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Weight Loss

A B C D E F G H I J K L M Hyperthyroidism Diabetes Mellitus Addisons disease Malabsorption Malignancy Renal failure Depression Anorexia nervosa HIV Tuberculosis Cardiac failure Liver failure Helminthic worms

For each patient below, choose the SINGLE most likely diagnosis from the above list of options. Each option may be used once, more than once or not at all. 1 2 3 A 19 year old student complaining of amenorrhoea for 9 months. Weight loss, generalised weakness & depression. A 45 year old woman, very anxious, hand tremors & loose stools. A 17 year old man returning from holiday in Africa. He presents with abdominal pain, tiredness & peri-anal itching. Blood film showed eosinophilia. A 70 year old man with a history of 10kg weight loss over the previous 3 months. More recently, he developed acute lower back pain. Presents to A&E with coughing & sputum. Chest x-ray shows left lower lobe pneumonia. A 25 year old woman with fatigue & weight loss. She gives a history of frequent loose stools with abdominal pain. Full blood count revealed iron deficiency anaemia. A 40 year old unmarried actor has noticed recent weight loss. Although he attributed this to stress you are concerned when you detect generalised lymphadenopathy. Blood count shows nuetropenia & lymphopaenia.


Abdominal Pain
A B C D E F G H I J Uteric colic Typhoid Aortic aneurysm Acute pancreatitis Gall stones Peptic ulcer Ruptured ectopic pregnancy Appendicitis Sickle cell crisis MI

What is the most likely diagnosis? 1 An 18 year old man presents with severe right iliac fossa pain which has been present for about 24 hours although he thinks the pain may have started more centrally. He says he is nauseous & has vomited several times. He has a fever & his heart rate is 110bpm A 42 year old homeless man presents in A&E with left sided abdominal pain which radiates to the back. He appears jaundice & smells of alcohol. A 49 year old man presents with severe right abdominal pain which radiates to the groin. His English is very poor & he is unable to give a very good history. He appears very anxious, in a great deal of pain & is unable to get comfortable in any position. An abdominal x-ray appears entirely normal. A 19 year old student presents with abdominal pains. She has just returned from her gap year in which she went backpacking across India with some of her friends. She also complains of being constipated & is suffering from a dry cough. On examination she has an enlarged spleen. A 68 year old obese Asian man presents with severe upper abdominal pain & nausea. He is sweaty & says he cannot get his breath. The abdomen looks normal & there are no palpable masses. A full blood count is ordered but the results are not yet available.

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Abdominal Pain
A B C D E F G H I J Colonscopy Ultrasound abdomen Stool examination for pathogens Barium meal Gastroscopy Barium enema History only H. pylori antibodies Serum amylase Full blood count, ESR, creatinine, electrolytes & liver function tests

Which single investigation is the most appropriate to confirm the likely diagnosis in the patients described below? 1 A 70 year old smoker who has a 6 week history of epigastric discomfort worse on eating. He has lost his appetite as he has a sense of fullness all the time & has lost 3 kilos in weigh. Abdominal examination is unremarkable. A 45 year old unmarried labourer who increasingly severe central abdominal pain over the last 3 hours. The pain radiates through to his back & makes him vomit. He has no previous history. On examination is cold & sweaty, pulse 120, BP 90/70, & has guarding over his whole abdomen. A 20 year old secretary who complains of abdominal discomfort & bloating over the last 3 months. She also has intermittent diarrhoea, but when she opens her bowels, her symptoms are relieved. There is no blood or mucus in her stools. Abdominal & rectal examination is normal. A 50 year old housewife & mother of 5 has sudden severe epigastric pain that radiates to the back on the right & has vomited. She puts it down to her recent meal of fish & chips, as she usually never eats fatty food. Examination is somewhat difficult as she is obese but you think she has some guarding over the epigastium 7 right hypochondrium. A 25 year old previously well man who has a 3 day history of abdominal cramps diarrhoea with bloody stools 5 or 6 times a day. Examination shows a soft but tender abdomen.


Abdominal Pain (Anna Radford)

A B C D E F G H I J K 1 Biliary colic Acute pancreatitis Gastric ulcer Duodenal ulcer Renal colic Leaking abdominal aortic aneurysm Acute appendicitis Crohns disease Bowel obstruction Ulcerative colitis Chronic pancreatitis 30 year old man admitted via A&E complaining of right iliac fossa pain, diarrhoea & weight loss worsening over several weeks. Laparotomy revealed an oedematous, reddened terminal ileum. 80 year old lady with severe left/right sided pain radiating through to loins & back. Found collapsed at home thought, to be due to the pain. Smoker. Epigastric pain associated with dyspepsia, worse at night & when the patient is hungry. 26 year old male, stab wound victim, operated on for a ruptured spleen & dissected kidney (due to knife wounds) presenting post op with severe epigastric pain, radiating to the back between the scapulae. Associated with nausea & vomiting. 4 year old boy, profuse vomiting, no motions, for 2 days, severe abdominal pain which is intermittent in nature. Abdomen distended with increased bowel sounds high pitched in nature.

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Acute Abdominal Pain

A B C D E F G H I J Diverticulitis Perforated peptic ulcer Small bowel obstruction Aortic dissection Ruptured aortic aneurysm Ruptured ectopic pregnancy Acute cholecystitis Acute pancreatitis Mesenteric infarction Meckels diverticulum

For each patient presenting with acute abdominal pain, select the most likely diagnosis 1 A 70 year old man presents with a 2 day history of constipation, anorexia & pain in the left iliac fossa. On examination, he is pyrexial 37.60C & there is localised tenderness & rebound in the left iliac fossa. White blood cell count is 14.0x109/l. A 50 year old man presents with a 24 hour history of sudden onset of severe epigastric pain, which has now become generalised. On examination, he has pyrexia of 37.80C, a rigid abdomen & absent bowel sounds. White blood cell count is 18.09/l. Serum amylase is raised at 450IU/L. An x-ray of his abdomen shows opacities in the right hypochondrium & gas under the diaphragm. A 70 year old woman presents with a 2 day history of colicky abdominal pain & a 24 hour history of vomiting. On examination, there is abdominal distension, visible peristalsis & a mid-line laparotomy scar. Bowel sounds are tinkling.


Acute Breathlessness
A B C D E F G H I J Left ventricular failure Pulmonary embolus Anaphylaxis Viral pneumonia Asthma Pneumothorax Inhaled foreign body Exacerbation of COPD Epiglotitis Acute anxiety

Match the patient description with one of the above diagnoses 1 A 38 year old woman with a history of multiple allergies is given intravenous contrast medium for a urogram. Within a couple of minutes, she has become breathless, with wheeze & stridor, & her blood pressure is 80/40 mmHg. A 69 year old man with a history of hypertension & stable angina wakes up severely short of breath. He is slightly more comfortable sitting upright. On examination, his blood pressure is 195/115 mmHg & there are crepitations at the bases of both lungs. A 73 year old woman is recovering in hospital 3 days after an operation to replace her right hip. On going to the toilet she suddenly becomes extremely short of breath & rapidly loses consciousness. Blood pressure is 60/20 mmHg. A 77 year old former coal miner has 30 year history of cough, mostly productive of sputum. He suddenly becomes breathless after a bout of coughing & complains of right sided chest pain. On examination, he is cyanosed, the trachea is deviated to the left & no breath sounds are audible over part of the right side of the chest.


A B C D E F G H I J Acute blood loss Chronic blood loss IDA Anaemia of chronic disease Chronic renal failure Sickle cell anaemia B12 malabsorption Thrombocytopenia Haemolytic anaemia Polycythaemia rubra vera

What is the most likely diagnosis? 1 2 A 46 year old Indian vegetarian man with a past history of ileal resection for Crohns Disease presents with an Hb of 11.6g/dl & a MCV of 110fl. A 23 year old vegetarian woman presents to her GP with fatigue. She has 2 children aged 2 & 3 & since her last pregnancy she has suffered from very heavy menstrual bleeding. FBC revealed: WBC 5.2x109/l RBC 3.42x1012/l Hb 8.0g/dl MCV 75fl MCH 23.3pg Ferritin 8umol/l 3 (3.5-10.8) (3.82-4.98) (11.5-14.8) (84-99) (27.5-32.7) (15-300)

A Nigerian child aged 2 presents to A&E crying with pain. On examination he is found to have swollen fingers & faint jaundice. The childs blood count shows a WBC & neutrophil count that are higher than expected for an African child. A 72 year old man presents with left hemiplegia of sudden onset. On examination, he appears plethoric & his spleen is felt 3cm below the left costal margin. He appears normally hydrated. FBC reveals: WBC 23x109/l Hb 18.2g/dl Platelet count 614 x109/l

A 67 year old man presents to his GP complaining of lethargy & weight loss. Rectal examination revealed a palpable irregular mass in the rectum.


