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Palompon, Leyte
S.Y. 2022-2023

Lesson Plan in MAPEH (Health)

Name of Teacher: Shamaica E. Surigao Grade/Year Level: Grade 7 Week no.: 8-9
Learning Area/Subject Name: MAPEH (Health) Quarter: 3rd
Date/s: March 27-31 & April 3-7, 2023

 Define the meaning of stress;
 Differentiates the eustress from distress;
 Identifies the situations that cause feelings of anxiety or stress;
 Identifies physical responses of the body to stress;
 Appreciate the importance of stress management;
 Recognize and participate in personal strategies to manage stress, change and
 Commit to healthy supportive relationships with family and friends, including positive
peer leadership.
 Demonstrates various stress management techniques that one can use every day in
dealing with stress


Topic: Mental Health: Stress Management, Understanding Stress, Coping with Stress
Reference/ Sources:Learning Module-Grade 8 Physical Education and Health pp.323
YouTube Links:
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Audio Visual Presentation Laptop, Projector and

A. Preliminary Activity
Classroom Management
Checking of Attendance

B. Motivation

C. Recall/Review of the last lessons

 Ask the students about their previous lesson.
D. Lesson Proper
 Activity/ies
 Analysis
The teacher will show a collage of pictures and students will answer the following
1. What have you observed in the pictures?
2. Have you experienced some stress in your life?
3. If yes, how did you cope up with this situation?

 Abstraction
As the COVID-19 pandemic and its far-reaching implications continue to unfold globally and in
our community, it's normal for people to experience a wide range of thoughts, feeling and
reactions including:
feeling stressed, or overwhelmed
anxiety, worries
loss of interest in usual enjoyable activities
frustration, and the feeling of disconnected from others.
These experiences are normal and understandable in the face of this significant challenge.
there has been loss of life, rapid changes to our way of life (work, study and social

Stress is the way your body reacts to some sort of demand or threat. When you feel danger –
whether real or imagined- the body’s defenses move into high gear in a shift, automatic
mechanism known as the “fight-or-flight” reaction. It is also called the “stress response”.

There are two primary form of stress

1.Acute Stress- it is a short term stress. Examples of acute stress will be any stress that you
experience for a brief period-such as getting caught in traffic, arguing with a friend, being
criticized your parents, or
losing your cellular phone
2. Chronic Stress-it is a long-term stress or stress that affects you for a long period. Examples
(death of loved one, financial struggle, and learning difficulties) Individuals rarely feel stress
when they havesufficient time, experience, and resources. Stress is a negative experience;
therefore, management of this feeling is important to the individual's success. Being able to
identify stress, and its effects, is an important first step indeveloping the skills to manage the
source of this problem

Differentiate the two types of Stress

A. Eustress- “POSITIVE STRESS” it is the kind of stress that helps motivate us to work hard to
accomplish tasks, makes us feel excited, and feel good about life.
Example: having a child, taking a vacation, hanging out with your
friends, buying a home, learning a new hobby, etc.
B.Distress- “NEGATIVE STRESS” can causes anxiety and concern. Decreases performance
and can lead to mental and physical problems.
Example: unemployment, sleep problem, being abused or neglected, injury or illness. Stress
can affect all aspects of your life.
It changes our body, mind, feelings, and behavior. When you’re stress
you might experience body symptoms such as
Disrupted sleep
Feeling shaky
High blood pressure
Or feeling really LOW ENERGY
The term stress management skill is used to describe an individual's ability to understand the
causes and feelings of tension or anxiety. It consists of making changes to your life if you are
in a constant stressful situation, preventing stress by practicing self-care and relaxation and
managing your response to stressful situations when they occur.

 Application
Activity 1: Guessing Game!
1. The teacher will let the students do an activity entitled “ Tell if I’m Happy or Sad”
2. The teacher will let the students get 1/4 size paper and draw a smiling face in a 1 piece
1/4 size paper and a sad face on the other paper. They have to label below the happy
face the word EUSTRESS AND DISTRESS below the sad face.

1. The teacher will project a situation on screen and the students will identify if it’s Eustress and
2. The teacher tells students that they will only have 5 to 10 seconds waiting time for them
to show their answers, after the waiting time the teacher will reveal the answer for the
students to be properly guided.

1. Choosing a gift for a friend
2. Losing your money
3. Arguing with a classmate
4. Getting a dreamed birthday surprise.
5. Learning a new hobby.
6. Getting a failing grades.
7. Watching a favorite movie.
8. Getting the highest score in a test.
9. Making new friends.
10. Waking-up late in the morning.


Direction: In a long bond paper, answer the questions below.
a. What are you thinking and feeling right now?
b. How does your body respond to things you think and feel?
c. When was the last time you got stressed?
 Generalization
Stress management offers a range of strategies to help you better deal with stress and
difficulty (adversity) in your life. Managing stress can help you lead a more balanced, healthier
life.Stress is an automatic physical, mental and emotional response to a challenging event.
It's a normal part of everyone's life. When used positively, stress can lead to growth, action
and change. But negative, long-term stress can lessen your quality of life

Stress management approaches include:

Learning skills such as problem-solving, prioritizing tasks and time management.
Enhancing your ability to cope with adversity. For example, you may learn how to improve
your emotional awareness and reactions, increase your sense of control, find greater
meaning and purpose in life, and cultivate gratitude and optimism.
Practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, yoga, meditation, tai chi, exercise
and prayer.Improving your personal relationships

Remind students that stress is natural and normal. It is our body’s response to any demand or
pressure. The important thing is that we usually have control over how we choose to
respond to stress. By having healthy coping skills and strong supports in place, we can
strengthen ourselves against the kinds of stresses that can motivate us to try or use
substances or gambling.

Directions: Read the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
Direction: Read and understand each questions and choice the letter and words of the correct
1. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also determine how we handle stress, relate, to
others and make choices.
a. .Mental Health c. Emotional Health
b. Eustress d. Distress

2. Which of the following best describes eustress?

a. Arguing with siblings
b. Losing loved ones
c.Getting high grades
d. Having separated parents

3. It refers to the things that make a person stressed.

a. Stress
b. Eustress
c. Distress
d. Stressor
4. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also determine how we handle stress, relate, to
others and make choices.
a. Mental Health b. Emotional Health c. Eustress d. Distress

5. It refers to the things that make a person stressed.

a. Stress b. Eustress c. Distressd. d.Stressor

6.What is the situation that may activate a person’s tendency to experience symptoms of
a. Disorder b. Mental Health c. Illness d. Trigger

7. How will you know that a person has symptoms of mental disorder?
a. Stress b. Low energy c. Excessive anger d. All of these

8. It is the response of the body and mind to unpleasant or challenging events in life.
a. Distress b. Eustress c.Mistress d. Stress

9. The following are characteristics of a healthy mind except:

a. Deals with the world as it is rather than what one wants it to be
b. Accept self, others, and life’s disappointments
c. Enjoys and satisfies oneself with simple everyday
d. Never care on what is happening
10. Which of the following is not a sign of depression?
a.Loss of energy and tiredness
b.Unable to concentrate or focus
c. Loss of self-confidence and self-esteem
d. Very healthy

1. How can you help your family, friends, and other people not to be infected by diseases?

SHORT FILM MAKING (Stress Management (Eustress, Distress and Cope Up with Stress)


1. The teacher will ask the students to research on books or in the internet the definition of the word
Ff: Student’s answers will be discussed the next meeting.


Subject Teacher Des. Reviewer



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