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From the Editors 2
Beyond Mithril and Adamantine 3
The Alchemist 10
Bring me the Head of Izumi Takahiro 18
The Human Destiny 26
The Junk 30
The Raiders Lament Part 4 35
World Generation in the Hostile Setting 44
Using AI for Your Cepheus Engine Setting 46
The Edge of Darkness 49
What's New 50
Open Gaming License 51
Contributing Authors
Brett Kruger Jo Jaquinta
Jon F. Zeigler Norton Glover
P­O Bergstedt Paul Drye

Cover, Backpage Space Lobster by Starryai
(edited by P­O Bergstedt)
Page elements, 2, 11, 17, 29 Pixabay
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 42, 43 Wikimedia Commons
20, 22 Norton Glover
31 Starship Geomorphs
34 Ron Stepp
45 P­O Bergstedt
46 Artflow
47 Wombo
48 TensorFire

Layout and Editing

Brett Kruger
Welcome to 2022 and our first double digit Jon F. Zeigler outlines ‘The Human Destiny’,
issue! When the team and I started this a space opera setting of his own devising.
fanzine back in late 2020 we had no idea Can’t wait to see more of that Jon. And
whether this idea we had of promoting all finally, we have a couple articles from our
things Cepheus Engine would even have own P­O Bergstedt. As mentioned at the
legs, let alone get to issue 10. So, to start he presents an outline of some of the
celebrate our double­digit issue, or binary 2 resources online that use artificial
for those with a computer bent, we’ve intelligence to create art, as well as some
tried a little artificial intelligence on this examples. P­O’s other article is on world
issue’s cover. Check out P­O Bergstedt’s generation in the Hostile setting, as well as
article for further information on using AI art a spectacular map he designed with it.
in your games.
Finally, I round out this issue with a teaser
Right then, let’s get into this issue’s content. for a setting I'm working on, as well as
We have a couple of articles again from everything Cepheus Engine related that
Jo Jaquinta, the first one exploring rare has been published since the last issue.
metals and minerals and their use in
games, as well as one on a quirky design of Anyway, enough of that, please enjoy
the space junk – including a deck plan. Cepheus Journal issue 10.
Plus, he’s given us the fourth episode of his
fiction story ‘The Raiders Lament’. Brett Kruger

Our own Paul Drye has written an Cepheus Journal Editorial Team
expansion of a Sword of Cepheus role, the Michael James Cross
Alchemist, with lots of potion information to Brett Kruger
give some zing to your fantasy games. Ian Stead
Norton Glover gives us an adventure for PO Bergstedt
Zaibatsu for 3 to 6 players that’s sure to Paul Drye
challenge your street samurai.
By Joseph Jaquinta

Magical items, with which fantasy worlds Either way the aim is to take the features
are populated, are often constructed from that are normally present in the primary
mystical, rare materials. These can be material and accentuate them to
important plot points, McGuffins to chase, supernatural levels. The result is a
or pre­requisites for player’s ambitions. substance that can be used to make
Different legends speak of varied materials, wonderous objects.
which is great for background. However, a
game system benefits from having a more Adamantine
systematized approach to this. This material comes to us from Greek
legends. It was the substance of Perseus’s
In this article we present a number of “true sword that could withstand gorgon’s
metals”. These, as described, can give blood, the chains of Prometheus, or the
inspiration for use in a game. But they can doors of Tartarus. Representing it in this
also be seen as a template for creating as system, it is a form of “true iron”. It is made
many more as needed. We will talk about from magically smelted iron, alloyed with
ways to use this in a standard fantasy powdered diamonds, giant bones, or
game, some suggested plots, and dragon claws.
possibilities for use in other settings.
It is a deep flat black in appearance but
In our real world, there are a number of can be polished to a high shine. It is
metals based on simple elements, like iron, extremely rigid and strong and can be
silver, and gold. These can be forged and sharpened to a very fine edge. It is
tempered in different ways to bring out somewhat heavy and is most prized for
certain properties. Like working iron into making edged or pointed weapons. It is
steel. They can be also mixed with other readily amenable to magic and can be
materials to create alloys with different overlaid with even the strongest
properties, such as bronze and brass. enchantments.

One approach is that magic enables the It is the most sought after of all the true
capability of new techniques. For example, metals and can easily fetch 10,000 times its
it may be as simple as magically powered weight in gold, unworked.
forges that can achieve higher
temperatures than a normal medieval
furnace, allowing such elements as
aluminum and tungsten to be forged.

Taking a different approach, a fantasy

world contains many esoteric substances
that are candidates for alloying with
metals. Or even that magic, itself, can be
imbued in the substance during forging.
Anyone who has read the works of J. R. R. strands. A common practice, so, is to
Tolkien knows of this metal. Prized of the weave this with other substances to give it
dwarves it is known for its beauty as much the strength and resiliency it lacks
as its properties. This is “true silver” and is naturally.
forged of the highest purity silver, alloyed
with cobwebs of ethereal spiders, shards of It is especially good at magic involving
the spheres of heaven, or the first light of compelling, beguiling, or coercing. So, it is
the dawn of the first day of spring. often used to make certain magic circles
for binding demons, devils and other
It is easily worked and can be drawn out creatures from beyond. It is woven into
into wire from stout rods to a fine gauge. cloth­of­gold garments and ensorcelled
This makes it particularly suited to making with stature enhancing magics. Or in light
chain mail. It can conduct magic even weight, magical shackles to bind and
more than adamantine but does not have compel creatures.
the same capacity. Since it can be finely
worked, it is good for making runes and When it can be found it often goes for
sigils to set into other items. And its high 4,000 times its weight in gold.
conductivity makes it excellent for making
rechargeable items.

Although more broadly useful than

adamantium, it is easier to produce, and so
generally costs less. When available it can
be found for 7,000 times its weight in gold.

This rare and specialized metal is also
known as “true lead”. It is somewhat
darker than the lead it is made from and is
about four times as dense, making it very
heavy. It is quite pliable and easy to work
but doesn’t hold a shape well. It is most
often pounded into flat sheets.

The one feature it is best known for is that

Aurum it is extremely resistant to magic. No
Although made from the most precious of known magic can penetrate even the
non­magical metals, “true gold” is not the thinnest layer of quoborium. Even a small
most valuable of the magical metals. When amount can perturb or disrupt magical
worked and polished, its luster is not as effects.
bright as pure gold, and is closer to white
gold. It is not very strong at all and cannot You can find strongboxes made with a
hold an edge. It can be drawn more finely quoborium lining, to guard their contents
than Mithril but is too weak for very long from detection. It is also used to bind
magical items or creatures that might pieces, the original devices that housed it
otherwise escape and wreak havoc. It can long rusted away. Such scrap can be
be found tipping probes and picks in the available for about 2,000 times its weight
highest end versions of thief’s tools for in gold.
disarming magical traps and locks.

It is usually made to order and is rarely

found in large quantities. When available it
is valued at about 1,000 times its weight in

True glass is made from high grade
leaded crystal, ground down and re­cast
multiple times, like Damascus steel. With
every stretch and fold additional magic is
woven into the matrix until it produces a
perfect liquid crystal. It must be worked in
this form, and shaped or blown much like
normal glass. Once it cools, it becomes
rock hard and will not melt again. In fact,
Tinium it becomes highly heat resistant and
True tin is most often a curiosity. It is forged insulating. A crucible of laen can contain
from pure tin and a broad array of other molten lava and yet be held by hand.
miscellaneous substances. These are not
particularly valuable but are rare. The result It is light grey naturally, but exceptional
is a shiny silvery metal which is very crafters can improve the clarity and tint it
reflective. It does not forge well, but it melts a variety of shades. But it will always
at a low temperature and is easily cast. remain somewhat smoky. It is most often
used for utilitarian things, such as parts for
It is mildly attuned to magic and can magical forges to make other true metals.
sustain low level enchantments. Its main It is not particularly attuned to magic, but
attraction is its mechanical properties. it can form a base for which other
When cast in thin pieces, it is still very elements can be inlaid that carry a
flexible. It can be deformed to a large magical enchantment.
degree yet will snap back to the original
shape. It is very resistant to metal fatigue
and can be bent and restored indefinitely.

Many curious devices are made of this,

often by Dwarves or Gnomes. Springs and
coils can power small automatons, or items
that need to move or change shape as
they operate.

It is reasonably durable and most

commonly found as indecipherable
As a curiosity, laen can go for about 3,000
times its weight in gold. But pieces that
have a clearly defined purpose (for
example, rigid laen gloves) can go for
much more to the right buyer.

This extremely dangerous substance is
illegal almost everywhere it is known. Also
called “true mercury”, it is made in large
vats by dissolving living exotic animals into
a mercury base while dark chants are
sung. The resulting pasty metal is a dully Equipment & Plot Ideas
silver with a slight iridescence to it. It is not The most obvious use for these materials is
very strong and can crumble with too in items made from them. Here is a
much pressure. selection of items that you might add to
your game where these materials are
What makes it specifically dangerous is available.
that, like its source mercury, it can cause
insanity. However, it does so just by Forge Visor (1500 g.p.): This is a curved
proximity, rather than direct exposure. Only section of laen, like a slice from a cylinder.
lead, or a similarly dense substance can It either has a supporting frame or else
prevent this. It is not quick, but it is loopholes worked into the sides. If intact, it
irreversible, to anything less than deity level also has straps and a harness so that it
magic. can be secured to the head, over the
face. When worn as such, it enables
Primitive tribes have been known to make unobstructed vision (at least of near
this and use it in rituals, especially those objects) but total protection from heat.
inhabiting deep underground caves. Some This makes it highly desirable for anyone
will also keep hydrangium tipped arrow doing craftwork on heating. This can be
heads and blow darts to discourage forging, smithing, welding or anything
contact. One of the evilest uses is in its where fine work is needed on very hot
powdered form, inserted into a trap that items. Using the Forge Visor in such
blows it into the face of the victim. Once circumstances will allow for mundane
inhaled it is impossible to get rid of, and a work to be completed in half the time, or
gibbering descent into madness is else if the same time is used the work may
inevitable. be performed to a finer level of detail.

The most depraved assassin guilds

sometimes have small quantities available
for at least 4,000 times the weight of the
powder in gold.
Plot hook: The players wish to commission a Elite Thief’s Tools (250 g.p.): These high­end
great work to be completed by a master tools have all the usual items, although of
smith. They have gone through great exceptional quality. There are a number of
lengths to acquire the fabulous materials other, extraordinary tools. First there are a
required, sought out the smith on their high number of long, thin, probes. These are
mountain, and brought a princely sum for made of tinium alloy and are highly
payment. However, the work required is of flexible. With a little pressure they will bend
great detail, and to complete it to the and slip around corners and cracks. A few
fidelity requested, the smith requires a have small hooks on the end allowing
forge visor. Just so happens he knows them to be wormed into mechanisms and
where one is… used to hold things in place or move them
as desired. There are more devices made
Crab Claws (200 g.p.): These items look a of short thin lengths of adamantine. Some
lot like their namesake. A shiny carapace may be slotted together with a tiny
made of laen with a padded interior that universal join in­between. These are
your hand can slip into. They are frequently excellent for transmitting direct or
found in pairs, but even single ones rotational force to their target of any
command a high price. They are not magnitude. They are unbendable and
flexible and cannot grasp, but the built­in unbreakable. Finally, is a long flexible tube
shape is capable of holding up anything with a piston running its length. When
that is relatively long and thin. So, they are pressed several lengths of quoborium
quite handy for many tasks such as smith filament extend from the end in a fan
work and weapon forging. shape. This can be used to disrupt or nullify
certain magical triggers.
Plot hook: While recuperating from an
adventure at a lord’s castle, the players In terms of game mechanics, use of these
are approached by the weaponsmith. tools does not make picking locks or
They are a good friend of theirs because of removing traps of normal difficulty any
their joint love of weaponry and the players easier. However, they can negate up to a
have traded repairs and new items with total of ­4 of dice modifiers that a device
them previously. One of the smith’s most possesses due to superior or magical
prized possessions is his crab claw, which workmanship. However, they are also
has made much of his work easier to do. limited by the skill of the user. The amount
Unfortunately, either through a bad bet, a nullified cannot exceed the Craft skill of
lover’s tiff, or a self­inflicted cause of the the user.
referee’s choosing, the smith no longer has
it. The cook has it.

