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50/60 WY23Z -090 -109 -124


54 slots

72 slots
2015-06-16 EN Approved

Lng. Status
Rev. Released
9470 HTGG611728
Dept. Document No.


(1): DE Grounding in the scope of Turbine in case of Alstom turbine

(2): 72 slots configuration applicable for 50WY23Z-124: Terminal arrangement according to detail
(3): 3 bearing: if applicable
(4): 4 coolers for 50/60WY23Z-090-109 generators; 5 coolers for 50WY23Z-124 generators

Derived from Replaces ALSTOM Document Code

HTGG 611 406 CY
Responsible dept. Created by Checked by Approved by Format
STTG Engineering Belfort Assystem FL B. Matter D. Hediger A4
D. Wdowik
Legal Owner Document Type Identification number
abcd Title, Subtitle HTGG 611 728
Power Steam Business-
Turbogenerators FIELD ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTION Rev. Date Lang. Sheet
- 2015/06/15 EN 1/74
abcd 1 General information
1.1 Objective

All rights reserved
© Copyright 2015 ALSTOM Power Systems SA
3 bis, avenue des 3 Chênes
90018 Belfort Cedex (France)
Prepared by STTG Engineering Belfort

This manual, including all content therein, is protected by copyright. No part of this publication
may be reproduced or translated in any form or by any means (electronic, photocopying,
microfilming, recording or otherwise) without prior written permission of:
ALSTOM Power Systems SA
Siège Social: 3, avenue André Malraux
92300 Levallois-Perret (France)

The content in this manual does not constitute any legally binding assurance of certain
2015-06-16 EN Approved

properties, qualities and/or scope of delivery. Site-specific deviations are possible.

Lng. Status

Any work described in this manual must be carried out solely under the supervision of
personnel expressly authorized. Failure to comply with this requirement shall void any
warranties, guarantees, representations, or other types of liability, which ALSTOM Power
Rev. Released

may have given or undertaken.


Revision History

Revision Date Content of Revision

9470 HTGG611728

- 2015/06/15 First issue

Dept. Document No.

2/74 HTGG 611 728 Rev. -

2015/06/15 Field Assembly Documentation
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
1 General information abcd
1.1 Objective

Safety instructions in the Manual

The normal bears safety instructions which are designed and structured as follows:

DANGER indicates an
imminently hazardous DANGER
situation which, if not
avoided, will result in death Type/Source of Hazard
or serious injury. This signal What are the hazard consequences?
word is to be limited to the
most extreme situation  Enter steps how to avoid the hazard.

WARNING indicates a
potentially hazardous WARNING
situation which, if not
avoided, could result in Type/Source of hazard
death or serious injury What are the hazard consequences?
2015-06-16 EN Approved
Lng. Status

 Enter steps how to avoid the hazard.

CAUTION indicates a
Rev. Released

potentially hazardous CAUTION

situation which, if not
avoided, may result in minor Type/Source of hazard

or moderate injury. It may What are the hazard consequences?


also be used to alert against

unsafe practices  Enter steps how to avoid the hazard.
9470 HTGG611728
Dept. Document No.

In addition to the safety instructions shown above, the manual contains safety
instructions with hazard-specific symbols similar to the symbols found on safety
labels and stickers on the Machine.
The information in this manual is compulsory reading matter for anyone working
with or at the Machine.

Rev. - HTGG 611 728 3/74

Field Assembly Documentation 2015/06/15
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
abcd 1 General information
1.1 Objective

Other Symbols and Notes

Possible Damage to the Machine

Information not relevant for

the safety of personnel but CAUTION
pointing out possible Information pointing out possible damages to the Machine.
damage to the Machine is
depicted as shown on the

Information about 12
3 Note
references documents
Before starting any operation, read the references documents
in corresponding tables in the Field Assembly Documentation
List. (FAD)
2015-06-16 EN Approved
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Rev. Released
9470 HTGG611728
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4/74 HTGG 611 728 Rev. -

2015/06/15 Field Assembly Documentation
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
1 General information abcd
1.1 Objective

List of Contents
1 General information ................................................................................................................. 9
1.1 Objective ................................................................................................................................... 9
1.2 Scope of Validity ...................................................................................................................... 9
1.3 Abbreviations and Terms used in this Instruction ............................................................... 9
1.4 Protection of Equipment ....................................................................................................... 10
1.4.1 General Information ................................................................................................................. 10
1.4.2 Precautions during unpacking turbo-generator components ................................................... 10
1.4.3 Preservation during the erection phase ................................................................................... 11
1.4.4 Monitoring during the erection phase ....................................................................................... 13
1.4.5 Clean working conditions during all work on the turbo-generator ............................................ 14
1.5 Preparation ............................................................................................................................. 15
1.5.1 Documentation ......................................................................................................................... 15
1.5.2 Checking .................................................................................................................................. 15
2015-06-16 EN Approved
Lng. Status

1.6 General recommendations.................................................................................................... 16

1.7 Special safety instructions ................................................................................................... 18
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2 Overview of the Generator Installation ................................................................................ 22

2.1 Basic Installation Sequence ................................................................................................. 22

2.1.1 Documentation ......................................................................................................................... 22


2.2 Shipping-Configuration of the Generator Block ................................................................. 23

2.2.1 Documentation ......................................................................................................................... 23
2.2.2 Pre-assembled components .................................................................................................... 24
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Dept. Document No.

2.2.3 Temporarily installed transportation devices ............................................................................ 24

2.2.4 Parts shipped separately.......................................................................................................... 25

3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator ........................................................................ 27

3.1 Prerequisites .......................................................................................................................... 27
3.1.1 Documentation ......................................................................................................................... 27
3.1.2 Preparation............................................................................................................................... 27
3.2 Prepare the Foundation to receive the Generator .............................................................. 28
3.2.1 Documentation ......................................................................................................................... 28
3.2.2 Calculate required sole-plate & foundation-support elevations ................................................ 29
3.2.3 Set and grout the foundation base plates (sole plates) ............................................................ 31
3.2.4 Pre-install the generator seal frame ......................................................................................... 32
3.2.5 Install the generator foundation bolts ....................................................................................... 32
3.2.6 Install standstill heaters and leak-water detectors ................................................................... 33
3.2.7 Install and align foundation supports ....................................................................................... 33
3.3 Unload Generator and set on Foundation ........................................................................... 34
3.3.1 Documentation ......................................................................................................................... 34
3.3.2 Prepare the generator to set on foundation ............................................................................. 34
3.3.3 Set the generator on its foundation supports ........................................................................... 35
3.4 Rough Align the Generator to the Turbine .......................................................................... 36
3.4.1 Documentation ......................................................................................................................... 36
3.4.2 Prerequisites / Preparations ..................................................................................................... 36
3.4.3 Check generator rough alignment............................................................................................ 37
3.4.4 Correct generator rough alignment .......................................................................................... 38

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Field Assembly Documentation 2015/06/15
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
abcd 1 General information
1.1 Objective

3.4.5 Tighten the generator foundation bolts .................................................................................... 40

3.5 Remove Outer and Inner Enclosures Upper Halves, DE & NDE ....................................... 43
3.5.1 Documentation ........................................................................................................................ 43
3.5.2 Removal of enclosures ............................................................................................................ 43
3.6 Remove Desiccants .............................................................................................................. 45
3.6.1 Documentation ........................................................................................................................ 45
3.6.2 Removal of Desiccant Units .................................................................................................... 45
3.7 Remove the Transportation Cover and Install the Stator Casing Top-Cover ................. 46
3.7.1 Documentation ........................................................................................................................ 46
3.7.2 Prerequisites ........................................................................................................................... 46
3.7.3 Remove the transportation cover ............................................................................................ 46
3.7.4 Install the top-cover ................................................................................................................. 46
3.7.5 Install the Flow Baffle .............................................................................................................. 47
3.7.6 Install the main-terminal connecting parts ............................................................................... 47
3.8 Final Align the Generator to the Turbine ............................................................................ 48
3.8.1 Documentation ........................................................................................................................ 48
3.8.2 Prerequisites / Preparations .................................................................................................... 48
2015-06-16 EN Approved

3.8.3 Check generator alignment ..................................................................................................... 48

Lng. Status

3.8.4 Correct generator final alignment ............................................................................................ 49

3.8.5 Record final alignments and measurements ........................................................................... 49
3.9 Check and re-tighten the Winding-Head Wedges .............................................................. 51
3.9.1 Documentation ........................................................................................................................ 51
Rev. Released

3.9.2 Check and re-tighten ............................................................................................................... 51

3.10 Check 3 Bearing (End Bearing) Alignment ....................................................................... 54

3.10.1 Documentation ........................................................................................................................ 54


3.10.2 Prerequisites / Preparations .................................................................................................... 54

3.10.3 Open the end bearing .............................................................................................................. 54
3.10.4 Remove end-bearing lower half and check bearing-pedestal alignment ................................ 54
9470 HTGG611728
Dept. Document No.

3.10.5 Re-check bearing-pedestal alignment and re-install the end-bearing ..................................... 55

3.11 Check Brush-Gear Alignment .............................................................................................. 57
3.11.1 Documentation ........................................................................................................................ 57
3.11.2 Brush-Gear Alignment ............................................................................................................. 57
3.12 Final Installation of the Seal Frame ..................................................................................... 59
3.12.1 Documentation ........................................................................................................................ 59
3.12.2 Prerequisites ........................................................................................................................... 59
3.12.3 Install the separating baffle ..................................................................................................... 59
3.12.4 Adjust and final install the seal-frame...................................................................................... 60
3.13 Weld Cross and Longitudinal Guides ................................................................................. 61
3.13.1 Documentation ........................................................................................................................ 61
3.13.2 Preparations ............................................................................................................................ 61
3.13.3 Weld cross guides ................................................................................................................... 61
3.13.4 Weld longitudinal guides ......................................................................................................... 61
3.14 Install Inner and Outer Enclosures DE & NDE.................................................................... 62
3.14.1 Documentation ........................................................................................................................ 62
3.14.2 Prerequisites / Preparations .................................................................................................... 62
3.14.3 Install inner enclosures upper halves ...................................................................................... 62
3.14.4 Install outer enclosures upper halves ...................................................................................... 63
3.15 Close the Generator Bearings.............................................................................................. 64
3.15.1 Documentation ........................................................................................................................ 64
3.15.2 Prerequisites / Preparations .................................................................................................... 64
3.15.3 Install bearing covers .............................................................................................................. 64
3.15.4 Install the oil deflectors ............................................................................................................ 65

6/74 HTGG 611 728 Rev. -

2015/06/15 Field Assembly Documentation
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
1 General information abcd
1.1 Objective

3.15.5 Install vibration monitoring equipment ..................................................................................... 65

3.15.6 Install the shaft enclosure ........................................................................................................ 65
3.16 Tighten Turbine / Generator Coupling ................................................................................. 66
3.16.1 Documentation ......................................................................................................................... 66
3.16.2 Hone coupling bolt holes .......................................................................................................... 66
3.16.3 Tighten coupling bolts and check coupling run-out .................................................................. 66
3.17 Install Generator Accessories .............................................................................................. 67
3.17.1 Documentation ......................................................................................................................... 67
3.17.2 Install the DE grounding-strips ................................................................................................. 67
3.17.3 Install the RC-Grounding Device (NDE side) ........................................................................... 68
3.17.4 Install the Make-up Filter with Silencer (not applicable if Pressurization Unit) ......................... 70
3.17.5 Install brush-gear air-filters (and silencers if option) ................................................................ 71
3.17.6 Pressurization Unit (if option) ................................................................................................... 72
3.17.7 Air Dryer Unit (if option)............................................................................................................ 72
3.17.8 Install the PAMOS-SENSOR (if option) ................................................................................... 72
3.17.9 Install the ROMON (if option) ................................................................................................... 72
3.18 Finalize Generator Installation.............................................................................................. 73
3.18.1 Documentation ......................................................................................................................... 73
2015-06-16 EN Approved

3.18.2 Final-adjust and lock the anchor parts ..................................................................................... 73

Lng. Status

3.18.3 Complete instrument wiring ..................................................................................................... 73

3.18.4 Close generator access doors ................................................................................................. 73
3.18.5 Various checks......................................................................................................................... 73
3.18.6 Turn over to commissioning ..................................................................................................... 74
Rev. Released
9470 HTGG611728
Dept. Document No.

Rev. - HTGG 611 728 7/74

Field Assembly Documentation 2015/06/15
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
abcd 1 General information
1.1 Objective

List of Tables
Table 2-1: Mass of Generator different components ................................................................................... 24

List of Figures
Figure 1-1: Dewpoint as function of relative humidity and air temperature .................................................. 12
Figure 2-1: Basic Installation Sequence ...................................................................................................... 22
Figure 2-2: Pre-assembled Components & temporarily installed Transport Devices .................................. 23
Figure 2-3: Parts shipped separately ........................................................................................................... 26
Figure 3-1: Anchoring .................................................................................................................................. 28
Figure 3-2: Calculating the Elevation on the Sole Plates and Foundation Supports.................................... 30
2015-06-16 EN Approved
Lng. Status

Figure 3-3: Horizontal axis cross marks ...................................................................................................... 38

Figure 3-4: Stretched tight wire along the footplate cross mark level .......................................................... 38
Figure 3-5: Straightness t must be <1 mm .................................................................................................. 38
Rev. Released

Figure 3-6: Adjustment of transport bolts ..................................................................................................... 39


Figure 3-7: Tightening the Stator Foundation Bolts ..................................................................................... 40


Figure 3-8: Dismantling of inner enclosure (first stage) ............................................................................... 43

Figure 3-9: Dismantling of inner enclosure (second stage) ......................................................................... 44
9470 HTGG611728

Figure 3-10: Retightening the stator end winding ........................................................................................ 53

Dept. Document No.

