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Civil Engineering


Building Services course

Third Class

All Branches
‫بســــم هللا الرحمـن الرحيــــــــــم‬

List of Contents:
1. Chapter one: Type of Pipes and fittings Used in Plumbing.
2. Chapter Two: Design of Cold & Hot Water Systems.
3. Chapter three: Building Drains and Sewer pipes System
4. Chapter four: Building Storm Water System Design.
5. Chapter five: Fire Fighting System Design.

1. Mechanical and Electrical Equipment for Buildings.
By: William J. Mc. Guinness& Benjamin Stain.
By: Fred Hall and Roger Greeno. Fourth edition.

Chapter One
Type of Pipes and fittings used in Plumbing

A-Type of pipes
1-Supply Pipes or Service Pipes
The pipes which are leading from the distribution main of water supply to the
plumbing system of house are known as service pipes. These service pipes are
made from different materials as classified below.
 Copper pipes
 Galvanized iron pipes
 Polythene pipes
 Lead pipes
Copper Pipes
When ground water is highly corrosive to metals then copper pipes are used
(Figure 1.1). Copper have high corrosive resistance when compared to other
pipe metals and they also have considerable strength, reasonable ductility.
They are available in long lengths in the market. They can bare high pressure
so; these pipes are also used for industrial purposes for heavy flows.

Figure 1.1: Copper Pipes

Galvanized Iron Pipes
When compared to copper pipes, G.I pipes or steel pipes are very economical
(Figure 1.2.) But they corrode easily in soft and acid waters. In the other case
galvanized iron pipes are much stronger than copper pipes so, we can use these
pipes in places where chance of corrosion is less or in hard water areas.
Hammering is needed to remove the scales formed by hard water.

Figure 1.2: Galvanized Iron Pipes

Polythene Pipes
Polythene pipes or plastic pipes (Figure 1.3) are used for cold water services.
Nowadays, plastic pipes dominate the others by some advantages as follow
a. Do not corrode
b. Cheap in cost
c. Less weight
d. Ease of installation
e. Do not require threading
f. Resistant to bacterial scale
So, these are mostly used in the world but they are limited to cold water
supplies. They do not sustain high temperature.

Figure 1.3: Polythene Pipes

2-Drain Pipes or Waste Disposal Pipes

Pipes used in drainage system are made of different materials. Which are as
1. Concrete pipes

2. Cast iron pipes

3. Stone ware pipes

4. PVC pipes

5. Asbestos cement pipes

Concrete Pipes
For heavy drainage water disposal, concrete pipes of large diameters are used
(Figure 1.4). Smaller diameter pipes are used for small flows. These are made
of concrete only; no reinforcement is provided. These are pre casted pipes.

Figure 1.4: Polythene Pipes

Cast Iron Pipes

Cast Iron Pipes (Figure 1.5) are made by pouring molten iron into sand molds.
These are used for rain water disposal, waste water disposal etc. they are
available only in shorter lengths.

Figure 1.5: Cast Iron Pipes

Stoneware Pipes
These are manufactured in ceramic industries by burning soft soil in high
temperature. These are used for carrying drainage in underground. For
installation of stoneware pipe skilled workers are required.
Figure 1.6: Cast Iron Pipes

PVC Pipes
PVC Pipes (Figure 1.7) are used for both supply system and drainage system.
These are very economical and easy to maintain. Soil pipes, kitchen waste
pipes are generally PVC pipes.

Figure 1.7: Cast Iron Pipes

Asbestos Cement Pipes

These pipes are very cheap compared to all but they can break easily (Figure
1.8). They are provided as vent pipes, soil pipes, rain water pipes etc

Figure 1.8: Asbestos Cement Pipes

B-Types of Pipe Fittings in Plumbing System

Different pipe fittings and their functions are explained below.
 Elbow
 Reducer
 Tee type
 Cross type
 Coupling
 Unions
 Adaptors
 Plug
 Cap
 Valve

Elbow Pipe Fittings

Elbows (Figure 1.9) are used to change the direction of flow between two
pipes. Elbows are generally available with an angle of 22.5 o, 45o and 90o. If
pipes are of same diameter then normal elbows are used otherwise Reducer
elbows are used. Elbows are made of different materials. These are generally
coming with female threads and we can fix them by butt or socket welding

Figure 1.9: Elbow Pipe Fittings

Reducer Pipe Fittings

Reducer (Figure 1.10) is a pipe fitting component which reduces the flow size
from larger to smaller by reducing size of pipe.

Figure 1.10: Reducer Pipe Fittings

Tee type Pipe Fitting

Tee type fitting (Figure 1.12) is a component of plumbing system which is in
T-shape. It is having one inlet and two outlets, outlets are arranged at 90 o to
the main line connection (inlet). It can also be used to combine the flow from
two inlets to one outlet. They are also available in different materials and
different sizes. If the 3 sides of T-fitting are similar in size then it is called
as Equal tee otherwise it is called as Unequal tee.

Figure 1.12: Tee type Pipe Fitting

Cross type
Cross type fittings contains 4 opening in 4 directions. These are connected
when there are 4 pipes are meeting at a point. Cross fittings are generally used
for fire sprinkler systems.

A coupling (Figure 1.13) is used to connect the pipes of same diameter.
Coupling is also useful if the pipe is broken or leakage occurs. Generally there
are two types of couplings are available. Compression couplings and slip
couplings. Compression coupling is regular coupling which is connected
between two pipes and it prevents leakage by the arrangement of gaskets or
rubber seals on both sides, otherwise glue are provided. Slip coupling is easier
to install and it contains two pipes which are arranged as one into other, inner
pipe can slide up to some length. So, we can fix long length damaged pipe by
slip coupling.

Figure 1.13: Coupling

Union is a type of fitting, which functions as similar to coupling. But coupling
cannot be removed after fixing but in this case we can remove the union
whenever we needed. Unions consists nut, male and female ended threads. So,
this is also useful for maintaining purpose of pipe.

Figure 1.14: Unions

If the pipes are not having special ends or plain ends then adaptors make them
threaded either male or female whichever is needed. Adopters are generally
used for copper and PVC pipes. Male adapters contain male threads and
female adapters contain female threads. One end of adapter is plain which is
glued or welded or soldered to the plain pipe end.

Figure 1.15: Adaptors

Plug is a component of plumbing component which is generally used to close
pipe opening during inspections and repairs. Plug are generally contains male

Cap is a type of pipe fitting which function is same as plug but the only
difference is plug contain male threads and cap contain female threads which
is screws on the male thread of pipe. These are available in different materials
like rubber, copper, steel, plastic etc.