A B C D E F G H I J K L M N Anaemia of chronic disease Blood loss Coeliac disease Dietary folic acid deficiency Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency Haemolytic uraemic syndrome Hereditary spherocytosis Hypersplenism Iron deficiency Pernicious anaemia Sickle cell anaemia Sickle cell trait Thalassaemia major Vitamin C deficiency

For each patient with anaemia, select the most likely diagnosis. 1 A 62 year old woman with RA is taking prednisolone & NSAIDs for RA. She is admitted to a casualty department with the sudden onset of weakness & faintness. She feels nauseated & is hypotensive. Hb is 8g/dl. A 17 year old Northern European Caucasian girl has a normocytic normochromic anaemia with a low ferritin, low serum B12 & low red cell folate. A Schilling test shows malabsorption of vitamin B12 which is not corrected by intrinsic factor. A 32 year old pregnant West African woman has an Hb of 10.2g/dl, a normal MCV & a positive sickle solubility test. Haemoglobin electrophoresis shows 45% haemoglobin S & 55% haemoglobin A. A 66 year old alcoholic man has a firm irregular liver, testicular atrophy, splenomegaly, a normocytic normochromic anaemia & thrombocytopaenia.


Anorectal Disease
A B C D E F G H I 1 Intussusception Prolapse IBS IBD Pilonidal sinus Abscess Fissure Fistula Haemorrhoids An 82 year old female presents with a large lump which appears at the anus after defecation, & spontaneously on coughing. The lump is uncomfortable & the patient has tenesmus. She also has incontinence & has noticed mucus PR. A 20 male presents with painful defecation which persists for 30mins afterwards. The stool is smeared with blood, & he has noticed recent constipation. A 50 female presents with a purulent discharge from the anal region & has recurrent episodes of pain, which is intense & throbbing. O/E pruritis ani. 40 male presents with PR bleeding & a palpable lump from anus, with associated mucus discharge. There is blood splashed around lavatory pan.

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A B C D E F G H I J Pagets disease Hypercalcaemia Hyperkalaemia Osteoporosis Hypocalcaemia Hypernatraemia Low serum zinc Hypokalaemia Osteomalacia Hyponatraemia

For each patient below, choose the SINGLE most likely cause of the symptom from the above list of options. Each option may be used once, more than once or not at all. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A 50 year old lady on Bendrofluazide presents with confusion & fits. A 30 year old unconscious man with diarrhoea & 30% burns. The ECG of a 20 year old insulin dependent diabetic man showed tall tented T-waves & widened QRS complexes. A 20 year old lady who took excessive amounts of laxatives presents with cramps & muscle weakness. A 50 year old lady developed carpo-pedal spasm whilst having her blood pressure measured. 2 years previously she had a total thyroidectomy. A 60 year old man with anorexia, tiredness, abdominal pain & weight loss. He also has a low potassium & raised serum alkaline phosphatase. A 50 year old alcoholic man with red, crusted lesions around both nostrils & at the corners of his mouth. A 55 year old lady with multiple sclerosis who is confined to her wheelchair. She also suffers from severe asthma & sarcoidosis. A deaf 70 year old man presented with CCF. He mentioned to his GP that his hats had become too small to fit his head. A 60 year old epileptic man with renal failure was seen in the local A&E department with a fracture of the neck of his right femur.


A B C D E F G H 1 Ca breast Nodularity Mastalgia Fibroadenoma Breast abscess Ductal papilloma Pregnancy Brodies disease 23 city female PC: tense heavy uncomfortable breast, prickling sensation deep inside breast. She has noticed enlargement & breast feels lumpy & subcut. veins are dilated. Skin of breast is warm. 17 school girl, PC: pain, changed from dull ache to severe continuous throbbing pain. Breast feels hot on palpation, & she CO hot flushes. OE whole breast tender & engorged & nipple is tender. 20 car sales woman PC with non-painful lumps. OE unremarkable, except for a 5cm smooth bosselated firm mass, highly mobile. 40 female, PC with lump in breast, enlargement of breast, no pain. Hx of lump fluctuating in size. OE, lump is found in upper outer quadrant, moderate hard & mobile & lacks skin or deep attachment.

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Breast Cancer
A B C D E F G H I The first most appropriate invasive investigation is fine needle aspirate of the breast lesion The first most appropriate invasive investigation is a fine needle aspirate of the lymph nodes Axillary lymph node metastases Estrogen receptor positivity Lack of aneuploidy Pagets disease Fibroadenomas Fibrocystic disease Infiltrating ductal carcinoma

For each patient below, select the SINGLE most appropriate option from the list of options above. 1 A 20 year old female finds a mass in her right breast. Her GP notes that this 1 to 2cm mass is firm but moveable & sends her to the one stop breast clinic. After ultrasound she has another procedure. A firm 2 to 3cm mass is palpable in the upper outer quadrant of the right breast of a 52 year old woman. There are palpable axillary nodes. After a mammogram, which shows a focus of microcalcification, she has another procedure. Breast carcinoma is diagnosed on biopsy of the right breast of a 52 year old female. Which feature of her carcinoma after a definitive operation & histology suggests a worse prognosis? A 61 year old female has noted a rough, reddened appearance of the nipple which persists despite application of a corticosteroid cream. The most likely cause of this persistent eczema? In women of reproductive age the most likely cause of a palpable breast lump is?


Breast Disease
A B C D E F G H I J K Breast carcinoma Fibroadenoma Breast abscess Benign cyst Duct ectasia Pagets disease Abnormality of normal development & involution Fat necrosis Mastitis Gynaecomastia Bruising

For each patient below, choose the SINGLE most likely diagnosis from the above list of options. Each option may be used once, more than once or not at all. 1 A 40 year old obese woman presents with a long history of pain in both breasts. This is worse just before her period starts. She is also taking omeprazole for GORD. A 19 year old girl has noticed a lump in the right breast. It is smooth, 2cm in diameter, non-tender, & highly mobile. A 30 year old lady, who is breast feeding, has developed an extremely painful, hard, red 4cm lump at the edge of the left nipple. A 65 year old lady has noticed a 3cm lump behind the right nipple. It is hard, non-tender, mobile & has an irregular edge. She has had a small amount of bloody nipple discharge. A 50 year old extremely obese lady presents with a tender, hard, 3cm lump in the left breast which has appeared quite rapidly. She remembers knocking the breast against a table edge 1 month ago.

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Breast Disease
A B C D E F G H I Fibroadenoma Breast cyst Fibroadenosis Breast abscess Duct ectasia Carcinoma of the breast Lipoma Sebaceous cyst Gynaecomastia

For each patient below, choose the SINGLE most likely cause of the symptom from the above list of options. Each option may be used once, more than once or not at all. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 A 40 year old lady with multiple painful lumps in her breast, which are painful & tender premenstrually. A 25 year old lady with a discrete, non-tender, mobile lump in one breast. A 35 year old lady is generally unwell with a tachycardia & a fever. A segment of the right breast is painful, tender, red & warm. A 14 year old boy with bilateral breast enlargement. A 40 year old lady with a green nipple discharge & tender lumpiness beneath the areola. A 50 year old man with a painless enlargement of the left breast. A 40 year old lady with a hard lump in the right breast. The skin overlying the lump has an orange peel appearance.


Breathlessness on Exertion
A B C D E F G H I J Bronchopneumonia IDA Congestive cardiac failure Pulmonary tuberculosis Sarcoidosis Pulmonary embolus AML COAD Pulmonary fibrosis CLL

Match the description of the patient with the most likely diagnosis 1 A 70 year old retired boilermaker gives a 5 year history of exertional dyspnoea, & a dry cough. The patient is a non-smoker. On examination, fine crackles are heard at the base of both lung fields. A 25 year old HIV positive man who has had a productive cough for the last 3 months with haemoptysis & night sweats. Chest x-ray shows hilar lymphadenopathy. 18 year old man who has become increasingly tired over the last month. On examination he looks pale, has a large bruise over his right thigh & a firm palpable liver & spleen. A 60 year old publican who smokes 20 cigarettes a day. He has a 10 year history of having a smokers morning cough when he expectorates clear sputum. This is worse in the winter when it sometimes turns green & he has to go to his general practitioner for antibiotics. On examination, he has poor air entry over both lung fields & his Peak Expiratory Flow Rate is 210l/min (reduced by 80%). A 35 year old lady with shortness of breath & tiredness over 6 weeks. She had decided to consult her doctor when multiple mauve lesions 1-3cms in diameter appeared over both shins. Chest x-ray shows hilar lymphadenopathy.