The cook is quite pleased with it and has

found many uses in the kitchen for it. They
are still miffed at the smith for whatever
caused its loss and are unwilling to part
with it lightly. It is up to the players to make
peace between the two, or to find some
other creative way to resolve the situation.
Plot hook: Players are hired as muscle to very bottom, however, is a mithril ring. It is
back up a master thief from the guild on an certainly magic, and has light etchings on
operation against the local government. it in a script that those with esoteric
They just have to take out the minimal knowledge will know to be favored by
guards on a place that is deemed so necromancers. The writing is symbolic,
secure, that they don’t bother with physical however, and does not spell anything out.
guards. The place is, indeed, guarded by The best guess from an identifying scholar
hellishly complex locks and traps, but a or magic is that it aids in protection
master thief with master tools can make against level drain.
quick work of it.
The ashes in the urn are from a powerful
Urn of Eternal Rest (100 g.p.): This is a vampire that was vanquished years ago
funerary urn, designed to hold the ashes of after a particularly evil reign of terror. If
a deceased creature. It is dull in color, and they ignore the ashes, they will
only has light ornamentation on its surface. reconstitute over the next 24 hours and the
It is exceptionally heavy, though, as the vampire will be reborn. The ring was its
primary component of it is quaborium. prized possession, which allows it to drain
There are some creatures that do not wish life energy and heal itself not just though
to remain dead, but by placing their ashes its bite, but through any attack, even that
in here, and using the accompanying of spells or weapons. It will begin to hunt
stopper, they can be prevented from down the party to retrieve it.
escaping their fate. In worlds with
resurrection magic, placing the remains of Marzipan of Derangement (1000 g.p.):
crime lords or freedom fighters in here, will Assassin guilds are known for making
prevent their compatriots from resurrecting available sweets laced with poison for the
them. Such a precaution can also prevent elimination of undesirables. Marzipan is
the souls that occupied the body from one of their favorites as the heavy almond
reincarnating in a new form, thwarting flavor masks the cyanide. But for truly
generational saviors or curses. special assignments they prepare special
pastries made with a paste of ground
almonds, honey, and hydrangium. This is
very rare as it is hard to get, and
extraordinary precautions have to be
undertaken to avoid being poisoned while
making it. The result is package in
intricately enameled boxes (with lead
lining) and in the shape of marzipan for
traditional reasons.

Plot hook: As part of a treasure hoard the

players find an uncharacteristically heavy
cremation urn. When searched (because,
of course, players will) it is found to mostly
contain ashes and bone shards. At the
Plot hook: An extremely audacious (and might have created some miraculous
very well paid) assassin’s guild has taken on things in their research and development
the ultimate challenge: to kill a god. Their labs.
plan is on the high holy day, when the god
descends to take, personally, the highest In a near or far future setting there are
offerings, to substitute the honey cakes formany other possibilities. Microgravity
hydrangium laced delicacies. Perhaps the allows for the creation of alloys of
players are recruited to aid in some of the previously immiscible substances (like steel
preparation of it, or hear of the plot and and Styrofoam). Gravitics allows for the
are recruited to put a stop to it, or maybe hammering and shaping of metal with
they have to deal with a deranged god precise control, allowing for Damascus or
wreaking havoc. Japanese steel folding techniques to be
applied to many substances. Advances in
Beyond Fantasy nano­technology might allow for creating
Although this article focuses on the use of crystal compounds not normally found in
such things in a fantasy setting, similar nature by laying down precise atoms in
concepts are applicable in other genres. the lattice one at a time.

In modern games, exotic elements might Whether it is beskar armor, or vibranium

be brought to a world from meteorites or spears, decide on the end purpose you
unique, one­of­a­kind circumstances, lead desire, and then use some of the ideas
to small quantities of miraculous above to explain it in your setting.

substances. Or cutting­edge corporations

This fanzine and more can be downloaded from the official Cepheus Journal Website!
By Paul Drye

In Sword of Cepheus rules, characters who actual effects, refer to the SoC rulebook,
are scholars may specialize in alchemy p.121.
which is a specific branch of magic
oriented towards laboratory procedures Creating a Potion
and potions rather than on­the­fly Potions are created with a roll against
spellcasting in the heat of the moment. Its Alchemy skill. Each type of potion has a
practitioners are interested in acquiring difficulty to create it listed in the following
quite unusual treasures termed reagents table, against which the roll will be made,
and rely on a well­outfitted laboratory and and a time to make it. Note that the listed
the investment of quite a bit of time when times are optional rules, replacing the flat
producing their products. 1 week for all potions (as one­use items) in
the SoC rules.
An alchemist’s greatest advantage while If using the failure rules following this table,
adventuring is his pharmacopeia—the pre­ the referee should make the skill roll
made potions he brings with him and the secretly rather than the alchemist’s player,
miraculous effects they can bring to bear so as to leave doubt as to whether or not
on the problems encountered. For a list of the creation of a potion is successful.

Potion Category Difficulty Time

Animal Control Control Average 1D+3 days
Clairaudience Perception Average 1D+3 days
Clairvoyance Perception Average 1D+3 days
Climbing Skill Routine 1D days
Delusion Other Routine 1D days
Diminution Transformation Difficult 2D+2 days
Dragon Control Control Very Difficult 1D weeks
ESP Perception Difficult 2D+1 days
Extra Healing Transformation Average 1D+3 days
Fire Resistance Transformation Average 1D+2 days
Flying Skill Very Difficult 1D weeks
Gaseous Form Transformation Formidable 2D weeks
Growth Transformation Difficult 2D+2 days
Healing Transformation Routine 1D+1 days
Heroism Skill Routine 1D+1 days
Human Control Control Average 1D+3 days
Inhuman Strength Skill Very Difficult 1D weeks
Invisibility Transformation Difficult 2D+3 days
Invulnerability Transformation Difficult 2D+3 days
Levitation Skill Difficult 2D+3 days
Longevity Transformation Formidable 1D months
Oil of Sharpness Other Difficult 2D+1 days
Oil of Slipperiness Other Average 1D+1 days
Love Control Routine 1 day
Plant Control Control Average 1D+1 days
Poison Other Routine 1 day
Polymorph Transformation Formidable 2D weeks
Speed Skill Difficult 2D+1 days
Super­Heroism Skill Average 1D+3 days
Sweet Water Other Routine 1 day
Treasure Finding Perception Very Difficult 1D weeks
Undead Control Control Difficult 2D+1 days
Water Breathing Skill Routine 1D+1 days

As well as generally grouping potions by

type, the Category of a potion is used to
determine what alchemy equipment
would be useful in making it—see the
section on Alchemical Equipment, below.

Alchemy is a touchy science, and even a
most­skilled alchemist will fail to produce
their intended product at times. Should the
skill check to create the potion fail, the
referee should make a second roll of 2D,
modified by the character’s Alchemy skill
to determine what product is actually
about to be decanted into its bottle:

Roll Result
2­5 The alchemist has accidentally made a potion of Poison.

6­9 The alchemist has produced an obviously botched “potion” which has no effect if
drunk. Local bylaws forbid pouring the results down the nearest opening to the
sewers following the Egregious Caustic Rats Incident.

10+ The alchemist has accidentally made a potion of Delusion, of the appearance of
the potion that the alchemist intended to make. Drinking it makes one believe
that the effect of that correct potion is now in play…

As well as the skill modifier to this roll, some

pieces of alchemical equipment also
modify the roll and thus reduce the
average severity of the result.
Alchemical Ingredients
There are many substances that an needed for a particular potion, roll d66 for
alchemist might use when creating a 1 or more ingredients below, or select
potion or powder. Some are relatively them based their common use. The
common and can be glossed over (water, number needed can be based on potion
for example, or lead), but most are unusual difficulty, ranging from 1 to 5 (Routine,
and might require an adventure to obtain. Average, Difficult, Very Difficult, or
To discover what unusual ingredients are Formidable):

