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Generic name: Amplodipine BesylateClassification: Antianginal,Antihypertensive Brand name: Norvasc Calcium channel blocker.

Mechanism of action: Inhibits the movement of calcium ions across the membranes of cardiac and arterial muscle cells; inhibits transmembrane calcium flow, which results in the depression of impulse formation in specialized cardiac pacemakers cells. Nursing considerations: Monitor patient carefully while adjusting drug therapeutic dose use special Caution if patient has heart failure. Take with meals if upset stomach occurs. May experience these side effects: Nausea, vomiting ( eat frequent small meals) Report irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, swelling of hands or feet. Generic Name: Amoxicillin trihydrateClassification: antibiotic, Brand Name: Amoxil Mechanisms of action: Bactericidal: Inhibits synthesis of cell wall of sensitive organism causing cell death. Indications: Treatment for tonsillitis and pharyngitis caused by streptococcus pyogenes. Nursing considerations: Take this drug around the clock Take the full course of therapy; do not stop because you feel better This antibiotics specific for this problem and should not be used to self treat other infections. (penicillin- ampicillin type)

Generic Name: Cefuroxime Axetil (Oral drugs) Brand name: Ceftin (Oral ) Mechanisms of action: Pharyngitis, tonsiltis Otitis media Acute bacterial maxillary UTIs

Classification: Antibiotic,


Uncomplicated gonorrhea skin and skin structure infections

Lower respiratory infections Nursing considerations:

Treatment for early lyme disease

Take full course therapy even if you are feeling better This drug is specific for this infection and should not be used to selfTreat other problems Swallow drugs whole; do not crush them. Take drug with food. Store solution in the refrigerator. Shake well before each use. You may experience these side effects; stomach upset or diarrhea. Report severe diarrhea with blood in stool, or mucus; rash, difficulty in breathing, unusual tiredness.

Generic Name: Cephalexin Brand name: keflex, NU-Cephalex Mechanisms of action: Respiratory tract infections

Classification: Antibiotic, cephalosporin

Skin and skin structure infections Otitis media Bone infections GU infections Nursing considerations: Take this drug with food, discard any drug after 14 days Complete the full course even if you feel better Specific drug do not self-treat for other problems Avoid alcohol

Generic Name: Clonidine hydrochloride Brand name: Catapres Mechanisms of action:

Classification: antihypertensive,

Central analgesic,sympatholytic

Hypertension; used alone or part of combination therapy Treatment for severe pain in cancer patients in combination w/ opiates Nursing considerations: Take daily as prescribed. May be taken with meals May experience, dizziness, light-headedness ( this may pass as the drug is adjusted) Headache ( lie down in a cool environment and rest) Nausea, gastric distress ( eat frequent small meals) Report skin rash, chest pain, fainting, severe headache, abnormal bleeding.

Generic Name: Ferrous Sulfate Brand name: Feosol Mechanisms of action:

Classification: Iron preparation

Prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemias Dietary supplement for iron Unlabeled use : supplemental use during epoetin therapy to ensure proper hematologic Response to epoetin. Nursing considerations: Take drug on an empty stomach with water. Take after meals if GI upset is severe. (avoid milk, eggs, coffee, and tea) Take liquid preparations diluted in water or juice, and sip them through a straw

To prevent staining of teeth.

Have periodic blood tests during therapy to determine the appropriate dosage Do not take this with antacids or tetracyclines.

Generic Name: Magnesium sulfate Brand name: Mechanisms of action: Acute nephritis ( children)

classification: antiepileptic, electrolyte laxative

IV or IM , preeclampsia or eclampsia PO, short term treatment for constipation To correct or prevent hypomagnesemia in patients on parenteral nutrition. Unlabeled uses: inhibition of premature labor ( parenteral) Nursing considerations. Use only temporary measure to relieve constipation. Do not take If abdominal pain, nausea, or vomiting occurs. Allergy to magnesium products; renal insufficiency; heart block; myocardial Damage; symptoms of appendicitis;

Generic Name: Mefenamic Acid Brand Name: Ponstel Mechanisms of action:

Classificaton: NSAID

Relief in moderate pain when therapy will not exceed 1 wk. Treatment of primary dysmenorrheal Nursing considerations: Allergies, renal, hepatic,pregnancy, lactation Take drug with food; take only prescribed dosage. Do not take drug Longer than 1 week.

discontinue drug and consult your health care provider if rash, diarrhea, or digestive

Generic Name: Methyldopa Brand name: aldomet Mechanism of actions: Hypertension

Classification: Antihypertensive sympatholytic

IV methyldopate: Acute hypertensive crisis, Hypertension of pregnancy Nursing considerations: Take this drug exactly as prescribed; it is important that you dont miss a dose May experience drowsiness, dizziness, light-headedness, headache, weakness GI upset ( eat small frequent meals)

Generic Name: methylergonovine maleate Classification: ocytocic Brand name: methergine Mechanisms of actions: Routine management after delivery of the placenta Treatment of postpartum atony and hemorrhage, Subinvolution of the uterus. Uterine stimulation during the second stage of labor following the delivery Of the anterior shoulder, under strict medical supervision.

