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Group Work Assignment

● Aureliana Ditasari (20322002)

● Pipit Indah Aryaningrum (20322035)
● Muhammad Abdulloh Kafie (19322024)


Challenges that From the students From the teacher

the teacher
explained - The students weren’t really - Limitations in using learning
engaged in the class. media during learning,
- Students seemed passive and especially in terms of
preparing the LCD projector.
lacked motivation.
It can be seen in the video
- Students showed a lack of respect that the teacher spends a lot
- Some students were coming late of time adjusting the
- Some students disrespect the position of the LCD projector
teacher by sleeping during the with the screen.
- Some students did not properly
respond to the teacher.

Students’ Observing the way students respond to their teacher, which tends to be
motivation, more passive with only one-way-interaction, it can be concluded that
beliefs in the students lack the motivation to learn English. This may be due to a
learning, and lack of awareness and understanding of the importance of learning
English English, so according to our group, there is not enough urgency to
proficiency encourage students to be actively involved in learning English.

Regarding English proficiency, in the video, we can see that when the
teacher asks about some basic vocabulary in English related to the
material being taught, many students still don't understand even the
basic vocabulary that is still related to everyday life. Seeing the
background of students’ English skills like this, we consider that some
students in the class have the same level of English, which is A1 or still
at the beginner level.

The teacher’s The teacher in the video apparently believes she is able to create a laid-
approach and back classroom environment while maintaining her attention
belief in throughout the lesson. By allowing students to participate in
teaching conversations with her, the teacher aims to make the classroom more
exciting. She occasionally also offers positive remarks, comforting
experiences, and motivational words to help students become more
comfortable in class. The learning process is still oriented toward
teacher-centered learning, thus all of the aforementioned methods are
still successful.

Available School facilities Support from teachers

support - Led projector - Learning Material
- Stop Contact
- Whiteboard

Innovation that
the teacher has -

Innovation that - Create an Icebreaking in the early morning

may be the - The teacher can assign students into small groups and contribute to
solution for the any student’s discussion
problem - Use a sense of humor
- Directly give them some feedback
- Listen to the student's opinion
- Be clear about rules, expectations, and consequences


Approach CLL (Communicative Language Learning) ; provide learning with

real-life experiences, values of life

Method Grammar Translation Method (Teacher-centered)

Strategy Encourage students to interact and communicate during the


Learning Media - Whiteboard

- LCD Projector

Teacher’s way of - Tried to encourage students' involvement

interacting with - Approached students more personally (calling the students by
the students their name)
- Asked the students to behave properly
- Guided the learner to engage and active during the learning
- Gave the students positive encouragement (non-verbal; thumbs
up and verbal praise)
- Provided feedback during the lesson

Teacher's way of - Address the students that showed disruptive behavior in class.
dealing with any - Ensure students are clear about the learning expectations in the
issues in the class classroom
- The teacher still mentioned the students who didn’t engage the
- Ask the students to come forward to write something on the
board so that student will be more active and engaged in the
- Give positive encouragement in order to make students feel
confident and motivated more. Especially in learning and using
English (especially in giving explanations, talking to the
students, and giving feedback)
- The teacher walked around the class to make sure the students
were engaged in the class

Recommendation for the teaching based on the students' needs in SMKN Piri

Approach Communicative Language Teaching (CLT); Give students real-

world examples of language use. The development of cooperative
interactions among students is encouraged through communication
(Larsen-Freeman & Anderson, 2018).

Method Project-based Learning → Small group instruction; While focusing

on learning how to use the language, the students are
simultaneously taking on responsibility for completing the
assignment or work provided by the teacher through project-based
learning. Students are expected to assist the other classmates in
order to take part in learning and to make any possible
contribution. However, since the English proficiency of the students
is considered to be low, to implement this method in the class, more
teacher’s attention and directions are highly needed.

Strategy Give responsibilities, track progress, and students will interact with
each other. Teacher as a facilitator in the class to facilitate the
students' needs in learning.
Appropriate Teacher as a facilitator can use PowerPoint & LCD to introduce the
learning Media material being taught. The teacher can also use real learning media
that students can directly use, such as posters, flashcards, literacy
tree/literacy leaf (Pohon Literasi to help students remember
vocabulary), and handouts.

The best way to - Create an Icebreaking in the early morning

interact with the - Use a sense of humor
students - Find a common interest of the students and discuss it
- Listen to the students’ opinions
- Have students work together cooperatively (Johnson & Johnson,
- Create an enthusiastic environment or positive energy
- Giving positive encouragement

The best way to - Give students responsibility to make them actively participate
deal with any during the learning
issues in the class - Assign students into small groups discussion in order to make
students work collaboratively with their friends
- Reinforces the class rules and the consequences students may
receive for breaking the rules
- Set boundaries to make students understand about their roles
and respect each other, with aims to make students recognize the
teacher’s presence
- Use involvement & recognition strategy(ies) to encourage
students motivation
- Creating in students a “sense of belonging” through more active
- Varying learning activities by highlighting on topics that students
might find interesting

Johnson, R. T., & Johnson, D. W. (1985b). Student-Student Interaction: Ignored but

Powerful. Journal of Teacher Education, 36(4), 22-26.

Larsen-Freeman, D., & Anderson, M. (2018). Techniques & principles in language teaching.
Oxford University Press.

Rahimi, M., & Karkami, F. H. (2015). The Role of Teachers' Classroom Discipline in Their
Teaching Effectiveness and Students' Language Learning Motivation and
Achievement: A Path Method. Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research, 3(1),

Widya, W., Yuliana, T. I., & Sofiani, Y. (2018). Pengajaran Kosakata bahasa inggris dengan
media realia Dan Flash Card. Jurnal PkM Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 1(01), 39.

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