Figure 3-11: Installation of the DE Grounding Strips ................................................................................... 68

Figure 3-12: Installation of the RC Grounding Device ................................................................................. 69
Figure 3-13: Location of the Make-up Filter with Silencer............................................................................ 70
Figure 3-14: Installation of Brush-Gear Filters and Silencers ...................................................................... 71

8/74 HTGG 611 728 Rev. -

2015/06/15 Field Assembly Documentation
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
1 General information abcd
1.1 Objective

1.1 Objective
This instruction describes the Mechanical Field Installation of the Generator components
within the scope of supply of ALSTOM Power.

Read instructions!

The information in this manual is compulsory reading matter for anyone working with
or at the Machine. This means that everyone must understand what safety means.
ALSTOM Power declines all responsibility for personal injuries or material damages
occurring as a result of non-observance of the instructions and warnings in this

1.2 Scope of Validity

2015-06-16 EN Approved

This instruction is valid for the following application:

Lng. Status

− Generator Type : 50/60 WY23Z –090 –109 –124

− Excitation : static

Rev. Released

Cooler Arrangement : in the bottom of the generator-frame

− Gen. Main Terminals : on top of the stator casing

1.3 Abbreviations and Terms used in this Instruction

− DB136: Liquid Threadlocker (Loctite®243, blue)
9470 HTGG611728
Dept. Document No.

− DB202: Non-Hardening Sealant (Hylomar®, Reinzoplast®)

− DE: Driven End (Turbine End)
− Epoxy grout: Sikadur42® or equivalent
− FAD: Field Assembly Documentation List
− L.H.: Lower Half (Bottom Half)
− NDE: Non Driven End (Exciter End)
− U.H.: Upper Half (Top Half)

Rev. - HTGG 611 728 9/74

Field Assembly Documentation 2015/06/15
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
abcd 1 General information
1.4 Protection of Equipment

1.4 Protection of Equipment

The following recommendations must be applied to avoid possible damage to the

1.4.1 General Information

● The protective and preservation measures used for transport are not present during the
erection phase. During erection the covers used during transport will be progressively
removed and replaced by generator components or other temporary covers. During this
time the turbo-generator components are vulnerable to damage from the environment if
proper precautions are not taken.
● The components most at risk are the turbo-generator stator and rotor. The stator core
has a large mass and reacts slowly to changes in the ambient air temperature. It has to
be protected from sudden changes in ambient air temperature and/or humidity to avoid
2015-06-16 EN Approved

condensation of water on the internal surfaces of the stator core and stator winding.
Lng. Status

Moisture formation on internal surfaces will result in rust on unprotected steel surfaces
and low winding insulation resistance. The rotor is similarly susceptible to these effects.
● Corrosion damage can require extensive efforts to return the components to their original
condition, and in many cases cannot be fully removed. Susceptible components will
Rev. Released

begin to show signs of rusting after exposure to moist air for only a short time (one day),
therefore only by strictly keeping to the requirements given in this document can such
problems be avoided.

1.4.2 Precautions during unpacking turbo-generator components

9470 HTGG611728

● As a general rule unpacking of parts, removal of shipping covers and protective devices
Dept. Document No.

should preferably take place shortly before installation in order to protect parts and
components from damage, humidity and contamination for as long as possible.
● In particular the time between opening the generator stator transport / protection covers
and closing the stator again must be minimized. During this time the open stator must be
protected from moisture, particularly rain. This is of obvious concern when the power
plant is outdoors, but it can be overlooked on indoor installations where the permanent
building may not be completely finished or large doorways may be left open. Under these
conditions the building may not provide adequate protection and, as in the outdoor plant,
additional covers will be needed.
● Before removing the transport/protection covers, ensure that the stator structure is at the
same temperature as the ambient air or higher. If the structure is colder than the ambient
air then, depending on the dew point temperature, condensation could form on the stator
components. If the stator has been moved from a colder environment to a warmer
environment, e.g. from outside to inside the turbine hall, then time must be allowed for
the stator temperature to stabilize to the ambient air temperature before removing the
covers - this could take several days.
● Do not remove the covers if the stator internal air temperature is below the dew point of
the external, ambient air.
● Remove one transport/protection/enclosure cover at a time (NDE then DE), immediately
replacing it by the temporary closure plates/covers to be used during the erection period,
i.e. do not have both ends of the stator open at the same time. This minimizes the
exchange of the dry air within the stator with the ambient air.

10/74 HTGG 611 728 Rev. -

2015/06/15 Field Assembly Documentation
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
1 General information abcd
1.4 Protection of Equipment

● The Generator should be kept closed directly until the lifting process. If the foundation
allows for leaving the transport/protection covers on the generator, then it should be lifted
with the covers on. Otherwise dehumidifiers must be prepared in advance and waiting on
the turbine block ready to use. These devices should be connected immediately after
putting (lifting) the generator on the foundation.

1.4.3 Preservation during the erection phase

● Any openings on the generator need to be closed with plastic sheeting or wooden covers
and sealing tape to avoid excessive interchange between the dry air inside the generator
with the ambient air outside.
● The relative humidity of the air within the generator must be regularly monitored and
controlled to keep it at a low level. Generally relative humidity levels above 40% increase
the risk of rusting of unprotected steel surfaces.
● Additionally the steel temperature must always be kept at least 5K above the dew point
temperature of the air within the generator. The dew point can be obtained using the
2015-06-16 EN Approved

graph in Figure 1-1 from the measured air temperature and relative humidity, or directly
from the measuring equipment if a dedicated temperature/humidity detector is used.
Lng. Status

● The measurable steel temperatures within the generator depend on the specific design.
The stator core is common to all machine types and is normally the preferred
measurement since this has the greatest mass and will react more slowly to changes in
Rev. Released

ambient temperature. It is therefore at higher risk of condensation.

However, on generators with all-steel housings, then housing temperatures are much
easier to measure from the practical point of view and should not be much different from

the core temperature under stable conditions.


For guidelines on monitoring the steel temperature, see section ‘Measurement and
control of generator steel temperature.
● The generator steel temperature, the air temperature and humidity inside the generator
9470 HTGG611728
Dept. Document No.

shall be measured daily and be part of the site report. Additionally the ambient
temperature and humidity in the turbine hall shall be measured and reported.
Unless local site conditions are particularly dry and stable, then it is recommended that
automatic, hourly logging of air relative humidity and temperature both inside and outside
the generator is carried out.
● When other generator parts are removed (such as cooler, enclosures, bearing covers,
shaft seals, brush-gear enclosures etc.), the exposed components must be covered with
a clean tarpaulin or dustsheet.

Control of relative humidity of the air within the generator

● Unless the ambient site conditions are particularly dry, it is likely that a dehumidifier will
need to be applied in closed loop configuration to control the relative humidity of the air
within the generator.
● As a general rule, if the relative humidity of the ambient air outside the generator is above
45%, then the generator internal air will need to be dried continuously using a
dehumidifier. Further information regarding the selection and use of dehumidifiers is
given in document HDST601072.
● When the generator is being actively worked on, dehumidifiers should be applied
continuously if feasible during the day and always during the night or during periods of
● The air dehumidifier must in any case be in operation daily for a minimum of 3 hours.
The operation can be split into three periods each period being of one-hour duration. This
will help to keep the relative humidity in the stator within acceptable limits.

Rev. - HTGG 611 728 11/74

Field Assembly Documentation 2015/06/15
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
abcd 1 General information
1.4 Protection of Equipment

● If it is not feasible to use dehumidifiers during the day shift, then the humidity inside the
stator additionally needs to checked every two hours during the working time.
● If the relative humidity inside the generator exceeds 60%, or, due to a sudden inflow of
warm, humid air, condensation takes place on the generator, then the generator should
be closed and the dehumidifier applied until the relative humidity is again below 30%
before the stator can be opened for work and the dehumidifier stopped or disconnected.

At certain times, the generator will be exposed to the station ambient air for
extended periods dependant on the generator type, e.g. during rotor insertion,
assembling the housing end closures/end housings, cooler pockets and terminal
box. It will be extremely difficult to avoid ingress of ambient station air into the
generator during these periods; therefore it is important that the local weather
conditions are checked in advance for any expected sudden increase in air
temperature and humidity during these periods.

2015-06-16 EN Approved

If a sudden increase in air relative humidity/temperature occurs and enters the

Lng. Status

generator then condensation can occur extremely quickly on the colder generator
surfaces. If this occurs, then additional measures to dry out the generator may be
necessary (e.g. immediately wiping accessible surfaces to remove condensed
Rev. Released

water, followed by combined heating and dehumidification).

9470 HTGG611728
Dept. Document No.

Figure 1-1: Dewpoint as function of relative humidity and air temperature

12/74 HTGG 611 728 Rev. -

2015/06/15 Field Assembly Documentation
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
1 General information abcd
1.4 Protection of Equipment

Measurement and control of generator steel temperature

● It is preferable that the stator core steel temperature is measured as this is more at risk
of condensation due to its large mass. This can be measured in different ways according
to availability of equipment and access:
(i) Measure the temperature using the RTD’s embedded in the stator winding:
This is done using a dedicated meter or a simple ohmmeter and the
temperature calculated from the measured resistances (ref IEC 60751). Safe
access is needed to the RTD terminals.
(ii) Measure the core steel temperature remotely using an infrared thermometer:
(e.g. Fluke 62 or 561). It is recommended to take the average of 4 readings
taken at the DE and NDE depending on access.
● Alternatively, on generators with steel housing constructions, e.g. hydrogen-cooled, the
housing steel can be monitored with a contact thermometer or other suitable equipment.
It is recommended to take the average of 4 readings taken around the generator at the
DE and NDE. The housing surface closest to the core should be measured (i.e. housing
body, not cooler pockets).
● The generator steel temperature must always be at least 5K above the dew point
temperature of the air within the generator, or the dew point temperature of ambient air
2015-06-16 EN Approved

outside the generator if the generator will be open for any reason.
If this criterion cannot be met, then there is a high risk of condensation occurring on the
Lng. Status

generator surfaces. This must be avoided at all times.

● However, the generator has a large mass and therefore temperature changes cannot be
achieved quickly. Using space heaters will need several days to heat through the
Rev. Released

generator; even using high powered air heaters will require many hours. By far the most
effective way to avoid condensation in the generator is to control the relative humidity
(and therefore dew point) of the air inside the generator using a dehumidifier as

described above.

● If heating of the generator is foreseen as a precaution against condensation during

periods when the generator is going to be open to the ambient air (e.g. rotor insertion
etc.), then heating should be started up to 2 weeks in advance of the period of opening to
9470 HTGG611728
Dept. Document No.

ensure a thorough heat soak and even temperature distribution.

● To achieve this, temporary space heaters will need to be installed in the foundation air
pit. As a rule-of-thumb, about 1 kW of distributed heat is required to keep the generator
1°C above the ambient air temperature once temperatures are stabilized depending on
the generator type.
● The temporary installation (positioning, fixing, cabling) shall not result in any fire hazard
within the generator.

1.4.4 Monitoring during the erection phase

● During installation the air temperature and relative humidity inside and outside the
generator stator shall be recorded on a daily basis. Ideally an automatic logging device
shall be used to record the data every hour. The downloaded data shall be part of the site
● Additionally the generator steel temperature shall be measured and recorded. The
location of the steel temperature measurement shall be identified in the Test Certificate.
● Periodically check insulation resistance of stator and rotor windings in order to detect as
early as possible any changes in insulation quality. This shall be done at least 1 per
● Ensure that stator casing, rotor, stator windings, bearing pedestals of generator and
exciter are kept grounded and properly connected to plant earth throughout the
installation/assembly period. Use temporary grounding cables where necessary.

Rev. - HTGG 611 728 13/74

Field Assembly Documentation 2015/06/15
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
abcd 1 General information
1.4 Protection of Equipment

1.4.5 Clean working conditions during all work on the turbo-generator

● When in operation, the internal spaces within the turbo-generator are subjected to high
magnetic fields which can easily move loose magnetic particles and even components,
and will cause self heating of all metallic parts, both magnetic and non-magnetic.
● Cooling air circulates at high velocities picking up any dust and debris and carrying it
around to all parts of the machine. Such dust / debris can block cooling ducts leading to
over-heating and can reduce electrical creepage distances on the high voltage windings
and supports leading to electrical breakdown.
● A high level of cleanliness and material control is therefore essential to avoiding
problems in operation.
● When assembling or dismantling is being done, appropriate containers shall be used for
temporary storage of tools, nuts, bolts and other small components. No objects, metallic
or non-metallic must be tolerated lying around loose inside or on the generator.
● Disassembled or loose parts which are not used immediately shall be identified (tagged)
and protected from contamination and corrosion.
● When entering the generator or working around open bearings, wear clean clothes and
shoes (booties). Plastic overshoes shall be discarded after use and not re-used.
2015-06-16 EN Approved

All loose objects in pockets of clothes are to be removed; remove jewellery (watches,
necklace etc.). Only carry tools and parts which are necessary to carry out the work.
Lng. Status

Make sure, nothing gets dropped or lost. After working inside the generator or bearing
pedestals, always make sure that all tools, parts and materials get removed again.
Frequently check for foreign objects and remove them. Clean-up possible debris
Rev. Released

To ensure these requirements are met, strict inventory control of parts and tools entering
and leaving the stator housing shall be applied.

