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AdeptiCon reserves the right to modify, update, clarify, or change event rules in the interest of making AdeptiCon the best
event possible. No fundamental rules changes will be made to the event after 2/15/2023. Recent updates in red.


• Your team (preferably painted) using the Blood Bowl Competition Rules Pack, totaling 1,100,000gps including
players, rerolls, coaching staff, apothecaries, etc. Note that the skills purchased during roster creation do NOT count
into this total (i.e. they are “free”)
• Every model on your team must be easily identifiable as the players/positions they represent. Non-GW models are
allowed. All teams must comply with the AdeptiCon Model Policy.
• THREE copies of your 1,100,000gps roster. One copy will be kept by Tournament Organizer. Please clearly indicate
what skills you have purchased.
• Email rosters to: [email protected] for pre-tournament verification. This REALLY helps us out if you
can do this by one week prior to the tournament!!!
• is an excellent roster builder. I highly recommend using it.
• GW or NAF Block Dice, 2D6, 1D8, and 1D16 or higher for random player rolls
Bring a pitch if you have it. We’ll have some on hand, but if you bring your own, all the better!


• Blood Bowl 2020 rules, along with any additions from Death Zone and the Almanacs will be used. Additional rules
from the FAQ and the NAF rules for tournaments also will be used:
• Stupor Bowl Kickoff Table must be used in all your games (see page 6 of this document). We will use normal
weather tables and rules. Each table rolls their own weather.
• Apothecaries will work as stated in the BB2020 rules. Apothecaries will not work on Blood Bowl Star Players, but
can be used on Scares Star Players.
• Games: Stupor Bowl XV is a six-game tournament, split over two days. Each day is a separate, three-game
tournament with their own set of awards. There will be overall awards for those who have played the same team
for all six games. Rosters reset after each game (i.e., resurrection style). 1st round random pairings, 2nd – 6th round
Swiss. Note: Unlike past years, there will be no more “Final Four,” we will simply play 6 games and placing will be
based upon total points.
• Play Two Races: You may play two races, one on Saturday and one on Sunday. You will NOT be eligible for any
overall tournament awards but are still eligible for all single-day awards. Each day is a separate tournament on the
NAF site.
• Time Limit: All games will be 2 hours – No Overtime. Please make every effort to keep your turns to four minutes
or less. We are on a tight schedule and, to be fair to your opponent, please play your turn in a timely manner.
• Stupor Bowl Shuffle – After all the coaches have registered, one each of the Stupor Bowl Shuffle Special Play cards
will be laid out face down and you can pick one at random. You may use the card as per instructions on the card
during one of your games. After the card is used, you MUST give the card to your opponent for them to use in future
matches at the tournament. Shuffle cards cannot use it in the same match in which you received them. If a card is
not used, then the owning player may keep it. You may only use one special play card per game, so you may end up
with leftover cards after each day of the tournament. If you do not like some or all your cards (if you have more than
one), you may exchange them at the end of the game for an equal number of the remaining cards. At the end of the
day, all cards must be turned in and there will be a new Stupor Bowl Shuffle with the same rules dealt at the
beginning of day 2.


• You will be given 1,100,000 GP to build your roster.
o You may purchase players, rerolls, dedicated fans, coaches, cheerleaders as normal with this money
o Wizards, Journeymen, Special Play cards of any kind, and Mercenaries are not allowed
o Blood Bowl Star Players may be purchased as normal, but you must have purchased 11 team players first
before you can add a Blood Bowl Star Player
o Scares Star Players may be purchased as normal, but you must have purchased 10 team players first before
you can add a Scares Star Player (i.e., the Scare becomes your 11th player)
o Highlander Rule: If two opponents have purchased the same Blood Bowl Star Player, they will not play for
either team and they keep the money spent to purchase them. However, it two opponents have purchased
the same Scares Star Player, they will play for both teams.
• After you have purchased your team, you may buy skills for your players based on the following tier system (Note –
these Tiers are aligned with those in the 2022 FAQ and may differ from those in the BB2020 book):
• Tier 1 Teams – 6 Skill Points to Spend. Only one secondary skill and one Star Player (GW and/or Scares) may be
o Amazon, Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Dwarf, High Elf, Lizardmen, Norse, Shambling Undead, Skaven, Underworld
Denizens, Wood Elf
• Tier 2 Teams – 8 Skill Points to Spend. Only two secondary skills and two Star Players (GW and/or Scares) may be
o Black Orc, Chaos Chosen, Chaos Renegade, Elven Union, Human, Imperial Nobility, Khorne, Necromatic
Horror, Nurgle, Old World Alliance, Orc, Slann, Snotlings, Tomb Kings, Vampire
• Tier 3 Teams – 10 Skill Points to Spend. Only three secondary skills and two Star Players (GW and/or Scares) may be
o Goblin, Halfling, Ogre
• Primary Skills may be purchased for 1 Skill Point and secondary skills may be purchased for 2 Skill points. No Stat
increases may be purchased:
o You may not put more than one additional skill on a player
o Each skill may only be purchased a maximum of four times (i.e., you can only give four players the guard
o You may not put an additional skill on a Star Player
• Star Players - in addition to their hiring fee, hiring a star player will cost you an extra 2 Skill Point as a signing bonus.
This includes all GW and Scares Star Players.
o Mega-Stars (Bomber Dribblesnot, Deeproot Strongbranch*, Griff Oberwald, Hackflem Skuttlespike, Kreek
‘the Verminator’ Rustgouger, Morg ‘n’ Thorg) cost 4 Skill Points to purchase
o Deeproot Strongbranch only costs 2 Skill Points for Halflings
o Star Players which come as a pair (e.g., the Swift Twins) count as 2 Star Players and cost 4 Skill Points


