitled
“Affect-Oriented Fake News Detection Using Machine Learning” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
Mr. Anoop Kadan || 403

plays an important role in sharing news and opponents on the walls of nearby temples. Then
information along with user opinion. This quick to now, fake news is one of the greatest issues,
propagation and accumulation of information and hence fake news was the Macquarie
form a data deluge where it is very hard to Dictionary Word of the Year and post-truth was
believe all the pieces of information even the Oxford Dictionaries Word of the Year in
though it appears to be very realistic. Hence, 2016.
the success of social media networks marked In this context, we at the Computational
through its assistance and situational awareness Intelligence and Data Analytics Lab, University
during disasters, crisis, and emergencies are of Calicut, are working toward characterizing
harmed by the creation and propagation of fake and recognizing fake news in online social news
information. media. We started our work in collaboration with
Most of the domains in online social news Dr. Deepak P of Queen’s University, UK, who
media are adversely affected by fake news. The has strong backgrounds in the areas of Natural
spread of fake news through online social media Language Processing and Affective Computing
during natural disasters such as Hurricane that could help our research. To understand
Sandy at Houston during 2012, the earthquake in the holistic picture of this research area, our
Chile during 2010, and Tsunami in Japan during first step was to study the conventional fake
2011, has caused panic and chaos among news detection systems. We observed that
people. A tweet stating an explosion that injured conventional systems employ techniques to
Barack Obama, which wiped out 130 billion detect fake news using the content of the news,
dollars in stock value within a few minutes, is an social network properties, or knowledge-based
example of large-scale investments and stock methods. The content of the news includes
market prices being affected by both textual data and images
fake news. In political news, fake associated with the text. Machine
information is used to spread learning algorithms are generally
false beliefs among people. Among all other media used on the features (properties)
Besides these domains, fake platforms, online social media extracted from these textual or
news on health and well-being plays an important role in image data to detect fake news.
pose serious adverse effects, sharing news and information Social network properties used
mainly by delaying necessary along with user opinion. for fake news detection include
medical care and attention This quick propagation and the knowledge about a social
to a patient, making patients accumulation of information media user like how he/she is
doubtful on the doctors’ advice form a data deluge where it propagating the news, structure,
or going behind treatments that is very hard to believe all the and the behavior of a social
are not medically proven. pieces of information even media network, time-dependent
Fake news creation is not though it appears to be very propagation features, etc. The
new. We can even see stories realistic. knowledge–based approaches
of fake news dating back to assess the genuineness of news
the early 13th-century BC. by checking the source and
One example is the story of an history of each news with the vast
Egyptian pharaoh Ramasses II, amount of information available
who spread propaganda stating the victory of around us. We have published this initial study
the Egyptian Empire over Hittite in a battle by as a chapter Leveraging Heterogeneous Data
depicting some scenes of himself striking the for Fake News Detection’ in the book ‘Linking
404 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

and Mining Heterogeneous and Multi-view Data basic emotions anger, disgust, fear, happiness,
published by Springer International Publishing sadness, and surprise suggested by Paul
in December 2018. Ekman. We set our first objective of fake news
Apart from the conventional systems, detection over a corpus of health and well-being
we tried to model a simple and efficient fake news domain, considering it as a novel direction
news detection system based on the affective of inquiry toward an important domain where
character (emotion content) of the news article. injection of fake information posed serious
The idea of using affective character was based issues.
on our observation that fake news articles are To carry out the experiments there was
generally blended with strong emotion content a lack of textual corpus/dataset in the health
and exaggerations intended to attract eyeballs and well-being domain. We, for the first time, to
and mislead people. The following are some the best of our knowledge, procured a Health
examples of fake and real news headlines, and Well-Being Real versus Fake (HWB-RvF)
which show the presence of strong emotion news dataset from 7 real and 15 fake news web
content in fake news than in real news. portals with the help of multiple fact-checking
Fake news headlines: sites such as The HWB-RvF
• Warning: This household plant can kill a dataset consisted of 500 real and 500 fake news,
child in less than a minute and an adult in which shall be publically released for the future
15 minutes! research community with our corresponding
• Revolutionary juice that can burn stomach ongoing publication On the Coherence of Fake
fat while sleeping News Articles.
Real News headlines: We developed an algorithm that utilized an
• Chain-smoking children: emotion lexicon (word–emotion
Indonesia’s ongoing dictionary, for example, unlucky–
tobacco epidemic sadness, joy–happiness) to
• Breastfeeding makes Fake news creation is not new. amplify the emotion content
kids more likely to eat We can even see stories of fake in a document and fed this
vegetables news dating back to the early emotion amplified document to
Such news articles with 13th-century BC. One example is machine learning algorithms.
strong emotion content are the story of an Egyptian pharaoh Our empirical study illustrated
what is most significant about Ramasses II, who spread that such an amplification
contemporary fake news. These propaganda stating the victory helped significantly improve the
kinds of emotionally targeted of the Egyptian Empire over accuracy of fake news detection.
news produced by journalism are Hittite in a battle by depicting We have communicated this work
referred to as empathic media. some scenes of himself striking of Affect-oriented Fake News
The commercial and political the opponents on the walls of Detection as a research paper
phenomenon of automated entitled Emotion Cognizance
nearby temples.
empathic fake news creation improves Health Fake News
is on the near horizon, which Identification. As future work,
requires significant attention. we plan to extend our algorithm
Our model Affect-oriented to other news domains such as
Fake News Detection, utilizing the emotion science, politics, etc., by analyzing the emotion
character embedded in fake news, was built content in different domains.
over the popular discrete emotion theory of six
|| 405

Cotton – The Trivialized Treasure

Ms. Arpita Shome*

Email: [email protected]

oney, can you please turn down the area. A good-willed saviour suggested me to
volume of the TV?’ urged my mother as join Dr Uttam Manna’s group at the Department
she continued to pat her face with a piece of Chemistry, IIT, Guwahati, actively working on
of cotton soaked with moisturizer. I’ve always developing bio-inspired surfaces with extreme
been intrigued with the way cotton finds use water repellency known as superhydrophobic
in cosmetics, bandages, sanitary pads, etc. interfaces. ‘Bio-inspired?’ inquired my aunt,
Shifting my attention back to the television set, a retired chemistry lecturer, as my younger
I frantically switched news channels to catch brother eagerly looked forward to my answer.
any latest update on the worst oil spill accident ‘When a water droplet falls on the lotus
in the history of mankind that occurred in the leaf, it tends to immediately roll off from the
Gulf of Mexico. The fact that the spill lasted for surface of the leaf, thus helping to keep the
3 months, releasing 5 million barrels of crude leaf dust free. This extreme water repellency
oil into the sea and killing aquatic life, was is termed as superhydrophobicity and is the
troubling the inquisitive, naïve, helpless 11th characteristic property of not just the lotus leaf
standard child in me. Eventually, the news but also taro leaf, rice leaf, butterfly wings and
faded away with time. Seven years later, I was legs of the water striders that help them to float
ready to embark on my doctoral journey (PhD), on the surface of the water. The process of
but felt confused with the choice of research adapting the characteristic property of these

* Ms. Arpita Shome, PhD Scholar from Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, is pursuing her research on “Natural
Ingredients Derived Bio-Inspired Interfaces with Special Wettability”. Her popular science story entitled “Cotton - The
Trivialized Treasure” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
406 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

naturally existing species to develop artificial global garbage cans’, the integration of
interfaces with the same property is termed industry and academia is the need of the hour
as biomimicry. That’s the fabulous work Dr to adequately address the matters plaguing
Manna is executing in his bio-inspired lab.’ life. Lost in thoughts, I was unusually quiet over
My aunt was impressed while my brother was dinner that night while my brother was happily
puzzled, both headed towards their own work narrating his playtime stories. Past dinner, my
while I began to surf through piles of research aunt knocked on my door, ‘How to fabricate
papers and review articles to learn the basics bio-inspired interfaces?’ Thrilled with her
of superhydrophobicity, which finds extensive curiosity, I sat down to explain, ‘The surface
applications in oil/water remediation. As I dug of the lotus leaf was extensively studied so
deeper, it was disappointing to apprehend that as to artificially design a superhydrophobic
the traditional methods used for cleanup and interface. It was revealed that the surface of the
recovery of oil spills, that is in situ burning of oil, leaf consisted of microstructures decorated
booms and skimmers, chemical dispersants with hydrophobic wax crystals imparting (a)
and bio-remediation, had numerous limitations: nano features and (b) hydrophobic coating.
(a) increased secondary pollution (air These micro/nano features or rough structures
pollution); (b) was energy inefficient and time- collectively help to trap a metastable air layer,
consuming; and (c) was expensive. Moreover, thus reducing the contact area between the
the porous absorbents used lacked selectivity, surface and the water droplet. The hydrophobic
that is, they ended up soaking both the oil and coating further aids in repelling the water
water, thus limiting their recyclability. Therefore, droplet completely. Therefore, to design a
these glaring loopholes bio-inspired superhydrophobic
paved the way for interfaces surface, the development of
with special wettability to be rough features on the surface
efficiently applied for selectively and the hydrophobic coating
‘When a water droplet falls
separating the oil phase while are the essential requirements.
on the lotus leaf, it tends to
repelling the water phase Various superhydrophobic
immediately roll off from the
because superhydrophobic interfaces have been designed
surface of the leaf, thus helping
surfaces were inherently for applications in anti-icing
to keep the leaf dust free. This
superoleophilic (oil absorbing). coatings, drug delivery, textiles,
extreme water repellency is
‘Didi, dinner is served,’ my optical devices and printing
brother exclaimed, breaking termed as superhydrophobicity technologies, but their use in
my concentration. Three hours and is the characteristic oil/water separation fascinated
just flew by. Curiosity overfilled property of not just the lotus me. However, most of the
me and I googled Gulf of leaf but also taro leaf, rice leaf, superhydrophobic interfaces
Mexico Oil Spill, only to be left butterfly wings and legs of the reported to date involve (a)
astonished that the Macondo water striders that help them to tedious fabrication processes,
oil well continued to leak crude float on the surface of the water. (b) fragile chemistry, or
oil into the Gulf to date and the (c) expensive and non-
threats faced by marine life biodegradable chemicals, or
successfully brushed under (d) compromise the embedded
the carpet. As rightly quoted by Sir Jacques extreme water repellent property when
Cousteau ‘Water and Air, the two essential subjected to severe physical abrasion tests
fluids on which all life depends, have become or on exposure to harsh aqueous conditions,
Ms. Arpita Shome || 407

limiting their use in practical settings.’ (sandpaper is rubbed back and forth on the
Awestruck, she further questioned, ‘How do cotton), prolonged ultraviolet irradiation and
you plan to design your research proposal exposure to chemically harsh aqueous media
around this area?’ With beaming confidence (for 30 days), that is acidic, basic, surfactant
and pride, I declared, ‘I contaminated, river water and
aim to develop a durable, seawater, it was interesting
recyclable and bio-degradable to note that the water droplet
superhydrophobic absorbent continued to roll off the surface
‘An ideal oil absorbent should
for oil/water separation.’ of cotton without pinning.
have (a) high porosity, (b) high
Elated with these results, my
oil absorption capacity and
‘An ideal oil absorbent supervisor encouraged me
selectivity and (c) low cost and
should have (a) high porosity, to further test the material for
also be environment friendly,’
(b) high oil absorption capacity its applicability in oil/water
and selectivity and (c) low separation. On exposing the
cost and also be environment superhydrophobic cotton to
friendly,’ Dr Manna explained to a floating oil (crude oil)/water
me. Over the next few days, I fiddled around interface, it selectively absorbed only the oil
with all the possibilities only to stumble upon phase while repelling the water phase, and
my mother’s magic cotton ball, a highly porous the absorbed oil could be re-collected by
abundantly available fibrous substrate. The squeezing the material without any traces of
inherently hydrophilic smooth cotton fibres water. Such a material could also be extended
need to be coated with rough features to for the collection of heavy oil sediment at the
display superhydrophobicity. Therefore, after bottom of the water. The oil absorption capacity
a detailed survey, I concluded to decorate the per gram of the material was found to be more
fibres with nanometre-sized particles derived than 2000 wt% for oils with varying viscosities.
from the commercially available, abundant and
cheap bovine serum albumin (BSA) protein
found in cows. These protein nanoparticles
were stabilized on the substrate following
a rapid and facile covalent chemistry and,
further, the extreme water repellent property
was modulated with the aid of a hydrophobic
molecule. Therefore, BSA nanoparticle-coated
superhydrophobic cotton was successfully
fabricated for the very first time. The next few
days were spent tirelessly testing the fabricated
material for its physical and chemical durability.
On bending, creasing, twisting and winding
the superhydrophobic cotton, it was observed
that the embedded extreme water repellent Fig. 1. (A) Water droplets on a lotus leaf. (B)
property remained intact. On exposure to even Protein nanoparticle–derived superhydrophobic
cotton. C-E) Absorption of light oil (crude oil) from
harsher physical abrasive tests, including
oil/water interface and re-collection of oil (E). (F–H)
adhesive tape test (the cotton is peeled Separation of sediment oil from water and re-
using adhesive tape), sandpaper abrasion collection of oil (H).
408 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Further studies have revealed that the same by the journal. However, my quest to solve
material can be reused up to 50 times with oil the issues related to oil spills did not end. The
separation efficiency more than 95%. Even industrial discharge of wastewater containing
contamination of the aqueous phase with oily contaminants to water bodies and paddy
acid, base or surfactant failed to deter the fields and the need to selectively discharge
performance of the superhydrophobic cotton the water phase from oil storage tanks are
with oil separation efficiency still more than 95%. the other set of problems to be addressed.
Thus, the as-developed superhydrophobic These issues can be successfully tackled
cotton can be used for cleanup and recovery exploiting another phenomenal property
of oils on the surface as well on the river/ termed ‘Underwater Superoleophobicity
seabed with a high oil absorption capacity and (UWSO)’, which means extremely oil-repelling
separation efficiency. underwater as is exhibited by fish scales,
Under the expert supervision of Dr Uttam clam’s shell, seaweeds, etc., wherein a UWSO
Manna, along with immense help from my co- membrane can selectively allow only the water
worker Dr Adil Majeed Rather, we managed to phase to pass through while repelling the oil
publish this work entitled ‘Chemically Reactive phase. Extensive research in this regard, with
Protein Nanoparticles for the Synthesis of a a high success ratio, is being carried out at our
Durable and Deformable Superhydrophobic lab in IIT, Guwahati, with a hope to save the
Material’ in Nanoscale Advances in 2019, which endangered marine species and human life.
was cited as ‘the most popular article online’
|| 409

Biologically Synthesized Silver

Nanoparticles: The Next-
Generation Antimicrobials

Mr. Gaurav Kumar*

Email: [email protected]

he next big thing is going to be very, very as a simple, neat and practicable substitute
small. Any advanced research carries to chemical and physical methods of
inherent risk. But nanotechnology bears a nanoparticles synthesis. AgNPs show good
special burden. The field’s bid for respectability antimicrobial properties due to their large
is coloured by the association of the word, surface area and volume ratio, and hence they
with a cabal of futurists who foresee nano as had a wide range of medical applications in
a pathway to a techno-utopia: unparalleled nanogels, nanolotions, silver-based dressing
prosperity, pollution-free industry, even and covering of medicinal devices. In addition,
something resembling eternal life. My PhD story some new therapeutic applications of AgNPs
starts with a nano-dream of joining biology and need to be investigated by in-vivo studies in a
chemistry, with the aim of biosynthesizing the suitable animal model.
next-generation antimicrobials. The biological Biological synthesis of silver nanoparticles
synthesis of metal nanoparticles is currently an was done by employing the cellular extract
upcoming field of interest for the researchers, of fungus Penicillium oxalicum GRS1 as
and the silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are a reducing and stabilizing agent. The
finding multidimensional applications and are conversion of Ag+ to Ag0 and hence silver
in greater demand. Biosynthetic processes, nanoparticle production was observed by a
exploiting microorganisms, have appeared gradual shift in the colour of the medium to

* Mr. Gaurav Kumar, PhD Scholar from Panjab University, Chandigarh, is pursuing his research on “Biosynthesis of
Silver Nanoparticles Using Nitrate Reductase From Penicillium oxalicum GRS-1 and Evaluation of their Protective
Efficacy Against Salmonella Infection in Murine Model”. His popular science story entitled “Biologically Synthesized
Silver Nanoparticles: The Next Generation Antimicrobials” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
410 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

reddish brown. Further, the characterization SYTOX green stained Staphylococcus aureus
of biologically synthesized silver nanoparticles and Salmonella typhimurium bacterial biofilms
was accomplished by employing various revealed that more than 90% biofilm inhibition
biophysical techniques such as UV visible was observed at 128 μg/mL concentration of
spectra, x-ray diffraction, scanning electron AgNPs (Fig. 1).
microscope (SEM), transmission electron The therapeutic efficacy of silver
microscopy (TEM) and Fourier-transform
infrared analysis. The shape of biosynthesized
silver nanoparticles as determined by field
emission SEM micrographs was found to be
spherical and monodispersed (Fig. 1). The
elemental profile of biologically synthesized
silver nanoparticles, as analysed by energy-
dispersive x-ray analysis graphs, showed nanoparticles was evaluated against
the optical absorption peak at 3KeV, which Salmonella infection using different markers
corresponded to metallic silver and hence such as bacterial load, histological analysis
affirmed the biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles. and liver markers. Silver nanoparticles exerted
TEM revealed the presence of well-dispersed, a therapeutic and protective efficacy against
spherical shaped silver nanoparticles, which Salmonella infection in a murine model. The
were stabilized by capping agents with the AgNP administration effectively decreased the
size ranging from 10 to 40 nm (Fig. 1). bacterial load in the liver, small intestine and
Further, the biosynthesized spleen of the infected AgNP
nanoparticles showed administered animals relative
strong antimicrobial activity to the infected control, thus
against the common food- suggesting the therapeutic
borne pathogens, including The biological synthesis of activity of biologically
Staphylococcus aureus, metal nanoparticles is currently synthesized silver nanoparticles
Escherichia coli and Salmonella an upcoming field of interest against Salmonella typhimurium
typhimurium, with respective for the researchers, and the infection. The histoarchitecture
minimum bactericidal silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) of tissue sections from the
concentrations of 32, 16 are finding multidimensional infected AgNP administered
and 32 µg/mL, respectively. applications and are in greater group revealed an improvement
The antibiofilm potential demand. in the morphology of hepatic,
of biologically produced renal and intestinal cells relative
AgNPs against aureus and to the infected control except
Salmonella typhimurium was for the localized cluster of
assessed by determining the lymphocytes, monocytes and
bacterial cells count in a biofilm (CFU/mL) plasma cells in hepatic cells, mild fat vacuoles
and resulted in a 1.6-log unit decrease in CFU in tubular cells and dense lymphocytes in the
count of Staphylococcus aureus and 1.2-log medulla region of kidney sections, and Peyer’s
unit decrease in CFU count of Salmonella patch appeared enlarged in intestinal cells.
typhimurium at 128 µg/m: concentration of Assessment of liver function was
AgNPs, compared with respective controls. carried out by determining serum aspartate
Confocal scanning laser microscopy images of aminotransferase (AST) and alanine
Mr. Gaurav Kumar || 411

Fig. 1. A diagrammatic representation of the biosynthesis of AgNPs in in-vitro and in-vivo studies.

aminotransferase (ALT) activity following Antioxidative potential of the biologically

AgNP administration. Infection with Salmonella synthesized silver nanoparticles was assessed
typhimurium revealed an elevation of 2.3- by determining the oxidative stress levels
fold in the serum levels of ALT (22.54 IU/L [malondialdehyde (MDA) levels, reduced
vs 9.73 IU/L; P < 0.001) and 1.9-fold in the glutathione (GSH) levels and superoxide
AST levels (48.09 IU/L vs 24.75 IU/L) (P < dismutase (SOD) levels] in the liver, intestine
0.001) compared with the and spleen homogenates. Oral
control group. However, silver administration of biologically
nanoparticle administration synthesized silver nanoparticles
revealed the reduction in the showed a significant decrease
leakage of these enzymes, and The therapeutic efficacy of silver in the MDA level, thereby
the enzyme activities were found nanoparticles was evaluated revealing reduced injury
to be restored in the serum of against Salmonella infection to the liver, intestine and
infected AgNP administered using different markers such spleen tissues. MDA levels
group. A significant decrease in as bacterial load, histological were diminished by 74.2%,
ALT and AST levels (13.79 IU/L analysis and liver markers. 42.1%, 68.3% in the liver,
and 35.36 IU/L, respectively; P Silver nanoparticles exerted intestine and spleen tissues,
< 0.001) was observed in the a therapeutic and protective respectively, in the infected
infected AgNP administered efficacy against Salmonella AgNP administered group
group compared with the infection in a murine model. compared with the infected
infected control. Further, in control group. However, in the
the AgNP administered group, AgNP-administered, MDA level
challenges with 1250 µg diminished by 16.9% in the
AgNPs/kg body weight per day liver and increased by 23.04%
per mice revealed a nearly 1.6-fold increase and 14.96% in the intestine and spleen,
in ALT levels (11.49 IU/L vs 24.75 IU/L; P < respectively, compared with the control group.
0.001) and 1.2-fold increase in AST levels Further, GSH levels in the liver and intestinal
(11.49 IU/L vs 9.73 IU/L; P < 0.001) relative to tissue increased with the administration of
the control group. chitosan-coated silver nanoparticles by 19.7%
412 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

and 90.8%, respectively, in the infected administration had a protective effect against
AgNP administered group compared with the the generated oxidative stress by reducing
infected control group. Changes in the levels of lipid peroxidation and increasing the levels
GSH (P < 0.5) were also noted compared with of hepatic SOD and GSH. But in the intestine
the control group. Further, the hepatic SOD and spleen, the protective efficacy of silver
levels decreased in the infected control group nanoparticles was not significant and even
(10.027 ± 2.114 IU/mg protein; P < 0.001) the AgNP administered group revealed
compared with the control group (14.464 ± higher MDA levels and reduced GSH and
1.125 IU/mg protein), but the administration of SOD levels compared with the control group.
biologically synthesized silver nanoparticles So, no doubt, silver nanoparticles have the
had a restorative impact on produced oxidative therapeutic and protective efficacy against
stress. However, in the intestine and spleen, the Salmonella typhimurium infection, but long-
SOD levels decreased in the infected control term animal studies are required for the
group (4.223 ± 1.434 and 9.64 ± 1.400 IU/mg better comprehension of the toxicity of silver
protein, respectively; P < 0.001) compared nanoparticles in an in-vivo system. This
with the control group (7.33 ± 2.795 and 13.653 investigation encourages further studies on the
± 2.255 IU/mg protein, respectively), but the mechanism underlying the antimicrobial and
restorative impact of biologically synthesized antioxidant effects of biologically synthesized
silver nanoparticles was not observed in the silver nanoparticles. More efforts need to be
infected AgNP administered group. Further, directed towards scientific evaluation of the
in the AgNP administered group, SOD levels efficacy of biologically synthesized silver
decreased by 1.48% in the liver and by 27.11% nanoparticles performing vigorous pre-clinical
and 20.29% in the intestine and spleen, studies followed by clinical trials to unravel
respectively, compared with the control group. the mysteries hidden in the next-generation
Therefore, silver nanoparticle antimicrobials.
|| 413

Born from Diesel Fire ...

Mr. Mikhil Surendran*

Email: [email protected]

ince its invention around 200 years ago, safer and cheaper compared with most of its
internal combustion (IC) engines have contemporaries, thereby making them one of
dramatically changed the way human the most suitable options for power generation
beings live, work and commute. Not only for automobiles. The relative abundance of
have they revolutionized the way we travel fossil fuels, coupled with the simplicity and
by replacing animal-driven carts with engine- affordability of power generation using IC
driven cars, trains and planes, but they have engines, made them an ideal technology for
also raised our living standards considerably stationary power generation as well.
by making power generation and consumption Notwithstanding the many advantages
more affordable than ever before. Over the they offer, IC engines have, of late, come
years, they have become such an inevitable under severe criticism from varied corners
part of our lives, that, today, about 25% of the for their contribution towards the presence
energy needs of the world are being met by the of increased amounts of greenhouse gases
energy produced using IC engines operating (GHG) in the earth’s atmosphere. Although the
on fossil fuels. well-directed efforts of automobile engineers
The rise to prominence of IC engines has and scientists have helped make today’s IC
been for good reasons. For a given amount engines a thousand times cleaner than the
of generated power, IC engines were lighter, engines of the past, automotive IC engines

* Mr. Mikhil Surendran, PhD Scholar from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, is pursuing his research on
“Investigation of the Evaporation Behaviour of Droplets of Urea-Water-Solution Under Conditions Typical of a Diesel
Engine’s Exhaust”. His popular science story entitled “Born from Diesel Fire...” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
414 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

continue to own an approximate share of warming. NOx undergoes chemical reactions

10% of the total GHG emissions pie, a fact to form smog and can even cause acid rains.
that threatens to be the possible doom of Additionally, inhalation of NOx in excessive
automotive IC engines. quantities can lead to inflammations in the
Nonetheless, considering the fact that human respiratory system, and hence cause
there is no other competing and affordable breathing diseases. Considering the negative
technology today that can completely eliminate impacts these gases have on human life and
the use of IC engines in automobiles, engineers health, the permissible limit of NOx gases from
like me continue to work on technologies that an automobile engine has been restricted to
can make IC engines cleaner. To this effect, I less than 0.4 g/km according to the Bharat
work on a technology called selective catalytic Stage VI regulations.
reduction (SCR) that aids in reducing the Exhaust gas treatment systems such as
amounts of one of the most harmful pollutants the SCR help automotive diesel engines to
emitted by a diesel engine NOx. achieve the NOx gas targets mandated by such
In diesel engines, nitrogen oxides, government regulations. In an SCR system,
or NOx as they are commonly called, are ammonia, which is used as the reducing agent,
predominantly produced by the reaction of reacts with the NOx gases to produce nitrogen
nitrogen with oxygen at high temperatures and water vapour. Since ammonia is toxic
created by the burning of diesel inside the and relatively unsafe for transportation, urea-
combustion chamber (thermal NOx). Simply based SCR systems are used in automobiles.
put, the process of combustion (or burning) is a In a urea-based SCR system, a solution of
chemical reaction between the urea in water (32.5% urea and
fuel and oxygen, accompanied 67.5% water) is injected into
by the release of huge amounts the automobile exhaust gas
of energy in the form of heat. in the form of a liquid jet. Due
While automobiles carry fuel Over the years, they have to the relative motion between
(diesel, petrol, etc.) in their fuel become such an inevitable part the liquid jet and surrounding
tanks, the oxygen required for of our lives, that, today, about gases, the jet disintegrates
combustion is drawn from the 25% of the energy needs of into small droplets and forms
air outside (21% oxygen and the world are being met by a spray. The droplets in this
78% nitrogen), and this air acts the energy produced using IC spray undergo evaporation
as the major source of unwanted engines operating on fossil and thermal decomposition at
nitrogen inside the combustion fuels. temperatures above 133oC to
chamber. Apart from thermal produce ammonia and thereby
NOx, NOx may also be formed act as the source of the required
from the nitrogen in the fuel reducing agent.
itself (fuel NOx) and sometimes Although the SCR
by the rapid reaction of nitrogen with certain technology in itself is many decades old,
hydrocarbon radicals (prompt NOx). its adaptation to automobiles has brought
These NOx emissions from IC engines are about new challenges. Unlike stationary
absolutely undesirable as they act as indirect engines, which are used for power generation,
greenhouse gases by producing tropospheric automobile engines have limited space
(the lowest layer of the earth’s atmosphere) and offer limited time for the completion
ozone, which, in turn, can cause global of the thermal decomposition of urea and
Mr. Mikhil Surendran || 415

subsequent reduction of NOx gases by realized that the experimental data on the
urea–generated ammonia. To make things evaporation behaviour of UWS droplets was
more complicated, automobile engines do inadequate, and the process of evaporation/
not run under constant-load conditions, and dissociation was not completely understood.
because of this, the quantity of urea needed This realization motivated me, and as a part of
for the complete conversion of NOx becomes my research, I decided to perform controlled
time-varying. Furthermore, urea needs to experiments on droplets of UWS under
be injected in precise quantities to achieve conditions typical of a diesel engine’s exhaust,
complete conversion of NOx and avoid excess which would allow us to further understand
ammonia slip (ammonia leaving the exhaust). their evaporation behaviour, and to generate
Performance optimization of mobile SCR reliable experimental data that can form the
systems under such challenging conditions basis of future optimization studies.
demand, among other things, a good The study started by building a suitable
understanding of the evaporation behaviour experimental setup. I knew that the pressure
and the thermal decomposition process inside the exhaust pipe of a diesel engine was
of urea-water-solution (UWS) droplets. close to atmospheric and that the temperature
The optimization of complex engineering of the exhaust gas could be anywhere
systems, such as an SCR system, is often between 100oC and 700oC (depending on the
done by conducting extensive simulations load on the engine). We successfully built a
on computers as it is almost impossible to setup that could achieve similar conditions
experimentally investigate the effect of every and additionally decided to use dry air
single parameter on the overall instead of room air so as to
system performance. Although, have a well-defined condition
such computational studies of relative humidity being zero.
offer a faster and cheaper Since it is almost impossible
method of optimization, the In diesel engines, nitrogen to keep the air in a motionless
results from a computational oxides, or NOx as they state at high temperatures, we
study are only as good as the are commonly called, are decided to have a controlled
experimental data used to predominantly produced by the and measured flow around the
validate the base computational reaction of nitrogen with oxygen droplet. Through the measures
model. at high temperatures created by we took, we were eventually
For any experimental data the burning of diesel inside the able to have control over four
to be useful for the validation combustion chamber (thermal of the most important factors
of computational models, the NOx). influencing the evaporation
conditions under which the behaviour of the droplets.
experiments are conducted Over the past few months,
should be very well defined. we have been able to generate a
For droplet evaporation, decent amount of experimental
these conditions include the data and have now reached a
temperature of gas surrounding the droplet, state wherein we can start using this data to
its velocity, ambient pressure and relative validate computational models for UWS droplet
humidity (a measure of water content in the evaporation. A better reliable computational
air). But having searched through existing model will someday help researchers improve
research findings on UWS droplets, I the performance of SCR systems, hopefully
416 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

make IC engines devoid of the problem of NOx.