Calcium Metabolism
A B C D E F G H I J Primary hyperparathyroidism Hypercalcaemia of malignancy Osteomalacia Osteoporosis Hypoparathyroidism End stage renal failure Pagets disease Immobility Sarcoidosis Myeloma

For each set of blood results below, choose the SINGLE most likely diagnosis from the above list of options. Each option may be used more than once or not at all. 1 Ca2+ 2.0mmol/l PO43- 1.0mmol/l PTH 100pg/ml AlkP 250U/l 2 Ca2+ PO43PTH AlkP Ca2+ PO43PTH AlkP Ca2+ PO43PTH AlkP Ca2+ PO43PTH AlkP Ca2+ PO43PTH AlkP 3.5mmol/l 0.8mmol/l 120pg/ml 100U/l 2.0mmol/l 1.2mmol/l 200pg/ml 200U/l 2.5mmol/l 1.2mmol/l 40pg/ml 800U/l 3.5mmol/l 1.2mmol/l <10pg/ml 80U/l 2.3mmol/l 1.2mmol/l 30pg/ml 90U/l Ca2+ PO43PTH AlkP 2.0mmol/l 1.0mmol/l 100pg/ml 250U/l

Normal Ranges


Cardiac Dysrhythmias
A B C D E F G H Third degree heart block Ventricular fibrillation Atrial flutter Ventricular tachycardia Second degree heart block Supraventricular tachycardia Atrial fibrillation Sinus tachycardia

Which of the above best describes the ECG tracings shown?


Cardiovascular Examination: Signs & Symptoms

A B C D E F G H 1 Atrial fibrillation Left ventricular failure Decubitus angina Myocardial infarction Congestive cardiac failure Subacute endocarditis Unstable angina Stable angina A 62 year old gentleman presents with fatigue, breathlessness & anorexia. On examination his JVP is noted as being elevated, he has hepatomegaly & swollen ankles. A 55 year old gentleman with a history of systemic hypertension presents to A&E with breathlessness on exertion & orthopnoea. Examination reveals cardiomegaly & a displaced apex beat to the left. A diabetic, 66 year old lady presents to A&E with breathlessness, sweating, nausea & vomiting. She is feeling very distressed. She has no pain. On inspection she appears pale, sweaty & grey. A 49 year old man presents to A&E with a 2 week history of a tight central chest pain radiating to the jaw experienced when he is lying down. A 45 year old man comes to A&E with shortness of breath, giving a history of decreased exercise tolerance. On examination the patient is noted as having an irregular pulse, warm vasodilated peripheries, exopthalmos & a goitre.

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Cardiovascular Risk
A B C D E F G H Weight reduction & increased physical activity Cholesterol lowering therapy with a statin Antihypertensive drugs Smoking cessation Aspirin therapy Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor therapy Reduced alcohol intake Weight reduction & metformin therapy

For each of the following patients choose one of the options above as the single most appropriate (but not necessarily the only) means of reducing cardiovascular risk. 1 A 62 year old man 3 months after an acute MI, taking aspirin, atenolol & simvastatin, whose echocardiogram shows worsening left ventricular function. A 46 year old woman, normal blood pressure, cholesterol & blood sugar. Body mass index is 32. A 77 year old man, normal blood pressure, not diabetic, who has had 3 episodes of transient left sided weakness in the last month. A 54 year old man, normal blood pressure, normal lipid profile, body mass index 28, random blood sugar 15mmol/l, fasting blood sugar 8.5mmol/l.

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Cardiovascular System
A B C D E F G Pericarditis MI Congestive cardiac failure Left ventricular failure SBE (sub acute bacterial endocarditis) Angina HOCM (hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy)

For each patient below, choose the SINGLE most likely cause of the symptom from the above list of options. Each option may be used once, more than once or not at all. 1 Mrs James is a 50 year old diabetic lady who complains of a tightness in her chest plus a cramping sensation in her jaw & neck, worse after climbing 2 flights of stairs to her apartment. A 45 year old man developed severe central chest pain, lasting for approximately 30 mins. He vomited with the pain, became acutely breathless & sweated profusely. Jean is a 35 year old lady who has recently given birth to her 3rd baby. 2 weeks ago she developed a fever, malaise & night sweats. She feels too tired to care for the baby & is losing weight. She attended her GP following the loss of control in her left arm. On examination there was weakness on the left side of her body. Her BP was normal, 120/80. Urinalysis showed small amounts of blood & auscultation revealed a loud pansystolic murmur plus bilateral basal crepitations. John is a 20 year old man with breathlessness & chest pain after exertion. 5 days ago he developed palpitations & fainted during a game of squash. Physical examination revealed a jerky pulse, & a late systolic murmur. His ECG showed changes of left ventricular hypertrophy. Mark developed a sharp sternal chest pain 10 days after a flu-like illness. The pain radiated down the arm & to the left shoulder. It was aggravated by lying flat, inspiration, coughing & swallowing. It was relieved by sitting forward.


Cause of Jaundice
A B C D E F G H I J K L Carcinoma head of pancreas Carcinoma tail of pancreas Gallstone in common bile duct Ascending cholangitis Cholecystitis Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Infectious mononucleosis Autoimmune hepatitis Sickle cell anaemia Drug induced hepatitis Cirrhosis

For each patient below, choose the SINGLE most likely diagnosis from the above list of options. Each option may be used once, more than once or not at all. 1 A 70 year old male who presents with significant weight loss & progressive painless jaundice. Ultrasound demonstrates a dilated biliary system down to the head of the pancreas. A 46 year old sales rep has recently lost his job & presents with jaundice & ascites. Ultrasound of the biliary tract is normal. An obese 40 year old woman, with a history of episodic right upper quadrant pain, presents with rapid onset of jaundice with severe abdominal pains, fever & rigors. A 24 year old unemployed rough sleeping male presents unwell, with jaundice, anorexia & lassitude. He has a number of venepuncture marks in the antecubital fossae.

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Cause/Investigation of Leg Ulceration

A B C D E F G H I J K L Venous ulcer Arterial ulcer Neuropathic ulcer Malignant ulcer Tuberculosis Syphilis Lymphoedema Cardiac failure Pyoderma gangrenosum RA Cellulitis DVT

For each option below, choose the SINGLE most likely diagnosis from the above list of options. Each option may be used once, more than once or not at all. 1 A 45 year old Caucasian lady presents with a 4cm chronic ulcer on the medial aspect of the lower leg. She has a history of bursting pain in the calf on walking. The skin around the ulcer is brown & heavily indurated. A 75 year old woman with long standing hypertension has had progressive swelling of her legs over the last 3 months. She has consulted her GP because she has developed an ulcer on the anterior aspect of the right shin which weeps serous fluid profusely. A 50 year old Asian woman, who is known to be diabetic, presents with a painless ulcer on the ball of her foot. She has been complaining of a burning feeling of the soles of her feet for the last year. A 70 year old man, with ischaemic heart disease & COAD, presents with an ulcer between the great & second toes on the right foot. This is associated with pain in the whole foot at night. A 30 year old woman with long-standing ulcerative colitis, which is in remission, presents with 2 areas of ulceration on the right mid-thigh.


Causes of Acute Abdominal Pain

A B C D E F G H I J K L Acute appendicitis Acute pancreatitis Perforation Bowel obstruction Diverticulitis Acute salpingitis Ruptured ectopic pregnancy Pyelonephritis Urinary tract infection Renal/ureteric colic Ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm Acute cholecystitis

For each of the following patients choose the SINGLE most likely diagnosis from the above list of options. Each option may be used once, more than once or not at all. 1 A 33 year old woman has collapsed with severe generalised abdominal pain. She is apyrexial, pulse 140/min, BP 90/40. Abdomen is rigid & tender with guarding. She says she cannot be pregnant as she has an intra uterine device (coil) in situ. A 28 year old woman has a 24 hour history of severe constant, right loin pain & vomiting. She has had rigors & sweats. Urinalysis reveals blood & protein. A 20 year old man has a 24 hour history of abdominal pain, which started in the para-umbilical region, but seems to have moved to his right iliac fossa. He is tender in this area with guarding & rebound tenderness. A 60 year old man, who has had a previous laparotomy for a perforated duodenal ulcer, has a 24 hour history of colicky abdominal pain, absolute constipation & vomiting. He had a distended resonant abdomen & highpitched bowel sounds. A 35 year old woman has a 2 day history of severe abdominal pain & profuse vomiting. She has previously had episodes of right upper quadrant pain, particularly after fatty meals. She is jaundiced & mildly tender in her epigastrium. Pulse 120, BP 90/50. A 70 year old man, who has a long history of hypertension & a recent history of intermittent back pain has collapsed with severe central abdominal pain which radiates to his back. His abdomen is tender & he has a pulsatile mass in the midline.


