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Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Exam Guide: Validate your knowledge of Kubernetes and implement it in a real-life production environment
Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Exam Guide: Validate your knowledge of Kubernetes and implement it in a real-life production environment
Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Exam Guide: Validate your knowledge of Kubernetes and implement it in a real-life production environment
Ebook631 pages3 hours

Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Exam Guide: Validate your knowledge of Kubernetes and implement it in a real-life production environment

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About this ebook

Kubernetes is the most popular container orchestration tool in the industry. The Kubernetes Administrator certification will help you establish your credibility and enable you to efficiently support the business growth of individual organizations with the help of this open source platform.
The book begins by introducing you to Kubernetes architecture and the core concepts of Kubernetes. You'll then get to grips with the main Kubernetes API primitives, before diving into cluster installation, configuration, and management. Moving ahead, you’ll explore different approaches while maintaining the Kubernetes cluster, perform upgrades for the Kubernetes cluster, as well as backup and restore etcd. As you advance, you'll deploy and manage workloads on Kubernetes and work with storage for Kubernetes stateful workloads with the help of practical scenarios. You'll also delve into managing the security of Kubernetes applications and understand how different components in Kubernetes communicate with each other and with other applications. The concluding chapters will show you how to troubleshoot cluster- and application-level logging and monitoring, cluster components, and applications in Kubernetes.
By the end of this Kubernetes book, you'll be fully prepared to pass the CKA exam and gain practical knowledge that can be applied in your day-to-day work.

Release dateNov 4, 2022
Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Exam Guide: Validate your knowledge of Kubernetes and implement it in a real-life production environment

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    Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Exam Guide - Mélony Qin



    Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Exam Guide

    Copyright © 2022 Packt Publishing

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    First published: November 2022

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    ISBN 978-1-80323-826-5


    Over the last decade, Kubernetes has gone mainstream. Builders of cloud applications are expected to be familiar with cloud-native design tools and techniques. Becoming certified in Kubernetes demonstrates that you have the knowledge and skills necessary to meet the expectations of businesses, enterprises, and consumers.

    Whether you are a cloud-native expert or a beginner, this book will familiarize you with the tools, technologies, and terminology in the cloud-native ecosystem. Mélony’s own experience getting involved in the cloud-native ecosystem and its rapidly changing array of open source projects and cloud-based products, enable her to write an approachable book that can serve as your guide to the modern way that today’s applications are built.

    The expectations of business, customers, and users of today’s applications have never been greater. Kubernetes and cloud-native are the skills that will enable you to build applications that meet the standards necessary to compete in the world of modern application development.

    Brendan Burns, co-founder of Kubernetes open source project.

    I first met Mélony back in 2018. I’d been speaking at an event in London and when I finished, she approached the stage to ask a question. That was just a few days before she started working at Microsoft and I’ve had the pleasure of working with her since then. It’s rare to get to work with such a talented individual, someone who has a real passion for technology, learning, and helping others to learn.

    I’ve been working in technology for over 30 years in roles across operations, engineering, and architecture. A lot of that time was spent working in large corporations. Containers and Kubernetes have had a massive effect on the way applications are developed, deployed, and managed. It would have solved so many problems if I’d had these tools available earlier on in my career. Back in 2014, a colleague of mine told me to keep a close eye on this Docker thing they’d heard about as they were convinced it was going to be a big deal. I have kept an eye on it and they were right. It has been a big deal!

    As your maturity with containers grows, you’ll find yourself involved with Kubernetes. If you’re going to use Kubernetes, then you really need to understand how it works. It’s complicated and you can easily get things wrong, so you really, really need to know what you’re doing. Certification exams are always a great way to build your knowledge, test yourself, and prove that you know your stuff! I’ve sat all of the current Kubernetes certification exams and I can tell you from personal experience, these exams are hard. You can’t get away with guessing which multiple-choice answer is the right one. You can’t wing it. Oh no, you need to actually put the work in to learn Kubernetes before you sit this exam! And that’s a good thing, because it makes the Kubernetes certification more valuable knowing that you can’t pass it without putting in the effort.

    If you’ve got this book in your hands or on your digital reading device of choice, then you’ve made a great start! Kubernetes certifications are hard, make no mistake, but you will pass if you put the work in. Mélony will guide you through the topics you need to learn and help set you up for success.

