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- If you like team games, try volleyball,

basketball, or football. These sports can be
played in school.
- Games you can enjoy with another player
include chess, badminton, and tennis. You can
Advantages of Engaging in play them in both indoors and outdoors with
your friend or classmate.
Sports Activities - If you prefer doing things on your own, you
may try swimming, biking, or athletics.
- Sports are athletic events or activities which
Types of Sports
entail physical exertion and participation.
= Sports are usually categorized according to
- The primary objective of sports is enjoyment.
the number of players participating on a
- It brings a sense of satisfaction, and at the
specified sporting event.
same time, improves one's skills and
1. Individual sports
- Sports can help you improve your teamwork
= are games played by single player against
and leadership skills.
- Teamwork is working together with other
people during a game or match.
2. Dual sports
- Leadership is the ability to guide others in an
= on the other hand, are played by two allied
organized and responsible manner. It helps
players opposing another pair of players.
you make wise decisions that affect all
members on your team.
- Teamwork and leadership skills help you deal
= It is a term denoting a group of athletic held
with other people both in sports and in your
as contests between individuals or teams. The
daily activities.
events may be held outdoors or indoors.
- Athletics is considered as the simplest and
- An important aspect that is developed when
oldest of sports, being the basis of the ancient
you participate in sports is sportsmanship.
Olympic Games.
- The basic categories of athletics are track
events, comprising runs and walks; and field
= is the ability to treat all players, game officials
events include jumps and throws.
and spectators fairly during competitions.
Examples of Athletics
- A good sport plays his/her best at all times,
A. Running or Sprinting
follows the rules of the game, and is gracious
= Sprinting means running over a short
in defeat and humble in winning.
distance in a limited period of time.
- Sports bring other things. You become
= It helps build the muscles along with
physically fit when you train and participate in
speed. At the same time, it helps burn off
these activities.
the fat layers that hide the muscles
- Your body also becomes more flexible and
- If your body is fit, your mind becomes fit too.
- Most high school and collegiate
When you do, you become a healthier and
competitions begin with the less common
happier individual.
50-meter sprint, while the 60-meter sprint
- You do not need to excel in sports to enjoy
comprise a common indoor championship
them. What matters is the participation that you
do, and not the winning.
- In Olympics and World Championship
- Whatever sports you would like to choose
events, sprinting can be held for 100
from, certainly there is much fun.
meters, 200 meters, and 400 meters.
B. Hurdling
= It is the act of running and jumping over Chess
some obstacles, with speed component.
= The hurdles (or obstacles) are usually Chess
made of metal and wood (or metal and = is a two-player strategy board game played
plastic) and are at fixed distances apart. on a chessboard and a checkered board with
64 squares arranged in an 8x8 grid.
C. High Jump
= Athlete must jump unaided over a History of Chess
horizontal bar placed at measured heights — The history of chess can be traced back
without dislodging it. nearly 1500 years, although the earliest origins
are uncertain.
D. Long Jump — The earliest predecessor of the game
= Athletes combine speed, strength and probably originated in India, before the 6th
agility in an attempt to leap as far as century AD.
possible from a take off point. — From India, the game spread to Persia.
When the Arabs conquered Persia, chess was
E. Discus Throw taken up by the Muslim world and
= Athlete throws a heavy disc-called a subsequently spread to Southern Europe.
discus-in an attempt to mark a farther — In Europe, chess evolved into roughly its
distance than their competitors. current form in the 15th century.

F. Javelin Throw Different Type of Chess Games

= A spear about 2.5 m (8 ft 2 in) length, is 1. Standard
thrown. The javelin thrower gains = Standard chess games are those in which
momentum by running within a the accumulative projected duration of the
predetermined area. entire game is either equal to 15 minutes or
G. Pole Vault
= Athletes uses a long and flexible pole, 2. Untimed
usually made from fiberglass or carbon = In untimed chess games, clocks are not used
fiber, as an aid to jump over a bar. so basically both the increment and start time
is zero. The opponents can consume as much
H. Shot Put time as they want to play the move. These are
= Involving "putting" (pushing rather than unrated games.
throwing) a heavy spherical ball-the shot-
as far as possible. 3. Bughouse
= It is a popular type of chess game. It is
played on two chess boards in teams of two
having two players in each team.
= The unique feature of bughouse is that the
pieces captured by one player of a team can
be given to the other member who is playing
the game with different colored chess pieces.
= The pieces can be dropped on the board on
empty squares as the next move.