Figure 1.16: Plug Figure 1.17: Cap

Valves in Pipe Fittings
Valves are components of plumbing system which are used to stop or regulate
flow of fluid in its path. Different types of valves are available depending up
on their applications.

Figure 1.18: Valve

Some important types of valves and its applications are listed below (Figure
 Gate valve, plug valve and Ball valve – used for isolation only
 Globe valve – used for throttling
 Check valve – used for preventing reverse flow (non-return)

The globe-type stop valve is used to control the flow of water at high
pressure. To close the flow of water the crutch head handle is rotated slowly in
a clockwise direction gradually reducing the flow, thus preventing sudden
impact and the possibility of vibration and water hammer.
The gate or sluice valve is used to control the flow of water on low pressure
installations. The wheel head is rotated clockwise to control the flow of water,
but this valve will offer far less resistance to flow than a globe valve. With use
the metallic gate will wear and on high pressure installations would vibrate.

Float valves are automatic flow control devices fitted to cisterns to maintain
an appropriate volume of water. Various types are in use.

Figure 1.19: important types of valves

‫‪Important definitions‬‬
‫انبوب توزيع المياه‪)WATER DISTRIBUTION PIPE( :‬‬
‫أنبوب ضمن المنشأ او المبنى ينقل المياه من انبوب خدمة المياه او من العداد عندما يكون األخير‬
‫موجودا في المبنى الى نقاط االستخدام‪.‬‬
‫انبوب خدمة الماء‪)WATER SERVICE PIPE( :‬‬
‫انبوب من الخط الماء الرئيس او العام او من أي مصدر لمياه الشرب او من العداد عندما يكون األخير‬
‫موجودا وينقل الماء الى منظومة توزيع المياه لممبنى المخدوم‪.‬‬
‫انبوب صاعد‪:‬‬
‫انبوب تزويد الماء يصعد الى ارتفاع طابق واحد او اكثر وينقل الماء الى األنابيب الفرعية والتراكيب‪.‬‬
‫(‪)WATER MAIN PIPE‬‬ ‫انبوب مياه رئيس‪:‬‬
‫انبوب مياه االسالة او منظومة انابيب توضع وتجري صيانتها من قبل المدينة اومنطقة او مقاطعة او‬
‫شركة خدمات عامة او أي دائرة عامة اخرى موضوعة في الممتلكات العامة او الشوارع والمرجو‬
‫استخدامها للمنفع العام‪.‬‬
‫انبوب مياه عمومي ‪/‬رئيس‪)PUBLIC WATER MAIN PIPE( :‬‬
‫انبوب اسالة للمياه لالستخدام العام ويتم التحكم به بواسطة سلطة عامة‪.‬‬
‫سخان الماء‪)WATER HEATER( :‬‬
‫أي جهاز تسخين او معدات تعمل على تسخين المياه الصالحة للشرب وتزود تلك المياه الى منظومة‬
‫توزيع الماء الحار‪.‬‬

Chapter Tow
Design of Cold & Hot Water Systems
2-1-Cold Water System
Systems of Cold Water Supply
1- Direct System of Cold Water Supply
For efficient operation, a high pressure water supply is essential particularly at
periods of peak demand. Pipework is minimal and the storage cistern
supplying the hot water cylinder need only have 115 liters capacity. The
cistern may be located within the airing cupboard or be combined with the hot
water cylinder. Drinking water is available at every draw-off point and
maintenance valves should be fitted to isolate each section of pipework. With
every outlet supplied from the main, the possibility of back siphonage must be
Back siphonage can occur when there is a high demand on the main. Negative
pressure can then draw water back into the main from a submerged inlet, e.g. a
rubber tube attached to a tap or a shower fitting without a check valve facility
left lying in dirty bath water.
2- Indirect System of Cold Water Supply
The indirect system of cold water supply has only one drinking water outlet, at
the sink. The cold water storage cistern has a minimum capacity of 230 liters,
for location in the roof space. In addition to its normal supply function, it
provides an adequate emergency storage in the event of water main failure.
The system requires more pipework than the direct system and is therefore
more expensive to install, but uniform pressure occurs at all cistern-supplied
outlets. The water authorities prefer this system as it imposes less demand on
the main. Also, with fewer fittings attached to the main, there is less chance of
back siphonage. Other advantages of lower pressure include less noise and
wear on fittings, and the opportunity to install a balanced pressure shower
from the cistern.

Figure 2.1 Direct System of Cold Water Supply

Figure 2.2 Indirect System of Cold Water Supply

Table 2.1: Cold Water Storage Calculations

At the design stage the occupancy of a building may be unknown. Therefore

the following can be used as a guide:

Example 2.1:
A 1000 m2 (net floor area) office occupied only during the day therefore allow
10 hours' emergency supply.
1000/10 = 100 persons ×40 litres = 4000 litres (24 hrs)
= 1667 litres (10 hrs)
Design of Cold water system
Pipe sizing
Correct pipe sizes will ensure adequate flow rates at appliances and avoid
problems e.g.
• Oversized Pipework
• Additional & unnecessary installation costs
• Delays in obtaining hot water at outlets
• Increased heat losses from hot water pipes
• Undersized Pipework
• Inadequate delivery from outlets
• Variation and fluctuation in temperature & pressure at outlets (e.g. showers
and other mixers)
• Increase in noise levels

• Pipe sizing procedure

• (a) Determine the flow rate:
• 1) Extracting the value of loading units (FU) for each fixture from Table
(2.2) then calculate the summation of (FU) for each pipe line, then
convert the (FU) summation to flow (G/m) using figure (2.4).
Note: multiply (FU) for each fixture supplied with hot and cold water by
• (b) Determine the effective pipe length (LE) for the critical fixture unit:
(Critical fixture unit is the fixture which had the less pressure and the
highest pipe path length from the source to it)

• 2) Work out the measured pipe length (L, ft.) for the Critical fixture
• 3) Work out the equivalent pipe length for fittings (L, ft.) for the Critical
fixture unit.
• 4) Work out the equivalent pipe length for friction losses (L, ft.) for the
Critical fixture unit.
• 5) Obtain the effective pipe length (LE) (L, ft.) for the Critical fixture
unit by adding (2), (3) & (4).
Where, (3) & (4) (fitting and friction losses) can be assumed as a percentage of
(2), the measured pipe length so,
LE = L (1+total loses %)
• (c) Calculate the net pressure for the critical fixture unit(psi) :
• 8) Determine the available head (psi) for the Critical fixture unit.
• 9) Determine the head loss (psi) for the Critical fixture unit.
Head loss for the Critical fixture unit = fixture height + Critical
fixture working pressure.

Net pressure (psi) = available head – head losses .

