Brown Creative Vintage Rustic Motivational Quote Poster

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My dearest Sai and Kyly,

To these people who helped me through up and down, I’m

really grateful you exist. Thank you for taking over during my
hardest times. Thank you for your better outlook of life. I will be
forever grateful of you being strong and optimistic in every
trials. I know it was not a smooth ride but still thank you for
being brave to handle not just Joselle but also the people around
me. Your strong personality really did change a lot in me. I
became better which helped me overcome it all. No more waking
up wondering where to start or what to do, no one’s taking
advantage of me now. I found peace in everything, I also find my
people. They understand and accept me – my flaws, short
comings and irrational attitude. Do you know I can cherish
people now? I can forgive and understand other people now. You
made me realize that no matter how hard or big every trial is, all
I need to do is to surrender it through prayers, let Him take
over, move on and cherish life. Thank you for believing that I can
because this is me and not because I must. Those experiences we
had may be the hardest but it left a lot of lessons as well. So
thank you. I will forever be grateful that I experienced those
downs. I will forever be grateful for those morals. I will forever
be grateful for making me realize that being strong doesn’t mean
being a hero. Thank you for looking down on me.
I love you always!
Forever Grateful,
Manang Joselle
Who Am I?
I always find it hard to open myself to other people. Why? because I don’t
want them to know me. I don’t want anyone to know me because that is
what I told them, instead I want them to know me because they saw it and
remember those tiny detail of me. I want them to construct who am I on
their own. I swear I don’t love the drama, it loves me. Nevertheless, I’ll be
sharing those lessons that changed me and made me realize things. It is
still the same world but different outlook.

People tends to tell me that I” should forgive people and reconcile no

matter what, because forgiveness is a virtue” but sadly I don’t care about
anyone’s opinion about me. Growing up I realized loving and prioritizing
one’s self was never selfish. Make prioritizing one’s self; a hobby. For life
thought me that losing one’s self is really awful. Don’t lose yourself for
anyone, you are worthy as well.

It took me a long time to realize that not everything in life is meant to be

a beautiful story. Not every person we feel something deep and moving
with is meant to make a home within us, is meant to stay forever.
Sometimes, people come into our loves to teach us how to love and be
dependent; and sometimes, people come to teach us how not to love and be
independent. How not to settle, how not to shrink ourselves ever again.
Yes, sometimes people leave- but that’s okay, because their lessons always
stay, and that is what matter. That is what remains. People may come and
go in our life, but the right ones will always stay.

At the end of the day, I just want to be proud of the person I have become.
I want to be proud of the love I gave of the way in which I risked my heart
despite being hurt. I want to be proud of the effort I showed those I cared
about; I want to know with a ruthless certainty that I showed up as much
as I could, that I made people feel seen, that I made those around me feel
less alone in this chaotic world. I want to be proud of my life of the way I
healed, of the way I made mistakes and learned from them, of the way I
felt every- thing even when it wasn't convenient or comfortable. I want to
be proud of the way I grew, of the way I let go, of the way I pushed myself
to be a better person. At the end of the day, I just want to be able to say
without hesitation that I lived my life, that I did not just take a back seat
to my pain, or to my flaws, or to whatever hardships came my way. I want
to be able to say that I am proud of the way I survived. I want to be able to
say that I did not take one day for granted nor please people the way they
wanted. I want my future self to be proud of me, so I’ll work on that.

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