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Submitted By:
Name of student: NIVEDITA MEWAR
Enrolment No.: 06420601720 Batch: 2020-2023


Name: Ms. Taruna Tokas Name:
Designation: Associate Professor Designation: HR Intern

Trinity Institute of Professional Studies

Affiliated To Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University


This is to certify that the project work “DETAILED

made by Nivedita Mewar, BBA (G), 06420601720 is
an authentic work carried out by her under guidance
and supervision of Ms. Taruna Tokas.

The project report submitted has been found satisfactory

for the partial fulfilment of the degree of Bachelor of
Business Administration.

Project supervisor

Ms. Taruna Tokas


It is in particular that I am acknowledging my sincere

feeling towards my mentors who graciously gave me their
time and expertise.

They have provided me with the valuable guidance,

sustained efforts, and friendly approach. It would have been
difficult to achieve the results in such a short span of time
without their help.

I deem it my duty to record my gratitude towards External

project supervisor Ms. Indra and Internal the project
supervisor Ms. Taruna Tokas who devoted his/her
precious time to interact, guide and gave me the right
approach to accomplish the task and helped me to enhance
my knowledge and understanding of the project.

Name of Student-: Nivedita Mewar

Enrol. No-: 06420601720
Course-: BBA (G)
Sem/shift-: Vth Sem/1st Shift

I hereby declare that the following documented project report

is an original and authentic work done by me for the partial
fulfilment of Bachelor of Business Administration degree
program at “growth central VC”

I hereby certify that all the Endeavour put in the fulfilment

of the task are genuine and original to the best of my
knowledge & I have not submitted it earlier elsewhere.

Name of Student -: Nivedita Mewar

Course & Shift -: BBA (G) & 1st Shift
Enrol. No-: 06420601720
Table of content Particulars Page
1 Executive Summary
2 Literature review
3 Introduction to Growth Central VC
4 Research methodology
 Research objective of the study
 Data collection
 Dataprocessing

5 Data analysis & interpretation

6 Findings
7 Limitation & Recommendation
8 Conclusion
9 Bibliography
10 Questionnaire

Recruitment and selection are two of the most

important functions of personnel management.
Recruitment precedes selection and helps in
selecting a right candidate.

Recruitment is a process to discover the sources of manpower to

meet the requirement of the staffing schedule and to employ
effective measures for attracting that manpower in adequate
numbers to facilitate effective selection of efficient personnel.

Staffing is one basic function of management. All managers have

responsibility of staffing function by selecting the chief executive and
even the foremen and supervisors have a staffing responsibility when
they select the rank-and-file workers.

However, the personnel manager and his personnel department is

mainly concerned with the staffing function.

Every organization needs to look after recruitment and selection in the

initial period and thereafter as and when additional manpower is
required due to expansion and development of business activities.
Right person for the right job is the basic principle in recruitment and
selection. Ever organization should give attention to the selection of
its manpower, especially its managers. The operative manpower is
equally important and essential for the orderly working of an
enterprise. Every business organization/unit needs manpower for
carrying different business activities smoothly and efficiently and for
this recruitment and selection of suitable candidates are essential.


Recruitment is the Process of finding and attracting capable applicants

for employment. The Process begins when new recruits are sought
and ends when their applications are submitted. The result is a pool of
application from which new employees are selected.

The recruitment process comprises of five interrelated stages viz
1. Recruitment Planning
2. Strategy development
3. Searching Sources
4. Screening
5. Selection Process

Now, a brief description of these follows:

1.Recruitment Planning: The first step involved in the recruitment

process is planning. Here, planning involves to draft a comprehensive
job specification for the vacant position, outlining its major and minor
responsibilities; the skills, experience and qualifications needed; grade
and level of pay, starting date; whether temporary or permanent; and
mention of special conditions, if any, attached to the job to be filled.
2.Strategy Development: Once it is known how many with what
qualifications of candidates are required, the next step involved in this
regard is to devise a suitable strategy for recruiting the candidates in
the organization.

The strategic considerations to be considered may include issues like

whether to prepare the required candidates themselves or hire it from
outside, what type of recruitment method to be used, what
geographical area be considered for searching the candidates, which
source of recruitment to be practiced, and what sequence of activities
to be followed in recruiting candidates in the organization.

3.Searching: This step involves attracting job seekers to the

organization. There are broadly two sources used to attract candidates.
These are:

i. Internal Sources

ii. External Sources

INTERNAL SOURCES: Best employees can be found within the

organization. When a vacancy arises in the organization, it may be
given to an employee who is already on the pay-roll. Internal sources
include promotion, transfer and in certain cases demotion. When a
higher post is given to a deserving employee, it motivates all other
employees of the organization to work hard. The employees can be
informed of such a vacancy by internal advertisement. The Internal
Sources Are –

1. Transfers
2. Promotions
EXTERNAL SOURCES: All organizations have to use external
sources for recruitment to higher positions when existing employees
are not suitable. More persons are needed when expansions are
undertaken. The external sources are -
1. Advertisement

2. Employment Exchanges

3. Schools, Colleges and Universities

4. Recommendation of Existing Employees

5. Factory Gates

6. Casual Callers

7. Central Application File

8. Labor Unions & Contractors

9. Former Employees

4.Screening:Though some view screening as the starting point of

selection, we have considered it as an integral part of recruitment. The
reason being the selection process starts only after the applications
have been screened and shortlisted. Let it be exemplified with an

In the Universities, applications are invited for filling the post of

Professors. Applications received in response to invitation, ie.,
advertisement are screened and shortlisted on the basis of eligibility
and suitability. Then, only the screened applicants are invited for
seminar presentation and personal interview. The selection process
starts from here, ie., seminar presentation or interview.