    Good luck. You’ve got this!

    Mark Whitby, Cloud-native architecture and engineering lead, principal global black belt (GBB) at Microsoft

    Certifications are the best way to show the world your passion, your interests, and your skills, in the ever competitive and fierce landscape for talent sprung by the adoption of the cloud native paradigm. Mélony has done an amazing job to demystify the many mysteries of Kubernetes into simple, easy to understand concepts that will guide you in your studies, and hopefully lead you to a successful certification. She truly understands the learning journey and the many hurdles of cloud native, and she’s motivated to make your journey easier.

    I met Mélony several years ago at one of the Microsoft OpenHacks events, and her passion for learning and sharing struck me. So, I’m both glad and proud to write the foreword to her new book, which undoubtedly will help many cloud native engineers in their own personal learning path.

    Alessandro Vozza, Principal Software Engineer at Microsoft, CNCF Ambassador, Founder of Cloud Pirates

    Note from the author

    Containerization is an approach to managing applications; a container image contains all its deployment dependencies and configurations. Managing one, or even a couple of containers for dev/testing purposes, is relatively easy. The real challenge comes when you have to manage hundreds, or even thousands of containers, especially for enterprise-grade product environments, where you’ll be managing networking, deployments, configuration, etc. This is where the container orchestrator comes in.

    Looking back, many open source container orchestrators have been popular in the market at one point in time. Although we’re still hearing about Docker Swarm, Mesosphere’s DC/OS, Kubernetes is by far the most popular container orchestration tool.

    We have seen tremendous growth in Kubernetes and its ecosystem over the last 7 years. Yet, the complexity of managing the tool remains the major blocker for enterprises that prevents them from taking complete advantage of this fantastic technology. Learning Kubernetes and its ecosystem will help organizations overcome their challenges in deploying, managing, and operating Kubernetes clusters.

    Acquiring a Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) certification is the best way to help you train the essential skills on working with Kubernetes. In particular, you’ll learn how to manage and operate Kubernetes.

    The Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) certification is founded by Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), and it is designed to ensure that certification candidates have the skills and knowledge to help them establish their credibility and value in the job market, and to support business growth. It is widely recognized by various sizes of businesses across different industries.

    This book is an exam guide and a knowledge book, and it covers all the important aspects required by the CKA certification. We’ll start with an introduction to Kubernetes architecture, turning to the core concept of Kubernetes. Then, we will dive deeply into the main Kubernetes primitives, installation and configuration, cluster management, workload scheduling, networking, and security. We’ll also cover various ways to troubleshoot Kubernetes.

    Each chapter will cover core concepts as well as code samples. It is not a book to read conventionally – it is a practice guide that requires you to get out of your comfort zone and go break some eggs!

    While I was writing this book, I was at the lowest point of my life, having relocated to a new continent, as well as undergoing surgery for the first time in my life during the first 2 months of relocation. This all took place alongside many other challenges. I can’t thank my family enough for the huge support I received from them, especially my beloved mother, Nancy Deng. I also want to thank my lovely local and remote friends, the Packt team, and other people who supported me during that period.

    As a human being, those unprecedented life challenges also made me rethink the definition of living a meaningful life. Hence, I decided to turn those challenges into something positive and meaningful by pushing myself to the max to work on this book. This experience also encouraged me to create the CloudMelon Vis YouTube channel, alongside my website that I have been blogging on for years. Sharing is caring!

    Rethinking my community evangelization in the past, I hope to make my life more meaningful by making a more positive impact on the community. This book aims to help people find their new career path with Kubernetes, in particular those who lost their jobs during the pandemic. Kubernetes is one of the most life-changing technologies that empowered my own career path, and I hope it will make a positive impact on your career, too.

    Last but not least, I wish you the best of luck with your CKA exam and hope you will enjoy your journey in building your future with this book. Thanks!