Born from diesel fire,Warms the globe,makes rain acid, Quelled by ammonia!

(a NOx haiku)
|| 417

A Global Effort for Creating a

Small Sun on Earth: The ITER

Ms. Shikha Binwal*

Email: [email protected]

he human population on earth has
witnessed tremendous growth due
to advancements in medical and
health care standards. This has resulted in
an enhancement in life expectancy and a
reduction in mortality rate. Owing to these
factors, the population on earth has shot up to
7.7 billion in 2019 and is estimated to rise up to
11.5 billion by 2100. The sky shooting trends
in population, according to the demographics, extracted from the earth. It is estimated that
is shown in the graph below {picture credit: the energy demands will triple by 2050 as the}. population grows to 9 billion.
This tremendous increase in population Today, almost 80% of the world’s energy
demands more energy consumption, and needs are met by fossil fuels, liquid petroleum
hence more burden on the earth and its and nuclear fuels. We have to realize that these
climate. A recent report issued by the World sources are non-renewable and destined to
Resources Forum states that approximately 40 vanish sooner or later. Additionally, burning
billion tonnes of resources have already been fossil fuels adds to the emission of CO2 gas

* Ms. Shikha Binwal, PhD Scholar from Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi, is pursuing her research on “Investigation of Plasma
Dynamics in a Magnetized Capacitive Coupled Radio Frequency Discharge”. Her popular science story entitled “A
Global Effort for Creating a Small Sun on Earth: The ITER Project” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
418 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

and harmful greenhouse gases, causing Korea, Russia and the USA. In this 25 billion
global warming. Nuclear fuel is also not dollars global project, Europe is contributing
safe in terms of environmental issues and almost half of the cost of construction, while
accidental hazards. The toxic waste from all other members are contributing the rest
nuclear power plants creates of the expense equally in the
atmospheric, land and water form of in-kind as well as in
pollution. The United Nation’s funds. All the partners will get
Intergovernmental Panel on 100% access to the data and
A recent report issued by the
Climate Change has clearly technology involved in the
World Resources Forum states
stated that the combustion entire project.
that approximately 40 billion
of these fuels is causing a The major contribution
tonnes of resources have
noticeable change in the global from India is to build the whole
already been extracted from the
weather and climate patterns of vessel of the ITER-machine
earth. It is estimated that the
the earth that will be going to within which the entire reactor
energy demands will triple by
affect humanity in the long run. can exist. This outer shell or
2050 as the population grows to
Nowadays, the standard vessel is called the cryostat,
9 billion.
of living and the status of and its purpose is to provide
development are directly isolation from the very hot
proportional to the energy environment inside the reactor
consumed by that country. to the outside instruments such
It was found that almost 20% of the richest as magnets, power supplies and measurement
country consumes 80% of all the total energy (or diagnostic) instruments. The vessel is
being produced. As India is transiting from a equipped with a cooling water system and
developing country to a developed one, its a cryogenic system, which are required to
energy consumption is also shooting like a maintain very low temperatures. This 3880
rocket. Till now, we have been dependent on tonnes vacuum-compatible vessel is almost
fossil fuels and nuclear fuels, but they have 30 m in height and in diameter and can be
their downsides, too. The other renewable
energy sources such as wind energy and solar
energy are not that efficient. We have to think
of some alternative sources of energy that are
sustainable, clean and efficient.
Today, there is an international effort the
International Thermonuclear Experimental
Reactor (ITER) project to solve the energy
problem for future generations to come. ITER
is a nuclear fusion reactor built in a small
province called Saint-Paul-lès-Durance in
Southern France. The project aims to prove the
feasibility of nuclear fusion as an efficient, clean,
safe and sustainable source of energy. The considered as a big refrigerator or a thermos
ITER project is going to be the world’s largest flask {Image taken from:
fusion experiment. It is a joint venture of seven org/overview}.
partners, namely Europe, China, India, Japan, India’s contribution is limited to deliver not
Ms. Shikha Binwal || 419

only cryostat, in-wall shielding, cooling water is happening on the sun and all other stars
system and cryogenic system, but also ion- constituting hydrogen and helium, which is
cyclotron and electron cyclotron RF heating giving a continuous source of energy. Taking
system, diagnostic neutral beam system, power inspiration from the nature, the world scientific
supplies and diagnostics for the ITER project. community is trying to create sun-like energy
A significant milestone was achieved in July in the ITER. For fusion, we require very high
2019 when India delivered a major part of the temperature, and at that high temperature, the
cryostat to France headquarter. The vessel is gas is in the plasma state. Plasma is commonly
planned to be fabricated in four parts: the plate known as the fourth state of matter. It is an
shape base, lower cylinder, upper cylinder ionized gas constituting electrons, ions and
and the top lid. The walloping of this vessel neutrals, which exhibits exquisite properties.
can be imagined by knowing that just the base Plasma can be formed by providing enough
weighed 1250 tonnes. The base, which is now energy, either in the form of heat, light or
delivered to the facility, is constructed by L&T electricity, to any known state of matter. The
in Hazira, Gujarat. The cylindrical parts were plasma needs to be confined in the reactor
huge to fabricate and then transport to France. long enough to achieve a very high density and
Therefore, they were being fabricated in the high temperature sufficient to fuse the atoms of
cryostat workshop located in the ITER campus hydrogen into helium. The magnetic field plays
in France. This workshop is run and managed a crucial role in confining the plasma. Since
by the ITER-India group. In India, ITER-India the plasma is composed of charged particles,
is a part of the Institute for Plasma Research, it is greatly influenced by the interaction of
Gandhinagar, Gujarat. electric and magnetic fields.
To understand the ITER The mesmerizing aurora (polar
project that aims to create lights) is an apt example of this
thermonuclear fusion and kind of interaction. These lights
harness energy from this nuclear India’s contribution is limited to are usually visible near poles or
reaction, we must first realize deliver not only cryostat, in-wall high altitudes. Fundamentally,
the difference between nuclear shielding, cooling water system they are the solar flares/winds
fission and nuclear fusion. The and cryogenic system, but ejected from the sun’s surface,
present nuclear power plants also ion-cyclotron and electron which is trapped by the earth’s
are based on the principle of cyclotron RF heating system, magnetic field.
fission, which means splitting. diagnostic neutral beam system, Sometimes, additional
However, fusion is a process power supplies and diagnostics heating drives, such as
that combines two atoms. The for the ITER project. i-cyclotron and electron
fusion is possible at very high cyclotron RF heating systems,
temperatures when hydrogen are also used to enhance the
atoms collide with each other, temperature of the plasma. The
fuse together and become magnetic field interacts with
helium, a heavier atom. In this the surface of these antennas
process, an enormous amount of energy is in such a way that it reduces the efficiency
released. Also, hydrogen is abundantly found of heating. My research work focuses on the
on earth. But the trick is to achieve that high role of the magnetic field in modifying the
temperature in a controlled manner. How to do dynamics in a capacitive discharge, basically
that? The same phenomenon of nuclear fusion understanding the plasma in the presence
420 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

of a magnetic field. The experimental setup the worldwide scientific community is involved
I am working on resembles the ion-cyclotron in understanding the different aspects of the
heating system. The study has a direct fusion device and trying to solve the problems
implication in fusion devices, increasing the and challenges coming in the path. It is not just
efficiency of heating drives. This experimental a physics problem, but a multidisciplinary area
setup is developed in the Magnetized Plasma where inputs from all branches of fundamental
Development Lab, Fundamental Plasma as well as applied science are required. A
Physics Division in the Institute for Plasma famous plasma physicist Taina Kurki-Suonio
Research, Gandhinagar. The group is devoted once said, ‘Physics is like a jigsaw puzzle. Tiny
towards the investigation of the magnetized little pieces need to be slotted one by one into
plasma in different reactor geometries and a huge puzzle to know how the world works.’
in-house developments of measurement We have tried to put forward a tiny piece of this
tools and techniques. Measurement of jigsaw puzzle.
plasma parameters, such as density and ITER is one of the biggest and most
temperature, is not straightforward to measure expensive mega-science ventures of the 21st
in the presence of a magnetic field. The century. It is almost 65% complete and aims
group is led by Dr Shantanu Kumar Karkari to create the plasma by 2025. The success
and has shown tremendous achievements in of this experiment will be path-breaking in the
establishing the various probes techniques, field of science and rewarding to society and
models and theory to have a deeper insight mankind. We hope that efforts of the global
into the complex plasma dynamics in the scientific community will show some positive
presence of a magnetic field. Like our group, sparkling colours.
|| 421

Charging Station Placement for

Indoor Robotic Applications

Mr. Tanmoy Kundu*

Email: [email protected]

utonomous indoor robots are quickly requires human intervention to constantly
evolving to address a broader range monitor its charge level and carry it to the
of automation needs in factories and charger is complicated and lacks autonomy,
households. In factories, manufacturing and which is fundamental to robotics. Here, we
material handling are widely handled by indoor take a moment to define ‘power threshold’ of
robots. For example, in Amazon Warehouse, the robot. It is the critical level of charge when
robots are used to pick an object from some the robot should necessarily move towards a
place and drop it to another place. Robots are charging station. Hence, whenever its battery
also used for manifold domestic purposes. reaches its power threshold, the robot should
Take an example of the robot Roomba from abort its current task and move towards a
iRobot Create, which can autonomously clean charging station with the remaining amount
a room using vacuum cleaning technology. of charge. Also, different types of robots have
A recent trend suggests that robots will find different motion dynamics. Thus, aggregating
applications in commercial spaces such as all these, given the power threshold and
hotels, hospitals, offices, banks and malls. charging station locations, the robot should
Indoor robots are generally battery- be able to move autonomously towards a
powered, and their battery needs to be charging station from any location in the
recharged at regular intervals. A robot that workspace with the remaining charge with it.

* Mr. Tanmoy Kundu, PhD Scholar from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, is pursuing his research on “Energy-
Aware Path and Task Planning for Mobile Robots using Formal Methods”. His popular science story entitled “Charging
Station Placement for Indoor Robotic Applications” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
422 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Now, the challenge is to place the charging to be installed is given, and we attempt to find
station wisely to meet the above requirement. their locations and the value of the minimum
To address autonomous recharging, power threshold for the robot.
researchers previously proposed the concept We aim to reduce the aforementioned
of tethering the robot with some uninterrupted problem to an optimization problem in terms
power supply. This, however, restricts the of power threshold and number of charging
robot’s reachable locations heavily; the stations. Two variants of the charging station
problem of tangling may also arise. Some placement problem are proposed. The first
research on the docking-based autonomous variant assumes a power threshold to be
recharging considered robots covering a given; we find out a minimum number of
workspace with limited battery power. Their charging stations and their locations. The
objective is to minimize the number of visits to second variant considers the number of
the docking station such that the robot never charging stations to be given, and we find out
goes out of charge. Also, research was done the value of the minimum power threshold and
where a UAV had multiple re-fuelling depots charging station locations. Please note that, in
while performing its designated tasks without both cases, charging stations are placed in a
failing fuel constraints. Most of the above way such that the robot can reach a charging
research considered arbitrary placement of station from any obstacle-free location in
docking stations. In our work, we consider the workspace, with the amount of energy
that the robot may reach its power threshold remaining with the robot being greater than or
at any location of the workspace, and it should equal to the power threshold.
immediately move towards a The above problem is
charging station nearby to it with reduced to a constraint solving
its available charge. Therefore, problem. We adopt similar
the placement of charging concepts for both the variants
Indoor robots are generally
stations can be pivotal to make of the problem. Let us consider
battery-powered, and their
the system energy efficient. problem variant-1. Decision
battery needs to be recharged
Charging station variables are the number of
at regular intervals. A robot that
placement for the robot charging stations and motion
inherently depends on the requires human intervention to plan for the robot. Constraints
parameters such as power constantly monitor its charge for the above problem are the
threshold, number of charging level and carry it to the charger workspace, obstacles, robot
stations, locations of the is complicated and lacks motion dynamics and power
charging stations and motion autonomy, which is fundamental threshold. Using a naive
dynamics of the robots. In to robotics. Here, we take approach, we can simply
this work, we formulate two a moment to define ‘power check for satisfiability of the
variants of the charging station threshold’ of the robot. above problem starting from a
placement problem. In the first small value of charging station
problem, we assume that the count. With every test value
power threshold for the robot is of charging station count, we
given, and we aim to find the minimum number check for satisfiability of all the constraints. If it
of charging stations and their locations in is unsatisfiable, check for the immediate next
the workspace. In the second problem, we value and so on. Whenever it satisfies all the
assume that the number of charging stations constraints, it gives a model (solution) that gives
Mr. Tanmoy Kundu || 423

the number of charging stations along with with the original mammoth state space,
their locations. This approach is guaranteed to we find a much smaller state space (unsat
give a solution. However, as it needs to check core) and check its satisfiability. Then, it
the original huge set of constraints every time, intelligently checks the usability of the solution
it is not at all scalable. in the perspective of the original problem. This
This is important that when the constraint approach guarantees the scalability of our
solver is unable to satisfy all the constraints, that methods. Our approach also guarantees an
is, the set of constraints is unsatisfiable; it gives optimal solution to the problem.
an unsatisfiable-core (in short, unsat core). An In our experiments, we used Z3 SMT
unsat core is a smaller subset of constraints
that actually could not be satisfied (other
constraints are satisfiable). In our algorithms,
we use this unsat core to find a more specific
and precise subset of constraints towards the
cause of unsatisfiability. Please note that a
unsat core is much smaller in size compared
with the original set of constraints.
In our novel approach, whenever the
original set of constraints is unsatisfiable, we
extract the unsat core and then check the
satisfiability of the unsat core (and not the solver from Microsoft research as the backend
original huge set of constraints) constraint solver. We did
for the next higher test value. our experiments with three
If it still does not satisfy, check different types of robots –
with the next higher test value Turtlebot, Quadcopter and
Two variants of the charging
and so on. Thus, when the Dubins car; in three different
station placement problem
unsat core becomes satisfiable, types of workspaces such
it means the previously are proposed. The first variant as warehouse, artificial floor
unsatisfiable set of constraints assumes a power threshold to and maze; and two different
is satisfiable now, and we get a be given; we find out a minimum dimensions of the workspace.
model. Now, we need to verify if number of charging stations In almost all the cases, our
this model satisfies the original and their locations. The second algorithms found optimal
set of constraints. It may or variant considers the number of solutions. Most importantly,
may not satisfy. If the model charging stations to be given, our approach turns out to be
satisfies the original set, we are and we find out the value of the much more scalable compared
done. Otherwise, it implies that minimum power threshold and with the naive solution. The
the model does not fit well with charging station locations. experiment shows that both our
the original set of constraints. algorithms run 30%–85% faster
Therefore, we go for the next compared with their naive
higher value and do similar counterparts. The Fig. shows
checking again with the original set. It goes on an example of charging station placement
iteratively until we get a model satisfying the using our algorithm. We applied problem
original set of constraints. variant-1 to find out the minimum number of
In every iteration, instead of checking charging stations for different types of robots.
424 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Power threshold is kept constant. It also shows locations for them in a workspace. We are
the placement of charging stations in the extending this work by assigning specific
warehouse workspace. tasks to the robot and verifying that those
Our algorithms provide optimal solutions tasks are completed successfully along with
in terms of the number of charging stations autonomous recharging.
(variant-1), power threshold (variant-2) and This work was published in the paper titled
motion plan (both variants) to move from any ‘Charging Station Placement for Indoor Robotic
obstacle-free location to one of the charging Applications’ authored by myself and my PhD
stations. Our problem is a version of the supervisor, Prof. Indranil Saha, Department
famous facility location problem. However, of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT
to the best of our knowledge, this work is the Kanpur. This paper was published in the
first one to take into account the complex International Conference on Robotics and
dynamics of the robots while planning facility Automation (ICRA) 2018.
|| 425

Can You Hear Me?

Mr. Tomson Devis*

Email: [email protected]

live in a small village in the district of repeating the sentence in a louder voice, only
Kottayam in central Kerala. The livelihood of if they wish to continue the dialogue. This often
most of the people in my area is agriculture. spoils the entire joy of the conversation. This
Due to this relatively stress-free and healthy also tempts the younger generation to avoid
profession, most of them enjoy good health the elderly completely from their dialogues.
and live longer. This also makes the village Thus, the elderly feel totally helpless and
more green and prosperous than other places neglected in the most important stage of their
in the state. Since I completed my education lives.
in nearby schools and colleges, I am very When I got an opportunity to initiate
familiar with all of my villagers. While travelling, academic research in an engineering college
I often meet many elderly people and enquire in the locality, the unanswered hearing
about their health during my conversations problems of my place kept me pondering over
with them. Many of them are above 70 years of it. I asked my old friends about their hearing
age and have difficulties in vision and hearing. problems, but none of them could satisfactorily
Most of them wear spectacles for correcting explain the exact problems they were facing.
their vision, but just tend to ignore their hearing They were not at all bothered about the sense
defects. Usually, it becomes the duty of the of hearing in their old age. They believed that it
speaker to make them understand the talk by was the vision problem that caused hindrance

* Mr. Tomson Devis, PhD Scholar from Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Kerala, is pursuing his research on
“Low Complexity Hearing Aid Design”. His popular science story entitled “Can You Hear Me?” has been selected for
AWSAR Award.
426 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

to their everyday movement and only that The most common type of hearing
issue needed to be corrected. Some of them impairment is sensorineural hearing loss
have not even heard about hearing aids, but, (SNHL). In SNHL, the sound perception of
nevertheless, most of them believed that these a person is reduced drastically due to the
devices were very costly and could not afford damage of sound-sensing hair cells in the
them, which is indeed a reality. inner ear and the nerves that carry the signals
I discussed this scenario with my research to the brain. This type of permanent hearing
guide, and she asked me to approach this loss can affect people of any age group and
problem with a signal processing background. is also seen at any frequency range. But
We reviewed lots of literature and reports of fortunately, most of the SNHL can be corrected
the World Health Organization (WHO) about with a properly adjusted hearing aid. Another
hearing. In the latest report in March 2019, type of hearing loss called presbycusis affects
WHO claimed that there were about 466 most of the people as they grow older due
million people in the world suffering from to the diminishing performance of the hair
hearing loss, and, among them, about 34 cells. The major difference between SNHL
million were children. Besides, WHO warns and presbycusis is that while SNHL may
that this number will rise to about 630 million occur at any frequency range, the hearing
in 2030 and 900 million in 2050. Studies have loss associated with presbycusis is usually
also revealed that about 30%–35% percent greater for high-frequency sounds. Besides,
of adults were aged more than 65 years and presbycusis often occurs in both ears
about 40%–50% aged more than 75 years simultaneously. Since presbycusis occurs
were badly affected by hearing loss. The gradually, people who have
untreated hearing impairments presbycusis may not be able
may cause communication to recognize that their ability to
problems in them, leading
Usually, it becomes the duty hear is diminishing and need
to the feeling of loneliness,
of the speaker to make them some devices to assist them in
social isolation, frustration,
hearing. From this information, I
etc. In addition to this, spoken understand the talk by repeating
realized that the hearing loss of
language development in the sentence in a louder voice,
my old friends was mainly due
children is often delayed with only if they wish to continue the
to presbycusis.
untreated hearing loss. But the dialogue. This often spoils the
A hearing aid is an
current production of hearing entire joy of the conversation.
assistive device used to make
aids lags behind the global This also tempts the younger
sounds louder so that a hearing-
need by more than 90%. In generation to avoid the elderly
impaired person can listen,
developing countries such as completely from their dialogues.
communicate and involve more
India, this lag is more than 97% Thus, the elderly feel totally
and the cost of hearing aid is effectively in everyday activities
helpless and neglected in the
also very high for the common of his life. Analog hearing aids
most important stage of their
man to afford. Therefore, most are very simple in structure and
of the hearing problems of these can only amplify the incoming
countries remain unresolved. sound along with the distracting
Thus, we decided that it was our background noise. This is
duty to design and build a cost- enough for communication
effective hearing aid that could be affordable between two persons nearby but very
even to the underprivileged people of India. difficult to hear in noisy environments such
Mr. Tomson Devis || 427

as outdoors. But the modern digital hearing matching purposes, and the errors are within
aids are very sophisticated and can perform the globally accepted limits. The performance
various modifications on the incoming sound of the system is evaluated using the hearing
signals, which results in the enhancement of data of several patients with SNHL and
the overall quality of sound. This presbycusis, and the results
very much helps in increasing are very promising. Since the
the lucidity of communication in system uses very little hardware,
hearing-impaired people. the power consumption of the
The untreated hearing
I visited the National device is very less and the
impairments may cause
Institute of Speech and Hearing implementation cost is very
communication problems in
in Trivandrum for gaining low. This system is very well
them, leading to the feeling
hands-on experience in the suited to the requirements of
of loneliness, social isolation,
latest technologies related to the people of countries such
speech and hearing. I was very frustration, etc. In addition as India, where the cost is a
much excited to see the real- to this, spoken language driving factor in the widespread
time hearing assessments and development in children is often use of hearing aids. More
their correcting procedures delayed with untreated hearing research works in the direction
conducted on children and loss. But the current production of complexity reduction of the
adults there. My research work of hearing aids lags behind the system is in progress.
uses state-of-the-art digital global need by more than 90%. This research work
signal processing techniques is progressing under the
to design a very less complex supervision of Dr Manju Manuel
hearing aid. A generic system of Rajiv Gandhi Institute
has been developed that has a component of Technology (Government Engineering
saving of 40%–85% compared with other College), Kottayam, Kerala, and is funded
methods in the literature. A hearing aid with 17 by the Centre for Engineering Research
bands has been developed, and the work was and Development of APJ Abdul Kalam
presented in the IEEE International Conference Technological University, Kerala. After the
on Communication and Signal Processing at completion of my research, I can confidently
Chennai. This reconfigurable system can be ask my old friends the very same question that
used for any hearing-impaired person without lied hidden in my mind for years, ‘Can you hear
any modifications in the hardware. Different me, my dear friend?’.
optimization algorithms are applied for
428 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Unlocking the Resistance

Mechanism Puzzle for Better
Treatment of Infections

Mr. Amol Kulkarni*

Email: [email protected]

uring school life, everyone has likings call as her clinical condition was very serious.
for one subject or another. I was not I and my friend made it fast as soon as
an exception to this. The science of life possible. Doctors immediately started multiple
always fascinated me. As I studied further, antibiotics treatment. Doctor also isolated
this fascination further narrowed down to infecting pathogen from her urine sample
microorganisms. Out of this interest, I pursued and performed antibiotic susceptibility test
my MSc in Microbiology. I was thinking to as well. All these efforts made her condition
pursue PhD in the same subject. However, like somewhat better, but she could not improve
any other subject, completing masters opens it further and finally she passed away. A team
many doors for the research. This is equally the of doctors struggled a lot but all efforts were
reason of confusion as well. I was also going useless. It was shocking for all of us but true
through this muddling when I accidentally as well. Being a microbiologist, I was unable
tucked to taking a decision on my doctoral to understand what had happened. She had
study topic. shown improvement for sure, and we kept
The other day I received a call from one our fingers crossed. I met the doctor who
of my school friends asking for my help in treated grandma and asked what might have
hospitalizing his grandma as she was suffering happened. Her answer was horrific for me.
from urinary tract infection. It was a bit urgent She said, ‘We as a doctor many times find

* Mr. Amol Kulkarni, PhD Scholar from Dayanand College of Science, Maharashtra, is pursuing his research on
“Studies on Development of Resistance to Quinolones in Gram Negative Bacterial Pathogens”. His popular science
story entitled “Unlocking the Resistance Mechanism Puzzle for Better Treatment of Infections” has been selected for
AWSAR Award.
Mr. Amol Kulkarni || 429

ourselves up the creek when it comes to are still in use, but the resistant bacteria makes
bacterial infections. These resistant bugs often them useless with their outstanding ability of
makes us helpless. Patient shows some sign resistance. It is important to know that we can
of recovery and all of a sudden some resistant still use most of the members of antibiotics if
members turn the reality into nightmare. We we exactly know the resistance mechanism of
can do nothing. Perhaps we could know infecting pathogen. By using this information,
what they are harbouring.’ And the possible a doctor can design the treatment using a
answer of this question was my research area. mixture of appropriate antibiotics. However,
I decided to study the resistance mechanism bacteria harbours more than one mechanism,
of multidrug-resistant bacteria. which makes many antibiotics difficult to use,
However, the path was not easy. I started and therefore doctors are unwillingly pushed
learning again. The information I collected was to use empirical therapy. In simple words,
really fear-provoking. Humans and bacteria depending upon their experiences, doctors
share a strange relationship. We are associated start the therapy in many cases. Moreover,
in such a way that we are benefited as well doctors generally rely on the class of antibiotics
as harmed at the same time from bacteria. that they are using most often and that has a
Bacterial pathogens are responsible for many proven record of killing bacteria. In my story,
infections in humans, and they are the main this class is ‘Fluoroquinolones’.
cause of death worldwide. The only way out When it comes to severe Gram-negative
to treat them is antibiotics. There are many infections, the first name that comes to doctor’s
species and genera of clinically important mind is fluoroquinolones or simply quinolones.
pathogenic bacteria. They all Doctors have been using the
are not untreatable. Scientists members of this class to treat
and physicians have identified the bacterial infections since
six different families of such 1970. Other classes such as
resistant bacteria and named A team of doctors struggled a beta-lactams are also there,
them ‘ESKAPE’. Each letter in lot but all efforts were useless. but quinolones are among
this word represents one family It was shocking for all of what they call as the first line of
of bacteria. These ESKAPE us but true as well. Being a therapy. Like any other battle,
pathogens have created havoc microbiologist, I was unable to the first strong attack can lead
and are responsible for the loss understand what had happened. you to the victory. This is true for
of millions of lives worldwide She had shown improvement the battle between humans and
every year. Researchers, for sure, and we kept our fingers bacteria as well. Quinolones
scientists, government crossed. have rapid bactericidal activity,
agencies and pharmaceutical or simply they have tremendous
companies are trying their ability to kill the bacteria rapidly.
hard to combat these smart Under laboratory conditions, it
creatures. was observed that a sensitive
Broadly, bacteria are classified as Gram bacterial population in the range of 108 could
negative and Gram positive. Out of the six be killed in merely 2 h. Yes, you heard it right,
families, four are Gram negative. Therefore, in just 2 h! This is the main reason why this
one can imagine the importance of this type. class is so favourite. Another reason is that
In the golden era of antibiotics, many different it reaches to different body sites rapidly and
classes of this wonder drug were invented. They starts acting immediately. But over the period
430 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

of time, bacteria have come out with some mechanism is less studied as there are less
important mechanisms of resistance to fight reports of such cases. Besides, it is observed
against quinolones, and it is still evolving. that these all mechanisms are simultaneously
Antibiotics kill bacteria by attacking their present in bacteria and the resistance shown
different cell parts. Every class to quinolones is the combined
of antibiotics has its own target. effect of all such mechanisms.
Quinolones attack the DNA- Therefore, it is very difficult to
making machinery of bacteria spot PMQR. This mechanism
so that the bacteria cannot The only way out to treat them is not present in all, but if it is
grow and divide. This is very is antibiotics. There are many present, it becomes almost
unique mechanism as no other species and genera of clinically impossible to treat the infection
class is known to own this. important pathogenic bacteria. caused by this pathogen. On top
However, bacteria came out of They all are not untreatable. of this, it has been observed that
the solution for this mechanism. Scientists and physicians have this plasmid has an additional
They made some changes in identified six different families feature of providing resistance
the DNA-making machinery, of such resistant bacteria and to other classes of antibiotics
making it difficult for quinolones named them ‘ESKAPE’. as well. Therefore, my research
to destroy them. Somehow, this has become further important.
change was not full proof, so I have studied this mechanism
bacteria started using another and reported some plasmids
mechanism to get protection from bacteria isolated from
from this deadly class. Bacteria started Indian patients.
throwing the molecules of quinolones out of As mentioned earlier, if it is possible
the cell. This mechanism is known as efflux. to identify the presence of this extra genetic
But we have developed some new members material, it will further narrow down the
that can still show activity in the presence treatment choice and possibly save many
of these mechanisms as well. Therefore, lives. I would like to further study and optimize
quinolones such as levofloxacin are still in the method I used to find the presence of this
use against Gram-negative pathogens. But in plasmid. I am sure my research work will help
recent years, a new mechanism is emerging physicians to save lives.
against quinolone, which is known as plasmid- I cannot resist myself to mention the
mediated quinolone resistance (PMQR). famous quote from Nobel Prize–winning novel,
Plasmids are extra genetic material present in The old man and the sea, which, I feel, is
bacteria and offer some unusual features for applicable to the ever-going battle between
survival under harsh conditions. In India, this bacteria and humans …

