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三民 B4L2
老師: 班級: 座號:______ 姓名:__________

一、字彙填充(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
1. _____________ The f_____n of the application is to let you easily make any adjustments to
the photos after shooting.
2. _____________ To attract p_____l customers, more and more companies are putting
advertisements for their products on Instagram.
3. _____________ The guest was demanded to pay an a_____l fee for eating the snacks provided
in his hotel room.
4. _____________ This juice is made of v_____s fruits and vegetables; it is high in vitamin C,
tastes great, and is certainly good for health.
5. _____________ The pharmaceutical factory was fined heavily for e_____g the advantages of
its medicine.
6. _____________ The clerk immediately a_____d the police when she saw a suspicious man
hanging around outside the store.
7. _____________ The government has taken further measures to t_____e the immigration
8. _____________ Mr. Wang d_____ed his customers by selling them beds made from old
mattresses. Thus, the customers lost trust in him.
9. _____________ Richard always p_____s himself as a generous man, but actually he is not.
10. _____________ After the war, it took the country a long time to get the economy f_____g
11. _____________ Among these five candidates, who do you think will win the mayoral
12. _____________ The Central Weather Bureau issued a warning to a_____t people to an
approaching typhoon.

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13. _____________ Don’t tell that ghost story again! You’re f_____g me to death.
14. _____________ The results of the blood test provided the doctors with c_____n of their
15. _____________ With the breeze blowing, the trees s_____d slightly, and the grass also moved
gently from side to side.
16. _____________ You cannot o_____t any details of this accident in your report because it
would be unfair to those who died in the crash.
17. _____________ The news of the popular actor’s divorce made the h_____s in the national
18. _____________ With the teacher’s clear explanation, Melisa was not c_____ed anymore. She
could even teach her classmates now.
19. _____________ As an expert on penguins, Marian has a t_____h understanding of this kind of
creature. She knows almost everything about them.
20. _____________The police did a t_____h search of the mountains but still failed to find any
trace of the escaped prisoner.
21. _____________ The woman tried to use a f_____e passport to enter the country and was
caught by the airport police.
22. _____________ The dishonest vendor d_____d customers by mixing rotten apples with fresh
23. _____________ The music composer was furious about being o_____ted from the list of
contributions to the movie. She felt she had been forgotten.
24. _____________At the end of the meeting, the general manager c_____ded that the sales team
did a good job and that they should be given a pay raise.
25. _____________ Several studies have revealed that certain chemicals used for whitening teeth
are p_____y harmful to teeth.
26. _____________ The famous songwriter was a_____d of copying a musician’s work, which
shocked the pop music industry.
27. _____________ There will be no a_____l charges for delivery when the total price of your
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order is over NT$1,000.
28. _____________ After reading some negative reviews posted on the w_____e of this restaurant,
Davis was considering cancelling his reservation.
29. _____________The armed soldiers crossed the border, which f_____ned the villagers who
worried about possible attacks.
30. _____________ Bess has v_____s reasons for being late for school. She always gives her
teachers different excuses.

二、詞類變化(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
31. _____________ Joseph always talks with wild _____ (exaggerate). A little rain would become
a thunderstorm in his words.
32. _____________ Besides the handsome salaries, the employees of the company can enjoy
_____ (additionally) benefits, such as a company trip and a generous year-end
33. _____________The sweater is fashionable but not _____ (function) because it doesn't cover
the whole body and cannot keep you warm.
34. _____________ All the members should follow the rules of _____ (conduct) and behave
accordingly(相應地). Whoever violates them will be punished.
35. _____________ The machine that Paul bought was not _____ (function). Most of the time, it
is not in operation and seems to be a piece for decoration.
36. _____________ Erica _____ (browse) the catalog of the gift shop and tried to choose a present
for her best friend.
37. _____________ The _____ (confirm) of her son’s death broke the mother’s heart. The hope
that her son could return safe and sound was gone forever.
38. _____________ The spy _____ (fake) her identity and successfully got into the office to steal
important information.
39. _____________John did a wonderful _____ (present) of his research and the audience gave
him a big hand.
40. _____________ As the _____ (elect) day approaches, all the candidates are stepping up their
propaganda, trying to win as many ballots(選票) as possible.