• (d) Calculate the friction loss in head (F) for the critical fixture unit
F = (Net Pressure/LE) ×100 (psi/100 ft.)
• (e) Determine the pipe diameter: decide the pipe diameter through
fundamental equations or by pipe charts figure(2.5)

Figure 2.3: Types of water supply

Figure 2.4: convert the (FU) to flow (G/m)

Table 2.2: Demand weights of fixtures in fixture unit

Type of Supply Weight in

Fixture or Group Occupancy
control fixture units
Water Closet Public Flush valve 10
do do Flush tank 5
Pedestal urinal do Flush valve 10
Stall or wall urinal do do 5
do do Flush tank 3

Lavatory do Faucet 2
Bathtub do do 4
Shower head Do Mixing valve 4
Service sink Office, etc. Faucet 3
Hotel or
Kitchen sink do 4

Water Closet Private Flush valve 6

do do Flush tank 3
Lavatory do Faucet 1
Bathtub do do 2
Shower head do Mixing valve 2

Flush valve for

Bathroom group do 8
Flush valve for
do do 6
Separate shower do Mixing valve 2
Kitchen sink do Faucet 2
Laundry trays do do 3
do do 3

Figure 2.5: Flow chart for fairly rough pipe.

Example 2.2:
For the Public building shown in Figure, Design the cold water system if:
(1)Critical fixture working pressure = 2.5m. (2) Height of critical fixture = 1.8
m. (3) Minor losses 20%.

tank B

10 m Grope 2 Grope 1
3 W.C.+2 L + 2 sh. 3m
1 C D 6m
2 W.C.+2 S.S.+3 U.
W.C. Public, flash tank 4m Grope 1 Grope 2
L Public, faucet F
G 3m H
Public, flash tank,
wall type
S.S Office, faucet
Public, Mixing

Fixture Fu
W.C 5 5
L 2 × 0.75 1.5
U 3 3
S.S. 3 × 0.75 2.25
Sh. 4 × 0.75 3

For critical fixture

F= (net pressure/ LE) ×100

Net Pressure (Psi) = available head – head losses

Available head = 10 m

Net pressure= 10 – (1.8+2.5) m= 5.7 m ×3.28 ft. /m= 18.7ft ×0.434 psi/ft. =
8.11 psi

Critical Line: ABCDE

L = (2 m+10 m+3+ 6 m+1.8 m) =22.8 m × 3.28 ft. /m =74.8 ft.

LE = L (1+total loses %) = 74.8× (1+0.2) = 74.8×1.2 = 89.76 ft

F= (8.11/89.76) ×100 = 9 psi/100 ft.

Grope (1) FU= 3×5+2×1.5+2×3=24

Grope (2) FU= 2×5+2×2.25+3×3=23.5

Line Sum. Fu Q Dia. In

HG 23.5 19 1,1/4
GF 47.5 27 1,1/2
FC 47.5 27 1,1/2
ED 24 19 1,1/4
DC 47.5 27 1,1/2
CBA 95 42 2

Example 2.3:
For the public building shown in Figure Design the cold water system if:
(1)Main head = 45 m. (2) Critical fixture working pressure = 2.75.
(3)Height of critical fixture = 1.8 m. (4) Minor losses 25 %.( 6) Gage losses
3 m.
H 9m I
Grope 1
2 W.C.+2 L + 2 Sh.
Grope 4m Grope 2
2 W.C.+2 S.S.+2 U Grope 1
W.C. Public, flash tank E 6m F 3m G
L Public, faucet
Public, flash tank,
wall type 4m
S.S Office, faucet Grope 2
Sh. Public, Mixing valve C 6m D


P = 45 m gag = 3m


Fixture Fu
W.C 5 5
L 2 × 0.75 1.5
U 3 3
S.S. 3 × 0.75 2.25
Sh. 4 × 0.75 3

For critical fixture

F= (net pressure/ LE) ×100

Net Pressure (Psi) = available head – head losses

Available head = 45 m

Net pressure= 45-(3+3×4+1.8+2.75) m × 3.28 ft./m)

= 83.4 ft. ×0.434 psi/ft. = 36.19 psi
Critical Line: ABHI
L = (6 m +3×4 m +9 m+ 1.8 m) × 3.28 ft. /m = 94.5 ft.
LE = L (1+ total loses %) = 94.5× (1+0.25) = 94.5×1.25 = 118.12 ft.

F= (36.19/118.12) ×100= 30.61

Grope (1) FU= 2×5+2×1.5+2×3=19
Grope (2) FU= 2×5+2×2.25+2×3=20.5

Line Sum. Fu Q Dia. In

IH 19 14 1
HE 19 14 1
GF 20.5 15 1
FE 39.5 24 1
EC 58.5 32 1,1/4
DC 20.5 15 1
CB 79 38 1,1/4
BA 79 38 1,1/4

Example 2.4:
For the Public building shown in Figure, Design the cold water system if:
Critical fixture working pressure = 2 m., Height of critical fixture = 1.8 m.,
Type of feeding (W.C.) is flush tank, Minor losses 25%.

Grope Fixture
E,H, Shower stall domestic B A ‫خزان ماء‬
K,N +Sink service (Ptrap)
D,G, 2 W.C. tank-operated
J,M +1Urinal wall lip
+1 Lavatory small P.o. 5m
Building OP = 1/4
Drain 5m
slop K


8m 8m

O Slop 1/4 P


Fixture Fu
W.C 5 5
L 2 × 0.75 1.5
U 3 3
S.S. 3 × 0.75 2.25
Sh. 4 × 0.75 3

For critical fixture

F= (net pressure/ LE) ×100

Net Pressure (Psi) = available head – head losses

Available head = 6 m

Net Pressure = (6-1.8-2) × 3.28 × 0.434 = 3.13 psi

Critical path = ABCDE
Critical path Length = (2+6+8+8+1.8) m = 25.8 m
Losses = 25%

Le =L × Losses (25%) =84.6× (1+0.25) = 105.78 ft.

F= (Net Pressure/LE ×100 = (3.13 psi /105.78 ft.)×100

=2.96 psi/100 ft.

Grope (E, H, K, N) ∑ Fu =5.25

Grope (D, G, J, M) ∑ Fu =14.5

NO. Line Sum. Fu Q Dia. In

1 NM 5.25 5 1
2 ML 19.75 14 1
3 LI 25 17 1,1/2
4 KJ 5.25 5 1
5 JI 19.75 14 1
6 IF 50 29 2
7 HG 5.25 5 1
8 GF 19.75 14 1
9 FC 75 37 2
10 ED 5.25 5 1
11 DC 19.75 14 1 or1,1/4
12 CB 100 44 2
13 BA 100 44 2

2- Hot Water
Pipe sizing procedure used in hot water is the same for cold water.
Note: in this system the heater is treated as a pipe where its length added to the
pipes length (L).

