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State of Minnesota District Court County of Hennepin 4th Judicial District Prosecutor Fie No. 23006805 ‘Cour Fite No, 27-0R-23-12910 Stato of minnesota, ‘COMPLAINT Plain, Order of Detention DERRICK JOHN THOMPSON DOB: 11/14/1995, Defendant. ‘The Complainant submits this complaint to the Court and states that there is probable cause to believe Defendant committed the following offense(s): count Charge: Criminal Vehicular Homicide - Operate Motor Vehicle in Grossly Negligent Manner Minnesota Statute: 609.21 12.1(a)(1), with reference to: 609.2112.1(a) Maximum Sentence: Ten years, Offense Level: Felony Offense Date (on or about): 06/16/2023, Control #ICR#): 23157206, Charge Description: That on or about June 16, 2023, in Hennepin County, Minnesota, DERRICK JOHN THOMPSON, did by operating a motor vehicle ina grossly negligent manner, cause the death of §.6, ‘COUNT I Charge: Criminal Vehicular Homicide - Driver Who Causes Collision Leaves Scene Minnesota Statute: 609.2112.1(a)7), wth reference to: 609.2112.1(a) Maximum Sentence: Ten years, Offense Level: Felony Offense Date (on or about): 06/16/2023 Control #ICR#): 23157296 (Charge Description: That on or about June 16, 2023, in Hennepin County, Minnesota, DERRICK JOHN THOMPSON did, by operating a motor vehicle, cause a colision that caused the death of S.G., and DERRICK JOHN THOMPSON left the scene of that collision. ‘COUNT I Charge: Criminal Vehicular Homicide - Operate Motor Vehicle in Grossly Negligent Manner Minnesota Statute: 608.2112.1(a)(t), with reference to: 609.2112,1(a) Maximum Sentence: Ten years, 1 Offense Level: Felony oe Offense Date (on or about): 08/16/2023 Control ICR): 23157298 (Charge Description: That on or about June 16, 2023, in Hennepin County, Minnesota, DERRICK JOHN ‘THOMPSON, did by operating a motor vehicle ina grossly negligent manner, cause the death of .0. COUNT IV Charge: Criminal Vehicular Homicide - Driver Who Causes Collision Leaves Scene ‘Minnesota Statute: 609.2112.1(a)(7), with reference to: €09.2112.1(a) ‘Maximum Sentence: Ten years. (Offense Level: Felony Offense Date (on or about): 08/16/2023 Control ICR): 23157296 (Charge Description: That on or about June 16, 2023, in Hennepin County, Minnesota, DERRICK JOHN THOMPSON, did, by operating a motor vehicle, cause a collision that caused the death of S.0,, and DERRICK JGHN THOMPSON left the scene ofthat collision, coUNTV Charge: Criminal Vehicular Homicide - Operate Motor Vehicle in Grossly Negligent Manner Minnesota Statute: 609.2112.1(a)(1), with reference to: 609.2112.(a) Maximum Sentence: Ten years, Offense Level: Felony Offense Date (on or about): 06/16/2023, Control ICRA): 23157296 Charge Description: That on or about June 18, 2023, in Hennepin County, Minnesota, DERRICK JOHN THOMPSON, did by operating a motor vehicle in a grossly negligent manner, cause the death of SA, coUNT VI Charge: Criminal Vehicular Homicide - Driver Who Causes Collision Leaves Scene Minnesota Statute: 609.2112.1(a)(7), with reference to: 609.2112.1(a) ‘Maximum Sentence: Ten years, Offense Level: Felony Offense Date (on or about): 08/16/2023 Control #ICR#): 29157296 Charge Description: That on or about June 16, 2023, in Hennepin County, Minnesota, DERRICK JOHN THOMPSON did, by operating a motor vehicle, cause a collsion that caused the death of S.A., and DERRICK JOHN THOMPSON left the scene ofthat collision, ‘COUNT VIL ‘Charge: Criminal Vehicular Homicide - Operate Motor Vehicle in Grossly Negligent Manner Minnesota Statute: 608.2112.1(a)1), wih reference to: 609.2112. 