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Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T.

V Chigora




Choose the letter with the correct answer

1…..Which of the following is an internal body part?

(A) toe
(B) nose
(C) leg
(D) liver

2…..Identify one sport related fitness aspect.

(A) co-ordination
(B) strength
(C) muscular endurance
(D) body composition

3…..Name one discipline where you jump for height with the aid of an implement.
(A) pole vault
(B) high jump
(C) hurdles
(D) long jump

4…..Which nutrient is used for protection of the body against diseases?

(A) proteins
(B) vitamins
(C) carbohydrates
(D) mineral salts

5…..What is stored in the muscles?

(A) fats
(B) energy
(C) vitamins
(D) mineral salts

6…..Which component of physical fitness is tested by the “Sit and Reach Test?”
(A) strength
(B) agility
(C) flexibility
(D) timing

7…..Identify one way of preventing injury in physical activities.

(A) warming up correctly
(B) loosening
(C) stretching
(D) strengthening

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora

8…..The odd one out is ………………….

(A) timing
(B) speed
(C) balance
(D) stamina

9…..What comes out of the skin when doing exercises?

(A) strength
(B) sweat
(C) blood
(D) saliva

10….Which discipline differs in height for men and women players?

(A) soccer
(B) basketball
(C) netball
(D) volleyball

11….Identify a balance which is hardest to perform?

(A) handstand
(B) bridge
(C) headstand
(D) tiger balance

12….Name one of the formations in Mass Displays.

(A) file
(B) climax
(C) gymnastic
(D) athletic

13….------------------ is not a stage of warm up.

(A) loosening
(B) stretching
(C) strengthening
(D) locomotion

14….Which of the following is a minor game?.

(A) nhodo
(B) basketball
(C) hockey
(D) netball

15….Where do we get vitamins from?

(A) chicken
(B) fruits
(C) fish
(D) beef

16….Where is shot putt allowed to land in a field event competition?

(A) outside the marked area

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora

(B) inside a marked area

(C) close to outside the boundaries
(D) close to inside the boundaries

17….Identify a discipline that does not allow two members of the batting team to be
at the same base.
(A) basketball
(B) cricket
(C) soccer
(D) baseball

18….State one danger of failing to handle equipment properly.

(A) personal injury
(B) ensures perfect play
(C) ensures fair play
(D) maintenance is easier

19….Hamburgers are a very good source of --------------.

(A) carbohydrates
(B) proteins
(C) vitamins
(D) fats

20….What is the term for the arrangement of performers in Mass Displays?

(A) formation
(B) order
(C) design
(D) line

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora


1…liver (D)
2…co-ordination (A)
3…pole vault (A)
4…vitamins (B)
5…energy (B)
6…flexibility (C)
7…warming up correctly (A)
8…stamina (D)
9…sweat (B)
10...volleyball (D)
11…tiger balance (D)
12…file (A)
13…locomotion (D)
14…nhodo (A)
15…fruits (B)
16…inside a marked area (B)
17…baseball (D)
18…personal injury (A)
19…fats (D)
20…formation (A)

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora


Choose letter with the correct answer.

1….Which vitamin cannot be stored by the body but excreted when you eat more than
you need?
(A) vitamin A
(B) vitamin B
(C) vitamin C
(D) vitamin D

2….What name is given to athletes who guard against conceding runs in cricket?
(A) fielders
(B) batsmen
(C) umpires
(D) spikers

3….Identify a natural source of water.

(A) river
(B) borehole
(C) tap
(D) tank

4….What can be used as background art in Mass Displays?

(A) flowers
(B) art books
(C) shields
(D) clay pots

5….John was drowning in a swimming pool.The life saver Mr Samanyanga waited for
2minutes before he jumped in to rescue him , why?
(A) he wanted John to die
(B) he wanted John to get tired
(C) he wanted John to rescue himself
(D) he wanted John to gather strength

6….Pamela held the bridge balance for a minute whilst Georgina could not hold the
hand stand for the 1 minute , explain why.
(A) Pamela had a larger base of support
(B) Georgina had a larger base of support
(C) Pamela had a smaller base of support
(D) Georgina had no base of support

7….What is the function of kidneys in the human body?

(A) clean waste in the body
(B) repair muscles and tissues
(C) make muscles bigger
(D) help with recovery after training

8….Identify one aspect that is not a type of strength.

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora

(A) static strength

(B) dynamic strength
(C) passive strength
(D) explosive strength

9….Which of the following statements is true?

(A) soccer is played by 11 players in each team at any given time.
(B) point guard is a position in cricket.
(C) volleyball is played by male players only.
(D) basketball is a net game.

10….Identify an outdoor activity.

(A) walking
(B) table tennis
(C) darts
(D) snooker

11….Which fitness aspect will be developed by throwing the medicine ball?

(A) strength
(B) endurance
(C) agility
(D) balance

12….Large base of support makes a balance ------------.

(A) difficult
(B) easier
(C) longer
(D) shorter

13….Identify a skill in track athletics.

(A) gliding
(B) sprint start
(C) approach run
(D) shooting

14….What makes joints get injured easily?

(A) excess fats
(B) excess vitamins
(C) excess proteins
(D) excess carbohydrates

15….Which part of the body figures out whether the thrown ball should be hit or not in
striking games?
(A) hand
(B) brain
(C) heart
(D) liver

16….Which disciplines have the same characteristics?

(A) soccer , netball and handball

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora

(B) handball , basketball and baseball

(C) netball , handball and cricket
(D) baseball , volleyball and handball

17….All listed below can be used as life saving aids in aquatics except --------.
(A) tyre tubes
(B) life buoys
(C) floaters
(D) whistle

18….Name the body part responsible for tasting food.

