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Global Marketing


Dr Bloom
Presented by

Agenda 1. What is the brand

2. Segmentation -positioning, and targeting
3. Marketing mix
a. Product
b. Price
c. Promotion
d. Place
What is the
Dr Bloom is a fashion clothing brand
created in Barcelona.

The brand sells women's apparel such

as dresses, blouses, skirts, and

Focus on promoting the usage of

sustainable and environmentally
friendly products in its manufacturing
Target Market
Target Summary
Bold individuals looking to express
themselves through their clothing

Positive-minded people where

color reflects their mood
Young Adults &
Trendsetters who are looking for
eye-catching pieces that are
Dr Bloom creates trendy and exclusive and limited edition
colorful clothing for those who
are looking to reflect their mood
and personality
Marketing Mix
Sells Clothing, accessories,
and shoes
The design is described as
feminine, romantic, and
bohemian-inspired, with an
emphasis on flower
Focus on bold colors,
patterns, and unique color
Environmentally friendly
products, big focus on
being sustainable
Marketing Mix
Price Auction Prices
fairly priced business When a new collection arrives,
Exclusive and limited a few pieces can be sold based
edition pieces are on the concept of an auction
considered more luxury where customers place a bid on
items - higher prices are an exclusive piece and the one
acceptable with the highest bid receives
In line with other similar the item.
Higher prices reflect the This creates more value for that
perceived value of the one piece and it is an
pieces interactive and engaging way
They also offer free shipping for the business to sell to
for orders over €160 customers
Marketing Mix

Virtual Shopping
In-store cafes
To make the shopping
To promote the brand, Dr
experience more interactive, Dr
Bloom should open in-store
Bloom stores can be equipped
cafes where customers can sit
with interactive mirrors that
and drink coffee while
allow customers to see what
shopping. It promotes spending
clothed would look like.
more time in the shop and
alternatively, they can use a
brings a welcome feeling to
similar technology on their
website so people can 'try it on'
before buying
Trends: Here and now, Revived
Trends: Authentic automation
Marketing Mix
Dress for Success is a non-profit organization that provides
professional clothes and career development assistance to
women in need.

The strategy is to give a portion of their sales to Dress for

Success as part of the agreement or provide discounts to
consumers who donate gently worn apparel to the charity.

This collaboration would be consistent with Dr. Bloom's principles of empowering

women and encouraging social responsibility. It would also assist Dress for Success
boost awareness about its purpose and services, while also allowing Dr. Bloom to display
their products and reach a new audience.

The collaboration might be marketed through many platforms such as social media,
email newsletters, and in-store signage.
Marketing Mix
The aesthetic of the page is modern and simple, with a
focus on exhibiting their clothes through high-quality

The brand uses a consistent color palette, grid structure,

and product-focused imagery resulting in an aesthetically
pleasing feed. Instagram tools such as Instagram Stories
and Reels are also used by the firm to exhibit its products
and give behind-the-scenes insights into Dr Loom's
creation process.

Overall, Dr. Bloom's Instagram profile efficiently displays

their clothes range while adhering to their beliefs of
sustainability and transparency.
Marketing Mix

Partner with Museums

A unique way of selling their
products could be by creating a pop-
up store or even a collection in a
museum. Museums focusing on
modern and colorful art would be
Current Situation ideal for reflecting the brand identity
and concept.
Currently, Dr Bloom has stores located in Spain
and sells to Europe through their online store.
For example, Centre Pompidou in
Their stores are colorful and designed in a
Paris is known for its many and
unique and inviting way that perfectly
varying collections
represents their brand.

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