‘Man can be destroyed but cannot be defeated…!’

|| 431

A Portable Electronic Platform

for Breast Cancer Diagnosis:
Developing a New Class of
Biomedical Systems
Mr. Anil Vishnu G. K.*
Email: [email protected]

t was quite late in the night when I got a very medication and correct treatment, the disease
tense call from my friend. It had been almost can be managed,’ I said to her. ‘No son, I
5 years since I spoke to him. I was in the lab am not tensed. I am in fact curious and I
immersed in a very exciting paper that had have a lot of questions for you,’ she said
been published recently, and the call took me with an uncharacteristic calmness that I least
by surprise. On the other end of the phone, expected. I could guess that she was having
I could hear my friend almost breaking down the results in her hand. She asked me, ‘Son,
into tears. His mother had been diagnosed I understand with my general knowledge that
with stage II breast cancer, and it came as a cancer occurs when the cells in our body grow
shock to his entire family. He informed me that without control and stop obeying the usual
he was holding the test results in his hands, control signals that make deviant cells kill
and it all seemed Greek and Latin to him. themselves. But, what does this stage mean?
The doctor had just informed them that the I see a lot of abbreviations here such as HER2
results were positive for breast cancer. Before status, ER, PR status, FNAC, etc. What does
I could continue the conversation, his mother all this mean, son? And before all that, the last
snatched the phone from him. I remember you were working for a company
‘How are you, son?’ she asked. ‘I am that makes embedded systems. How come my
good, Aunty. Please don’t get tensed. With son is clarifying doubts about breast cancer

* Mr. Anil Vishnu G. K., PhD Scholar from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, is pursuing his research on “Electro-
Thermo-Mechanical Phenotyping of Breast Cancer: from onset through Disease Progression”. His popular science
story entitled “A Portable Electronic Platform for Breast Cancer Diagnosis: Developing a New Class of Biomedical
Systems” has been selected for AWSAR Award
432 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

with you?’. There were a lot of questions that is usually categorized into five stages: stage
were shot at me in one go. I decided to calmly 0 to Stage IV. Stage 0 is the pre-cancerous
answer each of her queries with the hope that stage, Stages I and II are the early-stage
at the least this conversation would make her cancer, Stage III is the locally advanced stage
feel lighter. where the cancer has spread to very nearby
I told her that breast cancer was one of parts of the body and Stage IV is the metastatic
the most widespread forms of cancer affecting stage that, as I mentioned earlier, denotes that
almost 1 in 22 women across the world. Each the cancer has spread to distant organs of the
cancer, when diagnosed, is usually categorized body and formed tumours there. Very closely
into different stages depending on several associated with this staging is a term called
parameters of the extent of the disease. For the ‘5-year survival rate’. This Fig. gives the
breast cancer and many other cancer types, percentage of people who have survived for 5
these parameters are the size of the tumour years after the diagnosis. In breast cancer, for
(denoted as ‘T’), spread of cancer to other stage 0, the survival rate is almost 100% and
sites in the body (a process called ‘metastasis’, the Fig. is 80%–90% for stages I and II. It goes
denoted as ‘M’) and number of lymph nodes down to as low as 20% for Stage IV. As soon
that have cancerous cells present (denoted by as I finished telling this, she jokingly told, ‘So
N). Lymph nodes are nodules of the lymphatic that means I have a fair chance of surviving at
system, which is another circulatory system like least the next 5 years!’ I told her, ‘Yes, aunty,
the blood. Cancer cells often spread to other that is correct and even more, given that you
sites through the lymph nodes. Depending on have been diagnosed early on.’ ‘Then what is
the values of these parameters, this FNAC, ER, PR, HER2, etc.,
the cancer is categorized into son?’ she asked.
different stages. This process I told her that any person
is called ‘TNM staging’. At this who visits the hospital feeling
Each cancer, when diagnosed, is
point, she interrupted me with a a lump in their breast is first
usually categorized into different
sense of excitement, ‘Yes, yes, sent for a clinical breast exam
stages depending on several
I see it here in the report as well. where the doctor tries to touch
parameters of the extent of
They have written T1N2M0.’ I and feel the lump that you
the disease. For breast cancer
replied to her, ‘Aunty, what that reported and understand what
means is that the tumour in your and many other cancer types, it is. Following this, you will be
body is less than 5 cm in size, these parameters are the size sent for mammography and
it has spread to 2 lymphatic of the tumour (denoted as ‘T’), ultrasound scanning, which
nodes and it has not spread spread of cancer to other sites is the screening method for
to any distant organs, which is in the body (a process called detecting any malignancies.
a good sign.’ I could hear her ‘metastasis’, denoted as ‘M’) Once the reports of these tests
heave a sigh of relief hearing and number of lymph nodes that suspect something, you go to
this. ‘Ok, continue son, you have cancerous cells present the next step called biopsy.
are making me empowered. (denoted by N). Here again, they first start off
Anyone suffering from any with a very fine needle that will
disease must understand fully extract only a few cells from the
what their disease is all about. breast. This is called fine needle
You are helping me with that.’ aspiration cytology (FNAC). But the number
I continued to tell her that breast cancer of tests they can perform with this is limited.
Mr. Anil Vishnu G. K. || 433

If the doctors want more tissue to carry out Indian Institute of Science in the Department
further tests or if they feel the disease is more of BioSystems Science and Engineering. Here
advanced, they go for higher biopsies such I am working on an interdisciplinary project
as core, incisional, and excisional biopsies, with Prof. Hardik J. Pandya from Electronic
in which larger pieces of tissue Systems Engineering and
are taken out from the breast. Prof. Annapoorni Rangarajan
In breast cancer cells, certain from Molecular Reproduction,
molecules are present in higher Development and Genetics
concentrations than in normal In breast cancer cells, certain department. I told her that the
cells. Some of these molecules molecules are present in higher methods I had detailed here
are oestrogen receptor, concentrations than in normal were currently affected by
progesterone receptor, and cells. Some of these molecules several shortcomings such
human epidermal growth factor are oestrogen receptor, as false-negative results (the
receptor 2 denoted as ER, PR, progesterone receptor, and tissue section that we took out
and HER2, respectively, in your human epidermal growth factor might not have an increased
report. The disease is treated receptor 2 denoted as ER, PR, concentration of the molecules
in a different way depending and HER2, respectively, in your that might be present in a
on the concentrations of report. tissue a little further away from
each of these molecules, and the one that was examined),
accordingly, there are several delay in getting the results (as
subtypes of breast cancer. She it takes minimum a week’s time
nodded in approval hearing to get the receptor status), and
this, and I could feel a sense of confidence in difficulty in identifying a type of cancer called
her that came from beginning to understand triple-negative breast cancer (where all the
the disease in her body. molecules show normal concentration and yet
Then she asked, ‘So, son, then what are cancer will be aggressive). To address these,
you doing in this field, that too as a trained we have developed a portable tool integrated
engineer?’ I told her that after working for 4 with microsensors, electronic modules
years, I got an opportunity to do PhD at the and display systems that can measure the
changing physical properties of the biopsy
tissue such as its electrical, thermal and
mechanical properties. It is known that these
physical properties are different for cancer
tissues compared with normal tissues, but
there has been no detailed study performed
to leverage these properties and develop a
system that can be used in the hospitals to aid
in the diagnosis of cancer. Electrical resistivity,
thermal conductivity and mechanical
stiffness of cancer tissues are different from
those of normal tissues, and we, at IISc, are
developing a portable tool that can measure
Overview of the diagnostic and staging
these properties in an hour’s time to get an
methodology followed for breast cancer
understanding as to whether the biopsy tissue
434 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

from the patient is cancerous or not. helping labs to better diagnose the disease.’
‘That is very interesting, son, and it would ‘That is indeed a great vision, son. You have
help a lot of people, especially in a country my blessings and best wishes for this noble
like India where not all labs are equipped with endeavour,’ she said. After speaking for a bit
all the expensive chemicals required for the more time, she ended the conversation more
conventional tests,’ she said. ‘Yes, aunty, we confidently and with a new-found sense of
hope what we are trying to do will one day hope. I felt contented that I could help someone
be placed in hospitals across the country feel relieved.
|| 435

Rapid and Precise

Electromechanical Diagnosis of
Single Cells

Mr. Karthik Mahesh*

Email: [email protected]

istorically, the diagnosis of human length scale of cells, typically 3–30 µm.
diseases has always relied on the Embarking on this endeavour is not a trivial
quantification of certain biochemical task. Until recent years, manipulating single
parameters to determine the extent of disease cells through miniaturization has remained a
progression. For example, a patient is usually fantasy of science fiction movies (Fantastic
deemed to have high blood cholesterol Voyage, 1966) and pop culture (The Magic
levels based on the levels of low-density School Bus, 1994; Osmosis Jones, 2001). With
lipoproteins in their blood plasma. Similarly, the advancement of technology in the areas of
patients with diabetes regularly monitor their polymers, photoresists and photolithography,
blood glucose levels to keep their condition miniaturization has well and truly arrived
in check. Even the diagnosis of specific on a big stage. Without the progression of
cancers requires the quantification of tumour this critical technology, it would be virtually
markers in the bloodstream. Although these impossible to manipulate cells according to
biochemical parameters are widely accepted one’s whims and fancies. Using micro and
in the diagnostic field, there is little to no nanofabrication techniques, we, at the Micro
understanding of what is actually happening and Nano Fluidics Lab and the Complex
at the cellular level. Understanding µm these Systems and Molecular Sensing Lab of the
cellular intricacies requires one to work at the Indian Institute of Science, have developed a

* Mr. Karthik Mahesh, PhD Scholar from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, is pursuing his research on “Microfluidic
Impedance Spectroscopy”. His popular science story entitled “Rapid and Precise Electromechanical Diagnosis of
Single Cells” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
436 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

novel microfluidic platform capable of probing system. Analysing the time difference between
the electrical and mechanical properties of the generated electrical signals further allowed
individual cells at a rapid throughput. In the us to estimate the time required by the cell to
process, we asked ourselves two important squeeze through the constriction (termed as
questions – first, does the progression of transit time). This transit time is an effective
diseases correlate to biophysical changes at way of comparing the mechanical properties
the single-cell level? and second, how does of cells with varying degrees of deformability
one quantify these changes so that they can or stiffness. Thus, the platform enables the
be used in rapid and efficient diagnosis? independent and simultaneous measurement
To answer these questions, we first chose of electrical and mechanical properties of
a disease model. Given that diabetes is the lymphocytes at high throughput. Additionally,
fastest growing disease in India, we yearned the platform compares the electrical signals
to understand the changes in the biophysical from the lymphocytes in two states one: in
and rheological properties of lymphocytes an undeformed state prior to any mechanical
in patients with diabetes. Thousands of squeezing and two: post squeezing across a
individual lymphocytes were allowed to flow mechanical constriction.
through a polydimethylsiloxane microchannel One might ask, ‘What additional
having a narrow constriction (5 µm) at the information can we get from analysing
centre to mechanically squeeze the cells. electrical signals from these cells?’ A cell is
This constriction was placed in between two essentially a complex union of a cytoskeletal
pairs of co-planar microelectrodes made of network, lipid membrane, proteins, DNA,
gold, with each pair consisting ion channels and many more
of one source and one components that give rise
measurement electrode. The to its fundamental electrical
gap between the electrodes Without the progression of properties. The microscopic
was comparable to the size this critical technology, it world of cells, therefore, has
of the cells (lymphocyte), would be virtually impossible many parallels with electrical
and the impedance between to manipulate cells according circuitry. Grossly simplified,
them was measured using an the cytoplasm of the cell can
to one’s whims and fancies.
external measurement setup be considered as a simple
Using micro and nanofabrication
at a cell-specific frequency resistor and the cell membrane
techniques, we, at the Micro
(800 kHz). As the lymphocytes as a capacitor. In other words,
and Nano Fluidics Lab and
traversed over each electrode a cell can be represented as
the Complex Systems and
pair, the impedance measured a resistor and a capacitor in
Molecular Sensing Lab of the
by the system was altered, series. It is well known that,
Indian Institute of Science, have
enabling one to measure the under diabetic conditions,
developed a novel microfluidic
electrical properties of the cell. increased oxidative stresses
platform capable of probing
A differential measurement and blood glucose levels can
the electrical and mechanical
principle was employed in alter the framework of many
properties of individual cells at a
which there were two peaks cell components, particularly
rapid throughput.
positive and negative in lymphocytes. These ultimately
the measurement signal, get translated into changes in
corresponding to the relative its electrical properties. Using
impedance change of the entire our technique, it becomes
Mr. Karthik Mahesh || 437

possible to record these electrical changes conclude that a disease condition (diabetes
accurately, rapidly and at a single-cell level! in this case) indeed leads to biophysical
This opens up a plethora of prospects. and rheological changes in individual cells
Our platform was employed to analyse that are typically unobservable through
>9000 individual lymphocytes basic biochemical tests. Such
from patients with diabetes changes can serve as potential
and healthy volunteers. biomarkers in understanding
Upon comparison of the two the pathophysiological
populations, a longer transit time ‘What additional information can progression of a disease and
was recorded for lymphocytes we get from analysing electrical its complications in the blood
in patients with diabetes, signals from these cells?’ A cell microvasculature. Further
correlating to a decrease in is essentially a complex union studies are in the nascent stage
deformability. Additionally, of a cytoskeletal network, lipid to understand whether similar
larger electrical signal membrane, proteins, DNA, changes can be observed
amplitudes were observed for ion channels and many more in other diseases such as
lymphocytes in patients with components that give rise cancer. In the near future, this
diabetes compared with their to its fundamental electrical kind of technology may assist
normal counterparts, indicating properties. in the development of a pre-
significant changes in electrical diagnostic tool that supports
behaviour. The data from health care professionals in
both these parameters were assessing whether a patient
combined to visually distinguish has the chance of developing
the differences between normal and diabetic disease even before the onset of disease
lymphocytes and develop a simple diagnostic symptoms, using just a single drop of blood!
model that could predict whether a random This research work was published
lymphocyte from an individual was healthy or in the Journal of Micromechanics and
diabetic. Microengineering in August 2019 and
This study is the first demonstration authored by Karthik Mahesh, Manoj M.
of a microfluidic platform that enables Varma and Prosenjit Sen. The study was
one to perform high-speed, multi-modal conducted at the Centre for Nano Science and
measurements on human lymphocytes while Engineering (CeNSE), IISc, and supported
being capable of detecting cellular changes by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT),
in disease conditions. By incorporating novel Government of India. The nanofabrication
methods to eliminate various sources of facilities at CeNSE were funded by MHRD,
measurement errors, this study also improves MeitY and DST Nano Mission.
the precision of recorded data. Finally, we
438 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Prioritizing Between Eating

Nutrient-Restricted Food versus
Less Food: Does It Matter? Yes,
It Does!
Ms. Krittika Sudhakar*
Email: [email protected]

he average expected life of an individual rodents such as mice, with intent to achieve
at birth is around 72 years (WHO, 2016), maximum translatability to humans. Intake of a
with this trend being reported on a global nutrient-restricted diet can positively influence
population, the debates on the feasibility of metabolism, lifespan, body weight and overall
increasing lifespan (most importantly health health. Hence, we aim to study the role of
span) of the older population have been tested restricting protein source (dry yeast) in the diet
with upcoming researches on geriatric care of fruit flies using Drosophila melanogaster
and gerontology. It has indeed been shown as the model organism. This will enable us
that the older population can live a longer life to understand the level of restricted proteins
with various modifications and adaptations required to develop normally and carry out
in their diet intake (such as Diet Restriction, more efficient physiological and metabolic
DR) and lifestyle. However, the beauty of DR processes compared with regular (but
studies lies in the essence of significantly probably excess) protein intake. The writer is
delaying the inevitable process of ageing an INSPIRE-JRF, carrying out her fundamental
rather than perturbing it. research focused on how Protein Restriction
The research of nutritional geometry (PR henceforth) can influence various traits
studies on a large scale is done on model in D. melanogaster, under the guidance of Dr
organisms, including yeast, fruit flies and Pankaj Yadav in Fly Lab instituted in SASTRA

* Ms. Krittika Sudhakar, PhD Scholar from Sastra Deemed to be University, Tamil Nadu, is pursuing her research on
“Long Term Protein Restriction on the Physiology of Drosophila melanogaster”. Her popular science story entitled
“Prioritizing between Eating Nutrient Restricted Food Versus less Food: Does it Matter? Yes, it Does!” has been
selected for AWSAR Award.
Ms. Krittika Sudhakar || 439

deemed-to-be university, Thanjavur. Some feature of the flies might concern evolutionary
results of the work and a review have been biologists, that if they pupate higher from the
published in Biology Open and Biogerontology, food surface, it might decrease their chances
respectively. Apart from the main research of survival due to a relatively less humidity at
work, a brief first author interview has been the top of the culture vial. But surprisingly, the
published in Biology Open. flies showed no difference in their pre-adult
PR is known to influence development to adult survivorship, thereby suggesting that
time, lifespan, egg output and stress the reported concentrations of PR were not
resistance of the adult fruit fly compared with detrimental and did not challenge the chances
the fully fed flies (control). But a long-standing of flies’ survival.
misconception that hindered the actual Based on a variety of such preliminary
concept of PR was its implementation from the results, we have started to maintain flies on
egg stage of the flies. Briefly, the fruit flies have long-term PR from pre-adult and adult stages.
two life stages: (i) pre-adult stage (egg to adult We aim to address probably both sides of the
fly; spanning for approximately 9–10 days), (ii) coin (short-term and long-term PR) and hence
adult stage (age 1 day of adult fly till death, have started to assess the effect of this long-
which is approximately 60–80 days). Since the term PR on the flies. By this, we will assay
pre-adult stage is seen to influence most of whether a long-term restriction is harmful to
the adult fitness and its related traits, not many the flies or whether it still manages to deliver
fly biologists attempted pre-adult DR or PR the prior observed positive effect of PR. The
manipulations. We attempted to understand research will also benefit from experiments
the effect of PR on different to assess the body size
stages of the flies (pre-adult, and body weight changes
age 1 and age 8 days of adults) in the flies over a particular
and found that PR was highly period of PR implementation.
beneficial when it was imposed The research of nutritional Restricting nutrients in the
from the pre-adult stage. Thus, geometry studies on a large diet can confer increased
this study made it to the list of scale is done on model resistance to stressors such
one of the few studies that went organisms, including yeast, fruit as starvation and desiccation,
on to report the same. flies and rodents such as mice, and undoubtedly might confer
In addition to these with intent to achieve maximum benefits across age. Thus,
common fitness parameters translatability to humans. this study potentially provides
such as lifespan and egg evidence that unnecessary
output, we reported, for the protein intake is definitely not
first time, the effect of PR on beneficial, thereby contributing
the pupation height of fruit flies. very little to our healthy living
Pupation height of the flies, upon exposure and significantly to faster ageing.
to lower protein concentrations, showed that The possible reason why all these DR
larvae were able to wander high up in the approaches are working might be a relay
vials and pupate, thereby achieving pupation of physiological and metabolic processes
height equal to that of the control. These in our body. Sugars (carbohydrates) in the
results suggested that energy utilization or the food plunge into a storage form of glycogen,
normal activity of the larvae was not disturbed but proteins stand out as our body does not
even when the protein was reduced. This employ storage mechanism for the same.
440 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Therefore, excess consumed achieved in the best possible

proteins are broken down and way. In India, the ageing
metabolized with the use of population is comparatively
energy, releasing byproducts Pupation height of the flies, less than the young population,
and free radicals, which in upon exposure to lower protein and hence researches on the
turn lead to the accumulation concentrations, showed that nutritional needs of humans
of toxins in the cell. Thus, the larvae were able to wander can benefit both the categories
intake of extra nutrients requires high up in the vials and pupate, of people. Therefore, starting
additional metabolism in the thereby achieving pupation early on a healthy and sufficient
body, leading to a quicker cell/ height equal to that of the nutritional diet for the young
organismal ageing. control. population will be beneficial in
Since geriatric care is the long run. But for the ageing
gaining momentum in India population, it is never too late
and worldwide, we need to to start eating an adequately
understand how it can be enriched meal.
|| 441

Bake Waste, Bake Taste, Bake


Ms. Mrunal Barbhai*

Email: [email protected]

ait, what? Bake waste? Bake health? have almost become an integral part of our
Confused, right? First things first, life. No celebration is complete without cutting
how do we bake health and that the cake; tea without biscuits does not sound
to adding waste? We can bake taste from a great either. Hmm, so baking health sounds
lot of bakery items such as cakes, biscuits, difficult. Moreover, using waste to bake health
muffins, breads, buns, etc. Almost all of these sounds even crazier. You do not want to have
are made from refined wheat flour and they a bad stomach adding waste to your food.
taste yum! But are they healthy? Nutrition Waste is to be discarded. Or is it not? Think
says refined flours are not any good; they are over again.
just empty calories, lacking in nutrients and Before we answer that, let us take a round
fibre. And health from bakery foods seems in the bakery to see how our baked goods are
just like another impossible thing to achieve. made. The wheat is nicely polished, milled and
Then, there starts the battle: taste or health? sieved to remove any coarse things. The sugar
Heart says taste, brain says health and both is finely ground, creamed nicely in butter along
have their winning days. Starting from kids, with some flavours, and added to the refined
adolescents, adults, elderly, we all love various flour, which is then baked with loads of love. But
baked foods available on a market shelf, and wait, did you notice they discarded the bran.
we cannot get enough of it. These products Bran? Puzzled? What is this bran? When was it

* Ms. Mrunal Barbhai, PhD Scholar from Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University, Telangana,
is pursuing her research on “Development of Designer Products by Incorporating Millet Bran and Assessing their
Therapeutic Potential”. Her popular science story entitled “Bake Waste, Bake Taste, Bake Health.” has been selected
for AWSAR Award.
442 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

used as an ingredient in the bakery? And when risk or help to overcome such diseases. And
it was not the ingredient at the table, where here comes the answer to our previous query;
arises the question of discarding it? Alright, let maybe not all wastes are to be discarded; some
me break it up for you. Bran is the outer layer of processing wastes such as bran are nutritious
grains that is removed during processing such and can be taken up as novel ingredients to
as dehulling, milling and polishing. Therefore, value add the empty calorie foods such as
watch keenly when the wheat was polished, bakery products. Rice bran is already gaining
and the bran was removed and thrown. Bran its popularity in the form of rice bran oil; oat
is a byproduct or waste generated during the bran is also on the same path with oat bran
processing of cereals grains and millets. But breakfast cereal. But there is much more in
why are we interested in bran? Does it ring the world of bran to offer such as millet brans
some bell to you? Oh, yes! Something to do and bran fractions obtained during dehulling,
with oat bran, rice bran oil and their health dehusking, polishing and milling of millets.
benefits that you might have heard of in some Millets itself are considered as nutri-cereals
advertisements and from friends and family and offer a lot of health benefits. But they are
trying to be health-conscious. These brans are hard to cook if not processed, thus making
slowly capturing the market due to their health it mandatory for dehulling and dehusking
importance. Now the question is, if the bran before utilization, resulting in tonnes of millet
is processing waste and is not desired during brans being generated as a result of millet
product development, how is it nutritious or processing and wasted each year. Even
useful? Here, research works conducted with the great nutritional profile, therapeutic
across the globe come to our potential and huge amount of
rescue and they make us aware millet bran being discarded,
about the nutritional benefits of millets are highly understudied
bran. Bran mainly consists of and underutilized.
Bran is a byproduct or waste
pericarp, aleurone layer, germ With this idea, growing
generated during the processing
and sometimes broken tiny health concerns and increased
of cereals grains and millets.
portions of husk (especially in consumption of bakery products
But why are we interested in
millet brans). These brans can in all age groups, the utilization
bran? Does it ring some bell
be a good source of dietary of millet bran to develop nutrient-
to you? Oh, yes! Something to
fibres, proteins, amino acid, fats, packed bakery products
do with oat bran, rice bran oil
fatty acids, minerals, vitamins was considered for further
and their health benefits that
and antioxidants. And research research at our lab in Professor
you might have heard of in
further reveals that these Jayashankar Telangana State
some advertisements and from
dietary fibres and antioxidants Agricultural University. We
friends and family trying to be
complexes may help to prevent embarked on our journey to
various diseases such as research on millet bran only
obesity, increased cholesterol to find out that the bran was a
levels and even cancer related miraculous waste. It has high
to increased oxidative stress in levels of dietary fibres, proteins,
the body. Increased consumption of refined fats and phenolic compounds, increasing its
foods can lead to constipation and other antioxidant capacity and minerals, making it
bowel-related diseases, but the dietary fibres a dream-come-true novel ingredient for the
present in the brans may prevent, reduce the value addition of bakery products. It can also
Ms. Mrunal Barbhai || 443

be used as a functional ingredient in enriching in healthy, acceptable products with good

the flour used to prepare vetc. But no dreams antioxidant and nutritional profiles. We do not
come easy. Sure, millet bran has a good wish to limit ourselves here; we further plan
nutritional profile, but it cannot be stored for a to study the therapeutic potential through
long time due to rancidity that supplementation studies.
develops during storage owing Thus, this research journey
to its fat content. Thus, our work can surely make it possible to
also focused on stabilizing commercially develop much
The incorporation of 20%–30%
these millet brans to increase healthier substitutes for currently
of millet bran suited best,
its shelf life. With all achieving available bakery products with
resulting in healthy, acceptable
these challenges one by one, a nutritional touch of these
products with good antioxidant
our greatest battle was to underutilized millet brans.
and nutritional profiles. We do
incorporate the bran in bakery The next time you have
not wish to limit ourselves here;
products, without damaging the battle of health or taste, do
we further plan to study the
its sensorial acceptance not have a dilemma and search
therapeutic potential through
by consumers. Various in the market this waste (millet
combinations of recipes were supplementation studies. bran)-incorporated bread,
tried to finalize the level of cakes, buns and muffins,
millet bran incorporation in and happily win for yourself
products. The incorporation of the brownie points of health
20%–30% of millet bran suited best, resulting combined with taste.
444 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

5G: A One Step Forward to the


Ms. Prachi Gupta*

Email: [email protected]

belong to that state that has been given the opportunity to be posted in Jammu, and hence
tag of “Heaven on Earth” many years ago. our whole family was shifted there. When we
Jammu & Kashmir was a paradise of India visited our hometown during holidays, there
at some point in time, but now this heaven has was a lack of communication as there was
been abducted by an evil soul. The state where only one landline connection in the whole town
a female child was considered to be made for that was installed at the post office. Not only
household assignment only and marriage at an was there a communication gap but a scarcity
early age, I was born on February 1, 1989, in of electricity, too. These incidents persuaded
Ramnagar Town, Udhampur District, Jammu, me to choose the field that dealt with the
in a family of the engineering fraternity. I am Electronics and Communication Department
blessed to have such a family where there during my BTech. at Jammu University. Article
are no such conservative thoughts. My father 370 was imposed in J&K State that restricted
taught me the “dignity of labor.” It is a well- females not to marry outside the state with
known proverb that my father always induced a fear of losing not only their rights but also
in my mind “I slept and dreamed that life was the right of their wards, which changed the
beauty, I woke up and found that life was mentality of people and limited the reach of
duty. Shun, not the struggle, it is a God’s females outside the state for higher education.
gift.” By virtue of good luck, my father got an

* Ms. Prachi Gupta, PhD Scholar from ICFAI University, Uttarakhand, is pursuing her research on “Development of
mm-Wave Microstrip Antenna Array with Improved Antenna Characteristics for 5G Applications”. Her popular science
story entitled “5G: A One Step Forward to the Speed” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
Ms. Prachi Gupta || 445

However, I forced my family to allow me training and spending lots of sleepless nights
to proceed outside the state for a Master’s with a dream for my hometown and nation,
degree despite all these restrictions. It was I had command over the software. Going
an uphill task for me to convince my parents, through many research papers, I got the idea
but with great efforts and due to their support, of research writing, and finally by fighting tooth
I was able to get admission in Dehradun. and nail, my very first research paper was
Staying in a different city, I felt isolated as no published. In this work, the slotting technique
one was known there. I used to think of having was used in which bandwidth was improved
a video conference with my family, but due to up to 4.1 GHz using a parasitic patch that
the lack of Internet speed at my hometown, shifted resonant frequencies ranging from
the video call buffered and I was unable to 2.46 GHz to 6.65 GHz. They could be used
watch them live. At that time, there was a slight for ultrawide band wireless applications,
improvement in the communication field as 3G specifically for WiMAX and WLAN. They also
came into practice, but the condition at my covered C bands and were versatile enough
hometown remained the same. to cover some part of 4G LTE bands.
One of the faculty scolded me numerous By the time my post-graduation with
times to go back home due to the lack of honors was completed, I had published seven
technical knowledge as there was no such research papers in reputed journals and one
advancement in the state. Due to his sarcastic in the IEEE conference.
comments, I felt shattered and thought of I was enchanted and somehow managed
quitting, but suddenly I reminded myself that to convince my parents for the doctorate degree
I got admission with so many and got myself registered in
difficulties. Hence, I made most of the prestigious colleges
up my mind to continue my having national importance.
Master’s at any cost. However, I got selected in most of the
Article 370 was imposed in J&K
I took this as a challenge institutes and my interview was
State that restricted females
and burned midnight oils to too good, but due to the lack
not to marry outside the state
prove them wrong. I chose of referrals, I was unable to
with a fear of losing not only
antenna as my research topic get an entry there for Doctor of
their rights but also the right of
for the betterment of society Philosophy. Due to this, I was
their wards, which changed the
and started reading as well very depressed and thought
mentality of people and limited
as examining various books that my research was of no use
the reach of females outside the
related to it. My work was as I did not have any referrals.
state for higher education.
to design an antenna that The phrase “Hard work Pays
operated for fourth generation Off” seemed to be a big lie to
(4G) providing uninterrupted me.
connectivity, improved After a long period of 2
downloading/uploading speed, and better years as JRF in DST-sponsored project on
bandwidth compared with 3G. But do not know Plasmonics in Rajasthan, I applied for the post
how? By further researching, I found a tool of Assistant Professor at ICFAI University, where
known as a high-frequency structure simulator most of the faculty was from IIT background,
on which my proposed antenna was going to and I was the only female selected with non-
be designed and simulated as well. Acquiring IIT background considering the significance of
the skill of the tool with the help of tutorials and my research papers.
446 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