Roll Reagents Description

1­1 Alicorn The horn of a unicorn, or a portion of it powdered. Very powerful
against poison and disease.
1­2 Ambergris A waxy solid found washed up on the shores of the world. Its exact
origin is unknown to any person living in the setting. Often used in
1­3 Aqua fortis An extremely strong acid.
1­4 Aqua regia Another strong acid, particularly useful to alchemists for its ability to
dissolve gold.
1­5 Bezoar A stone formed within the intestine or stomach of a ruminant such as
a cow or deer, these are powdered and often used in potions that
work against poison and disease.
1­6 Brimstone Yellow and usually powdery, the best brimstone for alchemy is formed
in large translucent crystals. This form is rare and found only around
hot springs. Alchemically it has the inverse properties of mercury, and
the two are often paired.
2­1 Butter of A salt of antimony resembling tiny fragments of glass, often used to
antimony cloud clear liquids.
2­2 Calcanthum Notable for its large, bright blue crystals, calcanthum is often
used in potions related to water or air. If heated sufficiently, it will
reduce to copper metal.
2­3 Colostrum The milk of a cow or other mammal that has just given birth. Often
used in potions related to health or rejuvenation.
2­4 Copper A stone of made of soft, lustrous crystals like obsidian. Of interest to
glance alchemists as copper is extracted from it with ease.
2­5 Fulminating Made by dissolving gold in aqua regia with sal ammoniac,
gold fulminating gold is a bronze­coloured powder that is remarkable not
only for its expense but its explosive properties. These become
apparent if it is subjected to even slight movement. Alchemists
believe it may have many interesting uses, but it is naturally difficult to
explore them.
2­6 Lapis Also known as lunar caustic, it is produced when a mixture of gold
infernalis and silver is dissolved in aqua fortis ­ the gold stays solid and sinks to
the bottom ­ and then dried. It can then become pure silver by
heating. Often used in potions related to change.
3­1 Lapis solaris Also known as baryte due to its weight, this is a grey stone with a
radiating pattern of wrinkles and furrows when cracked open. It has
the most peculiar property, after it has been heated and allowed to
cool, of softly glowing greenish­yellow after being exposed to the sun.
Only available from one known source at the base of a volcano and
highly sought after. Often used in potions relating to repelling evil or
revealing the unseen.
3­2 Luna Also known as horn silver, it is heavy and resembles weathered horn. It
cornea is useful to alchemists as it is easily reduced to elemental silver.
Related mystically to moon phases, it is often used in potions related
to changing shapes or other physical properties.
3­3 Massicot A hard yellowish substances that encrusts other, worthless rocks, it is of
alchemical interest for two reasons: it converts easily to another form,
purplish­red in colour named litharge (and vice versa), and it can be
heated with luna cornea to produce pure silver.
3­4 Mercury Also known as quicksilver and hydrargyros, this metallic, silvery liquid is
a major alchemical ingredient and a source of fascination to the art’s
practitioners for its mixture of properties.
3­5 Milk of sulfur Closely related to brimstone, this substance differs only in the manner
of its creation: precipitated from oil of vitriol. As the other substance
that notably was not dissolved by the oil is gold, this precipitate is used
when the cost of using gold in a preparation would be prohibitive.
3­6 Moonfoam Also known as aphroselenon, moonfoam is dew which has been
charged with a strange energy by the rays of a waning moon.
Accordingly difficult to gather in quantity, it is nevertheless useful in
the conversion of silver to gold. It is also very poisonous.
4­1 Mummia Bitumen sourced from its use in mummification before burial, believed
to be superior to the same substance directly obtained.
4­2 Natron A powdery white or light yellow substance mined from only a few dry
salt lakebeds where it has formed. Used to preserve the quality of
things in situations where they would normally change.
4­3 Nitrum A bluish­white substance that is usually powdered or in small granules,
flammans it is alchemically useful because of its properties related to warmth
and coolness. Water drops in temperature when nitrum flammans is
dissolved in it, and when heated it increases the temperature of the
burning substance, sometimes to the point of explosion. Often used in
potions related to fire or ice.
4­4 Oil of Smelling strongly of resin and extracted from the wood of the
terebinth terebinth tree, this yellow oil varies highly in quality. It is often used in
potions related to life extension and immortality.
4­5 Oil of vitriol A strong acid, contrasting with the otherwise similar aqua regia in that
it dissolves most anything except for gold.
4­6 Orpiment A yellow or reddish crumbling stone of interest to alchemists because
of the golden streak it makes when rubbed on a surface. Believed to
be useful in producing gold in some way.
5­1 Phlogiston An elusive substance that is nevertheless highly sought after because
of its unparalleled affinity with heat and warmth. Reputed to be a
red, metallic liquid like mercury, few have even seen it, let alone
possessed some and experimented with it.
5­2 Plumbago Glassy, greasy­feeling dark stone, notable for its softness (it marks
parchment) and the fact that it burns away to nothing if heated.
Often used in potions of invisibility.
5­3 Powder of A coarse, light grey powder. Used in a wide variety of ways, it is most
Algaroth notable as a powerful purgative and emetic, making it tricky to use in
potions that must be drunk.
5­4 Purple of A substance which turns bright purple when mixed into a solution that
Cassius contains gold or related compounds, and so used by alchemists to
detect its presence.
5­5 Realgar Also known as sandaracha. Large red crystals superficially resembling
ruby but very soft. Highly poisonous.
5­6 Regulus of A form of antimony metal with crystalline rays of other alloys visible on
antimony its surface.
6­1 Sal A rare kind of salt only found in in an otherwise unused mine where a
ammoniac coal seam has been on fire for a long period if time. Used in potions
that relate to fire and heat.
6­2 Sal petrae A white powdery solid used to convert aqua fortis to aqua regia.
6­3 Spiritus A liquid similar in appearance to water, but fuming at room
fumans temperature and with a pungent odor like very strong vinegar.
Believed to be related to mercury in some fashion, and sometimes
used as a substitute.
6­4 Thion hudor A sulfurous compound, thickly liquid at room temperature and a light
yellow in colour. Smells strongly of sulfur.
6­5 Wormwood Also known as apsínthion, wormwood is a bitter­tasting woody
substance derived from a shrub. Like many botanical alchemy
ingredients its quality varies widely and the best wormwood is rare
and expensive. It is often used in protective potions.
6­6 Zaffre A deep blue pigment, zaffre is unusual for an alchemical ingredient in
being a source of revenue rather than expense; painters find it useful
in making blue tints and it is used by glassmakers. Due to its colour,
alchemists prepare it for their own use when making potions related
to the sky, ocean, or air.

Alchemical Equipment
An alchemist is nothing without a bonus to making potions of one category
laboratory, and that laboratory is filled with or another. Finding this equipment in a
special equipment. Some is the bare disused or abandoned laboratory is a
minimum necessary for producing a treasure of great price, while finding a
potion—without them on hand, a craftsperson who can make an item is an
character has no chance of success to adventure itself.
create any potion—while others give a
Item Description Effect
Alembic Similar to a retort, but consisting of Adds +1 to the Alchemy skill
two sealed vessels connected by check if making a potion of the
a tube rather than one vessel and Perception category.
a cup.
Aludel Two or more nested containers with Adds +1 to the Alchemy skill
open bottoms (except for the check if making a potion of the
bottom­most) and tops. A substance Control category.
is placed in the bottom container
and the whole placed on a fire to
allow sublimed material to condense
on the walls of the uppermost
Asbestinon Also known as amiantos, this remarkable Adds +1 to the Alchemy skill
Cloth cloth is impervious to flame. It is a kind of check if making a potion
wool made from a stone found only in a of the Transformation category.
few mines to the far northwest.
Athanor A furnace designed to produce an even Adds +1 to the Alchemy skill
heat. check if making a potion of the
Control category.
Bellows A corrugated leather bag with a metal Adds +1 to the Alchemy skill
nozzle, used to blow air on flames and check if making a potion of the
make them hotter. Perception category.
Crucible A ceramic bowl that can be placed Minimum equipment
above a flame and substances melted
Cucurbit Like a retort, but without the beak­sealed Adds +1 to the Alchemy skill
top and bottom with a seam in the check if making a potion of the
middle. Skill category.
Cupel Like a crucible, but made of bone ash, Adds +1 to the Alchemy skill
used to melt precious metals. check if making a potion of the
Other category.
Dew Bath A water bath full of dew, which has Adds +1 to the Alchemy skill
alchemical properties beyond those of check if making a potion of the
mere water. Perception category.
Dung Bath A container full of animal dung, which Adds +1 to the Alchemy skill
uses the natural decomposition of its check if making a potion of the
contents to supply a very low heat over Other category.
a long period of time to anything placed
within it.
Glass Rod A humble piece of equipment, yet fragile Minimum equipment
and expensive to make. Superior when
stirring an experiment, as unlike wood,
stone, or metal it will no introduce
unwanted substances even at the
greatest heats.
Lute A sticky substance used to seal joins Minimum equipment
between two other pieces of equipment.
Mortar & A heavy stone bowl with a matching Minimum equipment
Pestle club­shaped instrument used to crush
substances into a powder.
Philosopher’s An oval glass container with a long On a potion­creation failure,
Egg vertical neck. adds +1 to the result check.
Retort A glass vessel with a beak which can be Minimum equipment
subjected to heat, with substances
condensing on the sides of the beak to
drip into a cup.
Sand Bath A container full of sand which can be Adds +1 to the Alchemy skill
heated from below. Vessels containing a check if making a potion of the
substance can be placed in the sand, so Transformation category.
as to be subject to even high heat from
all directions.
Show Globe A glass vessel intended to receive a liquid On a potion­creation failure,
condensed from another vessel while also adds +1 to the result check.
allowing the alchemist to see the colour,
consistency, and so on of the liquid being
Spirit Lamp A metal tube stuffed with cotton or linen, Adds +1 to the Alchemy skill
used to burn distilled spirits soaked into check if making a potion of the
the fibers as a source of smokeless heat. Other category.
Touchstone A flat slab of dark slate against which a On a potion­creation failure,
sample of metal may be streaked. The adds +1 to the result check.
colour of the streak gives clues as to the
quality of the metal.

Great Works
Besides their general research and potion arcane (and expensive) ways, trying to
creation, alchemists usually have one recover the basic substance on which
lifetime­long project to which they always everything else rests.
return, which they term their “Great Work”.
There are a few different goals which can Making an immortality elixir: A work
qualify for this, and so players should select complicated by the fact that it will
from among them for their character: undoubtedly require only the rarest and
most expensive ingredients, the payoff is
Discovering the first matter: It is a nevertheless immense. Any given
fundamental belief of natural philosophy alchemist will be lucky to produce even
that all matter is ultimately composed of one dose of this elixir in their lifetime, and
one single, almost royal, form of matter. failures are often extremely grim—the
Gold is sometimes looked at as containing gods do not like mortals treading on their
the highest fraction of it, or perhaps prerogatives and delight in ironic
mercury, or water. This mystery compels the punishments.
alchemist to distill substances in a variety of
Discovering the Universal Solvent: Transforming base metal to gold: The
Alchemists invariably dissolve new previous goals are too rarefied for some
substances in water, alcohol, acid, or other alchemists, and the more roguish type will
liquids so that they can be distilled, boiled, seek this entirely practical end instead.
filtered and other such procedures. They There are two schools of thought as to
are particularly interested in the fact that all how this feat may be accomplished:
substances dissolve in some liquids but not either from one metal to another directly,
others. The question then follows of whether or through the mediation of another
or not there is a liquid that will dissolve substance that must be created, termed
anything, which they call alkahest. And so, the philosopher’s stone. The creation of
they set themselves the task of finding one. gold is also the Work that most interests
Strictly speaking this is actually two Great royal laypeople, and so alchemists that
Works—discovering the solvent and also cannot support themselves and require a
finding something that can hold it. patron will also seek it. Riches await, but
one’s lord may be impatient…