Calculation of hot water storage and heater capacity

For the calculation of hot water storage and heater capacity table (2-
3) is used.

Table (2-3) Estimated Hot Water Demand Characteristics for Various

Types of Buildings
Type of Hot Water Max. Hourly Duartion of Storage Heating
Building Required per Demand in Peak Load Capacity in Capacity in
Person (gal Relation to Hours Relation to Relation to
per day) Day’s Use Day’s Use Day’s Use
Residences, 𝟏 𝟏 𝟏
20 - 40
apartments, 4
hotels, etc. 𝟕 𝟓 𝟕

Office 𝟏 𝟏 𝟏
2 -3 2
buildings 𝟓 𝟓 𝟔

Factory 𝟏 𝟐 𝟏
5 1
buildings 𝟑 𝟓 𝟖

1- Hot water requirement /day = No. of person× Hot water
requirement per person
2- Storage for hot water (volume of tank) = Hot water requirement
/day × Storage capacity in relation to days use
3- Maximum hourly demand = Hot water requirement /day× max.
Hourly demand in relation to Days use.
4- Hot water required during peak period = Maximum hourly demand
× Duration of peak load hours.

5- Quantity of hot water available = Storage for hot water (volume of
6- Heater Capacity = (Hot water required during peak period -
Quantity of hot water available) / Duration of peak load hours.
7- Heater power (BTuh) = Heater Capacity(gph)×8.33(lb/gal)×∆Fo

Example 2.5:
For a sewing factory with 1000 workers, find, Hot water requirement /day,
Storage for hot water (volume of tank) and Heater power (BTuh) if the
temperature is raised to 90 Fo.
1- Hot water requirement /day = 1000 × 5 = 5000 gal / person.
2- Storage for hot water (volume of tank) = 5000 × 2/5 = 2000 gal
3- Maximum hourly demand = 5000× 1/3 = 16666.66 gal/hr.
4- Hot water required during peak period = 16666.66 gal/hr ×1=16666.66
5- Quantity of hot water available = 2000×0.7=1400 gal
6- Heater Capacity = (16666.66 gal/hr - 1400) / 1= 266.67 gal
7- Heater power (BTuh) = 266.67 gal ×8.33(lb/gal)×90 =

Chapter three
Building Drains and Sewer pipes System Design
Generally, in a house waste water is produced from different places like
kitchen, bathrooms, etc. figure 3.1 these whole waste is does not carried by
single pipe instead of different pipes are arranged to dispose the waste. The
types of waste water pipes are described below.
 Soil pipe
 Waste water pipe
 Rain water pipe
 Vent pipe
 Anti-siphon age pipe
Soil Pipe
A pipe which carries human excreta from water closet to septic tank is called
soil pipe. It is not connected to any other pipes except vent pipe. Soil pipe
should have 100mm diameter.
Waste water Pipe
A pipe which carries only liquid waste from kitchens, wash basins etc. is
called waste pipe figure 3.1. It does not carry human excreta. Horizontal waste
water pipes are having 30 to 50mm diameter and vertical wastewater pipes
have 75mm diameter.

Figure 3.1: waste water from different places

Rainwater Pipe
A pipe which carries rainwater from roofs during rains is called rain water
pipe. By providing this type of pipe we can prevent the accumulation of water
on roof top. The water collected is useful for gardening or farming. 75mm
diameter pipe is preferable for rain water disposal.

Figure 3.2: Rainwater Pipe

Vent Pipe
A pipe which is providing for the ventilation purpose to facilitate the exit of
foul gases into atmosphere figure 3.3. It is opened at top and bottom. It is
provided at least 1 m. higher than roof level. The main vent should be so
located as to provide a complete loop for circulation of air through the
wastewater-removal system.
As an alternative to direct extension through the roof, a vent stack may be
connected with a stack vent, if the connection is made at least 6 in above the
flood level.

Figure 3.3: Vent Pipe

Figure 3.4: Different type of ventilation systems.

Anti-Siphonage Pipe
A pipe which is installed for the purpose of preserving the water seal of traps
in drainage system is called anti siphonage pipe Figure 3.5. So, this is very
helpful to seal the back flow of drainage. Anti-siphon age pipe connected to
soil pipe should have 50mm diameter, connected to waste water pipe should
have 40mm diameter.

Figure 3.5: Anti-Siphonage Pipe

Stack discharge pipe: Main vertical pipe, conveying discharges from sanitary
appliances figure 3.6.
Branch discharge pipe: Pipe connecting sanitary appliances to a discharge
stacks or drains figure 3.6

Figure 3.6: Type of pipes according to its impediment.

Traps: Device that prevents the passage of foul air by means of water seal
figure 3.7. Separate traps are required for most fixtures not fitted with an
integral trap. The trap should be installed as close as possible to the unit