While posted as an Assistant Professor applied to large arrays containing numerous

at The ICFAI University, I enrolled myself elements and that too for 5G. By considering
for Doctor of Philosophy (ECE) in the same the optimization techniques and algorithms,
institute. After consulting my guide and keeping I can reduce the number of elements that
in mind my previous research as well as status will decrease power consumption without
in J&K, I decided to go for 5G and proceed disturbing other characteristics of the array
with an antenna as my research work. The antenna.
fifth generation (5G) has better specifications, Recently, fiber-optic services have
that is, high data transfer rates (up to 1 Gbps been introduced, but since the services are
with latency less than 1 m/s), large bandwidth, expensive, everyone cannot afford that. The
etc. With these properties, one can send large motive of my study is to design and fabricate the
files and have video calls without buffering. array antenna with distinct feeding techniques,
One of the main highlights of the 5G is the implemented with the use of optimization
real-time control of devices, that is, the approach and algorithms, and to assess their
Internet of Things. Now, I have to analyze the performance in terms of gain, sidelobe level,
specifications needed for 5G antenna provided bandwidth, radiation pattern, and directivity.
by the Federal Communication Commission as My planned work needs a thorough study
well as the International Telecommunication of antenna arrays, feeding network, and
Union, such as frequency bands, data transfer optimization techniques to execute the same
rates, etc. Designing an antenna is not a big with the formulas and achieve the dimensions
deal, but making an efficient antenna that of both element as well as feeding network,
supports high data transfer but this is not the end; I have to
rates, high bandwidth, and low learn simulation software. The
power consumption, and is simulation software is computer
reliable may take time. These simulation technology, which
characteristics still are not Recently, fiber-optic services is the best tool for antenna
satisfactory since the designed have been introduced, but since designing. At the same point
antenna must be of small the services are expensive, of time, my inner voice has a
size as it has to be integrated everyone cannot afford that. line with me “Hey, when you
into mobile devices. One day The motive of my study is to are going to grasp this new
during my hectic schedule, design and fabricate the array tool, look at your time table,
while studying the research antenna with distinct feeding you are already messed with
papers, I found the application techniques, implemented with these slots!!”. Bypassing these
of optimizing techniques such the use of optimization approach thoughts, in a very stipulated
as thinning and tapering as well and algorithms, and to assess time, by hook or crook I attained
as algorithms such as genetic, their performance in terms of the knowledge and started
immune algorithms, etc., to gain, sidelobe level, bandwidth, designing. The proposed
antennas. So I thought of using radiation pattern, and directivity. study needs distinguish styles
these techniques in my antenna, associated with the patch, such
which was an array of huge as rotation, slotting, conformal
elements. By further reviewing technology, etc., along with the
research papers, I concluded feeding networks. My very first
that although the algorithms and optimization and basic design was published, which can
were applied to the antenna, they could not be be a good candidate of the 5G.
Ms. Prachi Gupta || 447

My predicted results (ranging in the including connectivity, data transfer rates,

millimeter-wave spectrum of 28 GHz) will video calling, etc., where militancy totally
help produce antennas that can fulfill the occupied the happiness of our near and dear
requirement of the communication gap ones, will only be possible by adopting 5G
consumers are facing today. The dream I used and utilizing its facilities in an effective and
to see during my childhood for my hometown, healthier way to shape our future.
448 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Rabies: Removed or Re-


Ms. Suchismita Behera*

Email: [email protected]

iral infections have been considered as a live stocks and humans as well.
major burden to both human and animal The story of rabies started in 2300 BC
health for a long time. Several viruses in Babylon, Iraq. History shows that it is the
have created menace to public health and oldest disease in mankind. According to the
thus come into the limelight in the list of viral International Committee on Taxonomy of
diseases. While achieving success against Viruses, the rabies virus is found in many hosts
these diseases on demand, there is one that and is associated with human fatality, thus
seems to be either eliminated or forgotten. having a high risk around the globe. Further, the
That is rabies. World Health Organization estimates indicate
Rabies is an infectious disease caused that dogs are the major vectors of human
by a virus named rabies virus. It is neurotropic rabies responsible for more than 95% reported
in nature as it attacks and affects the nervous cases, 56,000 deaths worldwide and 20,000
system, particularly central nervous system deaths in India every year. Although vaccines
(CNS). This bullet-shaped virus has a broad have been developed in the nineteenth
range of hosts, including bat, dog, skunk, century, in the twenty-first century, this virus is
raccoon and fox, but dogs and bats act as still enzootic in many parts of the world, with
major reservoir hosts. Transmission can occur India being no exception. Even today, rabies
to nonreservoir domestic animals, nonreservoir remains one of the most serious, distressing

* Ms. Suchismita Behera, PhD Scholar from Institute of Life Sciences, Bhubaneswar, is pursuing her research on
“Identification and Characterization of Differentially Expressed Proteins during Rabies Pathogenesis”. Her popular
science story entitled “Rabies- Removed or Re-Emerging !!!” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
Ms. Suchismita Behera || 449

diseases among humans and an important issue within factors giving rise to it. Dogs, the
threat to public health. It is often considered as major reservoir hosts, always remain at risk
a disease associated with poverty, ignorance of becoming a storehouse of rabies virus.
and, in some circumstances, misinformation. Instead of looking deep within, all-time strict
Hence, the priority of reducing the burden advice to the community is ‘Beware of Dogs’.
of human rabies is first controlling dog- We, the building blocks of the new era of
transmitted rabies, especially in free-roaming science, have taken a challenge to resolve the
stray dogs. mystery behind the untold story. Infected and
Till now, little is known about viral symptomatic dogs carry plenty of viruses in the
pathogenesis that occurs by its entry into brain and saliva, indicating that they are very
the host body through dog bite; the journey close to death. Before they bite and spread the
begins by initial replication in the striated disease, three dedicated social personalities
muscle cells. Then, it proceeds towards the take care of it. Municipality people capture
CNS, where the brain is most affected due them, and after their natural death, hand over
to its extensive replication. From the brain, them to veterinarians who dissect the brain,
further movement occurs; affecting the eye, collect tissue samples and pass them on
salivary gland and skin, and infected saliva to researchers for further investigation. In a
serves as the hub of viruses. However, there is similar manner, brain tissue samples of dogs
a lack of knowledge regarding the mechanism dying naturally without any symptoms serve
behind this pathogenesis. This virus remains as noninfected samples for comparison with
within the host body for 20–90 days without infected ones.
showing any symptoms; once Proteins are vital parts
symptoms appear, death of all living organisms, and
occurs within 2–7 days. Its long- proteomics is the large-scale
term hidden existence and a study of proteins. Differential
Rabies is an infectious disease
sudden increase in dreadful protein expression defines
caused by a virus named rabies
incurable symptoms leave proteins as those expressed
virus. It is neurotropic in nature
many questions unanswered. differently, either high or low,
as it attacks and affects the
Overall, most cases remain when something unusual
nervous system, particularly
undiagnosed with clinical signs happens within the body. This
central nervous system (CNS).
until the disease reaches the study utilized a proteomic
This bullet-shaped virus has a
advanced stage. Limited clinical approach playing an important
broad range of hosts, including
diagnostic methods, each with role in detecting host proteome
bat, dog, skunk, raccoon and
certain limitations, unclear view alterations during rabies. That’s
fox, but dogs and bats act as
of disease progression and how the file of an ancient disease
major reservoir hosts.
improper therapeutic aspects gets reopened to focus at an
are definitely the results of advanced level: at the protein
initiatives taken so far to counter level. A total of 59 host proteins
this disease, but somehow were differentially expressed,
they cannot be conclusive. Thus, molecular of which 23 showed high expression and 36
mechanisms involved in rabies pathogenesis showed low expression, regarded as up- and
are not well understood and need more downregulated, respectively.
detailed studies. To generate an overview of functional
How interesting it is to investigate an classification, these proteins were categorized
450 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

into cellular component, molecular function of these proteins in diseases. In the top
and biological processes. In the cellular disease category, 50% proteins belonged
component category, a majority of them to neurological diseases and 39% to
were assigned to the membrane part, mostly psychological disorders that are the typical
localized on the mitochondrial, synaptic and symptoms of rabies virus infection. Broadening
axonal membranes. The molecular functions the category of neurological diseases, once
included microtubule, calcium ion and again, calcium ion signalling proteins came
calmodulin binding; calmodulin-dependent into picture, but this time with neurofilament
protein kinase activity; neurotransmitter and ion proteins. The proteomics results showed that
transport. The biological processes included calcium ion signalling proteins were down
cellular processes, biological regulation, regulated and neurofilament proteins were up
metabolic process and cellular component regulated. Therefore, is there any connection?
organization (neurofilaments, cytoskeleton, The literature shows that calcium ion
neurotransmitters and synapse). As a whole, signalling proteins are affected during the
the proteins were distributed according to diseased condition, whereas neurofilament
their several functions. Calcium ion signalling, proteins undergo significant elevation.
ion transport, synaptic transmission and Calcium ion signalling proteins are involved
neuromuscular processes were the major in ion channel functions, signalling pathways
associated functions. and long-term synaptic transmission.
While searching for a particular pathway, Neurofilament proteins form cross-bridges,
another advanced bioinformatics tool– a stabilize filament network and undergo
combination of biology longitudinal extension. Upon
and information – helped a rabies virus infection, when
lot. In the list of pathways, proteins are downregulated,
calcium ion signalling ranked the involved functions are
This virus remains within the
first, suggesting that this hampered. At the same time,
host body for 20–90 days
pathway affected the most. elevated levels of neurofilament
without showing any symptoms;
Calcium transport, synaptic proteins strengthen the platform
once symptoms appear, death
transmission and other by successfully fulfilling their
occurs within 2–7 days. Its
signalling pathways also functions. Thus, we suspect that
long-term hidden existence and
played a role. When we focused together calcium ion signalling
a sudden increase in dreadful
on calcium ion signalling, the and neurofilament proteins
incurable symptoms leave many
major functions attributed by provide an accessible platform
questions unanswered.
the involved proteins were for the virus to move on.
calcium ion and calmodulin When there is an attack,
binding. A few were part of a there is defence, too. The host
calcium ion channel complex, body is always ready to give
and some were involved in maintaining calcium a tight fight against a foreign particle. Here,
ion homeostasis. According to the proteomics dead box helicase protein is an antiviral protein
data, surprisingly, all these involved proteins expressed by the host to fight against the
were found to be downregulated. Therefore, virus by affecting its entry and production. But
this signalling pathway was predicted to be tragedy comes when this protein undergoes
downregulated. downregulation. It is unable to affect further
The next goal was to check the role viral propagation, and as a result, the virus
Ms. Suchismita Behera || 451

moves forward happily. In addition, being an symptoms are observed. Based on this study
immune response protein, MHC class IB plays and altered host protein levels, it is concluded
a role in the host’s protective mechanism and that calcium ion signalling proteins play a
shows the highest fold change value among crucial role during rabies virus pathogenesis,
other proteins. Even so, it is not sufficient to and an imbalance in their levels contributes to
control the viral load, or in other words, the the abnormal symptoms in the infected host.
rabies virus somehow escapes the host’s In addition, neurofilament proteins provide
immune response. While looking for their a route for viral transport within the host.
relationship, in network analysis, a connection Downregulated antiviral proteins give facilitate
between them was found through interferon viral progression, while upregulated immune
beta. But how exactly they are correlated response proteins are not sufficient to handle
needs more in-depth exploration. the burden. In short, the power of the virus
Rabies virus victimizes and does its work is so high that it destroys everything within a
silently. Once it reaches the brain, then only short period of time.

‘Study on rabies’ has become the reason behind the laughter of many people around me, as for
them it sounds funny. My message to them – “Creativity is contagious; pass it on!”
- Albert Einstein
452 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Exploring the Phenomenon

of Molecular Mimicry for
Drug Repurposing against
Autoimmune Diseases
Ms. Anjali Garg*
Email: [email protected]

n literary terms, mimicry can be understood which results in autoimmune diseases. One of
as a resemblance of one organism with the classical examples of molecular mimicry
another for selective advantage. Mimicry, as is between the M protein of Streptococcus
observed in nature, is not only an ecological pyogenes and the human heart myosin
phenomenon; it is observed in the microbial protein, which results in autoimmune heart
world, too!! Many pathogenic bacteria exhibit disease. Besides autoimmune reactions,
mimicry with the host proteins to escape the some microbes use molecular mimicry as a
immune response of the host. Molecular phenomenon to avoid, subvert or inhibit host’s
mimicry can be defined as structural, functional innate immunity. Although there are many
or immunological similarity between the host scientific reports that have discussed various
and pathogen macromolecules. Molecular pathogen proteins and autoimmune diseases,
mimicry can be present in the form of complete yet a unified resource where this information
identity or homology at the protein level, or as is collated and presented in an organized
a similarity in the sequences of amino acids manner does not exist. Thus, our team at
or as a structural similarity between the host the Department of Biophysics, University
and pathogen proteins. Sometimes the host of Delhi South Campus (UDSC), worked on
develops an immune response against the developing a freely accessible database of
self-proteins involved in molecular mimicry, mimicry proteins and peptides, which was

* Ms. Anjali Garg, PhD Scholar from University of Delhi South Campus, Delhi, is pursuing her research on “Annotation
of Protein Features Important for the Pathogen”. Her popular science story entitled “Exploring the Phenomenon of
Molecular Mimicry for Drug Repurposing Against Autoimmune Diseases” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
Ms. Anjali Garg || 453

named ‘miPepBase’. This database contains strategy, and proteins involved in molecular
detailed information about mimicry peptides mimicry are produced in the host long before
and proteins and autoimmune diseases that the appearance of the symptoms of TB. But
might develop due to molecular mimicry the pathology of TB, in terms of autoimmune
between host and pathogen proteins. Our diseases, is an overlooked event.
research paper was published in Frontiers in This paved way for our another study
Microbiology in 2018 [PMID: 29109711]. published in Drug Discovery Today in 2018
Being a student of biology and (PMID: 30366058) in which we worked on
biotechnology, I had very little knowledge of the possibility of using molecular mimicry
programing languages. But when I enrolled to discover new drug targets and drug
myself for a PhD programme in bioinformatics, molecules using a pathogen’s molecular-
I learnt as much as I could about scripting mimicry-inducing proteins. The identification
languages and webpage designing. It took has been made with the use of an interaction
us months to compile the data on molecular network of pathogen (Mtb) mimicry proteins to
mimicry and almost a year to design find out the pathways directly influenced by it.
miPepBase. But this proved to be a worthy Then, we systematically analyzed each node
exercise because during this process, I learnt of the metabolic network to identify points
several prospects and aspects of molecular that, if blocked, would lead to choking of that
mimicry. One of them was that molecular metabolic pathway. Finding targets for Mtb is
mimicry was not a random phenomenon; it just like deep-sea salvaging. With the help of
was a well-planned and carefully orchestrated this approach, we found many Mtb metabolic
strategy presented by a number chokepoint proteins that could
of pathogenic microbes. serve as ideal drug targets.
Second, it helped brush up Further, we explored the
our school of thought that Molecular mimicry can be possibility of drug repurposing,
Mycobacterium tuberculosis defined as structural, functional that is, using already
(Mtb), widely believed to or immunological similarity available the Food and Drug
cause the deadly disease between the host and pathogen Administration (FDA)-approved
tuberculosis (TB), might also be macromolecules. Molecular drugs for inhibiting these drug
involved in several autoimmune mimicry can be present in the targets. Through rigorous in
diseases. In this context, an silico experiments, we were
form of complete identity or
interesting observation was able to find four experimental
homology at the protein level, or
reported by some scientists; FDA-approved drugs that
as a similarity in the sequences
while treating patients with could be used against the five
of amino acids or as a structural
TB, they observed numerous metabolic chokepoint proteins
similarity between the host and
clinical events associated with identified by us.
pathogen proteins.
autoimmune diseases. One In addition, we observed
of them was Poncet’s disease that these drug targets were
an inflammatory polyarthritis not involved in any active
autoimmune disease that was physiological process or
observed in cured patients with TB. It would protein(s) responsible for establishing TB
be pertinent to mention that recent studies bacteria inside the host. Thus, their disruption
suggest that mycobacterial infections might can be used as a prophylactic measure against
have driven autoimmunity as an evolutionary TB before the onset of active TB infection.
454 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Another prospective use of our strategy is the chokepoint, protein lead molecules were
that it can be used as a follow-up remedy for collected from the DrugBank employing several
the complete clearance of TB infection. One stringent filters. The DrugBank search revealed
more advantage of our approach is that it is three drug compounds (DB01930, DB07349
in line with the therapy used for and DB08185) enlisted in the
the treatment of autoimmune experimental group and one
diseases. Tumor necrosis (DB00759) in the approved
factor (TNF) blocker therapy group, which might be effective
is an effective treatment for Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) against Mtb. Further, molecular
many autoimmune diseases, blocker therapy is an effective docking was performed to
but it also increases the risk treatment for many autoimmune confirm the interaction between
of progression of latent TB to diseases, but it also increases target(s) and its cognate
active TB significantly. Thus, the risk of progression of latent drug molecule(s). The drug
before commencing the TNF TB to active TB significantly. candidates identified in our
blocker therapy for curing study are FDA-approved
autoimmune diseases, patients drug molecules with proven
are first tested for TB infection. efficiency against many
Hence, the use of a drug that microbial pathogens. In the
does not involve a TNF blocker can lead to future, we plan to experimentally validate our
a significant improvement in the treatment of findings through in vitro experiments.
pathogen-induced autoimmunity. Further, a similar strategy can be
To summarize, our analysis revealed that employed for repurposing the known drugs and
interacting mimicry-inducing proteins of Mtb discovering novel therapeutics against other
contained several chokepoint proteins that pathogenic bacteria that exhibit molecular
could serve as potential drug targets. To inhibit mimicry with a host’s proteins.
|| 455

Smart Energy System: For

Cooling Solar Panels

Ms. Rashmi Chawla*

Email: [email protected]

n the scorching summers, when the Indian solar parks in the future will experience high
solar industry is expected to be at its best, temperatures, which will not only impacts their
it is plagued with heat woes. The statement output efficiency but also the life span of the
may seem to be counter-intuitive, but solar module. I was in my hometown, Bhopal, for
panel output efficiency is negatively impacted winter vacation (Bhopal is famous for heat
by increased temperature. With the mounting waves, so the best time to visit is usually a
global pressure moving on to an economy rainy season or winter season); 30 December
with less carbon, the solar industry is one of 2017, the Times of India, Bhopal, headlines
the most fast-developing industries in the (Madhya Pradesh) ‘MP push towards solar
country. The solar generation capacity in energy: Addition of 2000 MW in next 3 years.
India has expanded eight times in the last 5 A solar photovoltaic cell needs sunlight for
years, with Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Rajasthan, electricity generation, but with rays, heat
and Madhya Pradesh being the top states comes too. During this complete return journey
with the largest solar parks. But the scorching to my working place Faridabad, Haryana, this
temperatures during summers in these states thought resonated with me. A solar panel
usually force swathes of solar parks for rolling needs to handle the heat of the warming world,
low optimum output owing to heat-related and it is the growing slice of India’s renewable
issues. The energy guzzlers suspect that the electricity generation. What could be done?

* Ms. Rashmi Chawla, PhD Scholar from Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science and Technology, Haryana,
is pursuing her research on “Optical Modelling and Simulation of Photo Voltaic Devices”. Her popular science story
entitled “Smart Energy System: For Cooling Solar Panels” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
456 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

How can my past research help in keeping JAP6 (DG) 60–235 PV module driving a
panels cool? The problem definition was clear, load of Enphase, IQ6-60-x-240 grid inverter
and I decided to meet the Research and placed at J.C Bose University of Science and
Development Head of ACME Solar, Gurgaon, Technology; location: Faridabad, Haryana;
to discuss this key upcoming issue. latitude: 28.45; longitude: 77.35 using
the commercial software program PVsyst
The discussion with him was fruitful. v6.74. The PVsyst v6.74 simulation software
He shared that high panel temperature was was used to estimate the performance of
the main pinch of solar parks throughout the the solar module. The software data was
country, and if we could build a low power synchronized with the metrological data so
consumption cooling mechanism, which could that the correlation equation that calculated
even enhance output efficiency (η) by 0.1%, how the temperatures affected solar panel
it would be of great help. With this objective, efficiency could be set up. The data acquired
we started to Fig. out a methodology that from software was considered as an accurate
could help in maintaining panel temperature. prediction of the output system yield on hourly
We analysed that the increase in temperature simulation of each day. The result exhibited
of the solar module was due to exacerbated low output power efficiency in the months of
solar radiation absorption as heat, which May, June and July. Undoubtedly, the solar
impacted solar PVC performance metrics and panel at Faridabad, Haryana, is exposed to
material parameters. This accounted for the high irradiation intensity and high atmospheric
contemplation of the smart solar energy system heat during these months. Further, the data
(SES) that not only generated analysis exhibited January and
electricity but also kept the December months with the
panel cool so that output lowest irradiance and better
efficiency and panel life were power conversion efficiency.
not impacted. The temperature The solar generation capacity in This called for a
variation in sun irradiance India has expanded eight times cooling mechanism to lower
affecting the panel output in the last 5 years, with Tamil down panels’ temperature.
efficiency can be observed Nadu, Gujarat, Rajasthan, and Considering the need of low
on a daily hour’s basis, and Madhya Pradesh being the top power consumption, circuit
for this, a four-way strategy states with the largest solar accuracy and practical
was needed – (i) pre-data parks. feasibility, the cooling
analysis to set up a correlation mechanism design constituted
in terms of optimum yield and heat sink and fan controlled by
various parameters; (ii) design a temperature sensor mounted
accession to work on solar PVC on solar PV. This setup was
cooling and overall enhancement of output tested considering the results of data analysis
power conversion efficiency; (iii) optimization for optimum production. The approximate drop
of controller design to control temperature; and by 2°C in the temperature was observed; it
(iv) Internet of Things (IoT) automation setup was > 25°C (25°C is considered to be the ideal
to comprehend fast and accurate automatic temperature for the solar panel under standard
temperature control of SES. test conditions). The increase in output, η, of
Heading with this thought, we started solar PV, with respect to the PVsyst prediction
working on the data modelling of JA Solar, model, after reducing power consumption was
Ms. Rashmi Chawla || 457

reported as 1.7%–2.99%. Thus, the increase low powered. The Fig. below illustrates the
in output, η, using the proposed set up was working mechanism of the setup.

The experimental assessment of the was recorded and analysed. The resultant
proposed IoT-driven SES logged temperature data were
reported a temperature drop obtained through automatic
of 2°C, and an improvement in monitoring on the cloud via
1.6%–2.99% in output efficiency The approximate drop by 2°C in IoT and examined further to
was calculated considering the temperature was observed; it determine whether cooling
a power consumption of was required. If temperature
was > 25°C (25°C is considered
1.996 W for temperatures was found to be exceeding
to be the ideal temperature for
more than 25°C. In this case, the reference value, cooling
the solar panel under standard
the power consumption of mechanism was activated. The
test conditions). The increase
1.996 W of the cooling unit solar panels under inspection
in output, η, of solar PV, with
was calculated, which got were endorsed for a rise in
respect to the PVsyst prediction
triggered by the controller temperature to enhance the
model, after reducing power
circuit and temperature output efficiency and the life
consumption was reported as
error generation circuit. The of the solar module, too. At the
reduction in temperature allows outset of the research work, the
the efficient capture of solar return on investment (RoI) time
radiation, thereby improving was calculated with 2.44 INR
net solar-to-electrical energy per watt. With the addition of
conversion efficiency. The cooling unit was 390.99 W and an approximate cost of setup
in a nonactivated mode for temperatures less INR 3000, the RoI (time) for this work is around
than 25°C and greater than 40°C. The updated 3 months. We have assumed negligible
efficiency was calculated for the complete energetic costs for operation and maintenance
month, and 390.99 W additional power for the RoI calculations.
458 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

The world is counting upon the renewable (DCRUST, Murthal) and Amresh Mahajan
energy sources for it to progress to the (R&D Head, ACME Solar, Gurgaon). We have
upcoming decades, and the onus lies with the published a research paper titled ‘Internet
people to extract benefits in the most efficient of Things Driven Framework for Smart Solar
fashion. Solar PVC is somewhat like people and Energy System’ in ASME Journal of Energy
works best under temperate conditions with an Resource Technology, vol. 142, Issue 1,
ideal temperature of 25°C under standard test pp. 011201-1–011201-9. The technique
conditions. The ability to conform to the gravity is implemented at J.C. Bose University of
of the problem is one of the most desirable Science and Technology, Faridabad, Haryana,
characteristics of the SES reported. and data analysis for further improvement are
The research team comprises Rashmi in continuation so that this mechanism can be
Chawla (JCBUST, Faridabad), Prof. Amit Garg further transferred to the field by ACME Solar
(DCRUST, Murthal), Prof. Poonam Singhal Power industry.
|| 459

A Gut Feeling: Could Salmonella

Bacteria Kill Intestinal Tumors?

Ms. Rasika Pawar*

Email: [email protected]

ll of us might not be excited about diameter. A cancer diagnosis, no matter the
growing a year older, but we love stage, age, or nature of the disease, can
celebrating birthdays, especially a bring about a slew of questions and feelings
milestone birthday? As my mother approached of unpredictability. So, my world came
her 60th birthday, I proudly posted on her crashing down around me, with deep thinking
birthday cake, “She’s not 60, she’s 18 with 42 about the underlying question—can there
years of experience.” be an alternative approach for uprooting the
Soon she was scheduled for a colonoscopy limitations of existing therapies?
when basic medicines failed to relieve her Radiotherapy (RT) and chemotherapy
bowel discomfort. She had lost quite a bit of (CT) are two mainstay therapies in oncology.
weight along with constipation. As she lay on Although these therapies are widely used, a
the bed, the endoscope made its way through major limitation lies in the fact that hypoxic
the large intestine, and I could see the insides colorectal cancer cells are resistant to RT
of the intestine on the screen. and CT (two times more resistant to ionizing
The doctor’s reaction in the next moment radiations). Besides incomplete cancer
told me more than he intended to sayb I saw a cell killing, inadequate tumor invasion, and
large obstruction. constrained cytotoxicity to all cancer cells,
It was a rectal tumor more than 2 cm in these treatments are toxic to normal tissues.