(A) nose
(B) ear
(C) tongue
(D) eye

19….How do athletes create space in invasion games?

(A) running into occupied space
(B) bumping into each other
(C) running into open space
(D) moving out of the designated area

20….Which value is represented by a flower formation?

(A) peace
(B) unity
(C) love
(D) hope

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora


1…vitamin D (D)
2…fielders (A)
3…river (A)
4…art books (B)
5…he wanted John to get tired (A)
6…Pamela had a larger base of support (A)
7…clean waste in the body (A)
8…passive strength (C)
9…soccer is played by 11 players in each team at any given time (A)
10..,walking (A)
11...strength (A)
12...easier (B)
13…sprint start (B)
14…excess fats (A)
15…brain (B)
16…soccer , netball and handball (A)
17…whistle (D)
18…tongue (C)
19…running into open space (C)
20…love (C)

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora


Choose letter with the correct answer

1….Where does the transportation of food begin in the human body?

(A) mouth
(B) tongue
(C) stomach
(D) rectum

2….How many participants make up a kids athletics team?

(A) 3
(B) 4
(C) 8
(D) 2

3….The netball playing area is divided into ----- sectors.

(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4

4….Which body part should move when throwing a dart?

(A) arm
(B) leg
(C) whole body
(D) head

5….Where should eyes look when aiming at a target?

(A) down
(B) back
(C) forward
(D) sideways

6….What do you understand by the term “small group balance?’

(A) gymnasts in the group are less than the number of groups
(B) gymnasts in the group are equal to the number of groups
(C) gymnasts in the group are more than the number of groups
(D) each group has a different number of gymnasts

7….Name a problem caused by wearing shoes that are too tight for oneself.
(A) blisters
(B) underweight
(C) overweight
(D) obesity

8….How is a knee throw performed?

(A) throwing the medicine ball bending knees
(B) throwing the medicine ball from a kneeling position

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora

(C) propelling an object through the knees

(D) propelling an object above the knees

9….What helps in the lubrication of food particles in the mouth?

(A) water
(B) saliva
(C) tongue
(D) teeth

10….Stance is also known as ---------------------.

(A) ready position
(B) recovery position
(C) squat down
(D) balance

11….Which nutrient is needed by the body to provide energy apart from

(A) fats
(B) proteins
(C) vitamins
(D) mineral salts

12….Which accident is common during the rainy season?

(A) cuts
(B) drowning
(C) tree falling
(D) veld fires

13….What is caused by too much heat?

(A) dehydration
(B) flue
(C) rehydration
(D) blisters

14….Physical Activity helps in all except -----------

(A) social well being
(B) mental well being
(C) physical well being
(D) financial well being

15….All these below are benefits of warm up except ------------.

(A) increased circulation
(B) increased concentration and relaxation
(C) achieving a flow state
(D) unnecessary stress on the heart

16….Swimming in dirty water makes one suffer from a disease called ------.
(A) malaria
(B) diarrohoea
(C) bilharzia

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora

(D) goitre

17….------------- is part of athletics where batons are exchanged.

(A) javelin
(B) relay
(C) pole vault
(D) long jump

18….Gliding is a skill in ----------.

(A) aquatics
(B) baseball
(C) basketball
(D) athletics

19….What do you understand by the term “mobile object”?

(A) moving
(B) stationary
(C) slow moving
(D) fast moving

20….The music can be from a recorded source or can be music from an -------------
(A) art
(B) performance
(C) band
(D) mass display

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora


1…mouth (A)
2…4 (B)
3…3 (C)
4…arm (A)
5…forward (C)
6…gymnasts in the group are less than the number of groups (A)
7…blisters (A)
8…throwing the medicine ball from a kneeling position (B)
9…saliva (B)
10...ready position (A)
11…fats (A)
12…drowning (B)
13…dehydration (A)
14…physical well being (C)
15…unnecessary stress on the heart (D)
17…relay (B)
18…aquatics (A)
19…moving (A)
20…a band (C)

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora


Choose the letter with the correct answer

1….Up to what age are males and females equal in terms of general fitness?
(A) 11years
(B) 13years
(C) 15years
(D) 9years

2….Performing on a hot and humid day makes one -------.

(A) weak and dizzy
(B) strong
(C) fit
(D) fired up

3….Which one lowers your fitness level?

(A) physical activity
(B) drug taking
(C) social well being
(D) warm up

4…..Which event involves running while jumping over obstacles?

(A) discus
(B) shot putt
(C) hurdles
(D) long jump

5….What is caused by eating unhealthy foods?

(A) fitness
(B) diseases
(C) injuries
(D) obesity

6….Identify the external body part allowed to send the ball in netball.
(A) head
(B) chest
(C) hand
(D) leg

7….Which of the following is not an outdoor activity?

(A) course marking
(B) walking
(C) orienteering
(D) table tennis

8…Name a two point balance from those listed below.

(A) head stand

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora

(B) hand stand

(C) bridge
(D) split stand

9….Blood is not able to carry oxygen if a named mineral is absent, name it.
(A) calcium
(B) iron
(C) iodine
(D) sodium

10…Which of the following is an example of an anaerobic activity?

(A) 100metre sprint
(B) javelin
(C) 1 500metre event
(D) long jump

11…The opposite of cool down is ---------.

(A) loosening
(B) stretching
(C) strengthening
(D) warm up

12…Tinotenda covered 3 and ¾ laps in an athletics competition , how many metres

are they?
(A) 3 750metres
(B) 1 500metres
(C) 800metres
(D) 1 000metres

13…Which word refers to anything that prevents movement from one place to the
(A) barrier
(B) target
(C) medicine ball
(D) hurdle

14…Fibre is an important part of the diet , it is used to ------------.