4. Lightening
= Just as the name suggests, the lightening
chess game is extremely rapid. Generally, the
time allotted for a single move is ten seconds.
= Mostly, if the anticipated duration of a chess 1. The game pieces are laid out with the pawns
game is less than 3 minutes per player, the arrange in each player's second row.
game is termed as lightening.
2. On the first row, the rooks are placed at
5. Blitz each side, then the knights, then the bishops,
= In blitz chess game, the total time provided to with the king and queen in the two center-most
each player is either ten minutes or less. squares, opposite the opposing player's king
= Sometimes, a minimum of three to a and queen.
maximum of 15 minutes is given to a player for
all the moves combined, but not more than 3. On the first move, the player can choose to
that, so the total game is expected to end in move the pawns one square or two squares
half an hour at most. forward (never backwards). Or the next moves,
= Usually it is played as a sudden death chess the pawns can only move one square at a time.
game but can also be played with a small
increment. 4. The other pieces can be moved depending
upon the earlier description of their movement.
Materials Used in Playing Chess
— King (1) 5. When a pawn makes it to the other side of
= The king can move one square in any the board, it can be "promoted" to become
direction (sideways, forward, backward, or another piece, which is usually a queen.
diagonally) as long as the move is not placed
in a square under attack by an opponent piece. 6. Chess is a game of strategy in which the
players' objective is to "checkmate" the
— Queen (1) opposing player's "king". Checkmate occurs
= The queen is the most powerful attacking when a player's king can no longer make any
piece. It can move in a straight line, in any moves without being captured.
direction, for any unobstructed square.

— Rook (2) or Castle

= The rook or castle can move any distance Playing Badminton and Table
(forward, backward, or sideways) as long as
the line is unobstructed by any other piece.
— Bishop (2) Badminton and Table tennis are active dual
= The bishop moves diagonally (forward or sports. The games are played with an
backward) for any unobstructed square. It opponent across the playing field. Although
confines itself to the diagonal lines of the same these games are commonly played in singles
color. (meaning, one player play against only one
opponent), there are also instances where the
— Knight (2) game involved doubles (meaning, two players
= The knight goes two squares in a single against two player)
move in any direction (forward, backward, or
sideways); then, it advances one more square Badminton
at right angle. = Some researchers said that the nature of
badminton rooted from the traditional Chinese
— Pawn (8) sport Jianzi.
= The pawn can move only in a forward line. = It aims to keep heavily weighted feathers
Each pawn can move one or two squares on (shuttlecock) in the air using the player's body
its starting move, but thereafter, it can only = is a sport played using rackets to hit a
move one square at a time. shuttlecock across a net. Although it may be
played with larger teams, the most common
Rules in Playing Chess forms of the game are "singles" (with one
player per side) and "doubles" (with two - If you haven't learned to hold your racket
players per side). properly, you will not be able to aim accurately
and hit the shuttlecock forcefully.
In order to win a badminton match, you
must consider variety of strategies to use: 1. Forehand Grip
• You must know when to defend and = Using your dominant/playing hand, hold
deceive the opponent. the racket as if you were shaking hands
• You must know a wide variety of with it.
strokes, making you flexible and agile to = There should be a V-shape forming in
every situation. the middle of your thumb and index finger.
• You must be mentally upright, observing = Grip the racket a little bit loose to have a
the opponent's strengths, weaknesses, good control and greater flexibility.
and patterns of play. = This grip is used for forehand shots and
clear head shots.
Equipment Used in Playing Badminton
1. Badminton Racket
= The badminton racket serves as a tool to hit
the shuttlecock back and forth the opponent's
side. Its frame shall not exceed to 680mm in
length and 230mm in width.