Causes of Blistering
A B C D E F G H I J K L Trauma Impetigo Herpes zoster Erythema multiforme Insect bites Fixed drug eruption Dermatitis herpetiformis Porphyria cutznea tarda Epidermolysis bullosa Pemphigoid Pemphigus Steven-Johnson syndrome

For each of the following patients choose the SINGLE most likely underlying cause for the blistering from the above list of options. Each option may be used once, more than once or not at all. 1 A 65 year old woman has multiple tense blisters with underlying erythema, which started on her arms & legs & now involves her trunk. Skin biopsy shows a spilt at the level of the basement membrane. A 25 year old man with a history of diarrhoea & weight loss has a blistering rash on his buttocks & elbows with marked pruritus. A 55 year old woman was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. She now has a 2 day history of a painful blistering eruption, which affects a band of skin on the left side of her back. An 18 year old man with diabetes has a 2 day history of painful blisters on his left cheek. When the blisters heal they leave a yellow crust on the skin. A 25 year old man has had a recent sore throat for which he was given a course of antibiotics. He now has multiple blisters on his limbs. The blisters have central pallor & there is pruritus. His mouth is unaffected. A 68 year old Asian woman has multiple blisters on her trunk & a few on her limbs. The blisters are fragile & most have ruptured, leaving erythematous scaly patches. Pressure on an intact blister seems to cause it to spread. Her mouth is very sore & eating is difficult.

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Causes of Cerebral Lesions

A B C D E F G H I J K K Arteriovenous malformation Berry aneurysm Brain abscess Extradural haematoma Subdural haematoma Carotid artery occlusion Pituitary adenoma Medulloblastona Craniopharyngioma Meningioma Arteriovenous malformation Metastatic carcinoma

From each patient below, choose the SINGLE most likely cause from the above list of options. Each option may be used once, more than once, or not at all. 1 A 60 year old woman treated with total thyroidectomy for thyroid carcinoma now presents with visual changes. On examination, she has bitemporal hemianopia. CT of the head shows a cystic lesion compressing the optic tracts. A 25 year old man complains of the worst headache of his life. He denies any history of head trauma. He has no focal neurological deficits. A 65 year old male alcoholic has fluctuating levels of consciousness. He develops focal neurological deficits. His wife reports that he fell down the staircase 2 months ago. A 45 year old motorcyclist is involved in a road traffic accident. On examination, he has a dilated left pupil & is unconscious. Skull films show a left temporal-parietal fracture. A 55 year old woman, treated with modified radical mastectomy for breast carcinoma 5 years ago now presents with gradual onset of confusion & visual disturbances. CT scan of the head shows a cerebral mass.

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Causes of Chest Pain

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MI Stable angina Variant angina Unstable angina Reflux oesophagitis Pulmonary embolus Anxiety Congestive heart failure

For each patient below, choose the SINGLE most likely diagnosis from the above list of options. Each option may be used once, more than once or not at all. 1 A 60 year old male complains of central chest pain radiating to the left arm. This is post operational it follows a sigmoidectomy the previous day. A 40 year old obese male presents with a burning chest pain which is worsened by lying down. A 59 year old female is admitted to A&E with chest pain. The pain is central in origin & came on while she was watching television. The patient has a BMI of 34 & is a known hypertensive. A 62 year old male complains of chest pain at rest. An ECG performed in A&E shows ST elevation. The Patient is admitted to 5 North & angiogram performed subsequently shows no evidence of stenosis. A 45 year old merchant banker is referred by her GP to the Rapid Access Chest Pain clinic. She is asked to perform the treadmill test & complains of chest pain 9 minutes into the test.

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Causes of Clubbing
A B C D E F G H I J K L M Chronic liver disease Thyroid disease Carcinoma of bronchus Endocarditis Idiopathic Congenital heart disease Malabsorption Irritable bowel disease Inflammatory bowel disease Renal cell carcinoma Carcinoma of ovary Asthma Heart failure

For each patient below, choose the SINGLE most likely diagnosis from the above list of options. Each option may be used once, more than once or not at all. 1 A 28 year old man with marked clubbing for 2 years is referred to the chest clinic by his GP. He is sunning a half-marathon on a weekly basis & feels very well. A 23 year old woman with weight loss & chronic anxiety has developed clubbing. You notice a tachycardia of 110 beats/minutes & protruding eyes. A 69 year old heavy smoker has developed haemoptysis & clubbing. A 55 year old publican has developed clubbing & abdominal distension. A 42 year old woman with chronic diarrhoea & clubbing is diagnoses with macrocytic anaemia. A 32 year old man with bloody diarrhoea & clubbing. The patient also has recurrent joint pain & inflammation of the eyes.

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Causes of Confusion
A B C D E F G H I J K L Dementia Delerium tremens Post-ictal state Hypoxia Cerebrovascular accident Hypoglycaemia Hypothermia Encephalitis Urinary tract infection Intoxication Acute psychosis Hypothyroidism

For each of the following patients choose the SINGLE most likely diagnosis from the above list of options. Each option may be used once, more than once or not at all. 1 A 30 year old man has been picked up in the street by police. He was initially drowsy but is now agitated & aggressive. His trousers are wet with urine. A 75 year old woman has gradually become confused over 3 or 4 years. She forgets the names & birthdays of her family. She gets lost when she goes shopping alone. She sometimes leaves her cooker on all night. A 20 year old man is irritable & confused. He appears disturbed by loud noises. He is also complaining of a headache & has a pyrexia & mild neck stiffness. A 30 year old man had an appendicectomy 2 days ago & is now agitated & confused. He is sweaty & has a marked tremor of his hands. He claims that his sleep was disturbed by insects in his bed. A 75 year old woman was found on the floor at home having collapsed. She is drowsy & confused & has been incontinent of urine. She is shaking. Her pulse is 50 beats per min & her ECG shows J waves. A 20 year old man, who was picked up by the police, is behaving irrationally & is confused & irritable. He is pale & sweaty & smells of alcohol. He keeps asking for biscuits.


Causes of Constipation
A B C D E F G H I J Colorectal carcinoma Diverticular disease Hypothyroidism Hypercalcaemia Parkinsons disease Hirschscrungs disease Chronic laxative abuse Pelvic trauma Adverse effect of drugs Irritable bowel syndrome

For each of the following patients choose the SINGLE most likely diagnosis from the above list of options. Each option may be used once, more then once or not at all. 1 2 3 A 20 year old man has been constipated since childhood. He opens his bowels once or twice a week & has noticed faecal soiling. A 40 year old woman has constipation, weight gain & menorrhagia. She opens her bowels only twice a week. Pulse is 50/min & she has dry skin. A 35 year old woman has mild long-standing constipation without weight loss. She passes hard pellet-like stools, often with straining & a feeling of incomplete evacuation. Examination is normal. A 50 year old man fell from a ladder & injured his back. He requires regular pain-killers for back pain. Since the accident he has had difficulty opening his bowels & has noticed reduced bowel frequency. A 52 year old woman has recently developed constipation & feels that she does not completely empty her rectum on defecation. She has passed blood per rectum on 2 occasions. A 70 year old woman has seen her GP for depression on several occasions. She now complains of abdominal pain, constipation & thirst.


Causes of Cough
A B C D E F G H I Bronchiectasis Postnasal drip Asthma Carcinoma of the bronchus Oesophageal reflux Foreign body COAD Drug adverse effect Sarcoidosis

For each patient below, choose the SINGLE most likely diagnosis from the above list of options. Each option may be used once, more than once or not at all. 1 2 A 58 year old man, who smoked 30 cigarettes a day, presents with a 6 week history of cough, malaise, anorexia & weight loss. A 45 year old woman with essential hypertension is prescribed lisinopril. 2 weeks later she complains of a constant dry cough which keeps her awake. There are no systemic symptoms. A 40 year old Afro-Caribbean woman presents with bilateral parotid swelling, & painful nodules on the front of her shins. She has a dry cough & slight shortness of breath on exertion. An 18 year old man presents with a night-time cough & shortness of breath while playing football. This has got progressively worse over the previous 2 months. A 30 year old man, lifelong non-smoker, presents with a history of at least 6 months of purulent sputum. He has had an infection since an attack of measles at the age of 14.