● Grinding, welding, chiseling in the immediate vicinity of the generator must be avoided.

Otherwise, the generator components (especially windings, core, bearings, brush-gear,

and generator rotor) must be covered-up and sealed-off from the contaminating source.
9470 HTGG611728
Dept. Document No.

Metallic or abrasive contamination on winding insulation, bearings, lube oil
systems, generator slip rings etc. may cause severe damage to the machine.

● Parts and components are to be set down on wooden blocks. Whereby machined
surfaces are to be protected additionally with plastic sheets, in order to prevent corrosion.
● Meticulous inspection of the stator windings and core shall be carried out at various
stages of assembly such as:
− Before inserting the rotor, when it is delivered separately.
− Before installation of the generator enclosures.

14/74 HTGG 611 728 Rev. -

2015/06/15 Field Assembly Documentation
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
1 General information abcd
1.5 Preparation

1.5 Preparation
1.5.1 Documentation
3 Note
Before starting any operation, read the references documents in table 03 of the
Field Assembly Documentation List (FAD).

1.5.2 Checking
● Perform incoming inspection of the generator components and prepare them either for
installation or storage.
● When unpacking components in preparation for installation, clean parts and remove
long-term corrosion-protection applied for shipping shortly before installation. Apply short-
term rust-protection (such as WD-40).
● Check unpacked parts for completeness and possible transportation damage.
● During installation, periodically check insulation resistance of stator and rotor windings in
2015-06-16 EN Approved

order to early-detect possible changes in insulation quality.

Lng. Status

Rev. Released

Fill the test certificates



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Rev. - HTGG 611 728 15/74

Field Assembly Documentation 2015/06/15
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
abcd 1 General information
1.6 General recommendations

1.6 General recommendations

See on page 3 to 4 the description of the different safety instructions.

It is absolutely recommended that the entire work on any parts of the facility is
carried out by or together with ALSTOM Power personnel.


Damage caused by not following the rules according to Field Assembly

Danger of loss of health
 Always read and comply with procedures described in this instruction.
2015-06-16 EN Approved
Lng. Status

 Pay attention to the specific safety instructions in relation to transport and

lifting equipment.
 In case of the doubts contact with responsible person.
Rev. Released


Damage caused by not agreed modifications with Generator Design

9470 HTGG611728
Dept. Document No.

Danger of personal or mechanical injury

 Any modifications in generator design are not allowed without permission
from responsible Generator Design Department.
 Any modifications in generator instrumentation design are not allowed
without permission from responsible Generator Design Department.

When the generator is at a standstill for a short or long period of time,
various precautions should be taken, which have to be in accordance with
ALSTOM Power Instructions: refer to preservation recommendations!
 It is absolutely important to keep the generator free of humidity: use a
desiccant and blow heated air through the generator.

16/74 HTGG 611 728 Rev. -

2015/06/15 Field Assembly Documentation
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
1 General information abcd
1.6 General recommendations

Ensure absolute cleanliness and accuracy during maintenance of the
generator :
 If dirt or foreign particles enter the casing, this can cause serious
irregularities or even destroy components.
 A clean surrounding is also necessary for general maintenance work.
 Generally, the open parts of the generator housing, which are not worked
on are to be covered. This applies also during work interruptions regardless
to their length
 Only clean, lint-free cloth can be used for cleaning the components.

 Oil leakage is to be immediately blanked off and removed or collected.
2015-06-16 EN Approved

 All pipe connections are to be sealed appropriately to avoid any ingress of

Lng. Status

foreign particles into the system.

 Always remove used seals and locking plates and replace these by new
Rev. Released
9470 HTGG611728
Dept. Document No.

Rev. - HTGG 611 728 17/74

Field Assembly Documentation 2015/06/15
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
abcd 1 General information
1.7 Special safety instructions

1.7 Special safety instructions

When carrying out the described work, follow strictly the safety instructions related to it.
Before beginning the work, make sure that:
− all the appropriate electric components are disconnected or insulated
− all the appropriate mechanical drives are secured
− all surplus energies are dissipated (actual energy!)
− all pressures and temperatures are reset at safe values.

Some fixations are secured by spot-welding. Remove them before assembling. During
cutting-off and welding operations, put on suitable clothes and the required personal
protective equipment!

Mandatory Action
2015-06-16 EN Approved

Always wear tested protective glasses, facemasks, gloves, safety shoes and
Lng. Status

suitable clothes in assembling work, especially when :

● handling of any component with sharp edges and corners, protruding parts
● handling parts in contact with oil
Rev. Released

● working with cleaning agents :

 Strictly follow the safety instructions of the cleaning agent manufacturers.

9470 HTGG611728
Dept. Document No.

Formaldehyde detection (Generators):

 Residual traces of Formaldehyde may appear during first phase of
operation of new generators.

Formaldehyde gases can cause damage to health!

Therefore it is necessary to take the following precautions prior to any
inspection or works that entail entry into the generator:
 Before any work inside generator can begin, generator has to be
completely ventilated by opening all possible manholes.
 Measurements with calibrated gas measurement equipment, by qualified
staff, for traces of residual Formaldehyde must be undertaken to ensure
that working area is within the statutory permissible limits for country of
 Only if statutory legally permissible limits are achieved, a Permit to Work
(PTW) may be issued and personnel may enter generator without
protective equipment.
 If statutory legally permissible limits have not been achieved, appropriate,
protective equipment must be used during whole process of inspection or
works to be performed.
 Protective equipment has to be in accordance with regulations that are
applicable at time of inspection or works to be performed.

18/74 HTGG 611 728 Rev. -

2015/06/15 Field Assembly Documentation
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
1 General information abcd
1.7 Special safety instructions

Heavy load

Danger of health due to accident caused by lifting heavy components!

Wrong use of lifting tools could lead to serious accident!

 Always follow lifting specifications for components >25kg.
 Components <25kg shall be handled manually.
 Use only the indicated tools and hoisting equipment and observe the
instruction manuals related to them: comply with the special safety
instructions related to transport and lifting equipment.
 Take care about maximum permissible load capacity. Refer to special
data plates on lifting devices tools.
 Ensure that the load is correctly secured. All handling equipment means
such as lifting devices, ropes, shackle etc. are to be selected in
accordance with the weights and masses (see the weight and size in the
2015-06-16 EN Approved

Lng. Status

 Visual inspection of handling equipment after (and also prior to) every
usage must be performed. In case of any discontinuities, cracks, etc.
further utilization of the equipment is not allowed.
Rev. Released

 Do never stand under suspended loads. Make sure that persons not
involved in the work are outside the danger area.

9470 HTGG611728

Danger of limbs crushing due to incorrect using of hydraulic tools.

Dept. Document No.

Danger of high pressure oil ejection due to failure of hydraulic tools.

 Risk of causing serious injury due to incorrect use or defect in hydraulic
 Take special care when working with hydraulic tools.
 Check all parts for wear/damage prior to assembly.
 Always work in accordance with the user manual of the hydraulic device.
 Do not exceed maximum pressure.


Danger of slip or fall due to oil leakage on the surface caused by incorrect
using of hydraulic tools.
 Make a correct using of the hydraulic tools to avoid oil leakage.

Rev. - HTGG 611 728 19/74

Field Assembly Documentation 2015/06/15
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
abcd 1 General information
1.7 Special safety instructions


Danger of loss of health because of ejected oil from the bearing block.
 Risk of slip due to oiled components and fall due to components placed
around bearing pedestal. (lateral guides, cabling, piping)
 Keep cleanness around bearing blocks.
 Use shoes with good adhesion to the floor.

High voltage/Electrical shock
Danger of life by electrical shock under high voltage
 Be sure that the excitation cannot be switched on while the machine is at
2015-06-16 EN Approved

Lng. Status

Rev. Released

Rotating parts

Danger of drawing-in or trapping due to unexpected component rotation.


- Fan Blades

- Inlet Guide Vane

9470 HTGG611728
Dept. Document No.

- Main Radial Fan

- Slip Rings Fan (when available according to project specific excitation

 Secure rotor against rotation and stand clear of rotor when rotation is
 Prior to shaft rotation, protection needs to be installed according to the
requirements in the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC and other applicable


Pressurized air
Danger of personal injury by high pressure air flow!
 In case of pressurized unit, ensure in addition that the housing
pressurization system is switched off and the housing is at atmospheric

20/74 HTGG 611 728 Rev. -

2015/06/15 Field Assembly Documentation
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
1 General information abcd
1.7 Special safety instructions

Danger of drawing-in or trapping due to contact with rotating surfaces that
are not covered by protection device.
 Always keep safe distance from machine.

Harmful materials
Personal injury by contact or inhalation with glass components during
handling/machining processes.

The generator contains many components manufactured from glass fibre bound in
epoxy and polyester resins.
 Risk of abrasion when handling / machining.
2015-06-16 EN Approved

 Risk of dust inhalation when handling or machining: some mechanical wear

Lng. Status

can result in traces of glass/resin dust in the machine. Appropriate

measures should be taken to avoid inhalation of any such dust
Rev. Released
9470 HTGG611728
Dept. Document No.

Rev. - HTGG 611 728 21/74

Field Assembly Documentation 2015/06/15
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
abcd 2 Overview of the Generator Installation
2.1 Basic Installation Sequence


In general, the generator block is shipped to the site as an assembled package as far as
possible and practical. Some on-site disassembly and re-assembly work on the generator
block is still required for purposes of final assembly, alignment and removal of transportation

2.1 Basic Installation Sequence

2.1.1 Documentation
3 Note
Before starting any operation, read the references documents in table 04 of the
Field Assembly Documentation List (FAD).

No Step name
Prepare the foundation to receive the
2015-06-16 EN Approved

Lng. Status

2 Unload generator and set on foundation

3 Rough align the generator to the turbine
Remove outer & inner enclosures U.H.
Rev. Released

5 Remove desiccants
Remove transport cover & install stat.

Casing top-cover

Jacking oil system available & flushed *

Turbine rotor alignment complete *
7 Final align the generator to the turbine
9470 HTGG611728

Check end re-tighten the winding-head

Dept. Document No.

Check 3rd bearing (end-bearing)
alignment (for 60Hz generators)
10 Check brush gear alignment
11 Final installation of the seal frame
12 Weld cross and longitudinal guides
Install inner & outer enclosures DE &
14 Close generator bearings
15 Tighten turbine / generator coupling
16 Install generator accessories
17 Finalize generator installation

Figure 2-1: Basic Installation Sequence

22/74 HTGG 611 728 Rev. -

2015/06/15 Field Assembly Documentation
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
2 Overview of the Generator Installation abcd
2.2 Shipping-Configuration of the Generator Block

2.2 Shipping-Configuration of the Generator Block

2.2.1 Documentation
3 Note
Before starting any operation, read the references documents in table 05 of the
Field Assembly Documentation List (FAD).


10 4 4 5 14
2015-06-16 EN Approved
Lng. Status

Rev. Released

2 1 9 6, 7

8(*) 13 12 G1037_C

Item Description Item Description

9470 HTGG611728
Dept. Document No.

1 Generator frame 8 (*): 4 coolers for 50/60WY23Z-090-

109 generators; 5 coolers for
50WY23Z-124 generators

2 Stator 9 Generator lifting trunnion

(permanently welded to stator casing)
3 Rotor 10 Rotor locking device
4 Bearings 11 Stator casing transportation cover

5 Exciter / Brush-gear 12 Sheet metal shipping covers bolted to

the brush gear air filter area
Sheet metal shipping covers tack-
6 Main junction box (Instrumentation) 13 welded to the underside of the
generator frame
Internal instrumentation & wiring from rd
7 pre-assembled components to main j- 14 3 bearing (if applicable)

Figure 2-2: Pre-assembled Components & temporarily installed Transport Devices

Rev. - HTGG 611 728 23/74

Field Assembly Documentation 2015/06/15
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
abcd 2 Overview of the Generator Installation
2.2 Shipping-Configuration of the Generator Block

2.2.2 Pre-assembled components

The generator-block arrives with the following main components already pre-installed on the
generator frame (See Figure 2-2):

Item Description Item Description

1 Generator frame 6 Main junction box (Instrumentation)
Internal instrumentation & wiring from
2 Stator 7 pre-assembled components to main j-
3 Rotor 8 Coolers

4 Bearings 9 Generator lifting trunnion

(permanently welded to stator casing)
5 Exciter / Brush-gear 14 3 bearing (if applicable)

60WY23Z – 60WY23Z –
2015-06-16 EN Approved

50WY23Z - 50WY23Z - 50WY23Z -

Lng. Status

090 109 124

Model01 Model02
Generator frame with complete stator 229 To 254.1 To 275 To 259.3 To 259.3 To
Generator rotor 50 To 56.2 To 63 To 58.7 To 58.7 To
Rev. Released

Bearing _ Drive End 4.7 To 4.6 To 4.7 To 4.6 To 4.6 To


Bearing _ Non Drive End 4.5 To 4.4 To 4.5 To 4.4 To 4.4 To


3 bearing / / / 1.8 To 1.8 To
Brush gear 1.6 To 1.6 To 1.6 To 1.5 To 1.5 To
9470 HTGG611728

Generator air-coolers 3.3 To 4.4 To 4.6 To 6.0 To 6.0 To

Dept. Document No.

