Summative in TLE 9 Cookery

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Summative in TLE-9

NAME: ____________________________________ 11. Which of the following are for slicing, shredding and
GRADE&SECTION: _________________________ cutting tools?
A. graters, kitchen knife, kitchen shears, paring knife
Multiple Choice: Read each item carefully and write the B. measuring cups, mixing bowl, measuring spoon
letter of the correct answer on the space before each C. scraper, spatula, wooden spoons
number. D. mixer, range, refrigerator/freezer, oven
1. Erin’s favorite dessert is ice cream, which tool should 12.Ryan is a cheese monger, who specializes in selling
she use in scooping ice cream? cheese. The following are the general type of cheese
A. Baster B. dipper based on consistency he needs to consider to have a
C. potato masher D. scooper good sale, EXCEPT one.
2. It is usually sweet course or dish (as of pastry or soft A. hard B. semi-hard
serve) usually served at the end of a meal. C. soft D. very soft
A. Cheese B. Dessert 13. Andrea is given a short notice to prepare dessert in
C. Fruit Juice D. Sandwich welcoming their new neighbor. What type of dessert she
3. Imee is a baker and fond of making homemade chiffon needs to prepare that is the simplest and is considered
cakes. Which of the following tools she needs to use for the best dessert?
whipping eggs or butter, and for blending other A. cheese B. custard
ingredients? C. fruits D. puddings
A. grater B. scraper 14. Which of the following is NOT a healthy fruit dessert
C. spatula D. whisks characteristic?
4. Which of the following is a set of individual spoons A. appetizing aroma
used to measure small quantities of ingredients like salt, B. extremely sweet
baking powder and others? C. simple and attractive
A. funnels B. measuring cup D. slightly chilled temperature
C. measuring spoon D. spatula 15. What do you call to another excellent dessert that is
5. Which of the following equipment is a thermally ready to serve?
insulated compartment used to store food at a A. cheese B. custard
temperature below the ambient temperature of the room C. fruits D. puddings
and is necessary in preventing bacterial infections from 16. What type of dessert is made up of fruit juices, water,
foods? and sugar?
A. blender B. mixer A. cheese B. fruit cobbler
C. range D. refrigerator C. puddings D. sherbet and ices
6. Which of the following equipment is used to chop, 17. What do you call to the type of dessert that has two
blend, mix, whip, puree, grate, and liquefy foods? (2) to three (3) inches deep and are topped with biscuit
A. blender B. mixer dough rather than pie crust?
C. range D. refrigerator A. cheese B. fruit cobble
7. The following statements are the reasons for eating C. pudding D. sherbet and ices
desserts and sweets, EXCEPT one. 18. What type of dessert is easy to make and vary with
A. to gain fats sauces?
B. an opportunity to experience different flavors and A. cheese B. fruit cobbler
textures C. gelatin dessert D. puddings
19. What do you call to a smooth frozen concoction of
C. to feel like a kid again
milk, cream, sugar, flavorings, and occasionally eggs?
D. an opportunity to be creative A. custard B. fruits
8. It is used to level off ingredients when measuring C. gelatin dessert D. ice cream
and/or to spread frostings. 20. Which of the following is NOT the characteristic of
A. graters B. scraper baked custard?
C. spatula D. spoons A. simple
9. Ramil is a mango vendor which of the following tool he B. firmness of shape
needs to use to help him peel the fruit faster? C. smooth, tender texture
A. can opener B. kitchen shears D. rich and creamy consistency
C. knives D. vegetable peeler 21. The following statements are the reasons for eating
10.It comes in wood and plastic, used to protect the table desserts and sweets, EXCEPT one.
while slicing bread, fruits or other ingredients that needs
A. an opportunity to experience different flavors and
A. Cutting board B. salamanders
C. Slicer D. Knife B. an opportunity to be creative
C. to gain fats
D. to feel like a kid again

22. It is used to level off ingredients when measuring and

to spread frostings. 33. Which of the following is NOT the characteristic of
A. spatula B. scraper baked custard?
C. graters D. spoons A. simple
23. It is made of stainless steel with a sharp double B. firmness of shape
blade that swivels, used to scrape vegetables such as C. smooth, tender texture
carrots, potatoes and to feel fruits. D. rich and creamy consistency
A. can opener B. kitchen shears 34. What type of dessert is a smooth frozen concoction
C. vegetable peeler D. knives of milk, cream, sugar, flavorings, and occasionally eggs?
24. The blade has a two-sided, serrated edge, used to A. custard B. fruits
section citrus fruits. C. gelatin dessert D. ice cream
A. steak knife B. citrus knife 35. What do you call to another excellent dessert that is
C. fruit knife D. paring knife ready to serve?
25. The following are chef’s knives, used for peeling and A. cheese B. custard
slicing fruits and vegetables, EXCEPT one. C. fruits D. puddings
A. steak knife B. citrus knife 36. What do you call to the type of dessert that has two
C. fruit knife D. paring knife (2) to three (3) inches deep and are topped with biscuit
26. In THE class, your group is tasked to prepare and dough rather than pie crust?
bake a cake. All members are assigned in different A. cheese B. fruit cobblers
responsibilities for the cooking activity. You are assigned C. puddings D. sherbet and ices
to bring tools that will measure a small quantity of 37. Which of the following is NOT the general types of
ingredients. What tool are you going to bring? cheese based on consistency?
A. measuring spoon B. measuring cup A. hard B. semi-hard
C. mixing bowl D. spatula C. soft D. very soft
27. Your sister is preparing desserts for the family. While 38. What type of dessert is easy to make and vary with
cutting the fruits, he accidentally hit his finger. The sauces?
statements below are ways in proper handling of tools A. cheese B. fruit cobblers
and equipment in order to avoid such accidents, C. gelatin dessert D. puddings
EXCEPT one. 39. What is the name of the dessert course or dish that is
A. handle sharp-edge tool with care traditionally served at the end of a meal?
B. keep your cutting tools sharp and in good A. appetizer B. dessert
condition C. sauce D. stock
C. work with oily or greasy hands 40. Which of the following is NOT a healthy fruit dessert
D. follow the correct procedure in using every tool characteristic?
28. Which of the following tools is used for whipping A. appetizing aroma
eggs or butter, and for blending gravies, sauces and B. moderately sweet
soups? C. simple and attractive
A. grater B. spatula D. slightly chilled Temperature
C. whisks D. scraper
29. It is a wooden or plastic board where fruits and
vegetables are cut.
A. wooden spoons B. cutting board
C. grater D. scraper
30. Which of the following tools is used for measuring
small quantities of ingredients like salt and baking
A. measuring cup B. funnels
C. measuring spoon D. spatula
31. What type of dessert is made up of fruit juices, water,
and sugar?
A. cheese B. fruit cobblers
C. puddings D. sherbet and ices
32. The simplest and best desserts are _______because
they are nutritious, appetizing, and simple to prepare and
serve. What do you call to this dessert?
A. cheese B. custard
C. fruits D. puddings

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