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Republic of the Philippines


College of Engineering
Geotechnical Engineering 1 Laboratory Manual
AASHTO T 87 - 86

2.1. Program Outcomes (POs) Addressed by the Experiment

PO. b. ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
PO. d. ability to function on multidisciplinary teams
PO. e. ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
PO. k. ability to use techniques and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice

2.2. Experiment’s Intended Learning Outcomes (EILOs)

At the end of this experiment the student shall be able to:
a. arrange the preparation procedures of disturbed soil samples for different soil tests
b. classify the prepared soil sample for each soil test
c. practice the preparation of disturbed soil as received from the field relevant to
professional engineering practice

2.3. Objective of the Experiment

The aim of this experiment is to introduce to the student the method of preparation of disturbed soil
sample for future laboratory testing.

2.4. Principle of the Experiment

This method describes the preparation of disturbed soil and soil aggregate samples as received
from the field for subsequent tests by reducing aggregates of particles into sizes which will pass
certain sieves.

2.5. Materials and Equipment

1 unit Balance sensitive to 0.1 g to conform to the requirements of AASHTO M
231 Oven with temperature control, capable of maintaining 110 
Sample Splitter
1 set Standard Sieves, 19 mm, 4.75 mm, 2.00 mm, and 0.425 mm
Pulverizing Apparatus - Mortar and Rubber-covered Pestle

2.6. Procedures
For Mechanical Test
115 g for sandy soil
and, 35 g for silty
or clayey soil

Mechanical Analysis – material passing 2.00 mm sieve. If sufficient amount of material is

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Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering

retained on a 2.00 mm or 4.75 mm, the following table shall be used for obtaining samples:

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Geotechnical Engineering 1 Laboratory Manual

Table 2.6.1 Minimum Mass of Soil depending on the Largest Particle Size

Largest Particle Size Minimum Mass

9.50 mm 0.5 kg
25.0 mm 2.0 kg
50.0 mm 4.0 kg
75.0 mm 5.0 kg

For Specific Gravity

100 g of clay when the volumetric flask is used and/or,
40 g of clay when the stoppered bottle is used

For Atterberg Limit

200 g of silty clay / clayey soil material

For Compaction Test

3 to 3.5 kg clayey soil material

1. Obtain the required quantity of sample for each test by the method of quartering or by a sample
splitter. The aggregation of soil particle shall be broken up by pulverizing apparatus. Care should
be taken so that individual particles are not broken.
2. Separate the sample for mechanical sieve analysis and physical tests into two portions by means of
a 2.00 mm sieve. Ground the portion retained in the mortar with a rubber-covered pestle to reduce
the size of aggregation into individual grains. Separate the ground soil with the 2.00 mm sieve.
Repeat the pulverizing and sieving operation, if necessary, to obtain a sufficient quantity of samples
passing the 2.00 mm sieve for the mechanical analysis and specific gravity tests. Set aside the
portion retained on the 2.00 mm sieve for coarse analysis.
3. Mix thoroughly the portions passing the 2.00 mm sieve in Step 3, and weigh the required quantity,
as specified under the mechanical sieve analysis.
4. Separate the remaining portion of the sample passing the 2.00 mm sieve into two portions with a
0.425 mm sieve. Ground the portion retained in a mortar with a rubber-covered pestle to further
reduce the size of aggregations. Separate the ground soil with the 0.425 mm sieve. Repeat the
pulverizing and sieving operation, if necessary, to obtain a sufficient quantity of samples passing
the 0.425 mm sieve for the limit tests.
5. Mix thoroughly the portions passing the 0.425 mm sieve in Step 5, and set aside for the limit tests.
6. Separate the sample for compaction test with a 4.75 mm sieve. Ground the portion retained in the
mortar with a rubber-covered pestle to break up particle aggregation. Separate the ground soil
passing the 4.75 mm sieve. Repeat the pulverizing and sieving operation, if necessary, to obtain the
required quantity of sample for the compaction test.
7. Mix thoroughly the portions passing the 4.75 mm sieve in Step 7, and set aside for the compaction

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Geotechnical Engineering 1 Laboratory Manual

2.7. Experiment Report

Course: Experiment No.:

Group No.: Section:
Group Members: Date Performed:
Date Submitted:

2.7.1. Discussion

2.7.2. Conclusion

2.8. References

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Offcials. (1994). AASHTO LFRD Bridge Design Specifications.
Washington D.C., United States of America: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Offcials.

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. (1994). AASHTO ND T 87 - 86. In Preparation of Disturbed
Soil Sample. Washington D.C., United States of America: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

Bureau of Research and Standards. (2014). Laboratory Testing Procedures Manual, Soils and Aggregates (Vols. I - Soil and
Aggregates). Philippines: Department of Public Works and Highways.

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