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GROUP1 Descriptive statistics for continuous data

1. Which measure of central tendency includes the magnitude of scores?
a. Mean b. Mode c. Median d. Range

2. Mode refers to the value within a series that occurs ________ number of times.
a. Maximum b. Minimum c. Zero d. Infinite

3. _________ is not a measure of central tendency.

a. Mode b. Mean c. Range d. Median

4. Which of the following are methods under measures of dispersion?

a. Standard deviation b. Mean deviation c. Range d. All of the above

5. The coefficient of variation is a percentage expression for __________.

a. Standard deviation b. Quartile deviation
c. Mean deviation d. None of the above

6. ____________ and ____________ are types of measures of dispersion.

a. Nominal, Real b. Nominal, Relative c. Real, Relative d. Absolute, Relative

7. The formula of rates:

a. R(A) = (NA)/n . base (K) b. R(A) = (NA)/n

c . R(A) = (NA). base (K) d. None of the above

8. The formula of odd ratio is:

a. OR= a/c ÷ b/d = ac/bd b. OR = a/c ÷ b/d = ad/bc
c. OR= a/b ÷ c/d = ab/cd d. None of the above
9. The ratio of the standard deviation to the mean is called
a. Standard deviation b. Odd ratio c. Coefficient of variation d. Skewnes

10. The formula of coefficient of variation is

a. C. V. = s/x (100) % b. C. V. = sx (100) % c. C. V. = s/x d. None of the above
GROUP2 Probability
1.In a standard deck of playing cards, what is the probability of drawing a heart?

A) 1/13 B) 1/26 C) 1/4 D) 1/52

2. A fair six-sided die is rolled. What is the probability of rolling an odd number?

A) 1/3 B) 1/6 C) 1/2 D) 2/3

3. Two coins are flipped simultaneously. What is the probability of getting two heads?

A) ½ B) 1/3 C) ¼ D) 1/8

4. A bag contains 6 red balls and 4 blue balls. If one ball is randomly drawn, what is the probability of
getting a red ball?

A) 2/5 B) 3/10 C) ½ D) 3/5

5. A jar contains 10 red marbles, 5 green marbles, and 5 blue marbles. If one marble is randomly chosen,
what is the probability of selecting a blue marble?

A) 1/5 B) ½ C) 5/20 D) 5/10

6. A box contains 8 black pens and 4 blue pens. If two pens are drawn without replacement, what is the
probability of getting two black pens?

A) 2/11 B) 4/12 C) 2/12 D) 8/12

7. In a class of 30 students, 15 are girls and 15 are boys. If a student is selected at random, what is the
probability of selecting a boy?

A) ½ B) ¼ C) 1/3 D) 2/3

8. A bag contains 5 red marbles, 3 green marbles, and 2 blue marbles. If two marbles are drawn with
replacement, what is the probability of getting a red marble on the first draw and a green marble on the
second draw?

A) 3/10 B) 1/30 C) 1/5 D) 5/30

9. A spinner has 6 equal sectors labeled 1 through 6. What is the probability of spinning an even

A) ½ B) 1/3 C) 1/6 D) 2/6

10. A bag contains 3 red balls and 7 blue balls. Two balls are randomly drawn without replacement.
What is the probability of drawing a red ball and then a blue ball?

A) 3/20 B) 1/3 C) 7/30 D) 21/60

Group3 Poisson distribution
1) Poison Distribution is also known as:

a) Discrete Probability Distribution b) Continuous Probability Distribution

c) Normal Distribution d) Uniform Distribution

2) In Poisson Distribution:

a) Mean and Variance are not equal b) Mean and Variance are equal
c) Mean and Co-Variance are not equal d) Mean and Co-Variance are equal

3) The value of Poisson Distribution is:

a) Equal to zero b) Less than by zero

c) Greater than by zero d) Greater than or equal to zero

4) What is the value of E in Poisson Probability?

a) 2.621 b) 2.731 c) 2.771 d) 2.718

5) Variance of Poisson Distribution:

a) Lamda square b) Lamda c) Zero d) 1

6) In Poisson Distribution the parameter Lamda is:

a) Always greater than zero b) Always less than zero

c) Finite positive value d) Both a and c

7) Range of Poisson is:

a) 0 to 1 b) 0 to infinity c) -1 to 1 d) –infinity to +infinity

8) Poisson distribution is highly skewed:

a) With low mean b) With high mean c) With zero mean d) All of the above

9) What is the standard error of Poisson?

a) Sqrt(lamda/n) b) (lamda/n)^2 c) Lamda/n d) None of the above

10) Who is the father of Poisson?

a) S D Poisson b) S G Poisson c) S R Poisson d) S K Poisson

Group4 Sampling distribution of means and estimation

1. The smallest individuals of population are called:

(A) Sampling frame (B) Sampling units (C) Sampled population (D) Sample design
2. Which of the characteristic relates to population?

(A) Parameter (B) Statistic (C) Sampling distribution (D) Sampling error

3. The parameter are:

(A) Fixed numbers (B) Variable numbers (C) Qualitative numbers (D) None of these

4. A sample is a part or subset of:

(A) Sampling (B) Population (C) Unit (D) Error

5. The collection of detailed information is known as:

(A) Units (B) Design (C) Inaccuracies (D) Census

6. The simple random sampling is:

(A) Non-probability sampling (B) Probability sampling (C) Systematic sampling (D) Quota

7. Total number of possible sample with N=2 and n=3 with replacement is?

(A) 10 (B) 8 (C) 60 (D) 15

8. Sampling error can be reduced by:

(A) Fixing(n) (B) Decreasing (n) (C) Increasing (n) (D) Increasing (N)

9‫ ـ‬Probability distribution of a statistic is called:

(A) Sampling error (B) Sampling distribution (C) Standard error (D) Parameter

10. is equal to............?