* Ms. Rasika Pawar, PhD Scholar from Smt. Chandibai Himathmal Mansukhani College, University of Mumbai,
Maharashtra, is pursuing her research on “Studies on Biofilm Forming Lactic Acid Bacteria with Probiotic Potential”.
Her popular science story entitled “A Gut Feeling: Could Salmonella Bacteria Kill Intestinal Tumors?” has been
selected for AWSAR
460 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

These significant drawbacks are major destructive only for colon cancer cells (Caco-
limitations that increase human morbidity and 2). For this, S. typhimurium NCIM 2501 was
mortality. We tried to address this problem mutagenized by exposing it to a mutagenic
using a bacteria Salmonella typhimurium for agent. The mutagenic agent changed the
targeting and killing colon cancer cells. DNA structure of Salmonella in such a way
S. typhimurium could overcome the that it stopped producing two amino acids on
aforementioned limitations of existing therapy its own and became dependent (one of the
by virtue of the following properties: (1) the prime reasons S. typhimurium got attracted
ability to reach target tumors in the intestine toward tumor cells) on the external source
even if administered by the oral route; (tumor cells, which produce these amino acids
(2) preferential growth in a hypoxic tumor abundantly in comparison to normal intestinal
environment; (3) Bacteria, being motile, can cells). This phenomenon is called auxotrophy,
actively swim and spread in tumor tissues, and and a new auxotrophic strain of S. typhimurium,
hence they have good cancer cell penetration; rp2 (amino acid auxotroph), was developed.
(4) low toxicity in normal cells; and (5) ease in Mutations in S. typhimurium were induced by
genetic manipulations. a mutagenic agent ethyl methanesulfonate
After registering myself for Doctor of (EMS). Freshly prepared EMS was added to
Philosophy (PhD) in Microbiology, I started the Salmonella typhimurium culture, and the
to work on colon cancer cells using Caco- reaction was set for 30 min to induce mutations.
2 cell line in the Animal Tissue Culture Lab, The EMS-treated culture was transferred to the
Scientific Research Centre (SRC), Mulund, nutrient broth to detect induced mutations.
Mumbai. Caco-2 cells are Later, the mutations (which
obtained from human epithelial altered amino acid production)
colon carcinoma and are used were identified by carrying out
as a model for studies on the replica plating on minimal agar
Radiotherapy (RT) and
human intestinal tract. Caco-2 plates. Auxotroph rp2, mutated
chemotherapy (CT) are two
cells are grown in tissue culture in proline and arginine genes
mainstay therapies in oncology.
flasks and plates using special (hence requiring proline and
Although these therapies are
incubators, providing 5% arginine from other sources for
widely used, a major limitation
carbon dioxide with 95% air for its growth), was identified. This
lies in the fact that hypoxic
the proper growth of cells. strain penetrated and multiplied
colorectal cancer cells are
Salmonella is regarded inside colon adenocarcinoma
resistant to RT and CT (two
as a bad bug of the intestine (Caco-2) cells and induced
times more resistant to ionizing
as it causes infections. Having apoptosis (self-destruction of
stated this, the question arises cancer cells). To summarize,
How can the same Salmonella a novel S. typhimurium strain
be used to kill tumor cells? rp2 was developed by inducing
In order to achieve this, we mutations. The strain was
genetically manipulated Salmonella in such a selectively dependent on cancer cells for
way that it became suitable for killing cancer its nutritional requirements, got attracted to
cells, but did not cause major infections. The cancer cells, invaded them, multiplied, and
present study was conducted to develop killed cancer cells.
genetically engineered novel S. typhimurium The next step in this study was to design
strain, which was strongly invasive and a technique that could enable us to look inside
Ms. Rasika Pawar || 461

cancer cells infected with S. typhimurium rp2 associated with Caco-2 cells 3 h after adding
and find out the exact happenings and record S. typhimurium rp2 cells, indicating the start
events from the entry of S. typhimurium rp2 of cancer cell destruction. Caco-2 cells were
into cancer cells to the destruction of cancer completely killed 12 h after S. typhimurium rp2
cells. We took the help of a green fluorescent cells were added. When we saw this under the
protein (GFP) gene. Once the gene was microscope, it was a visual treat! No words are
inside S. typhimurium rp2 cells, it induced the apt and sufficient to describe that moment!
synthesis of GFP and the cells gave out green What should I say Moment of joy? Moment of
fluorescence, that is, they literally appeared subjugation? Or all.
green when seen under a special microscope The unique aspect of this method of
called confocal laser scanning microscope killing cancer cells is that it’s a way of life for
(CLSM). CLSM facilities were provided by Dr Salmonella. S. typhimurium rp2 can grow under
Nafisa Balasinor, National Institute for Research anaerobic or low-oxygen conditions. They
in Reproduction Health, Parel, Mumbai. survive and multiply ubiquitously. Cancer cells
So for detecting and imaging the anti– usually have a hypoxic environment around
cancer activity of S. typhimurium rp2, a GFP- them. The major reason for this is the paucity
expressing plasmid, which harbored gfp gene, of blood supply, which results in hypoxia.
was transformed into S. typhimurium rp2 by However, this, by no means, is a hindrance
CaCl2 procedure. As GFP is synthesized by S. to the growth of Salmonella, and as a result, it
typhimurium rp2 cells, it is possible to visualize colonizes both large and small tumors.
their growth inside cancer cells and find out The most important problem in the
the time required for killing treatment of cancer is reaching
cancer cells, using confocal these imperceptible hypoxic
laser scanning microscopy. areas with chemotherapeutic
Caco-2 cells were drugs as all of them require
propagated in a six-well tissue Caco-2 cells are grown in tissue blood flow for their transport
culture plate for detecting culture flasks and plates using across cells and tissues. Also,
the anti–cancer activity of special incubators, providing radiation therapy is of little use
S. typhimurium rp2 inside 5% carbon dioxide with 95% air as it also requires oxygen for its
them. S. typhimurium rp2 cell for the proper growth of cells. action in cancer tissues.
suspension was added to Colorectal cancer is the
Caco-2 cells and incubated third most common cause of
for 1, 3, 6, and 12 h. Images cancer deaths in the world, and
were captured using the CLSM. hence an exemplar change
We expected S. typhimurium rp2 to enter in treatment is urgently needed. Research in
into the cancer cells and kill them. As the S. cancer biology will always be in the pursuit
typhimurium rp2 cells multiplied inside cancer of exploring panacea that would selectively
cells, the amount of green fluorescence inside identify and kill cancerous cells. Bacterial
cancer cells also increased. therapy of cancer is a novel paradigm changer.
We measured fluorescence after 1, 3, S. typhimurium has advantages including
6, and 12 h using ImageJ software, which natural cytotoxicity, motility, and chemotaxis
gave a plot of integrated intensity, which was for killing cancer cells. Our study uses a
quantified. After 6–12 h, it reached a plateau. mutagenesis strategy for the development
There was a sharp increase in fluorescence of novel S. typhimurium rp2 as a potential
462 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Fig. 1. Images of the interaction of S. typhimurium with normal intestinal cells (left) and Caco-2 cells
(right), obtained using confocal laser scanning microscopy.

biotherapeutic agent in treating colorectal flashed into my mind after viewing my mother’s
cancer. This work is unremitting, and we colonoscopy is still my biggest inspiration and
have just begun delving into the intricacies of foundation for this work.
the problem. The plethora of questions that
|| 463

Learning by Building a Cell

Membrane from Purified

Mr. Abrar Bhat*

Email: [email protected]

ell to biology is what atom is to physics. actively maintain dissimilar lipid and protein
It’s the basic unit of life (unless you compositions. Proteins are present on both
are a virus). What defines a cell from the leaflets and across the bilayer, and can
its outside environment is the cell membrane. move around within the lipid bilayer. Certain
The cell membrane facilitates the exchange membrane proteins contain various sugar and
of material and information necessary for lipid moieties, which are thought to be essential
cell survival. It senses various chemical and for their structure, localization and function on
mechanical signals. It allows the intake of the membrane.
nutrients, fluids and drugs, and the release of When the cell membrane receives a
waste materials, hormones and enzymes. It signal, its components protein and lipids are
also acts as the entry site for pathogens such organized into structures ranging from clusters
as bacteria and viruses. To carry out these of a few molecules to micron-sized patches.
functions, the cell membrane needs to strictly This localized rearrangement is essential
control its local composition and architecture. for transmitting the signal inside the cell and
The cell membrane is a complex mixture generating an appropriate response. The
of lipids, proteins and sugars. Lipid molecules cellular response can be anything like (a)
are arranged in the form of an asymmetric activation of a cytoplasmic enzyme, (b) inflow
fluid bilayer: the two leaflets of the bilayer or outflow of ions such as sodium and calcium,

* Mr. Abrar Bhat, PhD Scholar from National Centre for Biological Sciences, Tata Institute for Fundamental Research,
Bengaluru, is pursuing his research on “Understanding how the Plasma Membrane is Built and Organized from Active
Principles, by Employing a Combination of Biochemical Reconstitution, Cell Culture and Quantitative Imaging”. His
popular science story entitled “Learning by Building a Cell Membrane from Purified Components” has been selected
for AWSAR Award.
464 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

(c) production of new proteins or even (d) the actin mesh and hinder long-range mobility
migration of the whole cell. But, how does the of other membrane components (picket-fence
cell membrane control the formation of specific model). Also, there are other models that
protein-lipid assemblies in the right place and essentially propose a combination of both
at the right time? these mechanisms. While these models have
The cell membrane is draped on a successfully explained the organization of
specialized actin network called actin cortex. a range of membrane components, there is
Actin is a small, round protein and can exist as a growing class of phenomena that appears
individual units or filaments of variable length. inconsistent with these models and hence
The composition and architecture of the actin merits a fulfilling explanation.
cortex are regulated by actin modulators Recent studies on animal cells grown under
and myosin motors. Actin modulators can controlled conditions in laboratories across
polymerize, depolymerize, break and bundle the globe have revealed a more engaging
actin filaments. Myosin motors are specialized role of the actin cortex in cell membrane
proteins that convert the chemical energy organization. Several membrane proteins bind
of ATP (the energy currency of a cell) into to actin filaments, either directly through their
mechanical energy. Many myosin molecules actin-binding domains or indirectly via adaptor
can intertwine to form thread-like structures molecules. Many of these membrane proteins
called myofilaments. These myofilaments can have been shown to exist in tiny, transient
simultaneously walk on multiple actin filaments and localized clusters driven by actomyosin
(or bundles) and induce long-range movements flows generated on the cortex. These results
or flows in the resulting have suggested that the cell
actomyosin aggregates (e.g., surface behaves more like a
during muscle contraction). composite of the membrane
If these actomyosin flows Cell to biology is what atom is and the actin cortex. This has
generated on the cortex can to physics. It’s the basic unit been suggested as a potential
be coupled to cell membrane of life (unless you are a virus). mechanism for the local
components, its implications in What defines a cell from its control of plasma membrane
membrane organization can be outside environment is the cell composition.
tremendous. membrane. The cell membrane This active composite
Various models have facilitates the exchange of membrane model, as it’s called,
been proposed to explain the material and information posits that the actin cortex
cell membrane organization. necessary for cell survival. It comprises short actin filaments
Few models propose that senses various chemical and along with relatively stable actin
certain membrane lipids tend mechanical signals. bundles. These short filaments
to stick together due to like- can rapidly grow on one end
like interactions and organize and shrink on the other, and
into membrane patches. can transiently attach to the
Specific proteins can prefer or avoid these cell membrane via linker proteins (membrane
lipid patches, which can be a mechanism proteins that can bind to actin filaments and
to sort and localize membrane components create membrane–cortex connections).
(lipid raft model). Other models suggest that Myosin motors act on these dynamic actin
transmembrane proteins, which can directly filaments and produce ATP-fuelled contractile
bind to the actin cortex, create fences along flows in these actomyosin complexes, leading
Mr. Abrar Bhat || 465

to the formation of localized focusing platforms

called asters (Rao and Mayor, 2014). Any cell Prior to myosin addition, actin filaments
membrane component that can bind to these show a scattered distribution on the lipid
dynamic actin filaments (directly or indirectly) bilayer. Upon myosin addition, actin filaments
will move along the moving actin filaments and undergo a dramatic reorganization due
end up into tiny, localized clusters at the centre to myosin contractility and transform into
of an aster (Gowrishankar, Ghosh et al., 2012). localized platforms (asters). These asters
concomitantly drive the linker proteins into
‘What I cannot create, I do not understand.’ –
localized, transient clusters beneath the
Richard Feynman
asters. This clustering depends on ATP-fuelled
myosin activity: as soon as ATP is depleted,
The intrinsic complexity of the cell
these clusters disperse into individual linker
membrane makes it difficult to gain a
proteins. Thus, using this novel system, we
systematic understanding of the system as
were able to recapitulate the clustering and
such. To identify the underlying microscopic
sorting behaviour of cell membrane proteins
processes, we decided to adopt a bottom-up
as described by our theoretical model
approach and learn by building an artificial cell
(Gowrishankar, Ghosh et al., Cell 2012). These
membrane from its purified components. This
results were published in 2016 (Koester et al.,
powerful method, called in vitro reconstitution
PNAS 2016).
biology, allows researchers to study a complex
This mechanism of active (energy-
biological system in a simplified and controlled
fuelled) clustering might seem very general
manner. One can test theoretical predictions
at the molecular level since it
(hypotheses) as well as
only requires an actin-binding
complement cell- and animal-
capacity of cell membrane
based studies.
The cell membrane is draped proteins. However, different
Our in vitro reconstitution
membrane proteins bind
system consists of a synthetic on a specialized actin network
called actin cortex. Actin is a actin filaments with different
lipid bilayer connected to an
small, round protein and can strengths and are present in
actomyosin network via linker
exist as individual units or different relative quantities in
proteins. We can fine-tune
the membrane. Therefore, our
different parameters such as filaments of variable length. The
composition and architecture question was what happened
the density of the linker proteins,
when this diversity of actin-
length of actin filaments and of the actin cortex are regulated
binding proteins was coupled
relative number of actin and by actin modulators and myosin
motors. with the active clustering
myosin molecules. We extract
mechanism, that is, whether
these proteins in their functional
it would give rise to molecular
form from chicken muscles or
patterning and ensure clusters
purify them from large bacterial
of consistent composition.
cultures by exploiting their unique size and
We generated a set of linker proteins
amino acid composition. Purified components
with measured affinities ranging from very
are then labelled with fluorescent tags, and
strong to very weak. Again, we used the
the whole preparation is visualized under a
same reconstitution system, but now, we used
high-resolution microscope with the help of
different linker proteins in various combinations
advanced detection systems.
and relative quantities. We found that when
466 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

two different binders competed for clustering Studying a complex biological system
by actomyosin asters, they organized into such as the living cell surface demands an
various spatial patterns based on how much interdisciplinary approach. At Satyajit Mayor’s
they differed from each other in their binding lab in NCBS, we employ a combination of cell-
strength and relative numbers. Our results based experiments, in vitro reconstitution,
suggested that this mechanism could help in quantitative microscopy and active
understanding the spatiotemporal organization collaboration with physicists at the Simons
and regulation of various processes on the cell Centre, NCBS, to understand the underlying
surface, which in turn provided more insights biophysical and biochemical principles of the
into various diseases and their possible cures. cell membrane organization.
|| 467

From Nano to Macro: The Multi-

scale Approach

Ms. Aleena Alex*

Email: [email protected]

n high school, I’ve learnt a poem called ‘For Before we answer this question, we need to
Want of a Nail’. It goes something like this understand the concept of hierarchy in a
‘for want of a nail, a shoe was lost; for want of material system. Take a very familiar structure
a shoe, a horse was lost …’ and so on .... The such as a building. The building is composed
loss of the horse leads to the loss of a rider, of beams and columns that impart structural
then the message, the battle and finally the strength to the structure. These structural
kingdom. The message of the poem is that it elements are in turn made of concrete,
is the little things that contribute in their own which consists of cement, sand, aggregate
minute way towards forming the bigger picture. and water. Cement is a complex mixture of
This is also the foundation of an exciting new minerals that acts as a binder or glue holding
field of research called multi-scale materials together the various components of concrete.
modelling. Just as the simple nail decided But of course, you would have observed
the fate of the mighty kingdom, the nanoscale cement as a powder. Then, how does it get this
material properties and interactions determine binding property? That occurs as a result of its
the final mechanical strength, durability and reaction with water, forming a gel-like product
performance of a structure. called calcium silicate hydrate or, as we civil
Therefore, how important it is to investigate engineers like to call it, C-S-H. Now, this C-S-H
a structure from a multi-scale perspective? is a fascinating compound. It’s a chameleon

* Ms. Aleena Alex, PhD Scholar from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, is pursuing her research on “Development
of a 3D Multiscale Materials Model for Hydrating Cement”. Her popular science story entitled “From Nano to Macro:
The Multi-Scale Approach” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
468 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

that can take multiple chemical structures on developed to determine the bulk mechanical
the nanoscale and varying microstructures on strength of the cement matrix, where the spring
higher scales. A closer look into the system stiffness is derived from a 2D finite element
transforms the boring old subject of civil model of a single grain interface. That is, the
engineering into an interesting array of complex grains can be imagined as balls, and the
chemo-mechanical processes that exist in a interface connecting them can be imagined
delicate balance with its environment. Multi- as springs. First, the properties of constitutive
scale modelling considers these finer details phases in the heterogenous fibrillar matrix
and tries to assess how they influence the are determined on the nanoscale. These
final mechanical strength of the final structure/ fibrils intertwine to form the interfaces that are
building. considered as springs. The strength of these
Why is this approach important? Concrete springs is determined on the microscale, and
has become the second most consumed the ball–spring system lets you predict the
material by humans in the world next to water. properties on the macro scale. The model is
It is estimated that every single person uses then extended to more complex systems such
a tonne of concrete per year. For each tonne as varying percentage combinations of C3S
of concrete produced, the cement industry and C2S (the constitutive minerals in cement),
releases a tonne of CO2 into the atmosphere. C3S with nano-silica addition, etc. The model
Thus, cumulatively cement production is developed can be reliably applied to predict the
responsible for 7% of global CO2 emission. properties of the bulk cement under different
A solution to this problem is to develop more hydrating conditions where the fundamental
sustainable types of cement microstructure of the matrix
that do not have such a huge is altered or the mechanical
carbon footprint. However, properties of constitutive
while doing so, we cannot phases are modified. I have
The building is composed
compromise on the properties also simulated the effect of
of beams and columns that
such as strength and durability mineral surfaces (C3S/C2S) on
impart structural strength to
of our buildings. Hence, it is confined water using molecular
the structure. These structural
important to ensure that the dynamics simulations to
elements are in turn made of
performance of the alternatives understand the behaviour of
concrete, which consists of
is at par with the existing the adsorbed water layer on
cement, sand, aggregate and
technology. Fundamental these surfaces. Molecular
water. Cement is a complex
understanding of cement paste scale models of cementitious
microstructure and chemical mixture of minerals that acts as systems are a relatively new
composition plays an important a binder or glue holding together field of study. This is partly
role in this quality control. the various components of because cement has been
As part of my research, concrete. considered a technologically
I have proposed a combined unsophisticated material so far,
experimental and modelling and the research on it has been
approach to incorporate the predominantly empirical and
finer details of the C-S-H needle geometries concentrated on its macroscale behaviour.
and distribution of mechanical properties in an However, the findings in the last decade
interface-based multi-scale mechanical model have proved this as an understatement.
for hydrating cement. A lattice spring model is It has opened a wide array of avenues of
Ms. Aleena Alex || 469

functionalizing and modifying the material its very cellular composition and connectivity.
property from the molecular or atomic scales In order to understand the maladies that affect
as well. This fundamental understanding our skeletal system, biologists and doctors
would facilitate the production of high-strength need to look at the fundamental level. Another
sustainable cement in the future. I believe that facet of this study is that it is interdisciplinary.
the fundamental computational Understanding the behaviour
material models (at different of a material system on multiple
scales) for cementitious scales warrants a working
materials is a promising field It is estimated that every single understanding of physics,
where further research would person uses a tonne of concrete chemistry and mechanics.
result in the development of per year. For each tonne of Thus, the subject lets you
more sustainable materials concrete produced, the cement explore wider and deeper
and/or better construction industry releases a tonne of and come up with innovative
practices. CO2 into the atmosphere. Thus, solutions for real-world
So far, we have discussed cumulatively cement production problems. It is fascinating
multi-scale modelling with is responsible for 7% of global and relevant, and challenges
respect to one material system CO emission. A solution to this your intellect and versatility.
cement. There are plenty problem is to develop more It promotes interdepartmental
of other examples in nature sustainable types of cement that collaboration and teamwork.
where the principles are just do not have such a huge carbon In short, it is an appealing area
as relevant. For instance, footprint. of research for the budding
in biology, the hierarchical scientist in you.
structure of human bone
provides structural strength
and mobility to our bodies. The
deterioration in strength of a bone starts from
470 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

A Ray of Hope for Uprooting

Alcoholism from Society

Ms. Amrita Chaudhary*

Email: [email protected]

t was a very bright and sunny day but, as awakened, thinking of what was happening
usual, very exhaustive. I reached home and in this society. Alcohol is not only affecting
thought to rest, but unfortunately, all the the lower-class families, but the middle- and
work was waiting for me to be done. Why? upper-class families too, are affected. Alcohol
Why did this happen? It was due to my maid. is responsible for ruining the happiness of the
I felt very angry and called her, and it came to entire family. It causes a financial crisis in the
my knowledge that she was not well. But the family. Major road accidents happen due to
actual reason was that she had been scolded uncontrolled drinking. According to the current
very badly by her husband. She was crying reports of the World Health Organization,
due to not only physical pain but mental pain. millions of deaths take place due to alcohol
Instead, she could not go against this domestic use, which is increasing every year. Moreover,
violence after seeing the face of her children. children are also getting involved in this
All these were going alternately, and the main addiction and spoiling their career and future.
reason behind this was ‘addiction to the drug There was a case of a high-class family, where
of abuse, i.e., ALCOHOL’. an addicted child was moved to a rehabilitation
centre. He is fighting against his own self to
I did complete all my work and tiredly get rid of all, but it is not an as easy task as it
entered the bed to sleep. But my mind was sounds. Thinking of all these, I slept, but my

* Ms. Amrita Chaudhary, PhD Scholar from Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University, Uttar Pradesh, is pursuing her
research on “Molecular Study of COMT Val158Met and DRD2 Polymorphisms in Eastern Uttar Pradesh Population”.
Her popular science story entitled “A Ray of Hope for Uprooting Alcoholism from Society” has been selected for
AWSAR Award.
Ms. Amrita Chaudhary || 471

subconscious brain was active, and it seemed continued the conversation and told that, in
like my soul started travelling for getting an some individuals, their siblings were present
answer to all questions arising in my mind. and, unfortunately, they both were unhealthy.
My soul entered the brain of that (maid’s This was because of single-nucleotide
husband) alcoholic, and after reaching the polymorphism, which had taken place in them
midbrain, it found two genes in dopaminergic where the nucleotide was changed, causing
neurons: COMT (polymorphic COMT; pCOMT) their dysfunction; consequently, the altered
and DRD2 (polymorphic DRD2; pDRD2). They function of proteins occurred. COMT gene
both sounded very excited. My soul had hidden told that, because of this, their dopaminergic
itself behind a selected cell in order to listen to reward pathway was affected, leading to some
their conversation and know the reason behind unusual effects, which resulted in unwanted
their happiness. Their conversation depicted aggression, violence and many more. They
that pCOMT and pDRD2 genes were very might be the deep root of the problems from
happy. They were talking about some changes which an individual was suffering and one of
in them, which had created a false mentality the ultimate reasons for the pain and sorrows
that they were now much stronger than before. the society was facing. Those polymorphic
Due to this, they could now scold anyone, show genes should be guilty within themselves,
aggression and also use abusive words freely but nothing was as such; they showed their
without any fear. I only understood that these aggression and got happiness by spreading
two genes were very mischievous and got sorrow to society.
happiness by giving pain to society. Yet, my Some of the queries were resolved now
questions were unanswered. after listening to both the genes,
Therefore, the next target of but my mind was not relaxed as
my soul was to enter the brain the solution to a major problem
of my maid. There again, the was yet to be achieved. The
two genes were present in Alcohol is responsible for next morning, I woke up with
dopaminergic neurons (normal ruining the happiness of the certain specified targets.
copies of the two genes). What! entire family. It causes a Dopamine is a
It was quite surprising that they financial crisis in the family. neurotransmitter, basically a
were upset. This time I could Major road accidents happen happy hormone in common
not control myself to establish a due to uncontrolled drinking. language. It is a very important
conversation with both of them. neurotransmitter, playing
Therefore, my soul started a crucial role in the reward
talking to these two genes to mechanism. It is released at a
know the reason why they were specific interval after a specific
upset. stimulus and gets degraded continuously after
COMT gene said that they were healthy its function. But due to this polymorphism,
and performing their function in the best way the enzymatic degradation of dopamine by
they could. But still, they could not control the COMT enzyme is reduced and the receptor
violence over their residing body. I asked, expression is altered in the case of DRD2,
‘What can be the reason behind this aggression leading to hypodopaminergic state.
and violence? In fact, your both mischievous Many works related to this have been
brothers (pCOMT and pDRD2) are very happy carried out worldwide, including India, which
in the brain of an alcoholic.’. DRD2 gene have already have shown the role of this gene
472 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

polymorphism. So now, I thought of checking the problems of society.

the genes of alcoholics, especially in a specific This research can be beneficial in
region of India (Uttar Pradesh), so that I could creating awareness in the society. The
examine whether these gene polymorphisms polymorphism, if detected, can be overcome
were making a person more using several approaches,
susceptible to alcoholism by including various strategies
inducing the craving for it. of gene therapy where an
To work it out, I collected unhealthy polymorphic gene
‘What can be the reason behind
blood samples of alcoholics can be replaced with a healthy
this aggression and violence?
and healthy individuals, one. For example, a cDNA copy
In fact, your both mischievous
followed by DNA isolation of a specific gene can be made
brothers (pCOMT and pDRD2)
and PCR RFLP. One band of and targeted using vectors
are very happy in the brain
310 bp was considered to be such as herpes simplex virus.
polymorphic in the case of the of an alcoholic.’. DRD2 gene Certain awareness camps can
DRD2 gene, while one band continued the conversation and be organized, and necessary
of 96 bp was considered in told that, in some individuals, information can be provided,
the case of COMT gene, using their siblings were present and, where polymorphic individuals
specific restriction enzymes unfortunately, they both were are centralized not to drink
Taq1 and NlaIII, respectively. unhealthy. even for once as it can increase
After analysing the the craving for alcohol in them.
results, an association was Through these
established between the gene approaches, intentional and
polymorphism and susceptibility to alcoholism unintentional injuries, family problems, health
in a small sample size. But a larger-sample problems and financial problems can be
study was needed, which is in progress. This overcome, and we can create a healthy India
work was a promising step to solve some of by creating a healthy society.
|| 473

The World at the Tip of a Needle

Mr. Bijoy Dey*

Email: [email protected]

hat is the storage capacity of this demagnetized using electricity. Whenever you
device? is a very frequent question want to save something on your device (hard
we ask our friends when we see drive), then actually you are sending a certain
a new mobile or laptop with him or when pattern of electricity that magnetizes a specific
we want to buy these devices. The answer part of the hard drive and data are saved in
generally is 16–32 gigabytes for mobiles and that region. The way this electricity forms a
1–2 terabytes for laptops. Everyone knows, unique pattern is called a binary system. In this
the larger the storage capacity (memory) of method of data encoding and decoding, two
the device, the more we can download videos, binary digits are used “0” and “1”, where “1”
songs, movies, etc. So, now let’s focus on how implies a magnetized domain and “0” implies
does this memory works. Is it the way our brain a nonmagnetized domain. This “0” or “1” is
works? Or something different? called a digit of information. Eight digits of
If we consider a computer as a living this kind constitute 1 byte, and 1024 bytes are
being, then the electricity is the blood and the equivalent to 1 kilobyte, 1024 kilobytes form 1
hardware are the organs. The hard drive is the megabyte, and so on (Chart 1). The key point
part of the brain (hardware) where memory for any material to work as a storing medium is
(data) is stored. The hard drive is coated with that the material needs to be magnetically bi-
a magnetic material that can be magnetized or stable, i.e., it can attain two different magnetic

* Mr. Bijoy Dey, PhD Scholar from Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Madhya Pradesh, is pursuing
his research on “Magnetic Bistable Molecules”. His popular science story entitled “The World at the Tip of a Needle”
has been selected for AWSAR Award.
474 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

states, either magnetized “1” or demagnetized and the data will be stored. Therefore, the
“0,” with the help of an external stimulus, which presence of laser light will then be counted
is electricity in the present case. as “1,” and its absence will be counted as
With the ever-increasing demand for data “0” (Scheme 1). To remove the data, another
storage, an alternate storage mechanism of wavelength of laser light can be used, which
will demagnetize the magnetized region. When
we can use one molecule as a digit instead
of millions of molecules as a digit, it will bring
about a revolution in data storage science.
To achieve this target, we have to consider
two aspects. First, the molecule should have
a permanent magnetic moment, and second,
the magnetic moment should be sensitive to
external stimuli (preferably light) so that the
Chart 1. Units of digital signal storage capacity. information can be controlled by some external
stimuli. One molecule can have a permanent
higher efficiency is highly anticipated. One magnetic dipole if it has unpaired electrons in
drawback of the current material is that the it. Iron (Fe) is an abundant element on earth,
magnetic domain, which saves one digit of which has unpaired electrons and shows a
information, consists of several millions of unique magnetic bi-stable property called
atoms. So, a large number of atoms/digits are spin crossover (SCO). SCO active molecules
used here. change their spin states
In our laboratory at IISER, (number of unpaired electrons)
Bhopal, we are trying to address on exposure to external
this problem by reducing stimuli such as heat, light, and
these million atoms to one If we consider a computer as a pressure. This change in the
atom system. Means, we are living being, then the electricity spin state leads to a magnetic
aiming to design one molecule is the blood and the hardware response, which can be used
that will be able to show two are the organs. The hard drive is to read/write the data. We are
different magnetic states using the part of the brain (hardware) synthesizing several molecules
an external stimulus. Till now, where memory (data) is stored. with iron (Fe) showing SCO
electricity has been used as The hard drive is coated with a behavior, where we can control
an external stimulus, but now magnetic material that can be the magnetic moment of the
researchers are focusing on magnetized or demagnetized molecules with the help of
light as a stimulus because of using electricity. external stimuli.
its cost-effectiveness and eco- One such molecule is
friendly nature. Means, if we are being explored by our group
able to design such a molecule, (Inorg. Chem. 2019, 58,
deposit it on the metal surface, 1134−1146). In this molecule,
and use it as the magnetic coating on a hard we have considered both magnetic and optical
drive and then as a light source, we can read aspects. The molecule contains Fe (III) having
and write on the hard drive. When we want to five unpaired electrons and it shows SCO
read or write the data, we can use a particular behavior. For the optical purpose, we have
laser light that will magnetize certain molecules used an azo-benzene-based molecule that
Mr. Bijoy Dey || 475

shows various conformations upon irradiation So, now we are modifying the system such
with ultraviolet (UV) light (photo-switching that we can observe such an effect in the solid
behavior). So, we can alter the conformation state also. The optimization is still going on
of the molecule using light, which will change to obtain the best molecule that will induce
the magnetic response of the a huge magnetic moment on
molecule, and this change exposure to light. Then, we can
in the magnetic moment can deposit these molecules on a
be recorded as a signal to
When we want to read or write metal surface and use them for
store data. To confirm this, we
the data, we can use a particular data storage applications.
have taken UV-Vis data for the The resulting increase in
laser light that will magnetize
complex with and without laser
certain molecules and the data data storage capacity can be
light irradiation, and the result understood by comparison.
will be stored. Therefore, the
is astonishing; the conformation At the tip of a needle, you will
presence of laser light will
of the molecule has changed
then be counted as “1,” and its find more than one million
in the liquid state, confirming
absence will be counted as “0” molecules. Now, if each
its photo-switching behavior. molecule behaves as a digit,
(Scheme 1).
Also, the thermogravimetric then we will get 116 gigabytes
(weight loss or decomposition of data. This space is enough
of the sample with respect to accommodate more than
to temperature) analysis has 25K songs, 200 movie films,
found that the complex is stable at high and millions of books. The amount of space
temperatures (up to 485 K), which makes it a we can get to ourselves is extraordinary if we
good candidate for storing data even at higher achieve this goal, resulting in industrial and
temperatures. Till now, we have been able to social revolution. So, it is a science mission
study such properties in the liquid state only. with scientific and social relevance.