三、字彙與慣用語選擇(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
41. ( ) This piece of information is quite critical and needs to be included in the report. Don’t
_____ it.

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(A)browse (B)conduct (C)triple (D)omit
42. ( ) When I walked into Susanne’s study, I was shocked by the sheer(徹底)_____ of her
books. How could a teenager have so many books?
(A)romance (B)reply (C)quantity (D)coupon
43. ( ) The rooms of the B & B by the lake looked bright and cozy. _____, the lake view through
the French windows in the living room was so breathtaking.
(A)Unfortunately (B)Otherwise (C)Meanwhile (D)Additionally
44. ( ) The _____ is said to be hacked, so we can’t log in to it now.
(A)confusion (B)assistance (C)election (D)website
45. ( ) As the manager of the department of human resources, Mike _____ all of the job
interviews himself.
(A)conducted (B)functioned (C)carried (D)aimed
46. ( ) Over one hundred people were reported to have been _____ by the dishonest merchant
and lost huge amounts of money to the fraud.
(A)advised (B)reserved (C)supposed (D)deceived
47. ( ) Ian didn’t break the glass _____. It was totally an accident!
(A)in general (B)by no means (C)on purpose (D)as a result
48. ( ) It is a(n) _____ to say that the design is perfect. As a matter of fact, there are quite a few
flaws(瑕疵) in it.
(A)exaggeration (B)vaccination (C)function (D)confirmation
49. ( ) _____, those who have a sense of humor are more popular and easier to get along with
because they can make their friends happy and feel comfortable with them.
(A)in general (B)at least (C)by far (D)in addition
50. ( ) After a long discussion, the two teams finally reached a(n) _____ that both of the two
sides agreed on.
(A)relief (B)website (C)conclusion (D)article

四、文法選擇(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
51. ( ) At the dinner party, the man talked as if he _____ the guest speaker that night, but in fact,
he was not.
(A)were (B)is (C)had been (D)was
52. ( ) _____ the manager tried, he failed to reach the sales target and was forced to step down
of his position.
(A)As hardly as (B)As hard as (C)Hard as (D)Hardly as
53. ( ) _____ evidence has been gathered to lay charges against the suspect.
(A)A great number of (B)A large quantity of (C)Many of (D)Several of
54. ( ) _____ as Marian tried to ask her father to let her go on a study tour, he just didn’t agree.