Causes of Cough
A B C D E F G H I J Tuberculosis Bronchial carcinoma Asthma Pneumonia Extrinsic allergic alveolitis Influenza Chronic bronchitis ACE inhibitor therapy Fibrosing alveolitis Left ventricular failure

For each of the following patients choose the SINGLE most likely diagnosis from the above list of options. Each option may be used once, more than once or not at all. 1 2 3 A 50 year old male smoker presents with a 3 month history of cough, haemoptysis & weight loss. Chest examination is unremarkable. A 5 year old child coughs most nights. He has frequent courses of antibiotics for a bad chest especially in the winter. He also has eczema. A 50 year old male smoker has a cough productive of clear sputum most days especially in the winter. He has not lost weight. On examination, he has a hyper-expanded chest & a few scattered wheezes & crackles. A 40 year old Asian man has a 2 month history of cough, haemoptysis, weight loss & night sweats. He has swollen cervical lymph nodes & his trachea is deviated to the left. A 40 year old man has a history of hypertension. His anti-hypertensive medication was recently changed due to ankle swelling. He has now developed a dry cough.


Causes of Diarrhoea
A B C D E F G H I J K L Food poisoning Ulcerative colitis Crohns disease Diverticular disease Irritable bowel syndrome Drug-induced diarrhoea Salmonella infection Villous adenoma of the rectum Cryptosporidium infection E Coli infection Coeliac disease Chronic pancreatitis

For each of the following patients choose the SINGLE most likely diagnosis from the above list of options. Each option may be used once, more than once or not at all. 1 2 3 4 A 30 year old male intravenous drug user with a history of tuberculosis develops profuse watery diarrhoea with no abdominal pain. A 25 year old male student presents with 12 hours of abdominal pain, vomiting & watery diarrhoea. This has occurred once before. A 27 year old woman presents with a 2 week history of bloody diarrhoea & abdominal pain. She has also passed mucus per rectum at times. A 45 year old man has a long history of drinking excess alcohol. He has a 3 month history of intermittent, severe abdominal pain & diarrhoea with pale, bulky, foul-smelling stools which are hard to flush away. A 55 year old man who takes bendrofluazide for hypertension, presents with a 2 month history of watery diarrhoea with occasional blood & mucus mixed in the stool. He has serum potassium of 2.3mmol/l. A 40 year old man has just returned from a holiday in Kenya. Since his return, he has developed watery diarrhoea with crampy abdominal pain.


Causes of Dyspnoea
A B C D E F G H I J Anaemia Valvular disease Bronchial asthma Atelectasis Atypical pneumonia Bronchial carcinoma Acute pulmonary oedema Pulmonary embolus Exacerbation of chronic bronchitis Metastatic carcinoma

From each patient below, choose the SINGLE most likely diagnosis from the above list of options. Each option may be used once, more than once, or not at all. 1 A 33 year old airline steward presents with a 1 week history of fever, dry cough, & shortness of breath. On examination, he is tachypnoeic. His lungs are clear to auscultation. A 65 year old man with a h/o of chronic productive cough now presents to A&E short of breath & drowsy. A 60 year old woman presents with dyspnoea. On examination, she has a firm mass in the left breast & decreased breath sounds in the right lower lung fields. Chest x-ray reveals a pleural effusion. A 50 year old male patient on the ward awakes with dyspnoea & frothy sputum. He had suffered an MI a week earlier. On examination, he is cyanosed & tachypnoeic. Auscultation of the lung reveals creps. A 40 year old man presents with cough & breathlessness. Chest x-ray demonstrates diffuse consolidation of the right lower lobe. Despite treatment with iv augmentin, the fever persists. Chest x-ray shows expansion.

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Causes of Heamatemesis & Melaena

A B C D E F G H I J Peptic ulcer Gastric erosions Oesophagitis Oesophageal carcinoma Oesophageal varices Carcinoma of the stomach Bleeding diathesis Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome Mallory-Weiss syndrome Peutz-Jeghers syndrome

For each of the following patients choose the SINGLE most likely diagnosis from the above list of options. Each option may be used once, more than once or not at all. 1 A 21 year old student has been on a drinking binge to celebrate the end of his final exams. He has a 6 hour history of profuse vomiting with small amounts of fresh blood mixed in the vomit. His vital signs are stable. A 24 year old woman has had 24 hours of vomiting & diarrhoea, which she thinks followed eating reheated take-away food. There was fresh blood in the last 3 vomits. Vital signs are stable. A 55 year old man has chronic back pain for which he takes diclofenac. He has epigastric pain after meals & has recently developed black tarry stools & has had an episode of coffee-ground vomiting. A 35 year old man with a long history of excess drinking of alcohol presents with massive haematemesis. He is also jaundiced, hypotensive & a tachycardia. A 40 year old woman describes intermittent haemoptysis as well as small amounts of haematemesis. She has telangiectasia on her face.


Causes of Hoarseness
A B C D E F G H I J K L Laryngitis Vocal cord trauma Angioedema Carcinoma of the larynx Laryngeal nerve palsy Hypothyroidism Acromegaly Vocal cord nodules Wegeners syndrome Sjogrens syndrome Hysterical Foreign body

For each of the following patients choose the SINGLE most likely diagnosis from the above list of options. Each option may be used once, more then once or not at all. 1 A 32 year old opera singer has developed hoarseness 2 days before a world premiere for which she has been rehearsing extensively. She does not have a sore throat. A 25 year old man suddenly developed hoarseness, wheeze & stridor whilst eating peanuts in a bar. He has a swollen tongue. A 55 year old woman develops hoarseness 2 days after a partial thyroidectomy for thyrotoxicosis. A 58 year old male smoker has a 2 month history of progressive persistent hoarseness & pain in his left ear on swallowing. He has enlarged left cervical lymph nodes. A 40 year old woman develops a progressively hoarse voice over 6 months. She has also gained 8kg in weight & complains of constipation. She had a partial thyroidectomy 2 years previously for thyrotoxicosis. A 21 year old has a 3 day history of hoarseness. He has throat pain, which is worse on talking & eating. Throat looks normal on examination.

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Causes of Hypertension
A B C D E F G H I J K Essential hypertension Renal artery stenosis Polycystic kidney disease Phaemochromocytoma Cushings syndrome Conns syndrome Acromegaly Coarctation of the aorta Hydronephrosis White-coat hypertension Drug induced

For each patient below choose the SINGLE most likely cause from the above list of options. Each option may be used once, more than once or not at all. 1 60 year old male smoker has a long history of hypertension & angina. 4 weeks ago, he was started on captopril by his GP. His creatinine has increased from 100 to 350 during that time. Renal ultrasound shows that 1 kidney is larger than the other. A 40 year old woman has high blood pressure despite treatment with bendrofluazide & atenolol. Blood tests show: Sodium 140mmol/l, potassium 3mol/l, urea 6mmol/l. His bendrofluazide is stopped & he is prescribed potassium supplements, but 2 weeks later his potassium is still 3mmol/l. Plasma renin activity is low. A 40 year old woman is hypertensive & complains that she is putting on weight. On examination, she is centrally obese & has a moon face. There are purple striae on her abdomen. She has glycosuria. A 40 year old man is hypertensive & complains that he is putting on weight. On examination he has a prominent jaw & brow & is sweaty. He has large hands & feet. He has glycosuria. A 40 year old woman with a history of neurofibromatosis has erratic blood pressure readings, some being as high as 220/120 whereas others are normal. She also complains of intermittent headaches, sweating & palpitations. An 18 year old girl attends family planning clinic, having recently started contraception. On examination she has a systolic murmur & weak foot pulses.


Causes of Lumps in the Neck

A B C D E F G H I J K L Lymphadenopathy Mumps Sialolithiasis (Salivary calculus) Parotid adenoma Thyroid nodule Thyroglossal nodule Sebaceous cyst Lipoma Carotid aneurysm Carotid body tumour Parotid carcinoma Branchial cyst

For each of the following patients choose the SINGLE most likely diagnosis from the above list of options. Each option may be used once, more than once or not at all. 1 2 A 30 year old woman has a small, fluctuant, painless swelling which moves upwards when she sticks out her tongue. A 25 year old man has a soft fluctuant swelling which bulges from beneath the anterior border of his left sternomastoid muscle. It is painless & has been present since childhood. A 41 year old woman has a painless fluctuant swelling in her right supraclavicular fossa. It becomes inflamed at times & she has expressed thick, foul-smelling white matter from it. A 34 year old man describes pain & swelling in the left submandibular region after eating. The swelling is sometimes red & tender but usually settles within a few hours. A 58 year old woman has a slowly-growing painless mass in her neck. On examination there is a firm, pulsatile mass anterior to the upper third of sternomastoid. There is no bruit. A 68 year old man has a rapidly-growing painful neck swelling. On examination he has a hard, fixed mass at the angle of the jaw & appears to have facial weakness on that side.