Scheme 1. Schematic representation of the working principle of the molecule as a magnetic data
storage material. 1. Before irradiation. 2. Molecule is demagnetized. 3. Demagnetized state registers
a binary signal corresponding to “0.” 4. Laser irradiation is used. 5. Conformation of the molecule
changes. 6. After irradiation, the molecule is in a different conformation. 7. Molecule is magnetized or the
magnetic response of the molecule is changed. 8. Different magnetic moment of the molecule registers
another binary signal corresponding to “1.”
476 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

From Waste to Value: Use of

Agro and Garden Waste for
Gasification-based Community-
level Cooking
Mr. Haseen Siddiqui*
Email: [email protected]

uman beings, by nature, have a habit of As per the recent data, about 521.95–759.2
bringing the things in use until and unless kg per person per year of waste is generated
their values are deteriorated. Therefore, by the developed countries, and about 109.5–
from the point of view of human nature, waste 526.6 kg per person per year of waste is
is any discarded substance whose value is generated by the developing countries. The
completely exhausted. On pondering over this estimated value of current global municipal
behavior of humans, there is nothing wrong solid waste (MSW) generation rate is about
in quoting that humans are one of the major 2 billion tons per year. India, a developing
sources of waste generation, which makes country, generates about 62 million tons of
the waste generation a very ancient process. MSW per year with an annual growth rate of
In ancient days, the rate of waste generation 4%. The significant portion of MSW (about
was quite low because of many reasons such 50%) consists of organic waste including waste
as limited human needs, low living standards, collected from green campuses, gardens,
and lack of technological era. On the one parks, roadside trees, and forests.
hand, technological development has raised
the living standard and made human life In rural areas, people generally burn agro
prosperous and flourishing; on the other hand, and garden waste, leading to the release of
it has increased the rate of waste generation. CO2, SOx, and NOx owing to the increasing air

* Mr. Haseen Siddiqui, PhD Scholar from Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, is pursuing his research on
“Experimental and Modeling Study of Downdraft Gasification Process for High Ash Feed Stocks”. His popular science
story entitled “From Waste to Value: Use of Agro and Garden Waste for Gasification Based Community-Level Cooking”
has been selected for AWSAR Award.
Mr. Haseen Siddiqui || 477

pollution. A recent example of air pollution due the gas mixture is referred to as the producer
to the burning of crop residue in Northern India gas. In the literature available so far, I found
(Haryana and Punjab) was observed in New that most of the work accomplished is related
Delhi, which caused health and economic to the use of producer gas for electricity
loss of more than $30 billion annually, as generation mostly for the industrial use itself.
reported by the US-based International Food There is no direct advantage for a common
Policy Research Institute. In urban areas and man. Therefore, I realized an intense need for
cities, landfills accommodate the waste but developing a process that could benefit the
the problems such as scarcity of land, fire people living majorly in urban and rural areas.
incidents, and release of greenhouse gas CH4 Hence, I have designed my work theme,
cannot be overlooked. In April 2019, landfill keeping in mind the advantages of a common
fire incidents were reported on Ghazipur and man.
Bhalswa sites by the Delhi Fire Services; My work is devoted to the thermal
also, last year (2018), 69 major fire incidents application of producer gas generated in the
on Bhalswa site, 35 on Okhla site, and 27 on gasification process. The thermal application
Ghazipur site were reported. A similar landfill involves the direct burning of producer gas
fire incident was reported on the Deonar site in the burner present at the exit of the gasifier
in Mumbai in March 2018. The harmful gases, for the purpose of cooking. The application
such as CO2, CO, CH4, H2S, dioxins, and furans, of gasification technology for the cooking
are also released continuously by these landfill purpose has the capability of reducing the
sites. Similarly, fallen leaves, twigs, and other dependence on LPG cookstoves, replacing
residues from trees increase the traditional cookstoves
the possibility of forest fire (chulhas), along and resolving
incidents. As reported by the the waste problem. The
Forest Survey of India (FSI), 558 As per the recent data, about traditional chulhas are mainly
forest fire incidents occurred in 521.95–759.2 kg per person used in rural areas and ashram
Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, per year of waste is generated schools. The people working
Tamil Nadu, Telangana, and by the developed countries, there are severely affected by
Kerala within a time span of and about 109.5–526.6 kg per the release of smoke having
only 2 months from January 1, person per year of waste is toxicants such as SOx, NOx,
2019, to February 26, 2019. generated by the developing PM 2.5, and PM 10. To propose
To address these issues, countries. a sustainable solution to these
people have invested their series of problems, I have
time and capabilities and selected by research topic as
come up with solutions such as the use of the agro and garden
composting, biogas generation waste for community cooking
plant, and gasification. With time, people have based on gasification technology.
preferred gasification process over traditional After deciding my overall objective, the
methods such as composting. Gasification is a first step of my research journey was the
process in which any carbonaceous substance collection and preliminary analysis of waste.
is processed with a limited amount of air/ The waste was collected from the IIT Bombay
O2/CO2 steam or their mixtures to produce a campus with the help of horticulture and Public
mixture of H2, CO, and trace CH4. The reactor Health Office departments. IIT Bombay is one
used for the process is called a gasifier, and of the greener campuses having about 10,000
478 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

trees owing to the generation of about 2 tons as flow rate of the gasifying agent, grate
per day of garden waste. Therefore, the IIT rotation period, gasifying agent split ratio, and
Bombay campus itself is a major source of raw gasification zone length. Based on the results
feedstock for the gasification process. obtained from the experiments, I proposed
The raw feedstock required for the a set of operating conditions and also come
process is abandoned, but the chemical and up with a revamped design of the downdraft
physical properties can vary significantly gasifier. To further improve the design of the
depending upon the geographical and climatic gasifier, I performed a study on the flow and
conditions. The variation in the properties of temperature profile of various species inside
feedstock plays a vital role in the performance the gasifier with the help of modeling and
of the gasification process. The ash content simulation methodology. The burner plays a
of the feedstock is one of the major properties vital role in the efficient burning of any gaseous
that can affect the gasification process to the species. Therefore, simultaneous work is going
extent of shutting down the whole process. on to design an efficient burner specifically for
The issue with high ash content biomass is producer gas.
the agglomeration of melted ash components Now referring to the employment of
near air inlets in the combustion zone at high the revamped gasifier, I performed trials for
temperatures. This phenomenon is known as cooking the food in a staff canteen and one
clinker formation, and it is common for the feeds of the hostel messes of IIT Bombay for a
to have ash content more than 5%. The formed period of 4 months. I have also collected the
clinker sometimes results in the complete feedback regarding the quality of food and
blockage of feed movement, the operating procedure of
finally leading to the shutting the gasifier. The feedback was
down of the gasifier. This positive, and people operating
situation is highly undesirable To address these issues, people the gasifier, students, and
for cooking applications; have invested their time and administration were very
therefore, it demands an capabilities and come up with enthusiastic about having new
efficient design of the gasifier solutions such as composting, eco-friendly technology (Figs.
that can handle a wide variety biogas generation plant, and 1 and 2). After successful
of feedstocks. Hence, the gasification. With time, people installation of the gasifier-
underline objective of my work have preferred gasification based cookstove setup in IIT
is to design an efficient and process over traditional Bombay, a survey was done in
user-friendly gasifier that not methods such as composting. various districts of Maharashtra
only provides efficient burning Gasification is a process in to identify the target places
of producer gas but also treats which any carbonaceous where this technology could
both high and low ash content substance is processed with be employed. We visited many
biomass feedstocks. a limited amount of air/O2/ ashram schools and other
To address the issue of CO steam or their mixtures to institutions having a mess
clinker formation and increase produce a mixture of H2, CO, facility and had a conversation
the quality of producer gas, I and trace CH4. to convince them for the
performed various experiments gasification-based cookstoves.
using a commercially available As a result, we installed a
TERI downdraft gasifier by complete setup in one ashram
varying parameters such school and replaced the use of
Mr. Haseen Siddiqui || 479

Fig. 1. Gasifier cook stove Fig. 2. Gasifier cook stove setup in an ashram
setup in hostel 9, IIT Bombay. school, Dharni, Amravati, Maharashtra.

traditional chulhas at Dharni, Amravati district, the technology after further improvement
Maharashtra. The setup is operational there for of design with the help of a study on flow
the past 10 months. Apart from this, the gasifier and temperature profile. Apart from the
was also employed in another project of aforementioned advantages of the technology,
jaggery production in Kolhapur, Maharashtra. it will also provide employment to many labor-
The revamped gasifier is able to address class people for collecting the waste and
the highlighted problem to a great extent. preprocessing the waste for gasification.
Now I am targeting the commercializing of
480 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Insect-Killing Fungus: A Friend

or Foe to Agriculture

Ms. Lipa Deb*

Email: [email protected]

magine! There are insects, insects and doing the novel job of keeping such enemies
tonnes of them all around you, they are under control. To your great surprise and mine
breeding faster than a fraction of seconds, too, they do so using the amazingly unique
days and weeks, and there is no control of it. technique of turning insects into zombies
They will not only become a powerful source of and gradually leading to the death of insects
competition with other dynamic creatures on that nobody could ever imagine. So, they are
earth but also become mightier than the sword popularly known as fungal entomopathogens,
to finish the entire human race. which means fungi that kill insects.
Gosh! It feels so creep and horrifying. How do they do it? Can it be seen with
Yes, definitely, it is. Now you must be drowning a naked eye? Do they really turn insects into
deep down into your thoughts “If in reality, it zombies?
happens, then what will happen to our food; Definitely, you must be tremendously
there will be news of epidemics breaking curious to know about this fungus by now.
all around as it will be voracious and will Fungal entomopathogens are soil-borne
decompose everything coming on its way.” microorganisms, which, depending on their
Do not worry! Thanks to Mother Nature, nutritional requirement, survive on insects
there is an unsung victorious story of legendary as parasites, on dead and decaying organic
fungal microorganisms, which are silently matter as saprophytes, and in association

* Ms. Lipa Deb, PhD Scholar from College of Post-Graduate Studies in Agricultural Sciences, Central Agricultural
University, Meghalaya, is pursuing her research on “Characterization of Native Fungal Entomopathogens and their
Antagonism Against Major Plant Pathogens of Cereals”. Her popular science story entitled “Insect Killing Fungus:
Friend or Foe to Agriculture” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
Ms. Lipa Deb || 481

with plants as endophytes. Surprisingly, threads with millions of powdery spores on

you do not have to go Amazon forest to see their body. You can even differentiate them
them because they can be present anywhere, based on colours such as white (Beauveria
be it agricultural fields, forests, grasslands, bassiana), green (Metarhizium anisopliae),
barren lands, deserts, meadows and aquatic pink (Paecilomyces lilacinous), olive green
lands. They can attack and infect any type (Nomurea rileyi) and even yellow (Hirsutella
of insects such as grasshoppers, butterflies, thompsonii). So colourful indeed!
ants, worms, moths, beetles, bugs and many
more. These fungi look like a bunch of minute Now, what is more exciting is the way

these fungi attack insects, which is notably core of the body of the insect and attack their
very dramatic. First, they seek their prey until nervous system, which makes it easier for the
it reaches their premises, recognize it and fungi to control all body parts of the insect.
then attack. Some of these fungi are quite It is like a brainless creature trying to control
choosy of their target, and the one with a brain; in fact,
for some, whatever comes on we can call them brainy. Next,
their way becomes their food. what follows is that the fungi
Insects get trapped during try to manipulate the brain and
Thanks to Mother Nature,
their search of food, nectar, or behaviour of the insect in such
there is an unsung victorious
even shelter, and carry fungal a way that they control all the
story of legendary fungal
powdery spores on their body muscular activities and habits
microorganisms, which are
surface. Then, these fungi try to of the insect. Now the fungus in
silently doing the novel job of
penetrate into the hard covering actual decides what the insect
keeping such enemies under
of the insect body, and they do will eat and where it will go; in
control. To your great surprise
so by using a wide range of short, it turns the insect into
and mine too, they do so using
arsenals. They produce many walking dead like a zombie.
the amazingly unique technique
deadly toxins and enzymes, The fungus is utilizing all the
which crack down the insect’s of turning insects into zombies essential food sources from the
protective shield into pores, and gradually leading to the body of the insect to grow itself,
making it easier for fungi death of insects that nobody slowly reaches every nick of the
to penetrate into the insect could ever imagine. So, they body of the insect in the form
body. Obviously, you must be are popularly known as fungal of a thread-like structure, and
thinking, the fungus entering entomopathogens, which means controls all the body movement
into the body of the insect is too fungi that kill insects. of the insect. The death trail
small to kill such a big insect, does not just end here; the
so how is it possible? fungus also leads the trapped
The fungi swim to the insect to climb to the top of the
482 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Nomurea rileyi Paecilomyces marquandii Paecilomyces acridomorphum

infecting rice caterillar infecting robber fly infecting rice grasshopper

grass and dies hanging there by biting the tip tomato, sorghum, chili, brinjal and many other
of the leaf. With the days passing, the antenna- important crops.
like structure develops piercing from the head Also, being microorganisms, what special
or different parts of the body of the insect, and do these fungi have that they can also attack
from there, a mass of fungal powder bursts out other microorganisms?
and seeks its new target insect. The fungus Here, the fungus is quite smart enough
does this for two reasons, first, to suck out to utilize different arsenals to fight against
essentials nutrients from the body of the insect bad microorganisms. First, it tries to weaken
for its own survival, and second, to use the the protective shield of those microorganisms
trapped insect as the source of multiplication by releasing several toxic enzymes, which
of its own clan and increase its dynasty. plays an important role to dissolve the shield
Isn’t this fungus so clever enough to and make pores on it. So, once the outer cell
have such smartest survival wall protection weakens, these
tactics and the way they microorganisms become prone
control the insect population so to other external environments
dynamically … can I call them that stake their survival
good fungus? Wait! Let me tell Surprisingly, these fungi help chances. You know in nature,
you what more these fungi are our crops to grow strong by whether it’s food, shelter
capable of. providing essential nutrients or essential micronutrients,
The more astonishing thing for which we usually depend on everything exists in a limit, and
about these particular fungal fertilizers. Not only that, these the one who grabs it earliest
microorganisms is that they not fungi also do miracles with their is the fitter to survive. Second,
only kill insects but also attack capability of growing inside the fungus then gives these
other microorganisms such the plant body without even bad microorganisms a very
as bacteria or fungi. Sounds affecting it. In this process, they tough competition when it
strange, isn’t it? No doubt, the create wonders by increasing comes to grabbing essential
microorganisms they attack are their immunity manifolds, so micronutrients such as iron
bad bacteria and fungi, which they can protect our plants from and ammonia from the soil
destroy our food grains and external dangers such as insects that determines its attacking
make them ill and poisonous. or bad microorganisms. nature as well as let other
I am talking about those yield microorganisms starve to
loss problems all agriculturists death.
usually talk about when Do these fungi affect our
they refer to these bad bacteria and fungi crop in the process?
causing many diseases in our rice, wheat, Surprisingly, these fungi help our crops
Ms. Lipa Deb || 483

M. anisopliae controlling B. bassiana controlling B. bassiana controlling P. lilacinous controlling

blast fungus brown spot fungus sheath blight fungus brown spot fungus

Pectinase enzyme Caseinase enzyme Amylase enzyme production Zinc Solubilastion

production production

to grow strong by providing essential nutrients Metarhizium anisopliae, Paecilomyces

for which we usually depend on fertilizers. Not lilacinous and Nomurea rileyi from different
only that, these fungi also do miracles with their ecosystems of Meghalaya such as forestlands,
capability of growing inside the plant body rice fields as well botanical gardens. It even inks
without even affecting it. In this process, they the new report of the occurrence of grasshopper
create wonders by increasing their immunity killing fungus Paecilomyces acridomorphum
manifolds, so they can protect our plants in the world. These fungi showed remarkable
from external dangers such as insects or bad pieces of evidence in subsiding the growth of
microorganisms. different disease-causing microorganisms of
No doubt, such dynamic personality rice such as Pyricularia oryzae (blast disease),
of these fungi has attracted scientists Bipolaris oryzae (brown spot disease),
around the world to utilize them as potential Rhizoctonia solani (sheath blight disease) and
biocontrol agents of many insects, pests and Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (bacterial
microorganisms and as a nutrient source blight disease). Not only that, it also stands
for plants, especially when there is huge outstanding in killing rice insect-pests such
concern over the use of synthetic chemicals in as grasshopper, leaf folder and bugs. Various
agriculture fields having an impact on our food arsenals were found as deadly enzymes
and health. In recent times, these fungi have (chitinases, proteases, lipases, amylase,
boosted the crop protection market as one of caseinases, and pectinases) linked to their
the most promising microbial biopesticides genes, with the capability of hydrogen cyanide
and an eco-friendly alternative to chemical production, iron-competing siderophore
pesticides. The demands have been uprising production, nitrogen fixation and phosphate
higher with the increasing needs of organic and potassium solubilization.
food, environmental safety concern, as well as The present study was conducted
long-term sustainability goals. in CPGSAS, CAU, Meghalaya, under the
The present story marks the successful guidance of Dr. R.K. Tombisana Devi, Dr. D.
utilization of native isolated fungal Thakuria and Dr. K. Ningthoujam. The expected
microorganisms, viz. Beauveria bassiana, outcome of this research is the development of
484 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

a cheap, eco-friendly and all-in-one microbial several synthetic chemicals to maintain a crop
biopesticide, which can be used for controlling in fields, this single bioagent will do multi-
both insect-pests and disease-causing purpose wonders for our crop, also fitting the
microorganisms simultaneously in agricultural budget of our poor farmers and providing safe
fields and will also fulfill nutritional requirement food to me, you and our future generation.
of our crops in one go. Regarding the use of
|| 485

Nature’s Play in Dual Doping of

Quantum Dots

Ms. Mahima Makkar*

Email: [email protected]

he law of nature is that no two different strange? However, even this fictitious story
species can co-exist in a confined highlights an important point that it was baby
environment if you just bring them Mowgli that was raised by a family of wolves. I
together one day. The most foreseeable recommend readers to keep these particulars
outcome would be that one species will try at a focal point while reading the story of our
not to put up in that confined space with the research.
other; either it will walk out, or it will not allow Therefore, this is what we are addressing
the other species to set foot in. Considering in Quantum Dot Lab at Jawaharlal Nehru Centre
this instability, we perceive that it is onerous for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore.
or rather not practicable to keep different We are trying to position two different species
species together in a small space or a confined (elements/dopants) with dissimilar properties
environment. in a very small system (quantum dots) of
Still and all, the question remains, is it around 10 nanometers (nm). Quantum dots
possible to defy the law of nature? are tiny semiconductor particles with all three
We all would have heard or read the dimensions in less than 10-nm size regime,
famous story of “The Jungle Book” in our where a nanometer is 1 over 1000 times of the
juvenescence. It’s a story of Mowgli (a human) thickness of a human hair.
raised in a jungle with other animals. Isn’t it In continuance, over here, we are trying

* Ms. Mahima Makkar, PhD Scholar from Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bengaluru, is
pursuing her research on “Doped Quantum Dots, XAFS, Transient Absorption, Magnetic Nanomaterials, Magneto-
Optics”. Her popular science story entitled “Nature’s Play in Dual Doping of Quantum Dots” has been selected for
AWSAR Award.
486 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

to replace some 2–3 atoms with 2 different is energetically unfavorable.

dopants from a system of 100 atoms of the host. Can we play with the energy barrier by
This process of putting two dissimilar elements some physical or chemical means? Is there
in a confined system of the nanometer-size a way out to put them in conjunction? That’s
regime is known as Dual Doping of Quantum when I looked at nature and started wondering
Dots. We have recently addressed this issue how we can prevail over all these barriers
in our manuscript entitled “Thermodynamics of and bring two species together? And there it
Dual Doping in Quantum Dots” in the “Journal clicked, it is indeed feasible if we grow these
of Physical Chemistry Letters” in April 2019. species together. If we grow them together, the
However, if we talk about the challenges plausibility of conflict reduces and it is easier
associated with Dual Doping in Quantum Dots to administer them at the same level.
to date, it has not been viable to dual dope Here, we concentrate on the dual doping
quantum dots deftly with reproducibility. In of cobalt (Co) and platinum (Pt) in a cadmium
a general approach, the quantum dots are sulfide (CdS) semiconductor host. Co has
synthesized in the first step and different excellent magnetic properties, and Pt helps
impurity dopants are added to the host in extending and enhancing its properties
thereafter. Already the space is confined, on by holding a connection between Co atoms.
that adding a single impurity element comes So in order to put together Co and Pt in the
at a cost of energy. Adding two dissimilar host CdS, we started with only Co and Pt. We
elements with different nature (chemical and synthesized an alloy of CoPt. Dissimilar to the
physical properties) is virtually unfeasible. traditional way of doping, wherein we add
They stand in need of non- these impurities to the already
identical growth conditions. synthesized host, here we start
These dissimilar dopants either to build a CdS structure around
phase-segregate or come the CoPt core. This is known
together and form clusters, If we talk about the challenges as a core–shell structure.
or they remain at the surface associated with Dual Doping Increasing the shell thickness
resulting in surface doping in Quantum Dots to date, it escalates the strain on the
as shown in the first part of has not been viable to dual CoPt core that starts to diffuse
the scheme. Further, when dope quantum dots deftly with out into the CdS shell. Further,
we apply temperature for the reproducibility. In a general high–temperature annealing
growth of these quantum dots, approach, the quantum dots are assists the diffusion process.
the impurity elements try to synthesized in the first step and Thus, CoPt lattice disintegrates,
diffuse out of the system. This different impurity dopants are and Co and Pt uniformly walk
is known as self-purification. added to the host thereafter. out into the semiconducting
This is analogous to what shell.
happens when we add on Now both Co and Pt
stress or apply perturbation unfold to trace the path of
to different species staying in CdS. Based on their individual
a confined environment. They characteristics and properties,
try to withdraw from the taxing situation and we perceive that Co walks out faster compared
walk out. And I kept cudgeling my brain on with Pt. This effect is known as the Kirkendall
how to make dual doping attainable. Yes, it effect, that is a sequel of the difference in the
appears to be arduous owing to the fact that it diffusion rates of Co and Pt. Therefore, based
Ms. Mahima Makkar || 487

on the ratio of Co and Pt atoms in the starting Now, the readers who are attending to this
CoPt, we can modulate the amount of Co and research story of dual doping, please cast your
Pt remaining in the CdS after dual doping. This mind back to the story of “The Jungle Book,”
is how we have achieved dual doping (co- the tale of baby Mowgli being raised by the
existence of different species) family of wolves. The point to
that is reproducible and put down here is that although
consistent, and it can further be different species were together
extended to different Kirkendall in the same environment, even
Now, the readers who are
pairs. so, it all commenced when
attending to this research story
Now, what is the need Mowgli was a baby. They have
of dual doping, please cast your
for doing this? By doing grown together and survived
dual doping, we are able to mind back to the story of “The together in a constrained
tailor the properties of these Jungle Book,” the tale of baby environment of a jungle. And
CdS semiconductor hosts Mowgli being raised by the that is what we have understood
as a result of the interaction family of wolves. The point to for our systems as well! The
between different dopants put down here is that although dual doping was successful
and dopants with the host. different species were together when we started with CoPt core,
This is technically important in the same environment, even overcoated it with a thick CdS
for introducing properties that so, it all commenced when matrix, and allowed the CoPt
are otherwise not present in Mowgli was a baby. core to disintegrate and diffuse
the CdS host. Over and above out into the CdS shell under the
that, these materials have influence of lattice strain and
applications in light-emitting high–temperature annealing,
diodes, photodetectors, as shown in the second part of
optoelectronics, photovoltaics, etc. the scheme.

Cartoon depicting traditional doping and diffusion doping using Kirkendall effect….
488 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

A Sign of Three: Puzzle of an

Unseen Body in Contact Binary

Ms. Malu S.*

Email: [email protected]

hat do we see when we look up at around 10%–20% of stars seem to exist in
the night sky? What is out there? And triple systems, whose evolution continues to
what is our place in this beautiful, be heavily debated in the scientific community.
mysterious universe? The laws of Kepler, which are about
These were, perhaps, some of the elementary the motion of two bodies around a common
questions that drove humanity to study the centre of mass, become a matter of interest
stars. From simply staring at the vastness of here. These binary systems also provide an
space from the grounded reality of primitive excellent opportunity to study the masses,
earthly life, and naming constellations in the radii and temperatures of the stars in them.
heavens, we moved on to create better and Only upon having that knowledge can we
better technology to study the cosmos. And predict their fate.
much to the credit of our still young species, Scientists can analytically measure the
we have made many a leap of progress in this mass of stars in such binary or triple systems,
venture. but not of lone stars.
In the last decades, much to the fascination Evolution hangs upon how much of each
of astronomers, it was discovered that a star’s mass and angular momentum are lost
significant fraction of stars existed as part of over time. Orbital periods of binary stars are
binary systems, that is, in pairs. Furthermore, found to be either increasing or decreasing,

* Ms. Malu S., PhD Scholar from Department of Astronomy, Osmania University, Telangana, is pursuing her research
on “X-Ray and Optical Studies of Mass Accreting Binary Systems using ASTROSAT and GroundBased Observatories”.
Her popular science story entitled “A Sign of Three: Puzzle of an Unseen Body in Contact Binary Stars” has been
selected for AWSAR Award.
Ms. Malu S. || 489

always. Stars that exist in such pairs transfer evolution of the systems themselves. And if
their masses to each other due to proximity, they are indeed exoplanets, that thriving field
which causes the aforementioned decrease or of research benefits as well.
increase in orbital periods. Eventually, these contact binary stars
Studying this variation of orbital periods come closer and closer to each other till they
can also possibly lead to the discovery of a merge into one single, fast-rotating star. Or so
third unseen body in such systems: a mystery it has been theorized. There has been only one
body, which could be an exoplanet or a low- such case of a contact binary merger recorded
mass star. Imagine standing on that exoplanet, so far. Thus, it becomes even more vital that
and looking up at the sky to see two stars ... potential merger candidates be studied.
much like Luke Skywalker saw in the skies My group has been studying contact
above Tatooine! binary systems that appear to be on the verge of
Contact binaries are binary stars that merging. They can be identified based on their
are so close to each other that their gaseous low mass ratio (<0.2) between the secondary
envelopes touch each other and mass transfer and primary component stars. We are, in
happens between them. Their orbital periods fact, focusing on especially those systems
are quite low, often less than 12 h, as low as that appear to be eclipsing each other when
their angular momentum. viewed from the earth. This creates a periodic
The existence of such stable, yet variation in the light we receive from them, and
short-period, binary systems is a strange that is the essential aspect for us. With that
phenomenon. variation, we get to understand the changes
When astronomers in their orbital structure. This
first discovered them, the helps to decipher the possibility
assumption was that they were of the existence of a third body
simply binary stars that had and the examples of the mass
come close enough to each In the last decades, much to the transfer in these systems.
other and become contact fascination of astronomers, it Using the 1.3-m J.C.
systems over a long period of was discovered that a significant Bhattacharya telescope
time through a loss of mass fraction of stars existed as part located at Kavalur, Tamil Nadu,
and angular momentum. But of binary systems, that is, in operated by the Indian Institute
astronomers had to abandon pairs. Furthermore, around of Astrophysics, Bengaluru,
this idea when it became 10%–20% of stars seem to India, and IUCAA Girawali
clear that some of the stars in exist in triple systems, whose observatory, Pune, operated by
these contact binaries were evolution continues to be the Inter-University Centre for
too young to have undergone heavily debated in the scientific Astronomy and Astrophysics,
such a lengthy process. And community. Pune, India, we collected the
that is what led to the new, light from these systems in
more curious hypothesis that image frames in order to obtain
there might be a third body, yet the light variations over time.
unknown to us, which drained Data from several other sky
enough angular momentum from a binary survey missions, such as the All-Sky Automated
system, forcing the two stars to come closer. Survey, the Northern Sky Variability Survey,
The study of these third bodies in contact and also the Kepler K2 Space telescope, were
binaries is crucial to understanding the utilized in this endeavour. When combined,
490 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

these pools of collected data gave us the We have so far identified three contact
information we needed over a lengthy period binary systems with third-body companions.
of time, at least 10–50 years. We then had to Monte Carlo simulations were used to verify all
make sure that the variability we observed the solutions we obtained for these third-body
was inherent in the contact systems we were parameters.
studying and not due to other factors. For this, The first of these identified systems is an
we used comparison stars in the same frame, extremely low mass ratio (0.06) contact binary
a method known as differential photometry. ASAS J083241+2332.4, which is one among
The technique we employed to study the lowest mass ratio systems ever been
orbital period variation was to analyse the reported. Based on the O-C diagram analysis,
obtained O-C diagram, which showed the an orbital period change at the rate of 0.076
Observed minus Calculated time of arrival s per year was determined. The existence of
of light with respect to time. Period variation such a system challenges theoretical models
occurring in these eclipsing binaries due to that predict a merger at a critical mass ratio
mass transfer or any other changes in their limit of 0.06–0.07.
orbital structure would lead to a shift in the time Interestingly, further inspection of the O-C
of arrival of light as measured by the observer, diagram revealed that the residuals showed
and the O-C diagram is a representation of this signatures of a third-body companion having
shift. 0.16–0.35 times the mass of the Sun and an
A mass transfer would reflect in the orbital period of approximately 8.25 years. The
diagram as a secular increase or decrease second and third contact binaries similarly
in the O-C values. If this constrained were the Kepler K2
secular variation is modelled EPIC 211957146 with a surface
appropriately, it will yield the temperature very near to that of
period change rate and mass the dun at nearly 5900 K and
There are hardly 50–60 low-
transfer rate of the system. EPIC 202073314. Modelling
mass stars whose mass and
This model is theoretically their O-C diagrams showed
radii are known. Furthermore,
predicted and is a function residuals exhibiting third-body
we also studied the correlation
of time. Once this model has signatures of components
between the width of
been removed from the overall having 0.27–0.74 times the
magnetically sensitive hydrogen
O-C variation, the residuals mass of the Sun with an orbital
spectral line and the orbital
would reveal variations caused period of about 16.23 and 8.66
period of contact binaries and
by the presence of a third- years. These third objects could
found that there was a strong
body companion. As the inner be low-mass stars based on
correlation between them,
binary moves around the their derived mass and could
indicating that magnetic activity
common centre of mass of be used to explore the mass–
strongly depends on the orbital
the hierarchical triple system, radius relationship between
the time of arrival of light as such stars, which still remains
measured by us would be a mystery. There are hardly
slightly displaced. If that is the 50–60 low-mass stars whose
case, this residual should be a mass and radii are known.
sinusoidal curve. If modelled accurately, it can Furthermore, we also studied the correlation
even yield the orbital and physical parameters between the width of magnetically sensitive
of the third body. hydrogen spectral line and the orbital period
Ms. Malu S. || 491

of contact binaries and found that there was detected. The existence of exoplanets around
a strong correlation between them, indicating contact binaries has not been confirmed yet.
that magnetic activity strongly depends on the The questions of formation, stability and life
orbital period. Since the magnetic activity of sustainability of exoplanets in binary systems
such closely interacting binaries is still unclear, remain unanswered.
our group is performing further investigation Some of these questions might get
on this aspect. answered with the upcoming facilities such
More precise photometry can refine as the Thirty Meter Telescope or possibly a
the technique used such that even smaller future space telescope working in the optical
sized third bodies such as exoplanets can be wavelength.
492 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