Job specification is invaluable in screening. Applications are screened

against the qualification, knowledge, skills, abilities, interest and
experience mentioned in the job specification. Those who do not
qualify are straightway eliminated from the selection process.
The techniques used for screening candidates vary depending on the
source of supply and method used for recruiting Preliminary
applications, de-selection tests and screening interviews are common
techniques used for screening the candidates.

5.Evaluation and Control: Given the considerable cost involved in

the recruitment process, its evaluation and control is, therefore,
The costs generally incurred in a recruitment process include:
(i) Salary of recruiters.
(ii) Cost of time spent for preparing job analysis, advertisement
(ii) Administrative expenses
(iv) Cost of outsourcing or overtime while vacancies remain unfilled
(v) Cost incurred in recruiting unsuitable candidates

In view of above, it is necessary for a prudent employer to try to

answer certain questions like: whether the recruitment methods are
appropriate and valid? And whether the recruitment process followed
in the organisation is effective at all or not? In case the answers to
these questions are in negative, the appropriate control measures need
to be evolved and exercised to tide over the situation.

• To attract people with multi skills and experience that suits the
present and future
organizational strategies.

• To infuse fresh blood at all level of organization.

To develop an organizational culture that attracts competent people to
the company.
• To search out for talent globally and not just with in the company.


The general purpose of recruitment is to provide a pool of potentially

qualified job candidates.

Specifically, the purposes are to:

1. Determine the present and future requirement of the organization in

conjunction with its personnel planning and job analysis activities;
2. Increase the job pool of job candidates at minimum cost;
3. Help increase the success rate of the selection process by reducing
the number visibly under qualified or job application;
4. Help reduce the probability that job applicants, once recruited
selected, will leave the organization only after a short period of time;
5. Meet the organizations legal and social obligation regarding the
composition of its workforce:
6. Being identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will
be appropriate candidates:
7. Increase organization individual effectiveness in the short term and
long term;
8. Evaluate the effectiveness of various recruiting technique and
sources for all types of job applicants.


There are a number of factors that affect recruitment. These are
broadly classified into two categories:

1. Internal factors

2. External factors

1. INTERNAL FACTORS : The internal factors also called as

"endogenous factors" are the factors within the organization that
affect recruiting personnel in the organization.
Some of these are:-

I. Size of the organization

II. Recruiting policy
III. Image of the organization
IV. Image of the job

2. EXTERNAL FACTORS: Like internal factors, there are some

factors external to organization, which have their influence on
recruitment process. Some of these are given below:-I Demographic
factors II
Labor market
III Unemployment situation
IV Labor laws
V Legal consideration


internal source of recruitment. Obviously, it can be done in terms of
its advantage and disadvantage the same are spelled out as follows:

ADVANTAGES: The advantages of the internal source of

recruitment include the following: 1. Familiarity with own
employees2. Better use of the talent 3. Economical recruitment
4. Improves morale
5. Motivator
DISADVANTAGES: The main drawback associated with the
internal recruitment is as follows:
1. Limited choice
2. Discourage competition
3. Stagnation of skills
4. Creates conflicts


source of recruitment, external sources are mixed of advantages and

1. Open process
2. Availability of Talented Candidates
3. Opportunity to Select the Best Candidate
4. Provides healthy competition

DISADVANTAGES: 1. Expensive and time consuming

2. Unfamiliarity with the Organization
3. Discourage the Existing Employee
The general purpose of recruitment is to provide a pool of potentially
qualified job candidates. Specifically, the purposes are to:
 Determine the present and future requirements of the
organization in conjuction with its personnel planning and job-
analysis activities.
 Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost.
 Help increase the success rate of the selection process by
reducing the number of visibly under qualified or overqualified
job applicants.
 Help reduce the probability that job applicants, once recruited
and selected, will receive the organization only after a short
period of time.
 Meet the organization's legal and social obligations regarding
the composition of its workforce.
 Begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who be
appropriate candidates.
 Increase organizational and individual effectiveness in the short
term and long term.
 Evaluate the effectiveness of various recruiting techniques and
sources for all types of job applicants.


Given its key role and external visibility, recruitment is naturally

subject to influence of several factors. These include external as well
as internal forces.