An adventure for Zaibatsu
for 3 to 6 players. By Norton Glover

The assumption is that the players are street alive. The attack was 6 hours ago, and
samurai, employees of a particular the players have 18 hours to retrieve
corporation, and have been called in at Izumi's head before it is non­viable.
6:00 am for an emergency meeting with
their handler. What's going on?
The Enemy Company: Ghibli­Disney does
Izumi Takahiro is somewhat successful have a team after Izumi, but they didn't
middleman in the Tokyo underworld. He shoot him. They're looking to take him
made his living trading in information and alive to find out what he knows and how
running the occasional con. He recently he infiltrated their security (spoiler: he
came across some confidential sales seduced a secretary). They're aware of
projections and future projects for the Reiko's former employment at Perfect
Ghibli­Disney media corporation. Data like Blossom, so they're monitoring that
this would be worth millions to any location. They have commissioned a
competing megacorp. His plan was to sell stealth airship that is ready to drop in a
them to the PC's employer. While retrieval team whenever Reiko shows up
negotiations were underway, he was shot in with the head.
the chest multiple times by an assassin and
left for dead. It is assumed Ghibli­Disney The Wife: The assassin was a freelancer
tried to kill him. hired by Mizuki, Izumi's long­suffering wife.
She hired the killer, a man named
Fortunately for Izumi, he was fitted with a Gavreau, to take her husband out, for
Cardiopulmonary Backup System ­ an both the insurance money, and for his
expensive piece of retrogenic technology repeated betrayals of her. She didn't
that keeps the user's brain alive for 24 hours know about the brain implant
after a critical injury (see Cepheus Journal beforehand, so she's still after him.
#7 for details). If brought to an appropriate
medical facility, the brain can be moved to The Girlfriend: Izumi knew that this deal
a new vat­grown body, and Izumi can be was dangerous, so he had one of his
restored. girlfriends, Ejiri Rieko, a nurse/EMT, on
standby in case something happened.
Unfortunately for the company, Izumi's She retrieved his body, removed the
body was stolen at the scene of the head, and is in hiding. She intends to bring
shooting. The company wants the him to Perfect Bloom, a luxury medical
information Izumi has and has tasked the facility, where he can be revived. She has
players to bring Izumi (or just his head) back an appointment for 8pm tonight (earliest
she could get). She's spending the day in a • Neither the ambulance nor Reiko have
capsule hotel at the Shinagawa train been found.
station, guarding the head.
Trying to find Reiko
Operation Spoiler Warning: In addition, After the ambulance heist, she returned
there is another organization after Izumi to Izumi's apartment, and removed his
called the Saurian Society: A violent faction head. She put on a crude disguise, and
of a fan club for the media property Venus took multiple taxis to Shinagawa station,
Rangers (produced by Ghibli­Disney). Their where she's hiding in a capsule hotel with
source inside Ghibli­Disney informed them Izumi's head. She paid cash for everything
of Izumi's theft. They believe the information and would be particularly difficult to
will spoil an upcoming Venus Rangers trace. If the players do somehow find her
movie, and they're willing to kill him to at Shingawa, she will not willingly give up
prevent this from happening. the head, but might accept their help in
bringing it to Perfect Blossom at 8pm.
Intelligence Provided by the
Company Trying to find Gavreau
• The attack was at a public noodle shop With an Average (8+) Streetwise roll
at midnight. According to the police, 3 players could find out the following details
shots were fired from a Stern Universal T75 about the assassin Gavreau:
Gauss sniper rifle. No shooter has been • He doesn't work for any group or person
found. in particular. He is completely freelance.
• The T75 is an expensive, rare weapon • It's widely known he's currently on a job
used only by professionals. and hasn't been seen in any of his usual
• An image from a traffic drone, showing haunts.
one of the paramedics at the scene driving • He's never learned Japanese and
off with Izumi's body. communicates entirely through a
• An image and ID for the paramedic ­ an translation tablet.
EMT named Ejiri Rieko. You have her • His place of residence is unknown.
address. • He's been linked to over 20 high­profile
• Two Tokyo addresses are on file for Izumi, assassinations.
one with his wife, another a small  Asakusa
apartment in his name. Places the players might visit
Izumi's apartment
Finding out information with A small shack filled with cheap and flashy
Investigate or Streetwise rolls. luxury goods. An apartment of a man with
• The only known underworld figure who a bit of money and very little taste. It's on
regularly uses a T75 is a gaijin (foreigner) the roof of a 30­story pre­fab apartment
named Gavreau, a professional killer. building (Low Security ­ regular Security
• Ejiri Rieko is an employee of Safety roll), surrounded by 10m high spherical
Systems, a private EMT company where she aquaculture tanks (owned by a
has worked for 4 months. No criminal restaurant on the ground floor). Any
record. gunplay on the roof will puncture the
• Previously she was an employee of tanks, covering the roof in saltwater (DM
Perfect Blossom, a private, boutique ­1 to any movement­related rolls). Any
medical facility. explosions will breach the tanks, and the
roof will be knee­deep in squiggling shrimp • There's a bloodied carpet and a hand
(DM ­3 to any movement­related rolls). truck. Presumably, Rieko used these to get
his body to the roof.
• The abandoned ambulance is in an alley • There's an empty box for a recently
behind the building. There are no useful purchased Danaher­Samsung
clues inside it. CryoCourier 670. It's a portable cooler
• The door to the shack is locked (Cheap designed to keep transplant organs safe
Lock ­ Security +2), and the windows are for transport. It's a silver cylindrical object
closed and covered. with a handle, according to the image on
• The kitchenette floor is covered in blood. the box.
Izumi's body lies limply over the sink. His • There's a discarded EMS uniform in the
head has been crudely sawed off. A garbage.
bloodied hacksaw lies in the sink.
Saurian Ambush
A team of Saurian Society fanatics has been watching Izumi's apartment. They were too
late for Reiko's arrival and exit, but they will notice the players. As soon as the players
enter the apartment they will ascend to the roof and attack as soon as the players try to

Their goal is to capture the players and find out where Izumi's head is. Assume 2 Saurians
for each player. They're not formidable, but they are lunatics. They are mostly armed
with cheap fan­made replicas of the fantasy weapons found in the Venus Rangers TV
show. One of them, however, is wearing a suicide vest of homemade explosives.

They are all wearing custom dinosaur heads, each one representing one of the
characters from the Venus Rangers series. Though they speak Japanese, they will
communicate with each other in Saurian, a constructed language that was invented for
the show.

The Wife's Apartment

Mizuki will receive the players politely. She they explain that Reiko has been dating
will claim her husband is a loyal, hard­ Izumi for months. They didn't approve of
working salesman who she misses dearly, him (he seemed a little sketchy), but Reiko
and will do anything to recover his body. was head over heels for him.
She will also claim to be unaware of the
brain­backup system, and of Izumi's other • The roommates didn't know Izumi was
apartment. An 8+ Investigation roll will married, but they're not surprised.
reveal that there are no pictures of Izumi • She even quit her old job to become a
anywhere in the apartment. Speaking to part­time EMT, so she'd have more time to
the neighbors will reveal the couple fought spend with him.
constantly until about 5 months ago, when • Her old job was as a technician for
he moved out. Perfect Blossom, a luxury medical resort.
• There are multiple pictures of Izumi and
As soon as the player's leave, she will call Ejiri together here.
Gavreau to notify him of the player's visit.
He will attempt to shadow them, until he Gavreau is surveilling this apartment from
can find the head's location. Players would a distance. When he sees the players, he
need to make a Formidable (­6) Recon roll will begin to shadow them, hoping to be
to notice Gavreau. led to Izumi's head. He will also contact
Mizuki, to inform her of his plans. Players
Rieko's Apartment would need to make a Very Difficult (­6)
A tidy apartment that Reiko shares with 3 Recon roll to notice Gavreau.
roommates. The roommates haven't seen
Reiko since yesterday. If asked about Izumi,
Perfect Blossom
A boutique medical facility. They provide There is one brain retrieval procedure
mostly cosmetic surgeries for wealthy scheduled for today at 8pm. It was paid
patrons. Located on the 410th floor of the for in cash, with no name listed.
Mile­High tower in Tokyo Bay. They're very
private and will not provide any details on Mile­High Tower
their client list or employees. If hacked, their An 1800 km high tower on an artificial
system can reveal the following: hexagon­shaped island in the center of
Tokyo Bay. Filled with luxury stores, hotels,
and apartments. 
Rieko's Arrival
Ejiri will arrive at the base of the tower by to rush the non­functional elevators or try
taxi at 7:30 pm. There's a big festival going to force open the locked Perfect Blossom
on, and the plaza around the base of the doors. Trying to hit someone through a
tower is crowded with tourists and cops. crowd is at a DM of ­2. Gusts of wind will
Spotting Reiko in this crowd would require blow in through the shattered window,
a Very Difficult (­4) Recon roll. She'll enter kicking up paper plates, tourist brochures,
the building and take the first elevator to and newspapers, also obscuring lines of
410. sight.

The 410th Floor Reiko: Panicking at the first explosion or

When the elevator arrives on the 410th gunshot, Reiko will drop the CryoCourier
floor it opens up on a wide open­air plaza containing the head. It will slowly begin to
with a dramatic view of the city. The roll down the long staircase to the viewing
entrance to Perfect Blossom is platform. If no one picks it up in 6 rounds, it
intermediately to the left, an ornate faux­ will roll off the viewing platform and
greek structure with large clear plexisteel plummet 1700m to the plaza below. The
security doors. There are 6m tall stone CryoCourier (and Izumi's head) will shatter
greek statues lined up in front of the clinic, on the pavement.
each representing an idealized physical
form. To the right, a wide white staircase Gavreau: If Gavreau is on the player's trail,
descends 10 m to a viewing platform. The he'll arrive just as they do. Over his
viewing platform is protected by large objections, Mizuki has demanded to
glass windows overlooking Tokyo Bay. come with him. Gavreau will take cover
behind one of the statues and provide
Showdown on the 410th floor. cover fire for Mizuki. If she's killed, he'll
This scene assumes the players are waiting make his exit.
for, following, or accompanying Reiko to
the 410th floor. Once Reiko arrives, the Mizuki: Mizkuki has decided she wants to
following events will take place: take care of Izumi herself. She insisted on
coming along with Gavreau, and even
Ghibli­Disney: As soon as she exits the has his gauss rifle. She doesn't really know
elevator, software jockeys aboard the how to use it, but she'll keep shooting at
airship will disable security cameras on 410 Izumi's head and anyone who gets in her
and shut down the elevators. A sonic way. (DM ­3 for untrained shooting, DM ­2
weapon will be deployed to shatter the for shooting at a rolling CryoCourier, DM ­5
glass protecting the viewing platform, and total). With each shot, she'll loudly relate
a 4­man retrieval team will rappel down one of the many wrongs Izumi's done to
from the airship. Two will land on the upper her.
platform, two on the lower viewing
platform. They'll do whatever they need to In about ten minutes, building security will
do to retrieve the head. The doors to regain control of the elevators, and show
Perfect Blossom will be immediately locked up in force. The players have that long to
from the inside. get Izumi's head for themselves and make
their escape.
At this point, havoc will break out. Civilians
will panic and run for cover. Many will try
Debriefing & Aftermath Gavreau ABA954
Use the following promotion points in Gun Combat 3, Bujutsu 2, Take Aim 3,
addition to the normal ones for this mission: Security 2, Recon 3, Streetwise 2, Urban
Survival 2, Ground Vehicle 1
Retreiving the head intact +2 Subdermal Armor (Armor 4), Ballistic Vest
Preventing Ghibli­Disney +1 (Armor 5). Total Armor 9 points
from getting the head ASA Taurus Auto (2d6) ROF 1/4/10, ASA
Hoplite Combat Shotgun (4d6) ROF 1/4 ­
If the players get the head, they can either w. laser sight (+1 for aiming)
use Perfect Blossom to revive Izumi, or just Retrogenics: Ambidextrous, High Pain
give the head to their employers before Threshold, Macrovision, Parabolic Hearing
midnight. A native of Quebec, Gavreau has
become the top gaijin assassin in Tokyo,
If Gavreau survives, he'll have no hard despite the fact he speaks no Japanese.
feelings. It's just business. He communicates with a translation
tablet, originally designed for children. The
If Mizuki survives, and Izumi does as well, tablet is old, and running on pirated
she'll continue her campaign of software, so his gruff statements in
vengeance. It's not just business. Quebecois French are translated into
barely passable Japanese in a squeaky,
If Izumi dies, Reiko will be heartbroken. anime­girl voice.
Once Gavreau is aware of the players, he
If Izumi lives and is revived, he'll collect his will follow them until they lead him to
reward, and immediately break up with Reiko.
Reiko. She will be heartbroken.
Mizuki 587BAA
If the players tangle with the Saurian Bribery 1, Carousing 1, Leader 1,
Society, and leave any of them alive, the Streetwise 2
Saurians will seek revenge. The players will Concealable Vest (Armor 4)
be declared as Enemies of the Fandom, T75 Gauss Rifle (5d6) Mizuki has no Gun
and continually harassed by otaku nerds Combat skill, so DM­3 to hit
across the globe. Izumi's estranged wife. She has long list of
grievances (all quite valid) with Izumi and
NPCs is determined to see him dead.
Saurian Society 897675
Bujutsu­1, Demolitions­1 Ejiri Rieko 6759A8
Cheap Blades (1d6+4) damage, Suicide Medical 2, Ground Vehicle 2, Gun
Vest (treat as Fragmentation grenade) Combat 0
(5D6/3D6/1D6) Stun Gun (END Roll or unconscious for 1d6
Otaku fanatics. Willing to die for their minutes)
ridiculous cause A skilled, but naive young woman. Ejiri is
deeply in love with Izumi and would do
anything to keep him safe.
Ghibli­Disney Retrieval Team 9AA887 Media
Gun Combat 2, Bujutsu 2, Security 1, Take Beginning as a joint Japanese­Australian
Aim 1, Recon 1 produced sci­fi anime series, it was
Rigid Armor (Armor 9), gas masks, secure successful enough to spawn a small media
comms empire. The long, arcane plot concerned
Maverick M24A3 Carbine (3D+1), Combat a group of humans and dinosaur people
Knife (2d6+1), smoke grenade ("Saurians") living on a terraformed Venus.
Dedicated and professional. The original series ran for years and
spawned multiple VR games, stims, and
Other Details movies.
Venus Rangers It developed a global fanbase, many of
whom formed fan clubs. A small minority of
An internationally successful multi­media the fanbase became militant, reacting to
property, currently owned by Ghibli­Disney critics, or to changes in the show, with
sporadic terrorist attacks.