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(A)Harder (B)Too hard (C)Hard (D)Hardly
55. ( ) ______ Ann did last night was to stay awake and wait for her son to come home.
(A)The thing (B)Anything (C)That (D)What
56. ( ) Delicious _____ the cake looked, Anne still stuck to her diet and didn’t have a bite.
(A)since (B)for (C)as (D)although
57. ( ) The tomb of King Tutankhamen, one of the most famous pharohs in ancient Egypt, was
_____ to be noticed, so few people had seen it.
(A)well-covered enough (B)too well-covered
(C)so well-covered as (D)very well-covered
58. ( ) The reason Mike is still absent today is _____ he has not recovered from his knee injury
(A)why (B)what (C)because of (D)that
59. ( ) The public were glad to know that the new drug was _____ proven _____ in curing the
(A)scientifically; effective (B)effectively; scientific
(C)scientifically; effectively (D)effectively; scientifically
60. ( ) Difficult _____ the task might seem, Sean still gritted his teeth and finished it before the
(A)although (B)as (C)even though (D)as if
61. ( ) The job is extremely _____. It takes up a lot of time.
(A)time-consuming (B)consumed-time (C)time-consumed (D)time-consume
62. ( ) This remote control can be used _____ a number of different household appliances,
including the TV, the air conditioner, and the stereo.
(A)for (B)to (C)in (D)at
63. ( ) Dangerous _____ the journey would be, the adventurers still decide to go straight across
the desert.
(A)if (B)since (C)as (D)whether
64. ( ) Our boss talks about economy as if he _____ the head of the central bank, whose decision
can make a difference to world economy.
(A)had been (B)has been (C)were (D)is
65. ( ) The world-famous chocolate factory was accused _____using child labor illegally.
(A)to (B)with (C)of (D)against
66. ( ) Alex ran as fast as he could to the train station, _____ that the train had departed.
(A)he found (B)to find (C)and finding (D)only to find
67. ( ) Tense ____ the competition between the two players is, they are actually close friends.
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(A)like (B)being (C)as (D)although
68. ( ) I saw the interaction between Cathy and Eric as if they _____ a couple, but actually they
just first met last week.
(A)has been (B)be (C)were (D)is
69. ( ) The financial expert recommends people stay alert _____ the possible risk of an
upcoming economic depression.
(A)for (B)of (C)to (D)in
70. ( ) Quickly _____ Sean finished the test, there were many wrong answers. Thus, he failed
the exam.
(A)despite (B)though (C)since (D)as
71. ( ) Miranda took good care of the little boy as if he _____ her own child.
(A)has been (B)were (C)is (D)be
72. ( ) _____ as the incident was, it did happen to me.
(A)Strangely (B)How strange (C)Strange (D)Though strange
73. ( ) The Internet has changed the way people access information. _____, people search for
information on the Net rather than look it up in books.
(A)Instead (B)In general (C)As a result (D)Yet
74. ( ) _____ detecting the smoke, the fire alarm system works with its water equipment.
(A)Upon (B)From (C)For (D)Despite
75. ( ) Chinese New Year _____ be a happy festival, but this Chinese New Year was shadowed
by the pandemic.
(A)is supposed to (B)had to (C)has better (D)was used to
76. ( ) Social workers are supposed _____ those in need instead of taking advantage of them.
(A)to helping (B)to help (C)in helping (D)they help
77. ( ) The result of the exam depends on _____ you are well-prepared for it.
(A)what (B)which (C)whether (D)when
78. ( ) There are _____ books in the library for you to choose from.
(A)a bit of (B)a huge amount of (C)a great quantity of (D)a great deal of
79. ( ) _____ as he was, Tom kept a cool head(保持冷靜) and saved his little sister when the
accident happened.
(A)How childish (B)Childishly (C)Although childish (D)Childish
80. ( ) Sammy had a _____ operation last Friday to remove the tumor(腫瘤) in her brain. The
operation went well and she will be discharged(允許…出院) from the hospital two
weeks later.
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(A)life-saving (B)life-saved (C)safe-life (D)saving-life

五、課文綜合測驗(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
81. Across the world in India, thousands of schoolchildren breathed a sigh of relief when they
found out they wouldn’t be getting their shots. Doctors were supposed to give them vaccines for
potentially fatal __1__. However, upon learning about news stories on social media saying that
“vaccines can cause autism,” the school authorities canceled the vaccination. They made such a
decision __2__ the stories had been proven true. Later, doctors conducted thorough tests and
concluded that there was no connection between vaccines and autism. __3__, that didn’t stop people
from sharing the stories, which might result in the “unnecessary” death of more children.
As these examples show, fake news, messages, and information which __4__ and spread online
can lead to both embarrassment and tragedy. So what exactly is fake news, and why is there
suddenly such a great quantity of it? Fake news can be defined as articles, statements, and stories
designed to confuse or lie to the public __5__. Since people now have social media, websites, and
chat groups, they can easily get messages spread, which makes them reach huge audiences.
Consequently, a lot more fake news is seen than before.
( 1 ) ( ) (A) diseases (B) coupons (C) websites (D) functions
( 2 ) ( ) (A) so that (B) as if (C) so as to (D) in order to
( 3 ) ( ) (A) Because (B) So (C) Then (D) Yet
( 4 ) ( ) (A) are presented (B) presented (C) presenting (D) present
( 5 ) ( ) (A) in general (B) as a result (C) on purpose (D) in short
82. Fake news comes in various forms and is used for a number of different purposes. One of
the most common ways people get fake news is through __1__. Headlines of clickbait are often too
attractive to ignore, such as “Buy one get one free coupons” at coffee shops. Tempting __2__ these
statements are, they include very few details. In addition, they generally exaggerate some facts,
omit others, and just make things up. In short, clickbait functions to make people __3__ websites.
Another common way is propaganda. Although this type seems very believable, it is meant to
deceive. These articles spread through propaganda are usually political, but they can also cover
other topics, such as vaccines. __4__, propaganda is aimed at frightening people—it tells them that
doing something like getting a vaccine or electing a particular politician will produce a terrible
Governments and businesses have taken action to tackle fake news. Several large media
companies, including the BBC and The Washington Post, established fact checking services that
help people confirm __5__ a news story is true. Additionally, technology firms like Google and
Facebook have promised to highlight and report fake news. Nevertheless, this might not really help.
Facebook's fact checking service might also be “fake” it has been accused of racial and political
bias because some of the organizations involved in the service are connected with violent white
( 1 ) ( ) (A) clickbait (B) commerce (C) privacy (D) advice