SELECTION must be differentiated from recruitment, though these

are two phases of employment process. Recruitment is considered to
be a positive process as it motivates more of candidates to apply for
the job. It creates a pool of applicants. It is just sourcing of data.
While selection is a negative process as the inappropriate candidates
are rejected here. Recruitment precedes selection in staffing process.
Selection involves choosing the best candidate with best abilities,
skills and knowledge for the required job. Employee Selection is the
process of putting right men on right job. It is a procedure of
matching organizational requirements with the skills and
qualifications of people. Effective selection can be done only when
there is effective matching. By selecting best candidate for the
required job, the organization will get quality performance of
employees. Moreover, organization will face less of absenteeism and
employee turnover problems. By selecting right candidate for the
required job, organization will also save time and money. Proper
screening of candidates takes place during selection procedure. All the
potential candidates who apply for the given job are tested.
The Employee selection Process takes place in following order-
Step 1: Preliminary Interviews
Step 2: Application blanks
Step 3: Written Tests
Step 4: Employment Interviews
Step 5: Medical examination
Step 6: Appointment Letter


Whatever form the applications take, there may be a need to sift them
before moving on to the interview stage. Such a sift serves to match
the applicants as closely as possible to the job and person
specification and to produce a shortlist of people to interview. To
avoid any possibility of bias, such sifting should be undertaken by
two or more people, and it should involve the direct line
manager/supervisor as well as personnel. The sifting stage can also
help the organization by providing feedback on the advertising
process and the suitability of the application form. It can also identify
people who might be useful elsewhere in the organization. If
references or medicals are to be taken up before the invitation to
interview stage, it should be made clear on the application
form/information pack sent to the applicant.


In some companies there will be a personnel or human resource
specialist who will undertake most of the sifting and short listing. It is
very important that the line manager/supervisor for the job also be
involved, both at the job and person specification stage and at the
interview stage. The final selection will thus normally be a joint
decision, except in those very small companies where only a line
manager/supervisor is available to do the recruitment of staff.

There is a variety of methods available to help in the selection
interviews, tests (practical or psychometric), assessment centers, role
plays and team exercises, to name a few. Usually a range of methods
will be used by the organization process including depending on the
type of job to be filled, the skills of the recruiter and the budget for

INTERVIEWS:Most jobs are filled through interviews. The

interview has two main purposes to find out if the candidate is
suitable for the job, and to give the candidate information about the
job and the organization. Every candidate should be offered the same
opportunities to give the best presentation of themselves, to
demonstrate their suitability and to ask questions of the interviewer.

A structured interview designed to discover all relevant information

and assess the competencies of the applicant is an efficient method of
focusing on the match between job and candidate. It also means that
there is a consistent form to the interviews, particularly important if
there are a number of candidates to be seen.

Unstructured interviews are very poor for recruiting the right

person. The structured interview is most likely to be effective in
obtaining specific information against a set of clearly defined criteria.
However, not every manager is skilled at interviewing, and may not
be able to judge efficiently the applicant's skills and competencies.
Ideally all interviewers should receive training, including the equal
opportunities aspects of recruitment and the relevant legislation.


 The reading the application form, job and person specifications

to identify areas which need further exploration or clarification

 Interviewer should prepare by planning the questions. In some

interviews it is appropriate to ask only one or two questions to
encourage the candidate to talk at length. on certain subjects. In
others it may be better to ask a series of short questions on
several different areas. If there is more than one interviewer,
different people can cover different topics, eg job knowledge,
training, qualifications. Do not ask for personal information or
views irrelevant to the job. Do not ask potentially discriminatory
questions such as 'Are you planning to have children in the next
few years?"

 Being ready for the candidates' questions, and trying to

anticipate what additional information they may seek.


Conduct the interview in an environment that will allow candidates to
give of their best. Arrange for there to be no interruptions, divert
telephone calls, welcome the candidate(s), and show them cloakroom
facilities, etcIf possible, let the candidate have a brief tour of the place
of work. This is particularly useful in the case of people new to the
job market (school-leavers, returning men and women), who may
have little or no experience of what to expect in a workplace. It may
also prove valuable in offering an additional opportunity to assess the
candidate's interaction with possible colleagues.

Consider whether any adjustments need to be made to accommodate

an interviewee who has indicated a disability on the application form
it is easy to overlook simple adjustments that may be reasonable to

 Candidates with hearing impairment may not only need to be

able to clearly see the interviewer as they are talking, but may
need communication support if they are not to be placed at a

 Is there an alternative to steps for access to the building? Can

the interview take place elsewhere, where access might be easier
for someone with a physical disability?


After identifying the sources of human resources, searching for

prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in an
organization, the management has to perform the function of selecting
the right employees at the right time. The objective of the selection
decision is to choose the individual who can most successfully
perform the job from the pool of qualified candidates. The selection
procedure is the system of functions and devices adopted in a given
company to ascertain whether the candidate's specifications are
matched with the job specifications and requirements or not.

The selection process can be successful if the following requirements

are satisfied:

 Someone should have the authority to select. This authority

comes from the employment requisition.