A Brief Tale of the Development

of Platinum-Based Nano-
Theranostic System Destined to
Treat Breast Cancer
Ms. Puja Patel*
Email: [email protected]

t is a well-known fact that breast cancer uncontrolled proliferation, loss of apoptosis,
is the utmost menace among women, angiogenesis, evasion of the immune system,
causing morbidity and mortality worldwide. invasion to the nearby tissues, and metastasis.
Nevertheless, its emergence is high in Taking this into account, early diagnosis
developing countries, including India. The is the best way to curtail its effects and
reason is lack of knowledge and awareness improve the survival rate. This often includes
within the society. Like most of the other mammography, which is the most commonly
cancers, it remains typically asymptomatic in used screening method to detect early stages
the early stage; however, with the passage of of breast cancer.
time, it gradually transforms into a persistent Coming to the management steps, the
physical change with marked abnormalities in most reliable treatment procedure includes
the mammary tissue. Of note, the conversion the combination of surgery, chemotherapy,
of normal cells into neoplastic cells and radiation therapy, and immunotherapy.
eventually to malignant tumors is a plodding However, due to its intricate nature and
process through which the tumor acquires heterogeneity, a more diversified and to-
what Hanahan and Weinberg baptized the-core treatment stratagem is required to
“hallmarks of cancer.” It imparts the tumor get a gutsy response. Among all, the most
microenvironment, and its key features include crucial role is played by chemotherapy, which

* Ms. Puja Patel, PhD Scholar from Alagappa University, Tamil Nadu, is pursuing her research on “Molecular Insights
of Platinum-Based Theranostic System Targeting Breast Cancer Cell Line(s)”. Her popular science story entitled “A
Brief Tale of the Development of Platinum-Based Nano-Theranostic System Destined to Treat Breast Cancer” has
been selected for AWSAR Award.
Ms. Puja Patel || 493

uses one or more anti-cancer drugs as a To achieve the same, we have successfully
standardized regimen. To accomplish this, developed platinum nanoparticles (PtNPs) of
numerous anti-cancer drugs are used, which different shapes, such as nano-flowers, nano-
hamper the growth and development of cancer spheres, nano-octopods, as well as nano-
cells through diversified cellular pathways. cubes coated with polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP)
However, due to different subtypes as well as of different molecular weights. The polymeric
the chemoresistance of tricky cancer cells, PVP encapsulation assists nucleation, prevents
many drugs have been unable to kill them. To agglomeration, and endows monodispersity to
overcome this, the adoption of various new the PtNPs. Furthermore, the as-synthesized
strategies is the need of the hour. PVP-capped PtNPs have been successfully
Here comes the role of nanotechnology, conjugated with anti-cancer drug doxorubicin
which came into light with the advancement to make a splendid nano-theranostic system.
and sophistication in the arena of science It is known that doxorubicin forms an important
and technology. Nanotechnology deals pillar of chemotherapy regimens, acts
with the creation of ultrafine particles called incredibly to beat breast cancer, and thus is
nanoparticles, which form a bridge between considered to be a miracle chemotherapeutic
bulk materials and their atomic or molecular drug. This inspired us to use it as a doping
structures. With the annals of time, the interest agent onto the PVP-capped PtNPs.
in noble metal nanoparticles, such as gold Our in vitro study on various breast cancer
and platinum, has increased due to their cell lines supports the fact that doxorubicin-
engrossing and uncanny properties. Recently, doped PVP–PtNPs show superior anti-cancer
platinum compounds, such effects than the nascent PVP-
as cisplatin, carboplatin, capped PtNPs as revealed by
oxaliplatin, heptaplatin, and so the most prevalent MTT assay.
forth, have been successfully To further know the mechanism
used as anti-cancer drugs to It is a well-known fact that of action of killing cancer
treat various types of cancers breast cancer is the utmost cells, we first proceeded with
including breast cancer. Their menace among women, various fluorescent studies.
mode of action depends on causing morbidity and mortality In this, various nucleic acid
the platinum ions, which form worldwide. Nevertheless, its selective staining procedures,
bonds with the DNA base, emergence is high in developing such as AO/EtBr and Hoechst,
leading to damage to the DNA countries, including India. highlighted the fact that the
helix, cell cycle arrest, and thus treated cells died due to
death due to the induction of the onset of apoptosis. The
apoptosis. dying apoptotic cells can be
Keeping this in mind, characterized by an orange
we, at the Food Chemistry and Molecular color (EtBr) due to leaky plasma membrane
Cancer Biology Lab, Alagappa University, are and nuclear membrane, which allows the dye
working toward the synthesis of noble platinum to penetrate into the cytosol and nucleus,
nanoparticles using green chemistry principles respectively. In contrast, the healthy live
aiming to target different breast cancer cells. cells appear green due to the binding with
Our major objective is to create a platinum- AO stain. Similarly, the nuclear fragmentation
based nano-theranostic system with superior and presence of pycnotic nuclei can be
efficacy, surface specificity, and less toxicity. visualized through Hoechst staining, which
494 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

firmly confirms the effects of early apoptosis. of the most drastic diseases of the millennia:
In the same way, mitochondria-selective dyes cancer. It can be noted that the 2018 and
such as rhodamine 123 revealed the fact that 2019 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine
the treated cells showed less mitochondrial was also allied with cancer. The 2018 prize
membrane potential due to (awarded jointly to Sir Allison
the induction of apoptosis and Honjo) was given in the
compared with the control field of cancer immunotherapy.
cells. Till now, our novel lab Meanwhile, recently the 2019
has determined the outer With the annals of time, award (awarded jointly to Sir
layout of cellular death using the interest in noble metal Kaelin, Semenza, and Ratcliffe)
novel platinum-based nano- nanoparticles, such as gold has been given for cellular
theranostic agents. To reach and platinum, has increased response and adaptation to
the core, we need to study due to their engrossing and oxygen, which passively play
the molecular mechanism, uncanny properties. Recently, a significant role in cancer cell
including gene and protein platinum compounds, such as growth and proliferation. So, we
expression, which will clearly cisplatin, carboplatin, oxaliplatin, can feel the aura in the air that
indicate the up-regulation heptaplatin, and so forth, have how researchers and scientists
and down-regulation of pro- been successfully used as anti- all over the globe are working
apoptotic and anti-apoptotic cancer drugs to treat various day and night to find a proper
genes, respectively, as an types of cancers including solution to reduce the huge
effect of treatment with our breast cancer. burden of cancer. With this, I
novel nano-creation. will end up by saying a famous
In conclusion, I will quote: Prevention is better than
say that we, at the smaller Cure!
platform, are trying to find
the treatment at the nano-scale level for one
|| 495

Improving Industrial Equipment

Health: The Next-Generation
Power Quality Monitoring

Mr. Rajat Kumar*

Email: [email protected]

s a science student, whenever I I became quite excited to know the function
travelled by road or train, I always and utility of that device. In fact, I just sat
preferred a window seat as I loved beside the electrician throughout the entire
gazing at the outer world. Being a keen fixing process of the inverter, watching all the
observer, while travelling, I always observed electrical connections. Owing to my growing
lots of transmission towers carrying electricity, interest in electrical appliances, I decided to
transformers, substations, etc., and I was elect this particular area as my career, and this
always eager about every phenomenon whole passion for electrical devices turned out
related to it. Being a 90’s kid, because of long to be a path decider in my life. In 2009, I got
power cuts in my area, I always reminisce admission in Electrical Engineering (my dream
about spending lots of nights on the roof of my branch) for Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech)
house along with my relatives and colleagues, programme. After studying 40–45 subjects
playing antakshari, gossiping, counting stars during my graduation period, I decided to go
in the sky, etc. Despite of all the trouble caused for my Master’s (M.Tech) degree in the field of
due to those power cuts, I still remember that Power Electronics and Drives (core electrical
era as one of my life’s best moments of my field) in order to gain more in-depth knowledge
childhood. Then, on one fine day my father of my specialty and career focus. Moreover,
brought a big electrical device (inverter) and the idea of master’s degree allowed me to

* Mr. Rajat Kumar, PhD Scholar from Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology, Punjab, is pursuing
his research on “Assessment of Power Quality Disturbances in a Distribution System”. His popular science story
entitled “Improving Industrial Equipment Health: The Next Generation Power Quality Monitoring” has been selected
for AWSAR Award.
496 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

make some important connections as well as not only has a significant economic impact on
pursue necessary professional skills and foster the highly sensitive industrial facilities but also
personal development. During my master’s reduces the lifespan of the equipment. The poor
programme, I integrated the renewable PQ is forcing the equipment manufacturers
energy (wind energy) source with the utility to design compatible equipment with the
grid (a type of electrical power distribution corrupted power system and is causing
system) with the help of power electronics several PQ disturbances.
converters. After getting a silver medal in In a power distribution system, if only
this programme, I became acquainted with one disturbance is present at a time, then it
the knowledge regarding the generation of is known as single-stage PQ disturbance,
lots of power quality (PQ) disturbances due for example voltage sag, interruption, notch,
to all such renewable energy sources and flicker, transient, etc. The superimposition of
power electronics converters. Any deviation in more than one type of PQ disturbances during
voltage, current, and frequency from its normal the same period corresponds to multiple PQ
value, causing mal-operation of customer’s disturbances, for example voltage sag with
equipment, is known as PQ disturbance. flicker, voltage swell with harmonics, transient
Everywhere, we are surrounded by a lot of with harmonics, flicker with harmonics, etc.
signals such as communication signals, In contrast, multi-stage PQ disturbances are
vibrational signals, music, medical images, defined as the single-stage PQ disturbance
PQ disturbance signals, etc., which need to followed by some other PQ disturbances before
be analysed. With this growing passion for the recovery of the former disturbance, for
my subject, I decided to utilize example voltage sag followed
my time to explore some by swell, voltage swell followed
important discoveries within by sag, transient followed by
this field. Therefore, I joined sag, transient followed by
Any deviation in voltage, current,
Ph.D. programme in 2017 and the swell, etc. Therefore, the
and frequency from its normal
I received an opportunity to assessment and identification
value, causing mal-operation of
continue my research in the of these PQ disturbances
customer’s equipment, is known
same field. My Ph.D. research are the need of the day for
as PQ disturbance. Everywhere,
work is completely focused all the energy-intensive sites.
we are surrounded by a lot of
on the assessment of several Therefore, to maintain PQ within
signals such as communication
PQ disturbances in a power the permissible levels, accurate
signals, vibrational signals,
distribution network. monitoring of the PQ is the
music, medical images, PQ
In the modern era, electric crucial step in recognizing
disturbance signals, etc., which
power is the backbone of the type of PQ disturbances
need to be analysed.
commerce and industries. as well as underlying causes
The appropriate amount of responsible for these
PQ is required in the power disturbances. It will help the
distribution network due to the system engineers to solve the
enormous usage of non-linear industrial as well problems of the consumers by suggesting
as domestic loads. The poor PQ is causing the mitigating devices to avoid the failure of
the nuisance tripping of protective devices, sensitive facilities.
overloaded neutrals, data network congestion, Several state-of-the-art digital signal
computer lockups and flickering screens. It processing (DSP) techniques have been
Mr. Rajat Kumar || 497

developed for the PQ monitors. A standard the efforts for multi-stage and multiple
and commonly known method is discrete disturbance detection and classification are
Fourier transform (DFT) for the stationary data needed. (3) Most of the classification methods
(data in which signal properties do not change deal with the type of PQ disturbance without
with time). In transforming the signal from time specifying the underlying cause. Therefore,
domain to frequency domain, DFT does not the work can be extended towards cause-
provide the time information at which a PQ based classification instead of phenomenon-
disturbance has occurred. The application based classification for a better understanding
of DFT fails when the signal contains non- of the PQ disturbances. Several underlying
stationary features such as sudden changes, causes of PQ disturbances, such as faults,
trends, drift, etc. The widely used transforms for starting of induction motor, energizing of
non-stationary data, such as short-time Fourier capacitor bank, energizing of transformer,
transform (STFT), wavelet transform (WT), etc., have been investigated during my Ph.D.
Stockwell transform (ST) and Hilbert Huang programme. An effective and intelligent ST-
transform, allow obtaining time-frequency based algorithm with reduced computations
information from the PQ disturbance signals. has been developed, which focuses on not
Among several DSP techniques reported in only the classification based on the types of
the literature, ST has been a widely suggested PQ disturbances (for example, sag, swell and
technique. The ST is the extension of either flicker) but also the underlying causes of PQ
continuous WT with phase-modified mother disturbances. Another computationally efficient
wavelet or STFT with a variable Gaussian ST-based online PQ monitoring algorithm to
window. To identify the type of assess the multiple and multi-
PQ disturbances with the aid stage PQ disturbances and
of the features (PQ indices) their respective underlying
extracted from decomposed PQ causes has also been
measurement data, commonly An effective and intelligent developed. The performance
employed classification ST-based algorithm with of the aforementioned method
algorithms are artificial neural reduced computations has been has been experimentally
network, fuzzy logic, rule-based developed, which focuses on validated using the hardware
expert system, support vector not only the classification based prototype developed in the
machine, Bayesian classifier on the types of PQ disturbances laboratory as shown in Fig. 1.
and kernel machines. (for example, sag, swell and The experimental prototype
While formulating the flicker) but also the underlying comprises voltage sensors
research objectives for my causes of PQ disturbances. (LEM make LV 25-P) and
Ph.D. work, I came to know current sensors (LEM make
about several research gaps LA 55-P) for the measurement
that have not yet been explored of bus voltage and current
and need investigation: (1) a waveforms, respectively. A
three-phase approach for the detection of compact DAQ chassis of national instruments
PQ disturbances is missed as most of the PQ (NI-cDAQ 9178) make has been utilized along
analysis in the literature has been presented with the NI-9215 input module for acquiring
phase by phase separately. (2) Most of the the PQ disturbances at a very high speed. Till
PQ detection techniques have been applied today, what I have observed is that the major
for the single-stage disturbances. Therefore, challenging task in recognizing the type of
498 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Fig. 1. Hardware prototype for the generation of real-time PQ disturbances.

PQ disturbances or the underlying causes of be accurately and optimally extracted from the
the PQ disturbances is the optimal selection transformed contours.
of PQ indices. Therefore, these indices should
|| 499

As You Travel on the Indian

Roads in 2050

Mrs. Rakhi S.*

Email: [email protected]

veryone enjoys travelling; it is a beautiful high speed. I saw few youngsters in the car
experience if you are on vacation! It was listening to music at a high volume. They
on a vacation that made me become a overtook my vehicle and went. After about 10
researcher to contribute to this very problem. min, we could hear a sudden thud in front of us
Which problem? You may ask. Wait … Let and screams. Alas! It was an accident. What
me explain to you all. It was on a December we could see was that the car the youngsters
morning when I and my family were heading were riding was hit by one of the trucks in
for a vacation to Goa from Bangalore in our front of us. Although it was a minor accident,
car. We started our journey in the wee hours we had never experienced such an incident
of a Saturday morning. The ring road on earlier. As we continued our journey, my elder
which we were heading was covered with fog, son asked a question. “Amma, is there any
which made it difficult for the sun to show its way to avoid such accidents on the road?”
face even at 7 a.m. I was driving at 70 km/h, We had discussions about this for some time.
otherwise usually I drive carefully. There were He was busy playing video games later. But
few trucks in front of us; one was moving at I couldn’t stop thinking about the question he
a reasonable speed and the other at a higher raised. Although our technology has improved
speed. When I looked at the rear of the car, so much, we still have thousands of causalities
I could see a car that was coming at a very due to road accidents every day around the

* Mrs. Rakhi S., PhD Scholar from M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Karnataka, is pursuing her research on
“Detection and Avoidance of Security Attack in Vanets”. Her popular science story entitled “As you Travel on the
Indian Roads in 2050” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
500 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

world. This is the problem I was mentioning. If • Fewer accidents: make safer roads
we can warn the driver half a second before an • Less congestion: ease faster travel
accident, we can save many lives. • Reduced emission: makes clearer air
My journey as a researcher started on for everyone
that day. About 60% of road accidents are In realizing these, a new technology
happening due to the negligence of the involving 2V (vehicle to vehicle), V2I (vehicle
driver. If we try to warn them on time, we can to infrastructure) has to be evolved. VANET
reduce the risk of road accidents. Imagine a networks can be formed on demand, and the
future where a driver can be warned about a information can be relayed among the cars and
potential crash. I started referring to many white between a car and a roadside infrastructure
papers, journals, research articles, videos and unit (RSU) in wireless mode. RSU is like a
technical magazines. On further discussion base station. It is a brilliant idea to make two
with my guide, I zeroed into the concept of such networks co-exist to provide road safety.
“Communicating Vehicles” or rather ‘Car-to- VANET not only provides road safety but also
Car Communication’. The network formed with improves drivers’ comfort.
these connected vehicles is called vehicular Using V2V communication, the connected
ad-hoc network (VANET). I did an extensive cars can have an awareness of 3600 within the
survey on all the aspects of vehicle-to-vehicle range of 300 m. The warning messages a car
communication, which I had published in a is transmitting can be heard by neighbours so
journal. After the extensive survey, I could find that the driver can be aware of the surroundings.
that there was a lot of research going on in this When an accident is detected, the vehicle can
area, but the security aspects continuously broadcast this
of communicating vehicles information to the approaching
were not dealt with in detail. neighbour vehicles. When a
As intelligence is As we continued our journey, vehicle breaks at a certain
everywhere, we can provide lane, it broadcasts information
my elder son asked a question.
intelligence to the vehicles to neighbours to quickly detect
“Amma, is there any way to
also. Imagine you are driving the sudden breaking. VANETs
avoid such accidents on the
on a highway, and when you have emerged recently as
are changing the lane, that one of the most attractive
information is transmitted to topics for researchers and
other vehicles near you. Isn’t automotive industries due to
it smart? VANET is currently their tremendous potential
in active development by General Motors, to improve traffic safety, efficiency and
which demonstrated the system in 2006. other added services. VANETs are one of
Other automakers working on vehicle-to- the influencing areas for the improvement
vehicle communication include BMW, Honda, of an intelligent transportation system to
Audi, Volvo and Car-to-Car Communication provide safety and comfort to the road users.
Consortium. Some of the high-end cars are Considering the tremendous benefit expected
now having lane change warning assistance from vehicular communications and the huge
but cannot broadcast this information to others. number of vehicles, it is clear that VANETs are
Our cars are on a rapid evolutionary path that likely to become the most relevant realization
allows: of mobile ad-hoc networks. Currently
several efficient routing protocols have been
Mrs. Rakhi S. || 501

proposed for VANET. Next area for research is is always a possibility of unplanned network
security while routing messages. The topology establishments in VANETs. This flexibility leads
of VANET is constantly changing. So, it is to a number of security challenges. There
necessary for each pair of adjacent nodes to is no mechanism that can be deployed to
incorporate routing security and thus prevent control traffic monitoring. Then, the periphery
potential attacks making use of vulnerabilities. that separates the internal network from the
Lack of incorporation of security features in outside world becomes obscure. As a result, a
routing protocol is a serious issue in VANETs. malicious node can readily become active and
Because of all these issues, VANETs are more interrupt the network operations by deliberately
prone to suffer from malicious behaviour than disobeying standards of the network. As we
traditional wired networks. Therefore, we need are aware, security never comes for free.
to pay more attention to the security issues in When more security features are added into
the VANETs. VANETs have a highly dynamic the network, overhead increases. As a result,
environment and a short period of connection network performance tends to degrade, which
establishments. So, deployment of a complete is an important concern in the network. But,
security solution is practically difficult. In in security design, both security strength and
addition to high mobility, the dynamic network network performance have equal importance.
topology and the use of wireless media are the To secure any network or VANET specifically,
basis of most of the security threats. VANETs the nature and the capacity of the attacker
must have a secure way of communication, must be known, although it is a hard task in
and this is a quite challenging and vital issue. practical scenarios.
VANETs are vulnerable Most of the VANET
against attacks that can applications nowadays
directly lead to misuse of concentrate more on
the networks. VANETs have congestion avoidance, lane
attracted a lot of attention About 60% of road accidents are change warnings, post-
in the research community happening due to the negligence crash warnings, etc. The
because of their varied value- of the driver. If we try to warn misbehaviour detection needs
added services, namely them on time, we can reduce the to be addressed in a broader
vehicle safety, automated toll risk of road accidents. Imagine way in VANETs. To be more
payment, traffic management, a future where a driver can be precise, misbehaviour can be
enhanced navigation, location- warned about a potential crash. described as any abnormal
based service, etc. Privacy and behaviour of a vehicular node
security are exposed to many that deviates from the average
security threats in this world, behaviour of other vehicular
and VANET is not exceptional. nodes in VANETs. In VANET,
VANET security is different from that of the communication is mainly due to the
wireless and wired networks because of its periodic exchange of beacon packets, which
unique characteristics of mobility constraints, are exchanged between the nodes over a
infrastructure-less framework and short shared channel. During this communication, it
duration of a link between nodes. VANETs is possible that a particular node can become
lack a clear line of defence, which is a serious malicious and send multiple messages by
concern. VANETs cannot trace a dedicated changing the identities. These nodes create
boundary like other wired networks. There an illusion of an unreal event by transmitting
502 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

duplicate messages using those identities at I am driving on a congested road to reach

the same time. Once an attacker is able to my goal. I need to travel a long way ahead to
launch this kind of attack, it is very easy for complete my journey. I may not be able to enjoy
them to cause any other related attacks. My the benefits of this wonderful technology, but I
expected research outcome is to find a precise wish my kids surely will, in the years to come in
but reliable misbehaviour attack detection our own beautiful country, India.
technique in VANET among multiple vehicles.
|| 503

Water, The Elixir of Life or a

Death Portion: Know Before It is
too Late

Ms. Sandhya Birla*

Email: [email protected]

oday is March 22nd, World Water Day, This is Shashi’s poster. She lives in a
and Vivekananda Public School is settlement close to a landfill in Delhi and goes
getting ready for the annual exhibition. to a government school nearby. She has made
This year’s theme is “Groundwater: Save and this poster with a clean drawing of a well, a
Conserve.” The poster at the entrance reads, farm field, and a map of India. The poster
“Water, water, everywhere, wins her the third prize in the exhibition. A
And all the boards did shrink;
student of class IX, she is more aware of water
Water, water, everywhere,
Nor any drop to drink.” conservation than most kids of her age and
actively follows the practice to save water. She
These lines from the famous poem “The also teaches her family and neighbors various
Rime of the Ancient Mariner” by Samuel ways to save water. One day on her way
Taylor Coleridge, written in 1797–98, are more back from school, she sees a popular water-
relevant than ever in today’s age. As you make filter brand sampling drinking water in the
an entry into the exhibition further, another neighborhood for free. Shashi, being the water
poster reads warrior, decides to get drinking water from
“India, the largest consumer of groundwater: her household hand pump tested, too. To her
Groundwater supplies 85% of drinking water; Save shock, she learns that the groundwater in their
water Save yourself”
area is contaminated. Shashi understands

* Ms. Sandhya Birla, PhD Scholar from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, is pursuing her research on “Analytical
Modeling as a Tool for Prediction of Contaminant Extent”. Her popular science story entitled “Water, the Elixir of Life
or A Death Potion: Know Before it is Too Late” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
504 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

water conservation, but water contamination released or releasing have contaminated the
is new to her. All she understands is that the available groundwater.
water they are drinking is harmful to health. The primary step in the management of
One day, her teacher informs that they will be contaminated sites involves investigation,
visiting the open house at the Indian Institute followed by the selection of appropriate
of Technology (IIT) Delhi, an event where the remediation techniques. Assessment and
institute shares its research with the public. remediation methods require error-free data
Shashi’s curiosity finds a way, and she reaches through monitoring to assess the source
IIT Delhi, where she visits the water resources and extent of contamination. Both the steps
engineering section of the institute. During her involved are costly and time-intensive. In the
visit here, I had the pleasure of meeting Shashi current scenario, conventional assessment
and explaining her a part of my research. techniques are used for contamination
I explained to her that the release management. Groundwater sampling, data
of contaminants (polluting or poisonous collection about contamination, aquifer
substances) into the subsurface (below the parameters, and flow data are some primary
earth’s surface) resulted in the development steps in the investigation. In general, the
of contaminant plumes in the groundwater. costs involved in the study are far lower than
A contaminant plume is the volume of water the costs involved in remediation. Hence, the
that contains any contaminant. Groundwater decision to proceed with remediation (cleaning
is the source for the base flow of surface or controlling the contamination) is mostly
water systems, and, therefore, alterations in dependent on the results of the assessment.
its quality may affect the quality The potential of other
of the surface water, which is alternatives, such as analytical
a valuable water resource as models, is still unexplored.
well. It can also be said that The analytical models are
A contaminant plume is the
the effects of human activity simple mathematical formulas
volume of water that contains
on groundwater quality may that provide the maximum
any contaminant. Groundwater
harm the interlinked aquatic longitudinal extension of the
is the source for the base flow
and terrestrial ecosystems. As plume (Lmax) using a few site
of surface water systems, and,
the entire water resources are parameters. Thus, it saves
therefore, alterations in its
interconnected, deterioration time and cost involved in the
quality may affect the quality
of the water quality in any assessment. Plume spread, in
of the surface water, which is a
compartment can adversely particular Lmax, as shown in the
affect the same of other valuable water resource as well. Fig., can be a crucial parameter
compartments. Groundwater that can aid in the assessment
contamination is a cumulative of contaminated sites. Due to
danger for the water resources the simplicity of the application
and associated ecosystems, thus pressing and prerequisite of very few field parameters,
the need for studies concerning the analysis analytical models prove to be an efficient
and remediation of contaminated sites. substitute for other conventional methods for
Determination of the potential impact of a the assessment of contamination sites. The
contaminated site upon an underlying aquifer only drawback is the limited applicability owing
(rock layer that contains water) is of utmost to assumptions involved.
importance to know whether the contaminants
Ms. Sandhya Birla || 505

Fig.: Schematic sketch illustrating the maximum plume length (Lmax).