Causes of Peripheral Neuropathy

A B C D E F G H I J Vitamin B12 deficiency Diabetes Trauma Drug induced Amyloid Alcohol Paraneoplastic syndrome Porphyria Renal failure Sarcoid

For each patient below, choose the SINGLE most likely diagnosis from the above list of options. Each option may be used once, more than once or not at all. 1 A 66 year old woman presents with fatigue, breathlessness & paraesthesiae in all limbs. Examination reveals pallor, loss of position sense & impaired vibration sense. A 40 year old man with pulmonary tuberculosis is in the second month of treatment with isoniazid, rifampicin & pyrazinamide. He complains of a burning sensation in his hands & feet. There is impaired sensation to pin prick & light touch. An 18 year old woman is admitted with very severe abdominal pain & confusion. She is noted to have bilateral wrist drop. She had recently started the oral contraceptive pill. A 67 year old overweight Asian woman presents with painful feet. Direct questioning revealed that she has had nocturia for the last 3 months. A 55 year old smoker presents with rapidly progressing weight loss with severe burning pain in his hands & feet. Chest x-ray shows a small round opacity in the right upper lobe.

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Causes of Pneumonia
A B C D E F G H I J K Bacteroides fragilis Coxiella burnetii Escherichia coli (Gram ve) Haemophilus influenzae Legionella pneumophila Mixed growth of organisms Mycobacterium tuberculosis Mycoplasma pneumoniae Pneumocystis carinii Staphylococcus aureus Streptococcus pneumoniae

For each presentation below, choose the SINGLE most likely causative organism from the above list of options. Each option may be used once, more than once or not at all. 1 2 A 25 year old man has a 3 day history of shivering, general malaise & productive cough. The x-ray shows right lower lobe consolidation. A 26 year old man presents with severe shortness of breath & dry cough which he has had for 24 hours. He is very distressed. He has been an IV drug user. The x-ray shows peri-hilar fine mottling. A 35 year old previously healthy man returned from holiday 5 days ago. He smokes 10 cigarettes a day. He presents with mild confusion, a dry cough & marked pyrexia. His chest examination is normal. The x-ray shows widespread upper zone shadowing. A 20 year old previously healthy woman presents with general malaise, severe cough & breathlessness which has not improved with a 7 day course of amoxicillin. There is nothing significant to find on examination. The x-ray shows patchy shadowing throughout the lung fields. The blood film shows clumping of red cells with suggestion of cold agglutinins.


Causes of Pruritus
A B C D E F G H I J K L Urticaria Scabies Dermatitis herpetiformis Lichen planus Insect bite Iron deficiency Primary biliary cirrhosis Primary proliferative polycythaemia Hodgkins disease Hyperthyroidism Hypothyroidism Chronic renal failure

For each of the following patients choose the SINGLE most likely underlying cause for pruritus from the above list of options. Each option may be used once, more then once or not at all. 1 2 A 30 year old woman has generalised pruritus. She also suffers from menorrhagia. Haemoglobin is 8.1g/dl, MCV 63fl. A 25 year old man with a history of diarrhoea & abdominal pain has a blistering rash on his buttocks & elbows with marked pruritus. Antiendomysial antibodies are positive. A 41 year old woman has generalised pruritus with weight loss, sweating & diarrhoea. Her TSH is 0.1mU/l. A 28 year old man complains of generalised pruritus worse at night. It is most marked in his pubic area & his forearms. There appear to be a few thin tracks; between his knuckles. A 38 year old woman has severe generalised pruritus particularly affecting hands & feet. On examination she is mildly jaundiced, has marked xanthelasmata & a few spider naevi. A 68 year old man has pruritus on his head, neck & arms, which is worse after a hot bath. He also has headache & fatigue. Haemoglobin 18.1, MCV 87fl with a haematocrit of 31%.

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Causes of Purpura
A B C D E F G H I J K Amyloidosis Cushings disease Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) Ehlos-Danlos syndrome Haemophilia Henoch-Schonlein syndrome Iatrogenic Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria (PNH) Scurvy Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP)

For each presentation, choose the SINGLE most likely cause from the above list of options. Each option may be used once, more than once, or not at all. 1 2 A 45 year old asthmatic has a moon-like facies & truncal obesity. He complains of easy bruising & thin skin. A 35 year old woman presents with purpura, fever, haemolytic anaemia, microvascular thrombosis, renal failure & mild stroke. Blood film shows fragmented red cells & clotting screen is normal. A 56 year old vagrant presents with perifollicular skin bleeding & prolonged bleeding time. A 35 year old man has hyperextensible joints & elastic skin. He also has purpura, & pseudotumours over his knees & elbows. A 20 year old man presents with colicky abdominal pain, arthritis & polyarthritis following a chest infection. He also has purpura over his buttocks & legs.

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Causes of Scrotal Swelling

A B C D E F G H I J K L Hydrocoele Varicocoele Epididymal cyst Seminoma Teratoma Chronic epididymitis Mumps orchitis Acute epididymitis Torsion of the testes Inguinal hernia Testicular gumma Scrotal haemotoma

For each of the following patients choose the SINGLE most likely diagnosis from the above list of options. Each option may be used once, more than once or not at all. 1 A 30 year old man presents with a swelling within the left scrotum, which aches when he stands. On examination, the swelling is not tender & feels like a bag of worms. A 25 year old presents with pyrexia, headache & painful swelling of his face & testes. A 33 year old man presents with a swelling of his left testis, which is gradually increasing in size. On examination, the swelling is hard, nontender & does not transilluminate. A 45 year old man presents with a painless swelling in his scrotum. His left testis cannot be felt. The swelling transilluminates. A 20 year old man presents with an acute onset of vomiting & pain in the lower abdomen after playing football. His abdomen is soft but he has a very tender, swollen right testis, which lies high within the scrotum. A 40 year old man presents with a painless swelling in his scrotum which is fluctuant & transilluminable. Both testes are easily palpable.

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Causes of Skin Lesions on the Legs

A B C D E F G H I J K Erythema nodosum Erythema multiforme Henoch-Schonlein purpura Eczema Psoriasis Necrobiosis lipoidica Ringworm (tinea corporis) Shingles (herpes zoster) Urticaria Pemphigus Pemphigoid

For each of the following patients choose the SINGLE most likely diagnosis from the above list of options. Each option may be used once, more than once or not at all. 1 2 A 65 year old woman has a 3 day history of a painful blistering rash on her left outer thigh. She has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. A 25 year old woman was recently started on co-trimoxazole for a urinary infection. She is now complaining of painful, red raised lesions on both shins. A 30 year old builder has developed pink scaly patches on both knees. He has similar lesions on his elbows & scalp. A 65 year old woman has developed extensive blistering particularly involving her legs. The blisters are fragile & seem to spread under the skin surface when pressed. She feels generally unwell but has no other symptoms. A 16 year old girl presents with small purple spots on her buttocks & shins. She also has painful joints & abdomen. Urinalysis reveals proteinuria. A 60 year old man, who has had diabetes for several years, has developed a waxy yellow patch on his left shin, which is showing signs of inflammation & ulceration.

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Causes of Unilateral Facial Palsy

A B C D E F G H I J K L Stroke Brainstem tumour Multiple sclerosis Acoustic neuroma Otitis media Cholestertoma Bells palsy Ramsey-Hunt syndrome Parotid tumours Trauma Post-meningitis Sarcoidosis

For each of the following patients choose the SINGLE most likely underlying diagnosis from the above list of options. Each option may be used once, more than once or not at all. 1 2 A 30 year old woman has developed ear pain & facial weakness. On otoscopy she has an inflamed, bulging tympanic membrane. A 35 year old woman has suddenly developed facial palsy. 6 months before this, she had an episode of blurred vision & unsteadiness. On examination, she has mild ataxia & an afferent papillary defect. A 70 year old man has suddenly developed facial weakness, which was preceded by 2 days of severe left ear pain, vertigo & deafness. On examination, he has vesicles around his ear & on his soft palate. A 50 year old woman has developed complete palsy of the left side of the face including the forehead. She also has mild facial pain & watering of the eye on that side. Her sense of taste is impaired. A 56 year old woman with a history of atrial fibrillation develops sudden weakness of the right side of her face. She is still able to wrinkle both sides of her forehead & her smile is symmetrical. A 35 year old man has developed a slowly progressive right-sided facial palsy with deafness & tinnitus. As well as facial asymmetry, he is unable to adduct his right eye. His father had been similarly affected.