 There must be some standard of personnel with which a

prospective employee may be compared ie. a comprehensive job
description and job specification should be available

 There must be enough applicants from whom the required

number of employees may be selected.
There is a no standard selection process that can be followed by all
the companies in all the Companies may follow different selection
techniques or methods depending upon the size of the company,
nature of the business, kind, and number of persons to be employed.
government regulations to be followed etc. Thus, each company may
follow any one or the possible combinations of methods of selection
in the order convenient or suitable to it.
Following are the selection methods generally followed by the
Selection procedure employs several methods of collecting
information about the candidate's qualifications, experience,
physical and mental ability, nature and behavior,
knowledge, aptitude and the like for judging whether a
given applicant is or is not suitable for the job. Therefore,
the selection procedure is not a single act but is essentially a
series of methods or stages by which different types of
information can be secured through various selection
techniques. At each step, facts may come to light, which are
useful for



Work by Korsten (2003) and Jones et al. (2006):

According to Korsten (2003) and Jones et al. (2006), Human
Resource Management theories emphasize on techniques of
recruitment and selection and outline the benefits of
interviews, assessment and psychometric examinations as
employee selection process. They further stated that
recruitment process may be internal or external or may also be
conducted online. Typically, this process is based on the
levels of recruitment policies, job postings and details,
advertising, job application and interviewing process,
assessment, decision making, formal selection and training
(Korsten 2003).
Jones et al. (2006) suggested that examples of recruitment
policies in the healthcare, business or industrial sector may
offer insights into the processes involved in establishing
recruitment policies and defining managerial objectives.
Successful recruitment techniques involve an incisive analysis
of the job, the labour market scenario/ conditions and
interviews, and psychometric tests in order to find out the
potentialities of job seekers. Furthermore, small and medium
sized enterprises lay their hands on interviews and assessment
with main concern related to job analysis, emotional
intelligence in inexperienced job seekers, and corporate social
responsibility. Other approaches to selection outlined by Jones
et al. (2006) include several types of interviews, role play,
group discussions and group tasks, and so on.
Any management process revolves around recruitment and
failure in recruitment may lead to difficulties and unwanted
barriers for any company, including untoward effects on its
profitability and inappropriate degrees of staffing or employee
skills (Jones et al. 2006). In additional, insufficient
recruitment may result into lack of labour or hindrances in
management decision making, and the overall recruitment
process can itself be advanced and amended by complying
with management theories. According to these theories, the
recruitment process can be largely enhanced by means of
Rodgers seven point plan, Munro-Frasers five-fold grading
system, personal interviews, as well as psychological tests
(Jones et al. 2006).

Work by Alan Price (2007):

Price (2007), in his work Human Resource Management in a
Business Context, formally defines recruitment and selection
as the process of retrieving and attracting able applications for
the purpose of employment. He states that the process of
recruitment is not a simple selection process, while it needs
management decision making and broad planning in order to
appoint the most appropriate manpower. There existing
competition among business enterprises for recruiting the
most potential workers in on the pathway towards creating
innovations, with management decision making and
employers attempting to hire only the best applicants who
would be the best fit for the corporate culture and ethics
specific to the company (Price 2007). This would reflect the
fact that the management would particularly shortlist able
candidates who are well equipped with the requirements of
the position they are applying for, including team work. Since
possessing qualities of being a team player would be essential
in any management position (Price 2007).

Work by Hiltrop (1996):

Hiltrop (1996) was successful in demonstrating the
relationship between the HRM practices, HRM-organizational
strategies as well as organizational performance. He
conducted his research on HR manager and company officials
of 319 companies in Europe regarding HR practices and
policies of their respective companies and discovered that
employment security, training and development programs,
recruitment and selection, teamwork, employee participation,
and lastly, personnel planning are the most essential practices
(Hiltrop 1999). As a matter of fact, the primary role of HR is
to develop, control, manage, incite, and achieve the
commitment of the employees. The findings of Hiltrop’s
(1996) work also showed that selectively hiring has a positive
impact on organizational performance, and in turn provides a
substantial practical insight for executives and officials
involved. Furthermore, staffing and selection remains to be an
area of substantial interest. With recruitment and selection
techniques for efficient hiring decisions, high performing
companies are most likely to spend more time in giving
training particularly on communication and team-work skills
(Hiltrop 1999). Moreover the finding that there is a positive
connection existing between firm performances and training is
coherent with the human capital standpoint. Hence, Hiltrop
(1996) suggests the managers need to develop HR practices
that are more focused on training in order to achieve
competitive benefits.