Total Mass 293.1 To 325.3 To 353.4 To 336.3 To 358.1 To

Table 2-1: Mass of Generator different components

2.2.3 Temporarily installed transportation devices

(See Figure 2-2)

Item Description Item Description

Sheet metal shipping covers tack-
10 Rotor locking device 13 welded to the underside of the
generator frame

11 Stator casing transportation cover Various blind flanges on oil and water

12 Sheet metal shipping covers bolted to Desiccant bags (placed inside bearing
the brush gear air filter area pedestals and stator casing)

24/74 HTGG 611 728 Rev. -

2015/06/15 Field Assembly Documentation
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
2 Overview of the Generator Installation abcd
2.2 Shipping-Configuration of the Generator Block

2.2.4 Parts shipped separately

Legend for Figure 2-3 on page 26:

Item Description Item Description

1 Stator housing top-cover with main 10 Standstill-heaters & sub junction box
terminals & connecting parts
2 Lifting brackets (if applicable) 11 Leak detectors & sub junction box
3 Foundation anchor bolts with nuts & 12 Cross / longitudinal guides
4 Foundation supports and sole Plates
Instrument wiring from standstill-
5 Foundation seal-frame parts heaters & leak-detectors to sub junction
box & main junction box
6 Brush-gear cooling air filter box Special tools for rotor and bearing
Brush-gear cooling air silencers (if Special assembly consumables such
7 option) as thread lubricant, sealant, thread
2015-06-16 EN Approved

locker, paint etc.

Lng. Status

8 Make-up filter (replaced by a Spare seals for casing top cover and
pressurization unit if pressurized) outer enclosures (end shields)
Parts of shaft-grounding equipment (DE Flexible connections and assembly
9 Grounding in the scope of Turbine in material must be shipped separately
Rev. Released

case of Alstom turbine) and assembled in site

(*): 3 bearing: if applicable

(**): 72 slots configuration applicable for 50WY23Z-124: Terminal arrangement according to


detail design
(***): 4 coolers for 50/60WY23Z-090-109 generators; 5 coolers for 50WY23Z-124 generators
9470 HTGG611728
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Rev. - HTGG 611 728 25/74

Field Assembly Documentation 2015/06/15
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
abcd 2 Overview of the Generator Installation
2.2 Shipping-Configuration of the Generator Block

1 54 slots

72 slots

7 6


12 2 (***) 11 12 10 8 11 3
2015-06-16 EN Approved
Lng. Status

J 11
Rev. Released

5 J-J

9470 HTGG611728

Figure 2-3: Parts shipped separately

Dept. Document No.

Foundation/anchoring parts which are directly embedded into the foundation
concrete are usually supplied by the civil contractor and/or the turbine
Accessory-hardware to the generator rotor coupling(s), its documentation and
overall shaft-line issues generally fall in to the scope of supply of the turbine

26/74 HTGG 611 728 Rev. -

2015/06/15 Field Assembly Documentation
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator abcd
3.1 Prerequisites


3.1 Prerequisites
3.1.1 Documentation
3 Note
Before starting any operation, read the references documents in table 06 of the
Field Assembly Documentation List (FAD).

3.1.2 Preparation
● Foundation fully cured, checked and turned over from civil-department.
● Dimension check on anchor boxes and embedded anchor plates complete.
● All necessary elevation-bench marks set and machine centrelines (longitudinal and
transverse axis) laid out.
● Foundation surface cleaned and free of dirt and dust.
2015-06-16 EN Approved

● Cooling air ducts and chambers checked for required surface finish and required slope
Lng. Status

towards the leak-detector pit.

● Leak-detector pit drains checked for proper function.
Rev. Released


Fall risk
Personal injury
9470 HTGG611728

 A professionally built platform or scaffolding and railing is essential for

Dept. Document No.

carrying out work on elevated parts of the machine. Adequate safeguards

must be provided to prevent falling hazards in and around large openings.

Rev. - HTGG 611 728 27/74

Field Assembly Documentation 2015/06/15
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
abcd 3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator
3.2 Prepare the Foundation to receive the Generator

3.2 Prepare the Foundation to receive the Generator

3.2.1 Documentation
3 Note
Before starting any operation, read the references documents in table 07 of the
Field Assembly Documentation List (FAD).

A-A 40,400



2015-06-16 EN Approved
Lng. Status

9 11,402
Rev. Released


9470 HTGG611728
Dept. Document No.



40,400 5 A S1109_A

Item Description Item Description

3 Foundation bolt 27 Washer
4 Anchor box 32 Foundation bolt nut
5 Anchor box nut 40 MoS2 lubricant

9 Base plate (sole plate) 400 Coat threads & sliding surfaces with
item 40
11 Epoxy grout 402 Chipped off concrete
20 Foundation support (“elephant foot”)

Figure 3-1: Anchoring

28/74 HTGG 611 728 Rev. -

2015/06/15 Field Assembly Documentation
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator abcd
3.2 Prepare the Foundation to receive the Generator

3.2.2 Calculate required sole-plate & foundation-support elevations

1. Mark the locations and areas where the foundation base plates (sole plates) are to be
placed on the foundation.
2. Calculate the required elevation of the top support face of the foundation supports and
sole plates, based on the distance to the theoretical shaft centre line.

Due to the shaft bending line (natural sag of the rotors) the generator will have to
be set in a certain slope. The generator frame must form a straight line, within that

3. Measure the elevation of the concrete at the base plate’s locations, using an optical
levelling instrument. Compare the elevation readings to the calculated requirements.
4. Determine the amount of concrete needed to be chipped off (at least 10 mm) in order to:
− Clean off the soft concrete skin.
2015-06-16 EN Approved

− Expose clean and “healthy” concrete, required for the epoxy grout to properly bond.
Lng. Status

− Give the necessary space for the epoxy grout.

− Compensate for elevation differences between the concrete of the foundation and
Rev. Released

the shaft bending line of the machine.

9470 HTGG611728
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Rev. - HTGG 611 728 29/74

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© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
abcd 3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator
3.2 Prepare the Foundation to receive the Generator





2015-06-16 EN Approved

Lng. Status

Elevation at
Rev. Released

shaft-train 0

2 3
9470 HTGG611728
Dept. Document No.

Turbine Generator
4 5 6


Item Description Item Description

1 Shaft bending line 7 Distance from top support face to

theoretical centre line

2 Theoretical shaft centreline (at 8 Distance from sole plate to theoretical

bearing centres DE & NDE) centre line
Distance from chipped off and
3 Elevation of foundation supports 9 cleaned concrete to theoretical centre

4 10 Depth of concrete to be chipped off

DE Bearing and cleaned
5 NDE Bearing 11 Foundation support
6 3 bearing (if applicable) 12 Sole plate

Figure 3-2: Calculating the Elevation on the Sole Plates and Foundation Supports

30/74 HTGG 611 728 Rev. -

2015/06/15 Field Assembly Documentation
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator abcd
3.2 Prepare the Foundation to receive the Generator

3.2.3 Set and grout the foundation base plates (sole plates)
1. Grind or chip off the concrete in the soleplate areas by the amount determined in the
previous section.
2. Prepare and clean the soleplates :
− Grind off any rust or loose surface skin. Degrease surface of soleplates.

All plate surfaces which come in contact with epoxy grout must be absolutely clean
from rust, dust, paint, grease, oil, scale etc.!
The machined surface of the sole plates must be on top.

3. Place the sole plates on setscrews onto the cleaned concrete. Align them to the
longitudinal and transverse axes and level them.
4. Using the optical levelling instrument, adjust the soleplate on the setscrews to the
required elevation calculated in the previous section.
2015-06-16 EN Approved

5. Cut off protruding foundation bolt tubes, where necessary.

Lng. Status

6. Prepare and install wooden frames around the sole-plates in preparation for grouting with
none shrinking grout. Plug foundation bolt holes temporarily.
7. Grout foundation base plates (sole plates).
Rev. Released


While pouring self-levelling epoxy grout, make sure that no air gets entrapped into
the mortar.
9470 HTGG611728

At high ambient temperatures, very sunny conditions, or strong winds, make sure
Dept. Document No.

the exposed surfaces are covered.

8. After the none shrinking grout has cured, remove wooden frames, clean foundation and
sole plates.
9. Protect all plates and supports against dust, water and other ambient influences until
setting of components.

Rev. - HTGG 611 728 31/74

Field Assembly Documentation 2015/06/15
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
abcd 3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator
3.2 Prepare the Foundation to receive the Generator

3.2.4 Pre-install the generator seal frame

1. Determine the vertical position (elevation) of the seal frame based on the distance to the
theoretical shaft line.
2. Layout, drill and tap the bolt thread holes in the embedded steel-plate on the foundation.
3. Install the seal-frame on to the embedded steel-plate. Insert all fastening bolts with
4. Weld the threaded-plates (for vertical set-screws) to the embedded steel-plate. Insert all
vertical set-screws.
5. Preliminary align the seal-frame. Using an optical levelling instrument line-up all sections
of the seal-frame to the required elevation. Fit and line-up the joints in preparation for
6. Weld the seal-frame sections together.
7. After the welds have cooled-down, touch up welds with GK131 paint.
8. Place the separating baffle parts and access door (to the partition wall) in the air ducts in
preparation for final installation after the generator is set and aligned.
9. Temporarily lower the seal frame, so it won’t interfere with the generator casing when the
generator is placed on the foundation.
2015-06-16 EN Approved
Lng. Status

Final installation and alignment of the seal-frame and welding of the separation
Rev. Released

baffle will be done after the generator has been set and aligned.

3.2.5 Install the generator foundation bolts


1. Clean the threads of the foundation bolts and coat them with MoS2 lubricant. Install
eyebolts on the top end of the foundation bolts.
9470 HTGG611728
Dept. Document No.

2. Lower the foundation bolts into the anchor boxes and screw them into the anchor-box
3. Prepare means to pull-up the foundation bolts from the lowered position once the
generator is set on the foundation.
− Insert an eye-bolt on the top-side of the anchor bolts and pull a rope through it.
− Or remove the eyebolts and prepare a long threaded-rod with a hook or an eye-nut
on one end.

32/74 HTGG 611 728 Rev. -

2015/06/15 Field Assembly Documentation
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator abcd
3.2 Prepare the Foundation to receive the Generator

3.2.6 Install standstill heaters and leak-water detectors


High temperature of standstill heaters in circulation chamber.

Risk of burns
 Do not touch standstill heaters in operation.

1. Layout and drill the holes into the foundation for the bolting of the heaters, leak-detectors
and sub junction boxes.
2. Install standstill-heaters, leak-detectors and junction boxes in the proper locations
according to the KKS numbering (MKA13 xx xxx).
3. Layout and drill the holes into the foundation and stator casing for the cable-conduit clips.
Install the cable-conduits and clips.
2015-06-16 EN Approved

Lng. Status

Distance between cable-conduit clips must not be larger than 300 mm.
Holes for cable-conduit clips in the stator casing must not be drilled through.
Rev. Released

4. Pull the power and signal wiring and terminate the wiring in the junction boxes according

The signal wiring of the leak-detectors between sub-junction box and main junction
box must be finished after the generator is set on the foundation.
9470 HTGG611728
Dept. Document No.

3.2.7 Install and align foundation supports

1. Clean the foundation supports and coat the threads, the spherical seats and the top
support face with MoS2 lubricant.
2. Place the foundation supports onto the sole plates and centre them to the foundation
3. Using an optical levelling instrument, adjust the foundation supports to the elevation
calculated in section 3.2.2.
4. Match-mark adjustment on the foundation supports. Take and note reference
measurement with depth-gauge.

Rev. - HTGG 611 728 33/74

Field Assembly Documentation 2015/06/15
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
abcd 3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator
3.3 Unload Generator and set on Foundation

3.3 Unload Generator and set on Foundation

3.3.1 Documentation
3 Note
Before starting any operation, read the references documents in table 08 of the
Field Assembly Documentation List (FAD).

3.3.2 Prepare the generator to set on foundation

1. Verify proper orientation of the generator to the foundation DE – NDE.
2. Install the four generator lifting brackets, tighten the fastening bolts on the generator foot
to the required torque, tighten the jack-bolts snug against the generator casing side-wall.
3. Remove sheet metal shipping covers tack-welded to the underside of the generator
2015-06-16 EN Approved

Lng. Status

While grinding off the shipping cover welds, cover-up and seal-off the area towards
the coolers and stator-windings.
Rev. Released

4. Lay out centreline marks on the generator frame in preparation for alignment to the
centreline marks on the foundation.

5. Verify cleanliness of the foundation supports, lubrication and alignment as established in


section 3.2.7
6. Remove the rotor-locking device.
9470 HTGG611728
Dept. Document No.

