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American Headway, Second Edition


This American Headway, Second Edition Placement Test booklet contains the following:

Introduction to the Placement Test

• The Placement Test
• Administering the Test
• Guidelines on Scoring and Placement

Photocopiable Answer Sheets and Placement Tests

• Placement Test A
• Placement Test B

Answer Keys
• Answer Key A
• Answer Key B
American Headway, Second Edition
THE PLACEMENT TEST 5. Distribute the Placement Tests. Be sure to hand out
different versions of the test to alternate students. Tell
The American Headway, Second Edition Placement Test the students to write their names and the date in the
is designed to help teachers place new students into the spaces at the top of the Answer Sheet.
appropriate level of American Headway. Students will
6. Have students remove the Answer Sheet from the rest
have 45 minutes to complete the test.
of the Placement Test.
This booklet contains two different versions of the same
multiple-choice Placement Test. We suggest handing Preparing the Students
out different versions of the Placement Test to alternate
students in order to discourage test takers from sharing 7. Explain to the students that they should mark the
answers. Answer Sheet only.

The Placement Test consists of the following sections: 8. Show students that there are four sections in the test—
• Grammar Grammar, Everyday English, Vocabulary, and Reading.

• Everyday English 9. Have students look at the sample question on the

• Vocabulary first page of the test. Explain that they will record
their answers by completely filling in the circle on the
• Reading
Answer Sheet that corresponds to the letter of their
10. Point out that there is only one answer per question.
Instructions on how to take the Placement Test should be
11. Remind students that the purpose of this test is
given in the students’ native language, if possible.
only to place them into the right level. The test will
Before You Begin not be “graded.” It is OK if they do not understand
everything on the test or are not able to answer all the
1. Make photocopies of Placement Tests A and B, questions.
including the Answer Sheets. Make enough copies so
that one half of the students will have Test A and the 12. Explain that the items increase in difficulty in each
other half Test B. section. It is better for them to work quickly until the
items become difficult. When the items become too
2. Staple the pages together with the appropriate Answer difficult to answer, students should stop and go to the
Sheet on top. next section.

3. Be sure you have enough sharpened pencils and 13. Tell students that they have 45 minutes to complete
erasers for all students. the test. Make sure they know that they must turn
in their Answer Sheets after 45 minutes, even if they
Seating the Students haven’t yet finished the test.
4. Seat the students and make sure that they all have
14. When you have finished giving the instructions, have
pencils and erasers.
the students begin working.

American Headway, Second Edition
During the Test 3. Combine the two scores to find the student’s Total
Score. Use the Total Score chart below to determine
15. Check to see that students are using the Answer Sheet which level of American Headway is best for the
correctly. student. Circle the appropriate level on the student’s
Answer Sheet.
16. Be prepared to answer questions from the students
about the instructions or sample questions. However, TOTAL SCORE
do not help students with questions about grammar, Below 10 points Starter
vocabulary, or the answer choices. 11–20 points Level 1A
21–30 points Level 1B
After the Test 31–40 points Level 2A
41–50 points Level 2B
17. After 45 minutes, collect the Placement Tests and 51–60 points Level 3A
Answer Sheets. Be sure you collect one Answer Sheet 61–70 points Level 3B
and one Placement Test from each student. 71–77 points Level 4
Above 78 points Level 5


1. Count the number of correct answers from the

first three sections of the test—Grammar, Everyday
English, and Vocabulary. Record this number on the
student’s Answer Sheet.

2. Count the number of correct answers in the Reading

section of the test. Use the Reading Score chart below
to find the adjusted score. Add this number to the
student’s Answer Sheet.

0–2 correct -8 points
3–5 correct -5 points
6–7 correct -2 points
8–10 correct +2 points
11–12 correct +5 points
13–15 correct +8 points


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