Work by Jackson et al. (2009) and Bratton and Gold


As discussed by Jackson et al. (2009), Human resource

management approaches in any business organization are
developed to meet corporate objectives and materialization of
strategic plans via training and development of personnel to
attain the ultimate goal of improving organizational
performance as well as profits. The nature of recruitment and
selection for a company that is pursuing HRM approach is
influenced by the state of the labour market and their strength
within it. Furthermore, it is necessary for such companies to
monitor how the state of labour market connects with
potential recruits via the projection of an image which will
have an effect on and reinforce applicant expectations. Work
of Bratton & Gold (1999) suggest that organizations are now
developing models of the kind of employees they desire to
recruit, and to recognize how far applicants correspond to
their models by means of reliable and valid techniques of
selection. Nonetheless, the researchers have also seen that
such models, largely derived from competency frameworks,
foster strength in companies by generating the appropriate
knowledge against which the job seekers can be assessed.
However, recruitment and selection are also the initial stages
of a dialogue among applications and the company that shapes
the employment relationship (Bratton & Gold 1999). This
relationship being the essence of a company’s manpower
development, failure to acknowledge the importance of
determining expectation during recruitment and selection can
lead to the loss of high quality job seekers and take the initial
stage of the employment relationship so down as to make the
accomplishment of desirable HRM outcomes extremely
difficult. In the opinion of Bratton and Gold (1999),
recruitment and selection practices are essential characteristics
of a dialogue driven by the idea of “front-end” loading
processes to develop the social relationship among applicants
and an organization. In this relationship, both parties make
decisions throughout the recruitment and selection and it
would be crucial for a company to realize that high-quality job
seekers, pulled by their view of the organization, might be lost
at any level unless applications are provided for realistic
organization as well as work description. In view of Jackson
et al. (2009) and Bratton & Gold (1999) applicants have a
specific view of expectations about how the company is going
to treat them; recruitment and selection acts as an opportunity
to clarify this view. Furthermore, one technique of developing
the view, suggested by Bratton and Gold (1999), are realistic
job previews or RJPs that may take the form of case studies of
employees and their overall work and experiences, the
opportunity to “cover” someone at work, job samples and
videos. The main objective of RJPs is to allow for the
expectations of job seekers to become more realistic and
practical. RJPs tend to lower initial expectations regarding
work and a company, thereby causing some applications to
select themselves; however RJPs also increase the degree of
organization commitment, job satisfaction, employee
performance, appraisal and job survival among job seekers
who can continue into employment (Bratton & Gold 1999)
Jackson et al. (2009).

Work by Silzer et al (2010):

However, the process of recruitment does not cease with
application of candidature and selection of the appropriate
candidates, but involves sustaining and retaining the
employees that are selected, as stated by Silzer et al. (2010).
Work of Silzer et al. (2010) was largely concerned with
Talent management, and through their work they were
successful in resolving issues like whether or not talent is
something one can be born with or is it something that can be
acquired through development. According to Silzer et al
(2010), that was a core challenge in designing talent systems,
facing the organization and among the senior management.
The only solution to resolve the concern of attaining efficient
talent management was by adopting fully-executable
recruitment techniques. Regardless of a well-drawn practical
plan on recruitment and selection as well as involvement of
highly qualified management team, companies following
recruitment processes may face significant obstacles in
implementation. As such, theories of HRM can give insights
in the most effective approaches to recruitment even though
companies will have to employ their in house management
skills for applying generic theories across particular
organizational contexts. Word conducted by Silzer et al
(2010) described that the primary objective of successful
talent strategies is to create both a case as well as a blueprint
for developing the talent strategies within a dynamic and
highly intensive economy wherein acquisition, deployment
and preservation of human capital-talent that matter,, shapes
the competitive advantages and success of many companies
(Silzer et al. 2010).
Work by Taher et al. (2000):
Toward that end Taher et al. (2000) carried out a study to
critique the value-added and non-value activities in a
recruitment and selection process. The strategic manpower
planning of a company, training and development programme,
performance appraisal, reward system and industrial relations,
was also appropriately outlined in the study. This study was
based on the fact that efficient HR planning is an essence of
organization success, which flows naturally into employee
recruitment and selection (Taher et al. 2000). Therefore,
demand rather than supply must be the prime focus of the
recruitment and selection process and a greater emphasis must
be put on planning, supervising and control rather than
mediation. Extending this principle, a realistic approach to
recruitment and selection process was demonstrated, and the
study found that an organization is efficient only when the
value it commands exceeds the price involved in determining
the process of decision making or product. In other words,
value-added and non-value added activities associated with a
company’s recruitment and selection process impacts its role
in creating motivated and skilled workforce in the country
(Taher et al. 2000). Thus, the study identified the waiting
time, inspection time and filing time as non value added tasks
and the cost of advertisement as the only value added activity
in the overall process. Taher et al. (2000) investigated the
recruitment and selection section of Bangladesh Open
University. It was found that whenever the recruitment and
selection department of BOU received a recruitment request
of new applicants from other sections, the officials failed to
instantly advertise the vacancy in various media. The
university had to follow some long sequential steps prior to
doing so. After the vacancy is publicly advertised, what
followed were the bureaucratic formalities and complications
together with inspection and supervision by two departments
thereby causing unnecessary waiting in the recruitment and
selection process that eventually increases the cost of
recruitment by keeping the organization’s image at stake. The
study also witnessed some amount of repetition taking place
at every step of recruitment where the applications of
applicants circulating around too many departments for
verifications. This repetitive work tends to engage
unnecessary persons for a single task that results in
unnecessary delay in the decision and unjust wastage of
After careful consideration of similar problems in the BOU,
Taher et al. (2006) recommended for amending the
recruitment process by stating that firstly processes like job
analysis and searching internal and external sources must be
followed by direct advertisement of the post as the HR’s own
responsibility, and not by any intermediate officials. This will
eliminate the non-value activities. Secondly, Taher et al
(2000) suggested a ‘system’ to be introduced to ease the
respective department to study the shortlisted candidates,
which can be done only by the request of the HR department.
A medical assistance must be sought by BOU in regards to the
physical or mental abilities of applicants for the job function
as well as their workers compensation and risk. A procedure
needs to be devised pertaining to the privacy and
confidentiality of medical reports. Thus, this privacy and
decrease in noon-value added activity of the medical exam
can be sustained effectively by testing the applicants via
contracted medical advisors, or in-house doctors. Use of a
computer based HR system should be installed in BOU to
manage the pool of information about employees and to make
the organization to take just-in-time HR recruitment and
selection decisions.
Therefore, any organization is encouraged to development
real-time recruitment strategies that must attempt to generate a
pool of appropriately qualified and well-experienced
individuals so as to effectively initiate the selection strategies
and decisions. In essence, the potential applications are
encouraged to apply for the open vacancies and also the
relevant departments can engage in recruiting the best
candidates to upgrade the department’s performance (Taher et
al. 2000).
Chapter 3
Introduction to Growth Central