Removal of the rotor locking device should be done as late as possible :
 At a stage of installation, when axial shifting has been completed or
reduced to a few millimetres for pre- and final alignment.
 To avoid collision with the turbine, if already set

7. Clean coupling face and check for scratches, dents, high spots. Carefully clean
irregularities with a fine honing stone.
8. Lightly coat coupling-recess with MoS2 lubricant, while the front face of the coupling must
remain dry and free from oil and lubricants.
9. Temporarily cover coupling face with protective mats (rubber, gasket, cardboard or
similar) preferably under an additional sheet metal cover.

34/74 HTGG 611 728 Rev. -

2015/06/15 Field Assembly Documentation
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator abcd
3.3 Unload Generator and set on Foundation

3.3.3 Set the generator on its foundation supports

1. Pick up the generator with a crane or special lifting rig from the transportation vehicle.
Assure that the generator hangs level, attempting to land the generator as flat as
possible on the pre-adjusted foundation supports.

Method and sequence of generator lift vary; depending on transportation
arrangement and lifting equipment used and will not be described in detail in this

2. Lift the generator above the turbine-deck elevation and move it over towards the
generator foundation.
3. Set the generator down onto the foundation supports, as close as possible to the
previously established centreline marks on generator foot and foundation.
4. Assure that stator casing, rotor, stator windings, bearing pedestals of generator and
exciter are grounded and properly connected to plant earth. Use temporary grounding
2015-06-16 EN Approved

cables where necessary.

Lng. Status
Rev. Released
9470 HTGG611728
Dept. Document No.

Rev. - HTGG 611 728 35/74

Field Assembly Documentation 2015/06/15
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
abcd 3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator
3.4 Rough Align the Generator to the Turbine

3.4 Rough Align the Generator to the Turbine

3.4.1 Documentation
3 Note
Before starting any operation, read the references documents in table 09 of the
Field Assembly Documentation List (FAD).

3.4.2 Prerequisites / Preparations

• Rough alignment of turbine shaft must be complete.
1. Install the four generator lifting brackets (if applicable), tighten the fastening bolts on the
generator foot to the required torque, tighten the jack-bolts snug against the generator
casing side-wall.
2. Prepare hydraulic jacks, capable of lifting the weight of the generator block.
3. Prepare hydraulic-jacks and jacking-posts (i.e. thick wall pipes) to shift the generator
sideways and in axial direction, utilizing the holes in the foundation.
2015-06-16 EN Approved
Lng. Status

Rev. Released

Danger of limbs crushing due to incorrect using of hydraulic tools.

Danger of high pressure oil ejection due to failure of hydraulic tools.

 Risk of causing serious injury due to incorrect use or defect in hydraulic


 Take special care when working with hydraulic tools.
9470 HTGG611728

 Check all parts for wear/damage prior to assembly.

Dept. Document No.

 Always work in accordance with the user manual of the hydraulic device.
 Do not exceed maximum pressure.


Danger of slip or fall due to oil leakage on the surface caused by incorrect
using of hydraulic tools.
 Make a correct using of the hydraulic tools to avoid oil leakage.

● Remove the shaft enclosure.

● Remove vibration pick-ups from the oil deflectors. Remove oil deflectors from the bearing
● Remove bearing pedestal covers DE & NDE. Cover the open bearing pedestals with
plastic sheets or tarpaulins.

36/74 HTGG 611 728 Rev. -

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© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator abcd
3.4 Rough Align the Generator to the Turbine

Heavy load
See the weight and size in the documentation, or on Table 2-1 page 24
Wrong use of lifting tools could lead to serious accident!

Danger of limbs crushing during bearing block assembly

 To handle the bearing (assembly and disassembly) use a hoist or a crane
with lifting capability suitable to the weight of the part and with proper rope
or chain. Use approved type of hooks and attach them to the lifting eyes, as
shown in the transport drawings. Be careful during every assembly or
disassembly work on bearing pedestal. Crushing injuries or amputations
may occur if hands or limbs are placed between halves of bearing pedestal,
halves of bearing shell or intermediate ring.
 Take care about maximum permissible load capacity. Refer to special data
2015-06-16 EN Approved

plates on lifting devices tools.

Lng. Status

 Do never stand under suspended loads. Make sure that persons not
involved in the work are outside the danger area.
Rev. Released

3.4.3 Check generator rough alignment


1. Measure axial position of the bearings to the rotor. See Dimensions e & f and remark 2)

on the Assembly Plan Generator. Compare to the current gap between turbine and
generator coupling face and calculate the generators axial misalignment.
2. Using a spirit level, check lateral level of the generator on the DE & NDE bearing
9470 HTGG611728
Dept. Document No.

pedestal half-joints.

For rough alignment measurements, it is not required to rotate the shaft for radial
axis displacement and coupling parallelism measurements.

3. Using a straight edge and feeler gauge, measure radial axis displacement between
turbine and generator on the coupling circumference on four points.
4. Using parallel-blocks (or snap-gauges), check the coupling parallelism on four points.
5. Calculate the required correction values (radial axis displacement and coupling
parallelism) for horizontal and vertical correction.
6. Calculate the required correction values (radial axis displacement and coupling
parallelism) for vertical correction for each individual foundation support pair (left &
• With a thread pitch on the foundation support bushing of 4 mm and 10 notches on
the circumference :
One full turn equals 4.0 mm
One notch equals 0.4 mm

Rev. - HTGG 611 728 37/74

Field Assembly Documentation 2015/06/15
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
abcd 3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator
3.4 Rough Align the Generator to the Turbine

3.4.4 Correct generator rough alignment

1. Correct the axial position of the generator, by shifting the generator-block on the
foundation supports in axial direction.
2. Correct the horizontal coupling parallelism together with the horizontal axis displacement,
by shifting the generator-block on the foundation supports sideways.
3. Correct the vertical coupling parallelism together with the vertical axis displacement and
lateral level, by adjusting the elevation of the stator feet with the foundation supports.
4. Check the straightness of the rough aligned generator either on the horizontal axis cross
marks (+) on both sides of the stator housing, using an optical levelling instrument. Or
check the straightness on the cross marks on both sides (+) at the footplate level with the
tight wire method. The straightness t must be <1.0 mm.
• Tight wire diameter 0.2 mm – 0.3 mm
• Tight wire tensioned with 3kg weight
Horizontal axis marks
2015-06-16 EN Approved
Lng. Status
Rev. Released
9470 HTGG611728
Dept. Document No.


Figure 3-3: Horizontal axis cross marks


Figure 3-4: Stretched tight wire along the footplate cross mark level

t < 1mm

Figure 3-5: Straightness t must be <1 mm

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2015/06/15 Field Assembly Documentation
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator abcd
3.4 Rough Align the Generator to the Turbine

This is a rough-alignment only. The positioning of the generator towards the
turbine may still be off some ways. But it is important, that the generator now sits
straight and square on the foundation. The generator must not be bent nor twisted.

5. The transport bolts that provide contact between the stator core and housing must be
wound back from outside
− Remove cover on both sides by grinding off spot welds
− Wind back bolt approx. 10mm
− Re secure by welding cover back on

Fill the test certificate LOOSENING TRANSPORT BOLTS.
2015-06-16 EN Approved

Transport bolts (N)

Lng. Status
Rev. Released
9470 HTGG611728
Dept. Document No.



Figure 3-6: Adjustment of transport bolts

Rev. - HTGG 611 728 39/74

Field Assembly Documentation 2015/06/15
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
abcd 3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator
3.4 Rough Align the Generator to the Turbine

3.4.5 Tighten the generator foundation bolts

1. Clean, then coat threads and seating surfaces on washers and foundation bolt nuts with
MoS2 lubricant.
2. Place nuts and washers over foundation bolt hole on the generator foot.
3. Using the tools prepared in section 3.2.5, pull-up the stator foundation bolts.
4. Coat foundation bolt threads with MoS2 lubricant, position the washer and tighten the bolt
nut hand tight.
5. Check the verticality of the foundation bolts. Deviations must not exceed 3 ‰ (90º ± 16’)
or 3 mm/m.
6. Tighten the foundation bolt-nut hand-tight and make sure it contacts the washer around
the entire circumference.
7. Assemble the support ring on top of the washer, then place the handle around the
support ring.

905 a 1 4

2015-06-16 EN Approved

Lng. Status

Rev. Released

A s A

2 902

901 903 902

3 2
9470 HTGG611728
Dept. Document No.


Item Description Item Description

1 Foundation bolt 903 Handle
2 Foundation bolt-nut 905 Hydraulic jack, complete
3 Washer 906 Set of seals
4 MoS2 lubricant a Pressure oil connection
901 Support ring b Groove (marks max. stroke)

902 Catch-pin s Clearance between the jack and the

support ring

Figure 3-7: Tightening the Stator Foundation Bolts

8. Screw the hydraulic – jack down on the foundation bolt thread, all the way down to the
support-ring. Press the hydraulic jack together by tightening the piston with a hook-
spanner until it bottoms out in the cylinder. Then back it off again and leave a clearance s
of 1 to 1.5 mm between the jack and the support ring.

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2015/06/15 Field Assembly Documentation
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator abcd
3.4 Rough Align the Generator to the Turbine

Danger of limbs crushing due to incorrect using of hydraulic tools.
Danger of high pressure oil ejection due to failure of hydraulic tools.
 Risk of causing serious injury due to incorrect use or defect in hydraulic
 Take special care when working with hydraulic tools.
 Check all parts for wear/damage prior to assembly.
 Always work in accordance with the user manual of the hydraulic device.
 Do not exceed maximum pressure.


2015-06-16 EN Approved
Lng. Status

Danger of slip or fall due to oil leakage on the surface caused by incorrect
using of hydraulic tools.
 Make a correct using of the hydraulic tools to avoid oil leakage.
Rev. Released

9. Attach the pressure-oil connection to the hydraulic-jack at (a) and connect to the oil


10. Vent the system by applying some oil-pressure and loosening the pressure-oil connection
on the cylinder.
11. Re-tighten all connections and re-check the clearances s = 1 - 1.5 mm between the
9470 HTGG611728
Dept. Document No.

cylinder and the support ring.

12. Start to apply pressure to the hydraulic jack starting to stretch the foundation bolt.

While increasing the oil-pressure, keep tightening the foundation bolt-nut,
otherwise it may jam against the bottom of the jack.

Oil ejection
Personal injury, tool damage.
 The maximum stroke on the hydraulic-jack is marked with a groove (laid-
out red) around the circumference of the piston. When this groove
becomes visible, stop increasing the oil pressure.

13. When the maximum stroke of the hydraulic jack is reached, stop increasing the oil
pressure and stretching the foundation bolt. Tighten the foundation bolt-nut and repeat
previous steps starting at step (8).
14. Increase the oil-pressure in the jack to the value specified in the test certificate. Maintain
the specified oil pressure in the jack and tighten the nut with the handle 902/903 solidly
by hand.

Rev. - HTGG 611 728 41/74

Field Assembly Documentation 2015/06/15
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
abcd 3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator
3.4 Rough Align the Generator to the Turbine

Fill the test certificate HYDRAULIC PRE-STRESS OF FDT.BOLTS.

Do not use extensions on the tightening handle!

15. Release the oil pressure down to zero, remove the pressure oil line, remove the
hydraulic-jack and disassemble the tightening device.
2015-06-16 EN Approved
Lng. Status
Rev. Released
9470 HTGG611728
Dept. Document No.

42/74 HTGG 611 728 Rev. -

2015/06/15 Field Assembly Documentation
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator abcd
3.5 Remove Outer and Inner Enclosures Upper Halves, DE & NDE

3.5 Remove Outer and Inner Enclosures Upper Halves, DE & NDE
3.5.1 Documentation
3 Note
Before starting any operation, read the references documents in table 10 of the
Field Assembly Documentation List (FAD).

3.5.2 Removal of enclosures

1. Attach outer enclosure upper half to a hoist.
2. Loosen and remove the outer enclosure bolting:
− Half-joint bolts
− U.H. Flange bolts to the shaft seal (inner bolt circle)
− U.H. Flange bolts to the stator casing (outer bolt circle)
3. Suspended on the hoist move the outer enclosure upper half outwards and up, then set it
2015-06-16 EN Approved

Lng. Status

4. Set up a specific tool (1, Figure 3-8) on inner enclosure (2)

5. Set up lifting device (3) in front of the specific tool (1)
Rev. Released
9470 HTGG611728
Dept. Document No.


Figure 3-8: Dismantling of inner enclosure (first stage)

6. Loosen and remove the inner enclosure upper and lower halves bolts to the stator casing
7. Attach the hoist to the lifting device (3, Figure 3-9) and turn round inner enclosure around
the rotor and set the half-joint in horizontal position

Rev. - HTGG 611 728 43/74

Field Assembly Documentation 2015/06/15
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
abcd 3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator
3.5 Remove Outer and Inner Enclosures Upper Halves, DE & NDE

2015-06-16 EN Approved
Lng. Status


Figure 3-9: Dismantling of inner enclosure (second stage)

Rev. Released

8. Loosen and remove the inner enclosure to half-joint bolts

9. Attach hoist to lifting device (3) then set aside inner enclosure upper half

10. Cover the open stator with plastic sheets or tarpaulins.


9470 HTGG611728
Dept. Document No.

Harmful materials
Personal injury due to contact with glass components during
handling/machining processes.