2. Shuttlecock
= Shuttlecock are cone-shaped materials made
from 16 overlying goose feathers fixed around
a cork base, covered with a thin layer of

There are two types of shuttles that

have different properties and flight
paths: 2. Backhand Grip
- Nylon shuttles = Using your dominant/ playing hand,
- Feather shuttles press the wider surface of the handle
using your thumb for greater leverage and
3. Net power.
= Net should be made of fine dark cord with a = Still, grip the racket a little bit loose in
thickness of 15mm-20mm. your fingers.
= This must be set on a pole positioned on the
double sidelines.
= The height from the surface must be 5ft.
(1.55m) and 20ft. (6.1m) wide.

4. Court
= The badminton court shall be rectangle
marked with lines of 44 ft. wide in white or
yellow color.

Techniques in Playing Badminton

A. Know the Basic Grips
- To start playing badminton, you must know
the two basic grips in order to control the
B. Know the Basic Stroke Badminton Scoring and Serving Systems
- Basically, a stroke is the swing motion of your • In most tournaments, toss coin is used
racket arm. You will need strokes to hit certain to determine who serves first in the
shots. game.
• From zero, a point is gained in every
1. Overhead Forehand Stroke
rally you win. A game ends when a
= This is the most common and often
used stroke in badminton. Using the player reaches 21 points, having a two-
forehand grip, this kind of stroke creates point advantage. A match may be the
more power than the others. best of three games which means that
you win a match by winning two games.
2. Underarm Forearm Stroke • The score indicates the area where you
= An underarm forearm stroke is usually will serve.
performed when the opponent made a • When the server's score is even number
drop shot and the shuttle is clearly in front (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14…), he/she must
of you. serve from the right service court.
• When the server's score is odd number
3. Overhead Backhand Stroke
(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13…) he/she must
= This stroke is done when the shuttle is
serve from the left service court.
in the backhand area where it is above
• Therefore, the right service court is also
your head.
called as even service court and the left
service court as the odd service court.
4. Underarm Backhand Stroke
• In doubles, every time the serving side
= This is done when the opponent made a
succeeds a rally, the same person
drop shot to your backhand area in front
serves again following the odd-even
of you.
• The serve does not alternate among the
C. Familiarize Yourself with the Different
partners: it remains with one person,
until the opponents win a rally and get
the serve.
1. Clear Shot
= Using the overhead stroke, you aim the
Table Tennis
shuttle up in the air going to the
= The game of table tennis was invented in
opponent's back court.
England during the 19th century.
= It is played on a full-size table-tennis table.
2. Drive Shot
= The table measures 9 feet by 5 feet, and with
= Make a quick counter-attack shot,
a height of 3.5 feet. It is divided by a 6 inch
making it flat, horizontal and fast back to
high net.
the opponent's court.
= The ball used comes in different colors, and
is made of light celluloid or plastic material.
3. Drop Shot
= The rackets or bats being used may be of
= Using an overhead stroke, hit the
any size, shape, or weight. They must have a
shuttlecock softly downward towards the
thin wooden blade which are usually padded
opponent's forecourt close to the net.
with rubber materials.
= You can use any of the two grips for holding
4. Smash
a table tennis racket.
= This is also known as "kill"; this is a
powerful force from up high in the air,
Rules in Playing the Game
hitting the shuttle downwards and fast
• The object of the game is to acquire
towards the opponent's court.
points by making hits that an opponent
cannot return. The game starts by the
server hitting the celluloid ball with
his/her racket.
• The ball must first bounce on his/her
side of the net; then, on the opponent's
side or court. The ball is batted back
and forth after the first bounce.
• A player scores a point if his/her
opponent fails to make a good serve or
a successful return.
• Serving of the players alternates every
five points scored.
• The first to score 21 points is the winner
of the game.
• If both players score 20 points, the first
one to score two points more than
his/her opponent is declared the winner
of a game.
• A match may consist of three or five
games, termed "Best of Three" or "Best
of Five" match.

• The scoring system had been changed
by the International Table Tennis
Federation after 2001. -
• The scoring system stated above was
changed to make the game more
exciting and more appealing to viewers
and spectators
• Instead of 21 points, the first to score 11
points is the winner of the game.
• Serving of the players alternates every
three points, instead of five points.

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