Change in Weight
A B C D E F G H I J K 1 Anorexia nervosa Bullaemia Bronchial carcinoma Colonic malignancy Graves disease Hypothyroidism Cushings syndrome Binge eating disorder Toxic solitary adenoma (Plummers) Obesity Pregnancy An 18 year old girl wearing loose clothes comes to see you in your surgery. She is worried because all her friends have started their periods but she hasnt. On direct questioning she refuses to comment about her eating habits & says that she has put on weight. Her current BMI is 14. A 78 year old gentleman with a 40 pack year history of smoking cigarettes presents to your surgery saying that his cough has changed in the last 3 weeks. Hes now coughing all through the day. On direct questioning he admits to having to buy trousers 3 inches smaller than he usually does. A 38 year old female complains of feeling tired all the time. She says that because of this she has put on weight & has been feeling depressed. On examination you note that she is bradycardic, has slow-relaxing reflexes & takes a little while longer to respond to commands. A 34 year old lady with oligomenorrhoea comes to see you because she has put on weight in the last 4 months. She says that it is not a lot, but she has had strange desires to eat plain starchy foods & that strong smelling foods make her nauseous. A slim 29 year old lady wearing a T-shirt & skirt comes to see you in January. She was wondering what the lump was on one side of her neck. On direct questioning she says her periods have been heavy & irregular. On examination you note that she is tachycardic & has a tremor, but has no abnormalities of her eyes.


Chest Pain
A B C D E F G H I J K Angina MI Acute aortic dissection Pericarditis Reflux oesophagitis Peptic ulcer disease Pneumonia Pulmonary embolism Pneumothorax Rib fracture Costochondritis

Match the patient description with one of the above diagnoses. 1 55 year old obese female complains of an occasional burning pain behind the sternum. The pain is worse after large meals & when drinking hot liquids. A 50 year old female presents with a sharp chest pain which is worse on inspiration. Her temperature is 38.00C & she has a history of a recent viral infection. Her pulse is much weaker on inspiration & the JVP is found to be raised. A 26 year old racing driver is brought to A&E following a RTA. He is dyspnoeic, has a BP of 105/60 & pulse 95. On examination the trachea is deviated to the left & there is decreased expansion of the left side relative to the right. A 70 year old man with history of hypertension presents with sudden tearing chest pain radiating to the back. The peripheral pulses are absent & there is a widened mediastinum on CXR. A 65 year old male complains of a severe crushing pain in his chest. He is sweating, short of breath, says he feels sick & appears very drowsy. The pain is not relieved by the GTN spray he was given by his GP.


Chest Pain
A B C D E F G H I J Angina Pericarditis Myocardial infarction Pulmonary embolism Oesophageal spasm Dissecting aortic aneurysm Anxiety Coronary artery disease Tietzes syndrome Hiatus hernia

Match the patient description with one of the above diagnoses 1 A 49 year old man with recent history of long-haul travel presents with shortness of breath & haemoptysis. He also complains of chest pain & ECG shows sinus tachycardia. A 53 year old lady complains of central crushing chest pain, sudden onset & spontaneous remission, with no attributable cause. She has no history of hypertension, current BP is 116/76. A 73 year old gentleman presents to A&E with sudden tearing chest pain, radiating to the back. The house officer on duty notices unequal arm pulses & BP. A 63 year old gentleman develops acute central chest pain, radiating down the left arm. He appears very pale & sweaty, & has a strong family history of ishaemic heart disease. A 67 year old man recovering from an inferior MI complains of sharp retrosternal chest pain. He comments that leaning forward provides relief of the pain. The attending medical student claims to ahev heard a rub on auscultation.


Chest Pain
A B C D E F G H I 1 Oesophageal reflux Cyclical breast pain Pulmonary embolus Pneumothorax Transient ischaemic attack Myocardial infarct Tietzes syndrome Ectopic pregnancy Angina Mrs E, a 26 year old American lady arrives in A&E with severe central chest pain. She is also shocked, pale & sweaty. You notice a complete set of LV luggage in the bay as you go over to examine her. An overwrought Mr R implores you to save the life of his wife & their unborn child. Mr L, a 43 year old investment banker, who is as wide as he is tall, has been brought into A&E at 2am on Sunday morning after collapsing at the Kebab Machine Takeaway on Shepherds Bush Road. He is dressed in a schoolboy outfit, which perplexes you until an equally embarrassingly dressed friend informs you that the office had a clubbing night at Po Na Na. Apparently, Mr L had been complaining of tight chest pain & anxiety earlier in the evening, but had had a cigarette to help him calm down. Miss A, a 52 year old attends the Rapid Diagnostic Clinic for Breast Cancer at Charing Cross. She is concerned over an area of tenderness on her left breast. On examination, you find that the lower medial quadrant of the right breast feels sore when you palpate deeply. There is no palpable lump, & both mammography & ultrasound are normal. Mrs I, a plump 65 year old lady presents with burning chest pain. She complains that the pain has stopped her working in her allotment, as it is more likely to come on when she tends to her marrows. She also finds it difficult to sleep at night unless she uses 3 pillows. Nr N, a tall & thin young student presents at A&E with unilateral left sided chest pain & shortness of breath. He is pale & tachycardic. The upper left lobe is silent on auscultation.


Chest Pain
A B C D E F G H I K Aortic dissection Anxiety PE Angina Pneumonia Ruptured AAA Pleural effusion Ca oesophagus TB GORD

Match to the correct diagnosis. 1 2 3 4 5 Burning, retrosternal discomfort radiating from epigastrium to jaw & throat. Worse on lying down. Nausea, sweating, central crushing pain, radiating to jaw, lasting a few minutes, which is made worse by exercise. Pain on breathing in & out, dyspnoea, coughing up blood as well, stony dull to percuss. Sudden onset chest pain with shortness of breath, coughed blood. Collapses with sudden chest pain radiating to back.


Choice of Airway
A B C D E Oral airway & oxygen Laryngeal mask airway (LMA) Endotracheal tube None Facemask

For each patient below, choose the single most appropriate method to maintain patient oxygenation. 1 A 55 year old known epileptic arrives in A&E having suffered a fit whilst shopping. She is post ictal on arrival in A&E & breathing in an obstructed manner with O2 saturation of 92% (on air). A 19 year old motorcyclist suffers a head injury after colliding with a lorry. On examination he is found to have a GCS of $ & requires an urgent CT scan. A 61 year old fit 70kg man requires an elective knee arthroscopy under general anaesthesia. He gives no past medical history & does not suffer from reflux. A 60 year old woman on the ward has an O2 saturation of 91% on air. She underwent a laparotomy for small bowel obstruction the previous day. All her other observations are within normal limits. A 40 year old patient is due to undergo surgery on her short saphenous veins in the prone position under general anaesthesia.


Choice of Post Operative Analgesia

A B C D E F Paracetamol Diclofenac Morphine Epidural bupivacaine fentanyl Codydramol Tramadol

For each patient listed below, choose the most likely analgesia listed above which should NOT be used in the postoperative period. 1 An 85 year old who is known to be hypertensive & has mild impaired renal function presents with signs of dehydration & undergoes a laparotomy for small bowel obstruction. A 60 year old man with diarrhoea is transferred from another hospital for urgent femoral-distal bypass surgery & arrives with a heparin infusion in situ. His APTT is 2.4. A 62 year old man who requires a knee replacement gives a history of allergy to dihydrocodeine. A 65 year old man with a history of peptic ulceration requires an aortic aneurysm repair electively.

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Clinical Signs of Acute Poisoning

A B C D E F G H I J K Tricyclic antidepressants Benzodiazepines Opiate analgesics Salicylates Sympathomimetics Methanol Ethylene glycol Insulin Carbon monoxide Antipsychotics Volatile solvents

For each of the following patients choose the SINGLE most likely causative poison or groups of poisons from the above list of options. Each option may be used once, more than once or not at all. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Agitation, euphoria, blurred vision, slurred speech, ataxia, slate-grey cyanosis. Agitation, tremor, dilated pupils, tachycardia, arrhythmias, convulsions. Nausea, vomiting, tinnitus, deafness, sweating, hyperventilation, tachycardia. Inebriation, coma, reduced reflexes, tachycardia, pulmonary oedema, shock, metabolic acidosis. Drowsiness, hypotension, hypoventilation, arrhythmias, convulsions, dystonia & dyskinesias. Coma, increased muscle tone & reflexes, myoclonus, convulsions, tachycardia, dilated pupils.