Figure 3.7: Traps

‫‪Important definitions‬‬
‫(‪)DISCHARGE PIPE‬‬ ‫انبوب تصريف‪/‬الجريان‪:‬‬
‫انبوب ينقل مطروحات التراكيب الصحية او االجهزة الصحية‪.‬‬
‫(‪)VENT STACK PIPE‬‬ ‫انبوب تنفيس‪:‬‬
‫انبوب تنفيس عمودي يوضع بشكل أساس بقصد خلق تدوير للهواء من والى أي جزء من منظومة‬
‫(‪)STACK VENT PIPE‬‬ ‫انبوب تنفيس عمودي‪:‬‬
‫امتداد أنبوب المياه العادمة او مياه الفضالت فوق اعلى مصرف افقي مرتبط بهذا األنبوب‪.‬‬
‫(‪)RELIEF VENT PIPE‬‬ ‫انبوب تهوية‪:‬‬
‫انبوب وظيفته األساسية السماح بتدوير الهواء بين منظومات الصرف والتهوية‪.‬‬
‫أنبوب صرف عمودي ‪)STACK PIPE( :‬‬
‫مصطلح عام يعني أي انبوب عمودي للمياه العادمة او مياه الفضالت اوعمود انبوب التهوية او أي‬
‫انابيب ناقلة داخلية تمتد الى طابق واحد على األقل مع او بدون افرع مجانبة ‪.‬‬
‫أنبوب مجرى صحي‪)SANITARY SEWER PIPE( :‬‬
‫مصرف في المبنى ينقل مياه المجاري فقط‪.‬‬
‫انبوب مياه أمطار‪)STORM SEWER PIPE( :‬‬
‫انبوب في المبنى ينقل مياه األمطار او غيرىا وال يتضمن مياه المجاري‪.‬‬
‫انبوب مياه عادمة‪)SOIL PIPE( :‬‬
‫انبوب ينقل مياه المجاري الحاوية على فضالت آدمية الى مصرف المبنى او الى مجاري المبنى‪.‬‬
‫انبوب مياه فضالت ‪)WASTE PIPE( :‬‬
‫انبوب ينقل مياه الفضالت فقط‪.‬‬
‫تأسيسات صحية‪)PLUMBING( :‬‬
‫الممارسة والمواد والتراكيب المستخدمة في نصب وصيانة و تمديد وتغيير كل األنابيب والتراكيب‬
‫واألجهزة الصحية والمالحق ضمن او قرب اي منشأ يتعلق بالصرف الصحي او صرف مياه األمطار‬
‫او انظمة التنفيس والتهوية ومنظومات تزويد المياه الخاصة او العامة‪.‬‬
‫((‪)FLOW CONTROL (Vented‬‬ ‫تحكم بالجريان‪:‬‬
‫وسيلة توضع في اعلى مرفق احتباس الروائح وذو فتحة تتحكم بمعدل الجريان خالل هذا المرفق فضال‬
‫عن انبوب تهوية سفلي من الفتحة يسمح بسحب الهواء الى التصريف‪.‬‬
‫تراكيب صحية‪)PLUMBING FIXTURE( :‬‬
‫وعاء او وسيلة مرتبط بشكل دائم او وقتي الى منظومة توزيع المياه للمبنى وتتطلب مصد را للمياه من‬
‫مطروحات مياه الفضالت مواد فضالت محمولة بالسائل او مياه مجاري اما مباشرة او بشكل غير‬
‫مباشر لمنظومة الصرف للمبنى او تتلمب ربط مصدر للمياه و مطروحات الى منظومة الصرف للمبنى‪.‬‬
‫تنفيس األنبوب العمودي‪)STACK VENTING( :‬‬
‫طريقة تنفيس تركيب او مجموعة تراكيب خالل األنبوب العمودي للمياه العادمة او الفضالت‪.‬‬
‫خزان او حوض‪)CISTERN( :‬‬
‫حوض او خزان صغير مزود بغطاء لخزن المياه في الدور او المزارع وهذا الحوض عادة يستعمل‬
‫لخزن مياه األمطار أيضا بقصد استعمالها ألغراض أخرى غير الشرب ويوضع الخزان في معظم‬
‫األحيان تحت األرض‪.‬‬

‫خزان شطف‪/‬النزح‪)FLUSH TANK( :‬‬
‫خزان مصمم مع صمام ملء وصمام شطف لشطف او كسح محتويات الحوض او الجزء المستخدم من‬
‫فتحة تنظيف‪)CLEANOUT( :‬‬
‫فتحة في منظومة الصرف تستخدم بقصد رفع أو إ زالة االنسدادات وهي على عدة أنواع منها نوع‬
‫السدادات قابلة للرفع او القلنسوة‪ /‬الغطاء ومنهاعلى شكل تركيب قابل للرفع او محبس تركيب‪.‬‬
‫فرع ‪ /‬تفرع‪)BRANCH( :‬‬
‫أي جزء من منظومة األنابيب باستثناء األنبوب الصاعد و األنبوب الرئيس أو األنبوب العمودي‪.‬‬
‫فرع انبوب التنفيس‪ /‬التهوية‪)BRANCH VENT( :‬‬
‫انبوب تنفيس‪/‬تهوية يربط واحد أو أكثر من أنابيب التهوية مع أنبوب تهوية الصرف العمودي‪.‬‬
‫فضالت‪)WASTE( :‬‬
‫المطروحات من أي تراكيب او أجهزة او مناطق او مالحق والتي ال تحتوي على فضالت آدمية‪.‬‬
‫مجرى صحي‪)SANITARY SEWER( :‬‬
‫مجرى ينقل مياه المجاري ما عدا مياه األمطار والمياه السطحية ا ولجوفية‪.‬‬
‫مجرى عمومي‪)PUBLIC SEWER( :‬‬
‫مجرى عام يتم التحكم به والسيطرة مباشرة من لدن سلطة عامة‪.‬‬
‫مجرى مياه أمطار‪(STORM SEWER( :‬‬
‫مجرى ينقل مياه األمطار والمياه السطحية والمياه تحت السطحية وغيرها من الفضالت المشاب ِهة‪ِ.‬‬
‫مجموعة الحمامات‪)BATHROOM GROUP( :‬‬
‫مجموعة من التراكيب تتكون من مرحاض ‪ ،‬مغسمة ‪ ،‬شور أوحوض استحمام مع أو بدون (شطافة) و‬
‫مصرف ارضية طاريء او كالهما‪ .‬وتقع مثل هذه التراكيب معا في نفس منسوب األرضية‪.‬‬
‫محبس بناية‪)BUILDING TRAP( :‬‬
‫وسيلة او ملحق او مجموعة من الملحقات يجري نصبها في مصرف البناية لمنع تدوير الهواء بين‬
‫منظومة الصرف للبناية وبين انبوب مجاري البناية‪.‬‬
‫محبس روائح‪)TRAP( :‬‬
‫ملحق او وسيلة تعمل كحاجز لمنع روائح غازات المجاري من دون التأثير على دفق مياه المجاري او‬
‫مياه الفضالت خالل المحبس‪.‬‬
‫مصرف‪)DRAIN( :‬‬
‫أي انبوب يحمل مياه الفضالت او الفضالت المحمولة بالماء في منظومة صرف المبنى‪.‬‬
‫مصرف بناية ثانوي‪) BUILDING SUBDRAIN( :‬‬
‫ذلك الجزء من منظومة الصرف الذي ال يصب المطروحات الى مجرى المبنى بالجاذبية‪.‬‬
‫(‪)BUILDING DRAIN‬‬ ‫مصرف بناية‪/‬مبنى‪:‬‬
‫ذلك الجزء في أوطأ نقطة في أنابيب منظومة صرف ويستلم التصاريف من انابيب المياه العادمة‪ ،‬مياه‬
‫الفضالت وغيرها من أنابيب الصرف داخل المبنى ويمتد مسافة (‪ 762‬ملم) من االنبوب ابعد من الجد‬
‫ران الخارجية للمبنى وينقل المطروحات الى انبوب مجرى المبنى‪.‬‬
‫منظومة تنفيس‪/‬تهوية‪)VENT SYSTEM( :‬‬
‫انبوب او مجموعة أنابيب يجري تركيبيا لتجهيز انسيابية للهواء الى او من منظومة الصرف او لتسييل‬
‫حصول تدوير للهواء ضمن مثل هذه المنظومة لحماية حواجز منع الرائحة من ارتدادها والضغط‬
‫مصرف مشترك‪)COMBINED SEWER( :‬‬
‫مصرف مشترك في المبنى ينقل مياه المجاري ومياه األمطار وغيرها‪.‬‬
‫مياه مجاري‪)SEWAGE( :‬‬
‫فضالت سائلة تحوي مواد حيوانية او نباتية عالقة او كمحلول وتشتمل هذه الفضالت على المواد‬
‫الكيميائية في المحلول‪.‬‬
‫ميل‪)SLOPE( :‬‬
‫انحدار خط االنبوب بالنسبة لمستوى افقي‪ .‬وفي اعمال الصرف يعبر عن الميل بمقدار اخفاض عدد‬
‫الوحدات العمودية بالنسبة للوحدات األفقية( نسبة مئوية) لطول األنبوب‪.‬‬