(A) provide energy to the body
(B) assist with the growth and repair of tissues
(C) aid digestion for the body
(D) assist with muscle fibre development

15…Which type of food gives us Vitamin A?

(A) oranges
(B) beans
(C) sea food
(D) eggs

16…In gymnastics , when one gymnast bears more weight than the other gymnast in
a pair balance we call it --------

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora

(A) mirroring
(B) balance with a partner
(C) balance on a partner
(D) small group balance

17…Which one is a health related fitness component?

(A) timing
(B) speed
(C) agility
(D) body composition

18…When should teeth be brushed in a day?

(A) after eating food
(B) three times a day
(C) once a day
(D) twice a day

19…Breaking down of food particles is called -------------------.

(A) lubrication
(B) passing out
(C) digestion
(D) absorption

20..------------ refers to the relationship between the size of a map and the place on the
(A) estimation
(B) direction
(C) scale
(D) compass

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora


1….13years (B)
2…weak and dizzy (A)
3…drug taking (B)
4…hurdles (C)
5…diseases (B)
6…hand (C)
7…table tennis (D)
8…hand stand (B)
9…iron (B)
10..100metre sprint (A)
11...warm up (D)
12...1 500metrwa (B)
13..hurdle (D)
14..aid digestion for the body (C)
15..oranges (A)
16..balance on a partner (C)
17...body composition (D)
18..after eating food (A)
19...digestion (C)
20..scale (C)


Choose the letter with the correct answer.

1….Which body part passes out undigested food?

(A) rectum
(B) anus
(C) small intestines
(D) large intestines

2….When treading in water you move arms and legs to ----------------.

(A) increase speed
(B) slow down
(C) stay afloat
(D) stay upright

3….Which hand is used in baton changeover?

(A) both hands
(B) right hand

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora

(C) left hand

(D) any hand

4….If you want to be a top level performer in long distance running , which area of
fitness would you need?
(A) endurance
(B) timing
(C) speed
(D) reaction time

5….How does lack of fitness cause heart disease?

(A) heart rate increases
(B) heart rate decreases
(C) heart rate is normal
(D) heart rate is extreme

6….Correct leg and arm movement is important in breast stroke, what is the
(A) helps in propulsion
(B) helps in buoyancy
(C) helps in familiarisation
(D) helps with safety

7….Write one factor that determines the different energy needs for different people.
(A) lifestyle
(B) fitness level
(C) level of education
(D) parental care

8….How can be a forward roll be executed perfectly?

(A) tuck in head and push with hands
(B) tuck in head and spin
(C) rest legs on elbows ,tuck in head and push with hands
(D) tuck in head , rest legs on elbow and spin

9….Name one disease caused by lack of exercise.

(A) heart murmur
(B) nose bleeding
(C) headache
(D) cancer

10…Undigested excess food is --------------- from the body.

(A) broken down
(B) excreted
(C) swallowed
(D) chewed

11…Name the stroke used in water polo.

(A) front crawl
(B) back crawl

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora

(C) tumble turn

(D) breast stroke

12…All running events which require speed are----------------.

(A) sprint events
(B) relay events
(C) middle distance events
(D) long distance events

13…The following equipment is used in canoeing.

(A) bicycle and helmet
(B) climbing shoes and rope
(C) canoe and paddle
(D) map and compass

14…What is rhythm?
(A) repeated pattern of sound
(B) repeated performance
(C) different pattern of sounds
(D) different performances

15…Give one example of a complex formation.

(A) star formation
(B) file formation
(C) circle formation
(D) linear formation

16…A bout is used in -----------.

(A) netball
(B) soccer
(C) boxing
(D) hopscotch

17…How many members form a team in a 4 x100metre relay?

(A) four
(B) five
(C) six
(D) seven

18…A source of water that transports water from a dam to fields is called ---------------
(A) dam
(B) river
(C) swimming pool
(D) water canal

19…Which skill is needed in forming pyramids?

(A) abseiling
(B) balancing
(C) belaying
(D) sailing

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora

20…The purpose of bones in our body is to -----------

(A) support the body
(B) carry blood
(C) break food
(D) carry oxygen

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora


1…anus (B)
2…stay afloat (D)
3…any hand (D)
4…endurance (A)
5…heart rate decreases (B)
6…helps in propulsion (A)
7…fitness level (B)
8…rest legs on elbows , tuck in head and push with hands (C)
9…heart murmur (A)
10..excreted (B)
11..front crawl (A)
12..sprint events (A)
13..canoe and paddle (D)
14..repeated pattern of sound formation (A)
16..boxing (C)
17..four (A)
18..water canal (D)
19..balancing (B) the body (A)

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora


Choose the letter with the correct answer

1…What is an apparatus?
(A) tools used in sporting activities
(B) tools not properly made
(C) sporting activities
(D) safety precautions

2…Why is warm up done?

(A) to increase the risk of injury
(B) to gradually come to a resting state
(C) to prepare the body for physical activities
(D) to prevent the occurance of injuries

3…Kids athletics exposes you to ---------- events.

(A) three
(B) different
(C) difficult
(D) easy

4…Rotational throw is a rotational throw at --------- targets.

(A) 4
(B) 3
(C) 2
(D) 1

5…The ---------- zone is not a target of rotational throw.

(A) left
(B) centre
(C) open
(D) right

6…Name a place that can be climbed.

(A) tree
(B) river
(C) dam
(D) toilet

7…What is the opposite of climbing?