    About the author

    Mélony Qin, aka CloudMelon, is the founder of CloudMelonVision and a product manager at a top tech company, as well as being the author of Microsoft Azure Infrastructure, the Kubernetes Workshop, and Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Exam Guide by Packt Publishing, and the technical reviewer for Azure for Architects, Third Edition. Her community contribution mainly concerns OSS, DevOps, Kubernetes, serverless, big data analytics, and IoT on Microsoft Azure. She is also a member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and Project Management Institute (PMI). She can be reached via Twitter using @MelonyQ or @CloudMelonVis, through the Contact me page of her blog (, and via her YouTube channel: CloudMelon Vis

    About the reviewers

    Erol Kavas has worked in the IT industry for more than 20 years, with 10 years dedicated to infrastructure, the cloud, and DevOps. He has helped many Canadian and US enterprises and governments to build their cloud foundations and embark upon their containerization and Kubernetes journeys. He is fully certified on AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform, and Kubernetes in all disciplines. He is a partner and chief consultant in a DevOps and cloud consulting firm that helps Canadian and US start-ups in their cloud and DevOps journeys. He is also a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) regional lead for Canada and trains many new cloud professionals at

    Dustin Specker has been in the tech industry for almost 10 years. He started as a frontend web developer focused on usability. In the last few years, Dustin has pivoted to developing cloud solutions. He has used Kubernetes for on-premises environments and public cloud for the last four years. He has earned the CKAD, CKA, and CKS certifications. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in nuclear engineering from the Missouri University of Science and Technology, where he discovered that he enjoyed programming much more than nuclear engineering.

    Bruno S. Brasil is a cloud engineer who has used Linux since he was a kid. He started out working in on-premises environments before living out the migration to cloud solutions and joining the DevOps culture, choosing Google Cloud Platform as his specialization focus. Since then, he has worked on projects of this type as a consultant and engineer for several types of businesses, ranging from digital banks and marketplaces to start-ups. He has always focused on implementing best practices in the development of infrastructure as code, disseminating the DevOps culture, and implementing SRE strategies. He is enthusiastic about the open source community and believes that this is the most important path in terms of the growth of new professionals and new technologies.

    Juri Sinar is a senior DevOps engineer working for a London fintech start-up. Kubernetes is the main platform that he has used to run and integrate infrastructure for the past five years. It helps Juri to connect and automate a large global network of open banking for his clients in a way that would not have been possible just 10 years ago.

    Table of Contents


    Part 1: Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration


    Kubernetes Overview

    CKA exam overview

    What to expect in your CKA exam

    CKA exam tips and tricks

    Cluster architecture and components

    Kubernetes core concepts

    Containerized workloads

    Container images

    Container registry

    Container runtimes

    Kubernetes basic workflow

    Kubernetes plugin model

    Kubernetes API primitives

    Sharing a cluster with namespaces

    Kubernetes in-market distribution and ecosystems

    Upstream vanilla Kubernetes

    Managed Kubernetes

    Kubernetes ecosystems



    Installing and Configuring Kubernetes Clusters

    Technical requirements

    Hands-on Kubernetes tooling

    Core tools

    Deployment tools

    Other tools

    Installing and configuring a Kubernetes cluster

    Prerequisites for installing a Kubernetes cluster

    Using minikube to set up a single node Kubernetes cluster

    Using kubeadm to install a basic Kubernetes cluster

    Setting up a highly available cluster with kubeadm


    Mock CKA scenario-based practice test

    Scenario 1:

    Scenario 2:

    Scenario 3 (optional):