The generator contains many components manufactured from glass fibre bound in
epoxy and polyester resins.
 Risk of abrasion when handling / machining.
 Risk of dust inhalation when handling or machining and in operation : some
mechanical wear can result in traces of glass/resin dust in the machine.
Appropriate measures should be taken to avoid inhalation of any such dust.

44/74 HTGG 611 728 Rev. -

2015/06/15 Field Assembly Documentation
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator abcd
3.6 Remove Desiccants

3.6 Remove Desiccants

3.6.1 Documentation
3 Note
Before starting any operation, read the references documents in table 11 of the
Field Assembly Documentation List (FAD).

3.6.2 Removal of Desiccant Units

All desiccant units placed inside the stator casing on DE and NDE, and in the
bearing pedestals must be removed.

1. Remove blind flanges on the generator bearing-pedestal lube-oil-outlets. Remove all

desiccant inside the bearing pedestals.
2015-06-16 EN Approved

Reinstall the blind flanges, if the permanent lube-oil piping is not immediately installed
Lng. Status

2. Remove all desiccants inside the brush gear console.
Rev. Released



9470 HTGG611728
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Rev. - HTGG 611 728 45/74

Field Assembly Documentation 2015/06/15
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
abcd 3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator
3.7 Remove the Transportation Cover and Install the Stator Casing Top-Cover

3.7 Remove the Transportation Cover and Install the Stator

Casing Top-Cover
3.7.1 Documentation
3 Note
Before starting any operation, read the references documents in table 12 of the
Field Assembly Documentation List (FAD).

3.7.2 Prerequisites
● Generator must be aligned and straightened.
● Outer and inner enclosures must be removed.

3.7.3 Remove the transportation cover

1. Loosen and remove all bolts on the transportation cover.
2015-06-16 EN Approved

2. Hoist the transportation cover from the stator casing and set it aside.
Lng. Status

3. Cover the exposed core and windings with plastic sheets or tarpaulins until the top-cover
is installed.
Rev. Released

3.7.4 Install the top-cover

1. Clean entire top-cover, specifically its insides and the flanges. Check gaskets and

repair/replace as necessary. Remove access doors to the generator terminal area.


9470 HTGG611728
Dept. Document No.

Harmful materials
Personal injury due to contact with glass components during
handling/machining processes.
The generator contains many components manufactured from glass fibre bound in
epoxy and polyester resins.
 Risk of abrasion when handling / machining.
 Risk of dust inhalation when handling or machining and in operation : some
mechanical wear can result in traces of glass/resin dust in the machine.
Appropriate measures should be taken to avoid inhalation of any such dust

2. Clean and prepare the bolts, nut, washers, dowel-pins, thread-studs etc. for the top-cover
joint, coat threads with MoS2 lubricant.
3. Insert and tighten two thread-studs diagonally in two corners as guides for the top-cover
4. Clean stator windings, stator core and the exposed insides of the stator casing with
vacuum cleaners and clean rags. Perform a thorough visual inspection of the stator core
and stator windings. Make sure the stator windings and core are free of dust, dirt, any
kind of foreign objects and metal particles.
5. Hoist the top-cover and align it leveled and centered above the stator casing. Lower the
top-cover and insert the dowel pins just before the top-cover touches down on the casing

46/74 HTGG 611 728 Rev. -

2015/06/15 Field Assembly Documentation
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator abcd
3.7 Remove the Transportation Cover and Install the Stator Casing Top-Cover

While lowering the top-cover down to the casing, make sure the seal-rubber
profiles seat properly on the outside diameter of the stator core.

6. Before cutting the top-cover loose from the hoist, insert all flange bolts. Insert all thread-
studs and tighten them. Drive-in the dowel-pins until they seat solidly.
7. Remove hoist from the top-cover.
8. Tighten all thread-stud nuts and flange bolts according to separate procedure Assembly
of Stator Frame Top Half to the required torque.
9. Install the two grounding straps between stator casing and top-cover on NDE.
10. Install the flexible connection according to the procedure “Process specification for
assembly of flexible connection”.

3.7.5 Install the Flow Baffle

(only applicable for 50WY23Z-124 with 72 slots)
1. Install the upper sections of the flow baffle on DE and NDE, arranging the overlap on top
2015-06-16 EN Approved

Lng. Status

2. Tighten all bolts.

3. Check clearance between winding support ring and flow baffles.
4. Secure all bolts and nuts on the flow baffles with DB136: Remove the bolt, apply DB136
Rev. Released

to the thread and re-tighten the bolts, one bolt after another to the required torque.

3.7.6 Install the main-terminal connecting parts


1. Install the flexible links, cooper spacers, bolts, nuts and washers according to the
drawing Terminal Part Assembling and process specification for assembly of flexible
connection, apply resin mixture to the thread and tighten the bolts to the required torque.
9470 HTGG611728
Dept. Document No.

After 15-20 minutes installation, re-torque the bolts with the required torque.
2. Install cooper spacers, bolts, nuts and washers on the winding side of the flex.-links
according to the drawing Terminal Part Assembling and tighten the bolts to the required
torque. After 15 - 20 minutes, re-torque the bolts.
3. Clean the terminal parts and the stator windings below, with vacuum cleaners and clean
rags. Perform a thorough visual inspection. Make sure the stator windings and terminal
parts are free of dust, dirt, any kind of foreign objects and metal particles.
4. Measure insulation resistance according to the separate procedure Measurement of
Insulation Resistance of the stator winding with the now connected terminals.


5. Re-install the access doors.

Rev. - HTGG 611 728 47/74

Field Assembly Documentation 2015/06/15
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
abcd 3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator
3.8 Final Align the Generator to the Turbine

3.8 Final Align the Generator to the Turbine

The rotor alignment must be carried out in close cooperation with the responsible
turbine-staff. For more detailed information on rotor alignment, consult the Turbine
Assembly Documentation.

3.8.1 Documentation
3 Note
Before starting any operation, read the references documents in table 13 of the
Field Assembly Documentation List (FAD).

3.8.2 Prerequisites / Preparations

● Turbine rotor installed and resting final aligned on the turbine bearings.

2015-06-16 EN Approved

Jacking oil system must be flushed and in an operating condition.

Lng. Status

Rough alignment of the generator to the turbine must be complete.

3.8.3 Check generator alignment

Rev. Released

1. Measure axial position of the bearings to the rotor. Dimensions e & f and remark 2) on
the ASSEMBLY PLAN GENERATOR. Compare to the current gap between turbine and

generator coupling face and calculate the generators axial misalignment.


2. Using a spirit level, check lateral level of the generator on the DE & NDE bearing
pedestal half-joints. Must be within 0.08 mm/m.
3. Carry out rotational measurement of the radial axis displacement between turbine and
9470 HTGG611728
Dept. Document No.

generator on the coupling circumference according to the procedures in the turbine

4. Carry out rotational measurement of the coupling parallelism according to the procedures
in the turbine documentation.
5. Calculate the required correction values (radial axis displacement and coupling
parallelism) for horizontal and vertical correction.

Always run jacking oil when rotating and / or shifting rotors.
Shut-down jacking oil during alignment measurements on the rotors.

6. Calculate the required correction values (radial axis displacement and coupling
parallelism) for vertical correction for each individual foundation support pair (left &

● With a thread pitch on the foundation support bushing of 4 mm and 10 notches on the
circumference :
One full turn equals 4.0 mm
One notch equals 0.4 mm

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© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator abcd
3.8 Final Align the Generator to the Turbine

3.8.4 Correct generator final alignment

1. Correct the axial position of the generator, by shifting the generator-block on the
foundation supports in axial direction.
2. Correct the horizontal coupling parallelism together with the horizontal axis displacement,
by shifting the generator-block on the foundation supports sideways.
3. Correct the vertical coupling parallelism together with the vertical axis displacement and
lateral level, by adjusting the elevation of the stator feet with the foundation supports and
the jack-bolts.
4. Tighten the foundation bolts to the required stretch according to section 3.4.5.

3.8.5 Record final alignments and measurements

1. Re-check generator alignment (according to section 3.8.3) and correct if necessary.

Fill the test certificate AXIAL POSITION OF THE ROTOR.
2015-06-16 EN Approved
Lng. Status

2. Check the straightness of the final aligned generator either on the horizontal axis cross
marks (+) on both sides of the stator housing, using an optical levelling instrument. Or
check the straightness on the cross marks on both sides (+) at the footplate level with the
tight wire method. The straightness t must be < 1.0 mm.
Rev. Released

• Tight wire diameter 0.2 mm – 0.3 mm

• Tight wire tensioned with 3kg weight

3. Remove generator lifting brackets (if applicable):

a) Suspend lifting brackets on hoist
9470 HTGG611728

b) Back off jack-bolts on lifting brackets away from the generator side-wall.
Dept. Document No.

c) Loosen and remove bolts, fastening the bracket to the generator foot.
d) Pick-up lifting bracket with hoist and set aside.

Danger of limbs crushing due to incorrect using of hydraulic tools.
Danger of high pressure oil ejection due to failure of hydraulic tools.
 Risk of causing serious injury due to incorrect use or defect in hydraulic
 Take special care when working with hydraulic tools.
 Check all parts for wear/damage prior to assembly.
 Always work in accordance with the user manual of the hydraulic device.
 Do not exceed maximum pressure.

Rev. - HTGG 611 728 49/74

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© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
abcd 3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator
3.8 Final Align the Generator to the Turbine


Danger of slip or fall due to oil leakage on the surface caused by incorrect
using of hydraulic tools.
 Make a correct using of the hydraulic tools to avoid oil leakage.

Fill the test certificate HYDRAULIC PRE-STRESS OF FDT.BOLTS.
2015-06-16 EN Approved
Lng. Status
Rev. Released
9470 HTGG611728
Dept. Document No.

50/74 HTGG 611 728 Rev. -

2015/06/15 Field Assembly Documentation
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator abcd
3.9 Check and re-tighten the Winding-Head Wedges

3.9 Check and re-tighten the Winding-Head Wedges

3.9.1 Documentation
3 Note
Before starting any operation, read the references documents in table 14 of the
Field Assembly Documentation List (FAD).

3.9.2 Check and re-tighten

1. Visually inspect the accessible areas of the core, windings and winding supports for any
signs of transportation damage, looseness, possible cracks, shifting, dirt etc.
2. Select four wedge bolts to be checked, 90° apart from each other on DE and NDE.
Unlock the selected wedge bolts by removing the cable ties.

2015-06-16 EN Approved

Avoid to drop any cable tie inside the Generator

Lng. Status

Make sure to remove all cable ties from the working area.

3. Measure the torque on the four unlocked wedge bolts on both ends according to the
Rev. Released


4. If the measured torque on any of the four wedge bolts on either end falls short of the

specified values according to the procedure END WINDINGS, RE-TIGHTENING, all


wedge bolts on that particular end must be unlocked and re-tightened.

9470 HTGG611728

Dept. Document No.

Danger to health due to unexpected hit by broken parts of spring washers or

parts of the retightening system.
− Stator re-tightening system includes spring washers under compressive load.

5. Measure and record spring-pack thickness LG and wedge distances L2.

Fill the test certificate END WINDING, TIGHTENING THE WEDGES.

6. Secure all wedge bolt nuts with cable tie.

Avoid to drop any cable tie inside the Generator.

Rev. - HTGG 611 728 51/74

Field Assembly Documentation 2015/06/15
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
abcd 3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator
3.9 Check and re-tighten the Winding-Head Wedges

Harmful materials
Personal injury due to contact with glass components during
handling/machining processes.

The generator contains many components manufactured from glass fibre bound in
epoxy and polyester resins.
 Risk of abrasion when handling / machining.
 Risk of dust inhalation when handling or machining and in operation : some
mechanical wear can result in traces of glass/resin dust in the machine.
Appropriate measures should be taken to avoid inhalation of any such dust

7. Clean up windings and winding area with vacuum cleaners.

2015-06-16 EN Approved
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2015/06/15 Field Assembly Documentation
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator abcd
3.9 Check and re-tighten the Winding-Head Wedges



2015-06-16 EN Approved

Lng. Status
Rev. Released


4 2
5 A
9470 HTGG611728
Dept. Document No.


Item Description Item Description

1 Outer support ring 6 Tie bolt (wedging bolt)
2 Cable tie 7 Inner support ring
3 Hexagonal nut L2 Wedge distance
4 Spring washers LG Spring-pack thickness
5 Spacer

Figure 3-10: Retightening the stator end winding

Rev. - HTGG 611 728 53/74

Field Assembly Documentation 2015/06/15
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
abcd 3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator
3.10 Check 3rd Bearing (End Bearing) Alignment

3.10 Check 3rd Bearing (End Bearing) Alignment

(if applicable)

3.10.1 Documentation
3 Note
Before starting any operation, read the references documents in table 15 of the
Field Assembly Documentation List (FAD).

3.10.2 Prerequisites / Preparations

The term ∆h used in these sections refers to the difference of the vertical shaft-end
position within the end-bearing pedestal, between free hanging and end-bearing in
place. The required value for ∆h is found on the ASSEMBLY PLAN GENERATOR
2015-06-16 EN Approved

• Final alignment of the generator must be complete. Turbine/generator coupling

Lng. Status

engaged and pulled-up (some coupling bolts temporarily tightened)

• Jacking oil system must be flushed and in an operating condition.
Rev. Released

• NDE bearing cover removed

• Remove the outer air-deflectors on the brush-gear.