(A) mounting
(B) descending
(C) ascending
(D) building

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora

8…When do we use a harness and saddle?

(A) animal riding
(B) orienteering
(C) mountain climbing
(D) rafting

9…What is a landform?
(A) diagrammatic representation that shows landforms
(B) natural feature found on a land
(C) any place not familiar
(D) any water holding structure

10...Which one is not a stationary exercise?

(A) head tilt
(B) side bend
(C) calf bend
(D) locomotion

11...What are the basic notes “do re mi fa so la ti do called ?

(A) quaver
(B) tonic solfa
(C) semi breeve
(D) crotchet

12..Photographs or pictures or visuals that lie behind displays in an arena are called -
(A) formation
(B) gymnastics
(C) background art
(D) mass displays

13…--------- are topics used to formulate shapes and drawings.

(A) themes
(B) formations
(C) background art
(D) gymnastics

14..Identify a primary colour.

(A) green
(B) orange
(C) purple
(D) blue

15...Which pair of primary colours produce green?

(A) yellow and red
(B) yellow and blue
(C) red and blue
(D) blue and orange

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora

16...How many leg kicks are done by each leg in a six beat kick style?
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 6
(D) 12

17..A swimming stoke swum on the back is called ---------

(A) free style
(B) back stroke
(C) breast stroke
(D) crawl stroke

18..What is movement through the water?

(A) gliding
(B) buoyancy
(C) floatation
(D) propulsion

19..Which one is not a type of baton exchange in relays?

(A) direct switch
(B) downward sweep
(C) upward sweep
(D) non visual exchange

20..Of the following items , which one can be used as stimuli in dance?
(A) cones
(B) bibs
(C) whistle
(D) masking tape

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora


1…tools used in sporting activities (A)

2…to prepare the body for physical activities (C)
3…different (B)
4…3 (B)
5…open (C)
6…tree (A)
7…descending (B)
8…animal riding (A)
9…natural feature found on a land (B)
10..locomotion (D)
11...tonic solfa (B)
12..background art (C)
13..themes (A) (D)
15..yellow and red (A)
16..6 (C)
17..back stroke (B)
18..propulsion (D) switch (A)
20..whistle (C)

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora


1…A group of tissues together make --------

(A) a machine
(B) a muscle
(C) an organ
(D) an external organ

2…Weight bearing is ------------

(A) transferring of weight
(B) executing bearing skills perfectly
(C) ability of executing bearing skills
(D) ability of body to hold own weight

3…-------------- sketch cannot be suitable for the theme of agriculture.

(A) tractor
(B) people watching television
(C) people weeding
(D) people drinking beer

4…Body organs ------------

(A) store food only
(B) transport food only
(C) do not need food
(D) work together

5…I run holding the ball in ------------

(A) soccer
(B) hockey
(C) netball
(D) rugby

6..Where do we get carbohydrates from?

(A) starchy foods
(B) healthy foods
(C) unhealthy foods
(D) any food

7…The wind pipe is also known as ------------

(A) trachea
(B) gullet
(C) nose
(D) throat

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora

8…Pounding grain using pestle and mortar improves -----------

(A) co-ordination
(B) strength
(C) flexibility
(D) endurance

9…What is dehydration?
(A) body losing a lot of water than taken in
(B) body losing less water than taken in
(C) body not losing any water taken in
(D) body losing all water taken in

10..Identify an aquatic sport.

(A) squash
(B) water polo
(C) badminton
(D) baseball

11..Grade 6 hurdles height for girls is ------

(A) 84cm
(B) 76cm
(C) 90cm
(D) 80cm

12..A serve is an example of a stroke in -------------

(A) volleyball
(B) cricket
(C) baseball
(D) tennis

13..------------------ is a Japanese combat game.

(A) cricket
(B) judo
(C) darts
(D) tug of war

14...An instrument used to listen to someone’s heart beat is called --------

(A) stethoscope
(B) horoscope
(C) thermometer
(D) x ray

15...Which drug affects the heart when abused?

(A) mbanje
(B) nicotine
(C) pain killers
(D) cocaine

16..When is the international distress signal used?

(A) diving

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora

(B) learning to swim

(C) waving good bye
(D) seeking help

17..4-4-2 is a formation used in ------------

(A) soccer
(B) volleyball
(C) cricket
(D) basketball

18..When the scale is 1:25 00 , what is the actual size of 5cm on ground?
(A) 1 250metres
(B) 5 000 metre
(C) 50metres
(D) 125metres

19..Which song is ideal for the theme on HIV/AIDS?

(A) Come to Victoria Falls by Ruvhuvhuto Sisters
(B) Chachimurenga by Stella Chiweshe
(C) Maidarirei by Victor Kunonga
(D) Todii by Oliver Mutukudzi

20..What do you understand by the term symmetry?

(A) a design with with two similar sides
(B) creating something in a desired way
(C) to make new music
(D) making something look more attractive

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora


1…an organ (C)

2…ability of executing bearing skills (C)
3…people watching television (B)
4…work together (D)
5…rugby (D)
6…starchy foods (A)
7…trachea (A)
8…co-ordination (A)
9…body losing a lot of water than taken in (A)
10..water polo (B)
11..76cm (B) (D)
13..judo (B)
14..stethoscope (A)
15..nicotine (A)
16..seeking help (D) (A)
18..1 250metres (A)
19..Todii by Oliver Mutukudzi (D)
20..a design with two similar sides

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora


1…How many teams play an invasion game?

(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4

2…Which one is not a type of movement?