Stern Universal T75 Gauss Sniper Rifle

Cost (¥) Wgt ROF Effective Dmg Length Rds

(Kg) Range (cm)
50,000 8 1 100m 5d6 80 8

An advanced sniper file, designed to fire Mizuki's Complaints about Izumi

quietly (not silently) with no muzzle flash. • My wedding ring turned out to have
Instead of using chemical bullets, it uses a been stolen from a corpse!
strong magnetic field to propel a solid • He framed my sister for cyber­crimes!
metal projectile. The weapon never saw • He turned my book club into a front for a
wide acceptance in military units, as it is prostitution ring!
quite fragile, and often fails in dusty or • He used my mother's coffin to smuggle
muddy environments. Also, the internal drugs!
battery packs in the magazine are quite • He sold my schnauzer to a Yakuza
heavy, making it an unwieldy weapon. It dogfighting club!
still has a following among exotic firearm

Gavreau's Bad Translations

What Gavreau says in French What his translator will say in Japanese
I'm going to kill you Bad touch you I will!
Stay out of my way, or you'll get hurt Minding your step ­ Ouchy!
Where's the head? Nice skull for I be searching
Who are you working for? Money Daddy? Have one?

A Space Opera Setting for Cepheus
By Jon F. Zeigler

Back in the late 1990s and early 2000s, and humanity were “annexed” (that is,
most of my creative effort was spent on conquered) by a vast interstellar empire,
freelance work for the tabletop game the Khedai Hegemony.
industry. My major projects at the time
included Transhuman Space, Traveller, and In the setting’s back story – our own near
other books for Steve Jackson Games. future – Earth was in very bad shape.
Global depression, ecological collapse,
Since then, I’ve mostly turned to my own runaway climate change, and half a
original work. These days I publish original dozen regional wars threw the world into
fiction under the pen name of “John chaos. Civilization seemed to be on the
Alleyn.” I’ve also been working on new brink of failure, and many wondered
game projects that I eventually plan to whether the human species itself would
publish under my own imprint. The two survive.
halves of my creative life overlap, as I
develop settings for my original fiction that It’s at that point that the khedai made
may eventually be published as game their presence known. The khedai are a
material. reclusive people, rarely seen by their
subordinates, who rule the Hegemony
One setting that I’m developing has the through a network of client species. They
working title of The Human Destiny. The first have been civilized, starfaring creatures
elements of this universe date back to the for millions of years, and today the
fourth edition of GURPS Space, as one of Hegemony governs tens of thousands of
three planned setting capsules that worlds across the Orion Arm of the galaxy.
eventually were dropped for lack of room.
I’ve worked with it ever since, as an As soon as the khedai became aware of
extended meditation on the kind of future our existence, they set plans in motion to
human beings might realistically expect on intervene. The invasion of Earth began in
the interstellar stage. I’ve written and September 2044, and it was over in less
published several pieces of fiction in this than six months. The khedai called it the
universe, with more to come. I’m also in Fifth Rimward Intervention, and they
the very early stages of developing at least considered it a minor skirmish on the
two tabletop sourcebooks, for people who frontiers of their empire. Humans called it
might be interested in using the setting for simply the Conquest.
their own games.
The khedai are imperialists by any
Premise reasonable definition, but as overlords
The default present for the Human Destiny they seem surprisingly benevolent. The
setting is in the late 23rd century. This is a resources of Earth and the solar system
little over two hundred years after Earth have not been plundered. In fact, the
Hegemony has rebuilt many shattered The galaxy doesn’t belong to humans, but
ecosystems, restoring much of Earth’s that doesn’t mean we can’t earn a place
natural beauty and health. Humans have in it.
not been enslaved. In fact, most humans
enjoy greater freedom and a higher Genre and Tropes
standard of living than their ancestors did The Human Destiny is a reconstructed
before the Conquest, without having to space­opera setting, dominated by
work for any of it. The Hegemony enforces futuristic technology, gleaming cities,
a system of laws that most humans find colonies on other worlds, interstellar travel,
reasonable, and they do so with majestic and intelligent aliens. It’s inspired by
impartiality. science­fictional universes such as those
found in David Brin’s “Uplift” novels, the
The khedai have always claimed that they Mass Effect video game, or the various
came to Earth only to save humanity from Star Trek TV shows. Even so, it’s not
its self­destructive nature. They claim to primarily about scientific minutiae or the
mean us no harm, and they express a wish wonders of ultra­tech gear. It’s about
to see us someday become mature people, solving problems and wrestling
citizens of the galaxy. with human nature on a much larger
Even so, many humans have always
resented the Conquest. They feel the The focus is on four tropes: a post­scarcity
human species has been forced to give up society, colonialism, exploration, and a
freedom and ambition in exchange for a cosmic perspective.
false security – the life of animals on exhibit
in a zoo. Dissent and passive resistance Post­Scarcity Society: Humans now live
continue to the present day. comfortable lives without having to strive
for them. In fact, we don’t need to work
In recent years, however, there have been at all, and most of us don’t. Violent
signs of slow change in the Hegemony’s conflict and most forms of crime are
policy. Humans have been granted things of the past. Our struggles and
greater self­government in the cities of conflicts now fall higher on the ladder of
Earth. Millions of us have been needs: quests for belonging, love,
encouraged to move to the colonies on prestige, self­respect, or reaching our full
Luna, on Mars, and elsewhere. A few potential as sentient beings.
humans have been selected to serve
aboard Hegemony starships, as crewmen Colonialism: We humans aren’t in charge
and even as officers. of the galaxy. In fact, we’re a tiny minority
group, subjects of an interstellar empire
Human Destiny characters are among ruled by aliens. We’re forced to live with
those exceptional humans. They stand out the fact that someone else has veto
in a crowd, with dreams and aspirations power over all our aspirations.
that can’t be denied. Whether it’s a quest
for a meaningful life on Earth, a career of Meanwhile, under the Hegemony’s
hard work in the colonies, or a vision of watchful gaze, we’re starting to settle
exploring the stars, they are ready to step new worlds of our own and establish new
up to the challenge. human societies away from Earth. What
obligations do we have to the new worlds Individuals will almost never own or
we settle? What happens when those new operate their own starships. Space travel is
societies no longer feel connected to the uncommon and rather slow, so characters
home world? won’t be visiting a series of new worlds on
a timescale of only weeks.
Exploration: The galaxy is bright and full of
wonders. It is also full of ancient mysteries As a result, I expect this instance of the
to be found and unraveled. Even the Cepheus Engine will de­emphasize some
Hegemony itself is vast and enigmatic, full of the rules systems common to the genre.
of exotic cultures we might talk to and In exchange, it will need some new
learn from. We humans are just beginning systems: rules for nonviolent social
to go out and see all of that, and there is conflicts, political and memetic
no limit to what we might discover. campaigns, scientific and engineering
challenges, producing works of art, slice­
Cosmic Perspective: We humans are no of­life play, and so on.
longer confined to a single world and a
few thousand years of recorded history. For the moment, I think there will be at
Now we’re part of a society that touches least three books in the series:
countless stars and has millions of years of
history behind it. The stage is so large that • Architect of Worlds – a non­fiction
most of us have a hard time grasping it. sourcebook for the design of more or less
“realistic” star systems and worlds for
Plans interstellar fiction. Not explicitly a Human
I’ve been writing and releasing fiction in Destiny book, but fully compatible.
this setting for a couple of years now, with
new stories coming out every few months. • Human Destiny Player’s Guide – the
I’m also working on material that began as core setting description or “bible,”
a “setting bible,” and will eventually be character generation rules, equipment
published as a small set of game catalog, common vehicles and ships, rule
sourcebooks under the Cepheus Engine systems that vary from or aren’t found in
label. the Cepheus Engine core.

Packaging this setting as a Cepheus • Atlas of the Human Protectorate –

Engine game presents certain challenges. maps and location descriptions for Earth,
In some ways, it doesn’t resemble the the Sol system colonies, and the interstellar
classic science­fiction game that Cepheus neighborhood, along with campaign and
emulates at all closely. For example, adventure seeds.
characters are more likely to value
reputation and personal goals, rather than Depending on how well these items
marginal sums of money. Violence is quite attract an audience, I may develop more
rare, so stories aren’t likely to involve a lot books to follow.
of armed confrontations. The
technological base is consistent For now, I can’t predict how long it will
throughout the Hegemony, so there won’t take before any of these items
be the usual need to catalog gear and approaches a publishable state. I’m a
weapons for a variety of “tech levels.” one­man development shop, and I have
other projects under way as well. Architect of Worlds is the most likely to be finished and
released in 2022, but the other books certainly won’t appear until 2023 or later.
Publication will most likely be via PDF and print­on­demand through
or a similar site.

On the other hand, anyone interested in this project is invited to follow my writer’s blog
My patrons ( also get occasional updates for all
this material. For example, they have received several interim drafts of Architect of
Worlds, as well as an early draft of the Player’s Guide with Cepheus­derived character
generation rules.
By Joseph Jaquinta

The economic development office of the set number of Junks from one or more
galactic empire has a mandate to bring starports. A call for tender will go out to
the great commercial success of the captains to apply to run a Junk, with their
empire into all emerging regions. A great choice of crew. Contracts will normally be
deal of trade has to happen to connect given for a set period of time (one to two
new regions into the economic core, and years) with a fixed route, or else will be
many incentives have to be given in order given for a set number of runs between a
to jump start this with new commercial core destination and one deep in the
districts. To meet these needs, the office outback. A modest payment is offered,
commissioned the design of the optimal but, more frequently, no pay is given until
trading vessel: the Junco, commonly the end of the contract, and, at that time,
referred to as The Junk. the title of the ship is handed over to the
captain with no further restrictions. This
The design was commissioned to be as makes it an extremely popular way for
cheap as possible in order to facilitate traders to get started in the industry.
government production, trade subsidies
and to be sensitive to extremely low TL9 Junk
margins. These together allow for the Junk Using a 100­ton hull (2 Hull, 2 Structure), the
to be profitable over a wide variety of Junk is a government sponsored trade
routes. and haulage ship. It mounts jump drive A,
maneuver drive A, and power plant A,
The Junk is extremely popular with many giving a performance of Jump­1 and 1­G
development offices. As the requirements acceleration. Fuel tankage of 14 tons
are very basic, they can be built in almost supports the power plant for 4 weeks and
any starport, usually with locally sourced 1 jump­1. Adjacent to the bridge is a
supplies, often qualifying them for most computer Model 1. The ship is equipped
favorable rates and subsidies due to the with Standard sensors (­4) There are 3
stimulus to the local economy. Analysis staterooms. Cargo capacity is 48 tons. The
shows that, credit for credit, subsidizing the hull is distributed configuration. The ship
production, use and distribution of Junks requires a crew of 3: one pilot, one
achieves government aims better than any navigator, one engineer. The ship costs
other class of vessel. MCr23.247 (including discounts and fees,
but not including other government
A typical government initiative (either local subsidies) and takes 36 weeks to build.
or Imperial) will fund the commissioning of a
(Graphical elements from Starship Geomorphs, by Robert Pearce, licensed under
Creative Commons Attribution­NonCommercial 4.0 International License.)
What They Don’t Tell You
On paper, the Junk is everything it presents parts is seldom hard. Because they are of
itself as. All that economy comes at a standard design, most spare parts are
price. Amongst experienced space farers interchangeable. The general attitude
the Junk is known to be unreliable, cranky, amongst engineers is “forewarned is
prone to breakages and subject to forearmed”. Most competent engineers
unexpected mishaps. Plenty of industry will stock up on spares of things that most
journals feature comics of a proud, but often go wrong. In the worst case,
naive, pilot shanking the hand of a because they are so common, if a
government official as they have the title to breakdown occurs and a part is not on
their Junk passed over, while in the board, there will be some Junk in system
background the vessel disintegrates into a that probably has a spare. Half the time
pile of parts. There is wide speculation that they will charge an exorbitant rate for it
the short terms of contracts for Junks are because of their own bitter experience.
because that is their genuine expected Half the time they will give a heavily
lifespan. Anything beyond that is begging discounted rate, out of sympathy and
for disaster. shared pain.