Clinical Signs of Structural Heart Abnormalities

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N Aortic stenosis Aortic incompetence Mitral stenosis Mitral incompetence Tricuspid regurgitation Pulmonary stenosis Atrial septal defect Ventricular septal defect Patent ductus arteriosus Mitral valve prolapse Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Left ventricular aneurysm Aortic sclerosis Tricuspid stenosis

For each list of clinical signs below choose the SINGLE most likely diagnosis from the above list of options. Each option may be used once, more than once or not at all. 1 2 3 There is a harsh pan-systolic murmur loudest at the lower left sternal edge & inaudible at the apex. The apex is not displaced. There is a soft late systolic murmur at the apex & radiating to the axilla. The pulse is slow rising & the apex, which is not displaced, is heaving in character. There is an ejection systolic murmur heard best at the right second interspace which does not radiate. The pulse is regular & jerky in character. The cardiac impulse is hyperdynamic & not displaced. There is a mid-systolic murmur, with no ejection click, loudest at the left sternal edge. There is a constant machinery-like murmur throughout systole & diastole. The patient is clubbed & cyanosed.


Colostomies & Ileostomies

A B C D E F G H Ileal conduit Defunctioning loop ileostomy End ileostomy Parastomal hernia Prolapsed colostomy Hartmans procedure: End colostomy Loop colostomy Subtotal colectomy & end ileostomy

For each patient below, choose the SINGLE most likely type of ostomy from the above list of options. Each option may be used once, more than once or not at all. 1 2 3 4 A 69 year old patient with a midline scar & stoma in the right iliac fossa, where there is urine in the bag. An 85 year old man presented with perforated diverticular disease in the sigmoid colon. After resuscitation he had an emergency procedure. A 65 year old man undergoes elective excision of a rectal carcinoma & primary anastomosis, he is left with a stoma. A 25 year old man with a history of ulcerative colitis, deteriorates & requires an emergency operation to treat the disease. He is left with a stoma. A 72 year old woman has a disseminated malignancy of the colon. She Is suffering from abdominal distension & increasing constipation. She has a procedure before going on to palliative care.


Common Syndromes Due to Chromosomal Abnormalities

A B C D E F G Downs syndrome Edwards syndrome Patans syndrome Klinefelters syndrome Turners syndrome Fragile X syndrome Fragile X syndrome 47, +21 47, +18 47, +13 47, XXY 45, XO 46, XX fra(X) 46, XY fra(X)

For each of the following patients choose the SINGLE most likely chromosomal syndrome from the above list of options. Each option may be used once, more than once or not at all. 1 2 3 4 5 Adult male with small testes, gynaecomastia & infertility. Child with severe learning difficulties, cleft lip & palate, polydactyly, multiple congenital heart defects. A male child with moderate learning difficulties, large testes & behavioural problems. A child with moderate learning difficulties, round face, small head, slanting eyes, short fingers & a single palmar crease. Adult female with short stature, amenorrhoea, webbed neck & widely spaced nipples.


A B C D E F G H I J Alzheimers disease Food poisoning Opiate poisoning UTI Alcohol withdrawal Digoxin toxicity Electrolyte disturbance Severe anxiety state Multi-infarct dementia Chronic subdural haematoma

Consider the most likely diagnosis from those given above that will fit the descriptions of the patient below 1 A 90 year old woman who uses a Zimmer frame because of her OA & general frailty. She has a 3 day weakness of her left arm, which has worsened. Yesterday, she could not walk & became confused & incontinent. You find a flaccid paralysis of her arm & weakness of power in her leg. A very old patient in a nursing home, who has had 3 strokes & who is catheterised. She takes aspirin, & bendrofluazide for her blood pressure. She has become confused with a fever. A 30 year old man who lost his job as a publican 3 days ago. He has become confused, sweaty, & his limbs shake. He is very scared by these symptoms. His pulse is 120 & his blood pressure 100/60. A 70 year old woman was brought in by her husband. She has become more forgetful over the last few months. Last night she had let a pan of water boil dry & almost burnt the house down. A 19 year old girl found collapsed outside a local nightclub. She is drowsy, confused with abdominal cramps & diarrhoea. She is difficult to examine but you notice bilateral small pupils.


A B C D E F G H I J Subdural haematoma Dementia Hepatic encephalopathy Diabetic ketoacidosis Urinary tract infection Alcohol withdrawal Phenytoin toxicity Meningitis Schizophrenia Ecstasy overdose

Match the patient description with one of the above diagnoses 1 An elderly lady is found collapsed & confused at home by her district nurse. She had been fit & well until 3 days ago when she started behaving oddly & yesterday her neighbour found her wandering around in the road in her dressing gown. On examination, she has a low-grade fever, a tender abdomen & an unpleasant smell. A 62 year old hotel owner is in hospital for investigation of his jaundice. When you come to see him in the morning he is slurring his speech & doesnt seem to know where he is. You cant help noticing that his abdomen is grossly distended & his breath smells strangely sweet. A 21 year old diabetic student is brought into A&E by his friends. They say he has been acting weirdly all night & wondered if he was on drugs. A couple of hours ago he developed a fever & started vomiting. When you meet him he seems very irritable & is complaining that the lights are too bright. Examination reveals an erythematous rash over his back. You are called to see a 45 year old man who is known to have suffered a subarachnoid haemorrhage 2 months ago. In hospital he was prescribed an anti-convulsant to reduce the risk of seizure & has continued to take it, despite being discharged a fortnight ago. Over the past week he has become increasingly confused, lethargic & ataxic. On examination, he has nystagmus & an intention tremor & shows past-pointing. A 37 year old man has had half his ear bitten off in a fight & is admitted under the plastic surgeons. After being on the ward for a day & a half he becomes extremely agitated, claiming to see spiders & snakes crawling up the walls. Examination shows him to be tachycardic & sweaty but is otherwise unremarkable.


Cushings Syndrome
A B C D E F G H Low ACTH, low cortisol Low ACTH, high cortisol High ACTH, high cortisol Normal ACTH, high cortisol Normal ACTH, low cortisol High ACTH, low cortisol Low ACTH, normal cortisol High ACTH, normal cortisol

Match the investigation results with the patient. 1 2 3 4 5 A 62 year old male heavy, long term smoker presenting with infection of a wound which refuses to heal. A 72 year old lady under long term therapy for rheumatoid arthritis. An 18 year old woman with a family history of cortisol insufficiency, but with unimpaired aldosterone production. A 43 year old woman man who initially presented with a bilateral hemianopia & has gone on to develop Cushingoid signs. A 55 year old man, whose abdominal CT shows a suspicious adrenal gland.


A B C D E F G H I J K L M Eczema Scabies Psoriasis Pityriasis rosea Malignant melanoma Pemphigoid Discoid lupus SLE (systemic lupus erythematosis) Shingles Tynea Ringworm BCC (basal cell carcinoma) Chicken pox

For each patient below, choose the SINGLE most likely cause of the symptom from the above list of options. Each option may be used once, more than once or not at all. 1 2 3 4 5 6 A 4 year old child with dry excoriated rash affecting the ante cubital & popliteal, fossae, the wrists & ankles. A 2 year old child with an itchy vesicular rash over the trunk & scalp. A 20 year old man with a rash on both elbows. The rash consists of well defined erythematous plaques with adherent silvery scales. A 40 year old man with joint pains was noted to have nail pitting plus sublingual hyperkeratosis. He also had a rash on the scalp margin. A 70 year old man with itchy blisters & tense bullae over his body, especially in the flexural areas. A 30 year old lady with an erythematous rash over her cheeks & nose in the shape of a butterfly. The rash first appeared after a holiday in the Mediterranean. She also complained of hair loss & mouth ulcers. A 70 year old man under investigation for a chronic cough, weight loss & haemoptysis developed left sided chest pain followed by an area of erythema & grouped vesicles. A 25 year old man developed a rash 4cms in diameter on the right side of his chest. Several days later some smaller discrete lesions appeared on his trunk. A 30 year old lady developed a very itchy popular rash on her trunk, sides of her fingers & hands & in the webs of her fingers. Her partner also has a similar rash.

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A 70 year old man with a popular lesion in the left temporal area. The lesion is small & glistening with a central necrotic area. A 40 year old lady noticed that a mole on her neck has increased in size, became darker in colour & started to itch. The border & edge of the mole is irregular & it has bled on a number of occasions.


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