1(a) Maximum Sentence: Ten years Offense Level: Felony Offense Date (on or about): 08/16/2023 ite pines Control #ICRA): 23157296 Charge Description: That on or about June 16, 2023, in Hennepin County, Minnesota, DERRICK JOHN THOMPSON, did by operating a motor vehicle ina grossly negligent manner, cause the death of SH. ‘COUNT Vi Charge: Criminal Vehicular Homicide - Driver Who Causes Collision Leaves Scene Minnesota Statute: 609.2112.1(a)(7), wth reference to: 609.2112.1(a) Maximum Sentence: Ten years, Offense Level: Felony Offense Date (on or about): 08/16/2023, Control #ICR#): 23187296 (Charge Description: That on or about June 16, 2023, in Hennepin County, Minnesota, DERRICK JOHN THOMPSON did, by operating a motor vehicle, cause a collsion that caused the death of SH., and DERRICK JOHN THOMPSON left the scene of that collision, ‘COUNT Ix Charge: Criminal Vehicular Homicide - Operate Motor Vehicle in Grossly Negligent Mannor ‘Minnesota Statute: 609,2112.1(a)(1), with reference to: 609.2112.1(a) ‘Maximum Sentence: Ten years Offense Level: Felony Offense Date (on or about): 08/16/2023 Control ICRA): 23187296 Charge Description: That on or about June 16, 2023, in Hennepin County, Minnesota, DERRICK JOHN THOMPSON, did by operating a motor vehicle in a grossly negligent manner, cause the death of a juvenile female ‘COUNT x Charge: Criminal Vehicular Homicide - Driver Who Causes Collision Leaves Scene Minnesota Statute: 609.2112.1(a)(7), with reference to: 609.2112.1(a) Maximum Sentence: Ten years. Offense Level: Felony Offense Date (on or about): 08/16/2023, Control ICRA): 23157296 (Charge Description: That on or about June 18, 2023, in Hennepin County, Minnesota, DERRICK JOHN THOMPSON did, by operating @ motor vehicle, cause a colision that caused the death of a juvenile female and DERRICK JOHN THOMPSON left the scene ofthat collision, STATEMENT OF PROBABLE CAUSE Complainant has investigated the facts and circumstances ofthis offense and belioves the following establishes probable cause (On of about June 16, 2023, at approximately 10:09 p.m., a Minnesota State Trooper was stationed in a fuly marked Minnesota State Patol squad vehicle al the bus stop on FSW North at 46th Streetin ‘Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota, when the Trooper observed a black Cadilac Escalade SUV traveling northbound on F-35W drive by the Trooper ata high rate of speed, The radar on the Trooper's ‘squad vehicle indicated the black Cadilac Escalade was traveling 95 mph in a 55-mph zone. The black Cadillac Escalade was also weaving in and out of trafic lanes in @ reckless manner. The Trooper attempted to catch up tothe black Cadillac Escalade. However, prior to the Trooper catching upto the black Cadillac Escalade and attempting to inate a trafic stop, the biack Caulac Escalade, which was traveling inthe fardeft ane, abruptly cut across all four lanes of trafic and enited I-35 atthe Lake Street exit ramp ata high rate of speed. The Trooper never activated their emergency ighs or sens, ‘The black Cadillac Escalade continued to travel ata high rate of speed northbound down the exit ramp and through the 2nd Avenue and East Lake Stret intersection, The black Cadilac Escalade did not stop or slow down forthe red ight atthe intersection but proceeded through the intersection ata high rate of| speed. At the same time, a black Honda Civic had the green light and was lawfully traveling westbound on East Lake Street through the intersection. The black Cadilac Escalade colided violently with the black Honda Civic and t-boned the black Honda Civic on the driver side ofthe vehicle in the mile ofthe intersection causing catastrophic damage to both vehicles, The black Cadillac Escalade crashed into the Black Honda Civic with enough force to crush the black Honda Civic, pushing the black Honda Civie out of the intersection and pinning it against the wall of ha LASW bridge ‘Tha crash was caught on video surveillance cameras inthe area ‘The five occupants ofthe black Honda Civie were subsequently identiied. The driver of black Honda Civic \was identified as adult female victim $.G., age 20. The front seat passenger was identified as adult female Victim S.0., age 19. The back seat passengers were identified as adult female victims S.A., age 20, and 'S.H,,age 19, and a known juvenile female viet, age 17. “The Trooper observed the crash from approximately 0.15 miles tothe south and activated his lights and «emergency sirens to respond tothe crash. The Trooper immediately went tothe black Honda Civic. The ‘Trooper observed thatthe black Honda Civic had extensive damage and all five victims in the Honda Civic had no signs of ffe and were deceased. EMS subsequently