(A) heavy
(B) moderate
(C) explosive
(D) rhythmic

3..Lines from left to right are -------

(A) columns
(B) rows
(C) exercise points
(D) homes

4…When each and every player in a game has a partner to mark , it is called ---------
(A) zone defence
(B) man to man defence
(C) combined defence
(D) spread defence

5…Which sporting discipline does not allow dribbling?

(A) basketball
(B) handball
(C) hockey
(D) volleyball

6..Name one healthy food from the list?

(A) zap nax
(B) sugar beans
(C) sweets
(D) fizzy drink

7…Which blood vessels carry carbon dioxide to the lungs?

(A) veins
(B) capillaries
(C) arteries
(D) air sacs

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora

8…Which activity can be done either at school or home?

(A) watering the garden
(B) washing the car
(C) pounding grain
(D) laundry

9…The type of diarrhoea with blood is called --------

(A) typhoid
(B) dysentery
(C) heart disease
(D) cholera

10..How many players form a team in water polo?

(A) 7
(B) 6
(C) 5
(D) 4

11..A distance run by one athlete in a relay is called ----------

(A) leg
(B) baton
(C) stage
(D) step

12...What name is given to people involved in cycling?

(A) motorists
(B) tourists
(C) cyclists
(D) riders

13..What name is given to the joint at the middle part of a cricket ball?
(A) ribbon
(B) mark
(C) seam
(D) line

14..What does the word absorb mean?

(A) particle
(B) take in
(C) cartilage
(D) gullet

15..Inhaling tobacco smoke through the air by non smokers is called ----------
(A) passive smoking
(B) alcohol abuse
(C) active smoking
(D) substance abuse

16.. The zone 10metres before the changeover zone is called ---------
(A) changeover zone

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora

(B) acceleration zone

(C) baton zone
(D) check mark

17…What is fast break in handball?

(A) ability to run fast and score
(B) ability to defend
(C) ability to pass fast and score
(D) ability to attack quickly

18..The orienteering arrow should always point -------------

(A) south
(B) north
(C) east
(D) west

19..What do we call the elimination of waste from the body?

(A) absorption
(B) circulation
(C) excretion
(D) digestion

20..Movement in Mass Displays must be done to the ------------ of music.

(A) dance
(B) rhythm
(C) art
(D) volume

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora


1…2 (B)
2…rhythmic (D)
3…rows (B)
4…man to man defence (B)
5…volleyball (D)
6…sugar beans (B)
7…capillaries (B)
8...watering the garden (A)
10..7 (A)
11..leg (A)
12..cyclists (C)
13..seam (C)
14..take in (B)
15..passive smoking (A)
16..acceleration zone (B)
17..ability to run fast and score (A)
18..north (B)
19..excretion (C)
20...rhythm (B)

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora


1…Which sporting discipline has the following positions ,,goalkeeper , defenders

,midfilders and strikers?
(A) handball
(B) basketball
(C) volleyball
(D) soccer

2..The following are net games except -------

(C)lawn tennis
(D)table tennis

3…What determines how formations are created?

(A) gymnastics
(B) themes
(C) exercises
(D) music

4…Play that is intended to stop attack is called -----------

(A) defensive
(B) offensive
(C) aggressive
(D) police

5…Most swimming pools have deep ends and --------- ends.

(A) far
(B) good
(C) shallow
(D) strong

6…Identify a team sport.

(A) netball
(B) darts
(C) chess
(D) high jump

7…What name is given to the space from the nose to the inside of the mouth?
(A) throat
(B) gut tube
(C) nostril
(D) bronchi

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora

8…Identify a game that helps to reduce body weight.

(A) hopscotch game
(B) skipping rope game
(C) hot potato game
(D) hide and seek
9…Protective cups for males in boxing help protect ------
(A) the teeth
(B) sex organs
(C) the head
(D) the chin

10..State one rule used in water polo.

(A) players can pass the ball or swim with the ball
(B) you can use two hands to hold the ball
(C) the goalkeeper can use two hands after 5metres
(D) players are allowed to touch the bottom of the pool

11..Name a horizontal jump.

(A) pole vault
(B) long jump
(C) high jump
(D) javelin

12..A compass is a device used to find -----------

(A) check point
(B) direction
(C) map
(D) school

13..In gymnastics , locomotion means ---------

(A) balancing on one leg
(B) travelling from one point to another
(C) balancing on hands
(D) balancing in groups

14...How can we improve our breathing system?

(A) by sleeping
(B) by exercising
(C) by smoking
(D) by eating food

15..Which aspect of health is directly improved by reading?

(A) mental
(B) social
(C) physical
(D) breathing

16..How many teas compete in a circular relay competition?

(A) 6

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora

(B) 8
(C) 10
(D) 4

17..Where does Taekwondo originate from?

(A) China
(B) Japan
(C) Korea
(D) India

18.What is to dismantle?
(A) pull apart
(B) put together
(C) lower
(D) raise

19..A person who monitors and controls a cricket match is called ---------
(A) referee
(B) time keeper
(C) umpire
(D) teacher

20..During choreography , performers move following ----------

(A) art
(B) design
(C) music
(D) colour

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora


1…soccer (D)
2…netball (B)
3…themes (B)
4…defensive (A)
5…shallow (C)
6…netball (A)
7…throat (A)
8…hop scotch game (A)
9…sex organs (B)
10..players can pass the ball or swim with the ball (A)
11..long jump (B)
12..direction (B)
13..travelling from one point to another exercising (B)
15..mental (A)
16..4 (D)
17..Korea (C)
18..pull apart (A)
19..umpire (C) (C)

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora


1…Name one implement that can be used to spin a ball.

(A) bat
(B) hands
(C) legs
(D) chest

2…Identify percussion instruments that move in pairs.