Warnings aside, it is still a popular option for Aftermarket Additions

starting captains. Many take the Because of all the shortcomings for long
government route and contract for a time term operations with Junks, anything that
to earn one. But they can also be found is not running under a current subsidy is
being sold off cheaply by someone who often modified. Some modifications are
has just earned one and would rather have slight, like better filtration on the life
some ready cash. They are often available support so it doesn’t stink as much. Others
for purchase, used, in wildly varying are much more involved. The Junk does
conditions for wildly varying prices. (Some have a good quantity of cargo space.
people will even pay you to take ownership And that is space that can be used to
of their Junk, often with mandatory trade install extra systems. This will reduce its
contracts attached.) profit margin, but if an added system is
needed for the ship to be profitable, it
Buyers should beware; it is universally can be a fair trade.
accepted that there will be something
wrong with it. It is just a question of how Upgraded Systems. There are several
many things are wrong with it. Fortunately, companies who make drop­in
although it tends to go wrong frequently, it replacements for major systems. The
seldom goes wrong fatally. They are standard components of the ship:
certainly known for falling to pieces in a Maneuver Drive, Jump Drive, and Power
firefight, but they do not often fall to pieces Plant, can all be upgraded for just a bit
in normal operations. (Although pieces are more than their normal list prices. This will
known to fall off of them.) greatly reduce the number of breakages
in those systems. Sadly, there is no trade­in
On the plus side, because they are locally value for the dismounted systems. Scrap
sourced, go wrong frequently, and often value is just about all you will get.
end up being sold for scrap, finding spare
Weapon Systems. Although it is possible to Extra Cargo. The Junk is optimized to carry
retrofit a Junk with a single starship level as much as it possibly can. But some
turret, they are still terrible in a fight. This is models will scrap the Jump Drives, reduce
more often done out of bravado or as a their operations to in­system only, and
poison pill. But, since the vessels are so bolt on additional cargo compartments.
cheap, it isn’t unheard of to use them in a (Not all that unusual after a Jump Drive
quasi­disposable way to surprise an failure that is too expensive to fix.) Where
enemy, or in extremis when no other regulations are lax, some of these may
options are possible. even bolt on more than the maneuver
driven can handle at 1G, reducing
Defensive Systems. Since Junks are known performance down to .5 or .25G.
to go to pieces even when just targeted by
a weapon system, they are easy prey to Plot Hooks
pirates seeking to intimidate into paying There are many opportunities to use Junks
some protection money. Although armor in your campaign.
plating is of questionable value, point
defense weapons are an option. They Congratulations On Your New Ship. Many
won’t significantly damage an attacking campaigns start with requiring one of the
ship, but they will make life difficult for players to own a ship. A Junk is ideal in
boarding parties. Similarly, an aggressive many ways. They are cheap enough, and
internal system can make anyone regret with a low enough resale value, that the
boarding one. referee can just give one to them
outright, without being unbalanced. They
Extra Fuel Tankage. This is a popular option, go wrong often enough, so that if the
with collapsible bladders being the most referee wishes the players to remain in a
favored. That allows two successive jump­ system for a while, it can just go wrong.
1s to be taken to get from one trade loop And they are customizable enough that
to another, and then back to normal jump­ the players can use their creativity to
1 running. For captains who were enticed grow the ship into what they need as they
by a long trade run into the outback and progress.
are looking to do it again for their own
profit, this can open many more Working Passage. The only available
possibilities. working passage between two points for
the players might be on a Junk. This gives
Stealth Compartments. Because these ample opportunity for the referee to insert
ships are so heavily modified, any inspector any intermediary adventure based on the
expects to find changes to the base Junk failing in some opportune way.
design. It is easy to construct something
that looks like one modification but is, in
fact, a façade hiding a scan shielded
compartment for other commodities.
Given the difficult margins on this vessel,
running contraband is very tempting.
Under the Hood. In some suitably dramatic be a total lemon, until they get right
situation, the players may find that their beyond the space ports jurisdiction. Then
Junk underperforms when they need it, it mysteriously fails. Like someone threw a
due to a failure in a aftermarket addition. kill switch. They are hailed a bit later by
Upon examination they find that the the same captain, who offers to take
addition doesn’t work as advertised them back to port in return for the title to
because it is really a holdout the ship.
compartment. Inside this long­lost stash
they find the plot hook for their next Breakdown. The player’s ship breaks down
adventure. in an out of the way system. They do not
have the spare they need, nor can it be
Shell Game. After a nice paycheck, the made locally. However, someone will
players come across a captain, down on respond to their request saying they know
their luck. After many drinks, they agree to of a location of a crashed Junk. This could
sell the players a Junk for enough money to be on an asteroid, the bottom of a lake,
pay off gambling debts and the or a deep crater. Anywhere the referee
disgruntled crew. The ship turns out not to would like to hook the adventurers to.

By Jo Jaquinta

Chapter 5
Kwok and Heleni wiped down the galley Juanita nodded. “So, what do you think
at the start of their shift as Juanita finished we're up to?” asked Kwok.
off her rations at the end of hers. “I love
the man to death, but I wish I understood “I think we're headed for the L3 point.”
why The Chief decided to insist on a
complete 3rd degree inspection of the “Which one is that?” asked Kwok. “I never
star drive as a priority. We just came out of remember the numbers.”
drydock and we're just going in some big
loop around this star.” “It's the point of gravatic equilibrium
exactly opposite the planet in orbit
“I guess it makes more sense than taking it around the star. Once there you can stay
apart while in trans­space” said Kwok. there indefinitely with minimal station
keeping. Not a bad spot for a
“Well, it's like the maneuver drive. While it’s rendezvous.”
running and being stressed, we can
monitor and check it out. It would almost “And, being the opposite side of the star”
be easier to do it while in transition.” added Juanita, “it's nicely shielded from
station view. You may be on to
Kwok shrugged. “I don't think we're going something.” She got up and pushed
back to station” said Heleni. Juanita away from the table. “We'll be coming up
looked at her quizzically. “If The Chief on it soon. If anything exciting happens,
wanted a full inspection of the drive let me know. I'm off shift and have an
before we used it, and wants it all done appointment with my bunk.”
during the first half of this little shakedown
loop, it might be because we intend to Kwok grinned and gave Heleni the
use it before we're done.” thumbs up. “Nice one. Maybe we'll see
action yet.”
“Maybe,” said Juanita. “But he can also
just be a plain bastard for maintenance.”
“They've worked it out”, said Elise to
“Also consider this loop. If we just wanted Seldon on the bridge, shutting down the
a lazy spin around the star, it would make galley intercom.
more sense to dive deep, let it sling us
around and back. Less fuel used, more “Did you expect any less?” he asked.
stress on different systems, all around more
sensible. Instead we're powering our way “I suppose not”, she admitted. “They're
along the normal orbit of L'Union prime at pretty sharp.”
faster than orbital velocity. Looks pretty on
a plot, but it doesn't make physics sense.” Heleni and Kwok entered the bridge.
Heleni took her station at Navigation and “It's not a stable point”, said Heleni.
Kwok reconfigured the fourth station to “Anything without engines will eventually
tactical. They checked in, picked up their drift off. Kind of lonely.”
roster and got to work.
“Give it time”, said Elise.
“Coming up on solar occlusion of station in
fifteen, Captain” reported Heleni. ***

Seldon smiled wryly, “Noted.” “L3 orbit achieved”, said Seldon. “Time to
see if anyone is home.”
“Sensors not reporting any activity ahead
on our course” added Kwok. “Yes, sir”, said Elise. She turned the radio
to the lowest gain and typed in a series of
“Out here? Why would there be any?” numbers. Corresponding call tones
asked Elise innocently. sounded over the bridge speakers. After a
minute another set of tones came back.
Kwok and Heleni exchanged glances. He
grinned and gave her another thumbs­up. “I've got a direction”, said Kwok. “No
reading yet.”
Thirty seconds after the occlusion mark
Seldon said “Navigation. Please give me “Look for occluding stars”, said Heleni.
guide wires for approach and zero velocity
to the L3 point.” “What?”

“On your board,” said Heleni, almost “A shadow against the stars. If it’s there,
immediately. it’s between us and the stars. There will be
some missing.”
“How efficient,” noted Seldon. “Tactical, no
active scan. Please keep it to passive.” “The code checks out”, said Elise.

“Pip, pip,” said Kwok after a pause. “We're go then. Put me on,” he
addressed the keyboard microphone.
“If an active scan wave reflects off of “This is Captain Seldon of the Raider's
something,” explained Elise, “it will keep Lament. We're here to pick up a delivery.
propagating across the system. Others Shall we do this on your deck or on ours?”
could receive it.”
There was a pause. “I think I have a
“We're not Naval enough to warrant tight track”, said Kwok. “Not enough to
beam scanners” said Seldon. “Maybe next establish a course.”
“They're probably in a halo orbit around
“Passive scan is quiet” said Kwok. “No the point”, said Heleni.
significant energy readings. Not even
space junk.” “Reply coming in, sir” said Elise. “Text
“Shame”, said Seldon. “I guess you won't “So, you are saying that it can read our
be able to use your voice stress analysis or mind and broadcast our thoughts?”
ident matching.” asked Seldon.

Elise ignored him and read the message “In a manner of speaking,” said Elise's
aloud. “Thank you, Captain Seldon, for this voice over the ship's speakers. Her lips did
appointment. We can make our docking not move though.
port available to your subordinate craft for
discussion and transfer.” “Compelling.” He rose. “Elise: you will
accompany me to the negotiations. No
“I've got them now,” said Kwok. “They projectile sidearms though. Not even
turned their running lights on.” nonfunctional ones. We don't want them
to think we're going to blow holes in their
“Very well”, said Seldon. “Please ask ship. But bring your best blade.
Vikhagen to get the dory ready.” He
paused, considering. “Elise, you know I “Chief, are you getting this?”
hate discussing private business in public.
Yet I so value the advice of my crew. What “I've been following from down here,”
do you have for me here?” came his filtered reply.

