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( An autonomous college in the jurisdiction of Acharya Nagarjuna University ,

Nagarjuna Nagar - 522510,A.P.,INDIA)

Computer Applications B.C.A., 2022-2023

Duration of
Semester End
Instructional Hours per week Max Marks
Examination in
Theory Practical CIA SEE
4 2 3Hours 40 60

Course objectives:
Upon successful completion of the course, a student will be able to:

Learning Outcomes:
CO 1. Identify the computer peripherals, software and hardware devices.
CO 2. Describe the basics of networks and networking tools
CO 3. Describe the Network Addressing and sub-netting
CO 4. Explains the Networks protocols and management
CO 5. Identifies Basic Network administrator roles

Introduction to computer hardware
1.1 Introduction & Definition of Computer
1.1.1. Block Diagram of computer
1.1.2 Classification of computer
1.1.3 Characteristics of Computers
1.1.4 Types of Languages and language translators.
1.1.5 History and Generation of computers, Memory - Bits, Bytes,
KB,MB,GB,TB,PB,EB,ZB,YB,Brontope byte, Geeope Byte. Etc
IEC Units: kibi, mebi,gibi,tebi,pebi,exbi,zebi,yobi
1.1.6 Computer Software, Types of Software with Ex. (System/Applicationrutility
1.1.7 Computer Hardware- Intro. to Hardware components of computer
1.2. Components and its parts
1 .2.1 .Identifying the Important Hardware Components of PC.- CPU, Motherboard,
RAM, HDD, ODD, SMPS, K/B, Mouse, Monitor (CRT,LCD,LED) etc
1.3. SMPS
1.3.1 About SMPS
1.3.2 Types of SMPS
1.3.3 Power stored in UPS
1.3.4 Components and Circuits inside the SMPS Unit
1.4 UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply)
1.4.1 Types of UPS.(Offline/Line Interactive & Online)
1.4.2 Working Principle of each type of UPS.
14.3 Connecting, Maintenance and Troubleshooting.
UNIT-II Computer management and servicing )
2.1 Assembling and dissembling PCs
2.2 Introduction to BIOS / CMOS Setup, POST (Power On Self Test)
2.1.1 lntroduction to BIOS/CMOS setup, POST(power On Self-Test
2.1.2 Demonstration of BIOS/CMOS Configuration Date, Time, Enable/ Disable
2.1.3 Dual BIOS Feature
2.1.4 BIOS/CMOS Setup, Booting Sequence/Boot Order
2.3 Introduction to Operating System
2.3.1Definition and types of Operating Systems - MSDos, Windows 9x/XP/Vista/7/8,
Linux, MAC OS, Android etc.
2.3.2 Process of Booting the Operating System.
2.3.3 Win XP/Win 7. Activation and Automatic Updating procedures.
2.4 Computer Management
2.4. 1 Computer Management, Disk Management, Defragmentation,
2.4.2 Services and Applications,
2.4.3 local Users and Groups
2.4.4 Advanced System Settings
2.4.5 Device Manager, Task Manager, Windows Registry
2.5 Partitioning
2.5.1 Partitioning of Hard Drive - Primary, Extended, Logical partitions using
Partition Tools.

UNIT-III Overview of Networking

3.1 Overview of Networking
3.2 Classification of Networks-LAN, MAN, WAN
3.3 Hardware and Software Components, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth
3.5 Network Communication Standards.
3.6 NETWORKING MODEL -OSI Reference Model, TCP/IP Reference Model
3.7 LAN Cables, Connectors, wireless network adapter
3.8 Wireless network adapter
3.9 Functions of LAN Tools
3.9. 1 Anti-Magnetic mat
3.9.2 Anti-Magnetic Gloves
3.9.3 Crimping Tool
3.9.4 Cable Tester
3.9.5 Cutter
3.9.6 Loop back plug
3.9.7 Toner probe
3.9.8 Punch down tool
3.9.9 Protocol analyzer
3.9.10 Multi meter
3.10 Network Topologies
2.7.1 Bus
2.7.3 Star
2.7.4 Mesh
2.7.5 Hybrid Topologies

UNIT- IV Network Addressing and sub-netting

4.1 Network Addressing.
4.2 TCP/IP Addressing Scheme
4.3 Components of IP Address and
4.4 Sub-netting
4.5 Internet Protocol Addressing - IPv4 ,IPv6
4.6 Classful addressing and classless addressing

UNIT-V Networks protocols and management

5.1 protocols in computer networks
5.2. Hyper Text Transfer Protocol(HTTP)
5.2.1 File Transfer Protocol(FTP)
5.2.2 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol(SMTP)
5.2.3 address Resolution Protocol(ARP)
5.2.4 Reverse Address Resolution Protocol(RARP)
5.3. Telnet, ICMP
5.4. Simple Network Management Protocol(SNMP)
5.5. DHCP, DNS
5.6 Network Management. '
5.7 Network Monitoring and Troubleshooting.
5.8 Remote Monitoring (RMON)