‫‪Plumbing system design‬‬

‫‪Pipe sizing is computed as follows:‬‬
‫‪1- Compute the fixture units using table (3-1).‬‬
‫‪2- Calculate the total fixture unit for each line.‬‬
‫‪3- Determine pipe diameter for branches and stacks using table (3-2).‬‬
‫‪4- Determine pipe diameter for Building Drain according to its slope using‬‬
‫‪table (3-3).‬‬

Table 3-1 Fixture Units per Fixture or Group
Fixture- Unit Value Minimum Size of
Fixture Type
as Load Factors Trap Inches
1 bathroom group consisting of water Tank water closet 6 3
closet, lavatory and bathtub or shower Flush-valve water closet
stall 3
Bathtub(with or without overhead
2 1½
Bidet 3 2
Combination sink and tray 3 Nominal 1½
Combination sink and tray with food-
4 Separate Traps 1½
disposal unit
Dental unit or cuspidor 1 1¼
Dental lavatory 1 1¼
Drinking Fountain 1½ 1
Dish washer, Domestic 2 1½
Floor Drains 1 2
Kitchen sink, domestic 2 1¼
Kitchen sink, domestic with food waste
3 1½
Lavatory 1 Small P.O. 1¼
Lavatory 2 Large P.O 1½
Lavatory, barber, beauty 2 1½
Lavatory, surgeon s 2 1½
Laundry Tray (1 or 2 compartments) 2 1½
Shower stall, domestic 2 2
Showers (group) per head 3 3
Surgeons 3 1½
Flushing rim (with valve) 8 3
Service (trap standards) 3 3
Service (P trap) 2 2
Pot, scullery, etc. 4 1½
Urinal, pedestal, syphone jet, blowout 8 Nominal 3
Urinal, wall lip 4 1½
Urinal stall, washout 4 2
Urinal trough (each 2-ft section) 2 1½
Wash sink (circular or multiple) each
2 Nominal 1½
set of faucet
Water closet, tank- operate 4 Nominal 3
Water closet, valve- operated 8 3


1- Individual vent = ½ diameter of trap or = 1.25 in whichever is more.

2- Stack vent = ½ diameter of stack or = 3 in whichever is more.

3- Circular vent = ½ diameter of branch or 1.25 in which ever is more, then

compare it with vent stack whichever is less

Example 3.1
For the public building shown Find the pipes diameters for the drain system if
building drain slop is 1/4.

6m 6m 6m 6m 3m 3m 6m


Grope Fixture
A,H 2 W.C. tank-operated+1Urinal wall lip+1
Lavatory small P.o.
I Main drain
B,C,D Shower stall domestic + J

,E,G Sink service (P trap)


Fixture Fu Trap
Dia. in
W.C 4 3
U 4 1,1/2
L 1 1,1/4
Sh. 2 2
S.S. 2 2

Grope (A, H) = 2×4+1×4+1=13

Grope (B, C, D, E, G) = 2+2=4

Line Type ∑Fu Dia. in

AB Soil Branch 13 3
BC Soil Branch 17 3
CD Soil Branch 21 4
DE Soil Branch 25 4
EF Soil Branch 29 4
HG Soil Branch 13 3
GF Soil Branch 17 3
FI Soil Stack 46 4
IJ Building Drain 46 4

Example 3.2
For the public building shown in Figure fined the pipes diameters for the drain
system if building drain slop is 1/4.

Grope 1 Grope 2 Grope 2

I 3m J 3m K 3m L

4m Grope 2
Grope 1 3 W.C.+2 L + 2 Sh. G 9m H
Grope 2 2 W.C.+2 S.S.+3 U
W.C. Public, tank-operated 4m Grope 2
L Public, small P.o. 9m
U Public, Urinal wall lip
Office, Sink service (P
S.S 4m
Grope 1
Sh. Public, Mixing valve C 6m D


6m B
Public drain


Fixture Fu Trap
Dia. in
W.C 4 3
L 1 1,1/4
U 4 2,1/2
S.S. 2 2
Sh. 2 2

Grope (1) = 3×4+2×1+2×2=18

Grope (2) = 2×4+2×2+3×4=24

Line Type ∑Fu Fu. Max Dia. In

LK Soil Branch 24 - 4
KJ Soil Branch 48 - 4
JI Soil Branch 66 - 4
IG Soil Stack 66 66 3 4
HG Soil Branch 24 - 4
GE Soil Stack 90 24 4 4
FE Soil Branch 24 - 4
EC Soil Stack 114 24 4 4
DC Soil Branch 18 - 3
CB Soil Stack 132 18 4 3
BA Building Drain 132 - 4

Example 3.3
For the public building shown in Figure fined the pipes diameters for the drain
system if building drain slop is 1/4.

Grope Fixture
B A ‫خزان ماء‬
E,H, Shower stall domestic 6m
K,N +Sink service (Ptrap) C
D,G, 2 W.C. tank-operated 5m
J,M +1Urinal wall lip G
+1 Lavatory small P.o.
Building OP = 1/4 J

8m 8m

O Slop 1/4 P


Fixture Fu Trap Dia. in

W.C 4 3
L 1 1,1/4
U 4 2,1/2
S.S. 2 2
Sh. 2 2

Grope (E,H,K,N) ∑ Fu =4

Grope (D,G,J,M) ∑ Fu =13

NO. Line Type ∑Fu Dia. In
1 ED West Branch 4 - 2 -
2 DC SOIL Branch 17 - 3 -
3 CF SOIL Stack 17 17 2 3
4 HG West Branch 4 - 2 -
5 GF SOIL Branch 17 - 3 -
6 FI SOIL Stack 38 17 2,1/2 3
7 KJ West Branch 4 - 2 -
8 JI SOIL Branch 17 - 3 -
9 IL SOIL Stack 59 17 3 3
10 NM West Branch 4 - 2 -
11 ML SOIL Branch 17 - 3 -
12 LO SOIL Stack 80 17 4 3
13 OP 80 - 4 -

Vent Stack = 1/2 Stack dia. ≥ 3 in

Vent Stack = 1/2 ×3 = 1.5 in ˂ 3 in use 3 in

Ventilation System

Ventilation system is one of the most important parts in the drainage system for the
building. To design ventilation system for buildings the following tips must be

1- Individual vent:
A pipe which vents a fixture drain and which is connected to the main vent above

Diameter of individual vent = ½ diameter of tarp

or ‫نقارن بينهما ونختار االكبر‬
= 1.25"

A comparison is made between both values and chooses the largest value

2- Stack vent and vent stack:

A vent stack is a vertical pipe parallel to the waste/soil stack to which each
floor's vents are connected. The stack vent is the final portion of the
waste/soil stack above the highest fixture.