History of the firm

Growth Central VC are building a community of
students and aspiring Entrepreneurs. They help
students explore different career options through our
on-demand and cohort-based courses. They started in
February 2021 by offering an Entrepreneurship
Program where they help students validate their ideas
and take them from an idea to a pitch, teaching them
the necessary business skills and mind set needed to
embark on an entrepreneurial journey. They have
now partnered with Industry Experts and
Experienced Teachers to provide the best courses for
students, freshers, and professionals to up skill
themselves and break into any career path of their
choice. Their career-based courses are divided into 3
parts and guides us through the process of breaking
into a career path, learning the skills that are needed
and how to excel in it. Along with the career-based
courses they also offer curriculum courses from
classes 9th Up to College last year. After up skilling
themselves through their courses students can go
through our certification assessments to test their
skills. Assessments on different topics like Google
Ads, FB, IG ads, Python, C++, stock market, etc.
They are also building a hiring portal to make hiring
students easier for other companies. The companies
will be able to view our profiles and test us through
their assessments.

Their vision is to establish themselves as the go-to
place for students to up skill themselves, get certified
and get hired!
Motto: - “A better you weren’t built in a day.”

 Great learning experience
 Build onto your existing skills and learn new skills
learn how to build and manage a team
 Certificate of Internship
 Letter of Recommendation
 Stipend (based on sales)

Services provided by the company

 On demand courses
Company has on demand courses based on different
subjects and skills. These courses are great for learning
new skills and preparing

 Certification assessments
Looking to test your knowledge and get certified
company also has certification based on different

 Promotional packages
Whether you want to advertise a good/service or a job
opening. Company also helps in promotion.

 Training programs
Company helps to learn new skills and do a project in
the same field to learn the concepts in a more practical



When we talking about the recruitment and selection process in

company, the recruitment and selection process is very standardized.

The recruitment and selection process of GCVC can be explained by

the following:

1.Resumes from database/sources

Match the JD and JS (Job description & Job subscription)
3.Constraints to be detected (communication skill, technical
knowledge, last employment)
4.Joining of finally short listed candidates

When the candidate joins the company, training induction schedule is

prepared for the candidate.

Through this the candidate can able to know about the organization,
can be able to know about their superior and subordinate so that it
help the candidate to work comfortably. Introducing the new
employee who is designated as a probationer to the job, job location,
surroundings, organizations, organizations surroundings, and various
employees is the final stage of employment process.
This processes gains more significance as the rate of turnover is high
among new employees compared to that among senior employees.
This is mainly because of the problem of adjustment adaptability to
the new surrounding and environment.
Induction is the process of receiving and welcoming an employee
when he/she first joins a company and giving him the basic
information he needs to settle down quickly and happily and start

Chapter 4
Research methodology

Research objective of the study

 To study the Recruitment & Selection process in
 To check validity of recruitment procedure according to
current competitive scenario.

 To find out the effectiveness of the methods used for the

Recruitment & Selection

 To give suggestions about the recruitment and selection


SCOPE OF THE STUDY: The scope of my study is confined to

GCVC only to know how recruitment & selection helps in providing
the potential candidates to the organization. Recruitment & Selection
includes information related to the way of obtaining the potential
candidates ie. the way of elimination or rejection procedure.

RESEARCH DESIGN Research is a systematic attempt to obtain

answers to meaningful questions about phenomena or event
through the application of scientific procedure in other words
Research can be defined as methodical, unbiased and competent
investigation of a subject matter to establish principles. Research
has special significance in identifying and solving various
operational and business problems of business and industry.
Research is directed towards the solution of problem.