(A) cymbals
(B) tambourine
(C) drum
(D) marimba

3…Which one is an agricultural use of water?

(A) irrigation
(B) swimming
(C) drinking
(D) laundry

4…The longest lines of a netball court are called ----------

(A) side lines
(B) end lines
(C) goal lines
(D) base lines

5…A high intake of carbohydrates is a must for -----------

(A) people training every day
(B) people who do not train
(C) people training after a long lay off
(D) people who train at regular intervals

6…The following are characteristics of physical education except -------

(A) no competition
(B) involves everyone
(C) no specific rules
(D) involves selected individuals

7…How many body systems does the body have?

(A) 5
(B) 4
(C) 3
(D) 2

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora

8…What disease is caused by over eating?

(A) obesity
(B) diabetes
(C) marasmus
(D) rickets

9…Which one is not an injury in physical activities?

(A) dislocation
(B) strain
(C) bruises
(D) heart murmur

10..Which of the following water sources is safe for swimming?

(A) sewage pond
(B) swimming pool
(C) gravel pit
(D) river

11..The stages of throws are as follows ---------

(A) the grip and the stance
(B) the grip and the throwing
(C) the hop and the step
(D) on your marks and set

12..Balances done by two or more people are called ---------

(A) pyramids
(B) caves
(C) locomotion
(D) movement

13…Which one is not an infectious disease?

(A) cholera
(B) dysentery
(C) typhoid
(D) obesity

14...What is the normal breathing rate?

(A) 12 to 20 times per minute
(B) 50 to 60 times per minute
(C) 30 to 40 times per minute
(D) 100 to 200 times per minute

15...What is a closed fracture?

(A) bone breaks through the skin
(B) broken bone stays under the skin
(C) bone at joint is forced out of normal position
(D) injury to a muscle due to over working

16..How many stages do we have in jumping events/

(A) 8

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora

(B) 6
(C) 4
(D) 2

17..Which games involve fighting in order to win?

(A) striking
(B) combat
(C) target
(D) adventure

18..A balance where the body is arched and supported by hands and feet is called ----
(A) tiger balance
(B) hand stand
(C) shoulder balance
(D) bridge

19..Which of the following is an international event?

(A) road show
(B) sports day
(C) independence day
(D) world cup

20..Why do we use pyramids in Mass Displays?

(A) as a symbol of war
(B) as a symbol of dancing
(C) as a symbol of unity
(D) as a symbol of background art

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora


1…bat (A)
2…cymbals (A)
3…irrigation (A)
4…side lines (A)
5…people training every day (A)
6…involves selected individuals (D)
7…5 (A)
9…heart murmur (D)
10..swimming pool (B)
11..the grip and the throwing (B)
12..pyramids (A)
13..obesity (D)
14..50 to 60 times per minute (B)
15..broken bone stays under the skin (B)
16..4 (C)
17..combat (B)
18..bridge (D) cup (D) a symbol of unity (C)

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora


1…What do you understand by the term “reaction”?

(A) hold fast or firmly
(B) response to some stimuli
(C) standing posture
(D) following of one thing

2…How many letters of the alphabet represent notes on the marimba?

(A) 4
(B) 3
(C) 6
(D) 7

3…The other name given to the front crawl stroke is ------------

(A) horizontal
(B) streamlining
(C) free style
(D) relaxed

4…How many players make a handball team?

(A) 6
(B) 5
(C) 7
(D) 12

5…Why should sports clothes be washed regularly?

(A) dirty clothes lose their insulating properties
(B) dirty clothes cannot soak up more sweat from the skin
(C) dirty clothes provide a breeding place for germs
(D) dirty clothes prevent sweat from evaporating

6…Which one promotes safety in physical education?

(A) always throw equipment
(B) follow instructions
(C) don’t report any sickness
(D) don’t ask the teacher if in doubt

7…Which body part produces the voice using the vocal cords?
(A) nostril
(B) throat
(C) voice box
(D) tranchea

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora

8…Why should we wear protective clothing during a clean up campaign?

(A) to reduce the spreading of noise
(B) to reduce the spreading of infectious diseases
(C) to help clean up the place
(D) to stop unwanted visitors

9…---------------- is a broken bone.

(A) strain
(B) bruise
(C) fracture
(D) dislocation

10..A running track has ---------------

(A) lanes
(B) lines
(C) shapes
(D) cones

11..Name one type of throw in athletics?

(A) grip
(B) hop
(C) javelin
(D) pole vault

12...Which shape is formed by the thump and fore finger in the cricket batting grip?
(A) W shape
(B) V shape
(C) Y shape
(D) T shape

13…Where is waste food stored in the body?

(A) large intestines
(B) small intestines
(C) stomach
(D) gullet

14..A combination of social ,physical and mental well being of a person is called -----
(A) lifestyle
(B) health
(C) fitness
(D) strength

15…What do we use to cover wounds?

(A) ice pack
(B) adhesive tape
(C) cold spray
(D) gloves

16...The first stage in jumping events is ----------

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora

(A) take off

(B) approach
(C) landing
(D) flight

17..What other name is given to the smash serve?

(A) spike
(B) under arm
(C) over arm
(D) rally

18...Which activity is an example of locomotion?

(A) head stand
(B) hand stand
(C) rolling
(D) shoulder balance

19…What can be used for background art for a school anniversary theme?
(A) numbers
(B) red ribbon picture
(C) props and souvenirs
(D) teal blue ribbon

20...Olympic games opening MassDisplays are done at which level?