“Well, sir, we can start off with the collars. “I want you on the bridge for this. We're
They are unobtrusive and will allow us to not expecting trouble, but I want to be
receive data from each other without prepared for it. Everyone, refresh yourself
being overheard by people or machines, if with today's call codes for alerting trouble
scrambled enough. I have wearable or coercion. Questions?” There were nods
sensors that will give us basic biometric info all around. “Good. We'll launch in ten.”
and language translation if necessary.”
“But can we talk?”
The Sweeping Generalization separated
“That's a little trickier. I do have a partial from the Raider's Lament with barely a
solution that I've had some success with.” whisper. Vikhagen hovered over the
She attached some small electronics controls like they were fragile glasswork.
connected to wires to her clavicles. “The The engines could barely be heard as she
key is sub­vocalization.  You speak under set them up on their trajectory. “Idle
your breath. No one can hear you, but speed, sir, all the way.”
these low­profile microphones will pick up
the vibrations. The problem is that it’s not “Thank you, Pilot” said Seldon from the
very clear. So first we filter it using voice passenger seat. He wore his dark blue
datagrams I've built up for each of us. This uniform, blazoned with the badge of the
does a most frequently used algorithm to Raider's Lament. On first glance, its
create a best fit match. Additionally, the piratical skull and crossed bones was
collar tracks your speech center brain incongruous against what appeared to
activity and provides subject domain be a naval uniform. But on closer
input.” examination the skull was impaled on a
sword and red tears ran from the empty aft section, between the engine pods.
eye sockets. On second glance it was Contrary to her usual flair Vikhagen made
apparent that the uniform, as well, was the maneuver in deliberate steps, coming
naval in style and cut, but not an actual to a full rest between each pivot. When
naval uniform. the final port mated there was barely an
indication other than the airlock light
“Shadow is confirming the running lights illuminating.
configuration. They look to be a
government surplus freighter” said Elise. “Bravo”, said Elise.
She too wore a similar uniform. But to it she
added a peaked cap, epaulets, gold Vikhagen beamed her a broad grin.
buttons, and six silver buckles on the boots. “There's more than one way to show off.”
Both wore sabers in scabbards on their
sides. ***

“Well there is no question about us Seldon and Elise stood in the aft airlock of
outgunning them”, said Vikhagen. “There's the dory waiting for the green light from
a reason they call them 'Junks'. They're just the other side.
mass­produced boxes with barely enough
power to move and transition, let alone “Check, check” said Elise, through her
mount any decent weapons.” clavicle mic.

“Unless, of course, it's been refitted” noted “Reading,” said Seldon in return, lips
Seldon. barely moving. “Copy Chief?”

“I'm not getting any significant power “Loud and fuzzy” he said from the
readings”, said Elise. Lament. “But understandable. We've got
your backs.”
“But you aren't from us, either, are you?”
said Seldon, raising his eyebrow. The light turned green and Seldon
nodded to Elise. She cycled the door
But as they drew within visual range open, paused, and stepped through. Her
nothing was seen to contradict the face all serious, she took in the scene at a
appearance of a bare bones trading junk. glance.
“All I see is a double mount missile turret,”
said Vikhagen. “Should I overfly them to The belly of the junk was one large cargo
get a better look?” hold stretching the full width of the ship
and breaking up fore and aft into smaller
“No. That would be rude”, said Seldon. “I compartments between structural girders.
think we have enough to go on for now A number of regulation cargo containers
without making them nervous.” were bolted to the deck along the edges
with nets for loose goods stowed along
“Aye, aye, sir”, she said and brought them the ceiling. The center was empty and
about. The standard design had a docking there waited a small party.
port on the starboard flank of the vessel
and the dory had a compatible one in its
A tall man in his 40s stood ahead of the ship has just completed a refit and it was
rest. He wore a rich fur vest which made a good excuse for a shakedown cruise.”
him look broader than he was. The sheen
from the fabric from the rest of his clothes “Nothing too serious, I hope”, Kosti said
and the gold rings on his fingers marked with concern.
him out as the likely Captain. A man and a
woman flanked him in guard position; not “Our job is to deliver cargo where it needs
near enough to threaten, but close to go. Sometimes there are those who
enough to intervene. They had fair hair would see it otherwise. We could have
and skin, wearing simple blue wool ship surrendered our cargo, but chose not to.
suits, and looked like they were related. Eighteen months in drydock was a higher
Their hands rested easily on utilitarian price than we received for that cargo,
looking hilts of straight swords. Behind and but I'd rather have a reputation for
to one side was a young woman of similar getting the job done than for turning tail
stature, with a barely restrained sullen look. to every threat.”
Her clothes were well tailored, but of
simple weave. She wore a dirk and stood Kosti nodded, once. There was a pause
protectively next to a quarter canister that acknowledged that the pleasantries
case. were over. He turned to his side and
indicated the quarter canister and the
Seeing no immediate threat, Elise stood to young woman. “The cargo. The
one side and Seldon came through the destination: Valio Eskola.”
lock. He beamed a smile at them and
strode to the center of the cargo deck. “Not in the atlas,” reported the Chief.
Elise fell in behind him. “Captain Seldon of
the Raider's Lament. At your service.” He “I'm unfamiliar with that port”, said Elise.
paid no mind to the two guards. “Allow me “Which system is it in?”
to introduce my Warrant Officer, Elise
Sedwell.” He held out his hand in greeting. “It is not a port”, said Kosti, “it is a person.
You should be able to find him on Port
The other Captain seemed to come to a Newark.”
decision, smiled back, stepped forward
and grasped his hand with both hands. “Two transitions from here”, said Elise. She
“Captain Kosti. Welcome to my ship.” nodded to Kosti.

“He's looking you in the eyes,” said the “I know it isn't far, but Ritva is eager to be
Chief over the monitor. “That's a good reunited with her Uncle.” The young
sign.” woman nodded, once.

“Thank you for taking the trip out here for “Ah”, said Seldon. “My best wishes on
the rendezvous. I hope it wasn't too far out your reunification. But I think I should
of your way,” he continued. clarify; we are a cargo vessel. We are
more than happy to take your
“No distance is too far out of the way for consignment,” he indicated the canister,
good business” replied Seldon easily. “My “and deliver it to the gentleman in
question. But I'm afraid we do not traffic in
people. There are strict laws, you know, “Established terms and conditions do not
against anything that might be construed oblige us to secure her safety should she
as slave trade.” be engaged in illegal activities. We can
terminate that contract if she becomes a
“I have them here sir. If you need me to problem or transfer her to another vessel if
quote,” added Elise in undertone. our itinerary changes. We're indemnified
from a lot more than the standard
“Ritva is no slave! She just wants to be contract for secure packet delivery”, said
reunited with her family. There has been a Elise.
tragic separation and she has only just
gained the information of his Seldon smiled. “Precisely.”
“Please,” said Kosti. “May we confer?”
Seldon paused, appearing to consider. Seldon nodded and moved back
“We've taken passengers before”, said the towards the dory with Elise.
“Will they go for it?” asked Elise.
“Regretted it too” said Seldon behind his
hand. “Yes”, said Seldon. “He's already gone for
it. He just has to persuade her. Whoever
“I advise against it” conferred Elise. “The she is, I think they'll be happy to get her
law is on our side. We can get out of the off their deck.”
preliminary contract and maybe even
charge a nuisance fee.” “And onto ours?”

“We're here to do business, Elise”, said Kosti called them back. “As we stated in
Seldon. “Let's find some business we can our request, we wish no illegal trade. We
do.” accept your emendations.”

“I'm very sensitive to your plight”, said “Excellent”, said Seldon. “Elise has the
Seldon directly to Ritva. “But I'm afraid contract ready.” She produced a
taking on a person as part of a datapad. Seldon signed it and handed it
consignment is quite out of the question.” to Kosti. He read it thoroughly from top to
Kosti started to say something. “At any bottom, thought for a minute and then
price,” finished Seldon, firmly. “But, since signed it.
my crew will attest that I have a weakness
for damsels in distress,” Ritva seemed to “May I have a hard copy?” he asked.
bridle at that description, “I'm open to
offer passage to the Lady Ritva, subject to Elise blinked for a moment. “Of course.”
established terms and conditions, aboard She tapped the datapad and a sheaf of
the Raider's Lament until we complete paper curled out from the side.
delivery of the consignment.”
“Thank you.”
Kosti considered. “If we're going to take
her anyway, why not just take her?” asked “Our ship welcomes you”, said Seldon to
the Chief. Ritva. “We can take the consignment
over in our dory and any personal effects She pointed up where the filter had been
you might have.” removed. “Data projection. Data
monitoring. If our friend becomes a
The two crewmen pulled out a hand truck problem, it can be contained.”
and loaded the canister onto it. Ritva
picked up a duffel bag that had been “Ah”, said Heleni, slinging the duffel as
behind the canister. She and Kosti shared a Elise pulled the crates. “You've done this
double handshake but exchanged no before then.”
“SOP”, said Elise. “But not one you'll find in
“This way then” said Elise. the written manual.”

Chapter 6 ***
Heleni tightened the strap on the duffel of
clothes and smoothed the seal shut. Elise “So, what's she like?” asked Kwok in the
was just finishing placing some odds and galley. Vikhagen was setting up two trays
ends into a utility box. “That looks to be and steaming some buns. She wore an
about it”, said Heleni. official crew blazer.

Elise looked up briefly. “There's a filter on “The passenger? Not your type. Way too
the light. Can you get that while I finish young.” She looked through another
this?” compartment. “Do you know anything
about wine?”
Heleni stood on the other filled utility box
and began to unfasten the panel. “It's nice “I'm a beer drinker. And how do you
of you to give up your cabin for the know? I like them young.”
passenger.  I thought I'd be the one
slinging a hammock in the cargo bay, Vikhagen laughed. “I think she's illegal
being junior­most. You're an officer.” young. At least for most parts of the
galaxy.” She read from a number of boxes
“It's not a military ship”, said Elise. “It doesn't she was preparing and typed them onto
work the same. You’re paid crew. You a keyboard.
have your rights. I'm a part­owner. I won't
sue myself for less than union regulation “So, we've got a kid and a mysterious box.
quarters.” In need of our expensive protection.
What's her story?”
“But, still. We all understand the situation.”
Heleni brought the filter down and Elise put “Hmm. A Wellington red,” she read from
it into the utility box and sealed it. the screen. “Love this wine matching
software Elise found. Takes all the
“As you see, I don't have much stuff. And I guesswork out of serving.” She checked a
don't mind Spartan living conditions.” They few labels and pulled out a bottle. “She's
lifted the two boxes onto a hand truck. Elise not real talkative. Hasn't said two words
knocked on the walls and smiled at Heleni. the whole time I've been there. The
“Besides, this is the most secure room on Captain's just talking, telling tales.” She
the ship. From the inside or the outside.” popped the top on the bottle.
most expansive. I apologize”, said Seldon
“Hey,” said Kwok. “Give me a swig!”
across the table to Ritva. “It's not a bad
bottle for what it is. The vineyards aren't far
“Not a chance”, said Vikhagen. “Screen
from where I grew up. They were once
says it's got to sit for a bit. This is for the
owned by a branch of my family, in fact.
Captain's table. Besides, you said you were
Not for a long time now, though.”
a beer drinker. This would be wasted on
you.” She pulled out the steaming buns and
He finished his main course and smiled
arranged them on the plate. “Gotta run
across at her. She sat stoically, sipping the
while it's hot!”
last of her wine. Vikhagen quietly entered,
quickly cleared the table, laid out two
“Pip, pip,” called Kwok after her.
cups of flavored ice, and silver spoons.
She popped the top of a small bottle of
golden liquid, settled it into an ice carafe,
and set out two chilled glasses. Seldon
Juanita and the Chief took turns at the sink
picked out the cocktail stick decorating
washing oils from their hands with solvents.
the ice desert; it had an iceberg silhouette
The Chief dried his, and Juanita turned off
on the top. “Why thank you, Vikhagen.”
the spigots with her elbows while she
waited for her turn. “Are you sure you want
“Yes sir,” she said in a forced voice, fleeing
to double jump us on the first time?”
before she lost her straight face.
He passed her the towel. “You know how
“Now this wine perfectly suits this desert.”
Seldon is about passengers.”
He poured glasses. “It's synthesized, but it's
a classic formula. In order to compete
“Yeah. He can't stand them.”
with the sweetness you need something
heavy. And if it's heavy then there is no
“We've got full fuel and Port Newark is a
point in anything too subtle. Is it to your
pretty main port. I think he'll prioritize getting
the mission done quickly over coming into
port with empty tanks.” She secured the
“Yes” she said after sipping her glass.
towel and they both sat down at the
workbench. “The trans­space drives are the
They ate in silence for a while. “That's a
same as they always were. They didn't take
very interesting gem in the ring on the
damage and our overhaul hasn't turned
chain around your neck. I'm not quite sure
anything up. The whole point of good
I recognize it. May I?” With seeming
maintenance is so that you have the
reluctance, she lifted the chain from her
leeway to do things like this.”
neck and passed it to him. The heavy gold
was etched in a simple geometric pattern.
“Hey, less time between today and payday
Set into it was a gem of a transparent
is good for me. No complaints here.”
purple hue. “Exceptional clarity. A fine
cut. Purple corundum? Most odd. Do you
know where it came from?” He handed it
“I'm not sure the Wellington was the perfect
choice for this. But our wine cellar isn't the
“It's a family heirloom.” hide things.” He took a few bites from the
plate of ice he brought up from the
*** galley. “The engines are prepped. We
can do a double jump if you want, Sir.”
Seldon poured Elise the last from the bottle
of wine. He offered it to the Chief but he “Excellent” said Seldon, raising his glass to
held up a beer tube he had brought. the Chief. “That is precisely what I would
“Waste not, want not.” like to do. We don't have a good guess
about this cargo or this passenger. The
“So how is our precious non­cargo?” asked sooner they are off our hands, the
the Chief, cracking his tube open. better.”