arrived atthe soene and pronounced al fve vietims deceased, ‘The black Cauilac Escalade also had significant damage throughout the vehicle, Routine checks revealed the black Cadilac Escalade was a rented vehicte from a Hertz Rental Car located at Minneapolis-Saint Paul Intemational (MISP*) Airport, Minneapolis Police Officers and other State Troopers arived shortly thereafter. Offcers located a Hertz rental car receipt onthe ground right outside the black Cadillac Escalade. The rental car receipt listed the renter as "Derrick Thompson.” The driver was later ful identified as DERRICK JOHN THOMPSON, the Defendant herein. The receipt indicated that the date and time ofthe rental was June 16, 2023, at 9:46 pm, approximately 24 minutes before the crash. Officers were able to confi that there was video surveilance footage from Hertz of Defendant renting the black Cadilac Escalade from Hertz at the MSP Airport Officers spoke to witness A. Witness A informed officers that they observed the accident aft’ Sew® Defendant exit the vehicle and flee the scene on foot. Witness A provided a detailed physical description of Defendant and the clothing Defendant was wearing. Witness A also informed officers that Defendant was limping as he fled the scene, Witness B informed officers that he observed Defendant flee the scene after the accident and informed officers that Defendant was nearby at Taco Bell Defendant was subsequently located near the soene ofthe crash at Taco Bell. Defendant was siting onthe courb inthe parking lt of Taco Bell, Defendant also had injuries consistent with being in a car accident, Defendant was bleeding from a laceration on his forehead, had blood on his hands and clothing, and was ‘sweating profusely. Officers inquired with Defendant about how he sustained his injuries, Defendant iitally told offcers, “I cut myself, This s od. This is an old cut." Ofcers informed Defendant that his injuries looked recent, Defendant then told officers that he was injured when he “fel eatir inthe right Defendant then provided officers with his photo identification, Defendant was arrested, and officers observed Defendant was walking with a imp. A show-up was Conducted with Witness A. Witness A positively identified Defendant as the driver of the black Cadillac Escalade and the individual they observed fee the scene after the crash, Witness A was “one hundred percent” postive in their identification of Defendant. Defendant was subsequently transported to the hospital for medical treatment, Medical personnel ‘confirmed Defendant had a broken hip. ‘On June 20, 2023, a known withess came to the police precinct and proved officers with cell phone video ‘ofthe crash. In te Video, Defendant approaches the witness's car after the crash and asks the witness to sive hima ride, Officers obtained a search warrant to collet blood from the Defendant, Officers executed the search ‘warrant, The results ofthe blood draw are sil pending, Officers obtained a search warrant to search the black Cadillac Escalade, During the search ofthe vehicle, offices discovered a Glock 40 caliber semi-automatic handgun with an extended magazine with ive ammunition in the magazine, Officers also discovered over 250 grams, including over 2,000 individual pills, of suspected narcotics which field-tested postive for fentanyl, thiteen adalional pills which feld-tested postive for MDMA, and approximately 35 6 grams of white powder which field-ested positive for cocaine, Police also collected swabs for DNA testing from inside the vehicle, Results of the DNA testing are stl pending. Routine checks also revealed Defendant has the following prior convetions: Felony evading police causing injury or death felony hit-and-run resulting in serious bodily injury or death, ‘and felony conspiracy (18-CR-08-676) (2020, California}; Fleeing police in a motor vehicle and false information to police (62-CR-17-7822) on May 7, 2018; and Fifth Degree Drug Possession (62-CR-15-4853) on October 1, 2015. Defendants driving record includes numerous charges and convictions for driving after suspension and

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