• New Scares Star Players - ALL teams can hire. All Scares Star Players have the following Special Ability:
o Fan Favorite: Each Scares Star Player adds +1 to their Team’s Fan Factor for use on the Kickoff Table
“Da Freezer” MA ST AG PA AV Plays for ALL Teams
Willum Scary 5 4 5+ 5+ 10+ Cost: 220,000
Loner, Bonehead, Block, Mighty Blow (+1), Stand Firm, Grab, Juggernaut, Sure Hands, Fan Favorite
“Drunky QB” MA ST AG PA AV Plays for ALL Teams
Slim McHamm 6 3 3+ 2+ 9+ Cost: 230,000
Loner (3+), Dodge, Pass, Accurate, Cannoneer, Cloud Burster, Sure Hands, Leader, Hail Mary Pass, Fan Favorite
“Sourness” MA ST AG PA AV Plays for ALL Teams
Salter Painton 7 3 3+ 4+ 9+ Cost: 220,000
Loner (3+), Block, Leap, Sure Hand, Sure Feet, Fend, Fan Favorite
Spike MA ST AG PA AV Plays for ALL Teams
Dingleberry 7 3 3+ 4+ 9+ Cost: 250,000
Loner (3+), Block, Tackle, Diving Tackle, Leader, Grab, Stand Firm, Defensive, Fan Favorite
Killie MA ST AG PA AV Plays for ALL Teams
Gault 8 3 3+ 5+ 8+ Cost: 140,000
Loner (3+), Catch, Dodge, On the Ball, Sidestep, Sprint, Fan Favorite
Skevin “Butthead” MA ST AG PA AV Plays for ALL Teams
Butler 6 3 3+ 5+ 9+ Cost: 100,000
Loner (3+), Kick, Dirty Player (+1), Sneaky Git, Fan Favorite
“Ugly Boy” Otis MA ST AG PA AV Plays for ALL Teams
Killson 7 3 3+ 5+ 9+ Cost: 150,000
Loner (3+), Block, Guard, Tackle, Fan Favorite
Mongo MA ST AG PA AV Plays for ALL Teams
McMongrel 6 4 5+ 6+ 9+ Cost: 150,000
Loner (3+), Wrestle, Tackle, Juggernaut, Defensive, Fan Favorite
Dick MA ST AG PA AV Plays for ALL Teams
Bent 7 3 3+ 4+ 9+ Cost: 180,000
Loner (3+), Block, Shadowing, On the Ball, Diving Catch, Fan Favorite
Dennis MA ST AG PA AV Plays for ALL Teams
McKillon 8 3 3+ 5+ 8+ Cost: 120,000
Loner (3+), Catch, Diving Catch, Dodge, Safe Pair of Hands, Fan Favorite
Matt MA ST AG PA AV Plays for ALL Teams
Spooey 7 3 3+ 5+ 9+ Cost: 130,000
Loner (3+), Block, Sure Feet, Sure Hands, Safe Pair of Hands, Fan Favorite

In addition to the above Scares Star Players, all teams may hire ONE of the following special coach packs:

Coach Gitka (60K):

• One assistant coach, for the purposes of the kickoff table.
• Once per game, you are allowed one reroll of the kickoff table result. The second result stands (and cannot be
rerolled by an opposing Coach Gitka). Since the Scares are all about defense, if both coaches have a Gitka, the
kicking player has priority in deciding whether or not to reroll the kickoff table result.
• Once per game, at the beginning of a drive, you can give ONE player a Coach Gitka Pep talk. That player gains
the Pro (3+) skill for the remainder of the drive
• Coach Gitka cannot be sent off due to a failed Argue the Call roll.