Remove slip ring brushes (if already installed)


1. Tighten foundation supports snug up under the brush-gear/end-bearing console.

2. Tighten all remaining foundation bolts to the required stretch.
9470 HTGG611728
Dept. Document No.

3.10.3 Open the end bearing

1. Remove RC-grounding device.
2. Remove oil deflectors upper and lower halves.
3. Loosen and remove half-joint bolts of bearing cover. Remove bearing cover.
4. Disconnect thermocouples and jacking-oil line from the bearing shell lower half.
5. Loosen and remove half-joint bolts on bearing-shell. Remove bearing-shell upper-half.

3.10.4 Remove end-bearing lower half and check bearing-pedestal alignment

1. Measure and note the shaft position within the bearing pedestal, front and rear, using an
inside micrometre.
2. Install the shaft lifting device.
3. Set up dial indicators on the bearing pedestals to monitor vertical shaft movement. Set
indicators to zero.
4. Using the shaft lifting device, raise the shaft-end, just enough to free the bearing shell
lower half (approx. 0.15 – 0.25 mm) at end bearing

54/74 HTGG 611 728 Rev. -

2015/06/15 Field Assembly Documentation
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator abcd
3.10 Check 3rd Bearing (End Bearing) Alignment

While raising the rotor at the NDE-bearing (attempting to free the lower end-
bearing shell, observe the clearances on the shaft seal of the NDE outer

5. Coat the bearing journal with turbine oil. Roll the end-bearing shell lower-half out, to the
top of the shaft. Pick-up the bearing shell with a hoist and set it aside.
6. While observing the air gaps and clearances in the brush-gear, lower the shaft with the
shaft lifting device all the way down until the rotor sits back down in the NDE bearing.

The free hanging shaft-end must not touch any part of the brush-gear/exciter!
Make sure, the shaft lifting device is completely loose.

7. Measure and note the shaft position within the end-bearing pedestal, front and rear,
using an inside micrometre. Note dial indicator readings.
2015-06-16 EN Approved

8. Rotate the shaft by 180° and repeat previous step.

Lng. Status

9. Calculate ∆h on test certificate ADJUSTMENT OF THE END BEARING. Compare

measured ∆h to shop assembly setting and required setting defined on the Assembly
plan generator.
Rev. Released

10. Correct bearing alignment if necessary :

− Loosen the four foundation bolts on the brush-gear/end-bearing console.

− Adjust foundation supports on the exciter console.


− Re-tighten the foundation bolts.

9470 HTGG611728
Dept. Document No.

3.10.5 Re-check bearing-pedestal alignment and re-install the end-bearing

1. Prepare bearing pedestal and end-bearing for re-installation :
− Thoroughly clean bearing pedestal cavity and lube oil inlet holes.
− Thoroughly wash-down bearing halves with solvent and blow-dry with compressed
− Clean up bearing journal and check for possible scratches.
2. Measure and note the shaft position of the free hanging shaft end within the end-bearing
pedestal, front and rear, using an inside micrometre.
3. Rotate the shaft by 180° and repeat previous step.
4. Install the shaft lifting device.
5. Set up dial indicators on the bearing pedestals to monitor vertical shaft movement. With
the shaft end hanging free, set the indicators to zero.
6. Using the shaft lifting device, raise the free hanging shaft-end by ∆h plus approx. 0.15 –
0.25 mm. In order to provide the necessary space under the shaft for the end-bearing
lower half to be rolled in.
7. Rig the end-bearing lower half to the crane, on a hoist. Bearing half suspended upside
down. Orient the bearing so that its position corresponds with the shaft rotation.
8. Coat bearing and shaft journal with turbine oil.
9. Place the bearing on top of the shaft.
10. Gradually let up on the hoist to allow the bearing to roll down around the shaft until it
stabilizes in the bottom of bearing pedestal.

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Field Assembly Documentation 2015/06/15
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
abcd 3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator
3.10 Check 3rd Bearing (End Bearing) Alignment

11. Adjust the half joints of the bearing shell to the half joint of the pedestal.
12. Lower the shaft lifting device and let the rotor sit down into the bearings. Note the dial
indicator readings.
13. Measure and note the shaft position within the end-bearing pedestal, front and rear,
using an inside micrometre.
14. Calculate ∆h on test certificate ADJUSTMENT OF THE END BEARING.

Fill the test certificate ADJUSTMENT OF THE END BEARING.

15. Coat bearing and shaft journal with turbine oil.

16. Rig the bearing upper half to the crane.
17. Orient the bearing so that its position corresponds with the shaft rotation.
18. Place the bearing upper half on top of the lower half and tighten the half-joint bolts.
19. Check with feeler gauge, that the bearing half joint fully closes.
2015-06-16 EN Approved

20. Reinstall thermocouples and jacking-oil line to the lower half of the bearing shell.
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2015/06/15 Field Assembly Documentation
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator abcd
3.11 Check Brush-Gear Alignment

3.11 Check Brush-Gear Alignment

3.11.1 Documentation
3 Note
Before starting any operation, read the references documents in table 16 of the
Field Assembly Documentation List (FAD).

3.11.2 Brush-Gear Alignment

● Final alignment of the generator must be complete.
1. Remove access doors from the brush-gear and measure alignment of the brush gear to
the rotor.
2. Correct brush-gear alignment if necessary :

2015-06-16 EN Approved

Fill the test certificate ALIGNMENT OF THE BRUSH GEAR.

Lng. Status

3. Check brush holder clearance to the slip-rings and adjust if necessary. Check/secure
lock-plates on the brush-holders.
Rev. Released


Fill the test certificate DEFLECTOR CLEARANCES, BRUSH GEAR.

4. Check insulation resistance of the brush-gear.

9470 HTGG611728
Dept. Document No.


5. Clean brush-gear interior with vacuum cleaners. Check insides of the brush-gear for
debris, contamination and any kind of foreign objects and clean as necessary. Install
access doors on the brush-gear.
6. After the brush holder clearance to the slip ring is set, unlock and remove the plug-in
brush holder assemblies and install the carbon brushes. Check that the carbon brush
quality is according drawing specification. Check that each brush can move freely without
restriction inside there brush holder cage. Connect and fasten the carbon brush cable
lugs at the specified location with the fastening screw. Install the coil spring supports and
assure that it snapped into place correctly.
7. To prevent stand-still corrosion, the plug-in brush holder assemblies with the installed
carbon brushes are inserted at the numbered location only hours before start up. After
the final installation ensure that each plug-in brush holder assembly is locked into place
correctly by pulling on the handle towards the outside.

Do not install the carbon brushes until shortly before start-up. Carbon brushes
must not be left sitting on the slip rings at standstill or extended periods of time on

Rev. - HTGG 611 728 57/74

Field Assembly Documentation 2015/06/15
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
abcd 3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator
3.11 Check Brush-Gear Alignment

8. After the plug-in brush holder is installed, straighten the carbon brush cable as per
drawing specification. Each carbon brush must be lifted up by pulling at the brush cable
approximately 5-20 mm against the force of the spring support coil spring. The brush is
then slowly released towards the slip ring. Repeat this procedure 2-3 times to make sure
that the carbon brush is pushed back correctly and the brush can move freely inside their
holder cage with slight clearance.
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© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator abcd
3.12 Final Installation of the Seal Frame

3.12 Final Installation of the Seal Frame

3.12.1 Documentation
3 Note
Before starting any operation, read the references documents in table 17 of the
Field Assembly Documentation List (FAD).

3.12.2 Prerequisites
● Final alignment of the generator must be complete.

 Be aware of confined space hazards when working in the air-ducts
underneath the generator!
2015-06-16 EN Approved
Lng. Status

 Take measures, to assure sufficient clean air-circulation! Specifically during


● For reasons of better ventilation of the working space, the welding of the separating
Rev. Released

baffle to the underside of the generator should preferably be done while outer / inner
enclosures and transportation cover are removed.

● Protect coolers and stator windings from contamination that may be caused by welding,

grinding, chiselling.
9470 HTGG611728

Dept. Document No.

Harmful materials
Personal injury due to contact with glass components during
handling/machining processes.

The generator contains many components manufactured from glass fibre bound in
epoxy and polyester resins.
 Risk of abrasion when handling / machining.
 Risk of dust inhalation when handling or machining and in operation: some
mechanical wear can result in traces of glass/resin dust in the machine.
Appropriate measures should be taken to avoid inhalation of any such dust

3.12.3 Install the separating baffle

1. Position the separating-baffle sections to the underside of the generator casing, lined-up
in the centre of the partition wall.
2. Fit and line-up the joints in preparation for welding.
3. Weld the separating-baffle sections to the underside of the generator. Weld the section
joints together.
4. Clean-up work area.
5. After the welds have cooled down, touch-up welds with GK131 paint.

Rev. - HTGG 611 728 59/74

Field Assembly Documentation 2015/06/15
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
abcd 3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator
3.12 Final Installation of the Seal Frame

3.12.4 Adjust and final install the seal-frame

1. Using the vertical set-screws, adjust the seal-frame to the required distance from the
2. Tighten all fastening bolts on the seal-frame.
3. Secure the vertical set-screws and the fastening bolts with DB136.
4. Cut rubber-seal to required lengths.
5. Apply glue to the seal-frame where rubber-seal will be placed.
Apply glue to the abutting ends of the rubber-seal.
6. Push rubber-seal into position around periphery of seal-frame.
7. Apply silicone-sealant to the lower edge of the seal frame.
8. Install access door in partition wall.
9. Clean-out entire air-duct area. Check air-duct area for debris, contamination and any kind
of foreign objects and clean as necessary.
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2015/06/15 Field Assembly Documentation
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator abcd
3.13 Weld Cross and Longitudinal Guides

3.13 Weld Cross and Longitudinal Guides

3.13.1 Documentation
3 Note
Before starting any operation, read the references documents in table 18 of the
Field Assembly Documentation List (FAD).

3.13.2 Preparations
● Prepare and clean the embedded steel-plates, guide-blocks and angle brackets. In the
weld areas, grind off any rust or loose surface skin down to the blank metal.

3.13.3 Weld cross guides

1. Clean and coat threads with MoS2 lubricant. Insert the jack-bolts with counter-nuts in the
2015-06-16 EN Approved

2. Place the guide-blocks on the embedded steel plate. Align them to the generator-foot
Lng. Status

and tack weld.

3. Weld the guide-blocks to the embedded steel-plate.
4. After the welds have cooled-down, touch up welds with GK131/132 paint.
Rev. Released

3.13.4 Weld longitudinal guides


1. Prepare and clean the embedded steel-plates and angle brackets. In the weld areas,
grind off any rust or loose surface skin down to the blank metal.
2. Place the angle brackets on the embedded steel plates. Align it to the generator feet and
9470 HTGG611728

Dept. Document No.

3. Weld angle brackets to the embedded steel plate and to the generator feet.
4. After the welds have cooled-down, touch up welds with GK131/132 paint.

Rev. - HTGG 611 728 61/74

Field Assembly Documentation 2015/06/15
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
abcd 3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator
3.14 Install Inner and Outer Enclosures DE & NDE

3.14 Install Inner and Outer Enclosures DE & NDE

3.14.1 Documentation
3 Note
Before starting any operation, read the references documents in table 19 of the
Field Assembly Documentation List (FAD).

3.14.2 Prerequisites / Preparations

1. Final generator-alignment must be complete.
2. Clean rotor, windings and general area behind inner and outer enclosure with vacuum
cleaners. Check for debris, contamination and any kind of foreign objects and clean as

2015-06-16 EN Approved

All bolts and nuts on the inside of the generator behind the outer enclosure (cold-
Lng. Status

air side), are to be secured with DB136. If bolts had to be loosened for any reason,
be sure to re-apply DB136.
Rev. Released

3. Check the gaskets on the enclosure flanges and half-joints. Repair/replace as necessary.

3.14.3 Install inner enclosures upper halves


9470 HTGG611728
Dept. Document No.

Harmful materials
Personal injury due to contact with glass components during
handling/machining processes.

The generator contains many components manufactured from glass fibre bound in
epoxy and polyester resins.
 Risk of abrasion when handling / machining.
 Risk of dust inhalation when handling or machining and in operation : some
mechanical wear can result in traces of glass/resin dust in the machine.
Appropriate measures should be taken to avoid inhalation of any such dust

1. Pick-up the inner enclosure upper half with a hoist and lifting device and set them in
position, lined-up to the half-joint of the lower half and the guide sleeves in the casing
2. Insert half-joint bolts with washers and nuts and tighten them.
3. Turn round inner enclosure around the rotor and set it in vertical position, refer to Figure
4. Insert all flange bolts to inner enclosure upper and lower half to the stator casing and
tighten them.
5. Measure and record the fan blade clearances.

62/74 HTGG 611 728 Rev. -

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© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator abcd
3.14 Install Inner and Outer Enclosures DE & NDE

Fill the test certificate RADIAL CLEARANCES OF ROTOR.

6. Disassembly of rotating specific tool (1, Figure 3-8) and lifting device (3)
7. Secure all bolts and nuts on the inner enclosure with DB136
− Remove the bolt, apply DB136 to the thread and re-tighten the bolt to the required
torque; one bolt after another.

3.14.4 Install outer enclosures upper halves

1. Pick-up the outer enclosure upper half with a hoist and set it in position, lined-up to the
bolt holes.

2015-06-16 EN Approved

While positioning the outer enclosure upper half, make sure that the gaskets do
Lng. Status

not get damaged.