In the last decade, a lot of analytical MT3D) and analytical solutions are used
solutions have been developed to estimate together to understand the contaminant plume
the Lmax. However, very less is known extension resulting from different external
about the limitations or applicability and stresses. Realistic numerical models are set
usefulness of these models in field conditions. up with homogeneous, saturated, uniform
Furthermore, the longevity of the contaminant flow field, and parameters as assumed by
source in the subsurface requires that, in the analytical solution. Once the numerical
addition to the standard conditions, the model is able to reproduce the same results
effect of hydrogeological as analytical models, several
stresses (e.g., flood, drought) scenarios are generated
should be included to quantify with varying stresses. The
The research is of particular
contamination precisely. inclusion of these stresses
importance, as preventive and
Unfortunately, only a few makes the system closer to
scientific works have made curative measures in areas of field conditions. The analysis
any attempt to address groundwater contamination have gives insights on the results,
the complex interplay of been a low priority in India for observed changes in Lmax
contaminant transport and years, and the trend continues. on the application of external
hydrogeological stresses. Also, the investigation and stresses, and also the behavior
Both contaminant sources remediation techniques are not of numerical plume length
and plumes are influenced by economically viable in the Indian under varying environments. A
these stresses (called external context. Hence, developments correction factor is suggested
stresses hereafter). Therefore, in the analytical solution for the analytical solution,
my research attempts to study can be beneficial in Indian which improves the estimation
the impact of external stresses scenarios. The study primarily significantly. Results are also
on plume growth. With the focuses on the development validated with field data from
inclusion of external stresses of mathematical models and various contamination sites.
as a factor, the efficiency of the improvement in analytical The improved solution provides
these analytical models can be solutions, which have the a closer match to field plume
improved. potential of emerging as efficient lengths.
In my research, numerical groundwater management tools. The research is of particular
modeling (MODFLOW and importance, as preventive and
506 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

curative measures in areas of groundwater contributing significantly toward the betterment

contamination have been a low priority in of the environment.
India for years, and the trend continues. At the end of the discussion, Shashi poses
Also, the investigation and remediation a few questions to understand a few things
techniques are not economically viable in better, and now she understands the concept
the Indian context. Hence, developments in of groundwater contamination. She also
the analytical solution can be beneficial in understands the importance of assessment
Indian scenarios. The study primarily focuses for the contamination management and
on the development of mathematical models the usefulness of mathematical models for
and the improvement in analytical solutions, the same. For neighborhoods like Shashi’s,
which have the potential of emerging as such mathematical models, as developed
efficient groundwater management tools. The in my research, can be highly beneficial for
development of mathematical models provides estimating the range of contamination and
the opportunity to assess the contamination assess whether drinking water in the region
effectively. The cost-effectiveness of such is at risk of being contaminated from different
models is found to be very high in comparison sources nearby. Her curiosity for the subject
to conventional techniques for the assessment inspired me and left me even more motivated
of contamination sites. Due to a more precise to pursue my research. I have invited her to
evaluation of existing plumes, monitored our next open house, where I can share the
natural attenuation or enhanced natural developments with her.
attenuation can be planned more reliably, thus
|| 507

Scramblases – Guardians of the


Mr. Santoshkumar Palanirajan*

Email: [email protected]

ells are the basic unit of life. Each the cell. The outer layer or primary defense is
cell has a membrane protecting from mainly composed of neutral phospholipids,
external harm similar to the walls of our and the inner layer or the second tier of the
home. Cell membranes are made up of several boundary is majorly composed of charged
forms of lipids and proteins. Among them, lipids. The charged phospholipids face the
phospholipids are similar to bricks of the wall, residents of the home and stay intact, while
which stick to each other and self-associate the neutral phospholipids are exposed to the
to form a barrier. The membranes define the streets and act as the primary layer of defense.
boundary of a cell and help to keep its contents The two layers together form the boundary of
intact, and at the same time remain fluidic. If the cells and help them remain safe and sound.
not for phospholipids, the membranes would These membranes are flexible and fluidic
become rigid like a brick wall and our cells like a pool of water with several floaters called as
would be firm-brittle. membrane proteins. These floaters are the life
The cell boundary is composed of jackets for any cell as they act as a messenger
phospholipids, which, unlike bricks, are in receiving and transmitting the signal from
classified into two categories based on their one cell to the other or act as guards by frisking
charge. The phospholipids form a two-tier and letting in only essential molecules such
defense system by forming a bilayer around as calcium, sodium, potassium, and several

* Mr. Santoshkumar Palanirajan, PhD Scholar from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, is pursuing his research on
“Biochemical Characterization of Human Phospholipid Scramblases”. His popular science story entitled “Scramblases-
Guardians of the Cell” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
508 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

other important ions to enter the boundary Scramblases are a family of four
through appropriate gates (ion channels). The homologous proteins located in the membrane
membrane proteins, helping in maintaining the of our cells. Unlike other membrane proteins,
integrity of the cell, act as our Border Security these are relatively smaller in size with a
Force. The selective nature of the membrane prominent function. Among the scramblases,
proteins in letting the molecules is termed as the third member is my major protein of interest.
selective permeability of the membranes and The third little brother of scramblase brothers
is an essential part of our defense system. resides within the mitochondrial membrane.
Like any happy story, a happy home Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell
would be invaded by villains known by several providing energy to the cell. The powerhouse
names such as viruses, pathogens, infectious within our cell is highly disturbed by the
microbes, and pollutants. entry of heavy metal pollutants. Mitochondria
The imperialist viruses exploit their own are the first responders within the home for
sticky fluidic membranes to fuse with one an incoming attack by the metal ions. They
of ours’, gaining access to enter into our undergo a series of changes and trigger our
boundary. On entering, viruses take control internal armed forces (effector caspases) to
of our entire cell machinery to manufacture shut the infected cell and program its death by
their essential products such as nucleic acids a process called apoptosis.
and proteins similar to colonialism. When Scramblases are calcium-dependent
the security is breached and our defense is proteins that get activated when the intracellular
compromised, any other sidekicks of the main calcium levels increase by 1000-folds under
villain can enter and infuse abnormal circumstances.
further damage to the happy Under normal conditions, the
home (cells). In a similar way, calcium levels within cells are
pollutants such as heavy metal minimal and the scramblase
Like any happy story, a happy
ions from contaminated water activity is lower. The increased
home would be invaded by
and air gain access into our amount of calcium binds with
villains known by several names
cell boundary through the ion the calcium-binding region of
such as viruses, pathogens,
channel gates by mimicking the scramblase and activates
infectious microbes, and
calcium and sodium ions, the membrane protein.
deceiving the membrane. Once Activated scramblases flip the
they breach the boundary, they charged lipids hidden in the
destabilize that home, leading inner layer of the membrane to
to the catastrophic destruction the outer layer. The exposure
of the entire neighborhood. of charged lipids raises the alarm and is
My work focuses on what really happens termed as the “hallmark of apoptosis.” The
inside the cells after the attack by heavy metals exposed phospholipids act as the key signal
such as lead and mercury. We are working on in identifying the infected cells termed as
a small protein molecule called “scramblase,” apoptotic cells. The boundary wall of the
anchored to this fluidic membrane. Scramblase, cells with the red flag raised is the signal for
a membrane protein, plays the lead role in our scavengers (phagocytic cells) called natural
story. Scramblases help in identifying and killer cells and macrophages. Macrophages
clearing the infected cells by initiating the and natural killer cells engulf the apoptotic
response to several incoming attacks. cells resulting in their clearance, preventing
Mr. Santoshkumar Palanirajan || 509

the spread of damage to the cells prevents the spread of

neighborhood. further damage, saving the
Our study has shown entire neighborhood from a
My work focuses on what
that the heavy metal ions broad infestation.
really happens inside the
by mimicking calcium not This small membrane
cells after the attack by heavy
only evade the boundary protein is one of our lifesavers
metals such as lead and
frisking but also bind to the and the peace-keeping forces
mercury. We are working on a
calcium-binding region of of our defense system. As the
small protein molecule called
the scramblase protein, saying goes, the size of the
“scramblase,” anchored to this
resulting in the activation of mustard does not determine
fluidic membrane. Scramblase,
the membrane proteins. The its spiciness. These relatively
a membrane protein, plays
heavy metal pollutants activate small membrane proteins are
the scramblases similar to the lead role in our story. a major player in our elaborate
calcium ions but at very low Scramblases help in identifying defense system.
concentrations. Once activated, and clearing the infected cells by Nature has its unique
the scramblases initiate the initiating the response to several way of flushing toxins and
flipping of charged lipids, incoming attacks. their infestation from our clean
thereby raising the alarms for system, which ranges from our
the removal of damaged cells. small cell to a big ocean to our
Removal of infected or infested broad universe.

Pushes the charged lipids out
Rings the death bells oft.
510 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Let Us Not Give Alzheimer

Caregiver Burden to Our

Ms. Sathiya Ramu*

Email: [email protected]

e all must be aware of an old- with Alzheimer’s disease at home and has
age home. Have you ever heard become nearly impossible in this fast-moving
of Alzheimer’s home? It’s a place world. On the contrary, Alzheimer’s caregivers
where people with memory loss are provided frequently report experiencing a high level of
with residential facility and care. Alzheimer’s stress. Are we going to give this burden to our
disease is known as a progressive disease future generation who are already dealing with
comprising memory loss and confusion as the a lot?
major symptoms. If you have watched Finding Diabetes mellitus, which is commonly
Nemo, the famous animation movie, you can referred to as sugar, is another monster that
say Dory suffers from the same problem. attacks human beings despite clean habits.
Currently, I live in a metropolitan city It is a metabolic disorder associated insulin
where I get to see Alzheimer’s home vehicles insufficiency or resistance. Insulin resistance
on the road for pick up and drop off patients is a stage where the body cells do not respond
with Alzheimer’s disease. As years pass on, to insulin and are unable to utilize glucose.
we may see many more such vehicles and Hence, it leads to the elevation of the blood
homes. It is much more obvious with the kind sugar level, which is known as hyperglycaemia.
of sedentary and stressful life we have today. You will be surprised to know that there
It is a challenging task to take care of patients is a connection between these two diseases.

* Ms. Sathiya Ramu, PhD Scholar from Faculty of Pharmacy, M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, Karnataka,
is pursuing her research on “Evaluation of Protective Effect of Sargassum Wightii in Diabetes Mellitus Induced Memory
Dysfunction”. Her popular science story entitled “Let us not give Alzheimer Caregiver Burden to our Successors!!!”
has been selected for AWSAR Award.
Ms. Sathiya Ramu || 511

Persistent hyperglycaemia accelerates the the appetite by gastric banding (feeling of

oxidative stress on the neurons in the brain fullness in the stomach). They are mostly
and damages them. Thus, it can lead to farmed or foraged from the sea for these
memory impairments to which old people are purposes. In India, it is not popular as a diet
highly prone. It will be of great importance if a but has an emerging interest in the research
single compound can treat both the conditions field due to its diverse medicinal properties.
simultaneously. Especially when it is from Fucoidan is a sulphated polysaccharide
a natural source, it will be accepted by the obtained from brown marine algae, which has
public, as natural products are known for fewer gained huge attention in recent days among
side effects. researchers. It is reported to be useful in
Imagine how disturbing the undissolved diabetes mellitus in high-impact journals. Our
sugar in your coffee is. Similarly, there is study aimed at evaluating its protective effect in
the formation of insoluble proteins in the diabetes mellitus–induced memory loss, which
brain, which affects the normal structure and could be a dual benefit. The probability of this
functions of neurons. The hallmark pathological compound being useful in diabetes mellitus
change in Alzheimer’s disease is the formation associated Alzheimer’s disease is high based
of senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles on its previously reported activities.
due to insoluble proteins. Senile plaques are Streptozotocin is a chemical used
nothing but undesirable extracellular deposits in medical research to induce diabetes
of a protein called amyloid-beta protein, which mellitus to animal models such as rats. It is a
provokes toxicity to neurons. Neurofibrillary naturally occurring glucosamine–nitrosourea
tangles are the deposits compound. It is selectively
of another protein called taken up into the insulin-
hyperphosphorylated tau secreting beta cells by a type of
protein in neurons, which causes We all must be aware of an glucose transporter that causes
subsequent neuronal loss and old-age home. Have you ever DNA repair and subsequent
degeneration. Neuronal death heard of Alzheimer’s home? destruction of insulin-secreting
always accompanies insulin It’s a place where people with cells, which are known as
insufficiency or resistance, beta cells. Hence, it leads to
memory loss are provided
which explains the connection insulin insufficiency as well
with residential facility and
between diabetes mellitus and as insulin resistance, as seen
care. Alzheimer’s disease is
Alzheimer’s disease. in diabetes mellitus. It also
known as a progressive disease
Seaweeds or marine causes damage to neurons, as
comprising memory loss
algae are known to offer mentioned earlier, due to insulin
and confusion as the major
beneficial effects to the human resistance. Unfortunately,
symptoms. If you have watched
body. It is a part of the diet compounds similar to these
Finding Nemo, the famous
in many countries such as are seen in packed foods
animation movie, you can say
China, Malaysia, Singapore, available in the market, which
Dory suffers from the same
Indonesia, Philippines, Ireland, are collectively known as
etc. It is mostly consumed in nitrosamines. They are silently
the form of soups, sushi or creating a huge disaster for our
onigiri (riceballs) and dulce future generation, where non-
(sweet). The seaweed extract is communicable diseases such
currently used as diet pills that can suppress as diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease are
512 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

going to be a major challenge to the health fucoidan (100 and 200 mg/kg) attenuated
care system. diabetes associated memory dysfunction
In the present study, the protective effect by suppressing the levels of amyloid-
of fucoidan isolated from brown marine algae beta protein, tau protein, nitrite, advanced
was evaluated against streptozotocin-induced glycation end products, malondialdehyde,
diabetes and associated memory dysfunction and acetylcholine esterase, which are harmful.
in Wistar rats. Wistar rats are a particular Meanwhile, the results showed an increase in
strain of laboratory animals, which serve as protective parameters such as glutathione and
a highly suitable model to study diabetes or superoxide dismutase.
Alzheimer’s disease. The rats Histopathology is a
are treated with fucoidan at microscopic study that
two different doses of 100 and manifests the structural
200 mg/kg after the induction architecture of organs. In this
of the disease. The beneficial Diabetes mellitus, which is study, the brain hippocampus
effect of fucoidan was studied commonly referred to as sugar, was subjected to Congo
by subjecting the animal to is another monster that attacks red staining, a technique in
behavioural, biochemical and human beings despite clean histopathology to study the
histopathological studies. habits. It is a metabolic disorder extent of amyloid-beta protein
Behavioural studies associated insulin insufficiency deposition. In our study,
involving Morris water or resistance. animals left untreated (diseased
maze and one-trial passive animals) showed extensive
avoidance tests are used deposition of amyloid-beta
to understand the extent of protein and also damage to
memory impairment in animals. the neurons. Treatment with
Animals treated with fucoidan exhibited better fucoidan, at both the doses restored the
memory in behavioural studies compared structural architecture of neurons and also
with the animals left untreated. Similarly, the reduced the amyloid-beta protein burden.
biochemical changes in the hippocampus Thus, fucoidan offered significant protection in
(a region in the brain related to memory) diabetes-associated memory dysfunction.
were studied by preparing a homogenate Countries like India have almost
of hippocampal tissue and subjecting it eradicated the danger of communicable
to biochemical estimation. Treatment with diseases, which were devils once upon a
Ms. Sathiya Ramu || 513

time. The development of medicines for non- Alzheimer’s disease. Hence, we suggest
communicable diseases, which are otherwise that fucoidan, with an ample source of raw
known as lifestyle diseases, are the talk of the material from the sea, can be a cost-effective
town now. Hence, this research addressed the drug against diabetes-associated Alzheimer’s
need of the hour, and the test drug fucoidan was disease.
found to be beneficial in diabetes-associated
514 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Chronicle of Migration: Tale of

Two States

Ms. Sukanya Som*

Email: [email protected]

‘Oh, dear Lord, where do I reside next out lives in towns and urban agglomerations,
of this malady of emptiness! They say my which increased by 31.30% from 2001 to
shelters have never been stable! Years have 2011. Moreover, around 65 million people live
gone by after this cruel chronicle of breaking in urban slums in India, which grew at a rate

and gathering the pieces again’… Hasan Raja of 25% since 2001. There are high chances
elonging to a family that had its roots in that these people live in poor conditions with
Bangladesh and was forcefully migrated menial employment opportunities. This has
to India during India–Pakistan partition its due impact on the agriculture sector of the
in 1947, the researcher took a special interest country as well. Shifting out of agriculture is
in the phenomenon of human migration. high among farmers below 30 years of age
Often there are many socio-political, cultural (Sharma and Bhaduri, 2009). On the contrary,
and economic aspects associated with the the youth unemployment rate is 12.5%, which
complex process of migration. Increasing is quite alarming. This scenario all together
rural-to-urban migration is a major trend intrigued the researcher to investigate the
that the Indian economy is witnessing in the perception of youth towards migration, reasons
present time. As per Census 2011, rural-to- and factors determining migration and impact
urban migration increased by 56.6% since of migration on the youth migrants and their
2001. Around 40% of the population in India socioeconomic status.

* Ms. Sukanya Som, PhD Scholar from ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Delhi, is pursuing her research on
“Dynamics and Migration and Leveraging Youth for Agriculture: a Critical Analysis”. Her popular science story entitled
“Chronicle of Migration: Tale of two States” has been selected for AWSAR Award.
Ms. Sukanya Som || 515

The study was conducted in four randomly

selected districts of UP, namely Jhansi,
Muzaffarnagar, Sitapur and Varanasi, and two
randomly selected districts of Bihar, namely
Bhagalpur and East Champaran. The states
were selected purposively as UP and Bihar
are the two most important states where the
share of the total out-migration of youth in the
country is the highest with 23.83% (11.9 lakhs)
and 14.89% (7.5 lakhs), respectively. From
each district, 40 respondents were selected
randomly for studying the psychological and
socioeconomic impacts.
Based on the data collected from Census
2011, the number of young people (15–28
Fig. 1. Proportion of young cultivators to main
years of age), who were main workers as workers.
cultivators or agricultural labourers, were
divided by the number of young people who The researcher developed a
were main workers other than cultivators and multidimensional scale to measure the
agricultural labourers to find out the proportion perception of youth towards migration and
of youth involvement in agriculture. The results found that most of the youth respondents in
are presented in Figured 1 and both the states had favourable
2. While analysing the decadal perception towards migration,
change, it was noticed that the indicating their high inclination
number of young cultivators to shift out of their native
decreased by 28.59, 26.48 There are high chances that
villages. Low return and high
and 76.48% in India, UP and these people live in poor
risk from agriculture were found
Bihar, respectively, from 2001 conditions with menial
to be the major constraints
to 2011. But surprisingly, the employment opportunities.
for not pursuing agriculture,
number of young labourers This has its due impact on
whereas lack of employment
increased in India by 49.09% the agriculture sector of the
opportunities, low income in
from 2001 to 2011. The overall country as well. Shifting out
village and education were
scenario indicates that India is of agriculture is high among
found to be the major reasons
losing young cultivators, but the farmers below 30 years of age for migration. High level of
number of casual labourers is education, cosmopoliteness
increasing, indicating an even and aspiration were found
worse situation where youth to have a negative effect on
do not have farm management the decision to migrate, while
power and are involved only in menial labour the size of family and landholding had a
work with minimal income. The lack of positive effect. Therefore, it was clearly seen
employment opportunities may be pushing that educated rural youth with a high level
them to work as casual labourers in farms. of aspiration and greater control over life
were less likely to make their careers out of
practising agriculture. The reasons for doing
516 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

Both positive and negative impacts

could be traced out through analysing
the differences between migrated and
nonmigrated respondents, and also the
before-after comparison among the migrated
respondents using suitable psychometric and
statistical tools. The study found the overall
deterioration of the social connectedness
of the respondents after migration. For the
rest of the variables, there were differences
in the results between the two states. Unlike
Bihar, more respondents in UP had benefited
from migration by having a reduced stress
Fig. 2. Proportion of young agricultural labourers level and increased socioeconomic status,
to main workers. standard of living, income and employment
so are not only material but also intellectual, as level. A positive association was found
a lack of intellectual satisfaction from farming between the pre-migration socioeconomic
and poor image of agriculture also counted status of respondents and the difference in
as significant constraints in the study. Most socioeconomic status after migration. This
of the respondents expressed a low level indicated a scenario of growing inequality as
of intellectual satisfaction from agriculture those who already had higher socioeconomic
(58.06% in UP and 45.83% in status before migration enjoyed
Bihar). Intellectual satisfaction more gain in socioeconomic
from service or business was status as a result of migration.
found to be significantly higher The overall scenario indicates The gain in socioeconomic
than that from agriculture. About that India is losing young status was also higher in
38.33% and 20% of the youth cultivators, but the number of UP than in Bihar. To find an
respondents in UP and Bihar, casual labourers is increasing, explanation for this peculiarity,
respectively, stated they would indicating an even worse we peeped deeper into the
not pursue agriculture at any situation where youth do not data, and the pre- and post-
cost even if it was profitable. migration occupational status
have farm management power
Further researchers took and are involved only in menial of the respondents were sorted
an insight into the impact of out. It reflected that a greater
labour work with minimal
migration on migrants. When income. The lack of employment proportion of respondents from
an individual migrates, he or opportunities may be pushing UP were engaged in service
she goes through a number sector, business or continuing
them to work as casual
of changes in his or her higher education, while in
labourers in farms.
micro-sociological system. the case of Bihar, more were
This study went deeper into employed as factory labourers
understanding the changes in or construction labourers. None
the overall socioeconomic and was found to be in continuing
psychological system of the youth migrants at education. The proportion of forced migration
the individual level. and seasonal migration was also higher in
Bihar, with a greater number of respondents
Ms. Sukanya Som || 517

stating that their profession after the migration out of compulsion and was at no good position
was rather by compulsion than by choice. This even at the destination point after migration.
scenario suggested that those who already This is somewhat similar to the backwash effect
belonged to a higher socioeconomic class of Myrdal (1957) that suggests accelerating
chose to migrate to pursue better education or growth of already growing regions and
better employment opportunity and were at an concurrent deterioration of the less developed
advantageous position as a result of migration. regions.
However, the poorer section rather migrated

Fig. 3. Two contrasting scenarios leading to larger inequality in resource sharing.

The research concluded that policy intellectual satisfaction than non-ARYA

concerns were also required to reshape and beneficiaries in the same study area. Because
rebrand the agriculture sector in order to of income generation and economic reward
make it both economically rewarding and from the entrepreneurial activities taken up
intellectually satisfying for attracting and under the scheme, respondents were less
retaining rural educated youth. It was found likely to migrate out of the rural areas. Agro-
that most of the respondents had a low level of based small enterprises; processing and
entrepreneurial motivation (64.75% in UP and value addition; credit facilities; building
65.45% in Bihar). Therefore, building business entrepreneurial orientation; counselling of
orientation is a must for rural youth to make youth for business orientation development;
agriculture profitable. The ongoing Attracting risk management strategies; market linkage;
and Retaining Youth in Agriculture (ARYA) peri-urban agriculture; collective approach
scheme of the Indian Council of Agricultural of farming; non-farm businesses such as
Research assumes special importance in dairy, poultry, fishery, etc.; export-oriented
this regard. It was found in the study that cultivation; off-season and protected vegetable
ARYA beneficiaries had significantly less cultivation; value chain management; custom
favourable perception towards migration, hiring; organic vegetable cultivation; agri-clinic
higher entrepreneurial orientation and higher and agro-tourism are some of the strategies
518 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

suggested for remunerative agriculture. ARYA But more job opportunities, both on farm and
rural-based profitable enterprises would serve off farm, are to be created in the rural places
twofold benefits, one being the growth of the of residence to prevent forced migration and
agriculture sector and the other being the unwanted burden on urban populations,
solution to the problem of youth unemployment. leading to unhealthy and poor living conditions.
This would also help to reduce the unwanted Appropriate urban planning is also required
burden on urban agglomerations. Migration accordingly to keep pace with the changes
in itself cannot be attributed as bad or good. that migration brings in people’s lives.
|| 519

Cyclones in the North Indian

Ocean in a Changing Climate

Mr. Vineet Singh*

Email: [email protected]

ndia is a country with a vast coastline that is much inland but were generally restricted to
home to millions of people living all along the the coasts. Since then, I developed a fantasy
coasts. With the development of the country, about knowing about these cyclones through
various big cities have emerged all along the newspaper articles, college libraries, etc.
coast, such as Kolkata, Chennai, Surat, etc. For I started keeping a record of the cyclones
many decades, cyclones have posed a major manually by checking the news. Then, when I
threat to the coastline of India. The deadly got access to the Internet, I started searching
Odisha super cyclone in October 1999, which cyclone statistics that affected India and
led to a casualty of roughly 10,000 people and made a log of all the recent cyclones. In the
devastated vast infrastructure, showed how final year of my graduation, I started making
disastrous these cyclones could be for the my mind to explore the mysteries of cyclones
country. and to do research in this field. Masters in
Since my graduation way back in Atmospheric Science was my first major step
2012, whenever I saw a cyclone affecting in this direction, and a new journey of learning
the Indian coastline, I used to wonder how about cyclones began.
these cyclones could be so intense, what At present, as a Ph.D. student, I worked
caused such high winds in these cyclones on cyclones in the North Indian Ocean (the Bay
and why these cyclones did not penetrate of Bengal and the Arabian Sea) in a changing

* Mr. Vineet Singh, PhD Scholar from Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Maharashtra, is pursuing his research
on “Cyclones in the North Indian Ocean in a Changing Climate”. His popular science story entitled “Cyclones in the
North Indian Ocean in a Changing Climate” has been selected for AWSAR Award
520 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019

climate at the Indian Institute of Tropical ocean surface and subsurface temperatures.
Meteorology, Pune, under the supervision of Dr. Overall, there is a rising trend in the
Roxy Mathew Koll and Dr. Medha Deshande. intensity of cyclones in the North Indian Ocean.
The North Indian Ocean cyclones are the least However, we have seen that the cyclones
explored cyclones worldwide. Although some which form in the Bay of Bengal in the month
of the deadliest cyclones occurred in this basin, before the southwest monsoon, that is April-
there is still a lack of an understanding of the May, have shown a decrease in intensity in the
cyclone mechanism and its characteristics in recent decade. Nevertheless, the rising trend in
this part of the world. This gave me an immense the intensity of the cyclones after the monsoon
opportunity to understand the characteristic of season (October-December) in the Bay of
the cyclones in this basin and how the cyclone Bengal and before and after the monsoon
characteristics, such as its frequency, track season (April-May and October-December) in
and intensity, would change in the future. the Arabian Sea is posing a severe risk for the
In our research, we explored how the densely populated coastline of India. Not only
ocean played a role in governing the cyclone the local atmospheric and oceanic conditions
frequency and intensity. Further, we also but also the large scale atmospheric conditions
explored how cyclones affected the ocean. are conducive for the enhanced formation of
We used various observation and reanalysis the cyclones, especially in the Arabian Sea
datasets such as ERA-interim, NCEP- before the monsoon season (month of May).
NCAR reanalysis dataset, Joint Typhoon The anomalous cooling of the equatorial
Warning Center Best track dataset, and India Pacific during 1999-2016 has led to favourable
Meteorological Department atmospheric conditions through
cyclone e-atlas for analysing the teleconnections in the Indo-
cyclones and the associated Pacific region. This has led to
atmospheric and oceanic enhanced cyclone formation
conditions. We observed that The North Indian Ocean in the Arabian Sea during the
large sea surface temperatures cyclones are the least explored aforementioned period.
of the ocean fuelled intense cyclones worldwide. Although Our research will aid
cyclones in the Arabian Sea some of the deadliest cyclones the scientific community in
and the Bay of Bengal. Also, occurred in this basin, there is improving an understanding
the intense cyclones, after their still a lack of an understanding of the role of oceans in the
formation, cooled the ocean of the cyclone mechanism and intensity and frequency of
by 2°C-3°C. The response of its characteristics in this part of cyclones. It is noteworthy that
the ocean due to the cyclone the world. the forecast of the cyclones
was found to be different has increased significantly
before the monsoon and after in recent years; however,
the monsoon. This different still, computer models face
response in the sea surface the problem in simulating the
temperature cooling was linked to ocean intensity. The recent example is the sudden
dynamics. We also observed that in the sudden intensification of cyclone Ockhi very close to
intensification of the very severe cyclones, Kerala coast immediately after its formation.
such as Ockhi that affected Kerala in October The computer models failed to capture this
2017 and cyclone Fani that affected Odisha sudden intensification much in advance,
in April 2019, was mainly driven by the large leaving a very little window for the government
Mr. Vineet Singh || 521

and its agencies to prepare for and rapid intensification of

the cyclone. As a result, a cyclone Ockhi and the peculiar
significant loss of human life case of cyclone Fani have been
was reported. Our research Overall, there is a rising trend submitted to the journal Current
will aid in understanding the in the intensity of cyclones Science this year. Both the
ocean-atmosphere dynamics in the North Indian Ocean. manuscripts are under review
that govern the intensification However, we have seen that at present.
of cyclones. This will be the cyclones which form in the I am very fortunate that
beneficial in improving the Bay of Bengal in the month I got an opportunity to do my
model forecasting skills. Also, before the southwest monsoon, research at the Indian Institute
we need to closely monitor the that is April-May, have shown of Tropical Meteorology, which
rising surface temperatures a decrease in intensity in the is the leading research institute
of the North Indian Ocean as recent decade. in the field of atmosphere and
models projecting an increase ocean in the country. My source
in the sea surface temperature of inspiration is my guides
in the future, which can lead to Dr. Roxy Mathew Koll and Dr.
more intense cyclones in the Medha Deshpande, whose
Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea, increasing valuable guidance has helped me deeply
the risk for coastal populations. understand and explore my area of research.
Case studies on the unusual long track

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