Data collection
Primary source

Sampling design
Interns will be population for questionnaire

Sampling unit

I decided to study the candidates who applied for the

internship for different departments of GROWTH CENTRAL

Sampling size
As the name indicates, sample size refers to the number of
respondents or the size of the sample, which is to be surveyed. Here
the sample size taken for the study was 50.

Sampling area
Sampling area will be Delhi.

Sampling technique
Sampling technique used is simple random sampling

Sampling instrument

Types of questions
Questionnaire has short answer and multiple-choice
Chapter 5
Data analysis & interpretation

A questionnaire was prepared for the purpose of getting
candidates suitable for different department after the
application ofselection and recruitment process.

ANALYSIS OF THE DATA The analysis of the data is done

as per the survey finding. The data is represented graphically
in percentage. The percentage of the people opinion were
analyzed and expressed in the form of charts and have been
placed in the next few pages.
Q1.What is your Gender?
responses No. of respondents
Male 31
Female 19
Total 50

pie chart

38% male


Interpretation: -
As per the above diagram,
62% i.e. 31 of the respondents were male,
38% i.e. 19 of the respondents were female

Q2.What is your age?

responses No. of respondents
18 3
19 5
20 15
21 10
22 10
23 3
24 3
25 1
Total 50

16 15

10 10

6 5
4 3 3 3
2 1
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Interpretation: -
As per the above diagram
6% i.e. 3 of the respondents were 18 years old
10% i.e. 5 of the respondents were 19 years old
30% i.e. 15 of the respondents were 20 years old
20% i.e. 10 of respondents were 21 years old
20% i.e. 10 of respondents were 22 years old
6% i.e. 3 of the respondents were 23 years old
6% i.e. 3 of the respondents were 24 years old
2% i.e. 1 of the respondent were 25 years old

Q3.Do you know any source to get internship given

Responses No. of the respondents 27
Intern Shala 39
LinkedIn 35
Other 11


other 11

linkedin 35

internshala 39 27

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

Data interpretation: -
As per above diagram,
54% i.e. 27 of the respondents know about,
78% i.e. 39 of the respondents know about Internshala,
70% i.e. 35 of the respondents know about LinkedIn,
22% i.e. 11 of the respondents know about other.
Q4.Do you know about LinkedIn?
Responses No. of respondents
Yes 35
No 15
Total 50

pie chart




Data interpretation:-
As per above diagram,
70% i.e. 35 of the respondents know about LinkedIn,
30% i.e. 15 of the respondents did not know about

Q5.Is it very difficult to get internship?

Responses No. of respondents
Strongly disagree 12
Disagree 10
Neutral 7
Agree 11
Strongly agree 10
total 50

pie chart

24% 24%

strongly disagree
strongly agree

22% 20%


Data interpretation: -
As per above diagram,
24% i.e. 12 of the respondents strongly disagree that getting
internship is difficult,
20% i.e. 10 of the respondents disagree that getting
internship is difficult,
14% i.e. 7 of the respondents have neutral response,
22% i.e. 11 of the respondents agree that getting internship
is difficult,
20% i.e. 10 of the respondents strongly agree that getting
internship is difficult.

Q6.Is it safe to use LinkedIn to get internship?

Responses No. of respondents
Yes 28
No 5
Maybe 17
Total 50

pie chart



34% 56%

Data interpretation: -
As per the above diagram,
56% i.e. 28 of the respondents think yes such platforms are
safe to get internship,
10% i.e. 5 of the respondents think such platforms are not
safe to get internship,
34% of the respondents think maybe such platforms are
safe to get internship.
Q7.Do you get paid internship?
Responses No. of respondents
Yes 38
No 12
total 50

pie chart




Data interpretation:-
As per the above diagram,
76% i.e. 38 of the respondents get paid for internship,
34% i.e. of the respondents do not get paid internship.

Q8.what kind of internship do you do?

Responses No. of respondents
Office 18
Work from home 21
Hybrid 11
total 50

pie chart


work from home


Data interpretation:-
As per the above diagram,
36% i.e. 18 of the respondents work in office,
42% i.e. 21 of the respondents work from,
22% i.e. 11 of the respondents work in hybrid mode.

Q9.What is the time period of your internship?

Responses No. of respondents
3 months 12
6 months 15
9 months 11
other 12
total 50

pie chart

24% 24%

3 months
6 months
9 months


Data interpretation:-
As per the above diagram,
24% i.e. 12 of the respondents did 3 months internship,
30% i.e.15 of the respondents did 6 months internship,
22% i.e. 11 of the respondents did 9 months internship,
24% i.e. 12 of the respondents had the response other.
Q10.what is your reason to do internship?
Responses No. of respondents
Experience 34
Money 37
To learn 17
Other 9

bar graph

other 9

to learn 17
bar graph

money 37

experience 34

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Data interpretation:-
As per the above diagram,
68% i.e. 34 of the respondents did internship for
74% i.e. 37 of the respondents did internship for money,
34% i.e. 17 of the respondents did internship to learn,
18% i.e. 9 of the respondents did internship for other
Chapter 6

 Yes more than 70% people know about LinkedIn

 Result shows that there aremore than one way to get an
 56% of people think it is safe to use LinkedIn to get
 76% people do not get paid for internship
 68% people do internship for experience

Limitations & Recommendation

 The respondents for the above survey was low
 The survey was not very specific on the topic
 The age of group was a bit large ( 18 to 25)
 The survey did not have enough question for better result
 The respondents did not feel encouraged to provide accurate,
honest answers for the survey
 Less availability of time for the research work.