2. Insert all bolts in the outer enclosure and tighten them to the required torque.
Rev. Released

3. Measure and record shaft seal clearance.


Fill the test certificate RADIAL CLEARANCES OF ROTOR.
9470 HTGG611728
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Rev. - HTGG 611 728 63/74

Field Assembly Documentation 2015/06/15
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
abcd 3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator
3.15 Close the Generator Bearings

3.15 Close the Generator Bearings

3.15.1 Documentation
3 Note
Before starting any operation, read the references documents in table 20 of the
Field Assembly Documentation List (FAD).

3.15.2 Prerequisites / Preparations

Final generator alignment and 3 bearing alignment must be complete. (in case
generators with 3 bearings)
● Final generator alignment must be complete. (in case generators with 2 bearings)
● Installation of the generator outer-enclosures and brush-gear air-deflectors must be
1. Stone the half joints on bearing pedestals and bearing covers with a honing stone.
2. Thoroughly clean bearing pedestal cavities, lube oil inlet holes and the insides of the
2015-06-16 EN Approved

bearing covers.
Lng. Status

Rev. Released

Danger of bearing block failure due to errors of fitting during on site


 Fitting has to be made by experienced personnel. Always follow the


instructions and the documentation.

 In case of any malfunction – break the work immediately, find the reason
9470 HTGG611728

and do necessary corrections.

Dept. Document No.

3.15.3 Install bearing covers

Heavy load
See the weight and size in the documentation, or on Table 2-1 page 24
Wrong use of lifting tools could lead to serious accident!

Danger of limbs crushing during bearing block assembly

 To handle the bearing (assembly and disassembly) use a hoist or a crane
with lifting capability suitable to the weight of the part and with proper rope
or chain. Use approved type of hooks and attach them to the lifting eyes, as
shown in the transport drawings. Be careful during every assembly or
disassembly work on bearing pedestal. Crushing injuries or amputations
may occur if hands or limbs are placed between halves of bearing pedestal,
halves of bearing shell or intermediate ring.
 Take care about maximum permissible load capacity. Refer to special data
plates on lifting devices tools.
 Do never stand under suspended loads. Make sure that persons not
involved in the work are outside the danger area.

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© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator abcd
3.15 Close the Generator Bearings

1. Pick-up the bearing cover on a hoist.

2. Apply a light coat of sealing compound DB202 to the pedestal half joint.
3. Insert dowel pins in the bearing cover.
4. Position the bearing cover exactly centred above the bearing.
5. Connect the insulation-resistance measuring-wire to the upper half of the intermediate
ring where applicable. (Double insulated bearings only)
6. Lower the bearing cover down onto the pedestal.
7. Pre-tighten bearing cover bolts snug. Drive-in dowel pins until they seat solidly. Then fully
tighten the bearing cover bolts to the required torque.
8. Check with feeler-gauge and make sure that the half-joint between bearing cover and
pedestal fully closes.
9. Measure and record bearing insulation resistance on upper half and lower half of the
bearing intermediate rings.
10. On double insulated bearings, measure and record bearing insulation resistance.

2015-06-16 EN Approved


Lng. Status

3.15.4 Install the oil deflectors

Rev. Released

1. Apply a light coat of sealing compound DB202 to the oil-deflector half-joints and on their
edges to the flange gasket.

2. Install lower and upper oil deflector-halves. Insert a few flange bolts to hold the oil

deflector in place.
3. Align the lower and upper oil deflector-halves to each other and tighten the half-joint
9470 HTGG611728

4. Insert all flange bolts and align the oil deflector assembly to the shaft. Tighten all flange
Dept. Document No.

5. On the outboard side of the DE bearing pedestal (towards the shaft grounding), install
and align the additional oil deflector.

Fill the test certificate SHAFT SEAL AND BEARING PEDESTAL.

3.15.5 Install vibration monitoring equipment

Re-install the shaft vibration pick-ups and adjust the clearance to the shaft.

3.15.6 Install the shaft enclosure

Re-install the shaft enclosure at DE, NDE and 3 bearing if applicable.

Rev. - HTGG 611 728 65/74

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© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
abcd 3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator
3.16 Tighten Turbine / Generator Coupling

3.16 Tighten Turbine / Generator Coupling

On single insulated bearings, the insulation resistance must be measured before
the generator is coupled to the turbine. In any case, grounding devices (brushes,
strips – depends on generator type) must be lifted off of the shaft while measuring.

3.16.1 Documentation
3 Note
Before starting any operation, read the references documents in table 21 of the
Field Assembly Documentation List (FAD).

3.16.2 Hone coupling bolt holes

● According to Turbine Assembly Documentation
2015-06-16 EN Approved
Lng. Status

3.16.3 Tighten coupling bolts and check coupling run-out

● According to Turbine Assembly Documentation
Rev. Released



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© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator abcd
3.17 Install Generator Accessories

3.17 Install Generator Accessories

3.17.1 Documentation
3 Note
Before starting any operation, read the references documents in table 22 of the
Field Assembly Documentation List (FAD).

3.17.2 Install the DE grounding-strips

(DE Grounding in the scope of Turbine in case of Alstom turbine)
1. Check orientation of the grounding strip arrangement in respect to the direction of shaft

Friction force of the rotating shaft must pull the grounding-strip downwards
2015-06-16 EN Approved
Lng. Status

2. Install adapter plate to the bearing cover and install grounding strips.
3. Connect the connecting cables between grounding strips and DE-module.
4. Temporarily place insulating material (such as gasket-material, rubber-mat etc.) between
Rev. Released

grounding-strips and rotor-shaft. Then measure insulating resistance between grounding

strips and bearing-pedestal (ground).

Fill the test certificate INSULATION TEST (DE SHAFT GROUNDING).
9470 HTGG611728
Dept. Document No.

5. Connect grounding cable

Direction of rotation is counter-clockwise viewed from DE:

6 2 A-A
9 2 8

A 3 1 5 4

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© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
abcd 3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator
3.17 Install Generator Accessories

Direction of rotation is counter-clockwise viewed from DE:

6 2 A-A
8 2 9


A 3 1 5 4
2015-06-16 EN Approved

Item Description Item Description

Lng. Status

1 Grounding Strip 6 Turbine

2 Hook Device with Ball Handle 7 Connecting Cable
Rev. Released

3 Stud Bolt 8 Insulators

4 Bearing Pedestal 9 DE-Module

5 Rotor Shaft

Figure 3-11: Installation of the DE Grounding Strips

9470 HTGG611728
Dept. Document No.

3.17.3 Install the RC-Grounding Device (NDE side)

1. Pull carbon brushes out of the brush holders on the RC-grounding device.
2. Check orientation of the brush-holders in respect to the direction of rotation.

Friction force of the rotating shaft must push the carbon-brush towards the brush-
holder clamp.

3. Install the RC grounding device to the backside of the brush gear (in case of 50Hz
generator) or to the backside of the end bearing (in case of 60Hz generators), centred in
the bolt-holes.
4. Adjust the brush-holders to the required clearance to the stub-shaft.
5. Connect connecting cables between brush-holders and RC-module.
6. Measure insulation resistance between carrier plate and casing (ground).

Fill the test certificate INSULATION TEST (RC SHAFT GROUNDING).

7. Connect grounding cable. Connect monitoring cable (optional) if available.

8. Insert carbon brushes, shortly prior to start-up.

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© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator abcd
3.17 Install Generator Accessories

2 1


12 1
2015-06-16 EN Approved
Lng. Status

6 11
Rev. Released




7 2 I1090
9470 HTGG611728

Item Description Item Description

Dept. Document No.

1 Casing 7 Connecting cable

2 Carrier plate 8 Grounding cable
3 Brush-holder clamp 9 Monitoring cable (optional)
4 Carbon brush 10 RC-module
5 Brush holder 11 Insulators
Brush gear (for 50Hz generator) or
6 Stub shaft 12 End-bearing pedestal (for 60Hz
Figure 3-12: Installation of the RC Grounding Device

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Field Assembly Documentation 2015/06/15
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
abcd 3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator
3.17 Install Generator Accessories

3.17.4 Install the Make-up Filter with Silencer (not applicable if Pressurization
• Drill the holes for the anchor bolts in the foundation wall.
• Place the make-up filter assembly in the correct position.
• Assemble and tighten anchor bolts.
• Make sure that the assembly fits tightly to the foundation wall and that the gasket is not
damaged during installation.

2015-06-16 EN Approved
Lng. Status
Rev. Released


9470 HTGG611728
Dept. Document No.


Item Description
1 Make-up Filter with Silencer

Figure 3-13: Location of the Make-up Filter with Silencer

Damages can be incurred by changes, modifications as well as the use of non-
original parts, defective installations and lacking or deficient inspection, as well as
change of the filters (insertion of objects through the opening into the generator

Lifting eyes are provided to carry out any transport operations. Lifting using only
one lifting eye is not permitted.

70/74 HTGG 611 728 Rev. -

2015/06/15 Field Assembly Documentation
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator abcd
3.17 Install Generator Accessories

3.17.5 Install brush-gear air-filters (and silencers if option)

1. Clean out air-ducts and the inside of the brush-gear console check for required surface
quality and finish.
2. Glue gaskets to air-duct flange, silencer-box flange and filter-box flange.
3. Install silencer-box on air-duct flange with four short bolts and washers. Make sure, all
bolt holes line-up and tighten the four bolts.
4. Place the filter-box on the silencer-box flange. Insert the long bolts, going through the
silencer-box flange into the air-duct and tighten.
5. Install V-shape filters to filter-box with short bolts and washers.

In case of air-filters In case of air-filters

without silencers with silencers
8 8
5 5
4 7
1 5
2015-06-16 EN Approved

Lng. Status

Rev. Released

1 B

9470 HTGG611728
Dept. Document No.

5 8 5 8
6 6

9 9

2 7 2 7

Item Description Item Description

1 Hex. Head Bolt (short) 6 Filter Box
2 Belleville Washer 7 Silencer Box
4 V-Shape Filter 8 Air-Duct Flange
5 Gasket 9 Hex. Head Bolt (long)

Figure 3-14: Installation of Brush-Gear Filters and Silencers

Rev. - HTGG 611 728 71/74

Field Assembly Documentation 2015/06/15
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
abcd 3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator
3.17 Install Generator Accessories

3.17.6 Pressurization Unit (if option)

● Connect the pressurization unit to the generator cold air chamber in the foundation.

3.17.7 Air Dryer Unit (if option)

● Connect the air dryer unit in the lower part of the generator.

3.17.8 Install the PAMOS-SENSOR (if option)

1. Refer to the Manufacturing Instruction / Installation of PAMOS Sensor in Reference
2. Proceed to the measures and tests according the test certificates.

Fill the tests certificates PAMOS SENSOR INSTALLATION CHECK PART 1 & 2.
2015-06-16 EN Approved
Lng. Status

3.17.9 Install the ROMON (if option)

● Refer to the Installation Instructions for ROMON II in Reference documents.
Rev. Released
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2015/06/15 Field Assembly Documentation
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator abcd
3.18 Finalize Generator Installation

3.18 Finalize Generator Installation

3.18.1 Documentation
3 Note
Before starting any operation, read the references documents in table 23 of the
Field Assembly Documentation List (FAD).

3.18.2 Final-adjust and lock the anchor parts

1. On the generator cross guides, adjust the clearance of the jack bolts to the generator
feet and tighten the counter nuts.
2. Weld locking piece to the foundation supports.
3. Re-check foundation bolt stretch according to section 3.4.5.

2015-06-16 EN Approved

Fill the test certificate HYDR. PRE-STRESS OF FOUNDATION BOLTS.

Lng. Status

3.18.3 Complete instrument wiring

Rev. Released

● Complete signal wiring of leak-detectors between sub junction box and main junction

3.18.4 Close generator access doors

1. Clean-out entire air-duct area underneath the generator. Check air-duct area for debris,
9470 HTGG611728
Dept. Document No.

contamination and any kind of foreign objects and clean as necessary.

2. Install/close access doors on the generator casing.

3.18.5 Various checks

1. Check lube-oil inlet and outlet orifices for proper dimensions and installation.
2. Check of jacking oil lift


Danger of loss of health because of ejected oil from the bearing block.
 Risk of slip due to oiled components and fall due to components placed
around bearing pedestal. (lateral guides, cabling, piping)
 Keep cleanness around bearing blocks.
 Use shoes with good adhesion to the floor.

Rev. - HTGG 611 728 73/74

Field Assembly Documentation 2015/06/15
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.
abcd 3 Installation and Assembly of the Generator
3.18 Finalize Generator Installation

3.18.6 Turn over to commissioning

1. Write punch list of unfinished items.
− Final installation of carbon brushes etc.
− Removal of temporary grounds, blanks etc.
2. Finalize I&T Documentation and Non-Conformance Reporting.
3. Initialize turnover procedure to commissioning.
4. Write Field Service Report.

Fill the test certificates :
2015-06-16 EN Approved
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Rev. Released
9470 HTGG611728
Dept. Document No.

74/74 HTGG 611 728 Rev. -

2015/06/15 Field Assembly Documentation
© 2015 Alstom. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided for information purposes only. Subject to change without notice.

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