“Very reticent,” said Seldon. “Hardly said “We're out of occlusion with the sun,” said
anything the whole evening.” Elise. “I can send word to the station to
cancel our docking reservation and to let
“I've had dates like that”, said the Chief. the dockyard take their final payment
from escrow.”
“Are you sure it isn't because they couldn't
get a word in edgewise?” poked Elise. The Seldon looked to the Chief. “No issue
Chief guffawed. “We moved her personal here. We got what we paid for.”
effects to the cabin. The canister is locked
down in the hold. Can't say much about “Very well” said Seldon. “Please arrange
them. The effects scanned as plain clothes it so they get their money, with my
and the canister was shielded.” apologies. Start the countdown for
transition in two hours.” They both
“Not surprising, I guess”, said the Chief. “No nodded and left.
point to go through all this secrecy and not
By P­O Bergstedt

The Hostile Setting from Zozer Games uses Atmosphere

its own modified rules for generating the The atmosphere is dependent on the size
main world of a system. In the Hostile of the planet, but in a better way than in
Setting, the nations of Earth have started the original CE rules. In the Hostile version,
to colonize space out to about 20 parsecs small planets with dense atmosphere are
(and explored interesting worlds even less likely, and all worlds smaller than size
further away from Earth). Corporations are two will not have any atmosphere. So,
getting rich, mining, and exploring the new there is no need to explain any
worlds. The setting is inspired by the Alien atmosphere with precursor aliens
movies and that is visible in books’ anymore.
In a setting like this, the original Cepheus Population is 2D – 5 minus (or plus) some
Engine world generation rules cannot modifiers. The maximum population
generate a believable subsector. The rules possible is 8. This fits well in the setting.
had to be changed, and Zozer Games did
so in a simple and logical way that made Tech Level
me very happy; it made me so happy so Tech level for all planets is 12. The
that I made a web­based subsector corporations use the best technology
generator (details at the end of this available for their industries. This makes
article). Some of the important changes perfect sense in this setting.
are discussed below.
The Hostile Subsector Generator
Starport I built a web­based Subsector Generator
Starport is based on population and a D3, using the Hostile rules, which can be found
and this makes sense in this setting. at the Cepheus Journal website. There are
Starport B is the best possible. some different parameters you can try,
like the stellar density and the settlement
Size type. The Zozer rules use the OuterRim
Super­Earths, up to size 16, can be settlement type. I also allow the tech level
generated. Since we have found so many for some poor worlds to be 11, since I think
exo­planets that are Super­Earths, this is a that some smaller corporations or
very nice addition. entrepreneurs may use surplus equipment.
There is also a Hostile Subsector editor you
can use if you want to change something
about the generated subsector.

By P­O Bergstedt

Using AI for your Cepheus Engine setting NPCs

AI can be a great help for Referees/GMs A nice thing about using images for NPCs
that are planning their campaign. If an is that the Players may think that they are
image of a landscape or an NPC is more important than they really are. (“The
needed it can be quickly generated. ref made an image of this NPC. Then this
There are several apps or webpages that NPC must be important.”) A well­known
can be used. (For the more advanced image generator is This Person Does Not
user, there are also programs that can be Exist. But it is impossible to control the
downloaded. This often requires the user to output. Another useful generator is
have a good graphics card and have the Artflow. Artflow is a lot easier to control.
skill Computer­3. This article will only discuss
You just write what you want the person to
simple tools.) look like, or you could try just writing a
name and see what the AI dreams up.
A few of these tools can be found in the list This is fun to play with. I recently updated
of generators at the Zhodani Base. Most of the Adventures of the Starship Notorious
the generators found there are not AI tools with 57 character images of which 47 are
(but still useful). NPCs.
Spaceships and Landscapes happy with the character it made. For
The Wombo Dream app is a fun app that Christmas it also made a nice Krampus.
can make spaceships and landscapes. It is
easy to use, you just write what you want it Another app that is easy to use and that
to make. You can also add different styles has been used for the cover of this issue is
and add an image of your own as a Starryai. Using Starryai takes a little longer,
guide. It can make a lot of other things as but the results are better. However, there
well, but it is not very good at making are restrictions on how many times you
characters. Most characters look like an can use it each day for free. (You can
Ood from Doctor Who. It was only when I find those mobile apps where mobile
asked the app to make an Ood that I was apps are found.)

Make an image look like artwork

There are lots of websites with filters that you can find at the Cepheus Journal
can make a photo look like artwork. Some website. You can try Markov chains at the
of these use AI. For my Cepheus Markov Namegen website.
Störtebeker setting I used an image of a
cog and used a website called TensorFire. Adventures
AI doesn’t seem to be good creative
Names and words writers of adventures yet. But with a tool
There are many generators for words and like InferKit you could have some fun and
names. Some use AI. You should try a get some ideas to help you with your
generator that uses Markov chains. writing. The adventure Rue Nee Curios was
Markov chains have been used for the written by Timothy Collinson using some
names in the Subsector Generators that ideas that this AI had generated.
The Future
The future looks bright. AI can help
Referees/GMs and publishers to generate
their own adventures. Our computers get
better all the time. I am looking forward
to what AI can do for the RPGs in a few

By Brett Kruger

A teaser setting
“We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where
we started and know the place for the first time.” T. S. Eliot

Mankind has always had a thirst for the unknown. From the early days of exploration of the
pale blue dot that was mankind’s home world, to their expansion across the solar system,
there was the ever­present desire to know more of what is beyond the horizon. Still, mankind
was limited to the speed of their ion drives. Robotic probes were sent out to nearby stars,
their journeys taking decades to reach their targets. Humans continued to fight over the
riches of the worlds in their system while waiting for news of new worlds.
All that changed for humanity once viable fusion power plants could be engineered. Within
a few decades the power sources were small enough to power starships, and the next great
human breakthrough came. The theoretical Alcubierre warp drive became possible.
Instead of decades to cross the void the first warp ship completed the parsec to our nearest
star in just over two weeks. Suddenly the race was on as factions, corporations and
governments all vied to claim the stars. Once again exploration ships were built and sent
out. And they found …. nothing. The worlds orbiting the nearby stars were barren and
hostile to mankind. Still, bases and colonies were established and once again mankind set
about bringing resources back to their homes. However, the greatest discovery was yet to
In 2357 CE an ice hauler working the rings of Saturn discovered something sitting just above
the atmospheric plane of the gas giant. Scanners show a large metallic ring floating in low
orbit above Saturn. Robotic probes were sent to investigate the ring and try and retrieve it,
but all attempts failed. Finally, scientists were sent down to investigate the ring. They
discovered it had a huge energy potential that seems to tap Saturn itself.
A week after the scientists began their investigations of the ring, the ‘Event’ happened. At
first the area inside the ring appeared to warp, like ripples across a pond, before a vortex
formed into a shimmering whirlpool. The scientists monitoring the ring realised the ring had
formed a quantum wormhole, a gateway to no­one knew where. The United Earth
Government built and equipped a probe to send into the wormhole. The probe was
designed to try a survive the wormhole crossing, capture data on the other side and
attempt a return.
The probe was sent into the quantum ring, as the scientists like to call it now, and they
waited. Three days passed and, right on time, the probe exited out of the ring. The data
showed a system, not completely unlike the Sol system, at the other end of the wormhole.
Of even greater significance to the scientists, and the government, was that the data
showed an earth­like world in the other system, the first ever found outside the Sol system.
Plans were made and scientific teams were sent through the ring to the other world, and on
the other side more systems were discovered that were earth­like. The government tried to
keep the ring and the other systems a secret, tried to control the migration to the other
worlds, but it was all in vain.
The next great wave of human exploration had begun, and there was no putting the genie
back in the bottle.And Hell was waiting...

By Brett Kruger

The following products were released during the months of December through March. All
in all, it was a big couple of months for releases. The top four publishers in this list released
thirty four titles alone.
Michael Brown Ordo Arcanorum
Hazard: Limnic Eruption! Opus Magi: Psions
The Vitrified Village Opus Magi: the Catacombs of Paris
Hazard: Storm! Stellagama Publishing
Breathless Quantum Starfarer
Primary Attribute The Sword of Cepheus Reference
Starfall Wild Bee Publishing
Perils of the Innocent Andromeda Dragons Character
Hazard: Matterslip! Sheet
Hazard: Tsunami! Andromeda Dragons
Jane's Deception Okumarts Games
The Concrete Maelstrom Extrastellar Set Eighteen: Alien
Hazard: Tornado! Mercenaries
The Babylon Compulsion Extrastellar Set Seventeen: Space
Shots in the Dark Mercenaries
Inbound Monachus Press
The Ghosts of Torin Boomslang armed transport
A Gift Brought More Precious Kavouras Colonial freighter
Zozer Games CyborgPrime Publishing
HOSTILE Mega [BUNDLE] Starship Deck Plans For VTT:
Salvatoris Newton­Class Lab Ship
Warlords of Atlantis Starship Deck Plans For VTT:
HOSTILE Bughunters [BUNDLE] Sultana­Class Far Trader
HOSTILE Double Shift [BUNDLE] Parts Per Million
Hostile Referee's Screen Deep Temple ­ A 5e Compatible
Hostile Rules Adventure
Old School Role Playing Chaosium
Extraction Bibliophobia A Rules Light Solo
A Risky Proposition Roleplaying supplement
A Delicate Matter Moon Toad Publishing
Justice Denied Quick Ship File: Quixote Type ST
Rapture Class Scout
Expedition to the Crystal Caverns Surreal Estate Games
Independence Games Ship Dossier: Inanna Class Armed
Trade Empire­class Commercial Transport
Transport Felbrigg Herriot
Diverse Roles Third Edition Jihad
Anderson and Felix Guide to Naval Mongoose
Architecture Third Edition 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in
Clement Sector Third Edition or about Deneb
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