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(2)( ) (A) like (B) as (C) for (D) with
(3)( ) (A) to browse (B) browsing (C) browse (D) browsed
(4)( ) (A) On purpose (B) In general (C) What’s more (D) In addition
(5)( ) (A) though (B) either (C) as (D) whether

六、綜合測驗(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
83. Nowadays, fake news is easily found online. It __1__ confuse or lie to the public, and it
might cause embarrassment and tragedy. There are different forms of fake news. One of the most
common ways of getting fake news is through clickbait, which tempts people into browsing
websites. Attractive __2__ headlines of clickbait are, they generally exaggerate some facts and
make things up. __3__ common way is propaganda, which is usually designed to frighten people.
For instance, an article of this type tells voters that electing a certain political candidate will lead to
a terrible outcome.
In order to handle fake news, governments and businesses have taken some measures. Fact-
checking service established by large media companies, for example, helps people check __4__ the
news is truthful. __5__, technology firms have promised to highlight fake news. Most importantly,
people should be on their guard. The more people can stay alert, the fewer victims of fake news
there will be.
( 1 ) ( ) (A) is meant to (B) is devoted to (C) is familiar to (D) is eager to
( 2 ) ( ) (A) but (B) as (C) nor (D) although
( 3 ) ( ) (A) One (B) Other (C) Another (D) The other
( 4 ) ( ) (A) whatever (B) whichever (C) when (D) whether
( 5 ) ( ) (A) Nevertheless (B) Therefore (C) Additionally (D) Surprisingly
84. You’re busy checking social media in the school cafeteria. Suddenly, you spot a __1__
stating that your favorite singer has died. You immediately click to read the full article. After
reading it, you do some more research and a sigh of relief. The story isn’t true at all. You are just
tricked by fake news.
Fake news is false information about a topic. Since people now have social media, it has become
easier to create and spread fake news. Today, millions of people are spreading false information
__2__. For example, someone intentionally uploaded a picture of a tiger walking on an empty
street. They said Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, put it there so people would stay indoors
during COVID-19. Some people said this was a great way to stop the disease. But actually, it never
Why do we keep __3__ fake news? One reason is __4__ fake news often confirms beliefs that
people already have. For example, Putin is a tough leader, so many people aren’t surprised to read
about him letting tigers loose in a city. Another reason is laziness. After a hard day, people don’t
want to waste their energy checking facts. __5__, fake news often targets our emotions. When
stories make us feel angry or scared, our judgment is affected. Therefore, be on your guard the next

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time you’re watching the news. Someone might be trying to trick you with fake news.
( 1 ) ( ) (A) victim (B) quantity (C) function (D) headline
( 2 ) ( ) (A)in case (B) in brief (C) on purpose (D) in general
( 3 ) ( ) (A)falling for (B)coming down with (C) messing up (D) cashing in on
( 4 ) ( ) (A) when (B) whether (C) that (D) how
( 5 ) ( ) (A) Therefore (B) Additionally (C) However (D) Obviously

