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BIR Form No.

2551Qv2018 Page 1 of 1

BIR Form No.

2551Q Quarterly Percentage Tax Return

January 2018 (ENCS)
Page 2

TIN Taxpayer's Last Name (if Individual) / Registered Name (if Non-Individual)
278 384 854 000 ragasa irish cresencia
Schedule 1 - Computation of Tax (Attach additional sheet/s, if necessary)
Alphanumeric Tax Code (ATC) Taxable Amount Tax Rate Tax Due
1 PT 010  80,650.00 1.0 % 806.50
2 -  0.00 0.00 % 0.00
3 -  0.00 0.00 % 0.00
4 -  0.00 0.00 % 0.00
5 -  0.00 0.00 % 0.00
6 -  0.00 0.00 % 0.00

7 Total Tax Due (Sum of Items 1 to 6) (To Part II Item 14) 806.50
Table 1 - Alphanumeric Tax Code (ATC)
ATC Percentage Tax On
PT 010 Person exempt from VAT under Sec. 109(BB) (Sec. 116) 3%
PT 040 Domestic carriers and keepers of garages (Sec. 117) 3%
PT 041 International Carriers (Sec. 118) 3%
PT 060 Franchises on gas and water utilities (Sec. 119) 2%
PT 070 Franchises on radio/TV broadcasting companies whose annual gross receipts do not exceed P10 M (Sec. 119) 3%
PT 090 Overseas dispatch, message or conversation originating from the Philippines (Sec. 120) 10%
PT 140 Cockpits (Sec. 125) 18%
Tax on amusement places, such as cabarets, night and day clubs, videoke bars, karaoke bars, karaoke television, karaoke boxes, music lounges and other
PT 150 18%
similar establishments (Sec. 125)
PT 160 Boxing Exhibition (Sec. 125) 10%
PT 170 Professional Basketball Games (Sec. 125) 15%
PT 180 Jai-alai and Race Tracks (Sec. 125) 30%
Tax on Banks and Non-Bank Financial Intermediaries Performing Quasi-Banking Functions (Sec. 121)
1) On interest, commisions and discounts from lending activities as well as income from financial leasing, on the basis of remaining maturities of instruments from
which such receipts are derived
PT 105 - Maturity period is five (5) years or less 5%
PT 101 - Maturity period is more than five (5) years 1%
PT 102 2) On dividends and equity shares and net income of subsidiaries 0%
PT 103 3) On royalties, rentals of property, real or personal, profits from exchange and all other gross income 7%
PT 104 4) On net trading gains within the taxable year on foreign currency, debt securities, derivatives and other financial instruments 7%
Tax on Other Non-Bank Financial Intermediaries not Performing Quasi-Banking Functions (Sec. 122)
1) On interest, commissions and discounts from lending activities as well as income from financial leasing, on the basis of remaining maturities of instruments from
which such receipts are derived
PT 113 - Maturity period is five (5) years or less 5%
PT 114 - Maturity period is more than five (5) years 1%
PT 115 2) From all other items treated as gross income under the code 5%
PT 120 Life Insurance Premiums (Sec. 123) 5%
Agents of Foreign Insurance Companies (Sec. 124)
PT 130 1) Insurance Agents 10%
PT 132 2) Owners of property obtaining insurance directly with foreign insurance companies 5%

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