    Maintaining Kubernetes Clusters

    Demystifying Kubernetes cluster maintenance

    Upgrading a Kubernetes cluster using kubeadm

    Upgrading the master node

    Upgrading the worker node

    Working with etcd

    Exploring the ETCD cluster pod

    Listing etcd cluster members

    Checking the etcd cluster status

    Installing etcd

    Backing up etcd

    Restoring etcd


    Mock CKA scenario-based practice test

    Scenario 1

    Scenario 2

    Scenario 3

    Scenario 4


    Part 2: Managing Kubernetes


    Application Scheduling and Lifecycle Management

    Technical requirements

    The basics of Kubernetes workloads

    Imperative management versus declarative management

    Understanding pods

    Deploying and managing applications

    Deploying applications

    Performing rolling updates and rollbacks

    Rolling updates with kubectl


    Scaling applications


    Workload scheduling

    Understanding namespaces

    Labels, node selectors, and annotations

    Node affinity and anti-affinity

    Taints and tolerations

    Resource management

    Configuring applications

    Manifest management with kustomize

    Common package management and templating with Helm


    Mock CKA scenario-based practice test

    Scenario 1

    Scenario 2

    Scenario 3

    Scenario 4

    Scenario 5



    Demystifying Kubernetes Storage

    Technical requirements

    Stateful versus stateless workloads

    Kubernetes volumes

    Ephemeral storage

    Persistent storage

    Cracking stateful applications in Kubernetes

    Configuring an application with mounted storage

    Configuring an application with persistent storage


    Mock CKA scenario-based practice test

    Scenario 1

    Scenario 2



    Securing Kubernetes

    Technical requirements

    Securing Kubernetes in layers

    Kubernetes authentication and authorization

    Service accounts versus user accounts

    Kubernetes service accounts

    Organizing the cluster access using kubeconfig

    Configuring access to multiple clusters

    Kubernetes authorization

    Kubernetes RBAC

    Managing the security of Kubernetes applications


    Mock CKA scenario-based practice test

    Scenario 1

    Scenario 2

    Scenario 3



    Demystifying Kubernetes Networking

    Technical requirements

    Understanding the Kubernetes networking model

    Container-to-container communication

    Pod-to-pod communication

    Pod-to-service and external-to-service communications

    Node-to-node communication

    Choosing an appropriate Container Network Interface plugin

    CNI networking in Kubernetes

    Decision metrics

    Configuring Ingress controllers and Ingress resources

    How Ingress and an Ingress controller works

    Using multiple Ingress controllers

    Work with Ingress resources

    Ingress annotations and rewrite-target

    Configuring and leveraging CoreDNS

    Check whether the CoreDNS server is up and running

    Pod IPs and DNS hostnames

    Service IPs and DNS hostnames


    Mock CKA scenario-based practice test

    Scenario 1

    Scenario 2

    Scenario 3

    Scenario 4

    Scenario 5

    Scenario 6


    Part 3: Troubleshooting


    Monitoring and Logging Kubernetes Clusters and Applications

    Technical requirements

    Monitoring on a cluster node

    Checking whether Metrics Server is installed

    Installing Metrics Server in your current Kubernetes cluster

    Checking out CPU/memory metrics

    Monitoring applications on a Kubernetes cluster

    Monitoring the resource usage of an application

    Checking application details

    Monitoring cluster events

    Managing logs at the cluster node and Pod levels

    Cluster-level logging

    Checking out the node details

    Checking the node status

    Managing container stdout and stderr logs


    Mock CKA scenario-based practice test

    Scenario 1



    Troubleshooting Cluster Components and Applications

    Technical requirements

    General practices in Kubernetes troubleshooting

    Troubleshooting cluster components

    Inspecting the cluster

    Inspecting the node

    Troubleshooting applications

    Getting a high-level view

    Inspecting namespace events

    Troubleshooting failing pods

    Troubleshooting init containers




    Troubleshooting Security and Networking

    Technical requirements

    Troubleshooting RBAC failures

    Initiating a minikube cluster

    Managing a minikube cluster

    Troubleshooting networking

    Troubleshooting a Kubernetes DNS server

    Troubleshooting a service in Kubernetes

    Get a shell for troubleshooting



    Appendix - Mock CKA scenario-based practice test resolutions

    Chapter 2 – Installing and Configuring Kubernetes Clusters

    Scenario 1

    Scenario 2

    Scenario 3 (optional)

    Chapter 3 – Maintaining Kubernetes Clusters

    Scenario 1

    Scenario 2

    Scenario 3

    Scenario 4

    Chapter 4 – Application scheduling and lifecycle management

    Scenario 1

    Scenario 2

    Scenario 3

    Scenario 4

    Scenario 5

    Chapter 5 – Demystifying Kubernetes Storage

    Scenario 1

    Scenario 2

    Chapter 6 – Securing Kubernetes

    Scenario 1

    Scenario 2

    Scenario 3

    Chapter 7 – Demystifying Kubernetes networking

    Scenario 1

    Scenario 2

    Scenario 3

    Scenario 4

    Scenario 5

    Scenario 6

    Chapter 8 – Monitoring and logging Kubernetes Clusters and Applications

    Scenario 1


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