(A) provincial
(B) national
(C) school
(D) international

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora


1…response to some stimuli(B)

2…7 (D)
3…free style
4…6 (A)
5…dirty clothes can not soak up more sweat from the skin(B)
6…follow instructions (B)
7…voice box (C)
8…to reduce spreading f infectious diseases (B)
9…fracture (C)
10..lanes (A)
11..javelin (C)
12..V shape (B)
13..large intestines(A) (B)
15..adhesive tape (B)
16..approach (B)
17..spike (A)
18..rolling (C)
19..numbers (A)

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora


Choose the letter with the correct answer

1…A cross hop is a --------event.

(A) running
(B) jumping
(C) fighting
(D) throwing

2…Which one is not a type of turning in swimming?

(A) tumble turn
(B) closed turn
(C) open turn
(D) bucket turn

3…---------- is a way of doing things every day?

(A) balanced diet
(B) habit
(C) crime
(D) project

4…What is fitness?
(A) ability to meet environmental needs
(B) ability to meet sport demands
(C) ability to meet fitness demands
(D) ability to meet physical education demands

5…Which of the following disciplines would present an unsupervised beginner with

greatest risk?
(A) dance
(B) archery
(C) badminton
(D) long jump

6…What does the term distinguish refer to ?

(A) show likeness
(B) show difference between
(C) disadvantages
(D) advantages

7…How many centimetres do we have in 25metres?

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora

(A) 2,5cm
(B) 250cm
(C) 2 500cm
(D) 25 000cm

8…Why is follow through important when aiming at a stationary target?

(A) gives direction towards the target
(B) guides the target not to be mistaken
(C) allows the target to move away
(D) makes the thrower and target to work together

9…Which organ is part of the digestive system?

(A) throat
(B) gullet
(C) nose
(D) wind pipe

10..The two lungs of the body are joined together by -------

(A) air sacks
(B) bronchi
(C) throat
(D) wind pipe

11..Give an example of a deficiency disease.

(A) kwashiorkor
(B) malaria
(C) cholera
(D)sleeping sickness

12..Lack of vitamin C in the body causes ----------

(A) marasmus
(B) scurvy
(C) goitre
(D) kwashiorkor

13...What name is given to an injury to a joint?

(A) dislocation
(B) fracture
(C) strain
(D) bruise

14..Which one is not a rule used when camping?

(A) must be supervised
(B) behave well
(C) no smoking
(D) littering is allowed

15..The first Friday of every moth was declared --------- in Zimbabwe.

(A) Women’s Day
(B) National Aids Day

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora

(C) National Clean Up Day

(D) Teachers Day

16..Name a dangerous water body.

(A) canal
(B) tap
(C) secured tank
(D) closed bucket

17,,---------- is not a part of aqua aerobics.

(A) turning
(B) twisting
(C) movement of arms
(D) cycling

18..What is the distance for formulae one?

(A) 70metres
(B) 80metres
(C) 60metres
(D) 100metres

19...What crosses the line first for an athlete to be considered winner?

(A) torso
(B) hands
(C) legs
(D) ears

20..How many commands are used in middle distance running?

(A) 4
(B) 3
(C) 2
(D) 1

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora


1…jumping (B)
2…bucket turn (D)
3…habit (B)
4…ability to meet environmental needs (A)
5…archery (B)
6…show likeness (A)
8…gives direction towards the target (A)
9…nose (C)
11..kwarshiorkor (A)
12..scurvy (B)
13..dislocation (A)
14..littering is allowed (D)
15..National Clean Up Day
16..canal (A)
17..cycling (D)
18..80metres (B)
19...torso (A)
20..1 (D)

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora


Choose the letter with the correct answer

1…---------------- can be ensured by proper footwork , stance and grip.

(A) balancing
(B) striking
(C) beaming
(D) standing

2…Name the largest part of the digestive system that stores food.
(A) small intestines
(B) large intestines
(C) stomach
(D) mouth

3…Which muscle below the lungs separates the stomah and chest?
(A) gullet
(B) air sacs
(C) diaphragm
(D) air bubbles

4…Identify the odd body part.

(A) leg
(B) mouth
(C) arm
(D) wind pipe

5…Rickets are caused by --------------

(A) Vitamin D
(B) Vitamin C
(C) Vitamin B
(D) Vitamin A

6…Lack of iodine in the body causes ---------------------

(A) obesity
(B) goitre
(C) scurvy
(D) rickets

7…Fun run activities are done for --------------

(A) dignity

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora

(B) respect
(C) competition
(D) enjoyment

8…What material can be used to make a relay baton?

(A) plastic
(B) copper
(C) leaves
(D) steel

9…Which one is not a stage in jumps?

(A) approach
(B) grip
(C) landing
(D) take off

10..Identify one skill used in darts.

(A) throwing
(B) striking
(C) defending
(D) hopping

11..What is the name of the centre part of the dart board?

(A) eagle’s eye
(B) bull’s eye
(C) centre circle
(D) arc

12..Which aspect is not part of Mass Displays?

(A) music
(B) art
(C) arena choreography
(D) athletics

13..State one instrument that is not a wood wind?

(A) recorder
(B) rattle
(C) flute
(D) clarinet

14...Which one is an example of a brass instrument?

(A) flute
(B) triangle
(C) saxophone
(D) jingle

15..A race run over different places like hills , grass and rivers is called ---------
(A) hurdles
(B) cross country
(C) sprint

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora

(D) middle distance

16..Which gas moves into blood?

(A) carbon dioxide
(B) oxygen
(C) carbon monoxide
(D) sunshine
17..Where is carbon dioxide carried to , by the blood?
(A) diaphragm
(B) kidneys
(C) lungs
(D) heart

18..Choose an example of socal well being.