Diameter of stack vent and vent stack = ½ diameter of stack

Or ‫نقارن بينهما ونختار االكبر‬
= 3"

A comparison is made between both values and chooses the largest value

3- Circuit vent and relief vent:

Circuit vent extends from the main vent to a position on the horizontal
branch between the last two fixture connections. If more than eight fixtures are to
be vented, an additional circuit vent is to be installed.

Relief vent shall be provided for circuit-vented horizontal branches receiving

the discharge of four or more water closets and connecting to a drainage stack
that receives the discharge of soil or waste from upper horizontal branches.

Diameter of circut vent and relief vent = ½ diameter of branch

Or ‫نقارن بينهما ونختار االكبر‬
= 1.25"

‫ ونختار االصغر‬Vent stack ‫ثم نقارن مع‬

Example 3.4

Design drainage system for the following building:

Stack vent

F’’ F F’
2K.S+2L+2U 2wc+2L+2sh
E’’ E E’
2K.S+2L+2U 2wc+2L+2sh
D’’ D D’
2K.S+2L+2U 2wc+2L+2sh
C’’ C C’
2K.S+2L+2U 2wc+2L+2sh
Vent stack


Fixture FU Dia. Of trap

wc 4 3’’
L 1 1.25’’
sh 2 2’’
U 4 2’’
K.S 2 1.25’’

FU (left) = 2K.S+2L+2U
=2*2 + 2*1 + 2*4=14
FU (right) = 2wc+ 2L + 2Sh
= 2*4 +2*1+2*2= 14

Line Type ∑Fu Fu. Max Dia. In

CC’,DD’,EE’,FF’ Soil Branch 14 --- 3’’ 3’’
CC’’,DD’’,EE’’,FF’’ Waste Branch 14 --- 3’’ 2’’
EF Soil Stack 28 28 2.5’’ 4’’
DE Soil Stack 56 28 3’’ 4’’
DC Soil Stack 84 28 4’’ 4’’

CB Soil Stack 112 28 4’’ 4’’

AB Building Drain 112 --- 4’’

Diameter of individual vent = ½ diameter of tarp
or ‫نقارن بينهما ونختار االكبر‬
= 1.25"

Diameter of individual vent (wc) = 0.5*3=1.5’’ > 1.25" OK. take 1.5’’
(U) = 0.5* 2= 1’’ take 1.25"

(L) = 1.25*0.5= 0.625 take 1.25"
(sh)= 0.5*2= 1 take 1.25"
(k.s)= 0.5 *1.5= 0.75 take 1.25’’
Diameter of stack vent and vent stack = ½ diameter of stack
= 3"
‫نقارن بينهما ونختار االكبر‬

Diameter of stack vent and vent stack = 0.5 *4= 2 take 3’’
Diameter of circut vent and relief vent = ½ diameter of branch
= 1.25"
‫نقارن بينهما ونختار االكبر‬
Diameter of circut vent and relief vent = 0.5 *3=1.5’’ OK. Take 1.5’’
Finally, a comparison is made between vent stack and relief vent and take the
smallest between them.
Vent stack = 3’’ > circut vent and relief vent = 1.5’’
Then circut vent and relief vent= 1.5’’

Chapter four
Building Storm Water System Design

The design depend on tables (4-1), (4-2), this tables is calculated for rain intensity (i)
of 4 in/hr. therefore the areas for other intensities must be corrected as follow
A* = A × i/4 in/hr.
A* is the corrected area.
i is the rain intensity.
The whole horizontal areas should be calculated.
Half vertical areas should be calculated.
Atotal = AHorizontal + 1/2 ×AVertical

Table 4.1 Size of Vertical Leaders

Size of Leader or Maximum Projected

Conductor (Inches) Roof Area (Square Feet)
2 720
2,1/2 1300
3 2200
4 4600
5 8650
6 13500
8 29000

Table 4.2 Size of Horizontal Storm Drains
Diameter of Maximum Projected Roof Area
Drain For Drains of Various Slops
1/8 in 1/4 in 1/2 in
Inches Slope Slope Slope
sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft.

3 822 1160 1644

4 1880 2650 3760

5 3340 4720 6680

6 5350 7550 10700

8 11500 16300 23000

10 20700 29200 41400

12 33300 47000 66600

15 59500 84000 119000

Table 4.3 Size of Semicircular Gutters

Maximum Projected Roof Area

For Gutters of Various Slopes
Diameter of
Gutter 1/8 in 1/4 in 1/2 in
1/16 in Slope
Slope Slope Slope

Inches sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft.

3 170 240 340 480

4 360 510 720 1020

5 625 880 1250 1770

6 960 1360 1920 2770

7 1380 1950 2760 3900

8 1990 2800 3980 5600

10 3600 5100 7200 10000

Example 4.1

Design a storm water system for a building shown in Figure with rainfall of 150
mm/hr. and the slope of horizontal storm drain is 1/4 in?



3m A3

30 m
20 m

i = 150(mm/hr.) / 25 mm = 6 in/hr.

A1 = (30 m× 6 m)=180 m2 ×3.282 = 1936.5 ft.2

A1* = 1936.5 ×6/4 = 2904.8 ft.2

For A1 by using two leaders = 2904.8 ft.2/2 = 1452.4 ft.2 for each leader

⸫ use two leaders of 3 in diameter.

A2 = (30 m× 3 m) = 90 m2 ×3.282 = 968.6 ft.2

A2* = 968.6 ×6/4 = 1452.4 ft.2

A3 = (30 m× 14 m) = 420 m2 ×3.282 = 4518.5 ft.2

A3* = 4518.5 ft.2 ×6/4 = 20172 ft.2

For the three leaders At = A1+0.5A2+A3

= 2904.8 +0.5 ×1452.4 +20172 = 10408.8

For one leader = 10408.8 ft.2/3 = 3469.6 ft.2

⸫ use three leaders of 4 in diameter.