(A)   (C)  
(B)    (D)  

Group 5 Hypothesis testing for means (single and two samples)

1. The null hypothesis for a single sample t-test is:

a) The sample mean is less than the population mean.

b) The sample mean is greater than the population mean.
c) The sample mean is equal to the population mean.
d) The sample mean is not equal to the population mean.

2. The null hypothesis for the difference between two population means is:

a) There is a significant difference between two population means.

b) There is no significant difference between two population means.
c) The sample means are significantly different from each other.
d) The sample means are not significantly different from each other.

3. Consider a hypothesis as H0 : 𝜇 = 5 against H0 : 𝜇 > 5. The test is:

a) Right tailed. b) Left tailed. c) Center tailed. d) Cross tailed.

4. Suppose we wish to test whether a population mean is smaller or larger than 10. What should our
alternative hypothesis?

a) 𝜇 < 10 b) 𝝁 ≠ 𝟏𝟎 c) 𝜇 > 10 d) 𝜇 ≤ 10

5. When 𝜎 is known, then which test statistic is appropriate about population mean?

a) t b) z c) 𝜒2 d) F

6. The range of test statistic- z is:

a) 0 to 1 b) -1 to +1 c) 0 to ∞ d) −∞ 𝒕𝒐 + ∞

7. When the alternative hypothesis is H1: 𝜇 ≠ 𝜇0 (𝑡𝑤𝑜 𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑑), then the rejection region will be:

a) 𝑧 > 𝑧𝛼 b) 𝒛 > 𝒛𝜶/𝟐 c) 𝑧 < −𝑧𝛼 d) None of them.

8. The test statistic-t is defined as deviation of sample mean from population mean µ expressed in terms

(a) Standard deviation (b) Standard error

(c) Coefficient of standard deviation (d) Coefficient of variation

9. The t- test statistic has degrees of freedom:

a) n b) n-1 c) n-2 d) n1 + n2 – 2

10. In an unpaired sample t- test with sample sizes n1 = 11 and n2 = 11, the value of tabulated t should
be obtained for:

a) 10 degrees of freedom b) 21 degrees of freedom

c) 22 degrees of freedom d) 20 degrees of freedom

GROUP6 Regression analysis

1.The independent variable is used to explain the dependent variable in __________________.

a) Linear Regression Analysis b) Multiple Regression Analysis

c) Non-Linear Regression Analysis d) None of the above

2. Which of the following statement is true about the regression line?

a) A regression line is also known as the line of the average relationship.

b) A regression line is also known as the estimating equation.
c) A regression line is also known as the predicted equation.
d) All of the Above.

3. The original hypothesis is known as?

a) Alternative Hypothesis b) Null Hypothesis

c)Both a and b are incorrect d) Both a and b are correct

4. If two regression lines are under: Y=a+bX X=c+dY

What is the correlation coefficient between variables X and Y?

a) √bc b) √ac c) √ad d)√bd

5. Which of the following graphs shows a Strong Negative Correlation between two variables?



6. In regression, the equation that describes how the response variable (y) is related to the explanatory
variable (x) is:

a) the correlation model b)the regression model

c) used to compute the correlation coefficient d)None of these alternatives is correct.

7. In regression analysis, the variable that is being predicted is the

a) response, or dependent, variable b)independent variable

c) intervening variable d) is usually x

8.If two variables, x and y, have a very strong linear relationship, then

a) there is evidence that x causes a change in y

b) there is evidence that y causes a change in x
c) there might not be any causal relationship between x and y
d) None of these alternatives is correct.

9. If the coefficient of determination is equal to 1, then the correlation coefficient

a) must also be equal to 1 b) can be either -1 or +1

c)can be any value between -1 to +1 d) must be -1

10.In regression analysis, the variable that is used to explain the change in the outcome of an
experiment, or some natural process, is called

a) the explanatory variable b) the predictor variable

c) the independent variable d) All of the above

Group 7 Logistics regression analysis

1. Logistic regression is basically____

a)Unsupervised b)Supervised c)Reinforcement d) Classification

2. Logistic function is also called as _______

a) Cost Function b) Corresponding Function c) Linear Function d)Sigmoid Function

3. _________ the target variable can have three or more possible values without any order.

a)Multinomial Logistic Regression b)Binary Logistic Regression

c)Ordinal Logistic Regression d)All of the above

4. Which of the following is used where the target variable is of categorical nature?

a)Keras b)Knime c)Logistic Regression d)MXNet

5. How many different types of Logistic Regression?

a)2 b)3 c)4 d)5

6. Can we solve the multiclass classification problems using Logistic Regression?

a)Yes b)No c)Can be yes or no d)Cannot say

7. Which of the following are advantages of the logistic regression?

A. Logistic Regression is very easy to understand

B. It requires less training

C. It performs well for simple datasets as well as when the data set is linearly separable

D. All of the above

8. 0 and 1, or pass and fail or true and false is an example of?

a)Multinomial Logistic Regression b)Binary Logistic Regression

c)Ordinal Logistic Regression d)None of the above

9. Mean Square Error (MSE) is suitable for Logistic Regression.

a)True b)False c)Can be true or false d)Cannot say

10. What are the disadvantages of Logistic Regression?

A. Sometimes a lot of feature engineering is required

B. It is quite sensitive to noise and overfitting

C. Both A and B

D. None of the above

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