(A) i feel good about myself
(B) i respect others
(C) i sleep at least 7hours at night
(D) i ask for help when need it

19..How many hours of sleep every day do we need for good rest?
(A) 7 to 9 hours
(B) 5 to 6 hours
(C) 10 to 11 hours
(D) 4 hours

20..What percentage of the body weight is water and fluids?

(A) 40%
(B) 60%
(C) 75%
(D) 50%

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora


1…striking (B)
2…stomach (C)
3…diaphragm (C)
4…wind pipe (D)
5…Vitamin D (A)
6…goitre (B)
7…enjoyment (D)
8…plastic (A)
9…grip (B)
10..throwing (A)
11..bull’s eye (B)
12..athletics (D)
13..rattle (B)
14...saxophone (C)
15..cross country (B)
16..oxygen (B)
17..lungs (C)
18..i respect others (B)
19..7 to 9 hours (A)
20..60% (B)

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora


Choose the letter with the correct answer.

1…Identify the organ that absorbs water and salts.

(A)small intestines
(B)large intestines

2…Which body part stores the most food?

(D)small intestines

3…The hairs in the nose help to ------ air.


4…Which physical activity is suitable at community level?

(D)tree planting

5…The player allowed to handle the soccer ball with hands is the --------

6…The targets in a bowling game are called ---------


7...Give an example of a simple formation in Mass Displays.

(A)file formation

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora

(B)star formation
(C)s-shaped formation
(D)complex formation

8…The movement of ar in and out of the body is called ----------


9…Where does the heart pump oxygenated blood to?

(D)blood vessels

10..More fruits and vegetables are a must for --------

(D)a balanced diet

11..What is a bunion?
(A)growth on the big toe caused by the skin rubbing against shoes
(B)growth on the small toe caused by the skin rubbing against shoes
(C)growth on the small toe caused by the toes rubbing against another small toe
(D)growth on the big toe caused by the big toe rubbing against a small toe

12...What does E represent in the abbreviation P.R.I.C.E?


13...Which is the best container for storing tennis balls?

(C)shoe racks

14..Name the fastest stroke used in swimming.

(A)butterfly stroke
(C)front crawl
(D)back crawl

15...What shape is the throwing area in shot putt?


Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora


16..A shot putt for girls weighs --------

17..Which of the skills is not allowed in boxing?

18..What is mountaineering?
(A)climbing caves
(B)climbing mountains
(C)mounting horses
(D)mounting elephants

19..The skill of organising performers during a performance in an arena is called ------

(A)background art

20..What name is given to formations where dancers stand side by side?


Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora


1…large intestines (B)

2…stomach (B)
3…clean (A)
4…tree planting (D)
5…goalkeeper (C)
6…pins (C)
7…file formation (A)
8…breathing (A)
9…arteries (A)
10..balanced diet (D)
11.growth on the big toe caused by skin rubbing against shoes (A)
12..elevate (B)
13..cans (A)
14..front crawl (C)
15..circular (A)
16..3kg (C)
17..kicking (B)
18..climbing mountains (B)
19..choreography (B)
20..column (A)

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora


1…Why does the body need proteins?

(A)to make blood
(B)to carry oxygen
(C)to provide energy
(D)to make muscles bigger

2…When is the DRABC procedure used on a person?

(A)when unconscious
(B)when conscious
(C)when drowning
(D)when wounded

3…How many strokes are included in the medley event?


4…What is the length of the changeover zone in relays?


5…Which discipline uses check marks?

(C)cross country
(D)race walking

6…Which throw has the following stages :grip , placing on the neck and the throw?
(A)pole vault
(B)shot putt

7…Name the sport that uses the sweep shot .


Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora


8…Balancing by using a limb to shift your weight is known as ---------

(C)under cling

9…Maps used for orienteering use blue for ----------

(A)water features
(B)man made features
(Copen woods
(D)open lands

10..The ability to move fast n order to receive a ball is called ---------


11..Which one is not a climbing move?

(A)back step
(B)side pull

12..What is the advantage of the back step in mountaineering/

(A)it provides good high footholds
(B)it strengthens your grip
(C)it makes it easier to rest
(D)it uses limbs only and rests other parts

13..Where are themes for Mass Displays usually chosen from ?

(A)national events
(B)regional events
(C)international events
(D)school events

14..The following are factors to consider when designing background art except ------

15..Identify the odd one out .

(A)oblique formation
(B)column formation
(C)circle formation
(D)flower formation

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora

16..Name the nutrient that is not digested and helps remove waste from the
digestive system.

17..What is positive attitude?

(A)boosting confidence
(B)sign of good mental health
(C)state of mind
(D)feeling towards something

18..Use of drugs to improve performance is called -----------

(B)drug abuse
(C)substance abuse
(D)alcohol abuse

19..When does heat exhaustion develop --------

(A)activities in hot conditions
(B)activities in cold conditions
(C)activities in humid conditions
(D)activities in moderate conditions

20..Cabinets are good storage facilities for ----------------------

(A)track suits
(B)tennis balls
(C)shin pads

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora


1…to make muscles bigger (D)

2…unconscious (A)
3…4 (C)
4…20metres (B)
5…in relays (B)
6…discus (C)
7…cricket (C)
8…flagging (B)
9…water features (A)
10..positioning (B)
11..smash (D) uses limbs only and rests other parts (D)
13..national events (A) (B)
15..flower formation (D)
16..fibre (B)
17..sign of good mental health (B)
18..doping (A)
19..activities in hot conditions
20..track suits

Physical Education and Arts Revision guide by Mr T. V Chigora


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