For horizontal drain

Line Area ft.2 Dia. in

AB 3469.6 5
BC 6939.2 6
CD 10408.8 8

Example 4.2
Design a storm water system for a building shown in Figure, with rainfall of 125
mm/hr. and the slope of horizontal storm drain is 1/4 in.

35 m


A2 A4
A3 35
40 m

A5 30 m

B 20m
100 m D
i = 125(mm/hr.) / 25 mm = 5 in/hr.

A1 = (50 m× 35 m) ×3.282 = 18827.2 ft.2

A1* = 18827.2×5/4 = 23534 ft.2

A2 = (50 m× 20 m) ×3.282 = 10758.4 ft.2

A2* = 18827.2×5/4 = 13448 ft.2

A3 = (50 m× 30 m) ×3.282 = 16137.6 ft.2

A3* = 18827.2×5/4 = 20172 ft.2

A4 = (50 m× 10 m) ×3.282 = 5379.2 ft.2

A4* = 18827.2×5/4 = 6724 ft.2

A5* = A1* = 23534 ft.2

For A1* and A5* by using 2 leaders A* = 23534/2 = 11767 ft.2

Use 2 leaders of 6" Dia.

At* = A1*+1/2 A2*+ A3*+1/2 A4*+ A5*

= 23534+0.5×13448+20172+0.5×6724+23534 = 77326 ft.2

by using 4 leaders A* = 77326/4 = 19331.5 ft.2

Use 4 leaders of 8" Dia.

For horizontal drain

Line Area ft.2 Dia. in

AB 19331.5 10
BC 38663 12
CD 57994.5 15
DE 77326 15

Example 4.3

Design storm gutters and leaders for the truss building shown in the figure if you
know that rain intensity is 5 in/hr and slope is ¼’’.

80 m



1) Design of P1
10∗10 5
Agutter = (3.28)2 * = 672 ft2
2 4

Diameter of gutter for ¼’’ slope = 4’’ (from Table 4.3)

Aleader = 672* 2= 1344 ft2

Diameter of leader P1 = 3’’ (from table Table 4.1)

2) Design of P2
At= 60 *10 * (3.28)2 * = 8069 ft2

Assume length of gutter = 25’

No. of gutters= = 7.8 take 8

Agutter = = 1008 ft2

Diameter of gutter for ¼’’ slope = 5’’ (from table 4.3)

Aleader = 1008* 2= 2017 ft2

Diameter of leader P2 = 3’’ (from table table 4.1)

3) Horizontal drain

Pipe At Table Slope Diameter

AB 1344 4.2 ¼’’ 4’’
BC 3361 4.2 ¼’’ 5’’
CD 5378 4.2 ¼’’ 6’’
DE 7395 4.2 ¼’’ 6’’
EF 9412 4.2 ¼’’ 8’’
FG 10756 4.2 ¼’’ 8’’

P1 P1

10 m

P1 P1

10 m 60 m 10 m

P2= 3’’ P2= 3’’ P2= 3’’ P2= 3’’

P1=3’’ P1=3’’


Chapter five

Fire Fighting System Design by Sprinklers

‫ وهناك طريقتين لتوزيع‬Sprinklers ‫تصمم منظومة الحرائق في البنايات عادة باستخدام المرشات‬
:)5.1( ‫المرشات كما موضح في الشكل‬
.standard spacing ‫ التوزيع القياسي االعتيادي‬-1
.staggered spacing ‫ التوزيع المتعاقب‬-2

Figure 5-1: sprinkler distribution methods.

Standard spacing Staggered spacing

Figure 5-1: Sprinklers distribution methods.

‫شكل ‪ : 2-5‬يوضح طريقة توزيع وتجهيز المرشات بالماء في البناية‬

:3-5 ‫اما طرق التغذية لهذه المرشات بالماء فتوجد اربع طرق شكل‬
1- End side-end feed.
2- End side-centre feed.
3-Central- end feed.
4- Central- centre feed.

End side-center End side-end

feed feed

Central- center Central- end

feed feed

‫‪S/2‬‬ ‫‪S‬‬ ‫‪S‬‬ ‫‪S‬‬ ‫‪S‬‬

‫‪D‬‬ ‫‪S‬‬





‫المساحة الكلية للسقف = ‪A‬‬

‫المساحة التي تخدمها المرشة الواحدة = ‪a‬‬
‫المسافة بين المرشات = ‪S‬‬
‫المسافة بين األنابيب = ‪D‬‬

‫‪No. of pipes = B/D‬‬

‫‪No. of sprinklers = A/a‬‬
‫‪No. of sprinklers / pipe = L/S‬‬

Table (5-1) Relative fire Hazard.

Table (5-2): Maximum allowed dimensions.

Type of Hazard amax. (ft2) Smax. (ft.) Dmax. (ft.)

Light 200 14 14

Ordinary 120 12 12

Extra 90 10 10

Table (5-3): Diameter of the pipe according to the number of sprinklers.

Pipe Dia. (in) Light Ordinary Extra

1 2 2 1
1,1/4 3 3 2
1,1/2 5 5 5
2 10 10 8
2,1/2 40 20 15
3 >40 40 27
3,1/2 65 40
4 100 55
5 160 90
6 250 150

Design steps:

1- Select hazard type from table (3).

2- Find amax. (ft ), Smax. (ft.) and Dmax. (ft.) from table (1) according to the
fire hazard.
3- Assume the values of S (ft.) and D (ft.) to be less than Smax. (ft.) and
Dmax. (ft.) .
2 2
4- Find a (ft ) to be less than amax. (ft ).
5- Find :
No. of pipes = B/D
No. of sprinklers = A/a
No. of sprinklers / pipe = L/S
6- Draw the grid chart for pipes and sprinklers.
7- Find pipes diameters according to table (2).

Example 5-1
Design the firefighting system by using sprinklers for painting factory (Extra hazard)
if the dimension of the factory building (90×70) ft., by using center feeding draw the
pipes path and diameter and Sprinkler Locations.

From table
1- S max= 10 D max= 10 a max= 90

2- Let S= 9’ < S max

3- Let D= 7’ < D max

4- a = D*S= 7* 9= 63 ft2 < a max OK.

5- No. of sprinklers= A/a

= 70* 90 / 9*7= 100 sprinklers

6- No. of pipes = B/D= 70/ 7= 10 pipes

7- No. of sprinkles/ pipe = L/S = 90/ 9= 10 sprinkle/ pipe

9 ft 9 ft 9 ft 9 ft

1.5 in 1.5 in 1 in 1.25 in 1 in

3 in
3.5 in
70 ft
6 in
4 in

90 ft


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