Coach Bloody Ryan (60K):

• One assistant coach, for the purposes of the kickoff table.
• Once per game, you may do one of the following after the kickoff result has been resolved but before the ball is


o Shift all your players one square in any direction. This is a free move and dodges do not have to be
made. Players may move across the line of scrimmage. Also, nega-skills such as bonehead and
bloodlust do not have to be made. A ball and chain player can only move, not throw a block.
o One open player may make a blitz action. Team rerolls may not be used during this blitz action.
• Coach Bloody Ryan cannot be sent off due to a failed Argue the Call roll.

60 points 30 points 10 points
o +5 points if you won by 3 or more Touchdowns
o +2 points if you won by 2 Touchdowns
o +5 points if you lost by 1 Touchdown
o +5 points if you caused 2 or more Casualties from Blocking than opponent
o +2 points if you caused 1 more Casualties from Blocking than opponent
(Note: Casualties from Weapons, Crowd, Failed Dodge, Failed GFI, Fouls, etc., do not count!)


8:30AM – 9:15AM Registration 8:00AM – 10:00AM Game 4
9:15AM – 9:30PM Stupor Bowl Shuffle 10:00AM – 10:15AM Break
9:30AM – 11:30AM Game 1 10:15AM – 12:15PM Game 5
11:30AM – 12:30PM Lunch 12:15PM – 1:00PM Lunch
12:30PM – 2:30PM Game 2 1:00PM – 3:00PM Game 6
2:30PM – 3:00PM Break & Paint Judging 3:00PM – 3:15PM Break
3:30PM – 5:00PM Game 3 3:15PM – 3:30PM Awards

• If you painted your team, place it on display at by 2:00 on Saturday
• Put your team on top of the form provided on page 7 of this document
• Tournament Organizer will hand out Painting ballots
• Write down your 1st favorite, 2nd favorite, 3rd favorite teams
• Give this ballot back to Tournament Organizer
• If you did not paint your team, you cannot win. But you can still vote.

AWARDS will be given out at the end of the tournament.

• If you win an award, you can choose 1 prize from the prize table
• All Award winners are chosen by Tournament Organizer
• We have a “Share the Love” policy, so you can only win one award from each award category (i.e., if you win Overall
2nd place, you cannot win Overall Most TDs, but you could also win Day 2 Most TDs)
• The Awards and criteria are listed below:

• Overall Champion Award – Most Tournament Points of Players in the Final Top Two Tables
• 2nd Place Award – Second Most Tournament Points of Players in the Final Top Two Tables
• 3rd Place Award – Third Most Tournament Points of Players in the Final Top Two Tables


• 4th Place Award - Fourth Most Tournament Points of Players in the Final Top Two Tables. You don’t win a prize, but
you get a hearty handshake from the Tournament Organizer!
• Da Freezer Award – Based on total of Sportsmanship points
• Slim McHamm Award – Voted as Best Painted team
• Mini Gitka Award – Based on Tournament points by a Stunty Team (see below)
o Only Halfling, Goblin, Ogre, and Snotling, are eligible
o Griff, Hackflem, Morg, and Kreek would never play for any team that is designated as ‘stunty’
• Salter Painton Award – Most Touchdowns over the entire tournament
• Mongo McMongrel Award – Most Casualties inflicted by Blocks over the entire tournament
• Spike Dingleberry Award – Based on low scoring opponents over the entire tournament

NOTE TO DAY 2 PLAYERS: If you are only playing Day 2 and want to enter the paint judging, please find
a way to put your team out at 2:00 on Saturday with the others. If you drop it off with the Tournament
Organizer before then, we can put it out for you. Also, let Tournament Organizer know so he can make
sure you get the team back or hang onto it for you.


• Champion – Based on Tournament points in Day 1 • Champion – Based on Tournament points in Day 2
• Most TDs – Based on total Touchdowns in Day 1 • Most TDs – Based on total Touchdowns in Day 2
• Most CAS – Based on Casualties inflicted by blocks • Most CAS – Based on Casualties inflicted by blocks
in Day 1 in Day 2

Tie breakers will be utilized if there are ties for any of the awards.