 Less expertise or skills.

 Lack of Scientific training in the methodology of research.

 Difficulty of timely and adequate secretarial assistance.

 Difficulty of timely published data.
 Run out of database many times since most of the candidates
would have already been Contacted

 The respondent were less interested in answering the

questionnaire, as they felt that it was an interruption to their
regular work
RECOMMENDATIONS: Bottom Line of HR initiatives

As my scope of study is on recruitment process and recruitment

process is the foremost & important process in every organization. Tie
up with more & more consultants from multiple segments. Know
what you're looking for in candidates. The company should made
online process for filling PP Form and the PI form ie the predictive
index form so that the process become less time consuming and
shortlisting of candidates should be done more easily which can help
the organization to call up only those person who are eligible and fit
to their vacancy and can save money and time both.
The organization need some more professionals in the HR department
which help the organization to achieve their goals and to move the
process smoothly and fastly. Punching machine should be put on one
place with a security guard so that chance of proxy will reduce.

1.Better incentives and additional benefits should be provided to meet

the competitive threat in growing market.
2.They should go for newer techniques of the Recruitment &
Selection. The company should try to celebrate the diversity to reduce
the work force diversity.
3.They should try to reduce the organizational challenges ie.
competitive position, decentralization, and downsizing.
4.They should try to reduce the environmental challenges ie. the
internet revolution and job redefinition .

The two months training period has been a very valuable
experience for me from the entire study conducted.
Recruitment and selection are getting very much importance
these days in the organization. It is a systematic procedure
that involves many activities. The process includes the step
like HR planning attracting applicant and screening them. It
is very important activity as it provides right people in right
place at right time. It is not an easy task as organization's
future is depends on this activity. If suitable employees are
selected which are beneficial to the organization it is at safe
side but if decision goes wrong it can be dangerous to the
organization. So it is an activity for which HR department
gets very much importance.

Recruitment and selection procedure and its policies

changed as per the organization. Its importance also gets
changed as the organization changed. It can be clearly
concluded that for a company to succeed all it takes is the
proper recruitment and selection strategies which also
shapes the overall manpower management of the company.
By conclude this literature review, the study emphasizes on
the fact that the recruitment and selection process is
integrated with other processes such as strategic plan of the
company, training and development schemes,
compensation, rewarding/incentive system, performance
appraisal, and lastly, industrial relations. Furthermore,
according to Silzer et al (2010), there exist several reasons
why the most apparent information have been more
promising; including the well-structured nature of
interviews, the use of questionnaires based on a job
analysis, inclusion of panel of interviewers, the practice of
note-making during the interview, and the use of rating
scale based on behavioural factors to gauge the
interviewee’s answers all play an integral part in the
improvement of the recruitment validity.
Chapter 9

1.UKEssays. (November 2018). Literature Review: Recruitment
and Selection Process. Retrieved from
Chapter 10

Q1 what is your name?

Q2 How have you prepared yourself for this kind of position?

Q3 what is your age?
Q4 Do you know any source to get internship given below?
b) Intern Shala
c) LinkedIn
d) Other

Q5 Do you know about LinkedIn?

a) Yes
b) No

Q6 is it very difficult to get internship?

a) Strongly disagree
b) Disagree
c) Neutral
d) Agree
e) Strongly agree
Q7 is it safe to use LinkedIn to get internship?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Maybe

Q8 Do you get paid internship?

a) Yes
b) No

Q9 what kind of internship do you do?

a) Office
b) Work from home
c) Hybrid

Q10 what is the time period of your internship?

a) 3 months
b) 6 months
c) 9 months
d) Other

Q11 what is your reason to do internship?

a) Experience
b) Money
c) To learn
d) Other

What would you say are your 3 major strengths? How will these
strengths help you in this position?
What would you say are your principal weaknesses or shortcomings?
How might these interfere with your success in this position? How
might you overcome them?
What was the most creative or original contribution you made to your
last organization? If any.
How many people were in the largest group that you have supervised?
What kinds of positions were involved?


What do you want to be doing 5 years from now?

Where do you see your career going in the longer run?
How did you get into this field?
Why did you select the educational program you chose? ?
What kinds of books and periodicals do you read?
How do you spend you leisure time?


What is your definition of success?

Who has exercised the greatest influence on you? What did you learn
from her/him?
What are the qualities that make for a great organization, in your
What do think might be your most important contribution to our
What would you expect would happen on your first day on the job?

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