七、文意選填(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
85.   Amidst all the bad news filling social media during the COVID-19 outbreak, many
positive animal stories began circulating. One post showed pictures of swans and dolphins returning
to the canals of Venice. Another showed elephants walking through a Chinese village and getting
drunk after drinking a corn drink. The news __1__ many people who were isolated(隔離) because
of the pandemic(大流行病) and hungry for some good news. Seeing the posts, people __2__ that in
a world where humans had disappeared, animals were making a comeback.
  But the stories were __3__. Swans often swam in Venice canals. The dolphins were actually
hundreds of miles away in the Mediterranean Sea. Elephants often appeared in Chinese villages but
they were never drunk.
  Additionally, a picture of deer gathered on a street in Japan and another showing peacocks,
parrots, and other birds together on a street in India turned out to be old. A video of whales spotted
off the coast of India was actually filmed in Indonesia. Although these pictures were not intended to
__4__, all of them were taken before the pandemic and had nothing to do with the lockdown.
  People __5__ articles full of bad news in times of loneliness and isolation. Therefore, it can be
__6__ to post articles and photos on social media that give people hope. The idea that animals could
thrive(成長茁壯) while people are in isolation gave people a reason to be __7__.
  While we are dealing with a pandemic affecting our __8__, we are also facing what the United
Nations calls “a dangerous epidemic of misinformation” about COVID-19. In these difficult times,
__9__ posts on social media that lift spirits during difficult times are welcome. But it is dangerous
to contribute to the __10__ of fake news that potentially spreads misinformation and gives false
hope. Therefore, you should only post what you can confirm to be true.
(A) delighted (B) fake (C) concluded (D) deceive (E) browse
(F) tempting (G) various (H) health (I) quantity (J) happy
(1) _______ (2) _______ (3) _______ (4) _______ (5) _______
(6) _______ (7) _______ (8) _______ (9) _______ (10) _______

八、引導式翻譯(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
86. 29. 當來自工地令人不悅的噪音終於停下來的時候,這個社區的居民鬆了一口氣。
When the unpleasant noise from the construction site finally stopped, residents of this
community _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

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87. 一般而言,遊客喜歡在夏天到沖繩旅遊,因為他們可以進行各種水上活動。
_____________ _____________, tourists prefer to visit Okinawa in summer, for they can engage in
a variety of water activities.
88. 羅密歐與茱麗葉在舞會上初次見面時便墜入情網。
Romeo and Juliet _____________ _____________ each other when they first met at the party.
89. 復仇可以以不同的形式出現;你可以去傷害做錯事的人,或者嘗試把生活過得更好。對
Revenges can _____________ _____________ different forms. You can either hurt the person
that does something wrong to you, or try to live a better life. To me, the latter beats the former.
90. 廣告公司故意將商標拼寫錯誤,以引起人們的注意。
The advertising agency misspelled the trademark _____________ _____________ in order to catch
people’s attention.
91. Arthur 試圖對他的朋友們惡作劇,但沒有一個人上當。
Arthur tried to play a trick on his friends, but none of them _____________ _____________ it.
92. 遊客在旅途中必須提高警覺,因為許多度假景點的竊盜率往往很高。
When tourists are on their journey, they have to _____________ _____________ _____________
_____________ because the theft rate in many tourist spots tends to be high.
93. Helen 向警察描述這場車禍,好像她親眼目睹了一樣。
Helen described the car accident to the police as if she _____________ _____________ it.
94. 令 Teresa 失望的是她男朋友忘了今天她的生日。
_____________ disappointed Teresa _____________ that her boyfriend forgot her birthday.
95. 一發覺那位老太太想要過馬路,Bryant 就衝去她身旁幫忙。
_____________ _____________ that the elderly woman wanted to cross the street, Bryant rushed
to her side to help her.

九、整句式翻譯(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
96. 顯然,這位銷售員誇大了產品的優點。你不要上他的當。
97. 雨下太大了,我們無法出門。

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98. 身為一個記者,Patrick 避免誇大或忽略某些事實,他也不會捏造故事來吸引觀眾的注意
99. 寫作的時候不要捏造事情;同樣地,閱讀的時候要確認消息是否為正確。
100. 一般來講,接種疫苗(vaccination)是一種避免讓你受到感染的有效措施。
101. 雖然這問題很複雜,Elizabeth 完全不感到困惑,馬上就解題了。(. . . as . . .)
102. 儘管 Alice 很累了,她還是無法入睡。
103. 當你一個人旅行時,一定要時時保持警戒。
104. 妹妹故意大聲講出她的生日日期,期待大家會送禮物給她。
105. 一看到警察,小偷立刻逃跑。

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