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Use editing marks to correct the sentences. Rewrite the sentences.

Week 1 Day 1
1. we shouldnt be late to mr smith’s class

2. laci are eating pizza chips and berrys for lunch


3. Write the plural form of the nouns below.

truck _____________ wish _____________ penny _____________

4. Circle the verbs below that show past tense.

planted run sat hurried eat sit ran

5. Circle the correct way to write a greeting.

Dear Leah, Dear Leah dear Leah, Dear, Leah

Use editing marks to correct the sentences. Rewrite the sentences.

Week 1 Day 2
1. what are we eatin for dinner? asked logan


2. aiden runned to the play ground when the bell rang


3. Add a suffix to the words to match the meanings in (parentheses)

slow___ (in a slow way) dirt__ (having dirt) worth_____ (without worth)

4. Add ed to the words below by writing the word on the lines. Follow the spelling rules.

stop ____________ like ____________ jump ____________

5. Underline the predicate in the sentence below. Circle the linking verb.

We were late for school this morning.

Use editing marks to correct the sentences. Rewrite the sentences.
Week 1 Day 3
1. him lost two tooths yesterday

2. dont take my croun ? yelled grace


3. Circle the correct closing.

love, Love Love, love,
Kiley Kiley Kiley kiley

4. Write the plural form of the words below.

child_____________ man_____________ fish_____________

5. Correct the spelling on the suffixes below.

wishfull _______________ hopeles _______________

Use editing marks to correct the sentences. Rewrite the sentences.

Week 1 Day 4
1. i seen three gooses and six fishes at the pond


2. mrs moore read grace for president to the class


3. Finish the simile.

Her hair was like ______________________________________________.

4. Is the following an example of alliteration or repetition ? (circle one)

Suzie saw seven snakes slither slowly by.

5. Divide the following words into syllables with a / . Circle the closed syllable.

program unit paper tiger robot

Use editing marks to correct the sentences. Rewrite the sentences.
Week 1 Day 5
1. dont showt in the class room, said mrs tucker

2. her watchd five playfull mouses in the barn


3. Divide the words into syllables with a / .

cartoon sister started doctor

4. Write the past-tense form of each word.

come _____________ hide_____________ give______________

5. Write the abbreviation for the words in bold.

Doctor Jones ____________ Park Street _______________

1. Add a suffix to the words to match the meanings in (parentheses) Week 1 Review
quick _____ (in a quick way) hope _____ (full of hope)

hope _____ (without hope)

2. Write the correct pronoun to take the place of the underlined noun.

Sam threw the ball over the fence. _________

Gabbie and Grace played soccer. __________

3. Add quotation marks to show dialogue in the sentences below.

What do you want for lunch ? asked Tammy.

Jon walked into the kitchen. I would like a hot dog, he said.

4. Write the plural form of the words below.

tooth__________ foot_________ woman__________

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