Nursing considerations: This drug should not be needed for longer than 1 week. The patient receiving a parenteral oxytocic is usually receiving it as part Of an immediate medical situation, and the drug teaching should Be incorporated into the teaching about delivery.

Generic Name: Metronidazole Brand name: Flagyl Mechanisms of action:

classification: Amebicide antibacterial, antibiotic,antiprotozoal.

Acute infection with susceptible anaerobic bacteria Acute intestinal amebiasis Amebic liver abscess Trichomoniasis ( acute and partners of patients with acute infection) Bacterial vaginosis Pre-operative,intraoperative,postoperative Nursing considerations: Take full course of drug therapy; take the drug with food if GI upset occurs Do not drink alcohol Urine maybe darker Refrain from sexual intercourse

Generic Name: Oxytocic Brand name: Pitocin Mechanism of actions:

Classification: Hormone,Oxytocic

Antepartum: To initiate or improve unterine contractions to Achieve early vaginal delivery Stimulation or reinforcement of labor in selected cases of uterine inertia Agemet of inevitable or incomplete abortion Second trimester abortion POSTPARTUM: to produce uterine contractions during the 3rd stage and to control postpartum bleeding or hemorrhage. Lactation deficiency Unlabled use: to evaluate fetal distress Nursing considerations: The patient receiving parenteral oxytocin is usually receiving it part of an Immediate medical situation and the drug teaching should Be incorporated into the teaching about delivery.

Generic Name:Simvastatin Brand name: simvastatin

Classification: antihyperlipidemic HMG-CoA redcase inhibitor

Mechanisims of actions: Adjunct to diet in the treatment of elevated total cholesterol Reduce the risk of coronary disease Treatment for patients with isolated hypertriglycerida Nursing considerations: Take drug in the evening. Do not drink grapefruit juice while using this. Have periodic blood tests. Cannot be taken during pregnancy

Generic Name: Ascorbic Acid Brand name: Cecon Mechanisms of action:

Classification: Vitamins

To treat and prevent vitamin C deficiency.

Prophylaxis and treatment of scurvy and as a dietary supplement Increases protection mechanism of the immune system, thus supporting wound healing Necessary for wound healing and resistance to infection Safety during pregnancy (category C) or lactation is not established. Nursing Considerations: Take large doses of vitamin C in divided amounts because the body uses only what is needed at a particular time and excretes the rest in urine. Mega doses can interfere with absorption of vitamin B 12 Vitamin C increases the absorption of iron when taken at the same time as iron-rich foods. Generic Name: BISACODYL Classification: Stimulant laxatives Brand name: Dulcolax Mechanisms of actions: Short term relief of constipation Bowel clearance before surgery or radiological investigation Replacement of the evacuate enema in all its indications patients with ileus, intestinal obstruction, acute abdominal conditions including appendicitis, acute inflammatory bowel diseases, and severe abdominal pain associated with nausea and vomiting which may be indicative of the afore mentioned severe conditions severe dehydration and inpatients with known hypersensitivity to bisacodyl or any other component of the product. Nursing considerations: Using it for long periods during pregnancy is not recommended This product may contain inactive ingredients, which can cause allergic reactions or other problems a sudden change in bowel habits that lasts for longer than 2 weeks, bleeding from the rectum, intestinal blockage

Short termrelief of constipation.Constipation,either chronic or of recent onset,whenever astimulantlaxative isrequired. Bowelclearance beforesurgery or radiologicalinvestigation.Replacement of the evacuantenema in all itsindications.> patients withileus, intestinalobstruction, acuteabdominalconditionsincludingappendicitis, acuteinflammatorybowel diseases,and severeabdominal painassociated withnausea andvomiting whichmay be indicativeof theaforementionedsevere conditions.>severedehydration and inpatients withknownhypersensitivity tobisacodyl or anyother componentof the product. IS anaphylacticreactions,angioneuroticoedema and other hypersensitivity. GI vomiting,Abdominaldiscomfort,abdominal pain,abdominal cramps,nausea anddiarrhoea.> It acts directly on thebowels, stimulating the bowelmuscles to cause a bowelmovement..

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