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Name: _______________________________________________ Date: ____/10/2022.

CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Classwork Ss work hard and Ss work most of the Ss work half of the Ss don’t work during
thoroughly during class in their class in their class. Waste their
class. assignment. assignment, and time doing
interrupt others. something else.
Responsibility Ss upload all the Ss don’t upload all
necessary elements the necessary
on time. elements on time.
Grammar X2 There are no There are 1-2 There are 3-4 There are more than
(present perfect grammatical grammatical/mechan grammatical/mechani 4 grammatical
and other mistakes on the ical mistakes on the cal mistakes on the mistakes on the
structures) infographic. infographic. infographic. infographic.
Vocabulary and Ss make no mistakes Ss make 2-3 mistakes Ss make 4-5 mistakes Ss make more than 6
spelling in vocabulary and in vocabulary and in vocabulary and mistakes in
(thinking verbs) sentence structure sentence structure sentence structure vocabulary and
usage. usage. usage. sentence structure
Graphics X2 All graphics are All graphics are All graphics relate to Graphics do not
related to the topic related to the topic the topic. relate to the topic
and make it easier and most make it and/or aid the
to understand. easier to understand. viewer.
Attractiveness Makes excellent use Font, color, effects, Makes use of font, Use of font, color,
X2 of font, color, etc. are acceptable color, effects, etc. but effects etc. but these
effects, etc. to and mostly enhance these might detract often distract from
enhance the the presentation. from the presentation the presentation
presentation. content. content.
Work quality Quality of The work was done Final product shows Final product does
infographic exceeds with satisfactory little effort, quality is not show effort,
expectations. effort. Criteria was not what the learner quality is not
Contains no keying met. Contains 1-2 is capable of. It is acceptable. It is
or grammar errors. keying or grammar evident that the work evident that the work
The infographic is errors. The was rushed. Work is was rushed. Work is
clear, and concise. infographic is fairly incomplete. Contains sloppy and
clear and concise. 2-3 keying or grammar incomplete. Contains
errors. The more than 4 keying
infographic is or grammar errors.
somewhat clear or The infographic is not
concise. very clear or concise.

Total points: _____/40pts

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