2. Die-Town Politics: Bribery isn't illegal in the Scare's hometown of the Die-Town, it is encouraged! Each team has
successfully paid their dues to the refs and receives a bribe which may be used during the game as normal.
3. Da Stupor Bowl Shuffle Practice: "We are Da Scares Shufflin’ Crew...." The music starts to play and both teams get the
urge to start dancing to the music of the 2480's. Losing track of the time, the Ref orders both teams to move their turn
marker ahead 1 space. If this occurs during Turn 8 of either half, the half is over.
4. Da 46 Defense: Long time Scares Defensive guru, Bloody Ryan has taught your team a few of his best defensive
formations. The kicking team may re-organize D3+3 players. If the kicking team chooses to place their players in a
formation such that all of their players on the pitch are within the 2 squares of the line of scrimmage, then they may have
a max of 3 players in each wide zone instead of 2.
5. Da Windy City Kick: The kickoff will scatter an extra D6 in a random direction from where it's currently going to land. The
Kick skill has no effect on this extra 2nd scatter, just the initial scatter before the Kickoff roll. The correct sequence is: Roll
D8 direction and D6 scatter (Kick can be used and then Kickoff Return can be used), Kickoff roll, Windy City Kick result
rolled, Ball still in the air, Roll another D8 direction and another D6 scatter (neither Kick nor Kickoff Return can be used).
Then, bounce the ball one time if it landed in an empty square as normal.
6. Jeering Fans: Blood bowl fans are a loud and rowdy bunch, but sometimes they can be especially cruel. Each coach rolls a
D3 and adds their team’s Fan Factor (Dedicated Fans + D3) and the number of cheerleaders on their team to the score.
The team with the lowest score is cowered by the opposing team's insults and threats and loses a re-roll this half (leader
rerolls can be lost this way if the player with leader is on the pitch). If both teams have the same score, then both teams
lose a re-roll. If they have no rerolls to lose, then this result has no effect.
7. Changing Weather: Make a new roll on the Weather table. Apply the new Weather roll. If the weather conditions are
‘Perfect Conditions’ as a result of this roll, the ball will scatter as described on page 25 of the BB2020 rules before landing.
8. Da Coach Fight: While the teams are being set up, an argument breaks out between the two opposing coaches. Players
know better than to interfere, so they form a circle and watch. Each coach rolls a D3 and adds their team’s Fan Factor
(Dedicated Fans + D3) and the number of assistant coaches on their team to the score. The team with the lowest score is
so dejected by their coach’s beatdown that they lose a re-roll this (leader rerolls can be lost this way if the player with
leader is on the pitch). If both teams have the same score, then both teams lose a re-roll. If they have no rerolls to lose,
then this result has no effect.
9. Quick Slap! The offense starts their drive a fraction before the defense is ready, catching the kicking team flat-footed.
D3+3 Open players on the receiving team are allowed to move one square. This is a free move and may be made into any
adjacent empty square, ignoring tackle zones. It may be used to enter the opposing half of the pitch.
10. Da Dingleberry Pep Talk: Legendary 2485 Scares Blitzer, Spike Dingleberry, has given the kicking team a very inspiring
(and intimidating!) pep talk just before this kickoff. They are so fired up that D3+3 Open players on the receiving team
may immediately activate to perform a Move action. One may perform a Blitz action and one may perform a Throw Team-
mate action. If a player Falls Over or is Knocked Down, no further players can be activated, and the Pep Talk ends
11. Da Flyin’ Sausage: Each coach rolls a D6 and adds their Fan Factor + Number of Casualties (from blocking only) your team
has inflicted thus far. Winning side's fans throw a giant Smackwell Street Bolish Sausage at a member of the opposing
team. Decide randomly who was hit and place them face down to show they were stunned by the hit. If there is a tie,
BOTH teams have a player hit by a Bolish Sausage.
12. St. Valenslime Day Massacre: Someone has taken all of the Bloodweiser, and the fans are not happy! In honor of St.
Valenslime, the preacher and prophet from across the pond who helped to end prohibition of Bloodweiser, the crowd
storms the concessions stands. The riot spills out into the pitch and some of the players get caught up in the fray. Both
coaches roll a D6 and add their Fan Factor to the result. The coach that rolls the lowest randomly selects D3 of their
players from among those on the pitch (in the case of a tie, roll a D3 and both coaches randomly select that many players
from among those on the pitch). All the randomly selected players are placed prone and become stunned.

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