Text Book:
1."Introduction to Data Communications and Networking", B.Forouzan,TataMcGrawHill
2. "Computer Networks", Tanenbaum, PHI,
3. PC AND CLONES Hardware, Troubleshooting and Maintenance B. Govinda rajalu,
Tata Mc-graw-Hill Publication

Reference Books:
1. PC Troubleshooting and Repair Stephen J. Bigelow Dream tech Press, New Delhi
2. "Data and Computer Communications", Stallings, PHI,
3. "DataCommunication", William Schewber, McGrawHill,l9ST
4. IT essential V7 companion guide - Cisco Networking Aiad emy 2020
5. Upgrading and repairing PCs(22nd edition) - Sco$ Mueller - 2015 Que
( An autonomous college in the jurisdiction of Acharya Nagarjuna
University , Nagarjuna Nagar - 522510,A.P.,INDIA)

Computer Applications B.C.A., 2022-2023


Lab experiments

Course objectives: To train the officials to acquire basic knowledge in computer hardware
and peripherals for installation, PC assembly, trouble shooting and maintenance including
system management and its backup and to undertake disaster prevention, a basic
knowledge of TCP/IP networks work group, internet and intranet.

The student will able to know the Basic of Computer assembling and trouble shooting. This
course will provide the brief knowledge of Computer networking and trouble shooting

1. Introduction to PC Hardware and its pheripherals

2. Hardware installation and configuration
3. PC Debugging, troubleshooting and basic preventive maintenance
4. Assembling and Dissembling of a Computer System
5. Preparation of Boot disk or USB drive (demo)
6. Software installation and Configuration with CD/DVD or USB drive
7. Installation of commonly used software (Office Suites, Virus Scanners &
8. Printer Installation & Print Test Page Demo)
9. Installation of Web cam and tools like zoom/Edx/Microsoft teams (optional)
for online class
10. Identifying network components and devices (hub, Switch and router)
11. Cables - Coaxial and UTP and it connectors/Jacks and preparation of a patch cord
12. Networking Basic and Configuration
13. Run All Types of Network Troubleshooting Commands (ipconfig, ping, tracer oute
14. installation and configuring the proxy server for internet access
15. Exercise on Setting of particular IP address (static) to an existing terminal system
16. Exercise on installation of network operating system
17. Exercise on Configuration of DHCP and DNS.
18. Exercise on File/FIolder accessing rights for sharing and printer sharing
19. Exercise on remote desktop
20. Exercise on setting up of VPN on network
21. Design a network with Cisco Packet tracer 8.0 ( freely downloadable)
a. Simple network with one server with five desktops (configure static IP addresses)
b. Adding and removing network cards in a PC or server
c. Design a Network with one DHCP server with 5 desktops
(Try exercises 13,16 and 17 using Cisco packet tracer)

Tools required for pc assembling and software installation

1. Multimeter - lRs 500/ basic version
Digital voltage tester - I Rs 150 (taparia)
2. Earth checking plug - 1 Rs 350 (Mx)
3. Mother board diagnosis card -l Rs 4001
4. SMPS power supply tester - 1 Rs 400/-
5. Screw driver kit - 4 Nos Rs 40 each
6. Extemal CD/DVD writer - I Rs 2000/-
6. Media for operating system (CD/DVD) or USB drive
(Try with trial versions for windows) or Ubuntu desktop(Linux)

Note : Un used old desktops can be used for installation

Tools Required for Network

l. RJ45 crimp tool - I Rs 250/- basic model

2. Cable tester - I Rs 350/-
3. Rj45 jacks - 100 nos Rs 250(ordinary)- Consumables
4. UTP cable - l0 mts for each class Rs 20 per metre – consumables
( An autonomous college in the jurisdiction of Acharya Nagarjuna
University ,Nagarjuna Nagar - 522510,A.P.,INDIA)

Computer Application B.C.A., 2022-2023


TIME:3Hrs Max.Marks:60m
PART-A (5x2=10M)
Answer all of the following Questions

1. List the types of SMPS?

2. What is BIOS?
3. What is topology?
4. What is IP address?
5. What is DNS?

PART-A (5x10=50M)
Answer all of the following Questions

1 A )Explain about block diagram of computer?

b) Explain about UPS?
2 a) Define operating system? Explain types of operating system?
b) Write about computer management?
3 a) List and explain various classifications of networks?
b) Explain various network topologies?
4 a) Explain components of IP address and classes?
b) Explain about IPV4 and IPV6?

5 a) Explain about HTTP and FTP?

b) Explain about network monitoring and troubleshooting?

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