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Christology – The Person and Work of Christ

Deity and Humanity

The Deity of Christ
Definition: The deity of Christ is the doctrine that affirms Christ is 100% God.

Significance: The deity of Christ, like the doctrine of the Trinity, is foundational to Christianity.
• To deny the deity of Christ is to attack the very core of our faith. Cults
• The denial of the deity of Christ is the ultimate landing place in the slippery slope of liberalism.

His Unique-Special Attributes – ప్

ర త్యేక లక్షణాలు
Self-existence - స్వయంభవుడు - John 5:26
Immutability – మార్పు లేనివాడు - Heb 13:8
Eternality – నిత్ేత్వం - Jn. 1:1
Omnipresence – స్ర్వవాేమి- John 1:43-48
Omniscience - స్ర్వజ్ఞ
ా నం - Jn. 2:25
Omnipotence – స్ర్వశక్త
ి - Matt.8:23-27

His Actions – క్త

ర యలు
He created the world - స్ృష్ట ి - Col. 1:16
ి కర్
He forgives sins - పాప్ములు క్షమించువాడు - Matt. 9:1-2
He judges the world - తీర్పు తీర్పువాడు - Jn. 5:22
He sustains the world - స్ృష్ట
ి ని నడిపంచువాడు - Col. 1:15- 17 – 15

His Adoration – Received worship - క్ర ు ఆరాధనను అంగీకరంచుట - తద్వారా తన ై దవత్వాన్ని ప్

ీ స్త ీ కటంచుట
It is a fundamental truth of Scripture that only God be worshipped (Deut. 6:13)
The fact that Jesus receives worship is a strong affirmation of His deity (Jn. 5:23; 9:38; Matt 28:19,
John 9:38, Mathew 28.17)
His Divine Titles - ై దవతాపు పిలుపులు
Lord: Luke 2:11; 5:8 - ప్
ీ భువు
John 20:28 - My Kurios – My Theos, అందుకు తోమా ఆయనతో నా ప్
ర భువా, నా దేవా అనెను.
Son of God: Luke 1:35; Jn. 5:18 - దేవున్న కుమారుడు
His Own Claims: క్ర ు స్ాంత స్వాళ్ళు
ీ స్త
త్నుు దేవునితో స్మానునిగా చేసికొనెను : John 5:18
నేను ఆయనను John 8:24, 28, 58- I AM CLAIM ; 7 I am claims
నేనును త్ండి
ర యును ఏకమ
ై యునాుమని - John 10:30-33
The Humanity of Christ - స్శరీర్పడగుట
Definition: The humanity of Christ is the doctrine that affirms Christ is 100% human.
Significance: The doctrine of the humanity of Christ is central to our doctrine of salvation.
• For Christ to take our place on the cross and satisfy the wrath of God He had to be fully human. If He were not
human, and only divine, His death would have been merely an ineffectual allusion.

His Human Intellect and Emotions

His wisdom “increased” with age (Luke 2:40, 52).
Love (Matt. 9:36; John 11:36)
Grief (John 11:35; Matt. 26:38)
Frustration (Matt. 26:40)
Anger (Matt. 21:12)

His Human Body

He was physically born (Matt. 1:18; Luke 2:7)
He developed physically (Luke 2:40,52)
He had a physical body of flesh and bone (Matt. 13:55; Luke 24:39; John 4:9; 19:1, 18, 28)
He needed food (Matt. 4:2)
He needed drink (John 19:28)
He needed sleep (John 4:6)

The Incarnation of Christ

The word “incarnation” means “in flesh” and refers to the act whereby the eternal, divine
Christ took on Himself an additional nature, humanity, through the virgin birth. స్శరీర్పడగుట –
ై న క్ర
నిత్యేడు, దేవుడ ి ఆయనకు ఉను దేవ స్వభావముతో పాటు కనేక జనమ ద్వవర్ మానవ స్వభావమును
ర స్త
ధరంచుకునాుడు. Key Passage: John 1:1-14

The result of the incarnation is that Christ remains forever unblemished deity, but He also possesses true,
sinless humanity in one Person forever. అవత్ర్ణ వలన ప్
ర తిఫలమేమనగా - జరగినదేమిటి అనగా –
ో షమై న ై దవత్వం మరయు నిజమ
ై న, పాప్ర్హిత్ మానవత్వం ఒకక వేక్త
ి య ై న క్ర ి లో స్దకాలముగా
ర స్త

✓ To reveal God to men (Jn. 1:18)
✓ To take away sin (Heb. 10:5-13)
✓ To satisfy God’s wrath (Rom. 3:25; Heb. 2:17; 1 Jn. 4:10)
✓ To serve as our High Priest before God (Heb. 4:14-16)
✓ To serve as an example of obedience to God (1 Pet. 2:21)
✓ To fulfill the Davidic Covenant (Luke 1:31- 33)
The Virgin Birth
Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 9:6 Probably a direct Messianic prophecy
Matt. 1:18, 25; Lk. 1:27, 34 - – Mary was a virgin
Luke 1:35-37 - The conception was exclusively God’s doing.
Jesus was a unique “holy offspring.” It was a miraculous birth.

The Kenosis
• Phil. 2:5-11 - Jesus was truly God (existed in the “form of God” - 2:6) but He took on true humanity (the
“form of a servant” - 2:7).
– Jesus temporarily relinquished the use of some of His divine attributes (kenosis - “emptied Himself” - 2:7)

He could still utilize divine attributes.

Omniscience (Jn. 2:24)
Omnipotence (miracles)
He permanently took on a human body.
His humanity was real (“form of a servant,” likeness of man,” “appearance as a man”— Philip: 2:7-8)
His humanity is permanent (Acts 1:3, 9-11).

The Hypostatic Union of Christ

Definition: The hypostatic union of Christ is the doctrine that affirms the complete humanity and deity of Christ
in one Person. He is 100% God and 100% man.

Explanation: At the ascension, Christ did not leave His humanity behind.
He remains 100% human and 100% divine. Once human…. always human.
Humanity is an essential nature, not a temporary condition.

Significance: The hypostatic union of Christ is critical because for Christ to accomplish our salvation he had to
be 100% divine and 100% human at the same time.
• Furthermore, for Him to function as our “once for all” high priest in heaven today, He must remain 100%
human and 100% divine.

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