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Experiment 4: Analysis of deflection under transverse

loading- The case of Cantilever beam.

Total Marks: 20

Student Name: ________________ Reg. No. ___________ Date: __________

Problem Statement:

To study the slope and deflection of the beam at any given point due to applied
transverse load.


In a cantilever bar, as shown in Figure 1, one side of the bar is fixed and the other side is
free. This is known as a trivalent support which transmits normal force, transverse force
and moment. The bar is therefore supported in a statically determined manner. A
prismatic beam subjected to pure bending is bent into an arc of circle and that, within
the elastic range, the curvature of the neutral surface can be expressed as:
1 M (x )
= (
ρ EI
SEQ Equation ¿ ARABIC1)

Figure 1: Cantilever Beam

where M is the bending moment, E the modulus of elasticity, and I the moment of
inertia of the cross section about its neutral axis.

To determine the slope and deflection of the beam at any given point, we first derive the
following second-order linear differential equation, which governs the elastic curve
characterizing the shape of the deformed beam:
d y M (x)
= (
dx EI
SEQ Equation ¿ ARABIC2)

The equation obtained is a second-order linear differential equation; it is the governing

differential equation for the elastic curve. The product EI is known as the flexural
rigidity and, if it varies along the beam, as in the case of a beam of varying depth, we
must express it as a function of x before proceeding to integrate equation (2). However,
in the case of a prismatic beam, which is the case considered here, the flexural rigidity is
constant. We may thus multiply both members of equation (2) by EI and integrate in x.
We write
EI =∫ M ( x ) dx+ C1 (
dx 0
SEQ Equation ¿ ARABIC3)

where C1 is a constant of integration. Denoting by θ(x) the angle, measured in radians,

that the tangent to the elastic curve at Q forms with the horizontal, and recalling that this
angle is very small, we have

=tan θ=θ( x ) (
SEQ Equation ¿ ARABIC4 )

Thus, we write equation (3) in the alternative form

EIθ ( x )=∫ M ( x ) dx +C1 (
SEQ Equation ¿ ARABIC5)

Integrating both members of equation (5) in x we have

x x
EIy=∫ dx ∫ M ( x ) dx+ C1 x+C 2 (
0 0
SEQ Equation ¿ ARABIC6 )

[∫ ]
x x
EIy=∫ M ( x ) dx+C 1 dx+C 2 (
0 0

SEQ Equation ¿ ARABIC7 )

where C2 is a second constant.

The constants C1 and C2 are determined from the boundary conditions or, more
precisely, from the conditions imposed on the beam by its supports.

The equation for the deflection f of the bar at the point of application of force, as shown
in Figure 2, is:
F L3
y= (
SEQ Equation ¿ ARABIC8 )

Figure 2: Cantilever beam-Boundary Conditions

Deflection is proportional to the load F and inversely proportional to the modulus of

Elasticity E and planer moment of inertia (PMI) Iy. The length of the bar is cubed.

The equation of the elastic line of a cantilever bar loaded with a single force, as shown
in Figure 3, is as follows for the loaded section II,

[ ]
3 3
Fa x 2 x2
y= 2−3 + 3 (
6EIy a a
SEQ Equation ¿ ARABIC9 )

where 0 ≤ x2 ≤ a

In the unloaded section I between the point of application of the force and the free end,
the deflection is a linear function of the length and the inclination α in the point of
application of force. This is not bending, but slanting.

F a3
3EIy ( )
+ ( b−x )
F a2

SEQ Equation ¿ ARABIC10)

Experimental Setup

The WP 950 Deformation of Straight Beams apparatus, as shown in Figure 4, allows

for a broad spectrum of experiments on the deformation of a bending bar.

Figure 4: WP 950 Deformation of Straight Beam


1. Stable frame
2. Load weights
3. Articulated supports
4. Dynamometers
1. The material under consideration is elastic and isotropic.
2. The normal deflection is very small compared to the length of the beam.
3. Cross section of the beam is uniform.
4. Internal strain energy of the member only accounts for bending moment deformations.

1. Fasten the support pillar to the frame.

2. Clamp the bar in the support pillar.
3. Place the rider on the bar and lock in the required position.
4. Attach the dial gauge to the frame with the holder in such a way that the tracer pin is
touching the flattened part of the rider bolt.
5. Set the dial gauge to zero with the bar unloaded. To do so, adjust the holder and rotate
the scale for precise adjustment.
6. Suspend the load weight at the end of the beam, read the deflection on the dial gauge
and note down the readings in Table 1Table 2Table 3Table 4.

Figure 5 shows experimental setup of Cantilever beam.

Figure 5: Experimental setup of Cantilever beam

• Length of the bar, L = 1000 mm
• Width of the bar, w = 20 mm
• Height of the bar, h = 6 mm
• Steel bar, E=210 kN/mm2
Table 1: Experimental and Theoretical values of Case 1

Case 1

a = 800 mm load =
Calculated Deflection
Position Measured Deflection (mm)
x2 = 0

x2 = 200

x2 = 400

x2 = 600

x2 = 800

x1 = 0
x1 = 100

x1 = 200

Table 2: Experimental and Theoretical values of Case 2

Case 2

a = 800 mm load =
Calculated Deflection
Position Measured Deflection (mm)
x2 = 0

x2 = 200

x2 = 400

x2 = 600

x2 = 800

x1 = 0
x1 = 100

x1 = 200
Table 3: Experimental and Theoretical values of Case 3

Case 3

a = 600 mm load =
Calculated Deflection
Position Measured Deflection (mm)
x2 = 0

x2 = 200

x2 = 400

x2 = 600

x1 = 0

x1 = 100
x1 = 200

x1 = 300

Table 4: Experimental and Theoretical values of Case 4

Case 4

a = 600 mm load =
Calculated Deflection
Position Measured Deflection (mm)
x2 = 0

x2 = 200

x2 = 400

x2 = 600

x1 = 0

x1 = 100
x1 = 200

x1 = 300
Results and Conclusion
a) Fill the above tables with calculated and measured values.

b) Drive the equation of the elastic curve (Slope and Deflection) for the following


Figure 6: Cantilever Beam

c) Plot the elastic curve for your case and compare measured deflection with
calculated deflection. Comment on the difference.

d) Compare and comment the deflection and slope at point A and C, on the beam,
from the numerical problem.


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